Akathist to the life-giving cross of the Lord print. Akathist to the life-giving cross of the Lord

Appeal to the power of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord is a great protection for every person. It is known that the sign of the cross stops the demonic influence: the devil and his servants cannot bear the correct cross, so they often try to mock it (this is precisely the origin of the satanic symbols of the inverted cross).
The correct sign of the cross is made with the right hand, with the thumb, index and middle fingers clenched (they symbolize the power and omnipotence of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit - the Indivisible Holy Trinity). First, you need to press your fingers to your forehead, then to your stomach (approximately at waist level), to your right and then to your left shoulder.

The Life-Giving Cross of Christ - protection from the devil, witchcraft, any danger

Church tradition says that the Akathist to the Life-Giving Cross was composed in Greek back in the days when the Roman Empire was pagan, the times of the early Christians. Perhaps this akathist was written in the 4th century, when one of the greatest miracles in history happened: the Byzantine emperor Constantine I learned about Christianity and, unlike his royal predecessors, did not persecute the disciples of Christ, but turned to the Lord in his heart To Jesus. And before one of the terrible battles, after a secret prayer, the emperor saw a shining Cross in the sky above the battlefield and heard God’s voice: “By this victory!” - that is, “you will win with the help of this sign.” So the Cross became the military banner of the entire Empire, and Byzantium flourished under the sign of the Cross for many centuries. Constantine was called the Great and after his death was canonized as a holy king, equal to the apostles, for his deeds and for his faith.

The mother of Constantine the Great, Queen Helena, having heard the preaching of the disciples of Christ, was baptized, and then found the Cross itself, on which the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified and which was buried on Mount Calvary. He was found by Queen Helena, who was looking for him along with the priests and bishops, among other crosses. As soon as the Cross was raised from the ground, the deceased, who was carried past in the funeral procession, was resurrected.

Powerful prayer - an appeal to the Almighty Power of the Lord

Particles of the Life-Giving Cross are today in many churches around the world. Perhaps in your city there is a piece of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord, and you can venerate this great shrine. The cross is called Life-giving - creating and giving life, that is, having great power.
In the morning and evening prayers found in every Orthodox prayer book there are prayers calling on the power of God, which comes from the Cross of the Lord. Orthodox Christians thus protect themselves every day and every night with the power of the Cross of the Lord.
Turn to the Lord in prayer, protect yourself with the sign of the cross and sincere faith in God - and you will see how your life will change.
You can read the akathist to the Cross of the Lord at any time of the day or night, using a prayer book or from the screen of a smartphone or computer.
You can read the Akathist to the Life-Giving Cross online using the text below.
May the Lord protect you with the power of His Honest and Life-giving Cross!

Kontakion 1
Come, people of Christ, let us praise the Honest Cross, on the non-meat Christ, the King of Glory, stretched out his hand, raising us to the first bliss, from the fall of the serpent’s charm. But you, O Most Holy Cross, as having the inherent power of the Crucified Christ, save and preserve from all troubles those who lovingly call you:


Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 2
Seeing fallen men, O Lord, You became human, and You freely endured the cross and death in your flesh for our race, so that You might deliver from eternal death those who confess Thee, the Son of God, and cry out to Thee: Alleluia.

Ikos 2
The human mind is exhausted in comprehending the greatness of Your mystery, Christ, the incarnation and free suffering for us: how You, this impassive God, endured the passion of the cross as a man and made this instrument of Your death a source of life and salvation for all who piously believe in You and those who sing praises:

Rejoice, O Cross, on which the sacrament, predestined from the ages, was performed; Rejoice, for in you our redemption has been accomplished, the diversity in images and senses presented.

Rejoice, for the Giver of Life who died upon you, flowed out Blood and water, in the image of which our sins are washed away; Rejoice, for with drops of His Holy Blood the sinful scabs of our souls are cleansed.

Rejoice, O Cross, like the living tree that is in the midst of God's paradise, longed for by Christians; Rejoice, who intelligently nourishes us with the fruits of immortality and encourages our cowardice with the hope of Eternal Life.

Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Akathist to the Exaltation of the Holy Cross of the Lord

Kontakion 3
Thy Cross, even though the tree is apparently a being, but is clothed with Divine power, and the sensory ointment is revealed, with our minds works miracles of salvation, striving to sing to You: Alleluia.

Ikos 3
Having the Most Holy Cross before our eyes, with holy veneration we honor the Savior Christ crucified on it for the sake of it, and, kissing us, we cry out:

Rejoice, O Cross, glorified by the obedience and suffering of Christ; Rejoice, exalted by the exaltation of the Son of God upon you, Who raised up the whole world from the fall of Adam. Rejoice, for the terrible mystery that came to pass upon you made the earth horrified and tremble, as if it wanted to devour the lawbreakers; Rejoice, for the veil of the temple, which was sacrificed for you by the Lamb of God, was rent and the sacrifice of the Old Testament was abolished.

Rejoice, Cross, for as the stone that crumbled under you, the stony-hearted Jews who gave birth to unbelief fell away from God and lost the grace of the priesthood and the kingdom; Rejoice, for having been darkened by the sun in the passion of Christ, the night of polytheism has passed away and the light of faith has risen.

Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 4
Breathing in a storm of malice and driven by envy, the high priestess of Judaism hid Thy Cross in the ground, O Christ God, let not their folly be a reproof; but to that one, like a precious treasure, arose from the bowels of the earth, acquired through the diligence of the pious Queen Helen and revealed to the joy of the whole world, with the red song of God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4
Having seen then the Christian people of the acquisition of the Honest Cross, they glorified Christ God crucified on it, “Lord, have mercy,” - crying out. Now, imitating them, we glorify His Holy Cross with titanic praises:

Rejoice, Cross, who sanctified our earthly nature into the hidden earth and desecrated by sins; Rejoice, having disgraced the incarnation and divinity of Christ by your appearance from the depths of the earth.

Rejoice, for He who suffered in your flesh has received all power in Heaven and on earth, so that He may lead everyone and everything to God the Father; Rejoice, for He who died on you as a man, by the power of His Divinity, broke the rivets of hell and brought out the souls of the righteous from there.

Rejoice, O Cross, as a prudent thief, who was crucified with Christ, who confessed Him, through you, like a ladder, ascended to Heaven; Rejoice, for by cutting off the passions of Christ, you have raised them all into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 5
Lord, under Moses, sometimes the prophet, we show the image of Your Cross, victorious against Your enemies, now we have Your very Cross, we ask for help: strengthen Your Church and grant it victories over its enemies, so that all Your enemies may be scattered, without crying out to You: Alleluia.

Ikos 5
The Honest Cross, Christ, prefigured the action of Amalek in the desert of Sinai: when people stretched out their hands and made an image of the cross, they became stronger; now all things have come into being in us: today the cross is erected, and demons are running away, today all creation is freed from aphids, as all the gifts of the Cross have risen up for us. Moreover, we rejoice and cry:

Rejoice, Cross, the terrible weapon of Christ, whose demons tremble; Rejoice, for by the power of the Crucified Christ upon you, the hordes of demons are driven far away.

Rejoice, for by the power of the Divine grace acting in you, victories against those who resist are granted to Christ-loving people; Rejoice, for from you, as from the tall and fruitful tree of Christ, suffering on you, the fruits of life and salvation grow for us. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 6
Sometimes the life-giving tree of the Cross appeared as a preacher of the power and divinity of Christ, when with your touch you raised the dead and raised him to life, having seen many from Jews and pagans, he learned the great mystery of piety: for the sake of human salvation, God appeared in the flesh and passion endured the cross, that He might save those who cry to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 6
Like the great tree of paradise, the Honest Cross of Christ rose on Calvary, from which the mental branches of grace spread throughout the entire universe and were crucified on it: under its canopy they find the coolness of the palimia with the heat of passions and those who want to live piously in Christ Jesus. Likewise, we, partakers of His grace, cheerfully cry out:

Rejoice, Holy Cross, tree of life, planted in Eden for Adam's sake, transfigured; Rejoice, new Adam, who stretched out his hand on you and revealed himself to the world.

Rejoice, for under the canopy of your blessed protection all the faithful come running; Rejoice, for through the mercy of the One who has given us to you, repentant sinners escape the fire of Gehenna.

Rejoice, Cross, our consolation in sorrows and sorrows; Rejoice, life-giving consolation and help to those who are exhausted in the fight against the temptations of passions, the world and the devil.

Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 7
Although You have shown the unsearchable abyss of Your goodness and mercy to the human race, Your Cross, O Lord, has given us a strong guardian and drives away demons. In the same way, all of us who believe in You glorify the greatness of Your passion, gratefully singing to You: Alleluia.

Ikos 7
Thou hast revealed wondrous deeds, O Lord, by Thy Honest Cross: for I have crucified myself upon Thy flesh, the whole creation has changed: the sun has hidden its rays, the foundations of the earth have shaken, hell has been crushed by the power of Thy power, and the enemies have been driven away, even as they have been for centuries. For this reason, let us tie these song flowers:

Rejoice, Cross, for all creation has compassion for those who suffered on You, as their Creator and Master; Rejoice, for the sun bears witness to His power and Divinity through darkness and the earth through shaking. Rejoice, for the One who died on you was not kept dead, but, having destroyed the power of death, rose again on the third day; Rejoice, for I have resurrected the preaching of the Gospel, which began from the face of the Apostle, and has gone forth to all the ends of the earth.

Rejoice, O Cross, for through you idolatry and pagan polytheism have been abolished; Rejoice, for for your sake the right faith in the One God, glorified in the Trinity, has been established throughout the entire earth.

Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 8
It is strange that God became human and was crucified on the Cross, having mentally seen, we will withdraw from the vanity of the world, we will transfer our mind to Heaven. For this reason, God descended to the earth and ascended to the Cross, so that, like a ladder, he would lead to Heaven those who cry to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 8
Today Adam and Eve rejoice, presently seeing the Cross, by which the adversary was struck, who of old in Paradise by eating the forbidden fruit of those deceiving and creating captives for themselves. In the same way, we, rejoicing at our forefathers about the deliverance from our spiritual captivity, reverently sing:

Rejoice, Cross, for upon you is the Good Shepherd, who laid down His soul for His sheep and even went down to hell, looking for the lost; Rejoice, for He did not despise the work of His hand, Adam and Eve, but I snatched the righteous from hell, like from the jaws of a mighty beast, and brought them into Paradise.

Rejoice, for you have on you, nailed to Christ, the fiery weapon of the braids, and the Cherub, who guards the Eden, retreat from the Tree of Life; Rejoice, for we, now through baptism of rebirth, new people in Christ, partake without restraint of the food of heaven.

Rejoice, Cross, rod of the power of Christ, sent from Zion, by whom we feed in the pastures of the gospel teachings; Rejoice, for through you we are preserved unharmed from the murderous wolves, like Lvov, roaring and seeking whom to devour.

Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 9
Deliver us from all troubles and snares of the enemy, O blessed Cross, for we have received grace and power from Christ nailed to you; to Him, as our God and Savior, we sing with gratitude and praise: Alleluia.

Ikos 9
The Vetianism of all earthly beings is not sufficient for the glorification of Thy Cross, O Lord, on which Thou hast made our salvation; At the same time, perplexed to praise her according to her heritage, we cry out to her: Rejoice, Cross, for the Savior of the world, lifted up on you, has called many people into His knowledge and calls to this day; Rejoice, for having shone on you, like on a candlestick, the true Light illuminates all the ends of the earth with the light of the knowledge of God.

Rejoice, for now the East and West glorify the One who suffered in you; Rejoice, for you, as the footstool of Christ, are glorified by all the faithful, elevating.

Rejoice, for from you, as from the inexhaustible source of Christ, people will draw an abundance of eternal blessings. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 10
For those who want to be saved and come running under the shadow of your protection, be your helper, the Most Holy Cross, preserving us from all evils by the power of the Crucified Christ upon you, to Him, as to our God and Savior, we sing with gratitude and praise: Alleluia.

Ikos 10
You are the wall that protects us from troubles and misfortunes, the all-honorable Cross, and a strong pillar against the face of the enemy; the invisible fighters do not dare to approach them, afraid to look at Your power. For this reason, with faith, we are protected by your holy sign and cheerfully sing:

Rejoice, most honorable Cross of Christ, protect us from the attacks of spirits of evil; Rejoice, keep us safe from various arrows.

Rejoice, for from your sign, which we do piously with faith, all the powers of hell, like smoke from the wind, disappear; Rejoice, for through you all their strength, like wax before the fire, melts away.

Rejoice, as a holy martyr, protected by your sign and calling on the name of Christ, everyone bravely endured the sight of torment; Rejoice, for the reverend fathers, with the help of the power of the Divine, inherent in your sign, demonic insurance and passions of rebellion will be defeated. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 11
We offer all-contrite singing to Thee, the all-honorable Cross, and we humbly pray to Christ our God crucified on you, who has given us joy and consolation in sorrow, that through His passion He will deliver us from harmful passions and teach us to faithfully chant to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 11
With the light of the grace of God, inherent in the mysteries, enlighten our spiritual feelings, the Holy Cross, so that we are illuminated and instructed, so that we may not stumble over the stone of temptation, but may be able to follow the path of God’s commandments throughout our entire life, singing to this face:

Rejoice, messenger of Christ’s unceasing miracles and preacher of His mercy to the human race; rejoice. The Cross, the renewal of the human race and the New Testament of Christ is the seal and confirmation.

Rejoice, triumph of the Christian faith and trustworthy anchor of our hope; Rejoice, decoration of the holy temples of God and protection of the houses of the pious.

Rejoice, blessing of the fields and vertograds; Rejoice in the sanctification of all elements.

Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 12
Grant us Your all-powerful grace, O Lord, so that we may follow You, our Master, taking up our cross, not nailing it down with nails, but through labor, abstinence and humility, so that we will be partakers of Your sufferings, from which flow the sweat of Eternal Life, which permeates all the faithful , piously singing Ti: Alleluia.

Ikos 12
Singing your greatness, all-honorable Cross, we all praise you, like the victorious scepter of the Heavenly King, an all-joyful sign of our salvation, and we also cry out:

Rejoice, Cross, the power of Orthodox Christians and their indestructible defense; Rejoice, adornment of the saints and strength and reinforcement of all ascetics of faith and piety.

Rejoice, Cross, protect us from the cradle to the grave on all the paths of life, and after death in the air ordeals protect us from the spirits of evil; Rejoice, for those who rest under your sign, those who died in faith and piety, will rise on the last day into Eternal Life. Rejoice, O Cross, who by your appearance in Heaven preceded the glorious Second Coming of Christ; Rejoice, for those who have crucified Christ and all the unfaithful will then see you and the mountaineers will weep, but those who love the Lord, seeing you, will rejoice greatly.

Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 13
O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, consolation to all Christians! Seeing You now, we raise our thoughts to Christ crucified on you, and we humbly pray to Him, that for your sake He may have mercy on us sinners, and make us worthy in the villages of paradise to sing to Him: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times

Kontakion 1

Ikos 1
The faces of angels, like God’s servants, glorify the Cross in reality, the free passion of Christ the Giver of Life. We, having been delivered from eternal death by His suffering, imitating the Heavenly Powers, joyfully cry out:

Rejoice, Cross, for on you Christ our God, with His will, His hand spread out, created our salvation; Rejoice, for by Christ, who laid upon you the crime of Adam and Eve, who stretched out their hands to the forbidden tree, has been abolished.

Rejoice, for the ancient oath that was against us has been taken away from the Lawgiver, who was raised against you, like a criminal; Rejoice, for through a strange sacrament that happened to you, the human race was freed from mortal aphids.

Rejoice, for the sting of death has been cut off from you by those who suffered and died; Rejoice, for the sake of suffering, God is reconciled with people.

Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

First prayer

Oh, all-holy and all-honorable Cross of the Lord! Formerly a despicable and shameful instrument of execution, now revered and glorified as a weapon of salvation! According to your wealth, how can I sing your praises? How can I accept the boldness to bring you my worship, I am a sinner and unworthy? Just the ineffable love for mankind of the God-man Christ our Savior nailed to you strengthens me, who is weak. For this reason, hoping for His condescension, I cry to you: Rejoice, Cross, foundation of the Church, affirmation of the universe, refuge for the faithful! The cross is the destruction of demons, the destruction of the wicked, the admonition of the unfaithful! The Cross is chastity for the virgins, the Cross is the relief of the righteous, the wayward of the erring, the shameless repentance, the poor of wealth, the helmsman of the floating, the weak of strength, the guardian of the fighting, the nourisher of the orphans, the intercessor of widows, the hopeless of the poor, the only hope! You are truly the tree of knowledge, on which the Only Begotten Son of God has redeemed the immeasurable debts of ungrateful man to God and his Creator; You are the rod of Moses who works miracles, who opened the way to paradise for us, who delights our sorrows and heals our illnesses. You are Solomon's bed, on which the Lion, royal from Judah, having fallen asleep in the flesh, has risen for three days in glory, like the conqueror of hell. For this reason, according to my heritage, I sing and glorify you, Most Blessed of God on the Cross, with all my soul in the evening and morning and during the days, placing all the hope of my salvation in you. Amen.

Second prayer

O all-honorable and life-giving Cross of the Lord, sanctified by the blood of Christ our God! You are a sign of victory against our enemies, visible and invisible; You are about to appear at the hour of the terrible judgment of Christ. I humbly worship you, honestly touch you and kiss you kindly, offering this prayer to Him crucified on you, that He may heal me by His power within you from all mental and physical ailments, and preserve me from enemies visible and invisible, and place me at His right hand uncondemned at His judgment. Hey, life-giving Holy Cross! The Savior is upon you, dying for people who died in sins, giving up His spirit like a man, pouring out blood and water, and with these three one thing, which is needed more than all, He brought salvation to us, to the glory of the source of living waters, God the Father, to Himself from the blood of virgins incarnates God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, quickening the spirit of man, Whose three in one Divinity glorify and help me from the water of baptism received by immaculate faith, in the communion of the flesh and blood of the Lord with undoubted hope, and in repentance with a contrite spirit, and unfeigned love , but not only in this life is it more deplorable, like fleeting water, but in the future blissful life I will glorify the Lord, with the help of your strength, the blessed Cross, and I will worship Him with the sight of the Faithful, the desire for possession and the pleasure of the Beloved, the only one in the Trinity glorified in endless centuries of centuries. Amen.

Troparion, tone 4

Save, O Lord, Thy people, and bless Thy inheritance, granting victories to Orthodox Christians against resistance, and preserving Thy life through Thy Cross.

Kontakion, tone 4

Having ascended to the Cross by will, to Your namesake new residence, grant Your bounty, O Christ God. Make us glad with Thy power, giving us victories as adversaries, aid to those who have Thy, weapons of peace, invincible victory.

Kontakion 1

Ikos 1

Kontakion 2

Seeing fallen men, O Lord, You became human, and You freely endured the cross and death in your flesh for our race, so that You might deliver from eternal death those who confess Thee, the Son of God, and cry out to Thee: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The human mind is exhausted in comprehending the greatness of Your mystery, Christ, the incarnation and free suffering for us: how You, this impassive God, endured the passion of the cross as a man and made this instrument of Your death a source of life and salvation for all who piously believe in You and those who sing in praise: Rejoice, O Cross, on which the sacrament, predestined from the ages, was performed; Rejoice, for in you our redemption has been accomplished, presented in many forms and symbols. Rejoice, for the Giver of Life who died upon you, flowed out Blood and water, in the image of which our sins are washed away; Rejoice, for with drops of His Holy Blood the sinful scabs of our souls are cleansed. Rejoice, O Cross, like the living tree that is in the midst of God's paradise, longed for by Christians; Rejoice, who intelligently nourishes us with the fruits of immortality and encourages our cowardice with the hope of Eternal Life. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 3

Thy Cross, even though the tree is apparently a being, but is clothed with Divine power, and the sensory ointment is revealed, with our minds works miracles of salvation, striving to sing to You: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having the Most Holy Cross before our eyes, we honor with holy veneration the Savior Christ crucified on it for the sake of it, and, kissing us, we cry out: Rejoice, Cross, glorified by the obedience and suffering of Christ; Rejoice, exalted by the exaltation of the Son of God upon you, Who raised up the whole world from the fall of Adam. Rejoice, for the terrible mystery that came to pass upon you made the earth horrified and tremble, as if it wanted to devour the lawbreakers; Rejoice, for the veil of the temple, which was sacrificed for you by the Lamb of God, was rent and the sacrifice of the Old Testament was abolished. Rejoice, Cross, for as the stone that crumbled under you, the stony-hearted Jews who gave birth to unbelief fell away from God and lost the grace of the priesthood and the kingdom; Rejoice, for having been darkened by the sun in the passion of Christ, the night of polytheism has passed away and the light of faith has risen. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 4

Breathing in a storm of malice and driven by envy, the high priestess of Judaism hid Your Cross in the ground, O Christ God, may their madness not be a reproof; but to that one, like a precious treasure, arose from the bowels of the earth, acquired through the diligence of the pious Queen Helen and revealed to the joy of the whole world, with the red song of God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Having seen then the Christian people of the acquisition of the Honest Cross, they glorified Christ God crucified on it, “Lord, have mercy,” - crying out. Now, imitating them, we glorify His Holy Cross with titanic praises: Rejoice, Cross, who sanctified our earthly nature, hidden in the earth and desecrated by sins; Rejoice, having disgraced the incarnation and divinity of Christ by your appearance from the depths of the earth. Rejoice, for He who suffered in your flesh has received all power in Heaven and on earth, so that He may lead everyone and everything to God the Father; Rejoice, for He who died on you as a man, by the power of His Divinity, broke the rivets of hell and brought out the souls of the righteous from there. Rejoice, O Cross, as a prudent thief, who was crucified with Christ, who confessed Him, through you, like a ladder, ascended to Heaven; Rejoice, for by cutting off the passions of Christ, you have raised them all into the Kingdom of Heaven. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 5

Lord, under Moses, sometimes the prophet, we show the image of Your Cross, victorious against Your enemies, now we have Your very Cross, we ask for help: strengthen Your Church and grant it victories over its enemies, so that all Your enemies may be scattered, without crying out to You: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

The Honest Cross, Christ, prefigured the action of Amalek in the desert of Sinai: when people stretched out their hands and made an image of the cross, they became stronger; now all things have come into being in us: today the cross is erected, and demons are running away, today all creation is freed from aphids, as all the gifts of the Cross have risen up for us. Moreover, we rejoice and cry out: Rejoice, Cross, the terrible weapon of Christ, whose demons tremble; Rejoice, for by the power of the Crucified Christ upon you, the hordes of demons are driven far away. Rejoice, for by the power of the Divine grace acting in you, victories against those who resist are granted to Christ-loving people; Rejoice, for from you, as from the tall and fruitful tree of Christ, suffering on you, the fruits of life and salvation grow for us. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 6

Sometimes the life-giving tree of the Cross appeared as a preacher of the power and divinity of Christ, when with your touch you raised the dead and raised him to life, having seen many from Jews and pagans, he learned the great mystery of piety: for the sake of human salvation, God appeared in the flesh and endured the passion of the cross, and He will save those who cry to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Like the great tree of paradise, the Honest Cross of Christ rose on Calvary, from which the mental branches of grace spread throughout the entire universe and were crucified on it: under its canopy they find the coolness of the palimia with the heat of passions and those who want to live piously in Christ Jesus. In the same way, we, partakers of His grace, joyfully cry out: Rejoice, holy Cross, tree of life, planted in Eden for Adam’s sake, transfigured; Rejoice, new Adam, who stretched out his hand on you and revealed himself to the world. Rejoice, for under the canopy of your blessed protection all the faithful come running; Rejoice, for through the mercy of the One who has given us to you, repentant sinners escape the fire of Gehenna. Rejoice, Cross, our consolation in sorrows and sorrows; Rejoice, life-giving consolation and help to those who are exhausted in the fight against the temptations of passions, the world and the devil. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 7

Although You have shown the unsearchable abyss of Your goodness and mercy to the human race, Your Cross, O Lord, has given us a strong guardian and drives away demons. In the same way, all of us who believe in You glorify the greatness of Your passion, gratefully singing to You: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

Thou hast revealed wondrous deeds, O Lord, by Thy Honest Cross: for I have crucified myself upon Thy flesh, the whole creation has changed: the sun has hidden its rays, the foundations of the earth have shaken, hell has been crushed by the power of Thy power, and the enemies have been driven away, even as they have been for centuries. For this reason, let us tie flowers with these song songs: Rejoice, Cross, for all creation has compassion upon You who suffered, as for His Creator and Master; Rejoice, for the sun bears witness to His power and Divinity through darkness and the earth through shaking. Rejoice, for the One who died on you was not kept dead, but, having destroyed the power of death, rose again on the third day; Rejoice, for I have resurrected the preaching of the Gospel, which began from the face of the Apostle, and has gone forth to all the ends of the earth. Rejoice, O Cross, for through you idolatry and pagan polytheism have been abolished; Rejoice, for for your sake the right faith in the One God, glorified in the Trinity, has been established throughout the entire earth. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 8

It is strange that God became human and was crucified on the Cross, having mentally seen, we will withdraw from the vanity of the world, we will transfer our mind to Heaven. For this reason, God descended to the earth and ascended to the Cross, so that, like a ladder, he would lead to Heaven those who cry to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Today Adam and Eve rejoice, presently seeing the Cross, by which the adversary was struck, who of old in paradise by eating the forbidden fruit of those deceiving and creating captives for themselves. In the same way, we, rejoicing at our forefather’s deliverance from our spiritual captivity, reverently chant: Rejoice, Cross, for on you is the good Shepherd who laid down His soul for His sheep and even went down to hell, looking for the lost; Rejoice, for He did not despise the work of His hand, Adam and Eve, but with the other I snatched the righteous from hell, like from the jaws of a mighty beast, and installed them in paradise. Rejoice, for you have on you, nailed to Christ, the fiery weapon of the braids, and the Cherub, who guards the Eden, retreat from the Tree of Life; Rejoice, for we, now through baptism of rebirth, new people in Christ, partake without restraint of the food of heaven. Rejoice, Cross, rod of the power of Christ, sent from Zion, by whom we feed in the pastures of the gospel teachings; Rejoice, for through you we are preserved unharmed from the murderous wolves, who roar like lions and seek whom to devour. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 9

Deliver us from all troubles and snares of the enemy, O blessed Cross, for we have received grace and power from Christ nailed to you; to Him, as our God and Savior, we sing with gratitude and praise: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The Vetianism of all earthly beings is not sufficient for the glorification of Thy Cross, O Lord, on which Thou hast made our salvation; At the same time, perplexed to praise her according to her heritage, we cry out to her: Rejoice, Cross, for the Savior of the world, lifted up on you, has called many people into His knowledge and calls to this day; Rejoice, for having shone on you, like on a candlestick, the true Light illuminates all the ends of the earth with the light of the knowledge of God. Rejoice, for now the East and West glorify the One who suffered in you; Rejoice, for you, as the footstool of Christ, are glorified by all the faithful, elevating. Rejoice, for from you, as from the inexhaustible source of Christ, people will draw an abundance of eternal blessings. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 10

For those who want to be saved and come running under the shadow of your protection, be your helper, the Most Holy Cross, preserving us from all evils by the power of the Crucified Christ upon you, to Him, as to our God and Savior, we sing with gratitude and praise: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

You are the wall that protects us from troubles and misfortunes, the all-honorable Cross, and a strong pillar against the face of the enemy; the invisible fighters do not dare to approach them, afraid to look at Your power. For this reason, with faith, we are protected by your holy sign and joyfully sing: Rejoice, most honorable Cross of Christ, protect us from the attack of spirits of evil; Rejoice, keep us safe from various arrows. Rejoice, for from your sign, which we do piously with faith, all the powers of hell, like smoke from the wind, disappear; Rejoice, for through you all their strength, like wax before the fire, melts away. Rejoice, as a holy martyr, protected by your sign and calling on the name of Christ, everyone bravely endured the sight of torment; Rejoice, for the reverend fathers, with the help of the power of the Divine, inherent in your sign, have overcome demonic fears and passions of rebellion. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 11

We offer all-contrite singing to Thee, the all-honorable Cross, and we humbly pray to Christ our God crucified on you, who has given us joy and consolation in sorrow, that through His passion He will deliver us from harmful passions and teach us to faithfully chant to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

With the light of the grace of God, inherent in the mysteries, enlighten our spiritual feelings, the Holy Cross, so that we are illuminated and instructed, so that we may not stumble over the stone of temptation, but may be able to follow the path of God’s commandments in our entire life, singing to you: Rejoice, messenger of the unceasing miracles of Christ and His mercy towards the human race is a preacher; rejoice. The Cross, the renewal of the human race and the New Testament of Christ is the seal and confirmation. Rejoice, triumph of the Christian faith and trustworthy anchor of our hope; Rejoice, decoration of the holy temples of God and protection of the houses of the pious. Rejoice, blessing of the fields and vertograds; Rejoice in the sanctification of all elements. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 12

Grant us Your all-powerful grace, O Lord, so that we may follow You, our Master, taking up our cross, not nailed down to it, but through labor, abstinence and humility, so that we may be partakers of Your sufferings, from which flow the sweat of Eternal Life, soldering all the faithful, piously singing Ti: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your greatness, all-honorable Cross, we all praise you, like the victorious scepter of the Heavenly King, an all-joyful sign of our salvation, and we also cry out: Rejoice, Cross, the power of Orthodox Christians and their indestructible fence; Rejoice, adornment of the saints and strength and reinforcement of all ascetics of faith and piety. Rejoice, Cross, protect us from the cradle to the grave on all the paths of life, and after death in the air ordeals protect us from the spirits of evil; Rejoice, for under your sign those who rest, who died in faith and piety, will rise on the last day into Eternal Life. Rejoice, O Cross, who by your appearance in Heaven preceded the glorious Second Coming of Christ; Rejoice, for those who have crucified Christ and all the unfaithful will then see you and the mountaineers will weep, but those who love the Lord, seeing you, will rejoice greatly. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 13

O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, consolation to all Christians! Seeing You now, we raise our thoughts to Christ crucified on you, and we humbly pray to Him, that for your sake He may have mercy on us sinners, and make us worthy in the villages of paradise to sing to Him: Alleluia.

(Kondak is read three times, then the 1st Ikos)

Ikos 1

The faces of angels, like God’s servants, glorify the Cross in reality, the free passion of Christ the Giver of Life. We, through the suffering of that eternal death, having been delivered, imitating the Heavenly Powers, joyfully cry: Rejoice, Cross, for on you Christ our God, with His will spread out His hand, created our salvation; Rejoice, for by Christ, who laid upon you the crime of Adam and Eve, who stretched out their hands to the forbidden tree, has been abolished. Rejoice, for the ancient oath that was against us has been taken away from the Lawgiver, who was raised against you, like a criminal; Rejoice, for through a strange sacrament that happened to you, the human race was freed from mortal aphids. Rejoice, for the sting of death has been broken upon you by those who suffered and died; Rejoice, for the sake of suffering, God is reconciled with people. Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 1

Come, people of Christ, let us praise the Honest Cross, on which Christ, the King of Glory, stretched out his hand, leading us to the first bliss, from the fall of the serpent’s charm. But you, O Most Holy Cross, as if you have the inherent power of the Crucified Christ, save and preserve from all troubles those who lovingly call you: Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Prayers to the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord

First prayer

Be the Honest Cross, guardian of soul and body: in your image, casting down demons, driving away enemies, exercising passions and bestowing reverence, life, and strength, with the assistance of the Holy Spirit and the honest prayers of the Most Pure Mother of God. Amen.

Second prayer

O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! In ancient times you were a shameful instrument of execution, but now you are a sign of our salvation, ever revered and glorified! How worthily can I, the unworthy, sing to You and how dare I bend the knees of my heart before my Redeemer, confessing my sins! But the mercy and ineffable love for mankind of the humble Boldness crucified upon you gives me, so that I may open my mouth to glorify You; For this reason I cry to Ti: Rejoice, Cross, the Church of Christ is the beauty and foundation, the whole universe is the affirmation, all Christians are the hope, kings are the power, the faithful are refuge, Angels are glory and praise, demons are fear, destruction and driving away, the wicked and infidels - shame, the righteous - pleasure, those burdened - weakness, those overwhelmed - refuge, those who are lost - a mentor, those possessed by passions - repentance, the poor - enrichment, those floating - a pilot, the weak - strength, in battle - victory and conquest, the orphans - faithful protection, widows - intercessor, virgins - protection of chastity, hopeless - hope, sick - a doctor and the dead - resurrection! You, typified by the miraculous rod of Moses, are a life-giving source, watering those thirsty for spiritual life and delighting our sorrows; You are the bed on which the Risen Conqueror of Hell rested royally for three days. For this reason, morning, evening, and noon, I glorify Thee, blessed Tree, and I pray by the will of the One who has been crucified on Thee, may He enlighten and strengthen my mind with Thee, may He open in my heart a source of more perfect love and may all my deeds and paths be overshadowed by Thee May I take out and magnify Him who is Nailed to You, for my sin, the Lord my Savior. Amen.

Along with the great Christian holidays, the Orthodox Church especially celebrates the Exaltation of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. On this day, church services take on a special solemnity with the hymns of the akathist to the Cross of the Lord. The tradition of honoring this holiday goes back to the ancient times of the struggle between Christianity and paganism. As a result of the Fall of man, enmity began between people, leading to death and decay. The cross was used as an instrument of redemption for a world damaged by sin. The troparion to the life-giving Cross, which is permeated with a prayer for salvation, is recognized as a strong prayer.

History of the Akathist to the Cross of the Lord

In ancient Rome, pagan emperors tried to completely and finally destroy in Orthodox Christians the memories of the sacred places where the Lord suffered and rose again. No matter how the ancient emperor Hadrian tried to eradicate sacred memories, centuries later, by the Providence of God, the great shrines - the Holy Sepulcher and the Life-Giving Cross were acquired by the Christian people and are available for worship. When in 313 Emperor Constantine sent an expedition to Jerusalem to find the Cross of the Lord there, it turned out that there were three crosses. Then, having applied each of the three, the servants discovered, after a while, under one of the crosses a revived dead man, they realized that in front of them was the Life-Giving Cross. Today at Orthodox services Troparion to the Life-Giving Cross is one of the main prayer works taken as a basis.

Akathist Exaltation of the Holy Cross

The celebration of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross is a great joy and elation for Orthodox Christians. Divine services with the singing of the Akathist to the Cross of the Lord and special traditions associated with this holiday are especially revered by Christians all over the world. With their prayers, believers praise the Cross of the Lord and ask by the power of the Life-Giving Cross to grant them salvation from all troubles. In church rites and liturgical traditions, the Exaltation is not only a celebration of the acquisition of the Cross, but also its glorification as a saving one. In the Akathist to the Life-Giving Cross, the cross itself symbolizes the power of God, which contains the whole world.

Text of the akathist to the honorable and life-giving cross of the Lord

Kontakion No. 1

Come, people of Christ, let us praise the Honest Cross,
on it Christ, the King of Glory, stretched out his hand, leading us to the first bliss,
from the worthlessness of the serpent's deception fell. But you, O Most Holy Cross, as if you have the inherent power of the Crucified Christ, save and preserve from all troubles those who lovingly call you: Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Angels' faces, like God's servants, The Cross is present,
the free passion of Christ the Giver of Life is glorified. We, having been delivered from eternal death by His suffering, imitating the Heavenly Powers, joyfully cry out:
Rejoice, Cross, for on you Christ our God, with His will, His hand spread out, created our salvation;
Rejoice, for the transgression of Adam and Eve has been laid bare,
who stretched out their hands to the forbidden tree, be abolished.
Rejoice, for I was raised up on you, like a criminal, the Lawgiver,
the ancient oath that was upon us is gone;
Rejoice, for through a strange sacrament that happened to you, the human race was freed from mortal aphids.
Rejoice, for the sting of death has been broken upon you by those who suffered and died;
Rejoice, for the sake of suffering God has made peace with men.

Kontakion No. 2

Seeing fallen people, Lord, You became human,
You willingly endured the cross and death in your flesh for our race,
May you deliver from eternal death those who confess Thee, the Son of God, and cry out to Thee: Alleluia.

The human mind faints in comprehending the greatness of the mystery of Your incarnation, O Christ.
and freely suffer for us: like You, this impassive God, the passion of the cross, like a man,
Thou hast endured and made this instrument of Thy death a source of life and salvation
To all who believe in You and sing in praise:
Rejoice, O Cross, on which the sacrament, predestined from the ages, was performed;
Rejoice, for in you our redemption has been accomplished, presented in many forms and symbols.
Rejoice, for the Giver of Life who died upon you, flowed out Blood and water, in the image of which our sins are washed away;
Rejoice, for with drops of His Holy Blood the sinful scabs of our souls are cleansed.
Rejoice, O Cross, like the living tree that is in the midst of God's paradise, longed for by Christians;
Rejoice, who intelligently nourishes us with the fruits of immortality and encourages our cowardice with the hope of Eternal Life.
Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion No. 3

Thy cross, even though wood is apparently a substance, is a divine garment in power,
and the sensory world is revealed, our mind works miracles of salvation, striving to sing to You:

The Holy Cross is before our eyes,
with the sacred worship of that we honor the Savior Christ crucified on him,
and, kissing, we cry:
Rejoice, O Cross, glorified by the obedience and suffering of Christ;
Rejoice, exalted by the exaltation of the Son of God upon you,
The whole world has been raised up since the fall of Adam.
Rejoice, for the terrible mystery that came to pass upon you made the earth horrified and tremble, as if it wanted to devour the lawbreakers;
Rejoice, for the veil of the temple that was sacrificed for you by the Lamb of God was torn and the sacrifice of the Old Testament was abolished.
Rejoice, O Cross, for the stone that crumbled under you, gave birth to the stony-hearted Jewry
through unbelief you fell away from God, and lost the grace of the priesthood and the kingdom;
Rejoice, for having been darkened by the sun in the passion of Christ, the night of polytheism has passed away and the light of faith has risen.
Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion No. 4

Breathing a storm of anger and driven by envy,
the high priestess of Judaism hid Your Cross in the ground, O Christ God,
Let not their folly be a reproof;
but to that one, like a precious treasure, rose from the bowels of the earth,
through the diligence of the pious Queen Helena, acquired and revealed to the joy of the whole world,
with a god-red song: Alleluia.

Having then seen the Christian people find the Holy Cross,
glorifying Christ God crucified on him, “Lord, have mercy,” crying out.
Now, imitating them, we glorify His Holy Cross with titanic praises:
Rejoice, Cross, who sanctified our earthly nature into the hidden earth and desecrated by sins;
Rejoice, having disgraced the incarnation and divinity of Christ by your appearance from the depths of the earth.
Rejoice, for He who suffered in your flesh has received all power in Heaven and on earth,
may he lead everyone and everything to God the Father;
Rejoice, for He died on you as a man by the power of His Divinity
break the rivets of hell and bring out the souls of the righteous from there.
Rejoice, O Cross, as a prudent thief who crucified Christ, confessing Him,
by you, like a ladder, ascend to Heaven;
Rejoice, for by cutting off the passions of Christ, you have raised them all into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion No. 5

Lord, under Moses the prophet sometimes we show the image of Your Cross, victorious over Your enemies,
Now we have Your very Cross, we ask for help:
Strengthen Your Church and grant it victory over its enemies,
Let all Your enemies be scattered, without crying out to You:

of the Holy Cross, Christ, prefiguring the action of Amalek in the Sinai desert:
Whenever we stretch out our hands and create the image of the cross, people become stronger;
now all things have come to pass in us: today the cross is erected, and demons are running,
Today all creation is freed from aphids, just as the whole of the Cross has been given to us for the sake of shining forth.
Moreover, we rejoice and cry:
Rejoice, Cross, the terrible weapon of Christ, whose demons tremble;
Rejoice, for by the power of the Crucified Christ upon you, the hordes of demons are driven far away.
Rejoice, for by the power of Divine grace acting in you
victories against resistance are granted to Christ-loving people;
Rejoice, for from you, as from the tall and fruitful tree of Christ, you suffered,
the fruits of life and salvation grow for us.
Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion No. 6

The life-giving tree of the Cross sometimes appeared as a preacher of the power and divinity of Christ,
when with your touch you raise the dead and raise him to life,
Having seen it, many from Jews and pagans learned the great mystery of piety:
for the sake of human salvation, God appeared in the flesh and endured the passion of the cross,
may He save those who cry to Him: Alleluia.

Like the tree of paradise, rise up on Golgotha, the Honest Cross of Christ,
From there, the mental branches of grace spread throughout the entire universe and were crucified on him:
under its shade they find the coolness of the palimia in the heat of passions and those who want to live piously in Christ Jesus.
Likewise, we, partakers of His grace, cheerfully cry out:
Rejoice, Holy Cross, tree of life, planted in Eden for Adam's sake, transfigured;
Rejoice, new Adam, who stretched out his hand on you and revealed himself to the world.
Rejoice, for under the canopy of your blessed protection all the faithful come running;
Rejoice, for through the mercy that has been given to you, repentant sinners escape the fire of Gehenna.
Rejoice, Cross, our consolation in sorrows and sorrows;
Rejoice, life-giving consolation and help to those who are exhausted in the fight against the temptations of passions, the world and the devil.
Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion No. 7

Although He showed the unsearchable abyss of His goodness and mercy to the human race,
Thy cross, O Lord, hast given us a strong guardian and a drive away of demons.
In the same way, all of us who believe in You glorify the greatness of Your passion, singing gratefully to You:

Thou hast revealed wondrous deeds, O Lord, by Thy Honest Cross:
I will crucify myself on that flesh, the whole creation will change: the sun’s rays are hidden,
the foundations of the earth were shaken, hell was crushed by the power of your power and the enemies were driven away,
I've had food for centuries.
For this reason, let us tie these song flowers:
Rejoice, Cross, for all creation has compassion for those who suffered on You, as their Creator and Master;
Rejoice, for the sun bears witness to His power and Godhead through darkness and the earth through shaking.
Rejoice, for the One who died on you was not kept dead, but, having destroyed the power of death,
on the third day he rose;
Rejoice, for I have resurrected the preaching of the Gospel, which began from the face of the Apostle,
went to all the ends of the earth.
Rejoice, O Cross, for through you idolatry and pagan polytheism have been abolished;
Rejoice, for for your sake the right faith in the One God is glorified in the Trinity,
establish yourself throughout the whole earth.
Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion No. 8

It is strange that God became human and was crucified on the Cross, mentally seeing,
Let us withdraw from the vanity of the world and place our minds in Heaven.
For this reason, God descended to the earth and ascended to the Cross, and thus, like a ladder,
He will bring up to Heaven those who cry to Him: Alleluia.

Today Adam and Eve are having fun, having seen the Cross before him, the adversary was struck by it,
Those who were in heaven of old by eating the forbidden fruit were deceiving and created captives for themselves.
In the same way, we, rejoicing at our forefathers about deliverance from our spiritual captivity, reverently sing:
Rejoice, Cross, for upon you is the Good Shepherd, who laid down His soul for His sheep and even went down to hell, looking for the lost;
Rejoice, for He did not despise the work of His hand, Adam and Eve, but with others I snatched the righteous from hell,
like from the jaws of a mighty beast, and they were brought into paradise.
Rejoice, for upon you, who was nailed to Christ, wore the flaming weapon of the braids and the Cherub,
We go, guardian, retreat from the Tree of Life;
Rejoice, for we are now, through baptism of regeneration, new people in Christ,
We partake of the food of heaven without restraint.
Rejoice, Cross, rod of the power of Christ, sent from Zion,
where we graze in the pastures of those gospel teachings;
Rejoice, for through you we are preserved unharmed from the murderous wolves,
like lions roaring and seeking whom to devour.
Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion No. 9

Delivered from all troubles and snares of the enemy, O blessed Cross,
as if you have received grace and power from Christ nailed to you,
To him, as to our God and Savior, we sing with gratitude and praise: Alleluia.

All earth-born Vetism is not sufficient for the glorification of Thy Cross, O Lord,
on it you made our salvation; At the same time, perplexedly, praise that one according to her heritage,
we cry out to you:
Rejoice, Cross, for as the Savior of the world, lifted up on you, has called many people into His knowledge and continues to call them to this day;
Rejoice, for having shone on you, like on a candlestick, the true Light illuminates all the ends of the earth with the light of the knowledge of God.
Rejoice, for now the East and West glorify the One who suffered in you;
Rejoice, for you, as the footstool of Christ, are glorified by all the faithful, elevating.
Rejoice, for from you, as from the inexhaustible source of Christ, people will draw an abundance of eternal blessings.
Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion No. 10

For those who want to be saved and come running under the shadow of your protection, be your helper, the Most Holy Cross, preserving us from all evils by the power of the Crucified Christ upon you, to Him, as to our God and Savior, we sing with gratitude and praise: Alleluia.

You are the wall that protects us from troubles and misfortunes, the All-Honorable Cross,
and a strong pillar against the face of the enemy, the invisibility fighters do not dare to approach,
fearful to look at Your power.
For this reason, with faith, we are protected by your holy sign and cheerfully sing:
Rejoice, most honorable Cross of Christ, protect us from the attacks of spirits of evil;
Rejoice, keep us safe from various arrows.
Rejoice, for from your sign we are doing piously with faith,
all the forces of hell, like smoke from the wind, disappear;
Rejoice, for through you all their strength, like wax before the fire, melts away.
Rejoice, as a holy martyr, having been protected by your sign and calling on the name of Christ,
bravely endured every kind of torment;
Rejoice, as reverend fathers, with the help of the power of the Divine, inherent in your sign,
demonic insurance and passions of rebellion are victorious.
Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion No. 11

We bring all-contrite singing to Ti, all-honorable Cross,
and we humbly pray to Christ our God crucified on you,
Who has given us joy and consolation in sorrows,
May His passion deliver us from harmful passions and teach us to sing faithfully to Him:

By the light of God's grace, inherent in mystery,
Enlighten our spiritual feelings, Holy Cross, so that we may be illuminated and instructed,
Let us not stumble over the stone of temptation,
but may we be able to walk the right path in all our lives by the commandments of God, singing to thee:
Rejoice, messenger of Christ’s unceasing miracles and preacher of His mercy to the human race;
Rejoice. The Cross, the renewal of the human race and the New Testament of Christ is the seal and confirmation.
Rejoice, triumph of the Christian faith and trustworthy anchor of our hope;
Rejoice, decoration of the holy temples of God and protection of the houses of the pious.
Rejoice, blessing of the fields and vertograds;
Rejoice in the sanctification of all elements.
Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion No. 12

Grant us Your all-powerful grace, O Lord, that we may follow You, our Master,
taking up our cross, not nailed to it, but through labor, abstinence and humility,
so we will be partakers of Your sufferings, from which flow the sweat of Eternal Life,
soldering all the faithful, piously singing Ti: Alleluia.

Singing your greatness, all-honorable Cross, we all praise you,
like the victorious scepter of the Heavenly King, an all-joyful sign of our salvation,
we also cry out:
Rejoice, Cross, the power of Orthodox Christians and their indestructible defense;
Rejoice, ornament of the saints and strength and reinforcement of all ascetics of faith and piety.
Rejoice, Cross, protect us from the cradle to the grave on all paths of life
and after death in the air ordeals, protect us from the spirits of evil;
Rejoice, for those who have died in faith and piety rest under your sign,
on the last day they will be resurrected into Eternal Life.
Rejoice, O Cross, who by your appearance in Heaven preceded the glorious Second Coming of Christ;
Rejoice, for those who crucified Christ and all the unfaithful people will then see you and the mountaineer will weep,
Those who love the Lord, seeing you, will rejoice greatly.
Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion No. 13

O Most Honorable, Divine and Life-Giving Tree of the Cross of the Lord! With your miraculous power protect me, a sinner, overshadowing with faith my forehead and chest and all my limbs and uds with your holy sign in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, to the glory of the Holy Trinity, glorified in Unity, and gratefully singing the song of victory: Alleluia .

/This kontakion is read 3 times, then Ikos No. 1 and Kontakion No. 1/

Orthodox prayer to the honorable and life-giving Cross of the Lord

O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! In ancient times you were a shameful instrument of execution, but now you are a sign of our salvation, ever revered and glorified! How worthily can I, the unworthy, sing to You and how dare I bend the knees of my heart before my Redeemer, confessing my sins! But the mercy and ineffable love for mankind of the humble Boldness crucified upon you gives me, so that I may open my mouth to glorify You; For this reason I cry to Ti: Rejoice, Cross, the Church of Christ is the beauty and foundation, the whole universe is the affirmation, all Christians are the hope, kings are the power, the faithful are refuge, Angels are glory and praise, demons are fear, destruction and driving away, the wicked and infidels - shame, the righteous - pleasure, those burdened - weakness, those overwhelmed - refuge, those who are lost - a mentor, those possessed by passions - repentance, the poor - enrichment, those floating - a pilot, the weak - strength, in battle - victory and conquest, the orphans - faithful protection, widows - intercessor, virgins - protection of chastity, hopeless - hope, sick - a doctor and the dead - resurrection! You, typified by the miraculous rod of Moses, are a life-giving source, watering those thirsty for spiritual life and delighting our sorrows; You are the bed on which you rested royally for three days of hell. For this reason, morning, evening, and noon, I glorify Thee, blessed Tree, and I pray by the will of the One who has been crucified on Thee, may He enlighten and strengthen my mind with Thee, may He open in my heart a source of more perfect love and may all my deeds and paths be overshadowed by Thee May I take out and magnify Him who is Nailed to You, for my sin, the Lord my Savior.

Troparion to the Cross of the Lord

Troparion, tone 4 (To the Forefeast)

The life-giving Cross of Your goodness, which You have given to us unworthy, Lord, we offer to You in prayer, save the people and your praying city, the Mother of God, the One Lover of Mankind.

Troparion, tone 1

Save, O Lord, Thy people and bless Thy inheritance, granting victories to Orthodox Christians against resistance, and preserving Thy residence through Thy cross.

Kontakion, tone 4

Having ascended to the Cross by will, grant Thy bounty to Thy new residence, O Christ God, Thy faithful people rejoice in Thy power, giving them victories as adversaries, aid to those who have Thy weapon of peace, invincible victory.


We magnify You, Life-Giving Christ, and honor Your Holy Cross, through which You saved us from the work of the enemy.

Come, people of Christ, let us praise the Honest Cross, on which Christ, the King of Glory, stretched out his hand, leading us to the first bliss, from which we fell through the deception of the serpent. But you, O Most Holy Cross, as having the inherent power of the Crucified Christ, save and preserve from all troubles those who lovingly call you:

Ikos 1

The faces of angels, like God’s servants, glorify the Cross in reality, the free passion of Christ the Giver of Life. We, having been delivered from eternal death by His suffering, imitating the powers above, joyfully cry out:

Rejoice, Cross, for on you Christ our God, with His will, His hand spread out, created our salvation; Rejoice, for by Christ, who laid upon you the crime of Adam and Eve, who stretched out their hands to the forbidden tree, has been abolished. Rejoice, for the ancient oath that was against us has been taken away from the Lawgiver, who was raised against you, like a criminal; Rejoice, for by the strange sacrament that has been performed on you, the human race has been freed from mortal aphids. Rejoice, for the sting of death has been broken upon you by those who suffered and died; Rejoice, for the sake of suffering, God is reconciled with people.

Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 2

Seeing fallen men, O Lord, You became human, and You freely endured the cross and death in your flesh for our race, so that You might deliver from eternal death those who confess Thee, the Son of God, and cry out to Thee: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The human mind is exhausted in comprehending the great mystery of Your incarnation and free suffering for us: how You, this impassive God, endured the passion of the cross as a man and made this instrument of Your death a source of life and salvation for all who piously believe in You and those who sing praises:

Rejoice, O Cross, on which the sacrament, predestined from the ages, was performed; Rejoice, for in you our redemption has been accomplished, presented in many forms and symbols. Rejoice, for the Giver of Life died on you, flowing blood and water, in the image of which our sins are washed away; Rejoice, for with drops of His most holy blood the sinful scabs of our souls are cleansed. Rejoice, O Cross, like the living tree that is in the midst of God's paradise, longed for by Christians; Rejoice, who intelligently nourishes us with the fruits of immortality and encourages our cowardice with the hope of eternal life.

Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 3

Thy Cross, even though the tree is apparently a being, but is clothed with the Divine power, and the sensory world is revealed intelligently, works wonders for our salvation, striving to sing to You: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having the Most Holy Cross before our eyes, with holy veneration we honor the Savior Christ crucified on it for the sake of it, and we call out with a kiss:

Rejoice, O Cross, glorified by the obedience and suffering of Christ; Rejoice, exalted by the exaltation of the Son of God upon you, Who raised up the whole world from the fall of Adam. Rejoice, for the terrible mystery that came to pass upon you made the earth horrified and tremble, as if it wanted to devour the lawbreakers; Rejoice, for I will slay the Lamb of God upon you; the veil of the temple will be rent and the sacrifice of the Old Testament will be abolished. Rejoice, O Cross, for under you I was crushed to pieces, the stony-hearted Jews who gave birth to unbelief fell away from God, and lost the grace of the priesthood and the kingdom; Rejoice, for having been darkened by the sun in the passion of Christ, the night of polytheism has passed away and the light of faith has risen.

Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 4

Breathing in a storm of malice and driven by envy, the high priestess of Judaism hid Your Cross in the ground, O Christ God, may their madness not be a reproof; but to that one, like a precious treasure, arose from the bowels of the earth, acquired through the diligence of the pious Queen Helen and revealed to the joy of the whole world, with the red song of God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Having seen then the Christian people finding the honorable Cross, they glorified Christ God crucified on it, crying “Lord, have mercy.” Now, imitating them, we glorify His Holy Cross with titanic praises:

Rejoice, Cross, who sanctified our earthly nature into the hidden earth and desecrated by sins; Rejoice, having disgraced the incarnation and divinity of Christ by your appearance from the depths of the earth. Rejoice, for He who suffered in your flesh has received all power in Heaven and on earth, so that He may lead everyone and everything to God the Father; Rejoice, for He who died on you as a man, by the power of His Divinity, broke the rivets of hell and brought out the souls of the righteous from there. Rejoice, O Cross, as a prudent thief, who was crucified with Christ, who confessed Him, through you, like a ladder, ascended to Heaven; Rejoice, for by cutting off the passions of Christ, you have raised them all into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 5

Lord, under Moses, sometimes the prophet, we show the image of Your Cross, victorious against Your enemies, now we have Your very Cross, we ask for help: strengthen Your Church and grant it victories over its enemies, so that all Your enemies, not crying out to You, may be scattered: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Of the Honest Cross, Christ, having prefigured the action of Moses, defeat Amalek in the desert of Sinai: for when people stretched out their hands and created an image of the cross, they became stronger; now all things have come into being in us: today the Cross is erected, and demons are running away, today all creation is freed from aphids, as if all the gifts of the Cross have risen up for us. Moreover, we rejoice and cry:

Rejoice, Cross, the terrible weapon of Christ, whose demons tremble; Rejoice, for by the power of the Crucified Christ upon you, the hordes of demons are driven far away. Rejoice, for by the power of the Divine grace acting in you, victories against those who resist are granted to Christ-loving people; Rejoice, for from you, as from the tall and fruitful tree of Christ, suffering on you, the fruits of life and salvation grow for us.

Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 6

The life-giving tree of the Cross sometimes appeared as a preacher of the power and Divinity of Christ, when with your touch you raised the dead and raised him to life, having seen many of them from the Jews and the tongue learned the great mystery of piety: for the sake of human salvation, God appeared in the flesh and endured the passion of the cross, yes He will save those who cry to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Like the great tree of paradise, the honorable Cross of Christ rose on Calvary, from which the mental branches of grace spread throughout the entire universe and were crucified on it: under its canopy they find the coolness of the palimia with the heat of passions and those who want to live piously in Christ Jesus. Likewise, we, partakers of His grace, cheerfully cry out:

Rejoice, Holy Cross, tree of life, planted in Eden for Adam's sake, symbolized; Rejoice, new Adam, who stretched out his hand on you and revealed himself to the world. Rejoice, for under the canopy of your blessed protection all the faithful come running; Rejoice, for through the mercy of the One who has given us to you, repentant sinners escape the fire of Gehenna. Rejoice, Cross, our consolation in sorrows and sorrows; Rejoice, life-giving consolation and help to those who are exhausted in the fight against the temptations of passions, the world and the devil.

Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 7

Although You have shown the unsearchable abyss of Your goodness and mercy to the human race, Your Cross, O Lord, has given us a strong guardian and drives away demons. In the same way, all of us who believe in You glorify the greatness of Your passion, singing gratefully to You: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

Thou hast revealed wondrous deeds, O Lord, by Thy venerable Cross: for I have crucified myself upon Thy flesh, the whole creation has changed: the sun has hidden its rays, the foundations of the earth have shaken, hell has been crushed by the power of Thy power, and the hostiles have been brought forth, even as they have been for centuries. For this reason, let us tie these song flowers:

Rejoice, Cross, for all creation has compassion for those who suffered on You, as their Creator and Master; Rejoice, for the sun bears witness to His power and Divinity through darkness and the earth through shaking. Rejoice, for the One who died on you was not kept dead, but, having destroyed the power of death, rose again on the third day; Rejoice, for I have resurrected the preaching of the Gospel, which began from the face of the Apostle, and has gone forth to all the ends of the earth. Rejoice, O Cross, for through you idolatry and pagan polytheism have been abolished; Rejoice, for for your sake the right faith in the One God, glorified in the Trinity, has been established throughout the entire earth.

Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 8

It is strange that God became human and was crucified on the Cross, having mentally seen, we will withdraw from the vanity of the world, we will transfer our mind to Heaven. For this reason, God descended to the earth and ascended to the Cross, so that, like a ladder, he would lead to Heaven those who cry to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Today Adam and Eve rejoice, presently seeing the Cross, by which the adversary was struck, who of old in paradise by eating the forbidden fruit of those deceiving and creating captives for themselves. In the same way, we, rejoicing at our forefathers about deliverance from our spiritual captivity, reverently sing:

Rejoice, Cross, for upon you is the Good Shepherd, who laid down His soul for His sheep and even went down to hell, looking for the lost; Rejoice, for He did not despise the work of His hand, Adam and Eve, but with the other I snatched the righteous from hell, like from the jaws of a mighty beast, and installed them in paradise. Rejoice, for upon you, who was nailed to Christ, has a flaming weapon of braids, and the Cherub, who guards the Eden, retreat from the tree of life; Rejoice, for we, now through Baptism of rebirth, new people in Christ, partake without restraint of the food of heaven. Rejoice, Cross, rod of the power of Christ, sent from Zion, by whom we feed in the pastures of the gospel teachings; Rejoice, for through you we are preserved unharmed from the murderous wolves, who roar like lions and seek whom to devour.

Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 9

Deliver us from all troubles and snares of the enemy, blessed on the Cross, for we have received grace and power from Christ nailed to you; to Him, as our God and Savior, we sing with gratitude and praise: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The Vetianism of all earthly beings is not sufficient for the glorification of Thy Cross, O Lord, on which Thou hast made our salvation; At the same time, perplexed to praise her according to her heritage, we cry out to her:

Rejoice, Cross, for as the Savior of the world, lifted up on you, has called many people into His knowledge and continues to call them to this day; Rejoice, for having shone on you, like on a candlestick, the true Light illuminates all the ends of the earth with the light of the knowledge of God. Rejoice, for now the East and West glorify the One who suffered in you; Rejoice, for you, as the footstool of Christ, are glorified by all the faithful, elevating. Rejoice, for from you, as from the inexhaustible source of Christ, people will draw an abundance of eternal blessings.

Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 10

For those who want to be saved and come running under the shadow of your protection, be your helper, the Most Holy Cross, preserving us from all evils by the power of the Crucified Christ upon you, to Him, as to our God and Savior, we sing with gratitude and laudation: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

You are the wall that protects us from troubles and misfortunes, the all-honorable Cross, and a strong pillar against the face of the enemy; the invisible fighters do not dare to approach them, afraid to look at Your power. For this reason, with faith, we are protected by your holy sign and cheerfully sing:

Rejoice, most honorable Cross of Christ, protect us from the attacks of spirits of evil; Rejoice, keep us safe from various arrows. Rejoice, for from your sign, which we do piously with faith, all the powers of hell, like smoke from the wind, disappear; Rejoice, for through you all their strength, like wax before the fire, melts away. Rejoice, as a holy martyr, protected by your sign and calling on the name of Christ, everyone bravely endured the sight of torment; Rejoice, for the reverend fathers, with the help of the power of the Divine, inherent in your sign, have overcome demonic fears and passions of rebellion.

Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 11

We offer all-contrite singing to Thee, O all-honorable Cross, and we humbly pray to Christ our God crucified on you, Who has given us joy and consolation in sorrow, that through His passion He will deliver us from harmful passions and teach us to faithfully chant to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

With the light of the grace of God, inherent in the mysteries, enlighten our spiritual feelings, the Holy Cross, so that we are illuminated and instructed, so that we may not stumble over the stone of temptation, but may be able to follow the path of God’s commandments throughout our entire life, singing to this face:

Rejoice, messenger of Christ’s unceasing miracles and preacher of His mercy to the human race; rejoice. The Cross, the renewal of the human race and the New Testament of Christ is the seal and confirmation. Rejoice, triumph of the Christian faith and trustworthy anchor of our hope; Rejoice, decoration of the holy temples of God and protection of the houses of the pious. Rejoice, blessing of the fields and vertograds; Rejoice in the sanctification of all elements.

Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 12

Grant us Your all-powerful grace, O Lord, so that we may follow You, our Master, taking up our cross, not nailed down to it, but through labor, abstinence and humility, so that we may be partakers of Your sufferings, from which flow the sweat of Eternal Life, soldering all the faithful, piously singing Ti: Hallelujah.

Ikos 12

Singing your greatness, all-honored Cross, we all praise you, like the victorious scepter of the Heavenly King, an all-joyful sign of our salvation, and we also cry out:

Rejoice, Cross, the power of Orthodox Christians and their indestructible defense; Rejoice, adornment of the saints and strength and reinforcement of all ascetics of faith and piety. Rejoice, Cross, protect us from the cradle to the grave on all the paths of life, and after death in the air ordeals protect us from the spirits of evil; Rejoice, for under your sign those who rest, who died in faith and piety, will rise on the last day to eternal life. Rejoice, O Cross, who by your appearance in Heaven preceded the glorious Second Coming of Christ; Rejoice, for those who have crucified Christ and all the unfaithful will then see you and the mountaineers will weep, but those who love the Lord, seeing you, will rejoice greatly.

Rejoice, Honest Cross, all-joyful sign of our redemption.

Kontakion 13

O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, consolation to all Christians! Seeing You now, we raise our thoughts to Christ crucified on you, and we humbly pray to Him, that for your sake He may have mercy on us sinners, and make us worthy in the villages of paradise to sing to Him: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)


Be an honorable cross, guardian of soul and body: in your image, casting down demons, driving away enemies, abolishing passions and bestowing reverence, life, and strength, with the assistance of the Holy Spirit and the honest prayers of the Most Pure Mother of God. Amen.
