Russneft owner Mikhail Gutseriev. Mikhail Gutseriev

On March 26, in the Moscow restaurant Safisa, the famous Russian billionaire Mikhail Gutseriev married his son.

The chosen one of Gutseriev Jr. was Khadija Uzhahova from Ingushetia, a student at the Evdokimov Moscow Medical and Dental University.

Khadija Uzhakhova

The celebration was held on a grand scale and luxury.

So, the bride's dress was ordered in France - from Ellie Saab. It weighs 25 kilograms. Its value is not disclosed, but it is a sum with six zeros.

The guests were entertained by world superstars: Jennifer Lopez, Elton John, Sting, Patricia Kass, Enrique Iglesias, Beyonce and others.

The performance of Jennifer Lopez cost the Gutseriev family one million euros. Sting received one and a half million euros, and Enrique Iglesias sang at the wedding of a billionaire for 500 thousand euros.

It turned out to be the cheapest of the stars - the Primadonna took the stage for 300 thousand euros.

Beyonce, Iglesias, Lopez at the wedding of the son of billionaire Gutseriev

Enrique Iglesias and other stars at the wedding of the son of the oligarch Gutseriev

The host was the People's Artist of Ingushetia Tamara Yandieva.

In total, about 600 people attended the ceremony. Organized the celebration Russian company"ARS" by Igor Krutoy.

Gutseriev personally met the guests, and when he saw them off, he handed each one a package with gifts.

Recall that Mikhail Safarbekovich Gutseriev became famous not only for his billions, but also for his authorial talent - he wrote many texts of famous hits. In addition, Gutseriev owns popular radio stations.

Gutseriev is the main shareholder of Russneft, co-owner of the Bin group (together with his brother Sait-Salam Gutseriev and nephew Mikail Shishkhanov). His interests include banks, construction, real estate, pension funds, and investments. In the ranking richest businessmen Russia for Forbes versions Gutseriev occupies the 16th position with a capital of $5.9 billion.

Photos of the wedding began to appear on the instagrams of the guests on Saturday. The pictures were accompanied by the hashtag #Wedding of the Gutserievs, thanks to which anyone could see how the billionaires were having fun. The main hall of the Safisa restaurant, where the ceremony took place, was almost buried in white roses. To match the interior had to

bride's dress: the crystals on it weighed about 25 kilograms,

and the train was so long that several people had to carry it.

But the appearance of the top stars of American show business in the restaurant caused the greatest resonance. They came to congratulate the Gutserievs, and.

In addition, a French singer sang at the celebration.

The media also wrote that Beyoncé should also appear at the wedding, but they were not seen among the invited stars. For the "patriotic" listener, a favorite of several generations was invited to the celebration, who performed her classic "Love, like a dream" and "Without me, you, my beloved."

Among the 600 invited to this wedding were officials: the President of Ingushetia, Yunus-Bek, in his instagram(the link to his account is located on the official site Republic of Ingushetia) said that he also "at the invitation of Mikhail attended the wedding of his son Said, who married Khadija." “Young people from good and respected families... The wedding was very beautiful, it had kindness and hospitality, the hosts did everything to ensure that our traditions and customs were respected, with all my heart I wished the newlyweds peace and goodness, many children and, of course, respect for their parents," Yevkurov said.

The exact cost of the wedding is unknown (an amount of € 10 million is called),

however, the fees to the stars have already become the property of the media: Sting allegedly received € 1.5 million for the performance, Jennifer Lopez - € 1 million, Enrique Iglesias - € 500 thousand, and Alla Pugacheva - € 300 thousand. she received is unknown.

— Alexander Bekker (@bekker188)

Mikhail Gutseriev was born ninth March 1958 years in Astana - the capital of Kazakhstan. Possessing valuable economic knowledge, he became an Honored Economist Russian Federation, engages in entrepreneurship, managing large-scale companies RussNeft, Binbank, Safmar writes poems and songs.

Biography of Gutseriev Mikhail Safarbekovich

Mikhail Gutseriev belongs to an unknown poor family of the Gutserievs. Eight siblings surrounded the future entrepreneur as a child. The younger one became a dollar millionaire, a deputy of the State Duma.

Businessman Said-Salam Gutseriev

Gutseriev shared a family legend. Mikhail's grandfather Saad went to Georgia from the Tver region in the hope of finding happiness at the age of nine. He received a police profession, becoming a successful entrepreneur.

Saad Gutseriev

Mikhail Gutseriev considers it his duty to give gifts when visiting his parents' house. Parents should think that the child is doing well.

Thirteen-year-old Misha received his first earnings for selling postcards at the Tselinograd market, having moved with his family to the city of Grozny. Colorful polished pictures were pasted on plywood and sold. Mikhail studied at the twenty-third school. Second World War brought severe destruction: the school turned into ruins.

1975- Gutseriev receives a secondary education, gets a job as a loader.

1976- Moves to Kazakhstan to get a higher education as a chemist-technologist at a technological university at the evening department. During the day, Mikhail worked as a weaver in a garment factory, in the future - as a shop manager. The surrounding people, colleagues and friends admired Gutseriev's perseverance.

1982- He graduated from the university and returned to his family in Grozny. Arriving at home, I saw an ad at the bus stop public transport about recruiting to the association of folk crafts - creating useful things with the help of improvised materials. Mikhail got a job there, completely surrendering to the cause.

1985 - He was promoted. After which he became the general director of the organization in the Soviet Union.

2005- Mikhail restores the memorial building.


1988 he was remembered for the achievement of financial success by the entire Gutseriev family. Dzhokhar Dudayev governs the country, sweeps away Chechen enterprises. Mikhail moves to Moscow and registers his own business.

“I packed my things and went to Moscow,” the future entrepreneur narrated. - Colorful business cards of the future company were created on the first day. With the last money, an expensive car was bought. The wife stayed at home and took calls. For the future, a loan was taken.

The time to build a business has begun. Mikhail Gutseriev managed companies BinBank and Chiital(furniture business), was engaged in the sale of precious stones, oil. The trade went well.

1994- Mikhail Gutseriev cooperates with three airports, supplying oil products. Buys the first plane.

1995 - Company "BIN", owned by Mikhail, controls the offshore-free territory of the Ingush state, exempt from tax benefits. The number of company registrations for the two-year work is three million.

Gutseriev in politics

1995- Gutseriev joins the Liberal Democratic Party, becoming interested in politics. He holds the position of vice-speaker, resolves issues on the territory of Chechnya. The political activity of Gutseriev did not bring historical innovations.

“I did not seek to change the country,” said Mikhail Gutseriev. “Engaging in political activity is a necessary measure to save entrepreneurship.”

Mikhail helped those in need, tried to listen to everyone. He paid for the operations of seriously ill patients with his own savings.

Gutseriev Mikhail and

The situation with RussNeft

2000. - Gutseriev - President of the company Slavneft. Khamzat, Mikhail's older brother, worked in the Ministry of the Interior and had an excellent reputation. He made the decision to run for president. The younger brother supported the idea of ​​a relative.

Khamzat maintained his reputation, tried to increase trust Putin to his own person, however, he was appointed to the post of board. The choice is justified by the search for a reliable and understanding person who is able to manage a dangerous area. The current situation did not affect the decision of the older brother: he was going to the polls. Influential people begged the younger brother to influence the situation. Michael threw up his hands.

“Kazakh residents have traditions and customs,” explained Mikhail Gutseriev. - The younger brother is not a decree to the elder. I'm just a businessman."

May 2002 - removal of Gutseriev from office. The reason is the unsuccessful election of a brother. Entrepreneur starts a company RussNeft.

Mikhail Gutseriev - head of the company<Русснефть>

2007 - The Investigative Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs accuses Mikhail of illegal activities. Gutseriev leaves for England, becoming the owner of radio channels and 70% of the shares. Three years later, in 2010 charges were dropped from him, after which the businessman returns to his homeland, becoming the full owner of RussNeft.

Awards and prizes

Music Awards:

  • sixty Songs of the Year awards;
  • "Poet of the Year";
  • five Golden Gramophone awards;
  • thirty-three Chanson of the Year awards;
  • "Radio Station" for his contribution to the creation of radio broadcasts.

Soviet Union Award:

  • Order of the USSR ("Badge of Honor");
  • two medals for diligence.

President of OAO NK "RussNeft"

Awards given by the Russian Federation;

  • award for cooperation with foreign entrepreneurs;
  • broadcasting contribution award;
  • award for the preservation of the history and culture of the Russian Federation;
  • four awards for fulfilling secret orders of the President of the Russian Federation;
  • Title of Honored Economist of the Russian Federation.

Gutseriev's personal life and hobbies

Mikhail Gutseriev - member big family consisting of parents and nine children. Two brothers and nephews have achieved tremendous success.

Gutseriev Sait-Slam Safarbekovich - dollar millionaire, works in the State Duma.

Gutseriev Khamzat Safarbekovich- Deputy Director of Mospromstroy. Former member of the State Duma.

Mikail Shishkhanov Osmanovich- businessman, owner of "BinBank".

Mikhail Gutseriev created a family with a girl unknown to anyone. The wife gave birth to two sons and a daughter. However, in 2007 his son Chirgiz gets into a fatal car accident.

March 26, 2016 the wedding of Said, the second son, with Khadizha Uzhakhova took place. After a long search, a worthy bride was found. The girl is not from a prestigious, poor family. She studies at the university in the dental department.

The celebration received the title of "Wedding of the Year". Weight wedding dress- twenty-five kilograms. The guests were entertained by foreign artists and actresses. The amount of the fee is three million euros.

Gutseriev today

2016 - Mikhail Gutseriev buys Eldorado (four hundred million rubles) and M-Video (seven hundred million rubles) companies, becoming interested in electrical appliances. Samfir merged with a seven millionth company and gained popularity in cult stores: Magnit, Pyaterochka.

2017 - Mikhail Gutseriev creates a studio for creating songs based on his own poems. Investments - seven billion dollars. The sequence of actions is as follows:

Mikhail Gutseriev writes poetry.

The team together with the owner record the accompaniment.

An artist is invited to record a song and a video.

Artists are invited free of charge. The price of the clip is one and a half million rubles. It is paid by Mikhail Gutseriev at his expense.

In 1981 he graduated from the evening department of the Dzhambul Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry with a degree in Chemical Engineering. In 1996 he completed postgraduate studies at the St. Petersburg Law Institute. Graduated from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation with a degree in Banks and Banking. Candidate legal sciences. Doctor of Economic Sciences.

Mikhail Gutseriev was born on March 9, 1958 in a large Ingush family, which in 1944 was repressed and deported to Kazakhstan. After rehabilitation, the family moved to Grozny. In the city of Grozny, Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, he graduated high school No. 23, which was completely destroyed during Chechen war, and in 2005 it was rebuilt at the expense of Gutseriev.

In 1975 he began labor activity loader (warehouse worker) at the Grozny Gorplodovoshtorg enterprise. Since 1976, he worked as a silk-screen printing workshop at the factory of folk art crafts in Dzhambul, Kazakh SSR, then until 1982, as a sewing workshop foreman at the same factory. At the same time, he studied at the evening department of the Faculty of Chemistry and Technology of the Dzhambul Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry with a degree in Leather and Fur Technology.

Since 1982, he worked at the Grozny Production Association of the Ministry of Local Industry of the RSFSR, where in 4 years he went from a process engineer to the general director of the association, becoming the youngest general director among the heads of industrial enterprises in the USSR. In 1988, he created the first Russian-Italian joint venture in the North Caucasus - the Chiital furniture factory. Mikhail Gutseriev was a pioneer of private banking in the USSR: in the same 1988, he founded one of the first cooperative banks in the country, Kavkaz. In 1991, he was elected chairman of the Association of Entrepreneurs of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

In 1992, when Dudayev came to power, he was forced to leave all business and move to Moscow, where he created the BIN industrial and financial company (Bank of Investments and Innovations), which united industrial enterprises, trading companies and financial institutions. In 1993, he founded and headed JSCB "BIN", which today is one of the 30 leading commercial banks in Russia. In 1994, by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, he was appointed head of the administration of the economic favored zone "Ingushetia".

In 1995 he graduated from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation with a degree in Finance and Credit. Later he graduated from the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin with a degree in Engineering and Technology of Oil and Gas Business, St. Petersburg Law Institute with a degree in Civil Law, postgraduate studies there with a specialization in Criminal Procedure economic academy. Plekhanov with a degree in Free Economic Zones. He has a doctorate in economic sciences and a candidate of legal sciences.

From 1995 to 2000, he was a member of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, and served as Deputy Chairman of the State Duma. From 2000 to 2001 - President of the State Russian-Belarusian Company Slavneft. In September 2002, he created and headed OAO NK RussNeft.

In the 2010s, Mikhail Gutseriev became a key player in the Russian broadcasting market. His media holding includes Radio Shanson, Love Radio, Radio Dacha, Radio Russian Hit, Vostok FM, Vesna FM, Taxi FM and Bridge Media, one of the leading television holdings of the country, including a number of popular music TV channels.

Mikhail Gutseriev is one of the largest philanthropists in the world. At the expense of Gutseriev and the companies he manages, dozens of social facilities were built, including universities, hospitals, orphanages, religious and other facilities both in Russia and abroad.

Mikhail Gutseriev - author of monographs and series scientific publications on the development of free economic zones and offshore business in Russia. Candidate master of sports in decathlon. Since childhood, he has been studying music (violin, piano). He was awarded many state, public, confessional, industry awards and titles, including two Orders of Honor, the Order of Friendship, the title of Honored Economist of Russia, and others. Streets in Grozny and the village of Goity in the Chechen Republic are named after him.

An amazingly versatile person - Gutseriev Mikhail Safarbekovich - is known not only as a successful businessman, but also as the author of poems, which became the basis for numerous pop hits. His life is also notable for the fact that he owes all his achievements only to his own diligence and talents.

Childhood and family

Mikhail Gutseriev was born in distant Akmolinsk in the Kazakh SSR. This happened on March 9, 1958. His the large family was forced to move from her native Ingushetia to Kazakhstan due to repression and deportation at the end of World War II. When Mikhail was 3 years old, they were able to return to historical homeland. And he received a certificate already in Grozny. In addition to general education, Misha also graduated from a music school in the violin class.

From an early age, he was characterized by activity and enterprise, as well as a gentle, poetic soul. Since childhood, Mikhail was very fond of reading, in their family there was good library. In addition, he went to the book depository near the school every day. In his childhood alone, according to him, he read more than 1000 books.

The beginning of the working biography

After school, at the age of 17, Gutseriev Mikhail began to work. At first it was the position of a loader at a fruit and vegetable base. In 1976, he decides to go to work in the Dzhambul region, where he enters the factory of folk art crafts as a roller driver. Quite quickly, he becomes a sewing workshop master at the same enterprise. At the same time, Mikhail studies in the evenings at the Institute of Chemical Technology. In 1982, having received a diploma in the specialty "Technology of fur and leather", he returned to Ingushetia.

Grozny period

In Grozny, Mikhail Gutseriev gets a job at the production company of the Ministry of Local Industry. At first he works as a process engineer, but quickly moves on career ladder. For 6 years he has grown to the position of CEO of the company. In 1988, Gutseriev, taking advantage of the changes that had come, opened his first own enterprise, the Chiital furniture factory, which, together with Italian partners, produced scarce products.

He also decides to open the first cooperative bank in the Chechen Republic. In 1991, the man is already an authoritative businessman in the region. He is elected to the post of chairman of the Association of Entrepreneurs of the Republic. In 1992, D. Dudayev came to power in the Chechen-Ingush Republic, in connection with which Gutseriev was forced to hastily leave his homeland, taking a minimum of things. He goes to Moscow.

Moscow period

In the capital, Mikhail Gutseriev, whose biography is now connected with the world of big money, creates an industrial and financial company "Bank of Investments and Innovations" - BIN. The company brought together various industrial, financial and manufacturing enterprises. The following year, Gutseriev opens a commercial bank under the same name and becomes its president. And today this financial institution is one of the largest in Russia. Included in the TOP-30 domestic banks. In 1994, Gutseriev was appointed head of the administration of Russia's first free economic zone.


In 1995, Gutseriev graduated from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. Later he receives a diploma from the Russian state university oil and gas specialization "Technique and technology of oil business". He also successfully graduated from the St. Petersburg Law Institute, having mastered civil affairs within its walls.

All four higher education Gutseriev are connected with various stages of his activity. In addition, he defended his Ph.D. thesis in jurisprudence and became a doctor of economic sciences, having written a paper on the specialization "Free Economic Zones". Mikhail Safarbekovich's craving for science was embodied in a number of scientific articles and five monographs.

Political activity

In 1995, Mikhail Gutseriev, whose photo could now be found in articles about the richest people in the country, enters politics. He is elected to State Duma on the lists of the LDPR party, where he becomes deputy chairman. In 1996, he acted as a confidant in the presidential candidate Vladimir Zhirinovsky. In the next elections to the Duma, Gutseriev refused to be included in the lists of the Liberal Democratic Party. He wins the election as an independent candidate. But a year later, he refuses his deputy mandate in connection with his election as president of the Slavneft oil company.


Mikhail Gutseriev, whose fortune is estimated at almost a billion dollars, entered the oil business in 2000. After working for two years at Slavneft, he creates his own enterprise, Russneft. For two years, Gutseriv was able to bring her to a leading position in this industry. It is one of the ten largest traders of "black gold" in Russia. In 2007, a campaign called "the Russneft case" began. Gutseriev stated that powerful pressure was put on him in order to take away the business. He was charged with receiving illegal income on an especially large scale. Similar conclusions were made in relation to several of Gutseriev's partners.

In August, the Investigative Committee issues a sanction for the absentee arrest of the businessman, but he is already in the UK. He was forced to hastily sell the oil company to Oleg Deripaska. For three years, the struggle continued in the courts and in government offices. In 2010, Mikhail Gutseriev managed to regain 100% control over RussNeft and clear himself of all charges. For some time, he sold business shares to various companies, including Sberbank. However, since 2013, he again became the sole owner of Russneft. In 2015, it unites two of its energy companies: Russneft and Neftis. And he becomes the strategic manager of this largest consortium.

Business diversification

In addition to the fuel and energy industry, Gutseriev's interests extend to many other profitable areas of the economy. So, he is one of the largest owners of commercial real estate in the center of Moscow. Gutseriev and his family members are also involved in various business areas: construction, real estate, insurance, finance. His company is actively involved in home improvement. For example, she participated in the construction of several Olympic facilities in Sochi. The Gutseriev clan owns a whole network of hotels and shopping centers. The joint capital of Mikhail and his relatives is estimated by Forbes magazine at $3.85 billion.

Media tycoon Mikhail Gutseriev

The entrepreneur is constantly looking for areas of application of his strength and capital. Therefore, his eyes could not help but dwell on such a profitable and interesting industry as the media. In 2010, Mikhail Gutseriev begins a massive attack on the radio market. In 2012, after difficult negotiations, he buys from Alexander Lebedev two radio stations, Prosto Radio and Good Songs. Subsequently, they were transformed into "Spring FM" and "Vostok FM". In 2013, Gutseriev acquires 75% of the media holding of Igor Krutoy, who owned the Radio Dacha, Love Radio and Taxi FM stations.

Gutseriev left the formats of new radio stations unchanged. In 2013, the entrepreneur buys the Finam FM station, and a little later, RU.FM, which was transformed into Radio Gvorit Moscow. These acquisitions have made Mikhail Safarbekovich the largest player in the broadcasting market. Today, his Izyum holding occupies second place in this industry after the Gazprom Media concern. In 2015, Gutseriev acquires the Radio Chanson station.

good deeds

In addition to his entrepreneurial successes, Gutseriev is known as a philanthropist. His companies are actively involved in many charitable projects. In 2004, Mikhail Safarbekovich became one of the key negotiators with the terrorists who seized the school in Beslan. In 2005, at his own expense, he rebuilt the destroyed in Grozny home school. In 2006, Russneft, together with Moscow State University, opened a corporate university, the Higher School of Innovative Business.

Among the most famous projects in which Gutseriev took an active financial part, the following can be noted: the construction of churches in Udmurtia, Belarus, Izhevsk, Kaliningrad, Novosibirsk. Moreover, he helps Orthodox, Muslim, and Jewish communities. Gutseriev's companies also repeatedly provided assistance medical organizations, buying the necessary equipment, resuscitation vehicles, vehicles. They help organize treatment for those in need abroad. The Safmar Fund, established by RussNeft, is systematically engaged in supporting various socially significant projects.

creative life

Another unexpected facet of the personality of a successful entrepreneur is his poetry. The family of Mikhail Gutseriev notes that he wrote from his youth, but never attached serious importance to this, did not try to publish. Until, in the early 2000s, his works were suddenly set to music. So the compositions "Two Lives" and "Judgment Day" appeared. And after that, the poems began to live an independent life. In total, Gutseriev has written about 700 poems to date, of which only a small part have become songs. But almost every song becomes a hit.

The secret of such success lies in the heartfelt texts. Gutseriev's poems make the audience experience, touch the listeners with their sincerity and depth. Among the composers who write songs to the verses of Mikhail Safarbekovich are the names of the best pop musicians: Kim Breitburg, Viktor Drobysh, Sergei Revtov, Max Pokrovsky. The best singers of Russia consider it an honor and pleasure to perform his songs: Nikolai Baskov, Philip Kirkorov, Valeria, Iosif Kobzon, Grigory Leps and many others.


For my entrepreneurial activity Mikhail Safarbekovich was repeatedly awarded, including the Order of Friendship and the "Badge of Honor", medals "For Labor Valour". His work was marked by a diploma of the President of the Russian Federation. Gutseriev also has a huge number of various awards, awards from Orthodox Church. A separate part of his achievements are diplomas for songwriting. Among them are numerous diplomas "Songs of the Year" and "Golden Gramophone", awards "Poet of the Year".

Personal life

The entrepreneur took place in family life. The wife of Mikhail Gutseriev has been married to him for over 40 years. The couple had three children. The eldest son, Genghis, died at the age of 22 in a car accident. It happened in 2007. Mikhail at that time was wanted and could not come to Russia for his son's funeral. Therefore, the body was transported to Azerbaijan, where the farewell of the father and son took place. Today, the children of Gutseriev Mikhail Safarbekovich - a son and a daughter - are the heirs of his empire. In May 2016, he married the youngest offspring Said on a grand scale. The Russian and world press wrote about the luxury of the celebration for a long time.
