About the day of the native school. Congratulations to the school on its anniversary in prose

My school

Everything important in the fate of a person begins with school. What you will be in school years, so you will become in later life. I study at a wonderful school number 1 in the city of Abakan. I am sure that this particular school will be able to educate and teach. In my school the most the best teachers. I think that not every person can let a child into his heart, give him love, care and kindness.

The school where I study is seventy years old. But it seems to me that none new school cannot convey such kindness and warmth that radiate from the walls of my school, which for years has kept the bells of change, the loud exclamations and laughter of students, the strict but correct instructions of teachers ...

I like my school. My older brother also studied there. When I was little, I often went with my brother to school on various holidays and with trepidation, entering this temple of science, I looked at its high vaults. I knew for sure that I would come here again in a few years, only with a briefcase on my shoulders. It all happened. Now I have been studying at school for seven years, and I really fell in love with her and, of course, the teachers. But the school gives not only knowledge. It provides an indispensable life experience. She prepares us for a new interesting life. As a caring and kind mother, she gives all the most valuable that she has, without demanding anything in return.

I love my school and I am glad that I study in it. Here I discovered my inner world, I knew my inner "I". School is my second home, and every time I come here with a smile and a good mood.
At the school are better years my our life - youth. And I give part of it to my school. I'm glad that my youth is spent here!

When on a gloomy autumn day
The first time I went to school
Warmth enveloped me
Like a burning fire.

I walked slowly down the hall.
I was unfamiliar with everything.
Now I know my school
And every corner of it.

And along the familiar corridors
I usually go to class
And despite all the talk
I am happy to go every time.

And though now I know everything
But on a gloomy day, like the first time.
The school will warm me with warmth ...
And I will enter a familiar class.

Irina STARIKOVA, 7 class A

School where you want to study

For me, school is my second home. Here we communicate, consult and grow up. For many, school is more than just education. No wonder adults say that school years are best time their lives.
Even in childhood, a person decides who to be, what profession to choose. At school, character is formed, our attitude to the world around us is formed, here we are taught to think logically. The more a person learns, the more he understands himself, the environment, loved ones.

I would compare a school with a huge library, which contains all the knowledge, you just need to want and reach out.
What is the school where I want to study? A difficult question that makes you think about a lot. School is an integral part of life, so children should feel good and comfortable in it. It should be light, airy, thought-provoking.
It does not matter how the school looks outside and inside, the main thing is that we, the students, like the teachers.
School is not just a building. This is the world we live in. Every brick of this universe is important. Pull one out and it all falls apart like a house of cards. Therefore, the school must be united and cohesive.

Alena KAPCHEGASHEVA, 8th grade D

School of my dream

A person spends the most important years of his life in school. It is here that he finds true friends, is determined in the choice of his hobbies, for the first time encounters life's difficulties and rejoices in his first victories. The school remains for a long time in the heart of every person a bright stage in the life path.

I am lucky because I study in a wonderful first school. For nine years now, every morning I open the school doors with pleasure and plunge into the motley, noisy, screaming world. This is a special world of students and teachers, in which everyone is in a hurry somewhere. I feel how, having crossed the school threshold, I find myself in this stream and swim, observing my direction. The feeling that I am a small part of a large organism, which is called SCHOOL, does not leave me.

I love everything about my school! I like narrow stairs, round wooden railings, bright classrooms, but most of all - people. We have wonderful teachers! They do not just conduct lessons, everyone tries to interest in their subject. All together and each teacher separately teaches us not only to write formulas, prove theorems, write down chemical reactions, thanks to our teachers, we comprehend the most important science: to be honest, kind, to communicate skillfully, to be truly friends.
And if someone says that there are more modern, more comfortable schools in the city of Abakan, I will not argue. Eat. But if they ask me: "What is your dream school like?" I will proudly answer: "This is my native school number 1."


Choose poems about the class and classmates, as well as poems about the school and teachers and tell them on the holiday of September 1st. May the light muse of poetry inspire you and all your friends to achieve even greater heights in the new academic year.

Poems about a friendly class are useful not only for school holidays. You can read them at any time, on your own or with friends. They will cheer you up, teach you to appreciate the strong friendship that is born in school years. Well, if you want to laugh heartily, choose funny poems about school that I have selected for you.

Beautiful poems about school

Favorite school

How I love school, mom!
In the morning noisy crowd
We come to the class the most-most ...
This class is mine.
There is no better school in the world:
It's cozy and warm here.
And with our teacher
We, I confess, were lucky.
Doesn't swear angrily
Even if he puts "two",
And show businesslike
Where is the mistake, to us.
Let there be many lessons at school
We'll win, no problem!
Start at the threshold
Our school years...

(A. Gavryushkin)


You opened the doors to a great life for us,
You taught us not only the alphabet.
Teacher! We love you, we believe in you!
We have received lessons of kindness!
Our journey through life has just begun
Thank you - it started the way it should.
We wish you health and good luck,
Students - good and obedient!

(N. Ivanova)

Hello school!

The cheerful bell will ring,
And the notebook will open.
Here comes the school Here comes the school
He calls us again.
Somewhere your favorite ball is sleeping
Everyone is a student again.
The problem solver smiles,
And the diary is waiting for five.
We don't go fishing.
The call is pouring.
Goodbye jump rope
Forest, clearing, stream.
Behind the back is a new satchel,
There are five lessons ahead.
Hello school, hello school!
No more time to play!

(N. Knushevitskaya)


School to educational
year sparkled -
The windows were shining
looking east.
New painting on
gym walls,
In the assembly hall curtain -
The school thought
"Oh, how I like
Live in silence
without worries and worries!
Sorry it's not long
I will be beautiful
Soon hundreds of feet will trample me.
The calls are buzzing again
like bees,
Will pour again
speech flows...
How tiring if you -
Or Gymnasium
or Lyceum.
Here is September.
On a familiar road
School bear
behind a bouquet a bouquet -
Any heart
will not survive, will tremble.
The school nodded to the children:
So many pleasant
surprises at the door!
My bow to you, young minds.
How did you miss
I'm for fun!
Well, did you grumble? I'm getting old, alas.

(G. Ilyina)


The autumn miracle happens in childhood.
Everything that is located
with us in the neighborhood,
in autumn it seems a little less:
a little shorter way to school,
the straps of the satchel will cover tighter,
the desks are tighter and the classes are narrower,
in the sports hall - the shells are lower,
books on high shelves closer,
Summer is slipping away...
Only trees grow
together with us.

(G. Lyakhovitskaya)


Did you hear the good news?
I'll be exactly six soon!
And if a person is six,
And he has notebooks
And there is a satchel, and there is a form,
And counting sticks do not count,
And he tries to read
That means he (or rather, I),
That means he (or rather, I),
He's going to school!

(I. Tokmakova)

Poems about the native school and the first bell

September holiday

Every year the bell is cheerful
Brings us together.
Hello, autumn! Hello school!
Hello our favorite class.
Let us feel sorry for the summer a little -
We will not be sad in vain.
Hello, road to knowledge!
Hello September holiday!

(V. Stepanov)

Hello school!

Hello school! Autumn again.
The class is calling again.
We will ask teachers
Take us to the world of knowledge.
We rested over the summer
Grow up, gain strength.
- Children, are you ready for school? -
Our teacher asked us.
We came to school today
To learn how to live
Be home helpers
Cherish friendship.
We cannot live without knowledge
We really need them.
We will be useful to people
We are the masters of the Earth!
So that over our planet
The sun always shone
So that children always laugh
We've come to you, teacher!


The Day of Knowledge

The day has come. Calls, call!
Begin, school year,
Year of dreams and discoveries,
A sad year and a magical year!
How the familiar class shines!
Everything seems to be normal, just
Only every school month
Raises many questions.
We wish to leave with honor
From difficult trials
Lots of good news
May good luck be with you!
Fulfillment of dreams
And many good friends
And in the vast sea of ​​knowledge
Find your way!

(Irina Aseeva)

Poems about school and first graders

August 31

Mom, and dad, and I are worried,
Our family is worried all evening.
Everything is ready for a long time - both the form and the bow.
And miracle flowers adorn the sideboard.
And mom is confused: “Is everything all right?” -
And again on the form ironed the folds.
And dad forgot completely from excitement -
To the cat, instead of porridge, he thumped jam.
I also worry, and even tremble,
I go for mom and dad all evening:
“Set an alarm so we don’t oversleep.
For six hours or better for five.
My mother told me: “Don’t be naive -
I think how to sleep tonight!
After all, tomorrow you will go to school for the first time.
Everything is changing tomorrow in our lives.”

(V. Kodryan)

What awaits me at school

The party is waiting for me, firstly,
Waiting for lessons
Friends are waiting.
Will be at school not to laziness,
There I am in a new country
Affairs and knowledge and skills
I will start the journey.
Waiting for nature - forest and field!
After all, we will go hiking more than once ...
Fives are waiting for me at school
The whole first class is waiting for me!


What is a school

School is a bright house
We will study in it.
There we learn to write
Add and multiply.
We learn a lot at school.
About your favorite land
About mountains and oceans
About continents and countries;
And where the rivers flow
And what were the Greeks
And what are the seas
And how the earth spins.
The school has workshops...
Interesting things to count!
And the call is fun.
That's what "school" means!

(L. Arsenova)

To school

Yellow leaves are flying
The day is merry.
Leading a kindergarten
Kids to school.
Our flowers have bloomed
The birds are flying.
- you go for the first time
to study in the first grade.
sad dolls sit
On an empty terrace.
Our fun kindergarten
Remember in class.
Remember the garden
A river in the far field...
We are also in a year
We will be with you at school.
The suburban train has departed,
Rushing past the windows ...
- They promised well
the best way to learn!

(Z. Aleksandrova)


Washed windows
The school smiles
sun bunnies
On the faces of the guys.
After a long summer
Friends are here
Gathering in flocks
They make happy noises.

To moms, dads huddle -
These are first graders.
They wait anxiously
Your first call.
Here he called
Gathering into classes
And the school went quiet
The lesson has begun.

(V. Rudenko)

Funny poems about school and students

Revenge of the loser

I will study for many years
Don't yawn and don't be lazy
Do not hide in the silence of the night
Above the notebooks of the eyes,
So that, after completing the training course,
Get a medical degree
Make a stern face
And send an email:
"Citizen head teacher,
Come to the injections!

(I. Bad)


Similar textbooks to bricks
Size, shape and weight.
To those who decide to get a certificate,
It is desirable to be Hercules.
I can pull myself up many times
I've been charging since morning.
But the school bag bends in an arc,
It's like I'm going on a hike.
I won't leave my bag, mind you!
This is out of the question.
I will become a scientist and find a way
How to make textbooks easier.

(A. Starikov)

On the control

The problem is not solved -
even kill!
Think think head
hurry up!
Think, think, head
I'll give you candy
On my birthday I will give
New beret.
Think think -
for ever I ask!
I will wash you with soap!
Comb it!
We are with you
Not strangers to each other.
Help out!
And then how ladies on top!

(M. Boroditskaya)

If you start right away
Only get fives -
Houses will get used to them soon
And they won't notice.
Therefore, turn on your brains:
Get a couple of twos
Mom will be angry
But do not argue, but shut up.
And then again
You can get five
Mom will certainly
Kiss and hug.
Take a sneak peek at her
And moan, sit, moan,
Hint: these fives -
Oh, they are not easy!

(O. Bundur)

Half marks

I was walking from school
Slowly slowly,
Everyone came up with excuses.
Carried a four
By nature,
And in Russian -
Half four.

(R. Aldonina)


I am Volodya's marks
I know without a diary.
If a brother comes
With a trio
There are three calls.
If suddenly we have
In the apartment
The ringing starts
So five
or four
He received today.
If he comes
With a deuce
I hear from afar
Two short ones are distributed,
Well, what if
He quietly
There is a knock on the door.

(A. Barto)


Losers are worn
A whole evening from the hill.
And I'm sitting on books
I need fives.
Legs are numb
And the back is cold.
I'd rather retire
Take a well deserved rest.

(A. Givargizov)


And I have a briefcase in my hand
With a heavy deuce in the diary!
And everyone is walking light.

And everyone walks here and there
And just like that, and on business.
And near the house number two
There is a bus number two,
And the steamer from afar
For some reason he gave two beeps ...

And the legs barely drag
And the legs barely drag
And the head went down
Like the head of the number two!

And everyone walks here and there
And just like that, and on business.
And someone sings a song
Someone sells candy
And someone buys...

And I have a briefcase in my hand
With a huge deuce in the diary!
With a heavy deuce in the diary!

And everyone walks light...

(E. Moshkovskaya)


Ant for recess
I went to a noisy school
And froze in amazement
Amazed by the change...

Ant, say a word!
The ant exclaimed:
- Yeees..,
such an anthill
I have never seen!

(V. Levanovsky)

02/03/2018 in MBOU "Mukhamedyarovskaya secondary comprehensive school Mukhamedyarovsky village council of the Kuvandyk district of the Orenburg region ”was the Day of the native school. At the gala evening dedicated to the Day more than 100 people attended the native school. Among them are the anniversary graduations of the school, teachers-veterans Kuvatov Z.S., Karamanova M.G., Diyarova R.M., school directors different years Kuvatov Z.S., Salikhova K.A., head of the administration of the village council Saifullin R.Z., general director of JSC " New way» Salikhov R.R., head country club Zhelyaskova F.Kh., head of the rural library Yu.M. and etc.

Preparations for the evening had been going on long before that day. Invitations were distributed to all graduates of the anniversary editions and sent by mail, telephone communication was established with many graduates, communication was maintained through social media. The most active graduates started collecting their classes and helped with photographic materials.

The stands were updated at the school, an exposition about the history of the school was prepared, an exhibition of works by school graduates (drawings, crafts, albums), an exhibition of school students' drawings on the theme "My native school". In the concert part, the best readers-winners of the reading contest "Wonderful School Years" read poems. These are Salikhova Ramilya, Lukmanova Karina, Khabibulina Regina.
The guests were greeted by the director of the school Abdullina Aiman ​​Urazalovna.
Aiman ​​Urazalovna briefly told the graduates about the school, about how the school lives today - about everyday life and victories of the school.

The graduates and all those present honored the memory of the departed teachers and classmates with a minute of silence.
In the assembly hall for graduates, desks were placed indicating the anniversary year of graduation. Of the anniversary editions, there were those who went into a big life beyond the threshold of their native school 50.45, 40,35,30, 20.15, 10.5 years ago and those who graduated from school in 2017. Competitions were held between classes - Anniversaries . During the evening, the floor was given to graduates who shared with those present memories of school days, favorite lessons, teachers, remembered their favorite dishes in the school canteen and cooks, and paid attention to technical staff. Abdullin Rais Musaevich, a graduate of 1968, warmly spoke about his studies in the old school building. The graduates of 1972 continued his story.

During the evening, a presentation was shown with photographs from different years about the life of the school. Of particular interest were photographs from the rulers near the old school building of the 60s. From the pictures, the graduates present - Anniversaries of 1968, 1973, 1978 looked like little girls and boys.

The whole hall sang along with the young artists the familiar words of the song about school years. From the first minutes of the evening, the song filled the hall with a single emotional mood, full of nostalgia for childhood, memories of the school days that passed within the walls of the native school. The concert program consisted of dances and songs on school theme and folk Tatar songs, which are close to graduates.

The audience was greeted by veteran teacher Diyarova R.M., who was class teacher three editions have anniversaries. Karamanova M.G. and Bikbulatova M.A. spoke about their releases with presentations, where the guests of the evening saw school photos, as well as photos of their families and children.

Graduates of 1973 and 1978 singled out the features of their native school - cohesion, friendly attitude to each other and the upbringing of students and graduates, shared vivid impressions of his childhood.

At the evening, the graduates honored their teachers, now working at the school - Kuvatov Zagidulla Samigullovich, whose work experience at the school is more than 49 years, Karamanova Minziya Gabitovna - her work experience at the school is more than 40 years.

Words of gratitude were expressed to the school for a warm evening full of joyful meetings. It was frost outside the window, and the hall felt spring from the faces flushed with excitement, the multitude of flowers and from the fact that childhood united everyone that evening.
Based on the results of the competitions, the most active classes were selected. Of the most active graduates, Rim Abdulkhakovich Faizov and Reseda Minakhmatovna Salikhova, representatives of the 1973 graduation, were awarded the titles of “King and Queen of the Alumni Meeting Evening”.

There are a lot of solemn and fun dates in the school holiday calendar. Some of them are repeated from year to year, the culprits of other celebrations are only first-graders or graduates. Let's remember the main holidays so as not to forget anything in the everyday bustle. Since the school year is not equal to the calendar year, we will talk about the holidays starting from September.

Farewell to the alphabet (Feast of the primer)

When is celebrated

A mobile holiday that does not have an exact date. Most often occurs in January-February.

The meaning and history of the holiday

This is another purely school holiday, which concerns representatives of only one parallel - first-graders. History is silent when farewell to the primer turned into a real holiday in our schools. It is only known that it has been celebrated for more than a decade. Moreover, in those places where, in addition to Russian, children also learn national languages, they celebrate farewell to both the Russian alphabet and the first textbooks of their native language. So, for example, children from the Crimea, studying in the Crimean Tatar language, say goodbye not only to the alphabet, but also to the elifbe.

As noted in schools

Teachers and parents try to turn parting with the alphabet into an unforgettable and touching event: they put on skits, learn songs, make crafts in the form of letters, arrange tea parties.

What to gift

Children on this day are given useful gifts(colorfully designed dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, puzzles) and, as a rule, leave their first textbook, the ABC, as a keepsake.


When is celebrated

Also a holiday without a specific date, dedicated to the last week before Lent (usually in February - early March).

The meaning and history of the holiday

Shrovetide week in Rus' has long been a time of festivities. The tradition was not interrupted even in Soviet time, just then Shrovetide was called seeing off winter. In the celebration of Maslenitsa, one can see traces of paganism and echoes of ancient rituals, but the joy at the end of winter and the onset of the long-awaited spring is understandable and close in our time.

As noted in schools

Darling folk holiday a long time ago . They do not forget about it in schools, organize festivities, craft competitions, bake pancakes, which have lost their ritual significance in our life and have become just a traditional, but very beloved national dish. Like Christmas, Maslenitsa is celebrated with pleasure by representatives of various peoples of our country.

What to gift

IN Pancake week gifts are usually not given, they are limited to tasty treats.


When is celebrated

In the second half of June, after the end of the exams

The meaning and history of the holiday

One of the oldest holidays among those celebrated in schools. In Russia, graduates celebrated their graduation from educational institutions back in the time of Peter I. Moreover, it was customary to celebrate “going out into the world” widely and with imagination. And this wonderful tradition has not been violated for decades and even centuries. But in 1941, the holiday fell on one of the most tragic days in the history of our country: on June 22, the Great Patriotic War. However, in peaceful years, the custom of a cheerful celebration of the transition to adult life resumed and has not been interrupted for more than seventy years. At the same time, in last years more and more classes decide to forego chic outfits and expensive entertainment, celebrating at their own school and transferring the money saved to various charitable foundations.

As noted in schools

Celebrations and graduation balls are held. On this day, school graduates are awarded certificates, certificates and diplomas and congratulated on an important event in their lives, they wish to enter the selected educational establishments. traditionally begins in the evening and continues until dawn.

What to gift

What to give a child who has graduated from school is a matter of taste and material possibilities of parents. Many decide not to rush and give gifts not at the end of school, but on the occasion of entering the university.
