We, the residents of the house, ask you to close the garbage chute. The smell from the garbage chute in an apartment building, poor cleaning of the entrance and elevator - ways to deal with

Moscow, Filevsky Boulevard, house N 34 - an ordinary panel 17-storey building, built in 1999. It differs from many similar skyscrapers only in the absence of a garbage chute - the residents voluntarily abandoned it. Immediately, after settling in, they welded garbage bins. An exception? Nothing of the kind - there are hundreds of such houses in Moscow, and every year there are more of them.

Garbage chute is full of trouble

The 34th house on Filevsky Boulevard is managed by the homeowners association (HOA) Fili-4. Its chairman, Larisa Pushkina, told RG that residents have not used the garbage chute in the high-rise building since they moved in. “So it was decided at a general house meeting. “In the past 17 years, no one has tried to challenge this decision,” she explains. “The situation is similar in two neighboring houses, garbage chutes were also welded there.”

This trend has been observed in Moscow for several years and is especially noticeable in new buildings. Residents say there are two main problems with garbage chutes. Home - unsanitary conditions. However, it is not so much the waste disposal systems that are to blame for it, but the residents themselves and management companies. The former often do not clean up after themselves on the site with a garbage receptacle bucket and throw away anything. "Trash fell out of the bag during loading? Well, don't pick it up now from the floor!" - that's how it's usually explained. Meanwhile, house managers do not perform their duties well - they rarely wash the trunk of the garbage chute with a disinfectant, do not monitor the serviceability of the buckets and the cleanliness of the room where garbage arrives from all floors.

"Our experience in the construction of apartment buildings has shown that most people are irresponsible about garbage chutes - they throw liquid garbage, slop and other things there, which, passing through the garbage chute, leave a pungent odor and serve as a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria," confirms the trend Rustam Arslanov, Director on sales of GK "Granel".

Residents of old houses echo him - there are a lot of stories on the Internet about how the management companies could not clean the clogged garbage chutes for weeks, and the rotting waste attracted rats all this time and carried the smell all over the entrance. Moreover, in Moscow there are houses still "Stalinist" buildings, where the receivers of the garbage chutes were taken out directly to the apartments - for example, to the kitchen. It would seem - a great blessing, the waste can be thrown out without even going to the stairwell. However, such working systems cannot be found in the city today - almost all of them have been brewed. People did not get along with the smells and the roar that spread through the apartments when discarded glass bottles flew from the top floor.

They brewed, but they didn’t ask me

In the capital's housing inspectorate, "RG" said that this year about 2.3 thousand appeals from Muscovites were connected with garbage chutes - this is 1.7% of the total number of complaints. “Appeals usually relate to the malfunction of garbage chutes, their blockages, unpleasant odors and other common problems,” says Violetta Nezhevenko, spokeswoman for the department. such a decision by the tenants.

The stumbling block is hidden precisely in this situation - in almost every house there are people who are not ready to give up the garbage chute. Some do not want to take out the garbage in a container on the street, when you can just walk out the door of the apartment. It is physically difficult for others to regularly go to the garbage containers in the yard - this applies primarily to lonely disabled people and pensioners.

Do you live in a "kopeck piece" with an area of ​​​​50 "squares"? This means that you pay more than a hundred rubles a month for the garbage chute.

Yes, and with new buildings, not everything is clear - while in some residents they refuse garbage chutes, in others the majority votes for their preservation.

In our comfort class projects, garbage chutes are provided in all houses, - the director of strategic development FSK "Leader" Pavel Bryzgalov. - We conducted a survey among customers and 66% of respondents were in favor of having a garbage chute in their future home. Only 21% plan to throw garbage into containers in the yards, while the rooms for collecting garbage on the floor are the least popular so far.

However, Bryzgalov adds, in residential complexes of business class and above, the rejection of the classic garbage chute has already become a good form rule. "In such projects, there may be special rooms for collecting debris. In high-rise buildings, sometimes they use a double-barreled system with debris traps that slow down the fall," he explains.

Garbage is money

The second problem associated with garbage chutes is the cost of their maintenance. These expenses are included in the payments in the column "maintenance of housing". For example, in Moscow, the standard tariff for this service for houses with a garbage chute is 27.14 rubles, and without - 25.05. The difference is more than two rubles, and this is from each square meter total area apartments. Do you live in a "kopeck piece" with an area of ​​​​50 "squares"? This means that you pay more than a hundred rubles a month for the garbage chute. This is already almost 1.5 thousand a year - significant money. At the same time, the author of these lines always takes out the garbage into the yard, although there is a garbage chute in his house. Just designed it back in Soviet years when there was much less large-sized garbage. So instead of dividing the waste into small portions, I'd rather take one bag out into the yard on my way to work. Tanks there are never empty, which means that not only the inhabitants of the first floors do this. But everyone pays for the garbage chute.

In new buildings, meanwhile, service rates can be much higher than municipal ones - they can be set by the management company with the support of most residents. And public utilities admit that a lot of money is needed for regular washing of the garbage chute with a disinfectant solution, its inspection and regular garbage disposal. In Krasnogorsk near Moscow, for example, last year almost 162,000 rubles were returned to residents of a house on Pavshinsky Boulevard. The owners of 70 apartments paid them for only a year, while the garbage chute was closed and did not work all this time, but the management company regularly collected the money. The situation was corrected only after the intervention of housing inspectors. The overpayment in terms of each apartment amounted to more than 2.3 thousand rubles.

IN Soviet time living in a house with a garbage chute on the floor was considered happiness. The ability to dispose of waste without leaving the entrance was considered an additional convenience provided by the progress of civilization. It even got to the point that in some cases the garbage chute pipe was wound directly into the apartment, so that people would not even need to go out onto the landing.

True, it soon turned out that a garbage chute container in the kitchen or in the hallway was not the best idea. She, of course, flattered Leni, but led to the emergence of unsanitary conditions in the locations of the “window” for throwing garbage. And the constant roar of waste thrown out by the neighbors from above did not give rest to the owners of this miracle of civilization, living on the lower floors.

Today in Russia, in accordance with the norms provided for developers, in every residential building being built in our country apartment building simply must be present garbage chute. But people are often not happy with this idea. In many new buildings, it is decided at tenants' meetings to seal up the "windows" for waste disposal and never use them again.

Why is such a decision being made? decided to analyze all the pros and cons of modern garbage chutes in order to understand what makes people refuse this blessing of civilization.


Almost any convenience in the history of development modern society was a product of human laziness. In order not to run to the well for water, we invented plumbing, when we got tired of walking, we invented the bicycle, when we got tired of sweeping apartments with brooms, we invented a vacuum cleaner. Same with the garbage disposal. When a person was tired of running out of the apartment almost every day with a bag full of waste, he found a way to reduce the distance from the door of his home to the place of release.

So the garbage chute was born. Therefore, its main advantage is convenience. Instead of in winter time years to pull warm clothes and shoes, wait for the elevator, run 20 or even 100 meters from the house to the garbage containers to throw out this unfortunate package, now it’s enough to go out onto the landing, go to the garbage chute, open the container, throw out the bag, close and go back to your favorite chair in front of the TV.

In many ways, a plus related to “convenience” may be the availability of this way to get rid of garbage. Do not forget that in addition to outright lazy people, it is a real boon for people with limited mobility. These include people with limited mobility. Now much attention is paid to the creation of a barrier-free environment. So the garbage chute is one of the opportunities to make their lives easier. Also, the garbage chute is often used by elderly people, for whom a simple trip to the container can become a real difficult journey.

Actually, this is where the pluses of the garbage chute end. Then some disadvantages begin, which more and more often prevail over human laziness, leaving behind those for whom the garbage chute is almost a physical necessity.


One of the main disadvantages of the garbage chute anyone will call dirt. Often, the "windows" with containers for garbage disposal are too small and part of the sewage does not fall into the garbage chute itself, but next to it. No one is in a hurry to clean up after themselves at the “latrine”, preferring to leave it to the municipal workers. Also, there are often blockages in the garbage chute, in which waste accumulates. And the garbage bin itself, which is located on the ground floor, can hardly be called a clean place.

The third minus is the noise created by waste flying down at great speed. Yes, you can hear them differently than in houses where garbage chutes with an outlet to each apartment are still preserved. But in the rooms located not far from the passing waste pipe, you can hear from time to time how someone from above throws out another bag of sewage.

Is it possible to weld a garbage chute and how to do it?

What to do if you nevertheless decide to abandon this controversial benefit of civilization, but do not know how to get permission to weld all the containers leading to the garbage chute in your entrance, because an individual refusal will not solve the problem.

The decision to “sealed” the garbage chute should be made exclusively by the residents of the apartment building and cannot be imposed by the operating organization or anyone else. If you have a functioning garbage chute in your house, and you and a large number of tenants want to stop using it, it is necessary to put this issue to a vote during the next meeting of tenants. If your initiative is supported by at least two-thirds of your neighbors, consider that the job is done. All that remains is to send an application for welding "windows" for collecting garbage on the floors of the housing and communal services, and they will gladly give up the need to control the daily removal of garbage from your entrances, as well as the periodic disinfection of the garbage chute itself.

The reverse logic is also true. Often today, when you move into a new building, the garbage chute is welded up, and the managing organization refuses to start using it. Keep in mind that such actions are illegal. To change the situation, it is enough just to vote for the “depressurization” of the garbage chute. This requirement must be sent to an organization that will be obliged to comply with your decision, taking on not only the obligation to open "windows", but also to ensure the constant removal of garbage and maintain cleanliness in the garbage chute.

By the way, the procedure for disinfection of the garbage chute should be carried out at least once a month. And they have to pick up garbage from the basement every day. Schedule shifts may be due to holidays or weekends. As for complaints, all such issues should be addressed to the State Housing Inspectorate of Moscow. It is she who monitors the correct operation of apartment buildings, including compliance with sanitary standards and rules in this area.

Garbage scandals have begun to arise more and more often. Landfills are full, we have not yet learned how to recycle garbage. One of the reasons is that the method of separate waste collection will not take root in our country. Yes, I saw different boxes somewhere on the train, somewhere in some city once. But basically everyone throws everything in one bag and lowers it into the garbage chute.

And here is the Minister natural resources Sergey Donskoy, answering questions in the media about separate collection garbage, said that one way to solve the problem is to simply weld the garbage chutes.

Recycling of waste is becoming a priority area of ​​state policy in Russia today. According to some reports, the concentration of industrially used substances in garbage is sometimes many times higher than that in natural resources. However, a serious problem prevents the maximum use of recyclable materials - there is no centralized system for separate waste collection in the country.

To highlight as much as possible useful substances from waste, it is best to separate them yourself, without relying entirely on automatic methods for sorting mixed waste. This problem has been learned to be effectively solved in developed countries. Attempts to introduce waste sorting have been repeatedly made in our country, but it has not yet taken root.

However, it is quite possible that after some time this practice will become the norm in Russia as well. Last year it became known that eight regions - Altai, Tatarstan, Lipetsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Belgorod, Volgograd, Tomsk and Kirov regions - are preparing to launch pilot projects for separate waste collection. And in February, the Moscow region also announced its readiness to organize it.

The Ministry of Natural Resources believes that we can set up waste sorting faster than it was done in Germany and Japan, which spent 20-30 years on its implementation.

Let's go back to the welded garbage chutes. Minister of Natural Resources Sergei Donskoy specified that this is an extreme measure, and other options can be found: for example, differentiate fees for garbage collection so that “conscious” citizens can pay less. The main goal is to make environmental awareness not only laudable, but also convenient.

However, who thought about how to implement it to people? I have no idea how to put garbage in different bags at home. Especially in our kitchens of 5 or 7 square meters. Need to put 3 buckets? Or before you take out the garbage, sit down and sort it into three bags? We often do not even have a pantry in our apartments!

In principle, it is logical to pay differently for separate and general waste disposal, but it is also unclear how to implement this. Opening the garbage chute by pincode?

Need different containers to receive this separate garbage. But often we have one container, it is not clear in what condition. And again, in our yard, for example, there is no place at all for garbage containers - they roll it out of the entrance and immediately load it into the car. Yes, the place will probably be allocated, but there is a suspicion that for some it will be far enough away. And what about older people?

Here, environmentalists recently calculated that in disciplined Germany, only 17% of garbage is disposed of in accordance with sorting, the rest is "recycled" in the old way - in furnaces or in garbage dumps ... but the Germans still diligently sort into containers in the yard - recycling is separate, paper separately, glass - by color...

Maybe this is still an unrealizable zamorka? Can they still build normal waste processing plants there and sort everything out? Or has technological progress not yet reached this point?

Or do you still need to change something in your head?

P.S. Here is what they write from Finland:

There are no garbage chutes in Finland, we sort the garbage, plastic packaging no one forbade it, but shopping bags are made only from recycled materials (paper bags are also available), in addition, they seem to decompose in a reasonable time (I don’t know for sure - so, something flashed in the press)

We also pay for the removal of unsorted garbage (we, this is the population of two apartment buildings that are under the same management), while there is a counter payment for sorted garbage, which reduces the total amount of house maintenance costs (an approximate analogue of a part of utility bills in the Russian Federation ). In some households, tenants are friendly and disciplined enough to reduce annual utility costs by the amount of two months' payments (in my case, this would be 860 euros) as a result of careful sorting of garbage.

Here is a typical Finnish dump:

so yes - I personally don’t see any fundamental problems with the organization of garbage sorting - everyone is completely benefited with a very small increase in hemorrhoids (so small that you stop noticing it after two or three weeks)

Here's what ours says:

I'm afraid the idea is completely divorced from our realities.
1. It has already been mentioned here more than once that it is difficult to separate garbage into 3 or more fractions in a 5-meter kitchen - few people want to (I have a kitchen of 5.2 sq m, so I know what I am writing about)
2. Many of us will respond to the welding of the garbage chute with a "protest action", on the principle that garbage will be piled near the welded buckets. This is still being done (sometimes it doesn’t crawl through, sometimes it’s just too lazy to open it), but rarely. They will obviously become more frequent. I live in the most non-elite house.
3. When the Tajiks "tamp" garbage from garbage chutes into containers, they make sure that the packages fall into the container, and not around. Otherwise, they are punished. If everyone throws, it will most likely not be possible to avoid blockages around the containers - at least not immediately.
4. Knowing our authorities, I won’t be surprised if the fee for garbage collection is INCREASED - after all, theoretically, it is necessary to transport to different places

In part, my attitude to such innovations (theoretically, by the way, correct and necessary) is connected with my summer experience. A road runs along our drainage ditch. At the end of the road, at the exit from the village (however, 500 meters away) there is an 8-cube container. So, every spring I shovel garbage bags out of the ditch. I put them in large bags (3-4 up to 8 pieces, as I'm lucky) and take them to the container. We deal with this crowd, together with the neighbors.
Thinking through and creating such a system is definitely worth it. But it’s not worth starting with brewing garbage chutes. Too in the spirit of the traditions of our government: "Citizens are prohibited ...."

Exactly on December 31, 2017, Vladimir Putin signed the law on separate waste collection. As a result, the residents of some houses have already had to spend the New Year holidays with welded garbage chutes. People are indignant and some simply pile waste right on the steps of the entrances, under the door of the garbage room.

The President introduced amendments to the Federal Law "On Production and Consumption Waste". The amendments legalize separate waste collection in Russia, allowing municipalities to determine for themselves whether to collect waste separately or in the old fashioned way.

Also, they can now, at their discretion, reduce the tariffs for garbage collection for citizens who sort this garbage, and accordingly increase them for those who do not.

According to experts, separate waste collection will allow 30% of all waste to be recycled. This means that the number of landfills can be reduced by almost a third.

By the way, such an experiment on separate waste collection was launched in the Moscow region and some other regions back in 2017. And, for example, the mayor of Shatura, Andrey Keller, says this directly: "The process is going hard."

According to polls, only 40% of the population supports the idea of ​​separate waste collection.

We have a lot of elderly people, I was the first to move into the entrance, I know many. We all now take out the garbage in containers, but from the ninth floor, you must admit, you don’t run into it. And sometimes even the elevator is turned off. I want to live in peace, but why do we have to fight with something all our lives? - says Vladimir Efimovich, a resident of a high-rise building in the Moskovsky district of Kaliningrad, to the portal's correspondent.

Suffer from the closed garbage chute not only pensioners, but also young people. Moms walking with children complained to us that now soiled diapers smell all night in the apartment, and before that they immediately went to the garbage chute ...


The Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia, Sergei Donskoy, said on this occasion that citizens would have to be accustomed to a useful initiative, as they say, by force: "Garbage chutes will simply have to be welded."

“Individual officials ran ahead of the locomotive, and already in 2017 they began to weld garbage chutes in high-rise buildings,” says Yulia Huseynova, press secretary of the Russian Bar Association for Human Rights. “This caused a storm of indignation among the residents, they began to send complaints to all instances.”

Recall: before the adoption of the law, it was possible to weld the garbage chute only by decision of the meeting of residents, this required the consent of at least 51% of the residents.

“The authorities say that they do everything as in civilized Europe,” the head of the agency comments to the portal. Russian law» Alexei Samokhvalov.

Indeed, in Europe there is no garbage chute in old houses up to five or six floors high, but in modern high-rise buildings it is and is considered a sign of civilization. We, it turns out, are sliding into the cave age.

In addition, the initiative may result in a banal increase in tariffs. For garbage collectors, they will separately make a discount - a penny, and for everyone else they will increase by a ruble.

“It is clear that management companies will start “rolling in” maximum bills for everyone, assuring that no one shares any garbage,” Alexei Samokhvalov gives an example.


Recently, residents have chosen to abandon the garbage chute. Despite the fact that the installation of a channel for dumping garbage in a high-rise building is a mandatory norm, the team of residents of the house chooses to weld the garbage chute. MyDom will tell you whether it is worth getting rid of the garbage chute in an apartment building and how this can be done.

Which houses have garbage chutes?

According to design and construction standards Russian Federation, the garbage chute is installed in houses:

  • where the floor of the upper floor is more than 11.2 meters above the ground, that is, in multi-storey buildings;
  • if the building is intended for the elderly and families with disabilities, then the mark of the upper floor is 8 meters;
  • the provision can be supplemented by the requirements of local governments, based on what kind of waste disposal system is adopted in the region.

What are the rules for waste disposal?

The garbage chute should be located on heated landings.

  • The distance from the door of the apartment should not exceed 25 meters for a residential building.
  • The noise level must be sanitary standards. If noise cannot be avoided, dampers are provided in the design of the garbage chute.
  • Fire safety must be taken into account: both the device and the materials must comply with this goal.
  • The service life of the garbage chute is calculated by cycles: 15000 for the cleaning device and the loading valve, and the gate (valve in the trunk of the garbage chute) - 3500 cycles.
  • The garbage chute must be ventilated. natural or forced.

The rules exist. And according to them, living in a house with a garbage chute is a pleasure. But lately, residents still want to weld the garbage chute. What are the reasons? Let's find out the advantages and disadvantages of a garbage chute in the house.

The legal aspect of the rejection of the garbage chute

Refusal of the garbage chute is within the competence of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building. All legal aspects are described in Article 46 of the LC RF.

Often, neighbors who are outnumbered try to challenge the closure of the chute. But arbitrage practice for the most part shows that the court is on the side of the meeting, if everything is framed correctly.

So, according to the law, the consent of all owners is not necessary to close the garbage chute. A majority vote (⅔) of the total number of participants in the meeting is needed!

A garbage chute is the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building. According to article 36, paragraph 2 of the LC RF, the owners have the right to dispose of the common property.

It is impossible to appeal to paragraph 3 of the same article, which states that a reduction in the size of common property is possible only with the consent of ALL owners. After all, the garbage chute is not dismantled, but simply preserved. The owners decide to change the form of collection of hard household waste. According to the statement, the garbage chute can also be boiled.

But this decision should be made only by residents, and not by outside organizations!

Garbage chute rejection algorithm

To weld a garbage chute follow these steps

Step 1. Convening a general meeting.

The owner who initiated the meeting must notify all tenants 10 days in advance. For example, you can put up an ad on the porches, put a printout in the mailbox, or call the apartments (if possible).

You give arguments for and against the garbage chute (we presented them in our article below). Then you raise the issue of changing the current form of collection of municipal solid waste - replacing the garbage chute with a container site.

All who participate in the meeting and are owners must vote for or against. If the majority votes for refusal, the decision is considered adopted. All meetings are recorded.

Step 4. Notification of the results of the meeting.

Not later than 10 days after the meeting, all residents must be notified that the form of garbage collection will change. This can be done in the same ways as in paragraph 1.

Step 5. Application for the conservation of the garbage chute.

You send a copy of the minutes from the meeting and a written request for the conservation of the garbage chute to your management company.

See the attached document for the closure of the garbage chute.

For and against the garbage chute

First, the most obvious benefit is time savings. Residents of houses with a garbage chute do not need to get dressed or guess the time to grab the trash.

You can also quickly get rid of garbage from the house if you cooked something smelly or something that runs the risk of quickly rotting in a bucket.

A garbage chute is urgently needed for people with handicapped and pensioners. This effective way make life easier and create more comfortable conditions for these categories of citizens.

At the same time, the maintenance of the garbage chute leads to a number of disadvantages.

Garbage is not always pushed into the mine. It can get stuck there and begin to decompose, causing an unpleasant odor. Garbage chute cleaning is much less frequent than we would like. And this entails unsanitary conditions. In addition, to throw out the garbage, you need to open the receiving window, which can also be dirty, and parts of the waste remain on the edges.

The amount of garbage that can be thrown out at a time is limited by the size of the receiving window and shaft. And if you have negligent neighbors in your house who are trying to dump bulky garbage into the mine, then a jam cannot be avoided.

Quite often, the noise from the garbage going downstairs annoys the residents. Especially if someone often throws away glass containers late at night.

Let's not forget that regular maintenance costs money. And the cleaner you want the garbage chute, the more often you will have to spend money on flushing it with the entire entrance.

Based on this, the owners decide to get rid of the neighborhood. But since it cannot be dismantled from the entrance, the decision comes to weld the garbage chute.
