Folk omens for January for every day. Folk signs and Orthodox holidays of January Monetary signs for the month of January

Folk omens and traditions of January

January is the second month of winter and the first month of the new year. January is the time of the most severe colds and the most cheerful holidays. New Year, Christmas, Old New Year, Epiphany - a lot of signs and beliefs are associated with each of these holidays among the people.

Folk omens for January

January 1, the first day of the new year, traditionally did not work, because it was believed that then the whole year would pass in hard work. At the New Year's auction, the first buyer was given a discount, because it was considered an expensive initiative - it determined commercial success for the whole year.

The first twelve days of the new year, according to folk signs, predicted the weather for all twelve months. Especially knowledgeable people they even paid attention to the mood of each day and noted in which months it was necessary to expect good news, and in which bad.

It was also believed that the longer he stays in the house Christmas tree, the better, and the New Year should be celebrated only in new clothes. On this day, it was necessary to bow native land and remember at the festive table all its defenders who laid down their lives for the well-being of their native land. Saint Voni-Fatiy, whose memory is celebrated on this day, was known as a healer from drunkenness, they prayed to him for deliverance from hard drinking.
Signs January 1

There are many stars in the sky for the New Year - there will be many berries.
If it's warm on New Year's Eve, rye will be good.
What is the first day of January, such is the first day of summer.

On this day, they guarded the house. bowed to him. prayers were served to Ignatius the God-bearer in order to protect the dwelling from any misfortune. Prayer services were also served and icons were carried around the village in procession to protect it from any misfortune. This day was also known as Apple Day. It was supposed to shake frost and snow from the trees to lay the future crop.
Signs January 2

Titmouse chirp - to the cold.

This day got its name because it was believed that by the first days of the new year, half of the winter stocks had already been eaten.
Signs January 3

Snow on the ground - the same manure.
If in January the echo is heard far away, the frosts will grow stronger.

January 4 is celebrated by the people as the day of remembrance of the great martyr Anastasia, who was nicknamed the Desolder, because she served the prisoners imprisoned in dungeons for the faith of Christ, alleviating their suffering. Anastasia was also considered the patroness of women in childbirth.
Signs January 4

What is the weather for Anastasia, so will the month of October.
By the day of Anastasia, the peasants in Rus' tried to complete all the main housework.
Preparation of raw materials for the Christmas table begins.
They stabbed a pig on Anastasia, that is, they spent a fresh one. In the old days they used to say: "Christmas without sausages is like Easter without krashenok."
Anastasia is considered the patroness of pregnant women, they prayed to her that the pregnancy would pass without complications. On this day, with prayers to the Saint, women embroidered a towel, which was supposed to help safely resolve the burden.

Fedul came - the wind blew.

On Christmas Eve on January 6, it was supposed to fast all day, prepare a festive treat and put clothes in order. It was believed that it was impossible to celebrate Christmas in black - to come to the feast in sad clothes. As soon as the first star lights up, it means that Jesus Christ came into the world, and you can start the holiday. On Christmas Eve, they always caroled - boys and girls went from house to house, singing carols and begging the owners for treats and money.
Signs January 6

Winter frolics not in the forest, but on our nose.
If the paths are black - harvest for buckwheat.
The day arrived at the chicken foot.

From January 7 until the very Epiphany, Christmas time begins - holy days associated with the events of the birth of our Lord. During these twelve days, it is customary to have fun, think only about the good and spend time with the family - after all, children are waiting for the holiday more than adults. This is a time of joy, games and fun - there are other days of the year for worries and problems.
Signs January 7

From Christmas until the old New Year, you can not sweep the rubbish from the house.

Babi holiday or the holiday of porridge - this day got its name because mothers considered it their duty to congratulate the midwife who helped with childbirth, show her their child and bring a gift.
Signs January 8

On the feast of cereals, everyone walks with a spoon - a full scoop will not disperse the family.

January 9 was also called the horse holiday. Horses were watered "through silver" - a silver coin was thrown into the bottom of a bucket of water. It was believed that from this the animals become kinder, are not afraid of the dashing eye and enter the mercy of the brownie. The coin that was in the bucket, then so. so that no one saw this, it was necessary to put it in the stable under the manger.
Signs January 9

Clear day, severe frosts - to a good harvest.

Christmas continues. On the eve of this day, stakes were brought to Krasnaya Gorka near the village and driven into the ground. On the day of the household, the whole family came to Krasnaya Gorka, and each tied his piece of paper on his peg and made a wish. These days in Russian houses they liked to gather guests and play a wide variety of games.

It was believed that various evil spirits are especially dangerous on this day, and the object of its attack is children, as the most unprotected members of the family.

On this day, they were preparing to celebrate the New Year according to the old style, which has long been known for the saying: "A pig and a boletus for Vasilyev's evening."

On the night of January 13-14, the Old New Year is celebrated. This day is called Vasily's evening, because the next day the church celebrates the memory of Basil the Great. An indispensable attribute of the holiday is pork dishes, because St. Basil the Great was considered the patron saint of pig breeders. "The beast of a pig is not clean, but God has nothing unclean - Vasily will sanctify the winter!" - said the people.

On this day, it was customary to go to visit your relatives and friends, to congratulate them on the New Year. On Basil the Great, the peasants performed a special ceremony associated with exclaiming wealth and fertility. Peasant children went from house to house and sowed oats, buckwheat, rye on the floor from a sleeve or bag, singing a special sowing song. It was believed that the faster the hostess of the house collects the grain from the floor, the richer the harvest will be. Vasiliev Day divides Christmas time into holy evenings - from January 7 to 14 and terrible evenings - from January 14 to 19.

On that day, sorcerers washed away fever-fever from the houses. There was a belief that the fevers are the thirteen daughters of Herod, who descended after their father into hell. From there, the frost drives them out, and the sisters try to hide in a warm peasant house. In order to drive away evil spirits, a rag was soaked in a solution of Thursday salt (salt that had been stored since Thursday of the seventh week of Great Lent), collected from seven ash stoves and taken from under the Chernobyl on Ivanov's day of earthen coal, and wiped the lintel with it. Only elderly women were engaged in this: the young were not trusted with such an important matter, and men were not allowed to come close at all (it was believed that a man could jinx the rite).
Signs January 15

If a woman trips over a cat on Sylvester, her husband will go on a spree.
Old people say: they don’t cut their hair on Sylvester, otherwise they will run away from the head (to the bald spot).
If a woman becomes pregnant on January 15, she will have a son.

On this day, "Gordey" was celebrated - on this day they recalled sayings about pride, which has long been considered a vice: "To be proud is to be known as stupid", "Satan was proud - he fell from the sky! And we are proud - where are we fit?" spoke among the people.

According to popular belief, on this day it was necessary to sew a thistle into the amulet and wear it around the neck near the cross - to protect against damage and help wanderers.
Signs January 17

The sky is clear with a full moon - to a strong flood.
Snow on Zosima oppresses the branches of trees - in summer the bees will swarm.

According to popular beliefs, the eve of Epiphany, the famous "Epiphany evening-. - the time of rampant evil spirits, which seeks to penetrate the house as a werewolf. To protect the dwelling, crosses are drawn with chalk on all doors and window frames. Do not put a cross on the door on Epiphany Christmas Eve - be in trouble, they thought in the old days. Guessing this evening.
Signs January 18

If in the morning snowing- the bread will be good.
There was snow on the hungry kutya - there will be buckwheat.
If the sky is clear on Epiphany night, there will be a lot of peas.
If the stars are very shining on Epiphany night, the bread will be good.
A full month on Epiphany Christmas Eve - to a big flood.
Dogs bark a lot - there will be a lot of game and animals.

It is believed that on this day the most severe frosts for the whole winter come - Epiphany. They are followed by Afanasiev (January 31), Sretensky (February 15), Vlasevsky (September 24), late Annunciation (April 7) frosts. On this day, there is a procession to the rivers and lakes for the blessing of water, which is called the procession to the Jordan in memory of the baptism of Jesus Christ. The water consecrated on this day is kept all year round, it heals diseases and is able to stop the fire that has begun. It is supposed to plunge into the hole in order to wash away sins, gain health and good luck for the whole year. It was believed that on the Epiphany night, before Matins, the sky opens. What you pray to him will certainly come true.
Signs January 19

Epiphany under a full month - be big water.
If Epiphany frosts are stronger than Christmas ones, the year will be fruitful.
Snow on Epiphany will inflate - bread will arrive.

Whoever buys a cross for the Baptist, the Guardian Angel will rejoice at that.
If a baby is baptized on this day, then John the Baptist himself will stand next to this child during baptism.
Whoever, being unbaptized, dies on the Baptist, his soul will cry and moo for a long time.

On this day, they treated the godfather with the godfather - it was believed that this brings health to the children whom they baptized.
Signs January 21

If on this day there are strong winds from the south, then it will be a formidable summer.
What is the weather on Yemelyan - this is the weather in August.
If it is quiet on Yemelyan (no wind), then the summer will be sunny.

The holidays are over, and after them a lot of household chores have accumulated, which they did on that day. In the evening, they certainly heated the bathhouse in order to wash themselves off the sinful Christmas time.
Signs January 22

To this day, the day was added by one hour, by the speed of a sparrow.
January is the dark dawn of the year.
January puts firewood in the stove.
If the cattle released into the yard rush back to the stall, then it will be cold or snow.
Clear weather on this day promises a good harvest.

The holiday got its name in honor of St. Gregory the Theologian. He lived in the 4th century in Cappadocia and is considered one of the Church Fathers. In Rus', he was called the Summer Indicator because on this day it was possible to predict what the summer would be like - rainy or dry. It was said that if frost fell on the fields, then the summer months would be damp. The wind from the south foreshadowed numerous thunderstorms. Sayings related to this day are also associated with weather forecasts: “Trees in hoarfrost - the sky will be blue”; “The day is frosty with a long hoarfrost - the summer period will be rainy, young rye will bloom in the very rain.”

NAME DAYS: Anatoly, Grigory, Zinovy, Pavel, Peter.

There is a lot of frost on the trees - expect a lot of dew in the summer.
On this day, the very first drop happens.
Wind from the south - to a formidable summer.
A circle around the sun or a month - to frost.
The sun is at noon - spring will be early.
The water in the rivers is decreasing - wait for a dry and hot summer.

If the weather is warm, the spring will be warm.
Fedoseyev's day is warm - spring will be early.
Frosts on Fedoseya are unfavorable for future spring crops. (Hence one of the names of this day - thin frosts.)

It was customary among the people for Tatiana to bake loaves in the form of the sun, inviting the luminary to return to the people as soon as possible. Such loaves were then eaten by the whole family, so that everyone got a piece of solar power and warmth.

If it snows on Tatyana, the summer will be rainy.
The sun will peep on Tatyana early - by the early arrival of birds.

At this time, as a rule, there were severe frosts, so the peasants, yearning for warmth, noticed that day the weather for the coming winter days. Especially a lot of signs on the day of Yermila were associated with a cat.
Signs January 26

The cat lays down belly up and stretches - to warmth.
The cat scratches the wall - bad weather at the gate.
The cat rolls on the floorboards - the heat is knocking on the house.
The cat curled up in a ball - to the frost.
The cat scratches the floor with its claws - it smells a blizzard.

White clouds in winter - to the cold.
On a frosty day it snowed - to warming.
A pillar from the sun at sunset - to frost.
Crow croaks in the morning - to a snowstorm.
Early crowing of roosters in frost - for warmth.

The day for Pavel was already noticeably increasing, which is why the following saying appeared among the people: "Paul was sweating - he dragged the day." A person born on this day put on a linen shirt as a talisman, and put a bunch of linen under his pillow to ward off bad dreams.
Signs January 28

Peter and Paul added a day.
If the wind - the year will be damp.
Starry night - to the flax harvest.
The stars shine strongly - to frost, the stars are dim - to heat.
The stars "play" - to the blizzard.
Clouds appeared from the north - there will be no thaw.
A snowstorm during the day portends frost at night.

Half of the winter food was eaten by domestic animals.
If in barns rye bread more than half left to be harvested.
If there is a broom to the fire, then there will be bread to Peter, and the blue and the bell will bring the bread to an end.

Usually, at this time, the cold recedes and a thaw sets in, only this warmth is deceptive, because severe frosts come after it.
Signs January 30

Perezimnik - will reassure, warm, and then deceive - everything will be pulled together by frost.
Don't trust the warm weather in winter.

According to signs, on this day there are always severe frosts, and a blizzard kisses a person - (freezes, knocks down). Hence one of the names - Athanasius the Clematis, that is, people - break - (freeze) their faces on this day.
Signs January 31

Traditions and signs of February

February is coming - the last winter and shortest month. Among our people, this month was called Fierce, Vyugovey, Snezhen. And the current name came to us from Rome, where February was the last month of the year.

Among the peasants, February was considered the most difficult month - at this time, winter stocks for livestock were gradually coming to an end, and spring was still far away. According to the signs of February, they noted the weather for the whole year, and also predicted what kind of summer it would be - rainy or dry.

Folk omens for February.

On February 1, special attention was paid to the fire in the furnace - so that there would be peace and prosperity in the family. It was necessary to fire up the oven. so that all the logs are taken up at once, so that the mouth of the furnace becomes golden. To do this, the firewood was dried in advance and the torch was plucked. The splint was harvested in winter, and this work was done at this time of the year, because in the cold months the trees fall asleep and there is not as much juice in their trunks as in spring or summer. Birch trees were cut into splinters, sawn into chocks less than a meter long, split them in half, removed the bark and dried for a whole year. If the torch is poorly dried, then it will crack and hiss while burning.
Signs February 1

What is Makar, such is the whole of February.
For the old on Makar - a spoonful of warmth, and for the young - a spoonful of worries.
What is the weather on Macarius the spring indicator, and so is the whole of February.

February is the month of snowstorms, it was not for nothing that they said: "Blizzards and snowstorms have come before February." Whether there would be a blizzard was known by the behavior of domestic animals: if a cat scratches the floor or chickens twirl their tails, then one must prepare for a strong wind with snow. Blizzards
Signs February 2

On Yefim - get off the stove, O Maslenaya guess.
If there is a clear sun on Efimiya at noon, then spring will be early.
A blizzard will screech - it will blizzard all week.
On Efim, a blizzard is the whole Maslenitsa blizzard.

Maxim was considered a comforter in grievances and a helper in troubles, so on his day they remembered kind word people who once came to the rescue. He was prayed for the intercession of a widow and an orphan.
Signs February 3

If it’s finer on Maksimov’s day, it’s good for spring.

February 4 is cold - Timothy frosts "knock down the horn of the eime." from these days the real February blizzards begin. As early as February 4, the first needlewomen in the village rode on the donets, on which they spun. It was believed that the one who rides longer will have better flax.
Signs February 4

If the sun is visible on this day at noon, then spring will be early.
Patterns rise up the glass - to frost; go sideways - to the thaw.

This day got its name Agathius the half-baker because the owners checked the stocks of bread, considering whether there would be enough left before the new harvest, whether the family would have to starve. The grain intended for sowing was also checked. The bins, which were already empty, were put in order: they swept and cleaned them, straightened the walls and doors. In general, this day was considered the time of household chores. They thought about the weather: they watched the appearance of birds - if a tit cries in the morning, then this is a severe frost.
Signs February 5

Agafius does not unbend his back in the bins, he keeps count of healthy grain.

This day was considered the turning point of winter. The hosts noted the price of bread. If the price rose, then people were sure that the future harvest would be scarce and bread would be expensive; if it fell, they hoped for a rich harvest. If the price of bread for a semi-bread box is low, then it will not rise to new bread. From the day of St. Xenia, it was believed, until new loaves, as much bread is needed as has already been eaten.
Signs February 6

What is Ksenia - such is spring.
The weather is beautiful on Xenia - and the spring is red.
A snowstorm will take all the food to Xenia (there will be a protracted spring).
Half-winter in half - yes, it does not evenly divide the winter; by spring it is harder for a man.

On February 7, they thought about the weather next winter. It was believed that what the weather is like before dinner - this is the next winter before Christmas, and what the weather is like after dinner - such weather will be in the second half of winter. The snow that fell that day promised a long autumn next year. Well, if the tit sings, it means that there will be more frosts this winter. On this day it was supposed to do good deeds and remember good deeds others. But talk about your own good deeds, and even more so brag about them. was not accepted, because the Lord already sees everything.
Signs February 7

What is Gregory from morning to noon - such will be the first half of next winter, and from noon to evening - the second half of next winter.

It was believed that these days the dead yearn for the earth and for their relatives. Retiring to the superstellar world and to the cemetery, the dead, according to legend, and after the expiration of the prescribed forty days after death, can significantly influence the affairs of their relatives.
Signs February 8

Fedor Studit - cools the earth.
February is cold and dry - August is hot.

For the enlightenment of the mind to the teaching of spiritual literacy and for help in despair, they prayed to the patron saint of this day, John Chrysostom.
Signs February 9

The February thaw is worth nothing.
Clouds go against the wind - to the snow.
Windows sweat in winter - to heat, and in summer - to rain.
After snowstorms, the ridges of snowdrifts are rounded - for harvest.
Summer is like summer, and winter is like an ulcer - cold.

On Efrem, you can’t kill any insects in the house: no cockroaches, no bedbugs, no crickets - the brownie will be offended.
Signs February 10

If the wind rushed to Ephraim - to a damp year.
Wind on Ephraim - to a damp summer.
Efremov wind is not good.

On this day, they watched the moon: if the reddish moon is to be a strong wind, and if the month is just born, then what was the weather like at the birth of the moon, this will last the entire first half of the next month. It means the heat is coming soon.
Signs February 11

February will caress you with warmth and thrash you with frost.

According to popular belief, it is impossible to spin on this day, and therefore it is also called the day of the three unspinning saints. In the forest on this day there is an animal wedding party: fights begin in which the strongest wins, animals play weddings. There must have been game dishes on the table that day.
Signs February 12

The wind rushed - to the wet year.
Snow flakes become large - to the thaw.
Mice come out on the snow - to the imminent thaw.
The trees were covered with frost - to the heat.
The wind blew from the north side, but there were no clouds - to great colds.

Saint Nikita is revered as a keeper from fires and lightning, he could not only extinguish the fire with prayers, but also prevent drought.
Signs February 13

Jackdaws and crows scream incessantly - there will be snowfall, and possibly a blizzard.
If there was frost during the day, snow will not fall at night.

On this day, girls pray for grooms, probably because February is the month of weddings.
Signs February 14

If by the end of the day the sky is covered with a hazy layer of a transparent white cloud, there will be good weather.
Snow on this day - to a rainy spring.
On Tryphon the sky is starry - late spring.
Starfall on Tryphon - quiet spring.
If many stars appear on Tryphon in the evening in the sky, then winter will continue for a long time.

People consider this day the day of the first meeting of spring (the second meeting - on Magpies, the third - on the Annunciation). This is one of the biggest holidays. Sretensky frosts are coming - they are considered the last, and after them the peasants no longer dared to embark on a long journey on a sleigh. The thaw that appears on this day portends a thin and rotten spring. The blizzard predicted that spring would be delayed more than usual, fodder for livestock would be exhausted.

The sun is conjured at the Meeting in the evening: Sun-bucket, look out, red, from behind the mountain, look out, the sun until springtime! "If it peeps through the clouds before sunset, this means that the last frosts have passed; if it does not appear at all , expect severe Vlasev frosts on February 24. On this day, they took special care of poultry, cattle, seed grain and fruit trees. On this day, they begin to feed breeding birds and feed chickens with oats, arguing: "Feed chickens with oats - in spring and summer you will have an egg." You should not go on a long journey to the Candlemas.
Signs on February 15, on the Candlemas

At the Candlemas, the sky is starry - winter will not begin to cry soon (late spring).
On Candlemas, the sun goes to summer, and winter to frost.
On Candlemas, a blizzard sweeps the road, sweeps food (to a crop failure).
At the Candlemas of the Gypsies, he sells a fur coat.

On this day, the church celebrates the memory of Simeon the God-bearer and St. Anna. This day, according to the memory made on it, is called the keeper of babies, and Anna and Simeon are asked to grant health to newborns. This day is also popularly called “repairs”. On this day, from early dawn, having prayed, the whole family went to the sheds to work: they were engaged in repairing the summer harness, riding and arable: "Make repairs to Simeon." "Semyon and Anna are mending the harness."
Signs February 16

Repairs - according to the plow wake.
Semyon and Anna are mending the harness.

This day got its name because in a rare year it did not differ in frost. He was called Nikola icy - wolf matchmaker, poppy sunset. It was time for animal weddings. Hunters noticed: foxes hit the dance, coax each other. The moon will come out - the hares begin to rush headlong - golden horns, silver legs. It was believed that only Nikola the Cold knew about animal paths in the forest.
Signs February 17

Nikola is cold in the cold.
A mountain of snow will pile up on the cold Nikola.
Cold day - put on a fur coat again.

Martyr Agafya was also revered as the patroness of livestock, protecting it from disease.
Signs February 18

If February 18 is warm, then there will be no more big ones.
Frost on this day portends a friendly spring, dry and hot summer.

People used to say: beetles calve on St. Vukol (as cows and calves were called).
Signs February 19

Frosts on Vukola promise a stormy spring, dry and hot summer.
The colder it is on Vukola-calf, the warmer it is in March.

On this day, it was customary to bake pies with onions and not to eat everything ourselves, but to distribute part to the poor - for good luck. It is believed that what is given a hundredfold will return to the hands. On this day, it was supposed to commemorate the deceased ancestors, the people said: "Alive parents - honor, died - remember." This day was considered the most suitable for the preparation of healing remedies from the roots. Potentilla had a special power, since its leaves resembled a cross; it was considered by the Russian people to be a mighty one, that is, a herb in which the power of the cross is contained.
Signs February 20

Beginning to melt on Luka from the north side - to warm summer.
Blue clouds are floating - they carry warmth.

Reaper women pray to St. Zacharias the Sickle-Seer. The crescent moon, according to popular belief, was especially sharp that day. The peasants took out a sickle stuck in the lintel on December 25 or 26 and showed it to the moon to sharpen it sharply. On this day sickles were sprinkled with Epiphany holy water. They said: "You will not cut a crooked sickle in time, you will not press a sheaf in a field."
Signs February 21

Burn, firewood, it's hot - Zakharka will come on a written sled.
Smoke from the chimney spreads along the ground - it will snow.
The dog lays down on the snow - it will soon get warmer, rolls in the snow - there will be a blizzard tomorrow.
The colder the last week February, the warmer in March.

On this day, they began to weave bast shoes. They said: -Our Pankrat is rich with bast shoes-. On this day, it was also supposed to check the entire economy. They said that if Pankrat's business is in his hands, then the owner has bread in his mouth. We began to prepare for sowing. Seeds intended for planting were exposed to frost for three morning dawns in a row, and then set aside until the sowing season. It was believed that such hardened seeds would be more resistant to temperature changes in spring. Thaws are becoming more frequent, and there is a distinct smell of spring in the air. Winter is coming to an end.
Signs February 22

If the forest rustled in frost, there will be a thaw.
A severe frost after Nikifor, as a rule, happens only at night.
Pillars near the sun - in the cold.
Grouse in the thaw begins to spend the night on spruce branches - to frost.
Snow sticks to the trees - to the imminent thaw.
If the snow bends branches with its weight, the harvest will be good.

Kharlampy was considered by the Russian people as a guardian from sudden death without repentance, and they prayed to him for deliverance from it.
Signs February 23.

Prokhor - turn to warmth.
Prokhor came - spring looked into the yard.
February is changeable: it will pull in January, then it will glimpse in March.

Vlas'ev day is a cow holiday. It was believed that evil spirits rage on this day. To protect yourself from it, it is necessary to tightly close all the chimneys with views or even cover them with clay, sometimes the views are fumigated with thistles, which prevents flying evil spirits from entering the house and causing mischief.
Signs February 24

Frost began to sing - the sledge track froze.
Vlasiy will heat the side of the cow during the day, at night the horn will break off (freeze).
Vlasiy in the yard - spring on the mountain.
At other times, the frost will burn even on Vlasiy to tears.
Vlas came - keep your mittens in reserve.
Three matinees (frosty days) before Blasius, and three - after Blasius, and the seventh - on the day of Blasius.

On this day, the grain intended for sowing was taken out into the cold: it was believed that such plants would get sick less and give a better harvest. Flax and yarn were also sent to the frost - they dawned so that the threads and skeins were clean, even and white. It was believed that if there were streaks on Alexei, then the fish should be caught. On this day fish dishes were prepared.
Signs February 25

There was frost at night - expect snowfall during the day.
Fluffy frost - good weather.
Frequent fogs in February - to a rainy summer.
The moon seemed to turn red at night - wait for wind, heat and snow tomorrow.

Martinian - the patron saint of this day - was considered a tamer, a deliverer from prodigal passions, therefore, in the Legend of the Saints, he is supposed to pray for this purpose. It is believed that if the snow melts on this day, then spring will come amicably, and if the day is cold and cloudy, then the spring will be long and cold. On this day - the day of Svetlana, a bright day - the stars called out so that vigilance would come from their radiance to the eyes.
Signs February 26

If it melts on this day, then spring will come amicably, and if the day is cold and cloudy, then the spring will be long and cold.

On this day, all the villagers went out to the fields and trampled down the snow to keep it on the field. At the same time, they tried to appease the field worker - the spirit of the field.
Signs February 27

On Cyril, the weather is good - to frost.
With Cyril, spring is just around the corner.
Cyril fattens the fields.

Anisim is considered the patron saint of sheep breeding, and on this day the shepherds called out to the stars for the abundant fertility of the sheep.
Signs February 28

A large increase in water portends a good haymaking.
On Anisim, winter and spring are arguing: who should go forward and who should turn back.

Traditions and signs of March

After a long and cold winter March is finally here, the first month of spring. But the heat is still far away - almost everywhere everything is still covered with snow, and the frosts are in no hurry to recede.

In the people, March is called zimobor, birch, drip, protalnik. Folk omens for March are most often designed to determine when the last snow will melt, warm weather will come and it will be possible to start sowing. The signs of March can also tell you how the next summer will be - rainy or dry, how good the harvest of a particular crop will be when the last frosts pass.

Folk omens for March

In some areas, this day was called Danilo the Novice - the first day of spring, the Novice, they believed that Danilo the Novice had washed his face and washed us with rain. In the Middle Ages, the first days of March were considered Yarilins, in honor of the god of fertility of the pagan Slavs Yarila.

March 1 was considered the beginning of the new year, and this day was traditionally a non-working day. Spring was met separately, with songs. If snow fell at night, mothers would certainly send their children to lay a path to the well, sweep snow from the steps of the porch - this brought happiness to the house and health to the children. Pregnant women always tried to look at the rising sun, as it gives strength to endure a healthy and strong child. The midwives brought the midday snow into the hut and wiped their hands with it so that the spring purity would be transmitted to them.
Signs March 1

The month of March loves to play tricks: it is proud of the frost and sits on its nose.
March is unfaithful: now he cries, now he laughs.
March is winter, knocks down the horn of winter.
February blows winter, and March breaks.

This day received a double name in honor of the saints whose memory was celebrated on this day. In the popular mind, the Great Martyr Theodore Tyrone turned into a tyrant who came to his senses in time and defended people. He was prayed for in search of escaped slaves and stolen goods.

Marmyana, the sister of the Apostle Philip, turned into a kikimora in folk representations - a spirit in the guise of a woman who appeared in the house, in the courtyard, in empty buildings.
Signs March 2

If from the first days spring is wild, not shy, then it will deceive, there is nothing to believe.
If there was warming after Epiphany, then on March 2, expect frost.

Our ancestors believed that on this day, the god of fertility, Yarilo, took up the plow and harrow - he checked whether they were ready for spring. Peasants on this day began preparations for spring work in the field. From that day on, blacksmiths also had more work to do: it was they who repaired plows and harrows, which would soon be needed in the field. On this day, the oatmeal gave a voice - a small bird with a yellowish breast and a green back. It was believed that she leads the spring, and with her advent of sunny and warm days, there are more and more.
Signs March 3

A lot of snow - a lot of bread: a lot of water - a lot of grass.
Will inflate the snow - the bread will arrive; water will spill - hay will be typed.
On March 3, fog - to a rainy summer.

This day got its name from the apostles Archippus and Philemon. On this day in Rus', the poor were fed, the orphans and the poor were welcomed, because it was believed that the more good deeds were done. all the better. In peasant houses on this day, they always baked a loaf (in ancient times it was called a skullcap), which they dedicated to the sun and treated their neighbors, relatives and friends, leaving a piece to the poor.
Signs March 4

A person who falls ill on this day will be ill for a very long time.

The day takes its name from the patron saint of Leo, a bishop in the city of Catana in Sicily. Since the Sicilian saint was far from the Russian people, the peasants renamed him Leo of Catania and arranged skiing from the mountains that day. It was believed that the one who slides further will prolong his happiness. They said: "3ima is running out - hurry up on a sled to roll your fill."

On this day, it was necessary to ask (or even take secretly) from the forge of hot coals and take them to the field. They poured them out at the edge of the field and asked for well-being for the farmer, favorable conditions for the growth and ripening of bread, and a good harvest.
Signs March 5

Crows bathe in early spring - to heat.
Early spring - do not expect good.
Snow melts with rain - to the flood.

It was believed that it was this day that determined spring: what is the weather on that day, such will spring be, especially since warm, rather than cold winds began to blow, and they said: "After spring and spring." From that day, sap flow began in maples and birches. On this day, the old people got down from the stoves and moved to bask in the sun on the mound - this is the lower part of the log house, littered with spruce branches, a needle bar, straw in half with the ground for warmth. The children loved this day very much, because the old people always had time for them, they said that it blows in the spring and warms the old.
Signs March 6

According to Timothy, they looked at spring: what Timothy is - such is spring.
Survive until spring, and there the winter is not terrible.
If the edges of the melting snow around the tree are steep - to a cold spring, flat - to a long spring.
If you meet a white hare, it will definitely snow again.
Timothy-spring - it's already warm at the door.
Spring brings warmth.

The people believed that it was on this day that starlings, rooks and swallows flew home. It was believed that the early arrival of birds - by early spring, and also that early swallows - by a happy year, and these birds were very loved by the people. On this day the field work began. While it was still possible to drive along the road, manure was taken to the fields. On this day, it was necessary to secretly take the land from under the first spring plow and just as secretly put it in the hut.
Signs March 7

If there is a blizzard and a blizzard on Athanasius, spring will drag on.
On Afanasiev's day, warming on the walls (the sun is hot) - to the green year.
When in spring the surface of the snow is rough (the snow begins to thaw) - to harvest, smooth - to crop failure.
Rooks are playing - the weather will be good.

This day got such a name, I’ll sharpen that at that time the girls were really “sour” - those who did not get married before Maslenitsa had to wait until the summer. It was believed that this day was one of the best in order to bewitch the young man he liked.
Signs March 8

Spring is fickle, like a stepmother: it will blow with warmth, then it will catch cold from the north.
In spring, a bucket of water is a spoonful of mud; in autumn, a spoonful of water is a bucket of mud.

It was believed that the first migratory birds arrived on this day. If snow fell on the day of finding, then this foreshadowed a cold Easter, and a dry day - a sunny one. Birds began to build their first nests, and if they did it on the sunny side, it was believed that the summer would be cold.
Signs March 9

A bird curls its nest, and a migratory bird flies from warm places.
Bird sweating, finding nests.

The patron saint of this day is asked to get rid of the fever, which is also called kumoha.
Signs March 10

March 10 - the average time for the appearance of thawed patches in the north.
If on this day the door breaks off its hinges, expect trouble.

It would seem that. spring had already come, but still the weather at that time was still very unstable, and they were afraid to start field work: if frost hit, it would destroy all the crops.
Signs March 11

Early spring is worthless, and late spring will deceive.
It melts early - it won’t melt for a long time, the wind eats the snow.
Spring ice, that someone else's hut threshold (unreliable).

The sleigh path began to deteriorate, the track appeared under the hooves of the horse. Therefore, before leaving the yard, they listened to the road: is it reliable. It was believed that from that day came the real spring. In the same way they listened to the drop. If there was a strong drop, then they were afraid to set off on a long journey, but with a good drop, the hunters were going to the forest to hunt hares.
Signs March 12

On Procopius, the sleigh path is fragile.
Snowdrops have appeared - it's time to plow.

On this day, it was customary to bring a pine branch into the house - they believed that it purifies the air in the house and gives health to its inhabitants. Various infusions and teas were prepared from pine buds and needles on this day. From that day on, snow begins to melt on the roofs, it is believed that there is always a thaw on this day. In many places, on this day, firewood was sawn, logs were taken on sledges to the river bank for rafting.
Signs March 13

Vasily the dropper will come, and the winter will cry.
Vasily-dropper - dripping from the roofs.
If it rains on Vasiliev's day, be a good fly.
On Vasily, the warm sun in circles - for the harvest.
Vasily the dropper gives drops, there will be drops - by the good year.
Long icicles - for a long spring.
It's warm time to collect pine buds from Vasily.

The spring winds begin to blow. The snow is actively melting, and it was believed that the melt water obtained from the snow on this day has a special healing power. For the sick, they collected snow from the hillocks and gave them snow water to drink from various ailments. This day was considered the onset of spring, which was celebrated very cheerfully.
Signs March 14

Avdotya takes off eight fur coats.
What is Evdokia, such is the summer.
It's nicer on ivy - it's nicer all summer.
Avdotya is red, and spring is red.
Where does the wind come from Evdokeya, from there in the summer.
The first thaws from Evdokia-Plyushchiy.

On this day, the memory of the Hieromartyr Theodotos, Bishop of Cyrene, is celebrated, and the Russian people "secured" the name of Vetronos to this saint. Indeed, on this day there were big winds, which were very much feared, because from the wind it brought illness and misfortune. There was a belief that on this day all underground sources boil and pour onto the ground - the last big thaw happens. But if frost hit instead of a thaw, they said: "Fedot is not the same." On this day, sometimes the grass grew so much that it was already possible to let the cattle out to graze.
Signs March 15

Fedot is evil - do not be with the grass.
Fedot is angry, but by noon he becomes limp, you see, and the sun is hot on him.
Skid on Fedot - cattle will go for demolition.

On this day, they went out into the fields and walked around them crosswise in order to attract the attention of the sun, to make it melt the snow on the field. In addition, the cross on the field was designed to protect crops from disease and evil spirits.
Signs March 16

Eutropius melts snow.
Eutropius paves the way.

It is believed that on this day rooks arrive from the sea. If the birds fly directly to their old nests, then the spring will be friendly, the water will come down all at once, in three weeks you can start sowing, but if smart birds sit on the nest only for a short time and take off again, then the cold will last a few more days.
Signs March 17

The rooker brought rooks.
If the rooks sat in the nests, then after three weeks you can go out for sowing.

Martyr Konon Gradar lived in the Pamphylian city of Mandon and cultivated vegetable gardens, which is why he got his nickname. In the ancient church hymns, this saint is called the Stradnik, and our ancestors said about him: “Even if it was winter on the day of Konon Gradar, start plowing the garden, and you just start on this day, the garden will certainly be good and there will be a lot of vegetables.” The Russian people said: "Konon the gardener called to the garden." Therefore, from that day on, gardens were dug and manure was taken out to them.
Signs March 18

Konon called to the garden.
On Konon Gradar, start digging ridges in the garden.

On this day, it was supposed to go around all the wells in a circle, trample the snow. They did this so that dirty melt water would not flow into them, and in order to take strength and health from the well.
Signs March 19

If March 19 frost, then there will be another forty morning frost.
If a woodpecker knocks on March 19, then spring will be late.
March sows time, sometimes blows, sometimes warms.
The wagtail returned earlier than usual - to the warm spring.

The people said that from that day on, spring is coming, "it's dripping from the roofs, but it's scratching on the nose." If at night a window suddenly cracks or a layer of snow breaks off the roof, then, according to popular opinion, these are grave sins falling to the ground. It was necessary to pray on this day to the icon of the Mother of God "The guarantor of sinners." On this day, you could dry the girl you liked.
Signs March 20

Drops from icicles this day - a good harvest of flax and hemp.
Cloudy cold weather by night - there will be frost.
Drops with icicles - to the hemp harvest.

This day - the spring equinox, the spring solstice - was considered the real beginning of spring. It was believed that larks fly to our area. This day was dedicated to the willow - it was believed that its twigs expelled heaviness from the house. In the old days, willow whipped the body for lightness. When the head ached, then a willow twig was kneaded, put under a scarf, on the head, and headache retreated.
Signs March 21

The willow blossomed - spring was equipped for the summer.
A willow branch brings happiness to the house.
Erma came with a willow.

This day marks the second meeting of spring. It is believed that forty different pichugs arrive these days, and the first of them is the lark. They bake buns in the form of larks, smear them with honey. It is believed that from March 22 until Zosima the beekeeper (April 30) there will be forty morning frosts - matinees. If matinees from this day go constantly, then the summer will be warm.
Signs March 22

If magpies and jackdaws flew to Magpie - to heat.
Warm wind- to a rainy summer.
For forty magpies, larks, fly in, bring red summer.

The patron saint of this day was asked to divert melt water from cellars and houses so that the courtyard would not be flooded. It was believed that water flooded the undergrounds of those houses whose owners sinned a lot in winter. It was connected with that. that water, which penetrates into any crack, is omniscient, knows everything, is aware of all the events that take place. It was believed that when spring streams are already running into the river, roach is well caught.
Signs on March 23.

Cold wind in the back - do not survive the winter.
On Vasilisa day is misty - flax will be fibrous.
The fog eats the snow.
Blue clouds running across the sky - to heat and rain.
If a thunderstorm happens in March - to fertility.
Frequent fogs in March portend a rainy summer.

It was believed that finches and lapwings fly to Yefim and Sophrony, the cuckoo gives a voice. On this day, they watched the birds, predicting that. What will the next summer be like? If the nests are located on the sunny side, then the summer will be cold, if in the shade, it will be hot. When you hear the cuckoo for the first time, you are supposed to blurt out money in your pocket so that they are carried. They believed that the early cuckoo (before the leaves on the trees bloom) - to hunger. On this day work began in the garden.
Signs March 24

The friendly arrival of birds - to bad weather and cold weather.
The lark comes to the warmth (to the grass), the chaffinch to the cold.
Cranes fly fast, low, silently - expect bad weather soon.
Early swallows - for a happy year.
Ducks and rooks arrived early - wait for the heat, they are gone for a long time - there will be more cold.
The swans leave the polynya and disperse along the ponds - to the warmth.
If a lot of mice appear in the spring, there will be a hungry year.

On this day, in the first hours of the day, they went out into the street to meet spring. It was believed that if fog appeared in the morning, then this year there would be a large harvest for flax and hemp. To make the sign come true, they scattered a handful of hemp and flax seeds to feed the birds.
Signs March 25

At night, fogs fall to the ground, driving snow more than rain.
The fog falls - to the sun, rises - to bad weather.
Feofan drives away the fog.
Early spring - in the summer there will be many bad weather days.
There are no dangerous frosts in late spring.

Spring has also come in the forest, and melt water seeps into the den and begins to disturb the bear. It is believed that from this day the bears begin to wake up. Since ancient times, this animal was considered a man in animal form, overgrown with six. The arrival of geese these days is for the harvest year. And if the geese rinse in the water, then it will soon be warm. By last ice roach, perch and ide bite well.
Signs March 26

Until the warm water of the side gets wet, the bear will not jump out of the lair.

Traditions. On this day, domestic animals were cared for, cattle were taken out into the yard, they were cleaned and scraped, they spoke from evil eye from restlessness.
Signs March 27

A good year can be seen in the spring.
It melts early - it won't melt for a long time.
Early spring costs nothing.
Late spring will not deceive.

This day was also called forest grooming. because with special respect it was necessary to speak of the forest, which was the breadwinner and drinker of the peasants, gave mushrooms, berries, game and meat, healing herbs and useful roots.
Signs March 28

If the seagulls have flown in, the ice will soon come down.
Seagulls swim a lot - unfortunately.

IN church calendar under this day there are three martyrs: Savvin. Papa and Trofim. It was believed that on this day the sledge journey ends, it is time to prepare the cart, and this must be done before the flood. They were not going on the road that day, but were preparing to go out into the field. The first step was to put the cart in order - to change the worn-out spokes and iron rims.
Signs March 29

If this day is warm, then the spring will be warm.
The clouds are moving fast and high - to good weather.
The snow is melting soon, and the water is running together - wait for a wet summer.

At this time, the snow melts rapidly, so this day was called Aleksey - water from the mountains. They called it warm, because the real spring comes, and with it the warmth. It was believed that if large streams appeared on these days, then the flood would be large and would spread widely over fields and meadows. It was forbidden to sit in a sleigh on this day: they will give you a ride past your desires. On this day they were removed until next winter.
Signs March 30

If Alexei is warm, then the spring will be warm.
Alexey - pour a jug from each snowdrift.
There is water on Alexei from the mountains, and the fish from the camp (from the winter hut) starts moving.

Why was this day called "Deri Poloz"? Because. leaving in the morning on a sleigh on the crust that melted in the March sun and froze during the night, one could really peel off the runners.
Signs March 31

A sandpiper will fly in from the sea, bring spring from the mountains.
There is no contractor to put up the spring on time.
Rough (melted) snow - for harvest, smooth - for crop failure.

Signs and superstitions help to learn not only about weather events but also serve as a warning. In January 2020 thanks to folk wisdom everyone can attract happiness and prosperity, as well as protect themselves from adversity.

Everyone wants to spend the beginning of 2020 in such a way that for 12 months in life there is only a place for positive events. Site site experts recommend getting acquainted with folk signs in order to find out what the weather will be in January, and also to understand what days you need to be careful not to attract trouble.

1st of January: no wind - the weather will stay warm. Bullfinches whistle loudly - to the heat and cloudy weather. Night frost weakens in the morning, and in the evening it gets cold again - to long sunny days. There are many stars in the sky - the summer harvest will be good.

January 2: cloudy day - to warming. Sparrows nests are insulated - to frost. High snowdrifts and frost on the trees - to a good harvest. Water in wells and polynyas is buzzing - to frequent spring thunderstorms.

January 3: This day was used to determine the weather in September. Smoke goes up from the chimney - to frost, spreads along the ground - to bad weather, and if it swirls at the chimney and nails to the ground - to warming. According to the legend, on this day you need to bake pancakes and eat the first silently, making a wish. It will come true if all the pancakes are eaten by the household.

4 January: long icicles - a rich harvest. The weather of this day determines what October will be like. There is no bite - the summer will be dry. Lenten porridge is treated to pregnant women and conspiracies are read over them to protect them from any evil.

5 January: the wind blows without ceasing - the harvest will be good. The snowfall will pass - July will be with frequent rains. In November the weather will be the same as today. He will attract good luck who treats cattle with kindness. On this day, it is customary to cook cookies in the form of figures of animals, so that happiness in the house is not translated, and the cattle do not get sick.

6th January: the sky is strewn with stars - berries will be in abundance. There is a lot of snow and hoarfrost - rye will be born. It will get warmer if the crows are circling in a flock and screaming loudly. Clouds quickly sweep - to an early long blizzard. According to a sign, on this day it is impossible for all household members to leave the house at once, otherwise the cattle will scatter in the summer. Another sign says that doing needlework on this day will worsen the weather.

Jan. 7: thaw on this day - by early spring. High snowdrifts - a good year. Work on the 7th - call troubles. What kind of weather is on this day, this is expected at Epiphany. The moon is shining brightly - to frost. Snow sweeps - to a good harvest of honey.

January 8: according to popular belief, on this day they went to the midwives with gifts so that the children were strong and healthy. Sunny weather - for a harvest year, and cloudy - for a gloomy summer. Wind from the north - to frost. Snowfall - to the thaw.

January 9: the snow is falling in large flakes - in the summer there will be a lot of mushrooms and berries. Fog in the morning - to the thaw. On this day, amulets were made to protect themselves from the evil eye and damage.

January 10: a blizzard on this day portends a rainy summer. On the 10th, swearing - to troubles in the house. To marry on this day is to live happily. Work is arguing - good goes to the house.

January 11: wash children with holy water - protect from evil spirits. Frosts will come if the north wind blows in sunny weather. Thaws are waiting, if the water in the polynya splashes on the ice.

January 12: on this day, they start life from scratch, ask for forgiveness and do good deeds. There is little snow - haymaking will be scarce. Bring a wild boar from the hunt - live in abundance all year.

13th of January: the guests went to Kolyada well-fed - happiness will not end in the house. The wind from the south - by the warm summer, the west - apples and pears will ripen in abundance.

January 14: to visit and receive guests - to attract happiness. Whoever says an evil word, God will punish him. On this day, to give in debt - to poverty, to give debts - to joy. According to tradition, on this day, children scatter grain on the floor. They are harvested and sown first so that the harvest is rich. Frost on this day is a full year.

January 15: according to the old belief, on this day clean the house clean - the bird will be healthy. To go far from home is famously to attract illnesses. Magpies near the house - to the imminent blizzard.

January 16: on this day, brownies are coaxed so that they look after the cattle and protect it from illness. What is the weather on this day, so will March. Herbal infusion to drink - to be healthy.

January 17: There is a lot of snow - it will be a honey year. There are treats with honey - it’s good to attract to the house. You can get rid of ailments and the evil eye if you go out backwards into the street in turned-out clothes, and also go into the house. The frost is strong on this day - to a prolonged cold.

January 18: snow in the morning, and many stars at night - for the harvest year. Dogs bark for a successful hunt. On Christmas Eve they wash themselves with snow to drive away illnesses. According to the legend, throw three coins into a snowdrift - collect 10. A blizzard day - to a good harvest of nuts and seeds.

January 19: on Epiphany, they collect water from the rivers, store it for a year. On this day, they guess at the betrothed in order to find out their fate. Good desires are fulfilled, and evil ones turn out badly. The snow is loose - to be thawed.

January 20th: spend a day with a smile - attract good luck. To drink holy water is to walk healthy. Summer will be dry if the day is frosty and sunny. Foggy day - excellent harvest.

January 21: to give gifts to relatives - good luck to be all year round. The south wind brings summer with rains, the north wind drives cold. Set off on a blizzard - bring trouble on yourself. Raise a toast to the young - strengthen family happiness.

January 22: cold will come if the sunset is red. To spend this day idle - to poverty. I’m going to talk - to attract happiness to the house. Frosts will come if the animals are not in a hurry to cross the threshold.

January 23: the south wind blows towards a thunderstorm. There is a lot of frost - the harvest is bad. Wet weather - dry summer.

January 24: spring will come early if it is warm that day. Snow in the morning - frost in the night. The dog whines - the disease is on the threshold. On this day, according to popular belief, evil spirits walk around, so they try not to leave the house once again and not communicate with anyone.

The 25th of January: on this day, bake a loaf and eat it without a trace with the whole family - good luck. Clean up at home - drive troubles. Heat and blizzard - to dry summer. On this day, exams will go well if you ask for help from the Higher Forces.

January 26: on this day to be on the street for a long time - to attract illnesses to the house. The cat on the window washes - the good will come to visit, at the threshold - evil people will knock on the door. You can be healed from ailments if you lie down where the cat slept.

January 27: frost on trees - to warming. The cold will return if white clouds sweep across the sky. Roosters crowing - to the thaw. The crows shouted - there will be a blizzard.

28 January: frosts will come if the sky is strewn with stars. On this day, to go out without amulets - to be smoothed. Sunny day - warm summer.

January 29: frosts will come if the wind blows from the north, but the summer will be hot. There are many grains in the barns - it will be a grain-growing year.

January is a magical, special month of the year, in which every day, every action has a certain meaning. After all, it is at this time that most holidays fall with magical meaning. In addition, the year is born in January and the first days clearly tell what to expect throughout all the months of the year.

It was by weather changes, by the behavior of animals that people tried to understand what changes were expected. Based on such observations, a calendar of folk signs for January appeared.

Signs about January: about the month and holidays

The name of the month is associated with the name of the Roman god Janus, in Latin which sounds like Januarius. This god was in charge of all doors, entrances and exits, as well as any beginning, up to the beginning of human life. He was also responsible for treaties and alliances. And the day dedicated to Janus fell just at the beginning of January, on the 9th. The image of this deity was two-faced, where one face looks into the past, and the second into the future.

Among the people, you can find a wide variety of names for the month that falls in the middle of winter.

Sechen, sichen (in the Little Russian calendar), as the wind blows and whips.

Zimets, prozimets - the month of the middle of winter.

Ice - rivers, ponds, puddles covered with ice.

Blue - from radiance, blue, intensifying in the sky with the addition of the length of the day.

January puts on a sheepskin coat to the toe, paints cunning patterns on the windows, comforts the eye with snow and tears the ear with frost.

For a long time in Rus', January was the eleventh month, when, and later, the fifth when counting the months of the year from September.

And only since 1700 the calendar has been changed. The initiator of such innovations was Peter I, who abolished the ancient chronology associated with the day of the creation of the world. New calendar corresponded to Western European and was associated with the Nativity of Christ.

To do this, he issued two Decrees. In the first dated December 19, 1699, it was stated that the chronology is from Christmas. And in the second, dated December 20, it was already described in detail how Russians should celebrate the New Year.

January-priest begins the year, dignifies winter.

In fact, the calendar corresponded to the Julian chronology.

But in 1918, Russia switched to the Gregorian calendar, according to which the dates shifted by 13 days.

Therefore, the New Year according to the old style, approved by Peter I, was automatically postponed to January 14th.

And so a strange, incomprehensible to other peoples holiday, the Old New Year, appeared.

It is in January that the holidays beloved by Russians fall. During the winter holidays, a holiday is almost every day.

It is from Christmas Eve that Christmas time begins - the festive festivities last until Epiphany, January 19th. These days, people carol, generous, sow, dive into the hole. Each January holiday has its own customs and rituals, traditions and signs. We offer to read some folk signs of January related to the weather, animals and harvest.

Signs of the month of January - the middle of winter

January is considered a deaf winter, a time when peace and tranquility come in nature. This is the most cold month in a year.

There is a belief about Epiphany frosts, which sometimes reach terrifying levels. However, according to signs, every year January cannot be frosty.

There are no cold Januarys in a row.

Every day people watched the weather to find out what to expect, a thaw or even more frost.

It was on these observations that the peasants planned what to do in the coming days.

Although things are in the village in January - to have fun and go for a walk.

Don't forget to keep the fire in the oven to keep warm.

January puts wood in the stove.

In January, even the pot on the stove freezes.

The day arrives in January and by the end of the month it is already getting longer by almost 1.5 hours.

As the day grows in January, so does the cold.

January is on the threshold, the day has arrived at the sparrow's lope.

The sun is appearing more and more often in the sky and it even seems to be warming.

January is bokogrey.

In winter, the sun shines, but does not warm.

And despite the cold, the month is considered a turning point, since not only the days are increasing, the sun is warming, but all nature is already turning towards spring.

From January the sun turns to summer.

January is the turning point of winter.

January is the grandfather of spring.

So we can safely say that from January the slow preparation of nature for spring begins.

Short-term folk omens and superstitions of January for every day

By natural phenomena predict the coming days. So, the circle around the sun promises the sun for tomorrow. On a bright moon and many stars in the sky, a frosty and clear day. Frost also promises a clear echo, as well as the crackling of firewood in the stove, as well as dry crackling in the forest.

If the echo goes far in January, the frosts will get stronger.

But the wind promised such a rare phenomenon for January as thunder.

Thunder in winter - to an early strong wind.

They also paid attention to the behavior of animals, primarily domestic ones.

The cat hides its nose in its paws - to frost or bad weather.

The cat scratches the floor - to a blizzard or strong wind.

The rooster crows at night - to the subsidence of frost.

The dog stretches on the floor and sleeps with its paws outstretched - for warm weather.

The behavior of the birds also spoke a lot.

Bullfinches chirped under the window - to increase the temperature.

Crow kr - to the heat, to the north - to the cold. Itit at noon, towards the south

Bullfinches sing when the weather changes - before a snowfall.

Sparrows sit quietly on the trees - it will snow without wind.

Weather signs for spring, summer in January

The weather in January determined what spring would be like when the thaw came.

Warm in January - by late spring.

A woodpecker knocked on a tree in January by early spring.

The mole crawls out of its hole in January - by cold May.

Also, according to folk signs and observations, you can predict what the summer will be like.

Cold and dry in January - hot and dry in July.

January frosts to burning summer heat.

The cold in January threatens fires in the summer.

Blizzards and snowfalls to summer precipitation.

Snow flakes to precipitation in summer.

Frequent blizzards to frequent rains.

January harvest tips

The amount of precipitation and weather conditions in summer and spring greatly worried the peasants, since their main occupation was grain growing and crops directly depended on the weather.

Therefore, many signs were associated specifically with predicting the harvest for the new year.

Dry January - the peasant is rich.

In January, the snow will inflate - the bread will arrive.

In January, many frequent and long icicles hang - the harvest will be good.

Tree branches are icy - there will be a lot of nuts and fruits.

Cloudy weather in January - to a poor harvest in the summer.

Therefore, the peasants rejoiced in the snowy and frosty winters, which promised good rainfall and high yields.

Folk signs for January on holidays

If speak about folk holidays, then interesting rituals are also associated with them. First of all, this is Kolyada or Karachun. This holiday is more familiar to our contemporaries as the Christmas of the Sun.

On this day, they not only had fun, but also looked at natural clues.

On the Rich Kutya (Christmas) you can see the starry sky, then chickens will rush well.

Moonlit night - harvest on melons.

Snow will fall - to a large harvest of apples.

Hoarfrost on trees - to the grain harvest.

Also in January, the fertility of the land is celebrated on Epiphany (January 19) and St. Basil (January 13).

These days they sanctify the water and carry out rituals for the expulsion of frost.

The winter rites embodied a combination of pagan traditions and Christian rituals.

From Christmas until the old New Year, you can not sweep the rubbish from the house.

Baptism under a full month - to be big water.

If Epiphany frosts are stronger than Christmas ones, the year will be fruitful.

Snow on Epiphany will inflate - bread will arrive.

The usual kutya or sochivo, which is prepared for Christmas and Epiphany Eve, is a kind of sacrifice to the forces of nature. Besides natural forces coaxed by agricultural magic. People were asking these days for large harvests, protection for plants, for livestock.

"Prosinets", "January", "winter", "turn of winter", "Vasiliev month" - so beautiful, folk names It has winter month January. Many proverbs and sayings were invented about him: “The month of January is the sovereign of winter.” “The beginning of the year is the middle of winter.” Probably many will be interested to know about the signs of January. According to these signs, our glorious ancestors could predict what the harvest and weather would be like many months in advance.

Signs of changing weather

  • If it's March in January, then wait for January in March.
  • If it is cold in January, then July will be hot.
  • And if January is with snow and snowstorms, then in July, wait for the rains.
  • Loud echo - to hard frosts.
  • Heard thunder - wait for a strong wind.
  • The draft is strong in the pipe and the firewood is crackling, which means there will be frost.
  • The draft in the pipe is weak - there will be a thaw.
  • If the forest cracks, then the frost is for a long time.
  • A lot of snow in January - for a rainy summer.

What signals do animals give us?

  • Jackdaws gather together before good weather.
  • Bullfinches chirp before the thaw.
  • If the horse lays down on the straw, it means that it will get warmer soon.
  • The roosters sang on a frosty night, which means there will be a thaw.
  • Geese stand on one leg before frost.
  • Sparrows from the chicken coop carried down and feathers to their nests - they sensed the frost.
  • The crows quacked loudly, to the coming frost.
  • Crows are circling in flocks in the sky, towards heavy snow
  • Cats curl up in a ball - in the cold.
  • The cat sleeps all day - to heat

A harbinger of good harvests

  • Large icicles - for a big harvest
  • There is a lot of snow in the fields in January, which means there will be a lot of bread in the summer.
  • If the prosinets is "gloomy", then do not expect bread.
  • Many sunny days at the end of January - to a rich harvest.

January omens for every day of the month

1st of January. New Year. Day of Ilya Muromets

On this day, it was supposed to remember the defenders of the Fatherland and bow to the native Russian land from the waist.

On New Year's Eve, the peasants tried to rest more, so that the whole year was easy, and so that it was full and generous, they laid a rich festive table.

Notes for this day:

  • What the weather will be on the first day of the New Year, the same on the first day of summer.
  • Hard frost with snow - to a good harvest.
  • Warm and without snow - to crop failure
  • Frost on the trees - for the harvest year.

January 2. Ignatiev day

Prayers were served for Ignatius, peasants with icons went around the villages in a religious procession in order to protect their homes from all sorts of troubles. To consolidate family ties and connect with the home, the whole family got together and always tried to invite more relatives to visit.

Signs on Ignatius:

  • What is the weather on Ignatius - this will be in August.
  • The ground is deeply frozen, there is a lot of frost on the trees, which means we will be with the harvest.
  • On Ignatius Day, you should shake off the snow from the apple trees, then there will be a lot of apples in the summer.
  • Clouds have gone to Ignatius - wait for warming.

January 3rd Prokopiev day

Procopius of Caesarea is a holy Christian great martyr who fought against paganism. In Rus', this day is also known as Polukorm. By this time, half of the stocks of fodder for livestock had been eaten, and the peasants were wondering if the remaining stocks of hay would last until spring.

What was noted on this day:

  • The weather on Procopius, like in a mirror, reflects the weather in September.
  • If the echo is loud, then expect crackling frosts.
  • If there is a red dawn on Procopius, then a blizzard will soon blow.
  • The dawn quickly faded - to the cold.

4 January. Nastasya's day

Saint Anastasia is a Christian great martyr who helped people who were thrown into prison for their Christian faith. In Rus', she was also revered as the patroness of women in childbirth.

Notes on Anastasia:

  • By the weather on Anastasia, you can judge what the weather will be like in October.
  • Clouds stubbornly go against the wind, so expect snow.
  • Long icicles promise a good harvest

5 January. Fedulov day.

Saint Fedulus is a Christian great martyr. Under pain of death, he did not renounce his faith and the ball was thrown into the sea. Fedul said to his tormentors: "I choose life, but eternal life."

Signs on Fedula:

  • What will be in November, you can predict the weather on Fedulov day.
  • Everyone was waiting for the wind: if there is wind on Fedul, there will be a harvest.
  • The greenish sunset promised a good day.
  • It was necessary to bake cookies in the form of domestic animals and wrap them in a towel, then evil spirits and diseases would not be able to get to them.
  • A clean and tidy hut promised comfort and order throughout the year.

6th January. Christmas Eve

On the eve of the Nativity of Christ, the whole family gathered in the parental home, but they started the meal only in the evening, after the appearance of the first star. Sochivo was prepared for the holiday - a dish of nuts, wheat and honey. Christmas Eve, one of the richest holidays in folk omens.

What was observed on Christmas Eve:

  • What is the weather on Christmas Eve, the same will be in December.
  • To be healthy, on Christmas Eve you need to take a steam bath in a hot bath.
  • If the entire Milky Way is strewn with stars, then a sunny day is expected.
  • If the night is starry, then blueberries will certainly be born.
  • If there are thawed patches in the snow, buckwheat will be good.
  • Good sunny day, good harvest.
  • To let into the house and not stint to treat all the carolers, then there will be good luck and prosperity in the house.

Jan. 7. Christmas

Christmas is one of the great holidays in Rus'. This is a family holiday and beloved by all Christians. The post in front of him lasted 6 weeks and now the owners are trying to put on the table all the best that they have. Of course, Christmas could not do without beautiful folk customs, festivities and folk signs.

Folk omens for Christmas:

  • It is necessary to celebrate Christmas only in new clothes, otherwise you will get into trouble.
  • All evil spirits from the house can be swept away this evening with a nettle broom.
  • To get rid of love torments, it was necessary to heat a stone in the oven and throw it into the hole.
  • After a blizzard at Christmas, they were waiting for a good honey collection.
  • Frost on the trees promised a rich harvest of bread.
  • A head of garlic under the tablecloth will protect against diseases.
  • At Christmas, all grievances are forgiven.
  • If there was a thaw, then spring will come early

January 8 - Babi porridge

Babi porridge is a women's holiday, a holiday for women in labor and midwives. Mothers congratulated the midwives, thanked them and boasted about their children, whom they helped to appear in this world.

Notes of the day:

  • On this day, they noticed that if tits sing all day, then wait for frost in the evening.
  • The crows croaked - there will be a snowstorm.
  • The porridge in the oven is reddened - it will snow.
  • Frost and snow is coming - the summer will be cold.
  • The sun has set, and in the north a red glow - to severe frosts.

January 9. Stepanov day

On this day, a shepherd was chosen in the villages, and wealthy peasants watered their horses from silver dishes in order to protect them from the evil eye and evil slander. Christmas celebrations continue and the villagers treat each other with carols, homemade cookies in the shape of animals.

Notes for this day:

  • If it snows, then this promises inclement, wet weather.
  • If the moon is red at night, then the day will be warm and with snow.
  • "Stepan came - he is wearing a red zhupan." Frost is coming soon.
  • Smoke spreads over the fields - to heat.

January 10th. household day

Household day - also known as the Christmas meat-eater. This date was not a holiday, but all peasant families At that time, they tried to do everything together, emphasizing that the main wealth is a friendly, strong family.

What was noticed on the Meat Eater:

  • Hoarfrost on stacks - the summer will be rainy.
  • Snowstorm on the Meat Eater - to frequent rains in the summer.
  • Snow is falling in large flakes, which means there will be a thaw.
  • Getting married to a Meat Eater is a good omen.

January 11th. scary day

According to legend, on the Terrible Day, evil spirits loved to take a walk and intrigue people. To protect themselves from this evil, special rituals were carried out in the villages, designed to disperse all this evil spirits.

Signs of a terrible day:

  • A terrible day is warm and spring will be warm
  • Clouds go low - to severe cold.
  • If the blizzard cleared up - in July it will rain frequently.
  • Thistles hung at the door will not allow evil spirits to enter the house.

January 12th. Anisin day

Saint Anisia gave away all her wealth to poor people, and devoted her life to helping the suffering and treating the sick, for which one of the days in the folk calendar is dedicated to her.

On Anisin's Day, note:

  • “The cold came to Anisya”, “Do not ask Anisya for warmth” - it is always cold on Anisya.
  • Sparrows chirped on Anisya - wait for the imminent thaw.
  • Doing needlework on Anisya is a misfortune to click.
  • Boys born on Anisya will be good hunters and carpenters.
  • On Anisya, guests are welcome in every house.

13th of January. Vasiliev evening

Vasiliev's evening was also called a generous evening. To celebrate the New Year, they tried to lay rich tables, this promised the owners good luck and prosperity for the whole year. We were glad not only to close relatives, but also to everyone who looked at the light.

Notes for this day:

  • Everything that is guessed will come true.
  • At midnight, shake off the snow from the apple trees, then the apple harvest will be good.
  • A lot of frost on the trees - to a good honey flow.
  • South wind on Vasily - hot summer.
  • West wind - there will be plenty of fish and milk.
  • With an east wind, berries and fruits will be born.
  • Do not count today a trifle - you will cry.

January 14th. Vasiliev day. New Year (old)

The first day of the coming year, the middle of winter and the middle of Christmas time. They spent it cheerfully, went to visit relatives and friends, congratulated him on the holiday. Peasant children actively participated in the ritual of "sowing grains", went from house to house and scattered grain on the floor with hymns.

Folk signs on Vasily:

  • Snow on Vasily - there will be a good harvest
  • A strong wind blows - it will inflate the harvest of nuts.
  • Thaw on Vasily - to a rainy, rainy summer.
  • If there is ice on the roads, then there will be a good harvest of vegetables.
  • A wish made on the night of 13 to 14 always comes true.
  • If you were born on Vasily, you will definitely be rich.
  • Porridge ran out of the pot - expect trouble.
  • If you borrow money on Vasily's Day, you will be in debt all year.

January 15. Sylvester Day, or Chicken Feast

On the Chicken Feast, they always cleaned chicken coops, repaired perches, fumigated chicken housing with elecampane and hung a black pebble with a hole there - the “chicken god”. All these precautions were to protect the layers from evil spirits.

What was noticed on Sylvester:

  • Day arrives on Sylvester, and the frost grows stronger.
  • If the month has sharp horns, there will be wind.
  • With steep horns, a month - to the cold.
  • On Sylvester you can find out which months will be rainy. To do this, 12 onions were sprinkled with salt, laid out in a row on the stove, and in the morning they counted which were wet, and such months would be rainy.

January 16th. Gordeev day

According to folk legends, on Gordeev's Day, starving witches begin to ruthlessly milk peasant cows. To protect the animals, tallow candles were hung over the gates in the cowsheds and the brownie was asked to keep order.

  • What is the weather on Gordeya, so will March be.
  • If it snowed all day, then it will be very cold at night.
  • At sunset, circles around the sun are visible - to the cold and snow.
  • They don't work for Gordey in the evening, otherwise there will be trouble.
  • On Gordeev's day, one cannot be proud and boast.

January 17. Zosima the beekeeper

Zosima is considered the patron saint of beekeepers and has always been in high esteem not only among beekeepers, but also among all honey lovers. On the table on this day there should always be honeycomb and honey dishes.

  • On Zosima the moon is full and the sky is clear - the rivers will overflow strongly.
  • The clouds go low - to the cold.
  • In order to drive out evil spirits from the house, it is necessary to go around it with a prayer and an icon in your hands.
  • It was strictly forbidden to sew on Zosima, otherwise the child could be born blind.

January 18th. Epiphany Christmas Eve, Hungry Evening

Epiphany Christmas Eve falls on the post and in this regard, there are not a lot of pickles on the table, which is why they called it a hungry evening. Of course, no one remained hungry, the hostesses prepared many delicious, lean snacks.

Signs for Epiphany Christmas Eve:

  • At night, the full moon portends a big flood.
  • There is a lot of snow on the trees, which means there will be honey in summer.
  • On Epiphany Christmas Eve they collected snow and threw it into the wells so that the water in them would not deteriorate.
  • Bathing in the bath provided good health.
  • If there is a snowstorm on Epiphany Christmas Eve, then it will blow on Maslenitsa.
  • If the dogs bark loudly, then there will be a lot of game in the forests.
  • At midnight, everyone with buckets went to the river for water.

January 19. Epiphany

Epiphany is one of the most important Christian holidays. At Baptism, the heavens open and if you pray to the Lord, everything will certainly come true. Water acquires miraculous power, if you swim at Baptism in the hole, you will be cleansed of sins and ailments for the whole year.

  • Baptized at Baptism - for a long and happy life.
  • Wooing at Baptism - to a happy family life.
  • If there is a lot of water in the Epiphany hole, then the spill will be large.
  • A strong wind is blowing - in summer the bees will swarm well.
  • On Epiphany, the day is cold and clear - towards a dry summer.
  • At Epiphany the weather is cloudy - good bread will be born.
  • If you see blue clouds at noon, the year will be fruitful.

January 20th. Ivan-hawk

According to folk legends, on this day they "drank down" evil and thereby saved themselves from grief - sadness. Before the feast, it was recommended to drink holy water first, and during the meal they tried not to get carried away.

  • Rainy, snowy day promises a rich harvest.
  • A clear day on Ivan - hawk moth - for a dry year.

January 21. Emelin day, Emelyan winter

“Meli, Emelya, your week!” on this day, one could tell all sorts of fables, invent all kinds of stories, and all this without damaging one's reputation. It was customary to invite guests and treat the godfather with the godfather.

Signs on Emelya:

  • Wind from the south - summer with thunderstorms will be.
  • North wind - frost will intensify.
  • It's cold on Emelya, which means the cold will last a long time.
  • What is the weather like on Emelya, it will be the same in August.
  • It's snowing - August will be rainy.
  • If the day is clear, then the summer will be dry.

January 22. phillips day

The holidays were over and the peasants went about their usual business. In the evening, it was customary to heat the bathhouse and “Wash away Christmas time”.

Notes on Philip:

  • "By Philip, the day was added by one hour, at the speed of a sparrow."
  • Clear weather on Philip - to a good harvest.
  • Purple sunset - the next day there will be a snowstorm.

January 23. Grigory the flight indicator

By the weather on this day, you can determine what the summer will be like. Farmers were most interested in whether it would be rainy or dry.

What was noticed on Gregory:

  • If dry snow falls on Gregory, then the summer will also be dry.
  • If the snow is wet, then it will rain all summer.
  • If the day is clear - by early spring.
  • Trees and haystacks in hoarfrost - the weather will be good all week.
  • It was considered a bad omen to take out ashes and any rubbish from the house on this day.

January 24th. Fedoseev day

According to popular beliefs, if it is warm on Fedosey, then you have to wait for early spring.

Signs on Fedoseev day:

  • If there is frost on Fedosey, then the cold will last a long time.
  • Rare clouds float across the sky - to frost.
  • The echo in the forest is heard far away - to hard frosts.
  • "Fedoseyevo is warm - it went to early spring."
  • The people also noticed that if you roll a wheel on Fedosey through the whole village, then the heat will come faster.

The 25th of January. Tatyana's Day

The eldest woman in the family baked a round ruddy loaf that day and divided it equally among all household members. According to popular signs, girls born on Tatyana will be good housewives and happy in family life.

Notes on Tatyana:

  • Snow on Tatyana - by a rainy summer.
  • Warm weather with a blizzard - to a dry, lean year.
  • If the sun shines on Tatyana all day, then the birds will arrive early.
  • Clear, starry sky - by early spring.
  • People have noticed that January 25 is often the coldest day of the winter.

January 26th. Yermilov day

On Yerema, severe frosts often occurred and the peasants mostly sat at home. Many signs on this day are associated with cats.

  • The cat curled up in a ball and hides its nose - to the cold.
  • The cat rolls on the floor - to heat.
  • They noticed where cats like to lie most of all, which means this is a “good” place, and if it happened to get sick, then people tried to sit on cat beds for a longer time.
  • Tits sing to Yerema - spring will be early.
  • The forest rustled, so it's warm.

January 27th. Nina's Day

This day was a real holiday for peasant animals. In the stables, a general cleaning was carried out, the bedding was changed. They spoke kindly to the cows and tried to treat them with something tasty. "Please make the cattle happy on St. Nina."

Folk signs on Nina:

  • White clouds float across the blue sky - expect frost.
  • If there is a pale moon in the sky, it will soon snow.
  • The milk milked on Nina has wonderful properties.

28 January. pavlov day

According to popular beliefs, sorcerers and witches became more active at this time. People tried to be especially careful, prayed a lot and remembered all the signs and means that protect against evil spirits.

  • Starry night on Pavel - to a good flax harvest.
  • Strong wind - to a rainy, rainy year.
  • If the frosty patterns on the glass look down, the year will be fruitful.
  • All birthday people had to walk in linen shirts, then the whole year would be happy for them.

January 29. Petr-half-feed

It's time to check the stocks of feed for livestock. If less than half remained, then the daily norm had to be cut.

Signs on Peter - half-feed:

  • The day is cold - the summer will be hot.
  • If it snowed on Petra, then in the summer there will be a lot of hay.
  • From the north the wind blew - to lingering cold.

January 30. Anton-perezimnik, Antonina-half

"Antonina came - half of winter." Half of winter is over, which means that spring is just around the corner.

  • It's snowing on Anton, so spring will be late.
  • By noon the sun appeared - by early spring.
  • At night the sky is clear - to a bad harvest.

January 31st. Afanasiev day, Afanasy-clematis

According to folk legends, witches liked to walk on Athanasius. But more evil spirits plagued people with severe frosts, which almost always came at this time.

Folk signs on Athanasius:

  • A sunny day on Athanasius promised an early spring.
  • But if there is a blizzard, then spring will be late.
  • Baptizing boys on Athanasius is a bad omen.
  • Housewarming is also a bad omen.
  • It's not a good day for a date.

January is considered the coldest month of the year, in the old days it was called “prosinets”, “chilled”, “winter”. This month has interesting feature- if last year January was warm, then this year it will be harsh, and vice versa. These days, one can judge not only the weather, but also the upcoming harvest, and all thanks to folk signs that developed many years ago.

weather notes

The behavior of pets and the weather in January can be used as a kind of meteorological summary for the future:

Short-term signs

  • The tit squeaks in the morning - to the night frost.
  • Jackdaws swirl in the air - it will snow.
  • Crows croak - to frost, sit on trees - the wind will rise, settled on the ground - there will be a thaw.
  • When sparrows hide under a roof in January, climb into brushwood and other shelters, there will soon be frost or a heavy snowstorm.
  • Magpie, flying near housing - to a blizzard.
  • A singing bullfinch under the window of a residential building is a sign of the coming thaw.
  • If the goose presses its paw, a cold snap is expected soon.
  • The chicken stands on one leg - there will be frosts. The higher you climb onto the perch, the colder it gets.
  • A domestic dog, spreading its paws, stretches and sleeps on the floor - to warm weather.
  • The horses fell asleep standing up - it will get colder, they lie down to rest - warming is coming.
  • The hare came to the garden - warm weather will not come soon.
  • If a squirrel leaves the nest after a snowfall, descends from a tree, runs through the snow, calm and clear weather will soon set in.
  • Before a blizzard, long branches of spruce bend, and by clear weather, they straighten.
  • Fluffy frost on bushes and trees - the next day promises to be sunny and warm.
  • If there is no wind, but the smoke from the chimney falls on the ground, then soon a snowfall is expected, a pillar goes - to frost, spreads on the ground - a thaw will begin.
  • In the furnace, a red fire burns - to frost, white - to warming. There will be a thaw if the heat in the stove goes out quickly.
  • If there is a light wind blowing or snowing on a January night or early morning, the day will be warm and clear.
  • A pale moon in a halo always portends snow, a bright moon - to clear weather.
  • The clouds are lining up in bands - the next few days the temperature will be above zero.
  • If the snowfall ends in the afternoon or in the evening, but the sky has not cleared up, the next day there will be precipitation again.
  • Frost on the street, and on the ice there is water - a thaw is approaching.
  • Evening or night fog that lasts a long time - morning frosts are not expected.
  • A northerly wind against a cloudless sky heralds frost for the next few days. If at the same time the ice cracks, then the cold weather will be established for a short time.
  • Strongly creaking snow underfoot - to a cold snap.
  • A red dawn or a red dawn portends a blizzard.
  • A steep and clear month is a sign of severe frost.
  • The stars are twinkling on a January night - to the cold. If at the same time the clouds go against the wind - to the snow.
  • Large snowflakes during a snowfall - to an early thaw.
  • The day in January is clear, but in the evening a layer of low clouds appears in the sky - the frost will be weak, snowfall is possible.
  • The sun sets in a large cloud - there will be a snowstorm.
  • Misted windows in frost indicate the onset of warming, but if at this time the draft in the furnace is strong, then prolonged cold is expected.
  • Hoarfrost, which appeared at night in January, portends a snowfall.

Long term forecasts

  • The stronger the frosts in early January, the hotter the summer will be.
  • Warm month - to cold March and late spring.
  • Cold January - to late mushrooms.
  • Sunny days in the second half of the month - there will be a good harvest.
  • Gloomy, overcast sky all January - to a meager harvest.
  • Frequent snowfalls, blizzards - to heavy summer rains.
  • Many long icicles portend a big harvest in summer.
  • The mole leaves the hole - it will be a cold May.

Read also the calendar of folk signs about the weather and customs for February

By days

  • January 1 is the Day of Ilya Muromets, it has long been customary to bow to the native land and remember the exploits of folk heroes. On this day, a strong wind portends a harvest of nuts, warm weather - rye will be born, a starry night - there will be a lot of peas and berries.
  • January 2 - Ignatiev day, dedicated to the father's house. It is also considered Apple Day, when apple trees are supposed to be cleared of snow and hoarfrost for a better harvest. Snowdrifts, deeply frozen ground promise grain production.
  • January 3 - Prokopiev day or Polukorma. By this time, no more than half of the feed prepared for livestock for the winter period should be used up.
  • January 4 - Nastasya's day. Clouds against the wind herald snow, a clear sunset portends dry, clear weather the next day.
  • January 5 - Fedulov day. Windy weather is considered a good omen and promises a rich harvest.
  • January 6 - Christmas Eve, time for carols. If the day is clear, then both the vegetables in the garden and the wheat in the field will ripen. bright stars at night they portend a good offspring of livestock and poultry.
  • January 7 - Christmas. A strong blizzard and snowdrifts on this day are signs of a warm, rich harvest year. A thaw at Christmas heralds an early and warm spring.

  • January 8 - Babi porridge. The day when women in labor and midwives are glorified, and girl fortune-telling begins. Clear weather promises a harvest of millet, soft sticky snow - for a thaw, a steady north wind - for cold weather, a red sunset - for increased frost.
  • January 9 - Stefan's day, a harbinger of severe frosts. Snowfall - to bad weather, a large reddish moon - to warming.
  • January 10 is family day. The time when the whole family gathers to do chores together, they sit down at the table together. If a cat, curled up in a ball, lies down on something soft or warm, the next day will be clear and frosty, frost on haystacks - to a rainy summer.
  • January 11 - A terrible day. good time for fortune-telling - according to popular beliefs, this evening the evil spirits are especially rampant. The north wind with a cloudless sky portends frosts, the appearance of a strip of clear sky in the west in the evening - to warming.
  • January 12 - Anisin day. By this time, frost usually intensifies. Crows sit on the lower branches of trees - it will be windy, with an unstable daytime wind that changes strength and direction, weather deterioration should be expected.
  • January 13 - Melania's Day, Vasiliev evening. According to signs, if the night wind comes from the south, then the summer will be hot and fruitful, the wind from the west is a sign of the future abundance of fish and milk, and from the east, fruits and berries will be born well.
  • January 14 - St. Basil's Day. Snow and frost on Vasily - the year will be fertile. A blizzard is circling - a good collection of nuts is expected in the fall, a clear starry sky - an abundance of peas and berries, morning fog - cereals will be born.
  • January 15 - Sylvester Day. Also called the Chicken Feast because of the custom to clean chicken coops and repair perches on this day. If the horns of the month are bright and sharp, the wind will rise, steep horns - to a cold snap, sloping - to bad weather. Dim stars promise a thaw, bright stars promise frost.
  • January 16 - Proud day when you can not brag. White fluffy clouds portend a blizzard. Good audibility on the street - to warming.
  • January 17 - Zosima the beekeeper, patron saint of bees. If the branches of trees on this day bend from the snow, then in summer the bees will swarm.
  • January 18 - Epiphany Christmas Eve. The snow collected on this day has medicinal properties. To preserve beauty for a long time, you need to wash yourself in water heated from Epiphany snow. Water drawn from the springs at midnight also has healing powers.
  • January 19 - Epiphany. Frost began to subside. Snowy weather with hoarfrost or fog on this day is considered the most favorable sign for the future harvest. A person who swims in an ice-hole will be healthy all year. If the water in the hole reaches the brim, then a large spill is expected in the spring.

  • January 20 - Ivan Brazhny Day. End of Christmas celebrations. Cold and clear weather on this day is a harbinger of drought, cloudy and snowy - to a good harvest.
  • January 21 - Winter Vasilisa or Emelyan-winter Day. It is necessary to treat the godfather with the godfather, it is good for children, brings them health. At this time, there is a turn to spring, the weather changes. Wind from the south means summer thunderstorms.
  • January 22 - Philip's day. Clear weather - to a good harvest. The cattle does not want to leave the stall - you need to wait for a cold snap.
  • January 23 - Grigory the flight indicator. Frost fell on the haystacks - the summer will be wet and cold, with cloudy but warm weather - dry.
  • January 24 - Fedosy the Vesnyak. If the weather is warm on this day - wait for early spring, if it is cold and frosty - there will be a long winter.
  • January 25 - Tatyana's day. Beliefs say that a girl born on this day will become a good housewife. Warm weather on Tatyana promises an early arrival of birds and a mild spring, if it snows, wait for a rainy summer.
  • January 26 - Ermilov day. The forest cracks - a sign of long frosts. The cat curls up into a ball and hides its muzzle - lingering cold is coming, rolling on the floor - to warmth, tearing up the wall - bad weather is coming.
  • January 27 is Nina's day. It is customary to clean the stalls, treat domestic animals with bread and vegetables: "Give the cattle a treat on St. Nina." The trees were covered with hoarfrost or it snowed on a frosty day - it is warming, white clouds in the sky - to a cold.
  • January 28 - Pavel. The day of sorcerers, when you should especially beware of the evil eye and damage. Starry night on Pavel - there will be a plentiful harvest of flax. If the day is clear - the summer promises to be dry and hot, the weather is windy - cold, with snowfall - rainy.
  • January 29 - Peter-half-feed. Calculate the amount of feed for livestock left before spring grazing. Frosts on Petra are the harbingers of a hot summer.
  • January 30 - Anton-winter, is considered the middle of winter. You should not rejoice at the heat on this day, it is quickly replaced by cold weather.
  • January 31 - Athanasius the Lomonos. On this day, severe frosts are not uncommon. At noon, the sun shines brightly - the spring will be early, the blizzard is circling - the winter will drag on.

January wedding

For weddings in January, the following signs are known:

  • Snowfall during marriage - to prosperity and a prosperous life.
  • Full moon 1-2 days before the ceremony - to a happy, long marriage.
  • If the weather on the wedding day is warm, then a girl will be born first, frosty - a boy will be the firstborn.

Also, one should not forget that from the 1st to the 6th, the Nativity Fast lasts, and from January 7 to 19 - Christmas time. At this time, the church does not conduct a wedding ceremony and does not welcome a magnificent celebration.
