Why do you need to read books and what are the benefits of reading books? Why is it important and useful to read books? Why you need to read books.

It always surprises me when someone says, “I don’t read books.” Yes, there are many things in the world that occupy our time - movies, video games, media. But you should still find time to read. If you don't read books, you're missing out.

1. Reading improves imagination and creativity

When we read, we give new life to the written words - they are transformed in our imagination. We reintroduce the sights, sounds, and smells of a fascinating story. And this work develops the “creative muscles” of our brain - and there are few places where you can find such effective exercises.

2. Improved intelligence

Despite all the achievements of modern technology, reading remains the best way to learn and store information. Those who read more become smarter. They filled their heads with information that others do not have and would not have without books.

3. Reading can change your life

Some books can change your life in ways you might not expect. Books like The Catcher in the Rye, Lord of the Flies, and Flowers for Algernon made me see the world differently. These books had a profound effect on me and I was changed by reading each one. This is the power of reading - a journey into yourself, and not just through a fascinating plot. Just like after a trip, after such books, you are no longer the same as before.

4.Readers are sexy

According to research, women consider smart guys sexier than those with average intelligence. Intelligence is one of the most sought-after qualities that women look for in men. So, single guys, check out the bookstore!

5. The ability to empathize

It's hard to imagine yourself in someone else's shoes, especially if their world is very different from yours.
Reading is a great way to “look into another person’s head” and learn about their thoughts and feelings. Instead of looking at life from one point, you can look at the world through different eyes!

6. Wisdom

Every time you open a book, you fill your head with knowledge, facts, opinions, stories. Reading is like a continuous delivery of information. Along with this information, the reader also receives experience. Books are stories about someone's life lessons, about experiences gained. This is an opportunity for you to understand how the world works. By reading books, you become wiser.

7. Self-improvement

The more you read, the wider your vocabulary. It’s not surprising - after all, you regularly come across so many words in different books that you soon begin to use them in everyday life. Good readers are usually good writers themselves. Any successful writer will tell you that to improve your writing skills, you need to read every day. Moreover, reading helps improve self-confidence. It can help you in many areas of life, such as social relationships or career advancement.

8. Improved thinking skills

Reading enhances analytical thinking. People who read identify patterns faster than people who don't read. Reading makes your mind sharper and strengthens the synapses in your brain, because it also trains your memory. In other words, your brain gets stronger and faster because you read.

9. Improved attention and concentration

Most of us are accustomed to “multitasking” and have learned to divide our attention between TV, the Internet, telephone and a lot of other things. But this way we lose the ability to focus on one important thing at the right time. Reading a book improves your ability to concentrate. After all, the book itself requires full concentration, because if you are distracted, you lose the thread of the story.

10. People who read have a better chance of success.

You can probably find successful people who don't read books. But it's difficult. Remember famous scientists, businessmen, writers, politicians. If they all have a common interest, it is reading.

11. Generating ideas

Ideas are a powerful engine. Scientific and technical achievements are based on them. They solve world problems and cure diseases. Ideas can change our lives. When you read, you get many new thoughts. These thoughts swirl around in your head - and help you create your own amazing idea.

12. Reading will help you set your priorities correctly.

Reading opens up new possibilities for you. You will read about new adventures, a different way of life - about different things that you had never even thought about before. Perhaps you will think about it and realize that you want to change your life and set other goals for yourself. And what is important in your life is not at all what you previously put in first place.

13. Live multiple lives

People who don't read can only live their own lives. Readers have access to many, many lives - real or fictional characters. We can feel what they felt, experience what they experienced.
Our own life experiences make us stronger and wiser. But if you only live one life, you are depriving yourself of other people's experiences and lessons from their lives.

14. Improved mental health

Just like the muscles in the body, the brain needs a boost to stay healthy and strong. Research has shown that mental activities such as reading can slow down (or even prevent) Alzheimer's disease and dementia. And people who read a lot during their lives experience much later age-related decline in memory and mental abilities, compared to those who did not like to read.

15. Around the world without leaving home

Traveling is the best way to get to know other peoples and cultures. And the second best way is reading. It can open up a whole new world for you - right outside your doorstep. A lot of books have been written about different countries; you can read about any corner of the globe and get acquainted with the life of different peoples through books.

16. Improved physical health

We usually read in silence, alone with ourselves. When you are captivated by a good book, you are in a state close to meditation. Reading is relaxing and calming. The result is a reduction in stress and normalization of blood pressure. People who read suffer less from mood disorders.

17. More topics to talk about

The more you learn about new topics, stories, and opinions, the easier it becomes to strike up conversations. After all, you have an endless source of new discussion material at your fingertips!

18. Explore yourself

Have you heard the expression “lost in a book”? Reading is an active process, and you yourself are actively involved in it, as if participating in the action. You can learn a lot about yourself through reading. For example, you may ask yourself what you would do if you were in the book's place. And the answer may surprise you.

19. Expand your horizons

If you don't read, then your world is small. You only know a small fraction of what is happening around you. Reading will reveal to you how big the world really is. There are many subjects that I knew nothing about. It was only when I started reading about them that I realized how little I knew before!

Thousands of books are printed every month. Add to this blog posts and magazine articles. You can always find something to suit your taste among this variety. Moreover, now there is nothing easier than becoming a reader. Libraries are everywhere - and they are free! Now there are digital copies of books, which means you don’t even have to go to the library.

So, given all the benefits of reading listed, there is no reason not to read.

Books are ships of thought, traveling on the waves of time and carefully carrying their precious cargo from generation to generation. Francis Bacon.

Unfortunately, reading books as a way of spending leisure time has long since sunk into oblivion. Why do you need to read books?

If previously almost everyone could say, without thinking, what book they were reading at the moment, now much has changed - this inexhaustible and invaluable source of information lies on the shelf... But we have unconditional excuses and a catastrophic lack of time to read books. Just think about these words “no time”... If banal laziness, wasting time in the abyss of the Internet space prevents you from picking up a book, read the article. And the pressing topic of our conversation is the magical influence of a book on a person.

  • Exploring a wonderful world

We can’t even imagine the value of a good book! She is our friend for all centuries and times. Its smell, like life itself, carries great wisdom. The wisdom of entire generations, passing from century to century... Just imagine for a moment how many secrets are hidden there, in the depths of these magical pages. It is on these pages that we find the amazing world that we learn by reading books, and at the same time ourselves in it. A world from which we draw invaluable information, find answers to questions and look into LIFE. “A good book is like an iceberg, seven-eighths of which is hidden under water” - these beautiful words of Ernest Hemingway are designed to find the most important things, delving into the essence of the work.

  • Development of imagination

“The paradox of reading: it takes us away from reality in order to fill reality with meaning.” (Daniel Pennac, French short story writer, essayist of the late 19th – 20th centuries)

Yes, it is the book that offers the reader intellectual relaxation, in which it gives the opportunity to live an interesting and rich life, shapes the perception of the world through the prism of travel to the world of fantasy. And... it develops the imagination very much. Describing the appearance of the characters, their character, and manners of behavior gives us the opportunity to clearly structure and create a certain image in our heads. Not even the most beautiful film can convey the range of feelings, character traits, and philosophy of the main characters as subtly as a book. Unlike the film, the book has inexhaustible special effects.

  • Enrichment of vocabulary, becoming more literate

“Just as rubles are made from kopecks, so knowledge is made from grains of what is read.” (Vladimir Dal, Russian scientist, writer and lexicographer)

Yes, it is a book that can magically not only change and make our inner world richer, but also replenish our vocabulary. It’s not for nothing that Voltaire, the French philosopher-educator of the 18th century, said that by reading authors who write well, you get used to speaking well. Therefore, if your profession obliges you to work with the Word, you definitely need to make friends with a book - your faithful companion in life. Good books make it possible to develop your own style of communication and writing, communication tactics, easily express thoughts and your own position, and also boldly speak in front of the public. As a result of love for literature, a person’s vocabulary not only does not go unnoticed, but also acquires originality. When we read, we visually perceive the text, we see the structure of sentences, the manner of narration and the spelling of words. We delve into every word, re-read interesting moments several times, imagine the timbre of the voice, the intonation with which the characters “talk” to each other. It is this exciting process that makes us better.

  • Development of mental abilities

“People who read books will always control those who watch TV.” (Stephanie Genlis, French writer of the late 18th - early 19th centuries)

This paragraph is a continuation of the previous one. Why read books? By acquiring new skills and knowledge, we discover new opportunities and qualities in ourselves. We learn to analyze, reason, think, have a clear position and our own opinion, and most importantly, think outside the box. This is what drives progress. By being passionate about reading, we improve ourselves. People who love to read are winners in life, able to find a way out of any complicated situation, solve problems and respond correctly to life’s adversities. As another great French classical philosopher Denis Diderot said: “People stop thinking when they stop reading.” And one cannot but agree with this.

  • Formation of values

“Remember: who you are is determined by what you read.” (Jim Rohn, American speaker, business coach, author of books on psychology and personal development)

Good books teach not only intelligence, but also instill a love for the eternal - nature, life, people, inspire good deeds and achieve goals, make you subtly feel the beauty of the world. Books bring up the Human in us. By spiritually enriching the soul, they teach truly valuable and beautiful things. They are taught to distinguish between good and evil, loyalty and betrayal; love and compassion, friendship and appreciation; dream and live. By reading books, we have a better chance of achieving success, finding a way out where it is dark, knocking where the door is closed. The book develops the ability to act generously, gives an opportunity to look into the “I” and the secrets of the human soul. By reading books, we live millions of human lives... We find answers to the main questions of our purpose on Earth, we see beauty in such an imperfect world.

  • Read worthy and useful

Reading is the best teaching. Following the thoughts of a great man is the most interesting science.”.(A.S. Pushkin)

It is worth noting that not all literature is reliable. Many modern authors do not strive to convey vital ideas to the reader. Often such works do not contain anything informative; they are empty, presented in a rather formulaic and simple manner. It is impossible to take anything useful for yourself from such books, because it simply isn’t there. Another thing is the eternal classics. Classic literature has a completely different level, especially if you re-read it again and at different ages. It’s impossible not to love this kind of literature - it’s the kind of literature that opens a person’s world to their future, shapes their personality and shows the true value of human relationships.

All you need to do is pick up a book and immerse yourself in the magical world of literary art. Once you get used to reading, at some point you will find that... you can’t stop! And it will be great! In a word, continuous advantages. But yes, there is one minus - for your reading and erudition, some fools will quietly hate you, while others will silently envy you. :)

He who reads thinks, and he who thinks reasons.

Victor Hugo

Reading good books is a conversation with the best people of the past, when they tell us their best thoughts.


Truly, many people read only to have the right not to think.

Lichtenberg G.

Reading is the most wonderful pastime in the world. We escape from the drabness of everyday life and travel through the world of exciting stories and delightful fantasies. But there are many more facts about the benefits of reading books. Here are ten reasons why you should read books.

1. Reading Helps Prevent Alzheimer's Disease

Research shows that people who frequently face complex intellectual challenges in their lives and constantly challenge their brains maintain mental clarity even into old age. Regular reading and constant receipt of new information optimally loads the brain with work and trains memory, thanks to which they remain fully functional until old age.

Pierre Chartier (1894-1980). French artist, glorified reading women. "Reading Woman"

2. Reading books reduces stress levels

Life presents us with many problems and after a busy day at work it is often difficult to force ourselves to calm down and relax. Reading can help. People leave their everyday hustle and bustle and plunge into a world of fantasy, where they can move away from the problems of their own lives and relax.

3. Vocabulary expands

They say that reading promotes development. And this is true: thanks to regular reading, your vocabulary automatically increases. The more often you come across different words, the easier they are to remember. By the way, if you read aloud, then new words move from passive to active vocabulary even more easily.

4. Reading books helps with writing

Scientists at the University of California have found that reading novels also influences your own writing style. The author's style leaves its mark on the reader's literary skill, which he subconsciously acquires while reading. This skill is found in the narrative technique of the person reading, and can also be translated into the flow of inspiration put on paper.

Pierre Chartier. "Reading Nude"

5. Reading helps you fall asleep

Many people face one problem: they cannot fall asleep for a long time in the evenings. The events of the past day occupy their thoughts so much that it is impossible to even think about switching off. Some “before bedtime” rituals will help here. If you pick up a book every evening and read a few pages, you will not only be able to relax mentally, but your entire evening will take on its own structure. This stress-relieving ritual will help you feel like your difficult day is behind you.

6. Reading Helps Develop Social Skills

The New School for Social Research in New York published a report showing that reading helps develop empathy. As you read, you learn to put yourself in the shoes of the characters in the book, thereby increasing your understanding of other people's lives.

Pierre Chartier. "The Wife of Pierre Chartier", 1955

7. Reading promotes creativity

Through immersion in the world of fantasy, you train the power of your imagination. Unlike cinema, when reading, pictures themselves arise from the text in the reader’s imagination. Already in children it can be seen that regular reading has a positive effect on creativity; ingenuity and imagination improve themselves. And even in adulthood, creativity helps a lot, because it is one of the most important conditions for successfully dealing with conflicts.

8. Reading broadens your horizons

It doesn't matter whether you want to take a break from your own life or you're just curious and enjoy exploring other people and places: reading is the cheapest way to travel. Literary works give insight into other people's lives, their thoughts, their work and habits. You can get to know distant places and live in a foreign culture. The reader can look beyond his little world and expand his horizons.

9. Reading improves concentration

New information is often presented quickly and in small portions. We browse the web very quickly: we read a status message in one place, a headline in another, then we refresh our Twitter page and skim the top news on Facebook. As we do so, we pause briefly at the news photos of disaster sites and quickly check the weather report again. For a person accustomed to this pace, reading a novel on a weekend evening is a rare opportunity to stop. At the same time, you can finally relax, but not only that: reading also helps you concentrate. You will be doing the same thing for quite a long time.

10. Reading makes us more sexually attractive.

According to surveys, people who read in public places are considered smarter. Holding a book in your hands makes you more sexually attractive and desirable. It seems to others that you are an interesting conversationalist and have the ability to impress people.

How many more points can this list be expanded to? What arguments come to your mind in favor of reading books?

Aphorisms about reading books

✔ You will never write a good book without first writing several bad ones. George Bernard Shaw

✔ Reading is the best teaching! Pushkin A. S.

✔ Books serve to show us that our original thoughts are not new at all. Abraham Lincoln

✔ There is no better way to refresh the mind than reading ancient classics; As soon as you take one of them in your hands, even for half an hour, you immediately feel refreshed, lightened and cleansed, lifted and strengthened, as if you had refreshed yourself by bathing in a clean spring. Arthur Schopenhauer

Alexandra LAPSHINA

1. But how much time will you save?

Why study and read books? That's enough school, we've read enough. You already have too little free time: you need to do everything - clean the apartment, finish a report, screw in a light bulb, meet with friends. There's no time for books here. This is not at all necessary. All later, on vacation. Although on vacation I want to relax... Let the books wait until retirement, there is a lot of time there - you can read.

Illustration from the wonderful book “Bad Advice” by Grigory Oster, which inspired the idea of ​​this article.

2. You are satisfied with everything in life

Change is for adventurers. Do something outstanding, make a dream come true? Nobody does that! Everyone lives like people and doesn’t bother themselves. There Natasha, the neighbor from the fifth floor, thinks correctly: a hobby is a fad, a job is not dusty, self-education - how is that? And everything is fine with her.

3. Brain like a shrimp, IQ like a loaf of bread

Impressing with your erudition, caring about the culture of speech, maintaining a conversation - all this is unnecessary. “Who are you rustling at, little bag?” - expressions in this spirit come out of your mouth every now and then? Great. Carry on, you are on the right track. Just a couple of years, and it will be possible to switch to the vocabulary of Ellochka the cannibal: “Ho-ho,” “darkness,” “wow!”, “guy.”

And such pearls as Leonardo Nedovinchenny and Robin Khudo, Kepchug and Evoyny, only add charm and color to the statements.

4. You want to forget about everything as quickly as possible.

It has been proven that people who read a lot have a reduced risk of dementia. But wait a minute! This is a great chance. If you are already tired of relatives and friends always demanding attention, work and life in general, and you definitely won’t endure until old age, don’t sit idly by - build the future right now. If you don't read books, you don't exercise your brain. I'd like to forget all this quickly, right? Forget, forget, forget, like a bad dream.

5. The imagination can rest

Let’s be honest: TV is much more colorful than books. Most books are black and white, and if they are in color, the picture doesn’t move - it’s not very interesting to look at this mediocrity for hours. And there are too many letters - again just “black and white”. Whether it’s a TV show: picture, sound, events. And once they start playing the ads, you can’t stop watching them at all. You don’t need imagination and fantasy: everything has already been thought up for you.

6. A paradise for self-flagellation lovers

Trust Uncle Freud: frankly, you don’t like feeling like an erudite, smart, conversational person. On the contrary, don’t feed them bread - let them feel like an outsider, a person whose horizons are as narrow as the path along the rocks. This feeling will be sharper.

You can spend hours reveling in your worthlessness, feeling sorry for yourself and sad about the futility of existence.

7. “Not reading” develops elephant skin

The subtlety of human relationships, shades of emotions and overflows of feelings, acute social problems and empathy - all this is not to your liking. We must live in peace. It's better to be indifferent. My hut on the edge is a comfortable position, and reading books only weakens it. You will begin to sympathize. Brrrrr!

8. Books ruin your health

Have you ever thought that a book is not very comfortable to hold in your hands? What if it has 300 pages or, even worse, 500? You are not a heavyweight athlete to pump up your biceps with tomes. This way you can harm yourself. And in general, if you think about it, books definitely spoil your health. Your vision becomes blurred, your neck becomes stiff and then hurts, you can’t read for a long time lying down either - blood circulation is impaired (and even while sitting). We must take care of our health!

In general, guys, it’s worth thinking about. Big brother is watching you: don't read books 😉

P.S. All matches with real persons are random, the advice is terribly harmful and under no circumstances should you follow it :)

Post cover: Vitaly Velganyuk.
