Horoscope Libra April favorable days. What to expect for Libra in April according to the horoscope

Libras sometimes hide in the bushes rather than do anything. But in this way, your problems will not be solved in April. The Yellow Dog advises you to become bolder and more confident in yourself in order to achieve the desired result, both in work and in the financial sphere. The horoscope for April 2018 does not promise “easy” paths for Libra, but it will definitely help in all endeavors.

In their personal life, Libra also needs to wake up and become more proactive. Otherwise, not only the prince on a white horse will gallop past you, but also a cavalcade of fans. By the way, worthy and faithful. In April 2018, Libras need to do everything possible to ensure that a loved one appears on the horizon of their destiny. Don't be modest, but transform yourself into the image of a wild cat or a noble knight. The horoscope for April 2018 advises Libra not to whine and complain about the lack of love, but to transform in appearance and change some qualities. The main thing is, don’t overdo it and don’t impose yourself on someone who doesn’t really see you as a life partner. If you feel depression approaching, then find a “vest” who will listen to you and give you practical advice. Although, in April 2018, Libra themselves will be able, with the help of intuition, to choose one and only one from hundreds of suitors. Just look around carefully so as not to lose sight of it.

In April, Libras need to be cheerful and cheerful so as not to sow the blues around themselves. This way you can not only attract interesting personalities, but also find your “soul mate”. Don’t push time, because love chooses those who know how to wait and endure.

The April 2018 horoscope for Libra has prepared some unpleasant surprises in terms of health. Frequent colds, malaise and a debilitating cough are possible. Please note that if you follow preventive measures or get vaccinated, you will protect yourself from viral infection. In mid-April, Libra will suffer from back pain, and then chronic gastritis will remind itself. In general, you urgently need treatment in order to work hard and strengthen your financial situation. And no stress, universal melancholy and a sad mask on the face, because diseases adore pessimistic individuals. Moreover, Libra is constantly surrounded by caring and dear people.

The horoscope for April 2018 for Libra predicts a pleasant trip at the end of the month that will help lift your spirits. It is possible that this will not be just a trip, but a sanatorium-resort vacation. Life will change radically if you look at it from a different angle. In spring, Libra needs to breathe deeply and be true optimists, and not withdraw into themselves.

Health horoscope for April 2018 Libra

Horoscope for the month of April for other zodiac signs:

April will be a favorable period for Libra; there will be many interesting acquaintances and new opportunities will appear. There is no need to worry in vain, because even if something does not go according to plan, after a while you will understand that everything was only for the better. After reading the horoscope for April 2017, Libra will understand that a successful combination of circumstances will allow them to achieve success in many areas of life.


The Libra horoscope for April 2017 predicts for you possible problems with health. You should pay more attention to your body in order to avoid exacerbation of chronic diseases and other problems. Do not forget about proper rest and sleep, do not overwork, otherwise success in your work will cost you dearly.

Particular attention should be paid to nutrition if you neglect proper nutrition, then you may experience stomach problems. Women should consult a mammologist in order to prevent the possible development of the disease. It is advisable to spend as much time as possible outdoors and allow your eyes to take a break from screens.


April 2017 will be successful for you in terms of your career; you will be able to achieve your goals, as well as improve your relationships with colleagues. At the beginning of the month you should not make important decisions and change your place of work; the end of the month is more suitable for this. Once you decide to change jobs, you will not have the opportunity to return, so think carefully before making such an important decision. At the end of the month, a raise or increase in salary is possible, and lucrative business offers are also possible.

This month you will discover new talents in yourself and find use for them in your work. This will not go unnoticed; you will receive a reward for your efforts and initiative in your work.


As the Libra horoscope for April 2017 promises, there will be no problems with finances, you will even be able to afford to make large purchases. It is possible that new sources of income will emerge or an increase in wages. Despite the fact that there will be more than enough money this month, you should not spend it frivolously; this month is favorable for investments.


As promised love horoscope for April 2017, Libra will receive you many pleasant moments and surprises from your loved one. There are no problems in relationships this month unless you yourself ruin everything by comparing your loved one with others. Let go of the past and enjoy the time spent with your soulmate, do not forget to support and please your loved one.

In April, family representatives of the sign will be delighted not only by their loved one, but also by their children, who will surprise them with their achievements. Single representatives of the sign, despite a considerable number of fans, are not advisable to start a relationship this month. If you do meet the right person, then you should not idealize it in order to avoid disappointments in the future. Don’t rush things, to avoid big disappointments, it’s better to take a closer look at your potential partner.

Man - Libra

As the horoscope for April 2017 recommends, Libra - a man must take care of his appearance. Go shopping and update your wardrobe, men should look stylish and beautiful too. Choose clothes that are suitable for both work and everyday wear.

No problems are expected at work, but long business trips are possible, you should not refuse them, they can bring a promotion. But you should avoid alcohol, especially during a business trip, otherwise negative consequences cannot be avoided.

In April, Libra men will be fickle; an affair may appear on the side. Don't forget about family for the sake of momentary pleasure. It may seem to you that you made a mistake in choosing your life partner, but you should not make hasty conclusions.

This month you will become too straightforward, and this is unlikely to benefit you, try to keep your mouth shut. Creative men will undoubtedly be able to achieve success, and new hobbies are also possible.

Woman – Libra

April is a great time to change your appearance, don’t be afraid to experiment, they will only benefit you. Libra women will not adhere to a certain style of clothing in April; this month will bring variety to your life. You shouldn’t waste time and money on your appearance; in April, all experiments will be successful, so don’t be afraid of anything and change your image as you wish. Those around you will definitely notice your changes and efforts; this month you will receive many compliments and admiration.

For single Libra women, April will be a good time to look for a future spouse. It is possible that you are already familiar with it, but did not pay attention, so take a closer look at your surroundings. There is a good chance that among your acquaintances you will be able to find a partner for a relationship with whom you will be able to create a strong family. As the horoscope for April 2017 recommends, Libra is a woman who is family relationships, should listen to her husband and try to improve relations with him, bring back the romance. It will be useful to go on a trip together to take a break from routine and enjoy the time spent together.

Women are like a magnet for the energy of stars and planets. Ladies are very sensitive to changes in the energy flows of the Universe, so the Women's horoscope for April 2018 will help you find the right balance in life. It's no secret that women are more emotional than men. Emotions are born from thoughts and the environment, but sometimes they come out of nowhere. At least that’s what the girls and women themselves think. The fair sex is very dependent on stellar energy and changes in the movement of planets. In the article you will find the complete female horoscope for April 2018 for Libra. The main changes in April are the weakening of the Sun from the 20th, the return of “normal” Mercury and the fateful transition of Saturn into retrograde on the 18th. So, look further.

Horoscope for women for April 2018 for Libra

Get ready for a real spring flare-up. An elevated, romantic mood, sparkling eyes and confidence in the future - all this will be your companions throughout April. However, do not forget that sooner or later you will still have to return to earth. Your spiritual and airy person will require an appropriate environment. All primitive things and everyday conversations can irritate and even infuriate at times. This can lead to arguments and disagreements with friends and family. And how quickly the relationship will stabilize again depends only on your line of behavior. And to avoid misunderstandings, you can express your emotional outbursts through art. Perhaps it's time for you to take up painting or master decoupage techniques. Despite the desire to dwell in rosy dreams, you should not completely lose your head and lose your sanity. Otherwise, those who are unable to sleep peacefully with your success will rush to take advantage of this. And there are plenty of such ill-wishers. Therefore, you should not weaken your iron grip, even if the mood is too playful and too light. Don't forget about your nutrition. In April it should be more balanced and complete than ever. All your snacks on the go and forced fasting, due to the inability to organize a normal meal, will lead to problems throughout the digestive system.

Women's horoscope for April 2018 Libra

Venus will completely lose its relevance on April 24, so Libra women will need to reconsider their strategy at the end of the month and beyond. April as a whole will be a fairly positive month, but at the very end you risk losing everything. Do not plan to spend money or make major purchases for the last week of April. This is fraught with consequences. The sun will also become weaker, but already on the 20th. His transition to Taurus will make you more free in terms of thoughts and self-realization. The negativity will go away, but you will have to pay for it somehow. In April, representatives of the sign will face health problems. The illness will not be dangerous - most likely a cold - but it will take all your strength out of you for a long time. Against this background, depression may develop, which can be overcome by regular communication with loved ones and their support.

Women's horoscope for April 2018 for Libra

You are ready to completely immerse yourself in your personal life, pushing all other areas into the background. Your head will be filled with romantic meetings under the moon, the adoration and admiration of fans, as well as your own importance in relation to existing rivals. But is it worth it to spread yourself so thin and immerse yourself in personal relationships and ups and downs, when there are still many extraneous matters and problems looming on the horizon. If you can’t cope with your own romance on your own and you can’t set your priorities correctly, you can use the help of auxiliary tools. This could be reading special, motivating books or attending specialized courses that will occupy your free time and distract you from frivolity. At work, you should also show moderation and stop placing all responsibility on your fragile, feminine shoulders. You are not a draft horse to pull your own and at the same time someone else’s load. This is where you can show your true guts and be weak and helpless for a little while, thereby stimulating the initiative of your male colleagues.

Libra - astrological forecast for April

Magazine: Daria Horoscope No. 3, 2018
Category: Astro forecast for April
Stand guard over your personal boundaries!


For most of April, the Sun and Mercury will be in the 7th field of your horoscope, responsible for partnerships and external relations. Your demand as a specialist will increase; people will turn to you every now and then for advice and consultation. Based on recommendations from old clients, new ones will come and will also be very satisfied with the quality of your services.
At the same time, Mercury, which will move backward until April 15, can create obstacles in negotiations; some previous agreements will now be revised. It is in April that previously made shortcomings can come to light and slow things down - be mentally prepared for this.
The key advice for April is: “Do not conflict with those on whom you depend.” The temptation to criticize the opinions and decisions of management, an important partner or a major client will be high, and if you succumb to it, then by the end of the month you risk finding yourself broke. Moreover, the April disputes will not be forgotten and may cause complications in affairs in August.
It is better to plan the start of new projects on any day after the 15th, when Mercury returns to direct motion. By the way, the planet will move along the 8th field of the horoscope, and after the 20th the Sun will join it - in short, the second half of the month, especially its third decade, promises good profits and great success in matters related to property, loans, insurance , capital consolidation.


Mercury retrograde until April 15 encourages you to be especially picky when making new acquaintances. Walk past a person who, from the first minutes of communication, is trying to find out the details of your personal life under any pretext. Most likely, this person wants to find your “sore spot” and use this information against you in the future. So, when you find yourself in a new company, talk about abstract topics - do not talk about personal matters.
In the first half of the month, quarrels with your significant other are likely. Their reasons may be your excessive demands on your partner and lack of attention to what he wants and needs. You'll have to change your behavior pattern if you don't want serious scandals with long-lasting consequences. Don't make decisions about both of them alone.
The second half of April is a great time for undertakings related to housing issues. Some Libra may receive an offer from a partner to live together. Some couples will finally get their own home or even inherit an apartment (this is possible thanks to Venus from the 8th astrological house). The likelihood of disagreements still remains - try to resolve conflicts at an early stage.


Due to the unfavorable influence of the Sun, you will feel a lack of energy on April 1-9. Apathy may be accompanied by jumps blood pressure and exacerbation of cardiovascular disease. Try to reduce physical and mental stress, and resort to music therapy to restore strength.
April 11-22 Venus forms a harmonious aspect to Mars. At this time, it is recommended not to sit at home, but, for example, attend a yoga class, gymnastics, dance, or go to the gym for a workout. Surely there will be someone among your loved ones who will agree to keep you company.
Concerns about health that emerged in the last ten days of April will most likely turn out to be unfounded. Try to abstract yourself from unpleasant symptoms.

The world

Saturn, under whose influence the first ten days of April will pass, welcomes prudence and slowness. Walk, but don't run towards your goal, otherwise you will stumble. Calculate your every action, analyze the possible consequences of your decisions. Do not agree to adventures and give up the idea of ​​​​participating in the lottery: the likelihood of luck is extremely low.
The period from April 12 to April 24 will be emotionally intense, warns disharmoniously located Pluto. As if by conspiracy, those around you will begin to get on your nerves. Moreover, relationships with representatives of your own zodiac sign can become especially tense. Whenever you get irritated, count to ten to yourself. Perhaps during this time you will have time to come to your senses and will not say something to your interlocutor that you will later regret.
New acquaintances, important meetings and events await you in last week April, when Venus moves into Gemini. On the 27th or 28th, relatives or friends will ask for help. Before providing it, finish your own affairs.

Favorable days: 7, 8, 12, 16, 22, 27
Not favorable days : 1, 9, 15, 24

April will be one of the most successful and positive months in 2018 for Libra. In mid-spring, a favorable and harmonious astrological situation will develop for representatives of this sign. This month, Libra will be surrounded by everyone's attention and will simply glow with happiness, charging those around them with positive energy and optimism.

The first ten days of the month will bring pleasant chores and spring bustle to Libra. Representatives of the sign will be involved in vigorous activities that will give them pleasure. The work will ultimately bring good material rewards. And as a reward for solving everyday problems, Libra will hear words of gratitude from their loved ones. This will greatly increase their self-esteem and inspire them to new achievements.

Inspired by their success, Libra will try to perform many tasks at the same time. But the horoscope does not recommend that they grab onto everything at once, otherwise they will not be able to complete a single task.

In the first ten days of April, Libra will be able to resolve many controversial issues and find a compromise in difficult situations. During this period, any business cooperation will be successful. Libra will also be able to improve relationships with loved ones and find mutual understanding. But the horoscope still recommends Libra to restrain their manifestation of authority and control over others.

In the second decade, representatives of the zodiac sign will experience complete harmony and peace. Personal relationships will bring only joy and positive emotions. A favorable situation will develop at work, all conflict situations will be resolved, and you will enjoy your relationship with the team.

During this period, Libra will have a great opportunity to conclude a profitable deal and improve their financial situation. But try to manage your finances correctly - avoid unnecessary spending.

In the third ten days of April, Libra will experience a spring mood and bright positive emotions. This will add natural charm to the representatives of the sign and make them very attractive to the opposite sex. Romantic dates and walks under the moonlight await you, so don’t hold back your emotions and enjoy life. Married couples should also not stay at home during this period, because this is a wonderful period to revive their relationships and add fresh notes to them.

Horoscope for April 2018 for Libra women

According to the horoscope, in April 2018, Libra women are expected to be with a work colleague. Stormy feelings will suddenly overwhelm you and simply drive you crazy. This time prudence and caution will fail the representatives of the sign, and love will push them to do crazy things. The horoscope still recommends that you not take actions that could damage your reputation.

The main priority in April for Libra women will be their personal life and everything connected with it. You may need proof of your partner's fidelity. But you shouldn’t be too jealous, because your suspicions have no serious basis.

April will be a busy period in terms of health for Libra women. Remember that now your strength is running out, and your health can seriously fail. Therefore, you should not overwork and overload your body. Spend more time outdoors, go for massage and physiotherapy.

The first half of the month will bring unrest related to the financial situation. You will be inspired to think about your financial future. This period will not be the most favorable for business, although it will be more profitable than last month.

The second half of April will bring you good financial growth, which will last until the end of May. To achieve success, you must take a non-standard approach and show originality.

Horoscope for April 2018 for Libra men

The beginning of the month for Libra men will not be the most active period, but with the arrival of each new warm day, you will be more and more filled with energy. The influence of Mars will make you be harsh and do rash things. You will have a desire to prove to everyone your strength and masculinity.

The main priorities this month will be partnerships and personal relationships, communication with friends. Mid-April will be a suitable time for single Libra to make new acquaintances.

In April, everyday life, bustle and everyday worries will take up almost all your free time. Try to find at least a little time to take care of your health.

The financial situation in the first half of April will not be the most progressive for Libra men. Towards the middle of the month there will be a favorable situation for resolving any business issues.

Love horoscope for April 2018

In April, representatives of the Libra sign will enlist the support of the stars in romantic relationships. Lonely Libra will be able to find their soulmate during this period. The horoscope strongly recommends that you be more confident and decisive, and forget about your modesty for a while. Confidence should not leave you even for a minute. Look at your reflection in the mirror - you are simply charming.

Libras should be bolder and not afraid to be in the center of everyone's attention. Then you will be guaranteed success with the opposite sex. Remember that acquaintance this month will be fateful and by the end of April you may receive a marriage proposal. The stars still do not recommend giving a final answer before the full moon on April 30. Try to get to know your chosen one better.

During this period, family representatives of the sign will feel that the relationship with their loved one is becoming deeper, warmer and more tender. But in April, life will be complicated by conflicts with close relatives who will try to impose their opinion on you. Libras need to learn to make their own decisions, otherwise their personal life will be at risk.

Financial horoscope for April 2018

In April 2018, new career prospects will open up for Libra. You may be offered to participate in a new project. Be sure to use this opportunity to gain new knowledge and expand your horizons. Don't be upset if your financial situation doesn't improve immediately. You should wait a little, and your work will be appreciated.

This is a favorable period to properly strengthen your financial situation. Success in your career promises to bring good profits. The stars advise you to be thrifty and careful and avoid unnecessary expenses. Also, you should not make responsible decisions during the new moon on April 16th. This day will be extremely unfavorable for financial transactions.

Libra health in April 2018

The stars will give gifts to representatives of the sign in April good health and excellent health. But in order to preserve this gift, you will have to make a little effort:

  • Spend more time in nature, especially since spring sunny days are so conducive to this.
  • Follow your diet because April is when you are at your most vulnerable. digestive system. During this period, you should forget about salty, spicy and fatty foods. But sometimes it still doesn’t hurt to cheer yourself up with something sweet.
  • Get rid of it quickly bad habits, because the owner of this year, the Yellow Dog, will not tolerate neglect of her health.
  • Be extremely careful on the road, because during this period there is a risk of getting into an accident.
  • Avoid heavy ones physical activity which can lead to problems with the musculoskeletal system. But doing fitness or yoga will only bring benefits to your body.

Watch the video and find out what else fate has in store for you:

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