Submarines of the Antey project will receive new weapons - the Caliber and Oniks missile systems. "Antey" says goodbye to "Granit"

Status is in service Developer NPO Mashinostroyenia (OKB-52) Chief designer V. N. Chelomey Years of development - 1983 Start of testing November - August 1983 Adoption March 12, 1983 Main operators USSR Navy
Russian Navy ↓All technical specifications

Anti-ship missiles P-700 complex missile weapons"Granite"(URAV Navy Index: 3M45, according to NATO codification: SS-N-19 "Shipwreck", shipwreck) is a long-range anti-ship cruise missile (ASCM) designed to combat powerful ship groups, including aircraft carriers.

When creating the complex, an approach was used for the first time, the basis of which is the mutual coordination of 3 elements: target designation means (in the form of spacecraft), a carrier and anti-ship missiles. The created complex has acquired the ability to solve complex problems sea ​​battle along with fire weapons of one carrier.


The on-board autonomous selective control system for anti-ship missiles is built on the basis of a three-processor on-board computer (OBC) using several information channels, which allows one to successfully understand a complex interference environment and identify true targets against the background of interference.

The on-board computer contains electronic data on modern classes ships; tactical information, for example, about the type of orders of ships, which allows the missile to determine who is in front of it - a convoy, an aircraft carrier or a landing group, and attack the main targets in its composition; data on countering enemy electronic warfare systems that can, by jamming, divert missiles from the target; tactical techniques for evading fire from weapons air defense.

The 3M-45 (P-700) missile has several flexible adaptive trajectories depending on the operational and tactical situation in the sea and airspace of the operation area. The missile has a KR-93 sustainer turbojet engine and a ring solid fuel accelerator in the tail section, which begins operation under water (when launched from surface ships, the silos are filled with sea water). A variant of the rocket with an experimental supersonic ramjet engine 4D 04 allowed the rocket to reach speeds of up to 4M.


Parameter Meaning
Length, m 10
Diameter, m 0,85
Wingspan, m 2,6
Starting weight, kg 7000
Speed ​​at altitude 2,5
Ground/water speed, 1,5
Range, km 550(625) km along a combined trajectory, 200-250 km along an exclusively low-altitude trajectory
Ceiling, m 14000-17000 meters on the marching section, depending on the trajectory pattern
Minimum flight altitude, m Up to 25 meters in the attack area
Control system INS + ARLGSN
Warhead Penetrating 750 kg or
nuclear, up to 500 kt


The complex provides salvo firing of the entire ammunition load with a rational spatial arrangement of missiles and allows you to act against a single ship on the principle of “one missile, one ship” or jointly against an order of ships.

After firing a salvo from the carrier, the missiles interact with each other, detecting, classifying and distributing targets among themselves according to the degree of importance and taking into account the battle formation of the enemy fleet (aircraft carrier group, convoy, landing force). An attack on a formation is organized in such a way that the destruction of secondary targets occurs only after the destruction of priority ones, and in such a way that one target is not attacked by two missiles.

When firing at a long range, missiles rise to an altitude of about 14,000-17,000 meters and perform most of the flight at it in order to reduce air resistance and increase the target detection radius of the seeker. Having detected a target, the missiles carry out identification, distribute targets among themselves and then descend to a height of 25 meters, hiding behind the radio horizon.

The experience of the Navy's combat and operational training shows that the large mass and high speed of the complex's missiles make it difficult for them to be hit by enemy anti-aircraft missiles. However, since the missile has never been used in combat, opinions differ about its actual effectiveness.


  • 5 Project 949A nuclear submarines of the Antey type - 24 anti-ship missiles each. Two more boats K-148 “Krasnodar” and K-173 “Krasnoyarsk” are in storage, the submarine K-141 “Kursk” was lost, construction of the K-139 “Belgorod” was suspended (being completed according to a special project).
  • Peter the Great - 20 anti-ship missiles. Another 3 heavy cruisers of Project 1144 are not combat-ready.
  • Heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov" of project 1143.5 - 12 anti-ship missiles.

The size of the rocket limits the types of launch vehicles it can be carried on.


The on-board autonomous selective control system of the RCC was built by a team of scientists and designers of the Granit Central Research Institute under the leadership of its general director, Hero of Socialist Labor, Lenin Prize laureate V. V. Pavlov.

The KR-93 sustainer turbojet engine was developed at the design bureau of the Ufa Engine-Building Production Association under the leadership of chief designer Sergei Gavrilov. The engine control system was developed by the departments of Technical Cybernetics and Industrial Electronics together with NPO Molniya.

A version of the rocket with an experimental supersonic ramjet engine 4D 04 was developed at OKB-670 under the leadership of Mikhail Bondaryuk.

The theoretical foundations for constructing a space target designation system, the relative position of satellites in orbits, and the parameters of their orbits were developed directly with the participation of Academician M. V. Keldysh.

History of creation

  • from November - flight testing stage
  • - August - state tests
  • March 12 - the complex was put into service.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what "P-700 Granite" is in other dictionaries:

    Anti-ship cruise missile P-700 "Granit" (3M-45)- Anti-ship cruise missile P 700 "Granit" (3M 45) 1983 The universal missile system "Granit" with a long-range anti-ship cruise missile P 700 underwater surface launch is designed to destroy aircraft carrier groups ... Military encyclopedia

In 1969, OKB-52 began developing the P-700 Granit long-range anti-ship weapon. In 1970, the preliminary design was completed. The complex is designed to strike formations of warships (primarily AUG), convoys and enemy landing forces with enhanced air defense and missile defense.

The Granit missile system, created by OKB-52 (now NPO Mashinostroeniya), had to meet extremely high requirements: maximum range - at least 500 km, maximum speed- at least 2500 km/h. Granit was distinguished from previous complexes of similar purposes by flexible adaptive trajectories, versatility in launch (underwater and surface), as well as carriers (submarines and surface ships), salvo firing with a rational spatial arrangement of missiles, and a noise-proof selective control system. It was allowed to fire at targets whose coordinates were known with large errors, as well as when the data became outdated for a long time. All operations for daily and launch maintenance of rockets have been automated. As a result, “Granit” acquired a real ability to solve any naval combat task with one carrier. However, the effectiveness of a long-range anti-ship missile system was largely determined by the capabilities of reconnaissance and target designation equipment. The “Success” system, which was based on the Tu-95 aircraft, no longer had the necessary combat stability. Was created new system maritime space reconnaissance and target designation (MCRTS) - “Legend”.

Testing of "Granit" began in November 1975 from a ground stand, and ended in August 1983, while since December 1980, launches were made from Project 949 submarines. By resolution of the Council of Ministers of March 12, 1983, the Granit complex was adopted for service.

The ZM-45 missile, equipped with both nuclear (500 kt) and high-explosive warheads weighing 750 kg, is equipped with a KR-93 sustainer turbojet engine with a ring solid-fuel rocket booster that begins operation under water. The maximum firing range is up to 600 km, the maximum speed corresponds to M=2.5 at high altitudes and M=1.5 at low altitudes. The launch mass of the rocket is 7000 kg, length is 9.15 m, body diameter is 0.85 m, wingspan is 2.6 m.

The rocket embodies a wealth of experience Soviet designers on creating electronic systems artificial intelligence, allowing you to act against a single ship on the principle of “one missile - one ship” or “in a flock” against an order of ships. Missiles can be fired either singly or in one salvo (up to 24 anti-ship missiles, launched at a high tempo). The P-700 anti-ship missiles are completely autonomous after launch, have a complex flight path and a multi-variant program for attacking enemy formations. Thanks to the change in flight speed, anti-ship missiles of one salvo are able to form a dense group, which makes it easier to overcome enemy missile defense systems, and thanks to on-board control systems and mutual exchange of information, they can optimally distribute targets among themselves. Organizing the flight of all missiles in a salvo, additionally searching for a warrant and “covering” it with an activated radar sight allows the anti-ship missile to fly on the cruising sector in radio silence mode. During the flight of missiles, the optimal distribution of targets within the order is carried out between them (the algorithm for solving this problem was worked out by the Institute of Naval Armaments and NPO Granit). When approaching a detachment of enemy ships, the missiles themselves will distribute and classify according to the importance of the target, choose the attack tactics and plan for its implementation. To eliminate errors when choosing a maneuver and hitting a specific target, the on-board computer of the anti-ship missile system contains electronic data on modern classes of ships. In addition, the machine also contains purely tactical information, for example, about the type of orders of ships, which allows the missile to determine who is in front of it - a convoy, an aircraft carrier or a landing group, and attack the main targets in its composition. Also in the on-board computer there is data on countering enemy electronic warfare systems that can divert missiles from the target by jamming, and tactical techniques for evading air defense fire. As the designers say, after the launch of the missile, they themselves decide which of them will attack which target and what maneuvers need to be carried out for this in accordance with the mathematical algorithms embedded in the behavior program. The missile also has means to counter anti-missile missiles attacking it. Having destroyed the main target in the ship group, the remaining missiles attack other ships of the order, eliminating the possibility of two missiles hitting the same target.

On TARKR pr.1144 there are 20 Granit missiles in individual under-deck launchers SM-233. The TAVKR pr.1143.5 “Admiral Kuznetsov” is equipped with twelve missiles. In addition, 3 Project 949 nuclear submarines and 9 Project 949A submarines are armed with Granit missiles. Both types of boats have 24 launchers. The ship's control system can ensure the simultaneous preparation and launch of all 24 anti-ship missiles. Target designation can be obtained from the Legend MCRTs system, Tu-95RTs aircraft or Ka-25RTs helicopters.

Supersonic speed and complex flight path, high noise immunity radio-electronic means and the presence of a special system for removing enemy anti-aircraft and aircraft missiles provide the Granit, when firing in a full salvo, with a high probability of overcoming the air defense and missile defense systems of an aircraft carrier formation. Currently, Project 949(A) submarines armed with the Granit complex, together with naval missile-carrying aircraft, are the basis of the anti-aircraft carrier forces of the Russian fleet. Thanks to the unique technical solutions laid down by the designers back in the 80s. last century, the Granit complex will retain its excellent combat qualities for a long time.

to Favorites to Favorites from Favorites 0

I decided to consider an issue that has long been widely discussed on the Internet: the confrontation between Soviet anti-ship missiles and American naval air defense systems. They are usually compared using the example of the P-700 "Granit" and the AEGIS system. Unfortunately, discussions of this kind are usually held on forums, have the nature of a debate, and isolating the information itself is a clear problem.

Therefore, I decided to conduct an analytical review (within the framework of the information available, of course) and make a compilation of conclusions:

The weapon of attack, in this case, is the P-700 "Granit". The missile is truly impressive - it is almost the crowning achievement of the development of the Soviet line of heavy supersonic ship-based anti-ship missiles. Its length is 10 meters, its wingspan is 2.6 meters, i.e. The dimensions of the rocket are close to that of light aircraft.

The maximum speed of the rocket is almost 2.5 Mach (about 763 meters per second) when flying at high altitude. Over water, the rocket's speed is approximately 1.5 Mach (about 458 meters per second). Let's remember these numbers, they matter.

The defense is based on the AEGIS system: a combat information system that coordinates the actions of AN/SPY-1 general detection radars, AN/SPG-62 target designation radars, and SM-2 missile defense systems.

AEGIS defense on the outer border

This part discusses counteraction to flying Granites by AEGIS at long range. To be even more precise - at the distance at which "Granit" is kept on the high-altitude section of the trajectory.

Attention, this is important! Although in all sources the range of action of "Granit" is simply indicated as 550 km, this is the maximum radius according to combined trajectories. Those. along a trajectory in which the rocket flies high above the water most of the way - where there is less air resistance and fuel costs for the flight are significantly reduced - and then, when approaching the target, dives down and covers the rest of the distance at a low altitude.

A: The flight altitude of the P-700 "Granit" in the high-altitude section of the trajectory is about 14,000 meters. A number of sources indicate even more, but they are doubtful. The later "Onyx", in any case, climbs to a height of about 14,000 meters in the high-altitude section of the trajectory, so I think that by taking 14,000 meters we will not be mistaken.

Taking into account the altitude of the AN/SPY-1 radar above sea level at 20 meters, and the rocket’s flight altitude at 14,000 km, we get a distance to the radio horizon of about 438 km. The detection radius of the AN/SPY-1 radar (tabular) is approximately 360 km. Those. you can be sure that AEGIS will be able to monitor approaching Granites from a distance of more than 250 km.

P.S. It should be taken into account that, other things being equal, most likely, a missile salvo will be detected by an AWACS aircraft at a greater distance. Those. the figure of 250 km is not the detection radius, but the tracking radius, the distance from which AEGIS itself monitors approaching anti-ship missiles.

B: Now we know that the missile will be tracked by the AEGIS system somewhere at a distance of 200-250 km. Go ahead.

The Granit missile's radar has a detection radius for a cruiser-sized target of about 70 km under normal conditions. Considering that the cruiser does not at all want to be discovered and is actively using electronic warfare, let’s take the actual capture radius to be 55 km.

At this distance - 55-70 km - the Granit missile will capture the ship and make a “dive” from a height of 14,000 meters to low altitudes to get closer to the target. Those. we get that 200-55=145 km. This is the interval during which a Granit flying at high altitude will be confidently accompanied by the cruiser's radar. And, accordingly, it can be attacked by missile defense systems controlled by AEGIS.

This is the finest hour for the SM-2ER "Standard" carriers (ER - extendent range, large radius). The range of these missiles is about 150-180 km. Consequently, missile attacks on flying anti-ship missiles can begin from the moment the missiles enter a 150-kilometer radius.

How long will Granit remain under fire from the cruiser's missile defense system? The distance is 150-55=105 km, the speed of "Granit" is 0.763 km/s, i.e. the missile will remain under fire for about 125 seconds. A little over 2 minutes.

During this time, a ship equipped with the AEGIS system will be able to fire from 50 missile shots (for 2 double-boom Mk-26 launchers with a reload cycle of 10 seconds, which were installed on the first 4 Ticonderoga-class cruisers) to 65 missile shots (for Mk-41 with a firing cycle of 1 missile per 2 seconds, found on the late Ticonderogas and Arleigh Berks). Although the ships carry a limited number of AN/SPG-62 radars used for target designation, this is not a limiting parameter in this case, because the design of the Standard allows it to “wait” in line, flying on inertial guidance to the target area.

What is the probability of one Granit being shot down by one Standard? The 62-kilogram fragmentation-fragmentation SM-2ER has quite enough power to destroy or severely damage the Granit (which at this stage of the flight is equivalent to being shot down - a heavily damaged missile will not reach the target). Therefore, the only problem is getting there.

How to estimate the probability of being hit by a missile? From the experience of Vietnam, we know that the probability of hitting a fighter under conditions of active use of electronic warfare equipment by one missile was about 20%. But the SM-2ER is still somewhat smarter than the radio command air defense systems used in Vietnam, and the electronic warfare capabilities of an unmanned missile are much weaker. For simplicity, let’s take a probability of 40% as the probability of one P-700 being shot down by one “Standard”

Taking this figure, we get that about 15-22 missiles can be shot down at the outer line. Already some result.

AEGIS defense on the internal frontier

At a distance of 55 km, the P-500 missile will make a sharp dive down and exit the vulnerable mode. It will go beyond the radio horizon and out of the visibility radius of AEGIS radars. Moving at an altitude of about 20 meters, it flies to the target in low-altitude mode, at a speed of about 1.5 Mach.

How soon will the P-700 reappear over the AEGIS radio horizon? This distance is approximately 30 km. At a speed of 1.5 Mach or 458 meters per second, the P-700 will fly this distance in 65 seconds, i.e. about a minute.

At this distance, the missile will be fired by SM-2MR salvoes (MR - medium radius). Since in this case the missile is NOT VISIBLE until it leaves the radio horizon, AEGIS cannot open fire in advance by launching inertial-guided missiles in its direction and “meet” the approaching P-700 at the maximum radius of the missile defense system.

Assuming that the system is completely ready to fire, we get that AEGIS will open fire at the same moment when it notices the P-700 emerging from behind the radio horizon. Considering that the SM-2MR has a speed of about 3.5 Mach (about 1000 m/s), the first salvo of missiles will meet the enemy somewhere in the 20th second of the P-700’s flight from the radio horizon, and then the anti-ship missiles will be continuously fired upon for 25 seconds (until they get within 5 km, within a radius beyond the reach of the SM-2MR)

How many salvos will AEGIS have time to fire? Ships with Mk-26 installations will have time to fire two full salvos (i.e., launch 8 anti-ship missiles), ships with Mk-41 will have time to launch 12 anti-ship missiles.

Of course, the probability of a hit will be much lower - against a low-flying target - and, according to calculations, will be somewhere around 25%.

Thus, we get that about 2-3 P-700 anti-ship missiles can be shot down in a low-altitude area.

Defense close

Defense options in this phase are limited. For ships with Mk-26 at this stage, the only adequate means of self-defense is a universal 127-mm autocannon (2 on Ticonderoga). The probability of a missile being shot down is estimated to be approximately 0.8 per autocannon. Ships with the Mk-41 can add RIM-7VL "Sea Sparrow" short-range missiles to their autocannons. CIWS "Vulcan" should be considered generally of little use in this case.

Although formally these air defense systems have a radius of up to 25 km, they were not previously capable of firing special meaning, because this would only take away guidance channels from the more effective SM-2MR. At point blank range, however, they are much more effective. Considering that the number of targetable "Sea Sparrows", just like the SM-2MR, is limited by guidance channels - i.e. 4 - in the remaining time, the cruiser manages to fire about 8 missiles. The probability of a hit should be considered similar - 0.25.

Thus, using autocannons and missiles, the Ticonderoga class can stop up to 4 P-700 class missiles on the internal line.

Electronic warfare equipment:

It is difficult to assess the effectiveness of electronic warfare systems. Typically, Ticonderoga class ships are equipped with electronic warfare systems AN/SLQ-32 integrated with jamming systems Mark 36 SRBOC. The effectiveness of the system is difficult to assess. But in general, we can assume that against an anti-ship missile like the P-700, the probability of a missile successfully evading a false target will be no more than 50%.


The capabilities of the AEGIS system to counter the P-700 Granit anti-ship missiles are quite high. On 3 lines of defense, the cruiser can effectively repel an attack of 19-25 missiles. Availability effective means Electronic warfare allows you to sharply increase this parameter, since there is a high probability of the missile being diverted by interference.

Overall, the theoretical calculationconfirms the Soviet conclusion that the effectiveness of shipborne air defense AUG has increased significantly with the advent of AEGIS. A full broadside salvo of a Project 949A submarine (24 P-700 missiles) DOES NOT GUARANTEE a breakthrough of the AUG’s air defense even at the level of having only one Ticonderoga in it and the absence of successful interceptions of anti-ship missiles by patrolling fighters.

P-700 anti-ship missile
missile weapons complex "Granit"

Rocket 3M45 / SS-N-19 SHIPWRECK of the Granit complex in the NPO Mashinostroenie museum, Reutov.


Production history

USSRCountry of Origin
NPO Mashinostroyenia (OKB-52) Developer
V. N. ChelomeyChief designer
1969 - 1983 Years of development
November 1975 - July 1983Start of testing
"Granit" with ramjet engine;
R&D "Granitite" / complex 3K45-2 "Granit-2",
rocket 3M45-2

Operation history

Geometric and mass characteristics

Power point

Flight data

on high

near land/water

SCRC "Granit"- Universal anti-ship missile system "Granit" with long-range cruise missile P-700, underwater-surface launch. Developed in the USSR from 1969 to 1983. It is in service with ships of the "Orlan" and 1143.5 "Krechet" projects, as well as submarines of project 949/949A "Antey"

History of creation


According to the naval doctrine of the USSR, the main task of the surface fleet, along with providing cover for the SSBN patrol zone, was to counter American carrier strike groups (AUG). To solve this problem, in the seventies of the twentieth century it was decided to create a fundamentally new type missile cruisers, with nuclear power plant, both underwater (Project 949) and surface (Project 1144) type. To arm these ships, the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR issued a decree on July 10, 1969: to develop a universal missile system capable of being used from both submarines and conventional cruisers.

Design work and testing

Sectional view of the 3M-45 missile of the P-700 complex.

The P-700 “Granit” anti-ship missile system was developed at NPO Mashinostroeniya by V. N. Chelomey. V.I. Patrushev was appointed chief designer. According to the technical specifications, the new missile had to be able to autonomously, without interacting with the carrier, select the main target of attack in the order of ships. The first tests began in 1975 on a ground stand. The missiles were tested at the Nenoksa test site (Arkhangelsk region). In total, at least 19 launches were made from ground stands. In 1980, joint testing of the complex began with carriers, the Kirov missile cruiser and the K-525 nuclear submarine (the lead ship of Project 949). and the first underwater launch was carried out on February 26, 1976 near Cape Fiolent (Crimea Peninsula). A total of 45 launches were carried out during flight testing. The cycle of state tests was completed in 1983, and following its results, by resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated March 12, 1983, the Granit complex was adopted by the Navy.

Ever since the creation of the first long-range anti-ship missiles, the need to build a system that would provide target designation for them became obvious. The fact is that the range of the radar of the ship itself is limited by the horizon and, depending on the height of the mast on which the antenna is located, averages 40-50 km. As for over-the-horizon long-wave radars, the effectiveness of their operation greatly depends on the state of the atmosphere, and in addition, they are not always able to provide sufficient target designation accuracy for targeting anti-ship missile systems. The most promising way to solve this problem would be the creation of a satellite target designation system, which was developed with the direct participation of Academician Mstislav Keldysh. The Marine Space Reconnaissance and Targeting System (MCRTS) “Legend” consisted of one and a half dozen low-orbit satellites equipped with powerful radars and was capable of monitoring the entire surface of the world’s oceans.

Performance characteristics

PKRK "Granit" on a boat pr.949

The rocket is launched from a transport and launch container, which is filled with sea water before launch, which is typical; this scheme is used when launching not only from underwater, but also from surface carriers. In the case of launching from a submarine, this is done for three reasons: to equalize the pressure inside and outside the container, to reduce thermal loads on the launcher, and also to use water as a working substance to generate steam, which pushes the rocket out of the launcher. As for surface vessels, it was decided to abandon the development of two types of equipment for the complex, two types of launch engines for missiles, purely for economic reasons.

The missile uses a combined guidance system. Access to the target area is carried out according to the data of the inertial navigation system (INS). For direct guidance on an enemy ship, an active radar homing head (ARLGSN) is used. The characteristics of the missile’s onboard radar allow it to detect a “cruiser” type target from a distance of about 70 km.

The missiles of the P-700 complex are equipped with an on-board digital computer (ONDVM), which uses several information channels, which ultimately made it possible to achieve high noise immunity. "Granit" is a smart rocket. Thanks to the data stored in its on-board computer about the classes of modern ships, various orders, etc., the missile is capable of autonomously selecting the highest priority target in a group of opponents. In addition, the P-700 missiles are equipped with an in-flight information exchange system, which makes it possible to apply the “wolf pack” principle. During a salvo launch, one of the missiles is assigned the function of a leader, while the main part of the “flock” approaches the enemy group of ships at low altitude, hiding behind the radio horizons, the leader missile, moving along an altitude trajectory, with the help of its onboard radar, leads reconnaissance Having detected the enemy, the “leader” transmits information to the “flock”, after which the missiles automatically distribute targets among themselves, in accordance with the laid down program. If the “leader” is shot down, another missile takes the leader’s place. All this allows you to optimize the destruction of the highest priority enemy ships.

The P-700 has several different flight path options designed for different operational and tactical situations. When launched at maximum range, most of the flight is performed at an altitude of about 14,000 meters and a speed of 2.5 MAX. At the attack site, the missile descends to a height of 25 meters, which makes it less vulnerable to anti-aircraft systems enemy. The missile is equipped with a KR-93 sustainer turbojet engine and a solid propellant booster.

Brief table of performance characteristics


P-700 missiles are in service with twenty submarine cruisers of Project 949A Antey (24 launchers each), as well as ships of Project 1144 Orlan (20 launchers each) and 1143 Krechet (12 launchers each). Launch occurs from inclined launchers installations SM-225 (for submarines) or SM-233 (for surface cruisers). On surface ships, installations are located below deck, at an angle of 60 degrees. Before launch, the launch containers are filled with water. When firing at a long distance (from 100-120 km), in order to reduce air resistance, the missile travels most of the way at an altitude of 14-17 thousand meters and drops to 25 meters directly in front of the target. In addition to the MCRC Legend satellite target designation system, the Success aviation complex is also used for missile guidance, the carrier of which can be Tu-95RTs aircraft or Ka-25Ts helicopters. Theoretically, the P-700 can be used to destroy not only sea targets, but also ground targets. However, due to the fact that on board the missile there is no equipment necessary for flights over land, the entire flight is carried out at high altitude, which greatly increases the likelihood of its interception by an enemy Air defense.

After the end of World War II, the confrontation between the two superpowers, the USSR and the USA, began to gain momentum. The military blocs of NATO and the Warsaw Pact, created almost simultaneously, had completely different military doctrines. The defensive policy of the Eastern bloc excluded invasion of the territory of another state and, based on this, more attention was paid to the development of ground forces and missile technology. The United States and NATO preferred to pursue an aggressive policy and created carrier strike groups (ACG). The latter are still the main military force America anywhere in the World Ocean.

The creation of a strong NATO aircraft-carrying fleet worried the leadership of the USSR. A war-ravaged country could not afford to create such naval forces, but confronting the enemy properly was a vital necessity for the country. The way out of the situation was missiles capable of destroying AUGs. Developments to create “aircraft carrier killers” began in the 50s.

Thanks to the many years of work of design engineers of the USSR and then the Russian Federation, missile systems appeared capable of destroying aircraft carrier groups. Such systems also include the P-700 Granit anti-ship missiles (ASM), which are the best in their class.

The prototype of the first Soviet cruise missile was the German V-1 missile. Engineers had to work a lot to create a domestic model that had to meet all the requirements of the military. The first anti-ship missile adopted by the Navy in 1959 was the P-5 anti-ship missile, which could also carry a nuclear charge.

The rocket had remarkable performance for that time. Its speed was close to the speed of sound (331 m/s), and its flight range reached 500 kilometers. However, the missile had one drawback - it could only be launched from a surface position, which did not allow it to be used by submarines.

Finding a solution to the problem took several years. In 1975, the modernized rocket underwent flight tests. In 1983, a new anti-missile system was adopted by the Navy under the name P-700 Granit. They were armed with both submarines and surface ships.

These are the missiles that are in the arsenal of the flagship of the Northern Fleet, the heavy nuclear cruiser Pyotr Velikiy. It carries twenty 20 such missiles on board. The Russian aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov has 12 missiles.

The design of the P-700 rocket is cigar-shaped. It is equipped with folding swept wings and a tail unit that also folds.

The P-700 develops a speed exceeding the speed of sound by 1.5 times, which greatly affects the possibility of its detection by enemy air defense systems. The rocket engines allow it to reach speeds of up to 2.5 M when flying at high altitudes.

The independent control system on the missile allows it to withstand the effects of electronic warfare (EW). At the same time, each P-700 has radar jamming stations and is capable of dropping false targets.

The missile warhead can be equipped various types warheads, depending on the tasks being solved, including nuclear ones. The homing head is active and radar.

According to the developers of the P-700, their creation is intelligent. This is manifested in the fact that after launch and ascent to high altitudes, the rocket is able to detect a target. And when the missile descends to a minimum altitude, it continues to fly until it hits the target, which makes it difficult to detect and destroy.

Describing the advantages of the P-700, it is worth saying that it can also work “collectively”. This happens as follows: the first missile detects and locks on a target (or several targets), while providing guidance signals to other missiles. In the event that the gunner is destroyed, its functions can be taken over by another one flying in the salvo. In addition, artificial intelligence allows you to select goals in order of importance and develop the right decisions to defeat them. The “brain” of the P-700 electronic control system contains data from almost all warships and their countermeasures systems. Missiles launched at the enemy exchange information about their targets.

The Russian anti-ship missile system is able to determine which naval groups are its target and sort them by composition and purpose. If the target is successfully hit by one missile, the remaining ones choose another object for themselves.

Despite their “advanced age,” Russian anti-ship missiles remain the best in the world. The “Harpoon” missile of a similar class, which is in service with the United States, is 2.5 times inferior in mass to the Russian one in terms of the weight of the warhead and 2 times in speed. At the same time, it is five times greater than the capabilities of its American competitor in terms of flight range.

There are, of course, other candidates for comparison. These are, for example, the French Exocet missiles, the Chinese S-802 or the Israeli Gabriel. However, even here comparative characteristics clearly not in favor of foreign models. The only thing that Russian and foreign missiles have in common is that they have a similar purpose.

The P-700 can destroy a warship of the destroyer or cruiser class. According to mathematical calculations, in order to completely destroy an aircraft carrier class ship, a salvo of 8-10 missiles will be required. For the cruiser "Peter the Great" this is quite an achievable figure, which is why in the West it is called the "aircraft carrier killer".
