How to choose the right heating boiler. All about gas heating boilers for a private house

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The age-old question that arises among the owners of private houses is what kind of heating equipment is better to install in a home. Of course, the installation of an electric water heater can be a very convenient option, but when using this in both heating and water supply, electricity bills for a tidy sum will come every month. Ideal, in this case, can be gas boilers for heating a private house. How to choose such a device for each specific case, now we will figure it out.

Gas boiler installed in a private house

Possibility of providing one gas boiler with both heating and hot water supply in a private house

When choosing gas equipment, everyone wants one device to be able to provide both the heating function and the hot water supply. And a good choice here can be the purchase of a double-circuit gas boiler. The main task is to calculate the required power indicator, sufficient for one or another. The main advantage of such equipment is savings, in comparison with electric water heaters - payment of gas bills will be significantly lower. The main task when choosing such devices is to determine what functionality is needed specifically for a particular building, so as not to overpay monthly for unnecessary power, etc.

Important advice! A good gas boiler for a private house cannot be cheap, but too expensive equipment with exorbitant characteristics is useless. The best option would be from the middle price category.

Gas boilers can be classified according to several criteria. The main thing is, of course, the installation method. Equipment in this direction can be floor or mounted. The next classification - according to the device of the combustion chamber - closed or open. The type of boiler is also very important in terms of quantity. possible connections. It can be a single-circuit gas boiler that can only be connected to heating. Unlike it, a double-circuit one can be connected simultaneously to a hot water supply system.

If we try to superficially analyze the main advantages of one or another type of gas boilers, we get the following:

  • In private homes, the best option would be a floor-type device, while a wall-mounted one is more suitable for installation in apartments;
  • The advantage of gas boilers of a closed type of combustion chamber over heaters with an open one is that the former do not require insertion into the regular chimney of a stove or fireplace, provide more efficient combustion, which means they have a higher efficiency, and also in their greater safety - carbon monoxide poisoning is excluded gas;
  • The advantages of double-circuit boilers over single-circuit boilers are in their versatility. When connecting both heating and hot water in the house, no additional equipment or a second heater is required.

As already mentioned, the main task is to choose the right gas boiler that is needed without overpaying for unnecessary functions. Right now we will consider all the criteria for such a selection.

Optimal gas boilers for heating a private house - the main nuances of choice

Let's try to consider in more detail the types of gas equipment and its purpose for a more complete understanding of all the nuances of choosing gas equipment. Start by choosing a mounting option. Because in this case, we are discussing equipment installed in a private house, then the most rational choice would be in favor of equipment mounted to the floor. The fact is that such devices are more durable in operation and have more power. Usually, for an average calculation, approximately 1 kW per 10 m 2 is taken.

As for the cost, although it is higher than that of electric water heaters, nevertheless, with a lower gas price, as a result, space heating with blue fuel equipment will be more profitable. And not to be unfounded, let's give an example. The price of a gas boiler for heating a private house up to 100 m 2 will average 15,000 rubles. Power, in this case, should be at the level of 11 kW. The average consumption in the winter, cold months will be about 350 m 3 of gas per month, which in terms of money will be about 1,700 rubles. When compared with a 6 kW electric boiler, you will have to “lay out” about 4500 per month. And then, this is subject to a low-power boiler of 2 kW. And it’s not yet a fact that he is able to heat such an area.

In addition, do not forget that after the house warms up thoroughly, gas consumption will drop, because. intensive work boiler is no longer needed. As for the device of the combustion chamber, it is better to choose a closed type. Such heaters have greater safety, although there is a difference in price upwards. Their installation is allowed in the premises of apartment buildings, although in the private sector they will be acceptable. In general, the choice of a gas boiler for heating a private house is quite difficult process, which requires consideration of many aspects and taking into account various nuances, such as drafts, loose window frames, doors, etc. And you need to approach it as responsibly as possible.

Wall and floor gas boilers - the advantages and disadvantages of each type

As already mentioned, wall-mounted devices are more compact and are perfect for apartments, even with a small area. You can place such a gas boiler, for example, in the bathroom, without compromising the usable area. But it is precisely because of their compactness that such devices have the main drawback - low power.

Although, if you think about it, in apartment buildings there may not be hot water, but heating is usually present. In this case, such a gas boiler will be quite enough. You only have to follow one rule - do not open too much hot water in the taps mounted in the line to the shower if one of the household members is in the bathroom. Some low-power appliances in such a case can not cope, and as a result, the water in the shower becomes ice cold. Certainly, modern devices a little more power is deprived of this "sore".

As for the equipment with two wall-type circuits, then the situation is much better. Such a device can also be used in private homes. Let's try to compare similar devices of various brands, and for one thing and find out what is the price of a wall-mounted double-circuit gas boiler for heating a private house.

Table 1. Models of wall-mounted boilers

brand and
heating circuit,
ARISTON FAST EVO 14B24 65 14 mechanical10000
GORENJE GWH10NNBWC20 65 10 Electronic9000
EDISSON S 20 G (Megapolis)20 75 10 mechanical5400

Thus, it can be understood that it is quite possible to choose a budget version of a wall-mounted gas boiler, which is practically not inferior in performance to expensive models.

Well, now it makes sense to compare a larger view that requires a separate room during installation, because. when it is installed, for example, in the bathroom, the usable area will be drastically reduced, which is not very much in such rooms anyway. So, let's consider what the price of a floor-mounted double-circuit gas boiler for heating a private house can be, citing as an example some models of various companies.

Table 2. Models of floor standing boilers

brand and
heating temperature,
Rostovgazoapparat AOGVK 11.611,6 75-95 3,5 mechanical14200
Baxi Slim 2.230 i22,1 5-65 12 Electronic99500
Lemax Premium-16B16 90 5 mechanical24500

As can be seen from the comparison, floor gas boilers are much more expensive than wall-mounted ones, but at the same time they are much more reliable and their service life is 3-4 times longer, of course, with proper operation.

Summing up the intermediate result, it can be noted that the choice of the type of placement of such equipment depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dwelling, as well as on the financial capabilities of the owner.

Helpful advice! Installation of floor gas boilers for home heating is permissible on the first and basement floors of the building, in places with convenient access. At the same time, this equipment should not interfere with household members. If the premises are small, for example, housing in apartment building, then the installation of wall-mounted gas boilers will be appropriate.

What type of equipment is more profitable to purchase - with one or two circuits

Before you analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each of the types, you need to understand the essence of the functioning of each of them and decide what goals are pursued when purchasing such equipment. In the case of buying a single-circuit gas boiler, you need to be prepared for the fact that it will only carry out heating functions. If in the future it becomes necessary to install a hot water supply, you will have to buy additional electric water heater or a gas stove.

Two circuits are more convenient in this sense. They provide both hot water and heating. Therefore, the cost of such equipment is somewhat higher. If you look at it, then it makes sense to purchase a single-circuit gas boiler only if a centralized hot water supply is already connected to the dwelling or a gas water heater or an electric water heater is installed. In other cases, you should not save on buying a boiler - it is better to purchase a double-circuit one.

But the possibility of simultaneously turning on hot water and heating is still there. This is the use of a gas boiler with one circuit and a boiler indirect heating. The principle of its work is as follows. The boiler itself is a container with a heat exchanger, i.e. spiral tube located inside the tank. The heated water flowing through the heating system passes through it, as a result of which heating occurs. This operation allows you to save on electricity used to heat water for washing dishes, laundry, etc.

As for the principle of operation of a gas boiler with two circuits, it is slightly similar to the previous one, i.e. water for the bathroom and directly from the gas is not heated, but receives heat from the heating system. Such devices have large and small circuits, and the liquid intended for the heating system does not mix with the water supply. All work goes like this:

  • The water of the heating system constantly circulates along a large circuit, heated by a gas burner;
  • When a hot water tap is opened, a valve is activated that closes the large circuit and starts circulation in a small one;
  • The hot water pipe, located in a small tank of a small circuit, begins to heat up from heating, as a result of which the DHW functions;
  • When the tap is closed, the valve returns to its original state, again turning on the heating system in a large circle.

Thus, it turns out that when water is consumed in the DHW system, heating of a private house with a gas double-circuit boiler is not carried out.

Features, as well as advantages and disadvantages of both open and closed type combustion chambers

Here it makes sense to understand what are design features and the differences between open and closed combustion chambers of gas boilers and which type is better to choose for a particular room.

To begin with, devices with an open type combustion chamber have some disadvantages, which often make it impossible to install such devices in some apartments. The fact is that such gas equipment must necessarily be connected to the chimney of a stove or fireplace, which, you see, is unrealistic if you live in an apartment building. In addition, there is a danger of carbon monoxide poisoning, which means that installing a device with an open-type combustion chamber will require forced ventilation.

Opposite to it in these parameters are wall-mounted double-circuit gas boilers with a closed-type combustion chamber. Such units have their own chimney, through which fresh air also enters, and therefore are more convenient to install. And the danger of poisoning by combustion products in the case of using such heaters disappears.

If we talk about a floor gas boiler with a closed-type combustion chamber, then the procedure for its operation is completely identical. If it is installed in a separate room, no forced or other ventilation device is required, and therefore this type of heater is more acceptable and easy to install.

What information is needed to calculate the power of a gas boiler

The required power of gas equipment is calculated based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bheated premises. At the same time, it is worth purchasing a device a little more powerful than necessary, based on the presence of drafts and other heat leaks, without which no room can do.

As already mentioned, the average power of a gas boiler should be 1 kW per 10 m 2 of area. But, it is worth emphasizing that this is only an average. And therefore, for example, the power of a gas boiler per 100 sq. m should not be 10 kW, but at least a little more than 11. And this is subject to the heating of the house. If a glazed, but not too insulated veranda is included in the heating system, then the power indicator should already be at least 12-13 kW. Do not neglect such calculations when choosing equipment for heating, because. too weak a boiler will not be able to provide a comfortable temperature in the premises, and an overly powerful one will increase the amount in monthly gas bills, which will be spent completely uselessly.

To simplify such calculations, we have developed a convenient illustrated online calculator for calculating the required power of a gas boiler, taking into account many room parameters. The calculation is made for each individual room and the obtained values ​​are summarized. According to the final figure, you can safely select a boiler of the required power.

Calculator for calculating the required power of a gas boiler

no one two three

35⁰С and below from -30⁰С to -34⁰С from -25⁰С to -29⁰С from -20⁰С to -24⁰С from -15⁰С to -19⁰С from -10⁰С to -14⁰С not colder than -10⁰С

Cold floor on the ground or above an unheated room Warm floor on the ground or above an unheated room Heated room

Heated room Warm attic or other room Cold attic or unheated room

up to 2.7 m 2.8÷3.0 m 3.1÷3.5 m 3.6÷4.0 m over 4.1 m

No One Two Three

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Send the result to my email

General rules and regulations to be observed when replacing gas equipment

Due to the fact that gas is explosive and its leakage can lead to irreparable consequences, it is best to entrust any work on installing boilers to professionals. The same applies to the replacement of equipment due to the development of a resource or premature complete failure. Of course, installation and replacement is possible with your own hands, but for this you need to know some rules for the production of such work and be completely confident in your abilities and the possibility of independent, and most importantly, correct connection gas boiler.

To do this, it makes sense to dwell on the existing installation standards, having analyzed them in detail.

Requirements for installing gas boilers in private homes - what you need to know

Because we are not considering the initial installation, but namely the replacement of gas equipment, it makes no sense to dwell on the coordination and approval of the necessary documentation now - we will analyze this a little lower. It is understood that it is framed for an old boiler, which means that it is only necessary not to exceed the upper value of the boiler power established in the acts.

In the dismantling of old equipment, no difficulties should arise. Having shut off the water and gas supply to the boiler, it is necessary to open the drain plug of the device, which is usually located at the bottom, and then unscrew all connections from the device, such as the supply and outflow of heating and water supply, as well as the gas supply.

Important advice! If it is possible to purchase a gas boiler of the same brand and company that was installed before, then this should not be neglected. If this is not possible, it is best to measure the distance between the inputs and outputs on the old equipment and select a new one with the same parameters. This will make installation much easier. And this advice applies to both floor and suspended equipment.

If such equipment is installed for the first time, then it is necessary to coordinate the plan with the fire service, as well as a detailed study of the installation standards for gas boilers, which are prescribed in the documentation of sanitary norms and rules (SNiP).

Video: self-installation of a wall-mounted gas boiler

If you decide to install a gas boiler yourself, first watch this video:

What you need to know when replacing an old boiler with a new one

The main thing that will be required when installing new equipment is a device for removing combustion products, as well as providing the boiler with an influx of fresh air. This issue is especially relevant when replacing a device with an open combustion chamber with a device with a closed one. A special, so-called coaxial chimney for a gas boiler perfectly copes with this function. It consists of two pipes of different diameters, the smaller of which is inserted inside the larger one. At the same time, they do not touch each other, and create a two-circuit highway in tandem. According to one of them, combustion products are removed, and according to the second, fresh air is supplied to maintain the necessary flame.

Even if a wall-mounted boiler with a similar combustion chamber ventilation system was previously installed, then when replacing the equipment itself, the old coaxial chimney must also be dismantled, inside which soot can accumulate, which makes it difficult to remove combustion products. In this case, especially if the old and new equipment are of the same brand, it is quite possible to mount a wall-mounted gas boiler with your own hands, which will eliminate the additional cost of paying a gas service employee.

According to what scheme is the installation of a gas boiler

Before starting the installation of gas equipment, it is necessary to carefully study all the technical documentation that is attached to it. After all, each model has its own nuances and features that you should know about in advance. When connecting a double-circuit gas boiler, a scheme plays a special role, according to which water supply, heating and gas are installed to the device. If all the necessary papers are studied properly, there should be no problems.

Also, special attention should be paid to the protective alarm and shutdown. Special gas leakage sensors will help to shut off its supply in time in case of an emergency, which is very important. It is also necessary to provide not only the normal operation of the ventilation of the room where the gas boiler is installed, but also a backup outlet. This is also provided for by SNiP when installing outdoor equipment on "blue" fuel.

Important advice! Sanitary standards and the rules governing the installation of a gas boiler in a private house must be followed thoroughly.

What you need to know before choosing a voltage stabilizer for gas boilers and what it is for

All automation of the prevailing number of models of gas boilers is powered by a network, with a voltage of 230 V. It is this indicator that is necessary for the normal functioning of the device. However, this value in our country is rarely set at a similar level and can vary from 180 to 270 V. This means that there is no other way out than the acquisition of a stabilizer.

So what will be better for a gas boiler? Which stabilizer to choose so that it fits perfectly with the equipment? To begin with, such devices can be of three types:

  • relay;
  • Electromechanical;
  • Electronic.

To compare them specifications worth a look at the table.

Table 3. Comparison of voltage stabilizers for gas boilers

Service life in years3-5 1-5 10-15
Warranty in years1 1 3-5
Voltage range120-160 150-250 120-300
ServiceNot requiredOnce a yearNot required
Reaction rate, volts per second50 10 250
Protection against power surges,%50 20 90
Alignment accuracy, %5-8 2-3 3-0,8
Approximate cost, rub.700-1500 900-1600 2500-6000

Thus, it becomes clear that electronic voltage stabilizers do not leave a chance for other types, despite the higher cost.

As for the choice and purchase of gas equipment, it is worth considering some brands and models in order to understand what the functions of such equipment can be and compare their approximate prices.

What is the rating of gas boilers depending on the model and manufacturer

Of course, when you come to the store, you need to choose gas equipment according to your preferences and the characteristics of the device. But to save time, it is better to narrow the range of models to more preferred ones at home, and by that it is worthwhile to figure out how big the differences are between brands of gas equipment. Just as important are the prices, which differ from brand to brand.

That is why now we will try to first consider the characteristics, and then compile a small rating of gas boilers by brand and model in the most famous category.

Specifications PROTHERM BEAR 40 TLO

The main inconvenience of such a gas boiler is the absence of a boiler, which means it will need to be bought separately. Or you will have to install a geyser for hot water supply, which will lead to additional costs.

VIESSMANN VITOGAS 100-F GS1D870 - what are the differences with this unit

The lower power of this gas boiler is compensated by a slightly higher efficiency. For what reason the price is sensitively overestimated - it is not clear. Is that due to the presence of auto-ignition. But it's hard to believe. Most likely this is a banal payment for brand fame.

Gas boiler AOGV-23.2-3 Comfort N, domestic production

It's amazing how different the price of a heating boiler for a private house can be between foreign brands and domestic manufacturers. Such equipment is quite enough for space heating, with an area of ​​up to 200 m 2, which means that while this model is in first place in our rating. In addition, the call to support the domestic manufacturer is always relevant.

Another Russian model - AOGV-11.6-3 ECONOMY

Here, the reason for the price reduction is clear, the power indicator is 2 times less compared to the previous version. However, even such a power is quite enough to heat an area of ​​​​100 m 2, which means that we can say about such a device that it is quite worthy of a place in our small rating.

BUDERUS LOGANO G234 WS-38 - more expensive equipment

As it becomes clear, a foreign manufacturer sets a rather high price for gas boilers, which not everyone can afford. In this case, it is necessary to look for an alternative, because. usually in private homes there is simply no other way out than installing such equipment.

Another of the foreign representatives in the gas equipment market is BAXI SLIM 2300 Fi

The slightly higher cost of this model is due to the presence of a second circuit, which means that it is possible to connect hot water without installing additional devices. The gas boiler Baxi Slim 2300Fi with a built-in boiler will be a great helper in the struggle for comfortable living in a private house, subject to the availability of financial opportunities to purchase it.

VAILLANT ecoVIT VKK INT 366 - its price is clearly too high

Of course, an efficiency of 109% is impressive, but still the cost for a single-circuit gas boiler is clearly too high. Although, if someone likes this particular brand, such a device has a right to exist, as well as one of the places in our ranking of the most famous brands and models.


When choosing a boiler for heating a private house, many factors must be taken into account. To do this, it is necessary to have information about the main features of each type of boilers, their advantages and disadvantages.

How to choose a boiler for your home

When choosing a heating boiler, several factors must be taken into account at once. The first is which of the types of fuel in your area is the most affordable. This refers not only to the price, but also the availability of this type of fuel in warehouses or the possibility of its production / purchase without any problems.

The second thing you need to pay attention to is the possibility of autonomous work. If someone is constantly in the house, this item can be omitted. But if everyone is at work or school during the working week, then it is better if the boiler for heating a private house can work for a long time without human intervention.

The third factor is ease of use and the need for maintenance. Not everyone and not always wants to regularly visit the heating boiler. In this case, it is better to take the most automated version. Yes, they are more expensive, but maintenance is minimal. As for maintenance - some types of fuel require regular cleaning - combustion chambers or burners. If this aspect does not please you, you should choose a boiler that needs minimal maintenance. By the way, these are units that run on gas and electricity.

If there is gas

If a gas main passes near the house, it makes sense to consider buying a gas boiler. On this moment in most regions, gas heating is the cheapest. At the same time, gas heating boilers are autonomous - you can not approach them for weeks, they practically do not require maintenance work. The only drawback of such a solution is the considerable amount that the connection to the highway costs.

Types of gas boilers

According to the type of location, gas heating boilers are wall-mounted and floor-mounted. The maximum power of wall-mounted options is 60 kW, there are floor-standing units of 100 kW or more. In addition, some models can work in a cascade. What are the advantages of wall-mounted gas boilers? The fact that they can be mounted in the kitchen, especially since they are suitable for design.

A separate room is required for installation of a gas floor-standing boiler with a power of more than 60 kW. This can be a room allocated in the house or an extension with a separate entrance - a boiler room. Read about the requirements for such premises for installing a gas boiler.

You can install a gas boiler even if there is no main, but it is possible to buy liquefied gas. In this option, they put a floor-standing gas boiler with a burner that can work with liquefied gas (usually a reconfiguration is required). As for the efficiency of such heating, it is difficult to say right away: you need to consider how much 1 kW of heat costs when using available fuel options. Draw conclusions based on the results of the calculations.

Types of burners

Two types of burners can be installed in wall-mounted gas boilers - atmospheric (open) and turbocharged (closed). Atmospheric burners require a chimney with good draft, turbocharged burners are connected to a coaxial chimney, which can be led directly through the wall near the boiler.

These combustion chambers also differ in the way in which combustion air is taken. In open burners, air is taken from the room, therefore, in such rooms, supply ventilation of sufficient power must be equipped. In closed combustion chambers, oxygen is supplied through one of the pipes of the coaxial chimney. Therefore, there are no special requirements for ventilation. But turbocharged boilers have their drawbacks: a chimney led into the wall can become overgrown with frost, snow, etc. In this case, the boiler does not turn on.

The main difference between wall-mounted gas boilers is the type of burner

When choosing a gas boiler, you should also pay attention to the number of positions in which the gas burner can operate. There are three modifications:

  • Single stage. There are only two modes of operation - at full power and off. The cheapest burners, but the gas consumption is the largest, that is, such boilers are uneconomical in operation.
  • Two-stage. There are two modes of operation - at 100% power and at 50%. The third position is off. These burners are already more economical, it is easier to maintain the set temperature with them.
  • Modulated. The most expensive, but also the most economical burners. Depending on the need, they can be switched on both at full power and at 10%, and the adjustment is smooth.

It is clear that in the long run, a boiler for heating a private house with a modulating burner is better. They are more expensive when purchased, but more economical during operation.

Condensing gas boilers

Above, we talked about traditional gas boilers for heating a private house. They are also called high-temperature ones, since at the exit they give out a coolant with a temperature of 45-50 ° C and above. Such units are ideal for working with radiator heating.

Condensing boilers are distinguished by the fact that they are efficient when operating in low-temperature mode - with a temperature in the return pipe no higher than +40°C. In this case, the gas is used most economically - due to the condensation of the vapors contained in the flue gases, a greater amount of heat is transferred, which leads to a significant reduction in gas consumption.

Condensing gas boiler for heating a private house with underfloor heating - ideal

This feature of condensing boilers makes them ideal for home heating. This boiler for heating a private house can produce a coolant of + 35 ° C at the outlet, then the return temperature will be about + 30 ° C. Due to this, heating will be economical.

But, as usual, it was not without drawbacks. First, the resulting condensate is very caustic. Therefore, the chimney should only be made of stainless steel, and High Quality. The second disadvantage is the price condensing boilers higher than traditional ones of the same power. This is due to a more complex scheme and also to the fact that materials resistant to condensate are used.

On electricity

If there is a technical possibility (a significant amount of kilowatts has been allocated), an electric boiler can be installed to heat a private house. In terms of ease of operation, these are better units. If there is electricity, they work in a given mode, are almost silent, do not require maintenance. Their main disadvantage is the large sums that have to be paid for heating.

Types of electric boilers

Today there are three types of electric boilers for heating a private house:

In general, if you are thinking of installing an electric boiler for heating a private house, choose between a traditional heating element or an induction one.

How to make heating cheaper

If there are multi-zone tariffs in the region and it is established, the use of an electric boiler for heating a house can be made not so expensive. To do this, a high-capacity heat accumulator is installed in the system. The water in it is heated during the night, lower tariff. During the day, during the expensive tariff, the boiler is turned off and the temperature is maintained by transferring the heat stored in the heat accumulator.

Solid fuel boilers

Despite all the shortcomings, solid fuel boilers for heating a private house are used in most cases. Probably, this is largely due to habit and traditions, but the fact remains that there are more solid fuel boilers in our country than all others.

Basically, two types of solid fuels are used for heating - wood and coal. What is easier to get and cheaper to buy, so they basically drown. And boilers - for coal and firewood, you need to use different ones: in wood-burning solid fuel boilers, the loading chamber is made larger - so that more firewood can be laid. In TT coal boilers, the furnace is made smaller in size, but with thicker walls: the combustion temperature is very high.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of these units include:

  • Inexpensive (relatively) heating.
  • Simple and reliable design of boilers.
  • There are non-volatile models that work without electricity.

Serious disadvantages:

Generally speaking, the use of a solid fuel boiler for heating a private house is an inconvenient solution. Although the purchase of fuel, as a rule, is relatively inexpensive, but if you calculate the time spent, it is not so cheap.

Long burning boilers

Long-burning boilers were developed to increase the interval between fuel fillings. They use two technologies:

How effective are these technologies? Pretty effective. Depending on the design, one bookmark of firewood can burn from 6-8 to 24 hours, and coal - from 10-12 hours to several days. But to obtain such a result, it is necessary to use high quality fuel. Both firewood and coal must be dry. This is the main requirement. When using wet fuel, the boiler may not even enter the smoldering mode, that is, it will not start heating. If you have a two to three year supply of firewood or a large barn that stores coal, a long-burning boiler for heating a private house is a good choice. Better than normal.

Liquid fuel

The least common are heating boilers for a private house on liquid fuel. Too many disadvantages of this type of heating:

In general, it makes sense to install a liquid fuel boiler for heating a private house if you have a free (or almost) source of fuel. In all other cases, it is better to use other heating equipment.

Pellet boilers

Boilers working on pellets are difficult to attribute to any class, because they are usually discussed separately. Fuel for this type of boilers - small sizes compressed sawdust pellets. A bunker is made for storing pellets near the boiler. Its size determines the battery life of the equipment. With enough space, the bunker can be made for several tons of fuel. The minimum size is for a couple of buckets, which is enough for a day of work.

The pellet heating boiler is equipped with a special burner. Pellets from the bunker are automatically fed into the combustion zone, where they burn almost without residue. Granules of normal quality give only 3-5% of ash. Therefore, cleaning is rarely required - once a week or even once every few weeks. The equipment is fully automated, with a sufficient supply of fuel, you can not visit for weeks.

But even here it was not without drawbacks. The first is the high price of equipment. The second is the exactingness to the quality of the pellets. They should have a low ash content, good calorific value, should not break and crumble. Otherwise, a pellet boiler for heating a private house is a good choice. Its plus is that waste from the woodworking industry is used.

Combined boilers

There is also such a modification of heating boilers as combined heaters. The most popular option is a solid fuel boiler with several electric heating elements. Such units while burning wood or coal work as TT equipment, when the fire goes out, the boiler cools down slightly, the electrical part turns on. In this case, heating elements are not able to fully heat the house, but they manage to support the system. That is, in the morning it will not be cold in the house. Yes, and in the event of a long absence of heating elements, they will not allow to freeze the system.

Another popular option is combined TT boilers with liquid fuel burners. In such units there are two separate combustion chambers. One for solid fuel, the second - for a burner with liquid fuel.

The advantages of such boilers are obvious: several types of fuel can be used. The disadvantage is the high price and average efficiency - the efficiency of each of the parts is not too high. So a combined boiler for heating a private house is a controversial decision.

How to choose a boiler for heating a private house

To make it easier to navigate when choosing, let's systematize the information. Consider the most typical requirements that affect the choice of boiler type:

Given the availability and availability of fuel, making your choice is not difficult.

Electric boilers for heating a private house are not often used, this is due to high electricity tariffs. Nevertheless, they have a lot of advantages, and in some cases the installation of an electric boiler is justified and profitable.

Gas is not available to everyone: some settlements are located too far from the highway, and sometimes installing a gas boiler is not at all appropriate. For example, for a country house that is heated several times during the winter, it makes no sense to purchase an expensive set of gas equipment.

They also have a number of disadvantages: it is necessary to harvest and store fuel, and most solid fuel units cannot operate for a long time, more than 4-5 hours, on one load of fuel. In addition, they are inertial and do not allow precise temperature control. In this case, the electric boiler is able to solve the heating problem quickly, reliably and at no extra cost.

Advantages of electric boilers for a private house:

  • easy to install, connect and maintain;
  • have a high level of automation;
  • allow you to accurately set the desired temperature;
  • work silently;
  • no need to connect to a chimney;
  • do not require a separate room, most household models are mounted on the wall with their own hands.


  • require connection to the shield with a separate cable;
  • boilers with a power of more than 9 kW are produced only for a three-phase voltage of 380 V;
  • due to high electricity tariffs, heating costs several times more.


Electric boilers differ in the way they convert electricity consumed from the network into heat. The principle of their operation can be based both on direct heating and on indirect heating using physical and chemical processes.

Electric boilers are:

  • TENovye - with a tank in which tubular heaters are built;
  • induction, using electromagnetic induction to heat the coolant;
  • electrode - their work is based on electrolysis.
The design and dimensions of boilers, as well as the features of their maintenance, depend on the type and model, therefore, before giving preference to any type of electric boiler, it is worth evaluating their features and considering the advantages and disadvantages.

Heating elements

The popular, time-tested design of heating element boilers is extremely simple: several heaters are mounted in the tank, allowing you to turn on all or part of them, depending on the power selected by the mode.

The heaters are a spiral wound of high resistivity wire - nichrome, kanthal, fechral, ​​placed in a ceramic tube. Heating up when connected to the network, the spiral gives off heat to the ceramic tube, and that, in turn, heats the water entering the tank.

Also, the boiler is equipped with a control unit with a panel on which you can set the desired mode. Modern models are equipped with sensors that monitor operation parameters and turn off the unit in case of emergency.

Advantages of models with heating elements:

  • large power range;
  • the possibility of using any liquid as a coolant - water, oil or antifreeze;
  • simple design, simple repairs if necessary, which can be done with your own hands even without professional skills;
  • boilers with heating elements are the most economical to buy, they are distinguished by a low price;
  • dual-circuit models allow you to connect a hot water circuit.
In double-circuit models, when hot water is turned on, the heating of the coolant for the heating system is suspended, therefore, with a large amount of water consumption in a private house, it is better to install a separate boiler.


  • Heating elements are susceptible to scale formation, because of this, over time, the efficiency and power of the unit decreases;
  • large dimensions.


Their action is based on the phenomenon of eddy currents that can heat the core placed in their field. The boiler is a cylindrical metal case, where the inductance coil is placed. Inside the coil is a core of conductive material. When an alternating current passes through the coil, a magnetic field arises around it, generating eddy currents in the core.

Such heaters have long been used in industry, where they operate at an industrial frequency of 50 Hz. At the same time, the coil and the installation itself hum perceptibly and vibrate with a frequency of the same 50 Hz.

To avoid noise, induction-type household boilers operate at an increased frequency in the range of 10-100 MHz, so they are silent. Vibration is preserved in them, but at a high frequency it is not noticeable and even useful - induction-type boilers are not afraid of scale, due to constant vibration, particles do not settle on the heater elements.

Advantages of induction boilers:

  • small dimensions;
  • induction models are not subject to scale formation;
  • the appearance of leaks is excluded - there are no detachable connections inside the tank;
  • any coolant can be used, including low-quality water with big amount salts of calcium, magnesium and iron;
  • simple do-it-yourself connection;
  • long service life without breakdowns and repairs.


  • in the absence of electromagnetic protection of the case, the inductor can be a source of harmful magnetic radiation, so you need to carefully consider the choice of the manufacturer;
  • models of similar power are much more expensive than electric heaters.

Manufacturers claim that induction models are more economical, but practice shows that, with equal power, their heat transfer is approximately the same as that of heating elements, and they are economical only in the long service life.

If desired, you can assemble an induction-type boiler from a wire coil and a polypropylene pipe. Homemade heaters are in no way inferior in power, but their appearance is less aesthetic.

Boilers of electrode type

Water boilers of the electrode type heat the coolant by electrolysis. Inside the apparatus on different sides of the tank are steel electrodes. When a current is connected, a potential with a variable sign is formed on them and the movement of particles dissolved in water begins - ions. The polarity of the electrodes changes with a network frequency of 50 Hz, that is, 50 times per second, which causes a rapid heating of the coolant.

In order for the process to proceed with a given intensity, it is necessary to maintain a constant density of the electrolyte, which is the coolant, namely, a weak aqueous salt solution.

The instruction for the popular model of electrode boilers "Galant" establishes the requirements for the coolant in accordance with GOST 2874-82 "Drinking water". According to this document, water for the Galant boiler must have a resistivity of 1300 ohms per cubic centimeter.
The coolant for electrode-type boilers requires preliminary preparation and constant monitoring of density, otherwise the power and efficiency of the boiler are sharply reduced, and it may not be enough to heat a private house!

Advantages of electrode boilers:

  • small dimensions;
  • safety - in the event of a water leak from the system, the boiler, unlike the heating element, will not burn out, but simply stop working;
  • low price.

Boiler Disadvantages:

  • the need for constant control of the density of the coolant with your own hands;
  • over time, steel electrodes dissolve, giving off charged metal ions, and need to be replaced.

Power calculation

In order for the heating to be efficient and the temperature in the house to be comfortable, it is necessary before buying a boiler for heating a residential private house. Simplified calculation for central Russia is as follows: you need to take total area of all heated rooms and divide it by 10. The resulting figure means the minimum power of the installed boiler in kW.

For example, for a private house of 95 square meters, the estimated boiler power will be 9.5 kW. In this case, you need to choose a boiler with a higher power from the model range: if there are boilers for 9 and 12 kW, you should choose the second option.

For northern regions with frosts down to minus thirty and below, or for poorly insulated houses, such a calculation is not suitable. For complete heating winter months a power reserve or installation of additional heating sources is required.

Of course, the boiler will not operate at maximum power for the entire heating season. With proper installation of heating, it will work up to 70% of the time with partial load or in heating mode, therefore it is wrong to calculate the cost of electricity by the maximum power of the boiler.

Connection to the heating network

All models, regardless of their type, are equipped with fittings for connecting the heating system. The best choice for an electric boiler is an unusual radiator system and warm water floors. Electricity is a rather expensive resource, and heating the room from the bottom up will reduce the comfort temperature by several degrees.

Electric boilers, unlike solid fuel models, can operate in systems with natural circulation, while the boiler automation will instantly turn off the heating elements in case of overheating.

For heating elements prone to scale formation, it is better to use specially prepared soft water. The coolant for electrode boilers is specified in the passport documentation for a specific model. Before switching on the boiler for the first time, it is necessary to fill the system with coolant and bleed air pockets.

The figure shows the connection diagram of an induction boiler to a heating circuit.

Electrical connection

The crucial moment is the inclusion of the boiler in the power grid with your own hands. The power of the boilers is such that the usual household wiring of a private house will not be able to withstand the operation of the heaters for a long time. It will begin to heat up, which will lead to the destruction of the insulation, overheating and fire.
    Therefore, before connecting to a 220V or 380V network, you must do the following:
  1. Do-it-yourself install a separate circuit breaker in the shield, designed for the peak power of the boiler. So, a boiler with a power of 9 kW, operating from a 220V network, will consume 9000W / 220V = 40.9 A in the maximum mode. It is necessary to choose a circuit breaker with a rated current slightly higher than this value, for example, VA 47-29 by 50 A.
  2. The wiring to the boiler is carried out with a cable of a suitable section. It is also possible to calculate the cable cross-section with a small length: for 10 A - 1 mm2. In the mentioned case, a 4 or 6 mm2 cable will suffice.

If you are unsure of your skills, it is better not to risk connecting the unit with your own hands, but to entrust the installation to a specialist.

Alternative sources of electrical heating

Sometimes for peak loads it is advisable not to increase the power of the boiler, but to install additional sources of electrical heating. They may be:

From a heating cable or infrared mats for the kitchen, bathroom and other rooms of a private house.

Infrared heaters, installed under the ceiling and heating horizontal surfaces: floor, furniture. This creates a feeling of warmth even at low temperatures in the house.

They can be installed in areas of the house that are used periodically: an office, a library, a gym, and turn on as needed.

thermal curtains, installed above the entrance or balcony door and allowing to cut off the wave of cold air.

When installing additional heating sources, the nominal temperature on the boiler control panel can be set 3-5 degrees lower, which will ultimately lead to savings.

Heating with electricity is an expensive method, but reliable and fully manageable using a predefined program. The choice of a suitable boiler and its subsequent reasonable use will allow you to enjoy the heat in a private house at a relatively low cost.

Among all types of boilers, gas units are perhaps the most popular and reliable. And this is not surprising, because our country has vast gas reserves, and this type of fuel is widely distributed even in remote settlements. However, even these seemingly well-known devices have a large number of differences, functions, installation methods and operating modes. As part of this review, we will try to disassemble gas boilers for heating a private house. How to choose the best option and prioritize for ordinary users? Let's find out.

Variety of boiler equipment

Read in the article:

Gas boilers for heating and hot water supply of a private house: how models are classified

The modern heating market has an incredibly huge range of gas equipment. For a general understanding, let's consider the classification of gas boilers according to various criteria.

Classification of gas boilers according to the main criteria

If we talk about a simple design, then household gas boilers are classified according to the following parameters:

Classification OptionsConstruction type
Mounting methodFloor and wall hanging equipment
Burner typeAtmospheric, ventilation and modulated
According to the way of tractionnatural and forced
Production materialSteel, copper, cast iron
Dependence on the electrical networkDependent with independent start, dependent without start, independent
coolantantifreeze and water

Note! In order to choose a good gas boiler for a private house, it is necessary to determine for what purposes it will be used and what area to heat.

Advantageous features of high-quality gas boilers:

  1. The equipment provides a built-in automatic mode, which allows you to monitor the gas pressure.
  2. In the event of a malfunction, the sensor sends a signal about this to the electric ignition system, after which the device continues to function normally.
  3. The efficiency is very high, and the price of fuel is low. At the same time, the heater gives off a lot of energy, but at the same time consumes much less.
  4. With the help of a gas boiler, you can heat quite large rooms or entire objects.

How to choose gas boilers for heating a private house according to functional features

From right choice equipment, first of all, the durability of the boiler and its efficiency will depend.

There are several main criteria for choosing when buying:

  1. Material.
  2. Gas consumption.
  3. Availability of automatic mode.
  4. Price policy.

Before buying equipment, it is imperative to calculate the required power for heating your particular home (below is a handy illustrated calculator). Here is an example of a simplified calculation for a small house:

  1. If the room has 100 m², you will need a boiler at the rate of 1 kW / 10m².
  2. The power indicator of the gas boiler should be 10 kW.

This is a very simplified example that does not take into account the individual characteristics of each building. But in general, the order of numbers is like this.

Related article:

Note! In certain places, you will need to cut some pipes with a grinder. New equipment requires new components.

After all, the equipment is dismantled. If wall-mounted equipment is being dismantled, then you need to take care of stable support so that it does not fall. The work is best done by two people.

How to install a new boiler

Connecting gas equipment

The scheme for installing a gas boiler in a private house includes a connection to:

  • water pipe;
  • gas pipeline;
  • heating system;
  • heating and plumbing return.

Note! Installation can be done independently only if there is experience in performing this work.

Connecting a double-circuit gas boiler

The connection diagram of a double-circuit gas boiler must include all the necessary piping. When you find a place, you need to carefully consider how to remove combustion products. The boiler is supplied with special mounting brackets. Only after the boiler is securely fixed, you can proceed to the connection of gas and water supply.

The kit includes:


Filters for rough water treatment
These are special cleaning devices that are designed to clean debris from pipes so that it does not get inside the boiler.
Magnetic direction filterRemoves scale and rust.
Gas filterInstallation is required. Extends the operating period and prevents dust from entering the boiler.
Ball valvesDisconnect the boiler from the main for repair work.
Expansion tank for heating systemFirst of all, this is a guarantee of durability.

During installation, it is imperative to comply with fire safety requirements:

  1. There should be a distance of about 0.5 m between the appliance and the wall.
  2. The gas boiler must not be installed next to a window opening.

Note! If electricity is needed to operate a gas boiler, then it is better to place the equipment closer to the source.

How to choose a voltage stabilizer for gas boilers for a private house


  1. Power 23.2 kW.
  2. Fuel consumption 2.3 m3 per hour.
  3. Atmospheric burner made of steel.
  4. Weight 52 kg.
  5. The price of a heating boiler for a private house is 23 thousand rubles.

Unit "AOGV-11.6-3 ECONOMY" and its characteristics

This type of equipment is volatile and is intended for heating for numerous small buildings.

The reservoir has a number of features:

  1. Power up to 25 kW.
  2. Fuel used: natural gas.
  3. The plug with a diameter of 4 cm for connection is mounted in the rear part.
  4. The chimney channel is located at the top.
  5. Models meet, with one and two interruptions.
  6. The cost of equipment is 15 thousand rubles.
  7. Steel heat exchanger.

A small boiler with a power of 11 kW will give about 4-5 liters of liquid.

Features of the gas boiler "BUDERUS LOGANO G234 WS-38"

Model characteristics:

  1. Power 38-60 kW.
  2. Cast iron heater.
  3. Atmospheric burner.
  4. Automatic device.
  5. Connection of the "warm floor" system.
  6. Possible heater connection.

The equipment is made for heating various types of premises up to 380 sq.m. Thanks to the cast-iron heat exchanger, the service life is up to 15 years.

The equipment can be operated even at very low temperatures. To operate the boiler, you will need a connection to a 220 V network. The boiler provides for an open combustion chamber.

"BAXI SLIM 2300 Fi" - a great sample at an affordable price

The power range in this model range from 16 to 63 kW. Modern design and small dimensions make it easy to install equipment in any interior.

Description and operation:

  • The Baxi Slim 2300Fi gas boiler with a built-in boiler and in heating mode provides for electronic modulation of fire.
  • Electric ignition turns on very smoothly.
  • There is a mode of reconfiguring the system for burnt gas.
  • Steel sample of the burner.

Hydraulic system characteristic:

  • The heat exchanger is made of cast iron.
  • Built-in high speed circulation pump.
  • There is a pump for heating water.
  • Pressure gauge.
  • It is possible to connect an external storage heater.

How is it regulated temperature regime:

  • There are two ranges for temperature control.
  • Automatic mode, sensor connection system for outdoor temperature control.
  • Built-in automation with maintaining the temperature regime in the heating circuit.

There is a temperature display.

Fourth generation equipment "VAILLANT ecoVIT VKK INT 366"

Due to its high performance and power, the equipment has become a leader among the gas industry in Germany. The model gained popularity due to the built-in diagnostic system. Therefore, the equipment works more efficiently, while saving the electrical system.

Advantage Features:

  1. The efficiency is 98-109%.
  2. Power modulation from 35 to 100%.
  3. Additional heat is used due to the fact that vapor condensation occurs.
  4. There is a forced outlet to the pipe.
  5. There is a steel heat exchanger.
  6. There is low temperature protection.
  7. Electric ignition.

Along with the above indicators, 2 modes of fuel operation can be noted. Water is heated in layers, there is an electronic ignition system, there is control over gas pressure.

Rating of wall-mounted gas boilers: the best models

If we talk about the choice of boiler equipment, then the brand plays an important role for many users.

Below we consider the functional features of popular wall appliances.

Excellent sample "WOLF CGG-1K-24" and its characteristics

Functional features of the equipment:

  1. The gas boiler works even with a significant mains voltage from 40 to 400 watts.
  2. High efficiency of 90%.
  3. Functioning occurs even with unstable gas pressure.
  4. Water is heated even at a pressure of 0.4 bar.
  5. Mounted gas boilers Wolf CGG-1K-24 simulate power up to 23 kW, this allows you to select the desired mode of operation and save gas.
  6. A copper heater and a burner will allow you to create the necessary efficiency mode.
  7. Automatic temperature control.


  • Fuel: natural gas.
  • Power 25 kW.
  • Tank volume: 6 liters.
  • Temperature range: 30-90 degrees.
  • The temperature regime of a double-circuit turbocharged boiler is 30-60 degrees.
  • Weight: 29 kg.
  • Price: 55000-65000 rubles.

"BAXI LUNA 3 COMFORT 240 Fi" is one of the best boilers

  • Suspended sample with 2 interruptions is made for buildings with an average quadrature.
  • There is a built-in panel, which is a temperature sensor.
  • Also the model is equipped with the high-speed circulating pump.
  • The tank has a volume of 8 liters.

The operation of the system for heating a private house:

  • In the heating system mode of the gas boiler, electronic flame control operates.
  • The burner is made of stainless steel.
  • There is a fuel switching mode.

Control and security system:

  • There is a special reliable protective device against low temperature conditions.
  • There is a safety valve.
  • A draft sensor is provided for equipment with a closed chamber.
  • The safety lock system is activated.
  • There is control over the flame.
  • There is a built-in system that remembers the last mistakes.

The price of a double-circuit gas boiler for a private house is 51,000 rubles.

Boiler "NAVIEN DELUXE 24K": comfort and reliability

Samples of the Korean company are in demand because of their low cost and excellent quality.


  1. This type of gas boiler has two heaters.
  2. Another important point is that the manufacturer produces all parts of the boiler independently.
  3. There is a special built-in chip that reliably protects the equipment from sudden power surges. This protection is present in German manufacturers firm Vailant, but the sample already belongs to a completely different price category.
  4. And the most distinctive feature of the Navien Deluxe 24KCoaxial gas boiler is the control unit with a digital display. The display warns all faults and errors, the control mode is manual.
  5. Another important point is a special built-in sensor for the temperature in the room.

Absolutely all components are included with the boiler. The price of the equipment is 25 thousand rubles.

Gas boiler "PROTHERM GEPARD 23 MOV" and its features

Equipment with two interruptions are created with a power of up to 25 kW.

Installation can be made absolutely in any room and has the following characteristic features:

  1. The burner flame is modulated automatically.
  2. There is a built-in circulation pump.
  3. The tank has 5 liters.
  4. The heat exchanger is made of steel.
  5. The switching mode is automatic as soon as the hot water tap is opened.
  6. There is a built-in operating display indicating errors, temperature and pressure.

The price of equipment is 35,000 rubles.

One of the best models "BOSCH GAZ 4000 W ZWA 24-2 A"

Functional features:

  1. There are two heat exchangers for hot water preparation.
  2. Steel burner.
  3. 8 liter tank volume.
  4. Circulating pump consisting of three layers.
  5. There is a modulating gas valve.
  6. The boiler works in dual mode with fuel.
  7. There is a built-in power control modulation system.
  8. The temperature is indexed.
  9. Low noise level.
  10. There is a built-in make-up tap.

"VAILLANT ecoTEC PLUS VUW INT IV 246" performance data

This type of equipment provides economical fuel consumption and the highest level environmental indicators.

Before choosing a gas boiler for heating a private house, consider its functional features:

  1. There is a specially developed electronic system (gas-air).
  2. Stainless steel heater.
  3. Excellent pressure regime, both in the circuit and in the boiler.

Excellent multifunctional display with built-in backlight.


Summing up, we can conclude that the best boiler is the one that works without breakdowns, so you can follow some tips:

  1. When choosing equipment, make sure that it does not exceed the rated capacity.
  2. The best material for a burner is steel.
  3. A secure system should have a minimum set.
  4. All pipeline boilers are best selected from steel raw materials.
  5. The problem with heating involves the use of a double-circuit boiler.

The heating circuit is a complex structure of pipelines and radiators, as well as a boiler, which is base element systems. The correct choice of a boiler for heating a private house will ensure efficient and uninterrupted operation of the heating circuit and help the system operate at the peak of its performance.

When deciding which boiler is better for a private house, you should pay attention to many nuances that characterize the performance, efficiency, autonomy and environmental friendliness of the device. The heating system will work at the peak of its performance if the boiler is correctly selected in terms of power. This indicator takes into account climatic features region, the volume of the heated room, its specificity and the quality of thermal insulation.

Accurately calculate the indicators of thermal power under the power of heat engineers - specialists who will competently assess the existing conditions and carry out a number of necessary calculations. The calculations obtained by heat engineers will be used in the future to assess the compliance of the selected boiler with the thermal needs of the heating circuit.

Boiler classification

Any hardware store can offer consumers a huge range of boilers that differ in functionality, price, appearance and working principle. Since no two buildings are the same with identical heating requirements, the choice of a boiler must be made on an individual basis. In this case, first of all, the consumer should pay attention not to the design of the boiler and the amount indicated on the price tag, but to the type of fuel used by the device.

The following types of boilers are distinguished:

  • solid fuel;
  • liquid fuel;
  • electrical;
  • gas;
  • combined.

It is generally accepted that the most rational option is to choose a conventional gas boiler, such as, for example, a gas boiler Buderus Logamax U072 24K reviews about which are in favor of buying this device. However, not everything is so simple, because each device has its own specifics of work and can be adapted to the contour of a particular heating system. To understand the differences and similarities of various boilers intended for private ownership, it is necessary to study the specifics of their work.

Gas boilers - a combination of efficiency and economy

To heat private property, the owner can buy a heating boiler that runs on liquefied or natural gas. There are autonomous and volatile boilers.

Autonomous boilers

So, autonomous models of boilers are not equipped with automation and an integrated coolant circulation system. They can operate in a completely independent mode and do not require any energy resources other than gas. An autonomous floor-standing gas boiler with a cast-iron heat exchanger can be installed in a private household, while the owner does not need to install a diesel generator to maintain the boiler's performance in cases of an emergency power outage.

Volatile boilers

Volatile appliances, such as the Keber gas boiler, are equipped with complex automatic systems - an integrated, electric thermostat, a remote control panel, a programmable work timer, a carbon monoxide detector and an emergency shutdown system. During periods of power outage, such boilers completely lose their functionality. Therefore, when choosing volatile types of heating boilers for a private house, the owner should consider alternative power sources for the device that will prevent the system from defrosting in winter when the electricity is turned off.

Classification of gas boilers according to the method of installation and the number of circuits

Depending on the installation method, a gas heating boiler for a private house, reviews about which you should read on the manufacturer's website, can be mounted and floor-mounted. Floor boilers require a simple installation procedure, and provide for installation in a separate room with a good ventilation system.

For optimal performance floor boiler, the owner will have to install an additional water pump in the circuit and equip chimney channels with good draft.

Differences can be in the design of the gas boiler itself. There are single-circuit devices designed exclusively for heating, as well as two- and three-circuit boilers, which require connection to a hot water supply system or underfloor heating. Boilers with a different number of heating circuits differ not only in functionality, but also in cost, so it is important to choose a boiler that best complements the heating system being designed and satisfies the buyer at a price.

Gas boilers for heating a private house, the prices for which can be found on the manufacturers' websites, have a number of advantages:

  • profitability;
  • ease of operation;
  • reliability.

The disadvantages of the equipment include the following factors:

Solid fuel models

Solid fuel boilers have been used in heating systems for a long time. This is due to the availability of fuel, such as peat, wood briquettes, granulated sawdust, woodworking industry waste, etc. Many modern brands have introduced solid fuel boilers for heating a private house on the market, the owner will be able to find out how to choose a suitable boiler model after getting acquainted with their characteristics.

At the moment, boilers are classified according to several criteria:

Boilers are also classified according to the type of fuel used. There are solid fuel pellet heating boilers for a private house, coal-fired boilers, as well as universal models designed for combustion various kinds solid fuel.

The specifics of the design of solid fuel boilers

The main feature that distinguishes solid fuel heating boilers, universal for a private house, prices for which start at $ 200, is their floor format. Such boilers have massive dimensions and a large mass, so manufacturers recommend mounting them on a solid horizontal base made of concrete or stone.

The specificity of the design implies the presence of a furnace of a certain volume, which is necessary for laying solid fuel burned during the operation of the boiler. Since the combustion of solid fuels is uneven, manufacturers install sectional-type cast-iron heat exchangers in boilers, which contribute to smooth, undulating heating of the coolant.

Advantages and disadvantages of solid fuel boilers

Before deciding to install a solid fuel boiler in a private house, you need to find out its pros and cons.

The advantages of the devices include the following indicators:

The disadvantages of the device include:

Boilers operating on fuel oil and diesel fuel (DF)

As an energy carrier, boilers of this type need liquid fuel, which is most often diesel fuel.

In private houses, a liquid fuel heating boiler is installed if the owner does not have the opportunity to use a gas or solid fuel analogue.

The efficiency of this boiler is high, it has a universal scope and, with the proper level of insulation, can provide heat a private house any area. However, when choosing a fuel oil boiler for a private house, it is worth remembering the safety measures, because the fuel used by the device during operation is highly flammable, and violation of the diesel fuel storage conditions can lead to a fire.

Features of the operation of liquid fuel boilers

When installing multi-purpose liquid fuel boilers for heating a private house, the owner must equip a shaft-type ventilation system. A stainless steel chimney is best, which is adapted to work in harsh conditions. It will ensure the timely removal of condensate and exhaust gases to the street and ensure the safe operation of the boiler.

Advantages and disadvantages of liquid fuel boilers

Often, manufacturers offer liquid fuel boilers that, when replacing just one part - the burner, can use natural gas as fuel. Such versatility is an additional advantage to the following positive characteristics of the boiler:

  1. high efficiency;
  2. high power;
  3. no need to issue permits for installation.

The disadvantages of liquid fuel models are:

Electric boilers

The owner can buy an electric boiler that costs about a hundred dollars for an entry-level 3kW model and install it in the heating system. Electrical appliances, including the Kospel electric boiler, are distinguished by their compact dimensions, competitive performance and environmental friendliness. The only gripe is that electric boilers have limited power, and they cannot be used as a full-fledged source of heating if the area of ​​​​a private house exceeds 100 square meters. You can read more about electric heating at home.

The insufficient prevalence of electric boilers has contributed to the high price of electricity, which makes heating a house with appliances of this type irrational. Owners often install a device such as the Evan electric boiler, reviews of which can be found on the global network, as an additional source of heat.

Consumers who are looking for an option for an energy-efficient electric boiler can consider products from the Proterm brand. An electric boiler can be bought in a wide range of this manufacturer, represented by models of various capacities. These boilers are characterized by rational consumption of electricity and will help you find reserves for savings.

Electric boilers have a number of specific features that distinguish them from gas and oil boilers, these are:

The disadvantages of electric boilers are largely due to the high cost of energy. Also, the disadvantages include:

  • low rated power;
  • dependence on external power sources;
  • the need for reliable wiring.

Each type of heating equipment can be adapted to the heating system of a private house. Before making the final choice of a boiler, the owner will have to evaluate his finances, study the features of the building layout and calculate the heating costs that will accompany the use of a certain type of heater.
