Strict Japanese diet for 21 days. Japanese diet: fast weight loss without harm to the body

Every woman has probably heard about what the Japanese diet is. This method of losing weight has been incredibly popular for several years, and this is not surprising - it allows you to eat fully and quite varied, while helping to lose weight! The results of this diet are amazing: in just two weeks you can lose 6-8 kg.

Japanese Diet: Principles and Basics

The main principle of the Japanese diet is low calorie intake. In view of this, this method of losing weight is quite tough and is not suitable for everyone: if you are one of those people who are unable to endure even a slight feeling of hunger, you should look for a softer and more sparing diet!

During the Japanese diet, you need to eat in small portions - the weight of your meal should not exceed 250 grams. That is why in order to lose weight in this way, you should start a kitchen scale: it is unlikely that you will be able to measure the required amount of food “by eye”, and then all your efforts will be in vain.

Also, the Japanese diet prohibits all kinds of snacks: between meals you can not eat sweets, crackers, or even fruits or vegetables. Only drinks are allowed: your choice, it can be tea, coffee or plain water without gas. You should not drink water with gas - it awakens the appetite.

Try to drink plenty of water during such a diet: the optimal amount would be one and a half or two liters per day. A glass of water half an hour before a meal, drunk very slowly and calmly, will help you get enough of even a small and modest portion, and not feel hungry during the day.

What can not be eaten while on a diet?

There are strict restrictions in the Japanese diet: many foods that are familiar to you and even completely harmless foods will be banned during these 14 days. Of course, during such a diet, baked goods, sweets, sugar, pasta, various sausages and smoked meats, as well as soda and alcohol are prohibited - all these foods contain many calories, fats and carbohydrates that you should avoid.

From fruits it is forbidden to eat grapes, bananas, persimmons, peaches and dates, cherries, papaya, as well as lemons, watermelons and dried fruits. From vegetables, you should refrain from consuming potatoes, corn, beets, eggplant, zucchini and pumpkin. Also, for the duration of the diet, it is necessary to abandon the use of salt: it retains water in the body, which hinders the process of weight loss.

Do not use vegetable oil for salads and other dishes: replace it with olive oil, which is much healthier and more appropriate during a diet. In addition, do not forget that during the Japanese diet you can not have breakfast, and also eat after seven in the evening: try to go to bed early so that hunger does not prevent you from falling asleep.

What is allowed on the Japanese diet?

The list of products allowed for such a diet is much poorer than the list of prohibitions. You can eat any fruit that has not been mentioned as forbidden: eat apples, oranges, grapefruits and other low-calorie fruits that you like. From vegetables, cabbage should be preferred - it has a minus calorie content, so it is excellent for losing weight. Tomatoes, carrots and cucumbers are also allowed.

When choosing meat products focus on fat content: for example, pork and foal during such a diet will need to be excluded. Focus on lean meats: chicken and beef, as well as turkey and rabbit. You can eat almost any fish - however, as in the case of meat, try to choose low-calorie options.

During the Japanese diet, do not neglect vitamin complexes: this weight loss option is not very balanced and excludes many useful material that are essential for the body. Also, do not leave such a diet abruptly, otherwise all the lost kilograms will immediately return back.

Do not forget that during the Japanese diet, you must strictly follow the menu: replacing products in it or rearranging dishes in places is prohibited. Eat exactly what you need to eat that day, and exactly in the amount indicated on the menu - no more and no less.

Diet menu for 14 days

The menu for the Japanese diet should always be prepared by specialists: it rebuilds and regulates metabolism, as a result of which your body begins to work correctly and no longer gains excess weight. That is why it is so important not to deviate from the prescriptions of nutritionists - in case of incorrect use of this diet, the necessary changes will not occur!

Below is a menu for the Japanese diet, designed for 2 weeks: the number of calories per day in this option is carefully calculated by a specialist who has extensive experience with the Japanese diet and knows all its nuances. Follow this menu exactly to get rid of excess weight and not put it back.

The first week of such a diet should look like this:

You can see an example of the second week of the Japanese diet in the following photo:

Getting out of the diet

After two weeks of strict adherence to the Japanese diet, your stomach weaned from large portions: do not stretch it again, continue to eat little and often so as not to gain weight. Also, do not use high-calorie foods during the exit from the diet: eat lean meats, cereals and vegetables with fruits.

Over the next two weeks, do not introduce sweet fruits, starchy foods and confectionery and various seasonings. Sugar and salt should be added quite a bit, and it is advisable to start doing this at least a week after the end of the diet!

The best option would be to continue using the menu for the Japanese diet, adding something new and not too high-calorie to it every day: rye crackers or bread, any forbidden vegetables, rice and other cereals. The exit from such a diet should last at least two weeks, and preferably within a month. In addition, even after you complete the exit from the diet, try to refrain from fatty and fried foods, an abundance of sweets, soda and other high-calorie foods that do not carry any benefit to the body. If you want to keep a slim figure, you should not return to bad habits - and the love of fatty foods is one of them.

Also make consumption clean water your main rule: after the diet and the exit period from it are over, do not forget about one and a half or two liters of fluid that you need to drink per day. This will help the digestive system and metabolism work, and will also allow you to fill up with smaller portions.

Diet Contraindications

As already mentioned, this type of getting rid of extra pounds is not suitable for every woman - and it's not just about intolerance to hunger. For some diseases, this strict diet can provoke a worsening of the condition, so do not start it if you feel unwell! The following diseases will be contraindications for the Japanese diet:

  • Metabolic diseases, in particular diabetes mellitus;
  • Various kidney diseases;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Gastritis, erosion, ulcer;
  • Restructuring of the endocrine system.

In the event that you observe at least one of these diseases in yourself, consult a doctor about losing weight: a specialist will select a diet that is right for you and will not harm your body.

Japanese diet- This is a strict, complex and time-consuming way to reduce weight, which is striking in its pronounced effect. However, do not forget that after such a diet you should not return to your old eating habits: if you want to not only lose weight, but also maintain a slim figure, go to proper nutrition.

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Revision: 11/12/2018

The Japanese diet 🐲 is a low-carbohydrate and low-calorie food system developed by Japanese nutritionists, the protein menu of which allows you to lose about 10 kilograms in 2 weeks.

Excess weight in our time, many call the price for an incredibly fast lifestyle. We are in a hurry to live, we are in a hurry to work, we are in a hurry to eat… Moreover, we often eat on the run and what, as they say, God will send. And in the 21st century, God sends us hamburgers, hot dogs, cheeseburgers and soda more and more often… “What should we do? Do not waste precious minutes for lunch in a restaurant or something else ?! - cook on your own in the kitchen when the business is on fire?! Here, they say, the whole successful world lives like this and nothing. ” This excuse is used by most people who lead an active lifestyle. And when your favorite jeans do not fit, when you have to buy a longer belt, when you choose the latter between a seductive skirt that fits tightly around your waist and an ugly shapeless style with an elastic band, then, of course, it's time to come up with a new excuse for yourself. Well, in fact, all this, of course, is not the result of malnutrition, but simply ... a thick bone. Yes, yes, and there's nothing to be done, a thick bone - it is so, very insidious. And as soon as it starts to grow - everything, it is impossible to stop it.

And now let's turn our attention to Japan, a country of great opportunities, successful business, with the highest level of technological development and an incredible pace of life. It would seem that if someone does not have time to pause for proper meals, it is definitely the Japanese. But, surprisingly, you will rarely meet “thick-boned” among the inhabitants of Japan ... So what is the secret then?

The thing is that Japanese snacks are low-calorie foods rich in proteins, almost devoid of fats and “bad” carbohydrates. A main principle Eastern food tradition - moderation. That is why Japanese cuisine is called one of the most beneficial for the body.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the Eastern food tradition, a balanced and extremely effective diet was created, called the Japanese one. In fact, there is practically no food from traditional Japanese cuisine on the menu of this diet. But there is something more - the union, in the amount necessary exactly for the body to receive everything it needs, without provoking, at the same time, “thickening” of the bone. Thanks to this, the Japanese diet has won love all over the world and is one of the most effective systems for fast enough, but most importantly - proper weight loss. There are several diet options, but the most popular is the Japanese salt-free diet for 14 days. Two weeks of proper “Japanese” nutrition will help “thick bones” lose more than 10 kilos and effortlessly maintain the result for several years.

The essence of the Japanese diet

Those who decide on the "Japanese" will have to be patient and for two weeks move away from the previously habitual way of eating. To many, the diet may seem like a rather difficult test, but the effect will not be long in coming. But the amazing results will remain for several years. Just a two-week “Japanese” regimen - and a dozen kilograms (sometimes even more - it all depends on the initial weight) no matter how it happened.

So what is the main secret? How is the Japanese diet for a week better than other nutrition systems for weight loss? In what miraculous way does it help to lose weight, even for those who have tried many other diets to no avail?

It's all about carefully selected products for the diet menu - they are combined with each other in such a way as to speed up the metabolic process as much as possible. Therefore, it is so important to strictly adhere to all prescriptions, eat only what is indicated, not “improve” it with other products, even if at first glance it will seem that they are completely interchangeable. It is also not recommended to swap menu days.

For many women, when choosing their diet, the level of its “hunger” is important, since not everyone is able to fight their own desires with the willpower of a samurai, especially the oldest instinct of all living beings - hunger. That is why the fact that the two-week Japanese salt-free diet is not a "hungry" food system is so important. Adhering to it, you will not have to chew one cabbage for weeks and drink fat-free kefir, cursing yourself, your excess weight and those who came up with the diet. In the menu of "Japanese" there was a place interesting and delicious recipes. This diet will especially appeal to those whose breakfast usually consists only of coffee. And absolutely nothing difficult in it will be seen by lovers of meat and fish. For them, this is the best diet.

The essence of the Japanese diet is easy to explain in just two words - slowness and efficiency.

"Japanese" is a low-calorie protein-fiber diet. Minimized in the daily diet, they force you to lose weight more quickly - in need of energy, the body begins to process its own fat reserves into joules. But it is important to remember something else: the diet of a Japanese woman will not allow you to saturate the body with the entire spectrum of vitamins and microelements. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to go on a diet longer than prescribed (no more than 14 days), so as not to finish the weight loss course in a hospital bed.

And those who want to feel like a real Japanese, during the diet, you can try using Japanese sticks instead of traditional European forks and spoons. They will not only convey the fabulous spirit of the Land of the Rising Sun, but will also teach you how to eat slowly and in small pieces. By the way, this trick is known to many supporters of diets. Slow eating allows you to trick the body and cause a feeling of satiety even after very small portions of food. This, in fact, should be taught by the Japanese diet for weight loss.

The huge popularity of the Japanese diet among women around the world has led to the fact that several versions of this system for weight loss have appeared. In particular, diet options are known:

  • Japanese salt-free diet for 7 days;
  • for 13 days;
  • for 14 days;
  • Japanese woman with green tea;
  • Diet Naomi Moriyama.

Proponents of each of these methods of the "real" Japanese call their favorite option. Moreover, many mines have already been broken in disputes regarding the authorship of the diet. Some claim that it was invented by Japanese nutritionists, others argue that this system has nothing to do with the East. Who would not be the author of the diet, called Japanese, the main thing is that it works. And its effectiveness has been experienced by millions of donuts all over the planet.

Diet menu for 7 days

The Japanese diet for 7 days is at the same time, so to speak, a light version of the traditional "Japanese woman", but at the same time, the 7-day diet is the basis of the entire diet.

Predicted results: 3-5 kilograms left in the past.

Disadvantage: the longevity of the result is not guaranteed, since the body has not yet had time to adjust to new system metabolism.

Day 1

Daily calorie content: 700 kcal.

Required products:

  • black coffee;
  • chicken eggs;
  • fresh cabbage (Beijing / white cabbage);
  • juice from tomatoes (ideally freshly squeezed);
  • lean fish.


  • black coffee - it is better to give preference to espresso, but it is better to forget about sugar.
  • boiled chicken eggs (2 pieces are possible);
  • "Japanese" salad - fresh cabbage and a little vegetable oil, no need to add salt;
  • cup tomato juice.
  • steamed fish - hake, cod, pollock are ideal (portion no more than 200 grams);
  • "Japanese Salad"

Day 2

Required products:

  • coffee;
  • crackers;
  • fish (fatty varieties);
  • cabbage;
  • vegetable oil;
  • beef;
  • kefir.
  • coffee;
  • cracker - take a small one, weighing about 30 grams.
  • fish, fried or stewed - for variety and additional consumption of fatty acids, it is better to give preference to catfish, black halibut. Total together no more than 150 grams;
  • "Japanese" salad.
  • beef - boil approximately 200 grams. Consume without salt;
  • kefir - can be fat-free, but not more than a 200-gram glass.

Day 3

Daily calorie content: 1000 kcal.

Required products:

  • coffee;
  • zucchini / parsnip;
  • apple;
  • chicken eggs;
  • veal;
  • cabbage;
  • vegetable oil.
  • black coffee - do not forget about the moratorium on sugar.
  • zucchini (reasonably large) or parsnip root (also large) - brown on vegetable oil(do not use flour or batter for frying, salt is also prohibited);
  • apple - do not get carried away, it is advisable to limit yourself to one fruit.
  • boiled chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  • boiled veal - limit appetites with a 200-gram piece cooked in a salt-free way;
  • "Japanese" salad.

Day 4

Daily calorie content: 1000 kcal.

Required products:

  • coffee;
  • carrot;
  • hard cheese;
  • chicken egg;
  • apples.
  • black unsweetened coffee.


  • carrots - boil, it is allowed to take 3 larger roots;
  • a little cheese - choose from hard varieties, limit yourself to 20 grams;
  • raw chicken egg - enough for one.

All the ingredients of lunch for 4 days, if desired, can be combined into a single dish - a salad.

  • apples - it is permissible to eat several fruits.

At this stage, the feeling of hunger will no longer be as strong as before. Satiety comes after small portions of food.

Day 5

Daily calorie content: 800-1000 kcal.

Required products:

  • carrot;
  • lemon juice;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • fruits.
  • carrots and lemon juice - grate the vegetable and season with juice. Sugar cannot be added. Also excluded on this day from breakfast and coffee.
  • fried fish - take about 350-400 grams, variety - any of the sea;
  • tomato juice - for a diet, it would be more correct to use fresh, cooked by yourself. Volume - no more than 200 grams.
  • fruits - but in no case should you consume, especially before going to bed, grapes of any variety, or bananas. They will cross out all the results achieved so far.

Day 6

Daily calorie content: 900-1100 kcal.

Required products:

  • coffee;
  • chicken fillet;
  • raw cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • vegetable oil;
  • chicken eggs.
  • black unsweetened coffee.
  • chicken fillet - limit the serving to 500 g, take the meat without the skin. Boil in water without adding salt;
  • salad - on this day, the traditional "Japanese" salad can be improved by adding grated raw carrots.
  • chicken eggs - boil 2 pieces;
  • carrots (you can take a large one) - grate a raw vegetable, season the salad with a small amount of vegetable oil (maybe olive oil).

Day 7

Daily calorie content: 700-800 kcal.

Required products:

  • fruits;
  • beef meat;
  • eggs;
  • cabbage;
  • vegetable oil.
  • tea - it is advisable to opt for good varieties green, rich in beneficial antioxidants.


  • beef meat - boil about a 200-gram piece. During cooking, do not resort to the use of salt or other spices;
  • fruits - on the last day of the diet, you can treat yourself to a lunchtime dessert. But do not forget about the ban on the use of bananas and grapes.

On this day, for dinner, as a reward for endurance, you can choose any dinner option from the previous days. For example, opt for the option of beef meat, eggs and coleslaw dressed.

This is the end of the diet for some. For those who have chosen longer versions of the “Japanese woman”, Day 7 is only the equator of work on changing themselves.

Unaccustomed to eating, counting calories, "Japanese" at first may seem like a rather tough weight loss option. But the discomfort will be noticeable only for the first few days - then the body adapts to small portions of food, it will begin to fill up faster. After 5 days of a new diet, the body starts the first stage of restructuring to speed up metabolism - the main goal of any diet to lose weight, excess fluid is removed, swelling disappears. To achieve the best result, in parallel with the diet, you can take a course of anti-cellulite massage.

Japanese diet for 13 days

The 13-day version of the Japanese diet is the most popular. This version is considered a complete course for weight loss.

Predicted results. If you are ashamed to follow all the instructions, at the end of the 13-day period you will not count approximately 10 kilograms and about 30 cm in volume (sometimes more).

How is it different from the 7-day option? In fact, this is a continuation of the light version of the "Japanese". That is, you will have to go through 7 days of "Japanese" life, and on day 8 start all over again, repeating days from one to six.

The basis for the 14-day version of the Japanese diet also served as a 7-day menu, however, with some nuances. The main difference from the previous two options is that in the first week you must strictly adhere to the 7-day menu, and the second week you should eat according to the same program, but in the opposite order. This means that the diet of the eighth day will correspond to the diet of the last day of the 7-day period, on the ninth day - the menu of the 6th day, on the tenth - the menu of the 5th day ... And according to this principle, continue until the end of the second week. As a result, the last 14 days of the diet are completed with the diet of the first day of the 7-day version of the "Japanese".

Starting from day 8 diet food, the detoxification process is activated in the body, and thanks to the salt-free principle of nutrition, excess fluid is removed at the intercellular level, completely eliminating edema. It is important that it is in the second week of the diet that the body gets used to the new metabolic rate. Thanks to this, even after switching to a normal diet (normal does not mean eating again in bowls for a future dream, but you also don’t need to live in the “hunger” mode), the body will not gain weight, on the contrary, fats will be burned as quickly as during the diet. This wonderful effect will last for about 2 years. But provided that the diet was maintained correctly. Those who have already managed to experience the work of the “Japanese woman” claim that throughout the year after the completion of the diet, the weight continues to be adjusted downward. If you repeat the “Japanese woman” again (but not earlier than six months after the first course), then in a year, with almost no effort, you can really get rid of 20 kg of excess weight.

diet and salt

Have you ever wondered why almost every more or less effective diet includes a taboo on the use of salt? The thing is that, according to experts,

1 gram of salt holds a whole liter of fluid in the body.

And this is nothing more than another plus one kilogram to excess weight. In addition to false excess weight, since due to salt, weight is accumulated not due to the fat layer, but due to fluid stagnation, excessive consumption of salinity provokes other problems for a person. Even a few days of salt-free nutrition can lower blood cholesterol levels and improve the condition of blood vessels.

Of course, it is impossible to completely eliminate salt from consumption, and it cannot be done. But in the menu of the "Japanese" there are products that already contain a certain amount of salts - sufficient for the normal functioning of the organs. In particular organic salt found in some vegetables, fish, meat. It is impossible to eat canned vegetables, smoked meats, semi-finished products during the diet - all of them have quite a lot in their composition. a large number of table salt.

In addition to the classic version of the Japanese diet, there is also an option in the menu of which it is recommended to drink green tea instead of coffee. Many nutritionists consider this variation of the "Japanese" to be more beneficial for the body.

Considering that the Japanese diet is based on a protein diet, it is important what exactly is in green tea (in particular, its Japanese form) has huge reserves of proteins, and in terms of its nutritional value, this drink is not inferior to legumes.

The second plus in favor of green tea is the presence in the composition that protects the body from toxins and promotes the removal of toxins.

Thirdly, and this is probably the most important thing for losing weight, a unique chemical composition green tea helps speed up metabolism by 4 percent (burns 60 more calories daily than without green tea).

Japanese green tea diet is designed for 2 weeks. The components are almost the same as in the classic version of the "Japanese", although there are still some excellent features.

Detailed diet menu with green tea from Japan

Day 1/Day 14

  • green tea - a glass;
  • fat-free cottage cheese - 150 g.
  • cabbage stewed with butter - 300 g;
  • boiled chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • apple fresh - a glass.
  • vegetables in a salad or steamed;
  • boiled or steamed fish - 200 g.

Day 2/Day 13

  • green tea - a glass;
  • toast or diet cookies.
  • boiled or raw cabbage, seasoned with oil;
  • boiled fish;
  • green tea - a glass.
  • Vegetable Salad;
  • boiled veal - 300 g;
  • boiled chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Japanese green tea - a glass.

Day 3/Day 12


  • diet cookies.
  • zucchini / boiled cauliflower;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • green tea - a glass.
  • salad of yellow-green vegetables;
  • boiled veal;
  • boiled chicken eggs - 2 pcs.

Day 4/Day 11

  • Japanese green tea - a glass;
  • fat-free cottage cheese - 150 g.
  • raw grated carrots with olive oil;
  • chicken egg;
  • green tea without sugar.
  • green tea;
  • fruits (but not grapes and bananas).

Day 5/Day 10


  • green tea - a glass;
  • cracker with jam - 2 pcs.
  • boiled fish - 200 g;
  • tomato juice - a glass.
  • green vegetable salad;
  • hard cheese - 2 pieces;
  • green tea - a glass.

Day 6/Day 9

  • rye flour crackers - 2 pcs.;
  • Japanese green tea - a glass.
  • cabbage raw / boiled with olive oil;
  • boiled chicken without skin - 400 g;
  • Japanese tea - a glass.
  • carrots (boiled / raw);
  • boiled eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • unsweetened green tea.

Day 7/Day 8


  • Japanese tea - a glass;
  • cheese (any of the hard varieties) - 2 small pieces.
  • boiled veal - 200 g;
  • boiled / steamed vegetables;
  • green tea without sugar - a glass.
  • fruits - any;
  • Japanese green tea - a glass.

The effectiveness of this version of the Japanese diet is enhanced by the addition of green tea to the diet, and the variety and deliciousness of the menu makes it easy to endure the period of food restrictions. Repeat the diet - not earlier than a year later. And in order for the results achieved in two weeks to remain longer, in the future it is advisable to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, exclude tobacco and limit portions of alcohol, and follow proper nutrition in daily life.

Whichever version of the Japanese diet is chosen, in any of them there will be a traditional coleslaw and boiled meat. These dishes can be prepared in different ways. But it should be remembered that they are part of the diet and the cooking process is slightly different from cooking ordinary dishes.

Preparing the right Japanese salad:

  1. Take raw or slightly boiled cabbage (ordinary white or Beijing).
  2. Finely chop.
  3. Easy to squeeze out excess moisture.
  4. Drizzle the prepared salad base with olive or sesame oil.
  5. Mix and let it brew a little.

Diet boiled meat

  1. Prepare meat. If so, remove the skin. Peel veal or beef from the film.
  2. Rinse thoroughly with cold water.
  3. Put the meat in a saucepan, pour very cold water.
  4. After boiling, drain the water, rinse the meat and, pouring water again, put on fire.
  5. Cook until cooked without adding spices.

Tip: to improve the taste during cooking, add an onion, a small carrot, a little greens to the water. Many people wonder how to replace beef in the Japanese diet. It is permissible to introduce young veal into the menu, which is easier to digest, but with the same chemical composition as beef.

On what basis were the products selected?

Almost all sources say that the list of foods allowed to be consumed during the Japanese diet is special and should not be changed. So what is the secret of such a diet?

Coffee. Many people start their day with this fragrant drink. A cup of black ground coffee serves as a traditional breakfast and part of the Japanese diet.

What's the use?

Black coffee without sugar, which has an invigorating effect, helps the body wake up faster and start the process of burning calories. And since the diet does not provide for food in the morning, the body begins to produce energy by burning its own reserves - subcutaneous fat.

You can diversify the taste of your morning drink by adding vanilla, dark chocolate or citrus fruits. Add additional ingredients in small doses.

Cabbage. This vegetable for the diet was not chosen by chance. In addition, cabbage is one of the vegetables with the so-called "minus" calorie content (the body spends more energy on its digestion than it receives).

What's the use?

Cabbage, white or Beijing, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, lowers cholesterol, cleanses the intestines. For people prone to bloating, it is better to boil the cabbage a little before eating.

Olive oil. A teaspoon of oil added to a salad normalizes metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the liver, kidneys, and pancreas.

Eggs. This product has good nutritional properties, is an excellent source of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as many vitamins and trace elements.

Tomato juice. Fresh from tomatoes in the diet of a Japanese woman is also not accidental. Nutritionists call it one of the most useful. The unique chemical composition of tomatoes serves as a prevention of cardiovascular and oncological diseases, accelerates metabolic processes in the body, improves mood and has a beneficial effect on nervous system. It is best absorbed without the addition of salt, which is especially important for a salt-free diet.

Fish. It is known for its ability to quickly remove toxins and toxins. It is a valuable source of proteins and amino acids. It affects the body as a prophylactic against strokes.

Fruits. Usually during a diet, the amount of carbohydrates consumed should be drastically reduced. But it is completely undesirable to exclude from the diet - they are an important source of energy. The "correct" carbohydrates the body receives with fruits. But it is better to exclude bananas and grapes from the diet, which contain too much sugar.

Diet Naomi Moriyama

It is hard not to believe in the effectiveness of the Japanese diet, especially for those who nevertheless decided to try it out for themselves. But sooner or later, many people ask themselves: why is this diet actually called the “Japanese diet”, if there is practically nothing on the menu from the dishes traditional for the Land of the Rising Sun. But this has its own explanation. According to one version, this original diet is the development of nutritionists at the Japanese Yaelo clinic.

But there is another version of the "Japanese", created by marketer Naomi Moriyama - as a response to the Frenchwoman Mireille Guiliano, author of the book "Why French Women Don't Get Fat." In fact, according to research, it is not the French who are the most slender in the world. The least obese people live in Japan - only 3 percent, while in France there are about 11% of donuts, and in the USA - more than 32%. So, Naomi collected the principles of nutrition, peculiar to her people, and adapted them into a diet.

Food Rules from the Land of the Rising Sun

Residents of the East manage to eat almost 100 different types of food per week, the total of which is more than a quarter lower than, for example, the weekly calorie intake of Americans. And the only secret of the harmony of the Japanese lies in a simple rule: fill the stomach by 80 percent. In food, preference is given to foods rich in fiber, rice is served without oil, fish - instead of red meat, plates - much less than Europeans. The Japanese eat 5 times a day, with each subsequent meal providing a portion less than the previous one. All these rules served as the basis for the dietary nutrition system from the Japanese Naomi.

What is prohibited?

During the diet, it is strictly forbidden to eat:

  • any chocolate;
  • confectionery;
  • dairy products;
  • smoked meats;
  • red meat;
  • fatty sauces;
  • deep-fried dishes;
  • fast food.

What products to stock up?

  • fish: tuna, sardines, salmon, herring, mackerel;
  • seaweed: nori, wakame, kombu;
  • vegetables: peppers, turnips, zucchini, beets, eggplant, tomatoes, onions, lettuce, daikon, carrots, spinach;
  • soy: tofu cheese, miso soup, green soybeans;
  • noodles: udon, somen, ramen, soba;
  • brown rice;
  • shiitake;
  • bamboo shoots;
  • lotus root;
  • fruits;
  • Japanese green tea.

Japanese rice diet: weekly menu

Day 1

  • omelette - 1 egg + nori seaweed;
  • brown rice;
  • Miso soup;
  • green tea.
  • stewed green beans;
  • fish with teriyaki sauce;
  • green tea.
  • apple.
  • miso soup with tofu and seaweed;
  • chicken fillet;
  • green tea.

Before bedtime:

  • mandarin.

Day 2

  • fruits;
  • green tea.


  • brown rice;
  • Vegetable Salad;
  • sashimi;
  • green tea.
  • persimmon.
  • pancakes with green onions - 2 pcs.;
  • green tea.

Before bedtime:

  • orange.

Day 3

  • an egg poached in green tea;
  • vegetable salad;
  • Miso soup;
  • green tea.
  • fish with teriyaki;
  • stewed beans;
  • green tea.


  • apple.
  • ramen noodles;
  • vegetables;
  • green tea.

Before bedtime:

  • citrus jelly.

Day 4

  • , boiled in soy milk;
  • fruits;
  • green tea.
  • buckwheat noodles;
  • vegetables;
  • green tea.
  • apple.
  • vegetable rolls - 4-5 pcs.

Before bedtime:

  • mandarin.

Day 5


  • boiled brown rice;
  • omelet (1 egg) with nori;
  • Miso soup;
  • green tea.
  • rice with eggplant and Chinese cabbage;
  • fish;
  • green tea.
  • apple.
  • chicken fillet;
  • rice and shiitake;
  • green tea.

Before bedtime:

  • soy milk - 1 cup.

Day 6

  • rice boiled in soy milk;
  • fruits;
  • green tea.
  • vegetable rolls - 5 pieces;
  • brown rice;
  • green tea.


  • persimmon - 1 piece.
  • suiyaki chicken.

Before bedtime:

  • citrus jelly.

Day 7

  • omelette with seaweed;
  • Miso soup;
  • green tea.
  • chicken fillet with onion rings;
  • salad - 1 cup;
  • green tea.
  • apple.
  • vegetables stewed with cashews and beans;
  • steamed rice.

Before bedtime:

  • Japanese waffles with red beans.

Among the advantages of this diet is that you do not have to count calories every time. The “Japanese” version of Naomi will appeal to gourmets who love to experiment with tastes and different world cuisines. Such a diet can last a lifetime, because it is rather not a diet in the direct sense of the term, but a nutrition system that is typical for the island inhabitants of the east. However, this system also has disadvantages. First, not all products can be bought in our country. Secondly, not every body will accept exotic dishes without consequences, some of them can cause food allergies, and not everyone will like a hearty breakfast of rice.

Adapted Diet

True, there is another version of the Japanese diet - so to speak, a version adapted for Europeans. In this variation daily diet looks something like this:

  • rice (no more than 400 g);
  • vegetables (no more than 300 g);
  • fruits (about 250 g);
  • mushrooms (120 g);
  • milk (100 ml);
  • beans (60 g);
  • eggs (1 piece);
  • sugar (1 teaspoon).

As for drinks, in this option it is recommended to use not traditional black coffee, but green Japanese leaf tea rich in antioxidants. Among other things, it helps to slow down the aging process, prevents cardiovascular diseases saturates the body with vitamins C and E.

Basic Rules

Any diet, and a Japanese woman is no exception in this regard, this, in addition to a special daily diet, is also a set of strict rules. To some, they may seem too strict, but in order to part with 10 extra pounds in just two weeks, you have to sacrifice something.

So, during the diet you need:

  • strictly adhere to the menu (types and quantities of products);
  • give up salt bakery products, alcohol;
  • drink at least one and a half liters of non-carbonated water per day;
  • food should be taken strictly 3 times a day;
  • exercise if possible (cardio training and strength training start the metabolic process).


Despite the many positive reviews about the Japanese method of losing weight, it still has some contraindications. The first and most important rule of any diet: you can start losing weight only at a young age, when there are no serious health problems. The Japanese diet during breastfeeding is also strictly prohibited.

Contraindications for weight correction with the help of "Japanese":

  • diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, obesity);
  • the period of hormonal changes (puberty, pregnancy, menopause, after an abortion);
  • diseases of the kidneys (pyelonephritis), liver (hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis), cardiovascular system;
  • gastritis.

Cons of the Japanese Diet

In any case, a diet is always stressful for the body. The main disadvantages of the Japanese diet, which are important to remember:

  1. Japanese - low-calorie diet. Sometimes the daily ration does not exceed 700 kcal. This factor does not allow you to sit on it more than 2 times a year.
  2. The dietary diet limits the consumption of certain foods, hence the lack of certain vitamins and minerals. In particular, the body is deficient in iron, magnesium, calcium, vitamins B, C and E. Therefore, it is important to take additional multivitamin tablets throughout the diet.
  3. The peculiarity of the diet of the "Japanese" - low level consumption of carbohydrates and high rate daily protein intake. Such proportions are prohibited in cardiovascular ailments.
  4. Ideally, nutritionists advise eating 5 times a day, but the Japanese diet prescribes three meals a day, and not every body is ready to take it positively.
  5. Coffee instead of a full breakfast breaks all the patterns of proper nutrition. Experts say: such a diet knocks the body out of the developed biorhythms.

Anything is easier to do if everything goes according to plan. There is a plan of action in the weight loss system. Before you plunge headlong into a dietary life, it is important to think about what and at what stage should be done so that the “Japanese woman” will only benefit.

  1. The first step is to consult a doctor. No matter how they praise the "Japanese" all over the world, but each organism is an individual system. And what may benefit one person may harm another. Check your cardiovascular system, and if your doctor recommends, it's best to replace coffee in your diet with the healthier green tea. Check your kidneys. Frequent intake of protein foods (the "Japanese" diet) puts a serious strain on the kidneys. Problems are evidenced by: weakness, headaches, acetone taste in the mouth.
  2. The second step is preparation for the diet. The Japanese diet without salt and sugar requires both physical and moral adjustment. Devote this ritual the evening before starting the diet.
  3. Find detailed description menu of the Japanese diet (of the option that you like the most), make a list of food, stock up on the necessary products, print out the diet so that it is always in front of your eyes (this can be a graph, table, text).
  4. Buy a vitamin complex and take throughout the diet.
  5. Think about the right way out of the Japanese diet.

How to properly prepare yourself for a diet?

And now about the main thing.

Wise gurus from the East have been teaching for centuries: the success of any business depends on the inner mood.

That is why it is so important, when starting a Japanese diet, to properly tune in to the result. And you need to tune in both on a physical and psychological level.

First, starting the path to losing weight, even before starting a diet, it is important to believe in its effectiveness. Imagine what a beautiful slim girl will look at you from the mirror in two weeks. Don't believe this is possible? Read reviews of those who have lost weight, look on the Internet for articles “Japanese diet: before and after photos”. In most cases, their accomplishments are actually inspiring.

Devote the last day before the start of the diet to fashion magazines, choose a delightful dress that you could not afford to wear before, and now give yourself as a prize after the diet. Imagine how beautiful it sits on you! Did you notice how an unfamiliar handsome man showed you with an enchanted look on the street? Liked? Do you want all this? Then, on the eve of the beginning of the “Japanese”, we refuse a dense high-calorie dinner and prepare for a new life. And why not boil some wild rice today, prepare a delicious salad of fragrant vegetables ... And now season it all with the mood of sunny Italy - a drop of fragrant olive oil, then add a little oriental spicy fairy tale - soy sauce ... Well, now put all this savory taste on the most beautiful plate. Stop! That's just not worth reaching out for your favorite big plate, from which you can feed half of Japan. Take something smaller. Still, a new life is on the threshold. New, slim happy life. And before going to bed, why not enjoy the fragrant warmth of green Japanese tea, and for dessert - delicious stories from the Japanese Haruki Murakami. Well, so that for sure to dive headlong into the exoticism of Japanese life.

How to Say Goodbye to the Japanese Diet

And now he has finally arrived! This long-awaited day, when you can stand on the scales and rejoice: 10 kilograms (or maybe more?!) as it happened! And this is a real holiday. And Slavic souls are used to celebrating holidays on a grand scale. And at this moment, the most important thing is to remember what the Japanese diet taught for 14 days - humility, slowness and the ability to enjoy the little things ... You should not celebrate the day of ideal weight with a feast of fatty fried foods and terribly high-calorie butter-milk desserts! Remember, the Japanese diet is ready to work for you for another 2 years: you can stay slim by eating whatever you want in moderation. But for this it is important to get out of the diet correctly. Ideally, the exit period from the diet lasts exactly as many days as the diet itself was designed for.

As for the “Japanese”, it is so popular among women all over the world that nutritionists have developed a special system to properly exit the restricted diet.

Snack (around 16.00):

  • unsweetened fruit (1 pc.) / boiled vegetable (1 pc.);
  • kefir / yogurt / fermented baked milk (fat-free) - a glass.

Dinner (until 19.00):

  • jacket potatoes / diet muesli;
  • green tea / milk / kefir.

After the end of the diet, it is necessary to return to the usual way of eating gradually. Each day, you can enter only one new dish (which was not in the diet). It is important after leaving the "Japanese" to find time for additional exercise, which will allow the body to continue to burn excess fat reserves without accumulating them again under the skin. It is important to remember about the water balance. The diet is over, but this does not mean that the body does not need moisture. One and a half liters of still water is your minimum daily dose.

But the most important advice: love yourself, smile at the reflection in the mirror, remember that you are a queen. The most beautiful queen!

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Losing up to 20 kg in 21 days, setting up the body for further fat burning and continuing to lose weight without effort is real! Choose from 23 actionable nutrition programs that are right for you!

Diet is the main condition and the main factor in effective weight loss and maintaining a stable weight in the future. Without a well-designed and correctly chosen diet, all other activities will not be effective. At the same time, it is extremely important that dietary nutrition is balanced, safe for health and comfortable to follow. That is why all nutritionists agree that any quick weight loss methods lasting less than 21 days are harmful to the body.

A diet for 21 days is considered optimal in terms of a combination of duration and effectiveness. In 3 weeks, you can normalize body weight without harm and stress, adjusting digestion and metabolism, as well as cleanse, heal and rejuvenate the body.


Unlike express diets, 3-week weight correction programs allow all systems and organs to gradually adjust to a new mode of operation. It is the slow transition to a new diet that allows you to get rid of extra pounds without metabolic stress. In addition, a slightly reduced, but not minimal, calorie content of the daily diet is the key to healthy weight loss, since with a sharp decrease in the energy value of food consumed, not only positive, but also extremely negative processes begin in the body that are harmful to health.

The benefits of the 21 day diet include:

  • carrying out high-quality cleansing of the intestines and the body as a whole;
  • activation of metabolism;
  • acceleration of fat burning;
  • the ability to lose an average of 10 kg in 3 weeks.

An important part of the 3-week weight loss course is the preparatory stage and the exit period from the diet. If we take into account that the duration of each of them is 2 and 6 weeks, respectively, then in total such a weight correction program will take more than 2 months, including 3 stages:

  • smooth entry;
  • natural weight loss;
  • gradual exit.

Thanks to this approach, the loss of even 15 kg in 3 weeks will not have negative consequences for well-being and appearance.

Varieties of 21-day diets

To date, professional nutritionists around the world have developed a fairly large number of options for weight loss systems that provide minus 10–15 kg in 3 weeks. Many of them are based on the same principles, some are radically different. There are also fairly strict options that involve severe dietary restrictions and are as sparing as possible, allowing you to lose weight less effectively, but absolutely safe. Having studied the detailed description of each of the proposed methods, you can always choose for yourself exactly the one that will meet your taste preferences, goals and individual characteristics of the body.

"3 fists"

The 3 Fists Diet is a weight loss program developed by psychotherapist Oleg Tern, which offers to get rid of extra pounds without hunger, calorie counting and other dietary restrictions. It is enough to consume servings the size of 3 fists, combining proteins and plant foods.

Essence and rules

The effectiveness of this weight normalization system is due to the alternation of three diets:

  • unloading;
  • low-calorie;
  • supportive.

Also in the diet there is an option for weight gain, which is less in demand than those aimed at reducing and maintaining it.

Each of the diets includes the following food groups:

  • proteins - seafood, rabbit, red and soy meat, chicken and beef offal, low-fat dairy products, tofu or feta cheeses;
  • complex carbohydrates - buckwheat, pearl barley, oatmeal, legumes, whole grain bread;
  • vegetables - tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, all kinds of cabbage, beets, eggplants, radishes, mushrooms, greens;
  • fruits - apples, pears, kiwi, grapefruit, pineapple, pomegranate, apricots, all berries (except grapes);
  • nuts, sunflower seeds, vegetable oils.

All other foods should be discarded, including fried, fatty, sweet, starchy foods.

When compiling the menu, you must adhere to several principles:

  1. Meat is consumed 2 times a week.
  2. Cook everything in “healthy” ways - boiling, steaming, baking.
  3. Dress salads with vegetable oils or fat-free natural yogurt.
  4. Limit the amount of salt.

The basis of the 3 Fist Diet is proper nutrition along with a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, you need to not only go to the recommended menu, but also refuse bad habits, play sports, ensure proper rest and have an optimistic attitude towards life.

sample menu

This technique involves 5 meals a day in portions of small volume. So that the rate of weight loss does not decrease due to the adaptation of the body to the new regimen, the so-called calorie zigzags are used, that is, the change of strict and sparing days:

  • Zigzag minus - 4 days a week, of which 3 - on low-calorie menu, 1 - on the unloading.
  • Zigzag plus - 3 days a week on a supporting menu, one of which you can allow something forbidden, such as a cake, barbecue, beer or another favorite dish (but only one).

Thus, the menu for the week should be as follows.

Zigzag-minus stage - includes unloading and low-calorie days:

Days 1, 8, 15 - unloading:

  • 7:00 - 80 g of steamed eggs, 2 handfuls of slaw with lemon juice and yogurt;
  • 10:00 - 150 ml of lactic acid drink, 2 fruits (orange, apple);
  • 13:00 - a piece (with 1 fist) of baked fish, 2 handfuls of zucchini stew;
  • 15:00 - cottage cheese, berries (1 "fist" each), half a citrus (grapefruit);
  • 18:00 - fish, half a grapefruit, an apple.

Days 2, 9, 16 are low-calorie:

  • 7:00 - 200 g omelet, 2 servings of vegetables;
  • 10:00 - 3 servings of fruits and berries;
  • 13:00 - a piece of fish, 2 servings of vegetables;
  • 15:00 - 3 fruits;
  • 18:00 - a piece of cheese or soy meat, 2 servings of cabbage stew.

Days 3, 10, 17 - low-calorie:

  • 7:00 - a piece of chicken, 2 handfuls of vegetables;
  • 10:00 - 3 handfuls of fruits and berries;
  • 15:00 - 3 fruits;
  • 18:00 - 2 vegetables, a piece of chicken.

Days 4, 11, 18 - low-calorie:

  • 7:00 - cottage cheese, 2 fruits;
  • 10:00 - 3 fruits;
  • 13:00 - 2 handfuls of vegetables, a piece of fish;
  • 15:00 - 3 handfuls of berries and fruits;
  • 18:00 - a piece of fish, 2 handfuls of vegetable salad.

Zigzag-plus stage - consists of maintenance diets, including one with relief (any treat is allowed):

Days 5, 12, 19 - supporting:

  • 7:00 - chicken, legumes, vegetables (1 "fist" each);
  • 10:00 - 3 fruits;
  • 13:00 - chicken, cereals, mushrooms (1 "fist" each);
  • 15:00 - 3 fruits;

Days 6, 13, 20 - maintenance (with a treat of your choice):

  • 7:00 - 2 eggs, vegetables and grains, 1 "fist" each;
  • 10:00 - 3 handfuls of berries;
  • 13:00 - 1 "fist" of meat, vegetables, grains;
  • 15:00 - 3 fruits;
  • 18:00 - 1 "fist" of vegetables and fish, a treat.

Days 7, 14, 21 - supporting:

  • 7:00 - chicken, cereals, vegetables, 1 “fist” each;
  • 10:00 - 3 fruits;
  • 13:00 - meat, cereals, mushrooms 1 “fist” each;
  • 15:00 - 3 fruits;
  • 18:00 - a piece of fish, 2 handfuls of vegetables.

Eating according to such a menu, in 3 weeks you can lose 6 kg of excess weight, without starving at all and without creating stress for the body and psyche. Body weight will systematically come to an ideal indicator in accordance with the individual characteristics of the physique. You can adhere to such a nutrition system throughout your life, making a menu to your own taste from the recommended products.


The problem with excess weight among Americans is quite acute. But they love themselves too much to torture themselves with strict diets. Therefore, all their "national" weight loss methods are quite satisfying, tolerated without a strong feeling of hunger and at the same time give excellent results, however, in a not very short time. The classic American diet is designed for at least 21 days and the loss of 8-10 extra pounds.

In addition, many Hollywood stars, recognized throughout the world as the standard of female beauty, maintain their shape with the help of this nutrition system. It is worth noting that it was created by doctors, so it does not cause harm to health.

Essence and rules

American-style weight loss is based on alternating protein and carbohydrate menus with preliminary unloading according to the following scheme:

  • days 1, 2 - unloading;
  • odd days (3, 5 ... 21) - protein days;
  • even days (4, 6 ... 20) - carbohydrate.

Weight loss is based on the main principles of a healthy balanced diet, including:

  1. Sufficient saturation of the body with vitamins, minerals, all nutrients.
  2. Refusal of late dinner (after 17:00).
  3. Receipt of the required amount of useful liquid.
  4. Exclusion from the diet of unhealthy fats, fast carbohydrates, and other unhealthy foods.

As a result, in 3 weeks it is possible to get rid of an average of 10 kg and significantly improve your well-being.

sample menu

The diet of the classic American diet for 21 days consists of three menu options - unloading (preparatory), protein and carbohydrate. All of them alternate according to the above scheme and are compiled on the basis of the following examples.

Unloading menu - 2 rye toasts and 1 liter of freshly prepared fresh juice from tomatoes or skim milk are allocated for the whole day.

Protein menu:

  • in the morning - 50 g of dietary bread, coffee with honey;
  • in the afternoon - a portion (250 ml) of broth (meat or fish), 200 g of scrambled eggs, 150 g of meat (fish), 1 rye toast;
  • snack - warm milk with honey;
  • in the evening - 50 g of low-fat cheese, 1 toast, 250 ml of lactic acid drink.

Carbohydrate menu:

  • in the morning - 2 apples;
  • in the afternoon - vegetarian soup puree, 100 g of meat, 200 g of vegetable mix, 1 rye toast;
  • snack - 400 g of raw fruits (not very sweet);
  • in the evening - 200 g vegetable mix, 1 toast, 1 tsp. honey.

The days alternate in such a way that the first (after unloading) and the last day of the course is protein.

In addition to the classic version, there is another type of American diet, which is most popular with Hollywood stars. In this case, you must strictly adhere to the recommended menu for the week, repeating it 3 times in a row.

Breakfast is the same for each of the 21 days: coffee with milk and 1 tsp. sugar, 1 hard boiled egg, 1 toast, 1 apple.

Lunches by day should be as follows:

  1. 60 g cottage cheese with the addition of 1 crude protein, 200 ml 0% milk, 50 g bread, 5-6 radishes, 1 apple;
  2. 150 g chicken, 200 g shredded cabbage, 1 toast, tea;
  3. 50 g boiled pork without fat, 100 g vegetables, 25 g rye crackers, 80 g scrambled eggs, 200 ml lactic acid drink;
  4. 100 g fish fillet, greens, 1 toast, tea;
  5. 150 g fish fillet, 200 g celery seasoned with lemon juice;
  6. 200 g chicken with leaf lettuce, 100 g steamed brown rice, 100 ml 0% milk, 1 apple;
  7. 100 g of liver, 250 g of green spinach, 100 g of potatoes "in their uniforms", coffee.

Dinners for each day are also different:

  1. 150 g scrambled eggs, green vegetables with tomatoes, 1 apple;
  2. 100 g grated cottage cheese with greens, a few radishes, 100 ml 0% milk, 1 rye cracker, 1 apple;
  3. 200 g omelet, 2 tomatoes, 1 rye toast, 1 apple, 250 ml lactic acid drink;
  4. 150 g of meat with grated horseradish, greens, 1 apple, 200 ml of 0% milk;
  5. 100 g of boiled meat, 1 boiled yolk, 1 apple, 200 m of fat-free kefir;
  6. 150 g of scrambled eggs, 2 tomatoes, 1 toast, 1 apple, 250 ml of lactic acid drink;
  7. 100 g boiled pork without fat, 100 g cabbage with carrots, 1 egg, 1 tomato, 1 rye toast, 1 apple.

Swapping meals or whole days is not allowed. The specified menu is repeated for 3 weeks. Such a diet is quite easily tolerated, and due to its balance and limited calorie content, it allows you to get rid of excess weight with health benefits. To improve the tone of the skin and muscles, weight loss must be combined with fitness.


The British are somewhat different from the Americans in their attitude to food. As in everything else, they are more scrupulous and reserved. Therefore, the English diet is more strict than the American one. But in 21 days it allows you to get rid of 10-12 kg.

Essence and rules

The main idea of ​​this weight loss technique is also to alternate the protein and vegetable diet, but in a slightly different way. In this case, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Eat 4 times a day at the same time in very limited portions.
  2. Dine until 19:00.
  3. Drink 2 liters of water or more.
  4. Give up salt or reduce its consumption to a minimum.
  5. All dishes are boiled or steamed.
  6. Accept poly vitamin complexes.
  7. Do not drink alcohol, do not smoke.
  8. At night, drink 1 tsp. flax oil, which will prevent the deposition of fat and relieve constipation.

The main thing in the English diet is strict adherence to these recommendations. This will significantly activate digestion and achieve your goals in losing weight.

The most difficult in the course are the first 2 days and the last 1, because at the beginning and at the end of the diet, you should refuse to eat partially or even completely (depending on willpower).

sample menu

The entire weight loss course is divided into 4 stages.

Stage 1 - unloading

Duration - 2 days. They are designed to drastically reduce the volume of the stomach, which will allow you to be saturated with a small amount of food and prevent breakdowns.

The menu of each of these days will be rather meager - 2 liters of milk or a lactic acid drink and 150 g of black bread, which should be consumed in equal portions for 6-7 meals, and also drink 250 ml of fresh tomatoes at night.

Stage 2 - on proteins

Duration - 8 days. The following menu must be observed during the entire period:

  • in the morning - coffee (tea) with 1 tsp. honey, a sandwich made from a slice of bread with a thin layer of butter;
  • in the afternoon - 200 ml of fish or meat broth, 200 g of fish (meat), a small slice of bread;
  • snack - 200 ml of hot milk with honey;
  • in the evening - 100 g of meat (fish, hard cheese), bread, fermented milk drink.

At this stage, the breakdown of fat and the formation of muscle tissue occurs.

Stage 3 - on vegetables

Duration - 10 days. The basis of the diet is vegetables and a small amount of fruit.

The menu should follow the following pattern:

  • in the morning - 2 fruits (apples or citrus fruits);
  • in the afternoon - a vegetarian dish to choose from: soup, stew or salad with bread;
  • snack - fruit unlimited (until light saturation);
  • in the evening - unlimited vegetables (without overeating), tea with 1 tsp. honey.

During this period, the body is cleansed, gets rid of excess weight, while being saturated with energy and useful substances.

Stage 4 - unloading

Duration - 1 day. It is best to starve at the end of the diet in order to completely cleanse the body. If this is too difficult, it is allowed to use 1 liter of low-fat kefir and 250 g of cottage cheese in 5 doses.


For delicious and nutritious food different days English diet authors offer a small selection of recipes.

Protein Diet Recipes

Fish with mustard

Pepper 500 g of fish, roll in spices, put on foil, coat with mustard, sprinkle with chopped herbs, wrap and put in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 10-15 minutes.

Chopped chicken cutlets

Cut 500 g of chicken breast into small cubes, add 1 egg, greens, chopped garlic clove and seasonings, mix, form cutlets, put on a baking sheet, bake in the oven at 180 ° C until cooked (15–20 minutes).

Vegetarian Menu Recipes

Soup-puree "Orange"

Cut 400 g of pumpkin and 2 carrots into small cubes, dip in boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, remove, grind in a blender, adding a little broth, if the puree is thick, add spices, bring to a boil.

Zucchini in the oven

Cut 3 small zucchini lengthwise, put on a baking sheet, pepper, sprinkle grated cheese on top, bake in the oven at 180 ° C until cooked.

After completing the course, you need to gradually return to the usual diet. You need to eat the same small portions 5-6 times a day. This will ensure the consolidation of the result and its maintenance for a long time.


Oranges are delicious and healthy fruits, which are ideal for dietary nutrition and saturation of the body with many of the vitamins, minerals, and trace elements it needs. Their regular use can reduce the risk of a number of serious diseases, as well as improve food digestion, speed up metabolism, and remove toxins from the intestines. However, due to the high allergenicity of citrus fruits, the orange diet should be used with great care. If itching or rashes appear on the skin, you need to stop the course and choose another method for losing weight.

Essence and rules

The basis of the diet for any variant of the orange diet for 21 days is oranges. And you need to use them at every meal. In addition, a number of rules must be observed:

  1. Adhere to the drinking regime, drinking at least 2 liters of water per day.
  2. Refuse all high-calorie and junk food (fast food, convenience foods, synthetic additives).
  3. For all 3 weeks, forget about alcohol.

To diversify the diet, you can sometimes replace oranges with grapefruits or other citrus fruits.

sample menu

There are several varieties of the orange diet lasting 21 days. They differ in severity, menu composition and the result obtained. The most effective are 2 options for losing weight on these citrus fruits: the first is more gentle and allows you to get rid of 10 kg of excess weight, the second is somewhat stricter, but can provide a loss of 15 kg in the same 3 weeks.

Option number 1 - egg-orange, involves the division of each week into 5 days of a strict diet and 2 days of relaxation. In addition to these products, 1 orange is added to each meal.

  • in the morning - coffee (tea) with toast;
  • for lunch - 80 g of steamed eggs, 500 ml of yogurt, 2 toasts;
  • in the evening - 150 g of fish fillet, 2 tomatoes, herbs, 2 toasts.
  • in the morning - coffee (tea) with toast;
  • for lunch - 160 g of scrambled eggs, 2 toasts, 500 ml of kefir;
  • in the evening - 1 tomato, 130 g of veal, 1 toast, 250 ml of yogurt.
  • in the morning - coffee (tea) with toast;
  • for lunch - 180 g of omelette, 500 ml of yogurt, 2 toasts;
  • in the evening - 130 g of chicken breast, 1 toast, 250 ml of yogurt.
  • in the morning - coffee (tea) with toast;
  • for lunch - 150 g of unsweetened curd mass, 1 tomato, 1 cucumber (can be pickled), 1 toast;
  • in the evening - 180 g of scrambled eggs or 160 g of steamed eggs, 2 tomatoes, 1 toast.
  • in the morning - coffee (tea) with toast;
  • for lunch - 150 g of fish fillet, 1 tomato, greens, 1 toast, 250 ml of lactic acid drink;
  • in the evening - 150 g of scrambled eggs, 1 tomato, greens.

Days 6, 7: meals according to your own menu, but without overeating, 5 times a day in small quantities, excluding foods prohibited by the rules.

In the proposed menu, all fermented milk products should be low-fat, fish and meat - lean varieties, steamed or boiled. The diet continues for 3 weeks with strict adherence to the specified diet.

Option number 2 - more strict and monotonous in the composition of the diet.

The menu for each day should be as follows (for each day, in addition to the indicated products, 1 kg of oranges is added):

  • in 1 week - 2 eggs;
  • in the 2nd week - different cereals;
  • at 3 weeks - any plant food.

Subject to the specified menu, in 1 week you can lose up to 5 kg of excess weight, and in 21 days - about 15 kg.

When choosing an orange diet to reduce body weight, one should take into account the likelihood of an allergy to citrus fruits, as well as possible contraindications associated with the use of a large amount of these fruits.

In general, such weight loss methods are only absolutely suitable. healthy people, because they create a strong metabolic stress and put a big burden on the digestive system.


Eating for 3 weeks of predominantly protein food gives the highest results in weight loss, and without much starvation. By minimizing the consumption of carbohydrates, an energy deficit is created, so the body begins to extract it from body fat. At the same time, a sufficient amount of protein ensures the preservation of muscle tissue, so weight loss occurs only due to burning fat and removing excess fluid.

Essence and rules

To achieve really high results - up to minus 15 kg in 21 days - it is extremely important to follow the following recommendations:

  • eat by the hour according to the schedule;
  • do not violate the principles of a given menu;
  • do not use products harmful to the figure;
  • increase daily physical activity.

It is necessary to avoid even the slightest setbacks, since one violation can destroy everything that has been achieved in the previous days. It is necessary to overeat carbohydrates once and the effect of dieting will disappear completely.

By itself, the considered protein method of losing weight is quite safe. But an abundance of protein in the diet can harm the kidneys if there are any problems with them, and a large amount of fiber can create an increased load on the digestive tract. Therefore, when choosing such a diet, you should consult your doctor.

sample menu

The main components of the protein diet are animal products:

  • lean meats;
  • offal;
  • low-fat fish, seafood;
  • skimmed milk and dairy products.

It is also allowed to add a small amount of non-starchy vegetables to the menu.

From these products, you can make a menu yourself approximately according to this scheme.

Days 1, 14, 15:

  • in the morning - coffee (tea) with milk;
  • snack - low-fat cottage cheese;
  • in the afternoon - 150 g of scrambled eggs, 150 g of meat, 200 g of chopped cabbage;
  • snack - cottage cheese casserole, fresh tomato;
  • in the evening - 250 g of fish fillet, 200 ml of lactic acid drink.
  • in the morning - coffee (tea) with milk;
  • snack - grated carrots, kefir;
  • in the afternoon - 250 g of fish fillet, scrambled eggs, cucumbers;
  • snack - low-fat cottage cheese;
  • in the evening - 130 g of meat dishes, milk.
  • in the morning - coffee (tea) with milk;
  • snack - salad dressed with yogurt;
  • in the afternoon - half a boiled chicken, 2 tomatoes;
  • snack - low-fat lactic acid drink;
  • in the evening - 150 g of scrambled eggs, 100 g of hard cheese, fresh tomatoes.
  • in the morning - coffee (tea) with milk;
  • snack - 100 g of Adyghe cheese;
  • in the afternoon - 200 g of fish fillet, carrot salad, yogurt;
  • snack - 150 g of scrambled eggs, fresh tomatoes;
  • in the evening - 200 g boiled pork, kefir or yogurt.
  • in the morning - coffee (tea) with milk;
  • snack - cottage cheese casserole;
  • in the afternoon - 200 g of fish fillet, cabbage salad, 100 g of cheese;
  • snack - 150 g of scrambled eggs, kefir;
  • in the evening - 200 g of breast, beetroot salad.
  • in the morning - coffee (tea) with milk;
  • snack - 200 g of omelette, fresh tomatoes;
  • in the afternoon - grilled fish, vegetables, kefir;
  • snack - 100 g of cheese;
  • In the evening - stewed mushrooms with low-fat sour cream, cucumbers.
  • in the morning - coffee (tea) with milk;
  • snack - cottage cheese with herbs, fresh tomatoes;
  • in the afternoon - seafood, 150 g of stewed cabbage, kefir;
  • snack - 150 g of Adyghe cheese or cheese, tea;
  • in the evening - 150 g of scrambled eggs, 150 g of boiled pork, milk.

With such a diet, the feeling of hunger is practically absent, but the body begins to lack carbohydrates. In case of dizziness or increased fatigue, it is allowed to eat 1-2 fruits.

Protein and vegetable

Compared to a pure protein diet, a protein-vegetable diet is much easier to tolerate and is absolutely favorable for the body, since it receives almost everything necessary for normal life. This weight loss technique can have different durations, but the most common is the 21-day option and promises a loss of 10–12 kg.

Essence and rules

The effectiveness of this nutrition program is based on the correct ratio of the components of the diet. It should contain:

  • 50% protein food;
  • 50% of vegetables, of which ¼ part is consumed raw, the rest - after heat treatment in any dietary way (cooking, stewing, steaming, grilling).

Protein foods should be chosen low-fat and low-calorie:

  • lean meats and fish;
  • low-fat dairy and sour-milk products;
  • mushrooms.

Sugar, salt, cereals, potatoes, flour and sweet products, smoked meats and other harmful carbohydrate foods are completely excluded from the diet.

Such nutrition does not require a significant reduction in the volume of food, but at the same time provides a significant reduction in its calorie content, which causes stable weight loss without stress for the body. In addition, such a complex of products improves the activity of the digestive tract, has a healing and rejuvenating effect.

The success of losing weight depends entirely on the observance of several rules:

  1. Simple carbohydrates are removed from the diet.
  2. Increases the volume of fluid up to 2 liters per day.
  3. Meal ends on protein days before 19:00, on vegetable days - until 21:00.

Fasting days are mandatory before the diet. During the period of weight loss, the “2 through 2” diet is observed, that is, 2 days of protein, then 2 of vegetables.

sample menu

There can be quite a lot of options for a protein-vegetable diet designed for 21 days. In general, they can be divided into 2 conditional categories - the above alternation of diets and the mixed method, when proteins and vegetables are consumed together.

Separate (alternating)

The first version is based on the separate use of protein foods and vegetables every 2 days from fasting days between them as follows:

  • 2 days - unloading;
  • 2 days - proteins;
  • 2 days - vegetables, then unloading again, etc .;
  • the final 21 days - protein.

An example menu should look like this:

  • throughout the day - 3 cups (750 ml) of a lactic acid drink;
  • in the morning - coffee with milk, 50 g rye bread with 0.5 tsp. honey;
  • for lunch - 150 ml of fish broth with 1 piece (100 g) of fish fillet, 1 rye cracker;
  • for an afternoon snack - tea with 0.5 tsp. honey;
  • in the evening - 50 g of cheese, 150 g of meat, 150 g of scrambled eggs, 250 ml of lactic acid drink.
  • in the morning - grated carrots, mint tea;
  • for lunch - vegetarian puree soup, raw vegetables;
  • for an afternoon snack - stewed vegetables, tea;
  • in the evening - vegetable casserole, 50 g or whole grain toast, tea with honey.
  • in the morning - 50 g of dietary bread, 250 ml of lactic acid drink;
  • during the day - 3 cups (750 ml) of kefir;
  • in the evening - 50 g of dietary bread, 250 ml of fresh tomatoes.
  • in the morning - chamomile tea, 50 g of rye bread, 100 g of scrambled eggs, 1 tsp. honey;
  • for lunch - 200 ml of meat broth with 1 piece (100 g) of meat, 100 g of vegetables;
  • for an afternoon snack - rosehip tea with honey;
  • in the evening - 100 g of cheese, 200 ml of lactic acid drink, 80 g of steamed eggs, 1 rye toast.
  • in the morning - tomato and pepper salad, 1 rye toast, tea with honey;
  • for a snack - boiled beets;
  • for lunch - 200 g cabbage stew with zucchini, a mix of vegetables;
  • for an afternoon snack - carrot-apple fresh;
  • in the evening - cabbage salad with nuts.
  • in the morning - 50 g of dietary (rye) bread, 250 ml of lactic acid drink;
  • in the evening - 50 g of the same bread, 250 ml of fresh tomato.
  • in the morning - 200 g of omelet, tea;
  • for a snack - 150 g of unsweetened curd mass, rosehip tea;
  • for lunch - 200 ml of mushroom broth, 100 g of meat;
  • for an afternoon snack - 250 ml of a lactic acid drink;
  • in the evening - 200 g of mushrooms, tea.
  • in the morning - a salad of your choice, coffee;
  • for lunch - vegetable stew, vinaigrette, tea with 0.5 tsp. honey;
  • for an afternoon snack - carrot casserole, celery juice;
  • in the evening - vegetarian hodgepodge, herbal tea.
  • in the morning - 50 g of dietary bread, 250 ml of lactic acid drink;
  • throughout the day - 3 cups (750 ml) of kefir;
  • in the evening - 50 g of dietary bread, 250 ml of fresh tomatoes.
  • in the morning - 80 g of steamed eggs, chamomile tea, 50 g or toast from whole grain bread;
  • for a snack - 250 ml of kefir;
  • for lunch - 200 ml of meat broth, 3 steamed chicken cutlets;
  • for an afternoon snack - tea with honey;
  • in the evening - 100 g boiled pork, 50 g unsweetened curd mass, tea.

Due to the low calorie content and frequent fasting days, this version of the protein-vegetable diet allows you to quickly reduce a large amount of excess weight. The mixed menu is less strict, but not as effective. In the first case, you can lose up to 15 kg in 3 weeks, in the second - up to 10 kg.


Losing weight on a mixed protein-vegetable diet involves 5 meals a day in small portions. This method helps to reduce weight gradually and is completely safe for the gastrointestinal tract and the body as a whole.

An important advantage of this weight loss option is the absence of a strict menu and the ability to make it yourself from allowed products. Be sure to consume fermented milk products 2 times a day, and proteins and vegetables should be equally represented in the diet. The main thing at the same time is that the energy value of the daily diet does not exceed 1200 kcal.

Another plus of this method is the variety of recipes that can use protein products and vegetables at the same time. These are a variety of soups, stews, salads, casseroles, pieces of fish and meat with a side dish. Thus, with a mixed protein-vegetable diet for 21 days, weight loss is easy, comfortable and without a strong feeling of hunger.


A diet on proteins and carbohydrates is the so-called protein-carbohydrate alternation (BUCH), which consists in the alternate use of protein, carbohydrate and mixed diets. This weight loss technique is devoid of one of the main drawbacks of most diets - stress for the body due to a sharp restriction of carbohydrate intake and rapid weight return due to impaired metabolism.

Essence and rules

The protein-carbohydrate diet is based on a balanced diet, which is fairly easily tolerated, but does not quick results. Within 3 weeks, there is a gradual weight loss, which is much more useful than fast or cardinal methods.

The BUCH power system is based on the following principles:

  1. The alternation of three different diets - protein, carbohydrate, mixed.
  2. Fractional nutrition - 5-6 times in small portions.
  3. Exclusion from the diet of salt, unhealthy fats, fast carbohydrates, as well as fried, smoked foods.

Sticking to BEA is not difficult at all - you need to alternate days with a predominant intake of proteins, days with a predominant intake of carbohydrates, and days with an equal intake of both nutrients.

sample menu

The basis of the diet of the 21-day protein-carbohydrate diet is a cycle of 3 days:

  • the beginning - the menu contains only complex carbohydrates, which will provide a powerful boost of energy;
  • day 2 - proteins and carbohydrates in approximately the same amount;
  • day 3 - only proteins, due to which muscle tissue will be strengthened, and animal fats will help maintain normal brain function.

Subject to protein-carbohydrate alternation excessive reduction of calorie intake or consumption of large amounts of protein should not be allowed. For the diet to be as useful as possible, you need to consume at least 1200 kcal daily. In this case, for 1 kg of weight should be taken:

  • 1.5–2 g of saccharides on mixed days, 3–5 g on carbohydrate days;
  • no more than 2 g of protein on mixed days, up to 3 g on protein days;
  • introduce a small amount of cold-pressed vegetable oil into the daily menu, sea ​​fish, avocado, to ensure the intake of healthy fats (it is not necessary to calculate their amount, you just need to monitor the total daily calorie content).
  1. The basis of the carbohydrate diet is vegetables, fruits, cereals, whole grain flour bread, durum wheat pasta.
  2. With a mixed diet, the set of products remains the same, but proteins are added to it - low-fat dairy and sour-milk products, lean meat, fish, eggs.
  3. On protein days, carbohydrates are completely excluded, only the same protein foods, green and leafy vegetables remain.

All products must be of high quality, fresh, minimally processed.

An example menu for cycle 1 might look like this:

Carbohydrate days:

  • breakfast - oatmeal with dried fruits or 1 tsp. honey, unsweetened coffee with milk;
  • lunch - boiled brown rice, stewed zucchini, 1 whole grain bread;
  • lunch - pasta with tomato sauce;
  • afternoon tea - buckwheat, stewed mushrooms;
  • dinner - dried fruits, 1 whole grain bread, tea.

Mixed days:

  • breakfast - oatmeal with milk, fruits or berries;
  • lunch - kefir, 1 whole grain bread, fruit salad with lemon juice;
  • lunch - lentil soup or stew, salad dressed with mustard-honey mixture with vinegar;
  • afternoon snack - boiled brown rice with 1 chicken breast;
  • dinner - stewed chicken liver, vegetable slices.

Protein days:

  • breakfast - scrambled eggs with tomatoes;
  • lunch - kefir or protein shake;
  • lunch - seafood and vinaigrette or fish and lettuce;
  • afternoon snack - veal, cucumber;
  • dinner - stewed cauliflower, chicken breast.

Second protein day (if necessary):

  • breakfast - cottage cheese with herbs, coffee with milk;
  • lunch - protein shake;
  • lunch - tuna, 2 eggs, tomato salad;
  • afternoon snack - breast, greens;
  • dinner - veal, celery stalks.

The menu turns out to be quite varied and is very easily tolerated within 3 weeks.

Nutritionists say that sticking to the protein-carbohydrate alternation should be no more than 21 days. It is this duration that is considered optimal for the normalization of metabolic processes and moderate (up to 7 kg) weight loss with the formation of muscle mass. Professional athletes usually use 12 repetitions of cycles.

Starvation on the water

Fasting on water for 21 days is the most difficult, but the most effective way to slimness. However, due to excessive rigidity, this method of losing weight is suitable only for absolutely healthy people and requires a mandatory preliminary examination by a doctor.

Essence and rules

Starting a 3-week fast is not recommended immediately. Before such a diet, you first need to try to endure hunger for 1 day to see the reaction of the body and determine your willpower. Then, after a week, you can arrange a 3-day unloading on the same water. If this test is also passed successfully, then the duration of fasting should be increased to 1 week. Upon receipt of positive results, you can safely enter the 21st day of the hunger strike.

In general, preparation for fasting should begin 1.5–2 months before the diet itself. In addition, you also need to enter the hunger mode correctly - even before a short 1-day unloading, you need to switch to plant foods the day before, refuse dinner, and put a cleansing enema in the evening. Before a long 3-week fast, such preparation should take at least 5-7 days.

sample menu

It is quite clear that with such a diet there is no menu. But you need to follow some rules of nutrition:

  1. Give up alcohol, smoking, coffee - only clean water.
  2. To maintain strength, you can add a little honey or lemon juice to the water.

It is necessary to minimize physical and mental stress, as well as carefully monitor the state of health. With a significant deterioration in well-being, it is necessary to immediately, but smoothly, get out of hunger.

It should be borne in mind that with prolonged fasting, an intensive cleansing of the body begins, which is accompanied by an unpleasant odor from the mouth and from the body. Dizziness, nausea, weakness, depression are also possible - these phenomena are normal and are caused by the restructuring of all organs and systems to a new mode of functioning.


The buckwheat diet is a fasting diet, in which you need to eat exclusively or mainly buckwheat porridge all day (depending on the option chosen). Weight loss on buckwheat can be strict - in the form of a mono-diet - or more benign, in which, in addition to cereals, other components are added to the diet, most often fermented milk products and fruits.

Surviving 21 days on one porridge and water is quite difficult and unsafe for health. Therefore, for this duration, it is usually recommended to adhere to a diet with additional products.

The effectiveness of losing weight will be somewhat lower: if in 3 weeks on a buckwheat mono-diet you can lose 10–15 kg of excess weight, then with a more varied diet, the plumb line is usually 6–8 kg.

Essence and rules

With any variant of buckwheat weight loss, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Adhere to the correct drinking regime - at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day, including water, tea, herbal infusions, fruit decoctions.
  2. Refuse salt, fried, smoked and other dishes harmful to the figure.
  3. Use a small amount (1 tablespoon) of cold-pressed oil.
  4. Switch to fractional meals - at least 5 times a day in small portions, have dinner 3 hours before bedtime.

Physical activity, subject to a strict mono-diet, should be excluded. With a gentle option, it is recommended to slightly increase activity, but training should be moderate.

sample menu

The basis of the diet, regardless of its severity, is cooked in a special way porridge. It is steamed overnight or for 2-3 hours in a thermos at the rate of 2 cups of boiling water per 1 cup of buckwheat. Consume during the day according to the schemes below.

Strict option

If you follow the buckwheat mono-diet during the day, you can eat any amount of buckwheat porridge, but usually the volume prepared from 1 cup of cereal is enough. In addition to buckwheat, you should drink plenty of water to drown out the feeling of hunger and ensure the full elimination of decay products from the body.

Nutritionists do not recommend sticking to this diet for more than 1 week. For those who are ready to risk their health for the sake of gaining harmony and continue the diet for up to 3 weeks, it is necessary to consult a doctor and take multivitamin preparations during the course.

Bland Diet Options

To make the menu less stressful for the body, it is recommended to use 0-1% fat kefir, but not more than 1 liter per day (1.5 liters are allowed if the product is fat-free). This drink can be consumed together with porridge or separately (alternately), as well as replacing boiling water with it when preparing buckwheat.

There is also another variation of the 21-day buckwheat diet with a more varied menu. The power supply scheme will be as follows:

  • days 1, 2 - on a strict mono-diet (possible with the addition of 0.5 l of kefir);
  • days 3-6 - vegetables (200 g), 2 unsweetened fruits and 50 g of cottage cheese are additionally introduced into the diet, and the volume of buckwheat porridge is reduced;
  • day 7 - 1 egg and 100 g of chicken breast are added to the previous menu.

This weekly menu is repeated 3 times. As a result, you can significantly lose weight without creating much stress for the body.

Institute of Nutrition

The diet, developed by the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, is aimed at gradual weight loss according to scientifically based principles. Her diet is balanced and encourages the development of healthy eating habits, which should be followed throughout life in order to maintain normal weight.

The daily calorie content of the diet of the Institute of Nutrition is from 1800 to 1200 kcal. You need to start losing weight with a higher calorie content, gradually reducing it by adjusting the diet.

Essence and rules

The main feature of this technique is the absence of significant food restrictions. The energy value of the diet decreases very smoothly, without harming the metabolism and allowing the body to adapt to a new diet.

The goal of the diet of the Institute of Nutrition is the transition to a low-fat fractional healthy diet. The basis of the diet is mainly vegetables and fruits, lean protein foods and a small amount of complex carbohydrates (cereals with a low glycemic index). Thus, the menu is made up of fat-free, low-calorie foods, the use of which does not lead to fat deposition. Dishes are chosen independently, but must be prepared only from the above permitted products.

An important condition for losing weight is portion control. Meals should be fractional - at least 5 times a day, but you need to get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger, which will pass very quickly.

Approximate menu

To understand the essence of the diet of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the following menu is given as an example:

  • breakfast - 100 g of meat with green peas(canned), tea without any additives;
  • lunch - 1 baked apple stuffed with cottage cheese;
  • lunch - fresh vegetable salad, vegetarian soup, a piece of fish or 1 steam cutlet, unsweetened compote;
  • afternoon snack - rosehip tea;
  • dinner - 200 g of cottage cheese, unsweetened tea.

If there is a strong feeling of hunger between meals, you can drink a little of any lactic acid drink or eat an apple.

With a balanced, low-calorie diet, you will gradually lose weight without harming your health. To speed up this process, it is recommended to increase physical activity - visit Gym or exercise at home.

The disadvantage of the method of losing weight of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences is the need to count calories. But usually difficulties arise only on initial stage, and then a habit is developed and all calculations are performed automatically.


Kefir is an affordable, useful and beloved by many product. Therefore, the kefir diet is very popular and gives excellent results both in losing weight and in improving the digestive system. In the classic version of a mono-diet (on one kefir), it is very difficult to endure 21 days and severe harm to health can be done. Therefore, subject to this method of losing weight, it is recommended to add others to kefir. diet foods, as a rule, buckwheat, apples, cucumbers, greens. On each of these diets in 3 weeks, you can lose 10-15 kg of excess weight.

Essence and rules

The main component of this method of weight correction is fat-free or low-fat kefir. When choosing the fat content of a lactic acid drink, it should be borne in mind that the calorie content of 0% of the product is 31 kcal / 100 g, 1% - 40, 2.5% - 53. Depending on this indicator, it is necessary to regulate the amount of kefir consumed per day - you can drink 2 liters of fat-free, 1.5 liters of low-fat, and no more than 1 liter of fat.

In addition to the main component, it is allowed to introduce 100-400 g of some additional low-calorie product into the diet, and also be sure to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water. Meals should be 6 times a day with equal intervals. Dinner should be 2-3 hours before bedtime.

sample menu

There are a large number of diet options for the kefir diet lasting 21 days. The most popular are the classic kefir menu, as well as with apples, cucumbers and buckwheat.


The most comfortable to follow is a menu with a diverse set of products, which is compiled according to the following scheme:

  • breakfast - kefir, 50 g of dried bread;
  • lunch - kefir, 1 apple (fresh or baked);
  • lunch - kefir, 100 g of fish or chicken, green vegetable salad;
  • afternoon snack - kefir, 1 apple (fresh or baked);
  • dinner - 1 apple, 30 g of cheese;
  • late dinner - kefir.

In addition, the diet may consist of a set of several mono-diets with different diets, each of which necessarily contains 1.5 liters of 1% fat yogurt. Additionally, the menu includes the following products:

  • days 1, 8, 15 - 4 baked potatoes;
  • 2, 9, 16th - 1 kg of apples in any form;
  • 3, 10, 17th - 800 g of unsweetened fruits or berries;
  • 4, 11, 18th - only a lactic acid drink;
  • 5th, 12th, 19th - 400 g of chicken;
  • 6th, 13th, 20th - 1 kg of vegetables;
  • 7, 14, 21st - only kefir.

Of all the varieties of methods for losing weight on kefir, these options can be called relatively sparing.

with apples

The nutrition schedule should also be 6 times a day. At each dose, apples and kefir are consumed at intervals of 30 minutes - first fruits, then a drink.

with cucumbers

In this version of the diet, the amount of food remains the same, but the apples are replaced by cucumbers. You can also use them separately or together with kefir.

with buckwheat

The kefir and buckwheat diet is one of the most popular weight loss methods. The combination of these two products in the menu provides rapid weight loss without a strong feeling of hunger and significant harm to the body.

The daily buckwheat-kefir diet consists of 1–1.5 liters of a lactic acid drink and porridge prepared by steaming cereals overnight at the rate of 1 cup per 2 cups of boiling water. You can use both components at your discretion - separately or together. There is also an option when buckwheat is soaked overnight in kefir.

Any body weight normalization system based on kefir and designed for 3 weeks helps to achieve fairly good results. However, doctors recommend using it only as an express method, observing no more than 7 days, so as not to harm the body.

Kim Protasova

A feature of the weight loss technique created by Kim Protasov is the absence of restrictions on the diet and the volume of servings - it is allowed to eat at any time of the day in unlimited quantities. But you can only eat certain foods. In general, the Kim Protasov diet lasts 5 weeks, but nutritionists recommend starting it from 3 weeks and observing only 21 days. This is due to the fact that the diets of 1-2 weeks are very unbalanced and can adversely affect the overall health and condition of the skin.

Essence and rules

During the 5 weeks of the Shuffle, you need to eat certain foods:

  • 1-2 weeks - only raw vegetables and dairy products, plus it is allowed to eat 1 boiled egg per day;
  • 3-5 weeks - 300 g of dietary meat or fish is added to the previous diet by reducing the amount of dairy products.

In addition, you should drink at least 2 liters of fluid daily, including any unsweetened drinks, and also eat 3 green apples.

Weight loss on the Kim Protasov diet is very individual. According to the author of the technique, everyone will be able to lose exactly as many kilograms as necessary and useful for him.

This result is ensured by a very thoughtful choice of products:

  • dairy products supply protein, calcium, lactose;
  • in the last 3 weeks the body receives the required amount of fat.

But in general, weight loss occurs due to a low calorie diet and long duration course.

sample menu

Since the original version of the Kim Protasov diet is designed for 5 weeks, its 3-week version can be used in two of the most rational ways that are approved by professional nutritionists (as opposed to the "whole" version):

  1. 1 week instead of 2 on a vegetarian menu plus 2 weeks on a meat diet.
  2. 21 days completely on the menu 3-5 weeks.

Menu 1-2 weeks in the version of Kim Protasov should be as follows:

  • breakfast - vegetarian salad with yogurt, tea (you can with milk);
  • lunch - salad of 1 apple and cottage cheese with yogurt, cinnamon and vanilla;
  • lunch - soup puree of raw vegetables grated in a blender, egg and vegetable salad with herbs and garlic, seasoned with kefir;
  • afternoon snack - pepper stuffed with cottage cheese with vegetables, apple and vegetable fresh;
  • dinner - cottage cheese and vegetable salad, 1 apple.

The menu for 3–5 weeks is more varied:

  • breakfast - egg and cottage cheese casserole;
  • lunch - apple and vegetable salad with lemon juice;
  • lunch - okroshka or cold soup-puree, boiled chicken;
  • afternoon snack - cottage cheese and vegetable salad;
  • dinner - cabbage salad with apple and kefir, boiled chicken.

To diversify the diet, you can additionally use your own or the recipes proposed by the author of the methodology.


Of the foods allowed by the diet, you can cook the most different dishes. Kim Protasov offers the following recipes:

  1. Cut fresh tomatoes into circles, top with grated cheese mixed with herbs, garlic and yogurt.
  2. Make a salad of cheese, eggs, tomatoes, bell peppers and other vegetables to your liking, add onions marinated in lemon juice.
  3. bake in microwave oven an apple stuffed with cottage cheese or sprinkled with cinnamon.
  4. Grill meat with spices.

Kim Protasov's diet allows you to fantasize and come up with a lot of interesting recipes, which makes the process of losing weight easier and more enjoyable. Moreover, you can use permitted foods (except meat, eggs and apples) in any quantity.


The food culture for the Chinese is not just a necessity that ensures vital activity, but a tool for healing the body. Therefore, the Chinese diet for 21 days is one of the healthiest. Traditionally, it includes a small amount of fish and meat, raw or lightly boiled vegetables, fresh fruits, cereals, spices, green tea.

Essence and rules

From time immemorial, China has used a system of categorizing food according to tastes: salty, sour, bitter, spicy, sweet. Each product belongs to one of the categories and has a corresponding type of energy. The most useful is a diet consisting of all 5 tastes.

A feature of the Chinese diet is that, despite its balance, it remains quite strict. To comply with it for 21 days requires considerable endurance and perseverance.

When compiling a Chinese diet menu, you must be guided by the following principles:

  1. Breakfast should be small in volume and consist of healthy foods that need to be changed daily to provide the body with everything it needs.
  2. Lunch is the largest and most important meal of the day, and is meant to be enjoyed, so any meal is allowed, but with a minimum amount of fat.
  3. Dinner is light, low-calorie, the smallest in terms of volume and energy value.

According to the Chinese, the violation of these principles of nutrition is the main cause various diseases and weight gain.

sample menu

The 3-Week Chinese Diet is designed to promote metabolism, cleansing and health. To do this, you need to eat according to the following scheme.

Days 1, 8, 15:

  • breakfast - scrambled eggs with tomatoes, bell peppers and herbs, 1 orange, green tea;
  • lunch - cabbage salad with lemon juice and olive oil, boiled rice, baked fish fillet, fresh fruit;
  • dinner - steam veal, vegetable cutting.

Days 2, 9, 16:

  • breakfast - fruit salad with nuts, 2 toasts, coffee;
  • lunch - vegetarian stew with rice and spices, cooked with a small amount of vegetable oil, boiled meat with soy sauce, 1 fruit of your choice;
  • dinner - steamed fish fillet, 1 a raw egg, fresh from tomatoes.

Days 3, 10, 17:

  • breakfast - cereal porridge to choose from, herbal tea with honey;
  • lunch - carrot casserole with egg and vegetable oil, grilled meat with spices, fresh fruit;
  • dinner - seafood, vegetarian salad.

Days 4, 11, 18:

  • breakfast - scrambled eggs, vegetarian salad, fresh fruit;
  • lunch - pilaf, vinaigrette with olive oil, 2 apples;
  • dinner - baked fish fillet, fresh vegetables.

Days 5, 12, 19:

  • breakfast - carrot and egg salad, 2 toasts, green tea;
  • lunch - beef stewed with cabbage in vegetable oil, 2 tomatoes, fruit salad;
  • dinner - fish, steamed cauliflower.

Days 6, 13, 20:

  • breakfast - boiled rice with dried fruits, fresh orange juice;
  • lunch - boiled chicken, shredded cabbage with lime juice and olive oil, scrambled eggs;
  • dinner - seafood, fresh tomatoes.

Days 7, 14, 21:

  • breakfast - 1 poached, boiled beets, 1 citrus (grapefruit);
  • lunch - assorted vegetables (optional), boiled veal with rice, fresh fruit;
  • dinner - fish fillet, leaf salad.

Since the portions in the menu are not regulated, their volume must be determined independently, taking into account the characteristics of the organism and the goals set. In this case, you can not starve or overeat, food should be moderate. The standard duration of the course is 21 days, weight loss is 8–10 kg.


When choosing a diet, it is important to take into account its effect on the body and correctly calculate your own strength. If you lose weight too quickly, you can cause significant harm to health, so it is recommended to lose weight for at least 3 weeks to get a mild and long-term result. The classic 21-day diet, developed by a group of doctors, is designed for the average city dweller and allows you to get rid of an average of 10 extra pounds. Narrowly specialized specialists took part in its creation - a therapist, endocrinologist, urologist, cardiologist and allergist, who took into account the lifestyle of a sedentary person who haphazardly eats fast food and various culinary excesses, and also does not burden himself with physical activity.

Essence and rules

Throughout the entire period of weight loss, entry and exit from the diet, you can not drink alcohol, sugar and salt. In addition, it is prohibited:

  1. Take laxatives or diuretics.
  2. Starve or refuse a late (after 18:00) dinner if there is a feeling of hunger.
  3. Refuse to drink heavily.
  4. Eliminate fiber from the diet.
  5. Eat food through force when it's time to eat (it's enough to chew cucumber, greens or cabbage).
  6. Refuse the recommended preparation and proper exit.

The preparatory phase should begin 10 days before the start of the course. For this you need to gradually:

  1. Reduce portions of food, increasing the number of meals.
  2. Eliminate simple carbohydrates (flour and sugar-containing products), increasing the volume of fresh vegetables.

When leaving the diet, you should also gradually return to the usual diet, while maintaining healthy eating habits.

sample menu

Protein foods form the basis of the diet. The amount of protein needed depends on the initial body weight - on average, daily ranges from 58-80 g. They should be consumed in several doses throughout the day, using purchased protein mixtures or natural sources of protein:

  • chicken breast (100 g of the finished dish contains 19 g of protein and 110 calories);
  • sea ​​fish (15–20 g, 70–120 kcal, depending on the variety);
  • chicken eggs (in one egg - 8 g of protein, 70 kcal, in 100 g of omelet - 20 g and 90 kcal).

In addition, live fiber must be present in the menu. To do this, you need to eat fresh vegetables, cereals and legumes. Thus, the recommended menu of one day for a person weighing 60 kg should include:

  • for breakfast - 150 g of omelet, a portion of cereal porridge;
  • for lunch - 200 g of fish fillet, a portion of legumes, fresh vegetables;
  • for dinner - 100 g of chicken breast with fresh vegetables.

Also, between meals, you should drink 2.5-3 liters of clean water - 30 minutes before and 1.5 hours after eating. It is allowed to include green tea and herbal infusions in the total volume.


Why this diet is so named, no one knows, because it is quite strict, though simple and effective. The popularity of this method of losing weight is due to the fact that the diet consists of ordinary products and does not require the preparation of special dishes. In addition, it gives excellent results, providing a loss of 8-12 kg in 3 weeks.

Essence and rules

The concept of the diet is that it consists of a set of mono-diets, that is, every day you need to eat only 1 product according to the principle of alternating fasting days. The diet includes protein foods and plant foods, but they are all divided by day. This approach is aimed at enhancing metabolism and is based on the principle that the body, having had enough of one product, ceases to absorb it, so the calorie content of the diet does not depend on the amount of food eaten.

The classic "Favorite" diet is designed for 7 days and is quite tough. In the 3-week option, nutrition is supposed to be more sparing and less stressful for the body.

If you follow it, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Completely exclude simple carbohydrates from the menu.
  2. Drink water 30 minutes before and 60 minutes after meals - a total of 2 liters per day.
  3. Provide moderate exercise.

It is impossible to change the order of mono-diets, since they are designed to provide the body with all the necessary nutrients and nutrients.

sample menu

In this version of the diet, the menu is interesting, varied and tasty. For 21 days, you should eat according to this scheme:

daysDiet typeProducts
1 Kefir
2 Fruit2 kg fruit mix (recommended grapefruit and avocado)
3 Curd
4 Zucchini800 g zucchini caviar with onions, carrots, vegetable oil
5 Chocolate
6 Apple
7 cheesy
8 Vegetarian
9 Meat500 g boiled lean meat
10 SaladRaw vegetable salads
11 Curd500 g low fat cottage cheese
12 Fruit2 kg fruit (recommended grapefruit and avocado)
13 Kefir2 l kefir 0% fat
14 Vegetarian1 l fresh tomato, cabbage salad with cucumber and herbs
15 Meat500 g of any dietary meat
16 Apple1.5 kg sweet and sour green apples
17 SaladRaw vegetable salads
18 Chocolate100 g dark chocolate 72% cocoa
19 cheesy400 g low fat hard cheese
20 Kefir2 l lactic acid drink 0% fat
21 Fruit2 kg fruit mix (preferably grapefruit and avocado)

After completing the diet, you must choose any day you like and use it as a fasting day every week to maintain the achieved weight.

During the exit period, you need to rebuild the diet gradually, eating only healthy food. In order not to experience a shortage nutrients, throughout the course, you should use multivitamin complexes.


Maggi's nutrition system is a protein weight loss technique. It is based on the interaction of foods taken in food, does not require calorie counting and requires strict adherence to the recommended diet. The duration of the diet varies from 2 to 4 weeks. For 1 average course lasting 3 weeks, you can lose up to 10 extra pounds.

Essence and rules

In addition to following the diet, you must adhere to some rules:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids, including water, herbal infusions, teas, coffee without sugar.
  2. Eat boiled vegetables, but without broth.
  3. Use spices, seasonings, spices, onions, garlic.
  4. Eliminate all fats completely.
  5. Strictly adhere to the nutrition schedule, without changing foods and meals.
  6. If the menu does not indicate the serving size, the dish is consumed unlimitedly.

It will be useful to increase physical activity, but not overdo it. In case of failure or any violation of the diet, do not continue, but start over.

sample menu

Throughout the 21-day course, breakfast is the same - 150 g of scrambled eggs or 200 g of steamed omelet and half an orange or grapefruit. The rest of the meals vary by day.

Days 1, 14, 15:

  • dinner - dietary meat.
  • lunch - boiled chicken without skin;
  • dinner - 150 g of steamed eggs, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit, cucumber and tomato salad with herbs.
  • lunch - low-fat white cheese, 1 toast, 1 tomato;
  • dinner - dietary meat.
  • lunch - raw fruits of your choice (mainly apples, pears, kiwi, watermelon, melon);
  • dinner - dietary meat, vinaigrette.
  • lunch - 150 g of steamed eggs, vinaigrette without dressing;
  • dinner - fish, raw seasonal vegetables, 1 grapefruit.
  • lunch - raw fruits of your choice (mainly apples, pears, kiwi, watermelon, melon);
  • dinner - dietary meat, seasonal vegetables.
  • lunch - skinless chicken, vinaigrette, 1 orange;
  • dinner - vinaigrette.

With severe hunger between meals, it is allowed to have a snack with greens, cucumber or carrots.


The Mayo Clinic Diet was developed by American nutritionists to combat obesity in patients suffering from diabetes, cardiovascular and other diseases. Its action is based on the use of a special fat-burning soup, and in any quantity, which eliminates the appearance of a strong feeling of hunger. If you follow all the recommendations for 3 weeks on the Mayo diet, you can get rid of 12-16 kg.

Essence and rules

The basis of this technique is the food pyramid, developed by the specialists of the Mayo Clinic, which is used to draw up a diet. The pyramid includes 4 "tiers" (as the importance increases - from 1 to 4):

  1. fruits and vegetables - low-calorie, but occupying a large volume in the stomach and contributing to satiety;
  2. products made from whole grain flour - sources of complex carbohydrates;
  3. protein products - dairy products, legumes, dietary varieties of fish and meat;
  4. unsaturated fats - olive oil and nuts, necessary for the full operation of all systems.

The Mayo diet does not require strict adherence to the menu or counting calories, but only allowed foods can be eaten. It is also necessary to supplement the process with moderate physical activity.

sample menu

The main dish of the daily diet is fat-burning soup. In American clinics, it is prescribed by cardiologists not only during treatment, but also during the period of preparation for surgery of overweight patients. The soup is prepared from the following set of ingredients:

  • 6 bulbs;
  • medium head of cabbage;
  • a few tomatoes without skin (you can canned);
  • 2 sweet green peppers;
  • a root or bunch of celery greens;
  • 2 bouillon cubes;
  • spices, seasonings to taste.

All components are cut into small pieces, poured with water and boiled at a low boil until soft (about 10 minutes). Spices and seasonings are added at the end of cooking, there is no salt.

This soup is consumed at least 3 times a day in unlimited quantities. In addition to soup, the menu includes other products consumed according to the following scheme (by day):

  • 1, 8, 15 - any fruit (excluding bananas);
  • 2, 9, 16 - raw, baked, stewed or boiled vegetables, including potatoes, with herbs and olive oil;
  • 3, 10, 17 - vegetables (except potatoes) and fruits (except bananas) in any form;
  • 4, 11, 18 - vegetables, fruits, including potatoes and bananas (no more than 3 pieces), some milk;
  • 5, 12, 19 - 500 g lean meat, tomatoes (fresh or canned);
  • 6, 13, 20 - boiled beef with herbs in any quantity;
  • 7, 14, 21 - vegetables, fruits, fresh juices from them, brown rice.

The Mayo Clinic weight loss technique eliminates any negative impact on the body, allowing you to lose weight without hunger and any other difficulties that are characteristic of other diets.


The drinking method of losing weight is designed to get rid of extra pounds at the same time as removing toxins from internal organs and tissues. The diet can last 21 or 30 days, during which you can only eat liquid food. As a result, you can lose 10-15 kg, depending on the duration of the course and the characteristics of the body.

Essence and rules

The drinking diet is quite rigid, since it implies the absence of solid food and the possibility of “something” to chew on. This allows the body not only to get rid of everything superfluous, but also to relax, since liquid diet food digested quite easily.

This power supply system consists of 3 stages:

  1. At the first stage, the hollow organs are cleaned, which is accompanied by the appearance of a strong coating on the tongue.
  2. On the second, the liver and kidneys are freed from unnecessary, so pain in the area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir location is possible.
  3. At the third - there is a cleaning at the cellular level.

Each of these stages lasts an average of 1 week.

The drinking method of losing weight is ideal for busy people, because it does not require adherence to a nutrition schedule. Liquid meals can be drunk unlimitedly, at any time, with any time intervals.

You need to enter and exit such a system correctly, first gradually refusing solid food, and then introducing it into your diet in the same way.

sample menu

Throughout the course of weight loss, it is allowed to use:

  • low-fat milk and lactic acid drinks;
  • chicken and vegetable broths;
  • purified and mineral water;
  • fresh vegetables and unsweetened fruits;
  • cocoa, weak coffee, tea.

In addition to these products, it is desirable to take vitamin complexes to prevent beriberi, the appearance of bad mood and depression.


To navigate what can be consumed, in addition to ordinary drinks, you can take the following recipes as an example:

  1. Vegetable puree soup - boil cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, herbs and any other vegetables to your liking until soft, grind in a blender until smooth without lumps.
  2. Fruit and milkshake - chop apples, pears, strawberries, citrus fruits or other fruits in a blender, then beat with milk, kefir or yogurt.

In addition, you can show your imagination and cook other dishes according to these recipes, replacing the ingredients in them. The main thing is that they all turn out to be liquid.


There is no chemistry in the diet of a diet with this name. It’s just that its action is based on the fact that the products used cause specific effects in the body. chemical reactions giving incredible results. For 21 days on such a nutrition system, you can get rid of 15-20 kg of excess weight. It can be used at any age and weight, but the greatest effectiveness is achieved by those losing weight, whose body weight exceeds 100 kg.

Essence and rules

The chemical diet is quite tough, it requires counting the caloric content of the diet, strict adherence to the diet and rules of nutrition, as well as strictly following the menu. During the entire course, you can not change foods, meals and diets of days.

The following recommendations must be followed:

  1. You need to start the course strictly on Monday, since the menu is scheduled according to the days of the week.
  2. In case of violation of the diet, everything must be started all over again (on Monday), regardless of when the breakdown occurred.
  3. With severe hunger, a snack is allowed, but not earlier than 2 hours after eating, using leaf lettuce, cucumber or carrots for this.
  4. The portion sizes indicated in the menu must be observed, if the number of products is not indicated, it is allowed to use until full saturation.
  5. All dishes are cooked on water (cooking, stewing, steaming).
  6. Any fats from the diet are excluded.

It is very important to comply drinking regimen drinking daily at least 2.5 liters of water per day, and not with food, but between meals. This volume can include tea, coffee, sparkling water.

sample menu

For each of the 21 days of the chemical diet, a separate menu with 3 meals a day is expected.

First week


  • in the evening - dietary meat.
  • in the morning - 150 g of scrambled eggs or 200 g of steamed omelet, half an orange;
  • in the afternoon - skinless chicken;
  • in the evening - 150 g of scrambled eggs or 200 g of steamed omelet, salad, 1 grapefruit.
  • in the afternoon - 200 g of cottage cheese, 1 toast, tomatoes;
  • in the evening - dietary meat.
  • in the morning - 150 g of scrambled eggs or 200 g of steamed omelet, half a grapefruit;
  • in the afternoon - unsweetened fruits unlimitedly;
  • in the morning - 150 g of scrambled eggs or 200 g of steamed omelet, half an orange;
  • in the afternoon - 150 g of scrambled eggs or 200 g of steamed omelet, vinaigrette;
  • in the evening - fish or shrimp, lettuce, oranges.
  • in the morning - 150 g of scrambled eggs or 200 g of steamed omelet, half an orange;
  • in the afternoon - unsweetened fruits;
  • in the evening - dietary meat, lettuce.


  • in the morning - 150 g of scrambled eggs or 200 g of steamed omelet, half a grapefruit;
  • in the evening - vinaigrette.

Second week


  • in the morning - 150 g of scrambled eggs or 200 g of steamed omelet, half a grapefruit;
  • in the morning - 150 g of scrambled eggs or 200 g of steamed omelet, half a grapefruit;
  • in the afternoon - dietary meat, lettuce;
  • in the evening - 150 g of scrambled eggs or 200 g of steamed omelet, half a grapefruit.
  • in the morning - 150 g of scrambled eggs or 200 g of steamed omelet, half a grapefruit;
  • in the afternoon - dietary meat, cucumbers;
  • in the evening - 150 g of scrambled eggs or 200 g of steamed omelet, half a grapefruit.
  • in the morning - 150 g of scrambled eggs or 200 g of steamed omelet, half a grapefruit;
  • in the afternoon - 150 g of scrambled eggs or 200 g of steamed omelet, hard white cheese, boiled vegetables;
  • in the morning - 150 g of scrambled eggs or 200 g of steamed omelet, half a grapefruit;
  • in the afternoon - fish;
  • in the evening - 150 g of scrambled eggs or 200 g of steamed omelet.
  • in the morning - 150 g of scrambled eggs or 200 g of steamed omelet, half an orange;
  • in the afternoon - dietary meat, tomatoes, 1 grapefruit;
  • in the evening - fruit salad.


  • in the morning - 150 g of scrambled eggs or 200 g of steamed omelet, half an orange;
  • in the afternoon - skinless chicken, vinaigrette, tomatoes, 1 citrus;
  • in the evening - skinless chicken, vinaigrette, tomatoes, 1 citrus.

Third week

Only one or two products are allocated for each day:

  • Monday - unsweetened fruits;
  • Tuesday - vegetables in any form;
  • Wednesday - vegetables and unsweetened fruits;
  • Thursday - fish, vinaigrette;
  • Friday - meat, vinaigrette;
  • Saturday and Sunday - unloading on unsweetened fruits of any one kind.

If at the end of 3 weeks the goal is not achieved, you can repeat the first week again.

During the diet you need to lead an active lifestyle. After graduation, maintain healthy eating habits, follow the principles of healthy eating and exercise regularly so that the weight does not return.


A low-calorie diet for 21 days, developed by Dr. Horvat from the Czech Republic, is called Czech. It involves the loss of 8-15 excess kilograms.

Essence and rules

The Czech method of losing weight is not strict and is observed without an exhausting feeling of hunger, since it involves 5 meals a day and the intake of almost all the necessary nutrients. The diet has a low calorie content, but is quite balanced, able to ensure the normal functioning of the body and, at the same time, effective weight loss.

  1. Do not have dinner after 20:00.
  2. Drink at least 2 liters of water between meals.
  3. Do not use other products than those recommended in the menu.

During the period of weight loss, you can play sports, lead an active lifestyle to improve the result.

sample menu

The diet is made up of products with fat-burning properties, is strictly scheduled for every day and does not allow violations.

Days 1, 8, 15:

  • in the morning - 80 g of scrambled eggs or 100 g of steamed omelet, 1 rye toast, coffee;
  • snack - 2 green apples;
  • in the afternoon - 150 g of dietary beef, 200 g of vegetable salad, 100 g of potatoes, coffee;
  • snack - 100 g of unsweetened fruits, green tea;
  • in the evening - 80 g of scrambled eggs or 100 g of steamed omelet, 80 g of lean boiled pork, 100 g of raw vegetables, 200 ml of apple juice.
  • in the morning - 1 rye cracker, 30 g of lean boiled pork, green tea;
  • snack - 2 grapefruits;
  • in the afternoon - 200 g of potatoes, 150 g of dietary meat, 1 grated carrot;
  • snack - 200 ml of tomato fresh;
  • in the evening - 100 g of potatoes, 50 g of low-fat cottage cheese.
  • in the morning - 1 rye cracker, green tea;
  • snack - 4 carrots;
  • in the afternoon - 100 g of potatoes, 50 g of veal, 150 g of melon;
  • snack - 200 ml of milk;
  • in the evening - 150 g of fish and spinach.
  • in the morning - 1 rye cracker, 100 g of cottage cheese, tea;
  • snack - 100 g of fruit;
  • in the afternoon - 100 g of potatoes, 150 g of dietary meat, 200 ml of tomato fresh;
  • snack - 200 ml of kefir;
  • in the evening - vegetable mix.
  • in the morning - 1 rye cracker, processed cheese (50 g), green tea;
  • snack - 2 oranges;
  • in the afternoon - 100 g of potatoes, 150 g of chicken, 150 g of cucumber salad;
  • snack - 3 apples;
  • in the evening - 2 eggs, 30 boiled pork, 200 ml of tomato fresh.
  • in the morning - 2 apples;
  • snack - 4 carrots;
  • in the afternoon - 100 g of potatoes and veal, cabbage salad;
  • snack - radish salad;
  • in the evening - 80 g of scrambled eggs or 100 g of steamed omelet, 100 g of mushrooms, cucumber salad.
  • in the morning - 1 rye cracker, 50 g of cottage cheese, tea;
  • snack - 200 ml of milk;
  • in the afternoon - 100 g of potatoes, 150 g of dietary meat, 100 g of vegetables;
  • snack - 200 g of beans, 200 ml of milk;
  • in the evening - 50 g of oatmeal cookies, 200 ml of kefir.

All dishes indicated in the menu (potatoes, meat, fish, etc.) must be prepared only by healthy methods - boiling, stewing, steaming, grilling, always without fat. All dairy and lactic acid products must be fat-free.


American doctor Alejandro Junger created a unique diet that has become a real revolution in losing weight and especially rejuvenating the body. Junger's diet is the result of his many years of work. It allows you to cleanse and improve the body, and unlike fasting treatment, it does not do any harm.

Essence and rules

The main goal of the Junger nutrition system is to cleanse everything unnecessary - toxins, bad habits, the effects of stress. Before starting a detoxification course, it is necessary to conduct appropriate preparation. To do this, you need to gradually change your diet:

  1. Avoid all junk food.
  2. Reduce the amount of meat and white foods consumed - salt, sugar, rice, pasta, white bread.
  3. Introduce more vegetables and whole grains into your diet.

The Junger Method is not a diet, but a way of life in which you need to eat food prepared at home, monitor the number, volume and calorie content of portions, the content of salt or sugar in them.

The maximum course duration is 21 days. The entire period must strictly follow the main principles of the proposed detox:

  1. Eat liquid food for breakfast, solid food for other meals.
  2. Snack on raw vegetables, fruits, nuts.
  3. In case of acute hunger, use fruit puree or fresh juice.
  4. Drink plenty of pure water and green tea.

At the same time, purification should be complex and affect not only the body, but also consciousness. Therefore, it is necessary to control your thoughts, getting rid of negative ones and leaving only positive ones, as well as move more, meditate, and lead an active life.

sample menu

Foods approved by Dr. Jünger include:

  • vegetable milk (almond, coconut, oatmeal, etc.);
  • legumes;
  • cereals (wheat, rye, buckwheat, millet, brown rice, amaranth);
  • vegetables, fruits, fresh from them;
  • lean types of fish, meat;
  • vegetable oils;
  • nuts, seeds;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • honey, agave syrup.

Junger advises eating less meat, replacing it with raw vegetables and fruits, as well as giving up ready-made products - store-bought sauces (including ketchup and mayonnaise), sausages, canned food, smoked meats, fast food.

In addition, you should exclude from the diet:

  • grapefruits, oranges, grapes, bananas, strawberries;
  • dairy products;
  • nightshade (eggplant, potatoes, tomatoes);
  • soy products, barley, couscous, oats;
  • fatty meat, store-bought meat products;
  • peanuts, pistachios;
  • spicy seasonings;
  • all sweets, except those allowed;
  • alcoholic and carbonated drinks, strong tea, coffee.

To understand the essence of the Junger diet, it is proposed to familiarize yourself with the sample menu:

  • on an empty stomach - a glass of warm water with lemon;
  • breakfast (after 30 minutes) - berry smoothie or vegetable cocktail;
  • lunch - herbal infusion with honey;
  • lunch - meat or fish, steamed vegetables or salad with linseed oil;
  • afternoon snack - fruit;
  • dinner - cucumber salad with mint.

Throughout the diet, you need to carefully monitor the signals of the body - it will tell you what is useful and what is not. Dr. Junger claims that after 3 weeks of dieting, taste preferences improve significantly and eating habits become healthy. Therefore, after its completion, few people return to their usual diet. Almost everyone is switching to a less strict, but balanced diet. And when healthy way life detox in the future will no longer be needed.


There are many egg diets designed for different durations and results. The three-week option is one of the longest, so its diet is more varied than in express methods, but in any case, chicken eggs form the basis. The popularity of the 21-day egg diet is due to the fact that in less than a month, you can lose 15-20 extra pounds on it.

Essence and rules

The main advantage of losing weight on eggs is a sufficient supply of protein to the body - a building material for muscle and bone tissue. Although this is precisely what becomes the main limitation for following this technique, since an excess of protein has a negative effect on the liver and kidneys.

The rules for losing weight are quite simple:

  1. You need to eat only boiled, stewed and steamed dishes.
  2. Eggs should be boiled or steamed into an omelette.
  3. Sugar is excluded from the diet completely, the amount of salt is minimized.
  4. Also, you can not eat flour products, cereals, other products that are unhealthy and unhealthy.

The egg diet does not require large financial outlays, offers a clear menu without complicated dishes to prepare, and is also not accompanied by a strong feeling of hunger, since eggs are perfectly satiating.

sample menu

The rules of the diet offer a specific diet, which must be strictly observed.

First week:

  • in the morning - 2 eggs, ½ citrus;
  • in the afternoon - 80 g of steamed eggs, fruits of your choice in any quantity;
  • in the evening - 80 g of steamed eggs, dietary meat is unlimited.
  • in the morning - 2 eggs, ½ citrus;
  • in the afternoon - 80 g of steamed eggs, skinless chicken;
  • in the evening - salad with eggs and olive oil.
  • in the morning - 2 eggs, ½ citrus;
  • in the afternoon - 80 g of steamed eggs, hard cheese in any quantity, 1 tomato;
  • in the evening - 80 g of steamed eggs, lean meat.
  • in the morning - 2 eggs, ½ citrus;
  • in the evening - 80 g of steamed eggs, lettuce, chicken.
  • in the morning - 2 eggs, ½ citrus;
  • in the afternoon - 80 g of steamed eggs, boiled or stewed vegetables;
  • in the evening - 80 g of steamed eggs, fish fillet, lettuce, 1 citrus.
  • in the morning - 2 eggs, ½ citrus;
  • in the afternoon - 80 g of steamed scrambled eggs, unlimited fruits;
  • in the evening - 80 g of steamed eggs, lettuce, fish.
  • in the morning - 2 eggs, ½ citrus;

Second week:

  • in the morning - 2 eggs, ½ citrus;
  • in the morning - 2 eggs, ½ citrus;
  • in the afternoon - 80 g of steamed eggs, meat, lettuce;
  • in the evening - 2 eggs, meat with herbs, 1 citrus.
  • in the morning - 2 eggs, ½ citrus;
  • in the afternoon - 80 g of steamed eggs, meat, cucumbers;
  • in the evening - 2 eggs, 1 grapefruit.
  • in the morning - 2 eggs, ½ citrus;
  • in the afternoon - 2 eggs, boiled vegetables, cottage cheese;
  • in the evening - 2 eggs.
  • in the morning - 2 eggs, ½ citrus;
  • in the afternoon - 80 g of steamed eggs, meat, tomatoes;
  • in the evening - 2 eggs.
  • in the morning - 2 eggs, ½ citrus;
  • in the afternoon - 80 g of steamed eggs, meat, tomatoes, 1 grapefruit;
  • in the evening - 2 eggs, fruit salad.
  • in the morning - 2 eggs, ½ citrus;
  • in the afternoon - 80 g of steamed eggs, chicken with vegetables, 1 citrus;
  • in the evening - 80 g of steamed eggs, chicken with vegetables, 1 citrus.

Third week (mono-diet complex):

  • day 1 - on unsweetened fruits;
  • 2nd - on non-starchy vegetables;
  • 3rd - on vegetables and fruits;
  • 4th - on lean fish;
  • 5th - on lean meat;
  • 6th - on the fruit of one species;
  • 7th - on the fruit of one species.

The proposed menu is quite varied and easy to carry. Foods for which the serving size is not indicated can be consumed in any quantity. But it is not recommended to overeat - it is better to get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger, then the results of losing weight will be more pronounced.


Japanese women are famous for their diminutiveness and youthfulness to old age. However, the Japanese diet for weight loss lasting 21 days is quite strict, it requires considerable endurance and good health. Although, along with the rigidity of the restrictions, it is characterized by a sufficient amount of protein and a variety of juices, which allows, simultaneously with the loss of 8–12 kg, to clear accumulated toxins and restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Essence and rules

The Japanese method of losing weight is based on the following principles:

  1. The most thoughtful regime of the day, from which you can not deviate.
  2. A strict list of products that does not allow deviations and replacements with analogues.
  3. Refusal of gastronomic delights - sweets, flour products, fried, fatty, salty and smoked foods, alcoholic and carbonated drinks.
  4. 3 meals a day with dinner until 19:00.
  5. Drinking 1 glass of pure water 1 hour before each meal, while the total volume of liquid should be brought to 2 liters per day.
  6. The presence of moderate physical activity, it is best that it be a simple morning exercise and walking.

You need to prepare for the diet and get out of it smoothly: first, gradually switch to the recommended diet, and then just as little by little return the usual foods to it. With a clear implementation of all recommendations, the first results become noticeable after 2-3 days and persist for a long time.

sample menu

The menu below for every day is designed to accelerate metabolism and accelerate fat burning. With the slightest change in the diet, the entire system can be disrupted, so nothing can be rearranged or other products used.

Days 1, 8, 15:

  • in the morning - coffee;
  • in the afternoon - 2 eggs, cabbage salad, 200 ml of tomato fresh;
  • in the evening - 250 g of fish fillet.
  • in the morning - coffee, 1 toast;
  • in the afternoon - a fish dish, vegetable cutting;
  • in the evening - 250 g of dietary veal, 200 ml of kefir.
  • in the morning - coffee, 1 toast;
  • in the afternoon - baked zucchini, 1 apple;
  • in the evening - 200 g of dietary veal, 2 eggs, salad.
  • in the morning - coffee, 1 toast;
  • in the afternoon - 1 egg, grated carrots with lemon juice;
  • in the evening - apples.
  • in the morning - raw carrots;
  • in the afternoon - 250 g of fish, 200 ml of tomato fresh;
  • in the evening - a fish dish, vegetable cutting.
  • in the morning - green tea;
  • in the afternoon - breast, cabbage salad with carrots;
  • in the evening - 2 eggs, grated carrots with butter.
  • in the morning - green tea;
  • in the afternoon - 250 g of veal, 1 apple;
  • in the evening - veal, 200 ml of tomato fresh.

Usually, after the first 7 days of such a diet, excess water is first removed, after 14 days active fat burning begins, and after 21 days the volume and body weight are significantly reduced. Thanks to a complete restructuring of metabolism, the acquired weight is maintained for a long time without strict restrictions.

Right way out

The exit from the diet is a period during which you can either finally consolidate the result, or nullify all the efforts expended in the process of losing weight. Here, much here depends on the moral mood of a person and his attitude to food - you need to eat to live, and not live in order to eat. At the same time, one should not forever deprive oneself of the joy of tastes, but one must observe the measure in everything.

Most of the considered diets involve fractional meals. It must be adhered to in the future, which will allow you to maintain weight without feeling hungry.

With any variant of the 21-day diet, exit from it should be gradual. Since it is necessary that this period be at least 2 times longer than the process of losing weight, the optimal duration of returning to the usual diet in this case will be 6 weeks.

In order for the transition from a diet to a regular diet to be minimally stressful for the body, and also to ensure the maintenance of the achieved weight, the following rules must be observed:

  1. It is allowed to introduce no more than 1-2 familiar products per day, and for the first 2 weeks it should be only healthy food.
  2. For the entire course of the exit, it is necessary to maintain the main components of the diet in the diet, gradually reducing their amount (if necessary).
  3. All 6 weeks you need to follow the rules of the diet regarding the drinking regimen, physical activity and other recommendations.
  4. Monitor your weight daily, and when it increases, immediately reduce your carbohydrate intake or portion size - this will not only save the result, but also determine for yourself the quantity and quality of food that will contribute to weight stability.

This general rules to exit all diets. In addition, there are some features of returning to normal nutrition, depending on the type of diet - after mono-diets, protein and low-calorie weight loss methods.

After the mono diet

Mono-diets are especially difficult for the body to tolerate, and a breakdown after them can lead not only to weight gain, but also to the appearance of many health problems. The main rule for getting out of this method of losing weight is to add no more than 1 product per day to the diet. In addition, a number of rules should be observed:

  1. If the diet was not protein, you first need to add 1 boiled egg to the menu, and after 5-7 days a small amount of dietary meat or fish.
  2. In the absence of vegetables in the diet, they should be introduced first in a stew or boiled form, and then move on to raw.
  3. Dairy products can be taken from the 1st day of release, and if they were on a diet, then gradually increase their fat content.
  4. You can not actively increase physical activity, because the body is still weakened.

After protein diets

A sample exit plan for a diet with limited or no carbohydrates and fats should be as follows:

  1. Do not change the established drinking regimen, continuing to drink as much liquid as during the course.
  2. From the sweet, you can only start adding a little honey to tea or porridge, the taboo for all other sweets remains.
  3. Protein foods remain, but change daily.
  4. From the first days, you can start having breakfast with buckwheat porridge (no more than 2 tablespoons).
  5. Gradually introduce durum pasta and jacket potatoes (no more than 100 g of each dish).
  6. Gradually increase the number of cereals, bringing the daily volume to 200 g.
  7. After 1 week, it is allowed to eat 50 g of whole grain bread, 30 g of dark chocolate, half a banana.

When leaving the protein diet, the process of fixing weight is longer than with all other methods. Here, another rule for calculating the duration is applied - for 1 kilogram lost, 10 days of exit should be allocated. So, getting rid of 10 kg, you need to fix the weight for 100 days.

After low calorie diets

The main principle of getting out of a low-calorie diet is a gradual increase in calorie content. Depending on the lifestyle, you need to rise to the mark of 2000-2700 kcal from the calorie content that was provided for by the diet. For this, it is recommended to increase energy value diet for 100 kcal per day.

It is very important here that this is not achieved at the expense of fast carbohydrates - nothing starchy, sweet, or anything similar should be consumed during the exit period. Need to use:

  • vegetables, fruits, berries;
  • dairy products;
  • cereals;
  • lean meats and fish.

Often lost after low-calorie methods muscle mass. To restore it, the main emphasis should be on protein products.

If possible, after any weight loss, it is recommended to switch to proper nutrition, give up food that is harmful to the figure and lead an active lifestyle. Then the need to use any diets in the future will disappear completely.

There are many variations of the Japanese diet. Seven days, 14 or 21. Twenty-one days on this diet promises weight loss, up to ten kilograms and a long-term retention effect. Strength of will. To endure such a long time on this diet, you need a lot of willpower. Temptations will always lead you astray. But the path to a beautiful body should come first. The Japanese diet is considered rigid. The minimum number of products makes you think many times: start or not? There is a useful side - a variety of juices, proteins. Such a diet will restore the digestive tract and cleanse the body of accumulated toxins. Green tea will charge the body with energy, efficiency and good mood.

Before you start losing weight, you need to prepare. Refuse a few days before the diet from alcohol and cigarettes, fatty and salty foods. It is advisable to arrange a fasting day on fruit or kefir. This will make it easier to start. However, this method of losing weight is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating mothers, people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, since coffee is present in the diet. Products cannot be interchanged. You need to eat strictly according to the schedule, otherwise there will be no effect, completely eliminate salt and sugar. It is recommended to lose weight on such a diet no more than once a year.

Menu. The Japanese diet is low in calories, so it is worth drinking a course of vitamins so that problems with the skin, nails and hair do not start. Weekly diet menu: Day one: breakfast - coffee, lunch - fresh coleslaw, 2 boiled eggs, tomato juice, dinner - 250 gr. fish. Day two: breakfast - cracker or bread, coffee, lunch - fish cooked in a slow cooker, vegetable salad (tomato, cucumber, pepper), dinner - a glass of kefir, boiled beef, about 250 gr. Day three: breakfast - coffee, bread or crackers, lunch - baked zucchini in foil with butter, apple, dinner: 200 gr. boiled beef, vegetable salad, two boiled eggs. Day four: breakfast - coffee, bread, lunch - grated carrot salad seasoned with lemon juice, boiled egg, dinner: a few apples.

Day five: breakfast - carrots, lunch - 250 gr. steamed fish, 250 ml of tomato juice, dinner - vegetable salad, fish. Day six: breakfast - green tea, lunch - boiled chicken breast, fresh carrot and cabbage salad, dinner - fresh carrot salad with butter, two boiled eggs. Day seven: breakfast - a mug of green tea, lunch - 250 gr. boiled beef, apple, dinner - boiled beef, a glass of tomato juice. Usually, after the first week, excess water leaves the body and only after two weeks of the diet does fat begin to leave. After 21 days, lightness in the body will appear. After leaving the diet, you should not load the stomach with food.

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How to solve plumbing problems?

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We are a team of professionals in the market plumbing services we have been working for many years. Our staff consists of qualified specialists who thoroughly understand both the plumbing and sewer systems, as well as the latest generation of plumbing. Our masters are equipped with everything necessary, which allows them to provide speedy service, diagnostics and repair of plumbing equipment. Our Moscow emergency service of plumbers promptly visits you and solves plumbing problems efficiently around the clock.

We provide plumbing services not only to owners of apartment buildings, but also to owners of the private sector. The arrangement of an autonomous heating system is also our profile. Taking into account the individual features of the structure, we are ready to offer different solutions for the problem of rational heating of housing.

Services we offer:

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Plumbing services - the work of professionals

Any plumbing work requires a professional approach. As practice shows, amateurish actions can only aggravate the situation. It is not necessary to equip, for example, a water heater on your own. We install boilers and boilers in accordance with the rules for the safety and operation of this equipment.

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We also install hot tubs and jacuzzis. These activities are usually associated with dismantling, connection to sewerage and water supply. Our experienced craftsmen, taking into account knowledge, new technologies and modern tools, will always find the most practical solution for your situation. The appearance of a blockage in the pipeline is a reason to call a plumber to your house.

5 reasons why you should choose us:

  • we provide a full range of plumbing services;
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