V. Kozhinov. Origin of the novel


Parameter name Meaning
Rubric (thematic category) Literature

The complete opposite, both in content and language, of the stories about Grief and Misfortune and about Savva Grudtsyn is “The Story of the Russian Nobleman Frol Skobeev,” which tells about the adventures of a rogue and a sneak. Its hero, a poor nobleman, very successfully arranges his material well-being by deception marrying the daughter of the rich and influential steward Nardin-Nashchokin, Annushka. Neither Frol nor Annushka have any regard for tradition, nor do they the slightest sign the spiritual tragedy that the fellow from “The Tale of Woe and Misfortune” experiences, breaking away from antiquity.

Frol bribes Annushka's mother and thanks to this, in a girl's dress, he gets to Annushka's party, during which, with the help of the same mother, he secludes himself with the girl and, taking advantage of her inexperience, seduces her. This act not only easily gets away with him, but also brings material benefits: Annushka, releasing Frol, gives him several ducats, “and from that time Skobeev got hold of the char and began to live luxuriously and held banquets with his other noble brothers.” Inspired by good luck, Frol plans to marry Annushka, who just at this time is called by her parents from their Novgorod estate to Moscow, “so that good suitors, the capital’s children, woo her.” He rushes to Moscow with the firm intention of achieving his goal. “Even though I’ll lose my belly...” he says to his sister, “but I won’t leave Annushka: either I’ll be a colonel or a dead man!” Again, through the nanny, he begins a relationship with Annushka, from whom he receives twenty rubles. Taking advantage of the fact that a carriage was supposed to be sent for Annushka to take her to visit her aunt in the monastery, he deceitfully, supposedly for “viewing the bride,” gets a carriage from his patron steward Lovchikov, solders the coachman and takes Annushka away, but not to the monastery, but to his apartment, and then marries her. When, by order of the tsar, a publication was made about the disappearance of Nardin-Nashchokin’s daughter and the kidnapper was ordered to return her on pain death penalty, Frol, informing Lovchikov. that he took Annushka away and married her, asks for his intercession, threatening otherwise to entangle him in his business, because by giving his carriage, Lovchikov thereby contributed to the abduction of the girl. Lovchikov has no choice but to rescue Frol, for which he arranges a meeting with Annushka’s father in his presence. With the courage of an adventurer, consciously taking risks and taking into account the situation, Frol announces to Nardin-Nashchokin that he kidnapped his daughter and asks for forgiveness. From an immediate complaint against the kidnapper, with which the desperate father is going to turn to the tsar, Skobeev is saved by the same Lovchikov, who recommends Nardin-Nashchokin to first consult with his wife. Gradually the parent’s heart softens, and Nardin-Nashchokin, concerned future fate daughter, not only does not complain to the tsar about Frol, but asks the tsar to forgive the guilt of his son-in-law. Frol very skillfully takes advantage of the parents’ pity for their daughter, makes her pretend to be terminally ill when Nardin-Nashchokin’s servant comes to visit her, and asks for at least a blessing in absentia for her, and then, after the parents have sent the precious image, he tells Annushka to get up, stating that her parents' blessing raised her to her feet. The rogue Frol is invariably lucky, and he not only gets away with it, but also rapidly succeeds. Annushka’s parents supply the newlyweds with abundant provisions so that the “thief”, “dog” Skobeev does not starve their daughter to death.

And “Frol Skobeev already began to live luxuriously and travel everywhere with noble people, and they were very surprised at Skobeev that he did such a thing and so boldly.”

The swindler and scoundrel Frol ends his life as a worthy person in all respects, according to the concepts of his environment, a person whose past no one knows or, at least, does not remember. Wealth and marriage to the capital's daughter provide him with honor and respect. Annushka's noble parents finally reconcile with their son-in-law, whom they so recently treated as a thief and a rogue, accept him with honor and leave him all their estates as an inheritance. In the person of Frol, everyday practicality triumphs, which became so characteristic of the petty service nobility, which at that time was making its way to the top of the social ladder. The author of the story himself does not express his condemnatory attitude towards the hero and his morally unsightly life career.

Frol and Annushka can match Frol in the freedom with which she treats her father’s behests and commandments of antiquity. Only observing a purely external convention, after Frol has taken possession of her, she reproaches her mother: “What You, Damn, I had to do it! This was not a girl with me - he is a courageous man of our city, Frol Skobeev! But when the mother, pretending that she did not suspect anything bad, offers to hide him “in a secret place” for the “dirty trick” Frol committed, Annushka, who had already felt affection for her seducer , refuses to deal with Frol, briefly motivating his decision: “It should already be like this!” I can’t return that! Moreover, she detains Frol for three days, during which he “had fun all the time with Annushka,” and then lets him go, generously giving him gifts. With her affection and money, Annushka does not leave Frol even after moving to Moscow, and on her initiative, Frol takes her away in a carriage, as if sent by her aunt from the monastery. She does not feel a shadow of remorse, having fled from her parents’ house; she does not feel sorry for the old people - her father and mother, who were shocked, as she well understood, by her act, and she, together with her lover, participates in deceiving her parents when she pretends to be sick.

No better than either of them is Annushka’s mother, a person of an older generation, but nevertheless without any foundations in her soul, a corrupt pimp who patronizes Frol because he pays her for her services.

The author did an excellent job of outlining the character of his characters, especially Frol Skobeev. He masterfully shows a combination of arrogance, cynicism and obsequious calculated delicacy. To Lovchikov’s question whether Frol got married and took a rich girl for himself, he replies: “Nowadays I still don’t see wealth, but time will tell,” and immediately threatens his patron with personal troubles if he does not help him out. When the image is brought from the Nardin-Nashchokins, Frol, together with Annushka, venerates it, places it in the proper place and tells him to thank Annushka’s parents for “not abandoning their lost daughter.” In his father-in-law’s house, he meekly and obediently listens to his insults and humbly responds to the offensive nicknames that the eminent old man, wounded in his pride and wounded in his pride, rewards him with.

The characters of Annushka’s parents, oscillating between feelings of anger at their daughter and pity for her and ultimately reconciling with her, are also shown very vividly and believably.

The story is very interesting in its focus on realism and psychologism. The characters depicted in it are distinguished by all the signs of typicality. Their actions are motivated not by the intervention of an outside force - God or the devil, who often determined the behavior and destinies of people in works of ancient Russian literature, but by the free actions of the characters themselves, arising from their characters and the properties of their nature; They are not objects of some kind outside of their acting and directing force, but subjects of action, independently managing their lives and, to the best of their abilities and practical dexterity, creating their everyday well-being. The story is also interesting for its lively humor. Just look at its final page, which conveys the conversation between old man Nardin-Nashchokin and Frol Skobeev, who came with Annushka for lunch to his father-in-law! How subtly and skillfully the condescending and dismissive attitude of the well-born steward towards his unfortunate son-in-law is conveyed and how well the gradual softening of the insulted father and the increase in his concern for the fate of the young spouses are shown! Or as marks of casually thrown phrases, like the one with which Nardin-Nashchokin addresses a servant, through whom he - as a sign of a blessing in absentia - sends an expensive image to Annushka, who pretended to be sick: “And tell the rogue and thief Frolka not to squander it!” It is also apt to mention that when abundant food supplies arrived at Frol’s apartment on several carts and with them a register, Frol accepted the gift, “despite the register.” But, perhaps, the most impressive impression is made by Frol’s calmly cynical phrase, spoken by him in response to Nardin-Nashchokin’s reproaches for kidnapping his daughter: “Sovereign Father, God has already judged him this way!” Turgenev responded about the story like this: “This is an extremely wonderful thing.” All the faces are excellent, and the naivety of the style is touching.

The language of the story reveals a fundamental difference from the traditional language of previous monuments of Russian literature. He approaches the language of secular stories of the Peter the Great era and at the same time abundantly uses modern clerical jargon, sounding already at the very beginning of the story: “In 1680, in the Novogorod district there was a nobleman Frol Skobeev; in the same Novgorod district there were the estates of the steward Nardin-Nashchokin, and in those estates there was his daughter Annushka and she lived in them,” and below, in the same way: “And the steward Nardin-Nashchokin was very ancient in years.” The story includes fashionable foreign words, such as “publication”, “register”, “apartment”, “person”, “banquets”, “natural”, and such pretentious expressions that also became fashionable, such as “to fall in love”, “ there is no service of mine to you”, “pleasure evenings called Christmastide”, “obligatory love” and etc. The author, apparently, tried to write in the language that seemed to him most appropriate to his contemporary requirements, which were presented by a secular story, but in his attempts at fashion he should probably have seemed naive even to his more educated contemporaries. He himself, obviously, belonged either to the clerical order or to the petty nobility and, despite his undoubted talent, was a man of very moderate literary literacy.

The action of the story in one of the lists dates back to 1680, in another list its very writing dates back to this year. Judging, however, by the language and by the fact that in the story some facts are spoken of as already about the deeds of the past (“Back then it was the custom for everyone to be in the meeting on Ivanovo Square”; “at that time those old people had the custom of carrying natural canes in their hands with buns), the story should be dated to the very end of the 17th century. or the beginning of the 18th century - the eve of Peter’s reforms. Later, stories of a gallant-romantic style, such as the story of Vasily Kariotsky, became characteristic.

The story of Frol Skobeev is a typical example of the picaresque short story genre, which by that time had become quite widespread in the West. However, no suitable Western parallels to our story have yet been found, and it is unlikely that they should be looked for, since its plot situations are more or less common places in a certain historical era. In addition, the surnames appearing in the story about Frol - with the exception of one list, where instead of Skobeev there is Skomrakhov, and instead of Nardin-Nashchokin - Nardin-Tsap-lin - find their correspondence in the historical documents of the era and are associated with those very localities. which are discussed in the story. This last circumstance gives rise to the assumption of the possibility of a real lining for its writing."

In the last quarter of the 18th century. The story about Frol Skobeev underwent literary treatment under the pen of Iv. Novikov, who wrote the story “Novgorod girls’ Yuletide evening, played in Moscow as a wedding party,” which was included in his book “The Adventures of Ivan Gostiny’s son.” At the end of the 60s of the XIX century. playwright Averkiev, based on the plot of the story about Frol, wrote the play “Comedy about the Russian nobleman Frol Skobeev and Nardyn-Nashchokin’s capital’s daughter Annushka.” On the same plot by composer T. Khrennikov in 1950. A comic opera “Frol Skobeev” was composed.

THE TALE ABOUT FROL SKOBEEV - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "THE TALE ABOUT FROL SKOBEEV" 2017, 2018.

In the picaresque short story “The Tale of Frol Skobeev” he triumphs new hero- a poor seedy nobleman, a petty clerk. This is the first Russian picaresque story of the 17th century. The exact date of writing has not been established. Based on various data, the time period when she could have appeared extends from 1680 (the hero’s adventures are attributed to this year in some lists) to the 20s of the 18th century. (judging by the peculiarities of vocabulary and realities); by the 18th century All 9 known lists of the work also apply. The story was discovered in the collection of M.P. Pogodin in 1853.

Small in volume, not rich in events, lively and dynamically written story is a kind of apology for cunning, resourcefulness and trickery. Its hero, a resident of the Novgorod district of the “great Yabida” Frol Skobeev, earns his living as an attorney, i.e. the clerk decides to “have love” at all costs with Annushka, the daughter of the clerk Nardin-Nashchokin. To begin with, he meets a certain clerk, in whose house he encounters Annushka’s mother. Skobeev gives her two rubles without asking for anything in return. When Annushka invites noble daughters through her mother to visit the Christmastide, the unrecognized Frol also arrives, dressed in women's dress. Having ambushed the mother, he gives her five rubles and reveals who he is, asking her to set him up with Annushka, which the mother does. They are left in the bedroom, where the deceiver revealed himself to Annushka and, despite her fear, “corrupted her virginity.” When the steward summoned his daughter to Moscow, Frol goes after her. In Moscow, having begged a carriage from a friend of the steward Lovchikov and drunk the coachman into unconsciousness, he dresses up in coachman’s clothes and takes the girl away. Annushka and Frol are getting married. The saddened steward informs the sovereign about the disappearance of his daughter. By royal command, the kidnapper must show up, otherwise, if found, he will be executed

When the stewards come out onto Ivanovskaya Square in the Kremlin after the liturgy in the Assumption Cathedral, Frol falls at the feet of Nardin-Nashchokin. Together with Lovchikov, he dissuades Annushka’s father from complaining to the sovereign. Some time later, Nardin-Nashchokin sends a man to see how his daughter lives. The cunning Frol forces Annushka to go to bed and, through a messenger, tells her father that her daughter is ill and asks for parental forgiveness before her death. Frightened parents send their daughter an image, one butt of which is worth 500 rubles. Having forgiven their daughter, the parents visit her in the new house and invite Annushka and Frol to their place, ordering the servants not to let anyone in, announcing to everyone: the steward is “eating with his son-in-law, the thief and rogue Frolka.” For supporting family life The steward gives Frol an estate in Simbirsk district, consisting of 300 households. Over time, the resourceful Frol becomes the heir to all the steward’s property, marries his sister in marriage, and the mother who helped him is kept in great mercy and honor until her death.

In the story you can see very real facts: the names of the characters are found in documents dating back to the 17th century, and the prototype of the steward could well have been the boyar A.L. Ordin-Nashchokin, who headed the Ambassadorial Prikaz. But this work attracts, first of all, its artistic merits. Here, unlike other ancient Russian stories, the author’s speech does not merge with the speech of the characters, which, although not individualized, is close to colloquial speech and is rich in lively intonations. The story also lacks an edifying element, so characteristic of stories of the 17th century. (another argument in favor of dating it to the 18th century). Small details specially highlighted by the author are interesting and unusual. The most important events, as in other works of medieval prose, occur at particularly significant moments (Christmas time), in particularly significant places (in church, after the liturgy), but these events themselves are such that the connection with other works of the genre is no longer like continuity, but a parody.

Before the reader is a picaresque short story, which over time will be reborn into the genre of a Christmas story, and its hero is a typical rogue, a swindler, distinguished not by wealth, but by resourcefulness and personal connections. The unknown author of the work openly sympathizes with the hero, and the fact that he is well aware of the order terminology makes it possible to look at the hero he presents as a self-portrait.

The Tale of Frol Skobeev


In the Novgorod district there was a nobleman Frol Skobeev; in the same Novgorod district there were the estates of the stolnik Nardin Nashchekin; and in those estates his daughter Annushka lived and lived in them.

And Frol Skobeev found out about that capital’s daughter and took the intention to create love with that Annushka; He just doesn’t know through whom to see her; however, he decided to identify that estate with the clerk and began to always go to his house, the clerk. And at some point Frol Skobeev happened to be at that clerk’s house, and at the same time, the mother of the steward’s daughter, Nardin Nashchekin, came to that clerk, and saw Frol Skobeev that that mother always lived with Annushka. And how that mother went from the clerk to his mistress Annushka, then, following her, Frol Skobeev gave that mother two rubles, and that mother announced to him: “Mr. Skobeev, it is not according to my merits that you deign to show such a favor! I can’t find any service for you!” And Frol Skobeev gave the money to that mother, did not say anything to her, walked away from her, and the mother came to her mistress Annushka, and when she came, she did not announce anything. And Frol Skobeev sat with that clerk and went to his house. And during the entertaining evenings that happen in the joy of girlhood, called Christmastide, and that daughter of the steward Nardin Nashchekin, called Annushka, ordered her mother to go to all the nobles who have residences in the vicinity of their estates and whose nobles have maiden daughters , to ask them to Annushka’s party for fun. And that mother went and asked all the noble daughters to her mistress Annushka, and according to her request they promised to all be. And that mother knows that Frol Skobeev has a sister, a girl, and the mother went to Frol Skobeev’s house and asks his sister to go to her mistress Annushka’s house for a party, and that sister announced to the mother: “Perhaps, just wait a little, I’ll go to my brother I will report: if he orders, then I will inform you about it!” And how the sister came to Frol Skobeev and announced to him that “the mother from the capital’s daughter Annushka has arrived and asks me to come to her house for a party.” And Frol Skobeev said to his sister: “Go tell that mother that you will not be alone, but you will be some nobleman with a girl’s daughter.” And that sister thinks a lot about what her brother ordered her to say; however, she did not dare to disobey her brother’s will and said that she would be with her mistress that evening with a certain noble daughter. And that mother went to her mistress Annushka’s house. And Frol Skobeev began to say to his sister: “Well, sister, it’s time for you to go and visit!” And that sister became the girl’s dresser, and Frol Skobeev said: “Bring me, sister, the girl’s dress too! I will clean up too, and together with you we will go to Annushka, to the capital’s daughter! “And that sister of his velmi lamented about this, because if they recognize him, then “of course my brother will be in great trouble, and that steward Nashchekin will be in great favor with the king!” However, not disobeying her brother’s will, she brought him a maiden dress, and Frol Skobeev, dressed in a girl's dress, and went with his sister to the capital's daughter Annushka. And when they arrived, many noble daughters had already gathered at that Annushka's, and Frol Skobeev was right there, in a girl's dress, and no one could recognize him.

And all the girls began to have fun with different games and had fun for a long time, and Frol Skobeev had fun with them, and no one could recognize him. And then Frol Skobeev wanted to go to the outhouse, and he was there alone, and his mother was standing in the hallway with a candle; and how Frol Skobeev came out of the outhouse and began to say to his mother: “Oh, my dear mother! There are many of our sisters here and your services are many, and I hope none of them will give you a gift!” And the mother cannot admit that he is Frol Skobeev. And Frol Skobeev, taking out 5 rubles of money, gave it to her mother. The mother, under great coercion, took that money. And Frol Skobeev saw that his mother could not recognize him, and fell on her knees and announced to her that he was a nobleman, Frol Skobeev, and had come in a maiden dress for Annushka, in order to have obligatory love with her; and how the mother saw that he was truly Frol Skobeev, and became in great doubt and did not know what to do with him; however, remembering his many gifts to himself and saying: “Good, Mr. Skobeev, for your favorable mercy towards me, I am ready to provide any help according to your will!” And she came to peace, where the girls were having fun, and did not announce it to anyone. And that mother began to say to her mistress Annushka: “Come on, girls, play! I’m announcing to you another game, like we used to play when we were young!” And that Annushka did not disobey her mother’s will and began to say: “Well, mother-mother, what is your will for all our girlish games!” That mother announced the game to them: “If you please, Mother Annushka! You be the bride,” and pointed to Frol Skobeev, “and this girl is the groom!” and lead them to special rooms to rest,555 as is customary at a wedding. And those girls went to accompany them to those chambers and went back to the cheerful chambers in which they had fun. And that mother ordered the girls to sing loud songs so that they would not hear screams from them; and Frol Skobeeva’s sister was very sad, feeling sorry for her brother, and hopes that, of course, there will be a parable. And Frol Skobeev, lying with Annushka, announced that he was Frol Skobeev, a Novgorod nobleman, and not a girl. And Annushka did not know what to answer to him, and began to be in great fear, and Frolko, despite any fear, was very courageous and corrupted her girlhood by force. Then that Annushka asked Frol Skobeev not to encircle her with others. Then the mother and all the girls came to the room where they were lying, and Annushka’s face began to change due to considerable difficulty, which she had never seen in her life. And no one can recognize the girls as Frol Skobeev; And that Annushka didn’t announce this to anyone, she just took her mother by the hand and took her to a special room and began to speak skillfully: “What the hell have you done to me?” Frol Skobeev! “And that mother told her: “truly, dear lady, she couldn’t admit it and thought that he was such a girl, and when he did such a nasty thing, we have a lot of people, we can completely hide him in a secret place558!” And that Annushka felt sorry for him, Frol Skobeeva, and he immediately put pity into her heart, as he lay with her in a special bed, and said: “Well, mother, it’s already like that! I can’t return that to me!” And all the girls went to a cheerful rest, with Frol Skobeev in a girl’s dress, and they had fun for a long time at night; then all the girls began to have peace, and Annushka lay down with Frol Skobeev, and she herself said: “better than this The girl did not choose to sleep in her companions." And they had fun all night with bodily amusements. Already such pity had taken root in Annushkino’s heart that, through great need, she fell behind Frol Skobeev.

And the next morning, all the girls got up, thanked Annushka for her kind treat and went to their homes, and Frol Skobeev went with his sister, but Annushka let all the girls go, and left Frol Skobeev and her sister with her. And Frol Skobeev was with Annushka for three days, all in a girl’s dress, so that the servants of the house would not recognize him, and he still had fun with Annushka, and after three days he went to the house: his own and with his sister. And Annushka gave Frol Skobeev several red rubles - and from that time on the char559 Skobeev got hold of it and began to live luxuriously and held banquets with his other noble brothers. Then her father writes from Moscow to Annushka, the capital’s steward Nardin Nashchekin, telling her to go immediately to Moscow so that good suitors, the capital’s children, are wooing her. And Annushka, although with great reluctance, not wanting to disobey her father’s will, went to Moscow. Then, Frol Skobeev found out that Annushka had left for Moscow and became in great doubt - he did not know what to do, given that the nobleman was not rich and had food, that he always went to Moscow as an attorney for business. And he made up his mind to mortgage the wasteland he had and go to Moscow, as if to get Annushka as his wife, which is what he did. And Frol Skobeev began to go to Moscow, and his sister is very sorry about this, which of course will be the reason. And Frol Skobeev began to say goodbye and said: “Well, mother sister, perhaps, don’t worry about anything: although I will lose my life, in those places my life will end, but I will not leave Annushka, - either I will be a colonel or a dead man! and if something happens according to my intention, then I will not leave you either: and if misfortune happens, then I ask you not to forget me by remembering me!” And saying goodbye, he went to Moscow.

And upon arrival in Moscow, he stood in an apartment near the courtyard of the steward Nardin Nashchekin. And the next day Frol Skobeev went to mass and saw Mother Annushkina in the church. And after the litorgy, Frol Skobeev came out of the church and began to wait for that mother. And how that mother came out of the church, and Frol Skobeev approached that mother, and bowed to her, and asked her to announce him to Annushka. And she promised to do all kinds of good things for him, and the mother came home and announced to Annushka about the arrival of Frol Skobeev. And Annushka began to be in great joy and asked her mother to go to mass in the morning and take 20 rubles of money and give it to Frol Skobeev. And my mother did it at the behest of her, Annushka.

This steward, Nardin Nashchekin, had a sister who was tonsured at the Maiden Monastery; and that steward went to visit his sister in the monastery for a walk; and when he arrived, his sister met her brother with honor; and that steward sat with his sister for a considerable time. And there were conversations, during which the sister asked her brother: “Humblely, my lord brother, I ask you! Perhaps, let your dear daughter Annushka go for a meeting with me, since I haven’t seen her for many years!” And the steward Nardin Nashchekin promised to let her go of his daughter. And the sister said: “I don’t hope, sir, brother, that you will do this for me or you will forget. I just humbly ask that you please order in your house when I send a carriage for her and appear560, although not while you were at home, so that they let her go to me.” !" And her brother Nardin Nashchekin promised to do it for her request. And after some time, the steward Nardin Nashchekin happened to go on a visit with his wife and ordered his daughter: “Listen, my friend Annushka, if my sister, and your aunt, sends for you from the monastery, a carriage with clothes, then go to her immediately!" And he himself went to visit with his wife.

And Annushka asks her mother to go to Frol Skobeev as much as possible, so that he, wherever possible, begs for a carriage and with appearances and comes to her himself and says that he came from the sister of the steward Nardin Nashchekin from the monastery for Annushka. And that mother went to Frol Skobeev and told him her mistress’s order.

And as Frol Skobeev heard, he doesn’t know what to do and how to deceive someone, so that everyone from the noble nobles knows that he is a poor nobleman - just a great sneak and to intercede for the orders. And it came to Frol Skobeev’s memory that the steward of Lovchikov was very kind to him; and went to that table; and how Frol Skobeev came to Lovchikov, and Lovchikov had a lot of conversation with him; and then Frol Skobeev began to ask Lovchikov to grant him a carriage and go with him to look at the bride. And Lovchikov gave him, according to his request, a carriage and a coachman; and Frol Skobeev went and came to his apartment and made that coachman very drunk, and he put on a lackey's dress and sat on the box and went to the steward Nardin Nashchekin along Annushka. And Annushkin’s mother saw that Frol Skobeev had arrived and told Annushka, under the guise of other servants, that her aunt had allegedly sent her from the monastery. And that Annushka cleaned up and got into the carriage and went to Frol Skobeev’s apartment. And that coachman of the Trappers woke up; and Frol saw that the coachman was not so drunk, and he got him quite drunk and put him in the carriage, and he himself sat in the box and went to Lovchikov’s yard; and he came to the courtyard and opened the gates, and let them come into the courtyard with the carriage, and he himself went to his apartment. And Lovchikov’s people went out into the yard and saw that they were standing there with a carriage, and the coachman was lying in the carriage, severely drunk, sleeping, and no one knew who brought them to the yard. And Lovchikov ordered the carriage and the horses to be removed and said: “It’s also good that he didn’t leave at all! There’s nothing to take from Frol Skobeev!” And the next morning Lovchikov began asking the coachman where he had been with Frol Skobeev, and the coachman said that “I only remember being at the apartment, but where he went and what he did, I don’t know!”

Then the steward Nardin Nashchekin came from among the guests and asked his daughter Annushka; and that mother said that “by your order, she was released to your sister in the monastery, so that she sent a carriage and appeared!” Nardin Nashchekin said: “pretty much!”

And the steward Nardin Nashchekin has not been with his sister for a long time and thinks that his daughter Annushka is with her sister in the monastery. And Frol Skobeev has already married Annushka. Then the steward Nardin Nashchekin went to his sister in the monastery and sat for a considerable time, but did not see his daughter, and asked his sister: “Sister, why don’t I see Annushka?” And his sister answered him: “Too bad, brother, they’ll mock me! What should I do if I’m unhappy with my request to you: I asked you to send me. It’s significant561 that you don’t believe me in that, but I don’t have the time to send for her!" And the steward Nardin Nashchekin said: “What, madam sister, what do you want to say? I can’t judge, because she was released to you for a month, and you sent a carriage for her and appeared, and at that time I was visiting and with my wife, and by our order she was released to you!” And the sister said: “No way, brother, I never sent carriages or carriages, and Annushka never came to see me!” And the steward Nardin Nashchekin was very sorry for his daughter and cried bitterly that his daughter had disappeared without a trace, and he came to his house and announced to his wife that Annushka had disappeared, and said that her sister was not in the monastery, and began to ask her mother: “ who came? and where did she go?" That mother said that a coachman arrived with the arrivals and said: “From the Maiden Convent, from your sister, I came for Annushka, and on your orders Annushka went.” And they expressed great condolences and wept bitterly about this, and the next morning the steward went to the sovereign and announced that his daughter had disappeared without a trace. And the sovereign ordered a publication to be made about that capital’s daughter: if anyone supports her secretly, so that she will be reported, and if someone does not announce it and is found, then after death she will be executed.

And Frol Skobeev, hearing such a publication, does not know what to do; and having planned it, Frol Skobeev came to Lovchikov’s steward, so that Lovchikov treated him very kindly and mercifully. And Frol Skobeev, having come to Lovchikov, had a lot of conversations, and the steward of Lovchikov asked Frol Skobeev if he got married and got rich? And Skobeev answered him: “I still don’t see wealth now, but time will tell!” - “Well, Mr. Skobeev, live forever562, and don’t go looking for sneaks, stop, and live better and healthier in your patrimony!” - Then Frol Skobeev began to ask that steward to intercede on his behalf, and Lovchikov told him: “If it’s bearable, then I will intercede, and if it’s intolerable, then don’t be angry!” And Frol announced to him that “Stolnik Nardin Nashchekin’s daughter Annushka is with me, and now I have married her!” And the steward of the Lovchikov said: “As you did, so be responsible!” And Frol Skobeev said: “If you don’t intercede for me, you won’t be without a word563! I’ve already come to point you out because you came into being and gave me the carriage, and if you hadn’t given it, I wouldn’t have done that.” !" And Lovchikov became in great doubt and said to him: “You are a real rogue! What have you done to me?.. Well, I will intercede as best I can!” And he told him to come to the Assumption Cathedral tomorrow, and Stolnik Nardin Nashchekin will be at mass tomorrow - “and after mass we will all stand in the assembly on Ivanovo Square, and at that time come and fall before him and announce his daughter, and I will intercede as best I can!”

And Frol Skobeev came to the Assumption Cathedral for mass, and the stolnik Nardin Nashchekin, and Lovchikov, and other stolniks were all at the mass. And after the departure, then everyone had the custom of being in an assembly on Ivanovo Square opposite Ivan the Great and had conversations among themselves about who needed what. And the stolnik Nardin Nashchekin sympathizes more about his daughter, and Lovchikov also talks with him about his daughter to incline mercy. And Frol Skobeev went to those conversations and bowed to all the stolniks, as is the custom, and all the stolniks know Frol Skobeev. And besides everyone else, he fell before the captain Nardin Nashchekin and asked for forgiveness: “Merciful sir and the king’s captain! For the first time, forgive my guilt, like your servant, which I boldly committed before you!” And the steward Nardin Nashchekin was very old in years and his eyesight was already darkened by antiquity, but he could still see a person. At that time, those old people had the custom of carrying natural canes with sticks in their hands564 - and with that stick he raises Frol Skobeev: “Who are you? Tell me about yourself! And what is your need for us?” And Frol Skobeev simply says: “let go of my guilt!” And the steward of Lovchikov approached Nardin Nashchekin and said: “The nobleman Frol Skobeev lies before you, asking for absolution of his guilt!” And the steward Nardin Nashchekin exclaimed: “Get up, rogue, I’ve known you for a long time, a rogue and a good-for-nothing!” I've been saying for a long time: live constantly! Stand up and tell me what's your fault?" And Frol Skobeev stood up from his feet and announced to him that he had his daughter Annushka, and he married her; and how the steward Nardin Nashchekin heard from him about his daughter, and burst into tears and became unconscious; and little came to his senses, and began to say: “What have you done, you rogue? Do you know who you are? your cunning insult towards me!” And the steward of Lovchikov came to him a second time, and began to talk to him, so that he would not soon make a report to the sovereign: “You are trying to go home and report this incident to your partner, and according to the general advice, it’s best to do so!” and he, Skobeev, can’t go anywhere because of your secretive anger!” And the steward Nardin Nashchekin listened to Lovchikov’s advice, did not go to the sovereign, got into the carriage and went home, and Frol Skobeev went to his apartment and said to Annushka: “Well, Annushka, I don’t know what will happen to you - I announced about you to your father !"

And the steward Nardin Nashchekin arrived at his house, went to his chambers, cried cruelly and shouted: “wife, what do you know? I found Annushka!” And his wife asks: “Where is she, father?” - “Oh, my friend, the thief and rogue and sneaker Frol Skobeev married her!” And his wife heard those speeches from him and did not know what to say, condoling for her daughter. And they both began to cry bitterly and scold their daughter in their hearts, and did not know what to do to her. Then they came to their memories, regretting their daughter, and began to reason with their wife: “We must send a man and find out where he, the rogue, lives, and find out about his daughter, whether she is alive.” And they called their man to them and told him: “go and find Frol Skobeev’s apartment and find out about Annushka, whether she is alive and whether she has any food.”

And their man went around Moscow to look for Frol Skobeev’s apartment and after many trips he found it and came to the court. And Frol Skobeev saw that a man was coming from his father-in-law, and ordered his wife to lie down on the bed and pretend that she was sick. And Annushka did it according to the will of her husband. And the man sent entered the chamber and bowed, as was customary. And Frol Skobeev asked: “What kind of person are you? and what need do you have for me?” And the man answered that he had been sent by Stolnik Nashchekin to check on his daughter, whether she was well. Frol Skobeev says: “You see, my friend, how healthy she is! Such is your parents’ anger - they scold and curse her in absentia, that’s why she lies on the verge of death! Bring their mercy, even if they blessed her in absentia during her lifetime!” And the man bowed to them and left.

And he came to his master and reported that “I found Frol Skobeev’s apartment, only Annushka is very sick and asks you in absentia for a verbal blessing!” And the parents sympathize with their daughter immensely, they only thought, “What should we do with a thief and a rogue?”, but they were more sorry for their daughter. Her mother began to say: “Well, my friend, it will already be so that the rogue will own our daughter! God has already commanded that - we must send an image to them and bless them, even in absentia; and when our hearts are satisfied, then we can see them and yourself!" They took an image from the wall, which was overlaid with gold and precious stones, since the butt was worth 500 rubles, and sent it with the same person, they ordered that they pray to that image, “and tell the rogue and thief Frolka not to squandered it!"

And their man, taking on this image, went to Frol Skobeev’s apartment. And Frol Skobeev saw that the same man had come and said to his wife: “Get up, Annushka.” And they both sat down together, and the man entered their chamber and gave the image to Frol Skobeev and said that “your parents, given by God, have sent a blessing to you!” And Frol Skobeev venerated himself and Annushka to that image, and placed it where it should be; and Frol said to that man: “Such is your parental blessing,” and they were not abandoned in absentia, and God gave Annushka health: now, thank God, she is healthy! Thank their mercy for not abandoning their lost daughter!” And the man came to his master and announced the surrender of the image and the health of Annushka and their thanksgiving, and went to his shown place. And the steward Nardin Nashchekin went to the sovereign and announced that “he found his daughter with the Novgorod nobleman Frol Skobeev, whom he had already married, and I ask your sovereign mercy to let him, Skobeev, off the hook for this” - and told him everything in detail , to which the great sovereign told him that “that is your will, as you wish, and I advise you that this cannot be returned, but he will be rewarded by you, and by my mercy, his brothers will not be abandoned against others - and in that in his old age you will have joy." The stolnik Nardin Nashchekin bowed to the sovereign, and went to his house, and began to reason and regret about his daughter; and began to say to his wife: “How should it be, my friend? Of course, the rogue will starve Annushka to death; what should he, a thief, feed her? And he himself is hungry like a dog! It is necessary, my friend, to send some supply, although for 6 horses"; and his wife said: “Of course, friend, we need to send.” And they sent that supply and, at the same time, a register. And when this supply arrived, Frol Skobeev, despite the registry, ordered it to be placed in the indicated places and ordered those people to thank for their parental mercies. Already Frol Skobeev began to live luxuriously and travel everywhere with noble people, and everyone was surprised at Skobeev that he had done such a thing and so boldly. After a long time, they turned their hearts and sympathized with their souls about their daughter, as well as about Frol Skobeev, and they sent a man to them and ordered them to ask them to eat with them. And how a man came and asked: “Father ordered you to eat this day!” - and Frol Skobeev said: “Tell our sovereign father that we will not care about their health!”

And Frol Skobeev got away with his wife Annushka and went to his father-in-law’s house and came to their house and went to the chambers with his wife; and Annushka fell before the feet of her parents. Nardin Nashchekin saw the guilt brought by his daughter and his wife - they began to scold her and punish her with their parental anger, and looking at her, they cried a lot that she did this without the will of her parents, cursing her life with their words; and according to their many words and anger, they absolved her of guilt and ordered her to sit down at the table with her, and to Frol Skobeev he said: “And you, rogue, why are you standing? Sit down right there! Should you, you rogue, own my daughter!” And Frol said to him: “Sir-father, already as God judged!” - And they all sat down to eat, and the steward Nardin Nashchekin ordered his people not to let any strangers into the house - they would say that “the steward has no time like this, so that he can eat with his son-in-law, the thief and rogue Frolka Skobeev!” And at the end of the table the steward says to his son-in-law: “Well, rogue, how will you live?” And Frol Skobeev said: “Your merciful sir! You yourself deign to be known, how can I live - I can no longer find food, how to go about my business!” And the stolnik said: “Stop, you rogue, following a sneak, - I have my patrimony in the Sinbirsky district, which consists of 300 households, and in the Novogorod district in 200 households - take care of yourself, you rogue, and live forever! " And Frol Skobeev bowed and with his wife gave thanks to their parents, and, after sitting for a while, Frol Skobeev went to his apartment and with his wife. His father-in-law, the steward Nardin Nashchekin, ordered Skobeev to be returned and began to say: “Well, you rogue, do you have money? How will you save the villages?” And Frol said: “You know, sir, what kind of money I have!” And the steward ordered to give his butler 500 rubles. And after saying goodbye, Frol Skobeev went to his apartment with his wife Annushka.

And for many years Frol took charge of the villages and began to live very luxuriously, and went to his father-in-law incessantly, and was always received with honor, but he already gave up going after sneakers. And after some time, the steward Nardin Nashchekin, in his deep old age, moved into eternal life and after his death made Frol Skobeev heir to all his movable and immovable estate. Then, after living for a short time, his mother-in-law passed away, and so Frol Skobeev, living in great glory and wealth, left heirs and died.


Collections of selected works of writing were called ancient Rus' Izborniki or Flower Gardens. The collections included texts that varied in content, but were united by a single idea, either in full or in excerpts. This book has the same character. It includes not only works of the narrative genre, but also epistolary monuments, works of business writing, teachings, and journalistic texts. However, all these various works are united by the fact that they are the most interesting works both from the literary side and because they clearly reflected the worldview of the era. Only such a book can give the modern reader an idea of ​​the breadth and diversity of ancient Russian literature. Most of the texts presented in our collection are given in full. However, some works are published in excerpts or abbreviations. Either monuments of a composite nature (such as “The Tale of Bygone Years”, “Kievo-Pechersk Patericon”, etc.) or large-scale works, the content and nature of which can be compiled, are published in excerpts or with omissions. a fairly complete representation based on the parts printed from them. In all these cases, the notes note that the text has not been published in full and characterizes the entire work as a whole. Text abbreviations are indicated by three dots.

All works, the origin of which can be dated back to the beginning of the 16th century, are accompanied by translations into modern Russian parallel to the ancient Russian texts. Works of the 16th and 17th centuries are published without translations, with explanations in footnotes and in a special dictionary that are incomprehensible or have a different semantic meaning than in modern language, words and expressions. To a certain extent, this creates a certain difficulty for the modern reader, but it gives him the opportunity to get acquainted with all ancient Russian literature in its original form. All ancient Russian texts are printed in a simplified orthography: signs missing in the modern alphabet are replaced by their corresponding modern ones(i - and, O - f, etc.), b is preserved in texts until the 14th century, in monuments of later times b is replaced by e, b and b inside words are placed in accordance with the spellings of the manuscripts from which the texts were published, the final b preserved (in accordance with the presence in the lists) in works until the middle of the 13th century, preserved in the lists of the early manuscript tradition. The principles for selecting texts, the nature of corrections and changes made to the texts are noted in the notes.

The following abbreviations are used in the notes:

BAN - Library of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Leningrad).

GBL - State Library of the USSR named after V.I. Lenin (Moscow).

GIM - State Historical Museum (Moscow).

GPB - State Public Library named after M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin (Leningrad).

IORYAS - News of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Academy of Sciences.

LONI - Leningrad branch of the Institute of History of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

OLDP - Society of Lovers of Ancient Writing.

PSRL - Complete collection of Russian chronicles.

TODRL - Proceedings of the Department of Old Russian Literature of the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

TsGADA - Central State Archive of Ancient Acts of the USSR (Moscow).

This article presents summary"The Tale of Frol Skobeev", as well as its analysis, which will give you general idea about this work. The story we are interested in was created by an unknown author in the second half of the 17th century.

In the Novgorod district there lived a poor nobleman named Frol Skobeev. Here, in the district, was the estate of Nardin-Nashchokin, the steward. His daughter Annushka lived with him. Frol wanted to “have love” with her. To do this, he met the steward of the estate and went to visit him. During his visit, a mother (that is, a nanny) came to the clerk, who was constantly with Annushka. Frol gave her two rubles without saying why.

Annushka's party

It's Christmas time. The daughter of Nardin-Nashchokin decided to throw a party to which she invited the daughters of the nobles. Her mother also went to Frol to invite his sister. At Frol's instigation, his sister told his mother that she would be at the party with her girlfriend. The girl began to get ready to visit, and Skobeev asked her to give him a dress. His sister was frightened, but did not dare to disobey Frol.

No one, including the mother, recognized the main character at the party, since he went there in a girl's dress. Skobeev gave the mother another 5 rubles and told her about everything. The woman promised that she would help him.

In order to bring Frol and Annushka together, the mother invited the girls to play new game simulating a wedding. At this wedding, Annushka was supposed to be the bride, and Skobeev (he was still mistaken for a girl) was the groom. The “newlyweds” went to the bedroom. Here Frol revealed himself to Annushka, after which he deprived her of her virginity.

Then the girls entered the “young people’s” bedroom, but did not find out what had happened. Annushka, left alone with her mother, reproached her for what she had done. However, the woman denied the accusations. She said she didn't know about anything. The mother even suggested that Annushka kill Frol. However, the girl felt sorry for him. In the morning, Annushka sent all the girls home, and decided to keep Frol Skobeeva and his sister for 3 days. The girl gave Frol money, and he became much richer than he was.

Annushka's departure to Moscow

Nardin-Nashchokin, Annushka’s father, ordered his daughter to go to Moscow, since there were good suitors there who were wooing her. Having learned that the steward’s daughter had gone to Moscow, Skobeev decided to catch up with her and marry her at any cost.

The main character arrived in Moscow and stopped not far from the place where Nardin-Nashchokin’s yard was located. Skobeev met the girl’s mother in church. She told Annushka that Frol had arrived in Moscow. The girl was delighted and sent him money.

Annushka's kidnapping

Very interesting events"The Tale of Frol Skobeev" continues. Their contents are as follows.

Nardin-Nashchokin had a nun sister. He came to the monastery to see her. The nun asked to see her niece. The steward promised that he would let Annushka go to visit the monastery. His sister said that a carriage would come for the girl. Nardin-Nashchokin, getting ready to visit, warned Annushka that the carriage from his sister could arrive at any time. He ordered her to get into it and go to the monastery. Having learned about this, Annushka immediately sent her mother to Skobeev so that he would come to her, having first obtained a carriage.

It was not easy for the main character to do this. After all, he lived only by going about his business. He could not have a carriage due to poverty. However, Frol Skobeev was enterprising, and he came up with a plan. The main character went to the steward Lovchikov. He asked him to borrow a carriage, supposedly for “viewing the bride.” The stolnik agreed to fulfill Frol Skobeev’s request. Then the main character got the coachman drunk, changed into a lackey's dress, took the carriage and went to Annushka. Seeing him, the mother said that they had come for the girl from the monastery. Annushka got ready and went with Frol to his apartment.


Nardin-Nashchokin returned home. He learned that his daughter had left, but was calm, because he thought that she had gone to the monastery. Meanwhile, Frol Skobeev married Annushka. After he used the carriage, he returned it to Lovchikov along with the drunken coachman. Lovchikov tried to find out from the coachman where they went and what they did, but he did not remember anything.

Nardin-Nashchokin learns about his daughter's disappearance

After some time, steward Nardin-Nashchokin went to his sister at the monastery. He asked where his daughter was. The sister was very surprised and replied that she had not seen her niece and had not sent a carriage for her. The father began to grieve when he learned that Annushka was missing. In the morning he went to the sovereign and reported what had happened. The Emperor ordered a search for Annushka. He ordered her kidnapper to show up, and if he did not do this, he would be executed if discovered.

Then Skobeev went to Lovchikov, confessed everything to him and asked for help. The stolnik initially refused, but the main character threatened him that he would accuse Lovchikov of being an accomplice, because he gave him the carriage. The steward advised Frol Skobeev to confess everything to Nardin-Nashchokin and throw himself at his feet in front of everyone. And Lovchikov will stand up for Frol.

Frol Skobeev confesses everything to Annushka's father

The next day, after the mass celebrated in the Assumption Cathedral, all the attendants went to Ivanovskaya Square to talk. Nardin-Nashchokin lamented the disappearance of his daughter. Frol Skobeev came out and fell at his feet in front of everyone. The steward raised Frol, and he told him about his marriage to Annushka. Nardin-Nashchokin was shocked. He began to threaten Skobeev that he would complain to the sovereign about him. However, Lovchikov calmed the steward, and he went home.

Annushka's "illness" and her "recovery"

At first Nardin-Nashchokin and his wife cried about the fate of their daughter, and then sent a servant to find out how she lived. Frol Skobeev, having learned about this, ordered his wife to pretend to be sick. He told the servant who arrived that Annushka was ill because of her father's anger. Hearing about this, Nardin-Nashchokin felt sorry for his daughter. He decided to bless her at least in absentia. For this purpose, the steward decided to send the icon to the young couple.

The servant took this icon and went with it to Frol. And the main character, before his arrival, told his wife to sit down at the table. When the servant arrived, he explained to him that the girl recovered because her parents blessed her. The servant told Nardin-Nashchokin about everything. Then the steward went to the king. He told him that his daughter had been found, and also asked the sovereign to forgive Frol Skobeev. The king agreed.

The final

So we have come to the end, describing the summary of “The Tale of Frol Skobeev”. Nardin-Nashchokin sent the main character all sorts of supplies, and he began to live richly. After some time, the parental anger decreased so much that the steward invited his son-in-law and daughter to his place. At first, Annushka’s parents scolded her, but then they seated her at the table with Frol. Nardin-Nashchokin relented and gave his son-in-law two estates, and also gave him money.

A few years later, Nardin-Nashchokin died. He made his son-in-law his heir, who lived his life “in great glory and wealth.” This ends the summary of the story about Frol Skobeev. We also invite you to get to know her brief analysis. This will help you better understand what the story about Frol Skobeev is about. This work still attracts many researchers.

Brief Analysis

So what is remarkable about “The Tale of Frol Skobeev”? The analysis of this work can be quite voluminous, since it represents interesting phenomenon in literature. The story was created during the transition period between the Middle Ages and the New Age, when old foundations were collapsing. The struggle between old and new was reflected in many works, among which was “The Tale of Frol Skobeev”.

The analysis of the work is especially interesting in relation to the main character. He is a noble nobleman who is forced to earn his livelihood by engaging in the practice of a “snitch,” that is, an intercessor on matters. Frol Skobeev’s motto is: “Either I’ll be a colonel or a dead man!” To implement his plan, Frol does not disdain anything. He uses any means, be it bribery, blackmail, deception. In the end, Annushka’s father, a arrogant and arrogant noble steward, is forced to recognize the “snitch, thief and rogue” Frolka as his son-in-law. He sits down to dine with him at the same table and makes him his heir.

“The Tale of Frol Skobeev,” a brief summary of which was presented above, is a work that reflects the beginning of the merger of patrimonial boyars and the serving nobility into a single class. In the second half of the 17th century, when this story was created, the rise of new nobility. The “thin” ones replaced the honest, ancient families.

Boyar arrogance and pride are sharply ridiculed in the work. Nardin-Nashchokin cannot do anything against the poor nobleman. He is forced to recognize him as his heir. This fact gives researchers reason to believe that the work was created after 1682, that is, after the elimination of localism.

Without condemning the main character of the work “The Tale of Frol Skobeev,” the author admires his dexterity, resourcefulness, cunning, and cunning. He rejoices at Frol’s successes in life and does not at all consider his actions shameful. The main character, achieving his goal, does not rely on God or the devil. He relies only on himself, on his energy, everyday practicality and intelligence. Religious motives in the story are given a rather modest place. From now on, it is not God’s will that determines a person’s actions, but his personal qualities.

The story about Frol Skobeev, a summary and analysis of which is presented in this article, belongs to everyday stories. Other well-known works of this genre include “The Tale of Savva Grudtsyn” and “The Tale of Misfortune.” It would be interesting to consider them too, and not just “The Tale of Frol Skobeev”. The authorship of all these works has not yet been established. However, it is obvious that their creators were talented.


In the Novgorod district there was a nobleman Frol Skobeev. In the same Novgorod district there were the estates of the steward Nardin-Nashchokin, and there was a daughter, Annushka, who lived in those Novgorod estates.

And, having found out about that capital’s daughter, Frol Skobeev decided to make love with that Annushka and see her. However, he intended to become acquainted with that estate with the clerk, and always went to that clerk’s house. And for some time it happened that Frol Skobeev was at that clerk’s house, and at that time the mother of the steward Nardin-Nashchokin’s daughter came to that clerk. And Frol Skobeev saw that that mother always lived with Annushka. And how that mother went from that clerk to her mistress Annushka, and Frol Skobeev went out after her and gave that mother two rubles. And that mother told him: “Mr. Skobeev! It is not according to my merits that you deign to show me mercy, for the reason that my service is not available to you.” And Frol Skobeev gave this money and said: “This means nothing to me!” And he walked away from her, and soon did not tell her. And that mother came to her mistress Annushka, but did not announce anything about it. And Frol Skobeev sat with that clerk and went to his house.

And at that time of entertaining evenings, which are in the joy of girlhood, called by the title of Christmastide after their girlhood, and that Stolnik Nardin-Nashchokin’s daughters Annushka ordered her mother to go to all the nobles who live in the vicinity of that patrimony of Stolnik Nardin-Nashchokin and which noblemen have maiden daughters, so that they can ask those daughters to go to that capital’s daughter Annushka for fun at a party. And that mother went and asked all the noble daughters to come to her mistress Annushka, and at her request they all promised to be there. And that mother knows that Frol Skobeev has a sister, a girl, and that mother came to Frol Skobeev’s house and asked his sister to come to the house of the steward Nardin-Nashchokin to Annushka. That sister Frol Skobeeva announced to that mother to wait a little time: “I’m going to see my brother, if he orders me to go, then we’ll tell you about it.” And how Frol Skobeeva’s sister came to her brother and announced to him that the mother had come to her from the capital’s daughter of Nardin-Nashchokin, Annushka, “and asks me to come to their house.” And Frol Skobeev said to his sister: “Go tell that mother that you will not be alone, some nobleman with a daughter, a girl.” And that sister Frol Skobeeva began to think a lot about what her brother had ordered to say, but she did not dare to listen to her brother’s will, that she would be with her mistress that evening with a certain noble daughter, a girl. And the mother went to the house of her mistress Annushka.

And Frol Skobeev began to say to his sister: “Well, sister, it’s time for you to get out and go on a visit.” And as soon as her sister began to clean up the girl’s dress, Frol Skobeev said to his sister: “Bring me, sister, the girl’s dress, I will clean up too, and we will go with you to Annushka, the capital’s daughter.” And that sister lamented about this, because “if he recognizes him, then of course there will be great trouble for my brother, since that steward Nardin-Nashchokin is of great mercy with the king.” However, she did not listen to her brother’s will and brought him a girl’s dress. And Frol Skobeev put on his maiden clothes and went with his sister to the house of the steward Nardin-Nashchokin to his daughter Annushka.

Many noble daughters gathered at that Annushka’s, and Frol Skobeev was right there in maiden attire, and no one could recognize him. And all the girls began to have fun with different games and had fun for a long time, and Frol Skobeev had fun with them, and no one can recognize him. And then Frol Skobeev was alone in the outhouse, and his mother stood in the hallway with a candle. And how Frol Skobeev came out of the outhouse and began to say to his mother: “How, mother, there are many of our sisters, noble daughters, and your services to us are many, and no one can give anything for your service.” And the mother cannot admit that he is Frol Skobeev. And Frol Skobeev, having taken out five rubles of money, gave it to his mother with great coercion, and the mother took that money. And Frol Skobeev sees that she cannot recognize him, then Frol Skobeev fell at the feet of that mother and announced to her that he was a nobleman Frol Skobeev and came in a girl’s dress for Annushka, so that he could have obligatory love with her. And when the mother saw that it was truly Frol Skobeev, she became in great doubt and did not know what to do with him. However, I will remember his two many gifts to me: “Good, Mr. Skobeev, for your mercy towards me I am ready to do everything according to your will.” And she came to peace, where the girls were having fun, and did not announce this to anyone.

And that mother began to say to her mistress Annushka: “Come on, girls, cheerful ones, I will announce the game to you, as if before this from a child’s game.” And that Annushka did not disobey her mother’s will and began to say to her: “Well, mother, please, as you wish, for all our girlish games.” And that mother announced a game to them: “Please, Mrs. Annushka, be the bride.” And she pointed to Frol Skobeeva: “This girl will be the groom.” And they were led to a special room to rest, as is customary at a wedding, and all the girls went to accompany them to those chambers and came back to those chambers in which they had previously had fun. And that mother ordered those girls to sing loud songs so that they would not hear screams from them. And Frol Skobeeva’s sister was in great sadness, feeling sorry for her brother, and hoping that, of course, there would be a parable.

And Frol Skobeev was lying with Annushka, and announced to her that he was Frol Skobeev, and not a girl. And Annushka became in great fear. And Frol Skobeev, despite any fear, spoiled her virginity. That’s why that Annushka asked that Frol Skobeev, so that he would not surround her with others. Then the mother and all the girls came to the room where she was lying, and Annushka began to have a changeable face, and no one could recognize the girls as Frol Skobeev, because she was wearing a girl’s dress. And that Annushka did not announce this to anyone, she just took her mother by the hand and took her away from those girls and began to speak to her skillfully: “What have you done to me? This was not a girl with me, he was a courageous man, nobleman Frol Skobeev.” And that mother announced to her: “Truly, my lady, who could not recognize him, thought that she was a girl like the others. And when he did such a trifle, you know that we have enough people, we can hide him in a mortal place.” And that Annushka regretted that Frol Skobeev: “Well, mother, it’s already like this, I can’t return it.” And all the girls went to the feast chamber, Annushka with them and Frol Skobeev in the same girlish attire, and had fun for a long time into the night. Then all the girls began to have peace, Annushka lay down with Frol Skobeev. And in the morning all the girls got up and began to go to their homes, as did Frol Skobeev and his sister. Annushka let all the girls go, but left Frol Skobeev and his sister. And Frol Skobeev was with Annushka for three days in a girl’s dress, so that the servants of that house would not recognize him, and everyone had fun with Annushka. And after three days, Frol Skobeev went to his house with his sister, and Annushka gave Frol Skobeev 300 rubles in money.

And Frol Skobeev arrived at his house, he was very happy and made banquets and had fun with his fellow noblemen.

And her father, Stolnik Nardin-Nashchokin, writes from Moscow to his daughter Annushka’s estate, telling her to go to Moscow so that suitors, the capital’s children, will woo her. And Annushka did not disobey the will of her parent; she soon got ready and went to Moscow. Then Frol Skobeev found out that Annushka had left for Moscow, and he became in great doubt, did not know what to do, since he was not a rich nobleman, and had more food for himself to always go to Moscow as an attorney for affairs. And he decided to get Annushka as his wife as best he could. Then Frol Skobeev began to leave for Moscow, and his sister greatly sympathizes with him about his excommunication. Frol Skobeev said to his sister: “Well, sister, don’t worry about anything! Although I’ll lose my belly, I won’t leave Annushka alone, or I’ll be a colonel or a dead man. If something happens according to my intention, then I will not leave you alone, but if misfortune happens, then remember your brother.” I got out and went to Moscow.

And Frol Skobeev arrived in Moscow and stood in an apartment near the courtyard of the steward Nardin-Nashchekin. And the next day Frol Skobeev went to mass and saw in the church the mother who was with Annushka. And after the departure of the liturgist, Frol Skobeev came out of the church and began to wait for his mother. And when the mother left the church, Frol Skobeev approached the mother, bowed to her, and asked her to announce him to Annushka. And when the mother came to the house, she announced to Annushka about the arrival of Frol Skobeev. And Annushka became overjoyed and asked her mother to go to mass tomorrow and take 200 rubles with her and give it to Frol Skobeev. This was done by her will.

And that steward Nardin-Nashchekin had a sister who was tonsured at the Maiden Monastery. And that steward came to his sister in the monastery, and her sister greeted her brother with honor. And the steward Nardin-Nashchekin was with his sister for a long time and had a lot of conversations. Then her sister humbly asked her brother to let his daughter Annushka and her niece go to the monastery for a visit, for which she had not seen her for a long time. And the steward Nardin-Nashchekin promised to let her go. And she asked her: “When and in the non-existence of your home, I will send her a carriage and appear, so that you order her to go to me and demon yourself.”

And after some time it will happen that the steward Nardin-Nashchekin will go to visit his wife. And he orders his daughter: “If your sister sends a carriage for you from Moscow with supplies, then go to her.” And I went to visit myself. And Annushka asked her mother to send it to Frol Skobeev as much as possible and told him to ask for a carriage as soon as possible and come to her himself and say that it was from the sister of the steward Nardin-Nashchekin that he came for Annushka from the Devichev Monastery. And that mother went to Frol Skobeev and told him everything on her orders.

And how Frol Skobeev heard from his mother and did not know what to do, and did not know how to deceive anyone, so that many noble persons knew that he, Skobeev, a poor nobleman, only a great yabida, was interceding for ordered matters. And it came to Frol Skobeev’s memory that the steward of Lovchikov was very kind to him. And he went to that steward Lovchikov, and that steward had many conversations with him. Then Frol Skobeev began to ask that steward to grant him a carriage and a carriage.

And Frol Skobeev came to his veil and gave the coachman a drink, very drunk, and he put on a lackey's dress, sat on the box, and went to the steward Nardin-Nashchokin along Annushka. And Annushka’s mother saw that Frol Skobeev had arrived, and told Annushka, under the guise of other servants of that house, that her aunt had allegedly sent her from the monastery. And that Annushka cleaned up, got into the carriage, and went to Frol Skobeev’s apartment.

And that Lovchikov’s coachman woke up. And Frol Skobeev saw that Lovchikov’s coachman was not in such a drunken state, and that he was very drunk, and he put him in the carriage, and he himself sat in the box and went to Lovchikov’s yard. And he arrived at the courtyard, opened the gates and let the carriers and the carriage into the courtyard. The Lovchikovs’ people saw that the carriages were standing there, and the coachman was lying in the carriage, severely drunk, so they went and announced to Lovchikov that “the coachman was lying drunk in the carriage, and we don’t know who brought them to the yard.” And Lovchikov ordered the carriage and the appearances to be removed and said: “It’s good that he didn’t leave at all, and there’s nothing to take from Frol Skobeev.” And the next morning Lovchikov began asking the coachman where he had been with Frol Skobeev, and the coachman told him: “I just remember how I came to his apartment, but where he went, Skobeev, and what he did, I don’t know.” And the steward Nardin-Nashchokin came from among the guests and asked his daughter Annushka, then the mother said that “by your order, she was sent to your sister in the monastery, so that she sent a carriage and appeared.” And the captain Nardin-Nashchokin said:


And the steward Nardin-Nashchokin has not been to his sister for a long time and hopes that her daughter is in her sister’s monastery. And Frol Skobeev married Annushka. Then Stolnik Nardin-Nashchokin went to the monastery to see his sister; he had not seen his daughter for a long time, and asked his sister: “Sister, why don’t I see Annushka?” And his sister answered him: “Enough, brother, to mock me! What should I do when I am unhappy with my petition to you? She asked her to send it to me; It’s clear that you don’t deign to believe me, but I don’t have the time to send it.” And the steward Nardin-Nashchokin said to his sister: “What, madam sister, what do you want to say? I can’t judge this, because she was released to you already a month ago, because you sent a carriage along it with clothes, and at that time I was visiting and with my wife, and by our order she was released to you.” . And his sister said to him: “Brother, I never sent you a carriage, nor did Annushka ever visit me!” And the captain Nardin-Nashchokin greatly mourned for his daughter, he wept bitterly that his daughter had disappeared without a trace. And he came to the house, told his wife that Annushka was gone, and said that her sister was not in the monastery. And they began to ask the mother who came with the horses and the coachman with the carriage. And she said that “Annushka came from the Devichev Monastery from your sister, then Annushka went by your order.” And the steward and his wife expressed their condolences about this and cried bitterly.

And the next morning, Stolnik Nashchokin went to the sovereign and announced that his daughter had disappeared. And the sovereign ordered the public to raise awareness about his capital’s daughter: “If anyone is keeping her secretly, let them announce it! If someone does not declare it, and then searches it, then he will be executed by death!” And Frol Skobeev, having heard the publication, does not know what to do. And Frol Skobeev decided to go to the steward Lovchikov and tell him that Lovchikov was very kind to him. And Frol Skobeev came to Lovchikov, had many conversations with him, and Lovchikov’s steward asked Frol Skobeev: “What, Mr. Skobeev, have you gotten married?” And Skobeev said: “I got married, my lord.” - “Did you take it rich?” And Skobeev said: “Now I still don’t see wealth; time will tell in the future.” And Lovchikov said to Skobeev: “Well, Mr. Skobeev, live forever, stop going after the bully, live in your homeland, with better health.”

Then Frol Skobeev began to ask that steward Lovchik to be a representative in his trouble. And Lovchikov announced to him: “Tell me what? If it’s bearable, I’ll intercede, but if it’s unbearable, don’t be angry!” And Frol Skobeev announced to him that “I have Stolnik Nardkna-Nashchokin’s daughter Annushka, and I married her.” And the captain of the Lovchikov said: “What you did, answer for it yourself!” And Frol Skobeev said: “If you don’t intercede on my behalf, then you too will have a problem: I’ve already come to point out to you, for the reason that you arose and kicked the carriage. If you hadn’t given it, I wouldn’t have been able to do it.” And Lovchikov became in great doubt and said to him: “You are a real rogue, what have you done to me? “Okay, I will intercede as best I can!” And he told him to come to the Assumption Cathedral tomorrow: “And Stolnik Nardin-Nashchokin will be at mass, and I will be with him. And after mass we will all stand in the assembly on Ivanovo Square, and at that time come and fall before him, and announce to him about your daughter. And I will testify about this as best I can.”

And Frol Skobeev came to the Assumption Cathedral for mass, and the stolnik Nardin-Nashchokin, and Lovchikov, and the other stolniks were all there. And after the departure of the liturgists at that time, in the meeting on Ivanovo Square opposite Ivan the Great, and Nashchokin right there, the tables had conversations among themselves about what they needed. And the stolnik Nardin-Nashchokin expressed more condolences and talked about his daughter, and the stolnik Lovchikov talked about the same thing with him to incline mercy. And Frol Skobeev came to those conversations and bowed to all the captains, as per custom. And all the patrons know Frol Skobeev. And besides all the stolniks, Skobeev fell before the feet of the stolnik Nardin-Nashchokik and asked for forgiveness: “Dear sir, stolnik first! Let the guilty one go, like a servant whom he showed insolence before you.” And the stolnik is ancient for years, but he could still see, with a natural stick he raises Frol Skobeev and asks him: “Who are you, tell me about yourself, what is your need for us?” And Frol Skobeev simply says: “Let go!” And the steward Lovchikov approached Nardin-Nashchokin and said to him: “The nobleman Frol Skobeev lies before you and asks for remission of his guilt.” And the captain Nardin-Nashchokin shouted: “Get up, you rogue! I’ve known you for a long time, a rogue, a sneaker. It is clear that he lied unbearably to himself. Tell me, you rogue! If it’s bearable, I’ll try to take care of you, and if it’s unbearable, whatever you want. I told you, you rogue, long ago: live constantly. Stand up, say it’s your fault!”

And Frol Skobeev stood up from his feet and announced to him that he had his daughter Annushka and married her. And when Nashchekin heard from him about his daughter, he burst into tears and became unconscious. And he came to his senses a little and began to say to him: “What have you done, you rogue? Do you know about yourself, who you are? There is no remission from me for your guilt! Do you, you rogue, want to own my daughter? I’ll go to the sovereign and ask you about your rogue offense against me!” And the steward of Lovchikov came to him secondarily and began to talk to him, so that he would not soon have a report to the sovereign: “Would you like to go home and announce this to your partner and advise in general! As if things were better, we can’t return that time, and he, Skobeev, cannot hide from your anger anywhere.” And Stolnik Nardin-Nashchokin listened to the advice of Stolnik Lovchikov and did not go to the sovereign, but got into the carriage and went to his house. And Frol Skobeev went to his apartment and said to Annushka: “Well, Annushka, I don’t know what will happen to you and me! I announced you to your father!”

And the steward Nardin-Nashchokin arrived at his house and went to his chambers, crying cruelly and shouting: “Wife, wife! What do you know, I found Annushka!” And his wife asks: “Where is she, father?” And Nashchokin said to his wife: “The thief, rogue and sneaker Frol Skobeev married her!” His wife heard those words from him and does not know what to say, she sympathizes with her daughter. And they both began to cry bitterly and in their hearts they scolded and cursed their daughter and did not know what to do to her. And they came to the memory, and felt sorry for their daughter, and began to reason with their wife: “We must send a man and say where he, the rogue, lives, and find out about his daughter, whether she is alive.” And they called their man and sent him to find Frol Skobeev’s apartment, and ordered him to find out about Annushka, to see if she was alive, if she had any food.

And the man went to look for Frol Skobeev’s apartment in the courtyard. And Skobeev saw that a man had come from his father-in-law, and ordered his wife to lie down on the bed and pretend to be severely ill. And Annushka did it according to the will of her husband. And the man sent entered the chambers and bowed, as was customary. And Skobeev asked: “What kind of person and what need do you have for me?” And the man said that he had been sent by the steward Nardin-Nashchokin to check on Annushka and see if she was well. And Frol Skobeev said to that man: “You see, my friend, what health! Such is the anger of her parents: you see, they scold and curse her in absentia, and that is why she lies dying. Bring their mercy: even if they scold in absentia, they gave her a blessing.” And the man bowed to them and left them.

And he came to his master, the steward Nashchokin. And he asked him: “Did you find the apartment and see Annushka? Is she alive or not? And that man announced that Annushka was severely ill and would hardly be alive “and demands a blessing from you, even verbally in absentia.” Both the steward and his wife sympathized with her, except to discuss what to do with the thief and the rogue. And her mother began to say: “Well, my friend, God has already judged that such a rogue should own our daughter. It is necessary, my friend, to send an image to them and bless them, even if in absentia. And when our heart is propitiated towards them, then we can see ourselves.” They took the image from the wall, which was covered with gold and precious stones, like a butt worth only 500 rubles, and sent it with that person and ordered her to pray to this image, “and tell the rogue and thief Frolka Skobeev not to waste it.” .

And the man took on the image and went to the courtyard of Frol Skobeev. And Frol Skobeev saw that the same man had come and said to his wife: “Get up, Annushka!” And she got up and sat down with Frol Skobeev. And the man entered the chambers and gave the image to Frol Skobeev. Having accepted the image, he placed it where it should be, and said to that person: “This is a parental blessing: they intend to bless in absentia, and God gave, Annushka is better, thank God, she is healthy!” And Frol Skobeev said: “In the same way, Annushka thanks her father and mother for their parental mercy.” And the man came to his master and announced the surrender of the image and the health of Annushka, and thanks to them, and went to his shown place.

And the steward Nardin-Nashchokin began to reason and regret about his daughter, and said to his wife: “What should it be, friend? Of course the rogue will starve Annushka to death: what to feed her, and he himself is hungry like a dog. It is necessary to send what is the reserve for 6 horses.” And they sent a supply and with that supply a register. And Frol Skobeev, despite the registry, ordered it to be placed in the indicated place, and ordered those people to thank them for their parental mercies. Already Frol Skobeev lives luxuriously and travels everywhere with noble people. And they were very surprised at Skobeev that he made such a parable so boldly.

And after a long time they turned their hearts and expressed condolences for their daughter, as well as for Frol Skobeev. And they ordered to send a man to them and ask them to let Frol Skobeev and his wife and their daughter come to the captain Nardin-Nashchokin to eat. And the man sent came and began to ask Frol Skobeev, so that he would deign to come that day with his wife to eat. And Frol Skobeev said to the man: “Tell the priest: I’m ready to be at their mercy this day!”

And Frol Skobeev left with his wife Annushka and went to the house of his father-in-law, the steward Nashchokin. And when he arrived at his father-in-law’s house, Annushka came to her father and fell at the feet of her parents. Nashchokin saw his daughter and his wife and began to scold her and punish her with their parental anger. And, looking at her, they cried cruelly, how she did this without the will of her parents. However, he left all his anger to his parents, absolved her of the guilt, and ordered her to sit down with him. And he said to Frol Skobeev: “And you, you rogue, why are you standing there? Sadis is right there. Do you, you rogue, want to own my daughter?” And Frol Skobeev said: “Well, sovereign father, God has already judged him this way!” And they all sat down to eat together. And the steward Nardin-Nashchokin ordered his people not to let strangers into the house: “If anyone comes and asks if the steward Nashchokin is at home, say that there is no such time to see our steward, for that he is his son-in-law, with the thief and rogue Frolka, eats.”

And at the end of the table, the steward Nardin-Nashchokin asked: “Well, you rogue, how will you live?” - “You deign to know about me: there is nothing more to do than to go after orders.” - “Stop, you rogue, going after a sneak! And there is an estate, my patrimony, in the Sinbir district, which, according to the census, consists of 300 hundred households. Take care of yourself, you rascal, and live forever.” And Frol Skobeev bowed to his wife Annushka and offered thanks before him. “Well, you rogue, don’t bow down, go and handle it for yourself!” And after sitting for a while, Frol Skobeev and his wife went to the apartment. Then the steward Nardin-Nashchokin ordered him to be turned back and began to say to him: “Well, you rogue, how will you cope? Do you have money? - “You know, Father Father, how much money I have; develop and sell the same men!” - “Well, you rogue, don’t sell it! Take the money, I’ll give it to you.” And he ordered to give 300 rubles, and Frol Skobeev took the money and went to the apartment.

And over time, he took over that patrimony for himself. And after living for a little while, Stolnik Nardin-Nashchokin made Frol Skobeev heir in all his movable and immovable name during his lifetime. And Frol Skobeev began to live in great wealth. And the captain Nardin-Nashchokin died with his wife. And Frol Skobeev, after the death of his father, gave his own sister to a certain son of the capital, and who had a mother with them, who was with Annushka, supported her with great mercy and honor until her death.

This story is over.
