Maria Kozhevnikova hides her third child from the public. The main man in the life of Maria Kozhevnikova: what he looks like and what he does. Personal life of Maria Kozhevnikova

Public recognition and fame came to actress Maria Kozhevnikova after she played the role of a hunter of rich men in the multi-part youth project “Univer”. When the artist became a deputy State Duma, numerous reproaches began to fall on her - on what grounds did a girl who starred for Playboy take a place in Russian government. The star herself viewed political activity as a chance to speak openly about issues that interested her. Thus, loyal admirers of the celebrity are interested in questions that relate not only to her career path, but also to her private life. In this article you can find answers to the following questions: who is Maria Kozhevnikova’s husband, does she have children, how did her personal life develop, how are family relationships, etc.

Personal life of Maria Kozhevnikova

The personal life of Maria Kozhevnikova began to change after the premiere of the multi-part project “Univer” took place on television screens. Numerous fans began to literally line up under the artist’s windows.

Already in 2009, rumors began to appear on the Internet that Maria Kozhevnikova’s husband would soon be a businessman from Chelyabinsk, who is the president of the Mirel company.

Relationship between Maria Kozhevnikova and Ilya Mitelman

Maria Kozhevnikova and Ilya Mitelman met in 2008 at a festive event dedicated to the youth series “Univer”. Literally after a year of romantic relationship, the lovers submitted an application to the registry office, but the wedding celebration never took place.

Maria could not withstand the unreasonable jealousy on the part of her chosen one. Ilya never became the husband of Maria Kozhevnikova.

Romance between Maria Kozhevnikova and the director of the Manege complex

Already in 2010, the artist began to build a relationship with one of the managers of the capital’s Manege complex.

At the beginning of 2011, changes were about to happen in Maria Kozhevnikova’s personal life, as her lovers planned a wedding. For unknown reasons, the actress was unable to build a family with this man.

Relationships and wedding of Maria Kozhevnikova with Evgeny Vasiliev

Soon, the celebrity of Russian cinema started a family. Her personal life changed after she met Evgeny Vasiliev. In 2013, Evgeniy became the husband of Maria Kozhevnikova, the couple got married.

"Now I'm very happy man. I have the most wonderful husband, wonderful children. My husband constantly supports me, helps me in all controversial situations, advises me on how best to act in some matter, etc. I love my children madly. I'm glad that my life is turning out this way. Yes, there were some failures earlier. For example, in your personal life. I dated men, but I couldn’t find the one. But, fortunately, everything worked out for me,” admits Kozhevnikova.

The young family very quickly had children. Judging by the date of birth of her first child, at the time of the wedding celebration the artist was already in interesting position. Maria Kozhevnikova’s first child was born on January 19, 2014. The happy new parents named their son Vanya. Literally a year later, namely on January 26, 2015, the actress gave birth to a second heir, whom she named Maxim. In the summer of 2017, Maria Kozhevnikova gave birth to her third child, son Vasily. The celebrity’s birth took place in one of Moscow’s elite hospitals.

It is no secret that Maria Kozhevnikova constantly tries to hide her personal life from prying eyes. It is on this basis that she very rarely publishes photos of her children and husband online. At the same time, her photographs appear on the Internet much more often. It is also known that the actress tries not to involve loved ones in social events. Without any embarrassment, she publishes photos of herself in a swimsuit or without makeup.

“I think that there is nothing wrong with the fact that sometimes I show myself to the public without makeup. And can I post a photo in a swimsuit? What's wrong with that? Why should I be ashamed? My figure is not bad, let them look, I don’t mind. I don't take pictures completely naked. This would really seem suspicious,” notes Maria Kozhevnikova.

Family of Maria Kozhevnikova

According to the actress herself, children are not a reason to refuse social life. Because of this, she was repeatedly condemned by the public. In 2016, the artist became a participant in the extreme circus show “Without Insurance”, where, when asked about motivation, she answered that after the birth of similar children, she simply needed to believe in herself, to believe again in her own youth, strength and body.

Then the jury representatives appreciated how much, even despite not young age and the responsible status of a mother, Maria easily performed various acrobatic acts. Then Maria was called an example and inspiration for other girls and women.

Once Maria Kozhevnikova published a post on the Internet that the mother of three heirs has every right to dance and go to the cinema if there are reliable people who can look after the children. A woman should be happy, so sometimes you can part with your children in order to miss them and maintain an emotional connection.

The actress prefers to spend most of her free time with her children and her beloved husband. They are frequent visitors to children's entertainment parties, restaurants, cafes, city parks, cinemas, etc. According to Maria herself, she loves to relax both in the company of family and friends. With friends, spouses often relax outside the city, renting a house. But, as you know, the artist does not have as much free time as she would like.

Biography of Maria Kozhevnikova

Maria Kozhevnikova is a native Muscovite. Her mother taught a foreign language, and her father is a famous hockey athlete, Honored Master of Sports and two-time champion. His achievements have always been a real example for the heiress.

In her childhood, Maria was actively involved in rhythmic gymnastics. She also studied at a general education institution and attended a vocal studio. After receiving her school certificate, the future actress knew for sure that in the future she would certainly become a filmmaker. So she became a student at GITIS.

After completing her studies, Maria appeared in the film “Rublyovka Live”, and later starred in the film “She-Wolf” and in the multi-part project “Hello, I’m your dad!” Initially, the artist starred mainly in episodes. Her filmography included such films as “The Servant of the Sovereigns,” “Matchmaker,” “Dance,” etc. However, all these works did not bring fame to the artist. Real popularity came to the star only after she played Alla in the sitcom “Univer”. In 2011, she refused to star in this series because she was offered a more lucrative contract. Later, the following films appeared in the actress’s creative biography: “Newlyweds,” “Battalion,” “Golden Eagle” and many others.

As you know, the actress decided to devote herself not only to her acting career, but also to political activity. So, Maria became a member of the Young Guard of United Russia. Later, she managed to join the board of trustees of the Zelenograd orphanage in the Moscow region. Already in 2011, she became a deputy of the State Duma.

This page in the actress’s biography was very heatedly discussed by Maria Kozhevnikova’s colleagues in show business.
Many did not understand at all how the actress would combine a creative career with politics, and some even insistently advised the celebrity to forget about filming and devote herself exclusively to working with representatives of the State Duma. Despite some ridicule, Kozhevnikova, at the age of 30, still managed to get into the hundred most influential citizens of Russia.

Maria Kozhevnikova currently

Currently, Kozhevnikova continues to act in films. She also takes part in political activities. For example, in 2018, she completed filming in the film “How to Get a Man.” It's no secret that the filming process dragged on for a very long time. At the same time, neither the actors nor the directors of the project are in a hurry to name the reasons.

In 2011, at the celebration of a mutual friend, Masha had a significant meeting with a man who completely turned her life around. His name is Evgeny Vasiliev, this is the future husband of Maria Kozhevnikova.

Due to the busyness of both, dates were rare at first; their romance was more like a telephone-virtual adventure.

Kozhevnikova’s boyfriend often made surprises with the actress’s unexpected appearance on tour or late-night visits at night to continue the date.

Later the couple began to live in a civil marriage. We can say that by the time they were ripe for marriage, their relationship was proven, and the decision was deliberate.

The solemn wedding ceremony of Maria and her husband took place in early September 2013 on the Cote d'Azur in Nice, France. The couple's wedding took place there, at St. Nicholas Cathedral.

The decision to get married away from their homeland was dictated by the desire to make the ceremony as private as possible from prying eyes.

Happy family relationships Kozhevnikova and her husband, if we count cohabitation before the wedding, last about 7 years.

Masha showed a photo with a luxurious white dress on her Instagram page.

Maria Kozhevnikova: biography, personal life

The future actress was born on November 14, 1984 in Moscow. Maria grew up as an obedient child, bringing only good grades from school, without causing any trouble to her parents.

From the age of 4 the girl was sent to rhythmic gymnastics, where she showed good results, becoming a master of sports. However, the grown-up girl’s height and physique did not somewhat meet the standards of a gymnast, so she decided to leave her sports career.

Creative nature, excellent external data and innate artistry allowed Maria to enter GITIS the first time and in 2006 receive a diploma as an actress in the pop department.

For some time, Kozhevnikova was invited to act only occasionally. These are the series “Rublyovka Live”, “Gift of God”, “Heartbreakers” and others.

However, in 2008, Masha was finally lucky; she was offered one of the main roles in the youth sitcom “Univer”. Several seasons of the series made Kozhevnikova a recognizable beauty known throughout the country.

In 2009, the girl was offered to appear in the fashion gloss Playboy, where she risked appearing completely naked. There was no end to fans.

In 2011, Maria radically changed direction by joining the party’s youth movement “ United Russia", from which he is nominated for deputies of the State Duma of the VI convocation. At the same time, the activist becomes a member of the board of trustees of one of the regional orphanages.

At the same time, the star’s personal life is developing. In 2008, a social event dedicated to “Univer” was held in Chelyabinsk, which was attended by the actors of the series.

On it, Kozhevnikova meets Ilya Mitelman, president of the Mirel company. The young people develop a whirlwind romance, which a year later leads to an application for marriage.

But the wedding is not destined to take place. The potential husband turned out to be furiously jealous. Therefore, Maria breaks off the relationship.

The beauty was not free for long. Already in 2010, a businessman, a member of the management team of the Manege complex, applied for her hand and heart.

A wedding celebration is planned for next year, which also was not destined to take place. However, everything happens for the better. After all, Maria soon meets her destiny and true love.

Kozhevnikova family

Masha was born into an intelligent family, where there were many famous names.

Grandfather is a war veteran, Major General Valentin Nikolaevich Trofimov.

Maria's dad is Alexander Viktorovich Kozhevnikov, Honored Master of Sports, Soviet hockey player, two-time Olympic champion.

Mom - Margarita Valentinovna, teacher in English, daughter of a general.

Maria has an older brother, Andrei, 4 years apart. He was a hockey player in the second team of masters, but a serious injury did not allow him to continue his sports career. Now he is engaged in real estate, he is married.

Maria's parents separated when she was in college. IN new family the father had a daughter, Ekaterina, Masha’s younger half-sister. They didn't communicate for a long time, but are now very friendly.

Who is Maria Kozhevnikova's husband?

The husband of the actress and ex-State Duma deputy is a person far from publicity, show business and cinema.

There is practically no information about her husband, except for those facts that Maria herself gives out in portions.

Exist interesting versions journalists who own other sources. For example, a man is an ordinary computer engineer who came from Tver to work.

Maria hid her husband’s face for a long time, but when the first publications came out, readers’ comments also appeared. Many identified their neighbor, who left his wife and two children in Tver for Kozhevnikova.

By the way, this happened simultaneously with Maria’s nomination as a deputy. The date of the painting had to be accelerated, since at that time she was already pregnant.

At Maria's wedding there were only relatives and friends of the bride; no one was present from her husband's side. However, the Nice stamp is not recognized as an official document in Russia. Be that as it may, the main thing is that the young people are happy.

What is the name of Kozhevnikova’s wife?

Evgeny Vasiliev.

Where do Kozhevnikova live with her husband?

Previously, the family lived in Moscow in winter to make it easier to get to work. In the summer they rented a dacha near Tver.

Now Maria and her husband rent a good-quality house with a wonderful garden near Moscow, where they live with her mother and children.

Date of birth of Maria's husband

It is only known that he was born on January 26, on the same day as the couple’s second child, Maxim. No other information available.

What does Kozhevnikova’s husband, Evgeny Vasiliev, do?

According to Maria, he is an IT specialist, but is now involved in real estate. According to other sources, the man works in construction.

Photo with husband and children

The eldest son, Ivan, was born on January 19, 2014, the middle one, Maxim, was born on January 26, 2015, the youngest, Vasily, was given to her husband by Maria on July 20, 2017.

Children are very different. The firstborn is a copy of his mother, he is creative, loves to sing and dance, is interested in astronomy, knows the planets, and loves going to the planetarium.

The middle son, on the contrary, is just like his dad; he is interested in cars, prefabricated toys, and construction sets. It’s immediately obvious, as Masha says, that she is a child of a technical mindset.

The younger Vasily is still too young to make any predictions.

Evgeny Vasiliev: biography, age

How old Maria’s husband is is unknown. There are suggestions that he is 8-10 years older.

According to Masha, Evgeniy graduated from Moscow State University, Department of Mechanics and Mathematics, receiving a diploma in IT technology. She states that Vasiliev is a businessman.

33-year-old Maria Kozhevnikova showed a rare photo with her husband

The actress and former MP is a public figure who attracts public attention. However, for a long time Masha hid the name and face of her husband, and then her children. Photos from the family archive appeared after the birth of the second baby.

Kozhevnikova is still not married

Maria announced to the public that she and her husband had gotten married, but they never got married. We planned to do this at the beginning of 2019, but time limits our plans. The family decided to go on vacation instead of registering the marriage. According to the artist, the stamp will wait, this is not the main thing in life. Maria has been married to Evgeniy for 8 years.

Kozhevnikova on a program with Lera Kudryavtseva

On March 23, 2019, Maria came to the “Secret to a Million” program. She denied it for a long time and did not want to attend this show. Kozhevnikova did not even suspect that a surprise awaited her at the program. Presenter Lera Kudryavtseva, handing over the envelope, reminded the actress of a certain loss. Having learned about the contents, Maria began to cry. She did not explain what it was about, explaining that she was not yet ready to make it public.

And former State Duma deputy Maria Kozhevnikova is a person around whom many myths arise in the press. Long time she did not present to the public her soulmate, the existence of which journalists suspected. Only in 2013, the artist announced that she had married Evgeniy Vasiliev.

Who is Kozhevnikova’s husband?

The life partner, who fell in love with the audience after the series “Univer,” seems to many to be a mystical figure. He rarely appears in joint shots with Maria.

Maria Kozhevnikova and Evgeny Vasiliev

In an interview, she talks about the positive emotions that it gives her family life. The photo posted by Kozhevnikova on Instagram leaves no doubt - Evgeny Vasiliev exists.

Maria Kozhevnikova with her husband

He strictly adheres to the rule: “happiness loves silence.” And he’s not going to show off something that concerns only two people.

It is known that Kozhevnikova’s husband lived in Tver before they met.

Journalists were unable to obtain his exact date of birth. He celebrates his name day on January 26th. Presumably the husband is 8 years or more older than Mary.

Evgeny Vasiliev with his wife Maria Kozhevnikova

According to her, he works in the field of IT technologies and is engaged in the construction business. At one time, Evgeny Vasiliev graduated from Moscow State University and was educated at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics.

Wedding and children of Vasilyev and Kozhevnikova

The first meeting between Kozhevnikova and Vasiliev took place in 2011. Distance prevented frequent dates, which gave rise to a telephone romance.

Happy couple Kozhevnikova and Vasiliev

In 2013, Evgeny Vasiliev and Kozhevnikova got married while traveling around France in St. Nicholas Cathedral in Nice. Evgeniy never agreed to an interview after that.

Wedding of Maria Kozhevnikova and Evgeny Vasiliev

Maria later spoke about the birth of their first child Ivan (2014), second son Maxim (2015) and baby Vasily (2017).

Maria Kozhevnikova with her husband and children

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Personal life of Kozhevnikova today

Rumors periodically circulate on the Internet about Evgeniy Vasiliev leaving the family. But Maria herself, in stories about herself, focuses on a happy marriage and a reliable shoulder. Their rare family photographs signal a warm relationship.

Happy mother and wife Maria Kozhevnikova

Kozhevnikova and her husband do not often appear in public together; they carefully protect their marriage. The husband is not tormented by jealousy when Maria goes out with someone on her arm; he understands the specifics of her lifestyle and completely trusts her.

Maria Kozhevnikova, sons, husband Evgeny Vasiliev

Kozhevnikova’s husband and children are her pride; there is no doubt that Maria Kozhevnikova’s personal life was a success.

She was born into a famous Moscow family: the name of her father, Alexander Kozhevnikov, a hockey player, two-time Olympic champion and Honored Master of Sports, did not leave the front pages of newspapers at that time. But professional sports does not leave time for personal life. In one of her interviews, Maria recalls that dad was like Santa Claus: he appeared suddenly and with gifts, was associated with joy, and stayed at home for only a short time.

But my mother was always there, devoting a lot of time and effort to raising her daughter. Masha grew up as a very calm and attentive girl. She studied well, respected her elders and remained polite to everyone. The smiling and open girl dreamed of studying music and dancing, but her mother was sure that the daughter of a famous athlete should have a sports career.

At four she was sent to rhythmic gymnastics. I had to give up other hobbies: there simply weren’t enough hours in the day to study well and play sports professionally. Kozhevnikova admits that she had practically no data to conquer the sports Olympus. Only personal perseverance and perseverance, which eventually gave her the title of master of sports and the title of champion of Moscow. But the older the girl became, the more difficult the exercises were for her: Machine figure in adolescence acquired feminine outlines, which is unacceptable for gymnastics.


Lawyer-2 (2005)

But she was afraid of ice and avoided it - as Maria says, the skating rink stole her dad. She had a real dislike for sports related to skating, although she could not show it. Sports and personal qualities forced the girl to hide her bad mood and well-being behind a polite smile. In one of her interviews, the actress says that at the age of 12 she was very upset by her parents’ divorce and convinced herself and those around her that her dad had gone to a training camp in a distant country and would not return anytime soon. Even today Masha does not like to complain or show her pain.

Only in high school, when her figure forced her to give up sports, did she decide to try on an acting career. By that time, my mother stopped resisting, realizing that her daughter had no athletic talent. Now Masha herself has three children, and she emphasizes that she does not want to repeat her mother’s mistake and always asks the kids what they want to do.

The actress says that she is ready to support any of their hobbies, even if the children change their minds tomorrow. Because of this approach, she has to understand the topic of space, which her eldest son loves, cars that her middle son loves, go to football and tennis with both of them, and even master the basics of the Chinese language!


Univer (2008−2011)

She entered GITIS and passed on the first try, and at the same time, she finally took up music - she became the soloist of the group “Love Stories”, whose compositions never made it to the charts.

The girl started participating in castings in her junior year.. In 2002, she received a small role in the TV series “Rublyovka live”, at the beginning of the 2000s she starred in episodic roles in the projects “God’s Gift” and “Heartbreakers”, but was never able to attract the attention of either directors or viewers. But at the casting of the sitcom “Univer,” the entire crew laughed at the comically played Allochka Kozhevnikova. Having passed the audition brilliantly, Masha was approved for the role of a narrow-minded and greedy blonde, a resident of a student dormitory.

Masha brought her charm and kindness to the role of the stupid student, making the character positive. The actress says that she shares the same ability with Allochka to take on all the big shots. Maria is one of those people who constantly receive bruises and abrasions, injuries and cuts. But in other respects, the actress does not resemble her character: since childhood, she has been accustomed to achieving everything through her own labor - her sports training takes its toll.

Of course, it was difficult not to notice Kozhevnikova’s beauty and grace. After the first success of the series, people's love came to the actress. She entered the list of sex symbols of the country and even posed nude for one of the men's magazines. In eight photographs of the photo shoot, the actress was not wearing any clothes at all.

While filming the series, she still wanted to fulfill her childhood dream of making music. Together with Vitaly Gogunsky, who played the role of a student, Kuzi, they composed and recorded the song “Who, if not you,” which, unfortunately, again did not become a hit.


Turkish March (season 4) (2007)

After the termination of her contract with Univer, the actress, to whose soft image the viewer had already become accustomed, suddenly appeared on the screens in a new role: in the film Spiritless, the blonde played a real bitch, revealing completely new professional traits to film fans.

There was also a period when Masha, a concerned citizen with a clear position, acted as a deputy in the State Duma. She received excellent reviews for her initiatives, but did not win a second term.

In 2015, gossip columns were full of photographs of Kozhevnikova’s shaved head! Gossipers immediately associated the sudden change in image with new job and they turned out to be right. Masha agreed to lose her luxurious blonde locks for the sake of a complex dramatic role in the acclaimed film “Battalion” - about the women’s death battalion that existed during the First World War.

The movie received a lot of praise, and for the deep, heartfelt Natalia Tatishcheva, embodied by Kozhevnikova, the actress received the Golden Eagle Award in the category “Best Supporting Actress.”

After this work, “Sports Without Borders” was released and until 2017, Masha took a time out: she found herself pregnant for the third time!

Maria Kozhevnikova rarely appears in public with her husband, and practically does not post joint photos with him online. This only fuels public interest in the star’s personal life. What does the chosen one and father of three sons of Maria Kozhevnikova look like?

Chosen star

Maria Kozhevnikova is married to businessman, former State Duma deputy Evgeny Vasiliev. They met at a mutual friend's party and immediately liked each other.

Due to the total employment of Maria and Eugene, their romance developed at a distance. But the man often surprised his beloved by sending gifts or personally coming to the set. The romance developed rapidly, and soon the lovers began to live together.

In 2013, Maria and Evgeniy got married. To hide from the ubiquitous journalists, the couple decided to get married in Nice. Only the closest relatives and friends were present at the wedding ceremony. Indeed, not a single photo was leaked to the press until Maria herself posted it on her social network account.

Maria and Evgeniy live in perfect harmony. The couple has three sons - Ivan, Maxim and Vasily. Big family rents a large house with a garden in the Moscow region. Maria’s mother lives with the couple, helping with housework and raising the children.

Why are there no photos together?

The reason that Maria Kozhevnikova does not indulge the public with joint photos with her husband is extremely simple. The man does not like publicity and prefers not to be on public display. That is why, when the spouses were photographed at the same social event, they looked fundamentally different. Maria, accustomed to the attention of the press, seemed bright and radiant. But Evgeniy was noticeably tense.

Evgeny Vasiliev is truly a mysterious person. The press knows practically nothing about him (not even his exact date of birth). It is also not known for certain what kind of business he is involved in. There are different versions - construction, real estate, information technology.

The path to happiness

In fact, Maria was supposed to get married back in 2009. The contender for her hand and heart was the president of the Mirel company, Ilya Mitelman. But the whirlwind romance never led to a wedding. Maria could not stand the frantic scenes of the gentleman's jealousy.

In 2010, Maria planned to marry a businessman who held a leadership position in the Manege complex. But this union also broke up shortly before the wedding. But this is for the best, because after a short time Maria met her true fate.
