Mikhail Gutseriev is a billionaire poet. Mikhail Gutseriev - biography, information, personal life

Mikhail Gutseriev is a purposeful and consistent businessman who knows how to look at processes from different points of view and achieve amazing results. He created one of the largest business associations in the country - the Safmar Group of Companies and entered the list of the richest people in Russia with a fortune of several billion dollars.

Brief information:

  • FULL NAME: Gutseriev Mikhail Safarbekovich
  • Date of Birth: 03/09/1958
  • Education: Higher
  • start date entrepreneurial activity/age: 1988 / 30 years
  • Type of activity at the start: furniture factory "Chiital"
  • Current activity: the main owner of the Safmar Group of Companies
  • Current state:$6.3 billion (according to Forbes magazine in 2017)

Mikhail Gutseriev is a well-known Russian entrepreneur, founder and main shareholder of the Safmar Industrial and Financial Group. He was able to achieve great success in business thanks to his diligence and versatile mind. He is a poet, composer and doctor of economic sciences. One of the 200 richest Russian businessmen according to an estimate Forbes magazine.

Formation and initial period of business activity

Mikhail Gutseriev was born on March 9, 1958 in Kazakhstan. Ingush by nationality, but the family had to move from the Ingush ASSR due to deportations carried out after the end of the Great Patriotic War. However, they returned back in 1961.

During childhood and adolescence, the future businessman actively developed his intellect, increased the level of erudition. According to Mikhail himself, during his childhood he managed to read about 1000 books. So I learned to see things from different angles, points of view, which helped in the development of business in the future.

Statement.“You can’t talk to me from a position of strength or set ultimatums. I am flexible, you can negotiate with me both on market and even on non-market conditions, but not by pressure.”

IN Soviet time he changed several professions, working in Ingushetia, also outside of it. From the age of 17 he worked as:

  • loader at the grocery base;
  • a reeler at a folk crafts factory;
  • sewing shop masters;
  • process engineer.

In 1982 he graduated from the university with a degree in Fur and Leather Technology. At the last workplace as an employee - in the company of the Minmestprom in Grozny - he worked for a long time, eventually taking the position of general director.

In 1988, the success story of Mikhail Gutseriev began. He took advantage of the changes brought about by Perestroika: in cooperation with several partners and Italian entrepreneurs, he founded the Italian-Soviet JV (joint venture) Chiital, a furniture factory.

Interesting fact! The Chiital factory became one of the first enterprises in the field of private business in the region. It produced high-quality and scarce products at that time, which were in high demand among the population.

1991 was remembered for two large-scale events for a young, but already respected businessman.

  1. Mikhail and his partners decided to create a private cooperative bank, the first in Chechnya.
  2. He became the head of the Association of Entrepreneurs of Chechnya.

A year later, he was forced to quickly leave the republic - Dzhokhar Dudayev came to power, who advocated the secession of Chechnya from the Russian Federation and led to civil war in the region.

Job in Moscow

Gutseriev moved to the capital, the city of Moscow, where he quickly developed business activity, having good financial capital and the necessary contacts. The BIN Group of Companies (Bank of Investments and Innovations) was created, bringing together many companies in the field of industry, production and finance.

The businessman continued to develop, starting his studies at the Financial Academy, the University of Oil and Gas in the capital and the Law Institute in St. Petersburg.

In 1993, his own bank was founded, Mikhail himself took the post of its president.

Briefly. Now "Binbank" is considered one of the largest financial institutions in Russia (12th place in the assessment for 2017). At present, the amount of the bank's assets exceeds 1.17 billion rubles, the total number of employees is about 12,000.
Detailed information about the leading Russian banks is contained in the article: "7 largest banks in Russia".

In 1994, the first free economic zone was created in the Russian Federation, the entrepreneur became the head of its administration.

A year later, he graduated from the Financial Academy, a little later he received diplomas in "technics and technology of the oil business" and civil law.

Thus, Michael is the owner of 4 higher educations. During his studies, he defended his dissertation in jurisprudence and scientific work on "free economic zones", for which he received a doctorate in economics. He is the author of several scientific articles, 5 monographs.

By the mid-90s, the businessman was already among the richest and most successful people countries. Having decided to gain a foothold in the Russian government, he establishes contacts with the Liberal Democratic Party.

Briefly. LDPR (Liberal Democratic Party of Russia) is the official Russian party represented in the State Duma of the Russian Federation (currently has 40 seats). Considered opposition. The key ideas of its activities are nationalism and liberalism. Party chairman - Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

He was elected to the State Duma of the II convocation as the Deputy Chairman of the party. A year later, he became a confidant of V. Zhirinovsky in the presidential elections in the Russian Federation. In 1999 he participated in the elections as an independent candidate. Soon he decided to return to the field of entrepreneurship.

Achievements of Mikhail Gutseriev in the 2000s

Renouncing the mandate of a deputy, Gutseriev became president of the Slavneft company (a joint venture of Russia and Belarus).

In the 2000s, he received the "Conscientious Payer" award established by the Russian Ministry of Taxes and Duties.

Figure 1. Image of Mikhail Gutseriev
Source: website

During two years of work, he learns the intricacies of doing business in the oil field. The successful work of the entrepreneur was noticed by experts: the magazine "Company" named Gutseriev "The Best Manager of the Year 2001".

In the same period, the billionaire became vice president of the RSPP and a full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Laureate of a public award for a significant contribution to the development of the Russian economy.

In the autumn of 2002, he founded the RussNeft company and actively promoted it on the market. In less than 2 years, the entrepreneur made her one of the leaders in the field of oil products trading in the Russian Federation. In 2004, this was noted at the Russian National Olympus award. At the same time, the company received the "Company of the Year" award in the nomination held by the RBC Group.

In 2003, for several months, he was president of the Assoneft Association of Oil and Gas Producers, but was forced to leave the post due to lack of time and the dynamic development of RussNeft.

In parallel with the oil business, Mikhail acquires assets in various sectors of the economy:

  • construction and real estate;
  • finance and insurance.

By the middle of the 2000s, the businessman, his family members and other business partners owned many enterprises: from a hotel chain to shopping centers, commercial real estate, etc. In 2005, Gutseriev received a 50% stake in Russian Coal CJSC.

Contributed to the establishment of business contacts with foreign partners. So, the following year he was chairman of the Russia-Algeria Business Council, which operated under the patronage of the Foreign Ministry. During the same period, he became the winner in the nominations "Head of the oil and gas industry" and "Entrepreneur of the year".

In 2007-2010, he led litigation in Russian courts on charges of organizing illegal activities and receiving income from it in especially large volumes.

Interesting fact! The businessman conducted proceedings in the case through representatives, while he himself was in the UK: Back in 2007, the Investigative Committee issued a sanction for Gutseriev's arrest in absentia.

RussNeft was urgently sold to Oleg Deripaska for $3 billion, but in the end, the billionaire managed to drop all charges and regain control of his oil company. Already in 2013, after a series of financial transactions, he became the sole owner of RussNeft. In 2016, an IPO was held: 20% of the oil company's securities were placed on the Moscow Exchange, $501 million was raised.

In parallel with the proceedings, he continued to develop his business, participated in projects for the development of oil and gas fields in the CIS countries and on the African continent.

Media business development

In 2010, after the successful completion of the criminal case, Gutseriev develops activities in the Russian media market. Two years later, he made a deal with businessman Alexander Lebedev, acquiring several radio stations:

  • "Prosto Radio" (turned into "Vostok FM");
  • "Good Songs" (subsequently became "Spring FM").

A year later, he bought 3/4 shares of Igor Krutoy's holding (Krutoy Media).

Briefly. Krutoy Media is considered one of the main radio holdings in Russia, established in 2000. Among others, it includes radio stations: Radio Dacha, Taxi FM, Love Radio. They sound throughout Russia and in the near abroad.

In 2013, several more radio stations were acquired: RU.FM, transformed into Radio Moscow Speaks (transaction amount $10 million) and Finam FM. In 2015, Mikhail completely bought Radio Chanson for $60 million. As a result, he managed to create a media holding that took 2nd place in Moscow in terms of the number of occupied radio frequencies.

In 2017, the billionaire's company bought a 75% stake in the large television holding Bridge Media. He broadcasts 5 profitable TV channels, revenue in 2016 amounted to 85.5 million rubles.

Figure 2. Image of Mikhail Gutseriev.
Source: site

Mikhail Gutseriev owns a number of assets:

  • "Binbank" - 35.7% of the shares;
  • RussNeft - 43% of shares;
  • "Eldorado" - 50% of the shares;
  • "Neftis" - 70% of the shares.

Close partners in all matters are the brother and nephew: Sait-Salam Gutseriev and Mikail Shashkhanov, respectively. Michael's business can in many ways be called a family business.

Industrial and financial group "Safmar"

In 2016, BIN LLP was renamed into Safmar. Now it is a large diversified holding that owns financial, industrial, trade and construction assets. Total population employees is about 70 thousand people.

According to Gutseriev, in 2017 the Group's turnover will exceed 1 trillion rubles.

Table 1. Safmar Group structure and constituent companies.

The wedding of the son of one of richest businessmen Russia Mikhail Gutseriev. According to Forbes magazine, his net worth is $2.8 billion. The crisis is clearly not a hindrance to people of this level of prosperity. Anyone who thought that mega-banquets with invitations to world-famous stars were no longer in fashion was clearly mistaken.

Mikhail Safarbekovich Gutseriev is one of the forty wealthiest people in Russia, owns eight radio stations, including such popular ones as Love Radio and Chanson. Meanwhile, he is another proof that talented people are talented in everything. The successful businessman Gutseriev succeeds in literally everything - he succeeds not only in the oil and banking business, but also in creativity. Billionaire writes poetry! Yes, such that the most eminent performers of the country sing songs on them - Iosif Kobzon, Valeria, Philip Kirkorov.

Son of Mikhail Safarbekovich Said Gutseriev at the age of 28 he is already one of the most successful businessmen in Russia. They say that they have been looking for a suitable match for the heir to the business empire for several years. And found in one of the capital's universities. Modest beautiful student and future dentist Khadizha Uzhakhova not yet twenty years old.

A few days after the main celebration, StarHit found out the details of the continuation of the holiday. The newlyweds arranged family gatherings with relatives and friends.

At her wedding, Khadija shone in an incredibly beautiful dress, which was custom-made in France by the designers of the Elie Saab fashion house and cost the groom, reportedly, 25 million rubles. The crown that adorned Khadija's head costs 5 million euros, the girl's hair and makeup was done for 15 thousand rubles. Khadija's white outfit fluffy skirt and a long train was decorated with small sparkling stones. According to some reports, the wedding attire of the chosen one of the son of a billionaire weighed about 25 kilograms.

Elie Saab created wedding attire for 27 million rubles. for the bride of the son of Gutseriev

Only the elite can afford Elie Saab outfits. Elie Saab is a famous Lebanese fashion designer, a favorite of royalty and Hollywood stars first magnitude. Angelina Jolie, Halle Berry, Christina Aguilera, Sharon Stone and Keira Knightley shone in his dresses. At one time, Elie Saab created the most expensive dress in the world, from cream satin embroidered with 2,000 carats of emeralds, 400 carats of diamonds, worth $ 2,000,000.

On the occasion of the main celebration in the life of Said and his bride Khadizhi, the restaurant was decorated with a huge number of flowers, greenery and ornamental trees, which made it look like one of the Seven Wonders of the World - the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The guests of the wedding were entertained by world show business stars - Sting, Patricia Kaas, Jennifer Lopez, Enrique Iglesias. The arrival of these top performers in our country is estimated at a round sum.

J. Lo changed outfits several times and even uttered a memorized phrase in Russian: “Said and Khadija’s wedding was sweet!”

Almost at the very end of the celebration, Alla Pugacheva herself appeared on the stage. The prima donna was in a great mood, looked wonderful and sang two of her hits “Love is like a dream” and “Invite the lady to dance” for the young and their guests. Then Alla Borisovna turned to the newlyweds. “Nothing else can make me happy, because to see happiness, to feel happiness in the people who are standing next to you, to see the desire to be happy - this is the most beautiful thing that can be,” said Primadonna.

“Nothing else can make me happy, because to see happiness, to feel happiness in people who are standing next to you, to see the desire to be happy - this is the most beautiful thing that can be”

As it should be at a Caucasian wedding, the tables of the Safisa restaurant were simply bursting with treats. There were also traditional Caucasian dishes, and Japanese sushi, and caviar. Special attention deserves a wedding cake, two human heights, topped with a Muslim symbol - a crescent and a star. At the end, a powerful salute sounded, which was heard by all residents of the west of the capital. According to estimates of unwitting witnesses of the luxurious celebration, the fireworks thundered for half an hour.

Said Gutseriev is the main heir of the owner of the RussNeft and BIN companies, billionaire Mikhail Safarbekovich. He is the general director of the ForteInvest corporation and one of the main shareholders of the European Pension Fund.

In 2015, from Ingushetia, he began to lead the millionth empire of his father. By the way, it was during this period that the Gutseriev clan, which controlled many largest companies in Russia and abroad, displaced the Rotenberg family from the leading position of the richest domestic families, according to Forbes magazine.

Biography of Said Gutseriev

The famous heir was born on April 18, 1988 in Russian capital. As soon as the boy grew up, the influential father immediately sent him abroad. There Said graduated from one of the most prestigious English private schools - Harrow, located in the UK and Ireland.

Having received a certificate upon completion of secondary education, the young billionaire entered the famous Oxford University. He gave his preference to the Faculty of Geology, where he first received a bachelor's degree, and a little later became a master of science. The education of Said Mikhailovich Gutseriev did not end there. The next step was studying at the University of Plymouth, where the guy mastered the oil and gas business at the management department.

The beginning of the way

In England, Said got a position in finance department Swiss trading company Glencore. A little later, the enterprising guy got a promotion, becoming an employee of the asset management department. According to Gutseriev himself, in this company he earned approximately 40 thousand euros per year, and this is without bonuses.

At the end of 2014, after seventeen years of living in the UK, Said returned to his homeland. Here he immediately took the post of general director of his father's company ForteInvest. At the same time, he became a member of the board of directors of several more companies of the senior Gutseriev. So, Said became a member of the management of Russian Coal, Neftis and RussNeft.

In the autumn of the same year, Gutseriev bought a 40% stake in the Daglis company. The firm owned 70% of the assets of a private pension fund called Regionfond. Together with Said, his cousin, who is also the head of the board of directors of BinBank, acquired the same share of the company's shares.

Further activities

In addition to his main employment, Said Gutseriev is the full owner of the Opeliance trading limited holding. In addition, together with his uncle and cousin, he is the ultimate owner of the European Pension Fund, as well as the Regionfond and Trust companies. In 2015, all these associations bought approximately 10% of the assets of Promsvyazbank.

On February 28, 2017, at the board of shareholders of Binbank, Said Gutseriev, together with his uncle, Sait-Salam Safarbekovich, was included in the management of the company, and his father became chairman.

In the spring of the same year, Said Mikhailovich became the main shareholder of the association, which bought a subsidiary of Sberbank in Ukraine. According to the editors of Forbes magazine, the fortune of the younger Gutseriev is estimated at about $2.8 billion.

Clan Gutseriev

The Gutseriev family today is rightfully considered the richest in Russia. This fact is confirmed by the rating of the famous Forbes magazine. Said's father is a famous businessman, doctor of economics, as well as a poet and composer. The fortune of the head of the family is estimated at 9.9 billion dollars. Mikhail Safarbekovich's brother, Sait-Salam, is also a major entrepreneur, and in the past also a State Duma deputy.

Mikhail is married, raised a daughter and three sons, one of whom died. The tragedy in the Gutseriev family occurred in 2007 - at that time Genghis Khan was 22 years old, he died in an accident in the capital. Said's older brother, Khamzat, works as a lieutenant general in the police, was a member of the Federation Council. Youngest daughter Mikhail Safarbekovich, Sofia, today is considered one of the most enviable brides in Russia. The girl graduated from Moscow State University and holds the post of deputy director in one of her father's shopping centers.

Marriage of the heir of billions

The wedding of Said Gutseriev became, perhaps, the most discussed event in March 2016. On March 26, an event took place in a Moscow restaurant called Safisa, the scope of which can amaze even the most sophisticated layman.

At the age of 29, the son of Mikhail Safarbekovich is considered one of the most successful entrepreneurs in Russia. Rumor has it that they have been looking for a suitable match for the heir to a multi-million dollar empire for several years. After all, a spouse for a guy had to meet certain requirements: an Ingush woman who honors national beliefs and traditions. The future wife of Said Gutseriev was found in one of the Moscow universities. The chosen one of an accomplished businessman was the beautiful Khadija Uzhakhova, who was hardly 20 years old.

At the celebration, the girl shone in a truly incredible dress, made to order in France by the hands of Elie Saab himself. The bride's outfit weighed almost 25 kilograms due to the huge number of small stones with which it was decorated. As you know, the dress cost the groom as much as 27 million rubles.

Banquet guests were entertained by world famous stars: Patricia Kaas, Enrique Iglesias, Sting, Elton John, Jennifer Lopez and Beyoncé. Alla Pugacheva also took the stage to perform several songs from her repertoire and personally congratulate the newlyweds. And the guests celebrated the second day of the wedding already abroad - in the London mansion of the Gutserievs.

A couple of words about the bride

The family of Gutseriev's current wife prefers to remain in the shadows - there is almost no information about her. The girl is a twenty-year-old native of Ingushetia, a future dentist. Khadija studies at the Evdokimov Medical and Dental University in the capital. The girl was born in the most ordinary family, has no rich relatives. All her life, the Uzhakhova family lived in their native republic.

The girl herself is extremely beautiful, smart, modest and educated. In addition, she is not spoiled at all and does an excellent job with the household. The newlyweds met at the initiative of the groom's parents in the capital a year before own wedding. If you believe the numerous gossip, then Said fell in love with his future wife literally at first sight, especially since she fully met all his requirements. Well, for those who believe that Said Gutseriev divorced his newly-made wife, you should know that the couple in love still lives in a happy marriage.

The name of billionaire Mikhail Gutseriev has been on the Forbes magazine lists for many years, not falling below the 20th mark. He is the main shareholder of the SAFMAR Industrial and Financial Group, which includes not only the largest oil and gas companies in Russia, but also pension funds, leasing and insurance companies.

Mikhail Gutseriev is one of the few domestic entrepreneurs whose career began from the lowest rung and gradually brought him to oil tycoons. Since his youth, his character combines two traits that seem incompatible to everyone - entrepreneurship and love of art. Over time, he did not waste his romantic mood, and writes poems that have become famous compositions and are performed by real luminaries of the national scene.

First steps

Mikhail Gutseriev was born on March 9, 1958 in the Kazakh city of Astana, where his Ingush ancestors were deported in February 1944 from Vladikavkaz. From generation to generation in this family, the story of the legendary grandfather, who overcame the Cross Pass and ended up in Georgia, was passed down. He was only nine years old, he wanted to learn so much that he went on this difficult journey barefoot. Michael carried pride and respect for his ancestors throughout his life. Mikhail's family had many children, so there was no special wealth.

In the photo Mikhail Gutseriev

When Misha was three years old, their family was able to return to Grozny. In addition to studying at school number 23, the boy loved to read and attended a music school, where he mastered playing the violin and piano. The future billionaire managed to earn the first money at the age of 13. Together with friends, they started making postcards - an ordinary postcard was glued to a piece of chipboard, covered with a layer of varnish and inserted for sale. During the hostilities in Grozny, Mikhail's school was bombed and destroyed. Gutseriev completely restored it in 2005.

After receiving a school certificate in 1975, Mikhail got a job as a loader. He worked for one year, then went to Dzhambul and became an evening student at the local technological institute of light and food industry. He combined his studies and work at a garment factory, where he was hired as a winder. Soon he was already promoted to the foreman - the management appreciated his assertiveness and diligence. There he worked until the very end of the institute in 1982.

After receiving a university diploma, Mikhail returned to Grozny again and got a job as a process engineer at the Grozny Production Association of the Ministry of Local Industry of the RSFSR.

For four years, Mikhail managed to become the general director of this association. There was never such a young general director in the USSR, Gutseriev became the first to occupy a high post so early.

Second higher education Mikhail Gutseriev received in the Russian state university oil and gas, and then received a diploma from the Financial University under the Russian government.


The first brainchild of Mikhail Gutseriev was the Chiital joint venture, a furniture manufacturing enterprise. He then became the founder of a commercial bank called Binbank. When Dzhokhar Dudayev came to power, the businessman left for Moscow and created the BIN corporation, which consisted of industrial, financial and trade organizations.

Soon Mikhail presented his first significant project - a free economic zone, called "Ingushetia". Entrepreneurs registered in it enjoyed a tax break, so over the course of two years there were already three thousand different companies in it. Served "Ingushetia" corporation Gutseriev "BIN".

Mikhail has always been keenly interested in the oil business. In 2000, he became the head of the state company Slavneft, and his task was to prepare it for privatization.

Two years later, the company's shareholders dismissed Gutseriev. He was not very upset, and set about creating his own oil business. Soon he already owned the Russneft company, and no one believed that something would ever come of this venture. But Michael got it right. He started by buying small troubled businesses, offering the former owners a normal fee. Production figures grew rapidly, and the businessman's profit increased at the same pace.

In 2007, Mikhail Gutseriev was accused of tax evasion and charged with illegal business activities. He was given a written undertaking not to leave. It was rumored that he did not share something with one of the high-ranking officials. As a result, Gutseriev moved to England, where he continued to develop his business, but in a different direction. Now he was interested in radio stations, and over the course of three years he became the owner of several of them, taking a key position in this segment. The Krutoy Media holding is 75% owned by Mikhail Gutseriev, the rest is owned.

In 2010, the businessman was completely acquitted, having removed all charges from him, and three years later, the Russneft company passed into his sole possession.

Love to songwriting Mikhail Gutseriev carried through his whole life. Several times he was awarded the title of "Best Poet of the Year". His poems form the basis of the songs that sound from the stage performed by the most famous Russian performers.

In addition to the main business, Gutseriev is very interested in real estate. He owns numerous commercial properties on one of the most prestigious Moscow streets - Tverskaya.

Political career

In 1995, the business interests of Mikhail Gutseriev faded into the background, and he entered politics. The LDPR party nominated him as its candidate, and he took the deputy chair in the State Duma precisely as a representative of this faction. His duties included coordinating the activities of several committees, and soon he was elected deputy chairman of this faction. Mikhail did not stand aside from Russia's policy in the Caucasus, he was especially worried about the Chechen armed conflict.

Mikhail Gutseriev's acquaintance with the head of the party took place long before the elections. The politician invited the businessman to the ranks of his faction only because he knew his honesty and integrity in many matters relating to politics.

Mikhail Gutseriev did not refuse to help anyone, he tried to help everyone who turned to him. He could pay for the necessary treatment and even surgery for a person, and only at his own expense.

Mikhail Gutseriev did not remain indifferent to the fate of those taken hostage in Ingushetia and Chechnya. The businessman invested in the construction of children's sports schools, shelters, hostels, hospitals and churches. The list of objects erected by him inspires respect - it contains more than three dozen different objects.

In January 2000, after he was appointed president of Slavneft Joint Stock Company, Mikhail Gutseriev resigned his deputy powers.

The merits of the businessman to Russia are highly appreciated by the government. He was awarded several orders, a badge of honor and a Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation, and various prizes. Four times Gutseriev received personalized weapons as a gift, in connection with the successful fulfillment of instructions from the Russian government.

Personal life

Little is known about the personal life of the billionaire. There is no information about his wife, but it is known that he has a son and a daughter. The third child of Gutseriev, the son of Chingiz, crashed in a car accident in 2007.

In March 2016, the wedding of the second son of Gutseriev, Said, took place. Khadija Uzhakhova, a modest and poor girl from an Ingush family, became his chosen one. The girl is studying at a medical university and will soon receive a diploma in dentistry. Her parents are not rich. The candidate for the bride for Said was selected for a very long time, and they chose Khadija.

Publications appeared in the media about this event, which was called the "wedding of the year." The bride's outfit was delivered from France, the weight of the dress reached 25 kg. Enrique Iglesias, Elton John and several other world celebrities were invited to entertain the wedding guests. It is not known how much the wedding of his heir cost Gutseriev, and he spent three million euros on remuneration for the artists.


The name of Mikhail Gutseriev never leaves the pages of Forbes magazine. For many years now, he has taken his rightful place among the 200 richest entrepreneurs in the Russian Federation. In 2016, according to the magazine, the businessman's fortune was estimated at $ 5.9 billion, which allowed him to be on the 16th line of the rating.


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Gutseriev Mikhail Safarbekovich was born in Tselinograd. Throughout his life he has owned many famous companies, namely: OJSC "Russian Coal", "RussNeft", CJSC "Mospromstroy".

Mikhail Gutseriev: biography - beginning

GCM "Global Energy Inc" is quite well-known in Kazakhstan and

Azerbaijan, where it produces oil, the annual turnover of this company is already 1,000,000,000 dollars, which is a very good result. We must not forget that Mikhail Gutseriev began working in 1975 and even then wanted to become a businessman. He started as a loader at a small enterprise called Grozny Gorplodovoshtorg, where he worked for only 1 year.


However, Mikhail Gutseriev is not only engaged in business, whose biography is very interesting. He managed to earn a decent fortune, in the ranking of the 200 richest businessmen in Russia in 2012, Mikhail took 17th place, which can be called an excellent result. His fortune in 2012 was $4.7 billion.

radio business

In early June 2012, Mikhail Gutseriev acquired a station from Alexander Lebedev, which is called "Just Radio". In addition, a station called "Good Songs" was purchased. Soon after the purchase of these radio stations, Mikhail Gutseriev decided to rename them, after which the Just Radio station was named Vostok FM, and the Good Songs radio channel became known as Vesna FM.

A month after the fun new year holiday 2013, it became known that Gutseriev's structures acquired a 75% stake in the well-known holding Krutoy Media, namely the Taxi FM and Radio Dacha stations. Accordingly, the remaining 25% remained in the possession of Igor Krutoy. By the time of the transaction, Gutseriev already owned 2 radio stations: Vostok FM and Vesna FM. Soon the new owners announced that they were going to keep the company's policy, which was implemented under the previous owner of the holding.

Finam FM radio station was acquired by Mikhail Gutseriev in November 2013.

Cases of RussNeft

In 2007, Mikhail Safarbekovich Gutseriev made an official statement. He stated that he was being pressured by the Russian state. According to him, this was the reason for the sale of RussNeft. Soon Gutseriev left the post of president of RussNeft and went into science. According to unofficial data, the influence exerted by Russian state on Mikhail Gutseriev, connected with the financing of the opposition to Murat Zyazikov,

On August 28, 2007, the Tverskoy Court of Moscow issued a sanction for the so-called arrest in absentia of Mikhail Safarbekovich. After the incident, Gutseriev was put on the wanted list. And at this time, Mikhail himself with 3 billion dollars was in London. He received this money by selling RussNeft. According to media reports, on October 16, 2007, Mikhail, who was in the UK at that time, made an appeal to the Department of Policy regarding political asylum. However, this information was later refuted.

At the end of 2009, the preventive measure that was assigned to Mikhail Safarbekovich was changed to This order was issued by the Investigative Committee.
In early 2010, Gutseriev was able to regain control of the oil companies. And closer to April of the same year, all the charges against Gutseriev were dropped, respectively, the criminal cases were also discontinued.

Mikhail Gutseriev again became the sole owner of RussNeft in the summer of 2013.

Family and hobbies

Mikhail Safarbekovich has a brother, his name is Sait-Slam, he is a very large businessman, like his brother Mikhail. And once was a deputy State Duma. Gutseriev Mikhail Safarbekovich is married, has a son and a daughter. But he always remembers his other son, whose name was Genghis, unfortunately, he died in 2007 when he had an accident.

The businessman has a nephew, he is also an entrepreneur, it is quite profitable for him, in addition, he is the president of BinBank.

It should be said that Mikhail Gutseriev is a poet, in addition, he is engaged in painting, music, sports and knows English language. He is the author of the series scientific publications which are connected with the problems of development of economic zones in Russia. Mikhail loves music and poetry since childhood. By the way, he is in decathlon.


Since his youth, Mikhail has been fond of poetry, and even now he does not forget about it.

A well-known fact is that at present songs based on Gutseriev's verses are performed by such singers as Iosif Kobzon, Nikolai Baskov, Nadezhda Kadysheva, Taisiya Povaliy, Stas Piekha, Laima Vaikule, Sofia Rotaru and others. Together with Igor Krutoy, Igor Zubkov and Sergei Revtov, Mikhail wrote about 50 works, and this is worthy of respect. Three songs based on verses by Mikhail Gutseriev became laureates of the Song of the Year 2012 contest, in which he took part.

In 2013, at the traditional New Wave competition, which takes place every year in the city of Jurmala, Kristina Orbakaite, Laima Vaikule and Iosif Kobzon performed Gutseriev's songs.

The new album includes 4 songs based on Gutseriev's poems, namely "Eyes of Love", "Moscow Traffic Jams", "Asia-80" and "Yellow Glasses".

The album of Mikhail Gutseriev was eagerly awaited, and already in 2013 2 collections of songs on his poems were published. These hits are performed by pop stars.

In December of the same year, the 42nd music festival called "Song of the Year" was held, where Mikhail Safarbekovich received 8 diplomas for poems written by him for currently popular songs.

Mikhail Gutseriev is the owner of the Order of Friendship, the Badge of Honor, the Certificate of Honor of the President of the Russian Federation, the Order of the Commonwealth from the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Independent States, the Order of the Palestinian Autonomy, the title of Honorary Oilman of Russia, Honorary Worker of the Fuel and Energy Complex, Honored Economist of Russia”, an honorary commemorative badge “The Order of the Star of Bethlehem”, the Order of St. Andrew the Blessed. In addition, he received four personalized weapons as a reward for carrying out special assignments from the Russian government.
