Why doesn't gray hair always disappear? Can gray hair disappear? How to make an oil that will restore the natural color of gray hair

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Task: Highlight the endings of the adjectives.

Underline two words with the unstressed vowel being tested at the root

Find words with unstressed vowels at the root: 1) Why are whales silent, They don’t say anything, Even though whales have huge mouths? Because there are whales in the mouth

got some water! 2) The owl has eyes like bowls. And they don’t see a crumb during the day. At night, these bowls see everything in the dense forest....

help me write this text concisely!!! “(1) Grandma, this is for you,” Tanechka said, entering the apartment, accompanied by two girls and one serious

boy. (2) Blind Anna Fedotovna stood on the threshold of the kitchen, not seeing, but knowing for sure that the children were shyly huddling at the threshold. “(3) Go into the room and tell us what business you came for,” she said. - (4) Your granddaughter Tanya said that your son was killed in the war and that he wrote letters to you. (5) And we took the initiative: “There are no unknown heroes.” (6) And she also said that you were blinded by grief. (7) The boy blurted out everything in one breath and fell silent. (8) Anna Fedotovna clarified: - (9) My son only managed to write one letter. (10) And the second was written after his death by his comrade. (11) She extended her hand, took the folder from its usual place and opened it. (12) The children joked for a while, and the big girl said with undisguised disbelief: - (13) This is all not real! “(14) That’s right, these are copies, because I value real letters very much,” Anna Fedotovna explained, although she didn’t really like the tone. – (15)Open the top drawer of the chest of drawers. (16) Take out the wooden box and give it to me. (17) When they placed the box in her arms, she opened it and carefully took out the priceless leaves. (18) The children looked at the documents for a long time, whispered, and then the boy hesitantly said: - (19) You must give these documents to us. (20) Please. - (21) These letters concern my son, why should I give them to you? – she was surprised almost cheerfully. - (22) Because at our school they are creating a museum for the Great Victory Day. – (23) I will be happy to give copies of these letters to your museum. - (24) Why do we need your copies? – the older girl suddenly inserted herself into the conversation with defiant aggression, and Anna Fedotovna marveled at how officially inhuman a child’s voice could become. – (25) The museum will not accept copies. - (26) He won’t take it, and you don’t take it. - (27) Anna Fedotovna really didn’t like this tone, defiant, full of claims that were incomprehensible to her. – (28) And please return all the documents to me. (29) They silently gave her the letters and funeral. (30) Anna Fedotovna felt each piece of paper, made sure that they were genuine, carefully put them in the box and said: - (31) Boy, put the box in its place. (32) And close the drawer tightly so that I can hear. (33) But she heard poorly now, because the previous conversation greatly disturbed her, surprised and offended her. “(34) Unhappy coward,” the big girl suddenly said clearly, with incredible contempt. - (35) Just make a noise with us. “(36) It’s still impossible,” the boy whispered hotly and incomprehensibly. - (37) Better shut up! – the girl interrupted him. - (38) Otherwise we’ll arrange something for you that will make you cry. (39) But even this loud voice apparently flew past Anna Fedotovna’s consciousness. (40) She was waiting for the creaking of the drawer being closed, she was all focused on this creaking, and when it finally came, she breathed a sigh of relief: - (41) Go, children. (42) I'm very tired. (43) The delegation silently left. (44) Bitterness and not very clear resentment soon left Anna Fedotovna... (45) In the evening, her granddaughter, as usual, read her son’s letter to her, but Anna Fedotovna suddenly said: - (46) He didn’t want something, but they threatened, scared his. (47) Tanya! (48) Look in the box! “(49) No,” Tanya said quietly. - (50) And the funeral is in place, and there are photographs, but there are no letters. (51) Anna Fedotovna closed her blind eyes and listened intently, but her soul was silent, and her son’s voice no longer sounded in her. (52) He faded away, died, died a second time, and now he is lost forever. (53) Taking advantage of her blindness, the letters were not taken out of the box - they were taken out of her soul, and now not only she, but also her soul has become blind and deaf...


In the city of Hamburg there was a large zoological garden, which belonged to a famous animal dealer. When I wanted to buy an elephant, I went to Hamburg. The owner showed me a little elephant and said:

This is not a baby elephant, this is an almost adult elephant.

Why is he so small? - I was surprised.

Because it's a dwarf elephant.

Are there really such things?

“As you can see,” the owner assured me.

I believed and bought an outlandish dwarf elephant. Because of its small stature, I gave the elephant the nickname Baby, which means “child” in English.

It was brought in a box with a window. The tip of the trunk often stuck out through the window.

When Baby arrived, he was released from the box and a basin with rice porridge and a bucket of milk. The elephant patiently scooped up the rice with its trunk and popped it into its mouth.

An elephant's trunk is like a person's hands: Baby took food with his trunk, felt objects with his trunk, and caressed objects with his trunk.

Baby soon became attached to me and, caressing me, moved his trunk along my eyelids. He did this very carefully, but still such elephant caresses caused me pain.

Three months have passed.

My “dwarf” has grown a lot and gained weight. I began to suspect that in Hamburg they had deceived me and sold me not a dwarf elephant, but an ordinary six-month-old elephant calf. However, do dwarf elephants even exist in the world?

When my “dwarf” grew up, it became very funny to watch this huge animal play around and frolic like a child.

During the day, I took Baby out into the empty circus ring, while I watched him from the box.

At first he stood in one place, ears spread out, shaking his head and looking sideways. I shouted to him:

The baby elephant slowly moved around the arena, sniffing the ground with its trunk. Finding nothing but earth and sawdust, Baby began to play like children in the sand: he raked the earth into a pile with his trunk, then picked up part of the earth and sprinkled it on his head and back. Then he shook himself and hilariously flapped his mug ears.

But now, bending first her hind legs and then her front legs, Baby lies down on her stomach. Lying on her stomach, Baby blows into her mouth and covers herself with dirt again. He apparently enjoys the game: he slowly rolls from side to side, carries his trunk around the arena, scatters earth in all directions.

After lounging around to his heart's content, Baby comes up to the bed where I'm sitting and stretches out his trunk for a treat.

I get up and pretend to leave. The elephant's mood instantly changes. He is alarmed and runs after me. He doesn't want to be alone.

Baby couldn't stand being alone: ​​he pricked his ears and roared. In the elephant barn, an employee had to sleep with him, otherwise the elephant would not give anyone peace with its roar. Even during the day, remaining alone for a long time in the stall, he first lazily played with his trunk with his chain, with which he was chained to the floor by his hind leg, and then began to get anxious and make noise. exercise Write why the author writes the word “dwarf” in quotation marks

Gray hair occurs as a result of a disruption in the synthesis of melanin, which gives our hair color. This can happen for various reasons - age-related changes in the body, smoking, pathologies, etc. But is there anything that can be done to make gray hair go away? And is it really possible to get rid of it altogether? Let's try to figure this out.

To understand whether gray hair can disappear, you need to understand the reasons for its appearance. And there are not so few of them. Firstly, its appearance is most often provoked by age-related changes in the body, which affect the production of melanin in the hair follicles. In this case, it is impossible to completely prevent the aging process of hair. But you can slow it down a little.

To do this, you need to start, and also regularly do various things. This will help slow down the aging process at the hair root and prevent further graying.

Secondly, premature gray hair appears in those people who smoke and abuse alcohol. You can often hear the following phrase from men: “I quit smoking, my gray hair is gone.” This is due to the fact that nicotine feeds our body with toxic substances that greatly affect the condition of the hair. And if this unfavorable factor is eliminated, the synthesis of melanin may well be normalized, as a result of which gray hair will disappear.

Thirdly, gray hair at an early age can be observed against the background of hormonal disorders in the body. But hormones also influence the condition of hair and its color. Pathologies of the thyroid gland and reproductive system Therefore, first of all, in order for gray hair to disappear, it is necessary to undergo a full course of treatment. Once the hormonal imbalance in the body is normalized, melanin production will be restored.

Fourth, constant maintenance strict diets can also cause premature graying of hair. In this case, in order for gray hair to go away, you need to pay attention to your diet. Weight loss can occur without drastic dietary restrictions. It’s enough just to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, steamed meat and fish, as well as dairy and fermented milk products every day.

Their use will not lead to gaining extra pounds, but on the contrary, in combination with physical activity will promote weight loss. Moreover, this will not have a negative effect on the hair. If you eat right, then gray hair will disappear on its own along with the extra pounds.

Fifth, pay attention to what hair dyes you use and how often you use them. If dyes contain ammonia or hydrogen peroxide, then their frequent use can lead to gradual bleaching of the hair, resulting in gray hair.

You should not use chemical dyes to give rich color to your strands. To do this, it is best to use various natural dyes, which not only allow you to achieve beautiful and deep shades, but also have a healing effect on the hair itself.

Such natural dyes include:

  • Basma;
  • decoction of onion peel;
  • chamomile decoction;
  • nettle;
  • coffee, tea and many others.

Can gray hair disappear on its own?

Can gray hair disappear on its own? Of course not. After all, its appearance is always caused by the influence of some unfavorable factors. And as long as they constantly influence the condition of the hair, gray hair will not go away.

So, if you want to have beautiful and healthy hair without gray hair, you should carefully analyze your lifestyle and evaluate the condition of your body. Once you determine the cause of gray hair and do everything possible to eliminate it, gray hair may go away on its own. If you don’t do this, then you shouldn’t hope for the gray hair to disappear. It will not happen.

The most difficult thing is getting rid of diseases that provoke disruption of melanin production. To fully recover, you need to spend a lot of time. In this case, in order to at least slightly hide the appearance of gray hair, you should not grab paint. If folk remedies hair coloring did not give you the desired effect, then use “Tonic”.

This cosmetic product is not a dye, but after the first use it allows you to change the shade of your hair and “hide” gray hair. In addition, it does not harm the curls at all, which is also very important.

There is a belief that gray hair will disappear with joy. No matter how many people would like to believe this, it will not happen. Most effective way get rid of gray hair, as we have already said, identify the cause and eliminate it. This is the only way you can return the natural color to your curls.

Video about the appearance of gray hair

why does gray hair not always disappear, but very, very rarely and got the best answer

Answer from Mirage[guru]
It is believed that this is a normal behavior of the body when gray hair appears for the first time after 35 years and intensifies by the age of 50–55. But if you are 20–35 years old, then your gray hair can be called premature. Age-related gray hair will never disappear.
Only premature gray hair can disappear, which is caused by external, non-genetic reasons. The most common cause of premature graying is considered to be a deficiency of certain vitamins and microelements; you need to include more foods rich in them in your diet.
You can try to restore your hair to its original color using medications prescribed by a trichologist (a specialist in hair problems).
Vitamins with zinc and selenium and mesotherapy using nicotinic acid have proven themselves well. The operating principle of all such products is the same - enhanced nutrition of the missing microelements and vitamins of the hair and scalp.
But don't count on a quick effect. Gray hair that has already grown out will remain as such, and the effectiveness of treatment can be judged when new hair grows. According to statistics, more or less good results in the treatment of premature graying can be achieved in only 30% of cases. Unfortunately, it is still impossible to get rid of gray hair, which appears as an inevitable accompaniment of old age, with the help of treatment.
Since the most common cause of premature graying is a deficiency of a number of vitamins and microelements, it is worth starting by reviewing your diet, enriching it with B vitamins, folic acid, copper, iron, selenium and zinc.
Here is a list of foods that contain the most
– B vitamins: (contain tyrosine necessary to “contain” gray hair): peas, yeast, oatmeal, buckwheat, fatty pork, liver, kidneys, heart, skim milk powder, tea, nuts, tomato paste, garlic, spinach;
folic acid: beef liver, cod liver, spinach, walnuts;
– copper: buckwheat, barley, oats, bran (especially rye), nuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, yeast, liver, especially lamb;
– iron: cocoa, buckwheat, oats, millet, rye, sesame, rice bran, legumes, soy flour;
– selenium: chicken eggs, flounder, eel, pork liver, soy, wholemeal bread, seafood;
– zinc: cocoa, barley, oats, millet, lentils, pork, veal, seafood.

Answer from =DMITRICH=[guru]
It is not so rare that gray hair disappears along with the hair.

Answer from Nadezhda Babushkina[guru]
Gray hair never disappears. Gray hair is the absence of coloring pigment.

Answer from Alina Shaikhutdinova[newbie]

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: why does gray hair not always disappear, but very, very rarely?

Ecology of Health and Beauty: Is it possible to reverse early aging and permanently return gray hair to its natural color using home remedies in less than 6 weeks?

Is it possible to reverse early aging and permanently return gray hair to its natural color with home remedies in less than 6 weeks?

Yes, this is quite possible.

How to get rid of gray hair

Typically, hair turns gray with age, the process of losing its natural color begins at the sides, in the middle of the beard (for men), then at the top of the head and finally at the back of the head.

But in rare cases, the hair becomes completely gray on one side, while on the other it remains its natural color. In some cases, individual gray hairs appear all over the head.

Gray hair that appears after age 50 cannot be restored, but premature gray hair can be treated.Using a few natural home remedies can also delay or prevent further graying.

All the power of hair lies in its roots. Gray hair is caused by a lack of substances such as copper, iron, and zinc in the body. Additional factors that can cause a rupture between the hair follicle and the blood vessel inside may be alcoholism, smoking, stress, insufficient blood supply to the scalp, etc.

In some cases, premature graying can also be hereditary (can be passed down from the father or through the mother).

Ayurvedic home remedy recipe to restore gray hair color in 40 days

To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of natural honey;
  • 200 g flax seeds or linseed oil;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 4 large lemons.


  1. Peel 2 lemons and slice. Cut the remaining 2 lemons with peel. Add 3 cloves of garlic and grind everything in a blender.
  2. Pour this mixture into a glass jar and add 200 g of flaxseed oil or crushed flax seeds, 1 kg of honey and mix well using a wooden stirrer or spoon (non-metallic!).
  3. After this, transfer the mixture into a jar, seal it with a lid and store in the refrigerator.

How to use:

Every day, 1 teaspoon (10 g) 3 times a day, 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner, respectively. It is better to take a wooden spoon, not a metal one.

Take within 40 days. During this period, you should give up smoking and alcohol.

  • add foods rich in iron, zinc, copper, magnesium and protein to your diet;
  • use natural shampoos and conditioners - you can make them yourself;
  • don't wash your hair hot water;
  • At the end of washing, rinse them with cool water.

How to make an oil that will restore the natural color of gray hair

1. Take 300 g of dried mordovnik inflorescences (Sphaeranthus indicus). Keep in mind that these flowers last no more than 3-4 months.

2. Crush them and boil in 1 liter of fresh drinking water. When half of this liquid has evaporated, leaving 500 ml, turn off the heat.

3. Filter the infusion and add 250 ml of black sesame oil to the remaining 500 ml.

4. Boil this mixture until all the water has evaporated and only 250 ml of oil mixed with Echinoid flower extract remains.

Let the oil cool, pour into a bottle and store in a dark, cool place.

How to use this oil: Every day, before brushing your teeth before breakfast, warm this oil a little and, tilting your head back, drop 3-4 drops into each nostril. Then take a deep breath. Also drink 1 spoon of this oil.

After this process, do not eat or drink anything for at least 30 minutes. This procedure must be repeated in the evening on an empty stomach, 30-60 minutes before dinner.

This method is effective for those who have experienced premature graying at a very young age. published . If you have any questions about this topic, ask them to the experts and readers of our project .

In 1 liter of warm water, beat 1 fresh egg, and then I use this solution to rinse my hair. After that, they look like they are in a television advertisement offering expensive foreign rinses. I wash my hair with baby soap and rinse it with egg water. As a result, my gray hair disappeared, and the hair became lush and beautiful.

Nettle will help get rid of gray hair. You need to pour 15 g of dry leaves or roots of the plant with a glass of boiling water, after cooling, strain and take 1 tbsp. infusion 3 times a day before meals. At the same time, rub fresh nettle juice into your hair.

You can lose gray hair using the following recipe. 6 pods of red hot pepper pour 0.5 liters of vodka into a glass container and leave in a dark place for 21 days. 1 tbsp. Rub the infusion into the scalp 2 times a week and the day before washing your hair. The hair will return to its original color.

One woman used katran for many years by adding its root in small quantities, as a seasoning, to different dishes. As a result, she forgot about psoriasis and stomach ulcers, and her wrinkles smoothed out and the gray hair has almost disappeared. Katran Tatar is a vegetable with a thick, juicy root that resembles horseradish. Grows in the south of Ukraine. In Bulgarian folk medicine along with scorzonera, carrots and pumpkin, it is used in dietary nutrition in the treatment of stomach and intestinal tumors. For treatment, the root is collected in the fall, when the upper part of the plant has completely dried out. The collection is carried out on the full moon, since it is on this day that the healing power of the root reaches its maximum. They store it in the cellar like potatoes. The juice from the root is squeezed out and consumed only fresh. Katran root, grated, take 1 tsp. 2 times a day for the prevention of cancer and gastrointestinal diseases.

In Greece they believe that if you regularly eat raw onions, you can get rid of gray hair.

Tincture of dill and burdock

Dill root (chopped) - 2 tbsp. spoon;

Dill seeds - 2 tbsp. spoons;

Water – 1 liter.

Fill the root with water. Boil until half the water has evaporated. Add dill seeds. Leave for 3 hours. Rub into the epidermis for 2 months.
