Magazine "1000 useful tips". Magazine "1000 useful tips" Traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries

Magic soda


***Don’t pay for an expensive meat tenderizer - it’s the same as our soda, but in a beautiful wrapper. Do you need the meat to be quickly fried and stewed, and also to be soft? Lip is not stupid, everyone wants something like that. What are we doing? Rub the piece with soda and put it in the refrigerator for several hours. Before cooking, I soak the meat in running water, remove the remaining soda so that it is gone. Even an old oxen can be mowed down into a young veal in this manner.
***How ​​to check soda for suitability? If you extinguish the soda with vinegar, and the fizz still comes out dry, it means the soda has run out of steam. (But don’t throw it away: pour it into the bottom of a garbage can, and let this remainder work for good.) A sealed pack of soda lasts 18 months, open only 6. Don’t be lazy, replace it with a fresh one and read the expiration date on the pack.
***I recommend washing fruits and vegetables in soda water - soda will reach places where water cannot.
***Don't want your fish to have an unpleasant fishy smell? 2 teaspoons of soda per liter of water and wrap your fish or fillet pieces in this solution with a towel or napkin. In the refrigerator for an hour. Rinse it off and move on.
***Your omelettes will be more fluffy if you add baking soda on the tip of a knife, and baking soda will also help speed up the cooking of beans. In addition, when you have eaten your chili, pea porridge or lobio, you will not, pardon ma Français, swell.
***No yeast in the house? No problem. Do you even have vitamin C or aspirin? Mix one of two fifty-fifty with soda in the volume in which you required yeast. And you know what's surprising? Your dough will not rise until it goes into the oven. But already there...
***And who likes it when your hands smell like onions, garlic, fish after cooking, and don’t your knives smell any better? And we are smart, we wash our hands with soda instead of soap.
***We bought a jar of these beautiful pickled cucumbers, and they were so vinegary, all sour. Where's our soda? Just be careful - strong foaming will occur in contact with vinegar, so we will put the jar in the sink.
***I don't like it when my sink drain is dirty. What I do from time to time: I pour a few tablespoons of soda into the hole on the catch grid and extinguish it with vinegar. And if it’s clogged, then otherwise: a heaping pack of salt and boiling water, this salt (but Pepsi and Coke clean this matter best).
***The dishwasher, you might think, won’t work without their expensive powder! I make my own like this: mix 2 teaspoons of baking soda with 2 tablespoons of Borax (borax powder). The result will surprise you. By the way, from time to time your dishwasher needs to be treated for odors with the same soda - sprinkle half a cup of soda on the tray, and then run the machine through the rinse cycle.
***Refrigerator, microwave, stainless steel stove, coffee makers, juicers, thermoses (tell me what else you need to wash) - I wash them all with soda.
***The sponges we use to wash dishes must be thrown away every week and bought new ones - they are a breeding ground for germs. That's what THEY say. Yeah, I ran away... I treat my sponges with the same soda and keep my sponge in soda water overnight. Baking soda removes odors very well. Don’t be lazy to put a saucer of baking soda in the refrigerator overnight. ***The trash container in the kitchen cabinet also likes to make friends with baking soda once a week. ***Kitchen ants have overcome - sprinkle a strip of baking soda along the threshold, treat all openings in other rooms - they will go away. ***Yes, it’s a fact: our cats both pee and poop. And this is what causes the smell in the tray. Add baking soda to the filler and there is no smell. And the finished fragrance is wow!
**We cheat around the house. Scratched on the whitewash and you have a black stripe? Did your child use a wax pencil? If you want, rub it with soda, or if you want, sketch it with chalk. Washable wallpaper loves soda solution. And it’s good to clean the carpets and remove the musty smell with the same dry soda. Just vacuum thoroughly afterwards. Piano keys often turn yellow. Continue?
***In the bathroom, almost everything can be washed with soda: from the tiles on the floor to the tiles, to the ceiling.
*** Don't have deodorant? Baking soda for your armpits!
***Do not buy expensive washing and bleaching products. The quality of any of them can be enhanced by adding soda. I use Tide and add about a quarter cup of baking soda. (I don’t throw away the soap either - on a grater and there for the smell. During the last rinse cycle, I add a cup of table vinegar, it softens the fabric and removes electrostaticity.)
***Treatment for burns: quickly pour baking soda into ice water, wet a cloth onto the burn, and continue applying until the burning goes away.
***Are you sunburned? 4 teaspoons of baking soda per cup of water.
***A child has chickenpox and is scratching himself a lot - give him a bath with soda.
***Cut yourself while shaving? Apply a teaspoon of baking soda to a cup of water and use a cotton swab to treat the cut.
***Same thing from a bee sting. Diaper rash from diapers in a baby is also treated with a weak soda solution.
***Fell, woke up - plaster. Anyone who hasn’t worn it doesn’t know how sometimes it itches until your teeth grind under the plaster. People, it's simple: set your hair dryer to cold and manage to blow dry soda under the plaster. But it’s better for someone to help, otherwise it won’t take long to blow soda into your eyes.
***Are you tempted to whiten your teeth? Or are you at risk of periodontal disease? I keep baking soda and salt with my toothpaste, right in front of me so I don't forget. Rub your teeth and gums with soda and salt. And for those who wear removable dentures, keep them in a soda solution at night and clean them with dry soda for whitening.
***Dandruff, again: rub dry soda into your scalp. Did you know that fixative varnishes are not completely washed out with shampoo? Add baking soda to your shampoo.
*** In the toilet: don’t buy into toilet freshener labels – you’ll suck it up, darling. ***In the garage: periodically wash the battery terminals with a solution of 4 teaspoons of soda with a spoon of water. I do this with a toothbrush. Then I wipe it dry and lubricate it with gasoline jelly. Contacts do not rust for a long time.
***And finally, let's show our kids hocus pocus. Let's take a two-liter plastic bottle from under the water or whatever, fill your finger thick with vinegar, pull an inflatable balloon over your throat not all the way, and pour about five tablespoons of soda through a funnel. The reaction taking place in the bottle will release carbon dioxide and inflate your balloon, which you have already secured tightly to your throat. Children usually squeal with delight. And it’s not bad to squeal yourself. All that remains is to count our column and see how much money we would have to throw away.

Do you like to cook? Do you love new recipes and experiments in the kitchen? Or do you prefer something simple and quick, but at the same time healthy and tasty? In any case, you will definitely like our magazine.

If you don’t want to spend a lot of time cooking, don’t see yourself in the kitchen at all and think that daily meals should be prepared quickly and almost without your participation, know that nothing is impossible! Our magazine will tell you a lot of recipes, thanks to which you can surprise your loved ones and not waste extra time on an activity that is not interesting to you. Although, of course, we hope that our publication will help you look at the cooking process differently, because you only need to cook food in a good mood! Moreover, in fact, it is very simple to do this.

Even if you are an experienced cook, haute cuisine recipes do not scare you, but inspire you, and dishes from Michelin star holders are on your regular list of kitchen experiments for the weekend, we can still surprise you! In the magazine "1000 Cooking Tips" famous chefs will share with you their little tricks, and nutritionists and other experts in their field will tell you how to choose good products, organize proper nutrition, choose kitchen furniture, utensils, household appliances.

If you listen to the advice of our experts, your kitchen experiments will become brighter and more productive. Also in the magazine you will find culinary travels to different parts of our planet, acquaintance with the cuisines of the world, wonderful master classes, signature recipes from our readers, as well as competitions and prizes.

You can subscribe to our magazine at your nearest post office. We also provide the opportunity to do this on our official website. The advantages of subscribing online are obvious: you spend less time, moreover, you don’t even have to leave your home! On the site you can also order previous issues and please yourself or one of your friends with a unique encyclopedia variety of recipes and useful tips.

In essence, a subscription is two fresh issues with a selection original recipes, which will appear in your inbox every month, participation in competitions and drawings for valuable prizes. The magazine "1000 Cooking Tips" will teach you how to think creatively about cooking. Make your friends and family happy, cook easily and deliciously with us!

Spices not only give dishes an unforgettable taste, they not only make the cuisine varied and aromatic.
Spices are an inexhaustible source of vitamins and useful substances. Every housewife has a whole pharmacy hidden on the spice shelf. In it you can find a remedy for colds, constipation or diarrhea, a remedy to relieve pain or heal wounds...

Famous fighter against excess weight. And ginger is deservedly famous. This is truly an extremely useful and effective spice. Ginger root works well both fresh and ground. It stimulates metabolism and accelerates metabolic processes, reduces harmful cholesterol in the blood, and removes toxins. Therefore, ginger is very often used during detox programs.

Another advantage of ginger: it is a universal spice; it can be used for both savory dishes and sweets. Ginger is good with meat, chicken, fish and vegetables; it is appropriate in soups and sauces, in stir-fries and fruit salad.

Recipe for weight loss: Finely chop a small piece of ginger root, pour boiling water over it, squeeze out a slice of lemon juice. Wait 10 minutes. You need to drink this drink on an empty stomach before breakfast, and then several times during the day.

Important! Ginger is contraindicated for gastritis and ulcers, liver diseases, stones in the biliary tract, as well as for high blood pressure, heart disease. In the first half of pregnancy, ginger is even recommended (but only after consultation with a specialist), as it reduces nausea, but in the second half of pregnancy and during feeding, you need to be careful with this spice, as it increases blood pressure and can have an unnecessarily stimulating effect on the stomach. child.

Chicken cutlets with ginger
500 gr. chicken fillet 1 onion 1 egg white 1 cm ginger root, pepper, salt
Step 1. Chicken fillet pass through a meat grinder.
Step 2. Pass the ginger and onion through a meat grinder, then repeat the chicken meat.

Step 3. Beat the egg white and add it to the minced meat, add salt and pepper.Mix the minced meat for a few minutes.
Step 4. Place cutlets and fry them on both sides for 5-7 minutes (depending on size).
Serve with greens.

One of the most popular spices. Perhaps because it helps get rid of belly fat. Cinnamon reduces and stabilizes blood sugar levels, and it is precisely when this indicator jumps that we feel intense hunger. Cinnamon speeds up metabolism and can help cope with cravings for sweets, because with its smell alone, cinnamon deceives the body, creating a feeling of sweetness and satiety, peace. Perhaps the fact is that we are used to finding cinnamon in baked goods...

In India, cinnamon is added to almost all dishes; in Europe, it is often used instead of cloves in marinades. Alone we are still further confectionery We're not going. But in vain, because familiar foods seasoned with this sweetish spice acquire an original and, most importantly, pleasant taste. But just eating cinnamon with baked goods will not lead to weight loss!

The beneficial properties of cinnamon will not survive in such a neighborhood. So it's better to sprinkle with cinnamon fruit salads or eat it with berry desserts.

Recipe for weight loss:
For one glass of low-fat kefir you need to take ½ tsp. ground cinnamon and ginger. Mix everything and add a pinch of red pepper. Can be consumed as a snack during the day.

Important! Cinnamon is contraindicated during pregnancy. It should also be used with caution in case of liver disease.

Almond pie with strawberries.
1 cup ground almonds 200 g butter 1 cup sugar 1 cup pancake flour 1 egg 1 yolk 500 g strawberries 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
Step 1. Mix almonds, butter, sugar, flour, cinnamon, egg and yolk. Achieve a homogeneous mass.
Step 2. Preheat the oven to 180 C, wash the strawberries and cut them into slices crosswise.

Step 3. Grease a springform cake pan, put half of the dough in it and smooth it out.
Step 4. Place strawberries. Place the remaining dough on top; you can make a lattice of dough.
Step 5. Bake for 1 hour. Then remove from the mold. Serve warm or cold.

To be continued...
