Which famous people were born on October 7th.

Persons born on October 7, 16, and 25 are influenced by the number 7. If your birthday falls on any of the indicated dates in October, then according to the laws of zodiacal astrology and the system based on Chaldean numerology, you are under the influence of Neptune, Venus and Saturn in the zodiac sign of Libra, the second House of the trine of air. But if you were born on October 25, then you are in a transitional area in which the sign of Scorpio, which is gaining strength, is also influencing, which will give your nature some character traits, relatively little expressed in those born on October 7 and 16.

The main traits and character traits of people born on October 7, 16 and 25 are described in the general section dedicated to this month.

People born on these days have excellent mental abilities and, if only they can maintain a balanced approach to various issues, they will succeed in any chosen field of activity, especially where a rich imagination is required - in poetry, literature, painting, music, etc. d.

Since October 16 is the middle of the Libra zodiac period, people born on this day are easier to "unbalance" than those born on October 7 and 25.

Persons of "October 7" are overly sensitive and, as a result, are timid and lack initiative in their work, while those who were born on the 25th, having fallen into a transitional period marked by the influence of the growing sign of Scorpio, are more courageous, impulsive and enterprising in all matters.

People born on October 7, 16 and 25 tend to act in an unconventional way. Because of such distinguishing features nature, they often cause hostility to themselves, face slander, slander, and sometimes get into outright scandals.

If you do not show prudence and caution, this period may be unfavorable for friendship, marriage and business cooperation.

If you were born on October 7, 16 or 25, then, as is common to all persons of the number "7", your most important numbers and dates- this is a combination of "7-2" and its number series, that is, the 2nd, 7th, 11th, 16th, 20th, 25th and 29th of each month. You should try to time your important business and business dates to these dates, and if possible, live in houses with the corresponding numbers.

Colors. In order to enhance your magnetism, you should wear, at least in some detail, clothes in the colors of the main luminaries patronizing you, namely:

  • Moons are all shades of green, cream and white;
  • Neptune - all shades of pastel colors, bluish gray and electric blue;
  • Venus - all shades of blue - from the lightest to the darkest.

Your lucky stones- green jade, pearl, moonstone and turquoise.

Most important years your life - 2, 7, 11, 16, 20, 25, 29, 34, 38, 43, 47, 52, 56, 61, 65 and 70th.

You will be interested in people whose birth dates fall on the 2nd, 7th, 11th, 16th, 20th, 25th, and 29th of each month of the year, as well as those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th.

Financial position

The financial circumstances of people born on October 7, 16 and 25 are very changeable. At times they can prosper, and at times they have “even a rolling ball” in their pocket. As a rule, they are unlucky in the exchange game, and they can easily lose money due to the dishonesty of their partners. The best advice I could give them is to invest in government securities, securing a small but sure income, and above all to see to it that they get at least some annuity and thus take care of their old age.


If you were born on one of these days, then you may have some rather strange health problems. At times you will suffer from food poisoning, the cause of which will be either an unfortunate set of circumstances, or your own negligence.

Possible predisposition to diseases of the kidneys, liver, spleen and inflammation of the appendicitis.

Perhaps, without exception, representatives zodiac sign Libra, born October 7th, are rebellious by nature. Their rebellious, obstinate nature leads parents to despair, when Libra born on this day is still small, in their youth these people show great promise, but do not consider it necessary to listen to older and more experienced people around them. At a more mature age, those born on October 07, having stuffed a lot of bumps, continue to believe that they know everything better than others. In general, because of their violent temper, those born on this day suffer a lot in life, but continue to stand firm in their positions. Too bad they don't learn anything.
When communicating with a person belonging to the sign and born on October 7, you may not immediately recognize his rebellious nature, as a person of this sign, as a rule, has a completely charming manner.
But those who associate with him regularly, or are members of his family, have no illusions about his character. It is impossible not to recognize the fact that those born on the seventh of October are diabolically perceptive, their thoughts are sharp, like a knife blade, and are able to cut through any veils and shutters. In addition, the Libra horoscope of this day is sharp on the tongue, and does not climb into the pocket for a word, and directly says what they think.

Personal horoscope for the day of October 7

Those born on October 7 are well versed in the nature of human feelings, so they can instantly appreciate the personal qualities of the person they are dealing with. People horoscope Libras born on this day do not consider it necessary to justify their actions. They just do what they think is right. Because of this, they often have problems in the team. Men lack loyalty to others, and women would do well to soften their temper somewhat, stop caring only about themselves and pay more attention to loved ones.

Compatibility according to the horoscope of those born on October 7 under the sign of the zodiac Libra

Perhaps the best compatibility of the Libra horoscope with representatives of fire signs - Sagittarius, Aries and Leo. Also a good union can happen with Gemini. Scorpio and Pisces are not the best travel companions for those born on October 7th. Relations with other signs are almost impossible.

Find out the year of the animal according to the eastern calendar

  • MONKEYS - 1920 zodiac / 1932 zodiac / 1944 zodiac / 1956 zodiac / 1968 zodiac / 1980 zodiac / 1992 zodiac / 2004 zodiac / 2016 zodiac
  • COCK - 1921 year of the zodiac / 1933 year of the zodiac / 1945 year of the zodiac / 1957 year of the zodiac / 1969 year of the zodiac / 1981 year of the zodiac / 1993 year of the zodiac / 2005 year of the zodiac / 2017 year of the zodiac
  • DOGS - 1922 Zodiac / 1934 Zodiac / 1946 Zodiac / 1958 Zodiac / 1970 Zodiac / 1982 Zodiac / 1994 Zodiac / 2006 Zodiac / 2018 Zodiac
  • BOAR / Pigs / - 1923 year of the zodiac / 1935 year of the zodiac / 1947 year of the zodiac / 1959 year of the zodiac / 1971 year of the zodiac / 1983 year of the zodiac / 1995 year of the zodiac / 2007 year of the zodiac / 2019 year of the zodiac
  • RAT - 1924 zodiac year / 1936 zodiac year / 1948 zodiac year / 1960 zodiac year / 1972 zodiac year / 1984 zodiac year / 1996 zodiac year / 2008 zodiac year / 2020 zodiac year
  • OX / Ox / - 1925 zodiac / 1937 zodiac / 1949 zodiac / 1961 zodiac / 1973 zodiac / 1985 zodiac / 1997 zodiac / 2009 zodiac / 2021 zodiac
  • TIGER - 1926 zodiac / 1938 zodiac / 1950 zodiac / 1962 zodiac / 1974 zodiac / 1986 zodiac / 1998 zodiac / 2010 zodiac / 2022 zodiac
  • RABBIT / Cat / - 1927 year of the zodiac / 1939 year of the zodiac / 1951 year of the zodiac / 1963 year of the zodiac / 1975 year of the zodiac / 1987 year of the zodiac / 1999 year of the zodiac / 2011 year of the zodiac / 2023 year of the zodiac
  • DRAGON - 1928 year of the zodiac / 1940 year of the zodiac / 1952 year of the zodiac / 1964 year of the zodiac / 1976 year of the zodiac / 1988 year of the zodiac / 2000 year of the zodiac / 2012 year of the zodiac / 2024 year of the zodiac
  • SNAKE - 1929 zodiac / 1941 zodiac / 1953 zodiac / 1965 zodiac / 1977 zodiac / 1989 zodiac / 2001 zodiac / 2013 zodiac / 2025 zodiac
  • HORSES - 1930 zodiac / 1942 zodiac / 1954 zodiac / 1966 zodiac / 1978 zodiac / 1990 zodiac / 2002 zodiac / 2014 zodiac / 2026 zodiac
  • SHEEP / Goats / - 1931 zodiac year / 1943 zodiac year / 1955 zodiac year / 1967 zodiac year / 1979 zodiac year / 1991 zodiac year / 2003 zodiac year / 2015 zodiac year / 2027 zodiac year

The zodiac sign of people born on October 7 is Libra. The sun on this day is usually at 15° Libra. Type of behavior: cardinal. Astrological element: air. What character traits do these people have and what is their horoscope?

Horoscope of those born on October 7

Character according to the horoscope

The blood of rebels flows in their veins, so they try to take high command posts that will give them the necessary power to implement the planned reforms.

Rarely pursue personal ambitions, but try to gain power to advance social reforms. They do not follow their speech, directly saying what they think, often flavoring it with humor, but also declaring in a certain tone.

If they join any organization, they can cause a number of problems. Even if the group fully shares their ideals, they must decide and take their place in this organization.

love according to the horoscope

Many consider them free natures, shunning the company, as a result, conformists easily survive from society.

It is important that those born on October 7 learn to establish and maintain relationships not only with those who are respected, but also with those with whom they can share warmth and love.

Career by horoscope

Natures are free, they prefer open spaces. They feel better in nature, which complements them and before which they can pour out their soul. Conquer the skies - that's what can be their main ambition, and at the helm of the plane they feel like the rulers of the world.

October 7th Tarot Card: The Chariot

Name of the figure: Chariot, Lord of the triumph of light.

Image of the figure: a wagon with four columns driven by a victorious king. The wagon is pulled by two horses connected in the middle in the abdomen: one pulls to the left, the other to the right.

Symbol: Journey to the spirit world.

Meanings: fidelity, balance, glory, prudence, triumph, prosperity, success.

Analogies: Astrology: Venus in Libra; Health: general well-being; Professions: pilot, driver, travel agent.

Planet of those born on October 7

Venus (7): symbolizes change, transformation and metamorphosis. Orientation to what is different from others, and also what is far from generally accepted norms. Accompanies art, genius and mysticism.

Number 7: The number 7 person moves away from material things in order to devote himself completely to the soul and meditation. He tends to desire to be in solitude in order to know himself and the world.

Propensity for research and reflection.


Headache, anemia, cystitis, diabetes.


Pilot, forester, botanist.


Diligence, dreaminess, sensuality.


Eccentricity, humility, restlessness.

Zodiac sign Scales October 7th comes with a great deal of disobedience, which sooner or later comes back to haunt Everyday life. He is firmly convinced of the steadfastness of his position, which in most cases is at odds with generally accepted norms. In his protest, he is guided by the best of intentions, as he wants to lead everyone to prosperity. Therefore, it is important for him to reach a leadership position so that the powers allow him to make changes. But he does not need power for selfish purposes. He is indeed driven by noble intentions.

Character features

Rebellious temper October 7th not always noticeable at the first meeting, as Zodiac sign conquers with its unsurpassed manners. It seems that only his world exists, in which he is the ruler. But it is interesting to communicate with him, as he knows how to see to the root and quickly reaches the essence of what is happening. Will not walk around the topic and immediately give out the truth-womb. Although, if desired, he can use tact to sweeten the pill. Literally immediately assesses the personal qualities of the opponent and understands how to approach him and what phrase to start with. He has no time to waste time explaining his motives, so he simply silently fulfills his plan. He thinks decisively and individually, so sometimes there are disagreements with the management of the company with which he cooperates. Although he performs the assigned task as part of the group, he needs to clearly define his role. And since his position, political orientation and direction are constantly evolving (under the influence of new circumstances or acquaintances), loyalty and tolerance are indispensable.

Another problem arises when morality and immorality conflict. There is no second in him, as he is perfectly aware of his every sin. His nature is so fickle that mores change daily. Therefore, he himself fails to draw a clear line between good and bad. So he should not oppose other people's points of view so violently, because at a certain moment the poles will change, and he will come to the same conclusions. More than anything, he wants to be left alone. But the world again throws up his acquaintances. Since in the usual sense he looks like a black sheep, society may one day reject him. Therefore, he should not withdraw into himself, but rather create more useful connections.

October 7 - Sign of the Zodiac

Libra man – born October 7th

The guys who appeared on October 6 can boast of charm, justice and dreaminess. Such men should be perceived as the most faithful and devoted partners. Without pressure and imposing their opinions, they are able to create a cozy atmosphere and harmonious relationships. Literally devoid of conflict, they love to have fun and receive guests. In communication, they show themselves as excellent interlocutors, distinguished by goodwill and friendliness.

Libra Woman - Born October 7th

In the characteristics of the girls who appeared on October 7, there are femininity, sophistication, suppleness and patience. This young lady always attracts with her wisdom and thriftiness. It seems that they are completely flexible and always make concessions. But this is only a facade, because Libra knows how to correct the development of events in the right direction. In a relationship, they can be a little intrusive, but this is good advice. They prefer to control everything and are able to calculate the probability of risk and failure.

Birthday October 7

October 7 presents us with noble and self-sufficient individuals who are not interested in the opinions of others. Libras have a strong will and face obstacles on the path of life without fear. They look at everyone with their own unique vision and always consider themselves right, therefore they are ready to defend their own opinion to the last drop of blood. Often this opposition leads to opposition from society.

The zodiac dreams of changing the outside world and improving people. Moreover, the desire is so strong that they will stick to this position for a long time. In addition, they naturally got a sense of contradiction to everything, because of which they often incur problems. They believe in the accuracy of their principles and do not react to the fact that they do not fit at all into the norms put forward by society. Interestingly, representatives of October 7 sincerely believe that they were created to control others. But it is important to understand that this is not the result of ambition, but only an attempt to achieve the highest ideals.

Libra should learn to control their negative sides if you want to avoid a lot of unpleasant situations. The zodiac knows how to hide his rebellious spirit, because at the first meeting he always looks like a charming person. Sometimes it seems that a person is immersed in his own fictional world. However, Libra knows how to return to society and amaze with their insight. They try not to talk too much and call a spade a spade. And so that the statements are not too harsh, they season everything with jokes.

Libra is a skillful interlocutor, capturing the mood of the speaker. Therefore, they easily sign lucrative contracts and recruit a large number of allies. They can be impulsive and rarely explain their actions. In the work plan, they try to achieve an equal partnership or leadership position.

Born on October 7, they constantly develop their concepts of morality and morality, which is why they sometimes do not correspond to the norms of their time. Therefore, they can cross the line of the bad, but only because in their head it is not such. Do not put your own rebellion on a pedestal and condemn opposing opinions.

Sometimes Libra strives for asceticism. Views are always built on purely individual conclusions, so they risk becoming outcasts in society. It is important to note that the zodiac cannot survive without the development of communication skills, as well as meeting new people. It is better to find supporters or like-minded friends so as not to be left alone.

Love and Compatibility

October 7 brings the romantic idealist to the world. Desires to create family bonds, but has difficulty expressing his true feelings to a partner. Usually marriage occurs in the second half of life, because this is a serious decision. If this happens, he will remain faithful to his loved one until the end of his days.

A wonderful union Libra should be expected from a meeting with Aquarius or Gemini. There is an excellent mutual understanding between these signs. There are also similarities in outlook on life and temperaments. Such a relationship promises to be strong and lasting. An emotional outburst and novelty should be expected from communication with Scorpio. But it will be more of a short-term affair. Things are much worse in combination with Cancers, Pisces and Virgos. It will be difficult for Cancers to fit into the harmony of Libra, and Virgos will feel annoyed all the time, because there is no understanding between them. Pisces just don't fit, as the zodiac will demand too much, and Pisces doesn't like frames.

Work and career

On October 7, sociable, witty and charming personalities with a philosophical perception of the world are born. This is also facilitated by developed intuition and an analytical mindset. We can say that Libra reads others, seeing their true motives and intentions. They do not know the word "impossible", so they take on tasks of any complexity and achieve the goal.

Zodiac will not the best option for the subordinate category. The common cause may suffer because of the rebelliousness and disobedience of the representative of October 7th. If difficulties arise, then Libra tends to shift the blame on anyone but themselves. They will find their calling in law, advertising, journalism and marketing. It's better to stop teaching. Most often, the place of the head is not voluntarily, but because of necessity.

Health and disease

The main danger for the sign comes from psychosomatic disorders caused by the habit of suppressing emotions. But open expression can also create problems. Anxiety arises from anger, and suspiciousness is generated by an abundance of criticality. If we talk about physical disabilities, then the threat hangs over the intestines, excretory system and stomach. Do not hesitate to visit a doctor at the first suspicion.

fate and luck

October 7 brings people with a developed imagination to the world. They are characterized by a special charm, inner light and balance, which is why you always feel comfortable and warm next to Libra. They make wonderful friends. They shine with talents in painting, music and art. Can without special problems win universal respect, honor and glory. At home, they try to create comfortable conditions for all household members.

Scales are obliged to accustom themselves to patience and calmness. This will help get rid of the passion for impulsive actions and deliberately false decisions. Learn also to trust loved ones and their tips. Restrain your rebellion, but don't be a puppet either. Happiness will be achieved by those who find inner balance.

Famous personalities

Congratulations today to Toni Braxton, Anastasia Stotskaya (singers) and Ruslan Nigmatullina (football player).

What will fate bring

to the born October 7th do not occupy highly developed intellectual abilities. If he develops balance and learns to stick to balance, he will succeed in any chosen area. Especially his person is in demand in art. Oversensitivity zodiac sign can turn into shyness. This will lead to insufficient initiative, and he will simply be stuck in one position. Likes to be unconventional. His differences sometimes lead to hostility. Because of this, one has to suffer from the machinations of ill-wishers, generously showering gossip and gossip. If you lose your vigilance, then there is a risk of entering into an unhappy marriage or inviting the enemy to your circle of friends.

  • Lucky numbers: 2, 7, 11, 16, 20, 25 and 29.
  • Compatibility is set to appear 2, 7, 11, 16, 20, 25 and 29.
  • Auspicious energy is carried by blue, cream, gray, white, gray and green things.
  • He will find his amulet among green jadeite, moonstone, pearls and turquoise.

Libra born on October 7 are intelligent, witty, charming and look at life from a philosophical point of view. You understand people and can grasp complex technical details. Analytical mind and subtle intuition allow you to quickly and accurately assess any situation. A tactful approach and knowledge of human nature make you an excellent manager. A professional career in the arts, journalism, science, education, law, or politics will put the full range of your intellectual and creative talents in the right direction.

Those born on the 7th of October may find it difficult to work day in and day out for an extended period. These difficulties can be generated by frustration or stubbornly concealed anger, which often leads to anxiety or even depression. Those born on the 7th of October should be especially wary of the sometimes false sense of threat and the desire to respond to it with a preemptive strike, like "give him before he gives you." A stable diet and sleep pattern can have a calming effect, which should be given great attention. Those born on the 7th of October should also avoid foods that are too yang or yin in nature, such as red meat on the one hand and sugar on the other. Moderate exercise is recommended.

Those born on October 7 have a rebellious nature, which will sooner or later affect their lives. Those born on this day are convinced of the correctness of their own views, which are most often in direct conflict with the norms of society or the environment. Their drive to protest is usually accompanied by a desire to change things in better side the way they understand it. Accordingly, they stubbornly strive for a commanding position that gives them the right to make such changes. However, those born on this day do not at all suffer from personal ambition, they need power to achieve social ideals.

Zodiac sign October 7 -

Sign Element: . Your zodiac sign belongs to the signs of Air, which are distinguished by the following qualities: good breeding, purposefulness, poise, sophistication, charm.

Planet Ruler: . Gives Libra charm, beauty. This planet is the main patron for those who work in the beauty industry, contract managers. The planet in exile is Mars. Responsible for uncertainty, as well as the lack of desire to act alone.

Libra, born on October 7, are intellectuals with a special mindset and worldview. They are talented analysts. Scales are able to quickly and accurately assess any situation. But with decision-making, they may have difficulty. Those born on October 7 strive for perfection. They are afraid to make the wrong choice. This is completely natural for representatives of the sign. It is worth noting that Libra rarely makes mistakes in their choice. Representatives of the sign are perceived by others as such goodies. In fact, they are far from ideal. Libra is characterized by manifestations of incontinence, anger. Many representatives of the sign tend to criticize loved ones, colleagues, not caring at all about their feelings.

The rebellious nature of those born on October 7 is not always obvious from the first meeting, as they usually have downright charming mannerisms. They seem to live in the center of their own world. However, those who associate with them cannot fail to recognize the keen insight of their thought. As a rule, they do not go into their pocket for words, directly saying what they think, although any pill can be flavored with humor and some tact. They are well versed in the nature of human feelings and quickly assess personal psychological qualities the person they are dealing with. Most often, those born on this day do not waste time justifying their actions, but simply do what they see fit.

Born October 7th always think decisively, so when they join any organization, certain problems often arise. While the group as a whole may embody the ideals they share, those born on October 7 must still define their role in this organization. And since their own principles and Political Views constantly evolving, issues of leadership, cooperation, loyalty become important. Another contradiction in the nature of those born on October 7 is the conflict between moral and immoral behavior. Those born on this day are not immoral, when they sin, they are fully aware of what they are doing. In their world of changing morals, they themselves sometimes cannot draw a clear line between what they consider bad and good. Therefore, they should not glorify their rebelliousness and condemn those who hold different views, because later they may come to understand and the opposite point of view.

October 7 people want nothing more than to be left alone. However, no matter how lonely they want to be or imagine themselves, fate again and again brings them together with other people. But since they are often considered "black sheep", society can unfairly reject them. Therefore, those born on this day should expand their social ties, actively trying to find not only people who are truly worthy of respect, but also those who can become close to them.

Libra Man - born October 7th

Men born on October 7 can boast the following characteristics: such a gentleman is dreamy, fair, sophisticated, charming. The Libra man is an excellent psychologist and adviser. However, he himself hardly decides on a responsible step, therefore the best companion for him is a woman who will be a support and helper, inspire confidence and help achieve his goals. A family idyll for a representative of this sign is the main reward.

Libra Woman - Born October 7th

Women born on October 7 have the following facets of temperament: such a lady is refined, patient, supple, feminine. Libra women are a little conservative, they like it when you can understand in advance what will happen next, they are not prone to adventures. The conservatism also appears in appearance Libra women: having found their style, they do not change it for many years. They dress elegantly and tastefully, but do not follow fashion trends, and extravagance and outrageousness are completely unacceptable for them.

Birthday October 7

People born on October 7 under the constellation Libra have nobility, they are not particularly interested in the opinions of others, because they are self-sufficient individuals. Recalcitrant by nature with a strong strong-willed character, they boldly meet any trouble. These individuals always have their own view of what is happening. Moreover, Libra considers their opinion to be truly correct, they are ready to defend it until their last breath. With their oppositional tactics of playing the game, they often set the surrounding society against themselves.

Born on October 7, the zodiac sign Libra is determined to transform the outside world, to make people much better. Their desire is so strong that they will persist to the last. "Fire in the oil" adds an innate gift to contradict everything. The wayward nature of these people promises them a mountain of problems. They are convinced of the correctness of their principles, not paying attention to the fact that their views do not fit into the norms of society. The desire to adjust the world around them “for themselves” leads them to protest the generally accepted order. Libra believes that they were born into this world in order to dominate people. The desire for the intended goal is accompanied by an impulse to change things in a better direction. But, according to astrologers, the zodiac sign Libra, who was born on October 7, is trying to do all this not through their own ambition, but to achieve universal ideals.

To avoid unpleasant situations, they should learn to control themselves, restrain their thirst for total control in time. Although, the rebellious spirit of the zodiac sign Libra, born on October 7, is not always immediately visible, in the first meetings they are very charming, their manners are impeccable. One gets the impression that they live in their own small world. However, in communication they show a high insight of the mind. Often, such people never reach into their pocket for a "red" word, frankly call a spade a spade. So that their judgments do not look very sharp, after what has been said, they release an appropriate joke.

Scales very subtly feel the mood of the interlocutor and easily determine his personal qualities. This skill helps them deal with the right people. They are impulsive in their impulses, without preamble they do as they please. In terms of employment, they see themselves either in a leadership position or as an equal partner in the organization.

Their views on life and principles are constantly evolving, which leads to some inconsistency in terms of immoral and moral. In this changing system of morals, they themselves are sometimes unable to draw a clear line between bad and good deeds. Such people do not need to exalt their rebellious spirit, much less condemn people with a different opinion. Otherwise, time will pass, and Libra itself will begin to condemn previously supported thoughts.

People born on October 7, the zodiac sign Libra, sometimes gravitate towards an ascetic lifestyle. A peculiar view of the world makes them outcasts in the eyes of the community, people simply shun such personalities. That is why, Libra needs to learn communication, meet new people, try to find like-minded comrades who will support and not refuse, regardless of the circumstances.

Love and Compatibility

In your personal life, you are a romantic idealist. Partnership is very important to you, although it is quite difficult for you to express deep feelings in front of a loved one. It may take a long time before you enter into a long-term relationship, but if this happens, you will devote your whole life to your beloved.

An excellent pair of Libra will be representatives of the constellations Gemini or Aquarius. These signs understand each other well, are similar in temperament and attitude to life. Such relationships will be long-term, harmonious and strong. An affair with Scorpions will bring Libra new emotions and experiences, but it will most likely not last long. Libra has the least chance of success in a relationship with Virgo, Cancer and Pisces. With representatives of the Virgo sign, Libra will not find a common language, the lack of common topics will cause irritation and discontent. Cancers will not fit into the harmonious and balanced world of Libra. As for Pisces, Libra will make excessive demands on them and try to drive them into the framework, which the sensitive and vulnerable nature of Pisces cannot bear.

Work and Career

On October 7, people are born who are inclined to look at the world philosophically. They are witty, charming, sociable. Such people have a developed intuition and analytical mind. They perfectly understand people, “read” their true intentions thanks to their innate powers of observation. For those born on October 7, there are no unsolvable tasks. Comprehensively approaching the implementation of any work, they achieve results. Those born on October 7 go to their goal without turning off the path.

Libras born on October 7th are not the best subordinates. Their rebellious nature, rebellious spirit often harm the common cause. Libra can experience difficulties in work, but they tend to blame anyone but themselves for this. As for professions, Libra born on October 7 are best suited for journalism, law, marketing and advertising. It is recommended to refrain from teaching activities. The issue, whether it be a leader or a fixer, is often resolved for Libra without direct involvement. Many representatives of the sign sit in the director's chair out of necessity.
