The smallest diesel boiler. Diesel heating boilers, their device and varieties

Use for heating country house diesel fuel boilers are not uncommon. This equipment has high power and is suitable for heating large areas. Diesel fuel is affordable and ubiquitous.

Also, if we compare a diesel boiler with other units, it is necessary to mention a large selection of liquid fuel models. However, in order for the equipment to be really effective, during its purchase it is necessary to pay attention to some nuances, and when installing it, to take into account a number of rules.

Design and operational features

The efficiency of boilers operating on diesel fuel reaches 95%, and in some cases even exceeds this figure. This is achieved through the use of nozzles that create an atomized fuel mixture in the air stream in order to achieve maximum heat release.

The air flow is created by a fan. The mixture is ignited using an ignition device.

Nuances of choice

When choosing a heating boiler for diesel fuel, it is recommended to give preference to models with a replaceable burner. This will make it possible, if necessary, to convert the boiler to use natural gas. According to the principle of operation, liquid fuel and gas boilers very similar - their only difference is the type of burner.

Boilers with a replaceable burner are more expensive than those models where it is built-in without the possibility of replacement. In this case, the built-in burners can be designed for the use of gas and diesel fuel. True, such devices have low efficiency and are distinguished by their “capricious nature”. The cheapest are boilers with a built-in burner that can only run on liquid fuel.

There are also units with a burner, which is equipped with a heating system - this measure is aimed at reducing the consumption of diesel fuel.

Heat exchanger material

Heat exchangers for a private house are made of cast iron or steel. The first material is durable, its service life under conditions of heating to high temperatures is 50 years. Cast iron is absolutely not subject to corrosion, so that the boiler on diesel fuel will not need additional maintenance. The disadvantage of cast iron heat exchangers is the low efficiency caused by heat leakage.

Steel made with more high rates economy and efficiency up to 98%. However, the service life of steel parts at high temperatures is only 15 years old. This is due to the fact that during the combustion of fuel containing a significant amount of sulfur, condensate forms on the heat exchanger elements, which contributes to corrosion.

Thus, a diesel boiler with a steel firebox needs to regularly check the condition of the working elements. To extend its service life, you can purchase a unit with an alloy steel heat exchanger - it is stronger and more durable than usual.


The classification of boilers operating on diesel fuel is divided according to the principle of the purpose of the equipment. So, depending on the functionality, heating devices of this type are distinguished:

  • single-circuit - designed only for heating water in the circuit of the space heating system. The coolant is brought to the desired temperature in the heat exchanger, and then distributed through the heating pipes with the help of a pump;
  • double-circuit accumulative - allow not only to heat the room, but also to heat running water. The disadvantage is that the temperature of the water in the plumbing system is not constant;
  • double-circuit with a boiler - constantly provide housing with hot tap water and heat. Water temperature for domestic use constant.

By way of control

Regarding the ways to change the strength of fire, boilers are divided into three types:

  • single-stage - the burning force is not regulated;
  • two-stage - have two power levels;
  • with flame modulation - control is carried out taking into account the temperature regime.

The way in which the intensity of the fire is regulated is determined by the type of burner used. Any heating boiler has an electronic control unit and automatically turns off in case of a malfunction.

Advantages and disadvantages

When installing a diesel boiler, you do not need to obtain a special permit, as is the case with gas equipment. In addition, the diesel boiler has a high efficiency. As noted above, this coefficient reaches the level of 95-98%, depending on the brand and model of the device.

The choice of equipment in terms of power is very wide, and in the assortment you can find equipment suitable for heating both small and large spaces.

Cons in features

When installing liquid fuel equipment, certain recommendations must be followed: allocate a room with a ceiling height of at least 2.5 meters under the boiler and bury the tank with a fuel supply into the ground. If the owner of a private house wants to mount the unit in the basement, then this is possible provided that there is a separate exit to the street from there. When converting a diesel boiler to a gas boiler, you must obtain the appropriate permit.

Oil-fired equipment produces a lot of noise. It is better to install equipment in rooms with good sound insulation. Also, an unpleasant odor can come from the unit, so it is recommended to keep the equipment away from living rooms. Other types of boilers, with the exception of gas ones, are less "finicky" in terms of location and working conditions. Electrical equipment was especially distinguished: it can be used to heat not only a country house, but also a residential apartment.

Compared to electric

Compared to an electric boiler, a diesel boiler consumes a negligible share of electricity. The equipment needs to be connected to the network only to maintain the operation of the burners and the automation unit.

Therefore, diesel heating is the best option for buildings where there are problems with electrical power.

However, this may cause problems with the quality of the fuel. It is important to fill the boiler with only the best diesel fuel, otherwise, over time, the burner will start to smoke, the heat exchangers will become dirty, and the efficiency of the device will therefore decrease.

To solve these problems, you will have to diagnose the equipment, and then change badly worn parts.

Diesel boilers require high operating costs. In terms of kW/hour of produced thermal energy, diesel fuel is the second most expensive type of fuel after electricity. So that the long-term operation of the boiler does not turn out to be too expensive, it is recommended to purchase equipment with the highest possible efficiency. Condensing equipment is especially economical.

Regardless of the chosen model of the boiler, the consumption of diesel fuel for heating a house is also determined by external factors, which include:

  • total area and ceiling height of heated rooms;
  • the presence or absence of thermal insulation in the house;
  • features of the local climate.


In order to provide diesel heating for a residential building with an area of ​​200 m2, located in the middle latitude of Russia, from mid-autumn to spring, it will take from 4 to 5 thousand liters of diesel fuel. Taking into account the fact that as of July 2015 a liter of this fuel cost an average of about 34 rubles, the amount of expenses for the heating season will be from 136 to 170 thousand rubles (depending on the performance of the boiler).

More than 15 thousand rubles will have to be spent on equipment maintenance. You also need to pay for the arrangement of the fuel storage facility. However, over time, these costs will pay off if the boiler is economical enough.

Until today, many heating options for the home have been created. For owners of country houses and cottages, there are a number of options to choose from. It is noteworthy that many of them prefer to install a device such as a diesel heating boiler. Technically, a diesel fuel boiler is a liquid fuel device, which is popularly named for the type of fuel it uses. In this article we will talk in detail about this heating device.

Advantages of a diesel heating boiler

The diesel fuel boiler has both a number of advantages and disadvantages.

TO positive aspects can be attributed:

  • Decent power equipment, allowing you to heat the premises of large areas. In other words, the equipment has a high efficiency.
  • Compared to electricity, diesel fuel is more affordable for the end consumer in terms of price.
  • If we compare it with gas heating, then in this case you are not required to collect any permits for assembling the heating system.
  • It is worth noting the ease of maintenance and operation. The latest diesel boilers are equipped with automation, which easily controls the heating process at all stages according to the specified parameters.
  • It is possible to adjust the temperature of the coolant, that is, you can set temperature regime for every room.
  • The automation of the diesel fuel boiler fully complies with all fire safety standards and regulations.


There are also a number of negative qualities, including:

  • First, you will need to get a special container for storing diesel fuel. It, as a rule, is installed in a place specially designated for this, which meets all fire safety rules. Such a container will be connected to the boiler through separate pipes.
  • For a boiler for heating on diesel fuel, a separate building must be built - a boiler room. Often such boilers have a floor version. This is an ideal option for placing a diesel boiler, since sufficient ventilation will be provided in such a room that meets all requirements.
  • During operation, the burner of the device makes noise. To some extent, this nuance is also the reason why the boiler is installed in a separate building.
  • Diesel boilers dependent on electricity. Naturally, if there are interruptions in electricity, the boiler will stop functioning for a while.
  • The fuel itself has a drawback - at a temperature environment below -5 ° C, diesel fuel becomes viscous, which makes it difficult to move through pipes. In addition, thick fuel easily clogs filters, and is also difficult to burn in the burner. To eliminate this problem, the piping system in diesel heating boilers must be insulated. Better yet, insulate the room itself with a diesel boiler.

How does a diesel boiler work

If you study in detail internal structure diesel boiler, you can see that it works on similar principles with a floor gas boiler. In addition, they practically do not differ in appearance. The most important difference is the burner.

The burner of the oil-fired boiler is equipped with fans, in some cases they are equipped with forced draft burners. Such a burner accumulates enough air to provide sufficient combustion to burn the fuel.

According to reviews, diesel boilers equipped with such burners are quite noisy. Manufacturers are still trying to solve this problem by introducing new technologies and using new materials. But still, it is not possible to completely get rid of the noise. Due to the noise of boilers, all experts recommend soundproofing the boiler room.

As for, in fact, the burner for a diesel heating boiler, it has such a parameter as the fuel suction depth. Depending on the application, it will be necessary to select burners with different characteristics. In particular, in cases where fuel tanks are deepened into the ground, the burner for them should be with a high suction depth. And if you plan to hang the fuel tank, then the requirements for this characteristic can be reduced.

The heat exchanger is one of the main structural elements of a diesel fuel heating boiler. Inside this structure, a coolant passes, which heats up from its walls. On sale you can find many varieties of heat exchangers, different in materials for their manufacture. Commonly used steel and cast iron.

Judging by consumer reviews, a cast-iron heat exchanger is considered more durable, since its walls are thicker and it is less susceptible to corrosion.

Cast iron heat exchangers for a diesel-fired heating boiler can last about 50 years. However, the disadvantages of this material include a large mass of cast iron. In addition, as a result of local overheating, cast iron becomes brittle. And one more thing - cast iron heat exchangers are very sensitive to the quality of the coolant. Due to various impurities and the poor quality of the coolant, they break down more often than others.

Considering a steel heat exchanger for diesel fuel heating boilers, we can say that when the coolant temperature drops below the dew point, acid condensate forms in the furnace. As a result, the boiler walls experience negative impact aggressive environment.

In such conditions, the service life of the boiler will not exceed even 2 years. Moreover, the fuel consumption for heating the house will increase significantly as a result of condensation, and the heat exchanger will quickly fail due to overheating. In this regard, it is preferable to install diesel boilers with steel heat exchangers in industrial buildings, and not for private houses.

Features of the use of diesel heating boilers

The greatest demand among consumers is combined boilers, which contain two burners - for gas and for diesel fuel. It is noteworthy that gas is considered the main fuel, while diesel fuel can be used as an auxiliary option. On additional view fuels are transferred if the gas pressure in the system is low, which cannot ensure the uninterrupted operation of the boiler. In this case, it is necessary to replace the burner and start heating the house with diesel fuel.

It is worth noting that the replacement of the burner in a diesel fuel heating boiler for the home can be done independently.

Fuel consumption

When installing a diesel fuel boiler, fuel consumption will be one of the most important parameters that interests the consumer. You can determine this figure based on basic indicators: to obtain 10 kW of thermal power, you need to spend 1 kg of diesel fuel per hour.

You can calculate the consumption of diesel fuel based on the power of the burner - it must be multiplied by a factor of 0.1. The calculation will show how much fuel in kilograms will be burned every hour.

For example, let's calculate the fuel consumption of a diesel boiler located in a house with an area of ​​150 m 2. In this case, the required boiler power should be 15 kW.

The calculation looks like this:

15×0.1=1.5 kg/hour.

Thus, operating at full power for an hour, the burner will burn 1.5 kg of diesel fuel. For a day, this figure will be 24 × 1.5 = 36 kg.

Based on the data obtained, we calculate the amount of diesel fuel required for the entire heating season. Suppose that for 100 days the boiler will operate at full capacity, and for another 100 days at half.

It turns out: (100 × 36) + (100 × 18) \u003d 5200 kg. That is, more than 5 tons of diesel fuel will be required during the heating season.

Of course, it is impossible to determine exactly how much diesel fuel will be needed during the heating season. However, even such approximate indicators look far from attractive. The problem of fuel economy has been worrying manufacturers of heating equipment for a long time, because inefficient and costly boilers will not be in demand. Therefore, consumers are advised to buy new boilers latest models, which are equipped with high-quality heat exchangers and are more energy efficient.

It is worth noting that the presence of automation on diesel boilers is a significant advantage. Such equipment can be programmed for economical fuel consumption, thereby lowering your costs.

The last issue we want to focus on is the availability of high-quality and competent thermal insulation of the room. A complex approach to the equipment of the heating system will make it efficient and economical.

Designing a private house at the very first stages involves the choice of a heating system. It is made up of many factors that need to be taken into account. Heating a house with a diesel boiler is beneficial, for example, when there is no gas supply on the site and is not even planned in the near future. This heating option is the most acceptable in many respects. Let's consider in more detail.

Diesel boilers for heating


Let's start right away by considering the winning points (those that are not very good, we will discuss later) that characterize the heating of a country house with diesel fuel. This question is relevant for many owners of private housing, because diesel fuel is not cheap, frankly, it takes a lot of it for the heating season.

The coefficient of performance (COP) of the discussed equipment is high, it reaches 95% under the following conditions:

  • correct installation of the boiler;
  • furnace devices according to all rules and regulations;
  • high-quality insulation of the house;
  • installation of double-glazed windows;
  • proper storage of fuel supplies;
  • use of high-quality fuel;
  • timely maintenance;
  • competent choice of equipment capacity, manufacturer, model.

Efficiency can reach up to 98% when using a condensing type of boiler, but more on that later.

  • Wide Range model range, manufacturers, power characteristics, etc.
  • Economical consumption of electrical energy.
  • Environmentally friendly, which is pretty current trend modern European society. When burned, almost no harmful substances and gases are formed.
  • High level of safety compared to gas boilers.
  • Autonomous, automatic operation that does not require constant human intervention.
  • Inertia is not typical for diesel boilers (unlike solid fuel counterparts). Performance drops instantly.
  • Liquid fuels take up much less storage space than solid fuels (peat, wood, coal).
  • The ability to use used engine oils, which are cheaper. At the same time, the issue of disposal of waste material, which is completely burned in a diesel unit, is solved. Again - a reference to environmental friendliness.


Now consider the points that hold back buyers in their desire to purchase a diesel heating device:

  • In the first place is the high price of fuel material. This makes the equipment expensive to use. It is justified only by the absence next to land plot gas line. Bringing gas communications from afar will be an even more expensive undertaking.
  • Diesel oil contains impurities that clog the nozzle and reduce pump performance. At the same time, the installed cleaning filters are quickly clogged with paraffin. Without timely maintenance, the boiler will not operate at full capacity with the same amount of fuel.
  • The need for specially equipped storage for fuel.
  • The need for a stable power supply. If situations with a power outage are expected, it is better to get a stabilizer.
  • A strong smell, noise require the equipment of a separate isolated room, building.
  • Thickening of the heating material under the influence of temperatures below + 5⁰ C, which makes the pump work in enhanced mode.

How to choose a boiler for heating a private house?

If, nevertheless, the choice fell on a diesel unit, its purchase should be based on factors:

  1. Burner type. The best option is a replaceable burner, powered by a diesel, and if necessary, from a gas source. If there is a burner heating system, fuel consumption will be significantly reduced.
  2. Productive power of the boiler. It is calculated taking into account the volume of the room, the amount of diesel fuel used. As a rule, 1 kWh of energy is consumed per 10 m². For housing with an area of ​​​​150 m², it is necessary to purchase a boiler with a capacity of at least 15 kW, and preferably a little more, so that there is a power reserve for extreme cold.
  3. The number of contours. You need to decide how the water will be heated. Boilers are produced with already built-in boilers, or, for example, with a second circuit for an indirect water heater purchased separately.
  4. Furnace material. The steel body of the firebox is more economical, but not as wear-resistant and durable. Cast iron firebox is designed for 50 years of operation, resistant to sulfur-containing condensate, corrosion. At the same time, it is prone to cracking from temperature changes.
  5. Type of fuel material. The best option, of course, is to work on all types of fuel (diesel oil, used oil, gas). But this option will be a very expensive purchase.

How does a diesel boiler work for heating a private house?

Heating equipment with diesel fuel is a combination of devices: the boiler itself, the automatic control system, the fuel unit.

The boiler consists of:

  1. Frame. Produced with combustion chambers:
  • open type(communicated with the space of the room for air intake, requires the installation of forced ventilation in the furnace);
  • closed type(the chamber is isolated, the air is supplied under pressure).
  1. Electric ignition block. Generates a spark in the burner to ignite the supplied fuel.
  2. Burner. Depending on the method of air supply, there are:
  • supercharged(air is supplied by a turbine);
  • fan(supplied by fan).

Replaceable burners are installed in combined boilers, they require operation from different types of fuel, for example, diesel, gas.

Combined boiler scheme

The automatic control system is divided into blocks:

  • working unit(responsible for maintaining a certain temperature of the carrier, turning the unit on and off as necessary);
  • emergency block(security control, emergency stop of equipment during an emergency).

The fuel assembly includes:

  • fuel tank;
  • fuel pump (fuel supply to the burner from the tank);
  • chimney (takes combustion products outside).

Scheme of functioning of a diesel boiler

Equipment for heating a private house works as follows:

  1. The fuel pump and the air supply system to the combustion chamber are activated.
  2. The pump pumps fuel from the storage tank into the combustion chamber. Here the fuel material is filtered and heated.
  3. The pressure of the nozzles increases to 10-16 atmospheres. This is enough to spray the fuel to a state of suspension.
  4. The electric ignition is switched on.
  5. Atomized fuel mixes with forced air, ignites from an electric spark.
  6. Released during combustion thermal energy enters the heat exchanger, heats the coolant.
  7. The coolant circulates through the heating devices, heating the rooms of the house.
  8. If the condensing boiler is in operation, the thermal energy of the emitted gases is also used for heating.
  9. The products of combustion of fuel are removed by the chimney outside the house.

Types of diesel boilers for heating a private house

Diesel heating equipment differs in several ways. One of them is the adjustment of the power of the burners. In this case, the boilers are:

  • Single-stage (power of the burners is not regulated, the heating temperature is constant).
  • Two-stage (burners operate in two positions).
  • Modulated (wide range of burner performance adjustment).

In addition to space heating, a diesel heating boiler for a private house often performs a water heating function. This is very convenient and saves a lot on electricity. According to this indicator, heating systems are divided into:

  • Single-circuit. They perform only the function of heating the room.
  • Double-circuit. A double-circuit diesel boiler for heating a country house combines room heating (primary circuit) and running water heating (second circuit). At the same time, there is a decrease in space heating by 20%.
  • Double-circuit + built-in water heater. The second circuit is designed to heat water inside the boiler. Thus, you can significantly reduce the cost of electricity in winter.

Double-circuit diesel boiler

Installation rules

It is best to call specialists to install the equipment, who will make the connection professionally. However, the installation of a diesel heating boiler can be done independently. Its installation does not require a mandatory special permit, as is the case with gas equipment. But there are separate requirements for installation, as well as the arrangement of the furnace room:

  • To install a heating boiler, it is necessary to provide a separate building. If this is not possible, at least a separate technical room, for example, in the basement of the house. The main condition for this is that there must be a separate exit to the outside.
  • Ceilings in the equipment room are provided for at least 2.5 m.
  • The volume of a technical room or a separate building should not be less than 15 m².
  • Experts strongly recommend installing fuel filters to extend the life of the equipment.
  • For boilers with a power of 350 kV, a separate power line should be drawn from the general machine.
  • It is recommended to install away from doors and windows.
  • Furnace wall cladding with non-combustible finishing materials.

Fuel storage

An important issue when purchasing diesel equipment for home heating is the way the fuel is stored. You can use two options.

The first involves the storage of flammable liquid inside the boiler room. Moreover, the maximum volume that is allowed for storage is 800 liters. This is not enough, it will not be enough for the entire heating season, especially for regions with a long period of cold weather.

Fuel tank wiring diagram

Therefore, the second variant of fuel storage using an external tank (4-10 tons) is still preferable. It is installed on the surface, or dug into the ground. It is best to place it at a depth where the layer of earth does not freeze, so that the diesel fuel does not thicken from the low ambient temperature. Additionally, the container is insulated, as well as the pipeline for supplying fuel to the furnace.

It is preferable to choose stainless steel fuel tanks.

When it is not possible to conduct gas communications for heating a country house, a diesel boiler can be a good alternative. Heating a private house with diesel fuel costs a lot of money, but it is much more economical than the option using electrical equipment.

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Piping schemes for solid fuel boilers. Kinds. Operating principle

Not every person agrees to install electric heating at home. Many are frankly afraid of electric heating. And in some houses and villages, this becomes impossible due to the disgusting quality of the electrical network or constant power outages. An interesting replacement for an electric boiler will be a diesel boiler that runs on diesel fuel. In this review, we will consider the design features of liquid fuel equipment and introduce you to the most popular models.

Device and principle of operation

A diesel boiler is an excellent alternative to any other type of boiler, except for gas boilers - no one can compare with them in terms of cheapness and convenience. Working on diesel fuel, they generate heat automatically, with little or no user intervention required. By this, they significantly benefit from solid fuel units that cannot live without a person - they need to constantly throw firewood in them and remove coals and ash from them.

A diesel boiler can also win over electric heating equipment. First of all, low energy consumption should be highlighted - electricity is used here only for the operation of the burner and the operation of automation. He does not need powerful electrical wiring, and the monthly expenses "for light" will be relatively modest. And secondly, diesel boilers can operate on other types of liquid fuel. If the power suddenly goes out in the house, they can work on low-power uninterruptible power supplies.

A liquid fuel diesel boiler is distinguished by a relatively simple device - in its design it resembles the most ordinary gas heating unit. The difference lies only in the device of the burner - here it runs on liquid fuel:

  • The fuel pump delivers fuel to the burner;
  • Here, with the help of a fan, air is supplied;
  • A fuel-air mixture is formed that enters the combustion chamber;
  • In the combustion chamber, the fuel mixture ignites and burns with the release of a large number thermal energy.

In order to increase productivity, diesel fuel boilers are often equipped with fuel heating systems.

Let's see what else is in diesel boilers:

  • Main heat exchangers - used to heat the coolant, they can be steel or cast iron;
  • Secondary heat exchangers - used in double-circuit models for the preparation hot water;
  • Electronic or mechanical control modules - ensure compliance with the temperature regime;
  • Thermally insulated enclosures - ensure safe operation and heat retention.

Also, a built-in piping is often installed on board diesel boilers - this is a safety group, expansion tanks and circulation pumps.

The safety group includes a pressure gauge, an automatic air vent and a safety valve.

The principle of operation of a diesel boiler is quite simple and is very intelligibly illustrated in the picture above.

Any diesel boiler works in the same way as its gas counterparts - when a command is received from the control module, the burner is ignited, the coolant starts heating, which continues until the command is given to turn off the burner. In double-circuit models, additional heat exchangers with three-way valves are provided - when a tap with water is opened, the heating circuit is turned off, the hot coolant circulates through the secondary heat exchanger, preparing hot water.

The consumption of a diesel boiler is approximately 1/10 of its heat output. For example, if the selected model has a power of 24 kW, then it will consume about 2.4-2.5 l / h. The minimum fuel consumption is typical only for the most low-power units - these are typical options for giving. Heating with diesel fuel cannot be called much more profitable than heating with electricity, but it has its advantages, which we talked about a little earlier.

In reality, fuel consumption can fluctuate in one direction or another, depending on the design features of the burner and boiler.

Varieties of diesel boilers

Diesel boilers for heating a private house and buildings for other purposes are presented on the heating equipment market in many varieties - these are units mounted on a wall or for floor mounting, models with one or two circuits, with built-in or plug-in burners. Let's look at them in more detail.

By type of attachment

On this basis, liquid fuel equipment is divided into models with a rare wall-mounted or more common outdoor type of fastener. A wall-mounted diesel boiler is a compact heating unit that does not take up much space in the boiler room. It can be equipped with one or two heat exchangers, and consumers praise this equipment for small size and acceptable design. True, these devices are characterized by limited power.

The floor diesel boiler is the most common liquid heating equipment. Floor tiles are represented by models of the most different power, up to 100 kW and even more - based on the most powerful units, productive diesel boiler houses are being built that can feed several households at once or generate heat for industrial, economic or administrative buildings.

It is floor-mounted diesel boilers that are most widely used - they are represented on the market by a wide variety of models.

Steel and cast iron

A heating boiler for diesel fuel can be made on the basis of a steel (stainless steel) or cast iron (reliable and durable) heat exchanger. Steel heat exchangers are characterized by low weight and low cost. Therefore, equipment based on them is the simplest and most affordable. But they have one drawback - they differ in a short service life. Therefore, they are equipped with only the cheapest heating units.

Cast iron heat exchangers are equipped with more productive and expensive diesel boilers. They are massive and heavy, but they can easily withstand high temperature loads. The use of cast iron is typical not only for expensive units, but also for high-power models - you cannot do without it, which is associated with high loads on the main heat exchangers.

The approximate service life of models with steel heat exchangers is 15 years, with cast iron - about 50 years. Actual figures may vary in one direction or another depending on the coolant used, operating conditions, the quality of the coolant and the conscience of the manufacturer.

Simple and with DHW circuits

Single-circuit boilers running on diesel fuel are the cheapest and structurally simple. They work exclusively for heating and are characterized by resistance to breakdowns. The issue of preparing hot water in this case will have to be solved with the help of additional equipment - these are boilers indirect heating, as well as electric storage or instantaneous water heaters.

Double-circuit units completely solve the problem of heating and hot water supply. They differ in a more complex internal structure, but they allow you to get rid of the need to purchase and install optional equipment for the organization of hot water supply. But consumers pay higher amounts for this. Yes, and reviews say that dual-circuit models are more fragile - and this is quite expected, because they are more complex.

Do not want to endure breakdowns or worry about possible faults– buy diesel boilers from well-known manufacturers.

atmospheric and turbocharged

The atmospheric type burner burns fuel with the natural removal of combustion products. They are removed into the chimney on their own, obeying the draft. Therefore, the chimney here must be full-fledged, overlooking the roof. An open combustion chamber does not provide for the presence of additional elements to create thrust, therefore, such units are distinguished by their simplicity, low cost and reliability.

Turbocharged diesel boilers (with a closed combustion chamber) are designed to work with coaxial chimneys. They are distinguished by the presence of a fan that forcibly removes combustion products and regulates draft in the combustion chamber. Thanks to this, more efficient combustion of fuel occurs and there is no need to build a full-fledged chimney. True, due to a more complex device, turbocharged diesel heating boilers are characterized by high cost and reduced reliability (this is what many users think).

Universal and with interchangeable burners

Diesel heating of a country house is easy to turn into gas - for this you need to purchase a boiler with replaceable burners. Such heating units are called universal, they can operate on arbitrary types of fuel, up to pellets. Also on sale there are units that can work on different types liquid fuel without changing the burner and even retuning to gas.

The possibility of switching to gas fuel is relevant for settlements in which a gas pipeline is planned to be built in the near future.

Advantages and disadvantages

We have already considered the main types of diesel boilers. It remains to go through their advantages and disadvantages - and there are many of them here.


  • Diesel boilers do not create a large load on the power grid - this is true for rural areas, where there are often problems with the supply of electricity;
  • Decent efficiency - liquid fuel units allow you to quickly warm up large areas;
  • Automatic operation - unlike solid fuel models, they can automatically maintain desired temperature and dose the flow of fuel from the tanks;
  • Ability to work on different types of liquid fuel. It is also possible to reconfigure to gas (depending on a particular model);
  • Compactness - diesel heating boilers practically do not differ in size from their gas counterparts.


Installing a diesel boiler will require quite a lot of free space, but even more space will need to be allocated for a fuel tank.

  • The smell of fuel in the premises - despite the tightness of the fuel system, it can manifest itself and cause inconvenience to households;
  • The need to store a large amount of fuel - for this you will have to purchase fuel tanks and organize a fuel line to the installation site of the equipment;
  • Unlike gas equipment, diesel equipment needs regular cleaning. Well, at least you don’t need to do this as often as in the case of solid fuel units;
  • Many models of diesel boilers require electricity to operate - it is used to operate fuel pumps, burners and automation;
  • Low fire safety - it is necessary to constantly monitor the integrity of the entire fuel system and promptly eliminate leaks.

Some of the disadvantages are quite serious.

Buying an uninterruptible power supply or generator to power modern heating equipment is an additional cost that is added to the cost of buying fuel tanks.

Popular Models

If you are going to buy a diesel boiler for heating a private house, you will need information about the most popular models. Together with technical specifications We will provide you with indicative prices.

Before us is a compact diesel boiler designed for floor mounting. Its thermal power is 15.1 kW, it can be used to heat buildings and households up to 150 square meters. m. This model is double-circuit, so you don’t have to think about the problem of preparing hot water. Fuel consumption is quite large - it is up to 2.12 kg / h. The performance of the DHW circuit is up to 9.7 l / min. The combustion chamber is of a closed type, the heat exchanger is made of stainless steel, the control system is electronic. An excellent device for heating suburban households and residential country houses. Its price is about 30-40 thousand rubles.

Another double-circuit diesel heating boiler for a private house from a well-known brand. With a power of 13 kW, it can heat rooms up to 130 square meters. The capacity of the DHW circuit is 7.5 l / min, the efficiency is more than 90%. With all this, its cost is about 33 thousand rubles - we recommend it for purchase. The kit comes with a room thermostat with the function of programming operating modes.

In conclusion, we will consider a more serious and more expensive unit that runs on diesel fuel. It has a capacity of 40 kW and can heat not only households, but also buildings for any purpose. For greater endurance, the device was endowed with a powerful cast-iron heat exchanger. The combustion chamber is open here, there is no second circuit. Separately, we will focus on fuel consumption - it is 3.7 l / h. To organize hot water supply, Logalux LT and Logalux ST boilers will be connected to the equipment. The cost of the device is about 125 thousand rubles.


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AND liquid fuel is widely used for heating private houses and cottages because of its autonomy and high calorific value. Large capacities and high efficiency of diesel boilers are the most appropriate solution for remote settlements without a gas pipeline.A diesel heating boiler for a private house can be quickly converted into a gas one if you change the type of burners. The standard power of the units ranges from 3 kW to 1000 kW, which is more than enough to heat any private house.If centralized heating is not connected to your private house, then the only solution will be a diesel fuel boiler, which in the future, with the prospect of improving engineering networks, can be converted into gas.

Hardware Installation Requirements

  • To install the main equipment, a separate building or basement with access to the street is required.
  • Ceilings in the room under the boiler must be at least 3m.
  • The system requires a steel bunker with a capacity of up to 10 tons.
  • To maintain the operating temperature of diesel fuel, it is necessary to deepen the bunker into the ground or think over an effective electric heating system.
  • Diesel heating boilers for a private house can be installed without prior permission from the heating network.

Device and features, operation

Diesel fuel for boilers is stored in special containers, the size of which is selected based on the calculation of consumption volumes. Tanks are installed outside the sites. A separate source of diesel fuel ensures complete autonomy of the installation - you are guaranteed to be provided with heat and hot water all the time.

The body is usually made of alloy steel or cast iron. According to the type of execution, floor and wall units are distinguished. The popularity of floor steel is due to the simplification of maintenance and high performance characteristics of the material.

A diesel heating boiler for a private house includes a combustion chamber, a nozzle and a burner. The process of combustion of diesel fuel begins in the furnace, from where the coolant is supplied to the system. An important point is an efficient construction for the removal of excess steam and waste products of combustion.

All modern units are equipped with electronic control units, which allow you to monitor the parameters of the heating system - temperature, pressure, etc.

Proper piping in the house will help increase efficiency to the upper value.

The only parts of the unit that are subject to professional maintenance are the burner and nozzle, on the reliable operation of which the safety of the system as a whole depends.

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Diesel fuel consumption

For the system to be effective, the consumption of diesel fuel must be minimal. For a standard house for a family of 5 people, a tank for storing diesel fuel with a volume of 4-8 tons will be quite sufficient, which will fully cover the needs for heating and heating water for the entire heating season.

Boilers for heating a private house with diesel fuel, double-circuit or with adjustable parameters, allow you to control the consumption of diesel fuel. In the warm period of winter, you can fine-tune the operation of equipment with a large bias towards water heating, for example. The option allows you to reduce daily heating costs by 50%.

Types of oil boilers

Depending on the type of burner, there are:

Advantages of diesel heating

A boiler for heating a private house with diesel fuel is installed indoors without additional permits for use. The best option for undeveloped areas.

Hardware deficiencies

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Diesel heating of country houses - the best option for areas where there is no gas main nearby. A properly organized heating system will help to heat the house with high quality at minimal financial cost for diesel fuel and equipment maintenance.
