Painful swelling under the armpit. Swelling under the armpit

Money tree or Crassula, a plant of good luck and luck. To prevent it from withering away, you need to organize proper care. Due to the fact that the flower itself is unpretentious, watering at home is the only thing that cannot be ignored.

It is known that green representatives of hot countries have the peculiarity of adapting to external factors, calmly experiencing and hot weather, and harsh winter. But improperly organized watering negatively affects succulents, even to the point of death.

How often to water the fat plant

The leaves are an indicator of health; if they are fleshy and rich in color, then everything is in order. Gardeners never tire of repeating Golden Rule succulents “Better a little drought than waterlogging.”

Water accumulates in the leaves in large volumes; during drought, the plant consumes it. The autumn-winter period is a time of rest and sleep, so there is no point in watering the money tree often. It is not able to absorb moisture, unlike the spring-summer period.

A common problem of root rotting occurs from lack of drainage, excessive watering and poor lighting. Due to excess moisture, the leaves are soft, limp, faded - signs of lifelessness. Brown spots may appear. However, all these factors can also be observed when drying out.

Watering conditions

If, when watering, the money tree does not absorb water and it flows out of the pot into the tray, then the excess must be poured out. A drainage layer of expanded clay will improve the situation and become a barrier between water and roots, and, if necessary, will then release moisture.

1. Water the tree with settled water at room temperature. If you have the opportunity to get melt or rain water, then do not ignore it; this is the best drink for any plant. Water passed through a deep filter is also suitable for irrigation.

Fill a bottle with tap water, freeze it, and it will be cleared of many harmful impurities.

2. In summer, it is enough to water the money tree 1-2 times a week. Despite the fact that visually the soil on top may be dry, in the lower layer, near the roots, stagnation of water is possible, which will eventually lead to leaf fall. Therefore, you should not water the flower more often.

If water stagnation does occur, then urgently transplant the tree into another soil, removing the rotten parts of the roots.

3. In autumn, when the days become gloomy, watering is reduced, preparing the plant for winter dormancy.

4. In winter, monitor the condition of the soil; for fear of waterlogging, you should not allow it to dry out so that the soil begins to crack. It is enough to saturate it with moisture once a month.

5. Do I need to water the fat plant after transplanting? After inspecting the roots and removing damaged parts, the succulent is planted in dry, clean soil, and moistened only after a week, when adaptation has taken place. Let us remind you that you need to change the flowerpot for a larger one once every 2-3 years.

What to do if you have a long trip ahead

Everyone is looking forward to vacation, and hardly anyone would agree to trade care of indoor plants for the opportunity to travel. What then should be done with the money tree so that it does not disappear due to drought?

Before leaving, water, place the pot in the shade, and place a small layer of wet expanded clay on top.

Dust constantly accumulates on the leaves of the money tree and during your absence it will not stop settling. Upon arrival, the leaves need to be cleaned; a damp cosmetic disc will do the job well. It is worth noting that banana peels are an excellent fertilizer for indoor plants. They can be used in in different forms, including spraying with infusion.

Money tree (also called Crassula and Crassula) - unpretentious indoor plant. His historical homeland- Africa. Harsh conditions and frequent droughts ideally prepared the fat woman for the difficult conditions of city apartments. However, you still need to know about the money tree itself, care, flowering and possible pests. This will allow you to grow a healthy Crassula at home, which will delight your owners.

This plant is a succulent, meaning it has the ability to store moisture in its leaves and stems. Thanks to this skill, Crassula easily tolerates long periods without watering, so a money tree can be started by those who often have to travel somewhere.

Temperature features, lighting, humidity

Crassulas love light, but they do not like direct sunlight. It is recommended to place them on stands or shelves under the window so that they receive diffused light. The best window orientation is southeast. There is always a lot of light on this side, but when the sun is at its zenith, it already moves to the other side of the house and does not scorch the leaves.

If the windows face south or southwest, it is recommended to shade the glass in the summer so that the indoor plant does not get burned. On the north side of the house, the Crassula will lack light. To make up for the deficiency, it can be placed on the windowsill.

Important! With a lack of light, the fat woman often gets sick.

Air baths will be beneficial: it is recommended to take the money tree out into the open air when it is warm, but not hot, outside. For example, in the spring it can be placed on a balcony or loggia.


Despite its African roots, the Crassula does not like heat. In summer she tolerates it more easily than in winter. During the heating season, it is recommended to move the money tree away from the radiators. Ideal temperature regime in winter from 14 to 17°C, in summer – 19-25°C.

Air humidity

An important parameter for most plants. For Crassula too, but to a lesser extent. Due to the fact that the plant is a succulent, it easily tolerates dry air. Namely, this is what it looks like when the batteries are turned on. The most difficult thing for the fat woman is to tolerate frequent changes in humidity levels; it is difficult for her to adapt to changeable conditions.

If the air is very dry, you can spray the plant with a spray bottle. But he will much more like wiping the leaves with a damp cloth or sponge. In addition, this is an excellent way to remove dust and clean the surface of the plant itself from various contaminants.

Soil requirements and replanting

The money tree has a developed fibrous root system, i.e. the underground part is rather weak and grows in breadth. Therefore, the pot must be selected taking into account this feature: wide and not very deep.

The soil should be loose so that water does not stagnate near the roots. Otherwise they may rot. It is advisable to provide drainage.

The following soil mixture is considered optimal: turf soil (4 parts) + 1 part each of sand, humus and deciduous soil. You can also purchase any ready-made substrate. However, you need to carefully read which plants it is suitable for.


The money tree grows quite slowly, so it will need to be replanted no more than once every 2-3 years. In some cases, the need for this procedure occurs less frequently. Adult plants do not really like this procedure, so there is no need to replant without objective reasons.

Crassula's roots are rather weak. At the same time, the stem and leaves are thick and heavy. In some cases, it may be necessary to strengthen the plant in the new soil mixture using spacers. They are set up for a few weeks and then removed.

Watering and feeding the Crassula

It is very important to follow the watering schedule. The money tree does not like excess moisture. This causes its roots to rot, which leads to the death of the plant. In spring and summer, Crassula grows actively, it needs more frequent watering - once every 7-10 days. In winter and autumn there is a period of calm. Watering becomes less frequent - once every 3-4 weeks. The plant likes it good water: soft, settled, room temperature.

Attention! In the case of Crassula, it is safer to forget about watering than to over-moisten the soil.

1 more important point– the money tree does not like frequent feeding. It is enough to do this 1-2 times a year in the spring. summer period. 3 main elements must be present: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. You can purchase a specially prepared preparation for succulents at a flower shop. In winter and autumn, only half the dose (or less) is applied. “Overfeeding” a fat woman will not lead to anything good.

Pruning and crown formation

It is necessary to form the crown of the Crassula. Otherwise, the shoots will grow uncontrollably, and the Crassula will take on an unkempt appearance. In some cases, it is even possible for the plant to topple over. The crown is formed using 2 procedures: pinching and trimming.

Pinching is carried out when 3-4 pairs of leaves have grown on the branch. The new bud is carefully pinched with tweezers or fingernails. Then several ovaries will appear here, and the tree will branch.

Long branches with 6-7 pairs of leaves or more are trimmed. Pruning is done above the growing point and sprinkled with activated carbon. In this way the crown of the Crassula is formed.

Money tree blossom

The plant blooms very beautifully. To rejoice more often, you need to properly care for the money tree: ensure optimal temperature and light conditions, timely watering, and moderate feeding. Flowers are more likely to appear if the plant is replanted in time: in March or the first half of April.

Houseplant propagation

The main method of propagation is cuttings. Even an accidentally broken twig can become quite suitable planting material. However, breaking the stems is not recommended. The leaf or stem cuttings are carefully cut with a knife. Sprinkle with crushed activated carbon for disinfection and slightly dry the cut area on both the plant and the shoot. After a couple of days, the shoot is planted in the soil.

Another way is to use seeds. It is less effective and less common. However, you also need to know about it: money tree seeds are sown in a prepared substrate consisting of sand and leaf soil. Seedlings need to be sprayed and ventilated every day. To grow seedlings, they also use a flat and wide cup with holes in the bottom to allow excess moisture to escape.

Pests and diseases of Crassula

Crassula has a fairly strong immune system. However, she is also susceptible to some diseases. It can also be attacked by pests.

Most often, the fat woman is affected by some kind of fungal infection. In this case, spots of brown or a lighter shade appear on the leaves. The fungus can be cured using special fungicides. The drugs are sold in flower shops.

Another disease is root rot. It is caused by excessive watering. It is quite simple to determine: the leaves become loose and lose turgor. This ends with them turning yellow and falling off.

If you notice in a timely manner that the plant is unhealthy, it can still be cured. To do this, the money tree is removed from the pot. First, carefully shake off the lump of earth, then wash off the remains with water so that only the roots remain. They are examined carefully. If they find rotten ones, they cut them off. The cut site is treated with crushed activated carbon. Then the plant is planted in a new pot with new soil.

Disease prevention is to reduce the number of waterings and their volume. Excess water from the pan must be removed immediately.


Sometimes pests grow on the fat plant, for example, spider mites or scale insects. It is possible and necessary to fight them. It is permissible to use both insecticides and homemade means.

Spider mites are identified by thin webs between leaves and stems and small spots yellow color. To get rid of it, you can wipe the plant with a cotton swab dipped in 96% alcohol.

Scale insects cause the appearance of brown and yellowish color. As a home remedy, a solution of laundry soap works well.

Mealybugs cause a coating resembling dirty cotton wool to appear in the leaf axils. Rubbing with garlic infusion or a solution of laundry soap will save you from it.

Insecticides can be used against any pests.

A plant with the familiar name Money Tree or Crassula is easy to care for. It is unpretentious and well suited for those who do not have enough free time, but prefer to live in harmony with the surrounding nature and create comfort in their apartment with the help of green plants.

The plant is also ideal for admirers of oriental traditions. According to Taoist practice feng shui, the presence of a money tree in an apartment or house attracts wealth into the life of the owner and accumulates positive energy.

Despite the simple care, you need to properly water the plant so that its growth is uniform and the foliage does not fall off. Then your plant will really become a good decorative addition to the room.

The money tree does not need careful watering. The ability to accumulate moisture in the leaves for several days provides the plant with the necessary amount of water. It is worth remembering this so as not to harm the succulent. Crassula, by the way, refers to.

Watering Crassula depending on the time of year

In order for the fat plant to please us with its appearance, it is necessary to carry out proper watering, which varies depending on the time of year.

In summer

Optimal watering in summer is 1-2 times a week. In summer the soil dries out quickly and this needs to be monitored.

Check the soil: the sun dries out the top layer, and moisture can accumulate near the roots, which will lead to leaf fall and root rot. To restore the previous state of the money tree, you will need a lot of time. However, if this did happen - It is recommended to transplant the plant into new dry soil and remove rotten roots.

At high temperature the number of waterings will have to be increased. At the same time, there is no need to flood the plant to such an extent that water remains in the pan - this can destroy it.

Autumn-winter period

In autumn the soil should be almost dry. It will be enough water the plant once or twice a week. This will help prepare the plant for winter.

IN winter time The frequency of watering should be halved. It will be enough water the flower once or twice a month and this is subject to a warm winter. If the plant overwinters at a cool room temperature, watering should be completely abandoned.

in spring

In the spring you need to start watering the plant more often again. In most cases, watering 1-2 times a week will be enough, but it all depends on the dryness of the soil.

What water is suitable for watering Crassula

The correct approach to watering is the key to a healthy plant. Each plant has its own specific requirements for water quality, and the money tree is no exception.

  • Do not water the plant with cold tap water.
  • Before watering the fat plant, you need to fill a bottle with water and let it settle.
  • The water temperature should be room temperature.
  • Melt water is well suited for irrigation; such water contains fewer impurities.
  • From time to time, the leaves of the crassula should be wiped from dust and sprayed with a spray bottle.

Watering after transplanting a plant

The main recommendation after you have transplanted the fat plant is the recommendation regarding waterlogging of the soil - this should not be done under any circumstances. it is impossible, because may prevent the plant from taking root in the soil, the roots will begin to rot and the plant will die.

Crassula is a plant that you don’t have to worry about when going on vacation. Before leaving, water the plant and move it away from bright sun.

If your room is very hot - sprinkle the soil with wet expanded clay. It absorbs water well and releases it to the soil if necessary.

Good lighting, correct temperature and watering conditions, fertilizing - all this will help you make Crassula not only please the eye with beautiful green foliage, but will also give you the opportunity to enjoy its rare flowering.

Indoor plants are an excellent decoration for every home, which not only pleases the eye, but also has a positive effect on the composition of the air. In this article we will tell you how to care for the well-known money tree (or crassula) so that it always remains healthy.

Features of growing a money tree

The plant is considered unpretentious in care, so it can often be found both on home and office window sills. It is best to place a pot of Crassula on a south-east window.

Important!Direct sunlight negatively affects the flower: the leaves turn red, wither and fall off.

The temperature should be kept at +21...+26 °C in summer and +11...+16 °C in winter. Placing the plant near heating devices is strictly contraindicated, as the trunk stretches and sheds its leaves. The money tree needs fresh air, so it is important not to forget about ventilating the room, but avoiding drafts. It is also necessary to monitor the humidity of the earthen coma - the most important parameter when growing.

Signs of water shortage

The plant signals a lack of moisture by changes in the ground part, and at the same time it also suffers. root system- it dries up.

The main signs of water shortage include:

  • darkening and wrinkling of leaves;
  • the presence of dry brown spots;
  • falling leaves.
When the first signs of plant dehydration appear, it is important to take action and resume watering.

How many times and how often should the procedure be performed?

The frequency of watering directly depends on the season and temperature conditions. So, in summer the soil dries out quite quickly, so it is recommended to carry out the procedure twice a week.

In the autumn, it is important to start preparing the plant for wintering and one watering per week will be enough. To avoid confusion, set one day for yourself, for example, let it water on Wednesdays. The soil should be almost dry.

In winter, the need for water is halved, and the flower should be irrigated 1-2 times a month, and at low temperatures the flow of liquid should be completely limited. In spring, watering becomes more frequent and is carried out up to 2 times a week.

Important!Check the moisture content of not only the top layer, since liquid can accumulate below and cause rotting of the roots.

Crassula leaves serve as a kind of reservoir for storing water, so the question of how long you can not water the plant will be answered by their condition. Withered foliage signals a need for moisture, and the duration of drought directly depends on temperature external environment and ranges from 1 week to 1 month.

How to water a money tree

In addition to the frequency of watering, it is important to consider the quality and condition of the water. Before the procedure, the liquid is poured into containers and allowed to sit for at least 6 hours, at which time it reaches room temperature, which is very important.

Melt water, in which the concentration of impurities is reduced, is ideal. Tap water is not suitable for these purposes, as it has a high chlorine content; to soften it, add wood ash to the liquid at the rate of half a teaspoon per liter of water, and leave for 12 hours.

Also, in order for it to grow better, various fertilizers intended for cacti and succulents are applied. From available means, use an infusion of eggshells, previously kept for 2 weeks in a dark place.

How to water a money tree at home

The money tree is considered an unpretentious plant, but there are still nuances that need to be paid attention to. There are several irrigation systems discussed below.

Depending on the time of year

The external temperature has a direct effect on the humidity of the earthen clod.

Taking into account the season, watering is carried out as follows:

After transplant

The moment of replanting is quite important, because the plant needs to be provided with ideal conditions for its further growth. When watering, take into account the reason for the movement.

So, after flooding, the plant is irrigated with a small amount of water immediately after the procedure, and in other cases, water is added after 1–2 days. Taking into account the shrinkage of the soil, you need to drain the water that has entered the pan, add soil to the required level and water it again.

Top watering

To water with this method, use a watering can and apply water directly to the top layer of soil, which ensures the penetration of soil nutrients to the roots. Pour at the edges of the pot so as not to wash out the soil at the root. After an hour, check the presence of water in the pan and, if there is excess, drain it.

If liquid gets on the leaves and trunk, there is no need to worry, because the fat plant loves water treatments, so summer spraying and winter wiping of the green part will not be superfluous.

Through the pallet

For bottom watering, prepared water is poured into the pan and the pot is lowered into it for 30 minutes. This is enough to absorb moisture. The method is excellent for overdried plants, and also eliminates flooding of the root system.

It is important to alternate methods because this method does not provide a natural supply of nutrients to the roots, as evidenced by a white coating on the top layer of soil, which must be removed, depriving the bacteria of a favorable environment.

What to do if the tree is overwatered

When growing a money tree, you should adhere to simple rule: It’s better not to top up than to top up.

But if this does happen, the plant will respond with changes in appearance:

  • lethargy of the ground part;
  • yellowing and falling of leaves.

Having noticed such signals, immediate transplantation is necessary. The plant is removed from the pot and the roots are examined. If this part is not damaged, it is placed on paper towels or napkins to absorb excess moisture. There is no need to disassemble the near-root soil ball; just shake off the excess soil.

If the rhizome is damaged by rot, it is washed under warm water and the infected areas are removed. Healthy shoots are dipped for 20 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect them. Then treat the container for planting with a solution of laundry soap and pour boiling water over it. The soil is used new, composed according to the above proportions. Watering is carried out after a few days.

Creating ideal conditions guarantees active growth and flowering of the fat plant; for this, experienced gardeners recommend:

  1. Avoid the shadows the plant loves diffused light.
  2. Choose a small pot, otherwise all the energy will be directed to the development of the root, but the above-ground part will remain the same.
  3. Avoid hypothermia; temperatures below +5 °C are detrimental to the plant.
  4. Do not fill, navigate by the state of the earthen coma.
  5. Approach fertilizers wisely, use fertilizer only in summer 2 times a month.
  6. Rotate the pot regularly for uniform crown formation.

Signs of improper watering

The appearance of the money tree will tell you about all the violations of care, including watering.

Signs of deficiency and excess moisture are as follows::

  • dropping leaves in the summer indicates too much use cold water and insufficient watering;
  • withered and pale leaves signal that the plant is flooded;
  • brown spots and wrinkled leaf surfaces indicate drought.

Did you know?According to Feng Shui, the money tree brings good luck and improves financial status.

Growing a beautiful money tree rich in coins is not at all difficult. Changes in the appearance of your green pets will tell a lot and help avoid the death of the plant. Follow our recommendations and remember, maintaining the water regime is the key to a lush and beautiful crown.

Succulents are plants that have special mechanisms for preserving liquid, because their homeland is hot countries. Crassula or money tree is a succulent. This must be taken into account when caring - fertilizing, soil composition.

Feeding your money tree at home is important, but needs must be taken into account. They consist of fertilizers with potassium, calcium and phosphorus. Nitrogen, which is traditionally used for all other green plants, is not needed in this case. Or rather, it is needed, but in small quantities.

Conditions for the growth of Crassula - money tree

In hot countries, soils are most often sandy. Therefore, when preparing the soil, you need to observe the following proportions:

  • turf land, strongly penetrated by the roots of cereal plants - 3 parts ;
  • sand - 2 parts;
  • compost – 1 part.

The soil should have good air permeability to the roots. Stagnant water can cause fungal diseases. Brick chips are added to the soil as a drainage system.

Soil requirements include a neutral pH. To prevent it from turning sour, wood ash is added when planting, which at the same time acts as a fertilizer for the money tree and reduces acidity.

Money Tree Needs

Fertilizer for Crassula is also fertilizer for cacti. It contains nitrogen in extremely small concentrations. Succulents grow slowly; if you increase the dosage of nitrogen, the skin on the leaves will not keep up with the growth of the leaves themselves, which will lead to cracking and rotting of the tissues.

The stem also suffers from excessive growth and does not have time to thicken. In the case of Crassula, many small leaves may appear, but they will be soft.

It is also impossible to completely deprive a tree of nitrogen, especially if you plant it in sand. Therefore, the main problem will be how to feed the money tree at home, but not harm it. The answer is to create optimal conditions for soil and nutrition.

Potassium and phosphorus

The most important fertilizer for Crassula is phosphorus and potassium. Thanks to the presence of phosphorus in the soil, the root system develops and then the plant can absorb potassium. It is precisely because of the lack of these substances at home that the money tree does not bloom or blooms rarely.

A lack of phosphorus affects the ability to flower if the light regime is disturbed - the plant is in the open rays of the sun or in a very dark room. It may slow growth or drop leaves.

Important! The best place there will be a southeast window for the money tree to live

Potassium regulates growth and promotes the formation of strong skin, which protects the plant from the sun. Potassium deficiency appearance succulents are more difficult to identify than regular ones deciduous plants, in which the edge of the leaf plate dries. Typically, cacti and crassulas change color to a paler color, sometimes with an admixture of bronze.

Video: Money tree - care, watering, feeding

Succulents love calcium and consume a lot of it, but in excess, potassium absorption is impaired, so care must be taken not to overly alkalize the soil.

Mineral fertilizers for Crassula

Complex mixtures need to be selected in which the ratio of nutrients is shifted in favor of phosphorus and potassium.

Suitable for stimulating flowering NPK ratio 5-10-5, which is needed dilute ¼ of what is recommended according to the instructions. Successful there will be a ratio 20-30-20 – also diluted.

When the plant has bloomed and no longer needs intensive feeding, mineral compositions can be used in equal concentrations of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. You need to use a quarter of the dose.

In general, the rule should be that the concentration of mineral salts should be about 1 g per liter of water. More convenient in this regard liquid forms fertilizing

Timing for applying mineral fertilizers

Feeding for the money tree must be applied starting in March. The nutrient solution is applied under the root once every two weeks. During this time, the soil has time to dry out and ventilate.

Temperature during the growing season should be from 18 to 22 degrees. Active growth continues until about September. Next, fertilizing should be gradually reduced so that the plant begins to prepare for winter dormancy.

Do not water the fat plant in the summer if the weather is cloudy. At such a time, the plant does not consume moisture and nutrition. If you overwater, you can damage the root system.

From October to March, the plant is not watered or fed. If it decides to bloom, then you can water it once a month in winter. The water must be warm. When cold, the stem may begin to wilt and lean to one side.

Transplanting and feeding a money tree at home

Replant the plant if signs of fungal infection are observed. In this case, you need to treat the roots with Fundazol, adding 1 g per 1 liter of water. When the leaves begin to turn black, it means the problem is in the roots and soil conditions. This land cannot be reused.

The procedure for reviving the fat woman:

  • Remove the plant from the pot.
  • Rinse the roots with water.
  • Remove damaged parts.
  • Dip into potassium permanganate solution for 20 minutes to kill bacteria.
  • Replant in new slightly moist soil.

If the root system has completely filled the container, the plant must be replanted.

Usually at home this happens once every three years. After transplanting, you need to wait three weeks for the money tree to take root in its new location and only then apply fertilizer.

Organic fertilizers for Crassula

Wood ash is the most suitable fertilizer for a money tree at home. It contains a minimum of nitrogen, but a lot of phosphorus, potassium and calcium. You can use ash in two ways:

  • in solution when Pour 200 g of the substance with water and insist for a week;
  • sprinkle dry ash on the ground under the plant and dig 2 cm deep.

Feeding is carried out once in two weeks . The ash contains a whole set of microelements that increase the plant’s immunity.

It is not recommended to apply chicken manure concentrates or manure. These substances contain too much nitrogen, which is harmful to the plant. In addition, manure or droppings do not contain phosphorus, so such fertilizing is not only useless, but can also be harmful.

Bone and fish meal contain a lot of phosphorus, potassium and calcium. There is more phosphorus in fish than in the bones of cattle. Knowing these features, flower growers came up with ways to feed the money tree at home without shelling out for fertilizer.

These are fish bones that are usually thrown away in the kitchen. They can be crushed and added to the pot with the Crassula. The substance will dissolve gradually, releasing nutrients into the soil.

According to the rules, fishmeal Apply once every three years because it has a long decomposition period.

Crassula diseases

Due to lack of fresh air, poor nutrition and watering, lack of microelements can damage the fat plant:

  • fungal diseases;
  • insect pests;
  • bacterial infection.

The fungus has the most varieties:

  • wet rot;
  • gray rot;
  • powdery mildew;
  • anthracnose;
  • root rot.

To combat the fungus, you need to urgently take the plant out into the fresh air and do not water it until the earthen ball dries out. Cut off all damaged leaves, treat the rest with anti-fungal agents that can be bought in the store. Treat the cut areas with ash or activated carbon, ground into powder.

Folk remedies for Crassula fungus

People use the same methods as for humans, which is how they successfully feed the fat woman at home against the fungus:

  • Garlic infusion for powdery mildew.

Half the head is crushed, poured with a liter of water and left overnight. The next day, you need to strain and spray the foliage after the damaged parts have been removed.

  • Soap solution for black rot.

Grate laundry soap and mix with water. Any dosage - Crassula is not afraid of soap. Wash all leaves and dry to remove any remaining liquid from the sinuses.

Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish a burn from a fungal infection. In both cases, black spots appear. But with a burn, the stain does not cover the entire leaf, but with a fungus it spreads to the entire plate and neighboring leaves.

Important! Root rot and fungus on the leaves can be removed. If the stem rots, the tree cannot be saved.

Bacterial infection

It is difficult to distinguish a bacterial infection from a fungal one. They look almost the same - the leaves rot in both cases. Bacterial infection is treated by treating the leaves with penicillin or gentamicin.

The ampoule needs to be dissolved in 0.5 liters of water and sprayed on the foliage. It is better to carry out the event outdoors so that the solution dries. The next day, do another “pouring” and dry again. In total, you can do 5–6 procedures.

How to “feed” money tree pests

They like to settle on Crassula:

  • Mealybug.
