How does winter pass in Africa? Seasons, weather and climate of South Africa Average monthly summer temperatures in Africa

Date of: 03.04.2017

African climate

The climate of Africa is determined by its geographical location - most of it is located between the tropics and is characterized by high values ​​of total solar radiation (180-200 kcal/cm 2 per year). Africa is considered the hottest continent. On the northern coast of the Gulf of Guinea and in the Congo Basin, average temperatures throughout the year are +25... + 26°C. Average summer temperatures are high in the north of Sudan, in the Sahara (+30...+ 32°C; in the western part up to + 38°C); in Al-Azizia (Libya) the highest temperature on Earth was observed: + 58°C. In subtropical latitudes in summer from +16...+ 22 ° C. Average winter temperatures are 20 ° C. and S. are + 16°C; in the subtropics - about + 10°C.

The climate of Africa is influenced by trade winds blowing from the tropics to the equator . Wet air masses bring to the territory of Africa from the Indian Ocean southeast trade wind, dry brings the weather from Eurasia northeast trade wind.

The climate of the mainland coast is influenced by warm currentsMozambique and Cape Agulhas, washing the eastern shores of Africa south of the equator, increase and equalize coastal temperatures; The Canary and Benguela cold currents reduce temperatures and increase the aridity of the western coasts of Africa in the tropics. For example, under the influence of the Begel Current, the Namib Desert was formed.

Drakensberg and Cape Mountains delay easterly trade wind on windward slopes, causing redistribution precipitation.

The main circulation process over Africa is the transfer of tropical air by trade winds blowing from the belts high pressure(from the tropics) to the equatorial part with low atmospheric pressure.

Over northwest Africa high pressure sets in - spurs of the Azores high, from which tropical sea air flows, quickly warms up and does not form precipitation on the coast Mediterranean Sea and in the Sahara, where the Sahara Low is formed.

Along the West Coast winds blow from the eastern part of the Azores High. The main source of poor moisture is hidden moisture from fog and dew.

In northeast Africa from 5° S The southwest monsoon blows along the low-lying coast of the Somali peninsula and is directed towards India. Rain falls only in the interior mountainous regions of the peninsula. East Africa, south of the equator, also receives very little rainfall.

IN Saharan the minimum flows over continental tropical air from the South African High, which is established in the Southern Hemisphere in winter over South Africa at tropical latitudes. Over the Sahara, the pressure increases (Saharan maximum), dry; A circulation unfavorable for precipitation remains along the Atlantic coast.

To the eastern On the slopes of the Etbay ridge and the Ethiopian Highlands, poor precipitation from the Red Sea is brought by northeastern winds flowing from the Arabian Peninsula.

In East Africa, south of 5°S, precipitation falls mainly on the eastern slopes of the plateau, as well as in its western mountainous regions, where monsoon flows from the Indian and Atlantic oceans meet.

In South Africa Trade winds from the Indian Ocean bring heavy rainfall to the eastern slopes of Madagascar and the Drakensberg Mountains up to subtropical latitudes.

Africa is located in seven climate zones: equatorial (wet and hot seasons throughout the year), two subequatorial (warm all year round, two seasons - rainy in summer and dry in winter), two tropical (continental, maritime), two subtropical (wet, warm winter, dry, hot summer).

Along the western edge of South Africa from 6° S anticyclonic circulation operates up to the subtropics eastern outskirts South Atlantic maximum, especially stable in tropical latitudes, where exceptional aridity remains.

According to seasonal patterns of circulation, temperature and precipitation on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea and in the Congo Basin, highlight constantly humid and hot equatorial climate type(from 5-7° N to 2-3° S). The wettest place in Africa is located here - Debunja (at the foot of Mount Cameroon, 9655 mm of precipitation per year); in other areas at least 1500 mm falls.

In the north and south, the equatorial climate gradually turns into subequatorial(equatorial monsoons) with a summer wet and winter dry season. The duration of the latter increases from 2 to 10 months, and annual precipitation amounts decrease from 1800 mm to 300 mm. North of 20°N. and south of 18° S. The climate in Africa is tropical, in the Northern Hemisphere it is deserted and very dry.

In the Sahara, precipitation decreases to 100 mm per year or less; Eastern Sahara is the driest region in Africa(10-20 mm of precipitation per year).

Along the west coast the climate is oceanic desert with high relative humidity air. In the Southern Hemisphere tropical zone three sectors :

  • in the west - oceanic desert,
  • in the center - continental moderately arid and arid,
  • in the east - sea trade wind with summer maximum precipitation.

The outskirts of Africa lie in subtropical climate zones.Northern Africa has a Mediterranean climate: on the windward slopes of the Atlas - typical,in its interior and on the coasts of Libya and South Africa- semi-desert and desert.South Africa has a typical Mediterranean climate; observed on the southwestern windward slopes of the Cape Mountains; subtropical monsoon with summer maximum precipitation -on the southeastern outskirts; semi-desert and desert -in the interior.

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Relief and geological structure,Surface waterNatural resources

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Africa. Physiographic location. History of research and development


North trade wind moves from 25° N latitude. towards the equator in the form of three main flows of heated air with relative humidity from 30 to 15%. In the greater eastern part, this so-called Egyptian current of northeastern direction penetrates to the northern part of the Congo Basin and does not cross the equator. To the east, the even drier Arabian trade wind operates, capturing the Somali peninsula and penetrating south of the equator, where it merges with the southeast trade wind coming from the Indian Ocean along the periphery of the South Indian High. To the west of the Egyptian current, the so-called harmattan moves towards the Guinea coast, which in the northern part of the Gulf of Guinea meets the southwest monsoon flowing along the eastern periphery of the South Atlantic High. As a rule, the harmattan does not reach the coast of the Gulf of Guinea, and weak southwesterly winds prevail there. But at higher altitudes, the trade wind penetrates further to the south and interferes with the upward currents in the southwest monsoon and precipitation. Therefore, January on the Guinea coast is the driest month.

The South Indian maximum in January is strongly shifted to the south. It covers the extreme south of Africa and gives rise to the southeast trade wind, bringing heavy rainfall from the Indian Ocean to the eastern slopes of the high plateaus of Africa. The amount of precipitation decreases sharply as you move inland, reaching a minimum in the central part of the Kalahari.

West Coast Africa is influenced by the eastern periphery of the South Atlantic High. Due to the arrival of relatively cold air masses on the warmed continent, carried out from higher latitudes by winds from the southern point of view, there is no precipitation on the west coast in a strip stretching almost to the equator.

In the area where the Atlantic air comes into contact with the masses coming from the Indian Ocean, a front forms, and therefore in the western Kalahari the amount of precipitation increases slightly compared to the more western and eastern regions of the mainland.

In July The northern hemisphere is heating up more strongly (Fig. 104).

Rice. 104. The average air temperature in Africa is at earth's surface in July

Therefore, all pressure zones shift to the north. The subtropical maximum of the northern hemisphere shifts to the Mediterranean Sea and southern Europe, covering only the extreme northwest of Africa. Due to intense heating, an area of ​​low pressure forms over northern Africa, extending to the equator. South Africa, together with its neighboring oceans, is part of the pressure maximum zone of the southern hemisphere. Only its extreme south finds itself in the conditions of the westerly circulation of the temperate latitudes of the southern hemisphere (see Fig. 9).

In North Africa(Sahara) dry northeastern and northwestern winds blow, along the Red Sea and the Nile Valley they penetrate up to 20° N, and in the west - up to 18° N latitude. The southwest monsoon rushes towards them, from the side of the South Atlantic High, carrying moisture-unstable air to the territory of Sudan and the Guinea coast. It rains in these areas.

Ethiopia, Somalia and all of eastern Africa north of the equator are affected Indian monsoon, which is a continuation of the southeast trade wind, crossing the equator and bringing heavy rain.

Almost all southern Africa within the high pressure belt with weakened trade wind activity, the weather at this time is dry, especially in the interior regions. The exception is the Cape region, which is characterized by increased cyclonic activity along the polar front.

High temperature throughout the year in the main part of Africa depend on the height of the sun above the horizon and strong insolation. On a large part of the continent, the average annual temperature exceeds 20 °C. The northern part of Africa is more massive, so in general it warms up more than the southern part, and there is the highest average monthly temperature (35 ... 40 ° C), as well as the highest maximum temperature (up to 58 ° C) observed on Earth.

All of Africa is characterized by significant daily temperature fluctuations as a manifestation continentality climate. For example, in the Sahara, daily temperature amplitudes can reach 50 °C.

Precipitation are distributed extremely unevenly across the continent. Regular and heavy convective rains fall in the equatorial part, approximately between 5° N latitude. and 10° S Maximum precipitation in Africa (about 10,000 mm) are noted on the slopes of the Cameroon massif, facing the prevailing southwestern winds.

In areas north and south of the equator, up to about 17° in both hemispheres, precipitation is associated with equatorial monsoon and fall in the summer of each hemisphere; their annual amounts fluctuate greatly depending on geographical location and relief. Even further north and south from the equator (up to 30°) there are areas with very low annual precipitation (Fig. 105).

Rice. 105. Average monthly precipitation in Africa, mm

In the far north and far south of the continent, in the subtropical zone the amount of precipitation increases again, and its maximum in the northwest and southwest occurs in winter, and in the southeast in summer.

In connection with the above, Africa is different wide variety of climate types.

Region humid equatorial climate covers a significant part of the Congo Basin, approximately between 5°N latitude. and 5° S, as well as the Guinean coast up to 7-8° N. In the Congo Basin, due to strong surface heating, convective precipitation occurs throughout the year. In their regime, two maxima are clearly expressed, associated with the highest position of the sun. On the coast of the Gulf of Guinea, precipitation is associated with the prevailing southwesterly winds and its annual amount is high. High and uniform temperatures (24...28 °C), large amounts of precipitation, 1.5-2 times higher than evaporation, and high relative air humidity create conditions of constant excess moisture. Because of this, the climate of the equatorial part of Africa is difficult to tolerate not only for Europeans who are not accustomed to it, but also for local residents.

Subequatorial belt in North Africa it extends north to 17° N. In the southern hemisphere, the subequatorial climate belt does not reach the Atlantic Ocean; it extends to the south to almost 20° S. latitude. In the summer, each hemisphere is dominated by the monsoon, which brings humid equatorial air and heavy rainfall. In winter, the subequatorial belt is influenced by the trade wind, bringing masses of dry tropical air. This is a period of complete absence of rain and very low relative humidity.

The duration of the wet period, annual precipitation and moisture within the belt vary from the equator towards the tropics and in the direction from west to east. From the equator to the tropics, the duration of the wet period gradually decreases from 10 to 2-3 months. From west to east, precipitation is decreasing due to the weakening of the monsoon. The driest areas within the subequatorial belt northern hemisphere are located on the Somali peninsula, which is protected from the equatorial monsoon by the Ethiopian Highlands, and in the northern part of Sudan, on the border with the tropical zone. Temperatures in the subequatorial zones are high during most of the year, but annual differences are more pronounced than in the equatorial zone. The hottest time is at the beginning of the rainy season, when average temperature exceeds 30 °C. However, even in the coolest months the average temperature does not drop below 20 °C.

Large areas of Africa, especially in the northern hemisphere, are characterized by arid tropical climate.

In the northern hemisphere, a hot, dry tropical climate is characteristic of the Sahara. In summer, the surface of North Africa becomes very hot and the northeast trade wind rushes there, bringing air with a relative humidity of 15-30%. IN winter time An anticyclonic regime is established over North Africa, therefore, throughout the year, conditions over the Sahara are not favorable for precipitation. Dry air and extremely low cloud cover, combined with an almost complete absence of vegetation, create conditions for sharp daily temperature fluctuations. Evaporation is approximately 20-25 times higher than actual evaporation.

The climate along the coast of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden is also extremely dry. The winter northeast trade wind, sweeping over the Red Sea, is almost not saturated with moisture and gives only a little precipitation on the coast itself. The summer monsoon, which brings precipitation to the Sudan region, leaves a huge amount of moisture on the western and southwestern slopes of the Ethiopian Highlands. It penetrates the east coast in the form of a hairdryer and does not produce precipitation. Therefore, on the shores of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden there are some of the hottest and driest areas on Earth.

In the southern hemisphere, the Kalahari Basin has an arid tropical climate, but the rainfall there is slightly higher than in the Sahara, thanks to the southeast trade wind blowing from the Indian Ocean.

This trade wind brings especially large amounts of precipitation to the coast of the Mozambique Channel and the slopes of the Drakensberg Mountains. In this regard, on the eastern edge of the tropical belt of the southern hemisphere in Africa, there is a area of ​​humid trade wind climate.

The western outskirts of the continent in the tropical zone of the northern and southern hemispheres, where the influence of the eastern periphery of the Atlantic highs is felt near the coast, is characterized by coastal desert climate. Prevailing winds blowing towards the equator create streams of relatively cold water on the ocean surface - the Benguela and Canary cold currents. The cooled air of the eastern periphery of the Atlantic highs that forms above them flows onto the heated surface of the continent, creating a temperature inversion. The air coming from the ocean contains a significant amount of water vapor, but during inversion, condensation of these vapors does not occur and very little precipitation falls, although the relative humidity of the air is high. Temperatures are low (monthly average is usually below 21 °C), and diurnal amplitudes are less significant than in continental deserts. It rains in the southwestern part of Africa (Namib Desert) even less often than in the Sahara, but there is often heavy dew and fog, the moisture of which is absorbed by some plants. The humidity and stuffiness of coastal deserts is more difficult for humans to endure than the dry, scorching heat of the continental desert.

The northern coast of the continent is characterized by a subtropical Mediterranean climate. Summer here is hot and dry, the temperature rises to +40 - +45 C. Winter is mild and relatively warm, daytime temperatures in January-February are about +17 C, night temperatures drop to +6 - + 7 C.

In the Atlas Mountains, which are located in the northwestern part of the continent, the climate is sharply continental dry, with large temperature ranges and infrequent rainfall. The climate in the mountains is quite harsh. The average monthly temperature in the summer months is +28 C, the maximum recorded is +50 C. In winter, the temperature drops to +6 - +8 C, and can drop to minus 10 degrees.

The Sahara Desert is a desert climate, sharply continental, characterized by significant temperature fluctuations throughout the year and even days. The difference between day and night temperatures can be up to 30 degrees. IN summer period the air warms up to +38 - +40 C during the day, the night temperature in summer is +25 - +28 C. In winter, the air warms up during the day to +15 - +18 C, and at night there is often a negative temperature. Precipitation does not fall in this area for several years, and when it does fall, it often does not have time to reach the ground. The amount of precipitation is 50-100 mm per year.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the coastal areas of the Red Sea. Egypt and Sudan have access to the sea. The climate in coastal areas is subequatorial. The average monthly temperature throughout the year does not drop below +20 degrees. In Sudan, southwesterly winds bring humid weather in summer; the annual precipitation in this region is about 2000 mm.

Central Africa

Central Africa is located in the subequatorial and equatorial climate zone. It's hot and humid here. The climate of the region is greatly influenced by air masses coming from the Atlantic Ocean.

The air temperature is high throughout the year, rising to +28 C during the day; in the afternoon there are tropical downpours almost every day, which quickly end. There is no change of seasons, and this type of weather occurs all year round. In the equatorial zone, 1500-2000 mm of precipitation falls, on the shores of the Gulf of Guinea - up to 3000 mm.

West Africa

The climate in this part of Africa varies from subequatorial in the north to equatorial in the south. There are no sharp seasonal temperature fluctuations in the region. The average annual temperature is +26 C. On the coast of the Gulf of Guinea, up to 3000 mm of precipitation falls annually. Territories located closer to the Sahara Desert are drier, with little precipitation - 250-500 mm per year.

East Africa

On the east coast the climate is Mediterranean, mild and humid; in areas further inland it is arid. In summer the air warms up to +50 C; in the coolest months the temperature does not drop below +20 C.
On the East African Plateau, the weather is hot, with little rainfall occurring in winter period. In the mountains there is much more precipitation - up to 3000 mm.

The lower slopes of the Ethiopian Highlands are characterized by quite high temperature in summer – up to +50 C. Temperature conditions change with increasing altitude. At altitudes up to 2500 m – average annual temperature air - +20 C. At altitudes above 2500 m there is a snowy, frosty winter, summer temperatures do not rise above +16 C.
In savannas, the climate is determined by a clear alternation of wet and dry seasons. Temperatures throughout the year vary from +18 C to +32 C. In the warm half of the year (May-October) precipitation falls daily, this time is considered the best of the year.

South Africa

The climate of southern Africa is mostly trade wind tropical, in the extreme south it is subtropical. In the subtropical climate zone, the temperature does not drop below +10 C, summers are hot with little rainfall. Air temperature (December-February) is comfortable – +28 C – +32 C.

The Cape Mountains, located off the southern coast of the continent, are characterized by a subtropical climate with maximum number precipitation falling in winter and summer.
The Kalahari Desert is one of the hottest regions of South Africa. In summer (November-April) there is a small amount of precipitation - up to 500 mm. Maximum temperature air - +28 - +30 C, minimum temperature in the desert - +12 C. The climate is arid, precipitation falls in November-April, droughts recur every three to five years.

The climatic zones of Africa, despite obvious differences, smoothly transition into one another and do not change suddenly, which is mainly caused by the absence of long and high mountain ranges.

Climate of Africa updated: March 5, 2020 by: Amazing-world!

Africa is the hottest continent on the globe. It is located predominantly in tropical and equatorial latitudes, and therefore receives a significant amount of solar radiation (in the northern part, the total radiation exceeds 836 kJ/cm2 per year, in the rest of the territory - on average more than 669 kJ/cm2). This reason determines the prevalence of high positive temperatures in Africa.

On the main territory of the mainland, the average annual temperature exceeds +20°C. In summer, the air temperature in the Sahara rises to +40°C and above, and the surface of the stones heats up to +70°C. In northern Africa, the highest air temperature on Earth is recorded (+58.1°C, Tripoli). Even on the northern and southern outskirts of the continent, entering the subtropical zones, the average temperature winter months does not fall below +8...+12°С. However cold alpine climate presented on the peaks of the Ethiopian Highlands and East African Plateau. In the equatorial latitudes, in the Congo Basin and on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea, there are no differences in seasons - the air temperature stays around +25°C throughout the year.

The climatic conditions of Africa are formed not only under the influence of seasonal differences in the heating of northern and southern parts mainland. The distribution of temperatures and especially precipitation is related to atmospheric circulation. Most of Africa is characterized by trade wind circulation. In the northern part of the continent, trade winds pass over land and carry dry tropical air. In South Africa, trade winds come from the Indian Ocean and carry more humid air, causing heavy rain in the mountains of Madagascar and on the eastern slopes of the Drakensberg Mountains.

In subequatorial latitudes, seasonal changes in air masses are characteristic: in the summer of the corresponding hemisphere, trade winds are replaced by equatorial monsoons. In the extreme north and south of the continent, in subtropical latitudes, there is also a seasonal change in atmospheric circulation: in the winter of each hemisphere, the western transfer of moderate air masses dominates here (it rains), and in the summer these territories are under the influence of subtropical anticyclones with high pressure (dry sunny weather) .

I wonder what Precipitation in Africa is distributed almost zonally. Their number symmetrically decreases in both directions from the equator to the tropics, where it reaches minimum values, and then increases again on the subtropical outskirts of the continent. In equatorial latitudes, approximately between 5° N latitude. and 5° S, precipitation is regular and abundant. In the Congo River basin (Zaire) and on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea, up to 2000-3000 mm of precipitation falls per year. And on the windward slopes of the Cameroon massif - up to 9000 mm. In subequatorial latitudes, up to approximately 17-19° N. and S. the amount of precipitation decreases from 1500 to 300-250 mm at the borders with tropical deserts. In the tropics, up to 30° N. and 30° S, extremely insufficient moisture. The vast Sahara is particularly dry - 50 mm or less of precipitation per year. Here the evaporation rate is 20-25 times higher than the actual evaporation. In the subtropics of Africa, precipitation increases again: up to 300-500 mm on the Libyan-Egyptian coast of the Mediterranean Sea and up to 500-800 mm on the windward slopes of the Atlas and Cape Mountains.

Africa is divided into equatorial, two subequatorial, two tropical and two subtropical climate zones.

Equatorial belt - a constantly hot and humid climate forms on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea (up to 7-8° N) and covers a significant part of the Congo Basin (between 5° N and 5° S). Average monthly temperatures are high - +25...+28°C. There is a lot of precipitation (up to 2000 mm or more), and it is distributed evenly over the months. However, there are two particularly rainy periods - spring and autumn. These precipitation maxima are associated with strong evaporation at the zenithal position of the Sun at these latitudes.

Subequatorial belts - (northern and southern) - encircle the equatorial climate zone, close in the east of the continent and extend from 17° N. latitude. up to 20° S The subequatorial monsoon climate occupies approximately 1/3 of Africa's territory. In summer, equatorial air, brought by the equatorial monsoons, predominates (humid summers); in winter, dry tropical air, brought by trade winds, predominates (dry winters). Annual temperature amplitudes compared to equatorial belt increase. The hottest time of the year is at the beginning of the rainy season (up to +30°C). However, even in the coolest months of the year the temperature does not drop below +18...+20°C. The duration of the wet period decreases in the direction from the equator to the tropics from 10 to 3-2 months. Annual quantity precipitation on the plains decreases from 1500 to 250 mm.

Tropical zones (northern and southern) extend to 30°N. and 30° S They cover almost the entire Sahara and the Kalahari Basin with its marginal uplifts. In these belts, continental tropical air persists all year round and trade winds dominate. The average temperatures of the warmest month are +30...+35°С, the coldest - not lower than +10°С. Temperature amplitudes are very significant: annual - about 20°C; daily - up to 40-50°C. There is little precipitation - no more than 50-150 mm per year. They fall sporadically, in the form of rare and short-term showers. Special climatic conditions within the tropical zones are created on the west coast of Africa (the Atlantic Sahara and the Namib Desert - site). Cold currents pass here. The relative humidity is high, but there is very little precipitation. But during the cold night hours, heavy dew and fog form on the coast. Temperatures are relatively low for tropical latitudes: in summer - about +20°C, in winter - about +15°C. The east coast of South Africa experiences a humid tropical climate. This is favored by warm currents off the coast, over which the southeast trade wind is saturated with moisture and gives abundant precipitation on the windward slopes of the Drakensberg Mountains.

Subtropical zones (northern and southern) occupy the outskirts of the mainland in the north and south. The Atlas Mountains, the Libyan-Egyptian coast and the foothills of the Cape Mountains have a subtropical Mediterranean climate with dry, hot summers and warm, humid winters. On the African coast of the Mediterranean Sea, average July temperatures reach +27...+28°C, January temperatures - +12°C. On the Cape Coast, the temperature of the warmest month does not exceed +21°C, the coldest - +13...+14°C. In the extreme southeast of Africa, within the subtropical zone, the climate is subtropical monsoon, with hot, rainy summers and relatively cool and dry winters. In summer, humid air from the Indian Ocean arrives on the coast. As in the tropical zone, it rains on the eastern slopes of the Drakensberg Mountains. In winter, the Cape Mountains prevent the penetration of humid westerly winds and relatively little precipitation falls.

South Africa– a highly developed country, a piece of Europe on the African continent. Well-designed tourist infrastructure, high level population life and a stable economy - not quite typical for Africa, right? But in South Africa this is all reality. And even the climate here is conducive: comfortable air temperatures almost all year round, a warm ocean, and even opportunities for extreme skiing create optimal conditions for relaxation. It would seem like heaven on earth? But even paradise has its own weather quirks that you should prepare for before your trip.

Climate zones of South Africa

The climate in South Africa is surprisingly mild. There are no extreme temperature peaks here. Although the country is located on the African continent, and there is a desert on its territory, unbearable heat is rare here.

Its location in the southern hemisphere makes the climate of South Africa directly opposite to that of Europe: winter in summer, summer in winter.

Geographically, South Africa is located in the tropical zone, but the weather on its territory is determined more by the influence of air and ocean masses, and only partly by the relief.

South Africa is the only country on the African continent where the population is so diverse. 1/3 of the local residents are ethnic Europeans.

In winter, the country is dry and dry. hot weather. An area of ​​high atmospheric pressure creates optimal conditions for visiting. It gets hotter in summer due to the influence of air masses from the Indian Ocean that bring the monsoon season.

The climate zones of South Africa can be divided as follows:

  • West Coast. The cold Bengal Current in the Atlantic Ocean has a major influence on the climate of the western part of the country. The Namib Desert and the city of Cape Town are located here. There is very little precipitation. For several years, a desert area may not receive any rain at all. This is due to the fact that although air masses carry moisture to the continent, their path deeper into the territory is blocked due to the Great Escarpment.
  • Central South Africa. These are predominantly mountainous areas, so daily temperature fluctuations are a common phenomenon that characterizes altitudinal zone. In winter there are often frosts.
  • East Coast. Unlike the western regions, in the east there is high humidity and a significant amount of precipitation - up to 1200 mm/year.

Climate by region:

  • Western Cape. This includes Cape Town. It prevails here subtropical Mediterranean climate . Dry summer (December-February), Cold winter(June August). Strong winds are typical.
  • Hauteng. Center - Johannesburg. Subtropical climate. May-April is the peak rainy time. But the city itself is located in the highlands, so the weather remains dry and comfortable all year round.
  • Kazulu-Natal. Center - Durban. Climate – subtropical oceanic , suggesting hot summers (up to +34°C) and warm winter. Snow falls in the Drakensberg Mountains.
  • Eastern Cape. In Port Elizabeth – subtropical climate . You can go on safari here all year round, and beach holiday It is worth choosing a time between November and March.
  • Mpumalanga. Subtropical climate. The coolest area is the Kruger Park; in other areas the weather is much friendlier.
  • Northwest. Most of the territory is occupied by the Kalahari Desert. The climate is appropriate.
  • Limpopo. Tropical climate . The northern part of the Kruger Park, which is located in this area, has an unfavorable climate in October-March (up to +45°C).

The water off the coast of South Africa warms up to a maximum of +26°C. The exception is the Atlantic Ocean, where, due to the Bengal Current, the water rarely exceeds +18°C.

Tourist seasons in South Africa

Tourist peak for visits to South Africa occurs in November-December. Interestingly, this time is the rainy season. The fact is that during this period the weather is the hottest, and the water in the ocean is the warmest. To prevent rain from ruining your vacation, you should go away from the central regions - to the coasts, where there is less rainfall. By the way, thunderstorms and showers in South Africa usually occur at night, so the sun often shines during the day. The lowest amount of precipitation occurs during the rainy season in the south of the country.

A characteristic feature of South Africa's weather is when in summer it is sunny in the first half of the day, and in the late afternoon it rains with thunderstorms. The exception is the west coast and Cape Town - there is a rainy season only in winter. The greatest amount of precipitation falls in the north of the country.

The best time for nature watching and traditional safari is from May to August, when the grass is not so high and visibility around is maximum. For beach activities It is better to choose the period from November to mid-March.

Tourism is one of the main sources of income for the South African budget. Every year, thanks to its natural diversity, the country is visited by almost a million tourists.

What to take with you

Cape Town, located on the west coast of South Africa and washed by the cold Bengal Current, rarely gets hot. But it is often cold. A long-sleeve sweater or even a sweater with a jacket will not hurt even in the African summer.

For a safari you need not so much shorts and T-shirts as a windbreaker, a warm pullover, a hat or bondana, sneakers or boots. On a night safari you need to dress even warmer. In cold weather, take with you: gloves, fleece hat, windbreaker, raincoat.

You should not take khaki clothes on a safari, or in general for a trip to South Africa. There is an ambiguous attitude towards her here.

A separate topic is malaria. To prevent it, one does not get a vaccination (this is a big misconception), but rather special medications are taken orally. Before traveling, you should definitely consult a doctor and protect yourself from such an unpleasant illness. But it is worth noting that South Africa is not included in the “malarial” zone, plus you need to take into account the travel season. If it’s dry, there’s nothing to be afraid of; if it’s rainy season, it’s at your own discretion. It is mandatory to have a yellow fever vaccination when entering the country. Without question - having health insurance.

Be sure to take repellent, sunscreen, Sunglasses, closed clothing and hats.

South Africa has a well-developed banking system, but there are still places (gas stations, for example) where they do not accept credit cards, you need to pay in cash. It is better to carry dollars with you than euros.

Must-have items for traveling around South Africa: comfortable clothes made of cotton materials for safaris and excursions, smart clothes for restaurants, a woolen sweater for night or evening walks, a windbreaker when visiting Cape Town.

Weather in South Africa by month


Summer begins in South Africa in December. There is not much precipitation, the air temperature is comfortable. In Cape Town up to +26°C and very cool at night - maximum +16°C. In the south up to +28°С, in the northeast +32°С. Temperature in Indian Ocean up to +25°С. The African summer continues in January-February. There is little precipitation, the average daytime temperature across the country is +26°C. Water in the Atlantic Ocean is +19°C, in the Indian Ocean up to +25+26°C. You shouldn't go to Durban in January, there is a peak in terms of rainfall.

December – peak tourist season in South Africa, so prices at this time, especially for travel services, are extreme. Many people come here on Christmas Eve, which is celebrated on December 25th. On January 1, South Africa celebrates the New Year.


From March, the air temperature begins to gradually decrease. The coldest weather is on the west coast. The water temperature in the Atlantic Ocean is practically unsuitable for swimming - it is already cold (+17°C). You can swim in the Indian Ocean - up to +23+24°C.

Human Rights Day falls on March 21st. National holiday Freedom Day is celebrated on April 27th.

June August

The African winter begins. Most of the area is quite cool. Snow falls in the mountains and frosts are frequent.

South Africa has opportunities for ski holidays. The Drakensberg Mountains and Veld are the heart of South Africa's ski holidays. Surprisingly, at the end of the world, on the African continent, there is everything for excellent skiing or snowboarding. The season in the Drakensberg Mountains is June-August. There is little natural snow cover here, therefore, taking advantage of the “minus” at night, ski resorts launch snow cannons. Thus, a two-meter snow cover and dense slopes create skiers good conditions for riding.

This is the start of the safari season in the south of the Kruger Park. It's worth going to Cape Town in August. There, off the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, the whale season begins. It lasts until the end of March.


September is a great time for a safari in Limpopo. November is the rainy season.

Take a ride on the Rovos Rail retro train through the most picturesque corners! This is a historical train, the carriages of which were specially coupled in 1911 for the European royal family. If you have such an opportunity, be sure to take advantage of it and go on a several-day train tour! Season – from September to April.

September 24th is Heritage Day. National parks South Africa is a true natural treasure of the planet. Kruger National Park is amazing place, where the animal kingdom reigns supreme in its natural habitat along 350 km of native savannah. Hluhluwe-Umfolozi Park is best visited from March to November. National Park“Mountain Zebra” is famous for its unique population of zebras, and “Addo Elephant National Park” is famous for its elephants.

Weather in cities and resorts by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 29 28 27 24 22 19 20 22 26 27 27 28
Average minimum, °C 18 17 16 13 8 5 5 8 12 14 16 17
Weather in Pretoria by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 31 29 27 23 20 17 17 20 24 26 28 30
Average minimum, °C 15 15 12 8 3 -2 -2 1 5 9 12 14
Bloemfontein weather by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 28 28 28 26 25 23 23 23 23 24 25 27
Average minimum, °C 21 21 20 17 14 11 11 13 15 17 18 20
Rains, mm 134 113 120 73 59 38 39 62 73 98 108 102
Durban weather by month

East London

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 26 26 25 24 23 21 21 21 21 22 23 25
Average minimum, °C 18 19 18 15 13 11 10 11 12 14 16 17