Decorate an old wooden house from the outside. How to cheaply veneer a private house? Budget facade options

After a residential building is built, it becomes necessary to make its appearance aesthetically attractive.

Therefore, the question arises, how to sheathe the house from the outside. There are many options for this. It is worth taking a closer look at each of them. So, how to sheathe a house?

For what reasons is it necessary to sheathe a residential building?

  1. Insulation is considered the most common reason for sheathing a residential building. Through insulation, it is possible to achieve high energy efficiency at home and reduce heating costs.
  2. Refinement of the exterior of the house. A creative approach to the process will help you masterfully create decorations for your home.
  3. Creation of an additional barrier against aggressive factors external environment. Among such unfavorable factors for the design of the house are exposure to various chemicals and biological types of pests.
  4. Ensuring fire resistance. It acts as a secondary function of the skin, but sometimes this reason is considered as the main one.

What are the requirements for sheathing materials?

moisture absorption

This property evaluates the ability of the material to absorb moisture from the surrounding space. It is important to consider here that a high water absorption rate is sometimes undesirable for home decoration, especially in areas with frequent rainfall.


This is the absorption of water vapor from the surrounding air. Increased hygroscopicity, in addition to rotting, can lead to a significant increase in the weight of the building, which can cause its partial destruction.

Vapor permeability

This characterizes the ability of the material to pass steam through itself. This parameter is especially important when it is necessary to create conditions for removing excess water vapor from the inside. But if the building material does not allow vapor to pass through, then the sheathing will not function properly. To this end, it is advisable to select “breathing” types of finishes in conjunction with building materials with a high degree of vapor permeability (for example, with aerated concrete).


A property that determines the throughput of a material for air and gases. The climate inside the building is largely determined by this property. Houses sheathed with materials with a high degree of breathability, in winter period very hard to heat.

Thermal conductivity

The characteristic is very significant and determines the rate of heat removal. Naturally, low thermal conductivity is desirable.

thermal diffusivity

The quality of the material to conduct according to its volume temperature.

fire resistance

This quality reflects the degree of deformation of the material under the influence of high temperature.

fire resistance

A parameter that reflects the degree of dependence of the material on combustion and melting. In the event of a fire, only the sheathing with high rate fire resistance can provide minimum damage.

Chemical resistance

It gives the skin the ability to prevent the harmful effects of pesticides. This indicator is very important in an aggressive environment.


Resistance to the influence of living organisms: fungi, bacteria, insects.

Environmental friendliness

The criterion characterizes the safety of the material for the health of the inhabitants of the house.


The quality of the finishes to restrain the penetration of external noise into the house. It is an additional characteristic of the skin.

What materials are suitable for sheathing?

After considering all the properties that sheathing materials should have, it's the right time to find out what is the best way to sheathe a residential building from the outside.

Recently popular material for facing country and residential buildings. If the house is finished with siding, you can get high fire resistance and fire protection from the cladding. If you want to choose exactly siding panels, then you need to know how vinyl and metal strips differ.

Each type of siding has its own advantages. Metal panels are made from thin sheet steel. However, despite this circumstance, they are protected by an anti-corrosion coating, on which paint can be applied on top.

The main disadvantage is the weak resistance to mechanical manipulation. In other words, dents and scratches often form on the panels. Thermal insulation with such sheathing remains low.

Vinyl strips are strong enough and completely resistant to corrosion. However, the thermal insulation capabilities of such sheathing are not at a very high level. But the main advantage of vinyl siding is the great possibilities in the color choice of models. You can plan any color for the walls of your own house.

Block house

Someone is more familiar with another name for this material - rounded timber. Its advantage is that this material is completely natural and environmentally friendly. It has a high degree of breathability.

The use of thermal insulation boards is also considered as a house cladding. This method of finishing the facade is very versatile. Firstly, the thermal insulation characteristics of the walls as a whole are increased. Secondly, it is possible to finish the plates attached to the base of the house with a decorative plaster coating. The latter is applied over the reinforced mesh laid on the slabs. The plaster can be painted or another layer of another cladding material can be applied to it. What are these heat-insulating plates, we will consider further. The disadvantage that all of them must be covered with something else on the outside, we will not note for each case.

Fiberglass boards

Excellent thermal insulation material with high performance. In construction stores it is presented in a sufficient assortment. The main disadvantage is that the material has low health safety.

Mineral wool

Most of the parameters of mineral wool boards are similar to those of glass wool boards. The only and most important difference is that this material is environmentally friendly.


A material that has stood the test of time. They are used for both old houses and newly built ones. The material is inexpensive, easy to install, durable. Despite the low thermal conductivity, it has a minus - it has a very low vapor permeability compared to wood, therefore, for sheathing wooden houses its use is not recommended.

Styrofoam boards

They can be made of extruded or foamed polystyrene. They have different qualities of thermal conductivity.

Thermal insulation plasters

This type of finish is used as the top layer on the outside. They have excellent characteristics for sound insulation, thermal insulation, vapor permeability. Mainly used for decoration and decoration of the exterior of the house.

What is better to sheathe?

When choosing a material, one must proceed not only from its attractiveness, but also from the properties of thermal conductivity and sound insulation.

Each specific type of house with the choice of material for sheathing must be approached individually, based on the qualities of the building material from which the walls are made.

Home decoration is an important factor in the exterior and makes the house not only beautiful, but also original.

In addition to the aesthetic function, the cladding of the building also performs a protective one.

Many modern materials do an excellent job of saving energy, especially when properly installed.

Absolutely traditional and classic option for finishing buildings is plaster.

It is great for wood, stone, monolithic and brick surfaces. This material has many advantages:

  • Vapor permeability;
  • Moisture resistant;
  • Strength;
  • Elasticity;
  • Resistant to constant temperature changes.

Decorative varieties plasters allow you to create a variety of surface textures, so your home will look very original and modern.

The price of the issue is so democratic that everyone can afford this facade cladding.

The process of wall plastering provides for the presence of several layers: insulation, reinforced plastered and directly decorative thin layer.

Cladding siding

A beautiful and inexpensive finish is easy if you decide to decorate the outside of the house with siding.

This material is easy to install and even one person can handle the repair work, so siding has remained in demand for several years.

There are several types of siding: PVC, wood, metal. PVC panels are among the most affordable, but at the same time they allow you to create a fairly harmonious look at home.

Wooden lamellas are characterized by safety for human health, although at the same time it is vulnerable to moisture, fungi and insects.

Therefore, every year such siding must be treated with special protective compounds that will prolong its life.

Metal siding has a polymer coating. The advantages of this material are fire resistance, safety for environment and strength.

Among the disadvantages of metal siding is strong heating in summer heat, which affects temperature regime inside the living space.

Therefore, when using it, be sure to consider this feature.

stone and brick

artificial and a natural stone, clinker and brick are often used for facade cladding. These are quite expensive materials, which also differ in complex installation.

The value of this type of finish is that it can be used to create a truly luxurious facade.

A house with a brick or stone finish is characterized by:

  • High level of thermal protection;
  • Excellent durability;
  • Resistance to mechanical damage;
  • fire resistance;
  • Not afraid of temperature changes.

For finishing facade work, you can use dark stone, for example, granite, gabbro, diorite, as well as light rocks - marble, limestone, travertine.

The disadvantages of stone cladding include rather complicated processing, high cost and significant weight.

Artificial stone can be called a worthy alternative to natural. Such material is distinguished by lightness, strength, a huge palette of shades and textures.

Please watch the related video:

Finishing with stone does not have to be carried out over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe facade, since you can combine finishing materials, for example, combine plaster and stone.

Thermal panels

If you have not yet decided how to finish the house outside and continue to look for the best option, pay attention to thermal panels.

This is a fairly cheap facing material that is suitable for operational finishing work. Thermal panels are mounted on dowels, screws and mounting foam.

Cutting is carried out using a diamond disc. This type of finish is used for monolithic, frame, brick and timber walls.

Block house

This material is most often used for wooden houses. For this purpose, it is better to use sustainable wood species that will decorate the exterior of your home for many years.

A variety of impregnations will give originality to the exterior, which will give the walls the desired shade.

In this case, it is better to entrust the finishing work to specialists.

They will hold proper training material for subsequent installation: it will be treated with an antiseptic, acclimatized.

Facade tiles

Durability, strength, reliability and resistance to external weather conditions are the main advantages of facade tiles.

This facing material has sufficiently high aesthetic characteristics and ultimately creates a presentable appearance.

But when laying, it must be borne in mind that the tile is fragile, and also requires a carefully prepared surface.

Ventilated facades are considered the most modern version for facing. Among the advantages of ventilated facades are thermal protection and a huge range.

For fastening, a frame and a layer with insulation are used.

architectural elements

For exterior decoration, a variety of architectural elements are used, which serve as an excellent exterior decoration for the house.

Architectural elements are made of wood, metal, ceramics, plaster.

In our article, we examined the main types of outdoor decoration.

Most people tend to rely on fashion trends and pricing policy, but when buying facing materials, be sure to consider their strength, reliability, and durability.

Only after that compare these parameters with the appearance and cost.

After all, high-quality material contributes to additional protection of the house, heat and sound insulation.

The better to sheathe a wooden house outside - reviews and options

Sooner or later, any owner of a wooden house thinks about how best to finish his home. He is actively interested in reviews: the better to sheathe a wooden house from the outside.

After all, the cladding solves several problems at once: it gives the appearance of the building an aesthetic appearance, protects the facade from the harmful effects of the sun and moisture, and also makes it possible to “update” the old house.

Exterior decoration of a wooden house

The choice of material for the exterior of a wooden house is a very responsible matter. Firstly, the cladding must be durable in order to last at least a dozen years without requiring repair.

Secondly, the material must be of high quality so that it retains its original appearance longer. Thirdly, I want the skin to be affordable. Fortunately, there are many options for the exterior of a wooden house, among which each owner will choose the most optimal one.


According to most reviews, the better to sheathe a wooden house from the outside, siding leads by a wide margin.

This material can be equally successfully used for sheathing a new building and finishing an old house. The owners, who are very sensitive to the design of the exterior, will be pleased with the widest choice of textures and color variations.

Facing a wooden house with siding

Siding meets the basic requirements: it serves for a long time without losing a decent appearance; he is not afraid of temperature changes and sunlight; material does not require additional processing.

The cost of siding is very acceptable when compared with other building materials. Therefore, if you are thinking about what material to sheathe a wooden house on the outside, pay special attention to the siding. The only drawback is the high sensitivity to mechanical stress.

It is worth thinking about the expediency of such a coating only if there are small children at home who, in the process of active games, can spoil the panels.

A definite plus is that finishing a wooden house on the outside with do-it-yourself siding is within the power of any more or less brainy builder. You don't have to spend money on the services of professionals.

Sheathing the house outside: materials and technologies

First you need to level the walls, removing all protruding elements, due to which ugly bumps may appear. If the house is old, it is necessary to clean up the rotten and rotten areas. After the crate is made, for this they use metal or wooden slats (in this case, it is worth refusing vinyl, which can bend).

Then you need to draw the bottom line along the perimeter of the building, from which the installation of the panels will begin. It is necessary to attach the siding with horizontal levels.

Block house

If you like the exterior of a wooden dwelling, you just want to refresh it, then a block house is perfect for decorating an old wooden house from the outside.

Even if there is not enough money for a beautiful house not made of wood, the block house panels will create the illusion of a wooden building. Narrow even logs look very neat and aesthetically pleasing. It is important that the material is not affected by high temperature and humidity, which is why it is used for finishing baths and saunas.

The block house is strong, resistant and durable. Therefore, the answer to the question “How to sheathe an old wooden house from the outside?” can become exactly a block house.

Block house

Even an amateur is able to sheathe the facade with a block house on his own.

First you need to install a crate of vertical square bars. Just at this stage, the insulation of the house is done, if necessary. They need to be treated with anti-rotting agents. It is worth starting the direct installation of panels from the bottom corner, moving up. To install, use climbers, dowels, nails or screws, but do not forget to mask them when finished.

metal profile

When choosing a facing material, it is necessary to take into account not only the reviews of the better to sheathe a wooden house from the outside, but also the features of the building itself.

Decking, or metal profile, is one of the favorites for cladding among domestic builders, because it is suitable for both wooden and brick houses. It is characterized by low cost, long service life (up to 50 years), resistance to weather and corrosion, as well as many color options.

If, thinking about how you can clad a wooden house on the outside, you opted for corrugated board, you need to choose the type of material with optimal characteristics.

There is a metal profile with different markings. For facade cladding, it is necessary to take wall (indicated by the letter C). The material also differs in terms of the height and width of the corrugation (it is optimal to buy 8 mm in height and 1150 mm in width for cladding internal walls, and 20 or 21 mm in height for external walls) and the sheet itself.

You can make the decoration of a wooden house outside with a metal profile with your own hands. The frame can be wooden (do not forget to treat with an antiseptic) or metal (the rails are mounted on brackets on P, G, T-profiles).


When choosing how to sheathe a wooden house from the outside, you should pay attention to the lining. It can be wooden and plastic, both varieties are good as options for the exterior of a wooden house.

Facing the house with clapboard

Wooden lining perfectly copes with sound and heat insulation.

Choosing this species, pay attention to the number of notches and knots - the smoother the surface, the better. Do not take panels covered with dark dots - this means that the wood has been attacked by a fungus.

Also take an interest in the humidity indicator in the area where your house is located. If it is below 8%, the lining will not last long. The best raw materials for wooden lining are coniferous plants. If, thinking about how to veneer a wooden house, you choose a lining, do not forget to place the purchased building material in a warm, dry room for at least a day. So the lining adapts to climatic conditions. The plastic variety has a number of advantages: it does not rot, serves for a long time, repels moisture.

It is very easy to wash and clean.

Let's figure out how to sheathe a wooden house with clapboard outside. First of all, take care of the vapor barrier layer. It will protect the wooden house from moisture and wind. Next, we put the frame. If the panels are installed horizontally, then the crate must be vertical. We start sheathing from the bottom, not forgetting to use the level for a smooth and high-quality cladding.

We choose options for finishing the facade: siding or plaster

Plastering is one of the oldest ways to protect building walls from wind, rain and snow. Siding is one of the relatively new options.

How to sheathe a wooden house outside?

What is better in certain cases depends on the material of the walls, and on the origin of the finish, and on the same weather factors.

Choosing siding or plaster

Plaster: characteristics

Plaster compositions are extremely diverse.

First of all, they are divided into those that can be used for interior work. And those that are suitable for exterior decoration of the facade. Of course, there are a few less of them, but here the choice is huge.

Secondly, there are leveling compounds, that is, used for processing the base walls, and decorative ones, which give the building a certain look - the well-known bark beetle, for example.

Quite often, they have to be used together, especially when it comes to finishing the facade of an old building.

Relief textured plasters are mainly used as facade options. Since this material involves the application of a thick layer and is very durable due to its composition.

In many ways, the properties and cost of finishing depend on the nature of the binder.

Which is better - plaster or siding, can decide the origin of the material.

  • Mineral - refers to the most affordable, since it is based on cement or cement mixed with lime. Gypsum for external works are not used. Fire safety material, not afraid of water or frost, but its color range is somewhat limited: here only mineral pigments can be used for tinting.
  • Acrylic - based on acrylic resins.

    It has less vapor permeability, but is more plastic - it does not crack, and, therefore, it lasts longer. Acrylic mixtures are unusually diverse and, often, all decorative compositions are classified into this category. In fact, the same bark beetle or fur coat can have a different binder. In the photo - plaster finish.

  • Silicate is recommended for finishing walls with high vapor permeability - aerated concrete, for example.
  • Silicone - combines all the advantages of other types and also has excellent dirt repellency and durability.

    However, they are of great value.

But, despite the difference, all plaster compositions have several common qualities.

  • The thermal insulation properties of the plaster layer are higher than those of any type of siding. In addition, the plaster layer is thicker than the sheathing sheet - up to 7 cm with reinforcement, of course.

    So with such a finish, the house will be warmer. This issue is often discussed on the forums, and the results of the "tests" are given.

  • Plaster mixtures are classified as combined, different binders, fillers and pigments are possible here.

    Their diversity far exceeds any other type of sheathing.

  • Repairability - to eliminate damage, it is enough to apply the same composition to the area, unless, of course, we are talking about a drawing.

Siding and plaster

It makes sense to compare the vinyl and fiber cement option with the material, since the qualities of metal or wood chip are very far from cement mixtures.

Which is better determines a number of properties.

  • Vinyl lamellas - made of polyvinyl chloride, vinylite, acrylic compounds, have some heat-insulating, but, most importantly, sound-proofing qualities, are quite affordable and, like the plaster layer, are defenseless against mechanical damage.

    It will still be warmer when using a plaster composition. The vapor permeability of the latter is also higher than that of vinylite.

Vinyl siding and stucco go great together. Combined facades, judging by the reviews on the forums, are very popular. At the same time, a plaster mixture is used for the walls, and more resistant and durable vinyl panels are used for the basement. In the photo - the combined decoration of the building from vinylite and plaster composition.

  • Fiber cement material is far superior to the materials mentioned in terms of durability and resistance to moisture.

    But even in this case, it will be a little warmer with a plaster finish. When using siding, real insulation provides, nevertheless, a heat insulator, as well as when plastering. A combined facade of plaster and siding can also be made in this case.

In general, these materials are equivalent and the choice between them is a matter of taste.

Building a house is a complex and expensive process that requires a lot of money and time.

Everyone knows that it is better not to save on building materials, but the external cladding is more affordable and inexpensive.

Should the façade of the house be completed and thus obtain quality, permanent equipment?

Think about the most common options.

Among all materials for finishing facades, the cheapest and easiest to install:

We do not include decorative stone, sandwich panels, ventilated and wet facades and porcelain ceramics.

And all because these types of lining are not only expensive, but also technically difficult to install.

So if you want to save money on facade cladding, just consider the options above.

Facade plaster and primer

This lining will give the house a final aesthetic appearance. It is durable, wear-resistant, onboard. Facade plaster allows you to create different textures and volumes when referring to external walls, which increases their heat and sound insulation properties.

The most popular types of gypsum for outdoor use are:

  • cement sand;
  • Decorative (mosaic, fur coat, bark);
  • Facade (on a silicone, acrylic, silicate basis).

The main advantage of gypsum is its ability to create various text imitations for other substrates such as stone, tile, brick, wood.

To get a rich palette, paint specialists recommend special plaster facades that are resistant to fluctuations in temperature, humidity, ultraviolet radiation, where it is vapor permeable and has high thermal properties.

The estimated period of operation is about 10-12 years.

Suitable for the facade is also one of the cheapest finishes that has become popular in recent times.

It is used for prefabricated stucco facades. For turning, you can use acrylic or mineral floors with deep penetration, as well as antifungal compounds.

Facade panels and bricks

It is no worse than brick or stone, but also has strength, practicality, durability, resistance to mechanical damage.

Welcome to finish the front of the house

The tile is not subject to the appearance of the form, it is resistant to high humidity and fire.

The façade, tiled, will last for decades with proper installation and proper care.

Although the material is easy to use, its installation poses some challenges as it requires a pre-prepared surface, smooth installations and proper use of adhesive.

Brick has always been and remains the most popular material that stands before decorating the facades of buildings.

It is made of natural raw materials, non-flammable, non-toxic, durable, practical, wear-resistant, inert to low temperatures and high humidity.

All this means that it can be used in all climates.

This type of termination is the cheapest and most economical, as when you invest relatively small amounts of money, you get a high score that will be asking you for years.

Advice. Brick overlays should start at least 50-60 cm from the base. This will prevent excessive moisture from the soil from accumulating in the material.

In addition, before laying bricks, waterproofing is required.

Thermal panels

Thermal panels are another fairly common and relatively cheap material.

With many advantages, such a coating will undoubtedly protect the facade of the house from the adverse effects on the environment.

Their main characteristic- a unique thermal function that allows you to cool the house in summer and warm in winter.

In addition, this material is light in weight, easy to install, wear-resistant and practical.

Thanks to their unique shape, wall panels can be installed throughout the year without fear of high humidity and temperature changes.

Installation is carried out using self-tapping screws, dowels on any surface.

Therefore, no matter what materials the walls were restored from, you can safely use the panels.

It is important to know that the decorative layer of this material allows you to imitate different textures, under brick or brick, tile, wood and metal.

Thus, there is a suitable option for every taste.


Well, the demand recorder is gone. The cost of this material is not so high, so such a facade for the facade of the house can be available to everyone.

The toilets come in a wide range of colors and different textures, so it is ideal to deal with not only private homes, but also commercial, office and industrial buildings.

Depending on the type of material from which it is made, it is possible to distinguish between types of pressure:

  • vinyl;
  • Metal;
  • wooden;
  • Cement.

Each of them has its own undeniable advantages.

Thus, the vinyl version is one of the most affordable and popular, which has an excellent appearance and high performance.

It is reliable, durable, easy to install and maintain. In addition, this material is characterized by its light weight and simple shape.

The metal counterpart is used for industrial and commercial buildings. To increase the service life, the metal side is coated with special anti-corrosion compositions.

Such material is the Internet for decay, inflammation, mold and fungi.

In addition, complete combustion in the sun is absent and is not destroyed. But the disadvantages include significant weight and difficulty in placement.

The wooden track is a protected varnish that prevents rotting, mold development and the destruction of internal fibers. It is most often used for facing wooden houses. The disadvantages of this material are far superior to their competitors.

Video about the use of decorative tiles:

As you can see, there are many materials for relatively cheap items, the most important thing is to choose the one that suits you.

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Before continuing the repair and finishing work, it is necessary to take measurements, get acquainted with the technical and technical characteristics of the property and develop a project. Depending on the architectural features of the building, the types of finished materials and the method of their installation are selected.

Therefore, the closing facade with disks requires the installation of a container, the panel includes the alignment of the walls (an undesirable procedure for historical objects built in an artistic style).

To update the appearance, you can use various materials: natural and artificial stones, composite and PVC panels, decorative plaster. At the request of the client, our specialists will create a ventilated facade or carry out external insulation of the walls.

Exterior renovation is carried out in several stages:

  • Development and certification of the project;
  • Preparing an estimate and signing a contract (the total amount set by the contracting authority has not changed);
  • Purchase and delivery of building materials, decors and accessories;
  • Removal of old coatings and removal of defects on repaired surfaces;
  • Installation of new finishing materials;
  • Installation of advertising elements (signs, tablets, light boxes, etc.).

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The technology of facing a wooden house with bricks

Beautiful new wooden walls may begin to darken over time, in addition, gaps appear in them, significantly reducing heat protection. Because of this, it is necessary to decide the option with additional cladding of the house: it can be facade panels, tiles, plaster, but most often homeowners choose traditional brickwork as a finishing material for the facade.

Facing brick for a wooden house is a common protective option for many reasons.

Important features of the cladding

It is possible to brick a wooden house only after strengthening the foundation: wood is a lightweight material, and lightweight base options are usually chosen for it, which may simply not withstand the increased load.

To strengthen the foundation, a trench is dug around the perimeter of the building, along the edges of which formwork is installed.

A reinforcing cage is laid at the bottom of the trench, after which it is poured with concrete. It is necessary to wait until the solution has completely dried, after which the updated foundation is covered with several layers of roofing material for waterproofing.

Facing a wooden house with bricks requires combining two materials that are completely different in structure and quality, they differ in strength, weight, and shrinkage characteristics.

A brick-lined house has several features that you need to know about before work:

  • It is possible to carry out facing work only after the final completion of shrinkage. For a log house, this period is at least six months to a year, and ideal solution will be facing only 2-3 years after construction.

    Otherwise, uneven shrinkage of the walls can reduce their strength, cracks will appear in the walls of logs or timber.

  • Before facing, the outer part of the walls must be treated with antiseptics.

    A tree always needs protection, and after cladding, there will be no access to external log or timber walls.

  • The building requires mandatory additional insulation. Usually, mineral wool or other sheet material is used for this, which is located in several layers.

It is important that there are no gaps between the sheets of insulation, they can become cold bridges and lead to freezing of the building.

The foundation also needs to be insulated, this will increase its durability.

  • Brick cladding of a log house requires a mandatory ventilation gap between the masonry and the wall, and ventilation holes must be left in the brickwork itself. To protect against rodents and large debris, they are closed with a grate, the distance between such holes is 2-3 meters.

Cladding technology

How to veneer a wooden house with brick?

This is a rather difficult job that requires the ability to handle mortar and knowledge of the basic requirements of masonry.

The services of professional masons are expensive; do-it-yourself brick cladding of a wooden house will be a much more economical solution. An important requirement: you need to be attentive to the details and follow the technology of building walls. Basic requirements for work:

  1. Facing a wooden house in half a brick should be carried out from the bottom up strictly horizontally, this will allow you to get a smooth vertical wall.

    How to sheathe the house outside

    The location of the rows is checked by the level and plumb line.

  2. The mortar is made from sand, lime paste and cement, proportion: 9:2:1. The components are mixed as thoroughly as possible, the thickness of the mortar layer in the masonry should not exceed 14 mm. You can use a solution from a ready-made mortar, it costs more, but it will be much faster and more convenient. Approximately 180 kg of dry mix, diluted in the correct proportions, will be required per 90 square meters.
  3. Wood and brick must be interconnected: galvanized metal pins are used as connecting elements, it can also be large nails and metal wire.

    The vertical ligation is located in every fourth row, the horizontal distance between the pins should not exceed 1 meter.

Also important correct calculation the required amount of materials: usually per 1 sq. a meter of wall consumes 50-55 bricks, respectively, you can count the brick for the entire building. If you purchase an ordinary working brick, in the future it will need to be plastered, which means additional costs.

You can immediately purchase a beautiful facing brick, which in itself will look aesthetically pleasing.

Advantages of brick cladding

Another advantage is high aesthetics: the brick looks solid and reliable, which says a lot about the financial capabilities of the owners and their taste. Decorative varieties of bricks allow you to create original and diverse buildings that will look great even after many years after facing.

Facing a wooden house with brickwork is a beautiful and very durable option that significantly increases the durability of the house.

This finishing method has been used for a very long time, and it has managed to prove its maximum efficiency.

Based on site materials:

All photos from the article

On the territory of Russia, a log house is a traditional dwelling. Such a building is absolutely environmentally friendly, it is being built faster than brick counterparts, there is no excess humidity and stuffiness inside it.

Cons of wood - very low level moisture and fire resistance, exposure to harmful insects and microorganisms. After the construction of the log house, it shrinks up to 6%. Therefore, it is worth considering how to sheathe the logs of the house from the inside and outside.

The main objectives of the cladding of the building are as follows.

  1. Improved fire safety, pest and weather resistance.
  2. Improving the aesthetics of its appearance.
  3. Prevention of drafts and additional insulation.

Thermal insulation of the building

It is highly desirable to insulate a house in areas in the north; in the south, you can limit yourself to sheathing. Before thermal insulation of the building, you need to choose the right material.

Suitable types of insulation

  1. Expanded polystyrene in slabs. It has high parameters of heat and sound insulation. Easy to install, not afraid of pests. However, the instruction does not recommend using foam as a heat insulator in a log house. It does not allow air to pass through, this can lead to rotting of the tree.
  2. Penoplex is a modern material produced by extrusion. It is non-flammable, resistant to pests, has high level thermal insulation. However, it is also vapor-tight, difficult to install and difficult to cut.
  3. Mineral, basalt wool. Air passes through it well, this saves the structure of the tree. Simply mounted with your own hands, easy to cut, does not burn. The disadvantage of the material is that it absorbs moisture, which leads to a loss of thermal insulation qualities.

As can be seen from the foregoing, the best option for insulating a log house is basalt wool.
It is best to use the material in slabs.
Their price is low.

Installation of thermal insulation

First, a frame is knocked down on a stretched layer of vapor barrier.

Insulation plates will be mounted in it.

  1. For it, boards should be vertically stuffed, 5 × 10 cm in size. The step between them should be 1-2 cm less than the width of the heat-insulating plates. The material will be held due to the fact that it will be inserted "into the spacer".
  2. If necessary, you can mount a heater in 2 layers. In this case, the joints of the levels should not coincide.
  3. It is stretched and fixed over the heat-insulating material. This layer is required when determining whether it is necessary to sheathe a log bath.

Moisture protection must be positioned correctly.
Its rough side should be turned to the mineral wool, and the smooth side should look out.

  1. The waterproofing and vapor barrier films are fixed with a stapler. Their panels should overlap each other, the joints between them should be glued with adhesive tape.
  2. Bars 5 × 4 cm are stuffed onto the frame.

They will simultaneously perform 2 functions.

  1. Form a ventilation gap for air circulation.
  2. They will act as a frame for the cladding of the building.

What to choose as a lining

The cladding of a log house on the outside can be made from the most different materials. The table below announces their parameters, which will be useful when choosing a cladding.

The modern fashion for ecological housing has led to the popularity of building log houses. Such a room is endowed not only with a specific atmosphere, but also with a natural natural exterior. Sheathing a log house outside is carried out without fail. It gives it an aesthetic appearance, protects it from UV rays, wind and various rainfall, mechanical influences. Such a building is fully environmentally friendly, but the sun's rays and moisture have a negative effect on it. External processing must be carried out in compliance with the technological parameters of operation.

Price list

Name of works Unit Price
wall decoration
Grinding (OCB) m2 200
Grinding (BRR) m2 200
Grinding (beam) m2 200
Polishing m2 130
Painting m2 t 80
Painting (oil, varnish) m2 80
Spray painting m2 60
Whitening m2 80
Finishing seams with sealant m.p. 90
Insulation "warm seam" m.p. 90
Konopatka (OCB) m.p. 70
Caulker (BRR) m.p. 80
Caulking corners and ends m.p. Entrance to the station
Punching old material m.p. 35
Decorative rope trim m.p. 50
Alignment of the ends of the log house m.p. 350
Crate (lighthouses) m2 150
Vapor waterproofing m2 50
Warming m2 50
Siding m2 400
Siding (lining) m2 400
timber imitation m2 400
Plywood installation m2 250
Partition frame m2 300

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When carrying out the procedure, it is unacceptable to violate the sequence and rules of sheathing. This will lead to dampening of the wood, the development of fungus, mold and other negative consequences. The following requirements must be adhered to:

  • You can start finishing actions only after shrinkage of the building; its period depends on the type of wood, on average it is about six months; houses made of rounded logs take the fastest time to settle, longer - from debarked logs.
  • It is necessary to properly make heat and vapor barrier so that moisture does not accumulate on their surface.
  • Before finishing work, wooden components are treated with protective impregnations that prevent wood decay and protect against biological influences.

It is also necessary to remember the aesthetic side, so you can emphasize the natural appearance or hide it under the finishing material.

Exterior decoration of a log house: phased work

External finishing of a log house includes work with walls and a plinth. The walls of such a building require special attention, if everything is in order with the base, it is plastered, lined with clinker tiles or decorative stone.

The operational features of housing depend on the quality of the preparation of the walls for the finishing procedure. First you need to treat them with protective agents, antiseptics, which allow you to get an excellent surface, protected from pests and various microorganisms. Processing is a rather important stage, because after applying insulation and finishing, there will be no access to the walls of the building, so you need to take care of the safety and preservation of wood.

It is necessary to insulate the gaps that usually occur between the crowns after shrinkage of the log building. For this purpose, tow, polyurethane cords, construction sealant applied over the insulation are used.

The vapor barrier layer helps to preserve the natural circulation of air masses. It is important that there is a certain space between the walls and the layer. Further, thermal and waterproofing is carried out. The appearance that the exterior finish of a log house will have depends on the taste preferences of the owner. You can preserve the appearance of a wooden building, give it a well-groomed look, or use modern finishing materials that are not related to wood:

  • Wooden lining is able to emphasize the essence of the building; it is presented in the form of flat boards, which can be given different shades, environmentally friendly, durable, but exposed to insects, so it must be treated with special protective agents.
  • Block house - a type of lining, material, with outside repeating the texture of a rounded log, and inside - with a flat surface; performed only from coniferous trees; such material is protected from negative impact various insects.
  • Siding is able to make the decoration of the building unusual and modern due to the variety of colors; it is easy to maintain, washes well and does not require periodic painting; however, such a coating has low strength.

The company "Finishing the log cabin" offers the owners of wooden houses a wide range of services for finishing a log cabin. Call the number listed on the site to find out more about the finishing work you are interested in.

Its appearance speaks about the status of the house, the taste of the owners. A lot of building finishing materials are called upon to create something exclusive and presentable. However, the choice must be conscious and correct, beauty is supported by quality - this is an axiom. Let's look at the popular types of cladding and cladding for a suburban facility in order to combine these two factors.

Cladding material requirements

Based on the factors that determine the comfort of the house, it is required to find a sheathing material that can protect the object from external and internal manifestations.

The raw material should have the following advantages:

  • The ability to keep warm at home is the main condition for comfort, especially in the climate of our country. For example, if an object is made of cement blocks, then stone cladding will require a considerable number of layers of insulation. On the contrary, a frame house made of wooden beams is considered the most heat-intensive, which is why the need for a large thickness of insulation is eliminated. Therefore, a lighter skin is applicable to it.
  • The ability to save walls from the effects of natural factors. To a greater extent, this is moisture - it is detrimental to any building material, be it brick, concrete or wood. Biological threat also matters - all types of wood paneling are a treat for rodents and insects, and are also an excellent breeding ground for mold spores.
  • Fire resistance. Fires are a phenomenon that is not uncommon for a private house. Therefore, when choosing a facing material, one should scrupulously consider options in terms of safety. Or you will have to spend money on a certain amount of special impregnations, which do not give a 100% guarantee of surface preservation.

Price and appearance stand apart. Fortunately, today the construction industry is rich budget types skins and various imitations. They are able to emphasize the individuality of the house or make it completely different from the material of construction.

Overview of popular skins

Conventionally, we will divide all known linings according to the material of manufacture. They are classified according to this quality in the first place.

wood paneling

The list includes: lining, block house - an imitation of a bar, it is also an imitation of a log, wooden siding. Two main advantages make these species popular - ecological cleanliness and beauty. A house lined with one of the materials, even created from other raw materials, will create an original traditional look of Russian housing. In addition, these skins are heat-intensive in themselves, compared to stone, brick or plastic.

However, wood is a capricious material. Its disadvantages include: shrinkage, susceptibility to burning, rotting, rodents. Temperature fluctuations can change the original surface beyond recognition - cracking, cracks. Facing requires constant prevention in the form of impregnation, painting, varnishing. The service life of wooden cladding is several times less than the rest. The price of valuable breeds is significant.

plastic cladding

This includes: siding - wall and basement, imitation block house, PVC and vinyl panels, spotlights, thermal panels. The pros include: decent appearance - a rich palette and beautiful styling, not subject to temperature changes and weather manifestations, democratic price and the possibility independent work.

By cons: caustic is released during combustion poisonous gas, light shades can fade, a violation of the laying technology will lead to a fracture of the panel or other building unit.


This is a familiar professional sheet, metal or aluminum siding. Unfortunately, such materials are popular only among owners of commercial real estate - the look of a residential building will become similar to a roadside kiosk.

In addition, the metal is devoid of any sound insulation - rain cannonade will bring out of patience even unflappable owners. Iron is subject to corrosion, even if an appropriate protective layer is applied to it - installation must be accompanied by sealing gaskets in the mounting holes.

The material is cold and requires multi-layer insulation for facing a residential building. In a word, you can buy it only for a seasonal dacha - after all, the metal is durable, unlike wood or plastic.

cement cladding

Traditional plaster - ready-made mixtures can turn a house into a fashionable object, however, they require scrupulous preliminary preparation. Clinker and ceramic tile- the road, such sheathing weighs impressively - before work, the ability of the walls to withstand loads should be assessed.

They also need preparation. Fiber cement panels are good for their heat capacity, however, they are heavy, brittle when mechanically damaged and expensive for a budget pocket. Facade brick is a beautiful stone cladding that requires not only the preparation of walls, but also participation in a large amount of earthworks.

So, as you can see, there are plenty to choose from. If the priority for the owners is to resolve the issue in favor of the budget, then of all the listed skins, polyvinyl chloride siding has received the greatest popularity. It completely balances the desired factors - price and quality.

Installation of PVC siding

For independent work, you will need tools: a laser level, a square, a plumb line - it can be replaced with a cord with a load, a grinder, a screwdriver, a ladder of sufficient height. It is better to work with an assistant, since the length of one plank is impressive and without simultaneous lining, the unit can be shifted. A mismatch will result in a distortion of the entire surface.

In addition to the outer siding strips, accessories are purchased:

  • corners - external and internal;
  • starting bar;
  • h- and j-profile;
  • drain;
  • window;
  • slope elements.

Self-tapping screws in a special anti-corrosion design act as fasteners. A beam is needed for laying the crate. The thickness varies depending on the parameters of the insulation. Be sure to purchase wind and hydro protection.

Wall preparation

All protruding parts - shutters, window sills - are removed from the walls of a wooden house. The wood is impregnated with protective compounds and the caulking is renewed - this possibility is not foreseen anymore. Old plaster is removed from brick and concrete walls, bald spots are puttied, impregnated with soil compositions.

Lathing installation

Why is it required?

  • Firstly, it creates an ideal plane for even laying of the skin.
  • Secondly, ventilation ducts are required under the siding. This is especially important for a wooden house.
  • Thirdly, a heater is placed in the boxes formed by the timber, which lasts longer than just fixed on the wall.

The beam is cut to the entire height of the house. Important condition- the crate is strictly perpendicular to the siding strips.

The installation step is slightly less than the width of the insulation - usually cotton mats are used for this purpose. Then they will enter the boxes tightly, without chatter and gaps.
The level is strictly observed.

Sheathing installation

Work begins with the installation bar, placing it at the bottom of the wall. It is important to bring it in accordance with the level - the entire surface depends on it. In special grooves, the bar is fixed with self-tapping screws, without sinking their hats by 3 mm. This creates a compensation gap - temperature changes can deform the bar, and tight fixation will break it.

Each plank of siding has a locking mechanism - a tenon-groove. It is important to install them with the groove down. So, the lining will be protected from the accumulation of moisture during the period of rains and snow melting. The bar should be inserted until a characteristic click and then proceed with laying the new one, leading the installation to the under-roof space.

After the entire surface of the walls is covered with siding, they begin to install special profiles at the top and bottom, closing the technological gaps. Then fix the corners - internal and external, mount the slopes and ebbs. By selecting the color of the components that contrasts with the general background, an interesting combination of the palette is obtained.

As a result: do-it-yourself siding installation is simple. The material itself deserves its own popularity in all respects. Therefore, it is not worth postponing the cladding of the house - it's time to get to work and provide your own housing with a decent look.
