Pisces is your love horoscope for the year.

For ease of perception, 2017 will be correctly divided into 3 stages, each of which is characterized by certain qualities and trends in relation to your zodiac sign.

From the beginning of 2017 until the third decade of March, a rather ambiguous period will come for Pisces. On the one hand, this time will be characterized by confident, high-quality dynamics that will allow you to achieve very significant results, both right now and in the future. In addition, at this stage, Pisces, acting deliberately and consistently, will be able to lay a solid foundation for projects that are not even planned yet. In short, despite enough high level activity that is required of you, you should not rush, trying to fully use only visible opportunities. If you are offered something new, albeit quite adventurous, still do not refuse, at least do it not immediately. No one says that now it makes sense to take risks at every turn, and the probability of winning the lottery at this stage of life is no higher than usual. However, 2017, which in terms of its energy is antagonistic to Pisces and the element of Water in general, simply will not allow you to achieve results with minimal effort. So this situation needs to be approached philosophically, especially when it comes to the love front, although during this time period no one area of ​​\u200b\u200blife will clearly dominate the other. In the first months of 2017, you, dear Pisces, will most likely have to work for the future. The main thing for you during this period is to prevent the situation from worsening.

From the first days of April until the sunset of the second decade of August, many key trends will change significantly. Summer-spring period always seems to be quite an active time, but this year, in relation to your zodiac sign, it promises to be especially active and full of surprises. Definitely, this stage of 2017 will become a landmark and very indicative, especially in terms of the sphere of personal relationships of Pisces. You will probably have a lot of new contacts at this particular time, but the main thing is not to move away from people, although in the depths of your soul you will have exactly such desires, which are more likely to be inveterate misanthropes. You will understand why this is necessary when the information obtained in the course of a completely random conversation will literally save your life. You will be able to emerge victorious from some incredibly difficult situation, roughly speaking, due to chance. In itself, such an event can change your worldview, and do not doubt that the new priorities will turn out to be correct. More specifically, the relationship, which at this stage will somehow end, will resume again, but much later, so there is no point in worrying about this. But some of the new contacts will turn out to be very short-lived and in this regard you should not be especially upset. The most important thing is that you will be able to achieve the positions you aspire to. Although right now single Pisces are unlikely to find their soul mate, and having broken off or suspended relations with someone who applied for this post, they will not at all be optimistic about the prospects for their personal life.

From September 2017 to February 15, 2018 (the end of the year of the Rooster), it is logical for Pisces to focus on the work direction. Support for the professional sector of the horoscope at this time will be maximum, so let matters of the heart fade into the background, especially since current trends this direction will not require any particularly active actions from you. And yet, with regard to your Zodiac sign, not everything is so literal, for example, if you are a performer, then do not forget that now the initiative will be useful to you to a minimum extent. It will help, rather, just diligence and the ability to quickly adapt to changing conditions. But it looks like a new position is just around the corner. Although on this moment it is difficult to say unequivocally what needs to be done to get it. Representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign will have to act according to the situation, we can only assure you that the stars will be on your side during this period of 2017. For the self-employed, entrepreneurs and managers different levels it will be a fairly specific and unambiguously successful time. You will be surprised to find that you have much more opportunities than you thought, so an increase in dynamics, activity and vitality will come in handy. It is at this moment that the astrological situation will be most loyal to you, dear Pisces, which is why at this stage it is fair to act assertively and boldly. True, as we have repeatedly warned in given forecast, everything should be dosed, in moderation, so as not to frighten away the “bird of luck”. By the end of 2017, you should approach not only with a sense of accomplishment, but also with well-defined, concrete plans, the implementation of which will require significant efforts. But this is later, now it is important to understand that the near future brings only the most positive trends.

In general, for the zodiac sign Pisces, 2017 will be successful in all respects. It is unlikely that lonely Pisces, as already mentioned, will satisfy their emotional and spiritual quests. But, it will turn out to improve the financial situation, make new friends and good (useful) acquaintances. Act according to the circumstances and take responsibility only when necessary, do not look for trouble, now it will be a clear mistake. Give preference to risky, but promising and objectively real projects. Don't be afraid to take risks, but don't take risks unless you're prepared for the consequences. This simple rules to help you in 2017. Happy 2017! Happiness and joy to you!

The Fire Rooster is an artistic and bright bird, and he always patronizes lovers with pleasure. Pisces, although quite romantic by nature, also have common sense, which appeals to the Red Rooster. Perhaps that is why the stars promise a rich love horoscope for 2017 for Pisces.

Pisces are very attractive to the opposite sex and are surrounded by a haze of charm and mystery, because the sphere of their love is controlled by the changeable queen of the night, the Moon, as well as the Great Benefactor Jupiter.

The moon moves too fast across the sky to be able to make a long-term forecast, but Jupiter very clearly shows the general trends of the year. Until October 17, he will be in the sign of Libra in the 8th house of Pisces. Such a position can mean a profound change in relationships, a radical change in tastes and attitudes, as well as a renewal of existing ties.

This year can become crucial for Pisces - the love horoscope for 2017 portends. Fish in January fall into the so-called "star corridor", which will last until April. What does it mean? At the beginning of the year, the exalted planet of love Venus in the Pisces house of personality forms a mutual reception with its ruler and arranger of romantic relationships Jupiter from the 8th house of transformation, which will give Pisces the opportunity to change their personal life for the better. This can be expressed differently for everyone: someone will make an offer, someone will meet the person of their dreams, and someone will suddenly realize what exactly he expects from a partner.

This interesting position will be repeated in April, led by the backward moving small benefactor Venus, giving everyone the opportunity to complete what he did not manage to do in January. Therefore, this period is called the "corridor" - best time to build relationships.

From February to May, Jupiter, the dispositor of romantic unions, will move backwards. At this time, an old passion may appear in your life. Under the influence of the “star corridor” effect, it may seem to you that the person from the past is the one you are looking for. But be patient until May: Venus will change sign, Jupiter will begin a direct movement, and you will clearly see who is who. Making big decisions while the dispositor is retrograde is not the best choice.

On October 18, with the transition of Jupiter into the sign of Scorpio, the love horoscope for 2017 will also change: Pisces will wait for reciprocity from their chosen one and the fulfillment of desires, because the ruler will move into their 9th house of luck. Another promising aspect awaits you in October: Mercury, the ruler of Pisces partnerships, enters conjunction with Jupiter. This tandem will give you a sea of ​​romance and novelty in a relationship: someone is waiting for a new acquaintance, and someone - a new impetus in the current union. In the middle of the month, both planets, remaining in conjunction, change sign and move into the house of luck Pisces. This alignment is favorable not only for dating and declarations of love, but also for marriage.

At this time, Venus will add her charm: being in the sign of control, she will show her best qualities and give Pisces mutual understanding with her soul mate. Harmony in relationships and satisfaction from life will accompany you at this time.

December will be another bright period for you: a strong Mars in its own sign, the ruler of the house of good luck and official alliances, connects with Jupiter at the end of the year, creating a great time for marriage. It should only be taken into account that you should not sign papers on retrograde Mercury. Wait until December 23, when this planet goes straight, and boldly go to the registry office.
Obviously, the Fire Rooster is very fond of Pisces - it remains only to correctly use his favor.

Make a conscious decision to live this period happily, and good Neptune will support you. A slightly noticeable haze of mystery and mystery covers your life. Half-manifested possibilities, barely noticeable hints of fate ... Turn on yours and you can't go wrong.

Forecast for Pisces by season


Mars is in your sign. He pushes for active action, but also warns of possible injuries and quarrels. Direct energy in the right direction and do what you have long wanted.


Save up your strength and start making plans. Let your thoughts be directed to the future. In business, focus on the current moment and do not run too far ahead. Don't forget that there is a time for everything.


Relationships are the most important theme of the season. Every now and then you have to return to unfinished business and conversations. At the beginning of summer, there is instability, in July and August, Venus promises you her patronage.


We'll have to forget about love and immerse ourselves in work. Former merits will finally bear fruit. In mid-autumn, new prospects and proposals will appear. Gather a generous harvest and be proud of your successes.

happy day kaleidoscope

While Neptune is in your sign, use its strengths - romance and insight,
listen to the clues of fate.

✓ Love: long-awaited happiness

The problem of happiness in personal life is becoming more acute and relevant. Close friends and family members may be involved in personal relationships. Already in the spring you have to do what should have been done a long time ago. Before you take a serious step, talk to a friend you trust. Perhaps from the outside the situation looks somewhat different.

In the summer, try to do less business and more personal life. Plan dates yourself, weed out unwanted suitors.

Until September, take an active, and then a waiting position. Watch which way the wind is blowing. In October Jupiter will enter into the friendly sign of Scorpio, and this will give you a chance to settle those issues that have been bothering you. At the end of the year, you will finally get what you have been striving for. Your heart will calm down and you will be happy. Some will hear the long-awaited declaration of love, others will meet the person they have been looking for all their lives.

✓ Family: business time

This is one of the most important topics of the year. The family, especially older relatives, require a lot of attention now. Try to be around more often, to provide moral support first of all.

In the middle of the year, a small repair is possible, some transformations in the house. Changes. Do not delay the solution of even small matters, otherwise they will drag on for a long time. If you have long planned to live separately, now is the time to act - schedule a move for the beginning of winter.

✓ Friendship: from the past to the present

You will again get close to the person with whom you began to formally communicate several years ago. In general, this year there will be more warm friendly communication.

In the spring, new acquaintances may appear, and in the summer a pleasant company will form (in which, by the way, you will become an informal leader). In autumn, you should pay attention to yourself: harsh remarks can push you away good man. During this period, you tend to act assertively, to prove your case. Become a little softer, more accommodating. Try to do without evaluative statements about anyone. If you continue like this, you will risk very soon.

At the end of December, old acquaintances are activated. Most likely, with them you will meet the next New Year.

✓ Health: the course for recovery

You will intuitively want to get away from the noisy city, escape from the hustle and bustle. Follow your inner impulse and try to leave the city as often as possible. At the beginning of the year, chronic diseases may worsen. If you begin to spare yourself, restrict food, then quickly recover.

Do not develop special activity in the summer. slow walking - best exercise for you. But in the fall it is worth increasing physical exercise. You can join the gym, and even better - the pool. This is the time of accumulation of internal energy. The forces that you stock up now will feed you until the onset of next spring.

Toward the end of the year, you may feel tired, depressive moods will appear. Do not get stuck in this state, urgently restore peace of mind. New Year holidays It is better to meet not at home, but visiting close friends.

✓ Finance/Career: a priority

You can receive an inheritance, a subsidy or a big win. Attitudes towards money will generally change, you will want to experiment (for example, invest somewhere). Remember that it must be used wisely.

You will feel more confident at work. And although Saturn will set quite difficult tasks at times, you yourself will find ways to solve them. This is the time when your energy should be focused on yourself. In the fall, there will be fewer responsibilities, but conflicts with colleagues may arise. Commitments made may not be possible.

October-November are suitable for planning. At this time, new ideas will appear. Choose one, maximum two priority areas and develop them. If they offer you a new position, accept it. At first it will not be easy, then you will get into a groove and earn the respect and admiration of your colleagues.

Forecast for women

The Pisces woman uses charm and charm to achieve her goal, thanks to which she will achieve incredible success.

How nice to see admiring glances and hear compliments addressed to you! Enjoy the effect produced and continue to act in the same spirit. From the first days of January, a thirst for activity will wake up in you.

In March, there will be a scent for new, promising cases. This is the year when you need to use your charm to the fullest. Even in the business sphere, you can use little female tricks.

Love and career will develop harmoniously, without prejudice to each other. It's just that in the first half of the year business issues will be resolved faster, and in the second - personal ones. Take the advice of a good friend and change what she advises you.

At the very end of the year, you will be able to transform what seemed to you unchanged. And get great pleasure from it.

Born from 20 to 28 February

At the beginning of the year, the mood is unlikely to be rosy. But the clouds on your horizon will linger for a while. The family troubles that bothered you will subside, a new incentive will appear to achieve career heights. In summer, regression is likely in personal life. You, if you allow your partner to be more independent.

Born from 1 to 10 March

Will swim into your quiet cozy backwater gold fish. Catch it and make a wish. Everything is going according to plan, no need to worry and rush things. Only in private life
difficulties are likely, but they will also be temporary. In autumn, everything will become clear and understandable, you will breathe a sigh of relief.
and you can do what you love.

Born from 11 to 20 March

Day after day is not necessary, sometimes it will be difficult. In your personal life, a period of calm continues, but this will not upset you. There are more important and more interesting things to do.
In the middle of summer, you will receive an unusual offer from those who were considered competitors. Now you can get involved in an adventure and try your hand at a new business.

Forecast for men

The Pisces man will withstand any blow, show diplomacy and realize his long-standing grandiose plan.

At the beginning of the year, passions will heat up. You are militant
but at the same time you feel insecure in your abilities. It is better not to start any transformations, limit yourself to a small correction and improvement of current tasks.

At the very beginning of March, maximum concentration and endurance will be required from you. The situation will reveal your weak sides, people from the immediate environment may behave incorrectly. During this period, it is important not to succumb to provocations. Do what you can, don't think about possible consequences.

At the end of the summer, everything will suddenly change, and you will have trump cards in your hands. Do not rush to open up, continue to play a cautious game.

At the beginning of winter, you will approach the goal, and then you can act openly. To the envy of competitors and the admiration of those who love and appreciate you.

Born from 20 to 28 February

Sometimes restrictions are very useful. Too much communication can take a lot of energy from you. Intentionally protect yourself from unnecessary contact. In summer and early autumn, personal life is activated. Exciting adventures await you. And at the end of the year, be sure to find time for family vacations.

Born from 1 to 10 March

The doors to a world of new possibilities open before you. Do not be lazy, confidently move forward, get new knowledge. Now you can start collaborating creative project, start your own business. In the future, this will bring good income, but for now it’s worth rolling up your sleeves and working for the future.

Born from 11 to 20 March

Decide for yourself once and for all which path you are on, and do not return to this question again. You do not need additional worries now, there is not much time. You need to have time to redo a lot of things, in parallel to monitor the family and not lose sight of your personal life. The whole year will have to act in an accelerated mode, you can relax only at the end of the year.

Forecast for Pisces born in the year ...

A positive thought gives energy and strength. Think positive, create an aura of light around you.


1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

Learn from past events and rely only on your own experience. Most of all you will be interested in career issues. You have just started climbing the mountain. Be patient and then you will reach the top.


1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

You will feel more confident and be able to act freely. You will become a member of a large-scale project, and this will bring you fame. Businesses started this year will soon bring a good profit.


1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

Fate will mix all the cards, and you will have to act on a whim. What was built before can be destroyed. But there will be something new. And this will make your heart beat faster, dying of anticipation of happiness.

A rabbit

1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

It is worth taking a risk, trying to realize a bold dream. This year, you can be especially careful. Now the most important thing is courage. , be bolder. But be prepared for unexpected twists and turns.


1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

Be frugal with your internal resources, otherwise you can burn out. Not everyone can live at your pace. Slow down and learn to enjoy the moment. There will be many pleasant surprises this year.


1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

You will be very comfortable. Everywhere you are a welcome guest, everywhere you are interested. Expand your horizons, go on a journey. Impressions are the main value that this year will give you.


1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

You will have to act, relying on your own feelings. There will be no time for calculations. In your personal life, you will have to slow down a bit. Even if you don’t want to, you have to take full responsibility for yourself.


1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

It will be difficult for you to hide, your whole life is in plain sight now. Expand contacts, be open to any suggestions. Not all prospects will justify themselves, but this is not so bad. Only those things are realized that will bring you real satisfaction.


1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

No need to go against the odds, the current will carry you into the right side. Personal life can be made public. If you want to keep the affair a secret, don't tell anyone about it.


1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

A year of stress. It may turn out that there is no one to rely on. You will always be in sight, but you must not lose vigilance. Be sure to use this time for self-presentation. Now your image is being created.


1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

Year of financial stability. You will be able to earn good money without straining. A new hobby will appear that requires financial investments. But it’s not a pity to spend money on it, because pleasure cannot be measured in money.


1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

Cunning plus optimism is the formula for your success. You should not tell the whole truth, let others remain in the dark about your plans. Then no one and nothing threatens you, you can enjoy peace of mind.

Children's horoscope

Moral support
Do not bother your child with your guardianship. In early March, the baby is prone to colds, be vigilant. In May, you can go on a short trip together. It is desirable for him to spend June with his family. Talk more and spend time together.

For Pisces, he assures that the constant change of scenery and the flickering of events will benefit this sign, bring a lot of interesting and exciting things into their lives. You will be overwhelmed with strange feelings: on the one hand, by spring you will want a break, and on the other hand, you will quickly get involved in such a rhythm and start to be frankly bored when there is no urgent matter.

Horoscope for Pisces for 2017

January will be one of the busiest months of the year: many events and meetings that will take place this month will become the engine and prerequisite for further changes. You will be unusually active and proactive. According to the main horoscope forecast for the zodiac sign Pisces a large number of the energy accumulated over previous periods will require release, and the representatives of the sign should try to direct it in the right direction.

You will become a real generator of ideas, which is not at all new, but this year you will not only give out ideas in a machine gun burst, but also implement them one by one. Of course, it will not do without failures, but you should not concentrate on them, it is better to focus on what you really did.

At the beginning of spring, give in to the persuasion of friends and get out for walks, picnics, excursions and fashionable hangouts - you need society. Try to get to know many people, among them there will be a lot of people who are useful to you. Closer to summer, you will feel an irresistible desire for change: start with yourself. You can not only change your image, but also engage in spiritual self-development. Study Buddhism, take a personal growth training, work with a psychologist, and you will pleasantly surprise yourself.

Try to spend money only on the things you need. It is better to invest additional funds in someone's startup or new project trust your intuition and it will point you in the right direction.

Pisces horoscope: for men

You need to learn that you will only succeed if you show rigor and self-control. First of all, this concerns yourself: more self-organization and self-confidence, and you will get what you want. However, the horoscope for men predicts quarrels with colleagues and family if you start to go too far and be overly emotional.

In general, try to keep your temper under control. Your passion for justice and the discovery of the truth will terrify lovers of intrigue, so they will try to get rid of you quickly. Do not give in to teasing from employees, strictly follow your plan and do not spray on trifles - you will not have time for extraneous abstract activities.

Single Pisces men will be able to arrange their personal lives only at the end of the year, when the flow of events in your career subsides and you can go on vacation. There is a high probability of meeting a potential spouse somewhere at a resort or hotel. Maybe it's the girl next door? Take a close look at the beauties around you.

Pisces horoscope: for women

Your year will be productive and eventful, but they will mainly concern the opposite sex. There will be special interest in you, so try to look “sparkling” every day. The stars urge you to take care of your appearance.

It's time to stun those around you with changes in your image. The horoscope for women calls the year of the Rooster the most favorable for any change in appearance - even plastic surgery. But you can start small: cut your hair, change your hair color, make-up and clothes. Your new image will please both your spouse and colleagues. Just remember that adherence to a strict dress code at work is not a reason to change jobs if you decide not to wear pantsuits anymore.

Although you will actually want to change jobs, the real opportunity for this will not appear until the end of the year, when it is not recommended to make decisions on such an issue. In general, December should be spent in analyzing the past year and summing up: determine what you succeeded in and what you didn’t and try not to make similar mistakes. This will especially apply to finances and family.

Financial horoscope for Pisces for 2017

The hot and wasteful Rooster will constantly provoke you into empty purchases and spending. Do not give in and try to do exactly the opposite - save. The horoscope for 2017 promises profit only in the fall, and until then you have yet to live. In the spring, you will feel an irresistible desire to spend a large amount. You can only do this if you need a thing that you have your eye on. A simple "want" is not enough to buy this year.

In the summer, when you are relaxed and a little distracted, scammers can take you into circulation and leave money. To avoid this, be on the alert and immediately stop any attempts to extract money from you. But in the fall, you can surprise your family and buy household appliances: a new tablet or computer for children, a TV for parents and a dishwasher for your wife.

In work, you will need diligence and perseverance. Duties of subcontractors who will be busy solving personal problems will pile on you. The authorities will note your efforts, although this will not be reflected in the salary. Be prepared for the manifestation of jealousy and envy from colleagues. They won't be able to harm you, but they will drink blood. Get rid of backstage games and mind your own business.

Representatives of creative professions will literally pursue success from the beginning of the year until the end. Feel free to arrange an exhibition, publish a book and an album of photographs - the public will meet your work with delight.

Financial horoscope for men for 2017

You need to learn not only how to properly allocate your time, but also to separate the important and urgent from what can be decided without your participation. Even if you do not occupy a leadership position, some of your responsibilities can be delegated to colleagues. It is only important to explain to them the benefits of doing your work, and they themselves will gladly accept it. Just do not abuse it, your management will evaluate your degree of interest and ability to work.

One of the strength tests will be a blockage in work affairs, which will begin somewhere in the middle of spring and last until almost the end of summer. Because of this, it is better for you to plan your vacation for the last month of winter. But the experience gained during this period will be invaluable to you next year, when you will be promoted.

Money will not be given to you easily: no winnings or sudden bonuses are expected. So try to control your spending. If your spouse asks you for more funds for her needs, explain to her that now is not the best time for new acquisitions. Especially trifling trinkets. Try to invest in a new project on time - you will avoid the temptation to spend it, and you can earn good money.

Financial horoscope for women

Pisces women are advised to start the year by reconciling with colleagues. If you still have old conflicts, resolve them back in January, otherwise they may become a serious obstacle for you in the near future during the year.

In the main work, show due diligence and attention to detail. Even a trifle can become important if management pays attention to it. Already from the beginning of spring, you will be under targeted supervision, as the volume of work will increase significantly. Try in this stressful situation not to fall into neuroses and not to break down on colleagues. A new position awaits you, so the support of other employees will be important.

Leave the idea of ​​winning money or getting it out of nothing. All your funds this year will be earned by hours of hard work, which is why it will be so difficult to part with them. Perhaps this is what will save you from the rash spending that people are so prone to in the year of the Rooster.

The best investment for you will be yourself: your appearance and education will be the best investment. Get a second diploma, go to a beauty salon, go to landscape design courses - new knowledge will come in handy.

Love horoscope for Pisces for 2017

In matters of love, the horoscope for 2017 for the zodiac sign Pisces does not bode well. Throughout the year, you will not let go of the feeling that you are living on a powder keg: in constant anxiety. You will be haunted by the thought that your couple is deliberately looking for a reason for a scandal in order to cause you anger and negative emotions. Be careful with statements: recklessly spoken insults can cost you dearly. You may not be able to maintain a relationship for a long time.

Any romances started during this period will be short-lived and will become just another reason for disappointment in love. Try to spend some time alone, although it will be difficult - someone will constantly spin around you.

In the family, you need to prove yourself as the best diplomat in the world: the number of disputes, quarrels and strife will break all records this year. Your emotionality and short temper can cause a serious protracted conflict. Attend a seminar on controlling strong emotions and anger, it will come in handy.

  • Love horoscope for men favors those who intend to take the initiative. Put aside your affairs, turn off the computer and devote the evening to family and children. Your loved ones will be very happy to spend time together, and you yourself, having felt their gratitude, will experience real satisfaction. Take the initiative in dealing with your wife: it is high time for you to refresh your intimate life. Left alone, surprise her with something special, something that both of you have long wanted to try, give her a gift, say compliments. Your attention will return to you a hundredfold.

But unmarried Pisces men can count on the appearance of someone really significant in their lives only by the fall. But it will actually be the very woman you were waiting for. But do not think that she herself will come to you with an offer to marry her immediately, you will have to try very hard to win her. Be proactive and confident.

  • Love horoscope for women advises me to concentrate on family and children. And if your child does not require a lot of attention, then everything is not so simple with your spouse. At one time, you have already spoiled him with warmth and affection, and now, when you devote yourself more to children and work, he experiences some discomfort. Remind him that he is still your favorite and head man in life. This will not require much effort from you, but the benefits will be enough for the whole year.

You can also devote yourself to arranging the family nest: repairs, new furniture, rearrangement or cute little things (photo frames with shared photos, flowers in vases, fruit baskets) will make your home extraordinarily cozy. It will want to return to both her husband and children.

Free Pisces will get the opportunity to improve their personal lives. This year you will meet your life partner. The main thing is not to get lost in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Children's horoscope for Pisces for 2017

If your Pisces child has not yet shown his writing talent, then this will happen this year. The riot of fantasy of little Pisces will find its outlet in endless stories of adventure and travel.

Toddlers will be very active and sociable, they will make acquaintances with both their peers and adults. Try to explain to the child that it is impossible to communicate with strangers, but rather be there. Give your energetic child to a circle or sports section, he will be interested, and you will be calm.

Your students will begin to show their character especially actively and hide from you. You will need all your endurance and patience so as not to run out of the house for the child every time he goes on a new journey. Don't worry, baby just needs some free space. He will definitely tell you everything when the time comes.

Teenagers will suddenly discover a new talent in themselves and rush to develop it. Support your child's undertaking, provide him with everything necessary and you can be calm for his future - this year the direction of your child's life will be determined, because he will choose an occupation for his whole life. Be proud of your child, because he is destined to move mountains.

2017 for your sign will be held under the motto "home and family". You will have the opportunity to meet a life partner, start a family or improve your home the way you have long wanted. All your plans related to construction, land management and agriculture, will be successful. This year your morale will improve: you will become more calm and balanced.

The first half of the year will be the most eventful.

In January, unexpected events and serious proposals will await you, but let all your answers and decisions be very seriously considered. In February, it is better not to start anything new, but to finish all the old things. In March, try to act less and think and create more. In April, you may have to correct some mistakes of the past - be able to learn a useful lesson from this for yourself. From the end of May to the middle of August, an amazing, most favorable period of the year begins, it will give you creative ideas, activity, new acquaintances, romantic adventures and, in principle, everything that you wish.

The second half of August and the first half of September is better to devote to rest. The end of September will bring new opportunities and perspectives, try not to miss them! The beginning of November is a very favorable period, especially in financial terms, but the middle of November is dangerous with the possibility of conflicts, be on the lookout. In December, you will feel harmonious and confident, all problems will be solved by themselves.

Love horoscope 2017 Pisces

For Pisces, 2017 will be quite varied and unpredictable. Pisces living in the world of feelings will have to go through a rather difficult period in life, when relationships with a loved one will not change in better side. Kindling a dying fire will not lead to anything good. Therefore, you should not chase the dying past, it is better to turn your eyes to the future and not fetter yourself with vain hopes. This applies, first of all, to love unions and unstable married couples whose relationships have exhausted themselves.

Family, stable Pisces will start a grandiose renovation or decide to purchase a new home. Problems with children that may arise are likely to result in large financial costs.

Couples who are getting divorced will start a stormy clarification of property issues and by the end of the year, most likely, they will safely part.

Pisces women may have a rather complicated pregnancy. The second half of the year prepared for Pisces problems with relatives. The troubles that have arisen can be quite complex and can lead to a significant deterioration in family relations.

Meanwhile, the love horoscope for 2017 for Pisces promises stability in personal life. If you are ready for radical changes, then you may soon meet your love, who can decorate your world with new colors. But you should not rush things, it is better if your relationship develops slowly. Then in the fall, at a family holiday, you will be able to announce your engagement to everyone. To the question "Where to look for love?" The stars answer that in casinos and in places where lottery tickets are sold. No matter how strange it may seem, but it is there that a fateful meeting can occur. Pay attention to the initials of your new acquaintance (acquaintance), if the names begin with the letters "B" or "K" - no doubt, this is fate!

Career horoscope for 2017 Pisces

In the business sphere, the beginning of 2017 will be prosperous for Pisces, although this prosperity will be rather unsteady. Many promising projects and ideas can be squeezed out of this period, but you should not rush to implement them. Remember: you go quieter - you will continue, it is on this proverb that you need to rely in all your actions. All the wrong decisions made now will not be catastrophic for your career, but they will have unpleasant consequences, and you will not have the opportunity to take a step back and change your mind. True, it is also not worth thinking too much and hesitating over every little thing. Rely on your intuition, because in some moments that Fate gives, it’s enough just to decide on an adventure in time - and it will immediately bring success.

In the spring, your performance level may drop significantly. Labor exploits, however, are not necessary during this period, but it is also wrong to completely withdraw from the accounts. Force yourself to do at least some general necessary work which will seem easier to you than the rest. Remember that if you relax now and give yourself the freedom to be lazy in the rays of the spring sun, all the painstaking work of the previous months will go nowhere.

In the summer, a business person will wake up in you. You will carefully consider a plan that will bring the highest income and will be able to move you up the career ladder - and will not hesitate to implement it. Discipline and self-control are your best assistants in this crucial period. I must say that you will work for glory, never doubting your abilities and not allowing others to do this. However, do not overdo it with exactingness to yourself and to others - you risk turning into an overly harsh pedant.

By the end of the year, you will start looking for ways to take another big step up the career ladder. You will not find the opportunity to do this on your own, but at a certain moment Fate itself will throw it at you. Here it is important not to miss the moment, to act coolly and not to scatter attention on unnecessary and unimportant things. If you manage to catch luck by the tail, by the New Year you will feel really successful person. True, your professional exploits will not escape the attention of superiors, and sometimes so superior that you can panic. You should not do this - keep calm - and success in business is guaranteed to you.

Health Horoscope for 2017 Pisces

In 2017, the stars do not promise Pisces any serious health problems, although they will have to fight for perfect well-being. At the end of winter, be prepared for an exacerbation or relapse of an old chronic disease - this will bring a rather acute malaise. Treatment can be the simplest: a sparing diet and strict observance of the daily routine. However, if within a few days drug treatment will not be effective, sound the alarm and, without delay, go to the doctor. You should not engage in self-medication now - you will make even more trouble.

In the spring, along with the spring sun, the thirst for hooliganism will also wake up in you. Suddenly you get tired of living according to a schedule, eating healthy and denying yourself bad habits- and you will go into all serious. True, not for long, since your dissolute behavior will very soon provoke a new, even more acute attack of malaise. You can only blame yourself for this. If you want to avoid such trouble, do not be lazy to go to the gym or, if necessary, to the clinic, do not forget to take vitamins and visit the doctor on the appointed days. Simply put, restrain all impulses that may adversely affect your health.

In the summer, loosening your grip is still not worth it. Summer weakening of the immune system, which is typical for most representatives of the sign, will overtake you this year as well. Go to the sea or to a sanatorium where you can improve your health and improve your well-being. It is still strongly recommended not to allow yourself excesses in food or alcohol.

In autumn, you will feel that you have learned to clearly control both your well-being and your health in general. During this period, you should beware of colds and even a common cold, although you will be able to avoid these troubles quite easily. Now it is worth walking more and breathing fresh air; this will help calm the nerves that can be shattered due to constant worries about their own well-being. By the New Year you will feel much better both mentally and physically.

Pisces - horoscope for a year

Desires and opportunities do not always coincide, and according to the Pisces horoscope in 2017, this will have to be recognized. On the other hand, what is a diamond? This is an ordinary coal that has survived difficult times. Something similar is happening to you right now.

The Fire Rooster is the master of 2017, showing favor to people born under the sign of Pisces. In all areas of life, with the exception of work, it will give you the opportunity to significantly change your life. Many, finally, will be able to do an interesting business, which they did not dare to do before for various reasons. The Fire Rooster will appreciate the splendor of the creative ideas of the representatives of this sign and provide them with a launching pad. The Eastern bird likes the boldness of the impulses of the water sign. The only thing he can not forgive them is indecision and softness. Also, remember that luck will smile only on those who will move towards it. A good horoscope does not mean that everything will be brought to you on a silver platter. This is just a given opportunity, and whether you take advantage of it or not is up to you. Your main enemy on the way to success is laziness. It can cause a lot of problems.

In the coming year of the Fire Rooster, Pisces will be too concerned about their appearance. You will be a frequent client of beauty salons, and you will try a large number of different cosmetic procedures. But all these efforts will not be in vain. People around you will immediately notice your changes for the better and will shower you with compliments. But taking care of external beauty, do not forget about spiritual development. Try to visit exhibitions, museums, concerts, read developing literature.

People born under the sign of Pisces are ruled by the benefic planet Jupiter. It gives the character of Pisces religiosity, mysticism, the ability to empathize and sacrifice oneself. But, it also happens that Jupiter occupies a weak position in the horoscope. Then these qualities turn into bad habits, inconstancy and optionality. Therefore, it is especially important for people born under the sign of Pisces to have a clear system of worldview and follow it throughout their lives.

In 2017 until the end of August, Jupiter will be in the sign of Libra in the 8th house of Pisces. This period is favorable for working on oneself, internal transformation and rethinking. On the external plane, this may manifest itself as an increase in the income of one of the family members or an unexpected inheritance.

Pay special attention to January. This month will show you what 2017 will be like. At this time, there will be a particularly eloquent aspect: exalted (brightly represented) Venus in the sign of Pisces, the house of personality, will be in reception with its own ruler Jupiter in Libra. This position of the planets in the sky suggests that people born under the sign of Pisces will have an excellent opportunity for self-realization this year. It is worth noting that everything will not be easy to give, but, as a result, all actions will lead to success. And this is not surprising, because both planets are considered great benefactors in astrology. That is why their mutual aspects are so significant and promising.

In April, Venus will begin to retrograde, although it will repeat its aspect with Jupiter. Therefore, the period from January to April is favorable for laying the foundation for future projects.

On October 18, Jupiter will change sign and enter the 9th house of Pisces, which is responsible for luck, expansion and prosperity. During this period, do not miss the opportunities provided to you by the stars. In this position, Jupiter shows its best qualities, giving Pisces an excellent chance. And if the representatives of this zodiac sign from January to September have to work hard, then in the last quarter of the year, everyone will feel the obvious protection of the stars, finding themselves at the right time in the right place.

The most vulnerable in 2017 will be the emotional sphere. Each representative of the Pisces sign will have to learn how to control their emotions. But if you do not become more restrained, then you will not be able to avoid quarrels with loved ones and unmotivated financial costs.

In 2017, Pisces women will be more charming and artistic than ever. Your sensitivity and attention surround with warmth all your neighbors, and the intuition of a wonderful hostess will turn the house into a stronghold of coziness and comfort.

Pisces men are a changeable sign, and they are distinguished by their tendency to build various castles in the air, but, alas, only in dreams, and not in reality. 2017 gives the dreamy "fish" the opportunity to realize the most secret fantasies, but only on the condition that their implementation does not require large financial costs.
