Preparing women for the birth of a child. Proper preparation of men for conception

People talk about conceiving a child famous saying: “A bad thing is simple.” Not true! How clever! How to prepare for conception? How to give birth to a healthy baby? Is it possible to plan the gender of the unborn child? We will try to answer these questions for you.

Three months before the event

It happens that the news about a future child comes as a complete surprise to parents (especially young ones). I hope you enjoy it. Obviously, it was the happy people who came up with the saying about a bad and simple thing. But this is not true: the birth of a child is the most important event in the life of every family. Why not prepare for it properly?

If you want everything to be okay with your heir, first of all, you need to take care of your own health. And this must be done long before conception. The ideal is to lead a healthy lifestyle, especially for women, because the supply of eggs is laid at birth, and therefore even bad habits of early youth can affect a child born in adulthood. It’s easier for men - the sperm supply is renewed in about two and a half months. In practice, the last three months before conception are especially important for both parents.

What can you do in these three months? Quite a lot.


The expectant mother, as you understand, should eat well, receiving all the necessary vitamins and microelements. True, when creating a menu for a woman who dreams of becoming a mother, you need to take into account some nuances. First, pay attention to folic acid (it belongs to the B vitamins). Some doctors believe that even if you include foods rich in these vitamins in your diet (for example, bran bread and green vegetables), a woman who dreams of becoming pregnant can start taking additional medications three months before the expected conception folic acid(up to 0.4 mg daily).

But it’s better to forget about smoked meats, spicy dishes, and soft cheeses. To avoid salmonella infection, you should be careful with soft-boiled eggs, rare steaks and raw milk. One more nuance: when thinking about your vitamin balance, you should not eat too many foods containing vitamin A (for example, carrots). This is definitely a useful vitamin large quantities may harm the fetus.

As for the diet of the future dad, it is useful for him to eat not only vegetables, but also meat. After all, protein is the main “building material” for creating a high-quality “seed fund”.

Down with bad habits.

If you smoke, quit! This applies to both future parents. Smoking is very dangerous for health in general, and for reproductive health in particular. Smoking women are less likely to become pregnant. The testes of a smoking man produce fewer sperm (and some of them are not viable). A child carried by a smoking mother constantly experiences oxygen starvation. Children born to mothers who never parted with cigarettes weigh, on average, 300 grams less. A mother who smokes has a higher risk of giving birth to a stillborn baby.

Alcohol also has a bad effect on reproductive health - both male and female. Therefore, ideally, three to four months before the expected conception, it is better to give up alcohol altogether. IN as a last resort, you can afford a glass of beer or half a glass of dry wine a day. And immediately before conception, you should strictly adhere to prohibition.

By the way

During conception - not a drop of alcohol!

Previously, it was believed that a few glasses drunk by a man on the eve of conception had no effect on the unborn child - after all, sperm matures two and a half months before. But the latest data obtained by Canadian doctors suggests that this is not the case. Alcohol has an immediate and detrimental effect on the seminal fluid, which maintains the viability of sperm. In addition, every man produces a certain number of “spoiled” germ cells. With sober conception, sick and defective sperm have virtually no chance of winning the race for the egg. In a man who decides to drink before conception, defective sperm have an equal chance with healthy ones. This means that the risk of having a child with genetic disorders increases.

Get examined by a doctor. An expectant mother who has not had rubella in childhood should be vaccinated against this disease, which leads to severe defects in fetal development during pregnancy. The vaccination is done three months before the expected conception, and all these three months should be carefully protected. Speaking of protection, if you use birth control pills or IUDs, you should stop using them, switch to condoms or membranes and wait until your menstrual cycle normalizes.

Talk to your GP about the medications you are taking; some of them may need to be stopped. If you have an X-ray examination (even one prescribed by a dentist), have it done no later than three months before your expected pregnancy. One more thing - at the same time it would not be superfluous to do an analysis for TORCH infections.

Healthy lifestyle.

Outdoor walks, reasonable physical exercise- all this is needed not only for those who are going to become parents. Therefore, it is not worth dwelling on this point in detail. However, there is one caveat for future fathers: even if you have beautiful legs and butt, and skinny jeans suit you, when preparing to become a dad, give preference to loose trousers. And, for God's sake, throw away your sexy swim trunks and buy yourself some roomy cotton family briefs. Tight underwear and clothing lead to overheating of the seminal glands and deterioration of the viability of the seed. And a man in family shorts looks no less attractive than in tight swimming trunks. So touching...

So, you have taken all the measures and made sure that your health is all right. Now - the next step.

Choosing a time...

A woman is capable of conceiving once a month for about 3-4 days, when a mature egg leaves the ovary, enters the fallopian tube and waits there to meet a sperm. If the meeting takes place “at the highest level,” the fertilized egg begins to divide, gradually moving towards the uterus (its mucous membrane at this time “looses” to accept the unborn child). The fetus then attaches to the lining of the uterus and grows to be born within nine months. If fertilization does not occur, the uterus, without waiting for the result, rejects this mucous membrane along with the blood - menstruation begins.

So, in order to calculate the favorable time for conception, you need to find out when ovulation began. It occurs, as you already understood, approximately in the middle of the monthly cycle - that is, somewhere on the 14th day after the start of menstruation. The method of measuring basal temperature will help to calculate the onset of ovulation more accurately. It is measured every morning without getting out of bed. The thermometer is not inserted under the mouse, but into anus. Before ovulation, the basal temperature is below 37°C (36.6–36.8°C). On the day of ovulation it drops to 36.2–36.4°C, and the next day it rises above 37°C. Modern methods Ultrasound examinations can also determine the exact time of ovulation - ultrasound shows the disappearance of the ripening follicle in the ovary. Recently, even special tests have appeared (like an express pregnancy test) that help accurately determine the day of ovulation.

However, such precision is needed when parents set themselves the task of conceiving a child of a certain gender (we will talk about this below). But there are simpler methods: during ovulation, the mucus covering the cervix becomes more liquid (and, therefore, the discharge on the panty liner becomes more abundant). In addition, many women report that they feel the egg leaving the ovary - appearing briefly nagging pain on the side of the lower abdomen.

But ovulation in the middle of the monthly cycle does not always occur, firstly: one or two cycles per year in a completely healthy woman are “sterile”: the body takes a time out. Secondly, for some, ovulation does not occur in the middle of the cycle, but occurs immediately after menstruation. There are also women who experience several ovulations in one monthly cycle. However, they are rather concerned with the problem of “how NOT to get pregnant.”

But now, the days are counted, the schedules are drawn up. Forward!

By the way

We sleep with light!

Doctors have come to the conclusion that a too long menstrual cycle (more than 30 days) is unfavorable for conception. But this problem can be helped. Experts from the University of California have proposed a simple way to normalize the cycle: from the 13th to the 17th day from the start of menstruation, leave a table lamp next to the bed on all night. The fact is that the monthly cycle depends on the lunar one. The “exemplary” cycle is not only 28 days long (like the lunar cycle), but often also adjusts to the lunar one: menstruation begins on the new moon, and ovulation begins on the full moon. Then it’s clear why you need a lamp by the bed: the lamp pretends that it’s... a full moon!

...And we do!

How? The main thing is to have fun. There are different opinions about which position is most suitable for conception (and whether this position is important at all!). Some sources insist that it is better to stick to the classic missionary position or the “from behind” position. Others believe that, in fact, the position does not affect conception at all: healthy, motile sperm actively rush towards the goal and reach it in just a few minutes.

In order to have enough sperm (the minimum concentration of motile sperm is more than 16 million/ml), some authorities advise having a measured sex life - no more than three times a week. I even read about the case of one couple who could not have children for a long time. It turned out that they tried too hard and made love several times a day. From such exploits, the seed of a potential father became completely “thin.” And when, on the advice of a doctor, they moderated their ardor, the result was not slow to show.

What depends on the woman? After making love, she shouldn’t immediately rush into the shower - it’s better to lie quietly for ten to fifteen minutes. At this time you need to completely relax and think about pleasant things. It is very important! After sexual intercourse, the fallopian tubes begin to contract, helping sperm reach their target. And if a woman is worried, this mechanism goes astray, and conception becomes unlikely.

Another nuance: it is easier for a woman to become pregnant if she... does not reach the peak of pleasure. Why does orgasm interfere? The fact is that at this moment the muscles contract, the cervix rises, and it is more difficult for sperm to penetrate inside. But if they do penetrate, they are the quickest and most selective. And the fastest ones carry the twenty-third Y chromosome - so a woman experiencing orgasm has a greater chance of becoming pregnant with a boy.

Well, we finally got to planning the sex of the child.

If it doesn't work out right away

The statistics on this issue look like this. Let's say there are 100 healthy married couples who are sexually active 2-3 times a week. 60 of them have a chance to conceive a child within six months. A year later, eighty already have a chance. After two years of trying, pregnancy occurs in 90% of married couples.

If you don’t have serious health problems, but the child still doesn’t work out, maybe you should... look at yourself in the mirror? The pursuit of slimness and the desire to become a mother are incompatible things. A lack of just 3–5 kilograms of weight leads to ovulation disorders; in overly slender models, menstruation may stop altogether. Over 10 kilograms of excess weight can also lead to reproductive health problems.

“Little boy? Nat?! Who?!!!"

I’ll say right away - in my opinion, if the gender of a child could be “ordered” just like that, it would be terrible. After all, it was not in vain that nature provided a clear balance between the number of girls and boys born.

Fortunately, almost all advertised “ways” to make a child of the desired gender are clean water quackery. So I immediately advise: do not look for “Chinese tables” of sex planning, do not calculate when your and your husband’s “blood is renewed” - it will not be of any use. But as for the tables - out of curiosity, I calculated who, based on them, I myself and several of my friends should have given birth to. The reliability, as you would expect, is 50:50. Also recommended special diets: if you want a boy, eat more meat, if you want a girl, limit yourself to light food. Well, if you are satisfied with this diet, eat to your health. But the result will still be random.

However, there is one way. It is not 100% effective, but success in 80% of cases is an excellent result. The method is based on the difference between sperm with an X- and Y-chromosome. “Girl” sperm carrying the X chromosome are slower, but also more tenacious.

The nimble “boy” sperm are able to reach the goal faster, but they also die faster, while the “girl” sperm can “live” in the fallopian tube for several days, maintaining the ability to fertilize.

So, first you need to accurately calculate the day of ovulation. It's a good idea to track how your body behaves over several months in order to predict the moment of ovulation in advance with an accuracy of one or two days. What will be our next steps? Let's say we want a boy. Everything is very simple - a few days before ovulation we abstain from intimacy. As soon as there is a tug in the lower abdomen, and the test shows the beginning of ovulation, quickly put a boy in bed. After all, as you remember, quick Y-sperm have a better chance of reaching the egg.

Well, what if the plan is for a girl? Then you should have sex two to three days before expected ovulation (pre-made schedules will come in handy here). After that we refrain and wait. In a couple of days, the “boy” sperm will die, and the slow and tenacious “girl” sperm will most likely wait for a mature egg. By the way, the “French diet”, which suggests eating salad for the birth of girls, is intended precisely to make it easier for half-starved spouses to abstain from intimacy for several days.

Funny signs

Different nations had various signs and customs associated with the birth of a child of a certain gender. The ancient Chinese believed that in order to have a boy, a woman should make love with her head to the north, and to conceive a girl, she should make love to the south.

According to the ancient Indian method, in order to conceive a son, the husband had to breathe through the right nostril (20 minutes after switching from the left), and the wife, on the contrary, through the left nostril (20 minutes after switching from the right). The Germans simply believed that boys were conceived in dry weather, and girls in rainy weather. Therefore, in the spring after a rainy summer, expect a harvest of girls.

Courageous mothers of sons

British doctors have discovered a relationship between high level the male sex hormone testosterone in the mother's blood and the birth of boys. Courageous, independent women with an iron character (as well as hairy legs and fluff on the upper lip) have a great chance of producing a football team. Well, or part of it. And soft, gentle, feminine people with plump butts and thin voices are more likely to give birth to girls.

Good luck to you in the noble cause of continuing the human race!

Having a child is one of the most responsible and important decisions in a couple’s life. Not all expectant mothers and fathers correctly assess the degree of their psychological and physical readiness for the birth of a baby, so before deciding to take this step, you should prepare.

Reminder for women on preparing for conception

1. Full examination. Family planning is not a waste of time, but an urgent necessity. Even future mom believes that she has good health, a full examination is necessary. Visit a therapist, urologist, gynecologist, geneticist, take the necessary tests: from identifying hereditary genetic abnormalities or diseases to standard tests for infection. A visit to the dentist would also be a good idea: everyone knows that diseased gums and teeth not only spoil a woman’s well-being, but also negatively affect her health. digestive system. And if you consider that it is undesirable for pregnant women to have their teeth treated (certain pain-relieving injections and x-rays cannot be given), then it is better to take care of this before conception.

2. Nutrition and weight control. Even before you see the two coveted lines on the test, you need to eat a balanced and regular diet. Include in your diet healthy foods– lean meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, grains, limit the consumption of fried, spicy foods. Control your weight: It's equally difficult to be underweight or overweight, so try to bring it back to normal. If necessary, consult a nutritionist.


Bad habits. Bad habits include not only alcohol, smoking and drug addiction, but also less noticeable ones, but also not beneficial. The harm of alcohol, nicotine, drugs and other substances has already been proven: they can cause miscarriage, developmental defects in the child, cause premature birth. So you need to start cleansing your body in advance. Also, limit your caffeine intake - it has a very negative effect in the first 4 months of pregnancy and can cause miscarriage or birth defects. of cardio-vascular system fruit, limit the consumption of carbonated drinks, strong tea, and forget about fast food and unhealthy foods for a while.

4. Take vitamins. A few months before conception, you should start taking folic acid - this drug can be bought at the pharmacy, and you can also eat broccoli, legumes, oranges, and liver. Monitor the level of iron and B vitamins in your body - they are very necessary for the normal development of the fetus in the first trimester. If you have a chronic disease, conception is not recommended during its exacerbation.

5. Take care of yourself. To avoid catching the virus just before conception, take measures: have less contact with sick people, don’t catch a cold, dress for the weather. Not the least role is played by physical exercise: if a woman leads a sedentary lifestyle, then during pregnancy her ligaments and joints will have a hard time. A few months before conception, start doing exercises, exercises in the gym, join a fitness club, and walk more. And, of course, the psychological attitude: try not to worry about trifles and firmly believe that everything will be fine. By following simple rules, you will not only prepare yourself for pregnancy, but also join a healthy lifestyle.

Memo to men

Not only the woman, but also the man bears the responsibility for a successful conception. And if representatives of the fair sex, before such an important step, begin to read books about pregnancy and childbirth, then men are more cool about this. So, how can a man prepare for the process of conception?

1. Visit to the doctor. This is especially important if a man suffers from a chronic form of any disease and takes medications. Some medications, including some antibiotics, steroids, or hormones, may impair male fertility, so ask your doctor about this. Do not abuse and folk remedies: Even seemingly harmless herbs like St. John's wort can worsen sperm quality. If a man plays sports professionally, he should give up steroid drugs. Get tested for infections, visit a urologist, a geneticist (he will do special screening tests to find out if you have chromosomal or genetic disorders).

2. Healthy food and vitamins. If your wife asks you to give up grilled chicken or chips and replace them with boiled meat or steamed vegetables, meet her. Proper nutrition Just as important as physical health is for a couple preparing to conceive. An incorrect diet can affect the quantity and quality of sperm: men should take folic acid, zinc (found in meat, eggs, seafood), vitamin C. To increase fertility, doctors often prescribe multivitamin complexes.

3. Bad habits. Alcohol, smoking, and drugs are not the best companions for a future dad. So, if you have always wanted to quit smoking, but there was no compelling reason, it’s time to think about it. Bad habits lead to a decrease in the number and motility of sperm, which means it will be much more difficult to conceive a baby. In addition, your lifestyle can also affect your child: frequent consumption of alcohol or smoking mixtures leads to defects in fetal development.

4. Work. Think about how safe your workplace. Other harmful substances can also affect the quality of sperm: pesticides, organic solvents (in car shops, dry cleaners, car washes, chemical plants). They can cause changes in the composition of sperm and subsequent defects in fetal development, so it is advisable to choose less dangerous look activities. Lead an active lifestyle: play sports, get out into nature more often, avoid saunas, steam baths, and hot baths for a while - heat negatively affects the maturation of sperm.

5.Psychological attitude. Try to worry less: in rare couples, conception succeeds the first time. In addition, men often experience fear before their wife’s pregnancy: they are afraid that the wife’s figure will change or that she will love the child much more than her husband. In fact, a wonderful person will appear in your family who will love mom and dad equally, so throw all fears out of your head and enjoy every moment!

A guarantee of the birth of a healthy and strong baby is mandatory planning for the upcoming pregnancy. Parental health is a fundamental factor in successful pregnancy and successful birth. Therefore, future father and mother must undergo preliminary training. A woman must undergo a full examination, take tests, treat detected infections, etc. What is the preparation of a man for conceiving a child, how important and necessary it is.

Why prepare?

Not all future fathers are able to realize the importance of their preparation for conception. They simply don’t understand that planning determines how quickly they can get pregnant, how healthy the baby will be, etc.

  • If a man has hidden sexually transmitted infections, he can easily infect his wife, which in the process of bearing a baby leads to unforeseen complications and even the threat of spontaneous abortion.
  • The future father may not be sick, but be a carrier of hidden hereditary genetic pathologies. Moreover, sometimes a man has no idea about their existence. And at this time, the risk of inheriting these pathologies from the father only increases. That is why it is important for a man to undergo a thorough screening examination before conceiving a child.
  • In some cases, due to ignoring the rules of preparation and planning, the couple waits for a very long time, but fails to get pregnant. It’s just that sperm, due to poor nutrition and unhealthy habits, lose mobility, become lethargic and cannot reach the egg. The couple has been trying for months to conceive a baby, however, there are no results.

A man just needs to admit that he may be the reason for such a delay in pregnancy, consult an andrologist and undergo a spermogram to assess the condition of male sperm.

Preparation stages

Men's preparation for conception involves a lot of activities such as medical examination, procedures to increase fertility, healthy image life and balanced nutrition, harmonious relationships in the family. It is recommended to begin preparation three months in advance, so that if any infectious processes are detected, the body has time to recover after treatment. It is recommended to start the examination with a urologist, then a therapist. At the same time, you need to give up alcohol and cigarettes, and the woman too. The health of the fetus will depend entirely on the lifestyle of the future parents. Smoking alone can cause erection problems and menstrual irregularities.

Get tested

Men also need to undergo a comprehensive examination in order to have a picture of their own health and soberly assess the degree of risk of the unborn child developing possible anomalies and hereditary pathologies. If a woman or spouse happens to have children with pathological disorders in their family, then they must definitely visit a geneticist, gynecologist and andrologist, as well as highly specialized doctors, which will allow them to avoid unhealthy offspring.

A detailed examination in such a situation will guarantee a successful conception. Necessary treatment of identified pathologies should take place before pregnancy. It is imperative to do tests for sexually transmitted pathologies, hepatitis B and C types, human immunodeficiency virus and syphilis, as well as fluorographic examination. If one of the spouses is diagnosed with HIV or some kind of hepatitis, the likelihood of a miscarriage increases. And the presence of sexually transmitted infections often becomes the cause of fetal pathologies. If parents take care of their health in advance, they will lay the foundation for the safe development of their baby.

Increase fertility

How else can men prepare for conceiving a child? Increasing fertility, which involves improving sperm quality, also doesn't hurt.

Nutrition Basics

A man preparing to become a father will have to reconsider his taste preferences, giving up colored soda, fast food or fried food. The correct menu for the future father should consist of fish and dishes made exclusively from lean meat. It is better to replace pasta and potatoes with porridge, and mayonnaise with sunflower seed oil. Also, preparing for conceiving a child requires the mandatory inclusion of fresh fruit and vegetable juices or simply vegetable salads and fruits in the diet.

If a man is not used to getting vitamins from food, then he needs to take special complex preparations. It is necessary to ensure that enough folic acid is supplied with food, because if it is insufficient, the number of active sperm decreases. If a man preparing to become a father is faced with a similar problem, then he needs to take special vitamins that increase fertility.

The male body is quite dependent on zinc content. If it is not enough, then it is recommended to take a vitamin course with zinc, which will normalize testosterone and increase the volume of ejaculate. A man should definitely eat vitamin C, found in citrus fruits and asparagus, broccoli and peppers, melon and kiwi, tangerines and grapefruit.

healthy lifestyle

If the family has decided that it is necessary to have a child, then the man will have to give up parties and friendly gatherings in dubious establishments. After all, the quality of sperm rapidly deteriorates due to the use of alcohol, cigarettes or drugs. According to research, when you abuse these substances, not only does the number of sperm decrease, but the motility of those that you still have decreases. Therefore, it is worth making it a rule that you need to give up smoking, drinking alcohol and using light drugs.

With frequent exposure to smoky rooms, fertility begins to suffer from passive smoking. Moreover, sperm deficiency is not the only problem from such addictions as smoking and alcohol. If a man drinks alcohol every day for about a month before conception, even if it’s just a bottle of beer or a shot of vodka with dinner, then the children born from him will almost inevitably suffer from underweight, which will immediately affect the baby’s health.

Under the influence of alcohol, blood vessels actively dilate, slowing blood flow and causing hyperedema. Vascular permeability is impaired, destruction and atrophy occurs in prostatic tissues. Ethanol leads to shrinkage of the testicles, causes disruption of the spermatogenic epithelial layer in the testicular tubules, and reduces the concentration of sperm in the seminal fluid. Therefore, advice regarding a healthy lifestyle in planning is quite reasonable.

Protecting the body from external aggressors

Often enough environment is hidden threat for male seed material. What is this connected with? If a man works in hazardous work, then chemical exposure cannot be avoided. Such aggressive substances include:

  1. Paint and varnish pairs;
  2. X-rays;
  3. Exhaust gases;
  4. Pesticides;
  5. Heavy metals;
  6. Ionizing radiation;
  7. Organic solvents that men come into contact with in car dealerships and dry cleaners.

These toxic substances change the sperm composition, which often results in premature birth and various fetal defects. How to conceive a child correctly? Full maturation of a healthy generation of sperm takes about 3 months, so it is during this period before the intended conception that the toxic effects of chemicals must be eliminated.

Of course, the best guarantee of a successful pregnancy will be a harmonious relationship between spouses. How can a man properly prepare for conceiving a child? A tender attitude and expressions of love will prepare a strong foundation for further joint concerns related to childbirth and caring for the newborn in the first postpartum months.

All existing disagreements and tension in the relationship must be resolved by the spouses before pregnancy, otherwise nervous overexcitation, stress and depression can easily provoke a miscarriage. Bearing and giving birth to a joint child is a wonderful, but difficult moment in the life of spouses. Only with mutual understanding and harmony in the relationship will a couple easily survive any difficulties.

The right approach to choosing underwear

According to scientists, wearing the wrong underwear affects a man's fertilizing abilities. If a man constantly wears tight swimming trunks, the testicles overheat, which has a suppressive effect on spermatogenesis. In addition, tight underwear impairs blood circulation in the genital structures, which also negatively affects the formation and quality of sperm.

Therefore, more is required from a man serious attitude to the choice of panties. It is better to prefer boxers, wearing which significantly increases the couple’s chances of conceiving. Therefore, changing underwear can be considered as a stage of preparation for proper conception.

Bicycles and saunas are prohibited

Preparation also includes avoiding procedures that cause overheating of the testicles. These include a bathhouse, sauna, hydromassage or just a hot bath. The reason for the refusal is that high temperatures kill sperm. Therefore, after the next bath with a good park in the next three months, the seed material will be renewed and restored. Therefore, one of the points on how a man can prepare for conception is protection from overheating and avoidance of such bath procedures. The testicular glands function best in cool conditions, which is why the temperature in the scrotum is a couple of degrees lower than the normal temperature of the male body.

It is also recommended that men avoid frequent cycling, because the pressure of the seat on the perineum causes a decrease in motor activity and sperm count, and also reduces sperm volume. The personal participation of a man in planning and compliance with the standards of preparation for conception will allow the couple to become pregnant, carry and give birth to a strong baby.

Preparing for conception: how to behave and what to do

Having received the green light from your doctor after the first stage of planning healthy pregnancy and passing tests, you can proceed to the next step - preparation for conception. It implies the exclusion of any negative influences on the female and.

In the literature you can find a warning that a woman should protect herself from harmful factors that interfere with pregnancy, even from childhood. The mother still monitors the girl’s health, but adolescence and a little older - control weakens. Young girls, and even boys, rarely listen to their mother’s warnings. The words seem so distant to them: pregnancy, children, childbirth. And there are so many temptations: tobacco, alcohol, promiscuity, etc. But the worst thing is their availability.

Therefore, you will most likely have to start from your current state of health, established lifestyle and habits. Everything bad will have to be removed!

Preparing to conceive a child. Lifestyle

Negative circumstances in our Everyday life can be hidden in the most ordinary everyday things and actions. We simply don't think about them. We won't talk about smoking or... So much has been said and written about these things. And, it goes without saying that they do not bring any benefit to babies.

Preparing for conception is an important time, spend it correctly and profitably. The baby is unlikely to be grateful to you for this, but you will know that you did everything in your power for his health.
