Popular Tatars. Last news

Since we are talking about the Tatars of St. Petersburg, I will say that the Tatar Muslim community has existed since the first days of the founding of St. Petersburg, since the Kazan province was one of the main suppliers of workers to the city under construction. There are two temples in St. Petersburg - the St. Petersburg Cathedral Mosque (St. Petersburg, Kronverksky pr., building 7) and the Memorial Mosque named after Mufti Zhafyar-hazrat Ponchaev (St. Petersburg, Repishcheva St., 1), the museum-apartment of L.N. Gumilyov, houses where prominent figures of the past M. Bigi, A.-R. Ibragimov, Tatar lane (building 1) near Kronverksky prospect; On the side of Zverinskaya Street in front of this house there is a square in which in 2006 a monument to the Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukay was solemnly opened - a gift from the Republic of Tatarstan to St. Petersburg. The choice of a place for the monument is due to the fact that the Tatar settlement of St. Petersburg was originally located here.

Tatars are the second largest ethnic group and the most numerous people of Muslim culture in Russian Federation.
There are different interpretations of the concept of "Tatars". This question is very relevant at the present time. Some researchers deduce the origin of this word from “mountain inhabitant”, where “tat” means “mountains”, and “ar” means “inhabitant”, “man”. Others - the etymology of the word "Tatars" to the ancient Greek "messenger".
The well-known Turkologist D.E. Eremov connects the origin of the word "Tatars" with the ancient Turkic word and people. He associates the first component of the word "tat" with the name of the ancient Iranian people. At the same time, he refers to the information of the ancient Turkic chronicler Mahmud Kashgari that the Turks called “tatam” those who speak Farsi, that is, the Iranian language. The original meaning of the word "tat" was most likely "Persian", but then this word in Rus' began to denote all the eastern and Asian peoples. Ethnonym "Tatars" - ancient origin, however, as a self-name of modern Tatars, it was adopted only in the 19th century, and the Ancient Tatars - Turkic tribes lived on the territory of today's Eurasia. The current Tatars (Kazan, Western, Siberian, Crimean) are not direct descendants of the ancient Tatars who came to Europe along with the troops of Genghis Khan. They formed into a single nation called the Tatars, after they were given such a name by the European peoples. There is an opinion of historians that the name "Tatars" came from the name of a large influential clan "Tata", from which many Turkic-speaking military leaders of the state "Altyn Urta" (Golden Mean), better known as the "Golden Horde" came from.

The Bulgar ancestors adopted the religion in 922, earlier than the Russians. Among the Tatars, science and art flourished even then. The best sons of the Tatar people studied not only in the Bulgarian madrasas, but also in Bukhara, Samarkand. The caravans of the ancient Bulgar merchants traveled not only in the Russian principalities, but also in Central Asia, Crimea, Caucasus, even across Scandinavia. Tatar jewelers and armourers delighted the whole world, the skillful leather made by our ancestors - "Bulgarian yuft" - went down in world history. Tatar ancestors were famous for their beautiful baths, eight-minaret majestic mosques; surrounded by high oak walls, artificial water channels, steep earthen ramparts, impregnable military fortresses. During the years of drought, the Great Bulgar sent bread in hundreds of boats, thereby saving the Russian people from starvation many times. The Bulgar people gave mankind the great Kul Gali. The Tatars smelted iron much earlier than the Russians, back in the 12th century. At a time when the Russian people, divided into hundreds of small principalities, waged an endless fratricidal war among themselves, the Great Bulgar was distinguished by unity and military power. That is why, and by no means by chance, when in 1223 the Russian troops on the Kalka River suffered a shameful defeat, our Bulgarian ancestors in the same year were the first in history to defeat the Mongol horde.

Tatars are one of the most mobile peoples. Due to lack of land, frequent crop failures in their homeland and the traditional craving for trade, even before 1917, they began to move to various regions. Russian Empire, including in the province of Central Russia, in the Donbass, in Eastern Siberia And Far East, North Caucasus and Transcaucasia, Central Asia and Kazakhstan. This migration process intensified during the years of Soviet rule, especially during the period of "great construction projects of socialism." Therefore, at present in the Russian Federation there is practically not a single subject of the federation, wherever the Tatars live. Even in the pre-revolutionary period, Tatar national communities were formed in Finland, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, and China.

According to many historians, the Tatar people with a single literary and practically common spoken language developed during the existence of a huge Turkic state - the Golden Horde. The literary language in this state was the so-called "Idel Terkise" or Old Tatar, based on the Kypchak-Bulgarian (Polovtsian) language and incorporating elements of the Central Asian literary languages. The modern literary language based on the middle dialect arose in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries.

In ancient times, the Turkic ancestors of the Tatars used runic writing, as evidenced by archaeological finds in the Urals and the Middle Volga region. From the moment of the voluntary adoption of Islam by one of the ancestors of the Tatars, the Volga-Kama Bulgars - the Tatars used the Arabic script, from 1929 to 1939 - the Latin script, since 1939 they use the Cyrillic alphabet with additional characters. The modern Tatar language is divided into four dialects: middle (Kazan Tatar), western (Mishar), eastern (language of the Siberian Tatars) and Crimean (language of the Crimean Tatars). Despite the dialectal and territorial differences, the Tatars are a single nation with a single literary language, a single culture - folklore, literature, music, religion, national spirit, traditions and rituals.

Tatar nation by literacy level(the ability to write and read in one's own language) even before the 1917 coup occupied one of the leading places in the Russian Empire. The traditional craving for knowledge has been preserved in the current generation.

Tatars are one of the most urbanized peoples of the Russian Federation. Social groups Tatars living both in cities and in villages are almost no different from those that exist among other peoples, primarily among Russians.

By way of life Tatars do not differ from other surrounding peoples. The modern Tatar ethnos originated in parallel with the Russian. Modern Tatars are the Turkic-speaking part of the indigenous population of Russia, which, due to its greater territorial proximity to the East, chose not Orthodoxy but Islam. 99% of believing Tatars are Sunni Muslims of the moderate Hanafi persuasion.

Many ethnologists point out unique phenomenon of Tatar tolerance which lies in the fact that in the entire history of the existence of the Tatars, they have not been the initiators of any conflict on ethnic and religious grounds. The most famous ethnologists and researchers are sure that tolerance is an invariable part of the Tatar national character.

Traditional food of the Tatars- meat, dairy and vegetable - soups seasoned with pieces of dough (tokmach-noodles, chumar), cereals, sourdough bread, kabartma cakes. National dishes - byalesh with a variety of fillings, often meat (peryamyach), cut into pieces and mixed with millet, rice or potatoes, unleavened pastry is widely represented in the form of bavyrsak, kosh tele, ichpochmak, gubadiya, katykly salma, chak-chak ( wedding dish). From horse meat (the favorite meat of many groups) they prepare dried sausage - kazylyk or kazy. Dried goose (kaklagan kaz) is considered a delicacy. Dairy products - katyk (a special kind of sour milk), sour cream, cottage cheese. Drinks - tea, airan (tan) - a mixture of katyk with water (used mainly in summer).

Tatars in all defensive and liberation wars have always taken an active part. According to the number of "Heroes" Soviet Union"The Tatars are in fourth place, and in terms of the percentage of the number of heroes for the whole nation - the first. In terms of the number of Heroes of Russia, the Tatars have the second place. From the Tatars, military leaders such as General of the Army M.A. Gareev, Colonel General P.S. Akchurin and F .Kh.Churakov, Vice-Admiral M.D.Iskanderov, Rear-Admirals Z.G.Lyapin, A.I.Bichurin and others. Valiev (physicist), R.A. Sunyaev (astrophysicist), and others.

Tatar literature is one of the oldest in the Russian Federation. The most ancient literary monument is the poem "The Tale of Yusuf" by the Bulgarian poet Kul Gali, written in 1236. Among the famous poets of the past are M. Sarai-Gulistani (XIV century), M. Mukhammadyar (1496/97-1552), G. Utyz-Imyani (1754-1834), G. Kandaly (1797-1860). Of the poets and writers of the 20th century - the classics of Tatar literature Gabdullu Tukay, Fatih Amirkhan, the writers of the Soviet period - Galimzyan Ibragimov, Hadi Taktash, Majit Gafuri, Hasan Tufan, the patriotic poet, Hero of the Soviet Union Musa Jalil, Sibgat Hakim and many other talented poets and writers.

One of the first among the Turkic peoples, the Tatars arose theatrical art.
The most prominent artists are: Abdulla Kariev, actor and playwright Karim Tinchurin, Khalil Abdzhalilov, Gabdulla Shamukov, actors Cast: Chulpan Khamatova, Marat Basharov Renata Litvinova, actor and director Sergei Shakurov, director Marcel Salimzhanov, opera singers- Khaidar Bigichev and Zilya Sungatullina, folk singers Ilgam Shakirov and Alfiya Afzalova, popular artists- Rinat Ibragimov, Alsou, Zemfira Ramazanova, Salavat Fatkhutdinov, Aidar Galimov, Malika Razakova, young poet and musician Rustam Alyautdinov.

Fine art of the Tatars: First of all, this is the artist-patriarch Baki Urmanche, and many other outstanding Tatar artists.

Great scientists and writers

Tatars faithfully served the Fatherland, not only fighting for it in countless wars. In peaceful life they gave him a lot famous people scientists, writers, artists. Suffice it to name such scientists as Mendeleev, Mechnikov, Pavlov and Timiryazev, researchers of the North Chelyuskin and Chirikov. In literature, these are Dostoevsky, Turgenev, Yazykov, Bulgakov, Kuprin. In the field of art - ballerinas Anna Pavlova, Galina Ulanova, Olga Spesivtseva, Rudolf Nureyev, as well as composers Skryabin and Taneyev. All of them are Russians of Tatar origin.

The sports achievements of the Tatars also constantly make themselves felt.:
Wrestling - Shazam Safin, champion Olympic Games 1952 in Helsinki in Greco-Roman wrestling.
Rhythmic gymnastics - Olympic champion and multiple world champion Alina Kabaeva, world champions Amina Zaripova and Laysan Utyasheva.
Football - Rinat Dasaev, goalkeeper No. 1 in the world in 1988, goalkeeper of the Spartak team, members of the 2002 World Cup football team, attacking midfielder of the Russian national team Marat Izmailov (Lokomotiv Moscow), winner of the Russian Cup 2000/01; silver medalist of the Russian Championship in 2001, and goalkeeper of the Russian national team, KAMAZ (Naberezhnye Chelny); "Spartak Moscow); Lokomotiv (Moscow); "Verona" (Italy) Ruslan Nigmatullin, Hockey - Irek Gimaev, Sergei Gimaev, Zinetula Bilyaletdinov, Tennis World Champion Marat Safin, and many many others.

Famous Russians come from Tatar families

Many famous noble families of Russia have Tatar roots. Apraksins, Arakcheevs, Dashkovs, Derzhavins, Yermolovs, Sheremetevs, Bulgakovs, Gogols, Golitsyns, Milyukovs, Godunovs, Kochubeys, Stroganovs, Bunins, Kurakins, Saltykovs, Saburovs, Mansurovs, Tarbeevs, Godunovs, Yusupovs - it’s impossible to list them all. By the way, the origin of the Counts Sheremetevs, in addition to the surname, is also confirmed by the family coat of arms, on which there is a silver crescent. The nobles Ermolovs, for example, where General Alexei Petrovich Ermolov came from, the pedigree begins like this: "The ancestor of this family Arslan-Murza-Yermola, and by baptism named John, as shown in the presented pedigree, in 1506 went to Grand Duke Vasily Ivanovich from the Golden Horde ." Rus' was fabulously enriched at the expense of the Tatar people, talents flowed like a river. The princes Kurakins appeared in Rus' under Ivan III, this family comes from Ondrey Kurak, who was the offspring of the Horde Khan Bulgak, the recognized ancestor of the Great Russian princes Kurakins and Golitsyns, as well as the noble family of Bulgakovs. Chancellor Alexander Gorchakov, whose family was descended from the Tatar ambassador Karach-Murza. The nobles of the Dashkovs are also from the Horde. And the Saburovs, Mansurovs, Tarbeevs, Godunovs (from Murza Chet, who left the Horde in 1330), Glinskys (from Mamai), Kolokoltsevs, Talyzins (from Murza Kuchuk Tagaldyzin) ... A separate conversation is desirable about each clan - a lot, a lot they did for Russia. Every Russian patriot has heard about Admiral Ushakov, and only a few know that he is a Turk. This clan comes from the Horde Khan Redeg. The princes of Cherkasy are descended from the khan's family of Inal. “As a sign of allegiance,” it is written in their genealogy, “he sent his son Saltman and daughter Princess Maria to the sovereign, who later was married to Tsar John Vasilyevich, and Saltman was named Mikhail by baptism and was granted a boyar.”

But even by the named surnames it is clear that the Tatar blood greatly influenced the gene pool of the Russian people A. Among the Russian nobility there are more than 120 famous Tatar families. In the sixteenth century, Tatars dominated among the nobles. Even by the end of the nineteenth century in Russia, there were approximately 70 thousand nobles with Tatar roots. This amounted to more than 5 percent of the total number of nobles throughout the Russian Empire.

A lot of Tatar nobility disappeared forever for their people. This is well told by the genealogical books of the Russian nobility: "The General Heraldry of the Noble Clans of the All-Russian Empire", begun in 1797, or "The History of the Clans of the Russian Nobility", or "The Russian Genealogical Book". Historical novels pale before them.

The Yushkovs, Suvorovs, Apraksins (from Salakhmir), Davydovs, Yusupovs, Arakcheevs, Golenishchev-Kutuzovs, Bibikovs, Chirikovs... The Chirikovs, for example, came from the clan of Khan Berke, brother of Batu. Polivanovs, Kochubeys, Kozakovs...

Kopylovs, Aksakovs (aksak means "lame"), Musins-Pushkins, Ogarkovs (the first from the Golden Horde came in 1397, Lev Ogar, "a man of great stature and a brave warrior"). The Baranovs... In their pedigree it is written as follows: "The ancestor of the Baranov family, Murza Zhdan, nicknamed Baran, and named Daniel by baptism, came in 1430 from the Crimea."

Karaulovs, Ogarevs, Akhmatovs, Bakaevs, Gogol, Berdyaevs, Turgenevs ... "The ancestor of the Turgenev family, Murza Lev Turgen, and by baptism named John, went to Grand Duke Vasily Ioannovich from the Golden Horde ..." This family belonged to the aristocratic Horde tukhum , as well as the Ogarev family (their Russian ancestor is "Murza with an honest name Kutlamamet, nicknamed Ogar").

Karamzins (from Kara-Murza, a Crimean), Almazovs (from Almazy, named Erifei by baptism, he came from the Horde in 1638), Urusovs, Tukhachevskys (their ancestor in Russia was Indris, a native of the Golden Horde), Kozhevnikovs (coming from Murza Kozhaya, since 1509 in Russia), Bykovs, Ievlevs, Kobyakovs, Shubins, Taneevs, Shuklins, Timiryazevs (there was such Ibragim Timiryazev, who came to Russia in 1408 from the Golden Horde).

Chaadaevs, Tarakanovs... and it will take a long time to continue. Dozens of so-called "Russian clans" were founded by the Tatars.

The Moscow bureaucracy grew. Power was gathering in her hands, Moscow really did not have enough educated people. Is it any wonder that the Tatars also became carriers of more than three hundred simple Russian surnames. In Russia, at least half of the Russians are genetic Tatars.

In the 18th century, the rulers of Russia tailored the current ethnographic map, tailored it in their own way, as they wanted: they recorded entire provinces as "Slavic". So Russia became the one about which the Kipchak from the Tukhum (clan) Turgen said: "Russia is thousands of miles around."

Then, in the XVIII century - only two hundred years ago - the inhabitants of Tambov, Tula, Oryol, Ryazan, Bryansk, Voronezh, Saratov and other regions were called "Tatars". This is the former population of the Golden Horde. That's why ancient cemeteries in Ryazan, Orel or Tula are still called Tatar.

Defenders of the Fatherland

Tatar warriors honestly served Russia. "Be not only the son of your father, but also be the son of your Fatherland" - says the Tatar folk proverb. The fact that Tatars and Russians supposedly always opposed each other religiously is a myth invented by our common enemies. During the war of 1812, 28 Tatar-Bashkir regiments were formed in the Kazan province. It was these regiments under the command of Kutuzov's son-in-law, the Tatar prince Kudashev, an active participant in the Battle of Borodino, that terrified the Napoleonic soldiers. The Tatar regiments, together with the Russian people, liberated the European peoples from the occupation of the Napoleonic troops.

In the army, due to the national and religious characteristics of the Tatars, a number of indulgences were made, based on respect for the religion they professed. The Tatars were not given pork, they were not subjected to corporal punishment, they were not drilled. In the Navy, Russian sailors were given a glass of vodka, and Tatars - for the same amount - tea and sweets. They were not forbidden to bathe several times a day, as is customary among Muslims before each prayer. Their colleagues were strictly forbidden to mock the Tatars and say bad things about Islam.

29th place: (born February 23, 1967, Madania village, Tselinograd region, Kazakhstan) - singer, People's Artist of the Republic of Bashkortostan and People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan. Aidar's repertoire includes more than 400 songs in Tatar, Bashkir, Russian, English, Uzbek, and Turkish.

28th place: (born March 31, 1983, Moscow) - Russian hockey player, defender of the Chelyabinsk Tractor. Height 186 cm, weight 86 kg.

27th place: - singer, performs songs in the Tatar language.

26th place: (born January 12, 1981) - Russian bayan player of world renown, famous vocalist and composer, academician of cinematographic arts.

25th place: - Tatar singer. Page "In contact" -

24th place: - model. He took part in the filming of many famous advertising brands such as Camelot, Armani, Black Star, Dammat, Carrera. Height 182 cm, weight 70 kg. Page "VKontakte" -

23rd place: Charles Dennis Buchinsky(November 3, 1921, Ehrenfeld, USA - August 30, 2003), better known by his pseudonym (Eng. Charles Bronson) - American film actor, a popular performer of courageous roles in action films. The paternal ancestors of the actor were sticky (Polish-Lithuanian Tatars).

22nd place: - Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR. Born January 1, 1942 in Moscow in an international family (father - Tatar, mother - Russian).

21st place: (born November 10, 1966, Volgograd) - Russian actor, one of the founders of the comic theater Kvartet I.

20th place: (born March 26, 1981, Chelyabinsk) - Russian hockey player, left winger of Metallurg Magnitogorsk and the Russian national hockey team, in which he became the world champion in 2008 and 2009.

19th place: Timur Yunusov(born August 15, 1983, Moscow), better known as Timati- Russian rap / hip-hop / R'n'B artist, composer, music producer, actor and entrepreneur.

17th place: (born February 11, 1978, the village of Voronovo, Moscow Region) - Russian comedian and TV presenter. Participates in the TV project "Comedy Club".

16th place: - world famous ballet dancer, choreographer. Born near Irkutsk on March 17, 1938, he began dancing in a children's folklore ensemble in Ufa, and in 1955 he entered the Leningrad Choreographic School. After graduating in 1958, Nureyev became the soloist of the ballet theater named after S. M. Kirov (currently the Mariinsky Theater). On June 16, 1961, while on tour in Paris, he refused to return to the USSR. For more than fifteen years, Nureyev was the star of the London Royal Ballet. From 1983 to 1989, Nureyev was the director of the ballet troupe of the Paris Grand Opera. Died January 6, 1993.
In his Autobiography, Rudolf Nureyev wrote about his Tatar roots: “My mother was born in the beautiful ancient city of Kazan. We are Muslims. My father was born in a small village near Ufa, the capital of the Republic of Bashkiria. Thus, on both sides, our relatives are Tatars and Bashkirs. I can't define exactly what it means for me to be a Tatar and not a Russian, but I feel this difference in myself. Our Tatar blood flows somehow faster and is always ready to boil. And yet it seems to me that we are more sluggish than Russians, more sensual; we have a certain Asiatic softness and at the same time the ardor of our ancestors, these magnificent thin horsemen. We are a strange mixture of tenderness and rudeness, a combination that is rare among Russians; this is probably why I found such closeness with many of Dostoevsky's characters. Tatars quickly ignite, quickly climb into a fight. They are arrogant, but at the same time passionate, and at times cunning, like foxes. Tatar - good complex animal traits - and this is what I am.

15th place: - pianist. Born in Kazan, where he graduated from the music school at the Kazan State Conservatory, continued his education at the Moscow State Conservatory and the Royal Academy in London. Rustem Khairutdinov currently lives in the UK and is a professor at the Royal Academy of Music. Official site -

14th place: (born February 27, 1985, Moscow) - a football player known for playing for the clubs Lokomotiv (Moscow), Spartak (Moscow), Everton (Liverpool). Played 46 matches for the Russian national team, bronze medalist of the 2008 European Football Championship.

13th place: Rinal Mukhametov(born August 21, 1989, Alekseevskoye village, Tatarstan) - actor.

12th place: (born October 6, 1993, Nizhnekamsk) - hockey player, silver medalist of the 2012 World Youth Championship as part of the Russian national team. In the 2009/10 season, Nail played for the Reactor MHL team (Nizhnekamsk), from 2010 to 2012 he played for the Canadian junior club Sarnia Sting. In 2012, Nail Yakupov, being the first number in the NHL draft, was selected by the Edmonton Oilers team. Nail Yakupov is the third Russian player in history (after Ilya Kovalchuk and Alexander Ovechkin), who became the first number in the NHL draft.

11th place: (born 1977, Balishly village, Bashkortostan) - opera and pop singer, performer of songs and romances by Russian and Tatar composers.

9th place: (born June 13, 1957, Astrakhan) - Soviet football player (goalkeeper), one of the best goalkeepers in the world in the 1980s. He played for the Volgar (Astrakhan), Spartak (Moscow), Sevilla clubs. Dasaev played 91 games for the USSR national team, winning the silver medal of the 1988 European Championship, and also played 6 games for the USSR football Olympic team, winning the bronze medal of the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games. Rinat Dasaev ranks second among the players of the USSR national team (after Oleg Blokhin) in terms of the number of matches played for her. Since 2003, he has been the president of the Rinat Dasaev Academy of Football and Goalkeeping Art founded by him.

8th place: (born December 14, 1983, village Tat. Eltan, Chistopol district of Tatarstan) - actor of the theater named after G. Kamal.

7th place: (born September 21, 1982, Moscow) - a football player who played for Lokomotiv (Moscow) from 2000 to 2008, in which he twice (2002, 2004) became the champion of Russia. Since 2008 he has been playing for Sporting Lisbon. Member of the Russian national team, participant of the European Football Championship 2012.

A native of Kazan, Chulpan Khamatova was born on October 1, 1975 in a family of engineers. The actress has studied at a mathematical school and entered the Kazan Financial and Economic Institute. According to Khamatova herself, she did not study there for a day.

“I could not immediately pick up the documents, because I had no guarantees that I would enter this theater school and, in general, whether they were waiting for me there and how they would react. Therefore, when I began to understand that they would take me and that they would accept me, I sent my mother and she took my documents from the financial academy, ”said the actress.

Now it is difficult to imagine that teachers could doubt the abilities of Chulpan Khamatova. The theater school was followed by GITIS, and then roles in theater and cinema. Many viewers discovered her after the role of Rita in Valery Todorovsky's film "Country of the Deaf".

Photo: Dina Korzun (left) and Chulpan Khamatova (right)

In 2006, Khamatova and actress Dina Korzun, who also played in the Country of the Deaf, co-founded the Gift of Life charity foundation. It helps children suffering from oncological and oncohematological diseases. Last year alone, the foundation donated about 2.24 billion rubles for medicines, medical equipment and treatment for Russian children. Khamatova herself has three daughters.

A year ago, the actress was awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of Kazan". Khamatova arrived at the award ceremony at the Kazan City Hall and received an award from Mayor Ilsur Metshin.

Photo: Ilnar Tukhbatov

Now the actress is busy filming a film based on the novel by another native of Kazan, Guzel Yakhina, Zuleikha opens her eyes. The writer admitted that she represented Chulpan Khamatova in the title role.

“The image of Chulpan was with me. And when the text was created and when the script was discussed at the film school, finalized, then written. And I have only one answer - I see Chulpan Khamatova in the title role, ”said Guzel Yakhina.

Especially for filming The village of Semruk was built on the banks of the Kama. Khamatova is already posting photos from the filming on social networks, most of which will take place in the Laishevsky district of Tatarstan.


Shamil Khamatov

10 years after the birth of Chulpan, a boy, Shamil, was born in the family of Nail Akhmetovich and Marina Galiullovna Khamatov. Much less is known about his childhood than about the life of his older sister in Kazan. In her footsteps, he went to GITIS, which he graduated in 2005. Immediately after that, Shamil Khamatov was accepted into the troupe of the Sovremennik Theater, where his older sister has been working since 1998. The role of Sevka Goryaev in the play "The Naked Pioneer" based on the novel by Mikhail Kononov was the actor's debut on this stage.

The actor became an honored guest of the IX Kazan International Muslim Film Festival in 2013. Then he then admitted: work in the theater brings him more pleasure than filming a movie.

“Each performance is always different, allowing you to discover yourself in a new way. The play is a living organism. This is a constant search, constant development, a constant process of reflection. In the cinema, everything is simpler: there are no rehearsals, you need to come, turn to the camera in the right direction, pronounce the text. And that's where it often ends. In addition, there are a lot of technical moments in the cinema, which I don’t like, since the person himself is not very organized, ”the actor said.

Photo: Ilnar Tukhbatov

Three years later he returned to hometown with the first tour of the Sovremennik Theater for Kazan. In the year of its 60th anniversary, the team presented the performances "Three Comrades", where Khamatov plays Robert Lokamp, ​​as well as " The Cherry Orchard”, “Two on a swing” and “Woe from Wit”.

Despite the fact that the theater is closer to Khamatov, he also acts in films. For example, in the 2013 family film The Toy Seller, the actor worked on the same set with Pierre Richard. During his visit to Kazan, he told how the shooting of a good Russian-French film went on and about his relationship with Richard.

“Pierre Richard is an amazing person, the level of his professionalism is amazing. He behaves very modestly, does not require undue attention. He always listens first to what the director says to him, and then carefully begins to make his suggestions. During rehearsals, he improvises so talentedly that the director includes these improvisations in the script without any doubt, ”recalls Khamatov.

Photo: Pierre Richard (left) and Shamil Khamatov (right)

According to Shamil, he did not manage to communicate with famous actor, since he does not know French, and Richard does not speak English.

Shamil Khamatov often posts family pictures on his Instagram. For example, he recently posted photos with his older sister Chulpan and her daughter Iya. All of them are captured against the backdrop of autumn landscapes.

Rinal Mukhametov

One of the main roles in the sensational Russian film "Temporary Difficulties" was played by a native of the Tatarstan village of Alekseevskoye Rinal Mukhametov. He studied at the Kazan Theater School and thought he would be a pop clown. But in the second year, teachers advised Rinal to go to Moscow, since Kirill Serebrennikov was gaining a course at the Moscow Art Theater School. The actor recalls that he was afraid to go, because he has been suffering from stuttering since childhood.

“The fact is that on stage or in the frame I stutter less. I can not explain this phenomenon and, unfortunately, it does not always work. At the audition, I turned away, snapped my fingers - and my speech changed, I read without hesitation, ”says Mukhametov.

As a result, he got on the course, from which in 2012 Kirill Serebrennikov created the Seventh Studio theater troupe. Now Rinal Mukhametov serves at the Gogol Center.

Rinal Mukhametov (left) and Kirill Serebrennikov (right)

The media have repeatedly called Mukhametov the new sex symbol of Russian cinema, and he only confirms this status with his roles in theater and cinema. For example, in the film adaptation of The Three Musketeers by Sergei Zhigunov, he played d'Artagnan, and in the serial historical film"Catherine" - the lover of the future empress. Rinal became a real star after the release of Fyodor Bondarchuk's blockbuster "Attraction" in 2017. Mukhametov played one of the main roles - the alien Hakon, who is trying to understand people.


The heart of this handsome man with a magnetic look is already taken. Rinal is happy in his second marriage with his wife Susanna and is raising their daughter Evia. The actor lives in Moscow, and his relatives remained in Tatarstan.

“I grew up in the working settlement of Alekseevskoye, which is located 100 km from Kazan. People close to me still live and work there. Mom is an accountant at the company. There is a younger sister Angelina, she is 25 years old. She recently moved to Kazan. Alas, it is not often possible to visit places familiar from childhood, but I do not forget my village. Every second inhabitant of Alekseevsky is a relative for me. I know that the neighbors are following my work, and this is a huge support, ”admits Rinal.

Behind this guy are three professional schools- Kazan Theater School, GITIS and the Academy of Cinematographic and Theater Arts by Nikita Mikhalkov. By the way, he became the first student of the academy from Tatarstan.

“I entered the theater school the first time, GITIS - the third attempt, and auditioned for Moscow theaters for seven years! But all this time I believed that I would be an actor, ”admits Sergey.

After the theater school, he worked for four years in the troupe of the Tver Youth Theater, where he played in the play "Tartuffe" by Moliere, in the production of "The Kabbalah of the Saints" by Bulgakov and in the fairy tale "About Ivan the Fool." Bataev calls this theater the most lively theater in the Upper Volga region, ready for experiments, and admits that he was happy to play there, but he wanted to develop and left for Moscow. There he entered GITIS, and then - the Mikhalkov Academy.

This year, the name of Bataev sounded in a new way. At the XIV Kazan International Muslim Film Festival, Sergey presented his debut short film "The Old Warrior". main role it was performed by People's Artist of the USSR Vladimir Etush.

The plot of the film "The Old Warrior" is dedicated to a weak old man who is eager to go to war in order to bring the day of victory closer. But her attempts to escape only interfere with her daughter, who is forced to bear all the hardships of village life alone. After another such attempt, she locks her father at home, where he quietly dies, without waiting for the main message.

The filmed story is a tribute to the memory of the great-grandfather of Sergei Bataev, who did not live to see the victory for several hours. The actor and director were named after him.

“My great-grandfather kept repeating that the main thing for him in life was to live to win ... but this was not destined to come true. And I always felt some kind of duty to him, which I have now fulfilled, ”said Sergey.

Now Bataev continues to play in the theater. The other day, he posted a photo on Instagram with the caption: “The theater season was opened with the performance “Clinical Case” together with @artpartner_theatre. Let my theatrical season be as bright, cheerful and filled with surprises of the desired roles.”

Rosa Khairullina

The tragic actress Roza Khairullina, by her own admission, became in demand at the age of 37. She was born in Norilsk, but from the age of 12 she lived in Zelenodolsk.

Even in elementary school, Rosa thought about the career of an actress and was constantly involved in drama circles. After leaving school, she entered the Kazan Theater School and, as a student, played on the stage of the Kamal Theater. For fifteen years Khairullina worked in the troupe of the Kazan Youth Theater. In 1992, the actress was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation for her role in the play "Pogrom" based on the novel by Boris Vasilyev "And there was evening, and there was morning ..." directed by Boris Zeitlin. In 1996, Shakespeare's production of The Tempest won the Golden Mask Award.


“I worked for fifteen years at the Kazan Youth Theater. There I had an apartment, relatives and friends. She lost everything in an instant: her brother was a drug addict, he mortgaged the apartment, then he died - the apartment went for debts. Within six months, my whole family, seven people, died. Father, mother and all the rest. Life was divided into “before” and “after”, I remained in the “before”,” the actress recalls about this difficult period of life.

After a fire at the Youth Theater in 1996, Khairullina left Kazan for Holland, where she worked for a year. Then she moved to Samara - got a job at the SamArt Theater. Rosa was moved to Moscow by the Russian theater director Konstantin Bogomolov, with whom they rehearsed Olesya at SamArt. Now Khairullina is the leading actress of the Oleg Tabakov Theater Studio and the Moscow Art Theater.

Since 2009, she has played several episodic roles in films, and her role in the film "The Horde" directed by Andrei Proshkin brought Khairullina recognition from colleagues and viewers. At the Moscow International Film Festival in 2012, she was recognized as the best actress for her role as the suddenly blind Khansha Taidula. For the same role in 2013, Khairullina received a national award. Russian Academy cinematographic arts "Nika".


Now the actress is filming a film based on the novel by Guzel Yakhina "Zuleikha opens her eyes." She will play Upyrikha, Zuleikha's mother-in-law. In addition, from September 27, the drama "Unforgiven" is released, where Khairullina, along with Dmitry Nagiyev, plays one of the main roles.


Every nation has the right to be proud of the most famous representatives of its nation, and In this regard, the Tatars are no exception! We know, remember and respect famous representatives of the Tatar people!

This article is only the beginning of a long story on our website, and it should be emphasized that many famous people belong not only to Tatar history, but also to the history of Russia, the USSR, Mari El, Bashkortostan and other regions of our vast country.
For the same reason, many of the named personalities are controversial, such as, for example, Mamich Berdei, Kuzma Minin or Alexander Matrosov, because they were recognized by other nationalities, so we ask you not to be offended by Russians, Maris, Mordovians, Bashkirs - if representatives of their nationalities, because we have one country!

the most famous Tatars

Separately, the article provides data on those figures who descended from Tatars by father or mother, or have a distant Tatar origin, despite Russian names and surnames!
There are articles on the Internet about what he himself President Putin - has Tatar roots, allegedly on the maternal side, and this is proved by the structure of his face, the style of government and other points. In particular, Putin often comes to Tatarstan, and especially loves the Sabantuy holiday (by the way, in a skullcap - he is a real Tatar!). The recent return of Crimea to Russia is a process of restoration of the Turkic peoples within the former Russian Empire!
We won’t talk about the President’s connections with the famous Tatar athlete…
Separately, we note that it is under Putin that Tatarstan is developing more dynamically than its neighbors along the Volga and the Urals! In the media, we note separately, there are even several articles on the topic “why Putin loves the Tatars”!

Venera Gimadieva (born May 28, 1984, Kazan) - soloist of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater Russia, laureate of the N. Rimsky-Korsakov International Competition (St. Petersburg, 2008), diploma winner of the International Opera Singers Competition (Dresden, 2009), winner of the 1st prize at the International Chaliapin Competition "Voices over the Reach" (2010), laureate of the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation for young cultural figures in 2011.

From the history of Rus', according to genealogical records, many noble families had Tatar roots. Somehow it doesn’t fit in my head that the Tatars, who plundered Rus' for more than 2 centuries, were quite calmly accepted by the Boyars of Rus' into their ranks without any restrictions on their rights. Moreover, the descendants of these families were considered Russian, and many were close associates of the Russian tsars.
Famous Russians come from Tatar families!

Many famous noble families of Russia have Tatar roots.
Apraksins, Arakcheevs, Dashkovs, Derzhavins, Yermolovs, Sheremetevs, Bulgakovs, Gogols, Golitsyns, Milyukovs, Godunovs, Kochubeys, Stroganovs, Bunins, Kurakins, Saltykovs, Saburovs, Mansurovs, Tarbeevs, Godunovs, Yusupovs - not to list them all.
By the way, the origin of the Counts Sheremetevs, in addition to the surname, is also confirmed by the family coat of arms, on which there is a silver crescent.
The nobles Ermolovs, for example, where General Alexei Petrovich Ermolov came from, the pedigree begins like this: "The ancestor of this family Arslan-Murza-Yermola, and by baptism named John, as shown in the presented pedigree, in 1506 went to Grand Duke Vasily Ivanovich from the Golden Horde ."
The princes Kurakins appeared in Rus' under Ivan III, this family comes from Ondrey Kurak, who was the offspring of the Horde Khan Bulgak, the recognized ancestor of the Great Russian princes Kurakins and Golitsyns, as well as the noble family of Bulgakovs. Chancellor Alexander Gorchakov, whose family was descended from the Tatar ambassador Karach-Murza. The nobles of the Dashkovs are also from the Horde.
And the Saburovs, Mansurovs, Tarbeevs, Godunovs (from Murza Chet, who left the Horde in 1330), Glinskys (from Mamai), Kolokoltsevs, Talyzins (from Murza Kuchuk Tagaldyzin) ... A separate conversation is desirable about each clan - a lot, a lot they did for Russia.
Every Russian patriot has heard about Admiral Ushakov, and only a few know that he is a Turk. This clan comes from the Horde Khan Redeg.
The princes of Cherkasy are descended from the khan's family of Inal. “As a sign of allegiance,” it is written in their genealogy, “he sent his son Saltman and daughter Princess Maria to the sovereign, who later was married to Tsar John Vasilyevich, and Saltman was named Mikhail by baptism and was granted a boyar.”

Among the Russian nobility there are more than 120 famous Tatar families. In the sixteenth century, Tatars dominated among the nobles. Even by the end of the nineteenth century in Russia, there were approximately 70 thousand nobles with Tatar roots. This amounted to more than 5 percent of the total number of nobles throughout the Russian Empire.
The Yushkovs, Suvorovs, Apraksins (from Salakhmir), Davydovs, Yusupovs, Arakcheevs, Golenishchev-Kutuzovs, Bibikovs, Chirikovs... The Chirikovs, for example, came from the clan of Khan Berke, brother of Batu. Polivanovs, Kochubeys, Kozakovs...
Kopylovs, Aksakovs (aksak means "lame"), Musins-Pushkins, Ogarkovs (the first from the Golden Horde came in 1397, Lev Ogar, "a man of great stature and a brave warrior"). The Baranovs... In their pedigree it is written as follows: "The ancestor of the Baranov family, Murza Zhdan, nicknamed Baran, and named Daniel by baptism, came in 1430 from the Crimea."

Karaulovs, Ogarevs, Akhmatovs, Bakaevs, Gogol, Berdyaevs, Turgenevs ... "The ancestor of the Turgenev family, Murza Lev Turgen, and by baptism named John, went to Grand Duke Vasily Ioannovich from the Golden Horde ..." This family belonged to the aristocratic Horde tukhum , as well as the Ogarev family (their Russian ancestor is "Murza with an honest name Kutlamamet, nicknamed Ogar").
Karamzins (from Kara-Murza, a Crimean), Almazovs (from Almazy, named Erifei by baptism, he came from the Horde in 1638), Urusovs, Tukhachevskys (their ancestor in Russia was Indris, a native of the Golden Horde), Kozhevnikovs (coming from Murza Kozhaya, since 1509 in Russia), Bykovs, Ievlevs, Kobyakovs, Shubins, Taneevs, Shuklins, Timiryazevs (there was such Ibragim Timiryazev, who came to Russia in 1408 from the Golden Horde).
Chaadaevs, Tarakanovs... and it will take a long time to continue. Dozens of so-called "Russian clans" were founded by the Tatars.

Society and politics
Akchurin, Yusuf Khasanovich - adviser to Kemal Ataturk, one of the ideologists of Turkish nationalism.
Altynbaev, Rafgat Zakievich - Advisor to the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
Iskhakov, Kamil Shamilevich - Representative of the President of Russia in the Far East federal district(2005-2007), representative of Russia to the OIC (since 2008).
Kutumov, Barai Alievich - Murza, member of the militia of Minin and Pozharsky.
Latypov, Ural Ramdrakovich - Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus (1998-2000).
Maksudov, Sadretdin Nizametdinovich - Sadri Maksudi - Russian and Turkish politician, public figure, lawyer, scientist.
Mulyukov, Marat - founder and first president of the All-Tatar Public Center.
Nabiullina, Elvira Sakhipzadovna - Minister of Economic Development of Russia (since 2008).
Nurgaliev, Rashid Gumarovich - Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia (since 2004).
Sultan-Galiev, Mirsaid Khaidargalievich - statesman of the Stalinist period.
Tabeev, Fikryat Akhmedzhanovich - Soviet Ambassador to Afghanistan (1979-1986).
Khakimov, Karim Abdraufovich, "Red Pasha" - 1st Plenipotentiary Representative of the RSFSR / USSR in Saudi Arabia.
Chapkyn Otuchev - Kazan bek, statesman, participated in the defense of Kazan, died in battle.
Chura Narykov is a statesman of the Kazan Khanate, a supporter of a pro-Moscow orientation in foreign policy.
Shaimiev, Mintimer Sharipovich - the first president of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Shakhidi, Burgan - Consul of China in the USSR (1937), Governor of Urumqi (1944-1947), Chairman of the Parliament of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Republic of China (1951-1954).
Shugurov, Enalei Enmametevich - Tatar bek, leader of the Enaleevsky uprising of 1615-1616.
Yavush - Murza, prince, founder of the Yaushev family, participant in the defense of Kazan in 1552.

Armed forces, historical figures
Ulu-Muhammed, the founder of the Kazan Khanate, the greatest military leader, defeated the 30,000-strong Russian army with the forces of 3,000 ulans.
Ibrahim, Khan of Kazan, defeated in 1467 numerous Muscovite troops in the famous river battle on the Volga. Possibly the only major river battle between Russians and Kazan Tatars
Mohammed-Emin, Kazan Khan. He repeatedly defeated the Russian troops (the most famous battle was in 1508, when 30,000 Kazanians destroyed the 200,000 Russian army marauding under the walls of Kazan).
Chapkun Otuchev, Murza, hero of the defense of Kazan in 1552
Yapancha-bek, prince, hero of the defense of Kazan in 1552
Mamysh-Birde, centurion, murza, organizer of resistance to the Russians in 1552-1556 (executed in Moscow) - many consider him a Mari, a memorial stone was erected in the Orsha district of the RME!
Kul-Sharif, imam, hero of the defense of Kazan in 1552
Batyrsha (Gabdulla Galiev), hero of the Tatar people, publicist, leader of Muslims
Kirisha Minibaev (Kuzma Minin), (there are opinions that this person was a baptized Mari).
Bakhtiyar Kankaev, an associate of E.I. Pugachev in the Peasant War of 1773-1775, commander-in-chief of the rebels
Mukhamedyanov Shakiryan (Alexander Matrosov), Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously
Zagitov Gaziy, the hero who was the first to hoist the banner of victory over the Reichstag of Nazi Germany
Safiullin Gani, Hero of the Soviet Union
Salikhov Midkhat, Hero of the Soviet Union
Salikhov Gataulla, Hero of the Soviet Union
Sultan Amet-Khan, Honored Test Pilot of the USSR, twice Hero of the Soviet Union
Abdershin Alimkay, Hero of the Soviet Union
Akchurin Rasim, Colonel General
Balyaev Asym, Hero of the Soviet Union
Bichurin Amir, Rear Admiral
Gareev Makhmut, General of the Army
Iskanderov Mars, Vice Admiral
Lyapin Z.G., Rear Admiral
Churakov Fatih, Heroes of the Soviet Union, Colonel General
Yagudin Kerim, Hero of the Soviet Union

(born January 16, 1818, in the village of Yabynchi, modern Atninsky district of Tatarstan) - Tatar theologian, sheikh of the Nakshbandi Sufi brotherhood, philosopher, historian, educator. Marjani is also known as an ethnographer, archeographer, orientalist and teacher.

The most famous Tatars

Alyautdinov Shamil - Imam-Khatib of the Moscow Memorial Mosque
Barudi Galimdzhan ibn Muhammadzhan (1857-1921) - theologian, murid of the last Sufi sheikh of the Volga-Ural region Zainulla Rasulev
Bigeev Musa, philosopher, theologian, public figure and publicist
Gaynutdin Ravil, Chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia, Chairman of the Presidium of the Spiritual Board of Muslims of the Central European Region of Russia
Marjani Shigabutdin, Tatar theologian
Mustafin Akhmetzyan, Imam of the Moscow Cathedral Mosque
Faizkhanov Gabdelgallyam, Tatar educator, theologian, philosopher, publicist, author of the first Tatar grammar, laid the foundations of economic theory among the Tatars
Faizkhanov Khusain, Tatar educator, theologian, philosopher, publicist, ideologist of all-Russian citizenship.

Art (poetry, literature, etc.)

Kul Gali, Bulgarian poet, he owns the most ancient literary monument - the poem "The Tale of Yusuf", written in 1236
M. Sarai-Gulistani (XIV century)
M.Muhammadyar (1496/97-1552)
G.Utyz-Imyani (1754-1834)
Shackled Gabdeljabbar (1797-1860)
Ahmet Erikey, poet
Iskhaki Gayaz, writer
Mahmut Gabdel, writer
Minnullin Tufan, Tatar playwright and public figure
Mustai Karim
Najmi Nazar
Ismail Bey Gaspar-Oly (Gasprinsky), public and political figure, linguist, teacher and publisher
Hadi Zakir, writer
Ahmet Sattar, poet, winner of the poetry competition named after V. Vysotsky
Musa Jalil, poet and patriot, Hero of the Soviet Union
Gabdulla Tukay, classic writer of Tatar literature. Another page
Akhmadulina Bella, poetess
Sibgat Hakim, People's Poet of Tatarstan
Fatih Amirkhan (1886-1926), Tatar writer, publicist and educator. Founder of the newspaper "El-islah" ("Reform", 1907-09). The story "Tatar girl" (1909), short stories.
Hadi Taktash
Gafuri Mazhit, poet, writer, playwright
Hassan Tufan, writer
Isanbet Naki, Tatar writer, Honored Art Worker of Russia
Kavi Najmi, writer
Absalyamov Abdurakhman, writer
Khairullin Ildar, poet and composer
Bukharaev Ravil, writer, poet, journalist
Ibragimov Galimdzhan, writer, scientist, publicist

The most famous Tatars

Hasan Tufan and Saifi Kudash visiting Gumer Bashirov. Lake "Swan"

Theatre, Cinema, Performing Arts
Abdrashitov Vadim Yusupovich, Soviet and Russian film director. People's Artist of the Russian Federation
Kamal Galiaskar, playwright, founder of Tatar drama, "father" of the Tatar theater, his name was given to the Tatar State Academic Theater, with which his whole life and work was connected
Tinchurin Karim, playwright, actor, director, theatrical figure, People's Artist of Tatarstan
Shamukov Gabdulla, actor, writer, People's Artist of Russia, People's Artist of Tatarstan, Honored Artist of Bashkortostan
Abjalilov Khalil
Kariev Abdulla
Zeinyasheva Gelshat, poetess, lyricist of popular songs
Fakhrutdinov Anvar - Honored Artist of the RSFSR, BASSR and People's Artist of the BASSR
Garay Barhyat, king of humor and laughter
Khasanov Ilyas, master of pantomime
Seiful-Mulyukov Eldar, actor
Shakurov Sergey, theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia
Salimzhanov Marcel, director, People's Artist of the USSR
Sabirov Rashit - People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan, master of artistic expression and sparkling miniaturist
Khamatova Chulpan, theater and film actress
Basharov Marat, actor
Litvinova Renata, actress
Alibasov Bari, producer, head of the musical show group "Na-Na".

Troupe performances

Ballet, Dancing
Mukhamedov Irek, ballet dancer, choreographer
Nureyev Rudolf, ballet dancer, choreographer, conductor
Sabitova Lilia, ballerina, People's Artist of the Russian Federation
Khairullina Firdaus, artist of the Tatar theater, People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation

Asadullin Albert, singer
Bigicheva Khalidya, soloist of the Izge Ai group
Bilalov Zufar, singer, Honored Artist of Tatarstan
Galimov Aidar, singer, Honored Artist of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan
Gainullin Aidar, singer, accordion player, multiple laureate international competitions accordionists, winner of the world cup in accordion class for 2001 (London), Musical Director of the Moscow Tatar Vocal-Instrumental Ensemble "Bahet"
Ibragimov Renat, singer, People's Artist of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan
Kyyamov Elfis, singer, People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan
Nabiev Nail, singer, laureate of the all-Union festival "Songs of Friendship-91", head of the Moscow Tatar Vocal-Instrumental Ensemble "Bahet"
Razakova Malika, young and beautiful Star of Tatarstan
Rakhimkulov Gabdulla, singer, People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Sakhabiev-Bigicheva Zukhra, singer, People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan
Fatekhova Nailya - Honored Artist of Russia and Tatarstan
Fatkhutdinov Salavat, People's Artist of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan
Khabibullina Rosa - Honored Artist of Tatarstan
Khamitova Lilia - singer, People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan
Chanyshev Marat - performer (vocalist of the groups "Prime Minister", "PM")
Sharibzhanov Renat - author, performer, bass guitarist of the group "Dune"
Shigapov Ildar - singer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation
Shigapova Dinara - vocalist of the musical group "Strelki"

The most famous Tatars

Alsu (born June 27, 1983) - singer, People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan. Alsou's maiden name is Safina, after marriage she took her husband's surname - Abramov. In 2008, Alsu released an album of songs in the Tatar language: "I am proud that I am a Tatar, and I always remember my roots. I recorded the first song in the Tatar language back in 2000, but this is my first album where I perform all the songs in my native I promised to implement this project for a long time, I am happy that I kept my word and I am glad to present the album to my countrymen - Tatarstanians".

Abyazov Rustem, creator, leader and chief conductor of the Kazan State chamber orchestra"La Primavera"
Avzalova Alfiya, People's Artist of Tatarstan, Honored Artist of Russia
Bigichev Khaidar, Opera singer, soloist of the Tatar Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after M. Jalil
Gubaidullina Sofia - an outstanding composer
Zhiganov Nazib - an outstanding composer
Zalyaletdinov Emil - singer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan
Ibushev Georgy - singer, People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan
Kudasheva Farida, pop singer. People's Artist of Bashkortostan and Tatarstan, Honored Artist of the RSFSR
Mansurov Fuat, conductor of the Bolshoi Theater of the Russian Federation
Sadykova Sara - an outstanding composer, author of music and popular songs
Saidashev Salih - an outstanding Tatar composer and conductor
Sungatullina Zilya, opera singer
Hamidi Latif - composer
Shagimardanov Rustem - conductor, musician, laureate of all-Russian and international competitions
Shakirov Ilgam, singer, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, People's Artist of Tatarstan
Shamsutdinova Masguda - an outstanding composer Yarullin Farid - an outstanding composer
Yakhin Rustem - outstanding composer

Rock music
Alkara Batu, singer, musician and founder of the Tatar group "Bashkarma" in Finland, here you can download their songs
Alyautdinov Rustam, young poet and musician, leader of the musical group "Dots"
Bedretdin Deniz, musician and founder of the Tatar group "Bashkarma" in Finland, here you can download their songs
Ramazanova Zemfira, poetess and rock performer
Zulya Kamalova, singer
Yarullin Radik, singer and musician, Vocalist and sound engineer of the Aikai group, Keyboardist of the C_File musical group, DJ of the Ak Bars Tatar Youth Center
Renat Sharibdzhanov, bass guitarist of the group "Dune"

Urmanche Baki, an outstanding master, artist-patriarch. Museum page of Baki Urmanche

A television
Seiful-Mulyukov Farid, political scientist, TV presenter of the program "International Panorama"
Zhandarev Ildar, TV presenter
Kamolov Anton, the most stylish TV presenter in 1999, the best TV presenter in 2001
Sadretdinova Dinara, host of the "Muslims" program on the RTR channel, the only Russian TV presenter in a hijab

Valiulin Rinat, host of the program “What is old?” at the radio station "Echo of Moscow"

Gamil Gibadullin, (Amil Nur) veteran of Tatar Internet journalism

Alina Kabaeva (born May 12, 1983) - famous Russian athlete: Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics, repeated champion of the world, Europe and Russia. Now Alina is a deputy State Duma. The height of Irina Kabaeva is 166 cm, the parameters of the figure are 86-64-86. Alina is the daughter of a famous football player, a Tatar by nationality, Marat Kabaev. On her official website, Alina Kabaeva writes that she understands the Tatar language: “I was also lucky with my grandmother on my father’s side. She always spoke to me only in Tatar, and I understood her. Thanks to her, I still understand the Tatar language, however, to speak I can’t anymore. As a child, I could, but my father is Tatar. Both my grandmother is Tatar, and my grandfather "

Avleev Ruslan
Khamitov Roman

Akhatova Albina - Olympic champion
Ishmuratova Svetlana, world relay champion, silver medalist in individual races

Chagaev Ruslan, world champion
Gatin Faat, European Champion

Khamatov Airat, world champion

Safin Shazam, world champion in Greco-Roman wrestling
Samigullin Rashid, Honored Master of Sports of the Republic of Tatarstan
Biktashev Khabil, world champion in judo
Madyarov Nakip, world champion in Sambo
Nurimanov Ramil, world champion in Kuresh.

Fasakhov Nil, Olympic champion
Khusainova Guzel, the best player of the Russian Championship 1999, the best player of the European tournament of junior teams 2000, a candidate for master of sports in volleyball

Shabanova Rafiga, champion of the USSR and Olympic champion in 1976. handball

martial arts
Gilaev Airat, multiple world champion in belt wrestling
Kutdyusova Zulfiya, multiple world champion in boxing and kickboxing
Kutuev Rinat, three-time world champion in karate, twelve-time champion of Uzbekistan in karate, champion of Uzbekistan in kickboxing
Nurimanov Ramil, multiple world belt wrestling champion
Sadriev Shamil, multiple world champion in belt wrestling

Bench shooting
Meftakhetdinova Zemfira, Olympic champion in Sydney 2000, bronze medalist in Athens 2004, repeated world and European champion in clay shooting

Abzalilov Timur
Akhmetshin Ildar
Galliamova Albina
Kashapov Ravil
Nazipov Mukhametkhamat
Nurutdinova Lilia
Samitova Gulnara
Sultanova Firaya

Timerzyanov E.A., Honored Coach of the USSR

Islanova Rauza, a wonderful tennis player, one of the top ten best players in the USSR. Mother of world champion Marat Safin.
Safin Marat, world champion
Safina Dinara, junior champion
Tarpishchev Shamil, President of the Russian Tennis Federation

Gilyazova Nailya, Multiple champion of the Russian Federation, Europe, the world and the Olympic Games in fencing

Bilyaletdinov Diniyar, Lokomotiv Moscow
Dasaev Rinat, goalkeeper N 1 in the world in 1988, goalkeeper of the Spartak team
Izmailov Marat, winner of the Russian Cup 2000/01; silver medalist of the 2001 Russian Championship, attacking midfielder of the Russian national team "Lokomotiv" (Moscow), member of the football team of the 2002 World Cup
Nigmatullin Ruslan, goalkeeper of the Russian national team, KAMAZ (Naberezhnye Chelny); "Spartak Moscow); Lokomotiv (Moscow); "Verona" (Italy), member of the 2002 World Cup football team
Ilhan Mansiz, the best scorer of the Istanbul club Besiktas, player of the Turkish national team
Khidiyatullin Vagiz, midfielder, teams: Spartak (Moscow), CSKA, USSR national team
Khusainov Galimzyan, Spartak (Moscow)

Bilyaletdinov Zinetulla, defender, Dynamo team (Moscow), USSR national team, coach of the Dynamo team (Moscow)
Ishmatov Rafail, coach of the Russian Youth Team, coach of the team "Salavat Yulaev" and SKA (St. Petersburg)
Rakhmatullin Ildar, world champion among youth teams
Khabibulin Nikolay, goalkeeper of the NHL Tampa Bay Lightning and the Russian Olympic team
Shalimov Viktor, forward, team: Spartak (Moscow).

Russian athlete, London Olympic champion, world and European champion in artistic gymnastics.

Batyrshina Yana, World and European Champion
Gizikova Zarina, World and European Champion
Zaripova Amina, World and European Champion
Kabaeva Alina, Olympic champion, multiple World and European champion
Utyasheva Laysan, World and European Champion
Shugurova Galima, World and European champion.

Camilla Gafurzyanova (born May 18, 1988) is a Russian fencer, silver medalist at the London Olympics.

Zemfira Sharafeeva (April 10, 1993) - "Beauty of Tatarstan -2012",

Kadyrov Gapdrakhman, 1st European and world champion in motorcycle racing on ice. The only in the USSR 6-time world champion in motorcycle racing on ice, European champion, champion of the USSR, 3-time champion of the USSR in team racing, Honored Master of Sports in motorcycling

Bareev Evgeny, one of the world's leading grandmasters
Kamsky Gata, world chess champion
Galliamova Alisa, world chess champion
Dautov Rustem, one of the leading chess players in Germany
Nezhmetdinov Rashid, champion of Russia in chess and checkers
Sakaev Konstantin, grandmaster
Yusupov Artur, one of the strongest chess players in the world, a contender for the champion title in the 80s of the 20th century.

Liya Sharypova - Russian champion in 2010 and winner of the Russian Cup in 2010 in trap shooting in the trap exercise, a member of the Russian team in trap shooting.

Other athletes

Adzhiniyazov, Marcel - 3-time champion of Russia and world champion in Muay Thai among professionals.
Alimov, Nur - the first boxing champion of Russia (1913).
Akhatov, Khamit Fayzrakhmanovich - Honored Coach of Russia, father of Albina Akhatova.
Akhatova, Albina Khamitovna - five-time Olympic champion in biathlon.
Biktashev, Khabil - 2-time European champion in judo, champion of the Goodwill Games.
Gataulin, Radik - winner of the World and European Championships in pole vaulting.
Gatin, Faat - boxing champion of the USSR and Europe.
Gafiyatov, Marat - karateka (Shotokan karate), member of the Russian national team, world and European champion in karate, champion of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Gizikova, Zarina Mayramovna - World champion (2003) and Europe in rhythmic gymnastics.
Gilyazova, Nailya - multiple champion of the Russian Federation, Europe and the world, Olympic champion in fencing.
Gimaev, Marat - 3-time world champion in sports dancing.
Gimatova, Dinara - gymnast, 4-time absolute champion of Azerbaijan.
Gismeev, Almaz - 9-time world champion and 10-time Russian champion in kickboxing.
Zaripova, Amina Vasilovna - World and European champion in rhythmic gymnastics.
Ismail, Atik - football player, forward of HIK (Finland) and the Finnish national team, scorer of the Finnish national team, champion and scorer (3 times) of the Finnish championship.
Madyarov, Nakip - champion and winner of the USSR Cup, winner of the European Championship, world champion, master of sports of international class in sambo.
Madyarov, Nafik - champion of the USSR and Europe, master of sports of international class in sambo.
Kabirov, Firdaus Zaripovich - two-time winner of the Dakar Rally (2005, 2009).
Kadyrov, Gabdrakhman - the first world and European champion in motorcycle racing on ice. The only 6-time champion in motorcycle racing on ice in the USSR, European champion, champion of the USSR, 3-time champion of the USSR in team races. Honored Master of Sports in Motorsport.
Kalimulin, Timerzyan - champion of the USSR, winner of the World Championship in Greco-Roman wrestling.
Kutuev, Rinat - 3-time world champion and 11-time champion of Uzbekistan in karate.
Madyarov, Farit - champion of the USSR and Europe, master of sports and coach of the USSR national sambo team.
Madyarov, Farikh - champion of the USSR, master of sports and sambo coach.
Madyarov, Rafik - champion of the USSR, silver medalist of the USSR Cup, master of sports in sambo.
Madyarov, Rashid - multiple winner of the championship and the USSR Cup, master of sports in sambo.
Meftahetdinova, Zemfira - Olympic champion in Sydney 2000 and bronze medalist in Athens 2004, multiple European champion in clay shooting.
Mustafin, Farhat - 3rd place at the Greco-Roman wrestling Olympiad (1976), world champion, Honored Master of Sports.
Rakhmatullin, Rais - 6-time world champion in sambo, winner of the Golden Belt award.
Riskiev, Rifat - world boxing champion.
Sabirov, Shamil Altaevich - amateur boxer, champion of the USSR in boxing of the USSR national team (1980 and 1983).
Salikhova, Roza Galyamovna - two-time Olympic champion in volleyball.
Safin, Kamil - silver medalist of the World Boxing Championship.
Safin, Marat Mikhailovich - tennis player, master of sports of the Russian Federation, the first racket of the world in singles (2005), winner of the US and Australian Open.
Safin, Radif Salyakhovich - veteran of the FSO "Dynamo" of the Republic of Tatarstan, senior coach of the Republic of Tatarstan in cross-country skiing, the first coach of the Olympic champion Olga Danilova.
Safin, Shazam - Olympic champion in Greco-Roman wrestling (1952).
Safina, Dinara Mikhailovna - tennis player, 2nd place at the 2008 Olympics, 2nd place in the WTA rating, master of sports of the Russian Federation.
Tarpishchev, Shamil Anvyarovich - President of the Tennis Federation of the Russian Federation.
Tukhvatullin, Islam - karateka (Kyokushin karate), head of the Karate Union of the city of Nab. Chelny, black belt 3 dan of the Russian karate league.
Umarov, Zyaki - champion of the USSR and the world in sambo.
Fatkulin, Kamil - World and European champion in Greco-Roman wrestling, Honored Master of Sports.
Khamatov, Airat - European boxing champion.
Khisamutdinov, Shamil - Olympic champion in Greco-Roman wrestling (1972), world and European champion, Honored Master of Sports and coach.
Chagaev, Ruslan Shamilovich - world boxing champion among professionals.
Shugurova, Galima Akhmetkareevna - World and European champion in rhythmic gymnastics.
Gabdullin, Radmir - world champion and participant in mixed martial arts tournaments
Valiullin, Rustam Abdelsamatovich - biathlete, European champion and 3-time world champion, member of the Belarusian national team
Madaminov, Shaukat - boxer
Yusupov, Marcel Zhalilevich - athlete and public figure, multiple champion of Bashkortostan and Russia in belt wrestling (kuresh)

Mixed ancestry

Tatar by father

Akhmadulina, Bella Akhatovna - poetess.
Batyrshina, Yana Farkhadovna - World and European champion in rhythmic gymnastics.
Bronson, Charles - American actor
Valuev, Nikolai Sergeevich - boxer, Russian boxing champion (1999), WBA world champion. (1/4)
Geniatulin, Ravil Faritovich - head of the administration of the Chita region (1996-2008), governor Trans-Baikal Territory(since 2008).
Gubaidulina, Sofia Asgatovna - composer.
Zotov, Rafail Mikhailovich - Russian novelist and playwright.
Ishmuratova, Svetlana Irekovna - biathlete, world champion - relay (2001, 2003 and 2005), mixed relay (2005) and team race (1998), world champion in summer biathlon (1999), two-time Olympic champion.
Kabaeva, Alina Maratovna - rhythmic gymnastics, Honored Master of Sports of Russia, five-time absolute European champion (1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2004), six-time absolute champion of Russia (1999, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2006, 2007).
Litvinova, Renata Muratovna - actress, director, screenwriter and TV presenter. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2003).
Ramazanova, Zemfira Talgatovna (Zemfira) - singer.
Saitov, Oleg Elekpaevich - boxer, two-time Olympic champion (1996, 2000), Olympic bronze medalist (2004), world and European champion, champion of the CIS and Russia, winner of the Vel Baker Cup, Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation in boxing.
Samitova-Galkina, Gulnara Iskanderovna - the world's first Olympic champion in the 3000 meters hurdles.
Taziev, Garun - French geologist and volcanologist, Secretary of State under the Prime Minister of France (1984-1986).
Timati is a singer, real name is Timur Yunusov.
Shakurov, Sergey Kayumovich - actor.
Yusupov, Artur Mayakovich - Soviet and German chess player, grandmaster (1980); founder of the Dvoretsky-Yusupov chess school.

Tatar by mother
Aitmatov, Chingiz Torekulovich - Kyrgyz and Russian Soviet writer, People's Writer of the Kyrgyz SSR (1974), Hero of Socialist Labor (1978).
Alibasov, Bari Karimovich - producer.
Bilan Dima Nikolaevich is a Russian singer.
Bogdanov Andrey Vladimirovich - Russian politician, chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic Party of Russia, one of the leaders of Russian Freemasonry.
Galliamova, Alisa Mikhailovna - champion of Tatarstan and Russia, the best chess player of the year, second place in the world championship.
Komolov Anton Igorevich - Russian radio and TV presenter of entertainment programs ("MTV Russia", others), DJ.
Kuprin, Alexander Ivanovich - Russian writer.
Tuleev, Aman-Geldy Moldagazyevich (Aman Gumirovich) - Governor of the Kemerovo Region.
Shevchuk, Yuri Yulianovich - Russian poet, composer and producer (DDT).

The science
Fakhretdin Rizaetdin, Tatar theologian, scientist, historian, philosopher
Akchurin Rinat, cardiac surgeon, professor of medical sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Akhtamzyan Abdulkhan, academician, historian
Valiev Kamil, academician-physicist
Mirzayanov Vil, chemist, human rights activist, dissident
Nigmatulin Robert, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, physicist
Sagdeev Roald, academician, physical chemist
Sunyaev Rashid, academician, astrophysicist.
Iskhakov Damir, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, historian.

Extreme conditions
Abdrashitov Shamil Munasypovich, Hero of the Soviet Union, participant in the Great Patriotic War
Ziganshin Askhat, hero-sailor (almost 2 months spent in the ocean without water and food)
Khairullin Gazinur, Hero of the Russian Federation.

Gizy Kazykhanovich Zagitov (August 20, 1921 - August 23, 1953) - a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, on April 30, 1945 at 22 hours 40 minutes, as part of an assault group under the command of the guard captain V. N. Makov, one of the first hoisted the Red Banner over the Reichstag building in Berlin. At the same time, Zagitov was wounded in the chest through and through, but continued the fight. Tatar by nationality.
Above the main entrance, the sculptural group "Germany" is visible, on which the Makov assault group hoisted a red flag at 22:40 on April 30, 1945.
Zagitov G.K. was born on August 20, 1921 in the Mishar village of Yanagushevo, Mishkinsky district of the BASSR (USSR), drafted into the Red Army on October 19, 1940. His combat path ran to Berlin, where he fought in the reconnaissance of the 136th Army Cannon Artillery Brigade of the 79th Rifle Corps of the 3rd Shock Army with the rank of sergeant.
On April 27, 1945, assault groups of volunteers were formed as part of the corps to capture the Reichstag and establish the Red Banner. One of them, consisting of 25 people, was headed by Captain V.N. Makov. The group acted jointly with the battalion of Captain S. A. Neustroev. By the evening of April 28, the troops crossed the Spree from the Moabit region along the Moltke bridge (now Willy-Brandt-Straße) and left from the northwest side to the Reichstag. Zagitov, together with senior sergeants M.P. Minin, A.F. Lisimenko, sergeant A.P. Bobrov from the group of V.N. Makov, broke into the Reichstag building. Unnoticed by the enemy, they found a locked door and knocked it out with a log. Climbing up to the attic, through the dormer window they made their way to the roof above the western (front) pediment of the building. They installed a banner in the hole in the crown of the sculpture of the Goddess of Victory.
M. P. Minin recalled:
“Giya Zagitov ran ahead, who prudently took a flashlight with him. It was with them that he illuminated the path along the dilapidated stairs. We threw grenades at all the corridors leading to it and combed it with automatic bursts ...
In front of the attic, I stocked up on the go with a “pole”, tearing a one and a half meter thin-walled tube from the wall.

Having reached the spacious attic, we were faced with the problem of how to get to the roof. And G. Zagitov helped out again by highlighting the cargo winch and two massive chains going somewhere upstairs with a flashlight. Using the links of this chain, through the dormer window, we climbed onto the roof above the western pediment of the building. And here at the tower, barely visible in the darkness, Zagitov and I began to attach the Red Banner. Suddenly, against the backdrop of a fiery glow from a shell exploding on the roof, Lisimenko noticed our daily landmark - a sculptural group: a bronze horse and a huge figure of a woman in a crown. We immediately decided that it would be better to set up a banner there.
The guys put me on the croup of a horse shuddering from the explosions of shells and mines, and I fixed the banner in the crown of a bronze giantess ...
Timed out. It was 10:40 p.m. local time."

Sabir Akhtyamovich Akhtyamov (June 15, 1926, Verkhniy Iskubash village, Kukmorsky district, Tatar ASSR - July 20, 2014, Kazan) - anti-tank rifle shooter (PTR) in the Great Patriotic War. Hero of the Soviet Union. Tatar.
Participant of the historic Victory Parade on June 24, 1945 in Moscow on Red Square.
Akhtyamov was the last living Hero of the Soviet Union from the Tatars.

early years
Born in the family of a blacksmith. He graduated from seven classes, worked as a blacksmith on the collective farm "Shock Year".

In the Red Army since November 1943. After completing the training course, he became an armor-piercer.
On the WWII front
He went to the front in June 1944. Shooter of an anti-tank rifle (PTR), guard private of the 4th Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade (2nd Guards Tatsinsky Tank Corps, 11th Guards Army, 3rd Belorussian Front). He took part in the liberation of Belarus, the Baltic states, in battles in Germany. Under the village of Staroselye in Belarus, he knocked out a tank and an enemy self-propelled artillery mount.

He distinguished himself in battles in East Prussia in October 1944. During the assault on the heavily fortified point Nemmersdorf (now the village of Mayakovskoye Kaliningrad region) knocked out one tank, three self-propelled artillery mounts (ACS), two armored personnel carriers (APCs) and two trucks with shells from an anti-tank rifle.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 24, 1945, for the exemplary performance of the combat missions of the command and the courage and heroism of the guards shown, Private Akhtyamov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 6189).

In a battle in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe settlement of Auloven (East Prussia; now the village of Kalinovka, Chernyakhovsky District), Akhtyamov knocked out 2 Panther medium tanks from the attic of one of the houses. For this feat, he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. Soon he was wounded.

Postwar years
Participant of the historic Victory Parade on June 24, 1945 in Moscow on Red Square.
(a unique historical curiosity:
Heroes of the Soviet Union, holders of the Order of Glory, as well as especially distinguished ones, were selected to participate in the parade. We tried to ensure that there were no people below 170 centimeters in the ranks, but there were some exceptions. For example, when Sabir Akhtyamov, Hero of the Soviet Union, tank destroyer, with his height of 164 cm, the commander decided to remove him from the parade, the hero was indignant:
“How to climb under tanks, so good, but how to go to the parade - so small in stature ?!”
The general heard this and gave the command to leave Akhtyamov among the participants in the parade.)

Tagir Kalyukovich Kerzhnev (or Kerzhnev; 1922-1992) - Soviet soldier. Member of the Great Patriotic War. Hero of the Soviet Union (1945). Guard Senior Sgt.
Tagir Kalyukovich Kerzhnev was born on March 15, 1922 in the village of Nizhnyaya Yeluzan, Kuznetsk district, Saratov province of the RSFSR (now the village of Gorodishchensky district Penza region Russian Federation) in peasant family. Tatar.
Graduated primary school. Since 1938, Tagir Kerzhev lived in the village of Ustye-Kundysh, Mari ASSR. He worked as a lumberjack and rafter in the Kuyar forestry of the Medvedev region of the Mari ASSR.
T.K. Kerzhev was drafted into the ranks of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army on April 28, 1942. In battles with the Nazi invaders of the guard, Private Kerzhev since August 25, 1942. He fought on the Western Front as part of the 6th Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment of the 3rd Guards Motorized Rifle Division.
Participated in the First Rzhev-Sychevskaya operation and the Rzhev-Vyazemskaya offensive operation. In June 1943, the 3rd Guards motorized rifle division was withdrawn for reorganization and the 17th Guards Mechanized Brigade was created on its basis.

Corporal T. K. Kerzhnev, commander of the submachine gunners of the reconnaissance company of the 17th Guards Mechanized Brigade of the 6th Guards Mechanized Corps of the 4th Tank Army of the Bryansk Front, was again in the active army from mid-July 1943. Participated in the Oryol operation of the Battle of Kursk.
On September 19, 1943, the 4th Tank Army was withdrawn to the reserve of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command and remained there until February 28, 1944. On March 4, 1944, the army was thrown into the gap during the Proskurov-Chernivtsi operation of the 1st Ukrainian Front. In the summer of 1944, Tagir Kalyukovich, who had already become a sergeant, participated in the Lvov-Sandomierz operation.
The intelligence unit under his command distinguished itself in the period from 21 to 23 July 1944. Sergeant Kerzhnev organized an observation post at one of the heights and for three days transmitted to the brigade headquarters valuable information about the number of the enemy and his movements. Subsequently, Tagir Kalyukovich until January 1945 participated in the battles at the Sandomierz bridgehead. For distinction in the Lvov-Sandomierz operation, T.K. Kerzhnev was awarded the Order of Glory 3rd degree and promoted to senior sergeant.

Every nation is proud of its famous representatives. We all know, remember, respect the most famous representatives of their kind. Tatars are no exception. In general, the Tatars are a very famous people, who are famous for their friendliness and hospitality. But there are also personalities among them, especially interesting - creative and incredibly talented. These include both artists and public figures, politicians, athletes, scientists, writers and poets. Here is a short list of Tatars, famous not only in the Russian Federation, but throughout the world:

  1. Actors - Sergey Shakurov, Marat Basharov, Chulpan Khamatova. These people have made a unique contribution to the development of Russian cinema. They have dozens of roles played on their account, but they are known not only for this. So, Chulpan Khamatova, in addition to her creative way widely known for her participation in charity events. The actress is a co-founder of the Podari Zhizn non-state charitable foundation, which was created to help children suffering from oncological, hematological and other serious diseases.
  2. Musicians - Alsou, Zulya Kamalova, Rustem Khairutdinov, Aidar Galimov. Alsou gained worldwide popularity after taking part in the Eurovision Song Contest in 2000. Zulfiya Kamalova is a popular singer, winner of numerous music competitions, she earned the title of the best performer in her genre in 2002. Rustem Khairutdinov is a pianist who leads an active creative activity in many countries of the world. Aidar Galimov is a singer whose repertoire includes more than four hundred songs in six languages: Tatar, Bashkir, Russian, English, Uzbek, Turkish.
  3. Athletes - Zinetula Bilyaletdinov, Alina Kabaeva, Nail Yakupov, Rinat Dasaev, Marat Izmailov, Rustam Nigmatullin, Marat Safin. Zinetula Bilyaletdinov - hockey player, Olympic champion, world champion, European champion. Kabaeva Alina - Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics, world champion. Rinat Dasaev is one of the world's leading goalkeepers of the 1980s, a participant in the Olympic Games. Rustam Nigmatullin - the owner of many titles in the "best" category, is now known as a DJ. Marat Safin - tennis player, previously - the first racket of the world for 9 weeks.

There are many outstanding personalities among the famous Tatars, and it is simply impossible to list them all in one article. In addition to famous contemporaries, Kuzma Minin is widely known - Zemstvo head Kirisha Minibaev from Nizhny Novgorod, who is rightfully considered a great Tatar and the first defenders of Moscow. His figure is immortalized on a sculptural composition on Red Square.

In addition, among the most famous Tatars are Marshal Makhmut Gareev, cardiac surgeon Rinat Achkurin, scientists Rashid Sunyaev, Roald Sagdeev, Bella Akhmadullina and many others. All these people have made a significant contribution to the development of various sectors of life not only of their people, but of the whole world as a whole.
