My grandmother's recipes. My Grandma's Recipes Special Diet 5p

Diet 5 table is one of the specialized methods of therapeutic nutrition created by Dr. M. I. Pevzner. It is great for people who suffer from pathologies of the liver, gallbladder and biliary tract.

This diet does not imply restrictions in kilocalories, but drastically reduces the presence of foods containing fats and "bad" cholesterol in the menu. But it is allowed to eat a lot of vegetables and sweet baked or boiled fruits. Under a categorical ban is such a method of cooking as frying in a pan or deep-fried.

The goal of the diet is to reduce the burden on the liver and biliary system by introducing healthy food into the body.

Basic principles of diet number 5:

    Sufficient content in the menu of carbohydrate and protein foods.

    Cut back on foods containing fat.

    Allowed methods of heat treatment of food are boiling and baking. You can stew dishes very rarely.

    You should only wipe foods that contain a lot of fiber. If the meat is sinewy, then it should be chopped into small pieces.

    Do not eat foods that contain purines and oxalic acid.

    You can not include in the menu dishes that increase gas formation in the intestines. These are products containing coarse fiber, extractive substances that provoke the production of digestive juices.

    The amount of salt in the diet should be limited.

    You need to eat food at least 4-5 times a day. Portions should be small.

    Be sure to drink water on an empty stomach.

Diet 5 table is a therapeutic diet, so it has certain indications:

    Inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis).



    Surgical interventions for the removal of the gallbladder.

What can you eat on diet number 5?

The daily diet involves eating foods that meet a given calorie content and chemical composition:

    No more than 80 g of proteins. Of these, half of the proteins should be of plant origin, and the other half of animal origin.

    No more than 90 g of fat. Moreover, the share of vegetable fats should account for about 30%.

    No more than 400 g of carbohydrates.

    At least 1.5 liters of water, more is possible.

    No more than 2800 kcal. To clarify the number of kilocalories, an individual calculation will be required.

    No more than 10 g of salt.

In order for the liver to function in full, it is possible to take hepatoprotective drugs during the diet, for example, Essentiale forte or Karsila.

Foods that can be eaten during diet number 5:


Approved Products

    Black tea with lemon or milk. Tea can be sweetened, but not too much. In addition to sugar, xylitol can be added to tea.

    Rosehip in the form of a decoction.

    If a person tolerates juices well, then they can also be drunk, but first diluted with water.

    Grated compotes from dried fruits and fresh fruits.

    Kissels and fruit drinks with a little added sugar.

Soups (main meal)

    Vegetable soups with the addition of potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots.

    Cereal soups with buckwheat, semolina, rice. You can cook soup with noodles.

    Soup dressing: 10 g sour cream or 5 g butter.

    Fruit soups.

    Milk soups with pasta.

    Borscht in low-fat broth.

    Shchi vegetable.


    Soup with peas (legumes need to be added a little).

    Soup with pearl barley.

Porridges and cereals

    Viscous and pureed cereals with buckwheat, oatmeal, rice. You can cook porridge in water or milk (milk is diluted 50% with water).

    Cereal dishes: casseroles, soufflés, puddings. You can add cottage cheese and vermicelli to dishes.

    Pilaf with dried fruits.

    Muesli that does not contain prohibited additives.


    Bulgur, couscous.

    Millet porridge.

    Flax seed.


    You can add any products from the list of allowed products to the paste.

Meat and meat products, fish

    Veal, rabbit, beef without fat. The bird must be skinless: chicken and turkey are allowed. The meat is steamed, boiled, ground, chopped (for making cutlets, mashed potatoes, dumplings, soufflés). If the meat is soft, then it can be cooked in one piece.

    Milk sausages can be eaten in small quantities.

    Low-fat fish: hake, pollock, zander, tuna, cod. Fish can be boiled, baked (after boiling). Fish fillets can be used to make meatballs, dumplings and soufflés. Fish is included in the menu no more than 3 times in 7 days.

    Fresh oysters.

    In a small amount, it is allowed to include squid and shrimp in the menu.

    It is allowed to eat salmon, but only as a snack.

    Dumplings with minced chicken and veal. The only way to cook dumplings is by boiling.

    Boiled and baked horsemeat.

    Boiled or steamed chicken breast.

    Bread made from bran or rye flour.

    Dried bread from flour of the first and second grade.

  • Cookies: biscuit and unsweetened dry.

    Dried biscuit.

    Wheat slices.

    Bread with no artificial additives.

Fermented milk products, milk and products based on it

    Sour cream is low fat.

    Mild cheeses in small quantities.

    Kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, milk, fat content of products should not exceed 2%. The maximum daily volume is 200 ml

    From cottage cheese you can cook lazy dumplings, bake cheesecakes, casseroles and puddings.


    Small amount of feta cheese.

    Yoghurts that do not contain artificial additives.

    Potatoes, cauliflower and Beijing, pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, beets. These vegetables can be boiled and baked, but consumed only in grated form.

    In not large quantities it is allowed to include various salads in the menu, for example, iceberg, corn, romano.

    Small portions can be eaten bell pepper.

    Sea cabbage.

  • Tomatoes in small quantities. If the disease is in the acute stage, then they are excluded from the menu.

    Steamed or baked green beans.

    Broccoli and celery, boiled or steamed.

Berries and fruits

    Soft sweet apples. They can be eaten raw, baked, ground.

    Banana, but not more than 1 pc. in a day.

    Compotes from dried fruits and fruits.

    Mousses and jellies with the addition of a sugar substitute.

    In small quantities, grenades can be included in the menu. Patients with hemochromatosis should not eat pomegranates.


    Two pieces of watermelon a day.

    Dried melon and papaya, dried apricots. These fruits are added to salads, in small quantities. IN pure form they are prohibited for consumption.

    Fruit puree, which are allowed for table number 5.

    No more than 30 g of butter per day.

    Refined vegetable oil (no more than 15 g per day). The oil is used as a salad dressing.

    Olive oil can be consumed in small amounts.

    You can cook an omelette from eggs, boil them. You can not eat more than 2 quail eggs per day and no more than half of the chicken yolk in the dishes.

    Vegetable salads with dressing vegetable oil.

    Caviar from zucchini.

    Soaked slightly salted herring.

    Sea fish after pre-cooking.

    Gefilte fish.

    Boiled meat in seafood salads.

    Vinaigrette with the addition of allowed vegetables.

    Sauerkraut, which is pre-washed from salt.

Condiments and sauces

    Fruit sauce with flour. It is not fried ahead of time.

    Milk, vegetable and sour cream sauce.

    No more than 10 g of salt per day.

    Dill and parsley.

    Vanillin and cinnamon.

    Small amounts of soy sauce can be added to dishes.


    Boiled and baked fruits and berries. The main condition: they should not be sour.

    Dried fruit compote, fresh dried fruits, but in small quantities.

    Jelly, kissels, mousses.


    Sweets that do not contain cocoa and chocolate.

    Jam, which is best added to tea or made into fruit drink. The jam should not be too sweet or too sour.

    Small amounts of sugar can be consumed.

    Vareniki with potatoes, cabbage or berries. The dough is prepared on water and flour, slightly salted.

  • One gingerbread per day. Chocolate products are prohibited.

    Turkish delight and nougat, which do not contain nuts.

    Caramels are soft, without seeds, sesame and nuts.

    Biscuit, but no more than one piece per day.

What can not be eaten on diet number 5?


Prohibited Products

    Coffee and cocoa.

  • All drinks with gas, cold drinks.

    Any alcoholic drinks, even with a small degree.

  • Green tea, knotweed grass, stevia leaves.

    Whey milk.

    Freshly pressed juices, industrial juices.

    Fish soups.

    Meat soups.

    Mushroom soups.

    Sorrel soup.

    Soup with spinach

    Soups with beans.

    Any crumb.

Cereals and cereals

  • In limited quantities, you can eat barley, corn, barley porridge.



    Pasta with any fatty sauces.

    Pasta with the addition of products from the prohibited list.

    Pasta with spicy tomato sauce.

Fish, meat, meat products

    Tongue, liver, kidneys.

  • Smoked products.

    Meat and canned fish.

    All animal and cooking oils.

    Smoked and salted fish.

    Fatty fish: trout, salmon, catfish, sturgeon, carp, etc.

    Black and red caviar.

    Crab sticks.

    Products from puff and pastry.

    Donuts fried in oil.

  • The bread is fresh.

    Sweet dough crackers.

    Fried pies.

Dairy and dairy products

    Salted cheese.

    Dairy products are high in fat.


    Cream, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, milk, the percentage of fat content of which is more than 6.

Vegetables and mushrooms

    Any mushrooms, corn, spinach, rhubarb, sorrel, radish, radish, eggplant, asparagus.

    Garlic, green onion.

    Sweet pepper after heat treatment.

    Pickled vegetables.

    Canned vegetables, including canned green pea.

    Bitter, sour, spicy salads and herbs, including chicory, spinach, parsley, arugula, frieze and others. Although these components can be used as decorations for salads, or to add flavor to dishes. But their number should be minimal.

    Tomato paste.

    Raw white cabbage. After heat treatment, cabbage can be consumed, but in small quantities.

Berries and fruits

    In raw form, almost all berries and fruits, even sweet ones, are prohibited. You can not eat figs, raspberries, lingonberries, grapes, cranberries, oranges, kiwi, dates, tangerines, pears, melons, persimmons, pumpkin seeds, etc.

    Any nuts.

    Sunflower seeds.

    Fried eggs.

    Oil that has not been refined.

    Beef, lamb and pork fat.

    All cooking oils.

    Sausages and smoked meats.

    Fatty and spicy snacks.

    Pickled ginger.

    Olives and olives.

    All products that have been preserved.

    Dried tomatoes.

    Canned artichokes.

Sauces and condiments

    Ketchup and mayonnaise.

    Mustard and horseradish.

  • All spices.

    All sweets containing chocolate.

    Cream confectionery.

    Ice cream.

  • Fatty desserts.

    Chewing gum.

    Muesli bars.

    Sweets with sesame.



  • Condensed milk.

  • Kozinaki.

Table menu number 5 for the week

The presented menu differs in that it is compiled by professionals, therefore it is as balanced as possible. The body will receive all the vitamins and minerals it needs, but without burdening diseased organs.

You should eat in small portions, boil soups well. If hard meat is used for cooking, then it must first be cut into small pieces.

Dishes should not be too hot or too cold, they should be served warm. In the evening, before a night's rest, you can drink a glass of 1% fat kefir, or a rosehip broth. Herbal teas and medicinal mineral water are also allowed.

First meal

Main meal


Last meal

Oatmeal with dried fruits, black tea.

Vegetable soup, chicken baked in the oven, dried fruit compote.

Rosehip broth, cookies.

Mashed potatoes, steamed minced fish cutlet, tea.

Steam omelette, unsweetened tea.

Stuffed cabbage vegetable borscht, jelly.

Applesauce, oatmeal cookies.

Buckwheat with beef, rosehip broth.

Rice casserole, tea.

Vegetable soup with buckwheat, steam meatballs, compote.

Vegetable Salad.

Pilaf with meat, kefir.

Soft-boiled egg applesauce, tea with herbs.

Boiled turkey meat, mashed peas, sauerkraut, peach juice.

Dried biscuit, low-fat kefir.

Buckwheat with butter, bread with butter and cheese, jelly.

Milk noodle soup, tea with milk.

Potato soup, boiled fish, kissel.

Carrots and apples in a salad.

Mashed potatoes with meat, kefir.

Low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream, soft-boiled egg, compote,

Vegetable soup with noodles, steamed cutlets, rosehip broth.

Fruit juice and cookies.

Rice porridge with milk and butter, bread and butter, a piece of cheese.

Lazy dumplings with sour cream, tea.

Vegetable soup, noodles with meat, jelly.

Semolina porridge with milk, herbal tea.

The recipes of the fifth table can be used not only for those people who suffer from diseases of the liver or gallbladder, but also for those who want to diversify their menu with tasty and healthy dishes. There are many interesting ways to prepare food for breakfast, lunch and dinner, so even during a diet you can eat tasty and varied.

Vegetable soup with zucchini

To prepare the soup, you will need the following food set:

    Potatoes - 0.3 kg.

    Zucchini - 150 g.

    Carrot - 00 g.

    Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.

    A liter of water and carrot juice.

Zucchini and carrots are peeled, cut into small slices and stewed in vegetable oil. Potatoes are cut into cubes and boiled, carrots and zucchini are added to it, salted and brought to a boil. Before serving, carrot juice is poured into the soup.

To prepare the dish, you will need the following food set:

    Vegetable broth - 0.3 l.

    Potato - 2 tubers.

    Carrot - 1 pc.

    Peas - 20 g.

    Zucchini - 30 g.

    Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Potatoes and zucchini are cut into cubes, carrots are grated and stewed. The tomato is also grated to make a gruel. The broth is brought to a boil, vegetables are boiled in it until fully prepared. At the end of cooking, vegetable oil is poured into the soup. Boil for another 5 minutes.

To prepare the dish, you will need the following set of products:

    Fresh cabbage - 70 g.

    Beets - 2 pcs.

    Potatoes - 3 pcs.

    Carrots - 2 pcs.

    Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.

    Sour cream - 10 g.

    Sugar - 1 tsp

    Vegetable broth - 0.25 l.

Beets are grated, all other vegetables are cut into strips. Beets are stewed with carrots and added to the broth, which already contains potatoes and cabbage. At the end of cooking, sugar is added to the borscht. After a couple of minutes, the broth is turned off and allowed to brew. Before serving, add sour cream to the plate.

Steam omelette

Since fried eggs are forbidden to eat during the 5th table diet, they can be cooked in another way. A great solution is a steam omelette. In the first few days after the operation, you can only eat egg white, or quail eggs. When the early rehabilitation period is over, you can eat 1 yolk per day.

To prepare a steam omelet, you need to separate the yolk from the protein and beat the latter. Then salt and milk are added to the protein. The resulting mixture is laid out in a double boiler for 20 minutes. Before serving, you can decorate the dish with herbs.

Stuffed cabbage is a dish that is allowed to be eaten while following the 5th table diet, but they must be cooked correctly.

You will need the following set of products:

    Low-fat meat - 100 g.

    Cabbage leaves - 130 g.

    Rice - 15 g.

    Sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.

    Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

    Greens - 30 g.

The meat is twisted in a meat grinder, cabbage leaves are boiled. Rice is poured with boiling water and infused for 20 minutes, after which the water is drained. The meat is combined with rice, vegetable oil and herbs. The resulting minced meat is spread on cabbage leaves and wrapped, giving the shape of envelopes. Spread the leaves in a cauldron, pour water and stew until tender.

Casserole with noodles and meat

To prepare the dish, you will need the following products:

    Beef 80 g.

    Noodles - 80 g.

    The protein of one chicken egg.

    Butter - 10 g.

The noodles are boiled, the meat is boiled and cut into small cubes. Vegetable oil is added to the egg, mixed with minced meat, and then noodles are added to them. The casserole is steamed.

To prepare this delicious dessert, you will need the following products:

    Cottage cheese - 120 g.

    Milk - 60 g.

    Butter - 5 g.

    Semolina - 10 g.

    The white of one egg.

    Sugar - 2 teaspoons.

Cottage cheese must be ground, then beat with a blender. Add protein and sugar to the curd mass, then put in a baking dish. The dish is either baked in the oven or cooked in a water bath.

To prepare the casserole, you will need the following products:

    Cottage cheese - 0.2 kg.

    Rice - 1 cup.

    Eggs - 3 pcs.

    Apple - 3 pcs.

    Milk - 2 cups.

    Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

    Sour cream - Art. l.

Milk is mixed with water in equal proportions and rice is boiled in this liquid. The cottage cheese is ground, the eggs are beaten with sugar, the apples are cut into cubes.

Combine all components with each other, knead and spread in a baking dish. One egg is mixed with sour cream and a casserole is poured on top of it. The dish is put in the oven for 20 minutes (temperature - 200 ° C).

Berry kissel

Morse should be drunk warm. To prepare it, you will need various berries: cherries, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, etc. For 2 liters of water, take 2 tbsp. l. starch, 4 tbsp. l. Sahara.

The berries are thoroughly washed before cooking, the bones are removed from them, poured with water and brought to a boil. Then, pre-diluted starch is added to the jelly and boiled until the drink becomes thick.

Slimy soup with oatmeal

To prepare the soup, the oatmeal must be washed well and boiled, then strained, but the cereal should not be washed. The strained broth is again brought to a boil and a little salt is added to it. The final product should not have grain particles, and in its consistency it resembles cream.

Cream soup with cauliflower, croutons and rice

To prepare mashed soup, you will need to boil the cauliflower and potatoes, pass them through a sieve, after separating several small inflorescences from the cabbage.

Rice is boiled for at least an hour, after which it is ground and combined with mashed potatoes and cabbage. The soup is poured with white sauce, butter, croutons are added to it and decorated with cabbage inflorescences. When the acute period of the disease has passed, vegetables can not be ground, but finely chopped.

Savoy cabbage soup

To prepare cabbage soup, you will need to finely chop potatoes, carrots, bell peppers. All vegetables, except potatoes, are stewed in water with a little oil.

Boil water separately, add potatoes and the resulting vegetable mixture to it, boil for a quarter of an hour. Savoy cabbage is added 5 minutes before the end of cooking. The soup is salted and brought to a boil. Before serving, you can put a few pieces of boiled lean meat on a plate.

Blue whiting with vegetables

Potatoes are boiled until half cooked, zucchini and carrots are cut. Spread all the vegetables in a baking dish and add green peas to them. Blue whiting fillet vegetables are covered on top. Bake in the oven until a crust appears on the fish.

Indications for use:

    Acute primary cholecystitis or exacerbation of a chronic disease.

    Acute primary hepatitis or exacerbation of a chronic disease.

    Exacerbation of gallstone disease.

characteristics of the diet. The diet is balanced. It involves limiting fat within reasonable limits, cutting table salt. You should refuse products that mechanically or chemically irritate the walls of the digestive organs.

There should not be dishes on the table that can increase gas formation in the intestines, or stimulate the separation of bile and the production of gastric juice. During the diet, you need to give up food that loads the liver. Therefore, products containing organic acids, extractives, essential oils in large quantities, cholesterol, purines. The ban includes fried foods, as well as those foods in which fats are not completely split.

Cooking methods are reduced to boiling or steaming. Sometimes you can include baked dishes on the menu, but they should not have a hard crust.

Products need to be wiped or finely chopped. Grains are thoroughly boiled. You should eat at least 5 times a day, eating small meals.

Chemical composition and energy value. The amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates that are recommended to eat during the 5A diet:

    Carbohydrates - no more than 350 g.

    Proteins - no more than 90 g.

    Fats - no more than 80 g (if dyspepsia has pronounced symptoms, then fats are limited to 5 g per day).

The maximum allowable number of kilocalories per day is 2500 kcal.

Sample menu for a week of diet 5A

Breakfast #1

Breakfast number 2

Main meal

afternoon tea

Last meal

Protein omelet.

Boiled rice with butter in milk.

Tea with lemon.

Curd casserole.

Vegetable soup.

Braised carrots.

Boiled meat in the form of a soufflé.

Noodles with cheese and butter.

Mineral water. Kefir before a night's rest.

Meat cutlets with milk sauce.

Salad of grated apples and carrots.

Coffee with milk.

Boiled fish.

Braised beets.

Soup puree potato.

Kissel based on allowed berries.

Rosehip decoction.

Buckwheat casserole.

Mineral water.

A glass of yogurt before bed.

Oatmeal with milk. Cottage cheese with sour cream.

Baked apple.

Boiled rice.

Boiled chicken.

Soup with vegetables.

Dried fruits compote.

Mashed potatoes.

Steamed fish cakes. Serve cutlets with milk sauce.

Rosehip decoction.

Kefir before a night's rest.

Pasta with butter.


Tea with milk.

Lazy dumplings with sour cream.

Vegetable soup.

1 banana and 1 grated soft apple.

Dairy rice porrige With butter.

Kefir before going to bed.

Buckwheat porridge with butter.

Coffee with milk.

Baked apple.

Borsch with sour cream.

Meat soufflé.

Mashed potatoes.

Boiled fish.

A fresh vegetable salad.

Mineral water.

Kefir before a night's rest.

Boiled buckwheat.

Meat cutlets.

Jam from apples.

Carrot puree.

Milk noodles.

Curd pudding with sour cream.


Mineral water.

Soaked herring.

Weak tea.

Baked apple.

Soup with cereals and vegetables.

Noodles with meatballs in milk sauce.

Rosehip decoction.

Cheesecakes with sour cream.

Protein omelet.

Mineral water.

A glass of kefir.

Table №5B

Diet table No. 5B is indicated for the following diseases:

    Acute hepatitis.

    Cirrhosis of the liver against the background of moderate organ failure.

    Gastritis, against the background of cholecystitis and hepatitis.

characteristics of the diet. The diet of table No. 5B is not physiologically complete, it does not have enough nutrients and energy value to satisfy the daily human need.

It is based on the principles of Diet #5, but the carbs and fats are further reduced. Dishes are cooked exclusively on steam, without adding salt to them. All products are wiped.

You need to eat on a 5B diet every 3 hours, in small portions. This diet is implemented exclusively in hospitals and no longer than 6 days. Then the patient is prescribed a 5A diet.

Against the background of a 5B diet, vitamin C deficiency is possible, so the patient is required to prescribe a rosehip decoction.

The 5B diet involves the use of the following amounts of fats, proteins and carbohydrates per day:

    No more than 80 g of protein, and 45 g of proteins must be of animal origin.

    No more than 40 g of fat.

    No more than 250 g of carbohydrates.

    You can consume no more than 1600 kcal per day.

    The volume of fluid consumed, regardless of food intake, is at least 2 liters.

    Salt is completely removed from the menu.

    Meals should have a temperature of 20 to 55 °C Celsius.

Sample menu for the day of the 5B diet

The menu for diet No. 5B may look like this:

    Breakfast number 1: semolina porridge, egg white omelet, tea.

    Breakfast number 2: vegetable soufflé, compote.

    Main meal: soup with rice, low-fat meat soufflé, baked apple.

    Snack: fruit jelly, tea with milk.

    Last meal: fish meat soufflé, compote.

    Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of jelly.

Diet table No. 5P is indicated for the following diseases:

    Chronic course of pancreatitis, the stage of remission of the disease;

    The need to normalize the work of the pancreas, gallbladder;

    Restoration of the functions of the stomach, intestines, liver after illness.

characteristics of the diet. The main goal pursued by the diet is to reduce the pain caused by pancreatitis. The menu is designed in such a way that it relieves the burden on the gallbladder and does not irritate the intestinal mucosa.

The diet is physiologically complete, it is slightly limited in fat content.

Dishes are steamed or boiled. Products must be ground and semi-liquid.

The patient should drink at least 6 times a day, in small portions. The diet is recommended after a forced therapeutic hunger strike.

The diet assumes the following daily set of fats, proteins and carbohydrates:

    No more than 90 g of proteins, and 45 g of them must be of animal origin.

    Not more than 80 g of fats, where 1/3 part is fats of vegetable origin.

    No more than 350 g of carbohydrates per day.

    Not less than 2100 kcal per day, and not more than 2500 kcal.

    Water, regardless of food intake, you need to drink at least 1500 ml

    Salt is limited to 10 g maximum.

    Vitamin A - 0.3 mg, beta-carotene 10 mg, vitamin B2 - 2 mg, vitamin B1 - 1.3 mg, vitamin B3 - 6 mg, vitamin C - 150 mg.

    Trace elements: iron - 30 mg.

    Macroelements: calcium - 0.8 g, sodium - 3 g, magnesium - 0.5 g, phosphorus - 1.3 g.

    Temperature range of dishes: 20-50 °C Celsius.

Sample menu for the day of the 5P diet (1)

The menu for one day might look like this:

    Breakfast number 1: steamed protein omelette, viscous and pureed oatmeal in water, tea.

    Breakfast number 2: fruit jelly and tea.

    Main meal: slimy rice soup with vegetable broth, chicken dumplings, berry soufflé.

    Snack: steamed cottage cheese soufflé, rosehip broth.

    Last meal: fish soufflé, vegetable puree, compote.

    Before going to bed, a rosehip broth and crackers.

Table №5P (2)

Indications for use. This diet is recommended for patients who suffer from acute pancreatitis in the stage of extinction, or when the exacerbation is not too pronounced. Perhaps its appointment to patients with chronic inflammation of the pancreas.

characteristics of the diet. The main purpose of the diet is to prevent recurrence of the disease. It is also aimed at bringing the metabolism back to normal.

During the diet, a person should consume an increased amount of protein foods, but somewhat limit fast carbohydrates and salt.

You can not include in the menu products containing extractive substances, and dishes rich in coarse fiber.

The main method of heat treatment is steam. Also, products can be boiled, stewed and baked. If there is such a need, then the dishes should be wiped.

Food is consumed at least 5 times a day, in small portions.

Stick to table 5P (2) for 8-12 weeks. If the patient begins to feel worse, then this table is canceled and returned to the one that preceded it.

daily energy value and chemical composition products while following the diet No. 5P (2) is as follows:

    The amount of proteins should not exceed 120 g, and half of them should be of animal origin.

    The amount of carbohydrates should not exceed 90 g, and 1/3 of the part falls on vegetable fats.

    The amount of carbohydrates is not more than 350, and simple carbohydrates per day should not be consumed more than 40 g of this amount.

    Water should be drunk at least 1.5 liters per day.

    Salt restriction - no more than 8 g per day.

    Vitamins: vitamin A - 0.4 mg, beta-carotene - 13 mg, vitamin B2 - 2.6 mg, vitamin B1 - 1.3 mg, vitamin B3 - 17 mg, vitamin C - 250 mg.

    Macroelements: sodium - 4 g, calcium - 1.3 g, magnesium - 0.5 g, phosphorus - 1.9 g.

    Trace elements: iron - 35 g.

    The temperature of the dishes should be 15-60 °C Celsius.

Sample menu for the day of the 5P diet (2)

When compiling the menu, you can focus on the following diet:

    Breakfast number 1: steamed cottage cheese pudding, milk porridge, tea.

    Breakfast number 2: boiled tongue, tea and crackers.

    Lunch: soup with rice on vegetable broth, beef stroganoff, vegetable puree, compote.

    Snack: soufflé from allowed fish, jelly.

    The last meal: cottage cheese, chicken dumplings, rosehip broth.

    Before going to bed, you can drink kefir.

Indications for use. Table No. 5GA is based on the menu of the dietary table No. 5. However, there are some differences.

For example, items such as:

    Processed cheese;

    Fish and seafood;

    Ice cream;

    Bulgarian pepper;

    Sauerkraut and all pickles;

    Hazelnuts and peanuts;

    Seeds and sesame;


    Strawberries, raspberry grapes;

    Peaches, apricots, pomegranates;

    Sea ​​buckthorn;

    Semolina, millet;

  • Fruit drinks containing chemical additives;

    Chocolate, cakes, marshmallows, marshmallows.

Such prohibitions are explained by the fact that the diet is hypoallergenic.

characteristics of the diet. A hypoallergenic diet allows you to remove toxins from the body, which will help reduce allergy symptoms. A person begins to feel much better, starting from the first days of the transition to table No. 5GA. You can achieve maximum results when working with an allergist.

The daily chemical composition and energy value of the menu should look like this:

    Proteins: no more than 90 g per day, with 45 g of protein should be animal-based.

    No more than 80 g of fat per day, where 1/3 part is vegetable fats.

    No more than 350 g of carbohydrate food, where only 40 g is allocated to simple carbohydrates.

    The maximum amount of fluid per day is 2 liters, but not less than 1.5 liters.

    It is allowed to consume no more than 10 g of salt per day.

    Vitamins: vitamin A - 0.5 mg, beta-carotene - 10 mg, vitamin B2 - 4 mg, vitamin B1 - 4 mg, vitamin B3 - 20 mg, vitamin C - 200 mg.

    Iron - 15 mg.

    Sodium - 4 g, calcium - 1.2 g, potassium - 4.5 g, magnesium - 0.5 g, phosphorus - 1.6 g.

    The temperature of the dishes during their serving to the table should vary between 15 and 60 °C.

Sample menu for a week of the 5GA diet

First meal

Main meal

Last meal

Oatmeal porridge, tea, sweet baked fruit

Soup with cabbage, boiled pork, apple jelly.

Porridge with rice, steamed cutlet, low-fat kefir.

Bread with cheese, yogurt, tea.

Soup with vegetables, compote with dried fruits.

Boiled potato tubers, beef tenderloin goulash, pear.

Porridge, apple, tea.

Soup with vegetables and meat, compote.

Boiled fish, apple, tea.

Biscuit biscuits, mashed sweet apple (or banana) salad, yogurt.

Borscht without meat, steamed cutlet, compote.

Buckwheat with pork meat, stewed vegetables, tea.

Millet porridge, tea.

Vegetable soup with beef, mashed sweet apple salad (or 1 banana), kefir.

Rice with goulash, jelly.

Bread with chicken, 1 banana, tea.

Soup with meat, banana, compote.

Pasta with cabbage and greens salad, kefir.

Cottage cheese casserole, tea.

Soup with vegetables, steamed cutlet, dried fruit compote.

Buckwheat porridge, cutlet, pear, yogurt.

Indications for use. This diet allows you to maximally facilitate the work of the organs. digestive system, reduce the amount of separated bile. Therefore, it is prescribed for exacerbation of chronic gastritis, with postcholecystectomy syndrome, accompanied by duodenitis.

characteristics of the diet. The diet is aimed at reducing bile production. Therefore, the menu is designed in such a way as to relieve the load from all digestive organs, and especially from the liver. Patients adhering to this diet will be able to normalize lipid metabolism, reduce weight.

However, the No. 5Sch diet cannot be called complete, as it imposes a restriction on fats and carbohydrates. In addition, the daily calorie content will be reduced, but moderately.

The menu should not include products containing extractives, coarse fiber, vegetable fats.

The main method of heat treatment is steaming and boiling. Prepared dishes are wiped.

Once a week they spend a fasting day.

There should be at least 5 approaches to the table per day, and portions should not be voluminous.

The daily chemical composition and energy value of table No. 5Sch is as follows:

    Fats - no more than 60 g.

    Proteins - no more than 90 g.

    Carbohydrates - no more than 300 g.

    You can not exceed the norm of 2200 kcal per day.

    Water should drink at least 1.5 liters.

    The maximum amount of salt is 6 g.

    Vitamins: vitamin A - 0.3 mg, beta-carotene - 7 mg, vitamin C - 100 mg, vitamin B2 - 1.5 mg, vitamin B1 - 1 mg, vitamin B3 - 13 mg.

Sample menu for the day of the 5Sch diet

    Breakfast number 1: curd pudding with fruit-based gravy, meat soufflé, compote.

    Breakfast number 2: fruit mousse, rosehip broth.

    Main meal: soup with vegetables and grated oatmeal, meatballs with fish fillet, mashed potatoes and juice.

    Afternoon snack: cracker and jelly.

    The last meal: boiled chicken, squash stewed with sour cream, juice.

    Before going to bed: rosehip decoction.

Indications for use. The diet allows you to normalize the intestinal circulation of bile and enhance the process of its separation. Therefore, diet No. 5G is indicated for patients with stagnation of bile in the liver and gallbladder, people with hypotension of the gallbladder, and patients after removal of this organ.

characteristics of the diet. The main goal pursued by the 5G diet is to normalize the circulation of bile in the body. With its help, it is possible to normalize fat metabolism.

This diet is physically complete, it contains a normal amount of proteins and carbohydrates. Moreover, the proportion of fats is even slightly increased.

The menu should include products that contain high-quality proteins and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

You should eat at least 5 times a day, in small portions.

The daily energy value and chemical composition of the diet No. 5Zh is as follows:

    No more than 90 g of proteins.

    Not more than 120 g of fats, and vegetable fats in this mass should be 50 g.

    No more than 350 g of carbohydrates, of which simple carbohydrates should not exceed 40 g.

    Caloric content per day should not be more than 3100 kcal.

    You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

    The maximum amount of salt consumed per day is 6 g.

    Vitamins: vitamin A - 0.3 mg, beta-carotene - 10 mg, vitamin B1 - 1.7 mg, vitamin B2 - 2.5 mg, vitamin B3 - 19 mg, vitamin C - 200 mg.

    Sodium - 3.5 g, calcium - 4.5 g, potassium - 4.5 g, magnesium - 0.5 g, phosphorus - 1.6 g.

    Iron - 40g.

    The temperature of the dishes should vary between 15 and 65 °C Celsius.

Sample menu for the day of the 5F diet

When compiling the menu, you can focus on the following option:

    Breakfast number 1: semolina porridge with butter, boiled soft-boiled egg, coffee.

    Breakfast number 2: tea and berries.

    Main meal: rice cereal soup, vegetable salad with vegetable oil dressing, juice.

    Afternoon snack: rosehip broth and cottage cheese.

    Last meal: boiled meat, pumpkin soufflé, tea.

    The day can be completed with a glass of kefir.

Indications for use. This diet is prescribed for dumping syndrome, after gastric resection and against the background of peptic ulcer.

characteristics of the diet. The diet is intended for patients who have undergone surgery on the stomach. It allows you to recover faster by reducing the production of gastric juice, which means that the intestines and stomach will not be subjected to chemical and mechanical irritation.

The diet is physiologically complete. In this case, the patient eats an increased amount of protein foods, but is limited in carbohydrate foods. Moreover, simple carbohydrates are completely removed from the menu, and complex carbohydrates are minimized.

Dishes can be boiled, steamed. Food is not eaten too hot or too cold.

You need to eat at least 7 times a day, but in small portions. At a time, you should drink no more than 200 ml of liquid, half an hour after eating. Do not drink water while eating.

The daily energy value of the diet and the chemical composition of the dishes are distributed as follows:

    No more than 120 g of protein per day.

    No more than 90 g of fat per day.

    No more than 400 g of carbohydrates per day. Moreover, simple carbohydrates should be 20-30 g.

    The maximum daily calorie content is 2800 kcal.

    Liquids should be drunk 1500 ml

    The maximum amount of table salt is 8 g.

    Meals should be served within the temperature range of 20-55°C.

Sample 5R diet menu

There are three menu options for the 5P diet:

    All dishes are washed.

    Meat products are chopped, and side dishes can be left viscous.

    Dishes are not wiped. This option is possible when the patient feels well for a long time.

sample menu unworn version for home use might look like this:

    Breakfast number 1: boiled meat, grated fresh carrots with dressing from olive oil, tea.

    Breakfast number 2: buckwheat porridge, rosehip broth.

    Breakfast number 3: steamed meat cutlets, fresh sweet apple.

    Main meal: boiled meat, minestrone soup, compote.

    Snack: cottage cheese and fruit jelly.

    Last Meal: Protein Omelet chicken eggs, steamed, boiled fish.

    Before going to bed, you need to drink a glass of kefir and eat a few crackers.

Children more often than adults suffer from disorders in the functioning of the biliary system, but inflammation of the gallbladder and bile ducts is much less common in them. However, even such seemingly minor problems can provoke serious malfunctions in the liver and pancreas. Therefore, the kids are also assigned table number 5.

The children's dietary scheme is not much different from the adult menu. Dishes are also boiled and steamed. The more often food enters the digestive tract, the better the biliary system works. Therefore, meals should be frequent, but in small portions. It is good if the child has a diet that should not be abandoned.

It is important that the menu meets the needs of the child's body, depending on its age. For example, five-year-olds should be given proteins that are easy to digest. First of all, we are talking about milk, fish, eggs, but in the absence of allergic reaction. Fat is limited in case of dysfunction of the sphincters against the background of an increase in their tone (up to 0.5 g per kg of weight). The emphasis should be on vegetable fats, and refractory fats should be removed from the menu. If a child has hypomotor dyskinesia, then the daily intake of vegetable fats is increased to 1.2 g per kg of weight.

Sample menu for a child on diet number 5:

Diet Benefits:

    The diet is balanced, restrictions are easy to endure.

    Allows you to regulate the work of the liver and gallbladder.

    It is an excellent prevention of recurrence of the disease.

Disadvantages of the diet:

    Some dishes require a complex and lengthy cooking process.

    The diet will have to be followed for a long time.

    Diet 5 table is designed not to restore diseased organs, but to eliminate those causes that provoke an exacerbation of the disease. It will help speed up the healing process.

    You can't make your own diet. It must be recommended by a doctor. During the diet, the patient needs to take medications in parallel.

    Bread should only be eaten dry. Fresh pastries from the menu should be eliminated.

    It is impossible to lose weight with this diet, it is prescribed for diseases of the liver and gallbladder, and not for obesity.

    With the help of a diet, you can quickly recover, remove excess fluid from the body, eliminate joint pain.

    Therapeutic nutrition is an important component of the treatment of diseases of the digestive system, so you should endure restrictions on the menu for the sake of your own health.

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Diet table number 5 is one of the most common among patients suffering from gastroenterological diseases. For successful therapy of any organ, a decrease in the functional load on it is required, by correcting (sometimes significant) the diet.

In conditions of a sparing diet, the digestive system recovers and stabilizes over time, after which the patient feels significant relief.

That is why the treatment of diseases of the biliary tract, liver and pancreas is impossible without strict adherence to the therapeutic diet according to M.I. Pevzner called table 5. Gastroenterologists and experienced nutritionists prescribe this menu to patients with the following ailments:

  • pancreatitis (reactive, acute, chronic);
  • cholecystitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • hepatitis (chronic);
  • cirrhosis of the liver.

General characteristics of the diet table 5 - basic rules

  1. Eating in fractional portions 6 times a day.
  2. The energy value of a fully balanced diet is 2400-2500 kcal.
  3. Proteins predominate in food (about 80 g, and the ratio of plant and animal protein compounds is approximately equal).
  4. The amount of lipids is not more than 80 g, and two-thirds of them are animal fats - fish, meat, butter.
  5. The body's need for carbohydrates is satisfied by vegetables, fruits and cereals, which are selected from the list of allowed (about 400 grams).
  6. The rate of sodium chloride (salt) is reduced to 8-10 gr.
  7. The daily amount of free liquid (mainly water without gas) is 8 glasses.

Such a menu leads to a significant reduction in the load on the liver, pancreas and hepatobiliary system as a whole, while the body is provided with all the necessary biologically active substances.

What you can and can not eat with a diet of 5 tables (TABLE 1)

Product category What can What is not allowed
Meat products, poultry Lean varieties of veal, beef, turkey and chicken fillet, rabbit All fatty meats, pieces with veins and fascia (to be removed), duck, goose, game, bird skin, all canned meats and smoked meats
Fish Low-fat river and sea ​​fish: corop, pike, perch, bream, pike perch, pollock, hake, hoki, etc. It is acceptable to include small portions of seafood in the menu: mussels, squid, shrimp Fatty fish varieties: carp, stellate sturgeon, sardine, mackerel, herring, salmon (salmon and salmon can be introduced into the diet in processed form in small quantities, so as not to exceed the daily allowance of fat), caviar, canned fish, smoked and salted fish
cereals Rice, buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal Millet, barley
Pasta and bakery products Pasta made from flour I grade durum wheat, daily wheat bread, crackers from it, lean (biscuit) cookies Rye (black), any fresh bread, pasta made from II grade flour, muffins, puff pastry
Vegetables Zucchini, potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, beets - after cooking, cucumbers - fresh, with the exception of canned ones, a little parsley and dill can be added 10 minutes before the end of cooking Cabbage (all types), spinach, sorrel, lettuce, garlic, onions, tomatoes, radishes, radishes, asparagus, legumes (lentils, peas, peanuts, beans, beans), all salted and pickled fruits, mushrooms
Berries and fruits Apples, bananas, peaches - only after cooking (boiling, baking, soufflé), dried sweet berries and fruits made without flavorings and impregnated with sugar syrup Any fresh fruits and berries, especially cherries, strawberries, raspberries, dogwoods, cranberries, as well as fruits that are not on the list of allowed
Eggs No more than 1 pc. per day in the form of a steam omelette with water or whole skim milk Boiled eggs, especially hard boiled, raw, scrambled eggs, fried scrambled eggs
Fats Vegetable oil, preferably linseed, pumpkin, walnut, soybean, corn, sunflower, grape seeds(cold-pressed), unsalted fresh butter Margarine, any cooking oil, butter strictly according to the norm - no more than a teaspoon per day, as an additive to the main dish, usually in porridge or mashed potatoes
Beverages Mineral water without gas (as recommended by a doctor), drinking / spring water, diluted juices from sweet berries and fruits (allowed), dried fruit compote, herbal teas, rosehip infusion, jelly from fruits and berries (not sour), chicory All alcoholic drinks (especially champagne), including beer, coffee, black tea, soda, lemonade, packaged juices, energy drinks
Dessert Honey, jam, jam, marmalade, marshmallows (limited) Cocoa, chocolate, sweets, ice cream, sweet cookies, halva, cakes, rolls, cakes
Seasonings for food, sauces Cream sauce (milk or sour cream) Ketchup, tomato sauce, mayonnaise, all spices, vinegar, horseradish, mustard, adjika, any canned homemade preparations
Milk products Skimmed milk, kefir, yogurt (without additives or sweeteners), enriched with probiotics, sour cream (fat content no more than 10%), limited fat-free cheeses: tofu, suluguni, cheddar, mozzarella, feta Milk and fermented milk products with a fat content of more than 2.5%, cream, sour cream (fatty), hard cheeses, smoked and salted cheeses, processed and sausage cheeses and other products marked "milk-containing"

Cooking methods(diet for cholecystitis table 5):

  • Boiling and steaming. Meat, fish, vegetables and fruits are ground before serving. Cereals, puddings, casseroles are prepared from cereals, they are added to first courses.
  • Baking in the oven. Products from minced meat and vegetables can be baked in a slow cooker or oven.
  • Broths. Preference is given to dishes cooked on the water. It is permissible to cook soups on a very low chicken broth or a weak broth of veal, from which particles of fat have been completely removed.

You can not fry, marinate, smoke products. All canned food and pickles are categorically excluded.

Diet table 5 - menu for every day of the week

cook delicious dishes(diet 5 table) even a novice cook can do. It is enough just to stick to the list of allowed foods, recommendations on what you can and cannot eat and count the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in each serving.

We specially made the menu for the week in the form of a table, it is so convenient to print it out and always have it at hand (the old version is “wide”).

Days of the week Breakfast Lunch
Monday Omelette from 1 egg in water, oatmeal (2 tablespoons per 300 ml, cook for at least half an hour), green tea Baked apple
Tuesday Steamed egg omelet with milk, buckwheat porridge with a teaspoon of butter, chamomile tea with honey Rice pudding
Wednesday Steamed protein omelette, rice milk porridge, mint tea Poached peach puree
Thursday Buckwheat milk porridge, wheat bread toast with a piece of feta cheese (30 gr) banana soufflé
Friday Steam cheesecakes with low-fat sour cream (130 gr), protein milk omelet, tea Fruit salad of soaked dried apricots, sweet raisins and half a banana
Saturday Oatmeal in skimmed milk with raisins, stomach tea A glass of yogurt (natural)
Sunday Semolina porridge with raisins and dried apricots in milk, dried apple compote Puree from two baked apples
Dinner afternoon tea Dinner
Potato puree soup, steamed zucchini, lightly salted, chicken fillet and carrot puree (100 g boiled poultry and 30 g carrots), prunes compote A glass of peach jelly Pike perch fish fillet, 100 g lean cottage cheese and cucumber salad dressed with a teaspoon of homemade corn oil, chicory drink
Vegetarian vegetable soup, beetroot and carrot puree, seasoned with a teaspoon of linseed oil, veal meatballs, jelly 100 gr cottage cheese with a tablespoon of natural yogurt Hake stewed with vegetables, rosehip infusion
Rabbit meat stewed in milk sauce, potato casserole, raisin and dried pear compote Glass of bio yogurt Soufflé from boiled pike and carrot fillet, rosehip broth
Rice soup with potatoes, turkey fillet steam cutlets, zucchini puree, jelly Biscuits, a glass of apple juice diluted in half with water Fish pudding with mashed potatoes, with a teaspoon of butter, lemon balm tea with honey
Pasta soup with seafood, beef meatballs with white bread, vegetable stew, strawberry jelly Apple and carrot casserole Potato zrazy with minced fish, tea
Fish soup with cod, potatoes and boiled rice, boiled beetroot salad dressed with soy oil, puréed chicken breast, dry pear and apple compote Rice-curd casserole Salmon baked in foil (75 gr), mashed potatoes, rosehip infusion
Soup with rabbit meatballs, buckwheat porridge with butter, pike perch quenelles, rosehip infusion A handful of soaked dried fruits Naval vermicelli, zucchini caviar with carrots, chicory drink with a drop of milk

Therapeutic diet 5 table - menu for a child

Nutrition in hospitals and sanatoriums for children and adults is almost identical. In order for your baby to feel good and not experience discomfort, it is recommended to make the menu as diverse as possible, but taking into account all of the above recommendations.

By adhering to the therapeutic diet table number 5 for a long period of time (from six months to 1 year), you can completely restore the functions of the digestive system and gradually switch to a normal diet, however, it should be understood that regular violations of the regimen delay your recovery.

Be healthy and good health to you at any age!

Diet 5p according to Pevzner is prescribed both for exacerbation of pancreatitis, and for the complete disappearance of its signs, when the disease does not manifest itself. The treatment table is also practiced in the chronic form of inflammatory disease of the pancreas.

  • We recommend reading:

Pancreatitis is a group of syndromes and diseases characterized by inflammation of the pancreas. Therapeutic nutrition for pancreatitis is not just part of a comprehensive treatment, it helps to achieve remission and lifts patients out of bed.

Table No. 5p according to Pevzner sets goals for himself:

  • Normalize the exocrine function of the pancreas;
  • Reduce the phenomena of stagnation in the ducts of the pancreas and duodenum;
  • Reduce the reflex excitability of the gallbladder;
  • Ensure a gentle bowel function;
  • Prevent fatty infiltration and degeneration of liver and pancreas tissues.

Diet 5p for pancreatitis takes place 3-4 days after the exacerbation of the disease and a week after.

Energy value diet varies depending on the weight of the patient, his physical activity and individual metabolic characteristics. The average daily calorie content fits into 2500 calories.

Chemical balance of the daily menu:

  • 200 grams of carbohydrates (30-40 grams of sugar);
  • 80 grams of proteins (60% of animal origin);
  • 40-60 grams of fat (15% vegetable).

Almost all products and dishes are fresh. The amount of table salt is limited to 10 grams per day. The volume of free fluid consumed while observing the table, on the contrary, must be increased to the maximum.

Table 5p for pancreatitis according to Pevzner has no time limits. How much you need to follow his menu for 1 week or 2-3 months, the attending physician determines. It is in his power to make a real prognosis of recovery, to determine the time interval required to alleviate the symptoms and prevent relapses of exacerbation of pancreatitis.

What is possible, what is not

The 5p therapeutic diet for pancreatitis cuts the amount of fats and carbohydrates in the diet. It is necessary to use mainly meals. Nevertheless, the 5p table according to Pevzner fits into the proportions necessary for health. Subject to it, the following are allowed:

  • Yesterday's bread and yeast-free bakery products from premium flour;
  • Viscous and mashed porridges boiled in water. The advantage must be given to rice, oatmeal and semolina;
  • Soups with loose grated cereals, slimy soups in vegetable broth;
  • Lean meats and poultry;
  • Lean sea fish;
  • in dishes: milky creamy desserts, airy soufflés, cottage cheese casseroles, pastas and steam pudding.
  • can be consumed in the form of pore omelettes or as an ingredient in dishes, if required by recipes;
  • Boiled and baked vegetables in pureed form;
  • Sweet berries and fruits. Of these, you can not only cook pudding, mousse, jelly or jelly, but also eat raw in pureed form;
  • Black and green tea, chamomile and rosehip decoction, unsweetened weakly concentrated juices.

All products that contain, coarse, extractives and purines must be removed from the diet.

The following are under the ban:

  • fresh and Rye bread, hot sweet pastries, pancakes, dumplings, pizzas;
  • , and , legumes;
  • Soups on fatty broths, okroshka, green cabbage soup, milk soups are also not welcome;
  • Stringy meats and oily fish, industrial meats and fish products;
  • , any animal fat, margarines and spreads;
  • Fried eggs in lard or hard-boiled eggs;
  • Vegetables: white cabbage, eggplant, onion and garlic;
  • Raw unshaved fruits and sour berries. It is strictly forbidden to grapes and;
  • From sweets, everything is banned confectionery, chocolate, ice cream and jam;
  • Also, carbonated drinks, cafes, cocoa and any alcohol are not allowed.

An example of a table ration 5p

On the first day of the diet, it is recommended to completely refrain from eating, you can only free liquid 5-6 doses of 200 milliliters. When food enters the stomach, the pancreas produces enzymes to digest it, and during fasting, the body will rest a bit.

From 2-3 days, the patient's diet must comply with all the conditions of the table 5p according to Pevzner. The menu for the week consists of foods and dishes rich in vitamins and nutrients necessary for the body to function properly.

All dishes are steamed and served in crushed or pureed form, thus organizing chemical and mechanical sparing of diseased organs.

Possible menu for the week:

1 day

  • 6:00-7:00 - mucous with milk, weak tea;
  • 9:00-10:00 - baked apple;
  • 12:00-13:00 - vegetarian borscht, steamed fish soufflé;
  • 16:00-17:00 - cottage cheese mousse, fruit jelly;
  • 19:00-20:00 - stewed carrots in cream.

2 day

  • 6:00-7:00 - protein steam omelette, fruit juice;
  • 9:00-10:00 - rice and beef meatballs;
  • 12:00-13:00 - mashed potatoes with chicken fillet;
  • 16:00-17:00 - biscuit cookies, dried fruit compote;
  • 19:00-20:00 - boiled perch fillet;

3 day

  • 6:00-7:00 - sandwich from yesterday's bread and lightly salted, tea;
  • 9:00-10:00 - cottage cheese pudding;
  • 12:00-13:00 - pureed vegetable soup, fish soup with rice mucous porridge;
  • 16:00-17:00 - boiled tongue with beetroot salad;
  • 19:00-20:00 - boiled tongue with broccoli, apple juice.

Day 4

  • 6:00-7:00 - curd mass with raisins, tea with milk;
  • 9:00-10:00 - rabbit and carrot soufflé;
  • 12:00-13:00 - vegetable soup, boiled meatloaf with egg filling;
  • 16:00-17:00 - jelly for fruit jelly;
  • 19:00-20:00 - baked pollock.

Day 5

  • 6:00-7:00 - lazy dumplings, unsweetened tea;
  • 9:00-10:00 - chicken soufflé with mashed semi-viscous rice porridge;
  • 12:00-13:00 - slimy oatmeal soup, boiled veal with mashed potatoes;
  • 16:00-17:00 - biscuit cookies with blackcurrant broth;
  • 19:00-20:00 - two boiled chicken proteins with dried wheat bread.

Day 6

  • 6:00-7:00 - vinaigrette with beef soufflé;
  • 9:00-10:00 - oatmeal porridge with chicken cutlets;
  • 12:00-13:00 - vegetable stew with mashed potatoes;
  • 16:00-17:00 - carrot puree with meat soufflé;
  • 19:00-20:00 - pasta with stewed rabbit;

Day 7

  • 6:00-7:00 - semolina soufflé boiled in milk, tea;
  • 9:00-10:00 - stewed carrots, dried fruit compote;
  • 12:00-13:00 - mashed potatoes with boiled chicken fillet;
  • 16:00-17:00 - low-fat cottage cheese pudding;
  • 19:00-20:00 - mashed fish porridge without oil, fish dumplings.

Every day you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of free fluid, and an hour before bedtime - a glass of fat-free.

Diet 5p for children

The pancreas just can't handle it. Therefore, for lunch, the baby is given only soups and a protein dish, and for dinner, the child can be fed with a main protein dish along with a side dish. The main sources of protein for crumbs are eggs and cottage cheese, meat and fish should be given in limited quantities.

  • We recommend reading:

Dish recipes

In order to observe the table 5p according to Pevzner, it is not enough to choose allowed foods and exclude prohibited ones, it is also necessary to properly prepare these foods. It is allowed to cook, stew and bake, frying should be abandoned. If you show a little imagination, the diet will not only be healthy and nutritious, it will become tasty and varied.

First course recipes

Vegetable soup


  • Cauliflower - 1/3 head;
  • Potato - 3 pcs.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Lightly salted cheese - 200 grams;
  • A pinch of salt.

Pour the peeled and chopped vegetables with water and boil for at least half an hour. Then beat all the ingredients together with the broth with a blender, salt and put back on the fire. When the soup begins to boil, add grated cheese to it and leave to cool. Such soups are served with wheat and a spoonful of sour cream.

Rice puree soup

Second course recipes

carrot pudding


  • Carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • Apple - 1 pc.;
  • Semolina - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Egg white - 3 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Butter - 10 grams;

Peel the carrots together with the apple, grate on a coarse grater and stew in water with the addition of butter. When the vegetables are almost ready, add semolina to them, stirring constantly, and leave to cook for another 10-15 minutes.

Separate the yolks from the whites and beat the latter with sugar. Gently fold the egg whites into the prepared vegetable mixture and put the resulting mass into a baking dish. Put the future pudding in a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes.

Cod in a slow cooker


  • Cod fillet - 200 grams;
  • butter - 20 grams;
  • juice squeezed from a fresh lemon:
  • A pinch of salt.

Rinse the fish fillet, remove the scales and bones. Season the fish with salt, sprinkle with lemon juice, butter and send it to the slow cooker for 15-20 minutes, turning on the “Steam cooking” program.

Dessert recipes

curd jelly


  • 350 grams of cottage cheese with a small percentage of liquid;
  • ½ cup whole milk;
  • 3 small apples.;
  • 1 sachet of gelatin;
  • 2 tbsp. l sugar.

Peel apples, cut into small cubes, cook until soft and grind to puree. Dissolve the jelly in warm water and heat until completely dissolved. Beat cottage cheese, sugar and milk in a blender. Now combine all the components, mix, arrange in molds and refrigerate for a couple of hours.

The 5p diet for pancreatitis is practiced for therapeutic purposes by people who suffer from a chronic form of the disease. It is also perfect for those people who have recently suffered an exacerbation of the disease.

  • oatmeal;
  • buckwheat;
  • semolina.

Bad options would be cells, barley and wheat. You need to cook porridge simply on water or dilute milk with water one to one.


Soups must be prepared vegan. All ingredients must be ground. You can use the following products:

  • carrot;
  • vegetable marrow;
  • potato;
  • pumpkin;
  • oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina;
  • vermicelli.

It is also allowed to add a little sour cream (10 g) and butter (5 g).

Soups that are cooked in fish or meat broth are completely contraindicated. Also, you can not add millet to them. Borsch, cabbage soup, cold or milk soups are also not welcome.

Bread products

Therapeutic nutrition (diet for pancreatitis 5) involves the use of bread only in dried form. Either yesterday's bread or crackers are ideal here. But at the same time, the flour from which the bread was baked must be wheat, first or second grade. Under the ban - fresh rye bread, puffs and muffins.

Meat and fish dishes

In the diet of a sick person, meat and fish must be present without fail, because they contain many substances necessary for the body. But most importantly, these foods should be low-fat varieties.

From meat, preference is given to rabbit, chicken, turkey and veal. From fish, cod, hake, flounder, pike, navaga, bream are perfect.

Like other dishes, these products must either be boiled or baked, but not fried. There is also another option - to make a soufflé out of them or grind them into a puree.

Vegetables and fruits

All vegetables must be boiled before use. It is recommended to use potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, cauliflower. You can not eat white cabbage, radish, bell pepper, onion, garlic and sorrel.

Fruits must be selected as ripe as possible so that they are soft. It is best to eat them grated, but apples must be baked well in the oven. From fruits it is forbidden to eat figs, dates, bananas and grapes.


Every milk product, used during the 5p diet, should be absolutely non-greasy or with the slightest amount of fat. Do not consume sweet dairy products. Cheese, cream and sour cream are allowed to eat if a person tolerates them well.

5p diet for pancreatitis: 5p table recipes and weekly menu

Here are sample recipes for meals that can be prepared for the patient.

Vegetable stew

To prepare the dish, you need to cut into cubes 5 large potatoes, grate the carrots and finely chop the onion. Also, depending on taste preferences, you can add pumpkin and tomatoes.

All vegetables must be put in a saucepan and pour 300 grams of water, salt and simmer over low heat. When the dish is ready to serve, it can be topped with parsley or dill.

Baked fish

In order to prepare this dish, you can take one of the fish species such as pike, pollock, pike perch or hake. It can either be baked whole or cut into small pieces.

Grate the carrots, and cut the onion into small pieces. The fish is preliminarily laid out on foil, sprinkled with already chopped ingredients, salted. You can add some lemon juice. Everything must be carefully wrapped in foil and baked in the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Buckwheat soup

To prepare it, you will need one carrot, 2 potatoes, half a glass of buckwheat, one onion and salt to taste.

Buckwheat must be carefully sorted out and poured with cold water. Peel carrots, onions and potatoes. Carrots need to be grated on a fine grater, cut the potatoes into small pieces, add everything to the buckwheat, and put the onion whole. The pot with all the ingredients must be put on fire. Cook until fully cooked, salt to taste at the end.

The soup according to this recipe must be eaten fresh, because on the second day it will not be as useful. You can also add one tablespoon of vegetable oil (olive, corn or sunflower) to a bowl of soup.

chicken meatballs

To prepare meatballs, you will need chicken breast (300 g), as well as one egg white.

The meat must be passed through a meat grinder, add raw chicken protein to it and mix everything well. From the prepared minced meat, you need to form balls and cook them in salted water. After the meatballs float to the surface, it is necessary to reduce the heat and cook them for 10 minutes under the lid.

Fish fillet with carrots

For cooking, you need to take half a kilo fish fillet, one carrot, onion (1 pc.) And salt to taste.

The fish fillet is cut into portioned pieces and poured with cold water. Onions and carrots must be peeled and finely chopped. Add all cooked vegetables to the pan with fish and put on fire. After the water boils, you need to reduce the heat, salt and cook for half an hour until tender.

carrot pudding

For cooking, you will need one carrot, 5 g butter, half a teaspoon of sugar, 2 cups of milk, 2 teaspoons of semolina, one chicken protein, half a teaspoon of low-fat sour cream, ground wheat crackers - 1 teaspoon.

Peel the carrots and cut into small pieces. Stew it in milk over low heat under a lid until fully cooked, then chop with a blender, add semolina, sugar and half the prepared butter. The egg white is beaten with a whisk and added to the prepared carrot mixture.

Also, if desired, you can add apples, any berries or cottage cheese. With the other half of the oil, grease the baking dish and sprinkle it with breadcrumbs. Put the finished puree into it, smooth its surface and grease with sour cream. It is necessary to bake the pudding in a well-heated oven (180 degrees) until fully cooked.

Diet number 5a and 5p for pancreatitis

Sample dishes for pancreatitis (diet 5a):

  • morning: meatballs made from fish; mashed rice porridge boiled in water; tea with milk (only weak);
  • for a second breakfast, you can eat low-fat cottage cheese;
  • for lunch, vegetable soup (mashed), mashed potatoes with boiled chicken fillet, fresh compote from grated apples are perfect;
  • for an afternoon snack, you need to refresh yourself with a rosehip broth with wheat bread (dried);
  • cook for dinner buckwheat porridge; steam chicken protein; tea (weak).

An approximate diet 5p (menu for a week) for pancreatitis can be organized as follows:

  • in the morning, a vinaigrette, lean beef (boiled), wheat bread (dried) will do;
  • for a second breakfast, you need to take dried fruits, tea is not strong, (from durum wheat);
  • for lunch, you need to cook vegetable soup, stew a piece of low-fat fish, boil potatoes, bake an apple in the oven;
  • for an afternoon snack, cottage cheese casserole and jelly are perfect;
  • in the evening you need to boil the turkey fillet with pasta, tea (weak).

Also during the day you need to drink 1.5 liters of mineral water, preference is given to "Borjomi".

This diet for pancreatitis (the menu and diet recipes are provided above) will help you overcome the disease much faster and feel a significant improvement in your health.

To cure pancreatitis, it is necessary to strictly adhere to all the doctor's recommendations and follow because proper nutrition has a positive effect on the pancreas and contributes to its speedy recovery. If you stick to diet menu number 5, then you can once and for all forget about abdominal pain and digestive problems.

A few more important rules

  • various types of soups: vegetable, dairy, fruit, with cereals;
  • cooked borscht or cabbage soup should not include meat;
  • it is recommended to use chicken, tongue separately;
  • from fish, bream, cod, pike perch and hake can be included in the diet;
  • low-fat dairy products can be consumed in an amount of no more than 200 g per day: cottage cheese casserole, soufflé, lazy dumplings;
  • it is recommended to eat yesterday's bread - either white or black;
  • once a week it is allowed to eat a bun or a little pie, only without adding butter to the dough;
  • boiled eggs are not allowed to eat more than one per day;
  • you can eat raw vegetables, as well as boiled (carrots and beets are considered especially useful), herbs, fruits.

It must be remembered that the 5p diet (menu for the week) for pancreatitis should include only boiled, baked or steamed dishes, in no case should meat be fried.

So the 5p diet is therapeutic diet, whose action is aimed at maximally alleviating the symptoms of the disease and curing pancreatitis. A diet menu for a week will allow a sick person not only to fully recover, but also to throw off a few extra pounds, which will allow you to establish the work of important body systems. But before applying the diet, you should consult with an experienced doctor.

Diet table number 5 according to Pevzner makes life much easier for patients, because knowing the menu for the week, you just need to delve into the diet and prepare meals. It's no secret that nutrition affects the overall well-being of a person. With a properly selected diet for diseases, recovery will come faster, and the patient's well-being will also improve.

Indications for the use of dietary table 5 according to Pevzner

  • cholelithiasis;
  • chronic hepatitis (after a period of exacerbation);
  • chronic cholecystitis and cholecystitis during recovery;
  • cirrhosis of the liver (in the absence of insufficiency of function);
  • acute hepatitis during the recovery period;
  • if there is no severe pathology of the intestine.

It is believed that the Pevzner 5 diet is the most sparing diet that contributes to the rapid restoration of liver function. At the same time, the activity of the biliary tract is normalized. The meaning of nutrition is simple - proteins and carbohydrates should enter the body in a normal amount, and the amount of fat is somewhat reduced. Be sure to exclude food filled with cholesterol, purine, nitrogenous substances.

You can choose the right diet for yourself by studying.

Treatment table number 5 according to Pevzner: general characteristics

  • a slight decrease in proteins (up to 80 gr.) and carbohydrates (up to 400 gr.);
  • limit the amount of fat in the menu (up to 80-90 gr.);
  • liquid at least 1.5 - 2 liters;
  • salt not more than 10 g;
  • energy value per day - 2400 - 2800 kcal.
  • cooking method: boiling, baking, sometimes stewing. It is necessary to wipe the vegetables rich in fiber. Stringy meat - finely chopped. It is impossible to fry;
  • the dishes consumed should not be too cold and too hot;
  • it is contraindicated to use foods containing large amounts of purines and oxalic acid;
  • exclude foods that cause bloating, contain coarse fiber.

Such nutrition is good and quickly affects the functioning of the liver. Therefore, clinical nutrition of the 5th table is often prescribed during recovery after surgery. - this is a strong blow to the liver, so she needs help to remove all toxins and normalize her work.

Diet 5 table: what is possible \ what is not (table)

Table number 5, like any other Pevzner diet, contains a list of foods - what can and cannot be eaten.

Allowed: Forbidden:
Vegetable, vegetarian, fruit soups without any frying. Meat soups, broths, okroshka.
Wheat bread, preferably stale. Dry biscuit, inedible products. Butter, puff pastry, fried pies, fresh bread.
Lean meat. It can be rabbit, chicken, veal, turkey, lamb. The meat is boiled or baked. The skin and cartilage are previously removed. Fatty meat, canned food, stew.
Lean fish. Boiled will do. Fatty, salty fish.
Dairy products. Low-fat cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, milk. Sour cream, milk 6%, fat cottage cheese.
Eggs, but no more than one yolk per day. Fried and boiled hard boiled eggs.
Macaroni and cereals. Good oatmeal and buckwheat. Legumes.
Vegetables. Smoked meats, spicy dishes, caviar.
Vegetable and fruit salads with a little oil. Spinach, radish, sorrel, radish, garlic, mushrooms, pickled vegetables.
Low-fat diet sausages, sausages. Mustard, horseradish, sauces.
Berries, fruits, jelly, kissels, compotes, smoothies. Any fat.
Herbs. Cold drinks and cocoa.
Juices, tea, coffee with milk. Compotes, decoctions are welcome.

Reasonable prohibitions, since we are talking about liver health. Fatty, spicy foods are excluded to the maximum.

Diet 5 table according to Pevzner: menu for the week and recipes

With a diet of table number 5, the menu for the week for each day can be varied, since the products that are allowed to be eaten are enough to make various recipes.
Below you can familiarize yourself with the menu, or download it to your computer in .doc format.

  • Tea with dry cookies;
  • Cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream.
  • Baked apples.
  • vegetable soup;
  • Buckwheat porridge with a steam cutlet;
  • Dried fruits compote.
afternoon tea
  • Marshmallow or marmalade;
  • Sweet tea.
  • Boiled potatoes;
  • Steamed fish.
For the night
  • Kefir - half a glass.
  • Cottage cheese casserole;
  • A piece of stale bread with butter;
  • Tea is sweet.
  • Salad of fresh or boiled vegetables with vegetable oil;
  • Green tea.
  • Vegetable soup puree;
  • Boiled chicken meat;
  • Rice porridge.
afternoon tea
  • Cottage cheese casserole with yogurt.
  • Potato casserole;
  • Baked apples.
For the night
  • Yogurt - half a glass.
  • Buckwheat porridge;
  • A piece of black bread with butter;
  • Tea is sweet.
  • Baked apples.
  • Vegetable stuffed cabbage;
  • Compote.
afternoon tea
  • Cream soup with sour cream.
  • Pasta casserole with egg and sugar;
  • Apple juice.
For the night
  • Yogurt - half a glass.
  • Rice porridge boiled with an apple;
  • A piece of dried bread with butter;
  • Tea is sweet.
  • Vegetable salad with vegetable oil.
  • Braised cabbage;
  • Baked fish;
  • Berry compote.
afternoon tea
  • Crackers or cookies;
  • Kissel from berries and fruits.
  • Meat baked;
  • Cabbage cutlets.
For the night
  • Kefir - half a glass.
  • Oatmeal porridge boiled in water with milk;
  • Biscuits biscuit;
  • Tea is sweet.
  • Baked apples.
  • Lenten borscht;
  • Vegetable casserole;
  • Buckwheat porridge.
afternoon tea
  • Rosehip decoction.
  • Boiled or baked fish;
  • Mashed potatoes.
For the night
  • Yogurt - half a glass.
  • Cottage cheese with kefir and jam;
  • Tea (green or black).
  • Vegetable casserole.
  • Vegetable soup;
  • Boiled potatoes;
  • Roasted turkey meat.
afternoon tea
  • Baked apples.
  • Vegetable soup puree;
  • Braised fish.
For the night
  • Kefir - half a glass.
  • Buckwheat porridge boiled in water with milk;
  • The tea is unsweetened.
  • Baked apples.
  • Corn porridge with prunes;
  • Vegetable puree soup.
afternoon tea
  • Cottage cheese with homemade yogurt.
  • Mashed potatoes;
  • Salad of stewed vegetables.
For the night
  • Yogurt - half a glass.

Diet 5 table according to Pevzner: recipes for cooking

Considering that many things are forbidden, we offer you recipes for the fifth table so that you can cook delicious and satisfying food. It must be remembered that eating should be done 5 times a day.

  • For breakfast, they usually eat milk porridge or pudding. Even the laziest can cook milk porridge. But for the pudding you need a recipe.

curd pudding

  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 500 gr.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Milk - 1/2 cup.
  • Semolina - 3 tablespoons.
  • Melted butter, vanilla, raisins, sugar.

First, semolina is poured with milk and waited for it to swell. Cottage cheese must be carefully interrupted in a blender. It should become soft.

  • For second breakfast, you can eat a baked apple or any fresh fruit.
  • For lunch, use low-fat soup. You can cook porridge with vegetables, bake chicken. Compote required. For an afternoon tea, a decoction of herbs.

Recipe vegetable soup with diet table 5

  • Zucchini - 60 gr.
  • Potato - 40 gr.
  • Tomato or carrot - 20 gr.
  • Onion and parsley - 10 gr.
  • Butter.
  • Vegetable broth - 500 gr.
  • Sour cream (10% fat) - 10 ml.

Finely chop all vegetables (except potatoes) and stew a little in water with butter. Add the diced potatoes to the mixture and cook for another 20 minutes. Pour the vegetable mixture into the broth and cook until the potatoes are ready. Serve with sour cream and herbs (finely chopped).

  • If there was meat for lunch, then fish should be cooked for dinner. It goes well with vegetable puree. You can eat a cheesecake with compote.
  • Before going to bed, low-fat kefir is allowed.

If you stick to such a diet for a long time, then you need to improvise and cook different dishes. Variety will help you to easily go on a diet and not break down.

Diet table number 5 for children

Diet 5 according to Pevzner for children is the same as for adults. It’s just that it’s harder to deal with a small, stupid little demon, because he has an argument - I want to.

Diet 5 according to Pevzner for a child with liver problems is a test for the psyche of parents. In order to have fewer conflicts and problems, it is advisable to adhere to therapeutic nutrition with the whole family. And of course, mom needs to constantly cook something new and tasty from allowed products.

Diet according to Pevzner 5p: weekly menu for pancreatitis

This table has a branch. For patients with pancreatitis, it is necessary to follow a special diet according to Pevzner 5p. Such nutrition is designed for those who have a chronic form of pancreatitis. The therapeutic diet was based on table number 5, but some exceptions were added.

They include:

  • White sugar. Only 20 grams of xylitol can be mixed into dishes.
  • Exclude hot and cold dishes. That is, all food should be slightly warm or at room temperature.
  • Any food containing palm oil.
  • Beetroot, okroshka.
  • Sweets.

In all other respects, the table is exactly the same as No. 5. It takes at least a couple of months for Pevzner's diet number 5p to give a result, it is better to make a menu for a week in advance to reduce the risk of eating something forbidden.

This diet is perfect for the post-operative period. You can stick to it for the first two weeks of recovery, and then smoothly switch to table number 5.

Diet 5a according to Pevzner

There is also a table for patients with cholecystitis in the active phase. Also, a therapeutic diet can be prescribed for hepatitis. The purpose of this diet is not to reduce calories, but to facilitate the work of the liver. At the same time, all the necessary and important substances must be supplied to the body in sufficient quantities.

Diet 5a and recipes for every day almost completely coincide with the fifth table, only all dishes are served grated, without large pieces.

Prohibited products include:

  • Any products with yeast. Even dietary supplements and vitamins with brewer's yeast are contraindicated. They will cause fermentation and putrefaction in the digestive tract.
  • Products containing soy and legumes.
  • Processed cheese, glazed curds, purchased cottage cheese.
  • Citrus.
  • Collections where there is lemon and other citrus fruits.
  • Bran.
  • Any fried food is completely excluded.

Also, you can not eat all those foods that are prohibited on table number 5. In principle, there are not so many restrictions, but they must be followed strictly. After the active phase of cholecystitis has passed, you can slowly return to diet 5.

Also, therapeutic diet 5a can be used during recovery after major surgical interventions. Such nutrition will facilitate the work of the liver, and it will cope with the excretion of residual substances from the used anesthesia. As a rule, a week on such a diet is enough, then it is expanded to the menu of the fifth table. Under no circumstances should you eat fatty foods in the first week after surgery. This threatens with serious complications and problems with the liver in the future.

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