Scheme of new exercises in the traffic police. Passing the exam at the race track without mistakes

Passing the exam for driver's license- a rather complex procedure that requires care, good knowledge and confidence in your skills. If the theoretical part is dealt with quite simply in most cases, then practice is an unpredictable stage of the exam. Here, one wrong move can be a failure and send you to a retake. It is enough to perform the maneuver incorrectly on the race track for the inspector accepting the practice to not allow you to proceed to the next part. During a retake, you usually have even less confidence in your abilities, so it is important not only to prepare well, but also to develop strong confidence in your abilities.

Psychological preparation is often no less important point than working with an instructor when studying at a driving school. If you have chosen good school to study the theory and practice of driving a car, then problems with skills should not arise. The instructors always give practical advice and set you up correctly for passing the exam. However, it is not always possible to gain complete confidence; in this case, you need to read the advice of professionals and calm down as much as possible.

Peculiarities of handing over a racing track to a driving school and the traffic police

In a driving school, you will begin to study driving practice from the race track, where you will learn to perform simple maneuvers. Today, the main “disciplines” that need to be mastered when studying driving practice are “snake”, “overpass”, “reversing into a garage”, “parking”, “turning around”. The traffic police inspector will select three maneuvers that you will need to pass. There are certain sets of maneuvers that can be chosen during the exam, but you need to know and be able to perform them all. The main criteria for completing all tasks on the circuit are as follows:

  • there is no need to rush, the inspector will not appreciate the driving speed, but fuss may prevent you from doing the job correctly;
  • fewer switches - it is better to carefully and calmly perform all maneuvers at the same speed;
  • choose the right clothes that will not hinder movement, put on sneakers or sneakers on your feet;
  • when training on a race track at school, try to find out all the unknown points from the instructor;
  • approach each task with confidence, because you have completed it dozens of times in driving school;
  • sit behind the wheel before performing maneuvers and calm down, no one will push you.

Remember that you have time, you must complete everything accurately and meticulously. Also, do not forget that you only have one attempt, after a serious mistake you will not be able to do anything, you will have to retake it. And although this fact does not give confidence, you should not relax too much while driving. Another good piece of advice - don’t be afraid of the inspector, because he has no interest in “failing” you or sending you for a retake.

Rumors and stories are a popular reason for failure

After passing the theoretical part, you will be able to understand that most of the rumors and stories about the terrible system of passing the driving test are fiction. These tales are often told by those applicants for a driver's license who did not study the rules too diligently and developed excessive confidence in their abilities. Rumors among the people are completely different, for every taste. The most popular stories about the race track are as follows:

  • if the inspector sees even a bit of uncertainty in you, he will definitely hint at the possibility of facilitating tasks for a bribe;
  • the gates that are set up for entering the garage in reverse are specially made narrower;
  • the inspector has the only task - to send you for retakes until you yourself are ready to pay for your license;
  • when performing the “snake” maneuver, the road checkers are placed too close, it is impossible to pass it;
  • Even if at the beginning of driving on the autodrome the car jerks from the abandoned clutch, you will definitely not give up.

These are all stories that have no basis in practical experience. A person who has not passed the exam seeks to justify it in every possible way, which is why stories like this arise. Don't listen to anyone, no inspector will narrow the gate for entry or place checkers in the wrong order. All these actions are regulated by internal laws; violation of them leads to serious consequences. Therefore, you are well protected by law while taking the exam.

We are renting out a race track - what do you need to remember during training?

An important aspect of doing well on the exam is practice. If during practical classes If you didn’t try too hard to learn how to do all the maneuvers in a driving school, then you will face a certain difficulty in the exam. It is necessary to communicate with the instructor, take additional classes and hone as much as possible exactly those moments that you fail at. To do this, follow these rules:

When you perform the “reversing into a garage” maneuver for the hundredth time, it will seem elementary to you. Then you can experiment with the distance to the gate, the width of the drive and the turning angle. The more aspects you implement, the better you will be able to feel all the subtleties of the car, delve into the control system and understand how the car reacts to all your movements. This is the only way to achieve confidence, which will be necessary not only during the exam, but also directly when driving your car. We invite you to watch the video of the process of completing three circuit exercises and several common mistakes:

Let's sum it up

If you decide to pass the driving test the first time (and this decision is the only correct one), you should follow the advice given above. Simple recommendations will allow you to get more information about what and how to do directly when passing the exam. If you intend to ask people for advice, contact experienced drivers who know a lot about dealing with cars.

Also take advice from the driving instructor at your driving school. If you feel that the instructor is not helping you, his teaching style is too difficult or is not suitable for you for other reasons, it is better to write a statement or talk to management about changing instructors. In this case, you will not have to be afraid of the exam, because you will find a good teacher. If you have recent experience successful completion autodrome, share your impressions in the comments.

In this article we will tell you about the updated rules for passing the very first part of practical driving - exercises on the race track. Starting from September 1, 2016, the list of exercises for the exam at the race track will include several new exercises that will be installed for all categories of vehicles.

The updated rules for conducting exams are described by the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for conducting an exam for the right to drive a vehicle and issuing a driver’s license.

Let's look at new exercises on the race track when passing the driving test.

New exercises for the exam at the race track - categories “B”, “C”, “D”, subcategories “B1”, “C1”, “D1”

First, let's recall the exercises that were done before:

  • Reverse entry;
  • Parallel parking;

So, the exam includes 4 of the 5 old exercises. These exercises are already familiar and we will not dwell on them in more detail in this article. You can find out more about them in the ““ section.

New exercises for the exam on the race track:

Rotates 90 degrees. This exercise is completely new. Its purpose is for the candidate to make a left turn and then a right turn. The situation is complicated by the fact that the space for maneuvering is limited.

New snake. This exercise replaces the “old” snake, which is well known to drivers. The diagram shows that the new exercise includes only one turn to the left and to the right. Such turns need to be performed along a smooth, smooth trajectory.

Driving through a controlled intersection. This innovation will only be available for exams at automated race tracks. You will need to drive up to a controlled intersection and continue driving in the indicated direction. It is clear that when maneuvering it will be necessary to coordinate the movement with traffic lights.

Until September 2016, the inspector can choose three exercises out of five when passing the exam at the circuit. Starting September 1, this rule will change.

In order to successfully pass the exam, the driver must complete the following exercises:

  • Entering the box in reverse;
  • Stopping/starting movement when climbing;
  • Parallel parking;

In addition to these exercises, the inspector will choose two more exercises out of three:

  • New snake;
  • Turning around in confined spaces;
  • Rotates 90 degrees;

If the exam takes place on an automated racing track, you will need to go through one more exercise here:

  • Driving through a controlled intersection.

This means that from September 1, 2016, the exam on the racing track includes 5 exercises or 6 for the automated racing track.

New exercises for the exam at the race track - categories “A”, “M”, subcategory “A1”

The list of exercises has also been updated for two-wheeled vehicles:

  • Maneuvering in confined spaces, braking/stopping when moving at different speeds, including emergency stopping;
  • Parking, leaving the parking lot;
  • Stop for safe disembarkation/embarkation of passengers.

Note that all exercises used before September 2016 are combined into exercise 1:

The first exercise will consist of four parts:

  • Dimensional corridor;
  • Dimensional eight;
  • High-speed maneuvering;
  • Snake.

A specific feature of the speed maneuvering exercise is that it must be completed in a maximum of 35 seconds.

The second exercise is aimed at parking two-wheelers in reverse. Due to the fact that the motorcycle does not have a reverse gear, the driver will need to dismount when parking.

The third exercise challenges the motorcyclist to park near a curb. In this exercise, the distance to the curb should be no more than 30 centimeters.

The second and third exercises are completely new and have not been used in exams before.

New exercises for the exam on the racing track - category “E”

Significant changes have occurred with the list of exercises in categories BE, CE, C1E, DE, D1E. Let us recall that before the innovations it was necessary to complete only 2 exercises to obtain rights in these categories:

  • Positioning with the rear side to the platform;
  • Straight forward movement in reverse.
  • Reversing, maneuvering in reverse, entering the pit in reverse;
  • Coupling/uncoupling of trailer and tractor;
  • Maneuvering in confined spaces, stopping to safely disembark/embark passengers;
  • Parking the car, leaving the parking lot, parking on the loading ramp for loading.

Coupling/uncoupling of trailer and tractor (not shown in the picture). In this exercise, the driver must demonstrate that he knows how to hitch. This also includes connecting electrical equipment and connecting brakes.

Maneuvering in confined spaces, stopping to safely disembark/embark passengers involves turning the vehicle 90 degrees and stopping near the curb at a distance of no more than one meter. In such a situation, of course, you cannot drive onto the curb.

Reversing, maneuvering in reverse, entering the pit in reverse. This exercise is similar to the “Entering Boxing” exercise for category “B”. But there are also some peculiarities here:

  1. First: the box for cars of category “E” is much wider.
  2. Second: the car should be stopped from the right wall at a distance of no more than 1.5 meters and at a distance of no more than 1.5 meters from the rear (rear) wall.

Parking, leaving the parking lot, parking on the loading ramp for loading. The exercise is similar to “Parallel parking” in category “B”. The difference is that the trailer itself is parked at the loading dock. This means that the distance between the tailgate and the racks should be no more than 1 meter (for categories BE/C1E/D1E) or no more than 1.5 meters (for categories CE/DE).

In general, passing the exam at the race track in category “E” will also become more difficult. But the control skills developed during such exercises should significantly simplify the driver’s work in the future.

With this, we have covered all the updated exercises for passing the motor racing exam.

After a lot of training and hours spent, the time has finally come to think about how to pass the driving test at the traffic police. It's no wonder that you, like hundreds of drivers before you, are nervous before this important event.

To reduce the degree of nervous tension, read the materials in this article. All stages of the exam will be described in detail here and specific recommendations will be provided that will help you significantly increase your chances of passing. The exam consists of three stages:

  • passing theory,
  • practice on the race track,
  • driving within the city.

To get a license you will have to pass each of these stages and prove that your driving level is sufficient to drive independently.

Passing the theory

Of course, exams at the race track and in the city are the most difficult and important stages in obtaining a license. But before you can prove your driving level in practice, you will have to pass a not so simple theoretical test. Moreover, no matter how strange it may sound, a lot of people did not get their license precisely because they underestimated the importance of the theory.

In fact, before taking the driving theory exam, many school students commit a lot of rash acts that entail serious consequences. Some examinees take a sedative before starting the test, not realizing that this greatly inhibits the reaction.

It’s good that this is discovered when a person takes a theoretical driving test. If he had gone to the city, then everything could have ended extremely sadly. A reduced level of concentration and scattered attention cannot lead to anything good on the road.

Nowadays, in certification centers, theoretical driving tests are taken on computers. It is not surprising that all tickets are publicly available on the Internet. Take some time and take a few of these online tests. This will not only help you increase your confidence, but also help you pass your driving test more successfully.

The fact is that Repeated passing of tests increases the number of correct answers by 10-15%. Of course, you can’t do without knowledge of traffic rules, but such a test allows the student to determine his weak and strengths and, based on the conclusions drawn, change the education system, taking care of knowledge gaps.

When you take a theory exam, you should not provoke the examiners. Of course, most of them turn a blind eye to minor violations, but there are also those who will kick you out of class for an innocent question to a friend, and you will have to take everything again.

In fact, the autodrome is a kind of obstacle course where many unpleasant surprises can be hidden. It is worth recognizing that our inspectors are ready to do a lot to force the driver to pay much more for his license than he should. That is why many drivers are interested in how to pass the driving test at a race track without bribes.

The most harmless trick of inspectors is a sign hidden in the bushes. More inventive individuals are ready to do almost anything to give you more difficulties during your driving test.

Important! Please note that you need to take the exam in an instructor’s car, and this can be very difficult, especially if you studied in a Mazda and are taking it in a VAZ.

Therefore, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, success largely depends on what car you use to take the driving test. The adequacy of the examiner is also very important. That is why you need to get to the test with the first stream. Usually, after the first batch of students, the mood of the person accepting the standards deteriorates greatly.

Clothing plays an important role in the process of passing the driving test. You should feel comfortable while driving. Wear comfortable shoes, comfortable pants and a T-shirt.

Important! Shoes must be flat-soled. Narrow, fitted jackets are prohibited, as they severely limit the freedom of the hands.

Bring a minimum of things to your driving test. A wallet and a mobile phone will be enough. You shouldn’t waste your attention on something unnecessary. During the trip, strictly follow the instructions of the instructor.

Important! If an instructor gives you an instruction that is contrary to traffic rules, do not follow it under any circumstances.

To test your actions in crisis situations, the instructor may shout at you and provoke you in every possible way. Don't fall for these tricks. Behave calmly and confidently. Remember, you have months of training and hundreds of hours of hard work behind you. They are the key to clear and confident actions even in crisis situations.

How is the test done at the race track?

To pass the driving test on a motor racing track, you need to successfully pass five exercises:

  • reversal,
  • overpass,
  • snake,
  • entrance to the garage,
  • parallel parking.

Keep in mind that entering a garage is not such an easy task. The fact is that you will have to drive into the box in reverse, and this requires considerable skill and practice. Therefore, it is better to practice driving your car in and out of the garage before the exam.

You do not need to complete all five exercises to pass the motorway driving test. But you must be prepared for each of them. The fact is that the examiner himself chooses which three exercises will need to be passed.

Each mistake is worth a certain number of points. At the end, the numbers are added up for each task. If you score more than five points in one exercise, you will have to take the driving test again.

Each new exam exercise starts from the starting line. But in reality, the exam starts exactly when you get behind the wheel. Moreover, first you need to park the car so that the bumper does not cross the starting line.

Important! When you get to the line, you will need to go into neutral, and don't forget to release the handbrake.

Each exercise is considered completed when the car is parked at the line marked “Stop”. In this case, the parking brake must be released.


Passing the driving test in the city is the most difficult thing, so many drivers are interested in how to do it correctly. This is not surprising; the constant traffic flow does not allow you to relax for a minute. To reach this stage, you must successfully pass the previous tests, otherwise you will simply not be allowed to participate.

The testing process begins with students lining up to take their driving test. In good driving schools, the placement is handled by the examiner. He tries to make sure that test takers take the test in a car that they have driven before.

Important! If you take the exam for the second time, you will be given a car at random.

How the test works

Several people get into the car, but only one passes the driving test. The examiner takes a seat next to the driver, the rest of the students sit in the back. First of all, the student is given a route along which he must travel.

Important! The scheme of all routes is generated in advance. Moreover, it can be seen on the stand at the traffic police. This gives future drivers the opportunity to take the test while being as prepared as possible.

The candidate must drive the specified route from start to finish. To pass your driving test while traveling, you need to make a minimum of mistakes. For each mistake, the examiner will award penalty points. The main thing is that the final number of penalty points does not cross the mark of 5. If this does happen, then you will not pass the driving test.

More details about the route

Usually, in order to pass the driving test you need to drive through the city center. This route is chosen in order to evaluate the driver’s capabilities in difficult situations associated with heavy traffic.

The main task of such a route is to test your knowledge of traffic rules. Simply put, to pass your driving test you will have to prove your skills in practice. On the road you will meet:

  • traffic lights,
  • bus stops,
  • pedestrian crossings and so on.

You also need to be prepared for a lot of road signs. Although this is not surprising. To successfully pass your driving test, know all the signs traffic Necessarily.

Provocations are most common at this stage of the driving test. The examiner will give you ambiguous and often contrary to traffic rules commands. Your task is to follow the route exactly and follow only those instructions that fit into the traffic rules. Then you will pass your driving test with flying colors.

Common mistakes

Over time, the examiners compiled a rating of errors due to which candidates were unable to pass the exam, including the following driver actions:

  • didn't let a pedestrian pass
  • didn't give way
  • crossed a solid line
  • exceeded the speed limit
  • made the wrong turn.

It is these types of mistakes that are most often the reason why a driver fails a driving test.

Important! Each mistake has its own price in points. A major offense can completely ruin your chance of passing your driving test.

Most often, the test is not passed because of some major violation, but several small ones. Let's look at a specific example. You did not fasten your seat belt and received one point, you exceeded the speed limit - another one, did not turn on the turn signal - 3 points. That's it, you failed the test.


Recommendations for passing the exam in the city are the same as at the race track. Stay calm, wear comfortable clothes, and do not make sudden, rash movements. Try your best to pass the exam to an adequate examiner with a good car.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

This article is the first article in a series dedicated to the second stage of the exam at the traffic police site.

Detailed study of all articles in the series pass the race track in half a kick will allow you to cope with the traffic police exam without any problems, even if you get a careless driving instructor who doesn’t care about the students’ results.

In fact, passing the exam at the race track can be successful even if you prepare on your own. So read and remember.

I would like to note right away that all the information a novice driver needs on the race track is divided into 11 parts. Instructions for each exercise are discussed in a separate article.

Well, in the first part we will look introductory points related to the test on the circuit as a whole:

Exercises on the circuit in 2020

In 2019, the number of exercises on the circuit is 7 (list expanded September 1, 2016):

Note. The intersection exercise (controlled intersection) must be taken only on an automated racing track. If the circuit is normal, then there are 6 exercises left.

The traffic police officer can choose one of the following delivery schemes:

Route 1Route 2Route 3

The examiner selects for passing 6 exercises out of 7 on the automated circuit and 5 out of 6 on the regular one.

Maximum time for delivery of the circuit

The driver has 2 minutes to complete each exercise. Plus, additional time is given to move between exercises at a speed of 10 km/h.

Please note that the maximum time for passing the exam for each circuit is calculated in advance.

For example, the exam is taken at a regular (non-automated) race track. The length of the route between exercises is 250 meters. Design speed 10 km/h = 166.7 m/min.

Time is given to complete 5 exercises: 5 * 2 = 10 minutes.

Allowed for movement between exercises: t = S/V = 250/166.7 = 1.5 minutes.

Those. 11.5 minutes are allotted for the delivery of the specified circuit.

The exam is controlled only total time passing the exam.

For example, if you complete 4 exercises in 4 minutes, then you will have 6 minutes left for the last (most difficult) exercise.

Exam driving speed

Another important issue is choice car speed on a race track. I recommend taking your time at the race track and not driving too fast. The driver is given 2 minutes to complete each exercise. Plus additional time to move between exercises at a speed of 10 km/h. This should be plenty of time, so don't rush.

On the autodrome it is best to drive more quietly, in first gear. Or on the back, depending on the situation.

If you do not use other gears when moving, you will be able to better concentrate on performing the exercises.

Choosing driving equipment

Let's look at the features of choosing the right equipment for the race track. The fact is that the right clothes can significantly simplify passing the exam, and the “wrong” one can create additional difficulties when driving a car.

Shoes for the racing track

Let's start with choice racing shoes. I recommend wearing sneakers or boots with thin soles when driving. The thinner the better. Such shoes allow you to smoothly adjust the force of pressing the pedals in the car, this will come in handy.

Shoes should not be too wide, because... otherwise, your foot will hit adjacent pedals when pressed. I recommend wearing shoes without heels. Believe me, it will be more convenient.

If the weather outside is not suitable (cold, wet, hot, snowing, etc.) and you cannot walk to the race track in shoes that are comfortable for driving, then take them with you and change your shoes. Comfortable shoes will go unnoticed in the car, but uncomfortable ones will cause a lot of problems.

Note. In driving schools you can find instructors who are skeptical about changing shoes before getting into a car. They motivate this by the fact that a candidate driver must be able to drive in any shoes. Don't pay any attention to them.

Your task is to undergo training and... After driving school, you will have many more years ahead of you and, if you wish, you can learn to drive in both felt boots and flip-flops.

Clothing for the racing track

For the racetrack, you should choose clothes in which you will feel most comfortable. I recommend taking off your outerwear before getting into the car, especially since you can always put a jacket or coat in the back seat. Never wear clothes with wide sleeves when driving! If you put it on, you will get confused when turning the steering wheel, I guarantee it.

To successfully pass the exam, you need to learn to perform all the exercises very well, one might say, with your eyes closed. This will be discussed in the following articles in the series.

To take a little break from studying, I advise you to watch a fun video about passing the traffic police exam:

See you in the next article "".

Good luck on the roads!

It is impossible to obtain a license for the first time or when opening a new category of license without passing a practical exam. The traffic police station is one of the three mandatory stages for obtaining a driver’s license.

As practice shows, many people have no problems passing the theory test. But when it comes to the site, a significant portion of those who want to get their license go home. Sad but true. The most interesting thing is that problems arise not because of the inability to perform the necessary elements, but simply because of anxiety. Driving schools now pay great attention to driving practice, and students come to the exam with required stock skills, but cannot implement it in the exam. Excitement, the feeling of a crowd gets in the way, another car came across - not the one we learned on. There are many factors. You need to be able to cope with these factors and complete all the exercises on the site at the traffic police.

Let’s take a closer look at what exercises need to be completed during the traffic police exam from September 1, 2016.

Time frame

The fastest road users will be subject to strict test time limits. For motorcycle categories “A”, “M” and subcategory A1, parking and leaving the parking lot must be done in 2 minutes (exercise 3), it is not difficult. But boarding and disembarking passengers in 15 seconds (exercise 3). And exercise 1 includes super-speed elements:

  • figure eight in 35 seconds;
  • snake in 20 seconds;
  • high-speed maneuvering in 35 seconds;
  • clearance corridor in 15 seconds.

You will need to complete all 3 exercises.

On the court for categories "BE", "CE" and "DE" and subcategories "C1E" and "D1E" each exercise must be completed within 3 minutes. The regulations allow 10 minutes for the most difficult exercise 9, “Coupling and uncoupling or uncoupling and re-coupling a trailer with a tractor.” Even someone else’s help at the request of a driver candidate when performing this exercise on the site is allowed. It will be possible to ask someone from those waiting their turn at the exam to guide when the tractor is approaching the trailer in reverse, to assist in the coupling (clause 23.1 of Appendix 7 to the regulations).

Let's take a closer look at the exercises for categories B, C and subcategories B1, C1.

Stopping and starting on an incline

The examinee must stop the car in front of the “STOP 1” line so that all wheels are on the ascent section (see diagram), then the vehicle must be secured in a stationary state.

After this, the candidate driver must continue driving in a forward direction, not allowing the car to roll back more than 0.3 m, and stop in front of the “STOP-2” line at a distance of no more than 1 m, engage neutral gear (when performing the exercise in a vehicle vehicle with manual transmission). Fixes the vehicle again in a stationary state and only after this can you leave the exercise area, i.e. cross the "STOP-2" line.

This exercise is popularly called the flyover. It seems that everything is simple at first glance, but it was not so. This exercise gives a complete picture of how well the driver feels the pedals. The skill of performing uphill starts is developed over time, but every driver, regardless of experience, must know how to do it correctly.

This element of the site does not represent an entry onto the overpass for repairs, but a traffic jam on the hill. Imagine: the entire stream of cars is standing on a hill and waiting for a green traffic light, while the car is on the pedal or hand brake. When the traffic light turns green, everyone releases the brakes and starts to climb. The car should start correctly and not roll into the car behind.

During the test on a race track, starting uphill is done with the hand brake. As soon as the next stage of the exercise begins - driving uphill, do not rush to take the car off the brake, because... this will lead to a rollback. First, you need to slightly release the clutch pedal to feel that the car is being pulled forward a little, and only after that, simultaneously remove the handbrake and press the gas pedal. With this algorithm, there will either be no rollback, or it will be completely minimal (allowable up to 30 cm).

Maneuvering in confined spaces

The “Maneuvering in Confined Space” exercise consists of 3 elements. At the site, the examiner, at his discretion, will assign you to perform two of the three following:

  • Rotates 90 degrees.
  • Turning around in a confined space.
  • Snake.

For execution turns 90 degrees The driver candidate must alternately turn the car left and right along a given trajectory on the race track:

Turning around in confined spaces

In another way, this element is called “Turn in three steps.” It is considered a simple element of the site. This element is performed in three steps: turning left, moving in reverse with the steering wheel turned to the right, moving forward with the car in the opposite position to the original one.


The description of this element is quite simple, but it is not so easy to implement: the driver candidate alternately makes left and right turns along a given trajectory.

When performing the “snake” element, the candidate driver is prohibited from crossing the solid horizontal lines marking the boundaries of the “snake” element. At the same time, it is forbidden to knock down the cones that indicate the trajectory of the car. The element execution speed should be reduced.

At the end of the “snake”, put the gear in neutral and stop. You can receive 5 points for an error if the cadet deviates from the specified trajectory or knocks down elements of marking equipment. 5 points will be given if you crossed the horizontal marking line of the site or crossed the “STOP” line (according to the projection of the front clearance of the vehicle).

3 points are given if you did not engage neutral gear after stopping, did not apply the parking brake after stopping in the parking zone. It is forbidden for the engine to stall while performing any exercise - 1 point will be deducted for this. Read more about penalty points for the traffic police exam.

Driving and maneuvering in reverse, entering the pit in reverse

The following exercise makes it clear how well the driver has mastered the skills of reversing. People simply call it “Entry to Boxing”.

The driver candidate must, having entered the exercise area, maneuver in reverse to place the vehicle in the simulated box so that the projection of the vehicle's front dimensions crosses the control line of the exercise.

Having entered the box, you must engage neutral gear and secure the vehicle in a stationary state with the parking brake. Then you leave the box and cross the end line of the exercise.

The element of entering the box is carried out by car from the starting position; it can be done both on the right and on the left side of the conditional box. You can enter the box only by engaging reverse gear once. Gross errors - 5 points for each - are: failure of elements of marking equipment, driving beyond the horizontal marking line of the site, crossing the “STOP” line (along the front marker of the vehicle).

You can get 3 points for an error if you do not apply the parking brake after stopping in front of the line, do not enter the box when engaging reverse gear once, or do not engage neutral gear after stopping with the engine running.

Parking a vehicle and leaving a parking space, parking for loading (unloading) on ​​a loading ramp (platform), stopping for safe boarding or disembarking of passengers

To carry out the “Parallel Parking” exercise, you need to place the car in a parking space using reverse gear. The left edge of the car should not cross the control line for the exercise. After putting the car into “parking”, it is necessary to engage neutral gear and fix the vehicle in a stationary state. Only after securing the car can you leave the parking space.

Driving through a controlled intersection" (for automated racing tracks)

For automated racing tracks, the regulations provide for one more exercise: driving through an intersection.

The examinee drives through a controlled intersection in accordance with the traffic management scheme of the automated circuit, observing the requirements of the traffic lights.

Accordingly, when the prohibitory traffic light is on, the vehicle must be stopped in front of the "STOP" line, and after the green traffic light is turned on, drive through the intersection in the given direction.

To perform the exercise “Passing a controlled intersection” on a race track, a T-shaped intersection can be used.

Good luck on your exam!
