Between quilted jackets and embroidered shirts: an interview with a Donetsk Jew about the events in the Donbass. There is a civil war between Jews and Russians in Donbass, not a war with Russia Russian Jew about Donbass

In the Donbass again a sharp aggravation.

Heavy guns are once again firing at Makiivka, Gorlovka, Yasynuvata... Avdiivka in the Donetsk region, where 25,000 people live, was left without water, electricity and heat due to shelling in a 20-degree frost. A number of districts of Donetsk are in the same situation. There is a humanitarian catastrophe in the region. There are dead and wounded. Children are in basements.

What are the reasons for the exacerbation?

The versions are like this.

The shooting began on the eve of Poroshenko's visit to Germany. Russian media reports that Kyiv provoked the escalation in order to attract the attention of the West and get money.

Money is at war - Poroshenko and other corrupt officials receive the proceeds from the war, stealing appropriations for the war, military corporations that supply weapons receive the proceeds. The war is beneficial to NATO and the leadership of the European Union, confirming their necessity.

The globalists need the collapse of Russia, the achievement of this goal is facilitated by the creation of chaos on the borders with Russia.

The reason for the aggravation in the Donbass may be the election of Trump and the emerging warming of relations between Russia and the United States, the possible lifting of sanctions, which is undesirable for Poroshenko.

Finally, the reason may lie in the collapse of Poroshenko's coalition in the Rada, which threatens to remove him.

Kyiv accuses the DPR and LPR militia of shelling, the Russian media accuses the Ukrainian Armed Forces of shelling.

Neither side has clear evidence. The conversations are at the level of poor journalistic investigation.

If Moscow, cooperating with the DPR and LPR, has evidence of Kyiv's aggression, why doesn't it provide it at the official level?

If Kyiv has evidence of the aggression of the troops of the DNR and LNR, and even more so of Russia, why does it not provide them?

One gets the impression that both sides are darkening, because someone else is hiding behind the backs of Kyiv and Moscow.

This third one really needs a fight between Russians and Ukrainians in order to kill both.

And this third is supported by the ruling elite both in Kyiv and in Moscow.

Who is this third? Jews, - says the famous Kharkov Jew Eduard Khodos.

What do Jews need in Ukraine? Why did they unleash the Maidan, put the Jewish government in Kyiv, headed by Poroshenko-Valtsman, prime ministers Yatsenik, and now Grossman, filled the Rada with Jews?

Let's hear how the Jews themselves answer this question.

On December 8, 2014, E. Hodos published “Appeal to Ukrainians. Khazar Khaganate: blood and hell

It is worth listening to what he said.

To be Jewish means to strive for freedom.

To be a Jew means not to agree to be a slave - this is the essence of Judaism.

We are fighting against Russian imperialism.

In Ukraine, the Slavs kill the Slavs for the freedom of the Jews.

The essence of the appeal: the Jews turned Ukraine into the Khazar Khaganate, they seize the territory of Ukraine, receive it on a symbolic silver tray from the hands of the Ukrainians themselves, fooled by Jewish propaganda of hatred for Russians as enemies.

Shifting concepts is a classic Jewish technique. Russian friend, blood brother is called an enemy. Just don't call Ukrainians stupid. The Russians fell into the same mousetrap in 1917, when the Russians, divided by Jewish propagandists into Reds and Whites, killed each other to make room for the Jewish Bolshevik government.

Since then, the Ukrainian and Russian have not grown wiser. Today they are killing each other in Ukraine to make room for the Jew who started this bloody mess.

January 20, 2017 Kiev Jew Igor Berkut, leader of the Great Ukraine party. He revealed the essence of the events in Ukraine: Israel lacks living space and therefore the Jews claim 5 southern regions of Ukraine.

"Ukraine-Israel: one people, one destiny"

Referring to chapter 21 of the Revelation of John the Theologian, he proposes to create an analogue of the Heavenly Jerusalem mentioned there within the boundaries of the former historical Khazaria, which existed on this territory for 400 years. The Jews consider this the basis for claims to the territory of the South of Ukraine, and in the future, the Crimea. And the Russian TV presenter Solovyov-Shapiro is already voicing claims to the territory of Russia, stating that the Jews lived here before the Slavs.

The Russian-Ukrainians in this project are destined for the role of exterminated Palestinians, exterminated Indians.

New Jerusalem will include Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Kherson, Nikolaev, Odessa regions. This territory is 7 times larger than Israel. The first ship "Kristina" with 183 Jewish settlers arrived from Haifa to Odessa in January 2017. Israel is ready to bring 6 million migrants to these regions of Ukraine, 12 million will come from the USA, Russia, EU countries. The ignorant Berkut, apparently, does not know that the total number of Jews in Israel is 6.217 million. Will Israel disappear?

The initiative group for the creation of Heavenly Jerusalem - the oligarchs Firtash, Kolomoisky, Pinchuk, Akhmetov - are allegedly looking for a meeting with Pope Francis so that he will bless Ukrainians in the western regions of Ukraine to treat visitors well, explaining that Ukrainians from this resettlement will receive a pension of 500 euros. This is an age-old dream of Ukrainians, says Berkut.

New Jerusalem - New Khazaria - will be governed by a Council of Benevolents of 13 apostles, including Satanovsky, Avidor Lieberman, Natan Sharansky, Yakov Kedmi, Netanyahu, Eskin. Media - Solovyov (Shapiro), finance - Ben Shelom Bernanke, former head of the US Federal Reserve. The majority are immigrants from the USSR.

More than 1.5 thousand billionaires, according to Berkut, will create the economic base of the New Jerusalem project.

Igor Berkut demonstrates the head of a ram, the image of the devil - citing an Odessa joke - this is a portrait of an ordinary Ukrainian voter, i.e. cattle destined for sacrifice.

It is curious that the Berkut video was produced by the Dawn Internet TV channel, the resource of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation - the party that turned the Russian Empire into the Khazar Kaganate in 1917.

Under the Bolsheviks, the Jews already intended to create a Jewish republic in the Crimea, the project was considered from 1924 to 1944. Now they, having strengthened during the period of “democratic reforms”, having enlisted the support of their existing government in Russia, are they determined to bring the matter to an end?

Perhaps, anticipating the expansion of their living space, the Jews of Russia proliferate abundantly - a real baby boom among Jewish TV presenters, show business.

The massacre in the Donbass is supported and financed by the powerful Jewish lobby in the United States.

She is supported by pro-Jewish forces in the Kremlin.

The Jewish lobby of the whole world is shooting at Donbass.

Ukraine is being cleaned from the local Slavic population in order to populate it with Jews, as was done in Palestine?

The new shelling of Donbass is a two-way move, it kills Ukrainians and blames Russia for their blood. The idea of ​​Russia's guilt has already been picked up by all the liberal media in Russia.

The open claims of world Jewry to the territory of Ukraine voiced in I. Berkut's video could be considered bravado characteristic of Jews, if they did not coincide with real events. And these events leave no doubt about the seriousness of the plans for Jewish claims on the territory of the former USSR.

Let's turn to the facts. The plan for the Maidan and the subsequent coup d'etat in Kyiv was carefully prepared for two decades by the Ukrainian authorities with the active participation of the US State Department. For some mysterious reason, neither then nor now did the Russian special services make any effort to counteract this plan. Russia had only to lift a finger and there would be no Maidan, but she silently watched the development of events from the sidelines. Moreover, at the most critical moment, when the Donbass militias launched a counteroffensive, threatening the inevitable fall of the power of the Kyiv Junta, an order for a truce and the Minsk agreements appeared. The war turned into a smoldering conflict, which may have been agreed in advance with the Russian Jews who are part of the top leadership of Russia.

And during the truce, someone unknown "quietly" and efficiently eliminated most of the talented commanders of the LPR and DPR, who proved to be true heroes who built the people's power in the Donbass, protecting it from the aggression of the Kiev Junta. On January 27, Valery Bolotov, the ex-head of the LPR, died suddenly of a heart attack in Moscow.

Today, during the new attacks, the DPR and LPR called on Putin, Trump and Merkel to influence Poroshenko. The answer was a sluggish call by the representative of the State Department, Mark Toner, to immediately cease fire in the Donbass, NATO's call to Moscow to rein in the DPR and LPR, because, according to the Western version, of course, they are the root of evil. Moscow was silent. And the "civilized", "democratic" world looks indifferently at the killing of civilians.

Photo from

Being a prominent figure in the Jewish community and a pro-Ukrainian activist, this man, staying in Donetsk during the hottest days for the city, gave interviews without hiding his real name. Today he is in Kyiv, doing what he loves, but in hometown relatives remained, and in order not to endanger them, we do not publish his photo and do not give his last name.

— Maxim, you are a native of Donetsk, and in order to understand what is happening now in the East, I would like to rewind the tape a bit. Who was Yanukovych for your countrymen before the events on the Maidan - Batey, who will feed, warm and protect? And what was the country in which they lived? Motherland? A misunderstanding?

- In recent years, Yanukovych was clearly not considered Batya in Donetsk, because our city was the first to fall under the distribution, under which all of Ukraine later turned out to be. Moreover, in our country it was even tougher - Viktor Fedorovich was well versed in his region. Donetsk residents have not received any privileges. Moreover, it was local entrepreneurs who were the first to "bend over", and many of them transferred their business to other areas where they were not so pressed.

As for geopolitical sympathies, we have a borderline mentality, subject to different vectors of influence, but at the same time, the majority believed or rather got used to the fact that Donetsk is still Ukraine ... I remember well how many people proudly hung the Ukrainian flag in Donetsk during European Football Championship in 2012.

— And in relation to Western Ukraine there was antagonism?

- This is the fundamental difference between the Revolution of Dignity and the first Maidan - then, in 2004, there was a real split into East and West, and the overwhelming majority of Donbass was for Batya - Yanukovych and against the "orange" Yushchenko. This time everything turned out to be more difficult - those who did not accept the Maidan as a phenomenon (any revolution is evil, chaos and anarchy) were more than enough, but their rejection did not fit into the "fascist-Bandera" scheme.

Over these ten years, people appeared who keenly felt a common destiny with Ukraine, others rallied around the "Russian World", others were imbued with the Donbass identity - all this was mixed up, as in any border region. Donetsk in this sense is not Lviv or Arkhangelsk, we have many more shades.

- And many people went out at the call of the heart to the anti-Maidans?

- Real rallies began in Donetsk after the flight of Yanukovych - both pro-Russian and pro-Ukrainian. At the latter, I met a lot of acquaintances from Donetsk, but our opponents were mostly newcomers - sometimes outright gopniks from the provinces, sometimes Russians from Rostov region. They studied the hryvnia with curiosity, obviously did not know the city, and in principle they did not hide it. Separatist groups soon emerged in in social networks, appeals went, they say, let's get together, friends, we will rebuff the Nazis. And the “Nazis” are Donetsk residents who unfurled a huge Ukrainian flag on Lenin Square, people who simply wanted to live in Ukraine and were beaten by visiting guest performers (sometimes with their feet and sticks) shouting “Fascism will not pass!”.

And the "Nazis" are Donetsk residents who unfurled a huge Ukrainian flag on Lenin Square

If not for this imported combat core, things would have gone differently. This does not mean that no one in Donetsk took a pro-Russian position, there were and still are, including among my intelligent acquaintances, but the terror was started by bandits who were massively brought to the city.

- Did the Jews perceive all this with even more apprehension than the surrounding population?

- In general, the younger and more educated people are, the more pro-Ukrainian they are, regardless of nationality. The Jews, on the other hand, were united by the memory of who always rakes first during any revolution.

- You assure that there was no split into East-West, but someone launched a discourse about "fascist Bandera", and the seed fell on the prepared soil ...

- The position of the local elites, who are pro-Russian, had a lot to do with it. And the abolition of the Kivalov-Kolesnichenko law by the new government became outright stupidity.

- But the situation was immediately played back, and Lvov, as a sign of support for the South-East, then spoke in Russian.

- That's the problem, that people saw only the first part of the story, shown on all Russian channels. In the same way, the trick of "Svobodov" Miroshnichenko in the office of the NTCU became the topic of the day, and the indignation and condemnation of this trick by the Ukrainian intelligentsia remained behind the scenes.

In general, Donbass is very tolerant – we do not have a set of our own traditions, the region has become a meeting place for different identities, and nationalism and extremism are not characteristic of it. Therefore, when people began to be beaten for the Ukrainian flag and the corresponding symbols, it was wild for the majority, especially when the guest performers did it. I myself saw how many cars honked in support of a pro-Ukrainian rally or an interfaith prayer for Ukraine — something Donetsk had never known before.

Of course, there is a difference in mentality, relatively speaking, if in Western and Central Ukraine people are always ready to go to the Maidan - both when necessary and when not, then in the Donbass the people in the overwhelming majority are not ready for this, even with good reasons. This medal has two sides. On the one hand, in Kyiv, with its civilly active population, it is easier to build civil society On the other hand, they are easier to manipulate. In the East, people are calmer and more reasonable, but this is also our minus - the majority of Donetsk residents turned out to be passive observers.

When people began to be beaten for the Ukrainian flag and the corresponding symbols, for the majority it was wild

My position was also formed gradually - I saw how evil and chaos captured my city. And this evil and chaos was under the Russian flag and was accompanied by cries of "Russia!". If all this took place under the red-black flag of the UPA, I would have reacted in the same way.

Be that as it may, the Donetsk people were unable to defend their city, negatively perceiving the public protest. Although thousands of people came out to pro-Ukrainian rallies, even when the separatists already had machine guns, in general, passivity determined the general mood of the population.

- And how did the people perceive the seizure of city administrations?

“We must understand that at first those who captured them did not have a clear program. Some wanted to go to Russia, others believed that Donbass should remain in Ukraine on the basis of broad autonomy. I'm talking about the locals - the people of Donetsk, the striking force was the guest performers - and that's a completely different story.

I well remember the surrealistic picture at the captured building of the Donetsk City Council, even before the active hostilities. The mood is upbeat, the orchestra plays - first "The Red Army is the strongest of all" and then "Lieutenant Golitsyn, distribute cartridges", icons with the face of Nicholas II are adjacent to the red flags under which this tsar was killed, Orthodox fundamentalists replace neo-pagans - like these people representing ideologies that were initially hostile to each other ended up together? All of them were united by the Russian imperial consciousness, and this explains a lot.

- If you paint a picture with broad strokes, then society is divided into three - a third for Russia, a third for a united Ukraine and a third for Donbass as part of a federal Ukraine.

As for the referendum itself, after all, only a few polling stations were opened, so a lot of people really crowded each one - visually it was very impressive. According to my estimates, up to a third of the citizens took part in the referendum, and the vast majority did not support the DPR, but saw the referendum as the first step towards joining the Russian Federation. Retirees just projected modern Russia to the USSR that died in Bose, to which they would like to return.

The society was divided into three - a third for Russia, a third for a united Ukraine and a third for Donbass as part of a federal Ukraine

- Did the next eight months - the war, elections, the specter of a humanitarian catastrophe - somehow change the position of the Donetsk people?

- You know, when the events in Slavyansk and Kramatorsk had just begun, I talked with my acquaintances from there and when asked which side the majority was on, I received an answer that people change their point of view within one day. They want an end to the war so much that they don't care anymore. At first, I didn’t accept this “omnivorousness” and didn’t understand - how can it be, not to have a clear position on a fundamental issue ?! Now I see it in my native Donetsk — the people have suffered so much that the euphoria has passed from all sides.

Many became disillusioned with the DPR, faced with outright banditry and a complete lack of constructiveness.

Disappointed are those who hoped to join Russia according to the Crimean scenario and were mistaken in their forecasts. Although the presence of Russia has become even more obvious - Chechens, Abkhazians, Ossetians, Cossacks no longer hide the country of their exodus, and if you find Voentorg, where, as Putin says, you can buy all this huge amount of equipment brought to the Donbass, the war would have ended long ago.

There is also disappointment with Kiev, which was giving up the region step by step. People simply do not understand how Girkin from Slavyansk was given the opportunity to reach Donetsk. And, of course, they condemn the behavior of Kyiv in relation to pensioners. Previously, they left the ATO zone (or handed over the card to their children, acquaintances, etc.), received their pension in any bank and returned back. Now they have created a lot of problems, and even the pro-Ukrainian residents of Donetsk see no justification for this. So disappointment is a process that is typical for the entire Donbass today, it’s just that everyone is disappointed in their own way.

Disappointment is a process that is typical for the entire Donbass today, it’s just that everyone is disappointed in their own

- They say that the militants appropriate these pensions, so Kyiv stopped paying ...

- With all my "sympathy" for them, I have never heard that the militants took away pensions, unlike, for example, a small business, a car or an office - this happens all the time. Moreover, the collection cars did not carry this money, the amount went to a bank card. Now the pensioner has to go personally with this card to the mainland, which is physically impossible for many old people, to register, to collect some papers - all this is already being offered for money, the corruption machine has worked here too!

When this procedure was introduced, anyone thinking person it was clear that she would push people into the arms of the DNR. Imagine a small town in Donetsk region- there is nothing there - pensions, salaries, bank branches - all this is suspended / curtailed by order from Kyiv. People begin to starve... And here is a billboard - join the militia. And the children of the same pensioners join - out of hopelessness. This is nothing but the tactics of Hamas, multiplied by the appropriate indoctrination, and anger at the Ukrainian authorities. And this government, in addition, itself turns the Donbass into the Gaza Strip...

This is nothing but the tactics of Hamas, multiplied by the appropriate indoctrination, and anger at the Ukrainian authorities

It is obvious to everyone that pensioners have been made extreme - pro-Russian, pro-Ukrainian, everyone. But if you go all the way, why don't you punish the organizers? After all, Akhmetov, Lukyanchenko, Levchenko and other characters who launched the mechanism of separatism are fine, they are in Kyiv, their business is working. And this does not offend anyone, Maidan is not going to do this. They live quietly in Greater Ukraine, and the boys are dying in the Donbass - including paying their bills, raking the mess that they made.

— I have heard phrases like “The National Guard has come to kill us” from some residents of the ATO zone, although others are convinced that militants are firing at them. Is it possible to restore the true picture of events?

- When the fighting began on the outskirts of Donetsk, in Amvrosievka, I decided to talk to people from there, to get first-hand information. In fact, a tiny town, everything should be obvious. Nothing like this! Half of the city assured that they were being hit by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the other half blamed separatists for shelling. In Donetsk today the situation is similar. At the same time, there is a claim made exclusively against the DPR — it brought war to the city, first weapons — from light small arms to heavy artillery, and then the war. The fact that they are shooting from the city at the Ukrainian army is practically not disputed by anyone, and this one-on-one repeats the tactics of Hamas. At the same time, I admit that both of them are shooting, because the whole city has already become one big battlefield.

There is a claim made exclusively against the DPR — it brought the war to the city, first weapons — from light small arms to heavy artillery, and then the war.

What could be the basis for a possible reconciliation? Is the law on the special status of Donbass still relevant in this capacity? In Kyiv, many consider it a concession to Putin, but how was it perceived in Donetsk?

“It's not about a separate law, but about the lack of a clear government policy. If Donbass is not Ukraine, then we need to stop the war, separate this region with a wall, and that's it. If Donbass is still Ukraine, then support your citizens, at least pay pensions to the elderly.

- And yet, if a federation with broad autonomy for Donbass is created tomorrow, will this suit the inhabitants of the region? Has the point of no return been passed yet?

I don't think it passed. A tiny percentage of the population is directly involved in hostilities. People are so tired and want peace that the bulk of them don't care what flag they live under. Few people have formed a clear ideological position for which he is ready to fight to the death. Therefore, a federal structure could well become one of the solutions to the problem, if we see it not as an intermediate stage for the collapse of the country, but, on the contrary, as a way to preserve it.

Unfortunately, there is no thinking elite in Ukraine - an elite without quotes, who connects the lives of their children and grandchildren with this country. An elite that is able to rise above its petty interests.

People are so tired and want peace that the majority do not care what flag to live under

Within the framework of the federation, some people, pardon the cynicism, will be able to play at Bandera monuments, while others at Lenin monuments. One or two generations will grind these differences, for them it will become part of history, and they will perceive themselves as simply Ukrainians, for whom both Bandera and Lenin are episodes of the distant past. The problem is that this generation is not allowed to grow up.

Let's return from a hypothetical future to a sad present. How much has changed in the DPR everyday life? People began to look around more often, follow the speech?

- Undoubtedly. And this is something that we almost never encountered before, because back side passivity and indifference - this is tolerance, respect for someone else's opinion, language, religion. Therefore, the rhetoric of 1937 was a shock, and it reigns even at the level of the names of the official structures of the DPR - the NKVD, the MGB, etc.

I know many stories when people were taken to the NKVD for some kind of pro-Ukrainian statements. Thank you for not being shot - someone was kept in the basement, others were sent to dig trenches ... But this is the problem of a socially active person, the layman, who was not personally affected by this, is not always aware of what is happening. As, however, in 1937, when half the country was sitting, and the other half was singing "I don't know another such country where a person breathes so freely."

— You speak harshly about the Ukrainian elite. And the elite of Donbass - what is happening to them?

- Left for the most part. The first to flee were bloggers and journalists with an alternative position - their opinion was in plain sight, and this is dangerous in the DPR. Then the financial elite reached out - because of robbery and banditry, many firms and companies were transferred to other regions. And, finally, the professional elite began to leave the Donbass - a good doctor or programmer will always feed himself and his family on big land. This is our age-old problem - the utilization of the elite, as soon as it grows up, it creates all the conditions for departure / emigration / flight.

— Jewish community for Last year decreased a lot?

- Repatriation to Israel and internal migration have sharply increased - mainly people of active age are leaving. Someone settled in the Dnieper and Kyiv, someone already in Israel. Jewish organizations have curtailed a number of programs, the synagogue is mainly engaged in humanitarian projects, it is very correct that non-Jews are also helped there. Of course, the Jewish community of Donetsk will never be the same again. Even if the situation returns to normal, it will not happen soon, many refugees will settle in a new place and will not return to Donbass.

As for anti-Semitism, so far there is nothing specifically anti-Jewish in the actions of the DNR. There is a purge of dissident, pro-Ukrainian activists, the Russian Orthodox Army, created on the basis of the RNU, severely presses non-Orthodox, but only Christian denominations - Greek Catholics, Roman Catholics, Protestants, up to the kidnapping and murder of clergy.

— What arguments do the Jews give who actively took the side of the DPR?

- Totally different. One of my acquaintances, for example, believes that Yanukovych and the company, of course, are bad, but the "fascists-Bandera" are even worse, therefore, out of two evils ... And the counterargument that fascism in the form of a gopnik beating a Donetsk resident came from the rear - does not work. This person has long been disillusioned with both the DPR and Russia, but ... if only not the Nazis and the "Right Sector", which will come and cut everyone out.

Pro-Ukrainian sentiments are also very different. One believes that there is nothing attractive in the Russian mental model and Ukraine should go to Europe. Another, when it all began, believed (and turned out to be right in many respects) that when the “Russian world” comes here, it will come in exactly this form - with mercenaries, robbery and robberies.

At the same time, it seems to me very harmful to divide into black and white, friends and enemies, quilted jackets and embroidered shirts. Of course, it is easier and more comfortable for a person to live within the framework of such a scheme. In fact, the slogan "Donbass feeds the whole country" is no better than "Take your Donbass and go to hell." Both of these are stupidity. As a result, we are all paying for this - the East pays for its stereotypes, and Kyiv is just beginning to pay for its own. If we want to live in a single country, then this unity must be manifested not in external formulas, but internal state. And in respect for a person, no matter where he comes from - from Lviv or Donetsk.

It seems to me that the division into black and white, friends and enemies, quilted jackets and embroidered shirts is very harmful.

- In the last six months, many people have started talking about the birth of a political nation - does this seem like an exaggeration to you?

- To create a family de jure, it is enough for spouses to sign in the registry office. And de facto they will become a family as a result of solving joint problems, going through common trials. This is what is happening now with Ukraine, which is taking the exam for statehood. If the country falls apart, then each of us will have his own fault - each region and each person.

After spending a couple of months in Greater Ukraine, many refugees return to the Donbass, mainly from lack of money, and they will remember the attitude towards themselves - this has a much stronger effect than Russian propaganda. I know many pro-Ukrainian residents of Donetsk who could not rent an apartment on the mainland - having heard that a person from Donetsk, they hung up on the other end. Russian propaganda does not catch us at all, they complained to me, but the attitude of their own beats, and beats backhand. You are a stranger - both there and here. Very, incidentally, the Jewish situation. A good man, though a Jew, they once said. A normal guy, even though he is from Donetsk.

The occupied Donbass is 3.5-4 million people. I do not expect fraternization, it is clear that people from different regions cannot think the same way. We are all different and should, like a mosaic, complement each other. Then our family will withstand any test.

A fire at an ammunition depot near Vinnitsa showed that Ukrainians are ready for terrorist attacks inside the country, Ukrainian political scientist believes Denis Zharkikh. In his opinion, the government itself is inciting rampant "patriots", bringing the situation to a critical point and provoking the Russians in Ukraine to give a powerful rebuff.

Oppression breeds violence

Zharkikh on his Facebook page compared the current situation in Ukraine with the revolutionary mood in tsarist Russia when the Jews, being an oppressed national minority, actively joined the revolutionary movement, becoming its driver. The same could happen in Ukraine, he said, as the Russians are even less tolerant of government oppression than the "non-confrontational and thoughtful" Jewish people.

“I was prompted to write this by the reaction to the explosions in Vinnitsa. Various people, and my circle of contacts is very wide, as if they were waiting for these explosions. there are terrorist attacks and it is stable," the expert shared.

"The Russians are now being squeezed. They've found someone to squeeze. There are many more Russians than Jews, they are a desperate and broad people who can endure for a long time, but then it will be impossible to stop them. Donbass is just flowers," Zharkikh is convinced.

"Russians need less to be brutalized than Jews"

He recalled how, in a 2014 publication, he "predicted rampant political hooliganism throughout Ukraine." In his opinion, this prediction came true, and the behavior of "activists", regardless of their political beliefs, does not surprise anyone in Ukraine. Even when "people in camouflage occupy administrative buildings."

The following expert’s forecast is even gloomier: “I give a forecast - terrorists are even cheaper. In general, no more than a dozen of them are needed for the region. They blew up there, they killed them. The people are intimidated for less money. who watches Russian TV or an excessively Maidan patriot who has not been given something. And there are plenty of them."

Zharkikh states that "now the Russians in Ukraine are not particularly resisting," however, in his assessment, "idiots" in power are "doing everything to make them go berserk."

"The Russians need much less for brutalization than the Jews. And the longer the process of non-resistance, the stronger the spring will go back, the country will be stained with blood," the political scientist, who does not want "massacre for his country," fears.

“Stop, idiots! To be honest, I don’t feel sorry for you, but I feel sorry for your children, old people, neighbors. I don’t want the collapse of my country, I don’t want new innocent victims, I don’t want scorched earth,” the expert urged.

According to media reports, fighters from the Israeli Aliya Battalion have joined the Donbas militia. The appearance of such an "International Brigade" could be rejoiced at. If you do not understand the religious and philosophical reasons for what is happening. There is every reason to believe that the occupation of Ukraine by "global Zion" is entering the second stage - the stage of active cleansing of Russian "goyim" territories for the owners of the "New Khazaria"

After the commission of war crimes by the Khazar junta in Ukraine - the executions of civilians on the Maidan in Kiev, the burning of people in Odessa, the atrocities of Jewish Bandera throughout the former Ukraine, artillery and air strikes on civilians of Novorossia - to help People's Republics Donbass, not only Russians and other indigenous peoples of Russia began to arrive, but also . What can only be welcomed: in a situation where, against a small group of defenders, the Khazar junta moved tens of thousands of fanatics, chasing “cannon fodder” ahead of them,every fighter is important, especially a professional (suffice it to recall yesterday's crime of the Khazar junta, which bombarded Lugansk with cluster bombs - what ).

Meanwhile, not all arrivals need to be taken so unambiguously.

According to the Second Front website, on June 2, fighters from the Israeli Aliya Battalion, formed in 2002 from the professional soldiers of the Soviet Army and the armies of the CIS countries who left for Israel, joined the Donbass militia, “ dealing with protection of Judea and Samaria ". In the first group, twenty highly professional fighters arrived with experience in the Soviet and Israeli armies. Within two weeks, the size of the Jewish battalion, ready to fight the Nazis, will increase to 200 people.

According to the informational message of the site "Second Front" (in URL there is a slightly different name - “Jewish front” / jewishfront): “ Judea and Samaria (Shomron) are historical Jewish territories rich in gas and oil fields, for which the Jewish population is waging a long struggle with American and European monopolies, inciting the Arab population of neighboring territories and settlements against the Jews. Therefore, it is not surprising that Jewish volunteers came to the aid of the Russian people, who are also opposed to the American-European lobby, encroaching on the richest Donetsk-Krivoy Rog basin.».

And then there are -


Firstly , « historical Jewish territories of Judea and Samaria”, according to UN documents, refer exclusively to the territory of the State of Palestine. Therefore, the Jewish military does not carry out "guarding" there, but a direct occupation of the Palestinian territories - usually referred to in news reports as West Bank). Especially, " rich in gas and oil deposits».

Secondly , « struggle of the Jewish population with American and European monopolists"is not even" Nanai boys wrestling”, but something from the category of “family quarrels”, since American and European monopolies are under the direct control and management of the capital of predominantly Jewish moneylenders.

Third , you need to remember that about 300 IDF special forces soldiers on the Euromaidan were direct participants in the overthrow of the legitimate president V.Yanukovych. And the chief rabbi of Kyiv personally invited them to carry out a coup d'état.

Fourth , in the preparation of poisonous incendiary mixtures in the genocide of "Odessa Khatyn", also trained in the US special forces.

Fifth , it is obvious to everyone that the ideological, informational and financial support for chaos in Ukraine lies with the following characters:

- the head of the "Ukrainian Vaad and the Zionist Committee of Ukraine";
- "Director of the Center for Judaic Studies" from the hotbed of radical Ukrainian nationalism at the Kiev-Mohyla Academy, created with US grants and "donations" of the oligarchs, Leonid Finberg;
- ideologically close to neo-Nazism "Israeli" Shimone Brimane, his American accomplice Mark Ostromogilsky, rootless cosmopolitan V. Likhachev;
- Your mentioned Kiev rabbi, periodically trained in the special forces of "Israel", who brought up to 300 Israeli special forces with him to the "Maidan", and calling American troops to Crimea, a rabbi provocateur;

- the three-headed serpent of "Euromaidan" Tyagniboke-Frotman, Klitschko-Etinzone, Yatsenyuk-Bakai;
- a banker-deputy who drove to the Maidan to shoot protesters and police snipers;
- who decided to "shoot from nuclear weapons» who did not bow before the junta to the international thief and her accomplice N.Shufriche;
- the organizer of Odessa Khatyn, who calls himself "the main Jew of Bandera - together with Kolomoisky" governor, who called the burning of Odessa residents who did not bow to the junta "legitimate";
- CIA agents Nalivaichenko, D. Yaroshe, organizers of torture - A.Avakove And Lyashko;
- the organizer of the executions of protesters in Kyiv and Odessa - A. Parubie, as well as on all deputies of the "Batkivshchyna", ministers and governors of the Khazar junta, etc., cooperating with it;
- directly and informationally financing a coup d'état Akhmetov, Poroshenko-Valtsman, Kolomoisky(together with G. Korban And V.Filatov),Bogolyubov, Pinchuk, Firtash, Surkis, Yaroslavl, K. Zhevago and other Jewish and semi-Jewish oligarchs.

It was they who quite openly and cynically provoked a bloody massacre in Ukraine - being the organizers of the genocide of the Russian people. Suffice it to say that the same head of the European Jewish Congress, oligarch Kolomoisky, paid his mercenaries "bonuses" of $5,000 for each corpse in Odessa, and openly pays $10,000 for the kidnapping of rebel "Muscovites" from Donetsk or Luhansk.

At sixth , many well-informed Jewish insiders, including the head of the Kharkov Jewish community and the vice speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation V. Zhirinovsky that global Jewry considers the territory of Ukraine as a territory for the creation of a "New Khazaria".

At the same time, the American "political heavyweight" G. Kissinger 09/17/2012 in an interview with the New York Post, he firmly stated that. So it is to Ukraine that the resettlement of Jews from the failed state of Israel will begin.

Henry Kissinger - a native of a Jewish family, "studied the Talmud" for several hours a day in adolescence. The ideology of Jewish racial superiority, with its plans for the enslavement and global genocide of "non-Jews", is the basis of his worldview. The plan of "global zion" - in the destruction of all national currencies and national sovereignties in order to establish power " God's chosen ones who shepherd the nations with an iron rod'- slave owners and slaves.

Let us recall how the Jewish newspapers immediately after the "victory of the Maidan" began to divide the Russian Outskirts:


This idea was propagated by a Jewish ultra-talmudist registered on Russian television Avigdor Eskin, whose goal is to build a global Zion strictly in accordance with the Talmud, which calls for a global genocide of "goyim" and the transformation of their remnants into slaves. But the sect of Kabbalists-Chabadniks in Ukraine today is doing the same thing.

My political career Eskin began in the US in 1981-85, spending much of his time primarily in Washington, where he worked as a lobbyist for Israeli interests and "protection of Soviet Jews." From 1986 to 1990, Eskin was a correspondent for the English-language American weekly The Jewish Press, distinguished by exceptional racism towards Palestinians in the occupied territories occupied by Jews in 1967. Many of his materials were picked up by the central Israeli media. Those. Eskin is one of the ideologists of the genocide of the indigenous population of the territories occupied by Jews.

On December 21, 1997, he was detained by the Shabak special service on charges of intent to bombard the Al-Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount from a catapult with pig heads. Being fully acquitted of accusations of desecration of Muslim shrines, Avigdor Eskin was nevertheless sentenced on January 1, 2001 to 2.5 years in prison and 1.5 years of probation on charges of preparing a number of provocations, including laying a pig's head on a grave.Izaddin al-Qasama , and setting fire to the office of the pacifist organization World Generation.

In addition, Eskin also"dabbles in shamanism"- V October 1995 heparticipated in the religious rite of cursing "pulse de nura" near the house of the then prime ministerYitzhak Rabin (Rubitsov).

"Pulse de nura" - translated as "strike of fire", - the shamanic rite of the Talmudists and Kabbalists of imposing "curses" - called "God's judgment in the matter of the world" (and this is definitely not our God). Eskin and his comrades performed this ceremony in order to exterminate the head of the Israeli government, because they were against the process of reconciliation with the Palestinians that had begun. Apparently no one doubts"shaman magic" , a few months later I. Rabin was killed by three shots at close range by one of the ultra-Talmudic fanatics (who, beingsentenced to life in prison, while sitting in prison, he married a repatriate from the Russian Federation, got a son, and mockingly organized a "circumcision ceremony" on the 12th anniversary of Rabin's assassination ) .

As for the relationship between "ultra-Talmudists" and Chabadniks. Both use the US and the EU as tools to establish a "global Zion", but according to their own rules. Or rather, under his command. The immediate goal of the Khabadniks is the literal conquest of Asia and the restoration of Khazaria. At the same time, Avigdor Eskin is also known for his idea of ​​obtaining the Judaic dominance of Zion in Eurasia.


Chabad leader Menachem-Mendel Schneerson("The Rebbe") was born in the Russian city of Nikolaev (now "Ukraine") in 1902. In 1907, when Menachem Mendl was six years old, the Schneersons moved to the Russian city of Yekaterinoslav (today Dnepropetrovsk), where his father, a rabbi Levi Yitzhak Schneersohn was appointed chief rabbi of the city. Schneerson lived in Yekaterinoslavl (today"Ukrainian" Dnepropetrovsk). Immediately after death Lenin in 1924 Schneerson moved to Leningrad - closer to the Judeo-BolsheviksTrotskyuntil after the deposition of the "permanent revolutionary" in 1927, the National BolsheviksStalindid not put him out of the USSR.

Today, Chabad people call Dnepropetrovsk the "City of the Rebbe" and Schneerson himself was called "Mashiach" - "Jewish Messiah" at all. His influence is so vast that the Chabad sect has not accepted any new leader since his death, and considers the dead Schneerson the leader of world Zionism.

Menachem-Mendl Schneerson considered the territory of present-day Ukraine to be “truly Jewish”, that is, Khazar, and proclaimed the goal of restoring Khazaria the main goal of global Zionism (in its Hassidic interpretation).

Chabad moved its head office from New York to the city of Dnepropetrovsk, where the world's largest "Jewish Center" was built. The seven-tower, twenty-story "Museum of the History of Judaism and the Jewish Center", built at approximately 60 million dollars, was created with the money of the Jewish Chabad oligarchs mentioned above - on the initiative of Gennady Bogolyubov, president of the Jewish community of Dnepropetrovsk, and Igor Kolomoisky, "President of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine, the European Jewish Union and a member of the Supervisory Board of the Dnepropetrovsk Jewish Community." Both are partners in the international financial concern Privat Group.

It was they who became the organizers of the coup d'état in Ukraine. In addition to continuing the further robbery of Ukraine, the goal of this project is also religious - " raising a throne for mashiach».

Maybe the ultra-talmudist Avigdor Eskin has some ideological discrepancies and a competitive contradiction with Schneerson's chabadniks - “Which of the Jewish sects will lead the “global Zion”?”but n does anyone seriously believe that a Jewish ultranationalist is going to defend the rights of Russians in Ukraine?

This also raises the second natural question - Should we rejoice that an advance detachment of professional Israeli soldiers arrived on the territory of the Russian Donbass in full combat gear?

After all, whatever the Jewish site writes, on the basis of indisputable facts, it turns out that -


Professional military who arrived to kill Bandera from " Little Russian Kyiv goyim"- speaking already on the side of Novorossia.

The Aliya Battalion has extensive combat experience and special sniper training. By recognition of the battalion commander Roman Ratner , They " worked in Gaza».

It turns out that snipers will again kill "bad stupid goyim." Like on the "Maidan" ...

However, I have no doubt that some - even if most of the arrived Jewish fighters really sincerely oppose the Jewish Bandera junta.As the same “jewishfront” wrote - “ Battalion "Aliya" entered the war against the junta for the honor of the Jewish people". So let the highly professional military who arrived, who studied the tactics of warfare in "Israel" guerrilla war, will be engaged in the elimination of the leaders of the Khazar junta - the organizers, ideologists and sponsors (see the list above).

After all, it is they, like their foreign co-bloods:

- specially brought to the "Maidan" to put a "bloody mark on Ukraine" ;
- the granddaughter of a crazy syphilitic who handed out $ 5 billion along with pies "for the Euromaidan",
- cynical liar J. Kerry, etc.

It was they who, together, provoked the massacre on the Russian Outskirts.

And if the fighters of the "Israeli battalion of Aliya" are able to neutralize these Jewish scum - honor and praise be to them.

But to allow them to liquidate the “gentiles” or teach the Russians of Novorossiya who have not lost their identity to kill the Russians of Little Russia - in the person of the “Ukrainians” who have lost their national identity - at a time when the Khazars who seized power in Kiev for money or under the threat of prisons and executions are persecuting the “Russians Ukrainians” to kill “Russians - Russians” ... this is some "Hell and Israel" .


Therefore, let's get our lost sheep - from crazy "Bandera" and war criminals from the Outskirts Air Force, to conscripts driven under the threat of execution into the army - the Russians will rein in themselves.

Demand the Kremlin to provide a no-fly zone over Novorossia!

Get up, Russia! Get up Russians!

Don't expect Jewish ideologists, "Israeli fighters" and their native oligarchs to "help" us!

Pick up a weapon of self-defense! All for the defense of Donbass!
