The sister showed the last photo of Zhanna Friske. Zhanna friske latest photos of illness Pictures of Zhanna friske during illness

In June 2015, the public was shocked by the news of the death of a bright star. Russian show business Zhanna Friske. Of course, many understood that the terrible disease left no chance for the singer, but people still had hope. It was difficult not to hope, given that Jeanne miraculously managed to win two whole years from death, instead of a couple of months predicted by doctors.

But people who knew Friske closely were convinced that this happens with really strong people, which was the artist. The support of relatives and friends played a big role. And the death of Zhanna Friske and her last photographs before her death shocked everyone.

After Jeanne's death in social networks and interviews with major publications, many stars decided to talk about what a bright and hopeful person Jeanne was. First of all, after the tragedy, her close friends responded, among them Lolita, who admitted that Jeanne dreamed of a second child. Glukoza also expressed her condolences, who could not believe that Jeanne was no more.

Not without comments from former members of the "Brilliant" group, Jeanne's stage colleagues. Yulia Kovalchuk admitted that she would miss Zhanna and, as Yulia is convinced, she would not want to see how sad everyone is. Of course, it was not without the support of Olga Orlova, Zhanna's friend, who dedicated close person a lot of time, spending the last days of the artist nearby. According to media reports, Olga was with the singer and her family in her apartment on the day Zhanna died. The news about Zhanna Friske, her illness and her last photographs before her death spread all over the Internet.

The civil spouse of the artist was in Bulgaria at the moment when Jeanne died. People didn't judge him. The decision to go to Bulgaria with the son of Dmitry and Jeanne Platon was made by close singers at the family council. The boy at that time was two years old, of course, the death of his mother and the hype that arose because of the journalists would be a big blow for the child.

To preserve the psyche of the baby, the father took him away from Moscow. By that time Jeanne was already in a coma. long time. To reproach Dmitry for being far away on the day of his wife's death, of course, is stupid.

One has only to think how hard it was for Jeanne's family and friends, including her lover. Not everyone will be able to watch the life of a loved one fade away. Shepelev himself, in an interview with a major publication, admitted that from the moment Zhanna was diagnosed, he and his wife did not make plans for the future, did not start talking about the upcoming summer, about vacation and recreation and travel. We talked about the present moment, lived as if there was no tomorrow.

Shepelev admitted that all the time of Friske's illness was stressful for her family, they had a huge responsibility. All the time I had to make decisions that influenced Jeanne's life, put her fate and future at stake. In particular, Dmitry said that he had been looking for ways to treat his wife all the time. The artist's husband corresponded, traveled the world, met with the best doctors in the world, consulted with professionals in order to save a loved one. There were people who raised the issue that the Friske family chose a clinic for Zhanna in America, and not in Russia. But not everyone understands that the choice was not between two countries, but between belief in something or someone.

But the hospital in America did not become the only institution where she received treatment. There were several medical institutions, and they were located in different countries.

Western clinics helped in many ways to stop the development of the disease and its impact on the life of a woman, but Friska could not be cured. The story of Zhanna Friske and the last photographs before her death were a shock to the public.

When Zhanna was not treated, she could spend time with her family. Shepelev shared with the artist's fans the news that their family was having a great time, swimming, enjoying delicious food walking together. The fact that the couple and their son could just hold hands was a huge win and a step forward, not backward.

Shepelev on the death of his wife

After Jeanne's death, Dmitry decided to write a message of gratitude to Friske's fans and those who are not indifferent. The support of outsiders was palpable all the time. He confessed to the men that for them happiness was that feeling that loved silence. And after the death of Friske, the woman remains pure and the most unforgettable happiness that was in his life.

Dmitry thanked everyone who helped the Friske family raise money for treatment, donated blood, prayed for the singer's health, wished her strength and happiness. The man is convinced that support played a huge role in the fact that Jeanne managed to live two years from the moment of diagnosis, which the doctors could not believe. Naturally, two years is a long time for a terrible illness, but at the same time so little for people who loved Jeanne. Zhanna Friske and her last concerts and photographs before her death were remembered by her fans more.

Zhanna became a ray of light and an example of a real star, unspoiled by fame and money. And this happened no longer as part of the Belstaya, which brought Friska popularity. Of course, it is useless to deny the fact that Jeanne was a bright and talented singer in the group, beloved by many. But the real Jeanne opened after the release of the show "The Last Hero".

An extreme broadcast about survival in the wild with a lot of tests revealed Friske to her fans and fans of the show from the other side. People did not think that behind the stage image of the “brilliant” there was a strong and bright character, willpower. This is how she was remembered by those around her. Finding out that Friska was gone was hard not only for fans of her work, but for everyone who saw a real and positive person. All were indifferent.

It is difficult to imagine what a woman had to endure, who finally met true love, for 38 years she knew the happiness of motherhood. Everyone tried to help raise money for the treatment of the star.

Channel One decided to organize a marathon, a charity event, and managed to raise 67 million rubles. The amount was enough for Jeanne's treatment in New York.

The remaining money was used to help sick children from low-income families. Dmitry and Zhanna created their own charitable foundation, its work continues in our time.

Dmitry said that he was not going to close the fund and would develop it for the sake of people in need of help and salvation. At the end of the marathon, Zhanna also turned to the people from the First, thanking the people who showed mercy. “Calm. Hope,” wrote the artist. Zhanna Friske, her last words and photographs before her death will forever remain in the memory of people.

Jeanne's last love

Popularity came to Friska after the success of the "Brilliant" group, which appeared by the end of the 90s. The press did not miss the opportunity to write articles and hot news about the personal lives of the members of the girl group. If they wrote about many that girls are looking for boyfriends, focusing on the size of their wallet, then Jeanne was singled out as a woman who chooses gentlemen in appearance.

The tabloids wrote about Friske's romances with Kakha Kaladze, the famous hockey player, the desirable and enviable bachelor Alexander Ovechkin, and Vitaly Novikov. News about new fans and sympathies of a woman did not leave the front pages of publications.

But the news was not the most pleasant. Almost every novel ended in parting and quarrels. Zhanna's fans were waiting for the news that the artist was getting married and was going to become a mother. We had to wait until 2011 for such news. The year was a turning point for Friske, Zhanna met her betrothed Dmitry Shepelev.

Jeanne, in her own words, did not lose hope of meeting with the man destined for fate. At concerts, Friske told her colleagues on stage that she sincerely believes in the existence of a prince. Not all people are lucky in their youth to meet their fate.

Jeanne's parents were lucky enough to meet each other in their youth and their marriage became an example for the artist, although her father did not have the simplest character, as the woman joked. Jeanne had to make a lot of mistakes and go through various difficult moments in her personal life before meeting true love. Zhanna Friske remains in the memory of millions as an attractive and smiling woman, despite the last photographs before her death that amazed fans and admirers.

Dmitry had a hard time, journalists asked annoying stupid questions “How Dmitry, young and successful, decided to choose a woman who was eight years older than him.” Shepelev advised “well-wishers” not to interfere in their own business and keep their advice to themselves. Zhanna became the only one for Dmitry. The man refused to believe in the difference in age, only in real feelings.


Jeanne's fans were infinitely happy to find out that the woman had finally become a mother. At 38, she gave birth to a boy, who was named Plato. The artist was about to leave her singing career and devote all her time and all her strength to the family. Unfortunately, things didn't work out the way Friske wanted.

After giving birth, Zhanna's health deteriorated, but the singer took off her weakness for fatigue, a busy schedule, and postpartum syndrome. Only later it turned out that the cause was a terrible disease.

Shepelev, during Zhanna's treatment, told reporters about how strong his wife turned out to be. The TV presenter admitted that he had never met such women, and it is difficult to find such strength and character among men. In a period when the artist had to worry and be in despair, accept the support of loved ones, Jeanne was completely calm and with this calmness she helped relatives and friends, a loved one. Shepelev called his wife a woman-harmony. Although he is sure that deep down Friske was mentally hard. It is hard to come to terms with the fact that she has no future, she will not be able to be with her son when he grows up.

Her old friend journalist Otar Kushanashvili also wrote about the strength of this bright woman. The man was convinced that in a situation in which there was no longer any point in fighting death, it was possible to maintain life only by willpower, love of life and a thirst to be near dear and close ones. When Otar saw the son of Dmitry and Zhanna, he had no questions left. Everything became clear where the woman got the strength and courage to resist the terrible disease.

To the great regret of many forces, in order to live even longer or be miraculously healed even by a sensitive and loving woman as Jeanne was not enough. human strength and the energy is not limitless. Jeanne was able to live longer than anyone could have imagined, and this is already a huge victory, happiness for the Friske family, her son, who managed to feel maternal love and care. About how bright and strong woman was Zhanna Friske, everyone remembers, not taking into account the illness and the last photographs before the death of the magnificent singer.

Passed away after a long illness famous singer Zhanna Friske. For a long period of time she struggled with a terrible disease - brain cancer.

The media report that the last two days before her death, Zhanna was unconscious. A week ago, the artist stopped recognizing her relatives.

Jeanne was found by her relatives without signs of life last night, June 15, in a country house. The ambulance, which arrived on call, pronounced him dead.

Information about the death of Zhanna Friske was confirmed by her father. Vladimir Borisovich said that "yes, it is."

Recall that in 2013 Zhanna Friske was diagnosed with a brain tumor - glioblastoma. The singer passed away at the age of 41.

Photo © RIA Novosti. Ilya Pitalev

Husband Friske commented on the death of the singer

Zhanna Friske during a photo session at the Millionaire Fair 2005

The civil husband of the singer Zhanna Friske, Dmitry Shepelev, thanked everyone who provided material and spiritual support to Zhanna, who had been struggling with a serious illness for 1.5 years. He wrote about this on his Facebook.

“We have always said: “Happiness loves silence.” I remain true to these words, because Jeanne remains for me an absolute, pure, unique happiness ... I know for sure that we could not have coped without you. I want to thank everyone: those who donated money for Zhanna's treatment, prayed for her health, just thought about her, wished her happiness and strength. I want you to know that these two years are largely your merit. Thank you," Shepelev wrote.

In the last months of Friske's life, doctors and a nurse abandoned her.

The singer's sister and mother took care of Zhanna on their own for six months and until her death.

Doctors and a nurse abandoned the dying Zhanna Friske a few months before the tragedy. The singer's sister Natalya told LifeNews about this. According to her, doctors recorded a significant deterioration in Jeanne's condition six months ago and resigned themselves to the fact that they could no longer help her.

Over the past five months, Zhannochka's condition worsened, she was often unconscious, all the doctors refused her, - the sister complained. - Only me and my mother took care of Jeanne. But before that, my mother did not trust anyone to take medications - she did everything herself.

According to her, the last of those who literally ran away from the dying singer was the nurse, who was recommended to the Friske family in one of the Moscow hospitals. The woman not only refused to help the artist's relatives, but almost ruined Jeanne herself.

She seemed to us wonderful, sensitive, but, having spent the night in the house for only one night, she simply turned around and left. And left Jeanne alone. Mom saw this when Zhanna was lying face down on the pillow and almost suffocated, Natalya recalls.

Recall that Zhanna Friske died in her house near Moscow on Monday, June 15, at 22:30. Only an hour and a half after that, her friend Olga Orlova, finally realizing that Jeanne was no more, called an ambulance. Arriving doctors ascertained the death of the artist.

Dmitry Shepelev: Zhanna was absolute and pure happiness for me

Zhanna Friske's common-law spouse Dmitry Shepelev thanked everyone who has been with the singer lately on his Facebook page.

The civil husband of the singer Zhanna Friske, Dmitry Shepelev, published a post on his Facebook page in which he spoke about two recent years difficult struggle with the illness of his beloved and thanked everyone who helped Zhanna during this difficult time. This is Shepelev's first public statement since Friske's death.

We always said: "Happiness loves silence." I remain true to these words, because Jeanne remains absolute for me, ...

Posted by Dmitry Shepelev on June 16, 2015
- We always repeated: "Happiness loves silence." I remain true to these words, because Jeanne remains for me an absolute, pure, unique happiness. We did not give up and fought to win. They say that 2 years in such a situation is a lot. But, of course, this is very little for us ... - Shepelev wrote.

The civil husband of the artist thanked everyone who helped Jeanne and her family in the fight against the disease - both financially and with prayers and kind words. According to Dmitry Shepelev, now he is going to focus on helping those who, like Friske, are fighting for their lives and health to the end and do not give up.

For a year and a half, Zhanna Friske tried to defeat brain cancer - she was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis in early 2014. After a long treatment in clinics in Germany and the United States, the singer, along with her family, moved to the Baltic States. In the summer of 2014, Friske began to recover: her vision, partially lost due to a tumor, began to return to her, she noticeably lost weight, stood up and could move without a wheelchair. Nevertheless, doctors warned that after radiation therapy, Friske could experience complications - post-radiation changes in the brain.

Many stars of Russian show business and friends of the singer expressed their condolences. Among those who until the last moment kept in touch with Friske, who, due to illness, tried to lead an almost reclusive lifestyle, was her colleague and close friend Dmitry Nagiyev. Singer and composer Dmitry Malikov called prophetic words from their last song with Friske.

The singer, according to her father, will be buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery of the capital.

The son of Zhanna Friske will not be brought to the funeral, fearing for his psyche

The singer's sister Natalya Friske told LifeNews that the family council decided to leave two-year-old Plato in Bulgaria.

The son of Zhanna Friske and Dmitry Shepelev will not be brought to the funeral of his mother, so as not to injure the psyche two year old baby. The singer's sister told LifeNews about this.

According to her, Shepelev himself will return to Moscow on the very first flight to see his wife on her last journey. Earlier it became known that Zhanna Friske will be buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery.

Dima left for Bulgaria with a heavy heart, and as soon as he found out about what had happened, he was going to fly here on the first flight. The child, most likely, will be left there so that he does not see this, Natalia said.

Now the relatives and friends of the singer are puzzled not only by the preparations for the farewell ceremony with Zhanna, but also by resolving issues regarding further fate little Plato. According to Natalia, his father will take care of the boy's upbringing.

I hope that we will see our nephew on the weekends, - said Natalya Friske.

Recall that Zhanna Friske died in her house near Moscow on Monday, June 15, at 22:30. Only an hour and a half after that, her friend Olga Orlova, finally realizing that Jeanne was no more, called an ambulance. Arriving doctors ascertained the death of the artist.

For a year and a half, Zhanna Friske tried to defeat brain cancer - she was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis in early 2014. After a long treatment in clinics in Germany and the United States, the singer, along with her family, moved to the Baltic States. In the summer of 2014, Friske began to recover: her vision, partially lost due to a tumor, began to return to her, she noticeably lost weight, stood up and could move without a wheelchair. Nevertheless, doctors warned that after radiation therapy, Friske could experience complications - post-radiation changes in the brain.

In recent months, Zhanna Friske lived in Moscow in a country house with her common-law spouse Dmitry Shepelev and her little son Plato.

Zhanna Friske spent three months before her death in a coma

The father of the popular Russian singer Vladimir Friske, who died the day before, said in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda radio that Zhanna Friske had spent the last three months in a coma. According to him, the singer's family did not tell anyone about this fact all this time.

Shortly before her death, the media write, Zhanna Friske stopped recognizing her loved ones. In recent days, the family did not leave the singer: doctors have already predicted a close end. At the time of her death, her parents, sister Natalia and a close friend, the ex-soloist of the Brilliant group Olga Orlova, were next to her.

The son of Jeanne Plato and her common-law spouse Dmitry Shepelev were not around at the time of death. The father and child are in Bulgaria.

“The child should stay with the father. If he gives it to us, allows us to educate him, we will help, of course ... He will not be left without anyone, ”says the father of the singer Vladimir Friske.

The funeral of the singer is scheduled for Thursday, June 18. Zhanna, most likely, will be buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery in the Balashikha district of the Moscow region.

Recall that the serious illness of Zhanna Friske became known in January 2014. She was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. To help the singer, the audience collected more than 60 million rubles, but she donated some of them to help children suffering from cancer.

Zhanna Friske gained fame as a member of the Brilliant group, then she began solo career. She starred in the films Night Watch, Day Watch and What Men Talk About.

Malikov called the words from their last song with Friske prophetic

The famous singer and composer Dmitry Malikov remembered working with Zhanna Friske on the song, which became one of the last in the singer's career.

Relatives and friends, colleagues and fans of Zhanna Friske mourn the death of the singer. Everyone who was dear to the popular performer is trying to support her family at this tragic moment and share their memories of Jeanne as a kind and decent person.

Zhanna Friske recorded one of her last songs as a duet with Dmitry Malikov. It contained the words: “Snow falls quietly on the palm of your hand and melts, it’s not easy for me now, I miss you so much.” As the singer noted, it was these lines that became prophetic, because after that duet the connection between the artists was cut off.

I can't say that Jeanne was my close friend. But I was lucky to meet her many times on the same stage, and Jeanne recorded one of her last songs in a duet with me, it was a year and a half ago. The song is very light and danceable, with the words: “Snow falls quietly on the palm of your hand and melts, it’s not easy for me now, I miss you so much.” These very touching words in a sense became prophetic, because then she was leaving for America, there was a very difficult birth, her illness began, and since then we have lost contact. But the song remains, lives and many like it. I am now on tour in the north, and when I woke up and opened the news, this news, of course, shocked and shocked me, ”said Malikov.

According to Malikov, he learned news about the health of Zhanna Friske from her friend and former partner in the "Brilliant" Olga Orlova. Until the last moment, the singer believed that Zhanna would recover.

During her illness, we did not keep in touch, but I always found out about her condition from Olga Orlova. In the last few weeks and months, I lost sight of her, and it seemed to me that the situation was on the mend, but everything turned out the opposite, - said Dmitry.

Recall that information about the death of Zhanna Friske appeared on the night of Monday to Tuesday. For a year and a half, the singer struggled with a terrible disease, but still failed to defeat brain cancer. The last days the singer spent unconscious in her house near Moscow. Many stars of Russian show business and friends of the singer expressed their condolences. Zhanna Friske, according to her father, will be buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery of the capital.

Zhanna Friske's life lessons: “A woman should always be loved. We deflate without love"

Zhanna Friske's life lessons: “A woman should always be loved. We deflate without love"

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" has collected the most memorable quotes of the ex-soloist of "Brilliant"
Yesterday the singer passed away and it's unbelievable beautiful woman Zhanna Friske. For more than a year, the artist fought stubbornly with cancer, but the disease turned out to be stronger. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" has collected the most memorable quotes of the ex-soloist of the "Brilliant", which form the lessons of her life.

Getting naked every year is getting harder
These people drink water from a puddle, not from a spring.
When they asked me once - don't you think that young people are degrading from your songs, I answered: but they smile. They will not get knives and will not go to cut someone on the street.
Women should not be ashamed of their beauty
Jewelry and heels are the best girl friends
If there is trust, this is an ideal relationship.
Used to say thinly: "She has dimples on her hips"
Everything should be treated with humor. Including yourself
A lot of complexes can be purchased "thanks" to the stage
I think the most sexy men- far from handsome
For me, human and sexual relations- Different things.
Is it possible to remain indifferent to the opportunity to test yourself?
Everything about my personal life is invented by journalists. And I get upset.
In any situation, a sense of humor and a correct sense of reality help out.
I change every day and I am grateful for every wrinkle that is on my face.
A woman should always be loved. If no one loves her, she is zero. We deflate without love.
I can’t go out into the street casually dressed not at all because of publicity, but because I respect myself.
No cosmetology will help if you are dissatisfied with your life, if you are unhappy, if you are evil.
Yes, I suffered from male meanness. And yet I think: you need to forgive. Negative emotions are destructive.
You can sit for hours at the hairdresser, get botoxed, but all the same, all the troubles will be on your face.
We've eaten so much shit together that we just don't have anything to share. I learned a lot while working at the Brilliant.
I don't calculate anything. Yes, and I can’t - I had a deuce in mathematics. So I only trust my intuition.
For some reason, men are either afraid of me, or they think that I am some kind of unearthly creature. And I'm just an ordinary woman.
If a man requires a woman to be a perfect picture, I would advise you to think: do you need such a man?
Loving people should not shackle each other with mutual claims, make them report: what, where; make dependent.
You will sometimes go to a restaurant - women are sitting with rings on their hands, but they do not have happy eyes. I don't want that. I believe that I will find my true soul mate.
I don't want to expose my personal life to the public. I have my little "house" in which I am saved. Entrance to it is allowed only to close people.
To love, to treat with understanding, to see a woman as a person, a person, to treat her soul with respect - this is what a really strong union can entail.
Every stage of life is beautiful. And in mimic wrinkles I find a certain charm. These "correct" wrinkles from smiles, from emotions give life to our faces.
A man can be absolutely ugly, but at the same time he is so unusual, so natural, so smart, so interesting in conversation, so able to present himself.
I saw it in a restaurant. Two fat, bloated men are sitting, and one says to the other: “Can you imagine, she has cellulite on her hips.” I wanted to give him a cuff.
“What should a beautiful woman sing about? About the fact that she was once again abandoned, all around are scoundrels and she is tearing her hair out? That's funny. You still get love songs. Well, a beautiful woman cannot sing about the hungry children of Nicaragua. I try to take into account the character of the artist. Zhanna - she is like that, and carelessness is closest to her.

Three mysteries of Zhanna Friske's death

The details of the death of the singer Zhanna Friske are still known from relatives and friends only in the most general terms - Zhanna's father and friends are in a state of shock. However, what is known raises questions.

Several months in a coma at home

Zhanna, according to her father Vladimir Borisovich, died in her parents' house in an elite village in the Balashikha region - the singer returned there after treatment in the USA. Jeanne's father, in an interview with MK, said that her daughter had been in a coma for the last three months, but they did not want to take her to any hospital. How was this possible?

Vladimir Borisovich explained this by the fact that the doctors, understanding Zhanna's grave condition, did not want her to die in their medical institution. But why did the family agree to this? How can a person in a coma stay at home? Indeed, to maintain life, special devices are needed, a lot of medicines ... In the oncology center of Balashikha, we were informed that they had not received any requests from Zhanna's relatives.

According to unconfirmed information, not so long ago, Jeanne was seen with her common-law husband Dmitry Shepelev for a walk in the park. However, passers-by could recognize ...

Why did they call an ambulance so late and who was next to Zhanna?

According to the media, Jeanne died at half past ten in the evening on Monday, June 15. An ambulance was called to the house in Balashikha only after midnight - and it is said that it was not Jeanne's relatives who called her, but her close friend Olga Orlova.

When we called Olga Orlova, she said that she could find the strength in herself and tell sad details only after her friend's funeral.

Why didn't you call an ambulance right away? we asked Olga.

- I'm not ready to answer you now ...

- The only thing Olga explained was that Jeanne did not have a medical nurse.

According to Zhanna's sister, Natalya Friske, cited by Lifenews, a private nurse was hired to care for Zhanna, but she ... fled. Natalia herself and the singer's mother looked after her sister. Why were the doctors called only almost three hours after Jeanne died, was there someone next to her at the time of her death? There are no answers to these questions yet.

The common-law husband and father of the child of Jeanne Plato, Dmitry Shepelev, when Friske died, was in Bulgaria with his son, having flown there the day before the tragic event. Surrounded by Friske, they said that it was impossible to leave, knowing about the critical condition of his wife.

Zhanna's parents are ready to raise her son Plato, but Vladimir Borisovich, in a conversation with us, made a reservation: this will happen if he and his wife "trust the child."

Dmitry Shepelev should fly to his wife's funeral, but he will leave Plato in Bulgaria, said Natalia Friske. And in the future, it is the father who intends to deal with Plato. Does this mean that there are internal conflicts in Jeanne's family? God forbid that this is not so ...

Olga Orlova: “Now I’m organizing a funeral, and it hurts so much that I can’t explain anything”

The closest friend of Zhanna Friske, who took all possible part in saving the singer, does not hold back her tears.

There is no indifferent among the singer's colleagues, and all those who sincerely believed in her recovery. Everyone who deeply sympathized with Zhanna Friske at the stage of treatment and struggle for life today speaks and writes about her, thereby expressing their common grief in connection with what happened.

Despite this, the media began to exaggerate information that two days before the death of the singer, her husband Dmitry Shepelev went with their child to Bulgaria, allegedly leaving his wife.

With the question why the TV presenter left, we turned to our closest friend Zhanna Friske, who had been by her side all this time, trying to save her:

Olga Orlova, friend of Zhanna Friske: “It hurts too much, I can’t speak”

- The funeral will be held on Thursday, the exact time and details I will announce later. Now I'm organizing a funeral, and it hurts so much that I can't explain anything, I'm sorry! - Olga could not hold back her tears ...

Meanwhile, a growing number of celebrities are offering their condolences for Jeanne's passing:

xenia_sobchak: Many years ago. At the Kinotavr, by the way. She was beautiful and kind. RiP

anilorak: My condolences to the family of a wonderful person .. Zhanna Friske .. What a pity ... Blessed memory ..

guzeeva_larisa: Dear Zhannochka! Everlasting memory! Condolences to family and friends.

Oleggazmanov: Sad news.

I didn't believe life would end.

That someday the end will come.

And your star will fall from the sky,

Leaving the crown of constellations... Farewell, Jeanne!

ann_semenovich: I was lucky to know you and work together, I was lucky to listen to your wise advice older friend and laugh in unison? So wise, kind and deep people there are very few in the world and when they leave this world it becomes very sad! Eternal memory and an easy way home to the Kingdom of God?

anitatsoy: Zhanna, may the earth rest in peace for you. Dear family, please accept our sincere condolences. Jeanne, sorry.

prigozhin_iosif: Sad news today there was a knock on the window. Cheerful and beautiful, kind and friendly, interesting and not envious, strong and independent Zhanna Friske passed away. Sincere condolences to family, friends and fans. We will miss her.

valeriya_rus: Strong, kind, smart, beautiful, funny… My heart is in tatters. Remember Love.

bledans: It's raining nonstop today. According to you, the sky is crying, and with it a huge number of people who have lost the sun today. The sun - Zhannochka! She always shone, smiled and gave warmth to everyone who was nearby. We met at the New Year's children's play and I was so happy that everything is fine! But... sometimes even the strongest can't! You fought to the end! You're the best! You will always be an example for me, of course, and the standard of female beauty! Honey, we won't forget you!

denisklyaver: So early and unfair…..Farewell Dear Zhannochka……….We grieve……….

lopyrevavika: You never know what will happen tomorrow...and we so often waste precious minutes of our lives on all sorts of nonsense, not realizing that this thin thread can break at any moment. And that's all ... you will never again be able to tell a person how dear he is to you or just take his hand and be silent. Appreciate and love each other here and now, so that you don’t regret later that you didn’t have time to say or do something very important! r.i.p. Jeanne... I wish strength to survive this tragedy to relatives and friends? Kingdom of Heaven.

Victoriabonya: I don’t want to believe, it hurts to realize, it’s hard to find words ... We all hoped and believed ... Rest in peace, Zhanna ... May the earth rest in peace ...

Zhanna Friske's father announced the date and place of farewell to the singer

Farewell to the singer Zhanna Friske, who passed away tonight, will be held tomorrow in Moscow at the Crocus City Hall. The funeral is scheduled for June 18, the singer will be buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery. This was told by her father Vladimir Friske.

LifeNews for the first time publishes footage of the beginning of Friske's treatment in Hamburg. Sorry it didn't help.

At the disposal of the channel was a video in which the singer, along with her family, goes to the clinic.

Exclusive footage from Hamburg appeared at the disposal of the editors 2-3 months before the first reports about Zhanna Friske's illness appeared in the press. The video was filmed in October 2013, the year the singer and her family first crossed the threshold of one of the leading European clinics. A couple of months before that, the singer stopped appearing in public and posting relevant photos on social networks, but colleagues and fans thought that the young mother was recovering from childbirth and was raising her growing son.

At that time, no one, except for the closest friends and relatives, knew about the problems of the singer. On January 15, 2014, the media published the first reports about the singer's illness. On January 20, family and relatives confirmed in a statement on the singer's official website that Zhanna was seriously ill.

After Hamburg, the singer's treatment continued at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. Jeanne was ready for any methods of treatment, even experiments. Doctors reassure: radiation therapy should help. And indeed, the disease is amenable. The long-awaited word is remission.

Soon, to continue rehabilitation, Friske, together with her family, moved to the Baltic States. It seemed that she was on the mend: her sight, partially lost due to a tumor, began to return to the singer, she noticeably lost weight, got to her feet and could move around without a wheelchair. Nevertheless, doctors warned that after radiation therapy, Zhanna could experience complications - post-radiation changes in the brain. And so it happened. The disease has returned. No treatment has helped.

Friske fought with a brain tumor for almost two years, and for the last three months she has not regained consciousness. Jeanne died in her house near Moscow on Monday, June 15, at 22:30. For a year and a half, she tried to defeat brain cancer - she was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis in early 2014. However, as it became known to LifeNews, the attending physicians of Zhanna Friske said that she was brought to die in a cancer center in Moscow. Even then, Friske became blind and was in an extremely serious condition. Doctors told investigators that the council refused Zhanna Friske treatment because of the high risks.

The singer's husband Dmitry Shepelev, according to LifeNews, left Zhanna Friske two days before her death and left for Bulgaria, taking his son Plato with him. Doctors warned him that he might not see his wife alive, but Dmitry still flew abroad.

In the LifeNews studio, Otar Kushanashvili expressed condolences to Zhanna Friske's family and paid tribute to Olga Orlova, the singer's friend, who remained with her until the last minute. Otar Kushanashvili is sure that Zhanna always, even knowing about her incurable illness, remained the embodiment of love of life solely for the sake of Plato's son, husband and family.

In Moscow say goodbye to Zhanna Friske

At the concert hall "Crocus City Hall" formed a long line of fans of the singer, many of them were holding flowers.

Farewell to the singer Zhanna Friske, who died at the age of 41, takes place in the Moscow concert hall "Crocus City Hall".

The coffin was placed in the lobby of the concert hall. Around the coffin are vases with flowers and wreaths. Music sounds, and photos and frames from the singer's clips are shown on the screen. Jeanne's relatives are near the coffin.

Singers Olga Orlova, Anna Semenovich, Diana Gurtskaya, Ksenia Novikova, singers Dmitry Malikov, Igor Nikolaev, Sergey Lazarev, Mitya Fomin, trainer Edgard Zapashny and many others came to say goodbye to Zhanna Friske.

Hundreds of people have already said goodbye to the singer, they go in an endless stream. The tables in front of the coffin are littered with flowers. Farewell will last until 20.00.

About three thousand people came to say goodbye to Zhanna Friske

In Moscow, at least 3 thousand people came to say goodbye to the singer Zhanna Friske. It is reported by TASS.

The famous Russian singer Zhanna Friske died on the night of June 16 at the age of 41 due to brain cancer.

Dmitry Shepelev: “I made Zhanna an offer. And we wanted to get married!”

> A popular TV presenter, the father of the singer's child, told KP about the last days of his beloved woman.

“Zhanna remains absolute, pure, unique happiness for me,” wrote her common-law husband, famous TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev, on his blog after the death of Zhanna Friske.

For two years, Dima, together with Zhanna's relatives, fought for her life. Alas, the miracle in which everyone so wanted to believe did not happen.

Dmitry Shepelev was not at the farewell ceremony with Zhanna. At that moment, Dima was with their two-year-old son Platon in Bulgaria, where he left shortly before Jeanne left.

The Komsomolskaya Pravda website managed to talk to Dmitry when he flew to Moscow to say goodbye to his beloved woman and his son's mother at the funeral.

"I was waiting for my father to fly in to look after Plato"

- Dima, we bring you condolences from journalists and readers of KP.

- Thank you. Thank you.

- Your fans are wondering why you were not at the farewell ceremony with Zhanna today?

- I was with our child in Bulgaria a few hours ago. And he was waiting for his grandfather, my father, to come to us at the first opportunity in order to follow Plato, not to leave him alone with the nanny.

The child must be supervised. For us it is very important.

As soon as my father arrived, it happened a few hours ago, I immediately

flew to Moscow. Yesterday there was a ceremony for Zhanna's fans. public ceremony. Today it is much more intimate: liturgy, funeral service and burial. This morning I will be with my beloved woman.

- And they also discussed on the Internet, they say, why you flew to Bulgaria on the eve of Zhanna's departure. I take it it's because of your son? So that Plato is not present at the last minutes of mom?

- It was known a month ago that I would take the child to the sea. Tickets were bought, visas were issued. During this time, we understood that anything can happen. But none of the doctors in Russia, or in Germany, or in America, of those with whom I consulted, could say when trouble might occur. It was clear that Zhanna was in critical condition, but no one could predict anything.

It could go on for days, weeks, months. And, of course, no one made any plans. Everyone in the family… I will allow myself to speak on behalf of the whole family. We agree on the main thing: the child should not suffer. And, if possible, the child should have a full summer. Therefore, we knew in advance that on the 14th, on Sunday, he would fly away to rest.

And you must understand, I spent these two years with Zhanna, without leaving ... And I followed her wherever she was. Because I knew that my loved one needed support. And the fact that it happened due to such, I will say, nothing but a monstrous coincidence of circumstances, it cannot be called in any other way. Of course, if I had a choice, I would like to be with her in these moments. The fact that this happened within a day after our departure with the child is nothing but a coincidence. On the other hand, I am calm for my son and am very glad that all these tragic events bypass him. I don't think it's right for him to be present.

"You have to fight even if it's a game with death"

- The trouble that came to your house is familiar to many. For example, my aunt also died of a similar disease. And there are many such tragedies in the families of KP readers. The question arises: is it really impossible to get cured in Russia, but only abroad there are these miraculous vaccines that can prolong the life of our loved ones for some time ...

— Russian doctors are doing a great job. And, first of all, I would like to thank dozens of Russian doctors who were responsive to us. Many people helped us absolutely free of charge.

And they did a lot for our family. More than they should have.

Therefore, first of all, I must say thank you. There are some circumstances that ordinary doctors cannot change. The question, much more serious, is what kind of treatment is available in Russia…

And, believe me, the treatment that exists now, it is able to help a lot of people. But Russian doctors are not omnipotent. There are technologies that, unfortunately, are not available in Russia. For example, only in America. Or in Israel.

This is also not a secret. Therefore, we face the circumstances that we face. It is possible to recover in Russia. The most important thing is to fight. From the very beginning to the very end. Even if it's a death game, in my opinion.

- Yesterday was a very warm farewell ceremony. And it seemed to many that Jeanne sees all the fans who came to say goodbye to her. It is difficult to talk about Jeanne in the past tense. Tell me, did she want to return to the stage? What plans did she have?

“You know, our son has always been a priority for us. This is undoubtedly the most important thing that happened in my life and hers. Therefore, the most important thing we talked about, the most important thing for us, is how we will raise our child. She dreamed about it. And that's exactly what she was talking about. I think it's much stronger, much more happiness than going on stage. Although, of course, performing made her happy, because she was born for this.

“The memory of a loved one is the strongest motivation”

- And you wanted to get married, as far as I understand ...

- We discussed it. I proposed to her.

- In an interview with KP, you once said that sometimes it’s not you, but Zhanna who supports you and finds wise words. Did she say something about a possible departure or did this topic not come up at all?

No, we never discussed it.

- I know that you are now planning to open an information fund for people who, like Zhanna, are struggling with this difficult diagnosis, with brain cancer. Are you doing this in memory of Jeanne?

Zhanna Friske's husband: I'll probably regret it for the rest of my life

Farewell to Zhanna Friske took place in Moscow on June 17
MOSCOW, June 18, 2015, 07:03 - REGNUM Dmitry Shepelev - the civil husband of Zhanna Friske - told at the Burgas airport (Bulgaria) why he was not at the Crocus City Hall, where on June 17 a farewell to the singer took place.

According to him, he had to wait in Bulgaria for the arrival of his father - grandfather Platon, who was supposed to stay with a 2-year-old boy. After that, he could only take tickets for the evening flight. At the same time, he denied allegations that even before departure he knew that Jeanne would die in the coming days: a trip with Plato to the sea was planned a month ago.

“I will probably regret for the rest of my life that it happened so. There can be no question of any flight and that I took the child from Jeanne, ”Shepelev told Super.

According to Shepelev, the most important events for the family and for him will take place on June 18: liturgy, funeral service, funeral.

Zhanna Friske died on the evening of June 15 at her parents' house in the Moscow region. The singer's father said that the last three months she was in a coma.

Red roses and a funeral cortege - Zhanna Friske was taken on her last journey

Singer Zhanna Friske, who died at the age of 41 after a long illness, was buried on Thursday at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery in Balashikha near Moscow.

April 7, 2013 Zhanna Friske gave birth to a son, Plato. On June 7 of the same year, Zhanna's father found out that the singer had a brain tumor. It all started with the fact that Jeanne began to complain of headaches. And when I was in Miami, I went swimming and did not return for a long time. Then it turned out that she mixed up heaven and earth. Jeanne often went to bed, darkened the rooms with curtains. And there was a case when she tried to put Plato to sleep, holding him upside down.


Jeanne fainted. The most terrible thing is that at these moments, according to Vladimir, she was "strongly crippled", and the doctors feared that she would break her spine. Therefore, Jeanne began to be tied up.

In New York, they found a very expensive medicine that helped Jeanne. So much so that her tumor began to disintegrate. As Friske explained, it was impossible to get rid of the tumor surgically - it was too far away and there was a risk that after the operation Zhanna would "become a vegetable," as Vladimir put it. The same drug had a miraculous effect on the singer.

Vladimir advised Dmitry Shepelev to consolidate his success and invite the director of the Institute of Virology to help, but the TV presenter refused. And two months later, Jeanne began to relapse. Friske said that when her daughter could no longer speak, she was asked with whom to leave Plato. And Zhanna chose her friend Olga Orlova.

According to Friske, at the end of her life, Zhanna realized what kind of person Dmitry Shepelev was. When he came (and, as Vladimir said, in two years the host was with her for 56-60 days), Zhanna turned away, her pulse even quickened.

Friske's girlfriend Alena Premudoff also appeared in the studio of the show "Secret for a Million". She stated that Jeanne suffered from headaches long before pregnancy. And even fainted. She advised her to visit a doctor, but she did not listen to her.

After giving birth, when the disease progressed, Jeanne, according to her friend, became simply unbearable. According to Alena, it was impossible to communicate with the singer, they often quarreled, and over trifles. Vladimir Friske admitted that his wife's parents and older sister died of cancer.

A serious illness has changed the beautiful singer beyond recognition

A serious illness has changed the beautiful singer beyond recognition

For several weeks, Zhanna FRISKE underwent a course of treatment at the Memorial Cancer Center. Sloan-Kettering in New York (Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center). Having completed all the necessary procedures, the singer flew to Los Angeles. On the eve of the American paparazzi photographed the artist during a walk: Zhanna was sitting in a wheelchair, which was rolled down the street by her assistant.

It is known that the singer courageously struggles with a serious illness. Doctors gave the singer a disappointing diagnosis: an inoperable brain tumor. The singer herself refused the operation so as not to harm her child - when the artist found out about her illness, she was pregnant. And only after the birth of Plato, Jeanne underwent all the necessary procedures, including chemotherapy. Unfortunately, a fatal illness has changed the beautiful singer beyond recognition. However, according to relatives, Zhanna is a real fighter: she never gives up and always finds the strength in herself to go to the end.

While walking around Los Angeles, the artist was accompanied by two assistants. Until recently, there were two people close to her in New York next to Zhanna: a friend and a common-law spouse. Every day they took Zhanna to the oncology center for procedures. However, Dmitry was recently forced to return to Moscow to film in the new season of the program “Property of the Republic”. Zhanna's treatment is expensive, and Shepelev needs to earn a living. To be closer to his son Plato, Dmitry temporarily settled with his parents Friske ().

I learned about my daughter's illness two months after the birth of my grandson, - Zhanna's father Vladimir Borisovich told Express Newspaper, - My daughter started having terrible headaches. I was one of the last to know about everything. Jeanne did not want to upset me, she said: "Daddy, I'm fine." I understood everything only when I flew to the States. Jeanne is very strong man I have never seen her cry in my life. Even when she was little, I scold her, and she grits her teeth and is silent.

Zhanna FRISKE. Photo: Splash/All Over Press

- Why was Zhanna's personal gynecologist - Semyon Zinker not aware of it?

The daughter did not have time to tell him. She was taken by ambulance to the hospital, she was in a coma. - Vladimir Borisovich, is it still possible to do the operation, what do the doctors say?- We went through all Moscow specialized hospitals: from the Burdenko Neurosurgical Institute to the Blokhin Cancer Center. No one gives guarantees that the daughter will not die in the event of a surgical intervention. Jeanne refused the operation, and this is her decision ... ()

Protecting the feelings of her parents, the singer did not tell them the main thing: she learned about the tumor during pregnancy, when the neoplasm could be removed. - Why did Zhanna reach the situation when the tumor cannot be operated on? Because of the unborn child, - Tatyana, a close friend of the artist, is barely holding back her tears. - The doctors suggested a course of chemotherapy, but could Zhannochka risk the health of her son, whom she had dreamed of for so many years?!

Zhanna FRISKE. Photo: Splash/All Over Press

You should have seen her pregnant - it seemed happier than a man not in the world. She talked about leaving the stage, planned to give birth to a second, third baby. But she did not even manage to babysit her son - after giving birth, she gave him to her parents. In January, Jeanne came to Moscow - despite the fact that she no longer gets up, she herself wanted to take the baby to her parents. It is a pity that the son did not recognize his mother, - Zhannochka has changed a lot. This winter, the guys wanted to baptize Platosha, but, as far as I know, it didn’t work out.

Zhanna FRISKE. Photo: Splash/All Over Press

Zhanna FRISKE. Photo: Splash/All Over Press

Zhanna FRISKE. Photo: Splash/All Over Press

The death of Zhanna Vladimirovna Friske is described here. With the events of the last day of life, the cause, date, time and place of death are indicated. A photo of the coffin and a photo of the grave are given. Therefore, all people with an unstable psyche, as well as persons under the age of 21, this information is categorically not recommended for viewing.

Zhanna Vladimirovna Friske
08.07.1974 — 15.06.2015

Cause of death

The cause of Zhanna Friske's death was a serious oncological disease - glioblastoma - an inoperable brain tumor. Died of a similar illness

Glioblastoma is one of the most malignant tumors. At this stage in the development of medicine, the mortality rate from this type of cancer is 99%.

Date and place of Zhanna Friske's death


Farewell and burial place

Farewell to Zhanna Friske, Moscow, Crocus City Hall

On June 17, 2015, a civil memorial service for the singer was held at the Crocus City Hall concert hall. Later, a funeral was held according to the Christian rite in the Elokhov Epiphany Cathedral. Zhanna Friske was buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery in Moscow.

Grave of Zh. Friske, Moscow, Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery.

Farewell and funeral of Zhanna Friske. Video.

Death of Friske. Details.

As you know, after all the tragic events, Dmitry Shepelev wrote a book about Jeanne Friske. For all fans, the book "Jeanne" is a must-read. Very touching and sad book.

Death of Friske. Circumstances.

We deliberately omit questions regarding the nationwide fundraising, Rusfond, Shepelev, the Kopylovs, Plato, the missing millions, all litigation, squabbles, scandals, and all this vile dance on the bones that began after her death. If you need it, look elsewhere, you won't find it here.

Oddly enough, all this dirt is, as it were, aloof from, in fact, Jeanne herself. In the memory of millions of people, Zhanna Friske remained radiant, cheerful and sweet. Woe to those who made this sabbath. Let's not be like them.

Zhanna felt the first symptoms of the disease shortly after the birth of her son. She began to suffer from headaches, general weakness, fainting. The singer was given a disappointing diagnosis - brain cancer. This was a truly terrible blow for Jeanne herself and for millions of fans.

It should be noted that Zhanna used all the chances. The best doctors, the best clinics in Europe and America, the most advanced drugs and methods. In particular, during the treatment, a special cancer vaccine called Abdiva was used, costing 200,000 euros for 15 ampoules.

The last months of her life spent in Moscow, Zhanna was observed at the Moscow Cancer Center on Kashirka, where Mikhail Lichintser, Head of the Department of Chemotherapy and Combined Treatments for Malignant Tumors, was involved in her treatment:

When she arrived in Russia, her illness had greatly progressed. They turned to us to administer her drugs prescribed in the United States. Of course, it was impossible to cure, but her relatives insisted on it, so she was brought in once a week for the administration of medicines. It was already the end.

Zhanna Friske

Unfortunately, the singer's condition only worsened. Zhanna stopped orienting herself in space, suffered all the side effects of chemo- and hormonal therapy. Her hair fell out, she gained excess weight, her legs gave out, and for the last two months Zhanna was completely unconscious. By the end of her life, she was practically blind.

Olga Orlova:

She hasn't spoken in the past two months. For the last two months she has been asleep all the time. I don't know if she's in a coma or what it's called, but I think she was conscious, she just didn't say anything. She slept all the time, but I think maybe I'm crazy that she heard everything. Somewhere far away she understood, because we talked with her, tried to joke, I read the letters that came to her in her ear

Children of Zhanna Friske

Jeanne had one child:

  • Platon Dmitrievich Shepelev, 04/7/2013, from Dmitry Shepelev