Sagittarius exact love horoscope for September. Sagittarius - horoscope for September

Stunning discoveries await Sagittarius lovers in September 2019. There is no need to guess how these events will affect relationships with chosen ones. Just read the exact love horoscope for September 2019.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius for September 2019

Only in September can Sagittarius feel like heroes of melodramas. This month the stars give them wide scope for action. If you want to grieve about unfulfilled hopes, you will experience unrequited love. If you dream of sublime feelings, take the opportunity and build relationships immediately.

Sagittarians are very susceptible to the influence of emotions. They can regard even the slightest failure as a sign warning of the futility of feelings. Filled with the energy of the Sun and imbued with the power of their patron Jupiter, Sagittarius will be surrounded by admirers.

If you don’t want to start relationships with unworthy people, show maximum prudence in choosing partners. In September, the most important task for Sagittarius is to reject prejudices and temptations. Starting an affair with a good man, you will find long-awaited peace. Those who previously caused a real stir in your fantasy will not become reliable companions, at least in September.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius women for September 2019

Until September 22, 2019, Sagittarius women will have a unique opportunity to return their former love. Mercury is moving in the opposite direction before this period, so it is better not to miss the chance to restore relationships. In the near future, this will no longer happen and the stars will not show favor to those who look at their past with loving eyes.

Towards the end of September, representatives of this zodiac sign will finally feel peace. Even if they fail to find their soul mate now, this fact will not bring any frustration.

Deserves special attention intimate life Sagittarius girls. Love horoscope for September promises them increased attention from members of the opposite sex. Very close relationships with some of them will only make you happy.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius men for September 2019

In September 2019, single Sagittarius men will have a thousand and one reasons to start an affair with an experienced woman. Such a desire will be provoked by Mars, which will converge favorably with Uranus in the middle of the month. Unbridled sex and enthusiastic words addressed to you during this period will be guaranteed to you.

Modest but charming Sagittarius men who have already found a mate will have a hard time. Your chosen one will not match your sexual activity. To maintain harmony in relationships, it is better to direct your energy to the spiritual sphere. In September, astrologers recommend that Sagittarius pay attention to joint hobbies, designed to bring couples together even stronger.

Sagittarius men are told by the stars themselves to get married in early autumn. However, an alliance should be concluded only if there is confidence in the seriousness of own feelings. The best dates for marriage: September 3, 16 and 25. Children conceived by Sagittarius will be born into a financially secure and loving family, so men should be grateful to the onset of pregnancy in September.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius for other months of 2019

Representatives of the fire element are always full of energy and are constantly doing something. So Sagittarians rarely have days when they are overcome by laziness, and they spend several hours in a row on the couch. The horoscope for September 2018 for the sign of Sagittarius recommends that this month you forget about laziness and work hard! However, in the last few months, representatives of this sign are ready not just to work, but to wage a real battle with all the surging affairs. This approach cannot but inspire those around you, who, looking at how you stubbornly strive through thorns to the stars, want to imitate you in everything.

On the way to your goal in a given period of time, no one except another Sagittarius is capable of becoming you. Use it to complete all your unfinished business and projects, as well as to discover something new, interesting and promising.

Sagittarius horoscope for September 2018: woman and man, health and finances, love and relationships.

Serious relationships are not for you... You are used to not being serious about all your lovers and change them, as they say, like gloves. You perceive the relationship with your new partner as nothing more than a hobby and an interesting pastime. You are doing this solely because you yourself do not understand what you want to get from this relationship. Perhaps your time has not yet come?

Advice for Sagittarius for September: clutter in the head produces disorder in business, which is important to remember. In order to do as much as possible at work, you will need to make peace with your colleagues. Do not neglect your relationships with your workmates, because at the right moment they will be able to seriously help you.

What could be better than making your dreams come true? Probably just enjoy the already fulfilled dream. In September, the stars predict the emergence of new desires that you will want to bring to life. The process promises to not be too long, but interesting and exciting. Improve your skills and start learning languages ​​previously unknown to you. Today, knowledge is money, so you need to earn as much of it as possible.

Love horoscope for September 2018

Go look for your destiny - this is the main recommendation of astrologers for this month. Get together with friends, attend cultural and not so cultural events, and do everything possible to meet new men. The stars can't say for sure whether one of your new acquaintances will just become good friend, or it will develop into something more. However, one thing is certain - you will spend more than a single wonderful evening with this still unknown handsome man.

For Sagittarius women

Sagittarius women do not make their choice just like that. Before agreeing to a second date, they try to find out as much as possible about their partner. more information. First of all, they are interested in the type of man, his financial situation and hobbies.

Don't think that Sagittarians are mercantile. They do not need wealth and expensive gifts, but behind an active man they can feel like behind a stone wall, knowing that they will not be lost with him. In most cases, already on the first date, women of this sign are disappointed in their companion, but the upcoming meeting should not be from this category. The stars recommend that you do not try to look for shortcomings, but rather study the pros more carefully. Some of positive aspects will be able to more than cover all the minor shortcomings that are characteristic of every person.

Advice from a love horoscope. U For the established couples, everything is as beautiful as ever. You try to encourage your lover to have a more romantic relationship, you want to be desired, and you have to constantly remind him of this. Please note that not all male representatives can say the word “love” out loud. Often this manifests itself in a variety of, on the one hand, strange, on the other, touching actions.

For Sagittarius men

Astrologers recommend that Sagittarius men carefully examine the circle of their female acquaintances whom you consider friends. Since friendship between the opposite sex is almost impossible, think, maybe your friend is in love with you? Take a closer look at her - maybe this is the kind of woman you need.

Scandals have recently become more frequent in the families of married Sagittarius. You can’t walk around a single day without starting to talk in a raised voice by the evening. Most of the time it ends in a stormy night, but not always. This happens because you do not feel the spark in your marriage that has accompanied you over the years.

Financial horoscope for September 2018

September is ideal for starting new projects, no matter whether you are employed or have your own business.

  • There is no need to rush if the project is long-term, but at least it’s worth starting.
  • In September, you can build a high-quality plan for future work, make calculations, and consult with experienced people.
  • It would also be a good idea to prepare a plan “B” in case the parts of the project that are especially difficult to implement do not succeed in the form in which they were originally planned.

Such zeal is needed so that while all other employees are just beginning to recover from their vacations, you are already at high speed and tirelessly rushing towards the coveted promotion.

Recommendation: What Sagittarius often lacks is motivation to act. Where can you find that same desire to act? First, you need to exclude social networks from the search area. Apart from quotes about the success of unknown people, there is nothing else there and cannot be. You need to master time management, or simply a system for effectively managing your time.

The less time left in the day to do meaningless things, the better. Proper time management will make it much easier to achieve your goals and objectives.

Sagittarians love dreams of how they will have their own, albeit not very large, but profitable business that will bring them stable income. The magnificent dream of becoming a businessman can begin to come true as early as September. Don’t refuse the help that your loved ones and friends will offer you; now is not the time to turn on heightened pride mode.

You don’t realize it yet, but most of your friends have good contacts with people who can seriously help you if you decide to open your own business.

Health horoscope for September 2018

Even the stars were surprised by the changes in your mood and character. Since when did Sagittarius women start waking up early in the morning, trying to stick to a schedule and eat right? You strive to look great regardless of your age, so you almost never refuse to pamper your body. SPA - treatments, solarium, massage and swimming pool - a list of things that are guaranteed to lift your spirits, regardless of what is happening in your life this moment. Try to acquire new knowledge and sciences every day, developing your memory and thinking.

Advice: It's time to make it a norm for yourself to have a regular full check-up with a doctor. You are used to going to the doctors only when something is already sick, but a preventive examination can help avoid most of the negative aspects that may arise when the treatment procedure is delayed.

The cardiovascular system was never yours strong point, and at any moment it can fail - so an inspection in the near future will not hurt.

What else do astrologers advise Sagittarius in September 2018?

from 3.09 to 9.09. These days, first dates and meeting new people can go most smoothly. It is worth spending more time with children, devoting most of your free time to them. Gifts to loved ones will also not be superfluous, even if there is no reason for this.

from 10.09 to 16.09. The stars recommend making several purchases that will bring comfort to your home. However, you should not spend a lot of money on this. Worth reducing these days physical exercise, devote a significant part of your personal time to rest. The only thing is, don’t forget about morning exercises.

from 17.09 to 23.09. On this day you can afford to splurge and make a major purchase. During this period, more than any other, it will be favorable to enter into a marriage or make major transactions.

Full description on the topic: “love horoscope for a Sagittarius man (guy) for the month of September 2018” from the best astrologers.

The Year of the Yellow Dog will turn into a constant search for mutual feelings and care for you. Allow yourself to enjoy the love in the air, but don't lose your head and act thoughtfully. To calculate all the surprises, check out the love horoscope for Sagittarius for 2018.

What surprises can Sagittarius women and men expect in winter?

The beginning of the year will bring Sagittarius increased sensitivity and thirst for attention. Those who have recently experienced a breakup will especially feel the longing for affection. The desire to be needed will lead single representatives of the sign to search for a suitable partner, and it will be a stormy process. Those who recently felt comfortable alone will begin to actively go on dates.

Perhaps Sagittarius will decide to limit themselves to only a series of sexual adventures, leaving their partners literally the next day. Care should be taken to ensure that such a turbulent personal life does not result in undesirable consequences.

If you make an attempt to start a relationship, and do not limit yourself to short-term connections, then you should not expect success. You will make too many demands, pushing away new acquaintances. Having found the right person, you will begin to get closer to him, then part with him.

Be as careful as possible with people who met you at the end of January. These are those sneaky and cunning people

Sagittarians who are in a relationship will think that their partner has cooled off towards them. It will begin to seem to you that the feelings are no longer mutual, that you have stopped being loved. Talk to your crush and discuss the problem, otherwise apparent serenity will lead to a gradual escalation of the situation.

Family representatives of the sign are also expected to seek a greater response from their spouse. You will try to get the missing attention in the intimate sphere, and if you do not get the proper return, you will think about cheating. Be patient and don’t do anything rash, everything should be fine by summer.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius for spring 2018

Sagittarians who have not found the right person will continue a series of short novels. Your innate charm will help you seduce others without any extra effort. However, all these affairs are just an attempt to assuage the feeling of longing for warmth and stability. Slow down, don’t rush to every more or less interesting object, but focus on finding a worthwhile partner.

Sagittarians, inspired by the spring season, will experience incredible awe and tenderness towards their loved ones. Loud words and romantic actions, including marriage proposals, await their halves.

March and April are the most suitable months for a wedding.

While Sagittarians feel elated, their partners may become jealous. You will spend a lot of time at work, pursuing a career, which will cause indignation of your passion. If your conscience is clear, then an honest Yellow Dog will help solve the difficulties that have arisen.

Light flirting at work will help you achieve considerable success in your career, but you should not abuse it and lead to an office romance, especially if you are married. Your angry significant other will do everything to put an end to your career

Jealousy will come into the lives of family Sagittarius, but this time they will experience it themselves. Do not overdo it, as surveillance and interference in your spouse's affairs will only lead to greater discord. The horoscope is encouraging: if you control your suspicions, you will definitely be able to enjoy the emotional upsurge of spring.

What to expect in the summer

Sagittarius will settle down and plunge into other areas of life, especially business. They will try to distance themselves from love, to rest, but it is at this moment that they will meet a special person. Probably an unexpected acquaintance is exactly what you have been waiting for the whole beginning of the year. A newfound passion will not only bring romance back into your life, but will also help you reach new heights in personal growth.

In July, single Sagittarius may be drawn to their exes, but the horoscope warns: this is definitely not the best idea!

In August, Sagittarius, inspired by love, will experience a powerful emotional and creative uplift, which will have a positive impact on both their work and self-development. Perhaps during this period you will make a spontaneous decision to get married.

Squabbles in family life must finally come to an end. Sagittarius will calm down their jealousy and stop feeling unnecessary. Together with your spouse, you will discuss the existing problems and figure out how to solve them. Don’t push your loved one, don’t be afraid to give in on something, and then you will enjoy the summer in each other’s company.

What will autumn be like?

Lonely Sagittarius will regain their thirst for universal admiration. In the autumn, you will not be able to build a truly strong union, but you will have a great time. Compliments, gifts and dates will significantly increase your self-esteem. The main thing is not to completely lose yourself in romance, otherwise difficulties will arise at work and in relationships with family.

Astrologers advise: it is better not to start a romantic relationship in November. Take time for yourself. How long have you been doing what you love?

Sagittarius will need their partners. Provide support, comfort and help, then they will be endlessly grateful to you. Participation will strengthen your connection and fill it with an atmosphere of comfort and mutual understanding. In addition, Sagittarius will feel a surge of tenderness towards their lovers, which will have a positive effect on the relationship.

Married Sagittarians should also not refuse to help their spouses. It may be best for you to step back for a while and let your loved one make decisions about your future together. Such compliance and support will add new colors to the marriage.

Do not give in to your suspicions, then you will be able to enjoy the upcoming amorous adventures. But don’t let romance consume you completely, and then the Year of the Yellow Dog will pass without consequences.

Stunning discoveries await Sagittarius lovers in September 2018. There is no need to guess how these events will affect relationships with chosen ones. Just read the exact love horoscope for September 2018.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius for September 2018

Only in September can Sagittarius feel like heroes of melodramas. This month the stars give them wide scope for action. If you want to grieve about unfulfilled hopes, you will experience unrequited love. If you dream of sublime feelings, take the opportunity and build relationships immediately.

Sagittarians are very susceptible to the influence of emotions. They can regard even the slightest failure as a sign warning of the futility of feelings. Filled with the energy of the Sun and imbued with the power of their patron Jupiter, Sagittarius will be surrounded by admirers.

If you don’t want to start relationships with unworthy people, show maximum prudence in choosing partners. In September, the most important task for Sagittarius is to reject prejudices and temptations. By starting an affair with a good person, you will find long-awaited peace. Those who previously caused a real stir in your fantasy will not become reliable companions, at least in September.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius women for September 2018

Until September 22, 2018, Sagittarius women will have a unique opportunity to return their former love. Mercury is moving in the opposite direction before this period, so it is better not to miss the chance to restore relationships. In the near future, this will no longer happen and the stars will not show favor to those who look at their past with loving eyes.

Towards the end of September, representatives of this zodiac sign will finally feel peace. Even if they fail to find their soul mate now, this fact will not bring any frustration.

The intimate life of Sagittarius girls deserves special attention. The love horoscope for September promises them increased attention from members of the opposite sex. Very close relationships with some of them will only make you happy.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius men for September 2018

In September 2018, single Sagittarius men will have a thousand and one reasons to start an affair with an experienced woman. Such a desire will be provoked by Mars, which will converge favorably with Uranus in the middle of the month. Unbridled sex and enthusiastic words addressed to you during this period will be guaranteed to you.

Modest but charming Sagittarius men who have already found a mate will have a hard time. Your chosen one will not match your sexual activity. To maintain harmony in relationships, it is better to direct your energy to the spiritual sphere. In September, astrologers recommend that Sagittarius pay attention to joint hobbies, designed to bring couples together even stronger.

Sagittarius men are told by the stars themselves to get married in early autumn. However, an alliance should be concluded only if you are confident in the seriousness of your own feelings. The best dates for marriage: September 3, 16 and 25. Children conceived by Sagittarius will be born into a financially secure and loving family, so men should be grateful to the onset of pregnancy in September.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius for other months of 2018

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The love horoscope for Sagittarius for 2018 is a treasury of positive impressions and romantic encounters! Sagittarius, as natural enthusiasts and fun-loving people, will get into rhythm with the flow of love, capturing their other half as well. The patroness of the year, the Earth Dog, does not skimp on gifts and is ready to bring joy to those who take relationship issues responsibly.

  1. Love and romance.
  2. Love horoscope for Sagittarius for 2018: relationships.
  3. Advice from the stars.
  4. Valentine's Day horoscope 2018 for Sagittarius.

Love and romance

At the beginning of the Year of the Earth Dog, Sagittarius will recharge in search of romantic adventures. Try to find a balance: it is better to spend the first three weeks of 2018 with close people who will help you cope with the active pace. After January 21 and until February 14, single representatives of the fire sign will find pockets of fun. Those in a relationship will show exceptional generosity towards their lover. On the eve of spring, you provide him with support and warmth, and at the beginning of March you deign to see the opposite reaction from him.

In April, Sagittarius will understand that pleasure and responsibility in love are not mutually exclusive. Spring is coming, and romance is on its own - head to places where kind and decent people hang out. There there are chances to meet interesting people for comfortable and long-term communication. Between May 18 and June 22, the stars promise pleasant troubles for Sagittarius. You will have to love the one who is always there - try to refrain from complaining about your loved one.

The first week of June is filled with high expectations. Sagittarius is planning either a new relationship or the possibility of sudden falling in love. It is important not to hold back the situation just because you don’t see any prospects. Even if this does not work out, by July 23 happiness will be in your hands. In the summer, passions run high, and couples in love will begin strange battles with a hint of jealousy. August predicts a lot of excitement from joys and passions. Go for at least a short weekend with your partner to enjoy the picturesque landscapes of nature.

By the third week of September Sagittarius' innate sense of humor gathers fans around them– there is a prospect of renewing old ones friendly relations. Former lovers again fall for your charms, like insects for rays of light. At the end of October, singles will hear new confessions from old acquaintances, which will put them in an awkward position. Do not rush to make a decision - until November 11, your matters of the heart may be at the stage of uncertainty. At the end of November, you will be able to make an informed decision that will bring joy to everyone.

Sagittarians are good at finding a mate quickly and are open to communication. They fool themselves into thinking, “We're just friends,” but this is a ploy to avoid taking steps towards intimacy. Anyone who goes on a date with a Sagittarius is the object of their love interest. So behind the hidden self-deception of Sagittarius lies hope for sincere feelings.

Mars rules your romance sector, providing plenty of drive for a vibrant love life. In 2018, he will deal a double blow to Sagittarius. When Mars is in its own sign (the monasteries of Aries and Scorpio), it will touch your heartstrings. The pure warmth and energy of Mars will create a hot, romantic and fun love life. At this time, Sagittarius men will receive the consent of their beloved to propose marriage.

Uranus will give the final push for change in the love sector until May 15, 2018, and then it will return there at the end of the year. Between these moments is yours romantic life is in a state of calm and quiet jubilation. After November and until 2019, you will again encounter surprises in the love sphere - perhaps someone will return to your life and become important to you again.

Venus stimulates the romantic area of ​​your general horoscope from March 7 to April 1, 2018, and tender love can bloom with her presence. At this time, be prepared to be happy and also get rid of any misunderstandings with the opposite sex. Love life is characterized by mannerism, gallantry and charm. A warm and attentive attitude towards each other will only strengthen your feelings.

From March 21 to April 21, 2018, the Sun illuminates your love sphere. Increased strength, energy and love. Use this period to spend more time in the sun with your loved one. Spend time at fun activities where you can relax and laugh.

The New Moon on April 16, 2018 also enters your romance zone, sprouting new seeds of love. Lonely Sagittarius is advised to pay attention to the people you meet on this day, or a day later. Perhaps a new acquaintance will mark a new stage in your romantic life.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius for 2018: relationships

For Sagittarius, relationships are not only hugs and kisses, but also close verbal communication with your loved one. They can talk for hours about the sublime, showing themselves to be a submissive intellectual and talker. Sagittarians can feel “trapped” if they are alone with someone for a long time. They get lost. And sometimes they want to run away or leave. As soon as they calm down, they will immediately return to their usual romantic pace.

Sagittarians are sincerely happy when they are loved. They try their best to find a common path with their partner. The person with whom they connect their life is easy-going, inquisitive and sociable.. In general, they spend hours talking about lofty matters, not paying attention to time frames. A person who is drawn to travel and short trips will defeat other contenders in marriage bets for Sagittarius.

This year, Jupiter, the planet that rules Sagittarius, moves into its abode for the first time in 12 years. This will happen in November 2018. There is an improvement in general trends in all areas of life. Sagittarius will feel a surge of optimism, bright impulses in relationships, life will begin to be permeated with silk threads of love and romance.

From April 24 to May 19, Venus will bring love and beauty to your marriage or close personal relationships when it transits the opposite sign of Gemini. Now you will be very happy with your partner and will see him in a good light. You might miss its flaws for a moment, seeing only the inner beauty or strength. Everything works in both directions - you love him, and he reciprocates affectionately. A great time for Sagittarius to get married, or make serious promises to their partner.

The new moon in your partnership area on June 13, 2018 will be the start of something new. If you are a member serious relationship or in marriage, then you will notice the starting point for new feelings. If you are single, you may find someone special now.

The people you meet on this day, a day earlier or a day later, will be important in the relationship. The first week after the New Moon is almost like incubation period: What happens during this time will be built into the rest of the time frame. Also the period is favorable for the manifestation of subtle vibrations of tenderness and care for your partner.

For Sagittarius, the planet Mercury has a lot to say about marriage and serious relationships. In 2018, he will be in retrograde motion three times, when all processes will slow down and events will be postponed. From March 23 to April 15, from July 26 to August 19, from November 17 to December 6, 2018, Sagittarius is not recommended to make rash decisions about relationships. At this time, do not sign any documents related to the partnership.

From June 25 to August 27, 2018, the ruler of the sector of love and romance, the planet Mars is in retrograde motion. This means that Sagittarians need to be careful with their emotions. Avoid aggression, conflicts in love, do not judge your partner superficially. Calmness and balance are your best advisor for 2 months.

A general warning for all zodiac signs, including Sagittarius. From October 6 to November 16, 2018, the planet of beauty and love, Venus, is in retrograde motion. Do not rush to conclusions about a new acquaintance; it is not recommended to sign marriage or divorce documents. If you have started a relationship, then after this period it will improve only if you mutually invest strength in your union. Retrograde periods of planets are natural; this is a period for reassessing values ​​and analyzing the current situation.

Valentine's Day Horoscope 2018 for Sagittarius

On Valentine's Day, On February 14, 2018, Sagittarius will be in the mood for a friendly pastime. On this day they are not in the mood for deep romance, although they certainly will not refuse kisses and hugs. The planet Uranus will make a harmonious aspect to your marriage ruler, so single Sagittarians need to either make heartfelt declarations of love or expect them from the opposite party.

What to give a Sagittarius for Valentine's Day? Given his passion for travel and knowledge, the best gift would be a trip to a resort or a book about exciting adventures. Joint trips with your significant other are a great time for Sagittarius to relax and join the universal rhythm.

Fire sign people love to have fun, so... the gift can be presented with humor in the form of a joke or a practical joke. But don't exaggerate - they wouldn't want to be offended on this day. The atmosphere of romance should not be lost - draw hearts around everything, stick stickers, hang red balloons with inscriptions about love. In general, Valentine's Day should have elements of sociability, not without laughter and thematic quests, so it is advisable to prepare the holiday in advance, according to a well-thought-out scenario.

Sagittarius horoscope for September 2017.

In September 2017, Sagittarius, like Libra, will be ruled by anti-logic! But, if Libra fights the anti-logic of this world, then Sagittarius, just the opposite, will produce it! For example, if, according to statistics, 60% of people don’t think well on Monday, then Sagittarius will confidently include themselves in the remaining 20%. And they will be absolutely not interested in either mathematics or anti-logic - such decisions. And all because in September 2017, Sagittarius will be too confident that they are right.

Moreover, they are so confident that, judging by the horoscope, next month You will not only feel too confident on the “swing” of life, but you will also swing it yourself. And in September 2017, there will be a lot of “pumping”, sometimes up and sometimes down. But, no matter how “rocked” you are, you will stand in your positions. And so confident that your confidence will easily be passed on to others. Your confidence and energy will allow, without waiting for the New Year, already in September 2017 - in many ways to “start new life" The only obstacle will be that it is always easier for Sagittarius to give up what you have than what you DO NOT have... If you can overcome this eternal problem of yours, you will really be able to “step far” in September 2017 forward" in your Life.

That is why the horoscope for September 2017 Sagittarius once again reminds you that Life is not what happens, but what you let through yourself! Therefore, try to skip only the good and leave the bad to your enemies. After all, what kind of Sagittarius is there without enemies or envious people? And although for Sagittarius other people’s opinions have always been and will be of little use, in September try to listen, but not to advice, but to other people’s opinions about the events taking place around you. This will help you more correctly assess the situation, what is happening and, most importantly, your behavior.

The horoscope for September says that in the first month of Autumn, you will be irrepressibly drawn somewhere. Either for changes, or to the future, or to the past, or simply to “adventures”. You will uncontrollably want to change something in your life, either your job, or your place of residence, or your environment, or simply go somewhere. Take advantage of the favorable situation for change. Otherwise, the hand on the clock will again quickly blow away everything that seemed to be early, and suddenly it became too late.

Horoscope for September 2017 Sagittarius favorable days are 1, 3, 5, 9, 11, 16, 25 and 28.

Horoscope for September 2017 Sagittarius unfavorable days - in fact, in most cases, unfavorable days, they are like relatives - persistent creatures who simply need something from you and urgently!

Horoscope for September 2017 Sagittarius work, career and business. Even a fool can make money, but to get it without working requires intelligence or natural ingenuity. In September 2017, you can safely develop ideas on how, where and with the help of whom to earn money or improve your career. Despite the general positive direction of the horoscope, some negative issues in Sagittarius’s career will spoil your mood several times next month. Most likely, someone will cleverly “slip” or “set up” these problematic issues for you. In this case ideal solution there will be “slight frostbite” and detachment. Show yourself as an experienced specialist and worker. What is the difference between an experienced specialist and a young one? A young specialist does not know how to work, but an experienced specialist does not know how not to work. So feel free to involve “young” specialists to solve your questions and problems.

For Sagittarius businessmen, despite your burning desire to start something new, the horoscope advises you to wait a little. Despite the fact that we wrote that September 2017 is in Sagittarius good time for the “new” in your Life. In business, your new projects may drag you into searching for additional free finance and investments. Where can you easily find free finance now? Only in a mousetrap.

Horoscope for September 2017 Sagittarius finances. Only Great people are capable of not depending on money, but not Sagittarius. Therefore, in order not to fall into “addiction” in September, try to control your finances very tightly.

Love horoscope for September 2017 Sagittarius. Horoscope for September 2017 Sagittarius Love. If now any acquaintance begins with the phrase: “Are you on Instagram or Facebook?” Then Sagittarius in September 2017 needs to be everywhere, and not just in in social networks. Of course, it would be better for family Sagittarius to be more at home and with loved ones, since increased attention from the opposite sex, and your thirst for change can captivate you with new and too stormy novels or adventures. Therefore, the horoscope advises family Sagittarius to relieve tension in relationships, not only in bed, but also on weekends spent together. Even if you “drink each other’s blood” and spoil the mood, do not forget that it doesn’t matter - the true attitude towards a person does not depend on the mood or circumstances. This is why the site’s astrologer advises Sagittarius in September 2017 not to “pump up” something that is better to hug tightly?!

Well, for lonely Sagittarius, the horoscope has prepared many, many “”, and what it will be, the note of your new novel, an abbreviation for the word “loving” or simply the ending of various swear words, you can decide for yourself. Since the love horoscope for September is too rich in variations of your new amorous and stormy adventures. And that is why the horoscope reminds Sagittarius that in order to get what you want from life, you must first determine what you want...

In the end, the horoscope for September 2017 tells Sagittarius that you should be more calm about human shortcomings next month. Especially if it concerns your loved ones or friends. After all, you are ready to forgive your neighbors everything: long repairs, noisy @blue, loud music, or TV, if they do not have a password-protected Wi-Fi! So you forgive everything to your loved ones, because they have password-free Wi-Fi for you to communicate with.

In the first month of autumn, Sagittarius will feel a surge of strength, which will allow them to spend it extremely actively. This applies to all areas of your life, but, of course, primarily professional. However, the horoscope says that in September 2018, many significant events await you in your personal area.

Main tasks of the month of the Sagittarius sign

September 2018 is the time when the Sun will visit the 10th house of your personal horoscope - the area of ​​personal success and career. It will give you a special will to win and the desire to get ahead of all your competitors. You will demonstrate remarkable organizational skills and be able to achieve many of your goals. However, in your desire to win you need to show not only a strong will, but also softness or flexibility. The Sagittarius horoscope for September 2018 advises not to dictate your terms to those around you. Sometimes by showing compliance, especially on non-fundamental issues, you can achieve much more. Yes, indeed, in September 2018 you will have to fight, but you can do it once again by proving your professionalism and good knowledge of the issue. This will help you earn the respect of your colleagues and authority from management. If you feel that at some point you lack your own experience, the horoscope recommends seeking advice from more competent people. As for your personal life, some important decisions will need to be made. Lightweight endless novels can be interesting, but they only waste your valuable time.

Horoscope for September 2018 Sagittarius: study, business and contacts

At the beginning of September 2018, Mercury moves into the 10th house of your personal horoscope, where it will continue to be for most of this month. It will give you a certain ambition, help you demonstrate professionalism and organizational talents, and make long-term plans. This is an extremely good placement of the planet for further advancement of your career, especially if in September 2018 you use your existing business contacts and personal acquaintances for this. According to the Sagittarius horoscope, September 2018 does not exclude the possibility that this month you will be able to enlist the support of your superiors or take advantage of the patronage of a high-ranking official to implement your projects.

Love and money of the Sagittarius sign in September 2018

In September 2018, Sagittarius will be able to make a good profit from those projects that they have already completed by this month. In addition, the horoscope says that hard work and successful promotion promises you a good increase in your monthly salary. However, you may not have enough free funds to start any new projects, so it is better to postpone them until a more opportune moment.

Venus in the first ten days of September 2018 moves into the 12th house of your personal zodiac circle - the area of ​​solitude, restrictions, secrets and ill-wishers. This position of the planet may influence the fact that Sagittarius will have some kind of romantic interest, which they will prefer to keep secret from others. The horoscope says that this may be an unfree person or someone who cannot reciprocate your feelings, at least in your opinion. Those representatives of the sign who are already in a relationship may realize that the time has come to give them official status. As the horoscope for September 2018 predicts, Sagittarians who are already married will enjoy a quiet, measured life. You and your significant other will finally have a period of peace and mutual understanding after recent battles.
