What is the best container to store water in? Tips and facts Is it possible to store water in metal.

Determine your family's daily water needs. Add up the following numbers to determine how much water you need to store (at least 3 days, preferably longer) - each number represents a daily amount:

  • Each person will need 1 gallon (3.8 liters) of drinking water to drink.
  • For personal hygiene, each person will need 1 gallon (3.8 liters) of drinking water
  • For sanitary needs (toilet), each person needs an average of 2 to 7 gallons (7.6 - 26.5 liters), but this does not require drinking water. If it is possible to dig a pit latrine in your backyard, the amount of water required can be reduced slightly by providing water only for personal hygiene needs (washing hands and removing any faeces from the skin, such as those of infants or those suffering from diarrhea).
  • Don't forget about pets. They will also need clean drinking water.

Fill the water containers to the brim and then place the lid on top. Leave no air gap.

Find suitable ways to store water. It is desirable that you have a variety of containers of various sizes. While a tank or barrel can be a wonderful way to store large amounts of water, what if you suddenly need to take only what you can carry and go to another place where you are safe? What if old, weak or sick people are left on their own and have to carry large volumes of water? It is better to have containers of different sizes in stock, which will fit in any unforeseen circumstances.

  • Choose food-grade plastic water storage tanks or tanks made to store rainwater. Do not use plastic that will contaminate the water.
  • In the US, FDA approved #34 opaque containers may be used.
  • Store water properly. The shelf life of water may depend on the container used, temperature, access to light, etc. Polluted water will not do you any good, so stick to the following rules:

    • Use opaque water containers. If you buy bottled water in reserve, replace it every few months with new ones and either use the old supply for your needs or water your plants with this water.
    • Keep all water away from light. Don't give algae or other life forms the opportunity to develop, which is what they are waiting for.
    • Keep water away from anything that can contaminate it, such as pesticides, fungicides, insecticides, gasoline, paints, or any other chemicals.
    • Do not store water outside where it can freeze. An ice block is of no use when you don't have the heat to melt it. The only exceptions are those who live in regions with a very hot climate, they can store a large number of water in the freezer, as it will melt in the heat.
  • Purify your water supply if you are going to store it for more than 6 months. If you do not want to purify the water, replace it with fresh water and get rid of the old one (or use it for watering).

    Apply labels and change the water periodically. You need to date each bottle of water so you know when it needs to be changed. The frequency of replacing old water with new water is quite suitable, which would coincide with the replacement of batteries in your fire alarm or with the clock change to winter / summer time.

  • Find out how to properly purify water if the need arises. Water from domestic and drinking pipelines does not need to be cleaned, in which case only replacement is suitable. Water from sources that do not carry out water purification can be purified as follows;

    • Add four drops of unscented household bleach per gallon of water (1 drop per liter of water).
    • Mix well.
    • On the other hand, you can use funds from shops for camping or preparing for natural disasters, which are created specifically for such purposes - water purification. Research the market first to find the most suitable product for your needs and preferences.
  • In the issue of long-term storage of drinking water, two patterns are clearly visible. We started caring more proper nutrition and the use of high-quality drinking water, and living conditions in big city just forced to do it.

    Now, few citizens will risk drinking tap water, and using it without purification for cooking is even scary. Hence, the use of all kinds of home filters, the purchase of high-quality drinking water in supermarkets and stores, and the need to stock and store water at home are in vogue.

    In addition, urban residents, of course, visit public places recreation: cafes, canteens, restaurants, where the need for clean drinking water is no less. But here visitors have to take on faith the fact that pure drinking water is used to prepare first courses, and sometimes second or numerous berry drinks.

    How serious is the storage problem?

    Let's think... Clean drinking water is always needed at home. In addition to quenching thirst, cooking, proper and healthy "watering" of children, you can remember something else. For example, driving around the city in a car in the summer without some water is not always a joy.

    Traveling far and near... Trips to the country house, to the river, just to relax without a bottle of water will not do. And if 3-4 people go on such a trip? That's right, the number of liters of liquid should be more. And if - this is a trip by car to the southern regions, when it is not known what will be in roadside stores. Of course, it is better to travel with your proven water supplies.

    In general, how cheerfully they sang in one wonderful Soviet comedy film: “Because without water - neither there nor here!” And one cannot but agree with this.

    Proper storage

    For long-term and proper storage of drinking water, it is necessary to fulfill the conditions associated with lighting, temperature environment and containers (or containers).

    Ideal storage conditions are:

    • dark place;
    • temperature from 15 - 25 C?;
    • glass or aluminum container.

    But, we agree that storing water or taking it with you in glassware is very inconvenient (it is heavy and the volumes are small). And the way out is seen in the widespread and massive use of plastic containers (bottles, bottles and bottles).

    Storage in plastic

    Containers in which water will be stored must be made of food grade plastic. The label of such a bottle should be labeled PET (polyethylene terephthalate - plastic is not dangerous to humans). There is also a PVC marking (PVC). is a material with toxic properties. The containers are suitable for storing detergents, but not for drinking water.

    Containers made of melamine, white dense plastic - are categorically not suitable for storing drinking water. Their purpose is to store technical liquids. Such containers are visually recognizable (especially by motorists) and when tapped on them, they emit a muffled low sound.

    If there is no information on the plastic bottle about what material it is made of, all this can be checked. It is enough to press and run your fingernail over the surface, the PET bottle will be restored, a characteristic white mark will remain on the PVC container.

    Additional storage conditions

    Drinking water often comes to us from the store, which means you need to carefully read the label and pay attention to the following:

    • conservation method. There are three of them: with an antibiotic, carbonation, ozonation. 1st well increases the shelf life, but this water can destroy human immunity. The other two are harmless, but after opening the container, the water must be used within a few days;
    • spill period. The closer it is, the more useful substances are stored in the water;
    • spill site. It is better if the water is harvested in your area, and the path to the store is not far, and in terms of shelf life, this is good.

    In general, drinking water in stores in sealed containers, under the right conditions (dark place, temperature 15-25 C?) can be from 6 to 12 months without loss of useful properties. If we approach the storage of drinking water with all seriousness, then we must remember that after the “store” container is unsealed and all the liquid has been used, it is not very desirable to use the same container for re-storing water. Since even PET containers, after about a week, they begin to saturate the water with a harmful substance: vinyl chloride. So it would be better to use plastic bottles disposable or as containers for short-term storage of drinking water. It is better to contact trusted suppliers, for example, you can order water to the office at the Raiske Dzherelo company - the quality there is at a good level.

    Summing up

    Drinking water can be stored in plastic containers for up to 12 months, provided that the bottling and packaging was carried out in the factory. In order for the liquid to retain its properties, it is necessary to observe the storage conditions (darkness, and temperature).

    At home, it is permissible to store drinking water in "plastic" only for a short time (up to 10 days). Traveling for water reserves plastic bottles will do, but, say, in a week you need to get rid of such containers. For long-term storage of water, glassware should be used.

    At first glance, any person, there is nothing easier than water! But at the same time, it is also the most complex liquid: having neither taste nor smell, it has a huge range of useful qualities, in the absence of which no living organism will survive.

    Each food product has its own shelf life, depending on many factors. There is, of course, such a period for water. Let's see how to properly store water so that it beneficial features stayed as long as possible. First, you need to make sure the quality of the water itself. It is also important that the factor under what conditions and in what container the beneficial properties of water will be preserved, if possible, for a longer period.

    Water of good quality in Kyiv, first of all, should be clean. Therefore, it should not contain chlorine and various additional substances. As for the container, we can offer several types of it for storing water: plastic, glass, clay, metal and other vessels. It all depends on the quality of the water itself.

    Container for storing drinking water

    Recently, it has become very popular to use plastic or metal containers for storing water, which are subjected to special treatment before use. A small amount of liquid from twenty to fifty liters can be stored in ordinary plastic containers with lids. At the same time, do not forget that the storage temperature should not exceed twenty-five degrees. It is desirable that the containers do not fall under direct sunlight. When purchased water is used, its shelf life will be indicated on the container. If you follow all these recommendations, you will definitely keep your useful qualities throughout the specified period.

    We advise you not to store water in melamine containers. Although it looks attractive and durable, but melamine, as shown Scientific research releases harmful substances. And therefore, such water can harm your body, and in some cases it can activate the action of cancer cells.

    The safest water storage materials are polyethylene and polyethylene terephthalate (PE and PET). And one of the most dangerous is BPA (bisphenol A), which causes disruption of the endocrine system. Also remember that PVC (polyvinyl chloride) emits harmful toxic substances. And what is very important, please note: you cannot categorically use such a container again.

    You always need to know that water during long-term storage reduces its quality characteristics. Therefore, the terms of its storage in glass containers range from two to three years, and in plastic - from three months to one year. Any carbonated water, as well as mineral water, has a short shelf life.

    Water in large polycarbonate bottles from nineteen to twenty-five liters retains its beneficial properties throughout the year. The material from which the containers are made, even if reuse does not harm human health. But it should be remembered that only water is stored in such a container. Polycarbonate easily absorbs odors, and, accordingly, any other product will change its useful structure in such a container.

    If you are in large quantities consume water, it is best to order it in Kyiv through the website.

    Remember, in old films: a decanter of water is somewhere on the bedside table, on the table or on the speaker's podium. It is unlikely that you will see this in our homes now. Drinking water we store more and more in polymer containers, in disposable bottles, in teapots.

    But scientists from Smolensk medical academy found out that store water only needed in a clear glass container!

    Everyone knows that water has a more than significant impact on our health, probably no less than the air we breathe. If not all, then many consumers already know that not only the sanitary and hygienic indicators of water affect a living organism, but also its structural features. Now this is often written in scientific and popular literature.

    Water is a heterogeneous system consisting of a liquid and ice-like or structured fraction. This structured fraction has a significant effect on maintaining the dynamic structure in a living cell. The functions of water in the body are very diverse, in particular, it forms the spatial structures of biopolymers. structured water protects cells and enhances biochemical processes. In combination with organic compounds it creates a polymer matrix - a liquid pseudo-crystal, and this is the basis of the DNA double helix, that is, the basis of the bases - genes.

    Many different studies are underway, much remains to be learned, but it is already clear that structured water, similar to spring, is good for health. Manufacturers offer various methods water improvements in this direction.

    The structure of water is affected by physical and chemical influences, various radiations. But not only. There are simple ways available to all of us.

    For the experiment, ordinary tap water was used, the structured fraction (SF) was measured in it, after which the samples were poured into different dishes and stored for two days. For the measurement, the dilatometric method was chosen, it is based on the property of water to increase in volume upon transition to a crystalline state.

    The utensils used are the most common in everyday life:

    glass decanter;
    - crystal decanter;
    - ceramic glazed vessel;
    - unglazed ceramic vessel;
    - an aluminum pan;
    - an enamel pot;
    - a stainless steel pan;
    - a silver vessel;
    - a glass cup with a silver teaspoon placed in it;
    - plastic transparent bottle;
    - plastic green bottle.

    What did you get?

    First, at water storage lighting is important. In the dark, the content of the structured fraction in water decreases, while in the light it increases. When water was stored in the dark, the content of the structured fraction significantly decreased in crystal and plastic, starting from 10 min of storage, and in glass, starting from 2 h of storage. The worst quality indicators were noted in plastic utensils, the least changed water structure in glass. These positive changes under the influence of scattered sunlight increase within two days. There is no further improvement.

    Secondly, the structure of the material of the cookware affects water structure. The most pronounced positive effect on the structure of water was exerted by metal utensils: silver by 2.81%, stainless steel by 2.12% and aluminum by 1.39%. When water was stored in enamelware, its structure changed approximately in the same way as in glassware in the dark. The combination of silver and light caused the greatest effect water structuring, and this effect increased with time. After 2 hours, the increase was 7.35%.

    Thus, contact with metal causes a rapid increase in the structured fraction, while amorphous materials (ceramics, plastic) do not maintain the structural state of water or destroy it during storage. This is especially true for plastic utensils.

    Scientists conclude that the best and most acceptable option in everyday life water storage is glassware in diffused sunlight. Crystal in this sense is somewhat inferior to glass. The addition of a metallic component, especially silver, enhances the process water structuring. The content of the structured fraction in such water by the end of the second day is 6.5-7%, which corresponds to the indicators of spring water. The worst option is water storage in plastic bowl.

    Life itself originates in water. The beginning of the beginnings - the formation of a new DNA from two helices into one double - The secret is beyond. If we ourselves can help in something, do no harm, let's do it! Including, dear future mothers, and drink good water.

    Store water properly!

    Lyuba Kotikova, chemist

    From this article you will learn:

    • What is the best container to store drinking water in?
    • Conditions and terms of storage of drinking water in plastic containers
    • How to properly store drinking water with different properties

    Currently, in order to prepare food or just drink, water must be filtered or purchased from a store, where it is sold in 19-liter bottles or in small plastic bottles. In the same container, we, as a rule, store it at home. But is it right? What conditions and terms must be observed when storing drinking water, you will learn from our article.

    What are the best containers to use for storing drinking water

    First of all, it should be noted that it is correct to store water in a closed container and certainly in a glass one.

    If you do not have such a container at hand, take a container made of food-grade plastic, which includes polyethylene terephthalate, polyethylene, polycarbonate, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polystyrene and polypropylene.

    The listed polymers are chemically inactive and harmless, however, manufacturers add technological substances - stabilizers to them to improve strength. As a result of chemical decomposition, once in water, they can have a toxic effect. We get the same effect when drinking water is stored for a long time in a plastic container or after it is heated. In addition, polymeric materials, changing (aging), emit decay products.

    Polyethylene(abbreviated as PE) is a thermoplastic saturated polymeric hydrocarbon. Its molecule contains ethylene units.

    Water and other polar liquids do not wet polyethylene; in addition, organic solvents do not act on it at room temperature. When heated (up to +70 °C and above), PE swells and then dissolves in aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons. Best of all, polyethylene is dissolved by xylene, decalin and tetralin. Also at high temperature PE decomposes (usually it is pre-softened).

    Polyethylene is resistant to strong acids and alkalis, impervious to moisture. It reacts differently to organic solvents (depending on the chemical base of the polymer), and is physiologically harmless.

    PVC(abbreviated PVC) - a product obtained as a result of complex chemical synthesis based on natural materials - sodium chloride and oil hydrocarbons.

    During the manufacture of polyvinyl chloride, the intermediate product is VC (vinyl chloride) with a monomeric structure. Further, during the polymerization, the VC monomers are converted into PVC polymers. They are already completely inert and non-toxic. The final polymer contains only 0.1 ppm, although the maximum permissible concentration of toxins in plant foods should be 10 ppm.

    To give PVC certain properties, various additives are used - stabilizers, plasticizers and fillers. Stabilizers are divided into two types - Ca / Zn (calcium / zinc) and even highly toxic lead compounds can be used.

    Polyvinyl chloride is very popular due to its low cost. PVC is used to produce disposable tableware, containers for household chemicals, cosmetic bags, water and beverage bottles. After some time, PVC begins to release VC (vinyl chloride). This carcinogen enters the water, from it into food, and with food into the human body.

    According to studies, vinyl chloride begins to be released a week after liquid is poured into a plastic container. A month later, in a mineral water, for example, several milligrams of VC accumulate (according to oncologists, this is quite enough for the development of an oncological disease). In no case should plastic bottles be reused, although we see this all the time.

    Polystyrene(abbreviated PS) - obtained as a result of the polymerization of styrene (viniobenzene). This product belongs to the class of thermopolymer polymers (thermal resistant). Its chemical formula is [-CH 2 -CH (C 6 H 5) -] n -. Phenyl groups in the composition of polystyrene interfere with the ordered arrangement of macromolecules and the creation of crystalline compounds.

    Polystyrene is characterized as a rigid and at the same time brittle amorphous polymer with a significant degree of optical light transmission and low mechanical strength. In finished form, it is a colorless granules of a cylindrical shape.

    PS density is low (1060 kg / m 3), thermal stability - up to +105 ° С, shrinkage during injection molding 0.4–0.8%. It is an excellent dielectric, frost-resistant (can withstand temperatures up to -40 ° C). Possesses low chemical resistance (except for dilute acids, alkalis and alcohols).

    In order to improve the qualities of PS, it is modified by mixing with other polymers - they are crosslinked and styrene copolymers are obtained.

    Polystyrene dissolves in gasoline, toluene and acetone.

    The popularity of polystyrene is based on its low cost, easy processing and a wide range of products. various kinds. High-impact polystyrenes are the most common (their production is over 60% of the total production of polystyrene plastics). These are styrene copolymers with different types rubber.

    PS is inert with respect to water and various liquids. But if you pour into a similar container hot water, then this container will begin to release a toxic compound - styrene.

    Polyethylene terephthalate(abbreviated as PET, PET) is a thermoplastic that is resistant to elevated temperatures. It is obtained by polycondensation of ethylene glycol with terephthalic acid (and its dimethyl ether). PET is solid, colorless, transparent in the amorphous state, and white and opaque in the crystalline state. The molecular weight is (20-50)x10 3 . PET is an excellent dielectric, strong and wear resistant.

    PET is chemically resistant to acids, salts, alcohols, gasoline, paraffin, fats, mineral oils, ether, insoluble in water, resistant to water vapor.

    At temperatures from +40 °C to +150 °C, polyethylene terephthalate dissolves in substances such as acetone, benzene, phenol, toluene, cyclohexanone, ethyl acetate, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform.

    Practically does not absorb moisture (hygroscopicity 0.4–0.5%) - this depends on the phase state of the polymer and relative humidity air.

    PET has high heat resistance (melts at +290 °C), breaks down at a temperature that is 50 °C below the inert environment. It can be operated at temperatures from +60 °С to + 170 °С, undergoes thermal destruction at temperatures from +290 °С to +310 °С.

    The destruction of PET proceeds statistically along the polymer chain. PET contains volatile products such as terephthalic acid, acetaldehyde, and carbon monoxide. At a temperature of +90 °C, a large amount of various kinds of hydrocarbons is formed. Most of the volatile products consist of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and methane.

    Now polyethylene terephthalate is used in the manufacture of a wide variety of packaging for food and drinks, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, video, audio and x-ray films, tires for cars and much more. This material gained its popularity due to the exceptional balance of PET's capabilities, and also due to the fact that it is easy to control the level of orientation and degree of crystallinity in the finished product.

    PET without impurities is non-toxic, but it may contain phthalates and other toxic chemical compounds, dicarboxylic acids, glycols, etc., which increase the light, thermal, and refractory properties of the polymer.

    In addition, BPA (Bisphenol A) can be used in the production of plastic beverage containers. It disrupts the endocrine system, promotes the development of breast cancer, and leads to hormonal imbalance.

    Initially, British scientists said that the presence of BPA in the human body is dangerous and can lead to the development cardiovascular diseases, To diabetes. Further experiments proved that BPA levels were also exceeded in liver diseases and obesity, but they could not associate this with the use of plastic containers, and traces of formaldehyde were also found in their composition.

    On reverse side At the bottom of hazardous containers, bona fide manufacturers put a badge with the number 3 in a triangle or write PVC (which means PVC). Also, such a bottle is recognized by the characteristic influx at the bottom in the form of a line or a spear at both ends. When you press a dangerous container with a fingernail, a white mark remains. Quality packaging will remain smooth.

    Terms and conditions of storage of drinking water in plastic containers

    These days, the number of plastic water bottles in stores is steadily increasing. Bottled water can be ordered for home delivery. Hypermarkets are willing to sell such water, since its shelf life is quite long.

    Under normal conditions, water under the influence of sunlight and heat quickly loses its properties, and because of the bacteria that have got into it, an unpleasant smell and taste appear. But why is water stored in supermarkets for a long time? The fact is that manufacturers preserve this water.

    There are three types of conservation:

    • ozonation;
    • carbonation;
    • adding an antibiotic.

    The first two methods are harmless, but such a liquid is stored only until the bottle is opened, that is, as soon as you unpack the container, you should drink water from it over the next few days.

    Drinking water preserved in the third way lasts a long time, but antibiotics can seriously harm your health and immune system.

    Bottled water should be stored in a dark place at a temperature of +15…+30 °C. It is better to purchase recently bottled in your area - it has more useful substances.

    The water storage container must be made of food grade plastic. If it has a PET mark on it, then it is made of polyethylene terephthalate, which does not react with liquid and is not toxic. In no case should water be stored in a bottle marked PVC - this means that it was made from a toxic material. In addition, the liquid stored in melamine containers is dangerous.

    In case you did not find any marks on the bottle, then it is quite easy to check which class the material belongs to. Press your fingernail into the container. On the dangerous one you will see a whitish trace, on the PET bottle you will not notice any changes. Tap on the bottle, if the sound is deaf, then the container is made of melamine.

    The shelf life of water preserved in a plastic bottle is from 6 months to a year. At the same time, after opening, you can store drinking liquid for about 10 days.

    In addition to the expiration date, drinking water also has a so-called “usefulness” period, after which it loses most of its useful properties. Therefore, you need to purchase as fresh water as possible.

    Features of storage of drinking water with different properties

    According to manufacturers, water in plastic containers is not only possible to store, but simply necessary.

    Plastic containers for storing drinking water are predominantly made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET(E)), which is food grade and neutral, that is, it does not react to water and is harmless to health. Plastic markings are usually embossed on bottles. Of course, there are also plastic containers of the PVC class (this material is toxic) or made of melamine (water cannot be stored in such bottles at all). From 6 to 12 months from the date of bottling - this is the shelf life of liquid in plastic bottles.

    tap water for storage, it should first be filtered, and then poured into an enameled, glass or plastic (PET) bottle, without closing the lid, let it stand (for example, overnight) so that the chlorine disappears.

    After that, the water bottle should be tightly closed and stored in the refrigerator or at room temperature for no more than two to three days.

    If you only drink boiled water, store it in a tightly closed enameled container in a small amount, you do not need to boil in reserve.

    The shelf life of boiled water depends on its initial quality, composition, degree of purification. Boiling is known to kill all bacteria, including the good ones. But during long-term storage, microorganisms again enter the liquid from external environment, and the whole effect of its boiling is reduced to nothing. Therefore, it is not recommended to store it for more than 12 hours.

    Well or spring water We advise you to store in glass or ceramic (clay) containers. In hermetic form, its natural beneficial properties are preserved for three years. Metal containers for storing drinking water should only be used enameled or with another neutral coating inside.

    Pour spring water only from trusted sources, it is dangerous to drink another one!

    Today there is a lot of debate about the usefulness structured water and its positive impact on the human body, including at the cellular and gene levels. Such defrosted water can be easily stored in a glass container.

    It is best to store structured water in a stainless steel or metal dish with an admixture of silver in a place where direct sunlight does not reach. Russian scientists have proven that the effect of liquid structuring increases significantly in silver dishes in the light - by about 7.5% within two hours.

    If the water quality leaves much to be desired…

    The problem of dirty water in the house can be partially solved by installing a high-quality filter, but in such systems it is periodically necessary to replace components, because it directly depends on how well the drinking liquid will be cleaned.

    At the same time, the question remains unresolved: how to ensure that our workplace or the child at school has water. best quality? The best decision- buy it with delivery.

    The Iceberg company offers favorable conditions for servicing its customers:

    • free delivery of water to your home or office: buyers pay only the cost of the goods;
    • wells from which our water is drawn have registration documents in the State Water Cadastre of the Russian Federation;
    • for the extraction and bottling of water are used Hi-tech, which helps to preserve and increase its quality and natural purity;
    • we also sell modern water coolers and other equipment manufactured by well-known European brands, taking into account existing quality standards. The sizes of pumps and racks for bottles vary, allowing you to install devices even in small rooms;
    • delivery of drinking water to your home or office is carried out by minimum price, thanks to constant promotions from our company;
    • along with water, you can purchase disposable tableware, tea, coffee and other auxiliary products.

    Clean water is valuable, but it should not be worth its weight in gold. Our mission is to provide every home and workplace high-quality drinking water, so we have prepared the most favorable conditions for our customers.
