How to plant mushrooms in Minecraft. How to grow mushrooms in Minecraft: tips and tricks

Starting from version 1.8, mushroom growth has been changed. If there are 5 or more mushrooms in the 9x9x3 zone from one mushroom, then they stop reproducing. This makes mushroom farms extremely inefficient. However, huge mushrooms make it much easier to obtain regular mushrooms.

This article describes the methodology for creating mushroom farms, shows examples of their construction, etc. All the necessary information that you need to be familiar with when creating such farms is collected here.

Mushroom farm- a farming tool designed for the mass cultivation of brown and red mushrooms, which are valued as ingredients in the crafting of popular and effective food - stewed mushrooms. After the Beta 1.6 update was released, mushrooms were given the ability to spread/reproduce, making it possible to create mushroom farms. Mushroom farming is the simplest and easiest type of farming in the game, due to a number of reasons that will be discussed below.


Under such circumstances, the chance of fungal growth is 50%.

Under such circumstances there is a 25% chance of fungal growth.

Mushroom farms need to be created indoors, where the level of lighting can always be adjusted. If you create a mushroom farm in an open space, then when daylight comes, all the mushrooms on your farm will be destroyed and drop out as loot. This will happen due to the fact that the light level during the day is 15 and exceeds the permissible level at which mushrooms can grow and reproduce. This, however, can be used to “collect” all the mushrooms that grow at night, but the effectiveness of this method is almost zero, since only a few mushrooms can grow during the night. It is also always worth trying to illuminate the farm as much as possible, so as not to disturb the growth conditions, in order to prevent hostile mobs from spawning on it.

The simplest mushroom farm

An example of a simple mushroom farm.

To create a simple mushroom farm you don’t need to have almost any skills.

First you need to find a more or less flat place, of various sizes and shapes, consisting of opaque full-size blocks. Then you should make sure that the lighting level on it does not exceed the permissible level (12). For example, the luminous intensity of a torch is 14, a red torch is 7, and sunlight is 15. The illumination level decreases by 1 unit as you move away from the light source with each block. If you want to illuminate your farm with ordinary torches, then keep in mind that they need to be placed at a distance of 2 blocks from the place where mushrooms are grown. After 2 blocks, the light level from the torch already drops to 12, which makes mushroom growth possible. After this, plant your farm with the desired types of mushrooms (red or brown), preferably in a checkerboard pattern. This will accelerate the growth of mushrooms, since for each potential place for mushroom growth, 4 “mother” mushrooms will be “influenced” at once.

When the mushrooms grow, simply destroy the amount you need, and you can leave a few for further growth.


  • Maximum construction speed
  • Minimum amount of material costs
  • Does not require special skills during construction
  • When positioned correctly, mushroom growth is relatively fast
  • Easy to expand for greater productivity
  • Long and difficult harvest
  • Requires special attention when planting
  • Evil mobs are trying to take over your farm (they are actively spawning) when there is little light

Automated mushroom farm

Below are instructions for building one of the possible automated mushroom farms.

Step 1

Find an enclosed area. It's best underground. Then dig a similar room as shown in the pictures below. From its end, make a step 7 blocks deep. This room is the room in which mushrooms will grow in the future. For convenience, it can be called an “incubator”.

Incubator. View from the entrance.

Incubator. View from the opposite side of the exit.

Step 2

In the middle of the room, make two rows of blocks as shown in the pictures below. These “protrusions” do not have to be made of stone. In the future, mushrooms will be placed on these blocks for reproduction. The main thing is that they, like all other blocks in the incubator, are made of full-size opaque blocks. Notice how the torches are set up in the incubator. The distance from the block on which the torch is installed to the floor must be at least 3 blocks. This is required to ensure the required level of lighting.

Pay attention to the structural features of the ceiling. Highlighted with red lines.

General view of the Incubator after creating rows for planting mushrooms.

Step 3

Make, as shown in the first picture below, three horizontal holes 2 blocks deep. Expand these holes in height and climb into them. Make a hole above you, 4 blocks deep. After this, get out into the incubator and, as shown in the pictures, seal this “pipe” for supplying water so that three holes 1 block wide go into the incubator.

Holes, 2 blocks deep.

There's a hole inside. The hole is up 4 blocks.

Side view of the hole.

The pipes are sealed, there are openings up.

Step 4

Separate the area for mushroom growth from the rest of the room with glass to prevent mushrooms from growing where they shouldn't.

The place for mushroom growth is separated from the rest of the incubator by a glass “path”.

Step 5

Now you need to make a small passage on the side, going 2 blocks deeper into the wall. Then gouge 6 steps up into the rock. After this, clear the space above the incubator until you come across the holes that you made in the holes. This room above the incubator is the "utility room". The utility room serves as a place to create a water system for collecting mushrooms.

Steps. On the left is the incubator.

Utility room above the incubator.

Step 6

Make a similar design as shown in the figure. For convenience, let's call it a “reservoir”. A water block will be installed in its depth. After this, dig grooves in the floor of the utility room from this structure to all three holes.

Design for storing and supplying water at a ditch.

Grooves in the utility room. If the block that is labeled as "very important" is removed, the water will not flow through the grooves as desired.

Step 7

Install the water block in the recess of the above structure as shown in the first picture. Then make sure the water flows into all the grooves and into the holes. If this does not happen, remove or position the blocks so that water gets into the holes. After that, go downstairs into the incubator and check if water is flowing out of the holes. Immediately check whether it reaches the glass path. If not, then perhaps the length of the stage in the incubator is too long (should be 7 blocks).

This should allow the water to spread throughout the utility room.

View of the utility room.

After installing the water in the right place, the incubator should look something like this.

Step 8

As shown in the first picture, block the water with an easily accessible block (for example, earth) (it is better to use a piston) so that it does not spread along the grooves. For convenience, we will call this block a “valve”.

View of the tank, with the valve closed..

Step 9

If necessary, you can skip this step.

For ease of use and sheer beauty, fence off part of the tank and part of the utility room with grooves with a wall. But do this with extreme caution so as not to accidentally block the access of water to one of the channels. After the fencing and decorating process, be sure to open the valve and go down into the incubator to ensure that water is flowing into it as desired.

View of part of the utility room and tank, which are fenced off with a stone wall.

Users are well aware that you can learn how to propagate mushrooms in Minecraft. In order for everything to work out, you need to know all the intricacies of mushroom propagation.

All about mushroom propagation

So, the main features of cultivation:
— A room with a lighting level of no more than twelve. In an open space, all mushrooms will disappear with the onset of day. So, this feature will also have to be taken into account.
— The block where reproduction will be carried out must be of good size and be absolutely opaque. A stone, cobblestone, or even a block of boards would be perfect.

— The block where the mushroom will be grown should be located with the adjacent block at the same height or one step higher or lower. Therefore, the chance that a mushroom will grow on nearby blocks is 50 percent, and an order of magnitude lower or higher is only 25 percent.

— The place (block) for growing red or brown mushrooms (the main types of mushrooms that are grown in the game) must be resistant to lava and water.
— Arrange the mother mushrooms in a checkerboard pattern, then the energy of four adjacent mushrooms will influence the block where the mushroom is planned to be grown. This way, a new mushroom will grow much faster.

As a result, if you follow the basic instructions for growing mushrooms, the user will have the right amount of mushrooms without any problems.

Starting with version 1.8, the growth of mushrooms in Minecraft has been changed. Now if there are five or more other mushrooms in a 9 by 3 zone from one mushroom, they stop reproducing. This makes creating mushroom farms extremely inefficient. However, large mushrooms make it much easier to obtain regular mushrooms. This was reported by experts in the “Computer Games News” section of the “Stock Leader” publication for investors.

The Mushroom Farm in Minecraft is a farming tool designed for the mass cultivation of red and brown mushrooms, which are especially valuable as ingredients for crafting an effective and sought-after food: Mushroom Stew. With the release of update 1.6, mushrooms were given the ability to reproduce, which made the creation of mushroom farms possible. Mushroom farming is the easiest and simplest type of farming in the game.

Today on the Internet, the issue of creating a mushroom farm in Minecraft is quite relevant. In particular, quite a lot of videos on the YouTube video hosting site are dedicated to it.

And in the Yandex search engine, help in creating a mushroom farm was searched for 147 times over the past month.

In the game world, each mushroom can independently reproduce, creating similar mushrooms around itself. However, for this it is necessary to create appropriate conditions. The place for growing mushrooms must combine the following properties:

  • The mushroom must be located on one of the adjacent blocks. In this case, it is not at all necessary that the neighboring block be located in the same horizontal plane as the block with the mushroom; it can be higher or lower than this one by one block. However, in one plane on an adjacent block the chance of fungal growth is 50 percent, and on the layers below and above it is 25 percent;
  • The light level in this area should be 12 or lower;
  • The block must be opaque and full-sized (stone, earth, boards, cobblestones, etc.);
  • The block should not be affected by lava or water.

It is worth noting that the mushroom is capable of creating another one at a distance of two blocks from itself. In addition, it can multiply into diagonal blocks. As you can see, the conditions that are necessary for the growth of mushrooms are quite small, and they are very easy to create. If all these conditions are met, the mushrooms will actively reproduce. Note that their reproduction rate is quite low, therefore, before looking for a problem in your farm, you should wait half an hour to an hour and see if the mushroom appears. Mushrooms also cannot be trampled, like a garden bed. They grow on almost all blocks and only the player can influence them.

Mushroom farms should only be created indoors, where the lighting level can be adjusted if necessary. If you make a mushroom farm in the open air, then when the sun rises all the mushrooms on the farm will be destroyed and will fall out as loot. This will happen due to the fact that during the day the lighting level is fifteen and exceeds the permissible level.

The simplest mushroom farm.

To create a simple mushroom farm, you don't need to have almost any skills. First, you need to find a flat place consisting of full-size opaque blocks. Then you need to make sure that the light level on it does not exceed 12. For example, the light intensity from a torch is 14, from a red torch - 7, and from sunlight - 15. As you move away, the light level decreases by one unit with each block. If you plan to light up your farm with regular torches, keep in mind that they need to be placed two blocks away from the growing area. After two blocks, the light level from a regular torch drops to an acceptable level of 12, which makes mushroom growth possible. After this, plant your entire farm with the required types of mushrooms (brown or red). It is best to plant them in a staggered pattern, as this will speed up the growth of the mushrooms. The fact is that at each potential site for the growth of a fungus, four “mother” mushrooms will be “influenced” at once.

When the mushrooms grow and the free blocks are filled, it is enough to simply destroy the required amount and leave room for further growth.

The advantages of such a farm:

  • Minimum amount of material costs;
  • Easy to expand to achieve greater performance;
  • Maximum construction speed;
  • If positioned correctly, mushroom growth is quite rapid;
  • Construction does not require special skills.


  • Difficult and long harvesting;
  • Requires special attention when planting;
  • Hostile mobs actively spawn when there is little light.

The Minecraft game is a very popular resource among computer players. Users prefer to play it because here you can create, build, invent and destroy. The most popular sandbox Minecraft contains more than 200 recipes, the study of which will help in the construction and extraction of rare items. To make something happen, you need to connect a number of objects on a workbench, inventory, stove or cooking stand. But the main action that has to be used is gathering. Today we will tell you how to grow mushrooms in Minecraft. Is it even possible to do this? And why are mushrooms needed in the game?

About mushrooms

This is actually a very useful item. The thing is that in the world of Minecraft the player is able to find all sorts of things and resources. Mushrooms are one of them. They initially grow in forest areas. In swamps you can also sometimes find a similar resource.

In Minecraft? Before you bring your idea to life, you need to understand why the resource is needed. It is used primarily in cooking. Allows you to create mushroom soup that restores 4 health. A very useful thing, especially when traveling! In the PE version, the resource is used to create dye.

Mushroom farm

So how to grow mushrooms in Minecraft 1.8 or any other version? It's not that difficult to do. Before this version of the game, everything was very simple. First, the player obtained a few mushrooms, then dug a room 2 blocks high underground. Next, it was necessary to make “windows” in the ceiling and place torches at a height of 3 blocks. The final stage was planting the collected mushrooms in a checkerboard pattern. All that was left was to wait. With a 50% probability, new mushrooms grew on empty cells.

With version 1.8 some restrictions came into force. How to grow mushrooms in Minecraft? To do this, you will have to do a similar procedure, but the cave must be larger in size. All this is due to the fact that only 5 mushrooms can grow in an area of ​​9 x 9 x 3. And you will have to install opaque blocks above the landing site. Otherwise, the mushrooms will disappear as the day wears on. Not very comfortable! Therefore, you can try a little and get the resource in a different way.

Giant mushrooms

In some Minecraft biomes, the player may encounter giant brown and red mushrooms. If you destroy them, you can get ordinary mushrooms. Convenient, fast and relatively easy!

This option is often used by players after the release of version 1.8. How to grow a big mushroom in Minecraft? The following instructions will help:

  1. Go hunting. You'll have to kill some skeletons. Bones fall off them. It is this resource that needs to be raised.
  2. Disassemble the bones in your inventory. Get bone meal. Without it, there is no point in growing.
  3. Collect ordinary mushrooms in Minecraft. For example, in swamps or in the forest.
  4. How to grow mushrooms in Minecraft? When you have all the resources, you can place a brown or red fungus on the ground and cover it with bone meal on top.

This is all. Soon a giant mushroom will appear in the selected area. It is important that there is enough space for it. Therefore, it is recommended to plant mushrooms in clearings.

How to make a mushroom in Minecraft?

A mushroom in the popular computer game Minecraft is a type of food or decoration. Mushrooms act as food in the Survival game mode, and as decorations in the Creative mode. You cannot make a mushroom in Minecraft, you can only find it, where exactly - we will tell you in this article.

Where do mushrooms grow?

Mushrooms, as a rule, do not grow in the sun; you need to look for them in dark places such as cave entrances and dense forests. Mushrooms grow at night, and after sunrise they fall to the ground and can be picked up by the player.

The mushroom can also be found in swamps, and, in addition, there are a lot of them in the Nether. By the way, there are two types of mushrooms - brown and red, they are not much different, but the latter are more difficult to find. By the way, you can get them by hitting the so-called mushroom cows that live on the mushroom island.

By the way, mushrooms grow, and therefore the player can organize his own mushroom farm to get a constant source of food at hand (relevant for the Survivai mode).

Cooking mushrooms

You can get a red dye from mushrooms by mixing the red mushroom with coal and heating it over a fire, or you can use it for cooking. You can simply prepare stewed mushrooms; to do this, you need to collect a brown mushroom, a red mushroom and a cup on a workbench. If you have more resources, you can prepare a stewed rabbit, it will need ingredients such as rabbit, carrots, potatoes, any mushroom and a cup.
