Holidays in Mongolia. All about holidays in Mongolia

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Mongolia is an amazing country with untouched wilderness beauty and an unusual mix of cultures. It continues to be a mystery to the inhabitants of many countries, even at the present time, when you can freely travel to different countries.

Traveling to Mongolia is a great opportunity to make a trip to an Asian country, feel the spirit of this state, get acquainted with the culture of nomadic peoples and visit reserved places where a European has rarely set foot.

Mongols are extremely hospitable and friendly. They always respect the tourists who come to their country.

Holidays in Mongolia are varied. They are divided into state, national and religious holidays.

National holidays of Mongolia

One of the most revered and respected holidays for the Mongolian people is Tsagan Sara or the White Month - this is the celebration of the New Year on lunar calendar. It is generally accepted that at the end of winter and at the very beginning of spring, when the new moon comes, a new eastern year. Yes, by Eastern calendar New Year's Day falls on the beginning of the White month. According to the lunar calendar, the date of the holiday is calculated every year.

  • The celebration of Tsagaan Sara is the most ancient folk tradition. Once Marco Polo, who attended the celebration white moon at the Beijing court in the 13th century, left evidence of this in his records.

IN Buddhist temples On the eve of the holiday, festive services are usually held. In prayers, the Mongols ask for happiness in the New Year. After the prayer, bonfires are made, sacrifices are made to the fire, and old things are burned in the flame.

After performing all the rites by the Mongols, they begin to visit each other, congratulate and give gifts. Koumiss Airag, milk vodka Archi, curdled milk Tarak, milk cheese Bislag, dried cottage cheese Arul are traditional dishes on the festive table.

As a rule, the Mongols meet New Year not at midnight, as is customary in most countries, but on the first day of the new year, early in the morning.

The National Day of Nadom is celebrated annually between July 11 and 13 to commemorate the victory of the People's Revolution of 1921. Most Mongolians like to celebrate Nadom in the city of Ulaanbaatar.

During the holiday, competitions are usually organized in favorite national sports: horse racing, wrestling, archery.

A huge number of guests and participants of the competitions come to Nadom. Massive horse races are the culmination of the holiday.

Girls and boys aged 6 to 13 usually take part in these races. Children are pre-trained. The distance of the run depends on the age of the horse: adult horses compete for 30 kilometers; for 28 kilometers - five-year and four-year; for 10 kilometers - pacers.

The Mongolian national wrestling also has its own ritual, rules and specific features:

  • the winner is the one who first touches the ground;
  • there are no age and weight categories;
  • there are no time limits in the fight;
  • after the end of the fight, the loser must pass under the winner's hand, raised up.

Also in the Mongolian wrestling, a large number of techniques are used, of which there are over 400. The title of Falcon is given to the winner of the fifth round, the Elephant - to the seventh round, and the Lion - to the ninth round (the main winner).

Archery is divided into 2 types: Hasa Harva and Hanan Harva. Women are allowed to shoot from a distance of 60 meters and men from 75 meters.

The bulk of the urban population is concentrated in the capital, and national holidays are a very important part of local culture and politics. The authorities are trying to ensure that there are as many unifying factors as possible that would unite the entire people. It should be noted that there are not many holidays in Mongolia., especially compared to other Asian countries, but each is celebrated on a grand scale and very, very sincerely.

Nadom in Mongolia

It is held in the middle of summer and is one of the largest celebrations. For example, the main events that the President of Mongolia opens with his visit(and also closes) gather a stadium where 15 thousand people gather. Sometimes even more, in general, for this country this is quite an impressive figure.

It is worth saying that the history of this holiday is rooted in the distant past - in the time of Genghis Khan. True, the celebration changed the date, but the general meaning and order of the event was preserved. In particular, wrestling competitions are still held here: men are dressed in a very specific outfit, these are special shoes, swimming trunks and a short top that helps to make a grip. At the same time, the whole action is permeated with great ritualism: the struggle begins with a special dance, and after the end, the loser must pass under the hand of the winner, thereby showing recognition of his superiority over himself.

It is noteworthy that the concept of a weight category is absent here.

Archers also compete these days, women are on a par with men, only the fair sex is given a distance of 10 meters less than the guys. That's the whole difference. The most accurate winner of the competition in the capital will receive a prize of one and a half million tugriks, for Mongolia, this is very serious money, so they really try here. Competitions take place for several days, attracting a lot of tourists, largely due to the preserved color, which even somehow does not need to be shown separately. Many participants, for example, still live in yurts.

Another tradition is horse racing. Here, participants, that is, riders, can be from 5 years old. Teenagers often win at the age of 14, they already know how to handle horses very well. Unlike the European tradition, short-distance races are not welcome here - the race runs for 30 kilometers! And the more dust the horses raise, the better. This is considered a good omen.

In general, according to how Nadom passes, many people think for themselves how exactly the year will pass. The holiday is held in the areas where they were born, so there can be, of course, several winners - each district has its own, in the capital - its own.

New Year in Mongolia

New Year's Eve is celebrated in different ways. And according to the Eastern calendar, which means that the date fluctuates. But they prepare for it in advance, that is, there is no difference in this respect. And in Gregorian, that is, from December 31st to January 13th, there is an obvious influence of Russia. However, the Mongols winter period life still freezes, since activity in the country is largely tied to agriculture still. And in the absence of classes, many are not averse to visiting, celebrating something, making each other small or luxurious gifts, as best they can.

For example, in last years noticeable revival of interest in national history, in the roots. And young people, coming to large cities, and not only Mongolia, but also visiting China, for example, for training, order luxurious outfits there - Delhi. They say that they don’t wear such things in the steppe, of course, but carefully embroidered costumes will surely please the elderly. And some sew for themselves to show off to friends and be the most elegant.

For the New Year, regardless of when it is celebrated, it is customary to give each other bright red ribbons with a wish drawn in gold. This is what replaces postcards. It is believed that the more a person receives such wishes, the more they love him, which means he is happier.

Gift giving is a different story. No post office can find a nomadic family. Therefore, they ask to pass on friends, relatives ... And the same nomads. One Mongol in the steppe will find another much faster. Although there are much fewer movements during the cold season, which is noted by many.

Tsagaan Sar or White Moon

This is not quite official, but a very fun holiday or even a festive period. It begins with the New Year and gives everyone the opportunity to continue recreation and entertainment.

In general, the entire period lasts from mid-January to mid-February., as if absorbing all those events that are usually held during this period. Events take place in a certain sequence, for example, the younger ones always come to the elders to show their respect, emphasize special treatment. At the very beginning of Tsagaan Sara, they make a detour around the house in the morning, this is a tribute to their native home, there is something sacred and special here.

Of course, they give gifts, a lot. Delhi has already been mentioned above - but not only this is presented. It can be something useful, most often - clothes, beautiful dyed fabric, dishes are considered a very good option. Men can still be presented with weapons.

Also, this holiday has a special meaning. For example, Mongolian schoolchildren get vacations, as much as 5 days, to go home and see their families. This is the only opportunity to see parents in winter.

For adults too special meaning: everyone gets together, communicates, gets to know each other better, introduces new family members: someone shows a newborn baby, someone introduces them into the house new wife. They also brag about grown horses, dogs, comic competitions are arranged. At the same time, such a gathering of everyone makes it possible to avoid incest: each member of the family will know everyone by sight, no one will confuse anyone.

Since there is a lot of free time during the White month, great attention is paid to cooking issues. For example, they make buuzas, they simply must be on the table! Festive baking too. Khushur is somewhat reminiscent of dumplings, only they are fried, not boiled. They drink a lot of salty Mongolian tea, even competitions are held between different families on the topic of who will cook it better.

Residents of rural areas believe that a surrogate is being made in the capital. For example, in essence, the same tea, cow's milk is added, and authentic requires camel's. As a result, some especially brave tourists decide to go to the steppes to get acquainted with the authentic life of nomads.

Mongolian Pride Day

One of the youngest Mongolian holidays, which is celebrated on the first day of the first winter month according to the lunar calendar. But, despite the fact that it appeared relatively recently, it has already managed to attract attention, for example, by what takes place under the auspices of the president. In the capital of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, solemn processions are held in national costumes, a huge statue of Genghis Khan is honored, and awards are presented in his name. Many public figures give speeches and other cultural events take place.

Against the background of other holidays, closely related to the ethnic side of life, with customs and traditions, this one stands out quite strongly. It looks much more modern... And the fact that at the same time it is designed to revive national pride and remind of history looks like a rather strong contrast. But, nevertheless, the holiday itself deserves attention.

Mongolian pop prima donna Sarantuya was born on April 20, 1970 in Ulaanbaatar in a Mongolian-Yakut family. Her mother, Tatyana Mikhailova, originally from the village of Mytakh of the Gorny Ulus, after graduating from the Irkutsk Pedagogical Institute, moved to the MPR. Sarantuya began to sing as a child, and at first only in Russian. Her father Batmonkh was an engineer, but he passed away early.

Sarantuya's first serious musical experience was performances as part of the Mongön kharandaa (Silver Pencil) group. Since the late 1980s, she has been one of the leading places on the Mongolian stage, and in the Mongolian-speaking world she becomes the "queen of music".

Sarantuya or Saraa - the owner of the Grand Prix international competition“Voice of Asia”, as well as the title “Main Singer of the 20th Century” (Mong. “20-r Zuuny manlai duuchin”) and the nickname “pop lady” (Mong. “pop hatagtai”). Her name Sarantuya means "Moonbeam" in Russian.

She is the most famous singer stage scenes of the XX-XXI centuries. In 2006, along with the Mongolian singers T. Ariunaa, S. Naran, S. Serchmaa and J. Altantsetseg, she participated in the Divas Mongolia 2006 concert organized by the Up Music label.

Sarantuya sings in Mongolian, Russian and English. In 2010 in Yakut new year holiday Ysyakh sang a song in the Yakut language. Divorced, has a son and a daughter.

Her mother bequeathed to her to give a concert on the Yakut stage. Therefore, on September 24, the singer Saraa will give a concert for the first time on the Yakut stage of the Sakha Academic Theater. P.A. Oyunsky.

The concert is dedicated to her mother, it is called: “Mom, you are always in my heart.”

Sakha Academic Theatre. P. A. Oyunsky is the main theater of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), staging drama performances in the Sakha language.

“Mini saikhan eezh” - “My beautiful mother” performed by Saraa



Constitution day. Public Holiday. Day off. 13th of January
Tsagaan-sar (White month) is the main holiday of the Mongols. The beginning of spring and the New Year according to the lunisolar calendar. February 27
Festival "Ten thousand steppe horses" 18th of Febuary
Ice Festival on Lake Khovsgol (Khovsgol) - Blue Pearl March 2-7
Eagles Festival in national park Khustai March 2-7
Festival of a thousand camels in Dalanzadgad - the administrative center of the South Gobi aimag March 2-7
International music festival "Tuurain tovor-goon" in Elen Tasarkhay in Uverkhangay aimag June 14-20
National holiday Nadom. Weekend July 11-15
Tsam holiday. Buddhist monastery Erdene-Zuu, as well as in various Buddhist monasteries throughout Mongolia July 22-23
horse festival beginning of august
Festival "Heritage of Genghis Khan" in Terelj National Park August 22
Nomad Festival (mini Nadom) September 17-18
Golden Eagle Festival in Bayan-Ulgiy (Kazakh tradition) September 30 - October 1
Independence Day of Mongolia November 26

White month (Tsagan-sara)

According to the eastern calendar, the Mongolian New Year's holiday falls at the beginning of the white month (according to the European calendar, this day falls on the month of February). The date of the holiday is calculated annually according to the lunar calendar.

This holiday has been celebrated in Mongolia since the 12th century. In the old days, this holiday was celebrated in the fall and was associated with dairy food - in the fall, cattle deliver little milk, the family began to eat cottage cheese. The celebration of the white month belongs to the most ancient folk customs. The evidence of its celebration was left in his notes by Marco Polo, who was present at the celebration of the white month at the Beijing court in the 13th century.

After the adoption of Buddhism in Mongolia and the introduction of their own calendar by the lamas, the white month was moved to the end of winter and combined with the date of the victory of the founder of Buddhism over other schools. Before the onset of the white month, a festive service takes place in Buddhist temples, which lasted for several days. Pray for a happy new year. After the prayer, bonfires are kindled, in the flame of which old things are burned and sacrifices are made to the fire. When all the rituals are completed, it is customary to visit, exchange congratulations and gifts, and feast. Each guest, drinking wine, must express a wish for happiness to the owner. It is customary to display a large assortment of products made from milk on the table: Bislag cheese, Arul dried cottage cheese, Tarak yogurt, Uryum foam, Arkhi milk vodka, Airag koumiss, etc.

Nadom (Naadam - Mong.)

Naadam literally from the Mongolian - "Three games of husbands", in Russian - Nadom, a traditional sports competition in three national sports: wrestling, archery, horse racing. The history of Nadom goes back to ancient times.

Since ancient times, competitions among the most dexterous and strong have been held at the beginning of summer, when cattle were driven to abundant summer pastures, and pastoralists could afford a respite. Often in such competitions, well-aimed shooters for military squads were selected. Since 1912, the foot of the sacred mountain Bogdo-Ula, located near modern Ulaanbaatar, has become the venue for Nadom. The main types of competitions are still Mongolian wrestling, horse racing and archery.

Now it is celebrated on July 11-13 every year. Coming to the holiday a large number of participants and guests. At the foot of the Bogdo-Ula mountain, near the airport, a huge tent camp grows and every day there is a large parking lot of cars coming to the townspeople for the holiday. There is a lot of Mongolian music, people in festive national costumes, shops offering a variety of national dishes of Mongolian cuisine, a large number of foreigners with cameras. In this festive bustle, it is easy to lose each other.

The Mongolian national wrestling has its own ritual, rules and specific features: fights are not limited in time, there are no weight categories, the one who first touches the ground is considered defeated, each wrestler has his own judge, after the fight the defeated must pass under the raised hand of the winner (as a sign that that he admits his defeat). Spectacular mass horse races become the culmination of the holiday.

Mystery Tsam

Tsam is a religious ceremony held annually in mid-July at the Erdene-Zuu Monastery. This is a costume performance when the monks put on papier-mâché masks while dancing. They are based on deep symbolism, however, in order to be present at the Tsam ceremony, it is not necessary to know all the subtleties and theory of Buddhist teachings.
The masks, attributes and decorations that are created for this ceremony are masterpieces of Mongolian arts and crafts.
