Author's fee for scientific articles. Payments of royalties

In the midst of a crisis in our open spaces, it's time to introduce you to the list of sites that pay authors at least $ 50 per post or article (well, where else will you be paid that much?).

From parenting to knitting to business to writing, there is something for everyone on the list. On some sites, the amount that they are willing to pay to authors is indicated, while on other sites, we learned from the words of freelancers.

Preliminary preparation

Before you randomly visit the sites below, read the descriptions carefully and study the previous posts. The competition here is quite high. Make sure you have a fresh topic, or you can take a fresh look at a subject you've written about before.

If you want to learn how to create a successful guest post follow this or this link.

So, here is the list itself!

10 sites in the category "business, career and finance"

1. B. Michelle Pippin pays $50-$150 for business articles.

31. Bitch Magazine's website pays for big newspaper articles about pop culture. Fees vary, please discuss this with the editor.

32. BlogHer pays $50 per post on various lifestyle topics. This site belongs to the SheKnows family of sites, which also includes StyleCaster, DrinksMixer, and DailyMakeover.

33. Cultures and Cuisines pays $200 per article.

34. The Daily Beast reportedly pays $250 or more. The site has an email address that rarely responds to, so you'll have to work hard to find someone to contact about the article.

35. Dame reportedly pays $200 for essays. They accept eyewitness accounts and other articles.

36. Dorkly pays $75 each for lengthy articles about Batman, Marvel, Pokemon and other weird topics.

37. END/PAIN is a new site that just launched this year. He pays $250 each.

38. Expatics for American Expats. This is another site where you will need to discuss payment in advance.

39. Fund Your Life Overseas pays $75 for articles about business ideas that generate income for foreigners.

40. Gawker Media reportedly pays $250 each for eyewitness accounts and feature stories on their sites, which include Deadspin, Jezebel and others. They prefer detailed articles. They recently shut down some sites and plan to focus on politics so make sure you find a working site.

41. getAbstract reportedly pays $300 for long (2000-4000 word) book reviews.

42. Gothamist pays between $50 and $150 for eyewitness accounts of events in New York.

43. HowlRound pays $50 for blog posts about theater management and marketing, directing and writing plays.

44. The International Wine Accessories blog pays $50 or more for articles.

45. The pay for The Kernel by The Daily Dot online magazine varies, so be prepared for that. An article of 1000-2000 words can pay $350.

46. ​​Knitty pays $75-$100 for knitting articles.

47. Listverse pays $100 for long (1500 words) articles on various topics.

48. The Mix from Hearst (including Country Living, Bazaar, Esquire, Popular Mechanics, and more) pays $50-$100 per article.

49. The New York Observer pays $100 for political and cultural posts for "metropolitans with refined tastes."

50. OZY pays freelancers, but the rate varies.

51. Paste pays $50 for articles on various topics.

52. Penny Hoarder talks about saving ideas. You will need to discuss payment with the editor.

53. pays up to $350 per article, depending on the topic.

54. Pretty Designs talks about fashion and beauty. You will have to negotiate the cost of each post.

55. PsychCentral talks about mental health. The site does not provide a fee, but according to readers, they pay well for articles.

56. Refinery29 reportedly pays $75 each for slideshows, articles, and essays on a variety of topics. Article topics can be found on their home page.

57. Salon pays $100-$200 for essays and eyewitness accounts, even very long ones.

58. Saveur is offering $150 for "amazing food and travel stories."

59. The Salt (NPR food blog) is reported to pay around $200.

60. Smithsonian Magazine Online pays experienced freelancers about $600 for eyewitness accounts.

61. Pays $200 for database articles.

67. Graphic Design School blog pays $100-200 for articles and tutorial videos about Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and open source design tools.

68. Indeni pays $50-$200 for posts about Check Point security systems, F5 load balancer, or Palo Alto network security systems.

69. Linode pays $250 each for articles on Linux,, NoSQL databases, game servers, Open Change, and Web RTC.

70. SlickWP pays $100 for WordPress posts and the Genesis Theme software package.

71. Treehouse pays $100-$200 for web design and development posts.

72. Tuts+ pays $100 for instructional videos on various technologies, including web design and flash. Tuts used to run 16 different blogs, including Freelance Switch, but now it's all in one site that includes design, game development, photography, and more.

73. WordCandy pays 6 cents for each word in articles that are submitted by someone else. Articles about WordPress will appear on the biggest WordPress blogs, such as wpmudev.

74. WPHub pays $100-$200 to post web design trends, best coding, and other WordPress related topics.

writing work

75. Funds for Writers pays $50 for newsletter articles about how to make money writing.

76. Make a Living Writing. Yes, this blog also pays $75 for each post on a free topic, as well as $100 for posts on editorial topics.

77. WOW! Women on Writing pays $50-150 each.

78. The Write Life pays for certain posts - you will need to discuss the amount of payment.

79. Writer's Weekly pays $60 for articles related to writing.

Have you tried writing to these sites yet? Or maybe you found some more? Be sure to let us know in the comments.

Hello dear guests!

Website invites everyone to earn.

  • No affiliate programs
  • No links
  • There are no minimum payout limits.

It's very simple: become the author of this site, publish any of your articles and get a fee for each published text. If after approval your article is published, then you are guaranteed to receive a bonus reward of up to $10.

Now a little more

  1. Anyone can become an author. To do this, you just need to register in the system. When registering, you must specify your wmz wallet. Or you can add it later when editing your profile. Later, your bonuses will be transferred to it.
  2. After that, you can start writing articles.
  3. After submitting the article for approval to the moderator, you will have to wait (usually from 2 to 24 hours). If your text meets our requirements, then your article will be published.
  4. After your article is approved and published, your fee will be transferred to you within 2 hours to the wmZ wallet you specified.

Article Requirements

  • Mandatory requirement: The article must not have been previously published online. Therefore, do not copy them from other Internet sources. Such articles will be removed immediately.
  • You must be the author of the article or indicate the name of the real author at the end of the article.
  • The article should not be shorter than 500 characters.
  • It is recommended to insert an image appropriate for the topic at the beginning of each article. In this case, the article will be evaluated more expensively.
  • After publication and payment, you no longer have the rights to publish the same article on other resources.

Small additions

  • If, when writing an article, there is no suitable category for it, then place it in the “Miscellaneous” category.
  • After submitting for moderation, you need to wait from 2 to 24 hours (in rare cases, this may take 48 hours) . After that, you will know whether the text was accepted or not. If you followed our rules for writing an article, then be 100% sure that the article will pass and you will be paid a reward.
  • Within a few hours (usually a maximum of 2 hours) after the approval and placement of your article on the site, your earned money will be transferred to you.
  • After you have received payment for an article, all rights to it are transferred to this site and you do not have the right to post the same article on other resources.
  • The cost of an article depends on many factors: which circle of users will be interested in your article, on the content, size, popularity and relevance of the topic, etc. and ranges from $0.1 to $10
  • The cost of articles is estimated by the moderator. Claims for payment for the article are not accepted.
  • The moderator has the right to change the text of the article, remove links to third-party resources (except for free placement)

If you still think or are afraid that your article will not be appreciated, try posting a "test" article. And we will prove to you that everything is fair with us.

You have written a wonderful article and want to publish it in the Glavnaya kniga magazine? It's real. Moreover, the publishing house pays its authors well.

But before you send us the material, make sure that:

  • the topic of your article is interest for our readers - accountants of commercial organizations. This is a topical issue on accounting, taxation or labor relations and it has practical solution;
  • your article does not retell the standard and known rules, but describes, based on these rules, the sequence of actions of an accountant - what how And When do;
  • Your recommendations are based on the requirements of regulatory documents, clarifications from the Ministry of Finance, the Federal Tax Service and other departments, and, if necessary, an analysis judicial practice the reader must understand why it is necessary to act in this way;
  • the article is not too long - no more than 20,000 characters(with spaces);
  • the article you would like to submit to us, not published before in other publications or on the Internet.

Keep in mind that we publish only high-quality materials, so your article will not only pass three-step verification by our experts, but also subject to literary processing. Be prepared to make corrections to the article according to our comments after each stage of the review.
Depending on the amount of revision of the material, the terms of its publication can be from 2 weeks to 1 month from the date of submission of the material to the editorial office.
The final version of the article, which has passed all stages of processing, will be agreed with you. If you do not agree with it, we reserve the right to publish the material without indicating the name of the author.

Fee will be paid to you after the publication of the journal with your article.

If the editorial staff has produced essential finalization of the material, the size of the author's fee can be reduced depending on the labor costs of the editorial office, up to 0.6 rubles per character.

The royalties are officially paid, that is, we will report your income to the tax authorities. You have the right to declare a professional tax deduction(in the amount of 20% of income or in the amount of confirmed expenses), by submitting an application to the editor before the contract is signed.

Your article

How can I call you?


Introduce youreself

Contact e-mail


We are starting an unprecedented experiment: anyone who wants and believes in the power of his word can, and if he is good, we will immediately publish it on the website, in all social networks, and maybe in a magazine. The most interesting thing in our experiment is the payment system. The more popular the material will be, the more resonance it will cause, the more its author will receive. We will open the billing system in personal correspondence with potential authors; I will only hint that one small but hit material can bring its author more than the fee for several articles! It all depends on your instinct for relevant and necessary topics!

Here are some tips on what materials we need and are popular with readers:

  1. Materials with photographs. Who cares to read without pictures these days?
  2. News. If you find interesting news before others, you will present it in the style of MAXIM magazine and provide it with a seductive headline, the chances of success will increase. News can be an event, video or photo. But the text is needed anyway
  3. Useful materials, tips for all occasions of men's life
  4. An interesting analysis on a current topic, be it culture, science, sports or politics
  5. A collection of news, events, photographs, people or animals related in some way. "10 AIDS-infected rock musicians who saved cats from a fire" or "10 cats who saved journalists from the wrath of AIDS-infected rock musicians" - any of these might work
  6. Exclusive photo or video. If you filmed it yourself and think that it might be of interest not only to your friends, send
  7. If there is no confidence in the value of the idea, you can send only its description, we will answer whether it suits us or not
  8. We definitely don't need: works of art, reflections on life, reviews of films, series, music and games

  1. The material must be original, that is, written specifically for us. We will check for copy-paste
  2. Text size - not less than 3000 characters with spaces
  3. The article should have a title (a few words) and a subtitle (1-2 sentences)
  4. It must be written in the language of the MAXIM magazine, i.e. good language. From point of view . Knowledge of these values ​​is achieved by reading the magazine, and if there is no intuitive understanding, then you are not our reader, and now you are wasting your time.
  5. And yes! It is advisable to write with this one. With humor

By procedure:

  1. Materials (and questions) are sent to the address
  2. We will try to answer all emails, but if the material suits us, we will respond very quickly.
  3. The formalization of relations occurs by concluding an agreement - the usual procedure, but only after the material is approved.
  4. We do not review materials
  5. We don't care where you are from. We don't care if you are a man, a woman, a child, a computer program, an animal, a plant or a mineral. Content is judged, not authors
  6. If the material suits us, we reserve the right to make any changes to it.
  7. After the material is published, we provide the author with Personal Area in our content management system, from which he can follow the progress of his article
  8. We indicate the name of the author or pseudonym. Or do not indicate - at the request of the author.

So, everything is in your hands. We provide a platform from which to reach several million readers. You're trying to make the conversion worth it. Dare! And if this is not the same real income on the Internet, then the fitness editor will eat his weightlifting belt.

There are a lot of sites offering freelance jobs. Each offers projects from a specific area: journalism, translations, design, IT technologies, etc. Therefore, first of all, you should decide what exactly you want to do. So, if you...

… you write texts
You need sites that are ready to buy your text or give you the opportunity to choose a customer and write an article already on order. For example, these:
Community of journalists and others like them. Here you can sell a finished article, respond to an order for material, participate in a project, etc. Prices range from $20 to $50 per page of text. What do you need? Be registered in LiveJournal and write a letter to the moderator - tell your nickname and your topics. More in this community "fasting" interesting posts and notes that can form the basis for an article.
You can either sell an already finished article, or respond to an offer from a customer. Article topics vary. Register and choose. The price of the article is determined by the customer or you (in the case of selling the finished article). Often they order rewriting, i.e. rewriting the finished article to the format required by the customer.
In this community, vacancies for journalists are posted, in addition, journalists publish their resumes, suggest topics or ready-made articles.
The community is very similar to mamarazzi_ru. But here freelancers offer their articles, editors of publications choose these articles. No discussions and vacancies. Everything is strict and to the point. The author writes that there is a topic for the article or a finished article, reports its volume (number of characters) and price (most indicate that the price is negotiable, and later resolve the issue with the customer).

… translate
…and if you want to start making money on your knowledge of languages, you need to choose the right site, register and choose the right offer.
In fact, this site is just a bulletin board with offers from customers and translators. If you are a translator, you can either place your ad and wait patiently for someone to choose you as a performer for their project, or quickly respond to an already announced project that suits you. In the first case, you yourself determine the price for which you are ready to work, in the second case, you agree (or disagree) to the remuneration offered by the customer. Prices fluctuate around 400-600 rubles. per page (or per hour of work).
Job offers for translators from the most different languages. The most popular, of course, is English, but the more valuable is a person who knows other languages. The offers are varied. This includes text translation, a trip to the set, and simultaneous translation at presentations, exhibitions, and so on. In general, there are many proposals. Prices are also quite adequate, they largely depend on the type of translation, language (from which and to which it is necessary to translate).
In addition, sometimes there are interesting links to sites dedicated to different languages, interesting notes on translations, and a lot of other interesting things.
Those who know well can find a part-time job here English language. These are not necessarily translations. It happens that you need to help pass the test in English, fill out a questionnaire, participate in a survey or testing. Such work will not take much time, and money is not superfluous.

... doing something with your own hands
And you want to not only present your crafts to friends and relatives, but also profitably sell them, earning money from your hobby.
This is a LiveJournal community where users post their hand-made works for sale. To do this, you just need to register in LiveJournal and subscribe to this community. Next, you post a post with the best photo of your product, indicate the price and wait for the buyer. They sell mainly jewelry, less often clothes. But sometimes you come across very interesting little things like a sconce with a lampshade self made or mini-cakes made of felt, wool and beads.
Hand things. A community very similar to the one described above, only with a wider range and links from some authors to their personal sites. They even sell hand-made cosmetics and many other interesting things.

Here everything is almost the same as on the previous two sites. The only difference is that you send the text description and photos of your work to the administrator, and he decides whether to publish them or not. Welcome a large number of photos, so that there is plenty to choose from (the choice of photos of works is also carried out by the administrator). The maximum that the site may require from you is a commission from transactions, which, by the way, you may not assign.

… you want everything at once
If you still don’t know what exactly you would like to do (preparing an article, translating, etc.), and want to see all the offers, then you need a site that combines many different freelance offers.
A very popular exchange where you can find a variety of projects. Programming, design, working with texts, advertising, drawings, calculations, etc. - it's all here. By registering, you can respond to any project, you can publish your own, you can join a team or organize your own. In general, there are many possibilities. The amount of payment is also set by the customer. The main disadvantage is that the popularity of the site, that is, the likelihood that they will choose you, is small, especially if you are a novice freelancer. So it is important to respond to as many projects as possible, and then choose from those that received a response from the customer.
In this community, jobs are offered on TV, radio, publishing houses, Internet portals, advertising, many interesting projects are announced, for example, they are invited to shoot a new show as a heroine, a girl asking questions, or just to participate in extras. Or you can participate in testing hand cream. All that is required of you is to tell the camera about your feelings. Sometimes there are offers to write reviews on restaurants, cafes, clubs. So you can combine business with pleasure. In general, there are many proposals, they can be very different. The main thing is more self-confidence.
Freelance community. Here you can offer your services as a journalist, proofreader, translator, tutor ... Or respond to an existing offer from the customer. And also chat with other freelancers, find out some details, ask questions that interest you.
