What causes chronic pancreatitis and what diet. Pancreatitis and therapeutic diet

Inflammation of the pancreas, or pancreatitis, is a complete disaster for the entire digestive tract. The pancreas produces hormones (insulin, glucagon, lipocaine), enzymes that are necessary for normal digestion and digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and bicarbonate ions that neutralize the acidic secretions of the stomach. Pancreatitis is divided into acute and chronic, but in any case, following a diet for this disease is necessary.

General principles of diet

The goal of the diet for pancreatitis is mechanical, chemical and thermal sparing of the gastrointestinal tract. That is, by following the treatment table for inflammation of the pancreas, its normal functioning is achieved, the stomach and intestines are protected from aggressive foods, the activation of the gallbladder is reduced and liver diseases are prevented.

The treatment table for pancreatitis according to the Pevzner classification is table No. 5p. Table No. 5p is somewhat different from table No. 5, which is prescribed for liver diseases, but also has a number of similar dietary restrictions.

The diet for pancreatitis should be nutritious, contain an increased amount of proteins, but a reduced amount of fats and carbohydrates (in particular sugar) to prevent the degeneration of the liver into fatty hepatosis and the development of diabetes mellitus.

The daily amount of necessary nutritional elements of the dietary table for pancreatitis:

  • proteins: 100 – 120 gr. (of which 65% are animals);
  • fats: 80 - 100 gr. (of which 15 - 20% are plant-based);
  • carbohydrates: 300 – 350 gr. (sugar no more than 30 - 40 g.)
  • table salt 6 – 10 gr. (food should be under-salted);
  • free liquid 1.5 - 2 liters.

The energy value of the diet is 2500 – 2600 kcal.

General principles of diet for pancreatitis

Mechanical food processing

In acute pancreatitis or in case of exacerbation of the chronic form, all food should be pureed, boiled or steamed, which ensures maximum sparing of the stomach.


Food should be served neither hot nor cold. Optimal temperature food 20 – 50°C.

Knowing of limits

With pancreatitis, it is very important to observe moderation while eating. Overeating is not allowed, because... this creates not only an increased load on the pancreas, but also on the entire digestive tract as a whole.

Number of meals

Meals during the day should be small, up to 5 – 6 times a day. You should not try to satisfy your hunger with a large portion of food at once; you must follow the principle: “little is better, but often.” This will facilitate the work of the pancreas, food will be better absorbed, and pain after eating will practically disappear.

Rejection of bad habits

Drinking alcohol is dangerous not only for the development of alcoholism, but with pancreatitis, alcoholic drinks provoke the formation of protein “growths” - plaques in the pancreatic ducts, clogging them, disrupting the outflow of gland secretions into the duodenum, thereby exacerbating the inflammatory process in the organ and provoking the gland to increase self-digestion .

Nicotine, in turn, interferes with the production of enzymes that neutralize acetaldehyde (this substance is formed during the breakdown of alcohol in the body, it provokes inflammation of the pancreas).

Prohibited Products

If you have pancreatitis, you should avoid foods that stimulate the production of gastric juice and, accordingly, pancreatic secretions. That is, the production of pancreatic enzymes significantly exceeds the required need for them for the digestive tract as a whole, and therefore, with pancreatitis, the excess enzymes are spent on digesting the own pancreas. To reduce the amount of synthesized enzymes and relieve inflammation of the organ, you need to give up a number of foods:

  • Soups. Soups made with meat, mushroom and fish broths, complex ones (cabbage soup, borscht, rassolnik), dairy soups, cold ones (okroshka, beetroot soup) are prohibited.
  • Bread. Fresh wheat or rye, puff pastry and butter dough, flatbreads, fried pies.
  • Meat. Fatty meats (pork, lamb) and poultry (duck, goose), sausages, liver, kidneys and brains, smoked meats and canned food.
  • Fish. Fatty fish, salted and smoked, fried, canned.
  • Milk and lactic acid products. Among lactic acid products, you should avoid those that have a high percentage of fat content - sour cream, fatty, salty and spicy types of cheese.
  • Cereals. Ban on pearl barley, millet, corn and wheat cereals, since they long time are found in the stomach and intestines, stimulating the production of pancreatic juice.
  • Eggs. Fried and hard-boiled.
  • Vegetables. Cabbage, eggplant, radish, turnip, radish, garlic and spinach, bell pepper.
  • Sweets. Chocolate, raw unprocessed fruits and berries (dates, grapes, figs, bananas), ice cream, jam.
  • Spices. Black and red pepper, coriander, horseradish, hot tomato sauce, vinegar, etc.
  • Beverages. Coffee, cocoa, strong tea, sweet carbonated drinks, grape juice.
  • Fats. All refractory fats (pork, beef, lamb fat), fat tail fat, bear fat and others.

Authorized Products

Products that are recommended to be eaten during pancreatitis should facilitate the work of the pancreas as much as possible, reduce the amount of enzymes it synthesizes, quickly evacuate from the stomach and small intestine, and not cause flatulence, which provokes already existing abdominal pain.

In addition, to facilitate the synthesis of enzymes in the pancreas, which contain proteins, food should be easily digestible and rich in proteins.

List of permitted products:

  • Bread. Day-old or dried white bread, dry unsweetened cookies, crackers.
  • Soups. Soups should be vegetarian, with pureed vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, potatoes), with noodles, semolina or oatmeal.
  • Meat. Low-fat varieties (beef without films and tendons, veal), white meat chicken, turkey, rabbit. The meat should be boiled and preferably pureed (soufflé, steamed cutlets, dumplings), beef stroganoff.
  • Fish. Low-fat varieties (cod, pollock, carp) boiled or chopped, aspic.
  • Cereals. Buckwheat (mashed), oatmeal, semolina, rice porrige on water with milk 50/50, puddings and casseroles with cereals, cottage cheese.
  • Milk and dairy products. Low-fat milk, non-sour and low-fat cottage cheese, yoghurts, kefir, curdled milk no more than 2% fat, unsalted and low-fat cheeses.
  • Eggs. Steamed egg white omelettes? yolk once a week.
  • Vegetables. Potatoes, carrots, zucchini, beets, cauliflower, pumpkin, green peas.
  • Sweets. It is better to replace sugar with xylitol, use only ripe and non-acidic varieties of fruits and berries, prepare mousses, jellies, puddings, compotes (all pureed), baked apples from them.
  • Spices and sauces. Dairy or sauces based on diluted vegetable broth; do not sauté when adding flour.
  • Fats. Butter(no more than 30 grams per day), refined vegetable oil (10 - 15 grams), add oils to ready-made dishes.
  • Beverages. Lightly brewed tea with lemon, mineral water still, rosehip decoction, juices, half diluted with water.

Diet for acute pancreatitis

In the first days of the disease, when the pain syndrome is pronounced, it is necessary to adhere to the principle: “hunger, cold and rest.” That is, all foods are excluded, a heating pad with ice is placed on the stomach, the patient must maintain physical and emotional rest.

You are allowed to drink non-carbonated alkaline water up to 1.5 - 2 liters per day. From 3 to 4 days, mucous decoctions, unsweetened tea and rosehip decoction, liquid, boiled porridge are introduced into the menu. On days 5–6, a protein omelet, pureed buckwheat or oatmeal, some crackers, boiled vegetables, and meals up to 6 times a day in small portions are allowed. Puddings, mousses, casseroles, and diluted juices are gradually being introduced into the menu. As the acute period subsides, they switch to treatment table No. 5p.

The need to follow a diet

Following a diet for pancreatitis is aimed at maximizing sparing of the pancreas, reducing the inflammatory process in the gland, relieving a painful attack and preventing the development of possible complications.

In addition, the diet normalizes the production of digestive enzymes, blocks the pancreas from “eating” itself, maintains the integrity of the intestinal mucosa, limits the entry of toxic substances into the body, and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole.

Consequences of not following the diet

In case of non-compliance with the diet during acute pancreatitis or exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, the following complications arise:

  • jaundice (due to impaired outflow of bile);
  • bleeding in the digestive tract (stomach ulcers, varicose veins of the esophagus, Mallory-Weiss syndrome);
  • portal hepatic hypertension;
  • thrombosis of the portal or splenic vein;
  • damage to the duodenum (obstruction);
  • malignant tumor of the pancreas;
  • brain damage (

Diet for chronic pancreatitis is an important part of life after hospital treatment. Diet food as important for the patient as drug treatment. You have to follow the prescribed diet for chronic pancreatitis throughout your life. Any errors in food aggravate the disease. This worsens the quality of life and further prognosis. This is due to the fact that with pancreatitis, the exocrine function of the pancreas is not restored.

Chronic pancreatitis, like any chronic disease, is characterized by periods of exacerbation and. It depends on a person’s lifestyle and a number of external and internal factors affecting him.

The diet prescribed for this pathology differs in different phases of the disease. There is a whole branch of medical science - dietetics, which has various methods of influencing the pathological process with the help of properly selected food products.

Features of diet for chronic pancreatitis

Diet therapy is part of the complex treatment of pancreatitis at any stage of the disease. Therefore, every adult, just like everyone else, must strictly follow the rules of nutrition: you must eat only approved foods. It is necessary to know any prohibited product so that it does not end up in the dish that a patient diagnosed with pancreatitis will eat. There is a special table containing a list of products allowed for pancreatitis, and their chemical composition is indicated in detail.

In addition, each patient needs to know (or have) a list, using which he can choose the most useful product and cook delicious recipe based on it.

Diet during remission of chronic pancreatitis

In chronic pancreatitis, diet prolongs the remission phase. That is why food restrictions are prescribed for a long time.

A diet for a patient with pancreatitis is introduced to reduce enzymatic secretion - in order to create functional rest of the gland. For chronic pancreatitis it is used. It is used during periods of exacerbation and remission of the disease. The positive effect is ensured by careful selection of food components and portion sizes.

Features of the diet for pancreatitis include the creation of a gentle regime for the digestive organs:

  1. Chemical- exclusion of certain dishes or significant dietary restrictions. Any fatty, fried, spicy, smoked product can cause pain and aggravate gastritis, which will lead to worsening of pancreatitis - an edematous symptom will appear and begin.
  2. Mechanical- food must be thoroughly crushed and pureed to a puree or mushy consistency. Irritation of the gastric mucosa by rough food leads to its inflammation, the production of additional gastric juice, which stimulates the secretion of pancreatic enzymes and leads to an exacerbation of pancreatitis.
  3. Thermal- too hot or cold food causes irritation of the mucous membranes and indirectly aggravates the process, so the temperature of the food is made comfortable - warm.

Correct diet:

  • fractional meals at the same time: 6–8 times a day;
  • small portions: the volume of food plays a role in the production of a certain amount of pancreatic enzymes (the load on the organ depends on it);
  • food is prepared by steam, stewed, boiled or baked in its own juice (fried foods should not be eaten).

Due to the difficulty of digesting fats (necessary a large number of enzymes for breakdown, which increases the functional load on the affected organ and exacerbates inflammation), their intake is sharply limited. Creamy and vegetable oil in small quantities. Lard, fatty fish, and meat are excluded.

Simple carbohydrates are limited, especially in patients diagnosed with diabetes. The endocrinologist may prohibit sweets for them, and, in addition to diet No. 5, an additional table number will be assigned - No. 9.

This especially affects a woman who had calculous. A removed gallbladder leads to the development of postcholecystectomy syndrome: pancreatitis in such cases can recur with minor dietary disturbances.

Diet during exacerbation

During an exacerbation, the diet differs sharply from the diet in the remission phase. In the first 3 days, fasting is prescribed. If food is not supplied and enzymes are not produced, then the gland is at physiological rest, which leads to its restoration.

The patient is treated in a hospital: they are administered intravenously, the quantity and composition of which is prescribed individually by the doctor. At this time, only drinking is allowed if the patient’s condition allows it - with mild vomiting. The permitted drink is consumed often, but in small portions. Prohibited:

  • carbonated drinks;
  • strong tea;
  • coffee;
  • cocoa.

From the first hours of exacerbation, non-carbonated alkaline mineral water (Slavyanovskaya, Polyana Kvasova) is prescribed in an amount of up to 2.5 liters per day. The following are also permitted:

  • jelly;
  • weakly brewed tea;
  • dried fruits compote.

Especially indicated (after alkaline mineral water). It can be prepared from different ingredients. It comes in several types:

  • oat;
  • lactic;
  • fruit and berry.

Their common component is starch - potato or corn. This acceptable product is allowed for use by all patients even during the acute period of illness. The exception is neither the elderly nor children:

  • it does not stimulate the production of gastric and pancreatic juice, but, on the contrary, alkalizes the acidic environment of gastric juice;
  • due to its viscous consistency, it envelops the walls of the stomach and intestines;
  • does not have an irritating effect;
  • nutritious - satisfies hunger due to carbohydrates;
  • well absorbed;
  • contains a variety of vitamins and microelements, depending on its composition.

For pancreatitis good review nutritionists received:

  • low-calorie, but filling;
  • removes toxins;
  • protects the mucous membranes of the digestive organs from negative influences;
  • gently affects intestinal motility;
  • normalizes stool.

In case of exacerbation, jelly is prescribed after the start of parenteral nutrition for 3–4 days. It serves as a main dish, replacing solid food, being a source of essential nutrients. Therefore, you can take it as a second breakfast or afternoon snack.

Menu 10 days after the attack

From the 10th day after the menu expands, its calorie content increases - you are allowed to eat 1000 kcal/day:

  • 60 g proteins;
  • 20 g fat;
  • 300 g carbohydrates.

The extremely low content of prohibited fats is compensated by proteins and carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are limited. They are consumed only in the form of sugar - 30 g / day. or honey - 20 g/day.

The approximate period during which this diet is maintained is a week. In the future, the list of permitted foods and their calorie content is gradually expanding. The use of new ones is limited.

Egg whites are introduced into the diet, from which they can be cooked. Yolks are only allowed to be used for cooking. Fried, hard-boiled or raw eggs prohibited. Milk is also not recommended, only when not large quantities low-fat fermented milk products.

10 days after an attack of pancreatitis, fresh fruits and raw vegetables are prohibited, especially:

  • White cabbage;
  • radish;
  • radish.

You can eat lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers without peel in limited quantities. Allowed baked apples.

Medical nutrition after completion of hospital treatment

After discharge, in case of incomplete remission of the disease, the energy value of the products increases and reaches 2480 kcal/day. The daily norm is:

  • 90 g of proteins (40 g of which are of animal origin);
  • 80 g fat (30 g - vegetable);
  • 300 g of carbohydrates (60 g - easily digestible).

After the condition improves, when the exacerbation begins to subside, it is recommended to use:

  • lean fish and meat;
  • buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina;
  • fresh .

This diet is used for about six months, sometimes more, until complete remission occurs.

Menu for a patient during remission

During the period of remission, another type of diet is prescribed - table No. 5B. This diet is designed to help:

  • during a period of stable remission;
  • for the prevention of exacerbations, relapses, progression of the disease;
  • to correct errors in power mode.

Has high energy value- 2690 kcal. The daily amount of food should contain:

  • 110 g proteins;
  • 90 g of fats (but they are introduced gradually, 20% of them should be of vegetable origin);
  • 350-400 g of carbohydrates (of which 30 g are simple carbohydrates).

Culinary processing method dietary products remains the same:

  • cooking;
  • baking;
  • steaming.

It is better to eat pureed foods; a separate feeding method is recommended.

Example menu during remission

  • 1 breakfast - oatmeal with milk, boiled beef, ;
  • 2nd breakfast - baked apple, 2 egg whites, rosehip infusion;
  • lunch - rice soup cooked in vegetable broth, boiled pasta, compote;
  • afternoon snack - cottage cheese, tea;
  • dinner - fish soufflé, a glass of kefir.

Allowed products for chronic pancreatitis

Authorized products include:

  • lean meat (beef, veal, poultry), fish;
  • fresh milk (no more than half a glass per day);
  • dairy products;
  • proteins of plant origin (day-old bread, crackers, pasta, semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat).
  • cabbage;
  • potato;
  • beet;
  • squash.

Vegetable dishes are processed and chopped.

What should you not eat if you have chronic pancreatitis?

In chronic pancreatitis, it is important to maintain remission of the disease for as long as possible. Diet plays an important role during this period:

  • Alcohol in any form is absolutely contraindicated;
  • fatty foods like main factor, contributing to exacerbation;
  • spicy, fried, smoked, salted;
  • fast food;
  • fresh baked goods;
  • legumes, spinach, sorrel, onions, garlic, mushrooms;
  • eggs in any form, except white omelette;
  • chocolate and creams based on it;
  • figs, grapes, dates.

Sample recipes for healthy dishes for a patient

All recipes are designed for steaming or cooking in a slow cooker - this is one of the ways to reduce the fat content of dishes.

Puree fish soup

  • 0.5 kg fillet;
  • 2 pieces of potatoes;
  • 50 ml milk;

Boil fish fillet, salt and add chopped potatoes and onions. Once ready, grind all ingredients in a blender, add milk and bring to a boil. Before serving, garnish with herbs.

Chicken soufflé

Mince the chicken meat twice, add milk and egg whites. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly with a mixer. Pour the mixture into the mold and bake in the oven or slow cooker until cooked.

Beet and carrot salad

Boil the vegetables in salted water, when ready, peel, grate on a fine grater, mix, add vegetable oil, garnish with herbs.

Dessert of cottage cheese and fruits

Peeled banana and strawberries are ground using a blender. Low-fat cottage cheese is also ground with cream and sugar. Fruits and cottage cheese are thoroughly mixed and cooled. You can add gelatin to the resulting mixture to create jelly.

There are many recipes for tasty and healthy food for pancreatitis. If you use them correctly, you can maintain the resulting remission of the disease for a long time and good quality life.


  1. Loranskaya T.I., Diet therapy for chronic pancreatitis. M.: Miklos, 2010
  2. Grebenev A.L. Chronic pancreatitis. Guide to gastroenterology. Under. ed. F.I. Komarova, A.L. Grebeneva. M. 1996, Vol. 3, pp. 81–112.
  3. Kazyulin A.N., Kucheryavyi Yu.A., Sorokin V.V. A modern view on the problem of rational nutrition in chronic pancreatitis. Current issues in clinical transport medicine. 2003 Vol. 11, pp. 330–341.
  4. Chekhonina Yu., Gapparov M., Shakhovskaya A. Assessment of nutritional status and diet therapy for chronic pancreatitis. M. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012
  5. Ilyin V.F., Therapeutic diets for pancreatitis and other diseases of the pancreas. M.: Vector, 2010.
  6. Zikeeva V.K. Therapeutic nutrition for acute and chronic pancreatitis. Handbook of Dietetics edited by V.A. Tutulyana, M.A. Samsonova. 3rd ed., M.: Medicine, 2002, pp. 209–217.

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory process in the pancreas. There are acute forms and chronic forms of the disease. In this article we will look at the second option.

Etiology of the disease

We eat tasty and healthy

The causes of this disease are liver disease, as well as gallbladder, excessive consumption of fatty foods, viral infections, operations on the pancreas (organ), trauma, as well as psychogenic influences - stress, nervous strain, causing spasm of blood vessels and ducts of the gland. But most common cause The disease is the consumption of alcohol along with a large meal.


Due to changes in the acidity of the environment in the small intestine (shift to the acidic side), the patient experiences heartburn. The most characteristic symptom of chronic pancreatitis is pain in the upper area abdomen, the pain can also be girdling. The pain intensifies after eating spicy, fatty or fried foods. Therefore, for a chronic disease, it is necessary to prescribe a special one.


Therapeutic fasting

In case of exacerbation, diet, therapeutic fasting and alkaline mineral waters are prescribed. During the period of remission, the energy needs of the body must be covered and specific ratios of fats, proteins and carbohydrates and increased doses of vitamins must be provided.

The amount of protein in the diet should be 100-120 g per day (preference should be given to animal protein (at least 60% of the total)). Sources can be the following dishes: low-fat cutlets and meatballs from rabbit meat, turkey or steamed chicken, or simply boiled meat, non-acidic low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat fish. The diet involves reducing the amount of fat in the diet to 70-85 g per day. If the daily norm is exceeded, enzyme preparations are required. The diet also limits carbohydrate intake to approximately 300-330 g per day (chocolate, carbonated drinks and ice cream, as well as fresh wheat bread are excluded).

What fats can you eat? Butter (up to 40 grams per day), refined vegetable oil (sunflower) (up to 20 grams per day), a small amount of sour cream or cream.

Diet meat
  • lean meat (rabbit, chicken, turkey), low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat fish;
  • porridges that contain a small amount of fiber (for example, rice porridge made from polished rice), semolina porridge, boiled cereals on the water; buckwheat and wheat porridge in limited quantities;
  • vegetables (pumpkin, potatoes, carrots, zucchini, cauliflower, tomatoes, Bell pepper. Red and white cabbage, beets, radishes and radishes in small quantities);
  • fruits (unsweetened apples, baked pears, bananas, strawberries, watermelon, tangerines, pomegranate, dried blueberries, cherries, strawberries. You should limit your consumption of raspberries, peaches, apricots, plums, cherries, grapes, gooseberries, blackberries, dried apricots and raisins);
  • soups made from potato broth or broth from chicken breast. You should not eat okroshka or cabbage soup;
  • you can eat dried rye or wheat bread;
  • jelly, weak tea with milk, fruit juices, rosehip decoction.

Junk food for pancreatitis
  • fresh bread, filled pastries, cookies, pasta and flour products;
  • fat meat;
  • fatty fish and fried fish;
  • canned food, sausages, smoked products;
  • margarine, lard;
  • pulses: peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils. Young green beans are allowed in small quantities;
  • cheese masses, fatty cottage cheese and yogurt with a high fat content;
  • hard-boiled chicken eggs;
  • mushrooms;
  • dishes with a lot of spices;
  • carbonated drinks and alcohol;
  • caffeinated drinks.

With chronic pancreatitis, you should eat small meals five to six times a day to avoid overeating and excessive stress on the gland. The diet involves preparing dishes from fresh ingredients. Meals are recommended to be taken at the same time every day.

A balanced diet is an important component in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. Proper nutrition for chronic pancreatitis of the pancreas is the basis of therapy. The quality, quantity and specificity of food products determine its effectiveness. Read on to learn more about the features of the therapeutic diet.

The pancreas is responsible for many functions.

The tasks assigned to this body can be divided into 2 categories:

  1. The production of digestive juice, which, when released into the intestines, breaks down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This process is accompanied by the formation of amino acids and vitamins that enter the circulatory system and supplying the body with nutrients.
  2. Hormone production. Insulin minimizes the amount of glucose in the blood. Glucagon, on the contrary, activates the mechanism of formation of this element. Somatostatin slows down the release of bile and the production of hormones.

Thanks to this gland, food is digested, which increases its importance for the human body.

Symptoms of pancreatitis

Inflammatory processes of the pancreas occur in 2 forms: acute and chronic.

Acute is characterized by negative changes in the functioning of the organ. However, with the right treatment, this process is reversible. In the chronic form, exacerbations are replaced by remission and vice versa. The activity of the gland gradually decreases.

The first stage of the disease can last up to 10 years. The patient experiences pain in the gland area, but no external changes are observed. At stage 2, intestinal motility worsens and body weight decreases. The pain, compared to the first phase, is not so pronounced. Complications of the disease occur at any stage.

Chronic pancreatitis is a pathology of the pancreas, fraught with impaired secretory function.

When the disease worsens, the following processes occur in the body:

  • the acidity level increases, which leads to heartburn;
  • the concentration of enzymes, which provokes self-digestion of tissues inside the pancreas, causes severe pain to the right of the navel;
  • as a result of the accumulation of toxins, intoxication occurs;
  • dyspeptic symptoms appear in the form of nausea, bloating and vomiting;
  • due to a decrease in insulin production, blood sugar levels increase, which leads to frequent urination and a constant feeling of thirst;
  • yellowing of the skin and sclera is observed.

Over the past decades, chronic pancreatitis has increased twice as many patients. The disease occurs for various reasons, among which the leading ones are unbalanced nutrition and liver disease. Regardless of the form of pancreatitis, a therapeutic diet is considered one of the main recommendations.

To diagnose chronic pancreatitis, enzyme analysis and gland biopsy, ultrasound and RCPG are prescribed. One of the main methods of treatment is taking medications and a well-chosen diet.

Features of nutrition in chronic pancreatitis of the pancreas

A well-designed diet allows patients to minimize the risk of exacerbation of the disease. The basis of a therapeutic diet is a correct attitude towards the digestive organs due to the exclusion of a number of products from the food line and in a special way cooking.

Nutrition rules:

  1. You need to eat 5 times a day in small portions.
  2. Meals should be taken at the same time every day.
  3. You should buy only products of natural origin.
  4. To retain maximum nutrients, dishes must be steamed.
  5. Food should only be consumed in semi-liquid or ground form.
  6. Complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages.
  7. Limit the amount of fatty foods to 80 grams. fats per day in the form of butter or vegetable oil.
  8. Every day you need to eat up to 115 grams. protein found in lean meats and fish.
  9. It is advisable to refrain from eating sweets.

In acute forms of the disease, it is necessary to fast for 48 hours, drinking only non-carbonated mineral water.

Recommended products for chronic pancreatitis

The diet is quite democratic. As part of therapeutic nutrition, it is envisaged to consume a variety of products so as not to deprive the food of its gastronomic flavor.

ProductFeatures of use
FishLow-fat varieties. Herring, caviar and canned food should be excluded.
MeatBeef and poultry. Sausages and sausage products are not welcome.
EggsSuitable for making omelettes.
Milk productsSkim cheese. Hard types of cheese should be limited.
CerealsWheat, buckwheat, rice and oatmeal. It is necessary to give up pearl barley and wheat porridge.
VegetablesCauliflower, potatoes, broccoli, carrots, bell peppers, tomatoes, lettuce, pumpkin, zucchini, zucchini. Moderate consumption of beets is recommended.
Fruits and berriesBananas, cherries, pears, strawberries, kiwis, pomegranates, oranges, watermelon, lemons, strawberries and tangerines. Limit the presence of apples, dried apricots, currants, raisins, raspberries, grapes, apricots, blackberries, peaches, plums, gooseberries and cherries on the table.

In addition to the listed products, the following dishes are allowed:

  • vegetable soups on chicken broth. Okroshka is not recommended;
  • Keep wheat bread for 1 day, crackers and vermicelli. Rye bread And homemade baking not desirable;
  • marshmallows and marshmallows. Honey, sugar, marmalade and chocolate in large quantities are contraindicated;

Drinks allowed are black and green tea, rosehip infusion and still mineral water. Coffee, juices and fruit drinks will do more harm than good.

Prohibited Products

The prohibited list includes products that stimulate pancreatic secretion.

These include:

  • meat of duck, goose, lamb and pork;
  • hot spices;
  • raw or fried eggs;
  • fatty cottage cheese;
  • corn grits;
  • fresh bread;
  • puff pastry products;
  • legumes;
  • confectionery;
  • margarine;
  • pickles and smoked foods;
  • any alcoholic beverages, including beer;
  • sour juices;
  • cold fizzy drinks.

Despite the restrictions, you need to maintain a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The diet should consist of plant foods and animal protein.

Therapeutic diet

After an attack, it is advisable to avoid eating food for several days. This is easy to do, since in the acute form of the disease there is loss of appetite.

A 2-day fast is necessary in order to stabilize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. When food enters the body, the pancreas begins to produce enzymes necessary for digesting food. However, during exacerbation, enzymes tend to aggressive behavior which leads to abdominal discomfort.

Still mineral water in the amount of 2 liters per day will stop the production of pancreatic juice. Thanks to water, toxins will be removed from the body and pain will decrease. On the third day, food consumption is allowed.

The following diet is for 2 days. Serving sizes are approximate.

Table 2. First day of the diet

EatingAllowed dishes
  • 2 crackers;
  • 200 gr. mashed potatoes;
  • Lunch
  • omelette or 2 boiled eggs;
  • 2 steam cutlets;
  • 1 slice of bread;
  • 100 ml milk.
  • Dinner
  • 250 ml chicken broth soup;
  • 150 gr. boiled zucchini;
  • 150 gr. boiled fish;
  • 1 slice of bread;
  • 200 ml tomato juice.
  • Afternoon snack
  • 200 ml of jelly drink;
  • 150 gr. fruit jelly;
  • 150 ml non-carbonated mineral water.
  • Dinner
  • 200 gr. oatmeal;
  • 2 steam cutlets;
  • 200 gr. carrot puree;
  • 1 slice of bread;
  • 1 mug of weak black tea.
  • Table 2. Second day of the diet

    EatingAllowed dishes
  • 150 gr. oatmeal;
  • 100 gr. beef;
  • 1 slice of bread;
  • 150 ml non-carbonated mineral water.
  • Lunch
  • 150 gr. curd mass;
  • 150 gr. apple puree;
  • 1 slice of bread;
  • 1 mug of tea.
  • Dinner
  • 200 ml vegetable soup with chicken broth;
  • 2 fish cutlets;
  • 200 grams of pumpkin porridge;
  • 1 slice of bread;
  • 150 gr. low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 1 mug of tea.
  • Afternoon snack
  • 100 gr. meat balls cooked in chicken broth;
  • 250 gr. apple and carrot puree;
  • 100 gr. yogurt mass.
  • Dinner
  • 150 gr. meatloaf;
  • 200 gr. mashed boiled potatoes;
  • 150 gr. curd mass;
  • 1 slice of bread;
  • 1 cup of tea.
  • Health depends on how strictly the patient adheres to the diet. In addition to the first 2 days of breaking fast, you must follow the diet for 6 months to 1 year. Any deviations from the recommendations are fraught with a sharp deterioration in health.

    Diet during disease remission

    Nutritionists advise bringing the amount of fat to the norm of consumption healthy person. Carbohydrates remain at a minimal level. Ban on fatty foods and baking is not relevant at this stage, but alcoholic beverages, spicy seasonings and bite remain on the black list. Despite the apparent permissiveness, large amounts of fatty meat should not be introduced into the diet.

    During the remission stage, the range of food preparation methods expands. In addition to the steam method, you can cook stewed and baked foods. Number of meals - 5 times a day, food temperature - up to 60°C.

    Beef, lean pork, veal, and chicken can be used as sources of animal proteins. Fatty pork, goose and duck are not advisable.

    Recipes of allowed dishes

    Despite many prohibitions, the diet can be tasty. You should show a little imagination and adhere to the rules of steaming food.

    Table 4. Recipes for acceptable dishes

    DishIngredientsCooking method
    Meat pudding
  • 10 gr. beef;
  • 25 gr. butter;
  • 15 gr. semolina;
  • 80 gr. drinking water;
  • 1 egg.

  • 1. Prepare the meat for cooking by removing tendons and fat and boil.
    2. Pass the beef through a meat grinder and add pre-cooked semolina, beaten egg white and raw yolk to the resulting mixture.
    3. Mix the “dough” thoroughly and place it in a mold greased with vegetable oil.
    4. Steam for 30 minutes.
    Banana cake
  • 2 bananas;
  • 2 peaches;
  • cracker;
  • 500 ml low-fat yogurt;
  • 2 packs of gelatin;
  • 250 ml water.

  • 1. Mix gelatin with water and cool.
    2. Add yogurt to the resulting mixture and stir.
    3. Prepare the mold by placing foil on the bottom.
    4. Layer the cake in layers, alternating cookies, a mixture of yogurt with gelatin and fruit.
    5. Decorate the top layer with banana slices.
    6. Place the cake in the refrigerator to harden.
    Vermicelli casserole
  • 50 gr. vermicelli;
  • 35 gr. milk;
  • 40 gr. curd mass;
  • 5 gr. Sahara;
  • 1/4 part of an egg.

  • 1. Cook and cool the vermicelli.
    2. Mix vermicelli with pre-grated cottage cheese with the addition of eggs beaten in milk and sugar.
    3. Grease the mold with vegetable oil.
    4. Pour in the resulting mixture, filling the mold to the brim.
    5. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes until browned.

    To prevent exacerbation and prevent chronic pancreatitis, it is not enough to adhere to a diet. You should regularly visit your doctor and take the necessary tests once every 6 months.

    Video - What can you eat if you have pancreatitis?

    Diet for pancreatitis is the most important therapeutic factor, much more important than everything else medicines. They play a supporting role. No wonder pancreatitis provokes overeating and poisoning.

    Eliminate alcohol, seasonings, and smoked foods. Buy a steamer. Eliminating fat will promote weight loss. It is better to chop veal and turkey into minced meat and make casseroles.

    Diet 5 for pancreatitis

    It has the following basic principles: you cannot eat hot or cold food, you need to grind it. It is useful to drink rose hips.

    A diet plan for pancreatitis is an essential part of treatment. Diet 5 is proper nutrition, useful even for healthy people.

    Canned food and fatty broths are prohibited. All dishes are pureed in a blender.

    Healthy foods: chicken fillet boiled, vegetable soups, yesterday's bread, milk soups, buckwheat.

    • How long should you diet for pancreatitis?

    A diet for pancreatitis, if it is acute, is prescribed for a period of 6-9 months. For chronic pancreatitis - for several years.

    • What should a diet for pancreatitis not include?

    Beef fat, cabbage, radishes, spinach, rutabaga, alcohol, black bread.

    Examples of diet recipes 5 for pancreatitis

    200 g beef, 30g wheat bread, 3 tbsp. milk, 3 tsp. olive oil, a pinch of salt.

    Mix the ingredients. Divide the minced meat into balls. Place in a steamer, add water, close the lid and cook over moderate heat until tender.

    • Milk noodle soup

    150g flour, 2 eggs, 10g butter, 10g sugar, 350 ml milk.

    Replace the dough with flour, water and eggs. Roll out thinly and chop the noodles. Add noodles to milk and cook for 8-12 minutes.

    Diet 5p for pancreatitis

    Used to stimulate digestion, it limits carbohydrates and fats. Calorie content – ​​2700-2800 Kcal. Read more.

    What foods are allowed on the 5p diet?

    • Yesterday wheat bread, biscuits.
    • Soups with vegetable broth, fruit soups.
    • Meat dishes: lean chicken and veal.
    • Mushrooms, beans, spinach are prohibited. Zucchini and pumpkin are allowed.
    • Legumes are excluded.
    • No more than 1 egg per day is allowed.
    • Non-acidic fruits, preferably pureed, berries.
    • Low-fat cottage cheese is allowed.
    • Berry sauces and sour cream sauces are allowed.
    • Fats: sunflower and olive oil. Limit butter.


    • Baked goods, mushrooms, smoked meats, fatty meats, legumes.

    Diet 5a for pancreatitis

    It is prescribed when the patient also has lesions of the biliary tract. This is a diet with limited intake of fats and cholesterol with sufficient caloric content.

    Authorized Products

    Lean boiled beef and chicken, boiled steamed fish, protein omelet, low-fat milk, vegetable oil, a small amount of butter, buckwheat, rice, semolina and buckwheat soufflé. Boiled zucchini pieces are useful. Vegetable soups with sour cream. Raw and baked fruits, berries. Marshmallows are allowed.

    Diet 1 for pancreatitis

    It is prescribed when acute or chronic pancreatitis is combined with stomach diseases.

    Authorized Products

    • Eggs: white steam omelet.
    • Milk and cereal soups (except pearl barley).
    • Meat and fish: chicken, lean beef, lean fish.

    • Milk porridge made from low-fat milk.
    • Vegetables: carrot puree, mashed beets, mashed potatoes.
    • Berries: raw, non-astringent, sweet, jam. Rosehip infusion, compotes, jelly.

    Recipes for pancreatitis

    Do not forget that after an attack of acute pancreatitis you need to follow a diet for 8-9 months.

    Diet for a week for pancreatitis

    It can be not only healthy, but also very tasty. White day-old bread and biscuits “Maria” and “Zoological” are allowed. Steam omelet, low-fat milk, kefir, sour cream - these products can be consumed. You can eat sweet fruits, dried fruits and raisins.

    What should be excluded from the diet to avoid recurrence of attacks of pancreatitis? Strong broths, fried, smoked, baked goods and chocolate.

    So, the weekly menu for pancreatitis is something like this.


    • Breakfast: biscuits with cheese.
    • Second breakfast: steamed omelette, bread with tea.
    • Dinner: buckwheat, boiled zucchini, cottage cheese.
    • Afternoon snack: grated apple.
    • Dinner: oatmeal, beet salad, baked apple.

    • Breakfast: cottage cheese.
    • Second breakfast: carrot and green pea salad.
    • Lunch: beef with bread.
    • Dinner: vegetable soup, carrot puree, applesauce, yogurt.
    • Breakfast: yogurt, apple.
    • Second breakfast: baked apple, raisins.
    • Lunch: fish, buckwheat, bread.
    • Dinner: vegetable soup, bread, dried apricots.
    • Breakfast: cottage cheese.
    • Second breakfast: boiled meat, vegetable puree, kefir.
    • Lunch: steam omelette, rosehip broth, bread.
    • Dinner: rice-curd pudding, yogurt.
    • Breakfast: still mineral water, crackers.
    • Second breakfast: steamed cutlets, beet salad.
    • Lunch: stewed meat, carrot and pumpkin puree.
    • Dinner: boiled rice, yogurt.
    • Breakfast: steam omelette.
    • Second breakfast: boiled meat, weak tea.
    • Lunch: steamed rice, baked apples, rosehip infusion.
    • Dinner: rice pudding, yogurt.


    • Breakfast: cottage cheese.
    • Second breakfast: lentil soup (during the period of stable remission).
    • Lunch: steamed chicken, apple puree.
    • Dinner: boiled beets, boiled potatoes, steamed meat, tea.

    Diet by day for pancreatitis

    You need to eat 4 times a day. Beetroot, pork and goose, kidneys, sausage, salmon, sturgeon, lard, mayonnaise, cream, millet and barley side dishes, cabbage, radish, rutabaga, onions, sauces, vinegar, citrus fruits should be completely excluded from the diet.


    • Breakfast: protein omelet, rice porridge, tea.
    • Lunch: vegetable soup, steamed cutlets, carrot puree, apple compote.
    • Dinner: fish dumplings, mashed potatoes and tea.
    • Breakfast: protein omelet, milk buckwheat porridge, tea.
    • Second breakfast: cottage cheese, kefir.
    • Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled chicken, jelly.
    • Dinner: boiled fish, boiled potatoes, weak tea.
    • Breakfast: crackers, still mineral water.
    • Second breakfast: steamed omelette, a slice of white bread, a glass of milk.
    • Lunch: 200g boiled fish, a slice of white bread.
    • Dinner: 200g oatmeal, 200g carrot puree, a slice of white bread, tea with milk.
    • Breakfast: 200 g of oatmeal, a slice of white bread, still mineral water.
    • Second breakfast: 100 g of curd pudding, 100 g of applesauce, tea.
    • Lunch: 400 ml of vegetable puree soup, 200 g of pumpkin porridge, 200 g of cottage cheese.
    • Dinner: 100g meatloaf, 100g cottage cheese casserole, 200ml jelly.
    • Breakfast: 200 g of pureed rice porridge, a slice of white bread.
    • Second breakfast: 200 g rice pudding, 200 g carrot puree, 200 ml tea with milk.
    • Lunch: 400 ml vegetable soup, 100 g cottage cheese casserole.
    • Dinner: 200 g chicken meat, 200 g oatmeal, a glass of tea.

    Diet menu for pancreatitis

    Diet for pancreatitis is the main medicine. You cannot get rid of pancreatitis without following a diet. We will tell you which foods you should avoid, what you can eat, and how to make sure that dieting does not turn into torture for you, and how to replace forbidden sweets.

    For the first 4 days, the patient observes therapeutic fasting and drinks only water. Starting from day 5, you can drink tea with crackers and eat a steam omelet. A week after the attack, you can eat vegetable soups. You should not eat black bread, puff pastry, cakes, pastries, ice cream, kidneys, smoked sausages and canned food.

    You can eat lean boiled fish. Eggs are best consumed in the form of protein steamed omelettes.

    Milk is used in dishes. Boiled pasta is allowed. Millet porridge should not be consumed if you have pancreatitis.

    Vegetables allowed are carrots, potatoes, and cauliflower.

    Of the soups, it is better to give preference to oatmeal and rice. Okroshka, fish broths, and meat broths are excluded.

    Among sweet drinks, compotes and mousses, baked apples, pureed fruit, and fruit and berry sauces are allowed.

    Eliminate all spices and spices from your diet.

    Rosehip decoction is very useful. You can drink weak tea and chicory drink. Eliminate cocoa and coffee.

    Dietary table for various types of pancreatitis

    Diet for chronic pancreatitis

    The dietary table excludes foods that have a juice-like effect and minimizes carbohydrates. The food is boiled and eaten pureed.

    Only day-old white bread is allowed, baked goods are prohibited. Lean beef, rabbit meat, steamed, and lean fish are allowed. Eggs - only in the form of a steamed protein omelet. Non-acidic cottage cheese is allowed. Creamy, sunflower oil needs to be added to dishes. Semolina and rice porridges are cooked in milk and water. Eat more carrots, zucchini, potatoes, green peas, and young beans. The only fruit that is healthy is baked apples. Drink uzvar from dried fruits. Take a thermos with rosehip infusion to work. Make milk sauces - they are very tasty. Unsweetened sauces, seasonings and spices are prohibited.

    You cannot eat lamb, duck, smoked meats, sausage, sturgeon, carp, pickles, mushrooms, coffee, chocolate, sorrel, lettuce, turnips, legumes (except young beans and lentils), cranberries, pomegranates and sparkling water.

    Diet for acute pancreatitis

    Severe and prolonged inflammation of the pancreas can sometimes lead to diabetes. Take care of yourself, do not make mistakes in your diet. When you are in the hospital for the first days after the attack, you will not be given food at all. This is necessary to spare the gland as much as possible.

    Diet for exacerbation of pancreatitis

    The dietary table is as gentle as possible on the pancreas. On the first day, heated Borjomi mineral water, rose hip decoction, and tea are allowed.

    On the 3rd day, it is allowed to expand the diet: add mucous soups, milk jelly, liquid porridge without oil.

    When the pain disappears, follow an unprocessed, expanded version of the diet. But still, for a very long time, up to a year, you cannot eat anything fried, fatty, or any baked goods or baked goods.

    Diet for pancreatitis in children

    The diet should not interfere with their proper growth and development. Feed your baby often, in small portions.

    Pay attention to lean meat: veal, chicken, turkey.

    In case of exacerbation of pancreatitis, prepare a steamed protein omelet for your child, and in case of remission - a steam omelet made from a whole egg.

    A child suffering from pancreatitis needs natural low-fat cottage cheese. It contains calcium, which is essential for bone growth. Children love delicious homemade food. cottage cheese casseroles with carrots, apricots, apples. Apples can also be baked - in this case they also help with anemia.

    Buy butter in packs of 100 g and use only in dishes. Children with pancreatitis do not tolerate butter spread on bread.

    The ideal soup for a child with a diseased pancreas is a prefabricated vegetable soup pureed in a blender. In winter, you can use sets of frozen vegetables.

    Exclude pork and duck from your baby’s menu. Do not give sausages, pickles and mushrooms, fried fish, cocoa, chocolate, turnips, radishes, legumes and Ukrainian bread.

    Healthy vegetables: carrots, zucchini, potatoes, beets. They should be served pureed and boiled. Add cauliflower, not cabbage, to soups.

    You can sometimes give your child marshmallows and milk candies, but only a little.

    Diet for pancreatitis in adults

    It is better for a patient to cook food in a double boiler.

    What you can use:

    1. Vegetable soups.
    2. Idea, veal, chicken.
    3. Yogurt, low-sour cottage cheese, Dutch cheese.
    4. Butter in prepared dishes.
    5. Buckwheat, oatmeal, rice.

    1. Noodles.
    2. Boiled vegetables: pumpkin, zucchini, potatoes, carrots, beets.
    3. Baked sweet apples.
    4. Compotes, jelly, juices, dried fruits.

    Avoid alcohol, fried foods, radishes, spinach and pickles.

    Allowed is 1 banana per day and 1 egg per day, boiled in a bag.

    Diet for reactive pancreatitis

    The dietary table should take into account those concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, due to which the pancreas is inflamed. The most common causes of reactive pancreatitis are diseases of the liver and gallbladder, stones in it, gastritis and hepatitis. Alcohol and fatty foods also provoke attacks and should be avoided forever. Heavy metal poisoning often occurs in hazardous industries, after which workers are diagnosed with reactive pancreatitis. In women, pancreatic inflammation can be caused by taking birth control pills. Genetic predisposition plays a certain role.

    A diet for pancreatitis creates complete physiological rest for the pancreas. Meals should be small and frequent (4-5 times a day). Reduce carbohydrates to a minimum, give preference to protein foods. Lean beef, veal, chicken and boiled fish are allowed. Avoid meat and mushroom broths, sour vegetables and fruits. Baked and boiled meat and fish, vegetables and cereals are the basis of the diet of a patient with pancreatitis.

    Dietary table for pancreatitis and related diseases

    Diet for cholecystitis and pancreatitis

    Cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder. Cholecystitis sometimes causes inflammation of the pancreas - pancreatitis. The cause of pancreatitis is alcoholism and stress. Pancreatitis causes nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

    Proteins should predominate in the diet of patients. Avoid spicy, smoked, fried, salty foods. The food is being cooked.

    Drinks for cholecystitis and pancreatitis: non-acidic juices, rosehip decoction.

    Day-old white bread is allowed. From dairy products - homemade cottage cheese. Vegetable soups, protein omelettes, jam and honey are allowed.

    What to exclude? The diet for pancreatitis excludes fresh baked goods, fatty fish - trout, catfish, pink salmon, fatty meat, marinades, smoked meats, sour berries, alcohol, cocoa, chocolate, cream, soda, millet, corn, pearl barley porridge, legumes, cabbage, grapes and figs

    Diet for pancreatitis and gastritis

    Pancreatitis and gastritis are very insidious, now they occur even in children. We are used to pampering them, buying them sweets - and this is the result.

    The best meats are chicken and rabbit. They are used to make rolls and purees.

    For those who cannot imagine their table without fish, carp, bream and pike, cutlets and pate made from them are suitable.

    Very healthy vegetable dishes, carrots, mashed potatoes, lentils. Pureed stewed vegetables, stews (without sauce, with refined oil), purees, and puddings are popular.

    Cottage cheese dishes, especially casseroles made from low-fat cottage cheese, can also be included in the diet for pancreatitis and gastritis.

    Brown bread, chocolate and cakes are prohibited.

    Diet for diabetes and pancreatitis

    By choosing the right diet, you can minimize pharmacological treatment for diabetes and pancreatitis.

    The duration of fasting for acute pancreatitis is 1-4 days. On days 3-4, therapeutic nutrition is prescribed in small fractional portions. For example, rice porridge with milk and half and half water and a protein omelet. Further porridge can be prepared with whole milk if tolerated well, and low-fat cottage cheese without sugar can be included in the diet. On days 8-9, meat is added in the form of steam souffles, on day 10 - in the form of quenelles. Meat and mushroom decoctions, lamb and pork fat, sour dishes, legumes, radishes, garlic and chocolate are excluded from the diet. Sugar, jam, candies, sweet fruits, honey, grape juice sick diabetes mellitus prohibited!

    Steam cutlets, souffles, and quenelles are prepared from veal and chicken.

    Cod, pike and other lean fish are boiled in a double boiler.

    Allowed are low-fat, non-sour cottage cheese and mild cheese, semolina and oatmeal, carrot and pumpkin puree, non-sour raw mashed apples, tea with milk without sugar. Use butter in ready-made dishes, not on a sandwich.

    If you have diabetes, diversify your diet with vegetable soups, 200 g per day of lean meat or boiled fish, and pasta (up to 150 g per day).

    The diet for pancreatitis and diabetes allows you to consume up to 250 g of potatoes and carrots per day. Eggs are allowed no more than 1 piece. in dishes. It is useful to drink 1 glass of kefir per day. Use cheese and sour cream rarely. Natural low-fat cottage cheese is healthy, as well as dishes made from it (casseroles, cheesecakes).

    Rosehip decoction and green tea without sugar are beneficial.

    Diet for gastroduodenitis and pancreatitis

    Gastritis, gastroduodenitis and pancreatitis overtake many people in student years. How to eat properly so as not to provoke another exacerbation?

    What kind of bread can you eat? Only white, yesterday's, slightly dried.

    Vegetable soups and cereal soups are allowed, incl. dairy

    Lean beef and chicken are good options for meat. Prepare meat pate and soufflé, steam cutlets, meatballs, quenelles.

    Perch, cod and pike are perfect for preparing delicious fish soufflés and pate.

    Suitable side dishes: mashed potatoes, beets, buckwheat.

    Prepare stewed vegetables and delicious vegetable casseroles.

    During the acute period, it is better not to offer eggs to the patient; you can only offer whites, without yolks, in the form of a steam omelet.

    Eliminate black bread and raw vegetables and fruits, sturgeon, pink salmon, pork, and duck from the menu.

    Diet for pancreatitis and hepatitis

    Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver. It is often combined with pancreatitis. With hepatitis, only part of the liver cells performs their functions, and some do not work and are replaced connective tissue. This phenomenon is called fibrosis. Each liver cell performs a wide variety of functions such as neutralization, synthesis and production of bile, and participates in protein and carbohydrate metabolism.

    The body cleansing scheme and diet for pancreatitis and hepatitis looks something like this:

    1. You cannot eat fatty, fried, spicy foods. Turnips and radishes are poorly tolerated. Focus on what disease is currently leading according to laboratory indicators.
    2. Take replacement enzymes as indicated.
    3. Treat dysbiosis if you have it.
    4. Get checked for helminths.
    5. Carry out vitamin therapy.
    6. Monitor your blood iron levels.

    Marmalade and marshmallows are very useful carbohydrates. Eat foods with magnesium, phosphorus, and cobalt. You can drink non-acidic juices.

    What is prohibited? First of all, fatty meat, fatty fish, fish broths, mushroom broths, fish fat, heart, cocoa, canned food, onions, mustard, strong vinegar, alcohol and ice cream.

    Cheese, buckwheat, and low-fat fish (pike, cod) are healthy.

    Diet for pancreatitis is the main method of treatment, which cannot be replaced by pharmacological agents, since only following a diet helps relieve the pancreas.
