Father Alexey arrives on the middle slingshot. Schedule of services

In the 19th century, along the Tsarskoselskoye (Pulkovskoye) highway there were houses of the German Srednerogatskaya colony. The colony was founded in 1765 by immigrants from Brandenburg and Württemberg among 22 families.

They supplied milk and dairy products to the townspeople and rented out dachas in the summer.

In 1809, a fountain was installed in the Srednerohat colony according to the design of J. Thomas de Thomon. It was a low pyramidal structure with a rounded top. The architect decorated the front part of the fountain with a mask of Neptune carved in stone so that water would flow out of his open mouth. In the colony in 1892 there were: 50 households, 571 people. population, Lutheran prayer house, school. Over time, the fountain lost its significance and in 1935 it was moved to the park in front of the western facade of the Kazan Cathedral. In 1916 - 1917 On Srednyaya Rogatka, colonists built a wooden church, which was closed and destroyed in the 1920s - 1930s. The Srednerogatskaya colony, or, as it was more often called, the village of Colony, was completely destroyed during the Great Patriotic War. The fruit trees on the odd side of the Pulkovskoye Highway, along the 87th block, have no longer survived to this day.
Currently, the former Srednyaya Rogatka is being actively developed with residential complexes, business centers and hypermarkets.

How did the name come about "Middle Slingshot"?
Since 1710, there was a guardhouse with a barrier, or slingshot, where traveler's tickets were checked and taxes were collected. There were three such guards: one at the current Moscow Gate, the closest one; the other is at Pulkovo Mountain, called the distant one; and the third, between them - the middle one. There was still a pillar depicting three roads to St. Petersburg, to Tsarskoe Selo and Moscow, to Peterhof and Warsaw. Since the 18th century The name Srednyaya Rogatka is fixed in the area as a proper name. The oldest building in Srednyaya Rogatka was the wooden travel palace of Emperor Peter I, built in 1714. Around it there was a dense, swampy area. On the site of a travel palace in the mid-18th century. a new one was built, replaced by a stone one in 1751, which survived until 1971.
In 1975, shortly before the opening of the monument to the victims of the 900-day blockade, the walls of the Srednerogatsky Travel Palace were demolished. In 1992, in the wake of the spiritual awakening of society that followed the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus', it was decided to erect a small temple of St. George the Victorious near the Srednerogatsky pond; on one of the islands of this pond there is a second temple of Sergius of Radonezh, and, near the Moscow highway itself, there is a third temple - Church of the Nativity of Christ.

Church of the Nativity.
The foundation stone of the church took place on October 11, 1999, on the feast day of St. Cyril and Mary, the parents of Sergius of Radonezh, by the rector of the parish, Archpriest Adrian Dolzhikov, in the presence of the Governor of St. Petersburg V. Yakovlev and a large number of citizens.
The project was made in neo-Russian style by architect A.M. Lebedev from the workshop of I.P. Lyubarova. The temple is designed for 1000 people. The height of the bell tower is 41 m. The temple is crowned with seventeen domes. This is the most multi-domed church in St. Petersburg. The Church of the Nativity on Srednyaya Rogatka is the only temple in the Northern capital dedicated to the coming of Christ. Before the revolution, there were eight churches with this name in St. Petersburg, and none of them survived.
During the construction of the temple, bricks were lifted onto the walls by hand. As the church elder, Rev. Sergius of Radonezh, the organizer of the creation of the temple complex on Srednyaya Rogatka, Yuri Grigorievich Korytchenkov, the technology is very expensive, but every brick is touched by the warmth of a human hand.

The next church is the memorial church of St. St. George the Victorious.
The initiative to create a church-chapel in memory of the victims of the last war, dedicating it to St. George the Victorious, the heavenly patron of warriors, came from the community of St. Sergius of Radonezh and the chairman of the parish council, Yu.G. Korotchenkova.
On May 6, 1993, on the day of St. George the Victorious, with the blessing of Metropolitan John of St. Petersburg and Ladoga, Orthodox believers erected a cross, marking the beginning of construction of a temple in the name of St. George the Victorious.
The chapel covers an area of ​​180 square meters. m, its 21-meter-high spire, made of wood and upholstered in copper, is crowned with a small dome.
The initial project was finalized in the architectural workshop under the leadership of E.F. Shapovalova. According to the new, updated design, the temple building was located on an embankment hill, to the west of the original location, closer to the pond. The height of the spire was increased by 15%, the volume of the entire building by 20%. The building began to look more monumental and therefore, since 1993, it was decided to call it a church rather than a chapel.
The consecration of the construction of the temple took place on May 6, 1994, with the participation of more than 3 thousand St. Petersburg residents. Eyewitnesses say that within 40 minutes a small cross of clouds formed in the clear blue sky, approximately above the site of the future construction of the temple. On November 16, 1994, the ceremony of laying the foundation of the church took place. This day coincided with the celebration of the renovation of the Church of St. George in Lydda (IV century), where the relics of the saint rested. At the base of the altar wall of the temple there is a copper plate with a canonical text carved on it with information about when, during the reign of which Patriarch and Metropolitan and in whose honor the temple was founded. Then capsules with earth brought from the hero cities, from the sites of the largest battles of the Second World War and from the city’s siege cemeteries were lowered into the base of the building.

The construction of the temple was carried out using voluntary donations from townspeople and large donors, including JSC Zvezda, and part of local taxes.

The temple was consecrated on May 6, 1995. Finishing work was completed by the beginning of 1996. The iconostasis of the temple was carved from five types of wood by carver V.A. Mironic, 29 images were painted for him by the artist Sergei Khaigora.
The temple became the first stone church built in the city after 1917.

And the third temple is the temple of Sergius of Radonezh.
At the end of the 1990s. Due to the extreme need for a new, larger and more capacious church for worshipers, it was decided to build a new stone church on one of the islands of the Srednerogatsky pond, closest to the existing church, in which up to 250 people could simultaneously attend services. It was planned that early masses would be celebrated in this church mainly on holidays and Sundays, which, due to the cramped conditions of the existing church, was an urgent need. It was decided, as planned back in 1992, when the parish was created, to dedicate the main and only altar of this temple to St. Sergius, abbot of Radonezh and all Rus', the wonderworker. The temple is located inside a white stone fence with the Holy Gates on a small island, named Sergiev, in the middle of the Srednerogatsky pond. In the first half of the summer of 1999, the necessary construction materials began to be delivered manually to the island over the newly constructed bridge, and in the winter of 1998-1999. here a stone gate was erected, topped with a gilded cross and decorated with the image of St. Sergius - an exact copy of those built in the 19th century in the church fence of the St. George Church in the village of Lozhgolovo (Slantsevsky district of the Leningrad region). By June 1999, a pit was dug for the foundation of the temple, and in July the foundations were ready. On July 18, 1999, on the feast of the discovery of the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh, the solemn laying of the temple took place, which was performed by the rector, Archpriest Adrian Dolzhikov. A foundation stone was placed at the base of the altar wall and a foundation slab of black granite was walled up. Everything here had to be done by hand; no vehicles transported building materials to the island. Before our eyes, during the warm season (in the winter months the construction was temporarily mothballed), the walls of the temple grew, a stone fence was erected around the perimeter of the island, reminiscent of a monastery, in which three stone gates were built. At the same time, in the second half of 1999 - early 2000, candle buildings, a house for the clergy, and a gatekeeper's house were erected on the island. On the eve of the autumn holiday of St. Sergius, bells cast at the Baltic plant were raised onto the completed bell tower. On the day of the holiday, for the first time, a prayer service was served under the arches of the temple. In October - December 2000, golden crosses were installed above the bell tower and the main dome, and metal plating of the dome began. For better acoustics, resonators-voices were installed under the arches of the temple, following the example of ancient Russian churches. A choir was built above the porch, and a stone staircase leading to the bell tower was built. The temple and the vestibule were decorated with majestic chandeliers. By the end of 2000, the construction of the church was completed, and the island was improved.
The consecration of the temple with a small rite took place on the 2000th anniversary of the Nativity of Christ, January 7, 2001. The consecration was performed by the rector of the church, Archpriest Adrian Dolzhikov, concelebrated by the clergy, in the presence of the Governor of St. Petersburg V. Yakovlev. From this day on, services in the temple became regular. In 2001, the temporary iconostasis of the church was replaced by a permanent five-tiered one, built according to the model of the ancient ones of the 15th - 16th centuries, the model of which was taken from the ancient Russian examples of the churches of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra and other shrines of Northern and Central Rus'. Designed in the ancient Russian style, the temple resembles ancient graveyards and is reflected in the waters of the pond, organizing, together with the rest of the buildings of the church complex, the entire space of the southern part of the park. This temple, designed free of charge by the Swiss architect Justus Dahinden, is the parish center. It was built in the style of ancient Pskov churches, with one dome and a belfry standing next to it.

Srednyaya Rogatka is a former German colony, founded in 1765 by immigrants from Brandenburg and Württemberg. It arose at the intersection of roads - from St. Petersburg to Moscow and from St. Petersburg to the Saar Manor, the current Moskovskoe Highway and Moskovsky Prospekt/Pulkovskoe Highway. Srednyaya Rogatka got its name because there was a barrier, or, as they said then, “Slingshot,” and a guardhouse with guards. There were three such slingshots along the way: the first in the area of ​​the Moscow Gate, the second (middle) - near Victory Square and the third - at the pond mill dam under Pulkovo Mountain. They were installed in the time of Peter the Great to “prevent the passage of malicious people.” Currently, Srednyaya Rogatka is located within the city limits of St. Petersburg.

Until 1971, the Srednirogatsky Palace, built by Rastelli for Empress Elizaveta Petrovna in 1754, stood near the Sredny Rogatka. During the construction of Victory Square, the palace did not fit into the project. It stood with its main façade facing Moskovsky Prospekt, and its end facing the front square. The Soviet authorities decided to demolish it. In the area of ​​the current three churches (St. George the Victorious, St. Sergius of Radonezh and the Nativity of Christ) at the beginning of the Moscow Highway there is Kikereyskino (Frog Swamp), now known as the pond of the Heroes Park.

The initiative to create a church-chapel in memory of the victims of the last war, dedicating it to St. George the Victorious, the heavenly patron of warriors, came from the community of St. Sergius of Radonezh and the chairman of the parish council, Yu.G. Korotchenkova.

On May 6, 1993, on the day of St. George the Victorious, with the blessing of Metropolitan John of St. Petersburg and Ladoga, Orthodox believers erected a cross, marking the beginning of construction of a temple in the name of St. George the Victorious.

The chapel covers an area of ​​180 square meters. m, its 21-meter-high spire, made of wood and upholstered in copper, is crowned with a small dome.

The initial project was finalized in the architectural workshop under the leadership of E.F. Shapovalova. According to the new, updated design, the temple building was located on an embankment hill, to the west of the original location, closer to the pond. The height of the spire was increased by 15%, the volume of the entire building by 20%. The building began to look more monumental and therefore, since 1993, it was decided to call it a church rather than a chapel.

The consecration of the construction of the temple took place on May 6, 1994, with the participation of more than 3 thousand St. Petersburg residents. Eyewitnesses say that within 40 minutes a small cross of clouds formed in the clear blue sky, approximately above the site of the future construction of the temple. On November 16, 1994, the ceremony of laying the foundation of the church took place. This day coincided with the celebration of the renovation of the Church of St. George in Lydda (IV century), where the relics of the saint rested. At the base of the altar wall of the temple there is a copper plate with a canonical text carved on it with information about when, during the reign of which Patriarch and Metropolitan and in whose honor the temple was founded. Then capsules with earth brought from the hero cities, from the sites of the largest battles of the Second World War and from the city’s siege cemeteries were lowered into the base of the building.

The construction of the temple was carried out using voluntary donations from townspeople and large donors, including JSC Zvezda, and part of local taxes.

The temple was consecrated on May 6, 1995. Finishing work was completed by the beginning of 1996. The iconostasis of the temple was carved from five types of wood by carver V.A. Mironic, 29 images were painted for him by the artist Sergei Khaigora.
The temple became the first stone church built in the city after 1917.

Rector: Archpriest Alexander Voskoboynikov.
Address: St. Petersburg, Moskovskoe highway, 3.
Directions: departure from St. Petersburg to Moscow and Kyiv (behind Pobeda Square), the nearest metro station. metro stations "Moskovskaya" and "Zvezdnaya".

Church of the Great Martyr George the Victorious from the Moscow Highway. Behind it you can see the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

Church of St. Great Martyr George the Victorious, northern facade. Behind it you can see the Church of St. St. Sergius of Radonezh.

Eastern facade of the temple.

Church of St. Great Martyr George the Victorious. Northern façade.

Icon of the Mother of God Sovereign on the altar wall of the temple.

The altar part of the Church of St. George.

Vozlyadovskaya A.M., Guminenko M.V., photo, 2009

Srednyaya Rogatka is a historical district in the south of St. Petersburg (around Moskovskaya and Zvezdnaya stations). Administratively, it is part of the Moskovsky district. This area is quite densely populated and there are churches built - St. Vmch. George the Victorious and St. St. Sergius of Radonezh was not enough to accommodate everyone during Sunday and holiday services.

Community St. Sergius of Radonezh, it was decided to build a third, large temple in the park on Srednyaya Rogatka. It was decided to coincide with the construction of the Church of the Nativity to coincide with the two thousandth anniversary of the Nativity of Christ.

The foundation stone of the church took place on October 11, 1999, on the feast day of St. Cyril and Mary, the parents of Sergius of Radonezh, by the rector of the parish, Archpriest Adrian Dolzhikov, in the presence of the Governor of St. Petersburg V. Yakovlev and a large number of citizens.

The project was made in neo-Russian style by architect A.M. Lebedev from the workshop of I.P. Lyubarova. The temple is designed for 1000 people. The height of the bell tower is 41 m. The temple is crowned with seventeen domes. This is the most multi-domed church in St. Petersburg. The Church of the Nativity on Srednyaya Rogatka is the only temple in the Northern capital dedicated to the coming of Christ. Before the revolution, there were eight churches with this name in St. Petersburg, and none of them survived.

During the construction of the temple, bricks were lifted onto the walls by hand. As the church elder, Rev. Sergius of Radonezh, the organizer of the creation of the temple complex on Srednyaya Rogatka, Yuri Grigorievich Korytchenkov, the technology is very expensive, but every brick is touched by the warmth of a human hand.

Temple address: St. Petersburg, Moskovskoe shosse, 3.

Church of the Nativity of Christ on Srednyaya Rogatka. Eastern facade, altar part. Photo 2009

Northern facade of the temple.

Icon of the Transfiguration of the Lord above the northern doors of the temple.

The bell tower and the western part of the Church of the Nativity.

Icon of the appearance of an Angel to the shepherds, to the left of the bell tower. Below it is an icon of St. Archangel Michael.

Icon of the Nativity of Christ above the entrance to the temple.

Icon of the Adoration of the Magi to the right of the bell tower.

Western part of the Church of the Nativity.

Vozlyadovskaya A.M., Guminenko M.V., photo, 2009


Divine services in our temple are performed every day in the morning in 10:00 and in the evening at 18:00 .

Confession is held daily in the morning before the Divine Liturgy with 9:30 before 10:00 ,

and also on Saturday evenings and on the eve of major holidays from 18:00.








Every Wednesday (except Wednesdays of Great Lent) at 16:00 we serve


to help those suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction

In Great Lent, according to tradition, the sacrament of Unction is performed.

In our church, the sacrament of Unction is performed on Tuesdays at 14:00 and on Thursdays at 19:00.

Schedule of services for the month of June.

date Day Time Service Priest on duty
01.06 Sat. 10:00 Liturgy. Blgv. led book Dimitry Donskoy O. Paul
17:00 Akathist “Education” Konovalov
18:00 All-night vigil
02.06 Sun. 6th Sunday after Easter about the blind man Father Vladislav
10.00 Liturgy. Procession. Antonov
18.00 Vespers. Polyeleos Matins
03.06 Mon. 10:00 Liturgy of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God O. Rustic
18:00 Vespers. Matins Antonov
04.06 Tue 10.00 Liturgy. Mch. Basilisk O. Vladislav
18.00 Vespers. Matins with doxology. Antonov
05.06 Wed. 10:00 Liturgy. Celebration of Easter holiday O. Rustic
18:00 All-night vigil with lithium Antonov
06.06 Thurs. 07.00 Early Liturgy. ASCENSION O. Vladislav
10.00 Liturgy. TO THE LORD Antonov
18.00 Vespers. Polyeleos Matins. O. Paul
07.06 Fri. 10:00 Liturgy. The Third Discovery of the Head of John the Baptist O. Vladislav
18:00 Vespers. Matins Antonov
08.06 Sat. 10:00 Liturgy. App. from 70 Carp and Alpheus O. Rustic
18:00 All-night vigil Antonov
09.06 Sun. 7th Sunday of Easter St. Fathers of the 1st Ecumenical Council O. Paul
10.00 Liturgy. Konovalov
18.00 Akathist to the Sweetest Jesus
10.06 Mon. 10:00 Liturgy. St. Nikita of Chalcedon O. Rustic
18:00 Vespers. Polyeleos Matins. Antonov
11.06 Tue 10:00 Liturgy. St. Luke of Simferopol O. Vladislav
18:00 Akathist to St. Luke Antonov
12.06 Wed. 10:00 Liturgy. St. Isaac of Dalmatia O. Paul
18:00 Konovalov
13.06 Thurs. 10:00 Liturgy. Ap. from 70 Erma O. Vladislav
18:00 Vespers. Polyeleos Matins. Antonov
14.06 Fri. 10:00 Liturgy. Right John of Kronstadt O. Paul
18:00 Vespers. Matins. Konovalov
15.06 Sat. 07:00 Early Liturgy. TRINITY O. Rustic
10:00 Liturgy. PARENTS SATURDAY Antonov
18:00 All-night vigil with lithium O. Vladislav
16.06 Sun. 07:00 Early Liturgy. PENTECOST O. Paul
09:00 Liturgy. DAY OF THE HOLY TRINITY Konovalov
18:00 Akathist to the Holy Trinity O. Rustic
17.06 Mon. 10:00 Liturgy. DAY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT O. Rustic
18:00 Vespers. Matins. Continuous week Antonov
18.06 Tue 10:00 Liturgy. Sschmch. Dorothea, bishop Tire O. Vladislav
18:00 Antonov
19.06 Wed. 10:00 Liturgy. St. Vissarion of Egypt O. Paul
18:00 Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos. no post Konovalov
20.06 Thurs. 10:00 Liturgy. Mch. Theodotus of Ancyra O. Paul
18:00 Akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Konovalov
21.06 Fri. 10:00 Liturgy. Vmch. Theodore Stratelates O. Rustic
18:00 Vespers. Matins with doxology. no post Antonov
22.06 Sat. 10:00 Liturgy. Giving of Pentecost O. Paul
18:00 All-night vigil Konovalov
23.06 Sun. 1st Sunday after Pentecost. All Saints O. Vladislav
10:00 Liturgy. Antonov
18:00 Vespers. Polyeleos Matins.
24.06 Mon. 10:00 Liturgy. App. Bartholomew and Barnabas O. Paul
18:00 Vespers. Matins. Konovalov
25.06 Tue 10:00 Liturgy. St. Onuphrius the Great O. Vladislav
18:00 Akathist to the Holy Martyr. St. George the Victorious Antonov
26.06 Wed. 10:00 Liturgy. Mts. Akilina O. Paul
18:00 Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos. Konovalov
27.06 Thurs. 10:00 Liturgy. St. Methodius of Peshnoshsky O. Vladislav
18:00 Vespers. Polyeleos Matins. Antonov
28.06 Fri. 10:00 Liturgy. St. Jonah, Met. Moscow Father Vladislav
18:00 Vespers. Matins. Kuibyshev
29.06 Sat. 10:00 Liturgy. St. Tikhon of Amafuntsky Father Vladislav
18:00 All-night vigil Kuibyshev
30.06 Sun. 2nd Sunday after Pentecost Father Vladislav
10:00 Liturgy. All saints shone in the Russian land Kuibyshev
18:00 Akathist to the Sweetest Jesus