Tsagaan sar. Ttsagan king

04.03.2011 22:48

Tsagan is one of the most beloved national holidays of our people. Since ancient times, Kalmyks revered it as a holiday of the onset of spring, the awakening of nature. Therefore, when meeting on the days of the Tsagan holiday, the Kalmyks, after the generally accepted greeting, asked the question: “Have you had a good winter?” To which the usual answer was: “Yes, we overwintered well” or “Everything is fine, the cattle also overwintered without losses.”

Tsagan is celebrated two months after Zul, on the first day of the first spring month, and this month is called Tsagan Sar.

Kalmyks were looking forward to this day. Firstly, because apart from holidays, Kalmyks had no more days for fun and meetings. Secondly, with the onset of spring, the difficult winter with piercing winds and snow drifts ended, green grass appeared in the steppe, which means it was possible to drive cattle out to pasture.

The Kalmyks have a legend that nature gives a sign of the coming of spring by the appearance of a gopher from a hole. Many did not believe in him, went to the steppe to check, and were often convinced: as it was, the gopher appeared from a hole.

People took their best clothes out of their chests and dressed themselves, the most delicious dishes were preparing for the holiday to treat the guests. Everything is according to the proverb: “Wear the best clothes yourself, serve the best food to the guest.”

Tsagan Sar was celebrated by the Kalmyks before and now by the whole world, which is why it is called a national holiday. And everyone tried to celebrate the holiday widely and cheerfully, because there was a belief: as you celebrate spring, you will reap the harvest (meaning, the richer you celebrate, the richer the harvest will be). Therefore, the tables were crowded with delicious and rare dishes.

Children loved the Tsagan Sar holiday very much, because they were dressed beautifully and elegantly, often new clothes were sewn for them on the occasion of the holiday, and they were allowed to visit relatives. And when visiting, they were presented with delicacies and given money. And the children ate plenty of sweets, filled their pockets with them, brought them home, and hid them there, stretching out the sweet holiday for several more days.

They prepared for the holiday long before its onset: they cleaned the house, sewed new outfits, and did a lot of laundry. Before the holiday, women always washed their hair and put on beautiful shivrlg (hair covers) on their braids, which were made of black velvet, although not everyone could afford to buy this expensive material at that time. The fattest, well-fed sheep were chosen from the flock and slaughtered, because it was difficult to even imagine a festive table without meat, and besides, meat is a traditional dish for the festive table set in Tsagan Sar. An equally traditional dish was the wrestlers, who on the occasion of the holiday made different types and different shapes. For example, they baked: tselvg, horkha bortsg, ket, zhola, khutsyn tolga. Each type of wrestler carried its own meaning. For example, the Jorja Borcicos tried to bake as many as possible, because it was believed that their number would contribute to the growth of livestock numbers.

The evening before Tsagan Sar, they place a deezh, in which you must put three tselvg, several horkha bortsik, ket, khutsin tolga, zhola bortsg, sweets, and cookies. They light a zul (lamp) and finger their rosary, because on this day, the last day of winter, lunar calendar, is a day of prayer and purification.

The treasure placed in front of the shrine must be eaten within three days, and it must be eaten with the family; it must not be given to strangers.

The name of the holiday “Tsagan” has one translation - white, because the Kalmyks associate everything pure, bright and good with white. There is even a wish: “Have a safe journey for you,” which means wishing you good luck. Milk is white, and therefore the attitude towards it is special, if not respectful.

Finally, the first day of spring arrives - the first day of the month of Tsagan Sar. In the morning of this day, the mother brews Kalmyk tea, which on this day should be especially aromatic and tasty, so milk, butter, and nutmeg are added in full, without sparing. Then the mother takes things out of the chest and hangs them out on a pre-stretched rope to ventilate them, to refresh them in the first spring sun. After which the mother dressed herself up, putting on an elegant dress, and always with a white collar.

By the time the mother makes tea and takes care of the housework, the children wake up. Parents congratulate them on the holiday and kiss them on the right cheek, saying: “Be happy, live long, and next year I will kiss you on the left cheek.” The next year the procedure is repeated in the same order and the same words are pronounced. According to popular belief, this ritual made children live in joyful anticipation next holiday, and happy children get sick less often. This ritual is called "tsagalgn".

A special, respectful attitude towards her father-in-law placed the daughter-in-law within strict limits that she was not allowed to cross. She had no right to show her father-in-law open parts of her body, except for her hands and face; the father-in-law, in turn, according to the same customs, had no right to touch his daughter-in-law. But on the day of the Tsagan holiday they had to congratulate each other. And it was done like this: the father-in-law extended his right hand to his daughter-in-law, while the daughter-in-law put her hands, but covered with sleeves, to her father-in-law’s hand, and bowed to him three times.

After performing all the above-mentioned rituals, the family sat down to drink tea. At the same time, the eldest in the family had to say yoryal, congratulating everyone on the advent of Tsagan, wishing the family happiness, health and long life.

And after morning tea, the Kalmyks went to visit themselves or received guests at home. Among the guests were relatives, friends, and neighbors. And everything that was most delicious in the house was presented to the guests so that they would go home full and satisfied, so that they would say from the heart a yoryal calling prosperity to your home.

In Tsagan, children must visit their parents’ house and congratulate them on the holiday. In former times, a daughter-in-law, going to the house of her husband’s parents, carried with her tea already brewed at home and, entering her father-in-law’s house, poured it into bowls and treated her. And the old people said yoryal in response.

Tsagan Sar lasts for a whole month, so you could visit every day, throughout the month.

On the first day of the first lunar month, every Kalmyk family warmly welcomes the long-awaited spring - the giver of new hopes and new beginnings. The Kalmyk people, in the past nomadic, always treated the bright and long-awaited Tsagan Sar with special respect, since it marked the arrival of warmth and abundance in everything: the steppe was covered with green grass, livestock recovered from lack of food, bore offspring and gave milk. Having become a sedentary people and largely Europeanized, the Kalmyks retained the solemnity of Tsagan Sara - the white, happy month of greetings and congratulations. And the traditional Kalmyk question: “Did you have a good winter?” has not lost its relevance.

With the arrival of spring, a new life awakens in the world, on the threshold of which there should be no obstacles in good deeds. It is no coincidence that Tsagan sar is inextricably linked with the name and activity of the goddess Okon Tengr (Tib. Palden Lhamo), who is called “the divine mother who saves the universe and the conqueror of fierce demons.” Thanks to her enlightened essence, she is both a maiden goddess and a formidable shakusn protector. The monks of Kalmykia turn to her and other protective deities during the several days of Tsagan Sara celebration, thereby continuing the unique centuries-old Kalmyk traditions. “At all times we will observe the laws and customs of our ancestors!” - says the famous yoryal (good wish) in honor of Tsagan Sara.

Legend has it that the goddess Okon Tengr, revered by the Kalmyk people, saved the world from her son, born from a marriage with the king of the mangus (terrible monsters): the baby, turning into a giant, could eventually destroy the entire human race. Thus, filled with the energy of her heroic deed, the holiday has both religious and purely calendar significance.

By Tsagan Sar, the earth is thawing after a long winter, and it’s time to start not only new season, but also new life, inseparable from morality, especially valued in the Kalmyk community. “We will live long, teach the young the laws of our ancestors, and live without showing bad traits,” says the festive yorial. The practice of morality makes it possible to accumulate buin, spiritual merit: with its help, absolutely anyone can make their life cleaner and happier. In this regard, in the Central Kalmyk khurul “Burkhn Bagshin Altn Sume” the ritual of taking Mahayana vows (Tib. Sojeng) traditionally takes place. A Mahayana vow is a promise not to commit negative actions for one day.

Lamas advise starting Tsagan sar with any, even the most modest offerings on the altar to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Warmly welcoming and lavishly treating guests is also a great way to accumulate merit through the practice of giving.

It is known that the month of Tsagan Sara, which acquired its own specificity among the Kalmyk people, is revered by all Buddhists of the world as one of the blessed periods associated with the deeds of Buddha Shakyamuni. During the first fifteen days of this month, the Buddha demonstrated his miraculous abilities and held philosophical debates with the infidels. On the 15th day, he gained complete victory over them, denouncing false teachings and false teachers. So, like Ur sar, Tsagan sar is sacred for followers of Buddhist teachings and serves as a period of accumulation of virtues multiplied a hundred thousand times.

In honor of all these events, a solemn prayer service, rituals of purification and removal of obstacles, and treatment with Kalmyk tea and wrestlers are held in the central khurul on the holiday.

Tibetan New Year Losar

On the day when Kalmyks welcome spring, in the homeland of the Dalai Lama, in Tibet, they celebrate New Year- Losar. The celebration of Losar dates back to the pre-Buddhist period, when the Bon religion was practiced. Every winter, a spiritual ceremony was held during which believers sought to appease local spirits, deities and patrons with large amounts of incense. According to legend, this religious holiday served as the basis for an annual Buddhist holiday when the old woman Belma (rgad-mo bal-ma) introduced timekeeping based on the phases of the moon. This festival was held during the flowering of the apricot trees in the Lhokha Yarla Shampo region, and may have been the beginning of what would become a traditional farmers' festival.

It was during this period that Tibet first learned about the art of agriculture, irrigation, refining iron from ore and building bridges.

The established ceremonies of the new holiday can be considered the basis of the Losar holiday. Later, when astrology based on the five elements was introduced, this peasant festival became what the Tibetans now call Losar, or New Year, and was celebrated at the beginning of the so-called sPyid-ra-stag month. Historically, there are 3 main traditions for determining which month Losar should be held. According to the first tradition, the celebration begins on the first day of the 11th month. According to the second tradition, on the first day of the 12th month (January), in accordance with the beginning of the celebration of Losar in China since the reign of Emperor Trizon Detsen. Finally, following the system of Lama Drogon Cheogal Phagpa (13th century), the first day of the first month in the Tibetan calendar begins with Losar, as we currently know it.

In violation of basic traditions, this festival was held in different regions of Tibet at different times of the year, in accordance with local traditions and different harvest dates. In some places Losar is even celebrated twice a year. Over time, celebrating Losar at the beginning of the year has become a standard in Tibet throughout the country.

At the beginning of the last month of the year, people begin to prepare for Losar. With the start of many rituals and household chores associated with the lavish celebrations comes a lot of work, hence the common saying “New Year is new job" Preparation for Losar begins with collecting freshly prepared barley flour for phye-mar (sweetened barley flour symbolizes good wishes), dro-ma (small dried yam), bra-sil (sweet rice), lo-phud (young sprouts of wheat or barley symbolize the birth of a new year), chang (barley beer), tea, butter, sheep's heads, lamps, wrestlers, fruits and sweets, and especially local products.

A complete set of these seasonal delicacies should also be placed on the altar. The streets are being cleaned, the houses are being repainted. New clothes or the best old ones are prepared, and when the festival approaches, some or all of the symbols that bring good luck are painted on the wall using phae-mar. All vessels in household(jars, pots) are tied with white woolen scarves, washed or changed curtains on windows and doors. Swastikas (symbolizing the indestructibility of goodness) and a conch shell (prosperity of Dharma) are drawn on paths and doors. Offerings are placed on the altar on the last evening before Losar. Tibetan bread and crackers are prepared in large quantities a few days, weeks, months before the holiday, according to the needs of the family. Usually, early in the morning at dawn, the housewife hurries to bring the first bucket of water of the new year. She places the first portion of phae-mar and chang at the vessel to appease the nagas (underground serpentine creatures) and spirits. At home, she serves porridge made from chang and wakes up the whole family, inviting them to "Tashi deleg" (hello) and then everyone dresses up in their best.

After paying respects to the gods before the altar, after prayers and after lighting the lamp, they take their places according to their position of seniority. Then the hostess serves phae-mar, chang and sweet rice, followed by tea, sweet soup, chang porridge and a set of khab-se called dkar-spro. On this day, people do not communicate with each other too much, do not spend money in large quantities, because they believe that luck may turn away from them.

From the second day of Losar, people begin to visit each other and continue to celebrate by playing cards, dice, singing and dancing. If the lunar calendar predicts that the second day will be auspicious, people raise prayer flags on rooftops and make offerings to the spirits of the house in the form of incense and black tea. It is also a ritual to increase luck and happiness in private homes, rich, average or poor, everyone rejoices at the holiday, participates in rituals, games and competitions, exchanging hospitality and festive mood. The celebration lasts almost a week, and in some places a little longer. Some people get married during Losar to make the wedding extra grand.

On the morning of the 3rd day, the master of the monastery employees, also known as rtse-skor, attends the ceremony of awakening the patrons of Tibet. Monks from Namgyal Monastery perform special rituals to invoke Palden Lhamo, which protects the well-being of the country. After a lunch break, the monastery employees make a prediction in front of the Palden Lhamo thangka. Fortune telling, during which pieces of dough in the shape of a ball are tossed in a certain way, affects both the health of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the conditions for the development of Buddhist teachings, and the well-being of the country as a whole, this ritual is also known as fortune telling by pieces of dough on the 3rd day ( tses-gsum-zan-bsgril). Early in the morning on this particular day, a huge Ganden prayer flag is raised. While the monastery's employees gather in a separate room, the rest attend a ceremony during which the Nechung oracle is invoked to gain fellowship in the Nechung Monastery.

Chitanov Bosch

The most solemn and important holiday of the Kalmyks is Tsagan Sar. The main content of the holiday is the welcoming of spring, the beginning of the time of migration to new pastures. Tsagan Sar began on the first day of the first spring month of Lu (dragon) and lasted the entire month, but the main events took place in the first eight days.



Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of the Republic of Kalmykia

Education Department of the Yashkul Regional Medical Education Administration

Municipal educational institution "Khartolga secondary school"

Regional competition of creative and research work, dedicated to Kalmyk national holiday Tsagan Sar

Topic of work: “Tsagan Sar - Kalmyk holiday spring"

Head: Chetyrov U.B. - history teacher and

Social studies.

Khar Tolga village



The most solemn and important holiday of the Kalmyks is Tsahan Sar (White Month). The name had several meanings: white, happy, month of greetings, congratulations. The main content of the holiday is the welcoming of spring, the beginning of the time of migration to new pastures. It was considered a great sin to remain in the same place after the holiday for longer than seven to eight days. Tsahan Sar began on the first day of the first spring month of Lu (dragon) and lasted the entire month, but the main events took place in the first seven to eight days. They prepared for the celebrations in advance, slaughtering livestock for future use, since it was forbidden to do this directly on the days of the holiday. Celebrations took place in every home. They hung new outfits on the line and shook out all the clothes. They cooked meat - lamb, beef or horse meat. An important point the holiday was the preparation of a national flour dish - boortsg (type of flatbread). Boortsg prepared from rich unleavened dough and fried in boiling fat. They made up sets“deeҗ boortsg” for offering “deeҗ” - first portion of burkhanam and gift"gerə belg" - for giving to relatives during holiday visits. Form boortsg , included in the sets, had a symbolic, sometimes deep meaning. So, boortsg "khuts", sculpted in the form of a figurine of a ram, meant the wish for a large offspring of this type of livestock and reflected to some extent the ancient ritual of animal sacrifice, that is, they replaced the real sacrifice with its image. Performed a similar role boortsg "whale", the shape of which resembled part of a horse's entrails, and boortsg “өvrtə tokhsh”, symbolizing cattle. The wish for a rich offspring - the most important thing for a cattle breeder - is embedded in the symbolism of many forms. This meaning was also carried boortsg "moshkmr" - twisted, reminiscent of the national dish of boiled lamb entrails, small “horjas” (literal translation: insects). Boortsg “Khola”, depicting the occasion was supposed to invoke endless luck. And bringing boortsg "shoshhr", expressed the desire to live as a united family, as well as to have protection from enemies. Among the Don Kalmyks we especially loved, there was a view boortsg “burkhn zala”, or “tsatsg”, in the form of a brush, symbolizing a lotus. He was placed at the top“Deeҗ boortsg.” But the most important thing was to make boortsg in the form of the sun. These are large flatbreads called in some ethnic groups"havtha", in others - "tselvg". "Havtha" - a solid flatbread with tucks along the edges or with four holes in the center, boortsg "tselvg" The edges are smooth, and small holes are located radially around their circumference."Havtha" or "tselvg" prepared first and invariably served as deeҗ . All the other ones listed above were also included in this set. boortsg . True, the sets differed in different subethnic groups. Cooking"gerə belg", one was strung on a white thread“khavtha” or “tselvg”, one “Khola”, one “moshkmr”, three “shoshhr”, one “kit”, six “өvrtə tokhsh”, and one “khuts” . Large ones were made for adults boortsg , for smaller children.

Early in the morning on the day of the holiday, they performed the “zulg orgh” ritual: having crossed the threshold of the tent, the owner of the house sprinkled the first cup of freshly brewed tea around;"Tsatsl" or sprinkling - a kind of offering to the ancestors and the White Elder - Tsahan aav . Congratulations took place in the house - the greeter got down on his right knee, brought his folded palms to his forehead and said the traditional greeting: “Uvləs sən harvt!” (“We came out of winter safely!”). In a day Tsagan Cap people pronounce good wishes - yorel:

Oh, khairkhan, Okon Tengri, many Almighty Ones!
Let us appease the spirit of Okon Tengri,
Let people live in peace and prosperity!
We will all celebrate Tsagan Sar together,
Let us bow to Okon Tengri,
While preparing hot food,
Let's dedicate the deeji to Okon Tengri,
May there be plenty of food and drink,
We will always live in peace and prosperity,
Without itching and bad weather, without poverty and disease.
We will emerge from winter completely safe with people and livestock.
We will greet each other: “Mende!”
Let's live without fear and disease!
At all times we will observe the laws and customs of our ancestors!
May everything you plan come true
In accordance with what has been said!
Let us appease our Burkhans,
Let us appease the spirits of earth and water.
Let the eul lit on this holiday
It will illuminate us!
Live in prosperity
May the Almighty protect you!
And we, the elderly, who have lived our lives,
We will look at your happiness
We will live long
Teach young people the laws of their ancestors,
Live without showing bad traits.
Khairkhan! Let's meet on this holiday Tsagan Sara,
When the earth has already thawed after a long winter!

Visiting is an indispensable part of any holiday, this is especially typical for Tsahan Sara. Even those living far away these days came to meet their relatives. There were certain norms: the order of visits; the nature of the gifts depended on the person's position. They visited their parents and maternal relatives - they always enjoyed special veneration; daughters-in-law came to the house of their husband's parents with their children to worship their ancestors and patrons. An indispensable element of holiday gifts was a bunch boortsg .

The etiquette of the holiday also included symbolism of gestures based on age. Peers and people of the same social rank extended both hands to each other, wrapping them around the right arm of the person being greeted up to the elbow on both sides. The elder gave one hand to the younger, who clasped it with both hands. At the same time, women who wore traditionally cut formal clothes for the holiday lowered the cuffs of their sleeves, thus covering their hands. On the one hand, hiding your hands is a tribute to the tradition of modest behavior. On the other hand, thanks to this, the woman’s costume acquired a finished look, because in complex symbolism women's suit every detail was significant, and the cut of the dress included sleeves covering the wrists. According to researchers, the sleeve of a woman's dress"terlg" with lowered cuffs is semantically associated with the image of a deer; the top dress"tsegdg" symbolizes a swan, especially revered by the Mongolian peoples. The traditional costume of a married woman included both dresses, and the girl's Kalmyk dress, cut with a sleeve similar to the sleeve"terlg" , usually trimmed with lace and fringe, which is also apparently associated with ornithozoomorphic symbolism.

According to the Buddhist tradition, Tsahan Sar was celebrated for 15 days, during which services were held daily in temples. This holiday (in Tibet it is called Monlam) was established by Tsonghawa in 1409 in honor of the victory of the Buddha over false teachers and to “restore” the 500th anniversary of the existence of Buddhism, lost allegedly due to the admission of women to the monastic order. The Kalmyks, celebrating Tsahan Sar, recognized only the first part of the motivation of the Tibetan Monlam. Various mythological events were associated with the days of Tsahan Sara:
1) on the first of the month of the dragon, Buddha entered into a dispute with the “six unfaithful teachers” and waged it for 15 days, ending with a brilliant victory and a display of miracles;
2) at the same time, the goddess Okn Tengr, called Lhamo in Tibet, returned from the country of evil spirits, pacifying the inhabitants of the hostile country and fleeing from them;
3) the dragon king Luusun Khan, who had been inactive all winter at the bottom of the ocean, raises water from the rivers to the sky, coming to the surface;

4) the days of Tsahan Sara were also popularly associated with the salvation of the world from the son of Okn Tengr, born from a marriage with the king of the Mangus, since the baby, having turned into a giant, could eventually destroy the entire human race. That is why, during the feast in honor of Tsahan Sara, a sacrifice was made to the fire (hearth), which was perceived as a sacrifice to Okn Tengr. After three times of good wishes, boiled meat was eaten at the feast, and each dining companion was allocated a certain portion.

Before the onset of the first day of the holiday, a service was held in the temple all night dedicated to the gods-defenders of the faith - “Dokshits” in order to appease them. Moreover, if in some khuruls this service, called “khuuchn khural,” lasted one day, then in others it could last the entire previous week. The main event usually took place at dawn, with a huge crowd of people. A sacrificial table was placed on the south-eastern side of the khurul tent or temple. The ceremonial procession passed from the khurul (temple) along white felt mats -"shirdg" - to the table, where an icon with the image of the Tengr Window was placed and a prayer was performed, after which everyone returned to the temple to eat consecrated food. At sunrise, one of the Gelyungs (clergy) ran towards the khurul (temple) tent, carrying in his hands the image of the Tengr Window, which was supposed to symbolize the arrival of the goddess. The child depicted in the icon was symbolically “put to death” as the personification of evil, by blows from two copper plates"tsang". In different khuruls, the scene of the meeting of Okn Tengr could vary, but the meaning of the ceremonies - the propitiation of the goddess - remained. After completing the service and eating the consecrated food, the clergy blessed the laity, touching their shoulders with a ribbon"orkmҗ" and saying good wishes: “Uvləs sən harvt!” (“We came out of winter safely!”)

The spirit of unity, goodwill, and an atmosphere of community of people reigned in the celebration of Tsahan Sara.


  1. Bakaeva E. P. Buddhism in Kalmykia. Elista, 2007.
  2. Bakaeva. E.P. Pre-Buddhist beliefs of the Kalmyks - Elista, 2003.
  3. Dushan U. Customs and rituals of pre-revolutionary Kalmykia // Ethnographic collection. No. 1. – Elista, 1976.
  4. Olzeeva. S.Z. Kalmyk folk traditions. – Elista, 2007.
  5. Erdniev U.E. Kalmyks - Elista, 1985.



Tsagaan sar- this is both the New Year's Eve and the first month of the year, which opens the spring-summer season, the long-awaited end of wintering and migration to spring pastures. Translated from Mongolian, “Tsagaan sar” means White Moon. Tsagaan Sar has long occupied an important place in the traditional life of the Mongols, carrying a colossal emotional charge. It gives ideas about good and evil, and is perceived as the most important date of the year, as a special sacred time. The name White Month is associated with the symbolism of the color white as a symbol of happiness and goodness among the Mongols, as well as the use of a large number of milk products.

There is no fixed date for the start of the New Year according to the lunar calendar. It shifts every time and can fall from January to early March, but most often it occurs in February. Until 1267, the Mongols celebrated Tsagaan Sar in September. For the ancient Mongols, the new year began in the fall.

According to some sources, spring has been considered the beginning of the year since the reign of Genghis Khan. As written in the writings of Lama Agvaaniyam. Genghis conquered Tibet in the spring. Many princes of the conquered country. and not only they, but also other tribes and nationalities recognized Genghis as their emperor and organized a big holiday in honor of this event. Upon arrival at home, Chinggis again celebrated the beginning of the year. Since then, the tradition of celebrating the New Year in the spring has been established. The sage Sumbe Khambo Ishbalzhir introduced his own calendar, which he called “Tutsbuyant”, which all monasteries in Mongolia still follow.

According to other sources, the holiday was moved to February only under Kublai, the grandson of Genghis Khan, the first emperor of the Mongol Yuan dynasty, which ruled in China from 1271-1368. Evidence of the celebration of Tsagaan Sar was left in his notes by the Venetian traveler Marco Polo, who was present at the celebration of the White Month at the Beijing court in the 13th century.

With the establishment of the country's autonomy and sovereignty in 1911, Bogdo Khaan declared this calendar to be the state calendar. "Tugsbuyant" became both a religious and a state calendar. During the years of repression, "Tugsbuyant" was the calendar of livestock breeders, but since 1944, when the Gandan monastery was revived and the need arose to conduct services according to the established order, the "Tugsbuyant" calendar was revived. There was a datsan in which astrology was taught as a science and its graduates were responsible for writing the lunar calendar. During the years of socialism Tsagaan sar took place under a different name, consonant with the ideology of that time - the holiday of the “livestock breeder” according to the same calendar.

After the adoption of Buddhism and the introduction of the lamas of their calendar, the white month was moved to the end of winter and combined with the date of the victory of the founder of Buddhism over other schools. White color for the Mongols it symbolizes prosperity, and white foods are required for celebration Tsagaan Sarah.

Tsagaan sar - New Year according to the lunar calendar, that is, according to eastern horoscope, celebrated on the first day of spring. According to this calendar, it falls on different years for different days and even months. Depending on the location of the moon in a particular zodiac, astrologers use an algorithm to calculate the first day of spring or the day of Tsagaan Sara. As the astrologers of the Gandantegchlen monastery say, the most correct and suitable astrology for Mongolia is Tugs Buyant. It was developed by the famous astrologer lamas Sumbe Khamba Ishbaljir and Luvsandanzanzhantsan, who lived in the 18th century, in relation to climatic conditions our country. After all, yellow or, as it is also called, Chinese astrology corresponds to the climatic conditions of China and other countries of North and Southeast Asia. The climate there is warmer than ours, so spring comes much earlier.

Traditionally, on New Year's Eve, the most respected and revered lamas make astrological forecasts for the residents of the country for next year. On the eve of the New Year, a cleansing ritual and a special prayer service are performed in churches and datsans. The main services take place in the largest Buddhist monastery, Gandantegchlen. Services lasting 15 days make up the New Year's prayer service. It includes a service in honor of deities, a ritual for removing obstacles (held the day before the end of the old year), a prayer service in honor of the miracles performed by the Buddha to spread the sacred teachings, wishes for peace and prosperity, and other rituals. Many residents of the capital these days are trying to get to churches to pray for happiness and good luck in the coming year for themselves and their families.

From the 15th-16th centuries, as Buddhism spread and strengthened in Mongolia, this holiday was sacralized on the occasion of the memory of the performance of various miracles by Buddha Shigamuni on these days as proof of the truth of the faith he preached and the divinity of its origin. On the eve of the holiday and the first two weeks, great khurals are celebrated in the monasteries of Mongolia. e. Buddhist services/. They pray for a happy new year. After the prayer service, fires are lit, in the flames of which old things are burned and sacrifices are made to the fire.

The celebration of the White Month consists of three main parts: the pre-holiday preparations, the last day of the old year and the first days of the white month and the rest of the white month. On the pre-holiday days, the Mongols clean up all the rubbish and get rid of accumulated dirt and rubbish. Women sew a new deel (traditional Mongolian robe) for all members of their family. They also try to pay off all debts, since it is considered unfavorable to celebrate the New Year with debts.

In addition, the Mongols prepare various treats and gifts for guests in advance. The Tsagaan Sar treat is a real feast, since the Mongols believe that it is during Tsagaan Sar that a person should eat his fill. Traditional Mongolian food during Tsagaan Sar is manti and dumplings, a whole boiled rump of a fat sheep with its head, traditional bast-shaped shortcakes - ul boov with sweets, rice with raisins. There is also a large assortment of products made from milk: “Bislag” cheese, “Arul” dried cottage cheese, “Tarak” curdled milk, “Uryum” foam, “Arhi” milk vodka, “Ayrag” kumis.

On the eve of Tsagaan Sarah Houses are being cleaned extensively. On New Year's Eve, every family bids farewell to the outgoing year - "bituuleg". People must pay off all their debts, especially those that can be counted, for example. If you were in a quarrel with someone, didn’t get along with someone, offended someone, then exchanging a “chooreg” (a snuff box with snuff) is intended to improve your relationship. With this action, you seem to ask each other for forgiveness. That is, you need to enter the New Year as purified as possible, leaving all the bad things behind.

The celebration of Tsagaan Sar begins with last day old year, which is called “bitun”. “Bituun” means “closed”. In “bitun”, every Mongol should be at home, not go to visit and eat to the full of closed food, i.e. manti and dumplings. It is also believed that people over 13 years of age should not sleep during “bituun”, since the Buddhist goddess Lham, flying around the entire planet on her horse that day, can count the person who has fallen asleep among the dead. In the evening, on New Year's Eve, every Mongolian family holds a bituuleg - farewell to the passing year. On the last evening of the passing year, children gather at their parents' hearth to spend the old year and celebrate the new year together over a generous meal. TO New Year's table They prepare the rump of a fatty sheep, buuz (manti), dairy and flour dishes. The Mongolian New Year's feast is a whole ritual, as ancient as the tradition of celebrating Tsagaan Sar. In Bituun it is customary to eat to your fill. The feast had its own characteristics. The old people were located in the northern part of the home, where the most honored guests were usually seated. Younger men are on the right side, women are on the left.

Also, the Mongols put 3 transparent pieces above the door of the yurt in “bitun”. river ice- this is a drink for the goddess’s horse, and weeds and thorns on the left ceiling of the yurt so that evil spirits cannot enter the house. On the last day of the old year, many actively visit Buddhist monasteries and perform a ritual of cleansing from the sins of the outgoing year. The redemptive and cleansing functions of such New Year's prayers are enhanced by the idea that the transition point from one year to another is a special, sacred time, a time when there is a break between good and evil.

The New Year celebration begins not at midnight, as is customary here, but early in the morning, on the first day of the new year. The first day of the new year according to the lunar calendar begins early in the morning from 3 to 5 o'clock. On the first morning of the New Year, at sunrise, family members dress in everything new and congratulate first the elders in the family, then the neighbors. However, according to Mongolian custom, spouses do not exchange greetings. This morning the hostess offers the first cup to the gods. Then they visit their older relatives, performing the “zolgokh” ritual, in which the younger one stretches out his hands, palms up, and supports the older one under the elbows, and he, in turn, puts his outstretched hands with his palms down. The ritual is performed, as a rule, in national clothes, and men must have a headdress on their heads. When all the rituals are completed, it is customary to visit, exchange congratulations and gifts, and feast

The festive feast begins with a lamb rump, which the owner of the house hands over in thin pieces strictly according to the rules. The more plentiful the New Year's table is, the more prosperous the coming year will be. It is considered a good omen if there are guests in the yurt. Each guest, while drinking wine, must express a wish for happiness to the owner. A large assortment of products made from milk is displayed on the table: “Bislag” cheese, “Arul” dried cottage cheese, “Tarak” curdled milk, “Uryum” foam, “Arhi” milk vodka, “Ayrag” kumiss, etc. In addition to treats, the hosts give small gifts to guests and sweets to children.

And hadag for Mongols is the best gift. Hadags come in different lengths, colors, and patterns. Hadag, which is called Ayush has images of people, is given to the most respected people, parents or the eldest. The folded hadag is served with the open side towards the recipient with a bow. The one who received the hadag also bows respectfully and carefully folds it and keeps it with him. Hadag is the symbolic pinnacle of spiritual and material wealth. And for a long time there has been a custom to keep five-colored “hadags” as a good sign of prosperity and tranquility. Blue hadag - the color of the blue sky - is a sign of harmony and calm. Green is a symbol of reproduction, productivity. Red is a symbol of fire - a sign of the safety and security of the hearth. Yellow - removes all bad things and is a sign of elevation in position, professional growth, knowledge and the spread of Buddhist philosophy. White - colors mother's milk, personifies the clear wisdom of the Buddha and good deeds, generosity.

It is customary these days among men to treat each other with snuff from a snuff box, which the recipient, having accepted with his right hand, opens the cap with his left and pours a snuff of tobacco onto the back of his right hand and sniffs. At the same time, snuff boxes made from jade and other valuable stones should not rub against each other and their lids should be slightly open. As in most other cases, gifts are given by hosts to guests, not by guests to hosts.

At home they perform the “zolgolt” ritual. This is a kind of New Year's greeting when younger Mongolians extend their hands to older ones, palms up, and older ones place their hands on top of them, palms down. At this time, the younger ones support the older ones by the elbows. This unique gesture of greeting expresses respect for the elders and a promise of help and support if necessary. During the White Month, all younger family members should be the first to congratulate the older members. It is also customary to treat all guests to a hearty meal, as this is a special holiday when the stomach should be full. Then they present all the guests who come with gifts. “Zolgolt” is the most important ritual of the White Month. The Mongols still have a belief: the more guests who visit a house or yurt on the first day of the New Year, for zolgolt, the happier the coming year will be.

On the first day of the New Year, the country's top officials in the central temple of Gandantegchilin participate in the ritual of worshiping the deity Zhanrayseg and the ceremony of entrusting the fate of the people to the deity Ochirdar, with wishes for well-being. They also perform the ritual of “zolgokh” (greetings) with high-ranking lamas. Then they pay respect to the shrines of our monastery. Next, the “zolgokh” ritual is performed at the State Residence, where the leaders of our monastery also perform the “zolgokh” ritual with the head of state and other high-ranking officials.

The celebration officially lasts 3 days, but usually lasts at least a week. Within a few days after completion Tsagaan Sarah business life is gradually returning to its normal course. Mongols attach great importance to the celebration of this holiday. At this time, people in Mongolian national costumes are everywhere on the streets.

  • Materials from the newspaper "News of Mongolia" were used. No. 5-6 dated February 7, 2013. Scanning and processing by E. Kulakov.
date first day of the year according to the lunar calendar Celebration family feasts, visiting Traditions Baking wrestlers
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Mani Itgel Mikzhim
Their year begins in February; The Great Khan and all his subjects celebrate this way: according to custom, everyone dresses in white, both men and women, as best they can. White clothes are considered lucky among them, so they do this, dress in white, so that there will be happiness and prosperity all year round... They bring him great gifts... so that the Great Khan will have a lot of wealth all year round and he will be happy and happy. I’ll tell you again, princes and knights, and all the people give each other white things, hug, have fun, feast, and this is done in order to live happily and kindly throughout the year.

On this day, you should also know that more than one hundred thousand glorious and expensive white horses are presented to the Great Khan. On the same day, five thousand elephants are brought out under white blankets, embroidered with animals and birds; Each elephant has on its back two beautiful and expensive caskets, and in them are the dishes of the Great Khan and rich harness for this white gathering. Many more camels are being brought out; they are also blanketed and loaded with everything necessary for the gift. Both elephants and camels pass in front of the Great Khan, and such beauty has never been seen anywhere!

…And when great sovereign will review all the gifts, tables are set up, and everyone sits down at them... And after dinner, magicians come and amuse the courtyard, as you have already heard before; when all this is over, everyone goes home

Popular mythology

Buddhist popular mythology associates the festival of Tsagan Sar, the beginning of spring, with the name of the Buddhist deity Dharmapala, the goddess Baldan Lhamo. According to legend, every year after another victory over the mangus and saving the sun, swallowed by the lord of hell Yama (Mong. Erleg nomyn haan), she descends to the ground, warms it with her warmth, and spring begins. The cold weather is receding, the winter lack of food is disappearing, a new season begins in economic activity pastoralists. They count the losses caused by winter and rejoice at the approaching warm season.

The image of an angry Buddhist goddess is sometimes adjacent to the image of the White Old Man (Mongolian: Tsagaan өvgon), the traditional Buddhist embodiment of fertility and longevity.

Holiday in modern times

Today is the first day of Sagaalgan in the republics of Altai, Buryatia, Tuva and the Trans-Baikal Territory, as well as in the territories of the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug and the Ust-Ordynsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug is a day off.

According to the Law of the Republic of Kalmykia dated October 13, 2004 N 156-III-Z “On holidays and memorable days in the Republic of Kalmykia,” the Tsagan Sar holiday is a national holiday of Kalmykia.

Traditions and rituals of celebration

They prepared for the celebrations in advance, slaughtering livestock for future use, since it was forbidden to do this directly on the days of the holiday. Celebrations took place in every home. They hung new outfits on the line and shook out all the clothes. They cooked meat - lamb, beef or horse meat, and prepared buuzas.

Ritual mutual greeting

The traditional greeting was an important ritual with which two people meeting each other on this day addressed each other. The meaning of this greeting is so great and the duration of its effect is so long that, for example, Tuvans could not say hello for a whole year, arguing that they had already said hello during the White Month.


Visiting is an indispensable component of the Sagaalgan holiday. Even those living far away these days came to meet their relatives. There were certain norms: the order of visits and the nature of gifts depended on the person’s position. They visited their parents and maternal relatives - they always enjoyed special veneration; daughters-in-law came to the house of their husband's parents with their children to worship their ancestors and patrons. An indispensable element of holiday gifts was a bunch of wrestlers.


A traditional ritual gift is the national flour dish “bortsok”. Bortsoki were made from rich unleavened dough and fried in boiling fat. They were used to make sets for offering the “first portion” to the Buddhas, as well as gift sets for giving to relatives during holiday visits. The shape of the wrestlers included in the sets had a symbolic meaning: the animal figurines expressed the wish for the offspring of the corresponding livestock; in the form of a reason - good luck. Thus, the “khuts” wrestlers, sculpted in the form of a ram figurine, meant the wish for a large offspring of this type of livestock and reflected to some extent the ancient ritual of animal sacrifice, that is, they replaced the real sacrifice with its image. A similar role was played by the wrestlers “kit”, the shape of which resembled part of a horse’s entrails, and the wrestlers “Ovrte tokhsh”, symbolizing cattle. Bortsok "moshkmr" - twisted, small "horja" (literal translation: insects), reminiscent of the national dish of boiled lamb entrails. The “jola” wrestlers, depicting a rein, were supposed to invoke endless luck. And by offering the wrestler “shoshhr”, they expressed the desire to live as a united family, and also to have protection from enemies.


Early in the morning on the day of the holiday, the ritual of sprinkling was performed (kalm. zulg orgh): having crossed the threshold of the house, the owner sprinkled the first cup of freshly brewed tea around as an offering to the ancestors and the White Elder. Bortsoks in the form of the sun and lotus were used for symbolic offerings to burkhans. Among the Don Kalmyks, the type of wrestlers “burkhan zala”, or “tsatsg”, in the form of a tassel, symbolizing a lotus, was especially popular. He was placed at the top of “Deeji boortsg”. Bortsoks in the shape of the sun are large flat cakes, called “khavtha” in some ethnic groups, and “tselvg” in others. “Khavtha” is a whole flatbread with tucks along the edges or with four holes in the center; the “tselvg” wrestlers have smooth edges, and small holes are located radially around their circumference. “Khavtha” or “tselvg” was prepared first and was invariably placed as deeji. All the other wrestlers listed above were also included in this set.

New moon days - Sagaalgan eve - from to

05.02.00 22.02.01 12.02.02 01.02.03 20.02.04 09.02.05 29.01.06 18.02.07 07.02.08 24.02.09
14.02.10 03.02.11 21.02.12 10.02.13 31.01.14 19.02.15 08.02.16 26.02.17 16.02.18 05.02.19
23.02.20 12.02.21 01.02.22 20.02.23 10.02.24 29.01.25 17.02.26 06.02.27 24.02.28 13.02.29
03.02.30 21.02.31 11.02.32 31.01.33 19.02.34 08.02.35 26.02.36 15.02.37 04.02.38 22.02.39
12.02.40 01.02.41 20.02.42 10.02.43 30.01.44 17.02.45 06.02.46 24.02.47 14.02.48 02.02.49
21.02.50 11.02.51 01.02.52 19.02.53 08.02.54 26.02.55 15.02.56 04.02.57 22.02.58 12.02.59
02.02.60 19.02.61 09.02.62 29.01.63 17.02.64 05.02.65 24.02.66 14.02.67 03.02.68 21.02.69
11.02.70 31.01.71 19.02.72 07.02.73 26.02.74 15.02.75 05.02.76 22.02.77 12.02.78 02.02.79
20.02.80 09.02.81 29.01.82 17.02.83 06.02.84 24.02.85 14.02.86 03.02.87 22.02.88 10.02.89
30.01.90 18.02.91 07.02.92 25.02.93 15.02.94 05.02.95 23.02.96 12.02.97 01.02.98 19.02.99

see also

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  • RIA News


  • Bakaeva E. P. Buddhism in Kalmykia. Elista, 1994.

Excerpt characterizing Tsagan Sar

Prince Bagration and Tushin now looked equally stubbornly at Bolkonsky, who was speaking restrainedly and excitedly.
“And if, Your Excellency, allow me to express my opinion,” he continued, “then we owe the success of the day most of all to the action of this battery and the heroic fortitude of Captain Tushin and his company,” said Prince Andrei and, without waiting for an answer, he immediately stood up and walked away from the table.
Prince Bagration looked at Tushin and, apparently not wanting to show distrust of Bolkonsky’s harsh judgment and, at the same time, feeling unable to fully believe him, bowed his head and told Tushin that he could go. Prince Andrei followed him out.
“Thank you, I helped you out, my dear,” Tushin told him.
Prince Andrei looked at Tushin and, without saying anything, walked away from him. Prince Andrei was sad and hard. It was all so strange, so unlike what he had hoped for.

"Who are they? Why are they? What do they need? And when will all this end? thought Rostov, looking at the changing shadows in front of him. The pain in my arm became more and more excruciating. Sleep was falling irresistibly, red circles were jumping in my eyes, and the impression of these voices and these faces and the feeling of loneliness merged with a feeling of pain. It was they, these soldiers, wounded and unwounded, - it was they who pressed, and weighed down, and turned out the veins, and burned the meat in his broken arm and shoulder. To get rid of them, he closed his eyes.
He forgot himself for one minute, but during this short period of oblivion he saw countless objects in his dreams: he saw his mother and her big white hand, saw Sonya’s thin shoulders, Natasha’s eyes and laughter, and Denisov with his voice and mustache, and Telyanin, and his whole story with Telyanin and Bogdanich. This whole story was one and the same thing: this soldier with a sharp voice, and this whole story and this soldier so painfully, relentlessly held, pressed and all pulled his hand in one direction. He tried to move away from them, but they did not let go of his shoulder, not even a hair, not even for a second. It wouldn’t hurt, it would be healthy if they didn’t pull on it; but it was impossible to get rid of them.
He opened his eyes and looked up. The black canopy of night hung an arshin above the light of the coals. In this light, particles of falling snow flew. Tushin did not return, the doctor did not come. He was alone, only some soldier was now sitting naked on the other side of the fire and warming his thin yellow body.
“Nobody needs me! - thought Rostov. - There is no one to help or feel sorry for. And I was once at home, strong, cheerful, loved.” “He sighed and involuntarily groaned with a sigh.
- Oh, what hurts? - asked the soldier, shaking his shirt over the fire, and, without waiting for an answer, he grunted and added: - You never know how many people have been spoiled in a day - passion!
Rostov did not listen to the soldier. He looked at the snowflakes fluttering over the fire and remembered the Russian winter with a warm, bright house, a fluffy fur coat, fast sleighs, healthy body and with all the love and care of the family. “And why did I come here!” he thought.
The next day, the French did not resume the attack, and the rest of Bagration’s detachment joined Kutuzov’s army.

Prince Vasily did not think about his plans. He even less thought of doing evil to people in order to gain benefit. He was only a secular man who had succeeded in the world and made a habit out of this success. He constantly, depending on the circumstances, depending on his rapprochement with people, drew up various plans and considerations, of which he himself was not well aware, but which constituted the entire interest of his life. Not one or two such plans and considerations were in his mind, but dozens, of which some were just beginning to appear to him, others were achieved, and others were destroyed. He did not say to himself, for example: “This man is now in power, I must gain his trust and friendship and through him arrange for the issuance of a one-time allowance,” or he did not say to himself: “Pierre is rich, I must lure him to marry his daughter and borrow the 40 thousand I need”; but a man in strength met him, and at that very moment instinct told him that this man could be useful, and Prince Vasily became close to him and at the first opportunity, without preparation, by instinct, flattered, became familiar, talked about what what was needed.
Pierre was under his arm in Moscow, and Prince Vasily arranged for him to be appointed a chamber cadet, which was then equivalent to the rank of state councilor, and insisted that the young man go with him to St. Petersburg and stay in his house. As if absent-mindedly and at the same time with an undoubted confidence that this should be so, Prince Vasily did everything that was necessary in order to marry Pierre to his daughter. If Prince Vasily had thought about his plans ahead, he could not have had such naturalness in his manners and such simplicity and familiarity in his relations with all the people placed above and below himself. Something constantly attracted him to people stronger or richer than himself, and he was gifted with the rare art of catching exactly the moment when it was necessary and possible to take advantage of people.
Pierre, having unexpectedly become a rich man and Count Bezukhy, after recent loneliness and carelessness, felt so surrounded and busy that he could only be left alone with himself in bed. He had to sign papers, deal with government offices, the meaning of which he had no clear idea of, ask the chief manager about something, go to an estate near Moscow and receive many people who previously did not want to know about his existence, but now would offended and upset if he didn’t want to see them. All these various persons - businessmen, relatives, acquaintances - were all equally well disposed towards the young heir; all of them, obviously and undoubtedly, were convinced of the high merits of Pierre. He constantly heard the words: “With your extraordinary kindness,” or “with your wonderful heart,” or “you yourself are so pure, Count...” or “if only he were as smart as you,” etc., so he He sincerely began to believe in his extraordinary kindness and his extraordinary mind, especially since it always seemed to him, deep down in his soul, that he was really very kind and very smart. Even people who had previously been angry and obviously hostile became tender and loving towards him. Such an angry eldest of the princesses, with a long waist, with hair smoothed like a doll’s, came to Pierre’s room after the funeral. Lowering her eyes and constantly flushing, she told him that she was very sorry for the misunderstandings that had happened between them and that now she felt she had no right to ask for anything, except permission, after the blow that had befallen her, to stay for a few weeks in the house that she loved so much and where made so many sacrifices. She couldn't help but cry at these words. Touched that this statue-like princess could change so much, Pierre took her hand and asked for an apology, without knowing why. From that day on, the princess began to knit a striped scarf for Pierre and completely changed towards him.
– Do it for her, mon cher; “All the same, she suffered a lot from the dead man,” Prince Vasily told him, letting him sign some kind of paper in favor of the princess.
Prince Vasily decided that this bone, a bill of 30 thousand, had to be thrown to the poor princess so that it would not occur to her to talk about Prince Vasily’s participation in the mosaic portfolio business. Pierre signed the bill, and from then on the princess became even kinder. The younger sisters also became affectionate towards him, especially the youngest, pretty, with a mole, often embarrassed Pierre with her smiles and embarrassment at the sight of him.
It seemed so natural to Pierre that everyone loved him, it would seem so unnatural if someone did not love him, that he could not help but believe in the sincerity of the people around him. Moreover, he did not have time to ask himself about the sincerity or insincerity of these people. He constantly had no time, he constantly felt in a state of meek and cheerful intoxication. He felt like the center of some important general movement; felt that something was constantly expected of him; that if he didn’t do this, he would upset many and deprive them of what they expected, but if he did this and that, everything would be fine - and he did what was required of him, but something good remained ahead.
More than anyone else at this first time, Prince Vasily took possession of both Pierre’s affairs and himself. Since the death of Count Bezukhy, he has not let Pierre out of his hands. Prince Vasily had the appearance of a man weighed down by affairs, tired, exhausted, but out of compassion, unable to finally abandon this helpless young man, the son of his friend, to the mercy of fate and the rogues, apres tout, [in the end,] and with such a huge fortune. In those few days that he stayed in Moscow after the death of Count Bezukhy, he called Pierre to himself or came to him himself and prescribed to him what needed to be done, in such a tone of fatigue and confidence, as if he was saying every time:
“Vous savez, que je suis accable d"affaires et que ce n"est que par pure charite, que je m"occupe de vous, et puis vous savez bien, que ce que je vous propose est la seule chose faisable." [ You know, I am swamped with business; but it would be merciless to leave you like this; of course, what I am telling you is the only possible one.]
“Well, my friend, tomorrow we’re going, finally,” he told him one day, closing his eyes, moving his fingers on his elbow and in such a tone, as if what he was saying had been decided a long time ago between them and could not be decided otherwise.
“We’re going tomorrow, I’ll give you a place in my stroller.” I am very happy. Everything important is over here. I should have needed it a long time ago. This is what I received from the chancellor. I asked him about you, and you were enlisted in the diplomatic corps and made a chamber cadet. Now the diplomatic path is open to you.
Despite the strength of the tone of fatigue and the confidence with which these words were spoken, Pierre, who had been thinking about his career for so long, wanted to object. But Prince Vasily interrupted him in that cooing, bassy tone that excluded the possibility of interrupting his speech and which he used when extreme persuasion was necessary.
- Mais, mon cher, [But, my dear,] I did it for myself, for my conscience, and there is nothing to thank me for. No one ever complained that he was too loved; and then, you are free, even if you quit tomorrow. You will see everything for yourself in St. Petersburg. And it’s high time for you to move away from these terrible memories. – Prince Vasily sighed. - Yes, yes, my soul. And let my valet ride in your carriage. Oh yes, I forgot,” Prince Vasily added, “you know, mon cher, that we had scores to settle with the deceased, so I received it from Ryazan and will leave it: you don’t need it.” We will settle with you.
What Prince Vasily called from “Ryazan” were several thousand quitrents, which Prince Vasily kept for himself.
In St. Petersburg, just like in Moscow, there is an atmosphere of gentle, loving people surrounded Pierre. He could not refuse the place or, rather, the title (because he did nothing) that Prince Vasily brought him, and there were so many acquaintances, calls and social activities that Pierre, even more than in Moscow, experienced a feeling of fog and haste and everything that is coming, but some good is not happening.
Many of his former bachelor society were not in St. Petersburg. The guard went on a campaign. Dolokhov was demoted, Anatole was in the army, in the provinces, Prince Andrei was abroad, and therefore Pierre was not able to spend his nights as he had previously liked to spend them, or to occasionally unwind in a friendly conversation with an older, respected friend. All his time was spent at dinners, balls and mainly with Prince Vasily - in the company of the fat princess, his wife, and the beautiful Helen.
Anna Pavlovna Scherer, like others, showed Pierre the change that had occurred in the public view of him.
Previously, Pierre, in the presence of Anna Pavlovna, constantly felt that what he was saying was indecent, tactless, and not what was needed; that his speeches, which seem smart to him while he prepares them in his imagination, become stupid as soon as he speaks loudly, and that, on the contrary, the stupidest speeches of Hippolytus come out smart and sweet. Now everything he said came out charmant. If even Anna Pavlovna did not say this, then he saw that she wanted to say it, and she only, in respect of his modesty, refrained from doing so.
At the beginning of the winter from 1805 to 1806, Pierre received from Anna Pavlovna the usual pink note with an invitation, which added: “Vous trouverez chez moi la belle Helene, qu"on ne se lasse jamais de voir.” [I will have a beautiful Helene , which you will never get tired of admiring.]
Reading this passage, Pierre felt for the first time that some kind of connection had formed between him and Helene, recognized by other people, and this thought at the same time frightened him, as if an obligation was being imposed on him that he could not keep. and together he liked it as a funny guess.
Anna Pavlovna's evening was the same as the first, only the novelty that Anna Pavlovna treated her guests was now not Mortemart, but a diplomat who had arrived from Berlin and brought the latest details about the stay of Emperor Alexander in Potsdam and how the two highest each other swore there in an indissoluble alliance to defend the just cause against the enemy of the human race. Pierre was received by Anna Pavlovna with a tinge of sadness, apparently related to the fresh loss that had befallen young man, to the death of Count Bezukhy (everyone constantly considered it their duty to assure Pierre that he was very upset by the death of his father, whom he hardly knew) - and sadness exactly the same as the highest sadness that was expressed when mentioning the august Empress Maria Feodorovna. Pierre felt flattered by this. Anna Pavlovna, with her usual skill, arranged circles in her living room. The large circle, where Prince Vasily and the generals were, used a diplomat. Another mug was at the tea table. Pierre wanted to join the first, but Anna Pavlovna, who was in the irritated state of a commander on the battlefield, when thousands of new brilliant thoughts come that you barely have time to put into execution, Anna Pavlovna, seeing Pierre, touched his sleeve with her finger.
