On the same wavelength: compatibility of an Aquarius man and a Libra woman. What is the compatibility: Aquarius woman, Libra man

The stars say that the compatibility of an Aquarius man and a Libra woman has every chance of a smooth transition of a beautiful relationship into a strong family. However, there are some nuances in this alliance that are better to know in advance: after all, forewarned means forearmed.

An Aquarius man and a Libra woman belong to the element of air and simply by definition cannot help but interest each other even at the first communication. People of these zodiac signs are incredibly sociable, open and very friendly. Moreover, they express these emotions completely sincerely, and not because it is customary.

They have every chance of liking each other at first sight. But remember: to please, not to fall in love. Neither the Aquarius guy, nor even the Libra girl likes to run ahead of the locomotive in amorous affairs, and they are not characterized by outbursts of passion from Mexican TV series. These two prefer to first study their partner from all sides, find out what skeletons he has in his closet, and at the same time have time to be charmed by his personal charm and quick, lively thinking, in which Aquarius and Libra will not yield to each other.

Their communication is very good and easy - in the first months it will generally seem as if they have found a real soul mate. Libras do not like to argue and are very compliant. It's all about their natural diplomacy, which does not allow them to speak harshly even in personal communication.

It’s just that Libra is an example of good manners and good manners. Sometimes one gets the impression that the girl graduated from the Institute of Noble Maidens with honors. But Aquarius, on the contrary, is also a debater. He loves when he is not only listened to, but also obeyed.

And by the way, he often does not mince words, especially when he is sure that his words are true. It turns out to be a contradiction: from the phrase about sweet lies and bitter truth, Aquarius will choose the latter, and the girl of spring will definitely choose the former. It is for this reason that their compatibility in a love relationship can be seriously tested.

Behind the external impression of friendly, rather gentle people, there actually lies a union of two strong and difficult personalities. True, what saves the matter is that both Aquarius and Libra are still accommodating. It is only important for them to show each other that they really want to negotiate, and not just pretend.

Reconciliations in such a couple are similar to the beginning of a romance - they are always very gentle, sweet and more reminiscent of a date than a conversation to say “I’m sorry.”

Another serious risk for relationships is a different outlook on the beauty of life. The fact is that an Aquarius can easily wear old pants for 3 seasons in a row, but a Libra won’t wear anything even when going to a local store. It is important to understand that this girl is a real esthete, she loves everything beautiful and will not sit at the table if there is even one small spot on it. She demands the same from her partner: impeccable observance of external beauty, harmony of the body and, of course, the soul. For Libras, believe me, this is not an empty phrase.

A girl can agree with many things regarding the views of Aquarius, but not with the fact that he sometimes denies almost everything: from traditional foundations to standards of appearance that are self-evident to her.

And Libra is clearly not satisfied with the directness of Aquarius, who, if desired, will express anything to his partner directly. One piece of advice: show him that you are hurt. Pity for others and feelings of guilt greatly sober up Aquarius. Do you know why? Because in reality he does not wish harm to anyone. It's just that a person screams when he's in pain, isn't it?

Therefore, the compatibility in love between an Aquarius man and a Libra woman is quite favorable: the similarity in the energy of these people can withstand a lot. The main thing is to look for approaches, but otherwise the stars give a favorable forecast.

Marriage compatibility: bohemian couple

Aquarius is the most freedom-loving sign of the zodiac. And any woman who will date him will understand this almost on the first date. And Libras themselves often do not seek to burden themselves with official relationships. Therefore, such couples often freely get together with each other, without attaching much importance to the fact that there is no corresponding note in the passport.

From this point of view, the compatibility of partners in marriage develops harmoniously: they give each other a portion of freedom, and such a sip is important for any relationship, isn’t it?

However, growing up next to each other, the couple may get bored and need something more. This is especially true for the Libra girl, who, as already mentioned, loves all the most beautiful things. Do you think she didn’t dream of a wedding dress and a carriage that would definitely come for her along with her beloved?

Of course, she wants to have her own celebration. And at some point she will begin to hint to the Aquarius guy that it’s time to think about something more than just a relationship and tea together. Here a woman may face a wall of misunderstanding. The only way is to charm, lure, and get your way. If you managed to do this, and Aquarius has now truly become your husband, consider that all other life obstacles will seem to you only minor obstacles.

The couple will be able to succeed in family relationships, since the stars guarantee their intellectual and sexual compatibility. When both people are, as they say, on the same wavelength, building relationships is much easier. Conflicts can begin against the backdrop of money problems: Aquarius does not care too much about the financial sphere, and for Libra, money is pleasure, and shopping is therapy. This is why temporary troubles can cause serious damage to their relationship.

In this sense, astrology recommends that Libra tune their beloved Aquarius well. Use the right buttons: if an Aquarius feels that you need him, that you believe in him, he will definitely achieve a lot. This is just one of those rare men on whom a whole mountain of despondency can fall. Sometimes he feels extremely insecure. If you can support him in these moments, your husband will be grateful to you from the bottom of his heart and will give much more.

In general, Aquarius and Libra will be incredibly interested in just being together: these are people who keep the freshness of their feelings for a long time. They will be happy to appear at creative events and go to theaters. In general, their ideal is the life of an aristocrat. Wake up at 10 am and start your day with breakfast in a restaurant. Visit the exhibition during the day, and be sure to go to the premiere in the evening. In terms of cultural level, Aquarius and Libra have similar potential and will definitely create an interesting tandem.

As for mutual fidelity, it is impossible to guarantee that both will not take sides. It’s just that Libras love pleasure, bright emotions, and Aquarius sometimes simply cannot refuse. The sociability of both partners almost always leads to the fact that they have a bunch of friends, acquaintances and just good people. This is where the risks of betrayal appear.

The truth is worth understanding: representatives of air signs really do not like to offend people. Even if thunder strikes, they will try to make sure that their partner never finds out about anything like that. But they maintain spiritual loyalty unconditionally - if you need moral support, you can rest assured that your spouse will be there.

Sexual compatibility: arousal by intellect

Aquarius and Libra see each other primarily as an interesting personality, and not as a set of height/weight parameters. They really can get excited about how interesting their partner is. They are attracted by intelligence, excellent communication, which in the right environment can easily be transformed into an interesting night continuation.

Partners feel each other well in physical matters, so their compatibility in bed is no less favorable than in relationships. Aquarius and Libra do not like passion, heat and haste. They are characterized by long, beautiful foreplay, a thirst for experimentation and, of course, the quality of the process. That's why we can say that the stars give the couple another bonus - you will have fun not only in conversation.

Compatibility at work: IQ is everything

The working tandem of an Aquarius man and a Libra woman brings great success in matters related to communicating with people, as well as in creative projects. They have wide erudition and endless inner charm, thanks to which the bosses do not even doubt who to entrust with establishing important connections or developing a script for a fun event.

Interestingly, Aquarius will begin to compete with Libra, fighting for their exclusive right to bring original ideas to light and generate priceless thoughts. However, this competition will only benefit the cause. The reason is that the partners are very friendly to each other, and there is practically no risk of conflict.

Aquarius and Libra: they are different, but on the same wavelength - that is why the stars give the couple many chances to create real, sincere relationships.

Aquarius man Libra woman compatibility. An Aquarius man and a Libra woman do not need unnecessary explanations to understand each other; this couple’s understanding is at the highest level. He and she quickly find a common language without hesitation. After radiant understanding, strong torrential rains of misunderstanding come, even lightning flashes somewhere in the distance. Then a truce comes, everything blooms again, a complete idyll sets in, which will soon be replaced by cloudy weather. The first reason for all quarrels between an Aquarius man and a Libra woman can arise due to her dissatisfaction and claims. They communicated so well, he took her home, said a sweet goodbye, and the next day she told him that he was not decisive in his actions. The Aquarius man thought about it, analyzing yesterday; as it turned out, according to her, he did not take her hand or kiss her. The thing is that the Libra woman lives by feelings, and the Aquarius man is an intellectual genius, his erogenous zone is the brain, but at the same time he is just as crazy a romantic as she is. That evening he wanted to talk about high things, and she wanted him to just shut up and kiss her. The Libra woman rather hints to the Aquarius man that “you are not decisive,” and the Aquarius man must understand this to himself: “be decisive.”

The Aquarius man is the real man who is under the auspices of the male planet Uranus. And in order not to go into details for a long time, the Aquarius man suddenly buys a bouquet of daisies and unexpectedly meets her near the house. Instantly, all the accusations against him are blown away by the wind, she blossoms. Although the Libra woman can often pretend to be hard to touch, in her heart she wants the Aquarius man to hug her and gently touch her refined lips. And if he still whispers tender words in her ear, she will melt like butter in a frying pan, and another book about Romeo and Juliet can be written about this couple.

Aquarius man Libra woman compatibility. The Libra woman will try more than once to convince the Aquarius man. Someone else could listen to the Libra woman, but not this know-it-all who pours water. This water will quench the thirst of the most knowledgeable and knowledgeable person in any matter. The Aquarius man does not tolerate it when his opinion is not taken into account or agreed upon. The thing is that the Libra woman has more power according to astrological signs, but the Aquarius man only stands for equality. The Aquarius man is sometimes very stubborn, which means it will be very difficult to convince him on some issues. Then the smart, charming Libra woman will prevail over their intellectual debates with her sweet, beaming smile.

Aquarius man Libra woman compatibility. The Aquarius man and the Libra woman must understand that it doesn’t matter who is first or who goes one step ahead, but what is more important is that their thoughts about raising children, relaxing, and spending time together are very similar. The Libra woman may try to set up or put the Aquarius man in a framework. The Aquarius man can do everything in a way that others don’t, he’s quirky. It is enough for a Libra woman to say in a calm voice: “Darling, let’s replant your palm tree, which grows in the middle of our room outside.” How will an Aquarius man instantly listen to a Libra woman if she doesn’t ask why he planted this palm tree and what went into his head. Believe me, an Aquarius man will not even think of such things.

An Aquarius man and a Libra woman are connected by an unearthly understanding. After a stormy quarrel, a stormy reconciliation will follow. An Aquarius man and a Libra woman can be called masters of words and thought. They build the chain of understanding from durable metal that will not bend or rust. It is rare when couples enjoy verbal battles, and the Aquarius man and Libra woman only admire each other.

After stormy discussions, the Aquarius man will hug the Libra woman, and the stars will shine in the sky again. They will feel that they have never met a dearer person on their journey. We can talk about sexual attraction and attraction for a long time; it is as stormy as their battles.

The compatibility between them is very controversial. On the one hand, she was born to control a man, and on the other hand, to obey. That is why there will be so many disputes and quarrels in this union. She should immediately give him the palm and then the relationship will be harmonious. She needs to control him gradually, giving him illusory freedom of action. In this case, they will feel comfortable and pleasant around you.

Compatibility of Aquarius and Libra in LOVE

She is so charming that she immediately captivates him. He can't resist. But she does not immediately understand that he is too stubborn to immediately become obedient to her will. As a result, it is difficult for them to immediately find a compromise. And it is enough for her to take one step towards this, remembering that it is she who is the weak half and it is she who must become weak and pliable. Until she understands this, their relationship will be on the verge of breaking.

Over time, when they are already connected by more friendship, mutual understanding becomes deeper. They now build relationships on a spiritual level; each does not strive to become a leader. It is at this stage that the relationship becomes harmonious and complete. But it will take them a while to get to this stage if she doesn't get into the right position right away. A properly built relationship will eventually teach her how to manage him quietly.

Compatibility of Aquarius and Libra in MARRIAGE

Both have an innate sense of justice, so their views on life are the same. They like the same things, and this is a guarantee that they are comfortable and good together. Marriage does not affect their relationship if they have already come to an understanding before marriage. It will be easy for them to build a life - for both of them it does not play a primary role. A financial issue can introduce a slight dissonance into a relationship.

She loves to surround herself with beautiful household items, but he is ready to spend money exclusively on spiritual values ​​and does not understand her desire to buy comfortable slippers and other items. In this case, she needs to appeal to his logic, backing up her acquisitions with practical benefits. In this case, they will be able to agree. Otherwise, the relationship is built very harmoniously without bright outbursts of emotions.

Compatibility of Aquarius and Libra in BED

In this area, only pleasure and joy await them. Their bodies are made for each other, so harmony in understanding the feeling of satisfaction will be a real relaxation for them after long disputes. It will be easy for them to be together, completely eliminating vulgarity and rudeness from this area of ​​relationships. They will make intimacy a real work of art, following their lofty needs and desires.

They both love caresses, indulging in them with all passion. Usually intimacy is preceded by some kind of discussion in which he should be the winner. Then they will have the opportunity to start a love game that brings them more satisfaction than the act itself. Only these two with their bright temperament and intellectual beginnings can make such feelings bright and unforgettable.

Important for girls to know!

To build and maintain a relationship with him, she will need to become wiser. There is no need to prove that you are right, let him feel like a man. This behavior will earn his gratitude, as well as the desire to be with you forever. Gradually you will be able to control it as much as you want. And you need to achieve this with your charm, and not with war. Only this approach to it will allow you to build long-lasting relationships.

Compatibility of zodiac signs is what people building relationships are increasingly paying attention to. This is not surprising, since thanks to this, many couples managed to better understand each other and maintain relationships. A pair of Aquarius man and Libra woman should pay attention to the compatibility horoscope. This will help them solve some relationship problems.

The compatibility of the union between a Libra woman and an Aquarius man is not entirely ideal, but it can be called good. They rarely treat each other with tenderness and warmth. Despite this, they can easily coexist together.

There is no tension or mistrust in their relationship. They respect each other and don't try to change each other. Therefore, if certain conditions are met, they will be able to build a very strong family.

The Libra girl has a cheerful disposition and friendliness. She is feminine, gentle and non-conflicting. She does everything to avoid a quarrel. It’s easier for her to give in than to get involved in a squabble. A girl of this zodiac sign has a highly developed intellect and quick wits.

The Libra woman does not like to take responsibility. She always doubts the correctness of decisions made. She needs to carefully analyze the situation, but even then she cannot make a choice. She needs protection and to have a person next to her who will make decisions and take full responsibility for them.

She does not tolerate meanness and lies. She herself is incapable of bad deeds and deception. The representative of the weaker sex of this zodiac sign always tries to achieve her goal, but only in an honest way. She will not “go over her head” even if her career is at stake.

The Libra woman never goes unnoticed by men. She's attractive. In addition, she has unbridled passion.

The woman is a little selfish. If a man takes care of her, then she will be with him. If her lover suddenly stops satisfying her in some way, she will break off the relationship without regret.

The Libra woman in the family will give all the “furrows of government” to her husband. He will make decisions, and she will happily agree with them. She is a good and caring wife and mother.

Characteristics of an Aquarius man

The Aquarius guy is a cheerful, sociable and friendly person. He is smart and has a good sense of humor. Guys of this zodiac sign always have a rebellious spirit.

Aquarius does not accept rules and conventions. He has extraordinary thinking and tries to solve any problems and implement plans in an original way.

An Aquarius man always has many friends. He appreciates and values ​​each of his friends. He is ready to help everyone in difficult times.

A man of this zodiac sign has a highly developed intellect and a sharp mind. He never tires of improving himself. Aquarius is always one of the first to learn new information. He loves to travel, visit exhibitions, theaters, social events and parties.

For an Aquarius man, money doesn't matter much. Much more important for him is an interesting job. If he is offered a highly paid position, but he does not see prospects for self-realization, he will refuse it.

He values ​​his freedom and appreciates it. Therefore, among the representatives of this zodiac sign there are many bachelors. If he gets married, it means that his chosen one satisfies all his needs. His life partner should be an interesting conversationalist.

Aquarius should not be bored in her company. She should surprise him all the time and not forbid him to communicate with friends, and also not ask him to give up his hobbies. Only in this case will he always appreciate his beloved and never break off relations with her.

Love compatibility between Libra woman and Aquarius man

An Aquarius man and a Libra woman will always find a common language with each other. They are comfortable in a love relationship, but he will not rush to propose to her. In order for her lover to marry her, a woman will have to put in a lot of effort.

The fact is that the Aquarius man can be too busy with friends and implementing ideas. He pays little attention to his beloved, but this does not upset her. The Libra woman is drawn to Aquarius. Thanks to her lover, she enriches her spiritual world and develops intellectually. However, if she is disappointed in her chosen one, she will immediately break off relations with him.

Despite the ease of communication, this couple does not always manage to maintain their relationship. The fact is that the Libra woman, like the Aquarius man, often invents problems where they do not and cannot exist. They ignore real difficulties in relationships. This leads to separation.

If we talk about the compatibility in love between a Libra man and an Aquarius woman, then it will be ideal. They understand each other perfectly. They rarely quarrel and prefer to transform the world around them rather than sort things out.

The Libra man is interested in all the hobbies of his chosen one. The Aquarius woman never reproaches her lover for the lack of money or decent work. Their couple is always an ideal to follow.

Prospects for marriage and compatibility in it

The Libra woman and the Aquarius man are in no hurry to arrange a wedding. However, the prospect of marriage still exists. If they decide to legalize their relationship, then peace and quiet will reign in their family nest.

She will find female happiness, and he will be satisfied with the marriage. They respect and trust each other, so they give their partner the freedom that each of them needs.

Quarrels between them rarely happen, and if they do occur, they end in passionate embraces and not parting.

Positive features of the union

The union of Aquarius with Libra has positive features, namely:

  • They have common interests.
  • Both partners are sociable, so they will feel comfortable in any company. In addition, the couple is often the center of everyone's attention.
  • They are rarely jealous of each other, so he does not limit her freedom and vice versa.
  • The couple does not like showdowns, especially public ones.

Negative features of the union

Despite the fact that compatibility in a pair of Libra and Aquarius can be good, this union has its negative traits. Here they are:

  • He often deals with solving other people's problems, so she is sometimes left without support in difficult times. If such situations arise too often, the Libra woman will break up with her lover.
  • None of the partners is ready to give up their interests in favor of the relationship. There is no problem if they match. If interests diverge, then a crisis in the relationship may occur and the couple will break up.

Compatibility in business and friendship

Compatibility between Aquarius man and Libra woman in business will be good. They do not compete, do not try to suppress each other, but exist together quite peacefully. He puts forward ideas, and she looks for ways to implement them. However, this couple is recommended to engage in intellectual work. This is where they will achieve good results.

An Aquarius man is a good colleague for a Libra woman. They will immediately find a “common language”. They will defend each other's opinions in the team and before their superiors. They do not compete with each other and together they can implement the most ambitious projects.

The compatibility of Libra woman and Aquarius man in friendship is ideal. They can be real friends. They have many common interests and enjoy being around each other. At the same time, there is no hint of flirting in such relationships. However, if a quarrel occurs between them, it will be very difficult for them to make peace. Therefore, none of them tries not to enter into conflict.

There are not many signs on the zodiac horizon, but not all of them can exist peacefully with each other. So, if an Aquarius is a man, his compatibility with a Libra woman will not be ideal, but despite this, they may well create a strong family.

A Libra woman and an Aquarius man are extremely suitable for each other. They are both so “airy”, as if torn off from the ground - in the most beautiful sense. Their love will be relaxed, easy and pleasant. They will not pester each other with meaningless claims; rather, they will simply enjoy what they have. Both the Libra woman and the Aquarius man tend to love mentally rather than emotionally. This means that they put great meaning into love, they think a lot about love itself, about what stands behind it. But feelings for them are something secondary, that is, they rather love with their heads rather than with their hearts. No matter how dry it may sound, this “way of loving” often turns out to be much more effective - it helps to maintain relationships for a long time, without disturbing them with empty quarrels and reproaches, without polluting them with emotional attacks.

Sex between a Libra woman and an Aquarius man is unlikely to be hot. They also treat sex with coolness. However, this does not mean that they do not love him. They love, but again, with their heads, not their bodies. To warm up, they will need a lot of conversations, music and movies - fortunately, they always have many ways to diversify their leisure time. They will be gentle, unusual, sometimes wild. Especially the Aquarius man, because he is a great lover of everything strange and even shocking. The Libra woman will make sure that they do not go beyond what is permitted: nevertheless, she strives for harmony in everything, including sex.

Family and marriage

Their marriage will be successful if they are both ready for it. This means that the Libra woman and the Aquarius man must be emotionally mature enough to formalize their relationship and begin to lead a family life. Thanks to their intellectual approach to everything, they will be able to develop the right strategy of behavior - both with each other, and with parents, and with children. The Libra woman will not be a classic wife who takes care of the house (unless it concerns the interior), and the Aquarius man is unlikely to devote himself to his career and fatherhood (although anything can happen). Most likely, this will be a family union of two free individuals who simply do what they want and love each other.

They will be best friends. For the Aquarius man, friendship is generally a priority; he takes great care of friendly and friendly relationships. The Libra woman perfectly supports relationships of any kind, the main thing is that the person is dear and interesting to her. Together with an Aquarius man, they can chat for hours about everything in the world, watch movies and listen to their favorite music - their tastes will be extremely similar. And despite the fact that both of them are not used to complaining, they will sometimes be able to pour out their souls to each other, very effectively.
