Route m11 58 149. Personal account M11

The toll section of the Moscow-St. Petersburg M11 highway 15–58 km is served by United Toll Collection Systems LLC. The organization is the largest operator of toll roads in Russia. Customers with a transponder for automatic fare debiting can register on the official website of the UTS company in order to control expenses, replenish the balance and perform other operations in their M11 personal account.

Registration in a personal account

Register Personal Area M11 on the site alone is not allowed. Creating a user account is possible after signing an agreement with the SZKK company for the use of a transponder to pay for travel on a toll road from 15 to 85 km. Login data (login, password) the client receives with a copy of the signed agreement.

To conclude a service contract, you must visit the office of SZKK. An individual will need to present a passport, fill out a questionnaire, indicating contact details. Representatives legal entities must provide documents confirming their authority, certificates of state. registration and tax registration, bank details and an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP.

Login to your personal account M11

  1. Click on the one located in the upper right corner home page"Personal account" button.
  2. Fill in two fields: "Username" (enter the login specified in the contract there) and "Password" issued along with the documents when signing the service agreement at the company's office.
  3. Press "Login".

To recover your password, click on the "Forgot your password?" below the login form. You will need to specify the username and e-mail associated with the account, retype the characters from the picture and click "Submit". Instructions with further actions will be sent to the mailbox.

If not only the password is lost, but also the login from the personal account, contact the M11 user support service using the contacts indicated on the website.


The M11 personal account allows the user to:

  • monitor the balance of the personal account to which the transponder is linked;
  • remotely deposit funds into the account;
  • view the history of operations (withdrawals, replenishment, etc.);
  • order monthly statements from the personal account;
  • purchase a subscription to travel on a toll road, control the number of remaining trips.
  • find out the fares for the toll road section serviced by SZKK;
  • use the online calculator to calculate the estimated cost of the trip;
  • order a transponder through the official online store of SZKK (available to both individuals and legal entities);
  • view and, if necessary, download contracts for the provision of services by SZKK;
  • sign up at the sales office, choosing a convenient point for you;
  • find out about all ways to pay for travel on the M11;
  • study the classification of vehicles in order to determine which group the car belongs to and find out at what rate will be charged;
  • view, save as PDF or print detailed map toll track with marked toll booths on it;
  • find out the conditions of travel for owners of transponders of other operators.

In August, my family and my child decided to make a short trip from Moscow to St. Petersburg and back. To save time and effort on the way, the M11 toll road was chosen, including a section of 15-58 km to Solnechnogorsk.

We already had experience of traveling on toll roads, before going to St. Petersburg we drove south along the M4, at the same time we bought a T-Pass transponder. On the M11, it was also very useful to us. I liked the paid sections of the M4 highway, especially playgrounds and places to relax at Lukoil gas stations (when traveling with a small child, this is very important), and I expected the same from the M11. Unfortunately, my expectations were not met. A new extended section of the M11 was built, launched, but not equipped.

The new M11 sections do not yet have sufficient infrastructure, only the bare minimum. Accordingly, there is no need to talk about comfort on the way. Nevertheless, there are advantages to the toll road.

Payment and cost.

M11 consists of several sections and they are served by different operators. From Moscow Ring Road to Solnechnogorsk (15-58 km) belongs to the "North-Western Concession Company", and 208-543 km - "Avtodor". Accordingly, the recipients of payment when traveling through these sections are different.

We did not know these subtleties, we traveled with transponder T-Pass("Avtodor") and at the entrance to the Solnechnogorsk section, it did not work for us. We received a card that fixes the place of entry to the toll road, at the exit the fare was calculated in the amount of 500 rubles, we paid in cash and found out that in order to travel through this section using our transponder, it was necessary to activate the service "interoperability" in the personal account on the Avtodor website(It is on the site, not through the application). This does not give discounts, but it speeds up the passage through payment points. Fare discounts (-20%) are provided only for the M-11 Moscow-Solnechnogorsk transponder, issued specifically for this section.

The fare depends on the time of day and day of the week, and also on which direction you are going (from Solnechnogorsk to Moscow or vice versa). The fare from Moscow to Solnechnogorsk on Saturday morning cost 500 rubles, back on Tuesday - 450 rubles. And this is not the maximum, the fare reaches 600 rubles. In my opinion, the passage through this section is very expensive, but we were able to bypass the toughest traffic jams in Leningradka.

Section 208-543 km is served by Avtodor, so our transponder worked without problems on it. The cost on this section does not depend on the day of the week and time of day, but only on the class of the vehicle. With the T-Pass transponder, a discount of 20% to 40% (for passenger cars) is provided, depending on which section of the road was covered at a time.

A user of a light vehicle driving 2 sections in a row (for example, km 208 - km 334 or km 258 - km 543) receives a 30% discount on the promotional fare. A user passing 3 sections (km 208 - km 543) receives a 40% discount. A user of a freight vehicle driving 2 sections in a row (for example, km 208 - km 334 or km 258 - km 543) receives a 40% discount on the promotional fare. A freight vehicle user passing 3 sections (km 208 - km 543) receives a 50% discount.

We passed all three sections and our discount was 40% (396 rubles against 660 rubles when traveling in cash / bank card). With a transponder, the fare is quite acceptable (only to justify the cost of the transponder itself, you need to overcome this path twice there and back).

The section of the road 15-58 km is quite small, we passed it quite quickly, the road was free in both directions, so there is not much to talk about it. In the future, my review will concern only the main extended section from 208-543 km.

Highway M11 Avtodor 208-543 km

Road quality

The quality of the roadbed did not cause any complaints. The road is flat. At a speed of 120 km / h, no irregularities were felt (we did not accelerate to the maximum permitted speed of 130 km / h, since fuel consumption increases sharply at it).

And it’s still impossible to constantly drive at maximum speed, since roadworks are constantly being carried out in one place or another.

Road markings on the track applied. Lighting is available along the entire length of the track, but it was not possible to check how it works, we drove during the day.

There are two lanes in each direction, with an oncoming lane separated by a chipper. A third turn lane is being added in front of gas stations and rest stops.

There are very few cars on the track. Sometimes I had to overtake individual trucks, but in general the track was half empty.

When on Sunday afternoon we just left the M11, there was a feeling of unreality, maybe we didn’t stop there at all. There were no cars to be seen at all, neither in front nor behind, we were driving alone along this new good road. There were only a few cars passing in the opposite direction. The fact that the track is not completely empty, we realized only at the first gas station.

Although the road is good, it seemed to us very monotonous, lulling. It does not cross any settlement. This, of course, is a definite plus (no need to slow down and there is no danger of running into fines) But without settlements, the landscape on the sides is very monotonous, solid mixed forest. From this monotony it was very drawn to sleep (and there is no place to buy coffee).

gas stations

My first negative impression of the M11 was related to gas stations.

Unfortunately, we did not fill up in Tver before entering the M11, so we had to use a gas station on a toll road.

But there were no gas stations in my usual sense here at all, but only "self-service modules".

They look like this

One trailer is one column with one type of fuel. Where we refueled there were two wagons: with diesel fuel and gasoline 95 ECTO. All gas stations from Lukoil.

Payment by card only, no cash. And, accordingly, full self-service.

The throughput of such filling stations is minimal. We stopped at the first one that came across to us on the M11. So there was also a queue of several cars on it (this is practically empty track). And each driver refueled for quite a long time (until he learns the rules, until he fills up with gasoline, goes up to the trailer to put away his gun). True, I did not see queues at subsequent gas stations.

There are not many gas stations in total (4 or 5 for the entire route).

Hence the conclusion - refuel earlier.

By the way, when we were driving from St. Petersburg along the M10, shortly before entering the M11, there are such warning boards. What we actually did on the way back, so as not to stop.

Do you want to experience the new M11? Don't forget to fill up the tank.

Gas stations have free toilets and trash cans.


Or rather, there is one (MCafe at 262 km, located on both sides of the road)

And so drink a cup of coffee to overcome sleep nowhere.


Periodically, on the route there are parking lots, places for rest, equipped with toilets (four booths each) and sheds with tables.

Toilets are free, but it’s scary to go into them, this is happening there, but there are no other options. You won’t be able to run into the nearest forest, the route is fenced off not only by a chipper, but also by a fence.


There are no cameras on most of the route yet, but they are being installed. On the section from 208 to 334 km from Tver to Vyshny Volochek, there are already such.

At km 208-334, information light displays have already appeared above the road, then they either do not exist at all or do not work.

mobile connection for most of the way it does not work or works intermittently, and there is no mobile Internet for a long time.

There are no telephones for calling emergency services (as it was done on the 15-58 km section) either, but pockets have been made on the highway, they are common, apparently in the future telephones will appear.

That, probably, is all that can be said about the new sections of the M11 highway. Let me summarize:


  • New, good, smooth road
  • Permitted speed 130 km/h
  • Does not cross populated areas, no need to slow down
  • Free as long as there is no traffic
  • Moderate fare when paying by transponder


No proper infrastructure

  • Gas stations only self-service, payment only by cards, gasoline only 95 and diesel
  • no cafe, no place to eat or drink coffee
  • mobile communication is very poor, in some places it simply does not exist

In general, we drove along the M11 not badly. Saved time compared to traveling on the free M10. On the way back to the entrance to the paid section, we filled up a full tank and took coffee on the road, so it became easier and faster to drive.

And work on the track is underway, new sections are being built, so it will change soon. And I hope for the better.

The new high-speed highway M-11 Moscow - St. Petersburg will stretch from the Moscow Ring Road to the junction with the Ring Road around St. Petersburg. The total length of the motorway is 669 km. The highway will pass through the territories of the Central and Northwestern federal districts, through the Moscow, Tver, Novgorod and Leningrad regions, bypassing all settlements.

The new road M-11 Moscow - St. Petersburg mainly runs parallel to the existing highway M-10 "Rossiya" and crosses it at km 58, km 149, interchanges at different levels. This allows you to switch the movement of traffic flows from the M-10 "Russia" to the expressway and vice versa. The construction of the Moscow-St. Petersburg highway is being carried out in several stages, each of which is an independent investment project. The sequence of project implementation is determined by the extent to which the capacity of the corresponding section of the existing M-10 Rossiya federal road does not correspond to the volume of current traffic.

Technical parameters of the expressway:

  • road category - IA (motorway);
  • design speed - 150 km / h;
  • number of traffic lanes - 4, 6, 8, 10 (depending on the stages of construction);
  • lane width - 3.75 m;
  • dividing strip width -6 m;
  • lighting throughout the motorway, including interchanges; traffic interchanges at different levels - 36 pcs.;
  • artificial structures (bridges, overpasses, overpasses and cattle passes) 325 pcs.;
  • traffic interchanges at different levels, depending on the category of roads crossed, are mainly designed according to the clover leaf type;, “double pipe”, “pipe”.

Measures to reduce the impact on environment to ensure the environmental safety of the facility:

  1. reduction of noise level when passing the road near settlements and nature protection areas with the use of noise barriers and green spaces;
  2. arrangement of special runs in the body of the embankment of the projected road for the migration of wild and domestic animals;
  3. the use of efficient designs of treatment facilities for the treatment of surface runoff within water protection zones.

Enhance Security traffic is achieved by the development of a traffic management project using modern energy-intensive barrier fencing, the use of modern materials for applying road markings and installing road signs and indicators. For better and timely information content of road users in the section of intelligent transport systems, variable information boards and multi-position indicators have been developed and applied. The new highway will be the first new highway built in the European part of modern Russia.

Base stations of mobile operators have been installed on toll sections, Megafon has already provided full uninterrupted coverage of the cellular network throughout the entire length of the road. The road is equipped with comfortable rest areas for all types of vehicles. On December 15, 2017, the State Company Avtodor opened traffic on a new section of the M-11 Moscow-St. Petersburg high-speed highway under construction (km 208-543).

A closed toll collection system operates on the toll sections of the M-11 Moscow-St. Petersburg highway 58 km - 97 km, 208 km - 543 km and 543 km - 646 km. A closed tolling system involves paying for the distance actually travelled. When entering the toll sections, the user registers in the system at the entry toll collection point (in the presence of a transponder in automatic mode, without a transponder by taking a ticket from the machine on the lane). The user makes payment only at the exit toll collection point.

The practice of building toll roads came to our country from abroad. It has both its positive and negative characteristics. One example of such a phenomenon is the toll road Moscow - St. Petersburg. It is expected that she will help during the football world championship.

The main tasks assigned to the transport artery are that it must unload the flow from the Rossiya federal highway and provide high-quality and high-speed transport links between the two capitals. The length of the route is about seven hundred kilometers.

The construction of the Moscow-Peter route should ultimately lead to a reduction in the load on the M-10, which operates with a fourfold excess load. It will also provide maximum speed passing different sections of the path, because the mode will be acceptable on certain sections up to 150 km / h.

Also in old times M-10 was called "Petersburg Truck". It was laid from the beginning of the 18th century, when the city on the Neva was laid. Since then, there have been many reconstructions and upgrades associated with this road.

In the 21st century, the government adopted a plan to build a modern track between major Russian cities. This would reduce the load on the old track, which was very expensive to repair. During the construction process, modern technologies relating to construction and design.

The speeds change significantly:

  • three centuries ago, on a log truck, citizens traveled from Moscow to St. Petersburg for twenty days;
  • the current road allows you to overcome such a distance on your own transport in 20 hours;
  • it is assumed that new scheme The M11 will allow covering the same distance in 5-7 hours under favorable conditions.

You need to know that the built high-speed road between the two capitals will be the fastest autobahn on the European continent after completion.

Cons of the M-10 road

The current situation of "Leningradskaya", that's what the people call the track "Russia", leaves much to be desired. According to the standards, it allows you to reach speeds of up to 90 km / h for almost its entire length, which is 697 km. Its average width ranges from 8–11 m and includes 2–3 lanes.

In reality, in certain areas it is physically impossible to reach 30, and sometimes even 10 km / h due to the quality of the canvas and the abundance of holes that the road services do not have time to patch. Problems are also solved by installing traffic lights, for example, in Vyshny Volochek. With two-lane traffic, it takes up to 5-6 hours to overcome this “bottleneck” in bad weather.

The capacity of the Leningradskaya highway is limited to 40,000 cars. In reality, she has to withstand traffic up to 170 thousand cars daily. However, no one is going to dismantle the M10. Drivers will make their own decisions whether to use paid sections of the road or move in the old fashioned way on a free highway.

Financial side

When the M11 is completed, it will become unique not only due to its technological features, but also due to the fact that this is the first facility in the Russian Federation based on a public-private partnership. This means that the contribution was made not only from the state budget, but also from private investors. In this case, income will also be collected in favor of both parties.

Often, citizens are interested in the estimated cost of the project. The announced figures fluctuate around one and a half hundred billion rubles. The path is divided into certain sections, one of which is the section Khimki - Solnechnogorsk, as well as Solnechnogorsk - Klin, in total exceeding 130 km. Concessionaires' contribution depends on prior arrangements.

The head section costs 60 billion. This amount includes 23 billion budget funds. The bypass of Vyshny Volochok required capital investments of 46 billion, and the entrance to the northern capital costs almost 38 billion. In this situation, the state invests 3/4, and investors 1/4 of the cost.

Basic characteristics of the path

According to the plan, the path should include 684 km of high-quality coverage between cities. The distance is divided between regions:

  • Moscow - 90 km;
  • Tverskaya - 253 km;
  • Novgorod - 233 km;
  • Leningradskaya - 75 km.

Perhaps the total funding will exceed the planned budget of 153 billion rubles. The maximum speed limit will be 150 km/h.

The width of each lane is 375 cm, and each section is supposed to have a different number of them. At the entrance to the Sheremetyevo airport, the number of them must be at least 10 pieces. total in both directions. If the path reaches Zelenogorsk, then 4 lanes lead to it and 4 lanes lead from it, 8 in total. Further, the M11 Moscow - St. Petersburg highway on the map will turn out to be four or six lanes, right up to St. Petersburg, where it will expand to 5 + 5 lanes as it approaches.

For the safety of drivers, a separating barrier made of concrete will be installed. Its width reaches 5–6 m in different areas.

Hydraulic Engineering and Infrastructure

The cost of the toll road Moscow - St. Petersburg will be paid exclusively in kilometers travelled. Special equipment will help ensure the accuracy of accounting. For this, checkpoints will be equipped. Possible congestion can occur on them at the initial stages due to poor regulation of payment. In the future, everything will be back to normal.

A roadside will be formed along the entire path, the width of which should be at least 3.5 m. Planting green spaces (grass) will help minimize the occurrence of landslides. A couple of weeks after sowing, it will form a high-quality cover in the form of a dense lawn.

It is assumed that good lighting will be installed along the entire length of the route and road infrastructure will be formed, which traditionally includes filling stations, cafes, toilets, treatment facilities, noise shields, etc. for such projects. The developers plan to build 325 artificial objects, including including hundreds of bridges, tracking stations, overpasses, communication points, etc.

Almost four dozen transport interchanges are provided for on the new toll highway. They are erected at different levels, while the height of the most massive reaches 35 m.

Environmental component

Throughout the entire length from Moscow to St. Petersburg, environmental standards are observed during construction and further operation. Sand filters are installed for each treatment plant, thus it is possible to minimize or completely eliminate the penetration of chemical harmful components into the natural system, which are necessarily present during the operation of vehicles.

It is possible to save the streams existing along the entire length thanks to the laying of pipelines. It also provides the possibility of migration for wild animals, for example, for wild boars or elks. In such a situation, builders mount wide animal passes. Although few people understand how to train animals to use such methods of movement.

The disadvantage is the partial felling of the Khimki forest, which took place during construction. I remember the actions that the locals went out to. To restore the green zone, but in a different area, 12 billion rubles were allocated from the budget. for the purchase and planting of seedlings.

Another stumbling block was the section passing through the protected area "Zavidovo". The dispute was resolved by allocating compensation in the form of a new land plot. However, the issue with the work of the Pulkovo Observatory, which is close to the new route, has not been fully resolved. Possible noise and dust can complicate her work.

Full itinerary

The M11 starts from the side of the capital at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road and the Brusinovskaya transport interchange. Then it goes around Khimki and the village of Vashutino. After crossing the International highway, which leads to the Sheremetyevo airport, the Sheremetyevskoye highway and the entrance to Zelenograd with the A-107 highway. The path does not get to Solnechnogorsk, but immediately goes to a parallel to the M-10 highway. This area is already used by motorists to its full potential.

There are five crossings with the old Leningradskaya road:

  • before entering Solnechnogorsk at 58 km;
  • to Tver at 149 km;
  • after passing Torzhok at 258 km;
  • near Khotilovo after Vyshny Volochok at 334 km;
  • behind Veliky Novgorod at 543 km.

The path will not enter cities such as Tver, Klin, Valdai and Veliky Novgorod. However, the project provides for mandatory congresses, allowing, if necessary, to visit these settlements.

The question of paid and free travel. Billing

It is assumed that the paid part will be the route for 606 km. It was decided to make the gap between Klin and Medny settlement free of charge. It is located in the range of 15–58 km of the route. Many segments have already been launched on a paid basis, in particular, the bypass of Vyshny Volochyok. Estimated opening is scheduled for 2018.

Drivers should get off with an approximate payment in the range of 2–3.62 rubles. for 1 km. However, for the Tver and Novgorod regions, the limit was set at the level of 1 ruble. per km. Even the president of the country drew attention to the high cost of individual plots, because in reality it exceeds the standards.

At first, the price tag soared up to 500 rubles to Solnechnogorsk, and up to 300 rubles to Zelenogorsk. Later, they began to differentiate transport, as many boycotted this approach to drivers. Differentiation took place according to the daily rate, car class and days of the week. There are also 30-time subscriptions and a discount for transponder holders.

  • motorcycles, cars, small buses or trucks;
  • medium-sized machines with a height of up to 2.6 m;
  • overall two-axle transport, the height of which is more than 2.6 m;
  • tall machines with three or more axles.

More details can be found on the SZKK website. It is worth paying attention to it, as the tariffing may change.

July 3, 2019 Avtodor on Wednesday opened traffic on a section of the M-11 Moscow-St. Petersburg toll road from Klin to Tver - this is a section of 97-149 km (Klin-Tver). To view the site, see the site map.

In accordance with Article 36 of the Federal Law "On Highways and Road Activities in Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts Russian Federation" establish that:

  • M-11 Moscow - St. Petersburg on the site 208 km - 258 km
  • use of the expressway M-11 Moscow - St. Petersburg on the site 334 km - 543 km carried out on a paid basis until July 7, 2110.

Map of toll sections of the M-11 highway "Novaya Leningradka" motels, payment points on the map

* Paid sections are highlighted in blue and light blue

Technical characteristics of the M-11 road

M-11 Moscow - St. Petersburg - the total length from the Moscow ring road to the ring road around St. Petersburg.
The length is 669 km.
The road bypasses all existing large settlements in the Central and North-Western federal district. The road will pass through the Novgorod, Moscow, Leningrad and Tver regions.
M-11 will run parallel to the old M-10 Rossiya highway, but at the same time it will intersect with it in some places.
road category - IA (motorway)
design speed - 150 km / h
number of lanes - 4, 6, 8, 10
lane width - 3.75 m
dividing strip width - 6 m
motorway lighting - 36 pcs.
artificial structures - 325 pcs.

Crossing points of roads M-10 and M-11.

- 58th kilometer
- 149th kilometer
- 208th kilometer
- 258th kilometer
- 334th kilometer
- 543rd kilometer

These intersections are needed to switch traffic from the M-11 high-speed highway to the less high-speed M-10 highway, or in other words, it will allow you to make a choice on which road is better to go and at the same time reduce the possibility of bypassing the toll road.

Alternative travel

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2269-r dated November 14, 2014
Alternative route: public road federal significance M-10 "Russia" - on the section km 250 + 867 - km 323 + 856.

Description of sections of the road M-11 Moscow - St. Petersburg

1. 15 – 58 km in Khimki and Solnechnogorsk districts of the Moscow region.
Bypass Khimki
The site was handed over on December 23, 2014.
Paid site

2. 58 - 97 km in Solnechnogorsk and Klinsk districts of the Moscow region. The section was opened for traffic on September 1, 2018, on the same day charging a fee for travel in the area.
97km – 149km Completion of this section is scheduled for 2019.

3. 208 — 258 km in the Torzhoksky district of the Tver region.
Bypass Torzhok.
The property has been leased and is open to traffic.

4. 258 - 334 km in Torzhoksky, Spirovsky and Vyshnevolotsky districts of the Tver region.
Detour of Vyshny Volochok.
The site was commissioned and opened for traffic on November 28, 2014.
Paid site already works and charges a fee for the passage of the route.

5. 334 - 543 km in Vyshnevolotsky and Bologovsky districts of the Tver region, Okulovsky, Malovishersky and Novgorod regions of the Novgorod region.
Bypassing the settlements of Bologoe, Uglovka and Okulovka.
The traffic was opened on June 6, 2018.

6. 543 - 684 km in the Novgorod and Chudovsky districts of the Novgorod region, Tosnensky district Leningrad region.
Bypass Chudovo, Tosny
Completion date 2019.

For the convenience of truckers and motorists, road owners offer to buy a transponder that will help the driver save time on fares and get a discount, but as experienced people say, each section of this route will have a separate transponder, which will cause a lot of inconvenience for those who do not use it so often expensive once a week, for example, this transponder is needed only if you don’t want to leave the cab, the situation with the discount is a little sadder because it will be practically non-existent.

List of intersections with other highways

Section of highway M-11 208 km - 258 km

  • km 209+675 - transport interchange with the M-10 highway
    "Russia" and the highway "Kulitskoye - Mednoye";
  • km 213 + 417 - intersection at different levels with an automobile
    expensive "Moscow - St. Petersburg - Likhoslavl";
  • km 214+420 - transport interchange with the highway
    "Moscow - St. Petersburg - Likhoslavl";
  • km 221 + 258 - intersection at different levels with an automobile
    expensive "Maryino - Shchekino";
  • km 225 + 771 - intersection at different levels with an automobile
    expensive "Selikhovo - Konstantinovo";
  • km 229 + 076 - intersection at different levels with an automobile
    expensive "Mirny - Tereshkino - B. Petrovo";
  • km 243 + 782 - intersection at different levels with an automobile
    expensive "Torzhok - Kalashnikovo";
  • km 257 + 474 - transport interchange with the M-10 highway

Section of the M-11 highway 334 km - 543 km

List of intersections with other highways and
junctions of other highways:

  • km 329 + 947 - transport interchange at different levels with
    highway of federal importance M-10 "Russia";
  • km 335 + 763 - intersection with the highway "Khotilovo - Savino";
  • km 348 + 303 - transport interchange at different levels with
    highway "Bologoe - Kuzhenkino";
  • km 353 + 569 - intersection with the Bologoe -
    Guzyatino - Ilyatino";
  • km 362 + 170 - intersection with the highway "Guzyatino -
  • km 364 + 439 - intersection with the Anisimovo -
  • km 366 + 873 - intersection with the highway "Anisimovo -
    Molchanovo - Vypolzovo";
  • km 377 + 722 - intersection with the highway "Korykhnovo -
  • km 385 + 267 - intersection with the highway "Ustyugino -
  • km 396 + 435 - intersection with the highway "Dry -
  • km 401 + 294 - intersection with the highway "Uglovka -
  • km 403 + 250 - transport interchange at different levels with
    highway "Long Beards - Uglovka";
  • km 415 + 300 - intersection with the highway "Yablonovka -
  • km 422 + 573 - intersection with the highway "Okulovka -
    Bubble - Mountains ";
  • km 434 + 222 - intersection with the highway "Kresttsy -
    Okulovka - Borovichi - Plant - Lyadchino ";
  • km 441 + 700 - intersection with the highway "Podil - Maly
  • km 443 + 662 - transport interchange at different levels with
    highway "Kresttsy - Okulovka - Borovichi";
  • km 451 + 077 - intersection with the highway "Kresttsy -
    Okulovka - Borovichi - District;
  • km 456 + 491 - intersection with the Bolshoy
    Zapolek - Korpovo";
  • km 461 + 033 - intersection with the highway "Chernetsko -
  • km 464 + 905 - intersection with the highway "Naronovo -
    ur. Marat";
  • km 468 + 603 - intersection with the Sutoki -
    ur. Lekalovo";
  • km 478 + 961 - intersection with the highway "Dubki -
  • km 479 + 623 - intersection with the highway "Burga - Karpina
    Mountain - Lapoten";
  • km 489 + 889 - intersection with the highway "Burga -
  • km 498 + 386 - intersection with the highway "Dvorishchi -
  • km 506 + 129 - intersection with the highway "Lyubitovo -
  • km 524 + 100 - transport interchange at different levels with
    highway "Novoselitsy - Paportno";
  • km 538 + 481 - intersection with the highway "Savino -
  • km 545 + 788 - transport interchange with the M-10 highway

Tariffs - The fare on the toll road M-11 Moscow - St. Petersburg.

Payment Methods:
-Bank cards - one-touch payment
— Cash
– Conveyor – saving up to 70% + discounts, dedicated withdrawal lane (this is a special electronic tool for withdrawing money from your account)

Below are the prices for travel on the toll road by groups of vehicles. The fare on the toll road M-11 Moscow - St. Petersburg

Tariffs for travel 58 -543 km

Category I ≤2 2+

with a trailer and
without them,
trailer motorcycles
and without them

II 2-2.6 2+

Freight and
passenger transport
funds from
trailer and
without them

III 2.6+ 2

and passenger transport

IV 2.6+ 3+

Freight and
passenger transport

Payment method$ With
$ With
$ With
$ With

in the Moscow region

06:00 — 01:00 20 rub.16 rub.30 rub.24 rub.30 rub.24 rub.40 rub.32 rub.
01:00 — 06:00 20 rub.16 rub.20 rub.16 rub.30 rub.24 rub.40 rub.32 rub.

in the Moscow region

06:00 — 01:00 80 rub.64 rub.90 rub.72 rub.100 rub.80 rub.130 rub.104 rub.
01:00 — 06:00 60 rub.48 rub.70 rub.56 rub.90 rub.72 rub.120 rub.96 rub.

in the Moscow region

06:00 — 01:00 100 rub.80 rub.110 rub.88 rub.130 rub.104 rub.160 rub.128 rub.
01:00 — 06:00 80 rub.64 rub.90 rub.72 rub.110 rub.88 rub.150 rub.120 rub.

in the Moscow region

(PVP 58, 124)

06:00 — 01:00 160 rub.128 rub.190 rub.152 rub.220 rub.176 rub.270 rub.216 rub.
01:00 — 06:00 130 rub.104 rub.150 rub.120 rub.190 rub.152 rub.240 rub.192 rub.

in the Moscow region

06:00 — 01:00 50 rub.40 rub.60 rub.48 rub.70 rub.56 rub.90 rub.72 rub.
01:00 — 06:00 40 rub.32 rub.50 rub.40 rub.60 rub.48 rub.80 rub.64 rub.

in the Moscow region

06:00 — 01:00 90 rub.72 rub.90 rub.72 rub.100 rub.80 rub.120 rub.96 rub.
01:00 — 06:00 60 rub.48 rub.70 rub.56 rub.90 rub.72 rub.110 rub.88 rub.

in the Moscow region

(PVP 67, 124)

06:00 — 01:00 150 rub.120 rub.160 rub.128 rub.190 rub.152 rub.230 rub.184 rub.
01:00 — 06:00 100 rub.80 rub.120 rub.96 rub.160 rub.128 rub.200 rub.160 rub.

in the Moscow region

06:00 — 01:00 20 rub.16 rub.20 rub.16 rub.30 rub.24 rub.30 rub.24 rub.
01:00 — 06:00 20 rub.16 rub.20 rub.16 rub.30 rub.24 rub.30 rub.24 rub.

in the Moscow region

(PVP 89, 124)

06:00 — 01:00 90 rub.72 rub.100 rub.80 rub.110 rub.88 rub.140 rub.112 rub.
01:00 — 06:00 60 rub.48 rub.80 rub.64 rub.100 rub.80 rub.120 rub.96 rub.

in the Moscow region

(PVP 97, 124)

06:00 — 01:00 70 rub.56 rub.80 rub.64 rub.90 rub.72 rub.110 rub.88 rub.
01:00 — 06:00 50 rub.40 rub.60 rub.48 rub.80 rub.64 rub.100 rub.80 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 208, 214)

20 rub.16 rub.30 rub.24 rub.40 rub.32 rub.60 rub.48 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 208, 258)

140 rub.112 rub.160 rub.128 rub.180 rub.126 rub.220 rub.154 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 208, 330)

360 rub.252 rub.390 rub.273 rub.430 rub.258 rub.520 rub.312 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 208, 348)

385 rub.270 rub.420 rub.294 rub.465 rub.279 rub.560 rub.336 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 208, 402)

460 rub.322 rub.500 rub.350 rub.555 rub.333 rub.670 rub.402 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 208, 444)

510 rub.357 rub.560 rub.392 rub.625 rub.375 rub.755 rub.453 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 208, 524)

625 rub.438 rub.680 rub.476 rub.765 rub.459 rub.920 rub.552 rub.

in the Tver region

(TFR km 208, km 545)

660 rub.396 rub.730 rub.438 rub.820 rub.410 rub.940 rub.470 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 214, 258)

120 rub.96 rub.140 rub.112 rub.150 rub.120 rub.180 rub.144 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 214, 330)

340 rub.272 rub.370 rub.296 rub.400 rub.280 rub.480 rub.336 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 214, 348)

365 rub.292 rub.400 rub.320 rub.435 rub.305 rub.520 rub.364 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 214, 402)

440 rub.352 rub.480 rub.384 rub.525 rub.368 rub.630 rub.441 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 214, 444)

490 rub.392 rub.540 rub.432 rub.595 rub.417 rub.715 rub.501 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 214, 524)

605 rub.484 rub.660 rub.528 rub.735 rub.515 rub.880 rub.616 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 214, 545)

640 rub.448 rub.710 rub.497 rub.790 rub.474 rub.900 rub.540 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 258, 330)

220 rub.176 rub.230 rub.184 rub.250 rub.175 rub.300 rub.210 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 258, 348)

245 rub.196 rub.260 rub.208 rub.285 rub.200 rub.340 rub.238 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 258, 402)

320 rub.256 rub.340 rub.272 rub.375 rub.263 rub.450 rub.315 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 258, 444)

370 rub.296 rub.400 rub.320 rub.445 rub.312 rub.535 rub.375 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 258, 524)

485 rub.388 rub.520 rub.416 rub.585 rub.410 rub.700 rub.490 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 258, 545)

520 rub.364 rub.570 rub.399 rub.640 rub.384 rub.720 rub.432 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 330, 348)

25 rub.20 rub.30 rub.24 rub.35 rub.28 rub.40 rub.32 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 330, 402)

100 rub.80 rub.110 rub.88 rub.125 rub.100 rub.150 rub.120 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 330, 444)

150 rub.120 rub.170 rub.136 rub.195 rub.156 rub.235 rub.188 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 330, 524)

265 rub.212 rub.290 rub.232 rub.335 rub.268 rub.400 rub.320 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 330, 545)

300 rub.240 rub.340 rub.272 rub.390 rub.273 rub.420 rub.294 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 348, 402)

75 rub.60 rub.80 rub.64 rub.95 rub.76 rub.110 rub.88 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 348, 444)

130 rub.104 rub.145 rub.116 rub.165 rub.132 rub.200 rub.160 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 348, 524)

240 rub.192 rub.265 rub.212 rub.305 rub.244 rub.365 rub.292 rub.

in the Tver region

(PVP 348, 545)

270 rub.216 rub.295 rub.236 rub.340 rub.272 rub.410 rub.328 rub.

in the Novgorod region

(PVP 402, 444)

55 rub.44 rub.60 rub.48 rub.75 rub.60 rub.90 rub.72 rub.

in the Novgorod region

(PVP 402, 524)

165 rub.132 rub.180 rub.144 rub.210 rub.168 rub.255 rub.204 rub.

in the Novgorod region

(PVP 402, 545)

195 rub.156 rub.215 rub.172 rub.245 rub.196 rub.295 rub.236 rub.

in the Novgorod region

(PVP 444, 524)

110 rub.88 rub.120 rub.96 rub.140 rub.112 rub.165 rub.132 rub.

in the Novgorod region

(PVP 444, 545)

140 rub.112 rub.150 rub.120 rub.175 rub.140 rub.210 rub.168 rub.

in the Novgorod region

(PVP 524, 545)

30 rub.24 rub.35 rub.28 rub.40 rub.32 rub.45 rub.36 rub.

The cost of the paid section 15 -58 km


RouteAll daysMonday ThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday
01:00-06:00 06:00-14:00 14:00-01:00* 06:00-14:00 14:00-01:00* 06:00-01:00* 06:00-14:00 14:00-01:00*
MOSCOW — SHEREMETYEVO-280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280
MOSCOW — SHEREMETYEVO-180 330 330 330 330 330 330 330
MOSCOW - ZELENOGRAD80 330 330 330 370 330 330 330
100 370 370 370 410 410 370 370
200 410 450 410 500 450 410 410
216 426 466 426 516 466 426 426
MOSCOW - KLIN (89th km)248 474 514 474 564 514 474 474
MOSCOW - YAMUGA (97th km)264 490 530 490 580 530 490 490
SHEREMETYEVO-2 — MOSCOW80 270 270 270 270 270 270 270
25 75 75 75 75 75 75 75
SHEREMETYEVO-2 — ZELENOGRAD25 120 160 120 160 120 120 120
50 160 160 160 200 160 160 160
100 240 240 240 280 240 240 240
116 256 256 256 296 256 256 256
148 304 304 304 344 304 304 304
164 320 320 320 360 320 320 320
SHEREMETYEVO-1 — MOSCOW80 330 330 330 330 330 330 330
25 75 75 75 75 75 75 75
SHEREMETYEVO-1 — ZELENOGRAD25 120 120 120 120 120 120 120
50 120 160 160 200 160 120 120
100 240 240 240 280 240 240 240
116 256 256 256 296 256 256 256
148 304 304 304 344 304 304 304
164 320 320 320 360 320 320 320
from Zelenograd
ZELENOGRAD — MOSCOW80 330 330 330 330 330 330 370
ZELENOGRAD — SHEREMETYEVO-225 160 160 160 160 160 160 160
ZELENOGRAD — SHEREMETYEVO-125 160 120 160 120 120 120 160
25 80 80 80 160 160 80 80
25 160 160 160 200 200 160 160
41 176 176 176 216 216 176 176
ZELENOGRAD - KLIN (89th km)73 224 224 224 264 264 224 224
ZELENOGRAD - YAMUGA (97th km)89 240 240 240 280 280 240 240
100 370 370 370 370 370 410 410
50 200 160 200 160 160 160 200
50 160 120 160 160 160 160 200
25 80 80 80 120 120 160 160
25 80 80 80 120 120 80 80
41 96 96 96 136 136 96 96
73 144 144 144 184 184 144 144
89 160 160 160 200 200 160 160
200 450 410 450 410 450 450 500
100 280 240 280 240 240 240 280
100 240 240 240 240 240 240 280
25 160 160 160 160 200 200 200
25 80 80 80 80 120 80 120
16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
48 64 64 64 64 64 64 64
64 80 80 80 80 80 80 80

GROUP 1- passenger vehicles and motorcycles: cars, multifunctional vehicles, motorcycles, cars with trailers with a height of less than 2 m.

RouteAll daysMonday ThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday
01:00-06:00 06:00-14:00 14:00-01:00* 06:00-14:00 14:00-01:00* 06:00-01:00* 06:00-14:00 14:00-01:00*
MOSCOW — SHEREMETYEVO-2100 310 310 310 310 310 310 310
MOSCOW — SHEREMETYEVO-1100 400 400 400 400 400 400 400
MOSCOW - ZELENOGRAD100 400 400 400 450 400 400 400
MOSCOW - MOSCOW SMALL RING (A107)150 450 450 450 500 500 450 450
MOSCOW - SOLNECHNOGORSK (intersection with M10)250 500 550 500 600 550 500 500
MOSCOW - SOLNECHNOGORSK-3 (67th km)270 520 570 520 620 570 520 520
MOSCOW - KLIN (89th km)310 580 630 580 680 630 580 580
MOSCOW - YAMUGA (97th km)330 600 650 600 700 650 600 600
SHEREMETYEVO-2 — MOSCOW100 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
SHEREMETYEVO-2 — SHEREMETYEVO-150 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
SHEREMETYEVO-2 — ZELENOGRAD50 150 200 150 200 150 150 150
SHEREMETYEVO-2 — MOSCOW SMALL RING (A107)100 200 200 200 250 200 200 200
SHEREMETYEVO-2 - SOLNECHNOGORSK (intersection with M10)150 300 300 300 350 300 300 300
SHEREMETYEVO-2 - SOLNECHNOGORSK-3 (67th km)170 320 320 320 370 320 320 320
SHEREMETYEVO-2 - KLIN (89th km)210 380 380 380 430 380 380 380
SHEREMETYEVO-2 - YAMUGA (97th km)230 400 400 400 450 400 400 400
SHEREMETYEVO-1 — MOSCOW100 400 400 400 400 400 400 400
SHEREMETYEVO-1 — SHEREMETYEVO-250 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
SHEREMETYEVO-1 — ZELENOGRAD50 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
SHEREMETYEVO-1 — MOSCOW SMALL RING (A107)100 150 200 200 250 200 150 150
SHEREMETYEVO-1 - SOLNECHNOGORSK (intersection with M10)150 300 300 300 350 300 300 300
SHEREMETYEVO-1 - SOLNECHNOGORSK-3 (67th km)170 320 320 320 370 320 320 320
SHEREMETYEVO-1 - KLIN (89th km)210 380 380 380 430 380 380 380
SHEREMETYEVO-1 - YAMUGA (97th km)230 400 400 400 450 400 400 400
from Zelenograd
ZELENOGRAD — MOSCOW100 400 400 400 400 400 400 450
ZELENOGRAD — SHEREMETYEVO-250 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
ZELENOGRAD — SHEREMETYEVO-150 200 150 200 150 150 150 200
ZELENOGRAD - MOSCOW SMALL RING (A107)50 100 100 100 200 200 100 100
ZELENOGRAD - SOLNECHNOGORSK (intersection with M10)50 200 200 200 250 250 200 200
ZELENOGRAD - SOLNECHNOGORSK-3 (67th km)70 220 220 220 270 270 220 220
ZELENOGRAD - KLIN (89th km)110 280 280 280 330 330 280 280
ZELENOGRAD - YAMUGA (97th km)130 300 300 300 350 350 300 300
MOSCOW SMALL RING (A107) – MOSCOW150 450 450 450 450 450 500 500
MOSCOW SMALL RING (A107) - SHEREMETYEVO-2100 250 200 250 200 200 200 250
MOSCOW SMALL RING (A107) - SHEREMETYEVO-1100 200 150 200 200 200 200 250
MOSCOW SMALL RING (A107) – ZELENOGRAD50 100 100 100 150 150 200 200
MOSCOW SMALL RING (A107) - SOLNECHNOGORSK (intersection with M10)50 100 100 100 150 150 100 100
MOSCOW SMALL RING (A107) - SOLNECHNOGORSK-3 (67th km)70 120 120 120 170 170 120 120
MOSCOW SMALL RING (A107) – KLIN (89th km)110 180 180 180 230 230 180 180
MOSCOW SMALL RING (A107) - YAMUGA (97th km)130 200 200 200 250 250 200 200
from SOLNECHNOGORSK (intersection with M10)
SOLNECHNOGORSK (intersection with M10) - MOSCOW250 550 500 550 500 550 550 600
SOLNECHNOGORSK (intersection with M10) - SHEREMETYEVO-2150 350 300 350 300 300 300 350
SOLNECHNOGORSK (intersection with M10) - SHEREMETYEVO-1150 300 300 300 300 300 300 350
SOLNECHNOGORSK (intersection with M10) - ZELENOGRAD50 200 200 200 200 250 250 250
SOLNECHNOGORSK (intersection with M10) - MOSCOW SMALL RING (A107)50 100 100 100 100 150 100 150
SOLNECHNOGORSK (intersection with M10) - SOLNECHNOGORSK-3 (67th km)20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
SOLNECHNOGORSK (intersection with M10) - KLIN (89th km)60 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
SOLNECHNOGORSK (intersection with M10) - YAMUGA (97th km)80 100 100 100 100 100 100 100