Why does air temperature change with altitude? Determination of the height of the levels of condensation and sublimation

Practical material for a geography lesson in grade 6 - UMK: O.A. Klimanov, V.V. Klimanov, E.V. Kim. For consideration, tasks on the topic are proposed "Air temperature".

The solution of geographical problems contributes to the active assimilation of the course of geography, forms general educational and special geographical skills.


Development of skills to calculate the air temperature at different heights, calculate the height;

Development of the ability to analyze, draw conclusions.

How does temperature change with height?

When the altitude changes by 1000 meters (1 km), the air temperature changes by 6 ° C (with an increase in altitude, the air temperature decreases, and with a decrease, it rises).

Geographic tasks:

1. At the top of the mountain, the temperature is -5 degrees, the height of the mountain is 4500 m. Determine the temperature at the foot of the mountain?


For every kilometer up, the air temperature drops by 6 degrees, that is, if the mountain height is 4500 or 4.5 km, it turns out that:

1) 4.5 x 6 = 27 degrees. This means that the temperature has dropped by 27 degrees, and if it is 5 degrees at the top, then at the foot of the mountain it will be:

2) - 5 + 27 = 22 degrees at the foot of the mountain

Answer: 22 degrees at the foot of the mountain

2. Determine the air temperature at the top of the mountain 3 km, if at the foot of the mountain it was + 12 degrees.


If after 1 km the temperature drops by 6 degrees, then

Answer:- 6 degrees at the top of the mountain

3. To what height did the plane rise if the temperature outside it is -30 ° C, and at the surface of the Earth + 12 ° C?


2) 42: 6 = 7 km

Answer: the plane rose to a height of 7 km

4. What is the air temperature at the top of the Pamirs, if in July at the foot it is +36°C? The height of the Pamirs is 6 km.


Answer: 0 degrees at the top of the mountain

5. Determine the air temperature overboard the aircraft, if the air temperature at the earth's surface is 31 degrees, and the flight altitude is 5 km?


Answer: 1 degree outside temperature

Question 1. What determines the distribution of heat over the surface of the Earth?

The distribution of air temperature above the Earth's surface depends on the following four main factors: 1) latitude, 2) height of the land surface, 3) type of surface, especially the location of land and sea, 4) heat transfer by winds and currents.

Question 2. In what units is temperature measured?

In meteorology and in everyday life, the Celsius scale or degrees Celsius is used as a unit of temperature.

Question 3. What is the name of the temperature measuring device?

Thermometer - a device for measuring air temperature.

Question 4. How does the air temperature change during the day, during the year?

The change in temperature depends on the rotation of the Earth around its axis and, accordingly, on changes in the amount of solar heat. Therefore, the air temperature rises or falls depending on the location of the Sun in the sky. The change in air temperature during the year depends on the position of the Earth in its orbit as it revolves around the Sun. In summer, the earth's surface heats up well due to direct sunlight.

Question 5. Under what conditions at a particular point on the surface of the Earth will the air temperature always remain constant?

If the Earth does not rotate around the sun and its axis, and there will be no air transport by winds.

Question 6. According to what pattern does air temperature change with height?

When rising above the Earth's surface, the air temperature in the troposphere drops by 6 C for each kilometer of ascent.

Question 7. What is the relationship between air temperature and the geographical latitude of the place?

The amount of light and heat received earth's surface, gradually decreases in the direction from the equator to the poles due to a change in the angle of incidence of the sun's rays.

Question 8. How and why does the air temperature change during the day?

The sun rises in the east, rises higher and higher, and then begins to sink until it sets below the horizon until the next morning. The daily rotation of the Earth causes the angle of incidence of the sun's rays on the Earth's surface to change. This means that the level of heating of this surface also changes. In turn, the air, which is heated from the Earth's surface, receives a different amount of heat during the day. And at night, the amount of heat received by the atmosphere is even less. This is the reason for the diurnal variability. During the day, the air temperature rises from dawn to two in the afternoon, and then begins to drop and reaches a minimum an hour before dawn.

Question 9. What is the temperature range?

The difference between the highest and lowest air temperature for any period of time is called the temperature amplitude.

Question 11. Why is the most heat observed at 14:00, and the lowest - in the "pre-dawn hour"?

Because at 14 o'clock the Sun heats the earth as much as possible, and in the pre-dawn hour the Sun has not yet risen, and during the night the temperature dropped all the time.

Question 12. Is it always possible to limit ourselves to knowledge only about average temperatures?

No, because in certain situations it is necessary to know the exact temperature.

Question 13. For what latitudes and why are the lowest average air temperatures typical?

For polar latitudes, since the sun's rays reach the surface at the smallest angle.

Question 14. For what latitudes and why are the highest average air temperatures typical?

The highest average air temperatures are typical for the tropics and the equator, since there is the largest angle of incidence of sunlight.

Question 15. Why does the air temperature decrease with height?

Because the air warms up from the surface of the Earth, when it has a positive temperature and it turns out that the higher the air layer, the less it warms up.

Question 16. What do you think, which month of the year is characterized by the minimum average air temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere? In the southern hemisphere?

January on average, the most cold month years for most northern hemisphere Earth, and the warmest month of the year in most of the Southern Hemisphere. June is, on average, the coldest month of the year in most of the Southern Hemisphere.

Question 17 latitude, 50°S sh., 80 p. sh.?

Question 18. Determine the air temperature at a height of 3 km, if it is +24 ° C at the Earth's surface?

tn=24-6.5*3=4.5 ºС

Question 19. Calculate the average temperature value according to the data presented in the table.

(5+0+3+4+7+10+5) : 6 = 4,86; (-3 + -1) : 2 = -2; 4,86 - 2 = 2,86

Answer: average temperature= 2.86 degrees.

Question 20. Using the tabular data given in task 2, determine the temperature amplitude for the specified period.

The temperature amplitude for the specified period will be 13 degrees.

Question 1. What determines the distribution of heat over the surface of the Earth?

The distribution of air temperature above the Earth's surface depends on the following four main factors: 1) latitude, 2) height of the land surface, 3) type of surface, especially the location of land and sea, 4) heat transfer by winds and currents.

Question 2. In what units is temperature measured?

In meteorology and in everyday life, the Celsius scale or degrees Celsius is used as a unit of temperature.

Question 3. What is the name of the temperature measuring device?

Thermometer - a device for measuring air temperature.

Question 4. How does the air temperature change during the day, during the year?

The change in temperature depends on the rotation of the Earth around its axis and, accordingly, on changes in the amount of solar heat. Therefore, the air temperature rises or falls depending on the location of the Sun in the sky. The change in air temperature during the year depends on the position of the Earth in its orbit as it revolves around the Sun. In summer, the earth's surface heats up well due to direct sunlight.

Question 5. Under what conditions at a particular point on the surface of the Earth will the air temperature always remain constant?

If the Earth does not rotate around the sun and its axis, and there will be no air transport by winds.

Question 6. According to what pattern does air temperature change with height?

When rising above the Earth's surface, the air temperature in the troposphere drops by 6 C for each kilometer of ascent.

Question 7. What is the relationship between air temperature and the geographical latitude of the place?

The amount of light and heat received by the earth's surface gradually decreases in the direction from the equator to the poles due to a change in the angle of incidence of the sun's rays.

Question 8. How and why does the air temperature change during the day?

The sun rises in the east, rises higher and higher, and then begins to sink until it sets below the horizon until the next morning. The daily rotation of the Earth causes the angle of incidence of the sun's rays on the Earth's surface to change. This means that the level of heating of this surface also changes. In turn, the air, which is heated from the Earth's surface, receives a different amount of heat during the day. And at night, the amount of heat received by the atmosphere is even less. This is the reason for the diurnal variability. During the day, the air temperature rises from dawn to two in the afternoon, and then begins to drop and reaches a minimum an hour before dawn.

Question 9. What is the temperature range?

The difference between the highest and lowest air temperature for any period of time is called the temperature amplitude.

Question 11. Why is the highest temperature observed at 2 p.m., and the lowest - in the "pre-dawn hour"?

Because at 14 o'clock the Sun heats the earth as much as possible, and in the pre-dawn hour the Sun has not yet risen, and during the night the temperature dropped all the time.

Question 12. Is it always possible to limit ourselves to knowledge only about average temperatures?

No, because in certain situations it is necessary to know the exact temperature.

Question 13. For what latitudes and why are the lowest average air temperatures typical?

For polar latitudes, since the sun's rays reach the surface at the smallest angle.

Question 14. For what latitudes and why are the highest average air temperatures typical?

The highest average air temperatures are typical for the tropics and the equator, since there is the largest angle of incidence of sunlight.

Question 15. Why does the air temperature decrease with height?

Because the air warms up from the surface of the Earth, when it has a positive temperature and it turns out that the higher the air layer, the less it warms up.

Question 16. What do you think, which month of the year is characterized by the minimum average air temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere? In the southern hemisphere?

January is, on average, the coldest month of the year in most of the Earth's Northern Hemisphere, and the warmest month of the year in most of the Southern Hemisphere. June is, on average, the coldest month of the year in most of the Southern Hemisphere.

Question 17 latitude, 50°S sh., 80 p. sh.?

Question 18. Determine the air temperature at a height of 3 km, if it is +24 ° C at the Earth's surface?

tn=24-6.5*3=4.5 ºС

Question 19. Calculate the average temperature value according to the data presented in the table.

(5+0+3+4+7+10+5) : 6 = 4,86; (-3 + -1) : 2 = -2; 4,86 - 2 = 2,86

Answer: average temperature = 2.86 degrees.

Question 20. Using the tabular data given in task 2, determine the temperature amplitude for the specified period.

The temperature amplitude for the specified period will be 13 degrees.

How does temperature change with height? This article will contain information that will contain answers to this and similar questions.

How does air temperature change with altitude?

When rising upwards, the air temperature in the troposphere decreases by 1 km - 6 ° C. Therefore, high in the mountains lies snow

The atmosphere is divided into 5 main layers: troposphere, stratosphere, upper atmosphere. For agricultural meteorology, the regularities of temperature changes in the troposphere, especially in its surface layer, are of the greatest interest.

What is a vertical temperature gradient?

Vertical temperature gradient is a change in air temperature at a height of every 100 m. The vertical gradient depends on several factors, such as: season (temperature is lower in winter, higher in summer); time of day (it is colder at night than during the day), etc. The average value of the temperature gradient is about 0.6 ° C / 100 m.

In the surface layer of the atmosphere, the gradient depends on the weather, the time of day, and the nature of the underlying surface. During the day, VGT is almost always positive, especially in summer; in clear weather it is 10 times higher than in gloomy weather. At lunchtime in summer, the air temperature at the soil surface can be 10-15 ° C higher than the air temperature at a height of 2 m. Because of this, the WGT in this two-meter layer in terms of 100 m is more than 500 ° С / 100 m. Wind reduces the VGT, since when the air is mixed, its temperature at different heights is equalized. Cloudiness and precipitation reduce the vertical temperature gradient. With moist soil, the WGT sharply decreases in the surface layer of the atmosphere. Above bare soil (fallow field), the VGT is greater than over developed crops or alkali. In winter, above the snow cover, the VGT in the surface layer of the atmosphere is small and usually negative.

With height, the influence of the underlying surface and weather on the VGT weakens and it decreases compared to its values ​​in the surface air layer. Above 500 m, the influence of the daily variation of air temperature fades. At altitudes from 1.5 to 5-6 km, the VGT is in the range of 0.5-0.6 ° С / 100 m. At an altitude of 6-9 km, the temperature gradient increases and amounts to 0.65-0.75 ° C / 100 m. In the upper troposphere, the VGT again decreases to 0.5-0.2°C/100m.

Data on the vertical temperature gradient in various layers of the atmosphere are used in the preparation of weather forecasts, in meteorological services for jet aircraft and in the launch of satellites into orbit, as well as in determining the conditions of release and propagation industrial waste in the atmosphere. Negative VGT in the surface air layer at night in spring and autumn indicates the possibility of frost.

So, we hope that in this article, you have found not only useful and informative information, but also the answer to the question "how does air temperature change with height."

The air temperature in the troposphere as a whole decreases by an average of 0.6 °C for every 100 m of altitude. However, in the lower layer (up to 100-150 m) the temperature distribution can be different: it can increase, remain constant or decrease.

When the temperature decreases with distance from the active surface, such a distribution, as noted in Sec. 3.4, called insolation. In the air over land, this happens in the warm season during the daytime in clear weather. Insolation creates favorable conditions for the development of thermal convection (see Section 4.1) and the formation of clouds.

When the air temperature does not change with height, this condition is called "isotherm". Temperature isotherm is observed in cloudy, calm weather.

If the air temperature increases with distance from the surface, this temperature distribution is called inversion.

Depending on the conditions for the formation of inversions in the surface layer of the atmosphere, they are divided into radiative and advective.

Radiation inversions arise during radiation cooling of the active surface. Such inversions during the warm period of the year are formed at night, and in winter they are also observed during the day. Therefore, radiative inversions are divided into night (summer) and winter ones.

Night inversions are established in clear calm weather after the radiation balance passes through zero 1.0 ... 1.5 hours before sunset. During the night, they intensify and reach their maximum power before sunrise. After sunrise, the active surface and the air warm up, which destroys the inversion. The height of the inversion layer is most often several tens of meters, but under certain conditions (for example, in closed valleys surrounded by significant elevations) it can reach 200 m or more. This is facilitated by the flow of cooled air from the slopes into the valley. Cloudiness weakens the inversion, and the wind speed is more

2.5...3.0 m/s destroys it. Under the canopy of dense herbage, sowing, as well as the garden in summer, inversions are also observed during the day (Fig. 4.4, b).

Night radiation inversions in spring and autumn, and in some places in summer, can cause a decrease in soil and air surface temperatures to negative values(frost), which causes damage to crop plants.

Winter inversions occur in clear, calm weather under short day conditions, when cooling of the active surface is continuous

Rice. 4.4.

1 - at night; 2 - day increases every day. They can persist for several weeks, weakening a little during the day and intensifying again at night.

The radiative inversions are especially intensified with a sharply inhomogeneous terrain. Cooling air flows down into depressions and basins, where weakened turbulent mixing contributes to its further cooling. Radiative inversions associated with the features of the terrain are commonly called orographic. They are dangerous for fruit trees and berry bushes, since the air temperature during such inversions can drop to critical.

Advective inversions are formed during the advection of warm air on a cold underlying surface, which cools the layers of advancing air adjacent to it. These inversions also include snow inversions. They arise during the advection of air having a temperature above 0°C onto a surface covered with snow. The decrease in temperature in the lowest layer in this case is associated with heat consumption for snow melting.
