Interesting events in September. The most interesting events of September

There are only seven events on our list, but all of them are worth attending.

YotaSpace, Moscow

The gloomy but melodic guys from Canada, according to their own statement, were inspired by the music of The Cure. We can’t say that it turned out very similar, but there is something in it - the vocalist’s voice is especially pleasant.

"16 tons", Moscow

Only half of the original composition of the “Gang of Four” remains, and in general it is not very clear whether the group exists or not: it either appears with small tours, or disappears to God knows where for several years. However, it's always nice to listen to real punk rock.

Zhanna Aguzarova

PhotoGlobal Look Stock/Russian Look

YotaSpace, Moscow

Zhanna, as you know, is a strange girl: no one can guarantee that she will go on stage that evening (cancellations of concerts without explanation for her - ordinary story). But if it comes out, it should be great.

Ray Just Arena, Moscow

The joint project of two titans of the electronic scene - Modeselektor and Apparat - invariably causes delight among lovers of loud beats and massive bass. In theory, he could call the FSKN special forces, but let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.

Performance "Faryatyev's Fantasies"

Cultural center "Khitrovka", Moscow

Production of “The Theater That Doesn’t Exist” based on the play by Alla Sokolova. Director Konstantin Demidov made the story noticeably more contrasting, bringing the features of the main character, an already eccentric man, to comical. Faryatiev wears an extravagant suit and a red nose, absurdly calls his beloved and tries to captivate her with absurd thoughts. Among the director's other decisions are French music, animated drawings and Faryatiev's monologue, which he ends by solving a Rubik's cube.

On this day, it is better to leave the car at home: 30,000 athletes from 86 countries will fill all the streets of the capital’s center. And you can easily be among them. If you're scared, you can reduce the distance to 10 km.

Ice Hockey World Cup

Toronto, Canada

The tournament, notable for its unenviable regularity (the previous two took place in 1996 and 2004), as a successor to the Canada Cup, continues to be considered extremely prestigious - unlike the annual World Championships, which for North Americans are not comparable in importance to the parallel Stanley Cup playoffs in Toronto the unconditionally strongest representatives of the NHL will gather. Naturally, the Canadians are considered the favorites, but every match promises to be spectacular, including those with the participation of teams compiled specifically for this tournament - national teams North America of players under 23 years of age and Europe, which included hockey players from countries not represented here by a separate national team.

Autumn is not only the Velvet season and Indian summer, it's still rainy and gray everyday life. But let's not be sad and discouraged, because autumn is very rich in interesting events in Moscow that will brighten up the gray Moscow everyday life. In the first part of the article we describe the first 10 events.

1. URAZHAI Festival

A vibrant festival of bread and circuses with crazy entertainment and delicious food will take place on September 10-11, 2016 in Kolomenskoye Park. We relieve stress by shooting tomatoes with a slingshot, play bowling with pumpkins, fry juicy steaks and grill fresh vegetables. Tired of entertainment, they enlighten themselves at lectures or learn a new profession at master classes. All the delights of country life and the best world festivals in one bottle to the music of Neuromonk Feofan and Ivan Kupala.

Address: Andropova Avenue, 39

2. Biennale of street art ARTMOSSPHERE

Which will take place from August 30, 2016 to January 18, 2017. This year's theme is the invisible wall: a symbol of street art and a metaphor for inner limitations. The main event of the Biennale will be a large collective exhibition in the Manege: 26 Russian and 42 foreign artists. All works shown will be created by the artists in Moscow.

Address: Manezhnaya Square, building 1
Price: 350 rubles

3. Reconstruction of the Battle of Borodino

The holiday will take place on September 3-4, 2016 at Borodino Field. General battle Patriotic War 1812 will be recreated by hundreds of actors in period costumes. The museum-reserve will host the actions of the “Beauharnais battery”, the battle for the village of Borodino and the raid of Platov’s Cossacks and Uvarov’s cavalry. Everything is according to the textbook.

Address: Moscow region, Mozhaisky district, village. Borodino
Price: from 500 rubles

4. Festival of contemporary art “Root of the New”

Will be held from September 10 to October 10, 2016 in the Apothecary Garden. The project involves more than 30 famous artists of different directions and styles from different countries. Including the installation of the French artist Elise Morin “Celeste” (Heavenly): a constellation in the form of hundreds of hoops connected to each other with stretched patches.

5. Stunt show “Russian Fast and Furious” from September 17, 2016 at the Setun Fortress.

An extreme show featuring big feet, tanks, motorcyclists, acrobats and stuntmen. You can see scenes from Hollywood blockbusters with your own eyes in real time: jumping from a burning car, racing on the roads, falling from great heights and much more.

6. Exhibition “The ABC of the Museum”

Will take place from August 5 to November 15, 2016. The Museum of Moscow has its own interesting and complex history; for 120 years the Museum has repeatedly changed its name, location and concept. “The ABC of the Museum” is a game in which, looking at a collection with almost a century and a half history from A to Z, you can see how the life and structure of the city, the life and destinies of Muscovites have changed.

Address: Zubovsky Boulevard, 2
Price: 200 rubles

7. “100 hours of astronomy” at the Moscow Planetarium

September evening stargazing will take place from September 1 to September 30, 2016. It has already become a good tradition in the capital’s life. A real astronomical festival is taking place in the “Sky Park”. Several portable telescopes are installed in the open air, in which visitors can observe the brightest celestial objects - the Moon and double stars.

Address: Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya str., 5, building 1
Price: 100 rubles

8. Exhibition “Russia does it itself”

Will run until December 31, 2016. The Polytechnic Museum project is an ideal science exhibition for the whole family. The exposition of the Polytechnic Museum is dedicated to the achievements of Russian science and technology. Scientific and technical developments legendary Russian scientists, multimedia and interactive objects, the opportunity to conduct experiments and conduct independent experiments.

Address: VDNKh, pavilion No. 26 “Transport”
Price: 300 rubles

9. Festival “Circle of Light”

Will take place from September 23 to 27, 2016. More than 200 powerful light projectors will create a video projection covering an area of ​​over 40 thousand square meters. On the facade of the Main building of Moscow State University, two light performances with a total duration of about 50 minutes will be presented, which will not leave either adults or children indifferent.

Venues for the festival will also be VDNKh, the Bolshoi Theater, the Rowing Canal and the Izvestia Hall concert hall. Thus, on the spit of the Rowing Canal, a model of a city more than 50 meters high will be built to demonstrate a show dedicated to the cities of Russia and their inhabitants. The facade of the Bolshoi Theater will be revived by the best lighting scenes of past years, and the new show will be dedicated to a sketch on the history of Russian cinema. Famous world lighting designers will decorate the territory of VDNKh with their own lighting installations.

Also at the Exhibition there will be a concert of the Turetsky Choir: musicians will perform accompanied by bright light video projections. “Izvestia Hall” will become a new platform for the festival, where the finalists of the “Art Vision” competition in the “VJing” category will perform.

10. Thai festival 2016 will be held in Moscow on September 17-18

The third Thai festival will be held in Moscow. Learn the culture of Thailand, try Thai cuisine and watch demonstrations in Thai martial arts, as well as a concert, all this will be presented at the festival. The venue and program are still under development.

At the festival site you will also be able to try exotic Thai fruits and buy products from Thailand. For those interested, master classes on Thai folk crafts will be organized, among which a special place is occupied by the making of krathong - a wreath boat with wishes, which is a symbol of gratitude. A traditional concert with music, dance and sports demonstrations will be presented on stage. Guests can also enjoy a Thai massage.

A more detailed program will be presented later, the venue is to be determined.

Address: Moscow, st. Kuznetsky Most (presumably), Kuznetsky Most metro station

Leap year 2016 is coming to an end. This year was full of events of various scales and nature. I decided to remember the most striking and significant moments of this difficult and at the same time memorable 2016.

1. Presidential elections in the USA and Uzbekistan

The most anticipated event of 2016 in politics was the event that took place on November 8th. Billionaire businessman Donald Trump became the official nominee of the Republican Party on July 19, 2016, defeating Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, Ohio Governor John Kasich and thirteen other candidates. Former Secretary of State and Senator Hillary Clinton was nominated on July 26, 2016, after defeating Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.

Donald Trump won the election and was recognized as the president-elect. Taking office is expected on January 20, 2017. Hillary Clinton's lead over Donald Trump is two and a half million votes. 65.8 million voters voted for Clinton, while 62.9 million voted for Trump. Donald Trump will become the oldest US president at the time of his first presidential term (at 70 years old), previously Ronald Reagan (at 69 years old). The Republican Party will also control both houses of Congress - the Senate and the House of Representatives.

This election marked the fifth time in US history that a candidate who received fewer popular votes than the losing candidate became president of the country.

November 9, 2016 and on next days Protests against Donald Trump's victory in the presidential election took place in many major US cities. The largest of them took place in New York. In Los Angeles and Portland, protesters began to block certain city highways, but were dispersed by police. On November 10, more than 2 million signatures were collected on a petition calling on electors to ignore the results of the vote in their states and vote for Hillary Clinton on December 19. In Portland, protesters blocked a highway. On November 12, protest marches of thousands took place in Los Angeles and New York. There were also protests by students from 80 educational institutions against Donald Trump's immigration policies, and on November 18, demonstrators blocked a major intersection in Chapel Hill.

On December 19, the number of electors who cast their votes for Donald Trump exceeded the required threshold of 270 votes. A total of 538 electors participated in the voting, which corresponds to the number of members of Congress: 100 senators, 435 members of the House of Representatives and three delegates from the capital District of Columbia.

No less expected were the presidential elections, which took place on December 4.They were held after the death of 78-year-old President Islam Karimov on September 2 after a stroke.

Four candidates took part in the elections: Shavkat Mirziyoyev (Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan), Khatamjon Ketmonov (People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, PDPU), Sarvar Otamuradov (National Democratic Party "Milliy Tiklanish", "National Revival") and Narimon Umarov (Social Democratic Party "Adolat", "Justice"). The new president of Uzbekistan. According to the election commission, Mirziyoyev received 88.61 percent of the votes. After the results were announced, the elected candidate spoke at a rally and thanked his former opponents. Mirziyoyev took office on December 14.

2. The main event in the field of culture and art was undoubtedly , which took place on February 28 in Los Angeles.

American actor Leonardo DiCaprio finally received his first career statuette for the film “The Revenant.” Before that, he had been nominated for the most prestigious award in American cinema five times, but lost each time. The audience gave DiCaprio a standing ovation as he walked up to the stage at Hollywood's Dolby Theater to receive his Oscar. In 1998, he publicly announced his refusal to attend the ceremony because the Academy did not nominate him for his role in the film Titanic. This year, even social network users actively supported DiCaprio, as evidenced by .

The most outstanding film of 2016 was Tom McCarthy's Spotlight, which tells the story of the scandalous investigation of The Boston Globe journalists. It should also be noted that the film Mad Max: Fury Road collected the most statuettes this year (to the surprise of many critics). And although he did not win in the most prestigious categories (the film distinguished himself for sound, editing, makeup and costumes), nevertheless, in terms of the number of awards, he became the undisputed leader this year. And “The Martian,” which competed for 7 Oscars, was left with nothing.

But in the female category, film critics noted Brie Larson, who played in the drama “Room.” The film academics recognized Mark Rylance (Bridge of Spies) and Alicia Vikander (The Danish Girl) as the best supporting actors.

Eurovision 2016 was no less striking event.

The 61st song contest took place in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. The country won the previous Eurovision Song Contest 2015, held in Vienna (Austria), with the song “Heroes” performed by Måns Selmerlöw. The final of the competition took place on May 14, 2016. This year the winner was won by a participant from Ukraine Jamala with the song “1944”, gaining 534 points. Australia and Russia took second and third place respectively.

42 countries took part in the competition. Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine and Croatia returned to the competition. Australia, the debuting country of the previous year, continued its participation. Portugal refused to participate this year, and Romania was also excluded due to debts to the European Broadcasting Union of 16 million Swiss francs.

3. Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro and the doping scandal.

The thirty-first Summer Olympics took place in Brazil from August 5 to August 21. These were the first Olympic Games held in South America, the second in Latin America since the 1968 Mexico City Olympics and the first to be held in the southern hemisphere since 2000. A record number of medal sets (306) were awarded at the Olympics and a record number of countries (206) took part, including for the first time Kosovo and South Sudan.

On the opening day of the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, there were riots: several thousand people marched to the Maracanã stadium to protest against the use of budget funds for the organization of the Olympics, as well as against corruption in the country. Protesters burned the national flag of Brazil and behaved aggressively. Police used tear gas and stun grenades, and several people were hospitalized with injuries and poisoning.

The Olympics were marked by a large number of different incidents, including criminal cases, as well as accidents, injuries and traffic accidents. Yes, bBelgian judoka Dirk van Tichelt, who won a bronze medal, was beaten and robbed on Copacabana beach. Armed robbers robbed Russian swimmer Evgeny Korotyshkin, as well as New Zealand jiu-jitsu fighter Jason Lee. Teenagers armed with knives robbed two coaches of the Australian national rowing team near the Olympic village. The Australian national team was robbed during a fire in the Olympic Village. In the central region of Ipanema, the Portuguese Minister of Sports and Education, Tiago Brandão, was robbed by two unknown persons. The police managed to detain one of the attackers, he turned out to be a well-known crime boss, the minister’s namesake. On the night of August 10, a bus carrying journalists heading to the press center was fired at (according to one version, stoned). At the same time, representatives of the media of Belarus and Turkey were injured; they were cut by shards of broken window glass. After an accident in Rio de Janeiro, the coach of the German slalom team, Stefan Henze, died from his injuries.

For Russian Federation these games were marred by a doping scandal. On 17 June 2016, the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) decided not to renew its membership. All-Russian Federation athletics.On 21 June 2016, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) supported the IAAF's decision not to allow participation in Olympic Games 2016 Russian track and field team.On July 3, the Russian Olympic Committee and 68 Russian track and field athletes filed a lawsuit with the Sports arbitration court in Lausanne (CAS). The hearing of the case was scheduled for July 19, the CAS verdict was announced on July 21 - Russian track and field athletes were not allowed to compete at the Olympics. Russian weightlifters and rowers were also suspended.

The doping scandal also affected Kazakhstan.On June 16, 2016, the International Weightlifting Federation suspended Ilya Ilyin, Maya Maneza, Svetlana Podobedova and Zulfiya Chinshanlo from sports activities. Prohibited substances were found in athletes' anti-doping samples. U - dehydrochlormethyltestosterone and stanozolol, Zulfiya Chinshanlo - oxandrolone and stanozolol, Maya Maneza and Svetlana Podobedova - stanozolol.On June 25, 2016, by the decision of the disciplinary commission of the International Weightlifting Federation, Kazakh weightlifters were also disqualified: Almas Uteshov (with deprivation of medals) and Ermek Omirtay for four years, Zhasulan Kydyrbaev (with deprivation of medals) for eight years. Prohibited anabolic androgenic steroids were found in the doping tests of these athletes during the World Championships in Houston.

4. Death of world leaders, politicians and celebrities.

The Uzbek leader’s illness became known on August 28, when the country’s government announced that Karimov was in hospital for inpatient treatment. Later, the politician’s daughter reported that her father was hospitalized with a stroke and was in intensive care. On September 2, the Government of the country reported that the President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov was in critical condition. On the same day it became known that he had died. Islam Karimov, 78, has led Uzbekistan since 1990. He was buried on September 3 in Samarkand.

Fidel Castro - Cuban revolutionary, statesman and political figure was born on August 13, 1926. From December 1976, for 30 years, he was chairman State Council and the Council of Ministers of Cuba, was also the commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Armed Forces and chairman of the country's National Defense Council.As a result of the deterioration of his health, on July 31, 2006, Fidel Castro transferred the duties and powers of the head of the State Council and the Council of Ministers to his brother Raul Castro.The urn containing the ashes of Fidel Castro was buried in the city of Santiago de Cuba.

He died after a long illness at the age of 88. Most likely, the cause of death was hydrocephalus (water on the brain); this disease became known in early 2015.The king was born on December 5, 1927 in Cambridge (USA), where his father, the brother of King Rama the Seventh, studied medicine at Harvard University.

Bhumibol Adulyadej inherited the throne on June 9, 1946 after the death of his elder brother, King Ananda Mahidol (Rama the Eighth). He was officially crowned on May 5, 1950, and in 1987 he was given the title Great. The king in Thailand is not only the head of state and at the same time the supreme commander of the country's armed forces, but also the patron and protector of all religions.Bhumibol Adulyadej reigned longer than all living monarchs in the world and longer than all his predecessors. During the years of his rule in Thailand, more than 20 prime ministers were replaced, 18 constitutions were adopted, and 19 coups d'etat took place.Now the body of the late monarch is in the Bolshoi royal palace, where huge queues of people wishing to honor his memory line up every day. The monarch's cremation may not take place until next fall.

The new King of Thailand, the only son of the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej. He will reign under the throne name of Rama X.

Shimon Peres died at the age of 93, having not recovered from a stroke, after which he was placed in a medically induced coma and connected to a ventilator.Perez, born in the territory modern Belarus, is considered the last of the galaxy of “founding fathers” of Israel, the creator of its military-industrial complex and nuclear program, the architect of the Middle East peace process.He held more than a dozen ministerial posts, twice headed the government of Israel, and was the country's president from 2007 to 2014. For signing peace agreements with the Palestinians in 1994, Peres received Nobel Prize together with then Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.

According to German media reports, the politician had been ill for a long time before his death.In the sixties, he was first the Minister of Economic Cooperation, then from 1969 to 1974 - the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Vice-Chancellor. From 1974 to 1979, Scheel was President of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Ali is one of the most famous boxers in the history of world boxing.During his career, he fought 61 fights, scoring 56 victories (37 of them by knockout).

His body was found in the elevator of his home recording studio. In June it became known that the famous American musician died from an overdose of a drug containing opiates.Prince Rogers Nelson was born on June 7, 1958 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The singer's popularity peaked in the 80s.Winner of Grammy, Oscar and Golden Globe awards. In 2005, Prince's name was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Also in January, known for the Harry Potter film series, as well as such films as Die Hard, Dogma and Perfume.

The film actor died of cancer. During his career, Rickman acted in more than 50 films. One of the most popular is the role of Professor Severus Snape in the film adaptation of JK Rowling's novels about the wizard Harry Potter.

Bowie died surrounded by his family after battling cancer for 18 months.David Bowie, winner of Grammy Awards, Saturn Awards and other awards, gained wide fame in the late 60s after the release of the song Space Oddity, which became a world rock classic.

Also in 2016 they left us - Bulgarian pop singer Beads Kirov, Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, artist of the Central Academic Theater Russian army since 1945, People's Artist of the USSRVladimir Mikhailovich Zeldin,

Soviet and Russian circus artist-trainer of predatory animals, director, People's Artist of the USSRMstislav Mikhailovich Zapashny,Soviet and Kazakh guitarist, composer and arranger of the Musicola group, former member of the A’Studio group Bulat Syzdykov, First Lady of the United States from 1981 to 1989Nancy Reagan and many others.

5. Brexit.

UK exit European Union- the main political goal of the Conservative opposition and some individuals (nationalists and Eurosceptics) in the UK.

During the 2016 referendum, 51.9% of voters were in favor of Britain leaving the European Union, respectively, 48.1% of voters were in favor of continuing membership in the EU. In the regions of Great Britain, the voting results varied: for example, residents of Scotland and Northern Ireland were predominantly against leaving, while representatives of England (not counting the capital) and Wales were in favor. The first reaction of the world community was somewhat surprised - the results of the referendum even shocked some, since many political scientists predicted a different outcome of the vote. The reaction of stock exchanges was manifested by a sharp drop in many indices, in particular the Japanese NIKKEI fell to 1,000 points, after which, in order to avoid a further fall to fatal values, trading was closed.

Discouraged by the results of the referendum, David Cameron decided to leave his post as leader of the ruling party and head of the cabinet. During the parliamentary debate that followed, five leading MPs from the Conservative Party put forward their candidacies to replace Cameron as prime minister. On July 11, Home Secretary Theresa May won, and on the morning of July 13 she began forming a new government. She immediately created two special ministries - for leaving the EU (headed by Cameron's long-time opponent D. Davis) and international trade(led by a native of Scotland former minister Defense of the United Kingdom L. Fox). Unexpectedly for many, the main Brexit supporter in the party, Boris Johnson, became Foreign Secretary. Thus, the conservatives remained in power in order to finalize the divorce from United Europe by December 2018.

Considering a lawsuit filed by social activists, on November 3, 2016, the High Court of London ruled that the UK government cannot begin the process of leaving the European Union without parliamentary approval. The UK government has lodged an appeal Supreme Court UK, which was considered from 5-8 December 2016. At this stage of the proceedings, the UK Supreme Court also invited submissions from the Lord Chief Justice of Scotland, legal representatives of the Welsh Government, one of the trade union organizations (IWGB) and another private independent claimant - whose general argument boils down to the fact that the actions of the UK Government in notifying the European Council of the country's withdrawal from the EU will entail inevitable violations of the already existing rights and freedoms of private and legal persons resident in Scotland (and Wales).

According to the United Kingdom Institute for Fiscal Studies, each British family will lose £1,250 (about €1,474) annually after Brexit. It is reported that the country is expected to experience a decline in real income in the decade following Brexit. The estimated revenue decline rate is 3.7%.

6. Impeachment of the president in Brazil and the launch of the procedure in South Korea.

On August 31, 2016, the Brazilian Senate voted for the final impeachment of the country's President Dilma Rousseff.The voting was broadcast live on Brazilian television.

61 senators voted for impeachment, 20 people spoke against it. To remove Rousseff, supporters of impeachment needed to collect 54 votes.Senators temporarily removed Rousseff from office in May of this year. On Wednesday, they decided that she should be removed permanently, and Vice President Michel Temer will serve as interim president of Brazil until the 2018 elections.

Rousseff herself, speaking at the impeachment hearings in the Senate, insisted on her innocence. She stated that her removal from office was the result of a conspiracy, and impeachment was a kind of coup d'etat.Rousseff took charge of Brazil in 2011. The Senate initiated impeachment proceedings in 2015. Formally, senators were considering removing her from office due to her violation of the budget law.However, the main reasons for dissatisfaction with the policies of Rousseff and the ruling Workers' Party were the corruption scandal surrounding the state-owned oil company Petrobras, in which many politicians were involved, as well as the difficult situation in the economy (the decline in GDP in 2015 was the most severe since the beginning of the twentieth century - 3, 8%).

Perhaps the same fate awaits the president South Korea.

In early December, the country's parliament based on voting results.234 deputies of the National Assembly voted “for”, 56 - against. Two deputies abstained. Seven ballots were declared invalid. The meeting was broadcast live on South Korean television.

The reason for the removal of the president from power was the largest. It is alleged that she used her connections for personal gain and even interfered in government affairs with the connivance of the president and her administration.

According to media reports, Park Geun-hye handed over powers to Prime Minister Hwang Kyo Ahn in accordance with the law. The press reports that shecan no longer fulfill the duties of head of state and administration. Meanwhile, the decision on impeachment will be considered by the Constitutional Court of South Korea, which will take up to 180 days. This court could reject the impeachment and restore Park Geun-hye's presidential powers.

7. Loud corruption scandals and arrests in Russia.

Perhaps the most scandalous detention of this year in Russia was the detentionminister economic development Russia Alexey Ulyukaev. According to some reports, the official received a bribe of $2 million for a positive assessment that allowed Rosneft to carry out a deal to acquire the state stake in Bashneft. According to investigators, the head of the Ministry of Economic Development was detained red-handed, but the minister himself refused to admit guilt during interrogation. Later, Russian President Vladimir Putin dismissed Ulyukaev from the post of Minister of Economic Development due to loss of confidence.

This arrest was not the only one in the past year. Yes, in sSeptember 2016 during a search of the apartment of the deputy head of Directorate "T" of the Main Directorate economic security Ministry of Internal Affairs Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko, investigators discovered an astronomical amount - 8 billion rubles. Zakharchenko was detained on September 8 in the case of receiving a bribe of 7 million rubles. During the arrest, another 20 million rubles were confiscated from the colonel.

On July 26, 2016, FSB operatives visited a country house with searches Head of the Federal Customs Service Andrey Belyaninov in the cottage village "Bachurino" near Moscow. In shoe boxes they found 9.5 million rubles, 390 thousand US dollars and 350 thousand euros folded in neat bundles. They also found in the house a 1-kilogram gold bar and five gold nuggets weighing approximately another 200 grams. Belyaninov is suspected of assisting three entrepreneurs who illegally transported elite alcohol across the border.

On July 19, FSB officers detained the deputy head of the Investigative Committee for Moscow, Denis Nikandrov, the head of the Investigative Committee’s own security, Mikhail Maksimenko, and his deputy Alexander Lamonov. They are suspected of receiving a bribe of $1 million from thief in law Zakhary Kalashov, known as Shakro Molodoy. According to operational data, for this money the leaders of the Investigative Committee in Moscow released a crime boss nicknamed Italian from a pre-trial detention center.

At the beginning of July, the deputy director of Spetsstroy, Alexander Buryakov, was arrested. He is suspected of embezzling 450 million rubles during the construction of Ministry of Defense facilities under subcontracts. Buryakov does not admit his guilt and claims that two objects were successfully commissioned, and the remaining seven are in varying degrees of readiness.

The governor of the Kirov region, Nikita Belykh, was detained on June 24 in a luxurious Moscow restaurant while accepting a bribe in the amount of 400 thousand euros. On his hands, investigators recorded traces of marked bait. According to investigators, the official personally and through an intermediary received this money for the patronage of Novovyatsky Ski Combine JSC and Forestry Management Company LLC, which he controlled.

On June 2, the court sent him into custody Mayor of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev, who is suspected of illegally issuing government contracts to his relatives’ companies. The searches took place at the Spasskcement company, as well as at the main office of Vostokcement OJSC and Vladivostok Crushed Stone Plant OJSC. The damage from the mayor's activities is estimated at more than 160 million rubles.

8. Lush weddings 2016.

When one of the celebrities gets married or gets married, there is a real excitement around this event, because the wedding of idols is a wonderful, long-awaited and joyful event not only for the bride and groom, but also for their fans and admirers.

This year the famous singer Ciara and professional American football player Russell Wilson We had a fabulous wedding ceremony. Russell proposed marriage to his beloved on March 18, 2016 on a picturesque island in the Seychelles. Having decorated Ciara's ring finger with a ring of white gold and diamonds, he heard the cherished words of agreement. The wedding ceremony took place three months later in Cheshire, Great Britain, at the ancient Peckforton Castle, built in the Gothic style.

The long-awaited wedding of one of the “desperate housewives”, Eva Longoria, also took place in 2016. The model and actress married famous media tycoon José Baston on May 21 this year.

Jose proposed in Dubai during their vacation together. While traveling through the sand dunes, Jose got down on one knee and asked Eva the big question, after which he handed her a ring with a huge ruby ​​and diamond trim. The ceremony took place five months later.A hot Latin American couple celebrated their magical wedding in hot Mexico, in a private residence on the lake. The outdoor celebration became an unforgettable event for the newlyweds: the ceremony arch was decorated with bright vines from purple flowers, and the stage where the lovers took an oath was decorated with a large white cross.

The wedding of the son of oligarch Mikhail Gutseriev, Said, and his young bride, Khadija Uzhakhova, especially stands out among other celebrations this year for its splendor and wealth.

This year the capital of Russia turns 869 years old! In honor of this significant event Over the course of two days - September 10-11, 2016, mass festive celebrations will be held at cultural venues in the city. Muscovites will enjoy a rich entertainment program, including: numerous festivals, interesting exhibitions and fairs, spectacular shows and music concerts with the participation of pop and television stars, film screenings, excursions, quests and, of course, grandiose fireworks!

The central venue for the festive events will be Tverskaya Street, where ten thematic platforms will open for two days, each of which will be dedicated to Russian cinema. Here guests will be shown scenes from well-known films, from legendary Soviet classics to more modern ones - “Hipsters” and “Night Watch”. Walking along Tverskaya, you will be able to meet Anton Gorodetsky, Shurik, Ivan the Terrible, Alisa Selezneva and many other favorite characters from Soviet and Russian cinema.

The second largest festive area will be the alley on the territory of VDNKh. Several dozen thematic exhibitions will open here, the theme of which is “Carefree Childhood”.

Festive events will also take place in 22 capital parks. Aerial acrobats and street theater actors will perform, the “Fields” music festival is expected, and the “Theater March” festival is expected. Events will also take place in and, parks, “Kuzminki” and, Victory Park and others.

On City Day, everyone will be able to take part in interesting excursions to the filming locations of famous films, for which more than 150 unique routes have been developed.

Spherical cinemas will be installed in the city, film screenings will be held, talking statues will appear on the streets that will recite poems by our classics, and there will even be public feedings of animals.

The holiday will not be complete without congratulations from government officials, which, as always, will take place on Red Square. After the solemn words, a spectacular performance will follow, the participants of which will be pop, film and television stars. A festive carnival parade, exciting festivals, performances by jazz bands, bards and much more are also expected on the main square of the capital.

On September 10 at 22:00, at the end of the festive events, the multi-colored lights of a grandiose fireworks display will light up the sky of Moscow. This year the fireworks will be unusual; instead of the usual “garlands” and “balls”, fiery “rings”, “emoticons” and even “butterflies” will appear in the sky! Muscovites and guests of the capital will be able to enjoy the fabulous extravaganza within 10 minutes.

July 5 - 7 (ANNUAL), Nikolskoye, Russia

Large informal festival in the Moscow region. Artists of all genres from bards to jazz and ethnic music and from circuses to writers take part in the festival. Eat educational program, Exhibitions.

Takes place in the forest where stages are set. Accommodation for guests and participants is in tents.

I participated

Usadba Jazz

July 1 (ANNUAL), Moscow, Russia

Russia's largest open-air festival of improvisational music of various genres.

The Jazz estate dates back to 2004 and in just a few years, from an event known only to a narrow circle of jazz lovers, it has turned into the most visited festival in the field of quality music in the entire post-Soviet space - the number of spectators exceeds 40,000 people annually.

Since 2004, more than 600 artists and groups from Russia, Germany, USA, France, Italy, Israel, Great Britain, Brazil, Armenia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries have performed on the stages of the Jazz Estate.

For ten years, the festival took place on the territory of the Arkhangelskoye estate, a beautiful architectural ensemble of the late 18th century that belonged to the Golitsyn and Yusupov families. In 2015, the Jazz Estate festival was moved to the territory of the picturesque park of the Tsaritsyno estate of the Catherine era, located near the Moscow metro line. In 2016, the festival returned to Arkhangelskoye.

I participated

Full Moon Party

January 1 - December 31 (ANNUAL), Haad Rin, Thailand

Thailand is a multifaceted resort that has won the hearts of many, even the most “experienced” tourists. If you look at the calendar of events, then on July 10, 2017 there is a bright annual event - the Full Moon Party or the crazy sleepless fun “Full Moon Party”. The celebration takes place on Koh Phangan Island.

I participated

Carnival in Veracruz

February 2 - 10 (ANNUAL), Veracruz, Mexico

If you're traveling through Mexico in winter, a good reason to visit Veracruz during this time is the annual carnival, considered the second largest in Latin America after Rio de Janeiro. It has been held since 1866 and lasts just over a week.

I participated

Lunar cat

February 27 - March 5 (ANNUAL), Barcelona, ​​Spain

The one and only art festival “Catalonia - the country of the moon cat”, or “Moon cat” for short, is dedicated to everyone who believes that a cat is “the head of everything”, and with a cat “heaven in a hut”.

The name of the festival was given by the fancy name of the region of Catalunya, combining the moon “luna” and the cat “cat”.

The cat is a symbol of creative freedom. He invites lovers of the easy cat life, travelers and romantics, artists and poets with a sense of humor to the barricades of the festival.

The festival program includes creative meetings and concerts, a competition of films, photographs and drawings, paintings and applied arts, an art promenade “Moon Cat”, a party “On the Roof”, a karaoke competition “He is not a cat who does not sing!”, elections of the Queen Festival and Ball of Slobs, holiday disco "Cats of all countries, unite", cat parade.
