Class hour about the kindness of fgos. Class hour "Kindness" class hour (Grade 4) on the topic

In the world around us, manifestations of good and evil often clash. And it is very important to teach children to evaluate good and immoral deeds. So holding a lesson of kindness will be very relevant for all age categories of schoolchildren.

Goals and objectives of the class hour about kindness

Kindness is the most important quality, without which a person is no longer a person. The main goal of holding a class hour on the topic of goodness can be called the formation of moral and moral norms of behavior in society, the creation of a system of ethical values ​​for students.

Tasks set:

  • to form knowledge about the categories of good and evil, mercy and cruelty;
  • to cultivate the desire to do good deeds, to teach goodwill;
  • develop the ability to argue your point of view;
  • contribute to the development of teamwork skills.

What topics to choose for a class hour about kindness?

  • Do good!
  • My friend, always go the way of good!
  • Hearts will open to goodness.
  • Good. Evil. Mercy.
  • Life is given for good deeds.
  • What is kindness?

Literary and musical content of the class hour about kindness

The presentation should reflect the concepts of "good", "evil", "tolerance", "mercy", "virtue". Examples of manifestations of good and evil in different cultures world (Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Confucianism and others).

Good and evil have long become units of cultural information, especially in literature. Confirmation of this can be found in the poetry of Omar Khayyam, A.A. Feta (“Good and Evil”), E. Asadova (“Kindness”), G.R. Derzhavin ("Happy Family"), etc.

Good Books

An exhibition of books in which one can trace the power of mercy and the victory of good over evil will help students better understand the topic of the classroom.

  • L. Tolstoy "Little Stories", "Tales and Parables".
  • K. Paustovsky "Warm Bread", "Disheveled Sparrow".
  • B. Polevoy "The Tale of a Real Man."
  • A.G. Aleksin "Stories".
  • A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryona Dvor".
  • M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil".
  • F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment".
  • M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita".

IN contemporary culture There are many sayings about kindness. One of them can be taken as an epigraph. For example:

  • A person learns good from a person (Ch. Aitmatov).
  • Kindness is a language in which the dumb can speak and the deaf can hear (K. Bowie).
  • It is difficult to lead to good by moralizing, it is easy by example (Seneca).
  • Good deeds make a person beautiful (proverb).
  • Make good, but live badly (proverb).
  • A good word is a good deed (proverb).

For musical accompaniment, it is possible to use the song compositions "The Road of Good", "Do Good", "Song of a Good Man", "Spark of Good" and classical works by Claude Debussy, G. Verdi, F. Chopin.

In what form should a class hour be held on the topic of kindness and mercy?

Often such cool watch conduct in the form of a discussion on the topic "Good and Evil", or in the form of a conversation. IN primary school it is better to combine it with the game form and hold several competitions. For example, the game “Is this fairy-tale hero good or evil?”, The training game “Good Planet”. You can conduct a psychological test "Are you a kind person?".






Hour of kindness


Uzhneva N.N.

Bykova L.D.


(the form of the lesson is a round table)


The development of students' ideas about goodness, the upbringing of the desire to do good deeds, the development of self-esteem;
- the development of students' speech, thinking, the ability to coherently express their thoughts, develop communication skills.
- drawing up the rules of a good man

Personal UUD - the development of psychological observation and the ability to see the good in another person, to accept different points of view.
Reflexive UUD - plan your actions in accordance with the task.
Cognitive UUD - work with information, comparison, ability to prove.
Communicative UUD - the formation of skills with peers and adults.

Equipment: explanatory dictionaries, tables with brief notes of tasks, a table with a group of words (kindness, goodwill, good-natured), 2 envelopes with a set of words (responsive, attentive, disinterested, merciful, indifferent, delicate, selfish, trouble-free, noble, conflict); full houses with words for composing a proverb (life, on, deeds, given, good); the rules of a kind person (written on sheets in the form of clouds); Sun; in children: felt-tip pens, notebook and landscape sheets.

Lesson progress

Listen to the parable and decide what will be discussed in our lesson.

"Shards of Kindness"
The family spent the day off at the beach. Children swam in the sea and built sand castles. Suddenly, a little old woman appeared in the distance. Her White hair fluttered in the wind, clothes were dirty and tattered. She mumbled something to herself as she picked up some items from the sand and put them into her bag. The parents called the children and told them to stay away from the old woman. As she passed by, bending over and over to pick up something, she smiled at the family, but no one returned her greeting.
Many weeks later they learned that the little old woman had devoted her whole life to picking up pieces of glass from the beaches with which children could cut their legs.

What will be discussed in our lesson? (children's answers)
- You are absolutely right. Today we will talk about kindness and good deeds.

We gathered at a round table and talk about kindness and good deeds.

So, the topic of our conversation is kindness.

Goodness, kindness. What might these words be associated with? (sun, mom, tenderness, warmth, blue sky, flowers, gentle sea, etc.)

The sun is attached to the board, the word "kindness" is written on it.

Raise your hand those who have done unkind things to anyone. Raise your hand if you've been treated unkindly. So our sun was obscured by clouds.

Clouds hang on the sun.

We suffer from insults inflicted on us, and do not notice when we ourselves offend someone. Why is this happening? Let's talk about this today, is it so important to live next to kind people and be kind yourself, draw up the rules of a good person, following which we will not let the clouds of evil cover the sun.

Every person on earth wants to be loved and cared for. But not everyone knows that all this must be earned by your kind attitude towards others.

KINDNESS… What does this word mean? “This is a responsive, sincere disposition towards people, the desire to do good,” is the definition of S. Ozhegov. (Children independently find the definition in dictionaries).

Continue the phrase: "A kind person is ...".

You are given a group of words. Find an extra word and complete the remaining words with related ones: KINDNESS, GOOD, GOOD. (kind, virtuous, good-natured, benevolent, good-natured, respectable, kind-hearted, conscientious, kind, appease, good-natured, etc.).

Let's check how you coped with the task.

Express agreement or disagreement with the answer of 1 team. Ask each other questions.

How do you understand the meaning of the word "good-natured"?

What other qualities are characteristic of a good person?

Choose from the following: mercy, compassion, sympathy, empathy, selflessness, justice, envy, dependability (willingness to help), indifference, tactlessness, selfishness.

Express agreement or disagreement. Ask questions.

Reliability. How do you understand the meaning of this word? Is it always necessary to show this quality?

Conclusion: Reliability should not always be shown, but it always accompanies kindness, as well as disinterestedness, and mercy, and sympathy, and compassion.

Listen to the parable. A hunter was walking through the forest. Suddenly he sees: a tree has fallen and crushed the snake. The hunter approached the snake, and she begged him: "Save me, I've been lying here for the second day, I'm dying, lift the tree." The hunter lifted the tree, a snake slipped out, wrapped around the hunter's leg and is preparing to bite him. The hunter pleaded: “What are you doing, I saved you from death!” "That's why I'm a snake," she replies.

What is this parable about? (This parable is about good and evil)

What can be said about the character of the characters? (Good hunter, he saved the snake. The evil, ungrateful snake wanted to bite the hunter.)

Does that mean you don't have to do good? Maybe it's worth living by the rule: "Do not do good - you will not receive evil"? (Express their opinions, give examples from their experience, from the literature they read)

Have you ever been in a situation where you were punished for a good deed? What did you feel about it?

Tell me about a time when you repaid good with evil. What did you feel about it? How did the person you offended feel? Would you like to be treated the same?

The Gospel says: "... in everything you want people to do to you, so do you to them."

Conclusion: what rule of a good person was discovered? (Repay good for good).

Is it possible to force a person to be kind? (Children express opinions).

Is it possible to regret a good deed? (p. 109, "135 Health Lessons"). Read an ancient Chinese tale.

There was once an emperor who loved birds. He learned that the boys were shooting them with slingshots, and announced:

Whoever brings a live bird to the palace will receive a handful of rice.

Hearing this, the boys stopped shooting pigeons. They set many snares in the forest, and soon the palace rooms were filled with doves.

The emperor was visited by a sage. He saw goubeys in the palace and asked: Why so many birds?

The emperor replied:

I have a good heart and I save them from boys. They no longer kill pigeons, but bring them alive.

The sage said:

You have a good heart, you love birds, but no one has done them as much harm as you. You saved 500 birds and killed 5 times more.

Why did the sage say so?

How many birds did the emperor kill?

Have there been acts in your life that were done out of good intentions, which you later regretted? (for example, made for a friend homework)

Conclusion: what rule was discovered? (Both good and evil must be done with intelligence. Intelligence without goodness is bad. But goodness without intelligence is no better. Kindness without intelligence is empty.)

Is it possible to be kind without showing any kindness in your deeds? Listen to the poem and think about whether the hero is kind.

Once I met a stray cat.

How are you doing?

Nothing, just a little.

I heard that you are seriously ill?

So, were you in bed?

Lying on the street for many weeks

homeless I have nowhere to put my bed.

I thought: “It is terrible that in the vast world

There is no place for homeless dogs and cats…”

(children express their opinions)

What would you do if you were the hero?

"I'll take this poor cat home,

And there will be a little less homeless.”

Conclusion: derive the third rule. (The good man does good).

Who else, besides man and animals, needs your kindness and participation?

Of course, nature suffers from our indifference too.

Game "Why did this happen?" Name the reasons that could cause the listed situations.

    Many titmouse flocked to the balcony of the house.

    Whales are thrown out of the sea onto the shore.

    The starfish are on the sand. (p.110, 135 health lessons)

    Garbage is gradually becoming a monster for the planet.

And now you need knowledge of mathematics. Calculations will show how evil his thoughtless actions can turn out to be for man and nature.

Task 1 team.

20 tons of raw materials are spent per person per year. 9/10 of that goes to waste. How many tons of waste is produced? How many tons of raw materials does a person use? What to do with this waste? What can you do (for example, with plastic bottle)? C.5, f. Pedagogical Council No. 11, 2005).

Task 2 team.

A ton of oil covers 12 square kilometers of the ocean surface with a thin film. An average of 9,000,000 tons of oil enters the seas per year. What area of ​​the ocean can this amount of oil cover? What will happen to the Black Sea if this amount of oil spills onto its surface? (Area of ​​the Black Sea 422.000 sq. km)

Conclusion: is it necessary to rush to do good? Why?

What rule can be derived?

The fifth rule of a good man is to do good in a hurry.

Reflection. So, we have deduced the rules of a good man. Kindness is the most valuable quality of our people. Find out what it says folk wisdom, putting these words in the right order: on, life, deeds, given, good.

Let's end our lesson with a good deed: let's stand in a circle and say good words and wishes to each other.

I want you to remember what you are feeling right now and take it with you as you leave this room. Warm feelings and good mood will still be with you...

Thank you all for your work.

Class hour"Hour of Kindness and Humanity"

Pedagogical goals:

Educational tasks:


    audio - tape recorder;

    soundtrack cassettes.

1. Introductory speech of the teacher

Good afternoon guys! Good afternoon, our dear guests!

Today we are going to talk about kindness. Let's think again about the meaning of this word in the life of every person. I have no doubt that you are kind, polite and good friends. I would like to start with a poemFedor Abramov "Puppy", which struck me with the cruelty of one of the characters.

Abandoned, he went where the people are.
And sat down near the garage,
Small intermittent trembling
Trembling in the morning frost.
Wet frost glued eyelashes,
A longing glance asked for participation,
Only everyone passing by
Part of the hopes of the dog carried away.
Why does no one notice
How long has he not eaten anything?
And now, for a slice of bread
He gave half his life
Life is for the hand that gave it!
Suddenly he jumped...
And happiness and frost
Choked, swirling from his feet
Then to him, to him invitingly someone whistled
Good stranger!
Lord of the future,
The dog runs straight through the snow
And ... flies, thrown back by a heavy one,
Forged tarpaulin boot.
The puppy howled from unbearable pain
(the football player, apparently, was a master ...)
Get used to it, little cripple.
First meeting with a person
Often happens like this...
In conversation, this guy
He once said of a friend:
“Is he a man?
Dog, dog! I wouldn't call it anything else...
2. Conversation on the content of the poem

- How can you call this man's act?

(children's statements)

- What kind of person is this? ( children's statement)

- And what is evil?(children's statement)

Of course, it is impossible to inflict even the most insignificant suffering, not a single living creature on our earth, neither people nor animals. Worthy of condemnation are those heartless people who mock animals, who throw cats and dogs out into the street, dooming them to hunger and cold. Those people who humiliate and insult others, do not respect the elders, who offend the younger

1 student.

Who loves dogs or other animals,
Serious kittens
And carefree puppies
Who can love a goat and a donkey, -
The one for the people forever
Will not do evil.
2 student Don't stand by indifferently
When someone is in trouble.
You need to rush to the rescue
Any minute, always.
And if someone, someone will help
Your kindness, your smile
You are happy that the day was not lived in vain,
That you live for years not in vain.
3. Guys, look what wonderful words:

Your kindness, your smile.

Kindness.... What does this word mean? (children's statement)

It's all good, kind, beautiful.

- "Kindness is responsiveness, sincere disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others"

- What kind of person can be called kind? (children's statement)

A kind person is one who loves people and animals, who is ready to help in difficult times.

A kind person loves nature and protects it.

A kind person loves birds and animals, helps them to survive in the winter cold.

A kind person tries to be neat, polite and considerate in dealing with friends and adults.

Of course, kindness, mercy, the joy of experiencing for other people create the basis of human happiness. .

What proverbs about kindness do you know?

Proverbs about kindness:

Learn good - bad will not go to mind.

Feel free to talk about a good deed.

Life is given for good deeds.

It's bad to live without a kind word.

A good word heals, and an evil one cripples.

It is not clothes that make a man, but his good deeds.

The evil one cries with envy, and the good one with joy.

Kind words are more valuable than wealth.

In whom there is no good, there is little truth in that.

Don't look for beauty, look for kindness.

Managed to be guilty, manage and obey.

Well done! How many proverbs about kindness do you know.

5. Do you know such proverbs about kindness?

(The beginning of the proverb is written on the card, the children must continue it):

One for all and all for one)

Look for no friend, but ..... (found - take care)

Well done!

6. But after all, a kind person always smiles and gives his smile to others

(performing the song "Smile")

Student 3:

You smile like a splash of the sun,

Class hour "Talk about good manners»

Pedagogical goals:

1. Continue to acquaint students with universal human values.

2. To form the moral qualities of students: ethical standards of behavior, tolerance, sensitivity and responsiveness.

Educational tasks:

    cultivate goodwill, kindness;

    the ability to see beauty in the simple and ordinary;

    the ability to give warmth and kindness;

    to promote the development of the horizons of children, the ability to think and reason;

    to develop students' aesthetic and spiritual and moral abilities;

    to educate in children a sense of kindness, politeness, attention and friendship, the ability to cherish loved ones.



1. Teacher's word

Guys, at the last class hour, speaking about kindness, you told me that a kind person should also be polite.

- What kind of person can we call polite ? (children's statement)

Yes, polite person observes the rules of decency, he is very cultured, friendly, courteous, helpful, courteous, amiable and well-mannered and knows many polite words. Do you know polite words? (children's statement)

Of course, we need kind words at home, at school, on the street and in the store.

2. Let's listen to a poem by S.Ya. Marshak "If you are polite ..."

If you are polite and not deaf to conscience,
You will give way to the old woman without protest.
If you are polite in your soul, and not out of sight,
You will help a disabled person to climb into the trolleybus.
And if you are polite, then sitting in the lesson,
You will not crackle with a friend like two magpies.
And if you are polite, you will help your mother,
And offer her help without asking - that is, yourself.
And if you are polite, then in a conversation with your aunt,
And with grandfather and grandmother, you will not kill them ....
And if you are polite, then you are in the library
You will not take Nekrasov and Gogol forever.
And if you are polite, you will return the book
In neat, not smeared and intact binding.
And if you are polite, to those who are weaker,
You will be a protector, not shy before the strong.

Who is polite, he will never offend the baby and the weaker. This is one of the main rules of a polite person.

And now we will listen to ditties and think if there are such guys among you

3. Chastushki:

About your childish deeds
We will sing to you in verse
We'll tell you everything without hesitation,
You all exclaim: "Ah!"
The train includes three juniors:
- Wow, how many people are here!
Take your seats guys
And then the grandmothers will take it.
Kolya quarreled with friends,
In the course of letting go fists.
At the bully under the eyes
The bruises don't go away.
Petya was a good fisherman
Can make boats
Only "Hello" and "Thank you"
Can't speak.
The lazy mother says:
- Make your bed!
- I would take mom
Only I'm still small.
Oh, ditties are good,
We sing them wholeheartedly.
But don't yawn either
Sing along more boldly
From the bottom of our hearts we sang to you
School ditties.
We are not at all tired
Pity your ears.

4. Teacher. So, are there guys like that among you?

Do such guys exist?

5. Oseeva's scene "Blue Leaves"

Katya had two green pencils, and Lena had none. So Lena asks Katya:

Give me a green pencil, Katya.

I'll ask my mom.

Both girls come to school the next day. Lena asks.

Did mom let you?

Mom allowed it, but I didn’t ask my brother.

Well, ask your brother too.

Katya comes the next day.

Well, did your brother let you?

My brother allowed it, but I'm afraid you'll break your pencil.

I'm careful.

Look, do not break, do not repair, do not press hard, do not take it in your mouth. Don't draw too much.

I just draw the leaves on the trees and the grass in green.

It's a lot.

Lena looked at her and walked away. I didn't take a pencil. Katya was surprised, ran after her:

Well, take it, what are you? Take it!

No need.

In class, the teacher asks:

So guys, show me your work..

Lenochka, why do you have blue leaves on the trees? Do such things happen?

No green pencil.

Why didn't you take it from your girlfriend?

I gave it to her, but she won't take it.

The teacher looked at both:

You have to give so that you can take.

6. Teacher. Guys, did Katya do the right thing?

Do you think she felt ashamed of her act?

Would you be friends with such a girl?

7. Teacher. And what is friendship? (Children saying)


What is friendship?
This conscience is pure
And the soul is open
This is how the ancients think
What is friendship?
Friendship is equality
And to be friends without equality
Nobody likes
What is friendship?
If it gets hard
That in everything, as for yourself,
Lean on a friend.
What is friendship?
Strong support.
True friends together
Can move mountains
What is friendship?
This is happiness, children.
This sky is clear
Peace on the whole planet!
8. Teacher

- Now let's look at a few situations.

First situation.
Let's talk about what good and bad manners are.
Let Tanya be a mother, and Roma and Ira be her children. You are going to visit. “Mom” should explain to “children” how to and how not to behave at a party.
Second situation.
Mom told me to come home at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. But you don't have a watch. You will have to turn to one of the elders. How will you do it?
Third situation.
Vasya and Kolya are on the tram. At the bus stop, an old woman enters. How will you act?
Teacher:Not only words should be good with us, but also deeds, so that neither we, nor our parents, nor friends have to blush for them.
Well-bred children will never make fun of the physical defects of their comrades, laugh at them.
Game "Tell me a word"

9. Teacher: And now we will play, find out from you, do you know the "Magic Words"?

    Even an ice block will melt from the word warm ... (thank you)

    Even the stump will turn green when it hears ... (good afternoon)

    If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom .... (Thank you)

    A polite and developed boy speaks when meeting ... (hello)

    When we are scolded for pranks, we say ... (please forgive me)

    And in France and Denmark they say goodbye ... (goodbye)

(After guessing, the children collect words from syllables.)

10. Teacher: Listen carefully to A. Antonov's poem "Vitya is polite or not."

Vitya offended the baby,
But in front of the school in the ranks
Vitya asks:
"Sorry, I admit my mistake."
The teacher came to the lesson
He put a magazine on the table.
Next is Vitya:
"Sorry, I'm a little late."
The argument has been going on in the classroom for a long time:
Is Vitya polite or not?
Understand our dispute
And tell us the answer.
11. Teacher:Well, what do you think? Is Vitya polite or not? Now listen to the following poem by S. Pogorelsky "Overdone."That's who courtesy we have
Shown in action:
He's in the midnight nap
I got my mother out of bed.
- What happened to you?! mother cried,
Is your son sick?
- I forgot to tell you:
"Mom, good night."

12. Teacher:

Is this boy polite? How many of you do this too?

Is it hard to be polite?

13. Final word from the teacher.

Before we part
And everyone go home
I want to say goodbye
Wishing you,
For you to be kind
Forget the magic words
To kind words
You spoke with your friends.

You are still children, but there are many glorious deeds ahead of you. You will make our planet beautiful. But first you have to grow up to be real people. And this means: brave, sympathetic, polite, kind, hardworking. After all, doing good, doing good is great. And through life you must go Dear good.

Let's finish our extracurricular activity a song called:

14. Performance of the song "Good Road"

Prepared by:

teacher primary school

MBOU "Timiryazevskaya secondary comprehensive school» Kolpnyansky district, Oryol region

Laricheva Marina Anatolievna

Thematic class hour

Talk about kindness

Goals and objectives.

To form students' moral ideas about kindness, sincerity, to identify during the class hour what kind of person can be considered kind.

To encourage in children the desire to help parents, each other, the weak, to teach them to appreciate the feelings of others.

Learn to think about your actions.

Cultivate respect for all living things.


Illustrations "Nature asks for help", computer.

Preparatory work .

    Learning poems with children on the topic

    Learning the song "Song of Kindness"

Class hour progress

1. Opening remarks:

Where there is beauty, there is kindness.

Nothing can separate them.

Any bright dream

She always looks like two friends.

And we can't do without them

Not a bright day, not a rainy day.

And if you want to be beautiful

You probably guessed what will be discussed at today's class hour?

What do you think kindness is?

Not for centuries, but for millennia, people have been arguing about whether kindness is needed or not, whether it is useful or harmful, worthy of respect or ridiculous. There are disputes, and people suffer from the lack of kindness in their lives.

So what is kindness? What kind of person can be considered kind? Let's try to answer these questions in today's class.

According to the dictionary of Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov: (slide 2)

Kindness - Responsiveness, sincere disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others.

According to the historical dictionary:

Mercy - compassion, cordial participation, various kinds of help, charity in relation to the sick and the needy.

The merciful turns his attention to the need of his neighbor and forgets himself in order to help him. We must be merciful to animals and birds. Good is everything positive, good, useful.

2 . Set up for the lesson

There are several people in our class, and you are all different. But we study in the same class, we are one family.

How should we treat each other? (kindly)

And what does it mean "better"?

3. Analysis of the story.

Now listen to the story of two girlfriends and answer the following questions:

Why did her mother blame her?

Can Sonya's attitude towards her friend be considered kind?

What should the girl have done?


Lived two inseparable girlfriends. They were very similar. Moms dressed them in the same dresses, both of them studied only for five.

- We are the same in everything, in everything! the girls said proudly.

But one day Sonya - that was the name of one of the girls - ran home and boasted to her mother:

- I got a “five” in mathematics, and Vera only got a three. We have become different.

The mother looked at her daughter carefully. Then she said sadly:

Yes, you've gotten worse.

- I? Sonya was surprised. - But I got a three.
not me!

Vera got a three, but she got it because she was sick. And you were delighted - it is much worse.

5 . Carrying out the test "Qualities of a good person". Working with cards.

Words on cards:

Gratitude, anger, sympathy, pity, flattery, love, envy, kindness, hatred, mercy, sensitivity, goodwill, hatred, responsiveness, anger.

On the cards are written feelings that all people can have. Choose the ones you want to own. (Work in pairs).

Tell me what feelings a good person should not have.

Should these feelings be hidden or embarrassed?

Name the feelings you need to deal with.

If you experience anger, envy, hatred, try to suppress these feelings in yourself. They destroy a person. People who experience negative feelings often get sick, they are always in a bad mood. (slides 3,4)

6. Conversation about sincerity.

Children, have you ever cried? Give examples.

Why can people cry? (from resentment, from pity)

And people cry when their hearts hurt. How do you understand this expression?

Where is the human soul? How do you think?

There are people with good souls, and there are people with evil ones.

Let's try to look into ourselves and see the light of our soul.

(Children close their eyes, put their hand on their chest, bow their heads, music sounds)

How did you see the light of your soul?

What colors do you notice in the light of your soul?

Do all people on earth have pure and bright souls?

There are evil and envious people, and their souls are probably gloomy and black.

Listen to the poem and tell me if the protagonist of this poem has a soul at all?


Abandoned, he went where the people are.

And sat down near the garage,

Small intermittent trembling

Trembling in the morning frost.

Wet frost glued eyelashes,

A longing glance asked for participation,

Only everyone passing by

Part of the hopes of the dog carried away.

Why does no one notice

How long has he not eaten anything?

He would give half his life for a slice of bread,

Life is for the hand that gave it!

Suddenly he jumped...

And happiness and frost

He suffocated, swirling the snow.

Then to him, he whistled invitingly

Good stranger!

Lord of the future,

The dog runs straight through the snow

And ... flies

Thrown away by the heavy

Forged tarpaulin boot.

The puppy howled from unbearable pain

(The football player, apparently, was a master ...).

Get used to it, little cripple:

First meeting with a person

Often happens like this...

Questions for analysis:

- What feeling did this poem evoke in you? Why?

How do you understand the words "abandoned, he walked ..."?

Why did the puppy go where the people are?

Were his hopes justified?

What kind of person did the puppy meet? (Evil, cruel...)

What would you do if you were this cruel person?

Why do you think it happens that dogs do not touch some people, but growl at others?

Have you ever noticed that animals feel how people treat them?

What kind of people in the world are more, with light or dark souls?

Listen to M. Sadovsky's poem " Kind heart” and tell me why this poem is called that way?

I once brought a puppy into the house, a homeless tramp,

To feed him lightly, the hungry poor fellow.

- Well, well, - said my mother, - let
he will live a little

such sadness in his eyes!

There's a spoon of soup...

I found in the yard later

A little bit alive kitten

I also brought it to the house,

Mom said again:

- Well, well, - she said, - let
he will live a little

such sadness in his eyes!

There is a spoon of porridge ...

I found a chick under the nest

Crows hovered over him

I hid in a tomboy's hat,

We came home with him.

- Well, well, - said my mother, - let

he will live a little

such sadness in his eyes!

There is a crumb of bread ...

Once I brought a hedgehog,

snake and turtle

And the hare ran into our door,

Probably out of fear.

Mom said: - Let them live -

the apartment is so wonderful

and if you make room, here

and we have a place!

Physical education minute: (music by M. Oginsky "Polonaise" sounds)

And now let's play the game "Magic flower of goodness."

Stand in a circle, extend your arms forward with your palms up and close your eyes. Listen carefully and mentally paint a picture of what I will talk about. There is a chest in my hands. It contains magical grains of Goodness. Now I will give each of you a grain. Hold it very carefully so that it does not fall.

(The teacher approaches each and, gently touching the palms of the children, puts an invisible seed in them.)

And now, very carefully, so as not to drop the seed, plant it inside yourself. Now it is a seed within you. Feel how good enters into you, bringing you joy. May it grow in your souls and hearts. But do not forget about one condition - it sprouts only when you do good deeds, not in words, but in deeds.

Draw in your mind a flower of kindness. Place it on both palms. Feel how it warms you: your hands, your body, your soul. From it emanates an amazing smell and pleasant music. And you want to listen to it. Mentally put all the goodness and good mood of this flower inside ourselves, in our heart.

A warm and gentle breeze blows you. You have a good, soul-warming mood. Now open your eyes.

Remember the fairy tale by G. H. Andersen "The Snow Queen": fragments of an ice mirror fell into human hearts, why people became mean and cruel.

How can you melt the ice in your heart? (Only with kindness and courtesy. You must not offend people, help the old. So that there are no ice in the heart, you need to speak only polite words, then the ice will melt.)

The bible says, "Return evil for evil to no one, but seek good before all men."

What should you do if something doesn't go the way you want? (Try to negotiate, try to see the positive in another decision, etc.)

But it happens like this: someone spoiled your mood, and anger appeared in your heart. How to act so that your anger does not pour out on anyone around you and leaves your heart?

Psychologist's advice: (slide 5)

- Stomp your feet. Anger will go to the floor.

- Express your feelings, tell someone about your bad mood, you can even a dog or a cat, or a toy.

- Sing a cheerful song or dance a fast dance.

- Wash away bad feelings. Take a warm bath, lie down and feel with your whole body how the water washes away all the bad.

- Inflate the balloon with anger.

    Talk about being kind to parents.

In the house good deeds busy,

Kindness quietly walks around the apartment.

Good morning with us

Good afternoon and good hour.

Good evening, good night

It was good yesterday.

And where, you ask,

So much kindness in the house

What of this kindness

Flowers take root

Fish, hedgehogs, chicks?

I will answer you directly:

It's mom, mom, mom!

We owe a lot of our lives to our mothers. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, the most faithful and sensitive heart. It never extinguishes love for its child, it never remains indifferent.

And no matter how old you are, you always need a mother, her caress, her look. Mom should always be loved and try not to give her trouble.

But sometimes our actions upset our parents. Remember, was there such a thing in your life when you upset your mother with your behavior? (Children talk about their misdeeds at will)

Situation analysis.

What is wrong with these kids? Can you tell what they think of their parents?

Situation one

Vitya told his mother that he would go to the yard and return home by 7 pm. The guys got carried away with the game, and then Vitya invited Misha to watch TV. Vitya agreed. The program was interesting, and Vitya forgot about his promise to come by 7 o'clock. And now it's 9 o'clock, and Vitya is still gone. Mom is worried, she ran to the neighbors, asks Vova, Vitya's comrade, if he has seen his son. "No, I didn't." Vova answers. Mom has tears in her eyes. Where is Vitya? Meanwhile, Vitya is calmly watching TV and laughing merrily.

Situation two .

Misha came to Petya's house to do homework together. They worked conscientiously, seriously. At this time, Petya's mother came with heavy bags and said: "Petya, help me carry the bags to the kitchen." Petya answered: “Mom, we are busy with a serious matter - lessons.”

What can you say about the behavior of boys? What should have been done?(Discussion.)

8. Conversation about caring for nature. (slide 6)

How should nature be treated?

Listen to the poem "The Sun in the Palm" and tell me what it is about?

Sun in the palm

Shadow along the path

cock crow,

cat purring,

bird on a branch,

Flower on the path

bee on a flower,

Ant on the grass.

And next to it - a beetle, all

Covered in tan.

And all this is for me

And all this is for free!

That's it - no way! -

If only I lived and lived

Loved this world

And saved others.

(Children talk about caring for plants, about helping birds in winter time, about saving water, about cleaning the territory of your school, etc.)

9. Work with proverbs.

Since ancient times, people have striven for good and hated evil. And they reflected this idea in proverbs that are passed from mouth to mouth.

Task: "Restore the proverb." (Work in pairs) (slide 7)

You see proverbs broken into parts. You need to assemble a proverb from words, and then tell your general opinion.

    A kind word and a cat is pleased.

    It is not clothes that make a man, but his good deeds.

    Hurry up for a good deed, and the bad will come in time.

    A good word heals, and an evil one cripples.

    In whom there is no good, there is little truth in that.

    Don't look for beauty, look for kindness.

What makes a person kind? (Charming, handsome. A person in whose soul kindness looks pleasant, he has an expression of joy and peace on his face and a sweet smile on his lips, etc.)

10. A conversation about politeness .

The first step to kindness is a kind word. What kind words do you know? Can polite words be called kind? What polite words do you know? Please add lines with polite words:

The old stump will turn green when it hears: (good afternoon)

The boy is polite and developed, he says, meeting: (hello)

Even an ice block will melt from a warm word: (thank you)

If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom: (thank you)

When we are scolded for pranks, we say: (I'm sorry, please)

In both France and Denmark, they say goodbye at parting: (goodbye).

Kindness and mercy have been developed by mankind for centuries in order to make it easier for everyone to live, to communicate with each other, so that this communication brings joy.

To develop a kind attitude towards people, one must follow the rules of kindness.There are rules for students.

Do you think there are any rules of kindness? Let's try to write the rules of kindness together.

11 . Kindness rules. (slide 8)

Let's read our rules.

1. Do good deeds just like that, with good intentions

2. To love people familiar and unfamiliar.

3. Encourage others to have good relationships

4. Do good for loved ones, friends.

5. Don't be jealous.

6. Don't be mean.

7. Don't be rude.

We will try to cultivate this feeling in ourselves and follow these rules. After all, acting according to the laws of kindness is beautiful, honorable, because good deeds and deeds live for centuries.

12. Summing up the lesson.

Chicken story.
Once upon a time there was a restless chicken. One day he asked his mother: “What is kindness?” “You are still small. When you grow up, you will find out, ”my mother said. But the chicken was impatient. He wanted to know the answer as soon as possible and went on a journey to find it. On the way, he met a weeping goat who asked him to find a lost goat. “I don’t have time,” said the chicken. “I want to know what kindness is.” And he ran on. In a clearing, he saw a girl who was trying to get a ball hanging from a tree. “Chicken, chicken, please help me get the balloon,” the girl asked. “I don’t have time,” said the chicken. “I want to know what kindness is.” “But I know what kindness is. My mother often tells me about kind people. “Tell me too,” the chicken asked. "First get the ball." The chicken flew up and took out the ball. “So you did a good deed. That is kindness." "So simple?" - the chicken was surprised.

Did the chicken learn what kindness is? What is kindness?

Today we talked a lot about kindness.

So what is kindness? (children's answers)

Kindness is the desire of a person to give complete happiness to all people, to all mankind.

And what kind of person can be considered kind?

Parable about the sage.

In conclusion, listen to one well-known, oriental parable and determine its meaning.

This story happened a long time ago. In the ancient city there lived a wise man, the fame of which spread throughout the city. But in the same city evil person who envied his fame. And he decided to come up with such a question that the sage could not answer it. He went to the meadow, caught a butterfly, squeezed it between his closed palms and thought: “I’ll ask you: “Oh, wise one, what kind of butterfly do I have - alive or dead?” If he says that he is dead, I will open my palms - the butterfly will fly away; and if he says - alive, I will close my hands, and the butterfly will die. Then it will become clear which of us is the wiser.” So the envious did: he caught a butterfly, planted it between his palms, went to the sage and asked him: “What kind of butterfly do I have - alive or dead?”

But the sage replied: “Everything is in your hands…”

Guys, how did you understand the words of the sage: "Everything is in your hands ..."

Life is a blessing, it is a gift that is given to a person only once. And it depends only on him what content he will fill his life with.

Indeed, everything is in our hands. Good, created by our hands, will bring a miracle.

Final word from the teacher:

Notice those who are close to you, forgive, give joy to mom and dad, grandparents, adults and your friends - that's all that is required of you!

After all, every person dreams of being surrounded by good, kind people. And for this, you yourself need to be the same. May kindness, responsiveness, mercy, care and other good qualities settle in the heart of each of you.

In memory of our meeting, I would like to give you small "hearts" that would remind you of the advice of the wise Fox: "You can't see the main thing with your eyes, only one heart is vigilant."

And I hope that you grow up to be kind, polite, humane people.

Now stand in a circle, hold hands - these are the hands of a friend. Put your hands on your shoulders. This is the shoulder of a friend that you can lean on at a difficult moment. Remember this.

Let's all sing Tatyana Mukhamitshina's song "The Song of Kindness" together

Class hour on the topic "Kindness" 3-Vklass

Lesson objectives .

To bring up a harmoniously developed personality in every child.

Cultivate positive thinking.

To teach to think about different aspects of life and the properties of the human character, to contribute to a deep living of the topic.

Explain the meaning of the concept of "kindness".

To convince children of the exceptional practicality and vital necessity of moral categories: Kindness, Love, Friendship, Mutual Aid, The ability to forgive.

To teach in a game situation and in life to distinguish between good and evil, beauty and ugliness,

Lesson summary

Org. moment.

- Hello guys. I am very glad to see you. To make us all feel good, comfortable, like at home, let's light a candle.

- Look at the flame of the candle, stretch your palms towards it. What do you feel? (Warm)

What can warm a person's soul? (Kindness) (slide)

- “Kindness is the sun that warms the soul” (A. Green) (slide)

Our lesson with you is dedicated tokindness

- I have a request for you: please close your eyes for a minute, smile (required from the heart), open your eyes, look: it has become brighter in our class. It was from your smiles that the sun shone, it warmed us with its warmth. When you smile, you have a happy and kind face.

Today we will talk about kindness, about good deeds and deeds. Name all the places on earth where kindness hides. (Children's answers.)

So what is good? How do you understand the meaning of this word? (Children answer)

- In the dictionary of Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov, the word "kindness" is defined as follows:

« Kindness - responsiveness, sincere disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others. (slide 3)

And what related, cognate words can you pick up for the word

GOOD? (slide 4)

Today we will go to fabulous journey. And magic beads will help us, I will go to each one, and you choose the bead that you like. Take this bead to go back (a calm melody sounds).

And now that you have chosen a bead, squeeze your bead in your left fist, and we will go to the country"Poems"

-Listen to some wonderful poems about kindness guys will read

1 reader:

Busy with good deeds at home

Kindness quietly walks around the apartment.

good morning with us

Good afternoon and good hour,

Good evening, good night

It was good yesterday.

And where do you ask

Is there so much kindness in the house?

2 reader:

Invented by someone

Simple and wise

Greet when meeting:

Good morning!

Good morning! —

Sun and birds!

Good morning! —

Smiling faces.

And everyone becomes

Kind, trustworthy...

May good morning

Lasts until the evening.

3 reader

It's not easy to be kind

Kindness does not depend on growth.

Kindness does not depend on color,

Kindness is not a gingerbread, not a candy.

If kindness shines like the sun

Adults and children rejoice.

4. Do not stand aside indifferently,

When someone is in trouble.

You need to rush to the rescue

Any minute, always.

5. And if someone helps

Your kindness, your smile

Are you happy that day

Wasn't lived in vain

What years you live not in vain!

6. I want everyone to laugh

So that dreams always come true

For children to have happy dreams.

To have a good morning

To keep mom from being sad

So that there is no more war in the world.

2 .—Our further path lies inFairy Valley (Slide 9). After all, it is in fairy tales that Good always triumphs over evil.

Let's guys remember what fairy-tale heroes did good deeds, brought joy to others. And the Fairy Chest will help us in this (Slide 10). You need to guess who or what it is about.

This fairy-tale hero wore a wide-brimmed hat. With a beautiful hurdy-gurdy, he walked around the cities, singing and music got his bread. He saved the dolls from the evil Karabas-Barabas and opened a wonderful theater for them. (Papa Carlo)

(When you click the mouse on slide 10, illustrations appear)

This hero treated animals and birds, saved the sick animals of Africa (Aibolit)

These were the favorite flowers of the girl who turned out to be stronger than the Snow Queen and saved her friend from the ice captivity (Gerda)

This fairy-tale hero helped his master become a marquis, marry a princess and become the owner of a huge castle. (Puss in Boots).

This dog was an inseparable friend of the girl who helped the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Cowardly Lion find what they lacked in life (Tatoshka).

How do these fairy-tale heroes differ from other heroes, for example, Baba Yaga, Karabas-Barabas? (Slide 10) (The fact that they do good, help a good person, a good deed, interfere with an evil one).

Now listen a new fairy tale and tell me how it relates to our topic?

Imagine that you and I were on a fabulous

Flower meadow.

3 . Fairy tale "Chamomile and Butterfly"

Chamomile: - Hello! I am Chamomile! I'm growing here on the edge of the Flower Field, all alone. I'm bored. I really want to be friends with someone! (Butterfly dances).

Chamomile : - Oh, what a wonderful butterfly flies! She seems to be dancing. Butterfly! You have such beautiful wings, I really want to make friends with you!

Butterfly: - Hello, Chamomile! I flew here from afar. I'm lonely too. I will visit you often!

— Butterfly decided to settle nearby to fly to the Flower every day and tell him interesting stories about the places she has visited, to share the news. And Chamomile, having opened the petals, joyfully met her friend. But one day, when the butterfly was not around, a group of boys walked across the clearing. They walked from the village to the river. One boy lagged behind, admiring the beautiful Chamomile.

Boy: - Pretty flower! I'll rip him off!

Chamomile: "Boy, please don't rip me off!"

Boy : No, I'll rip you off, I liked you, Chamomile!

Chamomile: - Boy! Or maybe instead of me you will catch my friend - a beautiful Butterfly?

Boy: — Butterfly? That same beautiful butterfly that flew to us from distant lands? Fine! I'm just going home for a net.

(Leaves, comes with a net).

“We must hide and wait for the Butterfly. And now she seems to be flying. Yes she!

Chamomile: - Butterfly! Fly to me soon! I've been waiting for you for a long time, I need to tell you something!

Boy: - Got out! Nasty butterfly! Flew away! Nasty flower! It is for you!

(breaks a flower, runs away).

Butterfly: Oh! My poor friend! It's my fault, it's because of me you broke. I'm sorry! (Crying).

Conversation 1.

- Which of the heroes of the fairy tale was truly beautiful in soul and heart?

- How did Chamomile act towards Butterfly? (ugly, ugly, framed, betrayed)

- Or maybe someone thinks that Chamomile did the right thing, because she was saving her life?

Would you like to be friends with such a flower if you were a butterfly?

“Did you like what the Boy did?” What is the word for his act? (kind? cruel? ugly?)

How does a good person relate to nature? (carefully)

List everyone whose kindness helps you grow.

(Kindness of parents, grandparents, caregivers and teachers, friends and girlfriends, etc.)(Slide)

Since ancient times, people have strived for good and hated evil. And they reflected this thought in proverbs that were passed from mouth to mouth.

4 .Therefore, first of all, we will sail to the island of proverbs.

Each team is given scattered proverbs:

The evil one does not believe that there is a good one

Good glory lies, and the bad one runs

Good news will add honor

A good word heals, an evil one cripples

Do good to others - you yourself will be without trouble

Live better, you will be nicer to everyone

You need to collect a proverb from phrases, discuss in a group what the meaning of this proverb is, and then tell everyone your general opinion.

What proverbs do you know?

Let's play the game "Make a proverb"

The beginning of the proverb is written on the card (on the board), the children must continue it: (find the rest and attach it to the board)

One for all - …..

Look for no friend, but ... ..

Clothes do not make a person, but…………

Leading: Sometimes we do not learn to be polite, kind, do not take an example from the good. No wonder they say “a bad example is contagious” and we act like this ...

(Girls read poems).

1. Aunt Sim asked

Climb Vitya to the attic.

“Sorry, aunt Sima,

I'm not your farmhand at all!"

2. Kolya quarrels with friends,

Moves fists

At the badass under the gases

The bruises don't go away.

3. Three young naturalists enter the train:

Wow, how many people are here!

Take your seats guys

And then grandmothers will take!

4. The lazy mother says:

Make your bed!

I would, mom, removed,

Only I'm still small.

5. Petya cleverly catches fish,

Can make boats.

Just "hello" and "thank you"

Can't speak

5. Make wishes (4 people)

Leading: Guys, you have a task. You must now collect a wish from syllables and read it to your comrades.(Be kind, be smart, be beautiful, be funny).

6. The game "Flower - seven-color"

- Valentin Kataev told all the guys about one amazing flower. Do you remember its name?

- What miracles happened in her with the girl Zhenya when she received a miracle flower from the sorceress?

— Were all her desires directed to the benefit of others?

- Let's try to use the seven-color flower, but make wishes not for ourselves.

(A game is being played: the teacher has a flower with 7 multi-colored petals on which good wishes are written. The guys from the place of the teacher’s choice tear off 1 petal and say who they send it to and read the wish.)

- Guys, do you think it's easy to be really kind?

Indeed, learning to be truly kind is difficult. The path to kindness is long, not easy. Ups and downs, ups and downs, alternations of evil and good await a person on it. Every person, big and small, has their own path to kindness.

7. Creative task "Tree of Kindness".

Work with "magic" words and greetings.

We say kind words in greetings, wishes to each other. Now guys, we will find out what is more good or evil on our earth?On one tree we will attach droplets with good deeds, and on the second tree we will put “evil” (tablets - envy, greed, rudeness, revenge, lies, fight, resentment). To defeat evil, one must try to have as many kind and polite words as possible on the tree of goodness. Let's remember what kind and polite words you know (children write down on prepared sheets and put their “droplet” on the good tree.)

- Here is the Tree of Kindness, which helped you remember the magic words and greetings.

- You see, guys, how you can defeat evil. So it is in life: droplets of good, merging, turn into a stream, streams into a river, rivers into a sea of ​​good. Good requires hourly, everyday patient labor of the soul, goodness. Good must be strong, active. Kindness is a sign of strength, not weakness. Strong man shows generosity, he is really kind.

It's good when a person leaves a good mark behind. One wise man remarked: “A man has not lived his life in vain if he has built a house, grown a garden and raised a child.”

8. Let us now also do one common good deed.

On a blank sheet of drawing paper, each child sticks application details prepared in advance from colored paper: a house, trees, figurines of children, clouds, the sun, flowers, figurines of birds and animals.

Teacher : What is the name of our painting? How did it feel to do good? (Children answer).

Teacher : And now the guys will tell us once again what is “good” and what is “bad”.

1. Come, friends, a happy time,

Wonderful days will come

The guys will be very friendly,

They will stop being rude.

2. A fresh wind will blow,

Violets will bloom

All the ignoramuses will disappear

They will disappear forever.

3. Let the rudeness disappear forever

Let the prescriptions of doctors

Appears in every pharmacy

Medicine for rough children.

4. The child spun in a chair

Noisy and molested everyone,

He was prescribed pills

He accepted and became polite.

5. Children will not be rude,

They won't bite their nails

And everything will become

Love these kids.

And now I will read the poems, and you must name the words in chorus that are appropriate in meaning.

(The host asks questions, the guys answer in chorus).

1. I must admit I'm surprised

I'll tell you about this.

I met a nimble Nastenka

I'm outside now

Nastya is a kind girl -

She goes to first grade.

But long ago from Nastya

I don't hear the word... (hello).

2. Grandfather was angry with his granddaughter -

What an annoyance:

He gave her a briefcase

Thought I'd be glad

But why be silent like a fish,

Well, I would say ... (thank you).

3. I met Vitya, I'm a neighbor,

The meeting was sad.

On me he is like a torpedo,

Came in from around the corner!

But in vain I'm from Viti

I was just waiting for the words ... (sorry)

Before we part

And everyone go home

I want to say goodbye

Wishing you,

For you to be kind

Forget the magic words

To kind words

You spoke with your friends.

Take the beads with warm hands, squeeze into a fist and attach to your heart, think about what you will take with you into life from this lesson. Let this experience help you to be kinder and more tolerant to each other in life, help you find the kind and good that is in the soul of every person. Open your eyes. Come one by one to me, we will string the beads on one thread. Stay standing with me.

What did we get?

Look what wonderful beads we got. So we are connected with each other, but at the same time, each bead exists separately. So a person sometimes wants to be with everyone, and sometimes he wants to be alone. See how tightly the beads fit together, as if they are very friendly with each other. I want you in the class to also be close-knit and friendly, so that you have these relationships for a long time.

Musical gift for the lesson. (song about kindness

This concludes our lesson. I wish you and all people that Kindness always lives in your hearts. So that the whole world is filled with Kindness, Tenderness, Faith, Hope, Love, Happiness. Joy, Smiles, Gratitude.
