Recycling of tires, tyres, waste industrial rubber goods into liquid pyrolysis fuel, pyrolysis, equipment. Tire recycling as a business Tire pyrolysis plant

I will describe the manufacture and operation of a small reactor for the processing of waste tires, which was conceived as an experimental one for testing parameters and examining fuel.

The beginning of manufacturing, of course, is documentation, drawings and sketches that are tied to manufacturing capabilities, here I took such opportunities as plasma cutting and manufacturing parts using the shell method, pretty good quality, the only thing is not cheap. Some drawings and sketches:
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Well, what do we see in the assembly shop after we brought the finished parts:

Assembly and preparation for launch:

Well, then tests and work:
Loading of raw materials after the shredder, a lot of very non-metal cord, the percentage of rubber is less since part of the rubber is taken away, the raw materials were bought in Slantsy, already ready-made, it can be seen in bags, it gives a small amount of fuel, and all the raw materials are not processed ...

you can see the "lump" in the middle, the effect is not very ..
When loading cut tires .. and here the experiment on solid tires is much better, and the fuel is normal in the 35 percent output area and is completely recycled.

carbon "crackers" burns, can also be used as a fuel, in principle, an analogue hard coal with the same ash content .. or wood new wood ash content of 3 percent immediately reaches 12-20, and naturally there is a lot of sulfur, sulfur "leaves" not in fuel .. there, according to sulfur measurements, up to 0.8 percent is incomplete, sulfur remains in carbon where it up to 4 with something percent. This coal is a good raw material for the synthesis gas reactor, which is in the previous description.

here is fuel, light is a light fraction of it quite a bit, closer to the gasoline fraction.

Well, here are various fuel tests obtained both at this facility and earlier at the first reactors.

Well, there is something about coal:

These tests came from the installation that I designed for Melitopol back in 2007, I think.
Several photos of the installation, its appearance is certainly not presentable, apparently made from what is at hand .. but it worked well according to their reviews:

that's just the carbon that comes from tires.

This is a metal cord, it is usually sold as scrap metal, of course it is desirable to extrude:

It's like general form that furnace in Melitopol, the same according to my project was to be built in Yekaterinburg .. but the crisis of 2008 prevented, so to speak ...
So everything remained unfinished, a few sad photos from Yekaterinburg:

The only thing that was done in Yekaterinburg was not in length but indoors:

I got distracted a little, but let's continue, in fact, pyrolysis is not only valuable fur... sorry, not only tire recycling, let's say when experimenting with milk cartons and other types of tetrapacks:

it turns out ashes, in fact, and foil, it does not burn out, only the question remains where to put it and how to separate it, foil from ashes .. conclusion, this technology can be used to make equipment for annealing, for example, wires, a small section of electrical wires, while the insulation plastic turns into carbon, and copper and aluminum and other metals can be taken to non-ferrous metal ... that is, the use of pyrolysis technology not only in the processing of tires, but also in the processing of waste from the automotive industry, etc. ... by the way, we also get liquid fuel from polyethylene, but This was not the task before me.
In MPC, maximum allowable emissions .. this is a very difficult question .. difficult not in the fact that they are higher than the MPC when recycling tires .. the bottom line is that there is no equipment for analyzing .. or it is sky-high at prices. But the analysis was done on experimental equipment in Israel, my acquaintances in this area, I don’t have documentary evidence .. all the money spent and decent but there are assurances .. his assurances that according to the German emission standard (in Israel they copied the German standard), excesses No!!! It's already good...
Video of this installation:

The idea of ​​recycling tires into fuel is dictated by the realities of our time. The car park is growing every year. Accordingly, the amount of consumables for their maintenance increases, and as a result, used spare parts also grow, falling into the category of waste. According to statistics, the volume of used tires per year is about a million tons.

Storage of old rubber requires large areas, so the issue of waste disposal is becoming increasingly important. The polymers from which tires are made do not decompose. The most obvious way to get rid of them is to burn them. Ecologists are sure that such a technology for processing rubber waste causes great harm. environment. In the process of burning rubber, very toxic substances enter the air: benzapyrene, dioxins, PCBs, furan.

Each used tire can get a second life. When burning from one ton of waste, 700 kg of rubber and 720 kg of toxins and soot are obtained, unsuitable for anything. The polymers in older wheels remain virtually unchanged after several years of use. Therefore, simply burning tires is inefficient and not economically justified.

Recycling old tires is a fairly promising direction to open. The technology of the process does not require investment in the purchase of raw materials. Used car tires are thrown away, since the system for processing such waste in Russia is not established.

Owners of tire workshops are forced to pay money in order to organize the removal of rubber waste to a landfill. Therefore, there will definitely be those who want to provide the owners of such an enterprise with raw materials, as well as buyers for the finished product.

Types of rubber waste disposal

Depending on the method of exposure, the following methods of tire recycling are distinguished:

  • Physical.
  • Chemical.

Getting rubber crumb

Physical involves mechanical grinding of raw materials to the state of crumbs. The resulting powder is used in the production of new tires. This method is quite popular. In addition to rubber, chemical fibers and a small amount of steel are obtained from old tires.

The recycling process begins with cutting the feedstock into small pieces. With the help of a magnetic separator, the remnants of the metal cord are removed. The resulting mass is crushed to a state of crumbs.

pyrolysis method

This technology is based on the decomposition of raw materials into components under the action of temperatures without the participation of oxygen. The result of pyrolysis depends on the temperature at which waste is disposed of. There is low and high temperature pyrolysis. The method has become widespread in Europe. Tire pyrolysis is more environmentally friendly than incineration and economically interesting, as it allows you to get fuel from waste material.

As a result of pyrolysis recycling, the following products are obtained from old tires:

  • Synthetic oil (the basis for the production of various petroleum products, including fuel).
  • Technical carbon. It is used as a dye for concrete, for the manufacture of conveyor belts, the manufacture of paving slabs.
  • Steel cord (secondarily used for the production of new tires or goes to scrap metal).
  • Thermolysis gas (used for tire recycling plant or in mini-boilers to provide heat).

The most cost-effective way is the restoration of tires through vulcanization. This option is most relevant for large-sized wheels. The product obtained by this method is several times cheaper than a new tire. Passenger car tires are most advantageously recycled using pyrolysis.

How the process of recycling and processing by pyrolysis is built

Tire recycling by chemical means includes the following steps:

  1. Tires to be recycled are collected at a recycling point.
  2. With the help of a special machine, the tire is cut into pieces, separately the tread and beads.
  3. The prepared raw material is loaded into the retort and heated to a temperature of 1000 - 1400°. The thermolysis gas released during waste processing is cooled and converted into pyrolysis oil.
  4. The retort is replaced by another filled with the next batch of raw materials.
  5. The cord remaining after the completion of the operation is screened out and sent for further processing.
  6. The same thing happens with the carbon formed during pyrolysis.

It should be noted that the gas released during the pyrolysis process is used to maintain combustion in the installation. Part of the waste enters the atmosphere, therefore, when building a processing plant, the location relative to the nearest residential and other facilities is taken into account.

Tire Pyrolysis Equipment

The production process using high temperature conditions has many advantages:

  • Pyrolysis technology is practically waste-free. The resulting products are reused in any industry.
  • Pyrolysis is the least environmentally harmful method of waste disposal.
  • Recycling tires in a special reactor does not require huge energy costs.
  • The possibility of using the resulting products to support the process itself.

The main component of the pyrolysis technology is the plant itself. Its cost ranges from one to ten million rubles. The reactor is a unit with dimensions of 10X5X3.5 m. The pyrolysis plant is mounted on open space, not indoors. Power consumption - 6 kW per hour, productivity 5 tons per day. Of these, carbon-containing components account for 30%, fuel liquid - 40%, the rest - metal cord and gas.

Preparatory work will require special scissors, which also consume electricity, and several crucibles to replace the retorts. The whole process must be carried out continuously. The fuel obtained during the pyrolysis process will require special containers for storage and transportation. Usually tanks are used for this.

Possible difficulties when opening a pyrolysis production

Despite the economic attractiveness, the organization of pyrolysis production can be fraught with some pitfalls. It is important to take into account some of the nuances before investing in equipment and people.

Features of the technology for working with any waste require the placement of equipment away from residential areas. The distance to the nearest houses should be at least 300 meters. But this does not guarantee you the absence of a negative reaction from the inhabitants. The perfect place may become an abandoned workshop of some enterprise. But its arrangement will require time and money.

Ecologists are very wary of processing methods such as pyrolysis. It is absolutely certain that the owner of the installation will be obliged to purchase treatment equipment. Its cost is sometimes comparable to the investment in the main processes.

The entrepreneur must be prepared for questions and requirements from the regulatory services, the fire inspectorate and other authorities. Pyrolysis falls under the concept of "waste recycling". Such activities require a special license.

Given the above points, we can say that only old car tires unprofitable. Experts agree that the ideal option would be the production of some other raw material. An example of such a product would be glass or.

Video: Recycling tires into fuel

Each of us knows that a vehicle cannot do without tires. However, not everyone thinks about where the worn rubber goes. There are two ways: either the tire is sent to a landfill and thereby pollutes the environment, or it is recycled. It's safe to say that rubber is a dangerous pollutant, so they always try to dispose of it. For this simple reason, there are all the prerequisites for creating your own small plant, where tires will be processed.

What everyone should know

Every year the number of cars on the roads increases by about 5-10%. Based on this, the amount of worn rubber increases by about 1 million tons. In many countries, the issue of recycling is very acute. partly solve this problem You can, if you set up your own small production. You have several business development options. For example, it can be the processing of car tires into fuel oil or crumbs. If you want to get fuel, you will have to spend a little more money, since the production line is quite serious. Pay attention also to the fact that you can work not only with tires, but also with plastic products, which will slightly increase the profitability of the enterprise. This business has several undeniable advantages, now we will consider each of them.

Firstly, you do not need to inject a lot of money into the purchase of raw materials. This is due to the fact that worn rubber is thrown away. Local authorities, if they, of course, are worried about the ecology of their city, will deliver everything to you. But that's not all, as the municipality is ready to pay for the fact that your company will process car tires. Agree, getting almost free raw materials, and even making a profit from the fact that you are doing this business, is not bad at all. Of course, everything does not end there, since our main goal is not only to save the environment, but also to make a net profit. Fixed assets will come from the sale of the same fuel oil, which is an extremely popular type of fuel in agriculture. By the way, you can also get free raw materials at tire fitting points, which are more than enough in big cities. The thing is that service station employees, etc. pay additional funds for the removal of old tires and their disposal.

Recycling rubber tires: pros and cons

It is impossible not to say a few words about the fact that this niche has not yet been fully filled. The number of entrepreneurs in this area is relatively small, about 20% of the optimal figure. This means that only a fifth of the worn rubber is disposed of and recycled, the rest goes to landfill. You must understand that 1,000 kilograms of burned tires is 450 kg of various toxic gases, as well as 250-270 kilograms of soot. But if the same amount of rubber is properly disposed of, then about 700 kilograms of full-fledged rubber can be obtained from mining, which can be used to make fuel and rubber products. It hardly makes sense to talk about the industrial scale of the enterprise, but it is very possible to establish a small tire processing plant.

The complex itself is relatively small, but its size directly depends on production volumes. So, for processing 5 tons per day, you need a room of 18 squares and 10 meters in height. There must be a warehouse on the site where you will store tires, plastic, etc. There must be a site for the preliminary preparation of raw materials (cleaning, cutting rubber). You can not do without a room for storing finished products. In this case, it all depends on what exactly you get. It could be fuel and so on. For example, for fuel oil, you will need to purchase several large-capacity tanks. They don't have to be new, it's even better to buy used, it's much cheaper. Please note that recycling rubber tires is a difficult and dangerous business. Therefore, technology must be carefully observed. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Technological process

In fact, there is nothing complicated here, but it is necessary to control the process at all stages of production. At the very beginning, you have to start collecting tires. Then you must take them to the warehouse of your enterprise for further processing. In order not to damage the scissors, which, by the way, are not cheap, it is necessary to inspect all raw materials for the presence of metal objects, such as discs or rings. Concerning cutting tool, then ideally it should be hydraulic scissors, but this is not at all necessary, we will talk about this a little later. Next, the crushed rubber is sent to the reactor - a special tire recycling plant that operates at a given temperature, most often 450 degrees Celsius. Decomposition leads to the fact that we get several semi-finished products, such as gas, metal cord, fuel fraction.

The same gas is used to support combustion in the furnace as a by-product fuel. Its waste is released into the environment. Can't call it good decision, but the emission resembles exhaust gases truck. As for the remaining mass, it passes through the magnetic separator, speaking in simple words then sifted through a sieve. Metal elements are screened out and sent to the warehouse. Fuel oil is transported by a conveyor to tanks, in which the fuel will be stored until shipment. It should be noted that the plant for the processing of tires, which allows you to get pyrolysis fuel, is quite expensive - about 2 million rubles. Its productivity is about 5 thousand tons of raw materials per day, which is quite a lot.

Production of crumb rubber

And here is another rather interesting idea that has not received proper distribution to date. The essence of such a business is that you will sell shredded and processed rubber, which can be used for different purposes. In order for you to roughly understand what we are talking about, it is necessary to give general indicators in numbers. Yes, a ton. crumb rubber on Russian market will cost no more than 20,000 rubles. As for the main consumers, it is construction companies, manufacturers of rubber products, roofing materials, coatings for construction and sports tools, etc. In principle, it is quite easy to find a point of sale.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that approximately 700-800 thousand tons of worn tires are thrown away on the territory of the Russian Federation every year. Approximately 20-25% is disposed of properly, everything else is either simply lying in landfills or burned. So, the processing of tires into crumbs can bring 5-8 billion, but this is already an industrial scale. If you are going to be doing this kind of recycling at your plant, then you will need a mechanical crusher. will have to be changed very often, which leads to high costs. Another disadvantage of this idea is that a lot of electricity is consumed, about 500 kilowatts per ton of finished products. Nevertheless, recycling auto tires in this way will be beneficial. But only if you receive appropriate support from the state.

Tire recycling equipment

Separately, we need to talk about what our production line will consist of. In principle, there is not so much equipment, and it is not complicated at all. Nevertheless, the price "bites". The main unit is a tire recycling plant (reactor), 10 meters high, 3.5 meters wide, 5 m long. This unit must be installed only in an open area, that is, under the open sky. You, as a future entrepreneur, must understand that you will have to pay quite a lot of money for electricity. The reactor itself consumes about 6 kW per hour. In addition, there are also scissors - 7-8 kW / h. In principle, this is practically all the equipment that is necessary to start production. What else is needed is a few crucibles to unload the resulting material.

As noted above, the reactor has a capacity of about 5 tons per day. But of this mass, approximately 40% will be liquid fuel. The fact is that as a result of decomposition, you will get gas (about a ton) and somewhere around 0.5 tons of steel cord. We should not forget about the solid residue (carbon-containing materials), which is approximately 30% of the total output. It is worth paying your attention to the fact that the processing of old tires in the reactor is carried out continuously. All you have to do is add tires. Combustion is supported by the gas produced inside the furnace. The reactor should be operated by two specially trained specialists. In principle, training courses can be completed fairly quickly. Now let's go ahead and look at a few more important points.

How much money do you need to get started?

This is one of the main aspects that interests absolutely all beginners. You don't need to spend a lot here. If you are going to purchase used equipment (reactor, shears), you can save up to 20% of the total amount. It is worth taking such a step or not, it's up to you. There is no guarantee that a used reactor will not fail after the first heat. In this case, no one will compensate you for the damage. One million rubles should be enough for everything about everything. This includes the cost of a reactor with a capacity of 5 tons / day, as well as shears. In addition, you will need to purchase several tanks (60 tons). If these are used containers, then you will have to pay about 25,000 rubles apiece. How many pieces you need, think for yourself, but you do not need to be limited to one or two tanks. The fact is that the processing of tires into fuel is a seasonal business.

During the period of a decline in fuel prices, it is better not to sell it, but only to accumulate it. When the period of increase comes, and this will happen for sure, you can get a good income by selling all the fuel oil at once. This tactic works and is considered quite effective. But this does not mean at all that you should completely freeze sales, it is enough to reduce them by 50-75%. You still have to pay employees. Four specialists will cost about 60,000 rubles a month, and tools and overalls - another 50,000. There are also regular monthly costs: electricity, taxes, rent, etc.

About the income of the enterprise

As you can see, tire recycling technology is quite simple. There are no additives to the fuel, complex chemical reactions and other moments. Moreover, as noted above, the raw materials are completely free. Sometimes even collecting tires can make some money, which will pay off the monthly electricity costs. If you live in the outback, then it is unlikely that you will be paid for disposal, but in big cities the situation is completely different. There are many industries that pay good money to recycle rubber. This is due to the fact that many city dumps refuse to accept such waste. For the processing of a ton of tires, you can get a different amount, from 2 to 5 thousand rubles.

It is safe to say that even recycling tires at home will bring a good income. Thus, consumers are ready to pay 3,000 rubles for a ton of low-quality carbon. Scrap metal is accepted at the rate of 4 thousand rubles per ton, and fuel oil - 3-4 thousand rubles per ton, depending on the period. By simple calculations, you can come to the conclusion that in a month you will earn about 350,000-400,000 rubles. Approximately 50% must be paid for electricity, workers, etc. With such an intensity, the tire recycling line will pay off in six months, which is quite fast. As you can see, the idea is very interesting and promising, but not everything is so simple. In such a business, as, in fact, in any other, there are a lot of pitfalls. Let's see how not to make a mistake.

Problems when starting a business

It happens that it is simply not possible to find a free piece of land. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to maintain a safe distance to residential buildings, which is 300 meters. The farther the plant is from the city, the greater the cost of delivering raw materials, we should not forget about this. Remember that not everyone wants tires to be recycled under their windows. Feedback from ordinary residents will be negative, even if the reactor is located at a distance of 400 meters from residential areas. For this simple reason, look for a place on the production site. Most likely, you will find it, since quite a few sites are empty. All that is required of you is to negotiate directly with the company, as a rule, this is not so difficult to do. At least, it is much easier than to conclude an agreement with firefighters and a sanitary and epidemiological station.

Do not forget that you need a license to get a permit is not difficult, since tires are non-hazardous materials (4th group). But the catch is that your production officially pollutes the atmosphere. Most likely, you will be asked (forcibly) to buy a treatment plant. Its price is usually several times higher than the entire plant. But there are several ways that will help you delay the purchase for a certain time. Experts say that it is not advisable to open an enterprise for the processing of any one material. Like it or not, decide for yourself. In any case, you can always expand your workshop and melt glass, plastic or metal there. According to statistics, 75% of entrepreneurs encounter environmentalists who are wary of this kind of production.

A few important details

As noted a little above, you will encounter the fact that the item "contingencies" will appear in your business plan. This is due to the fact that it will be necessary to resolve issues with environmentalists and firefighters. For example, to store fuel oil in new tanks, only a protective shield is needed, but used tanks require additional protection. There are special lines for fuel and gas, and fire safety instructions for personnel, and much more. In any case, you need to have a reserve in your budget of several hundred thousand rubles. This will save you a lot of trouble. The expense items are quite large, but we have already considered them, and you probably know what you will be dealing with.

Do not forget that you, as a manager, must not only observe how your employees work, but also perform a number of other equally important tasks. Among these: the constant development and growth of the boundaries of the enterprise, accounting and tax accounting, as well as the adjustment of goals and plans for the near future. One was not mentioned in this article. important point- Advertising your product. There are several options here. One of them is to create your own thematic site where you can offer fuel oil, etc. Nobody has canceled ads on poles, stops and stands. Until now, this is a good and effective method to loudly declare yourself. In addition, for a nominal fee, you can rent a billboard and place your advertisement there. By the way, you need to do it wisely. It is important not to overload with unnecessary information, but also to attract the attention of a potential audience.


So we talked with you about what tire recycling is and how to open such a business. As you can see, everything is quite simple, but there are a lot of important points. Sometimes it happens that it is difficult to find a supplier, or the latter refuses to just give away old tires and demands money for them. In principle, you can find another, more acceptable enterprise, where they will only be happy to get rid of excess garbage, and they will even give you money for the road. Sometimes it makes sense to conclude a full-fledged long-term supply contract. So you can eliminate downtime for your business and increase income. But all these points should be discussed directly with the supplier. Remember that it is much more difficult to find a point of sale for tires than a businessman who is ready to buy this garbage. This is due to the fact that in some cities there are no tire recycling reactors at all.

If you get good fuel oil, then aim at city or private boiler houses. There you will be happy to purchase fuel, which is vital for heating water. If you are going to get crumb rubber, then you will need a machine that costs about 500,000 rubles. The cost of electricity per 1 ton of products - 90 kW. The disadvantage of this approach is that a group of knives (40 pieces) wears out after processing hundreds of tires, so they often need to be changed. In principle, for one knife you need to pay only 30 rubles, which is relatively little. So, a unit with a capacity of 20 tires per hour pays off in about six months. The results are the same as in the production of fuel oil. But in the first case, there are fewer problems with environmentalists and firefighters, since we are not dealing with either waste into the atmosphere or liquid fuel. Well, in principle, and all on this topic. The most difficult thing is to start, and then it will be much easier.

Tire recycling - what is it + process technology + risks and complexities associated with the business + step by step process of opening a plant + financial calculations.

Capital investments: 3,265,000 rubles
Payback period: about 1 year

Every year the number of car owners is increasing, so the problem of tire recycling is becoming more and more urgent.

Used wheels are simply thrown into a landfill, and as you know, rubber decomposes for about 150 years.

But the planet, unlike it, is “not rubber”, so such actions have a negative impact on the environment.

That is why tire recycling is not just a solution to an environmental problem, but also a great idea for starting a really useful business.

Recently, one can notice such a trend - many do not want to start their own business due to the fact that many niches are already simply filled.

But in this case, the entrepreneur will have:

  • minimum of competitors;
  • access to cheap or even free raw materials;
  • the opportunity to start a sought-after business.

Tire recycling: what is it?

According to statistics, only a fifth of the tires are sent for recycling.

The remaining tires are disposed of or continue to decompose in the ground in landfills.

As for tire recycling, it is carried out in four ways:

Tire recyclingThere is a crushing of tires into small pieces, which can later be used for the production of other goods.
The most rational way that causes the least harm to the environment.
PyrolysisThe method involves exposing the tires to a high temperature in order to extract fuel oil from them. Such recycling cannot be called rational, because it harms the environment, besides it is expensive and pays off for a long time.
BurningThis method is used for the complete disposal of tires. As a result, you can get energy, but for it you will have to release a lot of toxins into the atmosphere, including soot and sulfur.
RecoveryThis is the new generation in tire recycling. When they are restored, the cost of oil decreases by 6 times, which indicates the rationality and efficiency of the method.

In the production of tires, various valuable polymers are used that can withstand enormous loads during the operation of the car.

Since during use car tires their chemical composition does not change, this means that they can be used for new production.

From one ton of tires you can get:

  • 700 kg of rubber, which can be used for various purposes;
  • 270 kg of soot and 450 kg of toxins that will enter the atmosphere.

Therefore, the choice is obvious: it is better to recycle used tires and get paid for it than just burn them, causing harm to the environment.

Based on the chosen method of tire recycling, you can get different products:

Rubber crumbThe crushed crumb is used in further production - sanitary pads, shoe soles, car mats, rubber tiles, floor coverings in children's and sports fields, fillers for punching bags, new car tires and more.
FuelRecycled tires can be used to produce fuel oil, kerosene, and even gasoline with a higher octane rating.
Steel cordThe removed bead ring from the wheels can be used in the further production of new tires or scrapped.
GasThe resulting gas can be used as fuel for a reactor that recycles tires.
carbon blackThis product is used as a dye for concrete, in the production of new tires, and also in the military industry.

The process of converting tires into crumb rubber

We will consider the process of tire recycling using the example of crumb rubber production, which has a wide range of applications.

So, the process consists of the following steps:

  1. Tire preparation: for this worn tires undergo a visual inspection for the presence of unnecessary parts.
  2. Removal of unnecessary parts: extraction of nails, stones, splinters, bead wire.
  3. Cutting tires into strips and further crushing them into pieces up to 4 mm in size.
  4. The resulting parts are sent to a magnetic separator, where the remnants of the metal cord are removed.
  5. The resulting rubber particles are ground to a state of crumbs with a size of 1 mm.

In the future, the resulting crumb can be converted into fuel / gas / fuel oil.

But such processing requires additional equipment and even more capital investment.

How to open a tire recycling plant: a step-by-step process

The opening of a processing plant includes the already known stages:
  1. market analysis - study of competitors and business prospects;
  2. business registration - choosing the organizational and legal form of the future enterprise and obtaining the necessary permits;
  3. search for premises - a tire recycling shop must comply with sanitary and epidemiological and fire regulations;
  4. selection of equipment - its purchase, installation and configuration;
  5. recruitment of qualified personnel who will be able to work on the purchased equipment;
  6. search for points of sale - conducting marketing research and searching for buyers;
  7. financial plan - calculation of capital investments and income forecast;
  8. identifying possible risks - assessing negative factors and finding ways to minimize them.

Market analysis and business relevance

Tire recycling is only gaining momentum, so the niche is practically not occupied.

On the territory of many CIS countries there are no places for storing used tires, it is for this reason that not many people think about starting such a business.

Statistics show that the annual number of used tires tends to one million tons.

The increase in cars is about 5-7%, which confirms the constant increase in raw materials for processing.

Where to get raw materials?

It is possible to conclude contracts for the supply of used tires with enterprises that have cars on their balance sheet, as well as create tire collection points.

Thus, tire recycling is relevant because:

  • decides environmental problem, and also reduces the area of ​​​​territories that are provided for the storage of used tires;
  • creates a new product that other industries need.

Search for a place for production

The first step in implementing a business idea is to find a suitable space.

It should be large so that it can accommodate the production itself and warehouses for storing raw materials and finished products, as well as equip utility rooms for workers.

The room itself must comply with the following standards:

  • an area of ​​at least 150-200 sq. m.;
  • remoteness from the residential area - at least 300 meters. It is better to choose industrial zones that are located away from the city;
  • availability of communications - electricity, water supply, sewerage, ventilation.

The room needs to be repaired in accordance with all the norms of the SES and the fire inspection.

Business registration

To start entrepreneurial activity, you need to register it.

To do this, you can either LLC, after which you can not register with the tax authorities.

According to the Law of the Russian Federation "On licensing certain types Activities” tire recycling does not need to be licensed, as it belongs to the 5th hazard class of waste.

But still, it is better to consult specialists on this issue, who will also help to collect all Required documents for various permits.

After registering a business, it is necessary to obtain permits from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, the environmental and fire services.

Tire recycling equipment

Interesting fact:
Initially, tires for cars had a light shade, mostly white or beige. And the usual black color appeared already at the end of the nineteenth century, after manufacturers began to add carbon to the rubber base.

The most important step in starting a tire recycling business is purchasing the necessary equipment.

Firstly, this is the largest item of expenditure in capital investments, and secondly, the entire production process will depend on it.

To create a line for processing tires into crumb rubber, you need to purchase the following equipment:

Name of equipmentCharacteristicQty
Tire bead breaking equipmentThe machine cuts the bead rings in the tires, after which the other pulls it out. The output is a wire that can be scrapped1
Tire bead removal equipment:1
Special scissors for cutting tiresCuts tires into pieces of the required size1
Shredder (crusher)On the first level, it grinds pieces of tires to a size of 100*100 mm, and on the second - 15*15 mm1
transport fanNecessary for the delivery of the obtained particles to the next stage of processing1
Cyclone collectionSeparates crumb rubber, metal cord and textiles from the air2
Magnetic separatorSeparates metal cord from crumb rubber2
DefibratorSeparates the metal cord from the remains of the crumb1
Vibrating table №1On them, in two stages, the textile cord is separated from the crumb1
Vibrating table №21
Bunker for metalContainer where the separated metal cord falls1
Impact crusherGrinds rubber crumb to a size of 6-8 mm1
Textile coarse and fine separatorSeparates the textile cord from the crumb, after which it undergoes additional cleaningeach 1
vibrating sieveDivides rubber crumb into fractions of the required diameter1
High pressure fanTransports products through the pneumatic pipeline1
dust collectorCleans the air of dust1

The approximate cost of the production line varies from two to five million rubles.


To open a mini tire recycling plant, workers are needed to maintain the production line itself, as well as administrative and management personnel.

The state looks like this:

Job titleSalary, rub.QtyFOT, rub.
Total: RUB 201,000
Shift Supervisor20 000 2 40 000
Operators15 000 4 60 000
movers13 000 2 26 000
Administration and management
Director35 000 1 35 000
Sales manager20 000 1 20 000
Accountant20 000 1 20 000

Staff responsibilities include:

  • Director - control over the production process, administration of activities;
  • Sales manager- search for buyers and conclusion of trade deals with them;
  • Accountant - maintaining and compiling reports;
  • Shift supervisor - control and accounting of production, preparation of production reports;
  • Operator - production, cleaning of the workplace;
  • Loader - loading / unloading of raw materials and received products.

Tire recycling business financial plan

The most important point in opening any business is the amount of capital investment.

It is worth noting that tire recycling requires a fairly large start-up capital, because in fact it will be a full-fledged production that requires the purchase of serious and expensive equipment.

The capital investment for opening a tire recycling plant is:

Type of expensesAmount, rub.
Total:RUB 3,265,000
Business registration10 000
Repair to the premises and establishment of communications50 000
Purchase of equipment2 500 000
Installation and configuration of equipment150 000
Buying a truck400 000
Office equipment (repair, electronic equipment)100 000
Advertising and marketing40 000
Other expenses15 000

To maintain a business, you need to invest in it every month (this includes fixed and variable costs):

Monthly expensesAmount, rub.
Total:RUB 595,000
Rent of industrial premises50 000
Warehouse rental35 000
FOT201 000
Payroll taxes (34%)69 000
Administrative expenses (Internet, telephone)10 000
Raw materials (100 tons at 1500 rubles/t)150 000
Communal payments45 000
Garbage removal15 000
Fuel for cars15 000
other expenses5 000

The cost of the product received is:

  • rubber crumb - 14,000 rubles / t;
  • scrap metal - 6500 rubles / t;
  • textile cord - 600 rubles / t.

As a result, you can get the following income:

From the data obtained, we can say that the business will pay off in about one year.

Where and how to sell?

Because similar business has not yet found distribution in the CIS countries, it is worth saying honestly that it is quite difficult to find buyers for crumb rubber, but still possible.

As mentioned above, the range of application of crumb rubber is wide.

Potential buyers may include:

  • for the production of rubber tiles or roofing;
  • manufacturers of sports surfaces for training fields and playgrounds;
  • tire manufacturers;
  • shoe factories;
  • plumbing manufacturers.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that this industry is supported by the state, so to promote your business, you can contact local authorities that cooperate with manufacturers of sports equipment.

The video below shows the process of recycling tires into crumbs:

What risks and challenges can come with a tire recycling business?

A tire recycling business plan should include a risk assessment and mitigation planning:

    Hardware failure

    To minimize this risk, it is necessary to constantly check the equipment and maintain the production line stably, and replace damaged parts.

    This also includes employee training and skills development.

    Untimely deliveries of raw materials

    Already at the stage of installation and adjustment of the production line, it is necessary to look for reliable suppliers and conclude long-term contracts with them.

    Failures in the sale of finished products

    Here, as well as the previous paragraph, it is necessary to conclude long-term contracts with buyers, which stipulate the delivery time and the quantity of products sold.

    Improper storage of finished products

    Rubber crumb is "afraid" of high humidity, so it is necessary to ensure dry air in warehouses.

Tire recycling is not just a relevant and promising, but also a demanded business, which, in addition to wealth will benefit the environment.

The main advantages of such production are the low cost of raw materials and a minimum of competitors.

These factors allow you to create a cost-effective and profitable business.

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Worn-out tires are almost not subject to natural decomposition, which means that sooner or later they should be disposed of. Tires cannot simply be burned - such a “disposal” of even one ton of products is fraught with “enrichment” of the atmosphere with centners of soot and toxic gases. In addition, this is simply a senseless waste of resources, because thanks to modern technologies waste tires can be profitably recycled, for example, into fuel. Consider the case of opening a company specializing in the processing of tires into fuel oil.

Tire recycling as a business is a unique activity, as there are practically no costs for raw materials. Moreover, in many cities municipal authorities even pay for the disposal of tires. As for the resulting fuel oil, this is a product that is constantly in demand.

As a result of the tire recycling process, a dark oily liquid is released (30-40% of the total mass of raw materials). This so-called pyrolysis oil, his Chemical properties similar to the characteristics of fuel oil and heating oil. It can be used in industrial furnaces, heat generators, boiler houses. In addition, the pyrolysis liquid is processed to produce higher quality fuel oil, diesel fuel or gasoline.

Potential Buyers

  • boiler rooms;
  • industrial enterprises;
  • owners of private houses.


To open this business, you will need the following tire recycling equipment (basic):

Almost all pyrolysis plants present on the domestic market are of Russian or “post-Soviet” origin. Their cost varies from one million to ten million rubles.

For example, the mini tire processing plant "Consum-Avtotyres-Classic", which not only cuts and processes car tires into pyrolysis oil, but also turns it into diesel and gasoline distillates, will cost from 7,500,000 rubles. This plant is capable of processing 15-20 tons of raw materials per day.

From the same manufacturer, you can also purchase a conventional installation for the production of pyrolysis fuel SHAH (from 2,000,000 rubles), with a capacity of 5 tons of raw materials per day.

The cost of hydraulic scissors NS-400 capable of cutting both passenger and truck tires is 300,000 rubles.

A fuel storage tank with a capacity of 10,000 liters will cost 220,000 rubles.

Example of production organization

Consider an enterprise that processes tires into fuel (fuel oil) using a SHAH pyrolysis plant with a capacity of 5 tons. According to her technical specifications from one ton of raw materials, up to 400 kg of pyrolysis liquid should be obtained.

To start a business, an investment of 4.6 million rubles will be required:

  • Purchase of the SHAH pyrolysis plant - 3,000 thousand rubles

    Utilization and recycling of car tires

  • Hydraulic shears - 300 thousand rubles.
  • A tank with a capacity of 10 thousand liters - 220 thousand rubles.
  • Tools, consumables - 280 thousand rubles.
  • Delivery, installation, commissioning - 300 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses (coordination, connection to power grids) - 500 thousand rubles.

With an operating mode of 30 shifts per month and 100% equipment loading, the plant produces 60 tons of products.

By its properties, the resulting pyrolysis oil corresponds to heating oil. Average wholesale cost given fuel- 9,500 rubles per ton (price valid as of February 12, 2013).

With this option, the monthly revenue will be 570,000 rubles, the net profitability of the activity is 50%. The return on investment, at 100% load of the line will be 16 months, and at 50% load 32 months.

Equipment | for cleaning and regeneration | Vacuum regeneration plant UVR


for regeneration (restoration of working condition), primarily mineral oils, hydraulic oils, compressor oils, industrial oils, as well as lighter electrically insulating transformer and turbine oils;

for purification, clarification, regeneration, removal of paraffins, removal of sulfur (desulfurization) - furnace, diesel and pyrolysis fuels, as well as other fuel liquids.

Business Idea #102: How profitable is tire recycling?

Vacuum regeneration plant UVR

regenerates, brightens, removes aging processes, filters and purifies: mineral oils, diesel fuel, heating oil, petroleum products, pyrolysis liquid, the unit removes paraffins and sulfur from diesel and heating oil.

The cost of regeneration of the 1st ton (depending on the regenerated liquid) ranges from $6.5 to $35.

Regenerated, clarified and filtered this or that liquid, after the processing process, also corresponds to GOST.

This equipment will not solve the issue of oil disposal, but will give and gives oils a second life.

Installation universal and works on any liquids without any reconfiguration, the only changeable parameter will be the performance of the unit, it will depend on the type and viscosity of the liquid being cleaned.

The equipment is certified and complies with all GOSTs and standards.

Regeneration capacity, m³/h:

— transformer oils
— turbine oils
– industrial oils
- heating oil
- diesel fuel
- pyrolysis liquid
- engine oils

Consumption of regenerating powder in % of oil mass

— transformer oils
— turbine oils
– industrial oils
- heating oil
- diesel fuel
- pyrolysis liquid
- engine oils

5 — 7
5 — 7
5 — 7
3 — 8
2 — 4
5 — 10
Weight of regenerating powder for filling

- one regeneration module, kg
— all regeneration modules, kg

Oil loss in % of initial oil volume

— transformer oils
— turbine oils
– industrial oils
- heating oil
- diesel fuel
- pyrolysis liquid
- engine oils

3 — 5
3 — 5
3 — 5
1 — 5
1 — 3
1 — 3
3 — 5
Total power of heaters, kW 1,6
Installed power, kW 4,2
Fineness of filter filtration, µm

- input
- day off

Supply voltage of a three-phase AC network with a frequency of 50 Hz, V 220, 380
Overall dimensions, mm no more 1900×1080×1750
Weight, kg no more 760

Engine oil samples before and after the regeneration process,
as well as other samples of purified and clarified liquids

Pyrolysis plant for tire recycling. Pyrolysis is a waste-free waste disposal technology.

Pyrolysis of tires, tires, plastics and other waste allows you to recycle and recycle toxic waste into fuel, carbon and steel cord. The pyrolysis plant is simple and efficient. Investments in pyrolysis equipment pay off in less than a year; when acquiring equipment on lease, the payback period is reduced to several months. The pyrolysis plant does not require numerous personnel. To service a horizontal pyrolysis plant, 3-4 people are required at the time of loading (3-5 hours depending on the volume) and a person on duty during operation. The service life of a pyrolysis reactor made of heat-resistant steel with a thickness of 16-18 mm is about 7-8 years. Delivery of the reactor from heat-resistant stainless steel is possible. After 7-8 years of operation, the reactor is replaced with a new one. The remaining components of the installation do not require replacement. The installation used automation Siemens.

Leasing of equipment for 2 - 5 years is possible, the down payment is 10 -15%, the rise in price is 5 -12% per year, the currency is rubles.

Waste pyrolysis. Depending on temperatures and materials, installations for low-temperature pyrolysis and high-temperature pyrolysis of waste are used.

Low-temperature pyrolysis is the process of waste decomposition without air access at temperatures of 300-600 ° C. This method is characterized by the maximum yield of liquid products. In the process of pyrolysis, we get fuel and other valuable waste. In our installations, the catalytic pyrolysis process is used to increase the efficiency and speed of the process.

Tire recycling as a business

In the output units, we get heavy and light fractions of fuel, non-condensable fractions - gas is used to heat the pyrolysis furnace, therefore, only initial heating is necessary for the operation of the pyrolysis furnace. After the start of the pyrolysis process, the released gas is used for heating. If you purchase 2 units and they work together, the excess gas in one pyrolysis unit is used to start the pyrolysis process in the second unit. Eliminates the need for any additional form fuel in general. The pyrolysis unit is equipped with a 4-stage gas purification system. Price list for pyrolysis plants.

High-temperature pyrolysis proceeds at temperatures of about 1000-1400 degrees and is characterized by a maximum gas yield. High-temperature pyrolysis is one of the best ways to process municipal solid waste, MSW, both in terms of both environmental safety and the production of synthesis gas, slag, metals and other materials that can be widely used in national economy. High-temperature gasification makes it possible technically simply to process municipal solid waste without their preliminary preparation, sorting, drying, etc.

Waste equipment - advantage of pyrolysis:

  • Pyrolysis equipment is the optimal solution for waste processing. Pyrolysis is not very sensitive to the type of raw material and is able to process unsorted municipal solid waste, sewage sludge, oil residues, paper pulp, mixed plastics and shredded car residues, rubber and tires, woodworking waste, hospital waste, etc. Plant automation adapts to changes in waste composition .
  • No combustion waste, the pyrolysis plant has excellent performance in terms of emissions of harmful substances such as dioxins, the level of which is lower than that required by the relevant legislation.
  • The plant does not produce waste water.
  • Highly qualified personnel is not required, the installation works automatically.
  • There is a large decrease in the amount of waste for disposal.
  • Harmless production residues can be used in the future, in the production of tires, road construction, etc.
  • The pyrolysis plant is easy to operate and maintain, as well as the fact that the pyrolysis plant provides itself with the energy necessary for operation (required only for start-up), while the excess generated steam and / or electricity is supplied to an external consumer.

Pyrolysis machines are available in 2 versions - vertical and horizontal. You can purchase horizontal pyrolysis machines from us for processing tire waste, etc. and vertical machines for processing waste oils and petroleum products.

Advantages of horizontal pyrolysis plants:

  • The material is mixed in the reactor, which accelerates the pyrolysis process.
  • There is no need for overhead cranes to unload the retorts.
  • The shop may have a lower height.
  • The big sizes of loading doors of installation.
  • Possibility of automating the loading, the loading device can have a diameter equal to the machine door.
  • Fully automatic carbon unloading, steel cord unloading device, Few maintenance personnel 3-4 people, especially high savings are obtained when the plant capacity is large or when 2 or more units are purchased.
  • Pyrolysis of rubber and tires.

    Pyrolysis of rubber and recycling of automobile tires is the most demanded direction, where horizontal pyrolysis plants are widely used. The large volume of the reactor from 12 m3 to 50 m3, large loading doors from 2.2 to 2.8 meters in diameter, automatic unloading of the plant, and a small number of maintenance personnel make horizontal plants the most advantageous to use for these purposes.

    Pyrolysis of plastic.

  • Plastic pyrolysis is another popular use for pyrolysis machines. What is especially important is that the plastic decomposes in the pyrolysis machine without the formation of dioxins. In this case, the yield of pyrolysis fuel is about 65% of the weight of the plastic. Upon delivery of the dechlorination unit, it is possible to process plastics with PVC impurities.
  • Waste pyrolysis

  • In pyrolysis plants it is also possible to process cable residues, leather (pretreatment equipment supplied),
  • Pyrolysis of waste oil and petroleum products

  • It is possible to process used oil in horizontal pyrolysis plants 10-15% of the plant load, in distillation plants or in oil regeneration plants.
  • We offer 2 types of oil processing plants.

A series of distillation units that allow processing 5 to 50 tons of oil per day into standard summer diesel fuel and AI 92 gasoline.

Installations for the regeneration of oil properties with a capacity of 62 to 2000 liters per hour. These installations make it possible to obtain oil with properties close to the original oil.

  • As a result of pyrolysis, the following products are obtained:

The working process:

Raw materials are loaded into the feed inlet, depending on the volumes and material, a loading conveyor can be supplied. Then, the reactor of the pyrolysis machine is heated by a gas or diesel burner, at the choice of the customer. When the temperature reaches up to 350°C-400°C, the pyrolysis reaction starts in the reactor. Light and heavy components will be separated from the formed petroleum gas. The light component is cooled in the condenser and accumulated in the fuel tank, and combustible gases remain in the system, which cannot be liquefied, they are returned to the heat supply system for combustion.

The pyrolysis machine is equipped with a gas purification system in the heat supply system of the machine. We can offer you the following range of Pyrolysis machines with different capacities:

We can offer you the following range of Pyrolysis machines with different capacities:

Name Power
per day
in a day

1 LL-2200-6000 11 22 5 — 6 9 — 10 3 in 2 days 82000 92000 88000 98000 108000
2 LL-2200-6600 11 25 7 10 -11 3 in 2 days 84000 94000 91000 101000 111000
3 LL-2600-6000 16 32 8 8 -10 1 per day 110000 124000 118000 121000 131000
4 LL-2600-6600 16 35 10 10 — 12 1 per day 120000 134000 128000 142000 154000
5 LL-2800-6000 17 37 10 10 — 12 1 per day 125000 139000 135000 149000 164000
6 LL-2800-6600 17 40 12 12 1 per day 135000 149000 145000 159000 175000
7 LL-2800-7500 22 46 16 15 -16 1 per day 150000 165000 162000 177000 195000

* - the price of a pyrolysis plant without adaptation to a cold climate. Heating installation with coal, firewood.

** - price of pyrolysis plant without adaptation to cold climate. Heating of the installation with multi-fuel burners operating on diesel fuel, pyrolysis oil, fuel oil.

*** price of a pyrolysis plant with a cooling system adapted to cold climates, without an outdoor pool.

*** price of a pyrolysis plant with a cooling system adapted to cold climates, without an outdoor pool. Heating of the installation with multi-fuel burners operating on diesel fuel, pyrolysis oil, fuel oil.

**** - the price of a pyrolysis plant with a cooling system adapted to a cold climate, without an outdoor pool and a cooling system that allows the use of the heat generated by the installation for heating the workshop. Forced ventilation system. Heating of the installation with multi-fuel burners operating on diesel fuel, pyrolysis oil, fuel oil.

The standard cycle of the pyrolysis machine.

Machine operation
cooling down
Working cycle
1 LN-2200-5100 1,5-2 6-7 2 1,5-2 12
2 LN-2200-5100 1,5-2 6-7 2 1,5-2 12
3 LN-2200-5100 1,5-2 6-7 2 1,5-2 12
4 LN-2200-5100 1,5-2 6-7 2 1,5-2 12
5 LN-2200-6000 2 7 2 2 13
6 LN-2200-6600 2 8 2 2 14
7 LN-2600-6000 2-3 10 2 — 3 2-3 19
8 LN-2800-6000 3 12 4 3 22
9 LN-2800-6600 3 12 4 3 22
10 LN-2800-7500 4 12 4 4 24

We give a guarantee for the machine for 1 year, a period for a stainless steel reactor with a thickness of 14 mm. 3 years, other parts of the machine do not need to be changed during its entire period of operation, except for wear parts and components.

The composition of the pyrolysis machine includes

  1. Reactor heating system
  2. Thermally insulated body of the pyrolysis machine
  3. The pyrolysis reactor is made of stainless steel 14 mm thick.
  4. Machine control panel.
  5. catalytic column
  6. Tank for heavy fraction of pyrolysis oil
  7. Pyrolysis gas cooling system
  8. Container for light fraction of pyrolysis oil
  9. Water seal
  10. Water cooling system. It is possible to use the heat generated during the pyrolysis process to heat the air in the workshop in winter
  11. Built-in fan and valve system.
  12. Chimney
  13. Smoke exhaust fan
  14. Exhaust gas cleaning system
  15. Burner for afterburning gas
  16. speed reducer
  17. Automatic Soot Removal Conveyor
  18. Service platforms
  19. Roller for steel unloading (cord)

Pyrolysis is the process of decomposition by fire in a literal translation. The material of used tires under the influence of heat in an oxygen-free environment is divided into solid, liquid and gaseous substances.

Business for the processing of automobile tires and tires into fuel oil

In this case, long polymer chains are converted into liquid components with a significantly lower molecular weight.
The raw material for pyrolysis technology can be not only car tires that have lost their properties,
but also used polypropylene, polyethylene, used motor oil and other carbon waste.

In its apparent simplicity of implementation, pyrolysis has a number of pitfalls. Heat process (above 500C) requires no moving parts in the reaction zone or expensive construction materials.

The periodic process, apart from a long production period, has an unreasonably high fuel consumption (up to 15% versus 6% continuous), due to the need to heat the cooled retort.

The primary product - pyrolysis oil has not just unacceptable quality indicators. It has a disgusting smell, a very high content of unacceptable products in fuels, is not stable and does not change during distillation.

The rest of the products obtained from tires by pyrolysis (carbon and steel) require additional costs to bring them to marketable condition.

Due to its low quality and organoleptic characteristics, pyrolysis oil cannot be used as a competitive product - a substitute for fuel.

We offer a modern high-quality technological system of environmentally friendly
highly profitable, waste-free production of recycling tires and other carbon-forming wastes with the production of highly competitive marketable products.

The technological process has two stages.

  1. pyrolysis stage. But this is a "light" version - a low-temperature analogue of pyrolysis. Our specialists have developed promoters that allow the pyrolysis process to take place at low temperatures, while the yield of pyrolysis oil occurs with better characteristics.
  2. Reactive distillation taking place in the presence of catalyst systems of a unique structure, which makes it possible to obtain a commercial product from the product of low-temperature pyrolysis.

To date technological process passed the stage of laboratory testing, pilot plant and industrial prototype. IN this moment an industrial design is being installed in the Krasnodar Territory.

A number of tests (carried out in the ROSNEFT laboratories) of products manufactured according to new technology showed how high quality the product itself, and the high efficiency of the catalyst.

The results were highly appreciated by the oil refining industry specialists.

The essence of the technology lies in the use of an unparalleled field-promoted catalyst system. The use of field promotion makes it possible to reduce the energy costs for carrying out the pyrolysis process and reactions on a catalyst. As well as a product of commercial quality, corresponding to 4-5 environmental class of motor fuels of the Russian Federation, and as a result, an increase in the cost of selling one kg to 30 rubles, while the cost of raw materials (tires) at a landfill is 0 rubles.

A new technological approach will make this production highly profitable due to following factors which are inherent ONLY in our technology:

  1. The area of ​​the occupied site is very compact, which makes it possible to locate production at the waste tire collection site or in its immediate vicinity.
  2. The required electricity to put production into operation is minimal. Energy costs for the technological process itself are covered by the use of hydrocarbon gas generated during production.
  3. The quality of the resulting finished product makes it in demand on the market of high-octane motor fuels (EURO-4 and EURO-5), with a selling price of over 30 rubles per kg.
  4. Waste-free production, which allows us to talk about its environmental safety.

Pyrolysis of tires and tires

The problem of disposal of household waste is quite acute today all over the world. Moreover, if with household waste organic origin, you can rely on nature itself, then it is necessary to worry about the disposal of polymers for the person himself. The thing is that most of them, for example, car tires, do not decompose on their own, which means that if they are not destroyed, they will soon turn our planet into one big dump.

Disposal of car tires at this point in time is done in several different ways.

Processing into crumbs. Recycling tires by shredding is the simplest and most common method in our country. It allows you to save the chemical and physical-mechanical characteristics of rubber. After crushing, rubber can be used in the construction of roads and structures. Also, rubber grinding allows compact storage and transportation of rubber before further processing by pyrolysis.

Tire recycling by incineration. This recycling method was invented back in the days when mankind did not invent any alternatives to the destruction of rubber. Tires were burned mainly in the cement industry, where they partially replaced fuels such as fuel oil and coal. Burning tires looks like a real barbarism from the point of view of ecology, since many harmful substances do not break down during the combustion of rubber, but enter the atmosphere. Among these substances, the most harmful:

  • benzopyrene
  • furan
  • dioxins

In addition, one ton of tires contains approximately 700 kg of rubber, which, thanks to new technologies, can be reused to produce fuel. Thus, it becomes clear that burning tires is a completely unjustified method, both from an environmental and economic point of view. More correct is the method of recycling tires using pyrolysis. How does it happen?

Tire recycling by pyrolysis

Pyrolysis is used today to obtain fuel from tire recycling. It is a process of thermal decomposition contained in tires organic compounds without access to oxygen. Tire pyrolysis is today the most economical and environmentally friendly method of their disposal, since it not only solves the issue of recycling, but also allows you to get fuel literally from garbage.

Low-temperature pyrolysis breaks tires down into their constituent components, each of which can be used for specific purposes.

Tire recycling business pays off in 6 months

Tire recycling by pyrolysis has long been used in European countries, since in addition to environmentally friendly recycling, this type of recycling can bring very good profits. So, what kind of products can an ordinary tire recycling plant produce:

  1. Carbon black, which is used as a filler in the production of non-critical rubbers, conveyor belts, technical plates, and much more. It is also a pigment for the production of paints. Lower quality carbon black is widely used in construction (paving slabs, concrete products and bricks are made from it).
  2. Thermolysis gas, which is analogous to natural gas. This gas is quite pure and can be freely used in mini-boilers to produce heat and electricity.
  3. Pressed steel cord used for the needs of the metallurgical industry. It can be sold both as scrap metal and as knitting wire (subject to its additional firing)
  4. Synthetic oil, which in its composition is almost identical to natural. Under the condition of its purification, it is able to replace many petroleum products.

All these products of such a process as tire pyrolysis are in demand in various industries, so tire recycling is a fairly profitable business.

Tire pyrolysis.

Recycling and subsequent recycling of tires is carried out in several stages:

  1. Car tires intended for recycling are sent to the raw materials warehouse.
  2. With the help of a bead cutter, the tires are cut into the tread part and the sides (for the most dense packing).
  3. The retort is loaded with raw materials, then it is closed with a lid and placed in a pyrolysis oven, where it is heated to 450°C. During the thermal decomposition of rubber, pyrolysis gas is formed, which passes through the refrigerator, where it condenses into pyrolysis oil. To support the pyrolysis process, part of the resulting gas is fed into the furnace burner.
  4. Upon completion of the pyrolysis process, the retort is removed from the furnace, and the next retort with raw materials is loaded into its place.
  5. After cooling, the retort is unloaded and the metal cord is separated from the pyrocarbon.
  6. Finished pyrolysis products are sent to a warehouse, where they are stored until they are shipped directly to the final consumer.

The advantages of car tire pyrolysis are simply obvious to the naked eye:

  • This recycling process is safe from an environmental point of view, and there are no highly toxic substances in the processed products.
  • No waste in production - absolutely everything that is generated during the processing of tires is a liquid product.
  • This processing of MSW does not require serious energy consumption, and in general, it is very economical;
  • It is possible to use the fuel obtained from rubber processing for internal technological processes.

Summarizing everything written above, we can say that tire pyrolysis is the only right solution for rubber recycling for all those who think about the future of their children and care about the environment. And from a business point of view, pyrolysis is the most profitable way recycling old car tires.

accept 4 station wagon
