Lunar calendar year by month. Lunar calendar online

Moon calendar for 2015 - a calendar for each month of 2015, which indicates the location of the moon relative to the zodiac constellations, the dates and exact times of the main phases of the moon (new moon, first quarter, full moon, last quarter). The lunar calendar for 2015 tells not only about the cyclic change of the phases of the moon and lunar days, but also gives recommendations about business, hair cutting, diet, and also gives recommendations for the gardener and gardener.

Lunar calendars 2015

At present, all descriptions and characteristics of lunar days are quite consistent with each other and have been verified more than once. modern man. The moon, despite its smallness, also continues to have a strong influence on our natural rhythms in the body, on our subconscious and psyche, on plant growth and many natural phenomena.

One of the oldest calendars on Earth is the lunar calendar, which was compiled in Egypt 6,000 years ago. Familiar to us - the solar calendar appeared much later.

The lunar calendar that we use now is based on the knowledge of ancient civilizations, taking into account modern information and facts known about the moon and its phases. Even in ancient times, people noticed that the moon affects a person and the nature around us in different ways.

The most unpleasant are the "extreme" phases and days of the lunar calendar. You should not start new and important things during such periods.

The most favorable time is the growing moon, especially after the new moon, you can safely start new and important things. Completing plans is on the waning moon.

The lunar calendar will allow you to plan your affairs more carefully, save time and get the most out of it.

A perfect lunar cycle consists of 30 lunar days, and a defective lunar month is often found, its duration is 29 lunar days. We are pleased to present you our Lunar calendar 2015, which shows all the phases of the moon, the position in the signs of the Zodiac, favorable and unfavorable lunar days in different areas of life.

Our Lunar calendar 2015 will allow you to navigate the phases of the moon without visual observations and complex calculations, you will be able to plan your actions more rationally and fruitfully.

Lunar calendar of beauty and diet 2015

The lunar calendar of beauty, diet and health 2015 will tell you about the days on which you need to cut or dye your hair, do manicures, take care of your face, starve or go on a diet, peel or epilate, when it is allowed to play sports, and when it is much better to avoid sports. physical load.

Over many years of astrological observations, it has been noticed that taste preferences change on different days. For example, when the Moon moves into Aries, everyone immediately rushes to the refrigerator in search of herring, ketchup and pickled vegetables. So why not stock up ahead of time so you don't have to run to the overnight supermarket?

Some people don't like milk. However, it happens that you really want milk - when the Moon is in Taurus. Yes, and pancakes from the hostesses are a success just when the Moon enters the sign of Taurus.

Lunar calendar of the gardener and florist 2015

The lunar calendar of the gardener and florist 2015 should be useful to all gardeners, and will help to solve practical problems in the garden. Of course, any gardener has the right to decide whether or not to use the advice of the lunar calendar. However, in today's time, orientation to the fertile Moon when sowing and planting plants has already become a true fact. The use of the lunar calendar of the gardener and florist 2015 when performing agrotechnical measures during their growing season makes it possible to significantly increase the yield.

The gardener's lunar calendar 2015 tells you what day and what is allowed and useful to do in the garden. And also gives a wide amount of information in the course of work. They affect the preparation of seeds for sowing, the cultivation of seedlings, the fight against pests and plant diseases, the secrets of agricultural technology, the timing of harvesting certain crops. He gives a hint on what and how best to feed the plants, how to increase the yield, what vegetables and flowers love and what they do not tolerate.

Lunar calendar navigation

Other lunar calendars for 2015

  • You can look at the lunar haircut calendar for 2015 on the page haircut lunar calendar for 2015
  • You can see the lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for 2015 on the page

The power of the Moon is more reflected in the female half of humanity, while men, the “children of the Sun”, are influenced by the new moon, when the Moon and the Sun are on the same straight line. Critical moments are the days of transition from one phase to another. Due to the fact that the first lunar day can be only a few minutes, it is impossible to determine exactly which of the days will be dangerous and which will be favorable; to determine them, you must refer to the current lunar calendar.

A detailed accurate lunar calendar for May 2015 will help you live in harmony with the world around you and with yourself, you will be able to find out exactly when the next new moon and full moon will be (date, date, exact time), and will also help you find out in detail and correctly which phase moon, when there will be a waxing or waning moon, a young month, what lunar day (or lunar day), when will auspicious days or unfavorable days in May.

Many people believe in the role of the Zodiac horoscope and use it in choosing their partners. Experienced gardeners rely on the recommendations of an accurate lunar calendar for growing crops. But few people think about the fact that the Moon controls all aspects of our lives.

Therefore, it is necessary to know about the strong and weak phases of the planet in order to plan your life correctly: determine the wedding day or get a job, start repairs or undergo an operation.

You need to make the Moon work for you in order to achieve success in both love and business.

Auspicious days - Lunar calendar for May 2015

On growing or else it is called the "young" Moon, there is an accumulation of energy, and therefore any planning is favorable for this time. These days we are more emotional and react violently to the events of the world around us.

Between new moon to full moon it is best to make important decisions, start new business, negotiate.

On waning or the “flawed” Moon, our emotions are inhibited, our susceptibility to external factors is reduced. During this period, the body actively spends energy. This period is favorable in order to work well, to complete all the work begun.

Unfavorable days - Lunar calendar for May 2015

Unfavorable periods of the lunar month are the days of the transition of the lunar phases, when one phase replaces another. During this period, strong emotional outbursts are possible, from euphoria to deep depression, health problems. Therefore, you need to be especially careful and careful, and take into account the negative impact of transitional days.

These are unfavorable days of stress, please show care, attentiveness and caution! It is not recommended to start some new important things on these unfavorable days, and if there is such an opportunity, it is better to transfer your affairs to the days of the growing new moon. Also these days it is recommended to pay attention to your health.

The lunar calendar indicates Moscow time.

Always consider the time zone to determine your local time.

The lunar month begins with the new moon, from phase 1.

A lunar day (lunar day) begins with the rising of the moon on a given day.

The detailed lunar calendar also indicates the transit of the Moon in the zodiac sign and the exact time of the moon's entry into this zodiac sign.

Lunar calendar for May 2015

date moon day sunrise time Zodiac sign Entrance sign Moon phase
1 14 17:04 Growing
2 15 18:11 Moon
3 19:19 04:48
4 20:27 Full moon06:43
5 21:33 14:14
6 22:35 Waning moon
7 23:30 21:17
9 00:18
10 00:58 02:23
11 01:32
12 02:02 05:54
13 02:28
14 02:53 08:15
15 03:18
16 03:44 10:03
17 04:14
18 /1 04:49 12:28 New moon07:14
19 2

folk omen: Get out of bed facing the room and step on your right foot. Then the day will go smoothly. It is believed that January got its name in honor of the ancient Roman god of time, Janus. In Rus', he was called "cold" (from the word "cold") or "ask

Lunar calendar for February 2015

Folk sign: The right palm itches for profit, the left - for loss. February can be called a transitional period from winter to spring. It is already getting warmer, but at the beginning of the month the frosts do not recede yet. In addition, February is the shortest month of the calendar year;

Lunar calendar for March 2015

Folk sign: The left eye itches to tears, the right eye - to look at the sweetheart. Previously, they thought this: what March is, the whole spring (and sometimes summer) will be like that. It is still cold, but nature is already ready to wake up, the sun is becoming gentle. Anxiety instilled

Lunar calendar for April 2015

Folk omen. To avoid a quarrel at a party, cross the threshold with your right foot. Tips for April for everyone April is a month with unpredictable weather: the sun may come out, it may rain, or it may get colder. The earth hasn't warmed up yet.

Lunar calendar for May 2015

Folk sign: Spill salt - quarrel. To avoid this, you need to laugh or hit yourself on the forehead. Horoscope for May for all signs of the zodiac May is the warmest month of spring: the time when everything blooms. By this time there was no trace of winter,

Lunar calendar for June 2015

Folk sign: A cat stretches for a person - for renewal. Well, we waited ... The red summer has come! June is the first month of summer and the rainiest. During the summer solstice (June 21-22), anomalies often occur. June is the longest day in

Lunar calendar for July 2015

Folk sign: The ear is on fire - someone is talking. If the right ear is on fire, they speak the truth, if the left ear is a lie. Helpful Hints for July July is considered to be the warmest month of the year. For many, he is also the most long-awaited: it's time for vacations, and therefore, rest and

Lunar calendar for august 2015

Lunar tips and recommendations for August for all zodiac signs. Folk sign: The ear is on fire - someone is talking. If the right ear is on fire, they speak the truth, if the left ear is a lie. Useful tips for August August is the last month of the summer, as well as the time when

Lunar calendar for September 2015

Useful tips, tricks and tips for all signs of the zodiac Folk sign: If a person is mistaken for someone else, then he will soon have some kind of profit. What awaits us in September September is the first month of autumn.

Lunar calendar for October 2015

Useful tips, tips and recommendations for every day of October for all signs of the zodiac Folk sign: If you go to visit someone, you need to sit down at home and sit for a while so that they are well received there. What awaits us in October Mid-Autumn. Oct

The 4th Lunar day, according to its energy, is a passive day, it is better not to be active, but to spend this day calmly, without too much fuss.

It is better to dedicate this Lunar day to lofty thoughts, to increasing one's spirituality. It is ideal for walks in the forest, prayers, meditation, commemoration of ancestors, reading books. If you have strayed from your spiritual path, then on this day you will feel empty, it's time to think about it and find your way, the energy of this Lunar day will do its best to bring you back on track, set you on the path. Open your heart and it will guide you in the right direction.

The 4th day of the lunar calendar is very favorable for the start of training, advanced training. Everything will be easy to work out whose activities are connected with information technology, communication, telephony, internet.

At this time, one should not make quick decisions, it is better to think over everything ten times, and only then make a decision. Collective work is not recommended, you can not cut trees. People who were born on the 4th lunar day have some kind of cosmic secret, but at the same time they must know it themselves. It is also believed that these Lunar day can see prophetic dreams, especially if dead relatives dreamed in a dream.

Love and relationships

This Lunar Day is not considered suitable for romantic dates, especially if you expect a lot from it and have high hopes. On the 4th Lunar day, most people are prone to apathy, which is why any romantic mood is nullified.


On the 4th day of the lunar calendar, any work with wood will succeed, no matter what you do with it - sawing, planing, burning. Cutting down trees is not allowed. Good time to clean the house.


The weak organs are the larynx and cervical vertebrae. You can easily tear your voice, physical and emotional overwork is contraindicated. It is not recommended to drink alcohol. The day is well suited for the preparation of medicinal tinctures, plant-based.

business and money

All matters related to finances may not go very well, it is not recommended to start new business, but it is better to continue what you have started. This Lunar day is great for working on bugs.

First phase (quarter) of the Moon

Element: Earth. It begins with the appearance of a month in the sky and lasts exactly half the time from to. The first quarter corresponds to spring according to the solar calendar, that is, it means the beginning of everything. During the human brain is very active. If you make plans during this period, they will be extremely clear and understandable and will certainly bring good luck. Increased overall activity and desire to create. But you shouldn’t rush too much, it’s better to think over everything, calculate it and, slowly, start implementing the plan.

During this period there will be effective treatment eyes and heads. This period is also favorable agriculture. All plants planted during this lunar phase will grow well and produce a wonderful harvest.


The moon in this sign of the zodiac sets people up for harmony, good rest and peace. The possibility of disputes and conflicts is extremely low. People find it much easier to find a common language with others, make compromises, put up and forgive offenders.

On such days, great importance is attached to the norms of etiquette, rules of conduct and outward decency, so people become pleasant in communication, courteous and delicate. All desire to offend, quarrel and argue disappears. The mood is stable, there is an understanding of the opposite opinion and other points of view.

However, the Moon also rewards people with such qualities as hesitation, self-doubt and indecision. There are difficulties in making choices and important decisions, so it is postponed indefinitely. These days it is better to work on relationships, look for a compromise, joint solutions, hold meetings and negotiations where diplomatic qualities are required.

Moon without course (from Aug 4 7:27 to Aug 4 16:29)

The term " " refers to the period of the state of the Moon when it is, between the last major aspect with the planet in the current sign, and the moment of transition to the next sign.

  • Do not start new projects, important things with far-reaching plans.
  • Avoid important meetings with new people during this period.
  • Don't make expensive purchases.

How to use the period of the moon without a course

  • A good time to clean up the rubble, put things in order on the desktop or at home.
  • The right time for yoga, meditation or spiritual practices.
  • Rest and sleep will quickly restore your strength.
  • Fun activities and meetings with friends.
  • Good time to travel.
  • Enhanced intuition or a sixth sense will help in the search for unresolved, internal psychological problems. Best time to listen to your inner self.

People have long understood that he gives quality advice, helps to avoid unpleasant situations and brings closer to the desired result better than horoscopes or predictions.

Lunar calendar for each month of 2015, starting from March

Calendars are different, but this one ...

The concept of "calendar" arose a long time ago and has roots in the Latin language. So once in ancient Rome they called the promissory note, according to which all debtors paid interest and did it in the first days of the month. But the calendar in the traditional sense is a system for accounting for large and small periods of time, which is based on the movement of various celestial bodies.

During the existence of our planet, people created many calendars that helped peoples in different eras to coordinate the year, month, day, hour and minute. They are conditionally divided into three types:
- lunar. They were based on the periodicity of the motion of the moon;
- solar. By analogy, it is easy to understand that they were created on the basis of the trajectory of the Sun;
- lunisolar. In these calendars, astrologers used the knowledge gained about the periods of movement and phases of two celestial bodies at once.

There are several versions about the origin of the schedules of days and months that are important for a person, but scientists still continue to argue when and where the first lunar calendar arose.

People have long understood that it is easy to observe the Moon and its phases, but today it is difficult to understand who did it first. The Chinese, Greeks, Jews, Babylonians and other peoples recognized the lunar reckoning.
Babylon used its own lunar calendar.

It consisted of 12 months, which consisted of 29 or 30 days. This Muslim version is considered by many to be the very first and is still used in many Arab countries. The number of days in it changes in accordance with the first days of the month, which begin with the new moon. The total duration of the year is about 355 solar days. It is not difficult to calculate that it is ten days and nights less than the European year.

The version that the first lunar calendar originated in Mesopotamia in the 3rd millennium BC has the right to exist.

It was compiled in the state of the ancient Sumerians. Today it is the territory of Iraq, and the rivers Euphrates and Tigris still carry their waters there. The Siberian Yakuts also defend their right to authorship. A version is also registered that the first calendar was compiled on the island of Nicobar (the coast of Malaysia) about 500,000 years ago. India also gave great importance movement, position and phases of the moon. In this country, the most complete ancient characteristics and descriptions of lunar indicators are preserved.

IN ancient China The lunar calendar is especially revered among the inhabitants. This calculation procedure in an agrarian country has been used since 2 thousand years BC. We can say that its final design dates back to the Han era and was officially used until the 20th century. Each of the above versions has the right to exist, but the fact that it is in China that the formation of the calendar is closely connected with the conduct of agricultural work can hardly be denied.

In general, today it is impossible to say exactly which of the countries is the leader in creating a version for calculating the year and month by the phases of the moon. The peoples of the world have invested their knowledge in the modern Lunar calendar 2015, having gone through entire epochs. And today in many countries they use it, calculating weekdays and holidays, planning their day and making decisions.
How the human body reacts to the change of lunar phases

Our ancestors lived in complete harmony with nature. How exactly is the subject of study and research by scientists who have come to the conclusion that people in Ancient Rus' the lunisolar calendar was more commonly used.

They believed that due to the peculiarities of the climate, the Lunar calendar 2015 provided incomplete and unreliable information, therefore they recognized the traditional and familiar time calculation. It has its own rules and irregularities, which are manifested in the alternation of months with 30 and 31 days. The exception is February, which has 28 days and 29 once every four years.

The lunar calendar 2015 is more dynamic than similar solar and solar-lunar versions. The moon has a great influence on water, so the tides of the sea are mobile and changeable. It also affects all processes that occur in nature.

And if you observe, you can see that spring can be late, and winter can be early. Many people understood, and scientists supported them, that the influence of the Moon on the Earth did not stop. Therefore, for human health, well-being, it is important to take into account the phases of the moon, and the Lunar calendar 2015 provides significant assistance to people in this.

The human body clearly and promptly react to the change of the lunar phases. This is manifested in changes in water balance, metabolism and other processes important for life. All of them affect the general well-being, psychological state and behavior of a person.

These are general patterns, the description of which contains the Lunar calendar 2015, and their knowledge helps to navigate in making the right decision. After all, if it becomes clear to a person how best to act in a certain situation, then he will see his way in time and will not break through the wall with his head.

The best witnesses of the influence of the Moon on people and all living things on our planet are our grandmothers. Most of them use the Lunar calendar, coordinate all their actions according to it and do not consider it an echo of a past life.

They are sure that garden and garden work should be carried out exclusively on it. More and more people join their opinion today, especially women who do not believe in zodiac signs, feng shui and other star calendars.

Every day they look on the Internet and view the lunar version of the day, considering it true and relevant. They say that the lunar calendar has a special influence that many do not even know about.
But if you believe this and completely follow the prompts, you can qualitatively change your life and see the fateful signs in time. Of course, everything can be reduced to chance or guesswork, but the decision to believe or not in lunar phases remains with the person.

Definitely, the Moon affects a person at various periods of his life. Knowing and paying attention to specific information, you can direct life in the right direction in time. Overcoming obstacles and difficulties will come naturally and be beneficial.

The moon phase calendar will easily orient you to the upcoming cycles, and all the data obtained can be put into practice for your well-being. The energy that each new lunar day sends out is special and can contribute to or hinder success.

To better plan any successful activity, wellness treatment or vacation, you need such a calendar. And if you live according to it, then it will bring a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bpositivity and joy into life.
