But if there is no earth's magnetic field. Earth without a course, or what a change in magnetic poles will lead to

The Earth's magnetic field is similar to that of a giant permanent magnet tilted at an angle of 11 degrees to its axis of rotation. But there is a nuance here, the essence of which is that the Curie temperature for iron is only 770°C, while the temperature of the Earth’s iron core is much higher, and only on its surface is about 6000°C. At such a temperature, our magnet would not be able to retain its magnetization. This means that since the core of our planet is not magnetic, terrestrial magnetism has a different nature. So where does the Earth's magnetic field come from?

As is known, magnetic fields surround electric currents, so there is every reason to assume that the currents circulating in the molten metal core are the source of the earth’s magnetic field. The shape of the Earth's magnetic field is indeed similar to the magnetic field of a current-carrying coil.

The magnitude of the magnetic field measured on the Earth's surface is about half a Gauss, while the field lines seem to come out of the planet from the south pole and enter its north pole. At the same time, over the entire surface of the planet, magnetic induction varies from 0.3 to 0.6 Gauss.

In practice, the presence of a magnetic field on the Earth is explained by the dynamo effect arising from the current circulating in its core, but this magnetic field is not always constant in direction. Rock samples taken in the same places, but having different ages, differ in the direction of magnetization. Geologists report that over the past 71 million years, the Earth's magnetic field has rotated 171 times!

Although the dynamo effect has not been studied in detail, the Earth's rotation certainly plays an important role in generating currents that are believed to be the source of the Earth's magnetic field.

The Mariner 2 probe, which examined Venus, discovered that Venus does not have such a magnetic field, although its core, like the Earth's core, contains enough iron.

The answer is that the period of rotation of Venus around its axis is equal to 243 days on Earth, that is, the dynamo generator of Venus rotates 243 times slower, and this is not enough to produce a real dynamo effect.

By interacting with particles of the solar wind, the Earth's magnetic field creates conditions for the appearance of so-called auroras near the poles.

The north side of the compass needle is the magnetic north pole, which is always oriented towards the geographic north pole, which is practically the magnetic south pole. After all, as you know, opposite magnetic poles attract each other.

However, the simple question is “how does the Earth get its magnetic field?” - still does not have a clear answer. It is clear that the generation of a magnetic field is associated with the rotation of the planet around its axis, because Venus, with a similar core composition, but rotating 243 times slower, does not have a measurable magnetic field.

It seems plausible that from the rotation of the liquid of the metallic core, which constitutes the main part of this core, the picture arises of a rotating conductor, creating a dynamo effect and working like an electrical generator.

Convection in the liquid of the outer part of the core leads to its circulation relative to the Earth. This means that the electrically conductive material moves relative to the magnetic field. If it becomes charged due to friction between the layers in the core, then the effect of a coil with current is quite possible. Such a current is quite capable of maintaining the Earth's magnetic field. Large-scale computer models confirm the reality of this theory.

In the 50s, as part of the strategy " cold war", US Navy vessels towed sensitive magnetometers along the ocean floor while they searched for a way to detect Soviet submarines. During the observations, it turned out that the Earth's magnetic field fluctuates within 10% in relation to the magnetism of the seabed rocks themselves, which had the opposite direction of magnetization. The result was a picture of reversals that occurred up to 4 million years ago, this was calculated by the potassium-argon archaeological method.

Andrey Povny

It envelops everything on the planet, from the smallest magnets to our entire Earth, and is found even in space. Although we already know a lot about the magnetic field of our planet, it still holds many mysteries and exhibits strange phenomena.

Recent discoveries have shown us especially clearly how little is still known about geomagnetism and how these magnetic force lines affect not only our brains, but are even involved in the creation of legendary wormholes. Sometimes somewhere far beyond earth's atmosphere magnetic fields create and then themselves solve very interesting mysteries...

10. Magnetic moths

Australian animals are some of the strangest creatures on the planet. And now this mainland state can add the world's first magnetic moth to its list of wonders. The strange species was named Agrotis infusa or Bogon moth, and this creature is unique in that it is the first nocturnal insect to use the Earth's magnetic field during migration.

The discovery was made in 2018, and before it, scientists for a long time could not understand how exactly billions of such moths traveled a distance of almost 1000 kilometers, and always returned to the same caves in the Australian states of New South Wales and Victoria (New South Wales, Victoria). As a result, the solution was found after conducting experiments on several of these insects in special insulated rooms. It turned out that the Bogon moth uses a magnetic field for navigation, and it usually compares it with certain landmarks on the ground. If one of the conditions disappears, the insect loses its way and does not understand where to follow.

This is a very interesting discovery, although it has not helped scientists understand exactly how migratory birds and other animals that migrate over long distances use our planet’s magnetosphere. One interesting theory is that light rays affect certain abilities of birds at a quantum level. Birds probably navigate best magnetically when their eyes perceive light. During daylight hours, an electrical signal arises in the bird’s brain at the molecular level, which helps the animal recognize the magnetic field. However, bogon moths are nocturnal, so their mode of navigation probably works quite differently.

9. Epicenter of the geomagnetic field reversal

Photo: Live Science

The Earth's magnetic field is weakening and thinning, and it is thinnest now in the area between South Africa and Chile, for which this zone was even called the South Atlantic Anomaly. The researchers decided to take a closer look at this region in the hope that there they would find the answer to the question of why the entire magnetic field of our planet began to weaken.

In 2018, experts discovered another anomaly, and this time it stretched from South Africa to Botswana. When Iron Age people built their clay houses here, the fire, when firing them, preserved magnetic minerals in the clay in such a way that the state of the geomagnetic field of those years could be determined from these artifacts. Over the course of 1500 years, the electromagnetic field in this part of the world either thinned out, then completely changed its direction, then compressed, then protruded outward above the general pattern of field lines.

All these changes gave scientists reason to believe that the South Atlantic Anomaly had occurred before, and each time it was a harbinger of a change in the poles of the Earth's magnetic field. If this is indeed the case, then an unusual area in the South African region could be the very place where these major changes begin.

The current thinning of our planet's magnetic field can lead to 2 different scenarios. Either another polarity reversal will occur, or the field will again become denser to prevent a change in vectors. The second option is much better, since a weak magnetic field is not able to protect us sufficiently from strong ultraviolet radiation. It could all start with regular outages in power grids, which, if thinned, would become too vulnerable to geomagnetic storms, and would continue with much more unpleasant consequences.

8. The mystery of the bow shock wave

Photo: Live Science

The Earth revolves around the Sun at a speed of approximately 108 thousand kilometers per hour. Just like the bow of a ship cutting through the water as it passes, our planet's magnetic field guides us through the extremely hot solar wind constantly produced by our star.

For a long time, researchers believed that this bow shock wave around the Earth was the reason why the solar wind usually dissipates, reaching the surface of our home planet as a gentle breeze rather than a sizzling element. Without this mysterious process, our Earth would have been charred long ago. However, all the details of what is happening are still not fully understood.

One very important discovery may have been made in 2018. It turns out that the Earth's magnetic field destroys the sun's electrons. When scientists analyzed satellite data collected in the collision zone between the geomagnetic field and the sun, they were amazed at how the field was literally tearing apart the stellar wind.

When the supersonic solar wind reaches the Earth's bow shock region, the electrons are accelerated so strongly that they simply fall apart. As a result, the destructive energy of the solar wind is transformed into less dangerous heat.

7. New magnetic environment


The struggle between the solar wind and our magnetosphere does not fully protect the Earth from solar radiation. The decay of stellar wind particles is clearly a large load on our magnetic field, and as a result, its field lines are periodically broken. When one of these lines breaks, the energy absorbed by the solar wind field is released, causing problems with electrical grids, satellites and spacecraft.

In 2018, scientists decided to conduct another study to learn more about the nature of this problem. As a result, they discovered something completely new and absolutely amazing about magnetic activity. Previously, scientists have already noted that there is a special boundary between the solar wind and the magnetosphere. This zone was called the magnetolayer. However, the activity in this region was too high to determine whether our magnetic field lines in the same layer, along with solar electrons, were also being destroyed. With the help of several new satellites, scientists have confirmed that the process of reconnection (reconnection) also occurs in this magnetosheath.

When bonds are broken, particles begin to move 40 times faster than in a normal magnetic field. Researchers have discovered for the first time that two extremely important phenomena involving charged solar particles occur in the same place.

6. The Earth's magnetic field is shifting to the West

Photo: Live Science

Scientists have been observing our planet's magnetic field for more than 400 years. The information collected over all this time has increasingly puzzled researchers, who have long been struggling with one big mystery. For some reason inexplicable to us, the geomagnetic field is shifting in a westerly direction.

In 2018, researchers proposed a new and very unusual answer to this question. Jet currents in water, air and even the Earth's core create so-called Rossby waves. The entire outer core of our planet is actually a constantly rotating liquid, and these waves circulate with it.

By their nature, these traveling waves are already considered a rather strange phenomenon, and Rossby waves in the outer core behave completely differently from all other flows. Oceanic and atmospheric Rossby waves move toward the west, while waves in the outer core move toward the east. Although scientists cannot accurately calculate the direction in which all this power moves due to the significant depth at which these processes occur.

According to experts, despite the eastern orientation of Rossby waves in the outer core of the Earth, most of their energy shifts to the west and pulls the magnetic field along with it. In any case, researchers still do not have a clear explanation for why the geomagnetic field is shifting westward at a speed of 17 kilometers per year.

5. Earth's second magnetic field


Once again, scientists were perplexed to discover something amazing that had been right in front of their noses for so long. It turns out that our planet is surrounded by as many as 2 magnetic fields. Most people know that our main magnetic field owes its existence to processes occurring in the Earth's core. The second field was discovered quite by accident when the European Space Agency launched three new satellites into orbit to study geomagnetism.

After collecting data, researchers discovered that our planet has another secret. For 4 whole years, scientists from ESA analyzed the information received, until in 2018 they finally announced their amazing discovery to the whole world.

News of the second magnetic field was hidden for so long because its tidal force is extremely insignificant or almost imperceptible. If we compare it with the strength of the geomagnetic field that has long been known to us, it is weaker than it by as much as 20 thousand times.

In any case, the value of this discovery for scientists is extremely great, especially for those who have devoted their lives to the mysteries of geomagnetism. Each new part complements the overall picture, like a piece of a puzzle, and it may well help us explain other phenomena. For example, answer the question of why the Earth's magnetic field periodically changes its poles, or how both magnetic fields influence each other. In addition, the new discovery could help scientists better understand the electrical properties of the lithosphere and crust.

4. The Mystery of the Pillars of Creation Revealed


In 1995, the Hubble Space Telescope spotted the so-called “Pillars of Creation,” which became so famous that they were even printed on coasters and shown in movies. The delightful image of columns of interstellar gas and dust shimmering in different colors clearly resembles giant pillars, and, as we know, new stars are born somewhere there.

This cluster is located 7 thousand light years from Earth in the Eagle Nebula, and the mystery of the formation of these columns remained unsolved until 2018. New observations allowed scientists to detect a polarized glow emanating from, which revealed the presence of a magnetic field there. When experts were able to create a map of these fields, the origin of the famous trio was finally unraveled.

Magnetic forces slowed the spread of interstellar gas and cosmic dust within this nebula, and under their influence, these iconic columns were formed, recognizable almost throughout the world. The imposing cosmic structure remains in its current form for a long time precisely because of the influence of magnetic fields, which actually protect the pillars from destruction by their tidal force, the vector of which is opposite to the direction of the external magnetic forces of the surrounding space. Given the fact that new stars are constantly forming in the environment of the Pillars of Creation, understanding the nature of magnetism in their case can change the way scientists think about the process of star formation.

3. Uranus' magnetic field is constantly collapsing


When it comes to the magnetic field, Uranus has a tough time. In 2017, scientists wanted to study the magnetosphere of a fairly distant planet, and for this they used computer simulations and data obtained back in 1986 from NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft. As a result, we learned something unexpected about a planet that was already quite strange for us.

Uranus' orientation in space is different from almost all other planets solar system the fact that its axis of rotation seems to lie on its side. Because of this, the planet's magnetic field is shifted from the geometric center in a rather unusual way. A day on Uranus lasts 17.24 hours, and the magnetosphere of this planet is greatly overloaded during one revolution around its own axis. In some places this magnetic field is almost completely destroyed, while in others reconnection occurs. This constant balancing explains the frequent occurrence of auroras.

Data from the Hubble telescope previously confirmed that auroras are formed on Uranus, very similar to ours on Earth. The magnetosphere, as a rule, creates a protective block, and its thinning is what causes the aurora. It seems that the appearance of gaps in its magnetic field is responsible for such frequent occurrence of aurora on Uranus, and through these “holes” solar wind particles enter the planet’s atmosphere, producing light shows upon contact with gases.

2. Magnetic wormhole

Photo: Smithsonian Magazine

Physicists are constantly conducting very strange experiments. In 2015, they created something completely incredible - a magnetic wormhole. Wormholes are a popular topic among science fiction fans, but this time things may go a little further than theories and spectacular films. According to a well-known hypothesis, a wormhole is capable of connecting two different areas in the space-time continuum. Theoretically, a traveler using such wormholes is able to overcome incredible distances in a matter of seconds.

In 2015, researchers developed a device that is a metal sphere made of several layers of metamaterial, which is unlikely to help us send space expeditions to the other end of the Universe in the near future, but scientists have already used it to create a magnetic wormhole.

Physicists placed a coiled magnetic tube inside this sphere, and then hid the whole device in another magnetosphere. For a moment, the cylinder literally disappeared into nowhere, and then returned to its place again. It did not literally disappear, but simply became invisible to magnetic sensors.

What's interesting about this experiment is that by manipulating electromagnetic energy, a magnetically invisible tunnel was created between the interconnected poles of the magnet. This wormhole created the illusion of separation of opposite poles and thanks to it, “monopoles” appeared, which simply do not exist in nature.

1. Brain control

Photo: Live Science

One of the most alarming and unusual properties of a magnetic field is its ability to control the functioning of the brain. In 2017, scientists conducted a study during which a new discovery was made. Using magnetic fields, experts were able to remotely activate brain cells in experimental mice.

The main target of the impact was the striatum, the part of the brain responsible for the movement of the animal. Incredibly, scientists made rats run, freeze in place and spin in place. The main interest for researchers is the opportunity to understand how the processes responsible for certain behavior and emotions occur in our heads. This will likely tell us where the behavioral parts of the human brain are and help treat conditions such as Parkinson's disease (shaking palsy).

If you consider yourself a conspiracy theorist and are worried that this discovery will give the authorities complete control over us, you can breathe easy. Magnetic fields pass through biological tissue without any consequences. The experiment involved not the most ordinary rats, but animals with microscopic particles of magnets introduced into their brains. These particles were attached to brain cells, after which they were heated using a simulated magnetic field, and tiny magnets forced neurons to fire in such a way that the mouse changed its behavior according to a given scenario.

Magnetic storms are usually not considered a threatening natural phenomenon, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, or typhoons. True, they disrupt radio communications in the high latitudes of the planet and make compass needles dance. Now these interferences are no longer scary. Long-distance communications are increasingly carried out via satellites, and with their help, navigators set the course for ships and aircraft.

It would seem that the vagaries of the magnetic field may no longer bother anyone. But it is now that some facts have given rise to fears that changes in the Earth’s magnetic field can cause catastrophes that will make the most formidable forces of nature pale in comparison!

One such field change is happening today... Since the German mathematician and physicist Carl Gauss first gave a mathematical description of the magnetic field, subsequent measurements - over 150 years to the present day - show that the Earth's magnetic field has been steadily weakening.

In this regard, the questions seem natural: will the magnetic field disappear completely, and how can this threaten earthlings?

Let us remember that our planet is constantly bombarded by cosmic particles, especially intensely by protons and electrons emitted by the Sun, the so-called solar wind. They rush past the Earth at an average speed of 400 km/s. The Earth's magnetosphere does not allow charged particles to reach the surface of the planet. She directs them to the poles, where they give birth to fantastic lights in the upper atmosphere. But if there is no magnetic field, if plant and animal world finds itself under such continuous fire, we can assume that radiation damage to organisms will have the most disastrous effect on the fate of the entire biosphere.

To judge how real such a threat is, we need to remember how the Earth’s magnetic field arises and whether there are any unreliable links in this mechanism that can fail.

According to modern concepts, the core of our planet consists of a solid part and a liquid shell. Heated by the solid core and cooled by the mantle located above, the liquid substance of the core is drawn into the circulation, into convection, which breaks up into many separate circulating flows.

The same phenomenon is familiar to the Earth's oceans, when deep heat sources are close to the ocean floor, causing it to warm up. Then vertical currents arise in the water column. For example, such a flow in Pacific Ocean off the coast of Peru. It carries a huge mass from the depths to the surface of the waters. nutrients, making this area of ​​the ocean especially rich in fish...

The substance of the liquid part of the core is a melt with a high content of metals, and therefore it has good electrical conductivity. From the school course we know that if a conductor moves in a magnetic field, crossing its lines, then an electromotive force is excited in it.

A weak interplanetary magnetic field could initially interact with the melt flows. The current generated by this, in turn, created a powerful magnetic field that surrounded the planet's core in rings.

In the depths of the Earth, in principle, everything happens as in a self-excited dynamo, a schematic model of which is usually available in every school physics classroom. The difference is that instead of wires in the depths there are flows of liquid electrically conductive material. And, apparently, the analogy between the sections of the dynamo rotor and the convection flows of the melt in the depths is quite legitimate. The mechanism that creates the Earth's magnetic field is therefore called a hydromagnetic dynamo.

But the picture, of course, is more complicated: ring fields, otherwise called toroidal, do not reach the surface of the planet. Interacting with the same electrically conductive moving liquid mass, they generate another, external field, which we deal with on the surface of the Earth.

Our planet with its external magnetic field is usually schematically depicted as a symmetrically magnetized ball with two poles. In reality, the external field is not so ideal in shape. Symmetry is broken by many magnetic anomalies.

Some of them are very significant and are called continental. One such anomaly is in Eastern Siberia, the other - in South America. Such anomalies arise because the hydromagnetic dynamo in the bowels of the Earth is not “designed” as symmetrically as electrical machines built in a factory, where they ensure the coaxiality of the rotor and stator and carefully balance the rotors on special machines, ensuring that their centers of mass coincide (more precisely, the main central axis of inertia) with the axis of rotation. Both the power of matter flows and the temperature conditions on which the speed of their movement depends are far from the same in different zones of the earth’s interior, where the natural dynamo operates. Most likely, a deep dynamo can be compared to a machine in which sections in the rotor winding are of different thicknesses and the gap between the rotor and stator varies.

Anomalies of a smaller scale - regional and local - are explained by the peculiarities of the composition of the earth's crust - such as, for example, the Kursk magnetic anomaly, which arose due to giant deposits of iron ore.

In a word, the mechanism that generates the Earth’s magnetic field is stable, reliable, and it seems there are no parts in it that can suddenly fail. Moreover, according to Professor of the University of Munich G. Zoffel, the electrical conductivity of the liquid material in the depths is so great that if for some reason the hydromagnetic dynamo suddenly “turns off,” the magnetic forces on the surface of the planet will signal us about this only after many millennia.

But the “breakdown” of a natural mechanism is one thing, the gradual attenuation of its action, similar to the cold snaps that gave rise to glaciations of the planet, is another.

To analyze this circumstance, we will need a more detailed acquaintance with the behavior of the magnetic field: how and why it changes over time.

Any rock, any substance containing iron or other ferromagnetic element is always under the influence of the Earth's magnetic field. Elementary magnets in this material tend to orient themselves like a compass needle along the field lines.

However, if the material is heated, there will come a moment when thermal movement particles will become so energetic that it will destroy the magnetic order. Then, when our material cools, starting from a certain temperature (it is called the Curie point), the magnetic field will prevail over the forces of chaotic motion. The elementary magnets will again line up as the field tells them, and will remain in this position if the body is not heated again. The field appears to be “frozen” in the material.

This phenomenon allows us to confidently judge the past of the earth's magnetic field. Scientists are able to penetrate into such distant times when the solid crust was cooling on the young planet. Minerals preserved from that time tell about what the magnetic field was like two billion years ago.

When it comes to studying periods much closer to us in time - within the last 10 thousand years - scientists prefer to take materials of artificial origin for analysis, rather than natural lavas or sediments. This is clay baked by humans - dishes, bricks, ritual figurines, etc., which appeared with the first steps of civilization. The advantage of artificial clay crafts is that archaeologists can date them quite accurately.

At the Institute of Earth Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the laboratory of archaeomagnetism was studying changes in the magnetic field. Extensive data obtained in the laboratory and in leading foreign scientific centers was concentrated there. Russian scientists are also doing this.

Indeed, these data confirm that in our time the magnetic field is weakening. But a caveat is necessary here: precise measurements of the field’s behavior over long periods of time indicate that the planet’s magnetic field is subject to numerous oscillations with different periods. If we add them all up, we get the so-called “smoothed curve”, which coincides quite well with a sinusoid having a period of 8 thousand years.

At this time, the total value of the magnetic field is on the descending segment of the sinusoid. This is what caused concern among some authors. Higher values ​​are behind, further weakening of the field is ahead. It will continue for about another two thousand years. But then the field will begin to strengthen. This phase will last 4 thousand years, and then decline again. The previous maximum occurred at the beginning of our era. The multiplicity of magnetic field oscillations is apparently explained by the lack of balance in the moving parts of the hydromagnetic dynamo and their different electrical conductivities.

It is important to note that the amplitude of the sine wave is less than half the average field strength. In other words, these fluctuations cannot in any way reduce the field value to zero. This is the answer to those who believe that the current weakening of the field will eventually reveal the surface globe for firing particles from space.

As already mentioned, the curve is the sum of various overlapping oscillations of the Earth’s magnetic field - about a dozen of them have been identified so far. Well-defined periods have a duration of 8000, 2700, 1800, 1200, 600 and 360 years. The periods of 5400, 3600 and 900 years are less clearly visible.

Some of these periods are associated with significant phenomena in the life of the planet.

The period of 8000 years undoubtedly has global scale in contrast to fluctuations, for example, of 600 or 360 years, which have a regional, local character.

Interesting relationships with many natural phenomena of the period of 1800 years. Geographer A.V. Shnitnikov made a comparison of various natural rhythms of the Earth and discovered their connection to the astronomical phenomenon named. Big sares, when the Sun, Earth and Moon are on the same straight line and at the same time the Earth is located at the shortest distance from both the luminary and the satellite. In this case they reach highest value tidal forces. The Great Sares repeats itself every 1800 years (with deviations) and is accompanied by the expansion of the globe in the equatorial zone - due to a tidal wave in which the World Ocean and the earth's crust participate. As a consequence of this, the moment of inertia of the planet changes, and it slows down its rotation. The position of the polar ice boundary is also changing, and the ocean level is rising. Great Sares affects the Earth's climate - dry and wet periods begin to alternate differently. Such changes in nature in the past were reflected in the planet’s population: for example, the migration of peoples increased...

The Institute of Physics of the Earth set out to find out whether there were connections between the phenomena caused by the Great Sares and the behavior of the magnetic field. It turned out that the 1800-year period of field oscillations is in good agreement with the rhythm of phenomena caused by the relative positions of the Sun, Earth and Moon. The beginnings and ends of the changes and their maxima coincide... This can be explained by the fact that in the liquid mass surrounding the planet’s core, during the Great Sares, the tidal wave also reached its greatest value, therefore, the interaction of matter flows with the internal field also changed.

In the last 10 thousand years, the earth's nature has not suffered any disasters due to a restless magnetic field. But what does the deeper past hide? As is known, the most dramatic events in the Earth's biosphere lie far beyond 10 thousand years. Maybe they were caused by some changes in the magnetic field?

Here we will have to deal with a fact that has alarmed some scientists.

The magnetic fields of the past turned out to be “frozen” even in volcanic lavas, when they cooled down and passed the Curie point. Magnetic fields are also imprinted in bottom sediments: particles sinking to the bottom, if they contain ferromagnets, are oriented along the lines of the magnetic field, like compass needles. It is preserved forever in fossilized sediments, unless the sediments are subjected to strong heating...

Palaeomagnetologists study ancient magnetic fields. They were able to discover truly enormous changes that the magnetic field underwent in the distant past. The phenomenon of inversion - a change in magnetic poles - was discovered. The northern one moved to the place of the southern one, the southern one to the place of the northern one.

By the way, the poles do not change so quickly - according to some estimates, the change lasts 5 or even 10 thousand years.

The last such movement occurred 700 thousand years ago. The previous one is another 96 thousand years earlier. There are hundreds of such shifts in the history of the planet. No regularity was found here - long quiet periods are known, they were replaced by times of frequent inversions.

The so-called “excursions” were also discovered - the departure of the magnetic poles from the geographic ones over long distances, ending, however, with a return to their previous place.

Many have tried to explain the polarity reversals. American scientists R. Muller and D. Morris, for example, believe that the primary cause of this was the impact of giant meteorites. The “shake-up” of the planet forced a change in the nature of the movement of melts in its depths. The authors of this hypothesis were based on the fact that 65 million years ago, the inversion and fall of a large cosmic body to Earth simultaneously occurred, as evidenced by sediments of that time, rich in cosmic iridium. The hypothesis looked impressive, but was unconvincing, if only because the temporal connection between these events was very weakly proven. Another hypothesis is that inversions are triggered by deep melt flows when giant lumps of ferromagnetic material fall into them. These lumps, concentrating the lines of the magnetic field in themselves, seem to “pull” it along with them.

And this hypothesis is controversial.

Obviously, over the billions of years of its existence, the Earth's core must have increased in size. It would seem that this could not but affect the Earth's magnetic field. Meanwhile, scientists who have information about what the planet’s magnetic field was like two billion years ago compare these data with today’s data and do not even find traces of the influence of core growth on the magnetic field. Could a phenomenon of a much more modest scale, such as the hypothetical “clumps” represent, affect the state of the field?

The currently accepted theory of the hydromagnetic dynamo is capable of explaining the inversion, but this theory does not say that a change of poles is obligatory, it just does not contradict this phenomenon.

The reason for the inversions are the same “constructive imperfections” of the natural hydromagnetic dynamo. But these are different defects than those that cause the already familiar spectrum of ten oscillations of the magnetic field, oscillations that monotonously repeat themselves after certain periods of time. Inversions do not have such a regular, systematic character.

One might believe that the phenomenon of inversion, the search for its causes and its consequences will arouse the interest only of researchers of terrestrial magnetism. But no, this phenomenon has attracted the attention of a wide range of scientists, including those who study the development of the earth’s biosphere.

Recently, in several scientific articles It has been suggested that during reversals the Earth's magnetic field disappears. Thus, we are talking about the planet losing its invisible armor for some time. And this, apparently, can lead to the death of many species of plants and animals. That is why in the changes to which the magnetic field is subject, some see a danger more formidable than that posed by the destructive trio: earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons.

The authors of this assumption, as proof of their correctness, cite the relationship between the extinction of dinosaurs, which disappeared from the face of the Earth 65 million years ago, and the frequent inversions characteristic of that period.

The hypothesis of such a radical influence of polar reversals on the development of all living nature on Earth was met with particular satisfaction by evolutionists, who in the recent past used a computer to simulate the history of the biosphere of our planet, starting from the primary forms of living matter. The program included all the factors known at that time that influenced mutations and natural selection. The results of the study were unexpected: the evolution from the first cell to man in the mathematical interpretation was much slower than in real conditions earthly nature.

Obviously, the scientists concluded, the program did not take into account some energetic factors that force nature to simultaneously change species. Now, they believe, one of such strong accelerators of evolution has been found - this is the effect on organic world cosmic radiation during those periods when the poles swapped places... Something similar, at least, to the Chernobyl disaster.

Against this background, the assertion of American geophysicists sounds either alarming or reassuring that they discovered layers of lava in Oregon, which show that the field “frozen” in them has rotated 90 degrees in just two weeks. In other words, change does not necessarily require thousands of years, but can be almost instantaneous. That is, the time of the destructive effects of cosmic radiation is short, which reduces their danger. It is not clear why the field rotated not 180 degrees, but only 90.

However, the assumption that during polarity reversals the magnetic field disappears is just an assumption, and not a truth based on reliable facts. On the contrary, some paleomagnetic studies suggest that the field is preserved during reversals. It, however, does not have a dipole structure and is much weaker - 10, and even 20 times. The interpretation of sudden field changes found in lavas from Oregon has raised serious objections. Professor G. Zoffel, whom we mentioned, believes that the discovery of American colleagues can be explained in a completely different way, for example, this way: a magnetic field generated by lightning that struck at that moment was “frozen” into the cooling lava.

But these objections do not exclude the possibility of a direct, perhaps weakened, impact of cosmic particles on the flora and fauna. Many scientists have joined in the search for answers to the questions posed by this hypothesis.

Noteworthy are the considerations expressed at one time by V.P. Shcherbakov, an employee of the Institute of Earth Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences. He believed that during reversals, the planet’s magnetic field, albeit weakened, retains its structure, in particular, the magnetic lines of force in the region of the poles still rest against the surface of the planet. Above the moving poles during periods of inversion in the magnetosphere, there are constantly, as in our days, funnels into which cosmic particles seem to be poured.

During periods of inversions, with a weakened field, they can fly up to the surface of the green ball at the closest distances, and perhaps even reach it.

Paleontologists also joined the search. For example, the German professor G. Herm, who, in collaboration with many foreign laboratories, studied bottom sediments dating back to the end of the Cretaceous period. He found evidence that during these times there was a leap in the development of species. However, this scientist considers the inversions of that time to be just one of the factors that pushed evolution. G. Herm finds no reason to worry about future life on the planet in case there are sudden changes in the magnetic field.

Moscow State University Professor B. M. Mednikov, an evolutionary biologist, also does not consider them dangerous and explains why. The main protection from the solar wind, he says, is not the magnetic field, but the atmosphere. Protons and electrons lose their energy in its upper layers above the poles of the planet, causing air molecules to glow, “shine.” If suddenly the magnetic field disappears, then the aurora will probably be not only above the poles, where the magnetosphere now drives particles, but throughout the entire sky - but at the same high altitudes. The solar wind will still remain safe for living things.

B. M. Mednikov also says that evolution does not need to be “spurred on” by cosmic forces. The latest, more advanced computer models of evolution convince: its real speed is fully explained by molecular reasons internal to the body. When, at the birth of a new organism, its apparatus of heredity is created, in one out of a hundred thousand cases the copying of parental characteristics occurs with an error. This is quite enough for animal and plant species to keep up with changes in environment. We should not forget about the mechanism of mass spread of gene mutations through viruses.

According to magnetologists, B. M. Mednikov’s objections cannot erase the problem. If the direct influence of changes in the magnetic field on the biosphere is unlikely, then there is also an indirect one. There are, for example, undoubted relationships between the planet’s magnetic field and its climate...

As you can see, there are many serious contradictions in the problem of the relationship between the magnetic field and the biosphere. Contradictions, as always, motivate researchers to search.

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Are the most powerful thunderstorms inside the earth?The most unpredictable processes

The earth protects us from death cosmic radiation, and without it, as we know, life could not exist. The movement of liquid iron in the outer core of the planet, the geodynamo phenomenon, generates this field. But how it appeared and was subsequently maintained throughout the history of the Earth is a mystery to scientists. New job, published in Nature by a team led by Alexander Goncharov of Carnegie University, sheds light on the history of this incredibly important geological formation.

Our planet was formed from hard material, which surrounded the Sun in its youth, and over time the densest material, iron, sank, sank deeper, forming the layers we know about today: the core, the mantle, the crust. Currently, the inner core is solid iron along with other materials that were drawn in during the layering process. The outer core is an alloy of liquid iron, and its movement generates a magnetic field.

A deeper understanding of how heat is conducted in the solid inner core and liquid outer core is needed to piece together the processes by which our planet and its magnetic field evolved—and, more importantly, the energy that maintains a constant magnetic field. But these materials obviously exist only under the most extreme conditions: very high temperature and very high blood pressure. It turns out that on the surface their behavior will be completely different.

“We decided that it would be essential to directly measure the thermal conductivity of the core materials under conditions corresponding to the core conditions,” says Goncharov. “Because, of course, we can’t get to the core of the Earth and take samples.”

The scientists used a tool called a diamond anvil cell to simulate the conditions of a planetary core and study how iron conducts heat under these conditions. A diamond anvil cell compresses tiny samples of material between two diamonds, creating extreme pressures deep within the Earth in the laboratory. The laser heats materials to nuclear temperatures.

Using such a "nuclear laboratory", a team of scientists was able to study samples of iron at temperatures and pressures that would be found inside planets ranging in size from Mercury to Earth - pressures ranging from 345,000 to 1.3 million normal atmospheres and from 1300 to 2700 degrees Celsius - and understand how they conduct heat.

The thermal conductivity of such iron samples was found to be at the lower end of preliminary estimates of the thermal conductivity of the Earth's core - between 18 and 44 watts per meter per degree Kelvin, the units scientists use to measure such things. This suggests that the energy needed to maintain the geodynamo has always been available since the beginning of Earth's history.

“To better understand the thermal conductivity of the core, in the future we will study how non-iron materials that were pulled into the core along with sinking iron affect thermal processes inside our planet,” says Goncharov.

An enchanting collage on an ethical and physical theme.


Help N1.

Most planets in the solar system have magnetic fields to one degree or another. In descending order of the dipole magnetic moment, Jupiter and Saturn are in first place, followed by the Earth, Mercury and Mars, and in relation to the magnetic moment of the Earth, the value of their moments is 20,000, 500, 1, 3/5000 3/10000. The dipole magnetic moment of the Earth in 1970 was 7.98 1025 G/cm3 (or 8.3 1022 A.m2), decreasing over the decade by 0.04 1025 G/cm3. The average field strength at the surface is about 0.5 Oe (5 10-5 T). The shape of the main magnetic field of the Earth up to distances of less than three radii is close to the field of an equivalent magnetic dipole. Its center is shifted relative to the center of the Earth in the direction of 18 N latitude. and 147.8 v. d. The axis of this dipole is inclined to the axis of rotation of the Earth by 11.5. The geomagnetic poles are separated by the same angle from the corresponding geographic poles. Moreover, the south geomagnetic pole is located in the northern hemisphere. It is currently located near the Earth's north geographic pole in North Greenland. Its coordinates; = 78.6 + 0.04 T N, ; = 70.1 + 0.07 T west, where T is the number of decades from 1970. At the north magnetic pole; = 75; S, ; = 120.4; e.d. (in Antarctica). The real magnetic field lines of the Earth's magnetic field are on average close to the field lines of this dipole, differing from them in local irregularities associated with the presence of magnetized rocks in the crust. As a result of secular variations, the geomagnetic pole precesses relative to the geographic pole with a period of about 1200 years. At large distances, the Earth's magnetic field is asymmetrical. Under the influence of the plasma flow emanating from the Sun (solar wind), the Earth's magnetic field is distorted and acquires a “trail” in the direction from the Sun, which extends for hundreds of thousands of kilometers, going beyond the orbit of the Moon.

Help N2

Soul-human vision.

words by R. Rozhdestvensky, music by D. Tukhmanov
Lev Leshchenko sings (which is not difficult to imagine, if you have the will).

How immeasurable is the attraction of the Earth,
The attraction of fields and sad willows,
All the roads we walked along as children,
And the roads along which you have to go.

There are high mountains there,
There are endless steppes there,

We are the children of the Galaxy,
But most importantly,

The gravity of the Earth, the gravity of the gardens,
And sunsets, and pine trees in fluffy snow,
Small villages and big cities,
And a night fire on an empty shore.

This order of things will not change,
And it will overtake me, and I will be reminded
The gravity of the Earth, the attraction of friends,
The attraction of your beloved in a distant window.

There are high mountains there,
There are endless steppes there,
There the winds fly, along the lanes of dust.
We are the children of the Galaxy,
But most importantly,
We are your children, dear Earth!

It would seem that there are no problems!
Accept any interpretation, understand and live accordingly.

However, humanity is immune to either interpretation. Humanity continues to live on a flat earth under the starry cap of the Lord God and considers NETWORKS, telephone, transport, gas and oil pipelines, banking networks, restaurant chains and railways, separately and mixed up, mafia networks and cash register networks, which are essentially one network, as well as the global Internet and other smaller networks, networks and string bags.
What a network creature, man!

“Our era is suffocating in petty questions of petty “expediency” or, better said, in monetary slavery” (As Jorge Luis Borges put it, one German “philanthropist” who invented crematoria, named, I think, was Adolf Hitler).

But the poet, the awakener of thoughts, does not sleep!
The reminder comes unexpectedly and inevitably.

Blue meteorite.
Sef Roman

Somewhere in space
Blue meteorite.

You are walking,
And he is flying.
You lie,
And he is flying.
You fell asleep,
But everything flies
In space

You will grow up little by little
You wear ten pairs of galoshes,
Read a mountain of books
You will become an astronomer
And one evening
You will go to your friends.

Suddenly a loudspeaker
"A meteorite fell into the taiga."
The whole world is excited
The world is noisy:
- A meteorite fell into the taiga!

The next morning
Will you tell your friends
Saying goodbye to the capital:
"I won't come to you today,
I'm leaving at noon myself
From one of the expeditions."

for you today
Eight years,
In front of you
The whole white world
But somewhere
In the Universe
Your blue meteorite -
A precious gift.

So here it is:
While he's rushing
Hurry up and study.

And later in the retelling, which indicates that the “message” achieved its goal.

Rozhdestvensky Andrey Vadimovich

When you eat, walk, feel sad,
When you sniffle over your porridge,
When you go to bed,
When you don't want to sleep at all,
And he flies, flies, flies
Your distant meteorite.
My friend, you will grow up soon,
And soon you will go to school,
You will read a bunch of different books...
And he's still flying
Mysterious meteorite
Nebulas kicking up dust
Like a small car.
Flying alone - flying, flying
Your distant meteorite.

After reading the poems, scientists begin to think!

Russian scientists are developing a program to save the Earth. The danger comes from the giant asteroid Apophis, which is expected to approach our planet in 19 years.
For the uninitiated, the fall of celestial bodies is just beautiful a natural phenomenon. But experts see in them a source of both real discoveries and a threat to humanity.
Boris Shustov, director of the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, spoke in more detail about this cosmic danger in the Morning of Russia program. According to him, Apophis is the most famous of the dangerous bodies. There is a chance that it will fly close to Earth, but recently it has decreased somewhat - 4 chances in a million, the scientist noted.
Currently being developed different programs, which should displace the asteroid from its trajectory. There is a method called gravity pulling. This method implies that the force of the engines launched into orbit by the spacecraft can slightly move the asteroid to the side. If you do this many years before a possible collision, the asteroid will fly by, the director of the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences emphasized.
Boris Shustov noted that there are other options, for example, to carry out a surface explosion, in which part of the asteroid will evaporate and, due to the rocket push, it will move to the side. But in this case, there is a possibility that the asteroid, on the contrary, will fly towards Earth. Therefore, the scientist concluded, first we need to think through the consequences, we need to know exactly the orbit of the asteroid after the impact, but this is very difficult process, he stated.
As for the Apophis asteroid, its energy exceeds the energy of all explosives, including thermonuclear ones. If such an asteroid falls on average European country, then it will most likely be destroyed. Therefore, both Russian and foreign scientists are now actively working to solve problems to save the Earth, summed up Boris Shustov.

More details:

Official ambulatory.

So, it becomes clear to many people that in addition to the networks that entangle us, there is also a world that surrounds us from the West, East, South and North, and in reality, and not just in the planetarium, and that from this world stones can fly towards us, and stones large enough to return us from our forgetfulness to a round planet flying in airless and soulless space at an average speed of 29.765 km/sec, and with fire inside reminding of itself, smoke (and smoke without fire, as you know, does not exist) from huge holes with menacing names like Eyjafjallajökull.

This is done so that we learn to appreciate life, understand where we are, and by raising our hand and giving our full name, we begin to behave at least culturally.

But this doesn't happen!

However, continuing to behave as before people...

Some begin to pray for the “byaka” to fly past, others pray for the “byaka” to fall on us and for everyone to step on that same unnoticed creeping dog who has a fifth leg instead of one place, and for everyone to find out why he needs it.

These prayers, however, do not fall into God’s ears and disappear into eternity, but accumulate in the Earth’s magnetic field. Like all magnetic forces, the forces of personal magnetism are no exception.
Changing the Earth's magnetic field is fraught with catastrophic consequences.
If it increases under the influence of magnetism, those who want to attract “byaku”, then it will attract it.
By connecting your personal magnetism to the force of the Earth's magnetic field, you can significantly increase the Earth's gravity. An increase in gravity will cause cosmic bodies flying near the Earth to change their orbit and collide with the Earth. As a result of this, the Earth will be bombarded by cosmic bodies. A sufficiently large cosmic body can cause a global catastrophe, and such a global one that modern post-industrial globalization will seem like a game of candy wrappers, which it actually is, but is not shown.

And this is not a joke, scientists are already spending money on “preparations”, but they don’t give money in vain, and money is all that we will soon have left, since resources are running out, and the last part is only parted with in as a last resort, especially those who have it in unlimited quantities.

If the magnetic field decreases under the influence of the personal magnetism of those who want to fly by, then... it will be even worse.

Where it leads?

The Earth's magnetic field is weakening. The consequences could be catastrophic.
December 17, 2003

At a recent conference of the American Geophysical Union, the topic of weakening of the Earth's magnetic field and the consequences of this process for humanity was actively discussed. According to scientists, over the past 150 years (observations of this kind were simply not made before), the strength of the Earth's magnetic field has decreased by 10%. So in the not too distant future (in 1500-2000 years) we can expect that it will disappear completely, after which the north and magnetic poles of the Earth may change places.
According to scientists, such magnetic pole jumps over the course of long history Lands have occurred repeatedly. But the last time this happened was about 780 thousand years ago, so people (at least the current civilization) did not catch this process.
What does this mean?
Without the Earth's magnetic field, all living things will be defenseless against solar radiation, ozone holes will increase (which is already observed), and we will also be exposed to cosmic radiation. If humanity manages to hide underground, its surface will turn into a desert.
True, some believe that a pole change will not occur over the next two thousand years, but a simple weakening of the magnetic field will also have serious consequences, since it is the magnetic field that protects the Earth’s surface from X-ray and ultraviolet radiation from the Sun and other cosmic sources, which are harmful to everyone living organisms.
The effect of weakening the magnetic field is especially noticeable in those areas where this process is most intense. For example, such a “weak” point turned out to be South part Atlantic Ocean. Not seen here yet mass death of all living things, but satellites flying in low Earth orbits over this area are already suffering. Among the victims of this “hole” in the magnetic field was, for example, a Danish satellite designed, ironically, to measure the Earth’s magnetic field.
In addition, due to the weakening of the magnetic field, the intensity of the flow of protons escaping from the Sun and entering the Earth’s atmosphere increases, and these protons, interacting with atoms and molecules of atmospheric gases, can change chemical composition the Earth's atmosphere (in particular, greatly reduce the ozone content in it), which is also very dangerous.
(based on materials from

However, everything can happen much simpler. A pole reversal, possible as a result of a weakening of the Earth's magnetic field, could generate a tsunami that would wash away everything from its surface.
And then we will have to start over again the entire evolutionary path from the amoeba to the shark of capitalism.

Unofficial ambulatory.

1. Gumperson's Law: The probability of obtaining the desired result is inversely related to the strength of desire.

2. Fetridge's Law: An event that is sure to happen does not happen, especially if it is specifically observed.

Thus, an increase in the number of people who want to increase the force of gravity will give rise to the opposite result, a decrease in the force of gravity, and an increase in the number of people who want to decrease the force of gravity will give rise to its increase.

The choice is ours, as in the song, “to have or not to have,” and if “to have or not to have,” then WHAT to have and WHAT not to have!

But the end is ONE. Therefore, you can sing “but we don’t care” and not think about anything, and at the same time drinking “doesn’t matter”, and smoking “doesn’t matter”, and eating “doesn’t matter”.

Ambulance post

“But the end, although not sad, is annoying...” (V. Vysotsky)

“In a distant corner of the Universe, there once existed a star on which smart animals discovered knowledge. It was the proudest and most deceitful moment world history- but only a minute. Then nature sighed several times, the star began to cool and the smart animals were forced to die. And this was the time when, proud of themselves for the enormous knowledge they had discovered, they finally discovered, to their horror, that all their knowledge was evil. They died and while dying they cursed the truth."
(Friedrich Nietzsche)

Thank you, Friedrich, a true friend!
If only this torment would end soon!
Let better stone will it fall or will it all suddenly flood...
Otherwise I'll die of boredom.

“And God sent a stone to Earth, yielding to man’s prayer...”
(Revelation of St. Bernardo, the owner of that very dog, which has a fifth leg, and which, sneaking up unnoticed, steps on everyone.)
