Account 02 wasps accepted for storage. How to keep accounting on off-balance accounts in a budgetary institution

Almost any budgetary institution has assets, property or valuables that the institution uses or stores. At the same time, they do not belong to him and are not fixed in his operational management. To carry out transactions with such valuables, it is necessary to open special accounts, which are called off-balance accounts. In addition, such accounts are needed to keep track of strict reporting forms, obligations for which have not yet been fulfilled.

What off-balance accounts exist in budgetary organizations

Desk books of any accountant in budget institution are the chart of accounts of accounting and instructions for its use No. 174n. The documents were approved by the Ministry of Finance by order dated December 16, 2010. It is in this instruction that the list of off-balance accounts provided for in budgetary organizations is fixed. The list consists of 31 items: 27 main ones (from 1 to 27) and four additional ones (30, 31, 40 and 42). This accounting in budgetary organizations differs from accounting in commercial companies, for which only 11 off-balance accounts are provided.

So, what are the off-balance accounts of state employees?

Account 01. Property received for use

It takes into account real estate and other property that is received in free use. It also reflects vehicles in paid use (except for rent) that are on the balance sheet of the lessee. The fact of the transfer of property from the owner to the user is fixed in the act of acceptance and transfer. It also prescribes the value of the object, according to which it will be held on the off-balance account 01.

Interesting fact! On off-balance accounts 01, exhibits and collections of the museum fund of the Russian Federation, which are stored in state and municipal museums, are taken into account.

Account 02. Material values ​​accepted for storage

This account includes a range of assets:

  • items sent for recycling;
  • ownerless things;
  • scrapped equipment;
  • property seized as compensation for harm;
  • goods detained at customs;

The property is accepted for storage with the preparation of a primary document in which the transferring party indicates its value. If valuables are accepted unilaterally, a conditional price of one ruble is indicated.

Account 03. Forms of strict reporting

These forms include:

  • t and inserts in them;
  • certificate and diploma templates;
  • certificates and certificates;
  • sick leave;
  • blank receipts;

Reception, storage, disposal, write-off of these forms is accounted for on the off-balance account 03.

Account 04. Written-off debt of insolvent debtors

Debts are recorded on an off-balance account after a special commission decides to write them off from the main balance sheet. The debt will be taken into account until the debtor's property status changes and he repays the debt, or until the debt is discharged or terminated in any other way that does not contradict the law.

Account 05

Such an account can be used by consignee institutions that ship materials and then transfer them to customers. On the off-balance account, goods are reflected at the purchase price, and then written off at the same price.

Account 06. Debts of students and pupils for unreturned financial values

The amount of debt is taken into account as the amount of expenses for the restoration of old or the purchase of new property. The numbers are reflected in the cards for each student, types of income and values.

Account 07. Awards, valuable gifts, souvenirs

Awards, prizes, cups and banners are registered at a conditional price of one ruble. Valuable gifts, souvenirs and other items purchased for consideration are recorded at the cost at which they were purchased.

Account 08. Unpaid vouchers

Unpaid vouchers are accepted to the off-balance account after the expiration of their storage at the cash desk. They are registered either at the face value indicated on the voucher, or at a conditional value of one ruble, if there is no face value.

Account 09. Spare parts for vehicles

Spare parts begin to be taken into account on the off-balance account after the vehicle is repaired with their help. At this moment, they are debited from the balance sheet and are accounted for on the off-balance account 09 during the entire operational period.

Account 10. Enforcement of obligations

This account takes into account the property received by the institution as part of interim measures:

  • pledge;
  • guarantee;
  • bank guarantee;

The value of such property is recorded as the sum of the obligations it secures. At the same cost, it is removed from off-balance sheet accounting.

Account 11. State and municipal guarantees

This account reflects all types and amounts of guarantees given and received for certain civil obligations. Arrivals and departures are recorded for those commitments for which guarantees have been received.

Score 12. Special equipment for scientific research under contracts with customers

This account is necessary for institutions that carry out research work on special orders. On the off-balance account 12, the equipment necessary for such work is taken into account. It arrives and departs at the cost specified by the customer in the relevant contract.

Score 13. Experimental devices

This account also includes equipment that is required for research work, but is categorized as experimental.

Account 14. Settlement documents awaiting execution

This account records all amounts for which settlement documents have been issued.

Account 15. Settlement documents not paid on time due to lack of money on the balance sheet of a budgetary organization

This account takes into account all the amounts of debts that the budgetary institution could not repay on time. Debts are retired from the balance sheet at the end of their maturity, but remain on off-balance sheet records.

Account 16. Overpayments on pensions and benefits due to incorrect application of laws and counting errors

The amounts of overpayment are put on off-balance sheet on the basis of audits or checks and are listed there until they are fully repaid or written off.

Account 17. Receipts of money

Off-balance account 17 is opened as an attachment to three current balance accounts. It is necessary for the analytical accounting of the receipt of money, the return of excessively received income, the return of receivables from previous years.

Account 18. Disposals of money

The account is opened in addition to the same current balance accounts as the previous one. It is necessary for the analysis of cash withdrawals, refunds of excessive expenses, etc.

Account 19. Unknown receipts in the budgets of previous years

The account takes into account the dates of unknown credits and clarification of their volumes.

Account 20. Debt not claimed by creditors

This account takes into account the amounts of debts that are not confirmed by creditors based on the results of their audits. They remain registered during the limitation period, and then written off to the account of the income of a budgetary organization.

Account 21. Fixed assets (up to three thousand rubles) in operation

This account takes into account fixed assets of the enterprise worth up to three thousand rubles inclusive, which are in active use. The exception is real estate and objects of the library fund. Funds are recorded at a notional value of one ruble.

Account 22

In this account, such property is taken into account until the supplier submits all Required documents for supply.

Score 23

This includes newspapers, magazines and other periodicals that a budgetary institution buys for its own needs. Accounting is carried out at a notional value of one ruble.

Score 24

The account is required to control assets, including real estate, transferred to trust management.

Score 25

This account is needed for the analysis of leased assets. It helps to ensure their safety and proper use. It takes into account the location of the property, its types, quantity, cost.

Score 26

It takes into account any property that a budgetary institution gave to someone for free use. The entry is made on the basis of the primary act, which establishes the value of the transferred property.

Account 27. Material values ​​issued to workers for personal use

This account takes into account overalls, uniforms and other property that is issued to employees for the performance of their official duties.

Four more accounts 30, 31, 40 and 42 are considered additional. They take into account:

  • monetary transactions carried out through third parties;
  • shares with par value;
  • assets held by management companies;
  • budget investments in progress.

Also, budgetary institutions have the right to open other off-balance accounts if they need to collect additional information or strengthen control over property and transactions.

In institutions, there are certain categories of property and liabilities that are not provided for on balance sheets. In this case, the necessary information can be accumulated on off-balance accounts. We talk about the features of such accounting in public sector organizations in this article.

Off-balance sheet accounting accounts of institutions

Accounting for leased property on an off-balance sheet account

The reflection of operating and non-operating lease objects in the accounting of the lessee and the lessor is described in detail in Chapter V of the federal standard "Rent". However, there is nothing about off-balance accounting, so you need to be guided by paragraphs 381-384 of Instruction 157n. Only property transferred under both an operating lease and a non-operating lease should be shown on the balance sheet:

  • on account 25 - given for paid use in terms of transferred rights of use;
  • on account 26 - given on preferential terms or free of charge, but without securing the right of operational management.

At the lessor, the objects transferred under the contract remain on the balance sheet and additionally appear on off-balance accounts. This is done in order to promptly receive information about what property on accounts 0 101 xx 000 or 0 103 xx 000 is leased, and reflect this data in the financial statements.

Acceptance for the off-balance sheet is carried out on the basis of the Transfer and Acceptance Certificate f.0504101 (Order of the Ministry of Finance 52n) at the price indicated in this document. Accounting for accounts 25 and 26 is carried out in the quantitative-sum accounting card f.0504041 in the context of:

  • types of property;
  • users;
  • locations.

The write-off of the object to reduce accounts 25 and 26 due to the termination of the contract is made at the same cost.

Accounting for overalls on an off-balance sheet account

Based on Instruction 157n, special clothing and footwear, as well as personal protective equipment (PPE) are accounted for on account 0 105 35 000 “Soft inventory”. At the time of the issuance of the specified property to employees, according to the statement of issuance of the MC for the needs of the institution f.0504210, the write-off is carried out from the balance sheet. In order to control the use of overalls, footwear and PPE by employees, all received goods and materials are credited to off-balance account 27.

Typical industry norms for the issuance of workwear

Accounting for account 27 is carried out on the basis of clauses 385-386 of Instruction 157n. For each employee, a quantitative-sum accounting card f.0504041 is entered. After the expiration of the standard period for wearing individual items or due to damage or actual wear, overalls are deducted from the balance sheet on the basis of act f.0504143. The income (increase) of account 27 and the expense (decrease) of account 27 are carried out at the book value of the MZ. On account 27, you can take into account uniforms and other MOH issued for personal use to employees.

Off-balance sheet account 21 in budget accounting

Chapter VI of the federal standard "Fixed Assets" contains a provision that fixed assets worth up to 10,000 rubles. inclusive, excluding real estate and library collections, are debited from the balance sheet with simultaneous reflection on the off-balance sheet. Accounting for such fixed assets is kept on an off-balance account 21 (clause 373-374 of Instruction 157n).

The cost at which fixed assets will be accepted for off-balance accounting can be determined in the amount of:

  • 1 rub. for one object;
  • the book value of the fixed assets formed during the statement on the balance sheet.

The chosen valuation method must be reflected in the Accounting Policy.

The movement of objects reflected on account 21 is carried out on the basis of the requirement-invoice f.0504204 by changing the analytical indicators: MOL and subdivisions. The disposal of fixed assets for various reasons: damage, theft, the decision to write off by the commission for the receipt and disposal of NFA is carried out on the basis of acts f.0504143 (for production and household equipment) and (for other fixed assets).

If OS worth up to 10,000 rubles. is leased, the MOL indicator should be changed and, simultaneously with account 21, this fixed asset should be taken into account for:

  • account 25, if a contract for paid use has been concluded;
  • 26, if the property was transferred on favorable terms or free of charge.

Analytical accounting is kept in card f.0504041.

How to take into account the material values ​​in storage

The MCs that are in custody in the institution, accounted for on the off-balance account 02, include:

  • accepted for storage or processing;
  • received for a time, until the date of transfer to state ownership or until the date of transfer to the body exercising the powers of the owner;
  • withdrawn in compensation for damage;
  • seized by customs authorities without placement in temporary storage warehouses;
  • included in the act for write-off by the commission for the receipt and disposal of NFA until the moment of dismantling or disposal.

Accounting is carried out on the basis of paragraphs 335-336 of Instruction 157n. If MCs are put on off-balance accounting (increase in account 02) on the basis of receipt documents, the cost is taken from them. If the institution receives property without accompanying papers and draws up an acceptance certificate unilaterally, a conditional price is set: one object - one ruble. Disposal (reduction of account 02) is carried out at the cost at which MCs were registered.

Sometimes there are inventories on the balance sheet that are no longer of value to the institution or cannot be used for their intended purpose. What to do with them: leave them on the balance sheet, transfer them to an off-balance account, or even write them off the register? The Ministry of Finance did not issue clarifications on this matter. But we figured out this issue and offer you an algorithm of actions.

Where to record uncollectible receivables

On account 04 "Doubtful debt" in the institution, accounts receivable are taken into account, in respect of which the commission for unproductive expenses decided to recognize them as uncollectible and subject to write-off from the balance sheet. The amount will be reflected in the account until:

  • expiration of the period for the possible resumption of the recovery procedure on the basis of Russian law;
  • receipt of payments to pay off the debt.

When the procedure is resumed or funds are received, doubtful debts are debited from account 04, restored to the balance sheet, and all settlement operations are performed there. The write-off of outstanding receivables from the balance sheet is made on the basis of an act of the commission on unproductive expenses. If the debts of the deceased or liquidated debtor are written off from the balance, this amount does not need to be put on account 04.

How to write off doubtful and uncollectible receivables Control settlements with contractors and the budget. You are in debt - take measures to have time to collect the debt. If you do not have time, write off the debt in accounting and recognize it for taxes. In the recommendation, we will tell you when a doubtful debt arises, and when a bad debt arises. Learn how to write off and reflect in accounting and taxes.

How to account for other assets off the balance sheet

On off-balance sheet accounts in state institutions, the following types of assets are taken into account (in addition to those mentioned earlier):

  1. NFA received for use from balance holders, with the exception of leased ones (account 01). These can be non-exclusive rights to use the results of intellectual activity, rights to limited use of land plots, etc. Since 2018, this should include fixed assets for which capital investments have been formed, but there is no operational management agreement. NFA are written off to reduce account 01 upon return to the owner or upon registration on the balance sheet.
  2. Forms of strict reporting (sch.03). The list of BSOs used in the institution is approved in the accounting policy, accounting is carried out at a notional value (1 form - 1 ruble) in the context of storage locations, MOTs and types of forms. Write-off is carried out on the basis of supporting documents.
  3. Spare parts installed on vehicles instead of those that have become unusable (account 09). You can take into account not all components, but only those approved in the Accounting Policy (tires, batteries, etc.). Spare parts should be reflected on the account during the entire period of operation: until the replacement or until the vehicle is written off.
  4. Property received as collateral, bank guarantees, guarantees and other types of security for the fulfillment of obligations (account 10). Acceptance for accounting is made in the amount of the obligation for which the security was issued. Write-off (reduction of account 10) is carried out after the fulfillment of the obligation.
  5. MC received within the framework of centralized supply, until the receipt of notification f.0504805. Reflected in accounting at the cost indicated in the accompanying documents (waybill, invoice, etc.). It is possible to use the received MTs before being reflected on the balance sheet only on the basis of the written permission of the parent organization.
  6. Subsidies for the purchase of housing (account 29). Accounted for in decisions to allocate grants and written off after the recipient employee reports on the use of funds for the intended purpose.

Off-balance sheet accounting is a full-fledged component of the institution's accounting. Maintenance of off-balance accounts and reporting is checked by regulatory authorities, penalties are imposed for violations.

Natalya Kurik

the moment of reflection of fixed assets on an off-balance account 02 when writing off fixed assets

Please tell me at what point the cost of fixed assets is removed from the balance sheet and put on off-balance sheet if there is an opinion of the commission of the institution for the acceptance and disposal of assets on the write-off (based on the conclusion of a specialized organization), but there is no act on the write-off of the owner (superior organization) . Accounting on an off-balance account 02 " Material values accepted for storage” is conducted at residual value or at book value?

Answered by the user, Emelyanova L.A. consultant (emln)

Information about the fixed asset that cannot be used in the work of the institution, about the need to write it off, must first be brought to the management - for example, by a memo.

Further, the commission on the receipt and disposal of assets, created in the institution on a permanent basis, draws up an act on the write-off of the fixed asset or gives an opinion on the inappropriate write-off of the object. If necessary (for example, writing off a computer), you should carry out specialized organization technical expertise and obtain an opinion on its technical condition and further use. If the fixed asset is on the balance sheet of the institution as a particularly valuable property, then its write-off must be agreed with the founder (superior organization). Only after all the procedures have been completed and supporting documents have been received about the impossibility of using the fixed asset in the activities of the institution, can an entry be made in the accounting documents about the write-off of the object, and until the moment of dismantling, disposal or destruction, it must be taken into account on the off-balance account.

In accordance with paragraph 335 of Instruction No. 157n on an off-balance account 02 "Material values ​​accepted for storage" material assets accepted by the institution for storage, for processing, received (accepted for accounting) before the moment of their transfer to the ownership of the state and (or) transfer of the said property to the body exercising the powers of the owner in relation to the said property (property received as a gift, ownerless property, etc.); seized in compensation for the damage caused, with the exception of material assets that are material evidence and are taken into account separately; withdrawn (detained) by the customs authorities and not placed in the temporary storage warehouse of the customs authority; as well as property V in respect of which a decision was made to write off(termination of operation), including due to physical or moral wear and tear and the impossibility (inappropriateness) of its further use, until the moment of its dismantling (utilization, destruction). The receipt of material assets by the institution is carried out on the basis of a primary document confirming the receipt (acceptance for storage (for processing)) by the institution of material assets, at the cost indicated in the document by the transferring party (at the cost stipulated by the contract). For example, gasoline in the amount of 350 liters in the amount of 12,250 rubles is accepted by the institution for storage from the organization on the basis of a storage agreement and an act on the acceptance and transfer of inventory items for storage. If the execution of the act by the institution is carried out unilaterally, then the materials are registered in a conditional assessment: one object - one ruble, for example, in the case of registration on an off-balance account 02 "Material values ​​accepted for storage" asset until it is dismantled, disposed of or destroyed.

In the chart of accounts, there are elements that are directly on the balance sheet and behind it. The second group includes account 002 "Transfer of property for safekeeping".

It reflects the values ​​that have been deposited, in all forms and varieties. Analytical accounting measures for it are carried out by firms from which these values ​​were received, as well as by types of property and places in which it is stored. This norm spelled out in the Decree of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 20, 2012 No. 77.

How is it used

Account 002 is traditionally used to summarize information about the presence and movement of inventory items that are not directly owned by the company. As part of responsible storage, we can talk about the following situations:

  • receipt of certain commodities and materials from suppliers, payment from them was prolonged or stopped on legal grounds;
  • the acquisition of valuables that cannot be spent before paid events within the framework of the existing rules and norms of the contract;
  • receipt of goods and materials for which the agreement specifies a special option for the transfer of ownership.

Since the account "works" for the balance, it happens reflection of the nomenclature that is not registered. It is active and does not imply a double entry rule.

Upon receipt, it is paid only as a debit, and when spent, it is exclusively credited.

What goods and materials are taken into account

As already mentioned, material values ​​that have been accepted but cannot be reflected on the balance sheet are subject to accounting in this area:

  • damaged goods or items that are defective, do not meet the set of requirements and characteristics specified in the supply contract, subject to return measures;
  • ownership rights to positions that, on the basis of an agreement, are transferred not in the process of direct shipment, but upon the fact of paid events;
  • Inventory and materials subject to accounting on the basis of a pledge transaction agreement;
  • commodity items that were paid for, but were not transported from the warehouse in accordance with technical or other subtleties, i.e., are only temporarily stored;
  • products received on the basis of the relevant agreement;
  • erroneously arrived at the warehouse values.

Basic postings

The principle of double entry is not required here, therefore, in the process of compiling transactions, only the number of the account in question appears. Let's study the main postings on 002 for debit and credit.

By debit

An approximate list of postings that are widely used in the process of processing transactions:

  1. Dt 002 Kt (-). Receipt for safekeeping of valuables in which marriage was found, poor quality, wrong assortment position, other violations of contractual obligations.
  2. Dt 002 Kt (-). The warehouse has received goods items that imply special conditions transfer of ownership (not after shipment after the fact, but in the process of payment).
  3. Dt 002 Kt (-). The positions have been paid for, but the buyer has not yet had time to withdraw them, so they are in storage within the enterprise.
  4. Dt 002 Kt (-). The receipt of goods and materials occurred on the basis of a storage agreement.
  5. Dt 002 Kt (-). If the pledgor has not fulfilled the requirements described in the pledge agreement.

By loan

  1. Dt (-) Ct 002. There was a write-off from the accounting of goods that were returned back to the supplier.
  2. Dt (-) Ct 002. Write-off due to the fact that the valuables became the property of the buyer, who paid for them in good faith and took them out.
  3. Dt (-) Ct 002. Write-off of funds that were left by the buyer in the warehouse for the purpose of safekeeping.
  4. Dt (-) Ct 002. Return of commodity items to their rightful owner in accordance with the norms of the drawn up storage agreement.
  5. Dt (-) Ct 002. Sale of positions that were received on the basis of a valid pledge agreement.

Regulatory regulation

Operations and actions on goods that were transferred as inventory items for temporary storage are regulated by the norms of the current legislation (Ordinances, Resolutions, acts), as well as accounting documents:

  • consignment note TORG-12;
  • form 1-T;
  • form M-15;
  • an act related to the occurrence of a shortage of goods;
  • certificate from the accounting department;
  • Bank statement;
  • the act of acceptance and transfer of inventory items;
  • pledge agreement.

This is not the whole list of documents through which the regulation of activities in this direction takes place, but it is basic.

Accounting examples

Accounting operations are carried out directly on the account of the supplier and the buyer.


It is carried out only in situations where the right of ownership has been transferred to the buyer's side. Consider an example.

The organization ALC "Rus" shipped goods to the company "Moskvich" LLC for 50,000 rubles. The buyer side does not accept it due to not enough good quantity. Instead, it only accepts it for safekeeping and sends the corresponding act to the Rus company.

It turns out that the seller places these commodity items on account 41 in order to reflect the goods transferred for storage. After the return, they go to the warehouse account and will remain the property of the seller. In this case, 002 will not be used.

To study the intricacies of using the account in question, it is worth considering another example.

The organization ALC "Rus" sold the company LLC "CITY" commodity values for a cost of 100,000 rubles. On this occasion, an act of sale was drawn up, payment was made, i.e. the ownership was transferred to the buyer, but he did not take the goods out of the warehouse, although he managed to pay for it.

In this case, the seller's accountant records the sold goods at 002. After the buyers' purchased goods are exported, this account will be debited.


There are situations in practice in which the buyer is not able to capitalize commodity items within the framework of accounting. For example, when a delay in payment made itself felt, the delivered goods are of inappropriate quality, marriage, missing quantity.

So the operation is "frozen" until funds are deposited as payment. In this situation, as in many others, account 002 comes to the rescue.

The furniture organization sent 10 chairs to the retail facility for a total amount of 5,000 rubles, including VAT of 500 rubles. According to the provisions of the agreement, the store takes ownership of the goods after paying for them, and a week later he still paid for them.

In this case, while the goods were not paid for, but were in safe custody, they were reflected in the debit of account 002. After payment, they were written off.

So account 002 widely used in modern accounting practice and allows a large number of operations.

This material, which continues the series of publications on the new chart of accounts, analyzes the off-balance sheet accounts of the new chart of accounts. This comment was prepared by Ya.V. Sokolov, Doctor of Economics, Deputy Chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission for the Reform of Accounting and Reporting, Member of the Methodological Council for Accounting under the Ministry of Finance of Russia, First President of the Institute of Professional Accountants of Russia, V.V. Patrov, professor at the St. Petersburg state university and N.N. Karzaeva, PhD in Economics, Deputy director of the audit service of Balt-Audit-Expert LLC.

1) material (inventory);
2) conditional rights and obligations;
3) operational control.

Analysis of off-balance sheet accounts in the new chart of accounts

What is new in the preamble is that the words “not owned by the enterprise, but …” have been removed from the old instruction, since some values ​​recorded on off-balance accounts are the property of the organization (for example, fixed assets leased out).

As can be seen from the instructions, all off-balance accounts can be divided into three groups:

1) material (inventory);
2) conditional rights and obligations;
3) operational control.

The appearance of material (inventory) off-balance sheet accounts is due to the fact that the balance sheet asset, according to some features of the legal theory of accounting, should show the property owned by the organization. But the enterprise always has "foreign" property that is in its possession and use (only the owner, who has absolute dominance over the thing, can dispose of the property).

This requirement in the middle of the XIX century. imposed by creditors, mainly bankers, since when calculating liquidity, only the debtor's own property can be taken to cover accounts payable. In order to make it easier for lenders to count, their own and "non-own" property was divided. The first remained in the asset balance, the second began to be shown behind the balance sheet.

Currently, in accordance with paragraph 6 of PBU 1/98 "Accounting policy of the organization" when forming accounting policy the principle of property isolation should be observed, according to which "the assets and liabilities of an organization exist separately from the assets and liabilities of the owners of this organization and the assets and liabilities of other organizations".

The appearance of accounts of contingent rights and obligations is due to the fact that only assets that are subject to unconditional rights should be shown in the balance sheet.

Finally, there are accounts that take into account purely symbolic objects, but the administration needs, due to their special significance, to control the movement of these objects.

Since the advent of off-balance accounts, two methods of accounting for them have been proposed: simple and double entry.

Currently, the first and more logical way is accepted. Until the middle of the XX century. it was believed that the double entry should have a universal character, and for each off-balance account, a corresponding account was artificially introduced only with it.

In general, the idea of ​​off-balance accounts is an anachronism of legal theory that has survived to this day. At least, this is obvious for the first and second groups of accounts.

Account 001 "Rented fixed assets"

Account 001 "Leased fixed assets" is maintained by the lessee.

In the event that fixed assets are leased and the rights of ownership and use have passed to the lessee, the lessee's accountant will need to record:

Debit 001 "Leased fixed assets" - for the cost of fixed assets specified in the lease agreement.

The entry is made on the basis of a lease agreement, an act of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets and a copy of the inventory card received from the lessor.

When returning fixed assets or in case of write-off due to theft (death from natural Disasters etc.), the accountant will make the entry:

Loan 001 "Leased fixed assets"

An exception to this rule is the procedure for accounting for leased property, established by Order No. 15 of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated February 17, 1997 "On the Accounting of Operations Under a Leasing Agreement."

If, under the terms of the agreement, the leased property (fixed assets) is accounted for on the balance sheet of the lessee, then it is reflected in the accounting as follows:

Debit 08 "Capital investments" subaccount "Acquisition individual objects fixed assets under a leasing agreement" Credit 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" subaccount "Lease obligations" Debit 01 "Fixed assets" subaccount "Leased property" Credit 08 "Capital investments" subaccount "Acquisition of individual fixed assets under a leasing agreement" - the costs associated with obtaining the leased property and the cost of the received leased property are written off.

When inventorying fixed assets, a separate inventory must be drawn up for leased fixed assets.

It is quite obvious that the leased fixed assets could be accounted for on account 01 "Fixed assets", because in operating conditions, when two completely identical machines operate, but one is owned and the other is rented, it is difficult to talk about their difference, especially since the personnel of the enterprise, as a rule, are not aware of this difference. However, it is correct that only the owner should charge depreciation on these objects.

Analytical accounting is maintained by the tenant for each lessor and internally for each item of fixed assets.

Account 002 "Inventory accepted for safekeeping"

Account 002 "Inventory assets accepted for safekeeping" is intended to summarize information on the availability and movement of inventory items accepted for safekeeping.

Organizations - buyers account on account 002 "Inventory assets accepted for safekeeping" values ​​accepted for storage in the following cases: receipt from suppliers of inventory items for which they legally refused to accept invoices for payment requests and pay them; receipt from suppliers of unpaid inventory items prohibited for spending under the terms of the contract until they are paid; acceptance of inventory items for safekeeping for other reasons. Organizations-suppliers account on account 002 "Inventory assets accepted for safekeeping" inventory items received by buyers, which are left in safekeeping, issued with safe notes, but not exported for reasons beyond the control of organizations. Inventory assets are accounted for on account 002 "Inventory assets accepted for safekeeping" at the prices specified in acceptance certificates or in invoices for payment requests.

Analytical accounting on account 002 "Inventory accepted for safekeeping" is carried out by organizations-owners, by types, varieties and places of storage.

The account can be maintained by both the owner and the owner.

In essence, the functions of this account are similar to those set out in relation to the lease, but under the circumstances it is assumed that the thing is only in possession, and the right to use it is excluded. (When renting, it is directly assumed).

There are a number of reasons for this account.

The buyer has received goods (materials) or other valuables, but due to circumstances that have arisen, does not want to pay for them and thus refuses to recognize them as his property. The paradox lies in the fact that, as a rule, the ownership of these valuables passed to the buyer at the moment when the seller (supplier) handed over these goods to the carrier and, therefore, the goods are already in the ownership of the buyer, who was obliged to capitalize these valuables according to the balance ( main) accounts. However, the compilers of the instructions, not without reason (priority of content over form), recommend that such values ​​\u200b\u200bare not credited to balance accounts, but recorded by simple posting.

Debit 002 "Inventory accepted for safekeeping".

The basis for such an entry must be a notice sent to the supplier.

Account 002 "Inventory accepted for safekeeping" account in all cases, both the seller and the buyer - active. The cost of the party during registration is determined by the accompanying documents. If the buyer returns the goods, then the accountant, after shipment, credits account 002 "Inventory accepted for safekeeping".

One of the options for using this account may be cases where the values ​​are paid by the buyer, but not taken out of the seller's warehouse. In this case, the seller reflects the sale of valuables and debits account 002 "Inventory accepted for safekeeping" and only after shipment can this account be credited.

Finally, it is necessary to single out the case when account 002 "Inventory accepted for safekeeping" becomes the central account in the enterprise management information system. This applies to firms that have warehouses that accept valuables for temporary storage. And, as in the case of commission trading, in such firms all major transactions with values ​​are shown off the balance sheet.

The main asset - the goods are not in their ownership and, therefore, will be reflected on account 002 "Inventory accepted for safekeeping".

As a result, the assets of such organizations turn out to be insignificant in comparison with the real property that they own and use, but which they cannot dispose of. At such enterprises, analytical accounting of goods is built, as a rule, according to a purely batch principle. In this case, the parties are grouped according to the deliverers of values.

Standard accounting records:

Debit 002 "Inventory accepted for safekeeping" - goods are accepted for storage; Credit 002 "Inventory accepted for safekeeping" - the goods have been shipped.

The cost of the batch and the terms of payment for it are fixed by the storage agreement.

Account 003 "Materials accepted for processing"

Account 003 "Materials accepted for processing" is intended to summarize information on the availability and movement of raw materials and materials of the customer accepted for processing (tolling raw materials) that are not paid by the manufacturer. Accounting for the costs of processing or refining raw materials and materials is carried out on the accounts of production costs, reflecting the costs associated with this (with the exception of the cost of raw materials and materials of the customer). The customer's raw materials and materials accepted for processing are recorded on account 003 "Materials accepted for processing" at the prices stipulated in the contracts.

Analytical accounting on account 003 "Materials accepted for processing is carried out by customers, types, grades of raw materials and materials of the customer and locations.

Materials accepted for processing in the traditional and still not completely forgotten Russian language are called "tolling raw materials". If a person gives a piece of fabric to the atelier and asks to sew a dress out of it, if someone gives paper to the printing house so that a book is printed there, then these materials will be recorded on the off-balance account of the atelier and the printing house. (Although why not debit account 10 "Materials" and credit account 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors"). This is due to the fact that the customer remains the owner of the materials.

At present, the use of both own and customer-owned raw materials (materials) in production has acquired a significantly greater scope than in our rather traditional examples (studio, printing houses). Almost all non-ferrous metallurgy and a significant part of ferrous metallurgy work on tolling raw materials, and its processing has received a special name: tolling. Its development is facilitated by foreign economic relations. In this regard, a distinction is made between external and internal tolling.

External tolling is based on the fact that a foreign customer imports raw materials, the ownership of which he retains, does not clear it through customs, and delivers it for processing. Finished products are exported abroad. In this case, no fees are payable.

Internal tolling assumes that a foreign customer buys raw materials in our country, puts them under customs control and takes them out of the country after processing.

In general, it is believed that this is beneficial for manufacturers, because they sew clothes, print books, etc., without investing a single penny in the most important item of expenditure - materials.

In this case, the work foreman retains the normal production cycle and all accounting entries, except for the entry:

Loan 10.1 "Raw materials"

This is due to the fact that the materials transferred to production, which are not covered by the manufacturer's ownership, were capitalized with the entry:

Debit 003 "Materials accepted for processing"

This record indicates that the manufacturer has received the right to own and use the materials, and when these materials are transferred to production, a record is made:

Credit 003 "Materials accepted for processing"

But from this moment new problems begin. The most important of them is who becomes the owner of the finished product: the customer or the contractor.

According to all obvious canons, the customer acts as the owner of the finished product, but the Civil Code provides for an alternative answer in some cases; the meaning of which is included in Article 220 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation: the ownership of a new movable thing, in this case, finished products, passes to the manufacturer if the cost of processing significantly exceeds the cost of the materials received. In this case, the manufacturer is obliged to pay the customer the cost of raw materials supplied by the customer, and the manufacturer credits account 003 "Materials accepted for processing" and at the same time records are made:

Debit 10.1 "Raw materials"
Debit 19 "Value added tax on acquired inventories"

And the customer credits subaccount 10.7 "Materials transferred for processing to the side" and debits subaccount 91.2 "Other expenses" with the simultaneous entry:

Debit 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" Credit 91.1 "Other income"

Typically, the customer makes records:

Debit 10.7 "Materials transferred for processing to the side" Credit 10.1 "Raw materials" - upon delivery of raw materials

Debit 20 "Main production"
Debit 19 "Value added tax on acquired values"
Credit 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors"

This means that legally and economically, but not technologically, tolling is done by the customer, since he produces products for himself, but "by someone else's hands", i.e. at third-party production facilities of an economic entity.

As these same assets are received, write-offs are carried out for the production of tolling raw materials:

Debit 20 "Main production" Credit 10.7 "Materials transferred for processing to the side"

And, finally, when the batch is finished processing and the last act arrives, the accountant will post the finished product, the property of which belongs to the customer.

Debit 43 "Finished products" Credit 20 "Main production"

And from that moment on, the customer can dispose of this product, because it has become his property.

Analytical accounting is carried out in the context of sellers and buyers, and inside - in batch terms.

Account 004 "Goods accepted for commission"

From the point of view of trade workers, a sale under a commission agreement does not differ in any significant way from a sale under a purchase and sale agreement. This became noticeable at the time of the transition to market relations, when commission sales became widespread. Then the accountants, without further ado, simply debited the goods accepted for commission on account 41 "Goods" and credited account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors." True, when the property tax was introduced, accountants remembered that this tax could not be paid on some goods, and they began to recall account 004 "Goods accepted on commission."

Documentation of transactions with goods accepted for commission in retail trade is established by the Rules for commission trade in non-food products, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.06.1998 No. 569 (with subsequent amendments and additions).

In stores, the acceptance of goods for commission is drawn up by drawing up a document (commission agreement, receipt, invoice and other types). The type of document is set by the commission agent independently.

If several goods are handed over for commission, their names and prices may be indicated in the list of goods (form No. KOMIS-1), which is an integral part of the document that formalizes the acceptance of goods for commission.

When goods are accepted for commission, a product label (form No. KOMIS-2) is attached to it, and for small items (watches, beads, brooches, etc.) - a price tag indicating the number of the document issued upon receipt of the goods and the price.

The list of goods accepted for commission and the product label contain information characterizing the condition of the goods (new, used, degree of wear, main trademarks, product defects).

The price of the goods is determined by agreement between the commission agent and the committent.

Accounting for goods must be kept separately for each product in the card for accounting for goods and settlements under commission agreements (form No. KOMIS-6).

When selling goods, a certificate is drawn up on the sale of goods accepted for commission (form No. KOMIS-4).

If the goods are not sold due to the lack of demand for them, the commission agent, with the permission of the committent, may discount the goods. At the same time, an act of markdown is drawn up (form No. KOMIS-3). On the basis of this act, marks are made about the markdown in the list of goods accepted for commission, and in the card for accounting for goods and settlements with consignors. The product label or price tag also contains new price, markdown act number, markdown date.

If the commission agent removes the goods from sale (in case of return to the principal, repair, transfer for cleaning, etc.), an appropriate act is drawn up about this (form No. KOMIS-5).

The terms of the commission agreement may provide for payment by the committent of the services of a commission agent for the storage of unsold goods. To account for this fee, the commission agent uses a record of payments received for the storage of unsold goods (Form No. KOMIS-7).

Upon receipt of goods for a commission, their value indicated in the acceptance documents (waybills, invoices, acceptance certificates, etc.) is recorded:

Debit 004 "Goods accepted for commission".

This account is usually credited when goods are shipped (released) to buyers (on the basis of shipping documents), as well as in cases of returning goods to consignors, identifying shortages during inventories, when goods are discounted, etc.

Below we consider the procedure for accounting for shortages of goods accepted for commission.

Based on the collation sheet compiled on the basis of the inventory list, the following entries are made:

Credit 004 "Goods accepted for commission" - for the cost of goods at discount prices; Debit 94 "Shortages and losses from damage to valuables" Credit "76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" - for the amount payable to the committent;

Depending on the terms of the commission agreement, the amounts for transactions 1 and 2 may be the same, or they may be different (by the amount of the commission).

The shortage of goods is subsequently written off:

Debit 73.2 "Calculations for compensation of material damage" Credit 94 "Shortages and losses from damage to valuables" - at the expense of the perpetrators; Debit 91.2 "Other expenses" Credit 94 "Shortages and losses from damage to valuables" - at the expense of the organization.

Analytical accounting is carried out for financially responsible persons, in the context of commitents and for each object handed over to the commission.

Account 005 "Equipment accepted for installation"

Equipment that requires installation includes equipment that can only be operated after it has been assembled and attached to the supporting structures of buildings and structures. In some cases, such equipment includes control and measuring equipment intended for installation as part of the equipment.

Account 005 "Equipment accepted for installation" shows equipment owned by the customer and transferred by him to the contractor for installation.

Legally, this is almost the same case as with tolling raw materials. Only there it was working capital(now they prefer to talk about current assets), but here we are talking about fixed assets. These funds are held by the customer and accounted for on account 07 "Equipment for installation". True, the compilers of the instructions for the chart of accounts note that account 07 "Equipment for installation" (see instructions for this account) should reflect only property that requires installation. But, if we are talking about construction, then all the fixed assets transferred to the customer for use in a newly created object, for the customer, become objects used for construction and, as it were, requiring installation in the broader sense of the word.

This results in very simple records for both the customer and the contractor.

When transferring equipment for installation, the customer makes a record:

Debit 07 "Equipment for installation" subaccount "Submitted for installation" Credit 07 "Equipment for installation" subaccount "In stock".

Thus, the customer's equipment handed over to the contractor continues to be accounted for on account 07 "Equipment for installation". But, it is possible that the customer also transfers the equipment that he has reflected on account 01 "Fixed assets".

After the installation work is completed, a record is made:

Debit 08 "Investments in non-current assets" Credit 07 "Equipment for installation" sub-account "Transferred for installation".

In the future, account 08 "Investments in non-current assets" is credited, and account 01 "Fixed assets" is debited.

If the contractor was transferred to previously capitalized fixed assets, then a record is made:

Debit 01 "Fixed assets" subaccount "Submitted for installation" Credit 01 "Fixed assets" subaccount "In stock".

Thus, the customer does not know what off-balance sheet accounting is.

But the contractor uses off-balance account 005 "Equipment accepted for installation" to account for the equipment accepted for installation.

As soon as such equipment reaches the contractor, his accountant should immediately record:

Debit 005 "Equipment accepted for installation".

And then, in the course of work on the basis of the act of acceptance and transfer of equipment for installation, entries will be made on balance accounts.

If the cost of the installed equipment is reflected with the customer, then the contractor shall reflect the costs associated with the installation:

Debit 20 "Main production"
Credit 10 "Materials"
Loan 70 "Settlements with personnel for wages"
Loan 69.1 "Social insurance settlements"
Credit 23 "Auxiliary production" and other accounts.

For the work performed, the customer is billed:

Debit 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" Credit 90.1 "Revenue" Debit 90.2 "Cost of sales" Credit 20 "Main production".

When transferring equipment for installation, the following records are made:

Credit 005 "Equipment accepted for installation".

The basis for this entry is the requirement to release the equipment for installation. Equipment handed over for installation, but the installation of which the contractor has not started, is not included in the volume of capital investments. The basis for such inclusion is the certificate of acceptance of installation work.

Analytical accounting for this account is kept for customers, within customers for facilities, and then for those specific parts of the equipment being installed that should be included in the new facility.

Account 006 "Forms of strict reporting"

Unlike all other accounts, account 006 "Strict Accountability Forms" is intended only to control the movement of symbolic values.

In this regard, the management of the enterprise by a special order must approve:

1) a list of documents that are considered as strict reporting forms;
2) the composition of the persons entrusted with their storage, the degree of their responsibility for this storage;
3) samples of accounting books in which records of the movement of these forms should be kept. Under all circumstances, books and pages in them must be numbered, laced, the lacing must be covered with a wax seal and sealed with the signatures of the head and chief accountant;
4) samples of documents that formalize the acceptance and issuance of strict reporting forms and acts drawn up for the elimination of unused forms.

Forms of strict reporting forms are developed by interested ministries and departments, approved by the Russian Ministry of Finance and registered with the Russian Ministry of Justice. Currently, there are more than 200 forms of strict reporting forms.

Organizations usually make their own strict reporting forms in any printing house. However, the forms of these documents must contain all the necessary details. If necessary, additional details (for example, company logos) can be entered into the approved forms of forms. It is not allowed to remove any details from the approved forms of forms.

Each batch of forms coming from the printing house must be issued with an accompanying document (waybill, invoice, etc.), which must indicate the name of the forms, their series and numbers.

Strict reporting forms are issued to employees (cashiers, order takers, etc.) against a report on the basis of an appropriate document, one copy of which is given to the employee, and the second is transferred to the accounting department.

Employees, using the forms, return the documents by which they were received. To the accounting department with attached stubs (copies) of receipts confirming the receipt of money, as well as damaged forms.

Stubs (copies) of receipts, tear-off coupons, damaged forms are stored in the organization for at least five years, after which they are destroyed or handed over to organizations that procure secondary raw materials. At the same time, an appropriate act is drawn up.

The main difficulty associated with keeping records of strict reporting forms is due to the ambiguity of their valuation.

The compilers of the instruction indicate a conditional assessment of strict reporting forms, but it is not clear how to determine it?

In fact, precisely because in this case we are talking about symbolic values, we can understand by conditional values ​​​​evaluations:

  • or at face value, if we are talking about documents that have a monetary value;
  • or at cost if the organization paid for the purchase and printing of these forms;
  • or at the price of pro memoria (for memory).

The first estimate can be applied when accounting for unsold forms. And it has the advantage that, under certain conditions, it facilitates the recovery of shortages of forms.

The second assessment, one way or another, goes through balance accounts, and it is not advisable to link it with accounting.

The third grade is the most convenient. Any accounting unit is valued at 1 rub. or 10 rubles, or 100 rubles. and so on. therefore, how many units are on the off-balance account, so many rubles will be on this account. This is the only type of assessment that is applicable to items that are not priced, such as diplomas. However, if some fee is charged for the presentation of diplomas, then this fee can be used as the basis for the assessment, but then it will already be an assessment at face value, although this face value is absent on the form itself, say a diploma.

In all cases, the acquisition of forms is documented by posting:

Debit 26 "General expenses" (other cost accounts are possible)
Credit 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors"

The cost of printing forms is reflected slightly differently:

Debit 26 "General expenses"
Loan 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors"

The very receipt of forms on the basis of invoices, acts and other documents is reflected in the entry:

Debit 006 "Forms of strict reporting".

When issuing forms or when writing off unused forms, an entry is made:

Credit 006 "Forms of strict reporting".

Analytical accounting is conducted by types of forms and by places of their storage.

Finishing the description of account 006 "Forms of strict reporting", we want to emphasize that this account, in essence, has nothing to do with accounting. It represents the objects of operational accounting and control, which the administration is obliged to organize. By introducing such an account into the composition of off-balance accounts, the compilers of the chart of accounts continued the old Soviet tradition of making the accountant responsible for what he, in essence, cannot be responsible for.

Account 007 "Debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss"

Account 007 "Debt written off at a loss of insolvent debtors" is intended to summarize information on the state of receivables written off at a loss due to the insolvency of debtors. This debt should be taken into account off the balance sheet within five years from the date of write-off to monitor the possibility of its collection in the event of a change in the property status of the debtors.

Accounts 50 "Cashier", 51 "Settlement accounts" or 52 "Currency accounts" in correspondence with account 91 "Other income and expenses" are debited for the amounts received in the order of collection of debt previously written off at a loss. At the same time, off-balance account 007 "Debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss" is credited for the indicated amounts.

Analytical accounting on account 007 "Debt written off at a loss of insolvent debtors" is kept for each debtor whose debt is written off at a loss, and each debt written off at a loss.

It is considered incorrect to overestimate the real value of assets if overdue debts and debts are included in the accounts receivable, for which there is reason to believe that they will not be repaid by the debtors. However, since the rights to collect these debts are preserved and there is some hope, "which nourishes the youth, gives joy to the elders." Such receivables are written off the balance sheet, but when it should be written off and whether it can be written off, there are big problems.

There is a presidential decree that requires that, four months after the due date of payment, outstanding and overdue receivables be written off to losses.

There is a reasonable requirement of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which establishes a limitation period of three years.

And there is an old Soviet rule that implicitly implies, regarding the procedure for maintaining account 007 "Debts written off at a loss from insolvent debtors", that receivables should be kept on the balance sheet for the entire period of limitation, i.e. for three years, and then for another five years to take this debt off the balance sheet.

The fact that the compilers of the instructions referred to five years, and not three years, indicates that they do not actually proceed from the priority of content over form, but, on the contrary, proceed from the priority of form over content.

The best solution to the issue should be to recognize the reservation of doubtful debts during the limitation period, and after its expiration, this debt should be written off at the expense of a previously created reserve. In this case, no off-balance sheet accounting is necessary and there would be no need to open account 007 "Debt written off at a loss from insolvent debtors".

If this account is opened and strictly followed by the authors of the instructions, then for almost eight years bad receivables will appear in the accounting - three years within the limitation period and five years, just in case after.

And if you strictly follow the instructions, then three years after the expiration of the limitation period, the accountant must write off doubtful debts from the balance by debiting account 63 "Settlements for doubtful debts" (if such reserves were accrued) and account 91.2 "Other expenses" - for the amount of doubtful debts in excess of reserves.

After that, on the basis of a certificate from the accounting department about writing off the debt at a loss, account 007 "Debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss" is debited and this record is kept for five years. If during this time it is suddenly possible to return the lost, then the accounts Money are debited, and account 91.1 "Other income" is credited. Thus, if the debt is repaid or if it is not repaid within five years, it should be written off by crediting account 007 "Debt written off at a loss from insolvent debtors".

The basis for such an entry is a certificate from the accounting department on the repayment of the debt or on the expiration of the period for monitoring the written-off receivables.

Analytical accounting is maintained for each individual debt.

Account 008 "Securities for obligations and payments received"

This account directly continues what we talked about in relation to account 007 "Write-off of debts of insolvent debtors at a loss". In order for the organization to have as few insolvent debtors as possible, they resort to the fact that some third party guarantees with its assets the repayment of the debt by our debtor if the latter cannot or does not want to pay his debt. We emphasized that, in practice, we should talk about the guarantee of a non-party to the contract, he is already obliged to fulfill the stipulated conditions, namely, guarantees of a third party against which a claim can be brought. As for the party to the agreement, he can, as a guarantee of the fulfillment of his obligations, pledge, as a rule, from highly liquid assets: money, currency, securities, premises and some other types of property.

All guarantees received in the form of a letter of guarantee from third parties or in the form of an act for the transfer of valuables as collateral serve as security for the payments that the organization expects. These aggregate guarantees are recorded in the debit of account 008 "Securities for obligations and payments received". The volume (cost) of the obligation is affixed from the documents that give rise to these obligations. If the volume of obligations does not directly follow from the documents, then the accountant must, by analyzing the contract, calculate it himself.

As the debtor fulfills contractual obligations, the volume of guarantees decreases and, as a result, the amount of the guarantee decreases accordingly. As a result, the accountant must credit account 008 "Securities for obligations and payments received" after each payment of the debtor.

Here we would like to add a few remarks about the debts that store owners sometimes take from financially responsible persons. The technology of these operations has long been known, and one can learn about it, in particular, from B. Brecht's book "The Threepenny Romance".

The essence of what we meet in practice is as follows. A financially responsible person, before starting work and obtaining access to goods, must make a cash deposit. Depending on the agreement, this money can be used in the case, or it can be deposited. In the first case, in essence, we are talking about a loan agreement, in the second it is a pure pledge. In the first case, account 51 "Settlement accounts" is debited and account 66 "Settlements on short-term credits and loans" or 67 "Settlements on long-term credits and loans" is credited. In the second case, account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" should be credited. These entries are made on balance accounts, and account 008 "Securities for obligations and payments received" is debited from the balance in parallel.

Upon dismissal of an employee who contributed money (either in the form of a loan or a pledge), they are returned to him. If the relationship with the owner was formalized as a loan, then the financially responsible person can systematically or by the time of dismissal also receive interest. After the return of the deposit, an entry is made:

Loan 008 "Securities for obligations and payments received".

Strictly speaking, all settlements are carried out on balance accounts, and entries on account 008 "Securities for obligations and payments received" are purely control in nature.

Analytical accounting for this account is kept in the context of contracts under which guarantees were received from counterparties.

Account 009 "Securities for obligations and payments issued"

Account 009 "Securities for obligations and payments issued" reflects information about guarantees to our counterparties issued for us by third parties, and the property that the organization issued in the form of collateral.

If someone gives guarantees for us, then the accountant must debit account 009 "Securities for obligations and payments issued." Such a record must be made, because it indicates that our organization may have problems with payments and the contract partner wants to insure himself in terms of the payments due to him. By providing him with guarantees of our payments from reputable merchants, we show the degree of confidence that we enjoy in the business world and emphasize our business reputation.

If our own property (money, currency, securities, land etc.) is pledged, then in the case of money and currency, because the currency is the same money, an entry is made on the debit of the account on which settlements with the counterparty will be reflected and on the credit of accounts 51 "Settlement accounts" and / or 52 "Currency accounts". And in parallel, account 009 "Securities for obligations and payments issued" is debited.

If pledged different kinds property other than money, then regardless of the location of this property, it remains on the balance sheet of the mortgagor, and the fact of its being pledged is reflected in the debit of account 009 "Securities for obligations and payments issued." If the pledge is returned by the counterparty in installments, then in installments it will also be debited from account 009 "Securities for obligations and payments issued."

Analytical accounting is kept in the context of contracts under which guarantees were issued to counterparties.

Account 010 "Depreciation of fixed assets"

Account 010 "Depreciation of fixed assets" is intended to summarize information on the movement of depreciation amounts for housing facilities, external improvement facilities and other similar facilities (forestry, roads, specialized structures for navigation, etc.), as well as for non-profit organizations on fixed assets. Depreciation on the specified objects is made at the end of the year according to the established norms of depreciation.

When individual objects are retired (including sale, gratuitous transfer, etc.), the depreciation amount for them is debited from account 010 "Depreciation of fixed assets".

Analytical accounting on account 010 "Depreciation of fixed assets" is carried out for each object.

For a number of fixed assets (they are listed in the above instructions) in Soviet time decided not to charge depreciation. The objects appeared in the balance sheet, but did not have depreciation. And then one of the conductors of accounting methodology was somehow upset: everyone has depreciation, everything wears out, even human body, and here there are objects that are clearly wearing out, and the accounting department passes by and does not notice this. And these conductors came up with:

  • depreciate one fixed asset and show depreciation on the balance sheet;
  • do not depreciate other fixed assets on balance accounts, but introduce a special off-balance account and reflect depreciation on it. This account has survived to this day.

This is the "birthmark" of socialism. It has survived to our times. But such a decision had its own logic and it must be understood.

According to Marxism, depreciation is the transfer of value created by past labor to newly created value. Based on this premise: the housing stock, objects of external improvement (for example, monuments to great people, etc. objects), although they are on the balance sheets of enterprises, nevertheless, nothing is transferred to any produced objects, since they belong to the sphere of consumption and not to the manufacturing sector. Consequently, the accountants, weary of political economic reasoning, said, we will not depreciate these objects. However, Marxism served as a smokescreen here. Refusing depreciation, the administration reduced the cost. Now, fortunately, all this is a memory of the past.

Another circumstance is much more important. Not commercial organizations, including budget ones, do not show depreciation on the balance sheet because they do not create new values ​​\u200b\u200band, therefore, as soon as they acquire fixed assets, this object is completely depreciated from them at that moment. Since such organizations do not create income, there is no way to stretch the process of writing off expenses, which should be correlated with income.

Based on conditions market economy, commercial organizations should generally depreciate all fixed assets, and non-profit organizations should not know what depreciation is at all.

The compilers of the instruction, however, as if pitying the labor efforts of accountants, recommend charging not depreciation, but depreciation, and only once a year, and not monthly.

The accrual is made by posting:

Debit 010 "Depreciation of fixed assets"

and each year of operation increases debit entries. Curiously, depreciation in an off-balance sheet account is shown as a debit, and not as a credit of the account, as is the case with balance accounts. The fact is that all off-balance accounts have only a debit balance and, therefore, they are all active.

Only when the fixed asset is written off, the depreciation of which is charged on account 010 "Depreciation of fixed assets", only then this account is credited.

Depreciation does not increase the organization's expenses and, therefore, does not reduce the amount of income tax it pays. However, the depreciation operation is beneficial in calculating property tax payments. The fact is that when calculating the average annual value of property, fixed assets are always taken at residual value. The latter is determined by subtracting from the initial (replacement) cost (balance of account 01 "Fixed assets") not only the amounts of accrued depreciation (balance of account 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets"), but also the amounts of accrued depreciation (balance of account 010 "Depreciation of fixed assets") .

And the last remark. The compilers of the instruction make a terminological distinction between the concepts of depreciation and depreciation. They believe that depreciation occurs when this process (depreciation of fixed assets) is accounted for on the balance sheet account 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets", but if the object is accounted for on the off-balance account 010 "Depreciation of fixed assets", then, according to the compilers, there is no depreciation, but there is depreciation. This is an incorrect manipulation of the Latin and Russian equivalents. They are equivalent and adequate to each other, especially since in all cases they reflect the depreciation (depreciation) of objects accounted for on account 01 "Fixed assets".

Analytical accounting is maintained for specific items of depreciable fixed assets.

Account 011 "Fixed assets leased out"

Account 011 "Fixed assets leased out" is intended to summarize information on the availability and movement of fixed assets leased out, if, under the terms of the lease agreement, the property must be accounted for on the balance sheet of the lessee (tenant).

Leased fixed assets are recorded on account 011 "Fixed assets leased" in the assessment specified in the lease agreements.

Analytical accounting on account 011 "Fixed assets leased out" is carried out by tenants, for each item of fixed assets leased out. Leased fixed assets located outside Russian Federation, are accounted for on account 011 "Fixed assets leased out" separately.

Off-balance accounts presented in the chart of accounts, in essence, start from one account: 001 "Leased fixed assets" and the same (almost the same) account and end with 011 "Leased fixed assets". The first account is maintained by the tenant, and the other, the same, by the landlord.

If all accounts were balance sheet, then instead of account 001 "Rented fixed assets", these objects would be accounted for on account 01 "Fixed assets", and the credit of account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" would show the debt to the lessor. After all, in essence, rent is only a loan provided not in the form of money, but in the form of fixed assets, i.e. in all cases, one participant in the economic process temporarily uses the assets (property) of another participant.

The lessor must debit account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors", crediting account 01 "Fixed assets", i.e. the structure of the asset changes: instead of fixed assets, which are no longer there, there is a receivable from the lessee to the lessor.

In this case, the following records are required:

Debit 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets" Credit 01 "Fixed assets" Debit 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" Credit 91.1 "Other income" - if as a result of leasing the object, its value, against the balance sheet, has increased.

We have deviated somewhat from the topic. This is not the practice of a chart of accounts. This is the practice of outdated legal concepts, the practice of such our accounting anachronism as off-balance accounts. They have outlived their time, because accounting accounts should be balance or they should not be at all.
