The gift of speech is lost. "Even the gift of speech was gone": a reaction to the acquittal of Russian athletes by a court in Lausanne

Any cold is at least an unpleasant phenomenon. But sometimes the loss of voice also joins the general “bouquet” of cold symptoms. And a person feels not just disabled, but truly inferior, literally losing the power of speech. Why is this happening? How long can you hope for recovery? What is impossible and what is recommended to do if the voice is lost during a cold?

The main question is not what should be done in this situation, but what should not be done. The very first and most important thing is that it is forbidden to talk. At all. And even in a whisper. Let's even put it differently - especially in a whisper, because it makes the vocal cords tense more than usual conversation, and everything will be even worse. They need complete rest. It would never occur to any of us to jump on a sore leg! The absence of pain when the sound ligaments are strained gives rise to a misconception about the impunity of their exploitation during illness. However, it is not.

And a few more "don'ts"

  • In the cold during this period it is better not to go out at all. If this is not possible, keep your mouth shut. Talking in the frosty air is an additional blow to the sore spot, which will not only prolong the torment, but can also cause additional problems. On the street, in general, it is better to always breathe through your nose, so that dust and a possible infection pass through the filters intended for them in the body, and do not fall along the wide high road immediately into the wide open gates. Yes, and the air during nasal breathing is warmed and moistened, which is also important for sensitive ligaments.
  • No smoking! Smoking itself can lead to the same problem.
  • Gargle with soda solution - very common mistake! Soda in its composition is an irritant for ligaments. There are many other, much more useful formulations.
  • Drink alcohol (we'll look at some useful exceptions below).
  • There are spicy and sour foods.

Why does the voice disappear with a cold?

The common cold is just one of many causes of hoarseness. In this case, doctors talk about laryngitis - inflammation of the larynx with involvement of the vocal cords in the process. Also, the problem can occur with tonsillitis and bronchitis. Most often, the disease is manifested by perspiration (cats scrape in the throat), pain during swallowing and an unproductive debilitating cough. All these symptoms can appear in a certain order, or unpredictably, and even seemingly illogically. It seems that the pain has gone, and the cough has calmed down, and suddenly bam - the person is hoarse and cannot speak. The cause of such a course of laryngitis are, as a rule, errors in treatment, which entailed a bacterial complication. In this case, it is necessary to adjust the therapy with a doctor.

How to quickly return the voice with a cold?

First of all, it doesn't always work out quickly. Someone can recover in 3-4 days, and someone may need a month. Everything is very individual and depends on the severity of inflammation and the body's own adaptive capabilities. Medicines are prescribed by a doctor, since only he can accurately determine the cause that needs to be dealt with. But besides this, you can and should help yourself.

The main recommendation is to drink a lot and plentifully. Unless otherwise specified in the recipe, the liquid should be neither cold nor hot, but pleasantly warm. It might be warm mineral water, fruit and berry fruit drinks home cooking, various decoctions of herbs (chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, etc.). There are many folk secrets and time-tested author's recipes.

Shalyapin cocktail

Who, if not opera singers, knows how to quickly return the voice with a cold! The famous artist used such a recipe. He mixed two beaten egg whites with 2 tsp. sugar, and then added 50 g of cognac to the mixture. I took it in the evening before going to bed. He washed down each sip of the resulting mixture with the same amount of warm water. And immediately lay down under a warm blanket. According to contemporaries, the voice was restored the next morning. Although, of course, it is difficult for us to compete with Chaliapin in terms of the strength of the ligaments, the method is worth adopting.

Another "opera" recipe

Who invented it is already unknown, but to this day many opera singers hoarseness is treated with milk with dried figs. The dried fruit is cut in half, after which the pulp is scraped out of it with a spoon, added to the milk and, as far as possible, thoroughly mixed. The mixture must be put on fire, but heated not to a boil, but to such a hot state that the throat can withstand. And drink immediately. You need to repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day.

On onion skins

Boiling the husk, at the very beginning of the boil, add 1 tbsp. viburnum berries, grated with sugar. Boil for another 10 minutes and then cool. Drink instead of tea, warming up, for three days.

hot beer

Yes, yes, this is exactly the exception to the ban on alcoholic beverages. Although it is unlikely that it will give you pleasure, since you should drink beer not even warm, but hot. It will be disgusting, but quite effective. Get under the covers right away! You can replace beer with hot mulled wine, but keep in mind that this method only works at the very beginning, as soon as the first signs of hoarseness appear.

On garlic and potatoes

Chop the garlic, add to boiling water and cook for another 5 minutes. Grate raw potatoes, add to garlic and cook a little more. Cool, strain and drink in small sips at the rate of 2 cups per day. Keep cold.

Rinsing: two effective recipes

  • With aloe. Squeeze juice from aloe leaves and dilute hot water in a ratio of 1:2. Rinse three times a day.
  • With red beets. Finely grate the medium root crop and squeeze out the juice. Add 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar. Rinse gently: this is a very strong remedy!

Classic folk recipe

Even a doctor can prescribe it for you. These are borjomi and milk mixed in half. It is recommended to drink warm, almost hot, a glass three times a day. There are few lovers of such a “medicine”, but it gives a noticeable effect on hoarseness and a debilitating cough.

If people say about a runny nose that, depending on the intervention, it passes either in 7 days or in a week, then you can’t say the same about the missing voice. If laryngitis is not treated and the prohibitions are ignored, then you can not only stay with your problem for a long time, but also get a whole bunch of additional complications. Of course, being treated is rarely pleasant, but what a joy it is to regain a full-fledged gift of speech!

Any cold is at least an unpleasant phenomenon. But sometimes the loss of voice also joins the general "bouquet" of cold symptoms. And a person feels not just disabled, but truly inferior, literally losing the power of speech. Why is this happening? How long can you hope for recovery? What is impossible and what is recommended to do if the voice is lost during a cold?

When silence is golden!

The main question is not what should be done in this situation, but what should not be done. The very first and most important thing is that it is forbidden to talk. At all. And even in a whisper. Let's even put it differently - especially in a whisper, because it makes the vocal cords tense more than usual conversation, and everything will be even worse. They need complete rest. It would never occur to any of us to jump on a sore leg! The absence of pain when the sound ligaments are strained gives rise to a misconception about the impunity of their exploitation during illness. However, it is not.

And a few more "don'ts"

  • In the cold during this period it is better not to go out at all. If this is not possible, keep your mouth shut. Talking in the frosty air is an additional blow to the sore spot, which will not only prolong the torment, but can also cause additional problems. On the street, in general, it is better to always breathe through your nose, so that dust and a possible infection pass through the filters intended for them in the body, and do not fall along the wide high road immediately into the wide open gates. Yes, and the air during nasal breathing is warmed and moistened, which is also important for sensitive ligaments.
  • No smoking! Smoking itself can lead to the same problem.
  • Gargling with soda solution is a very common mistake! Soda in its composition is an irritant for ligaments. There are many other, much more useful formulations.
  • Drink alcohol (we'll look at some useful exceptions below).
  • There are spicy and sour foods.

Why does the voice disappear with a cold?

The common cold is just one of many causes of hoarseness. In this case, doctors talk about laryngitis - inflammation of the larynx with involvement of the vocal cords in the process. Also, the problem can occur with tonsillitis and bronchitis. Most often, the disease is manifested by perspiration (cats scrape in the throat), pain during swallowing and an unproductive debilitating cough. All these symptoms can appear in a certain order, or unpredictably, and even seemingly illogically. It seems that the pain has passed, and the cough has calmed down, and suddenly bam - the person is hoarse and cannot speak. The cause of such a course of laryngitis are, as a rule, errors in treatment, which entailed a bacterial complication. In this case, it is necessary to adjust the therapy with a doctor.

Another "opera" recipe

Who invented it is no longer known, but to this day many opera singers treat hoarseness with milk and dried figs. The dried fruit is cut in half, after which the pulp is scraped out of it with a spoon, added to the milk and, as far as possible, thoroughly mixed. The mixture must be put on fire, but heated not to a boil, but to such a hot state that the throat can withstand. And drink immediately. You need to repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day.

On onion skins

Boiling the husk, at the very beginning of the boil, add 1 tbsp. viburnum berries, grated with sugar. Boil for another 10 minutes and then cool. Drink instead of tea, warming up, for three days.

hot beer

Yes, yes, this is exactly the exception to the ban on alcoholic beverages. Although it is unlikely that it will give you pleasure, since you should drink beer not even warm, but hot. It will be disgusting, but quite effective. Get under the covers right away! You can replace beer with hot mulled wine, but keep in mind that this method only works at the very beginning, as soon as the first signs of hoarseness appear.

On garlic and potatoes

Chop the garlic, add to boiling water and cook for another 5 minutes. Grate raw potatoes, add to garlic and cook a little more. Cool, strain and drink in small sips at the rate of 2 cups per day. Keep cold.

Rinsing: two effective recipes

  • With aloe. Squeeze juice from aloe leaves and dilute with hot water in a ratio of 1: 2. Rinse three times a day.
  • With red beets. Finely grate the medium root crop and squeeze out the juice. Add 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar. Rinse gently: this is a very strong remedy!

Classic folk recipe

Even a doctor can prescribe it for you. These are borjomi and milk mixed in half. It is recommended to drink warm, almost hot, a glass three times a day. There are few lovers of such a “medicine”, but it gives a noticeable effect on hoarseness and a debilitating cough.

In the event of a sudden loss of speech, it should first be determined whether it is anartria (that is, the inability to pronounce words due to a violation of the coordinated activity of the respiratory, voice-forming and articulatory apparatus due to their paresis, ataxia, etc.) or aphasia (then there is a violation of speech praxis).

This task is not easy, even when the patient is conscious and able to follow instructions, which is rarely the case in acute pathology. For simple questions, it is possible to get answers like "yes" / "no", which with a probability of 50% are answers at random. Moreover, even with aphasia, patients can grasp the meaning of what they hear exceptionally well, using the strategy of " keyword”, according to which they understand the general meaning of the phrase due to the existing situational (“pragmatic”) skills, which do not suffer in case of speech impairment.

Investigation through simple commands is difficult if the patient is hemiplegic and/or immobilized. In addition, concomitant apraxia can also limit the ability of the clinician. In the case of oral apraxia, the patient will not be able to perform even enough simple instructions(for example, "open your mouth" or "stick out your tongue").

The ability to read is difficult to explore, since reading requires the preservation of response to oral gestures and motor skills, but the study of written language can help make the right decision. With right-sided hemiplegia, the following test is used: the patient is offered to place in right order the words of the completed sentence, which he receives in written form on separate sheets of paper, mixed up. However, in some cases, even an experienced aphasia specialist may not immediately make the right decision (for example, when the patient does not even make an attempt to utter at least a sound). It should be remembered that over time the picture can change rapidly, and instead of the aphasia that the patient had at the time of admission, dysarthria, that is, a purely articulatory speech disorder, can quickly come to the fore. The age of the patient plays an important role in the diagnosis.

The main causes of sudden loss of speech:

  1. Migraine with aura (aphatic migraine)
  2. Stroke in the left hemisphere
  3. postictal state
  4. Tumor or abscess of the brain
  5. Encephalitis due to herpes simplex virus
  6. Psychogenic mutism
  7. psychotic mutism

migraine with aura

In young patients, migraine with aura can be suspected in the first place. In these cases, the following typical combination of symptoms is present: acute or subacute loss of speech (more often without hemiplegia), accompanied by headache, which has repeatedly occurred in the patient in the past and which may or may not be accompanied by changes in neurological status. If such a migraine attack occurred for the first time in this patient, useful information may give a study of the family history (if possible), since in 60% of cases this disease is familial.

EEG most likely reveals a focus of slow-wave activity in the left temporo-parietal region, which can persist for 3 weeks, while neuroimaging does not reveal any pathology. Pronounced focal changes in the EEG in the absence of deviations according to the results of neuroimaging studies on the 2nd day of the disease, in principle, make it possible to make a correct diagnosis, with the exception of cases of herpetic encephalitis (see below). The patient should be free of cardiac murmurs, which may indicate the possibility of a cardiogenic embolism, which can occur at any age. A possible source of embolism is identified (or ruled out) by echocardiography. Listening to vascular murmurs over the vessels of the neck is less reliable than Doppler ultrasound. If possible, transcranial Doppler ultrasound should be performed. A patient with migraine in the 40 to 50 age group may have asymptomatic vascular stenosing disease, but a typical headache pattern, rapid regression of symptoms, and no structural changes in the brain on the results of neuroimaging studies in combination with the changes described above EEG allows to make the correct diagnosis. If symptoms do not progress, there is no need for CSF testing.

Left hemispheric stroke

In a speech disorder in an elderly patient, the most likely diagnosis is a stroke. In most cases of speech disorders in a stroke, a patient has right-sided hemiparesis or hemiplegia, hemihypesthesia, sometimes hemianopsia or a defect in the right visual field. In such cases, neuroimaging is the only way to reliably differentiate between intracerebral hemorrhage and ischemic stroke.

Loss of speech almost always occurs with a left hemispheric stroke. It can also be observed with a right-hemisphere stroke (i.e., with damage to the non-dominant hemisphere), but in these cases speech is restored much faster, while the probability of complete recovery is very high.

Mutism may precede the onset of aphasia in Broca's area, and has also been described in patients with damage to the accessory motor area, with severe pseudobulbar palsy. In general, mutism often develops in bilateral lesions of the brain: the thalamus, anterior cingulate gyrus, damage to the putamen on both sides, the cerebellum (cerebellar mutism in acute bilateral damage to the cerebellar hemispheres).

A gross violation of articulation can occur when there is a violation of blood circulation in the vertebrobasilar basin, but the complete absence of speech is observed only with occlusion of the basilar artery, when akinetic mutism develops, which is a rather rare phenomenon (bilateral mesencephalon lesion). Mutism as the absence of vocalization is also possible with bilateral paralysis of the muscles of the pharynx or vocal cords (“peripheral” mutism).

Postictal state (condition after a seizure)

In all age groups, with the exception of infants, loss of speech can be a post-ictal phenomenon. The epileptic seizure itself may go unnoticed, and biting of the tongue or lips may be absent; an increase in the level of blood creatine phosphokinase may be an indication of a seizure that has taken place, but this finding is unreliable in the sense of diagnosis.

Quite often, diagnosis is facilitated by the EEG: generalized or local slow- and sharp-wave activity is recorded. Speech is quickly restored, and the doctor is faced with the task of determining the cause of an epileptic seizure.

Tumor or abscess of the brain

In the anamnesis of patients with a brain tumor or abscess, any valuable information may be missing: there was no headache, there were no behavioral changes (spontaneity, flattening of affect, apathy). An obvious inflammatory process of the ENT organs may also be absent. Sudden loss of speech can occur: due to a rupture of the vessel supplying the tumor, and the resulting hemorrhage into the tumor; due to the rapid increase in perifocal edema; or - in the case of a left hemispheric localization of the tumor or abscess - due to a partial or generalized epileptic seizure. Making the correct diagnosis is possible only with a systematic examination of the patient. It is necessary to conduct an EEG study, in which it is possible to register a focus of slow-wave activity, the presence of which cannot be unambiguously interpreted. However, the presence of very slow delta waves, combined with a general slowdown in the electrical activity of the brain, may indicate a brain abscess or a hemispheric tumor.

Computed tomography of both tumors and abscesses can reveal a volumetric intracerebral process in the form of a low-density focus with or without contrast absorption. With abscesses, there is more often a more pronounced perifocal edema.

Thrombosis of the intracerebral sagittal sinus

There is the following typical triad of symptoms that may indicate intracerebral sinus thrombosis: partial or generalized epileptic seizures, hemispheric focal symptoms, decreased wakefulness. On the EEG, generalized low-amplitude slow-wave activity is recorded over the entire hemisphere, which also extends to the opposite hemisphere. On neuroimaging, sinus thrombosis is evidenced by hemispheric edema (mainly in the parasagittal region) with diapedetic hemorrhages, signal hyperintensity in the sinus(s) region, and a deltoid-shaped zone that does not accumulate the injected contrast and corresponds to the affected sinus.

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) encephalitis

Since HSV-associated encephalitis predominantly affects the temporal lobe, aphasia (or paraphasia) is often the first symptom. The EEG reveals focal slow-wave activity, which, upon repeated recording of the EEG, is transformed into periodically occurring three-phase complexes (triplets). Gradually, these complexes spread to the frontal and contralateral leads. During neuroimaging, a low-density zone is determined, which soon acquires the characteristics of a volumetric process and spreads from the deep sections of the temporal lobe to the frontal lobe, and then contralaterally, primarily involving the zones related to the limbic system. In the cerebrospinal fluid, signs of an inflammatory process are found. Unfortunately, the verification of HSV infection by direct visualization of viral particles or by immunofluorescence analysis is possible only with a significant time delay, while antiviral therapy should be started immediately upon the first suspicion of viral encephalitis (taking into account the fact that lethality in HSV- encephalitis reaches 85%).

Professor L. S. PETELIN

IT HAPPENED unexpectedly and for no apparent reason. I completely stopped understanding the interlocutor. He said something, it seemed to me that he spoke very quickly, I did not perceive well. The words seemed familiar to me, but I did not understand and did not remember their connection and meaning. The dialogue obviously did not work out, the interlocutor noticed this and was perplexed. I made several attempts to tell him something, but, apart from the absurdity, nothing worked out for me. I could not say a single intelligible word, I did not know them at all, I did not remember them. He noticed the failure of attempts to speak and immediately stopped his babble, accompanying this with gestures of annoyance. Not without difficulty, I managed to squeeze out of myself: "I'm sick, I feel bad." The matter cleared up, the help of a doctor was urgently needed.

Questions were asked to me very clearly and in such a way that it was possible to answer them quite definitely with a movement of the head, meaning "yes" or "no". I understood the questions well. The state of health was generally satisfactory, there were no pain sensations, nausea or dizziness, signs of fear or panic, too. On the contrary, I was disposed to jokes, but the jokes did not work either.

An infusion of a vasodilator gave me back the power of speech. I was alone in the room, I thought that I would have to learn to speak again. I repeated this thought aloud, and I succeeded. Ten minutes later the doctors returned, and I talked to them normally. And everything could end sadly, because I was not aware of the danger of the situation and behaved, to put it mildly, frivolously ...

I ask the experts to explain to me: why am I speechless? Has he forgotten the words, or has he lost the ability to pronounce them? I repeat: I myself could not remember them.


Dear comrade Kirillov!

The letter that you sent to the editors of the journal "Health" very accurately reflects the psychological state of a person who has undergone a temporary, transient, so-called dynamic cerebrovascular accident.

First of all, the main question that excited you: why are you suddenly speechless?

As you know, the human brain consists of two hemispheres. In the cortex of the left are the centers that control speech. There are two of them: the sensitive one is designed to understand oral speech addressed to a person, and the other, motor, gives orders to the muscles of the pharynx, vocal cords, tongue to reproduce mentally composed speech complexes - voices them.

You seem to have suffered only motor speech center. In view of

This is why a dual state arose: you heard well what others were saying, but the response speech reactions were impossible, you could not pick up words, make sentences out of them. There was a false impression that you forgot the words, the names of objects, the names of loved ones. Some people in such cases experience a painful feeling because the ability to critically assess their situation is not impaired.

Often this type of speech defect is combined with weakness of the right arm and leg. This is explained by the fact that the motor centers of the right arm and leg are located not far from the speech centers.

A dynamic disorder of cerebral circulation, similar to the one you described, occurs, as a rule, in people suffering from initial forms hypertension and atherosclerosis. These pathological processes can cause spasms of cerebral vessels and thereby lead to a slowdown in cerebral blood flow. Due to the limited blood supply, oxygen starvation of the brain tissue (hypoxia) occurs and its functions are impaired. It should be said that the cerebral cortex is very sensitive to a lack of oxygen, and if it is prolonged, irreversible damage can occur.

What helps prevent them?

At the first signs of a dynamic disturbance of cerebral circulation, the patient should lie down, and those around him should help him get comfortable. If his face is red at this time, his head should be raised on two pillows, mustard plasters should be placed on the calves of the legs, and a heating pad wrapped in a towel should be placed on the feet. Before the arrival of the doctor, you can give a tablet of validol or 30 drops of valocordin

Some patients may have other symptoms: the face, arms or legs go numb, goosebumps, tingling, weakness, accompanied by dizziness. In all these cases, you should immediately call a doctor.

As a rule, dynamic cerebrovascular accident is short-lived, it disappears within a few minutes or hours. But the doctor does not immediately allow the patient to get up. Depending on his condition, bed rest can be extended up to 2-3 weeks.

You, comrade Kirillov, frankly, were lucky, you behaved unacceptably actively at the time of the onset of a dynamic violation of cerebral circulation, and this could have ended sadly.

A person who has suffered a dynamic violation of cerebral circulation should remember the need for systematic treatment of hypertension, atherosclerosis. He should not take a hot bath, visit a bathhouse, sunbathe in the sun. It is important to take care of the rational regime of work, rest, nutrition. Preference should be given to products such as vegetables, herbs, milk, cottage cheese, cod, soaked herring, low-fat varieties of fish and meat, legumes, vegetable oils.

Excessive neuropsychic stress must be avoided. However, we are against absolute rest, doing nothing is harmful.

It is desirable that a person retains normal household habits. He should not give up his favorite business - collecting, say, stamps, wood carving, caring for flowers, fish, unless, of course, it is within his power. Such work gives rest nervous system. Rest can also be considered reading books.

Those who suffer from insomnia need evening walks.

In general, we should try to be “closer to nature”. A long stay on the banks of a river, lake, in a forest, a field is the best rest in summer and winter. Depending on age and physical abilities, skiing, fishing, trips to the forest for mushrooms and berries are recommended. Walk to and from work, and if it's far away, walk at least part of the way. Useful physical exercise, breathing exercises.

People engaged in physical work do not have to give it up, but they are not allowed to lift heavy weights, to strain a lot.

Image copyright EPA

The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in Lausanne on Thursday granted the appeals of Russian athletes, annulling the decision of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) on their life-long suspension from the Olympics.

The BBC Russian service tells how athletes, officials and journalists reacted to this decision.

International Olympic Committee

This could have a major impact on the future fight against doping. Therefore, the IOC will very carefully review the rationale for decisions as soon as they are available and will consider possible consequences- including the possibility of an appeal to the Swiss Federal Tribunal.

Regarding the participation of athletes from Russia in the Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang 2018, the decision of the IOC Executive Board of December 5, 2017 remains in force. This suggests that since the Russian Olympic Committee has been suspended, Russian athletes will only be able to compete in PyeongChang at the invitation of the IOC.

Image copyright AFP/Getty Image caption The CAS considered that the evidence collected in respect of the athletes was not sufficient to unambiguously speak of an anti-doping rule violation.

The decision of the Arbitration Court in Lausanne does not mean that 28 athletes will be invited to the Games. The fact that they are not under sanctions does not mean that they automatically receive the privilege of being invited to the Games.

It is also important to note that at the press conference general secretary CAS stated that the court's decision "does not mean that 28 athletes are declared innocent."

Pavel Kolobkov, Minister of Sports of Russia

Now the Russian Olympic Committee will send a letter to the IOC with a proposal that they declare our athletes to participate in the Olympic Games. We will wait for the official decision of the IOC. (Interfax)

All athletes were acquitted in the case on charges of anti-doping rule violations during the Sochi Games. And the guys, and we are all glad that justice has finally prevailed.

The CAS board recognized that they were innocent and canceled the decisions of the Oswald Commission (IOC). Today's CAS decisions confirm that many of those accused are "clean athletes". (RIA News)

Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of the President of Russia

We have repeatedly said that, of course, our athletes will continue to be supported through all possible channels in any steps that are aimed at upholding their rights.

Information received about the decision of the Sports arbitration court in relation to our athletes confirms that vigorous action to uphold the rights of both judicial and other categories is justified, can be effective and must continue. And we hope that, of course, these actions will continue.

Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister of Russia

We never doubted that our athletes absolutely deservedly received all those medals that were won in Sochi. It is good that the court fully confirmed this, proved their purity.

This means that the athletes who filed suits are fully exonerated. And in relation to them, no prohibitive decisions are no longer valid, their biography is absolutely clean. And all those awards that they have acquired have been restored in their rights.

Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Skeletonist Alexander Tretyakov should now get his gold medal back

Everything (...) must be done as quickly as possible so that fully rehabilitated athletes can take advantage of all the opportunities that are open to them as a result of this court decision. (Interfax)

Vitaly Mutko, former Minister of Sports of Russia

Good news, but with bitterness. Frankly speaking, we did not expect such a decision, but nevertheless we proceeded from the fact that in all these hearings and commissions of Oswald, WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) there are such superficial accusations, hasty, without substantiation.

All this week the athletes proved their innocence. Doping is a fairly simple thing: there are samples, and all this talk and speculation should not be considered at all. As soon as some kind of consideration goes on a legal basis, then everything falls into place.

One can only express regret that WADA delegated all these processes to the commissions, Richard McLaren was absolutely unconvincing in this process.

Of course, we are very happy that 28 athletes were justified. We never doubted them. All of them have always been for us outstanding athletes, and we had no doubt that they won their podiums in a fair fight. And the president said that we were never going to leave them without support and help. (RIA News)

Mikhail Degtyarev, head of the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Affairs

We counted on positive decisions in court. The courts must always be filed, because silence means agreement with decisions taken or accusations. The next step should be lawsuits in civil courts in order to refute the false theses of the McLaren report and protect the honor and dignity of athletes and coaches.

Elena Vyalbe, President of the Russian Ski Racing Federation

When they learned the solution, even the gift of speech was lost. It is a pity that three are still not fully justified, but the disqualification is only for these Olympic Games. In general, we are just happy, I believed that sooner or later this would happen. (RIA News)

Olga Fatkulina, world champion in speed skating

Image copyright AFP/Getty Images

I earned a medal with my honest work. When I learned about today's decision, happiness did not decrease or increase. Everything was as it should be. It will be a victory if we are admitted to the Olympic Games. Let's wait now - how everything will be decided on admission. That's when we'll be happy. Now the state is already such that there are no emotions. We are waiting to see how everything will be according to the situation. (RIA News)

Artem Kuznetsov, speed skater

Of course, common sense prevailed, but many questions remain: what happened, why we were accused, and, I'm afraid, they will remain unanswered. It's a shame that we, most likely, will not go to the Olympics anyway, because there are no invitations yet, and it is not clear what will happen. (TASS)

Alexey Petukhov, skier

Image copyright Reuters

Having learned the decision, I just thought that justice has triumphed, there are higher powers and the truth is above all nasty things. Now let those who spoke badly about us think, let them be ashamed. And we came out victorious, it's great that the court heard us.

A little at a loss, I understand that everything is over, but the state is incomprehensible, twofold. It turns out that with Olympic Games it is not clear, the IOC will probably not allow it, and the list has been formed. But the fact that we will continue to prepare for the World Cup is a positive decision. With new forces in a new fight. (RIA News)

Alena Zavarzina, snowboarder

Nikita Kryukov, skier

I want to go to court, because the decision on disqualification affected me very strongly. My name, the name of the Olympic champion, was simply taken and dipped into the mud. I fully admit that this could make the fans doubt the purity of my results, my victories. I see no reason to tolerate it with impunity. Therefore, going to court seems to me a completely logical step.
