What the year has in store for Taurus. Zodiac sign Taurus Year of the Rooster

Predicts a very fruitful period for representatives of this zodiac sign. You will have a chance to show your creativity, determination and audacity. You will remember 2017 for bright and successful events, alternating with calm periods when you can take a breath and think about what is happening. The stars will be favorable to you, and even if troubles arise, you will be able to quickly solve them thanks to your calmness and patience.

If you want to achieve something important this year, then throw away idleness, carelessness and laziness. The Fire Rooster recommends that you pull yourself together and move towards your goals. After all, fate gives gifts only when you are ready to fight for them. If you have long dreamed of extravagant changes, then the time has come. This year is also perfect for correcting your past mistakes. This year you will be more courageous and confident than ever; this inner state will help you achieve heights in different areas of your life.

Financial horoscope for Taurus

In material terms, the Year of the Rooster for Taurus will be quite calm and stable. This period is good for returning old debts and repaying loans. Without making large purchases, you will feel sufficient financial stability and independence. Nevertheless, the stars still recommend that you listen to your loved ones and colleagues; perhaps their advice will be significant in changing your financial situation.

In the second half of the year, representatives of the sign will literally knock you off your feet with a stream of creative ideas and non-standard solutions, which during this period can bring you a good income in the form of bonuses or through part-time jobs. If you have not yet revealed your talents, then it’s time to do it during this period. The horoscope also recommends not to forget that Taurus are real masters of earning money and saving it.

Health horoscope for Taurus

It's time for you to pay attention to your health. You can’t put it off any longer, say the stars. In spring and autumn, when the risk of catching ARVI increases, vitamins, strengthening the immune system, proper nutrition, lack of fatigue and a bath will help you avoid colds.

This year, the intestines, endocrine system and pancreas are at risk. It is this year that signs of a hidden illness may appear, so the heavenly bodies recommend that you get checked by the appropriate specialists.

To improve your health, the horoscope recommends giving up fast food, fatty foods and drinks high in sugar. You should also not abuse alcohol, and your body will definitely thank you with good health and vigor.

Love horoscope for Taurus

The love horoscope for Taurus for 2017 warns that this year will be difficult in terms of personal relationships, but you will be able to resolve all disagreements with your loved one by the end of this period, if you yourself want to. You will be especially sensitive to the actions and words of your significant other. In such cases, try not to close yourself off, talk about painful issues; misunderstandings will be resolved when you are ready to compromise. Be ready to change, restrain your emotions, and already in the second half of the year the Rooster will bring calm and harmony to your home and relationships.

Family Taurus should pay more attention to their children, this will make your family stronger and bring you peace of mind.

What awaits Taurus in the Year of the Rooster 2017? The Year of the Fire Rooster will bring many bright events into the life of Taurus. Even though it won't be easy, all the effort will be worth it in the end. 😉

Despite the fact that the Year of the Monkey has pretty much battered Taurus, it is necessary to take all matters as responsibly as possible and implement all plans on time, without delay. In this case, you can expect pleasant gifts and excellent results from 2017.

You need to pay special attention to working with teams and social life. In this case, you can avoid unpleasant mistakes with the least effort.

The middle of the year can lead to conflicts with very serious consequences. It is recommended to be more restrained in your emotions; this will help to avoid problems in relationships with both loved ones and colleagues. You need to try to forget about the innate stubbornness of Taurus; instead, you should listen to the advice of others. Not only adults, but also children can be sources of valuable advice.

In general, at the beginning of the year it will be possible to understand that the family will become the center in the life of Taurus, his hope and support.

By the second half of the year, someone may feel a surge of energy and a desire to try themselves in previously unknown areas. However, this can lead to Taurus losing track of time, which will lead to problems in their personal life.

In addition, this year it is worth starting to change something in your life, since the stars are very favorable for this. These could be changes related to hobbies, work, style, or something completely different, for example, starting a family.

We must not forget that before making any important decision that can affect his whole life, Taurus should consult with his family and friends.

To create any alliances, harmony in the family, as well as other collective affairs, a certain amount of effort will be required from Taurus.

Love horoscope

Taurus will experience big changes in their love affairs. This year is very favorable for starting a family; this is worth paying special attention to. Someone completely unexpected may act as a spouse, and not someone who has been nearby for a long time.

You should avoid stupid arguments, instead you need to learn to find compromises, since relationships need to be valued.

The stars predict trials of feelings at the beginning of the year, but everything will end well. Since the emotional side prevails in 2017, Taurus will get a lot of impressions.

Those who do not have a partner may find one completely unexpectedly. So, for example, a business relationship can turn into a romantic one.

But outside love and various professional relationships should be avoided; they can lead to dire consequences and also harm your reputation.

Taurus Career

You shouldn’t expect serious problems with money, but you also can’t say that the year will be very successful financially. You can get an influx of cash by following the advice of relatives or financial experts. However, projects in which the risk is too high should not be considered.

2017 is a very good year to pay off debts. But it’s not worth borrowing money; the stars don’t recommend it. Large amounts of money on hand can lead to the risk of losing it, so you should treat this with the utmost care. In general, in financial matters, luck will accompany Taurus, but only if they make their own investments.

In the second half of 2017, it makes sense to take risks and launch new projects; this can lead to an improvement in overall financial condition. It is possible to receive an inheritance, this is also indicated by the horoscope.

If Taurus's career has just begun, you should be especially careful; management will closely monitor your work. The most talented can hope for something good. Creative individuals can expect good fees and offers in the spring.

Businessmen need to monitor their own affairs very carefully, as competitors are not asleep.

Taurus health in 2017

The Year of the Fire Rooster can lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases. To avoid this, you should take up prevention from the beginning of the year. The health of Taurus will depend only on himself.

Extreme sports should be avoided, as stars predict a high risk of injury. The legs of the Taurus are the most vulnerable. Take care of them by reducing the load as much as possible. In addition, it is worth having something to combat ENT diseases. It would be better to engage in prevention than to correct problems later.

The stars talk about possible problems with the endocrine and digestive systems. The stress on the psyche should be reduced in order to avoid unnecessary stress. The amount of alcohol consumed should be limited; this can lead to too much stress on the body.

Taurus in the year of the Rooster - woman

Taurus women should start 2017 by thinking about getting married. The year is very suitable for such a step and for the birth of a child. But you should forget about hot temper in order to get absolute harmony in your relationship.

During the year you can expect increased male attention, so you should be careful and not allow false rumors to arise that could make someone close to you jealous. A Taurus woman should think about acquiring new knowledge to further advance her career.

Family relationships promise harmony, many pleasant discoveries and surprises. It is possible that representatives of the fair sex will be involved in solving the problems of children and relatives. It is worth trying to develop a behavior strategy that will be useful for the whole family.

Don't reproach your husband or your partner too often. This can lead to problems in relationships, so it's worth listening to yourself from the outside.

The Year of the Rooster can lead to pregnancy. If this happens, you should free yourself from the workload as much as possible; your financial condition will contribute to this.

Taurus in the year of the Rooster - man

First of all, you should learn gentleness from your other half, otherwise excessive aggressiveness will lead to missed financial opportunities. You shouldn’t risk large sums of money for other people’s projects; it’s much better to invest in your own. By the end of the year, with the proper effort, this will lead to positive results.

You need to try to listen to your significant other and relatives, otherwise there is a risk of great losses. But you shouldn’t change the direction of your activities. You should avoid communicating with seductive ladies, otherwise family problems will arise. Perhaps you should think about creating your own team, this could open up new prospects.

Pay attention to your surroundings - perhaps someone should leave it. The year promises financial well-being, so it’s worth moving forward using your best qualities.

Now you know what awaits Taurus in the year of the Rooster 2017. Add the horoscope to your bookmarks and use it throughout the year. Luck will be on your side from now on. 😉

The Taurus horoscope for 2017 promises the fulfillment of grandiose plans and absolute confidence that the future will unfold according to your scenario. Nevertheless, if you, dear Taurus, think that you know everything about yourself, then in 2017 this may become your biggest mistake and, alas, if you follow this path, it will not be the only one.

For Taurus, 2017 of the Fire Rooster may turn out to be both a period of great achievements, the beginning of a new fruitful period, and a time of great disappointments, depending on your preferences and the baggage (material and intangible benefits) that was with you at the beginning of this year. The thing is that in the coming 2017 of the Red Rooster for your zodiac sign there is no specific pattern according to which the events around you will develop throughout the entire current time stage. Everything is very unsteady and uncertain. This year, the wheel of history can spin in any conceivable direction and ultimately take you, dear Taurus, to a place completely different from what you are currently counting on... But it’s hard to say whether it’s bad or not! It all depends on how you look at it; a lot now depends on you and your perception. And yet, it seems to us, such an uncertain period is exactly what you need at the moment. After all, to be honest, there has long been a certain stagnation in the life of representatives of the Taurus sign. Your relationships or marital status (or lack thereof), finances, social status or career have long been established and have been at a certain level for several years. It’s not that there are no changes in your life, changes occur in many areas and there are quite a lot of them, it can definitely be said that the life of Taurus does not stand still! But at the same time, these are rather consistent evolutionary transformations that keep you in good shape, but do not bring any fundamental changes. And you, my dear Taurus, are more than happy with this situation! But the universe, on the contrary, has completely different plans for you... It is very similar to the fact that someone in the sky believes that changes cannot be put off for too long. Although not everything is so literal here, you should not understand that in 2017 you will face dismissal, divorce, and so on. Anything can happen, of course, but these are only special cases; we are trying to convey the key point that 2017, the year of the red Rooster for the Taurus sign, can become a period of changing guidelines, life priorities, goals and values.

Your sign, despite the general trend and of course in comparison with other signs of the Zodiac, is known for its emotionality and at the same time a tendency towards contemplation, peace, and a philosophical attitude towards the adversities that have befallen you. According to some astrologers, representatives of the zodiac sign Taurus are conventionally divided into a more active creative and a more passive faction. And based on these postulates, we affirm that 2017 will be experienced by each Taurus in its own way. Changes will come at the right time for anyone, but not for Taurus, who prefers a wait-and-see attitude; any changes in 2017 for the Red Fire Rooster will be perceived by him as something divorced from reality, something that you did not expect at all... However, only thanks to changes is it possible for some then development, understanding this, active Taurus will meet 2017 in full force, building promising projects and laying the foundation for future success. There is no clear negative or positive in either the first or second case. But still, we can assume that if they choose a passive strategy in 2017, Taurus will most likely maintain or even strengthen their position. At the same time, active actions are more complex and dangerous; they can jeopardize the resources of Taurus in 2017, however, they will ultimately help bring you, dear Taurus, to a new stage of development.

So, let's take a closer look at 2017. Let us repeat once again that it is difficult to say how productive and positive 2017, the year of the Red Fire Rooster, will be in relation to Taurus, the zodiac sign that belongs to the element of Earth. One of the reasons is that, as it is not difficult to guess, now in 2017 the element of Fire will “rule”, which, in general, does not have any clearly expressed relationship with the element of Earth. However, it is still possible to mention certain nuances. First of all, it is worth noting that the Fire Rooster will contribute to Taurus’ aspirations related to his personal life. In other words, in terms of work direction and finances, you will have to act independently, fully experiencing the potential negativity of Pluto, the planet responsible for the expulsion of Taurus. However, the Moon, your exaltant, in 2017 will be, so to speak, at the peak of its capabilities, so you should not expect any special problems. These will most likely be misunderstandings that will require Taurus to just save face. That is, you are unlikely to face any significant changes in your work area, however, there will be an opportunity to improve your financial situation. And yet, the emphasis must be placed, as already mentioned, on the sensory-emotional sphere. At a minimum, this is hinted at by the Rooster, the patron of 2017, with whom it is actually better not to argue about such things; this, you know, is fraught with consequences. At the same time, the entire year of 2017, in relation to the zodiac sign of Taurus, seems possible to divide (very conditionally, it must be said) into two stages, each of which will require a special strategy of behavior, having its own characteristic features and key nuances, which we will now try to emphasize.

The first stage will begin with the advent of 2017, the year of the Red Fire Rooster, and will end in the last glimmers of spring, approximately in the third decade of May. Here Taurus will have to focus all their attention on knowledge of human nature, no matter how pretentious and ambiguous it may sound. In general, Taurus are quite unique and versatile, but they have never been distinguished by their insight into the subtleties of the human soul (this is true, even if you have always thought differently, there is definitely a person next to you who understands this issue better than you). However, at this stage it is communication skills that will come to the fore, sociability and diplomacy. Yes, you will have to learn something, but there is nothing terrible about that, at a minimum, these are new opportunities, and at maximum, this is the future. Focus on what you already know, look into the unknown and simply try to project your future path. Don't be shy to ask for advice. Where knowledge is lacking, it is necessary to fill in the problems, but not with guesses, but with facts; this is where you will need new contacts, new connections! This is approximately the perspective the Red Rooster paints for you for the first months of 2017. Of course, you can completely ignore such revelations and follow your own path. They say the heart is right, but why take risks when all you need to do is become stronger? Well, it will be difficult for representatives of other signs to understand you; after all, you have your own path! And yet, during this period of 2017, be especially attentive to those who are near you. This applies not only to family, but also to work colleagues, hobby mates, and so on. In general, this will be a fairly calm time, a time of creation and understanding; the most active actions will come in the next period.

With the arrival of summer and until the very end of 2017, everything can change in the most dramatic way, but not immediately, but gradually. The dynamics of change will accelerate day by day, so you won't miss out on what's most important. The Red Rooster, as already mentioned, recommends focusing on sensual moments, but you should also not forget about purely practical (everyday) nuances, because, as one old proverb rightly says, you will not be satisfied with love alone. Taurus must remember the goals you had at the beginning of 2017, but also understand that you are in uncharted territory and that a new stage in life requires a different approach. Now the key ones should be new tasks that will emerge on their own, becoming a natural result of your actions in previous periods. In the summer of 2017, when everyone traditionally goes on vacation, you will have to work with redoubled zeal, this will allow representatives of your sign to move on to more promising and large-scale projects. Lonely Taurus can count on the situation to change dramatically. If in the first half of the year you have not met a person whom you could rightfully call (even if only hypothetically for now) your “soul mate,” then this will definitely happen in the summer, perhaps a little later - at the beginning of autumn. Passivity will lead to the loss of any opportunities; the Red Rooster recommends acting aggressively (in moderation, of course, without fanaticism). At the same time, increasing passion (a natural result of the influence of the Moon in the summer-autumn period of 2017) may, to a certain extent, prevent you from soberly assessing the situation. But here it is already difficult to give any more specific advice, either you will be stronger than your instincts, or you will miss a real opportunity to change something for the better.

Finally, we would like to congratulate all Taurus on the upcoming 2017, wish you happiness, love, and the opportunity to remain yourself. For many representatives of your zodiac sign, 2017 may be a decisive and turning point in your life. In general, 2017 of the Fire (Red) Rooster for the zodiac sign Taurus will be, at least, unusual. As a maximum, you will embrace new experiences, become stronger and in the future learn to cope with the most difficult life situations without problems. Many Taurus will find a family at this stage, and in fact this is a good time to enter into a family union. It will be interesting, you can be sure. And how productive and successful it will be is up to you personally.

The Year of the Fire Rooster will be very eventful for Taurus. From the first days of 2017, representatives of this sign will be required to take decisive actions and lightning-fast reactions to current events. The stars recommend that stubborn Taurus force himself to do what he really needs, and not indulge his personal desires. If you learn to be responsible and efficient, the heavenly bodies will provide you with every possible support.

Famous Taurus

  • Jack Nicholson
  • Vladimir Nabokov
  • William Shakespeare
  • Renee Zellweger
  • Channing Tatum
  • Michelle Pfeiffer
  • Philip Kirkorov
  • David Beckham
  • Audrey Hepburn
  • Sigmund Freud

Forecast for the zodiac sign Taurus for 2017

The Rooster will bring not only strict order and obligations into the life of Taurus - he has also prepared many unexpected and pleasant gifts. In the spring, it is quite possible to meet a person whom you have long despaired of seeing; in the summer, expect new opportunities for investing money, and in the fall, the Rooster will give you a chance to correct any mistakes. By the way, relationships will become an important area for Taurus in 2017. You will have the opportunity to evaluate each person and get rid of unnecessary people in your environment.

Professional contacts will play an equally significant role. Don’t forget to ask advice from more experienced colleagues - they will give you bright thoughts and innovative ideas. Adopt the experience of professionals wisely - and you yourself will become one of the company’s irreplaceable employees. Family members will be a reliable support for Taurus all year, so do not forget to express gratitude for the help and support provided.

In 2017, Taurus will have to do what they need to do, not what they want

In the middle of the year, astrologers advise not to be led by the hot-tempered Rooster and to be diplomatic in communicating with people. Of course, Taurus himself knows what to do in this or that case, but do not forget that those around you can give you reasonable advice. Listen to other people's opinions so as not to miss chances in business and relationships. In the second half of 2017, Taurus may want to radically change their field of activity. Do not resist this desire - the Rooster will help you learn new skills.

The autumn-winter period will be marked by creativity. Taurus will soar above routine and traditionalism, proving to be a storehouse of creative ideas. Even the most daring adventure will be crowned with success, so feel free to start implementing your plans. However, remember: individualism does not always bear fruit. Try to create a close-knit team of like-minded people to get a truly impressive result.

  • Forecast for men. The heavenly bodies recommend that Taurus men become more confident in their abilities. Do not doubt the correctness of your decisions - the assertive Rooster will give you the opportunity to achieve your goal. The main thing is to draw up an action plan and not deviate one step from it. moderate your stubbornness and treat your loved ones as carefully as possible - their help will become invaluable at the end of 2017. Be especially delicate in resolving financial issues - the Rooster does not recommend starting a new business with relatives. There is a high risk of quarreling due to divergent interests.
  • Forecast for women. The Rooster favors Taurus women. Already from the beginning of 2017, you can be presented with a valuable gift. Feel free to plan long trips and trips, do not deny yourself the pleasure of going shopping - the patron of the year will give you the necessary funds. In a romantic relationship, your strategy should be honesty and fidelity. Surround your partner with care and attention - and the return will exceed your wildest expectations. It is better to devote the end of the year to the area of ​​career interests in order to lay a solid foundation for the future.

Love horoscope for 2017

The sphere of love relationships will not please Taurus with stability. There may be obstacles on the way to your happiness. However, Taurus will be able to cope with any problems if they take aggression under control and do not conflict with their loved one over trifles. Despite his inherent emotionality, the Rooster is a famous diplomat. He only welcomes peaceful resolution of conflicts.

Try to listen to your loved one, and not fight over trifles

Taurus men will be overly impressionable in 2017. Don’t take anything your significant other says with hostility. Express your dissatisfaction calmly and without unnecessary emotions - you will definitely be heard and understood, and your relationships will come to a state of harmony and peace. Remember: loyalty and patience are above all! If Taurus cultivates these qualities, then Rooster will take care of his happiness. Astrologers recommend being prepared for changes - the time has come to adjust your character for the better.

In the life of Taurus women, family will play a major role. You won’t be able to get rid of the presence of relatives in your life in 2017 - they will constantly give you advice and recommendations. Do not take such insistence and interference in your personal life too emotionally; it is better to listen to the advice of your elders - this way you can avoid painful and unpromising relationships.

In the second half of the year, the stars predict chances for interesting acquaintances for lonely Taurus. Be fully prepared - take your wardrobe and appearance seriously. Married Taurus women will be able to build harmonious relationships with children - the child will be sensitive to your requests and attentive to your comments.

Health horoscope for 2017

In the year of the Fire Rooster, the health sector will not particularly bother you. Astrologers recommend taking care of yourself during the peak activity of seasonal diseases. Dress warmly, take a course of general strengthening vitamins on time - and you will be healthy all year. If you have been planning to do hardening for a long time, then 2017 marks a favorable period for this. The main thing is to get down to business without unnecessary fanaticism, gradually accustoming the body to temperature changes. First, start taking a contrast shower in the morning.

Hardening will strengthen the health and immunity of Taurus

The stars recommend that Taurus men not get too carried away with pills - stop using the entire pharmacy arsenal at the first sneeze. If you feel an illness approaching, timely inhalation and herbal teas will help. A bath or sauna will undoubtedly benefit Taurus - such procedures are not only pleasant, but also healing.

Astrologers advise Taurus women to pay attention to the state of the endocrine system and pancreas. Listen carefully to your body's signals and consult a doctor at the slightest sign of alarm. In winter, do not abuse alcohol. Of course, during the January holidays it is difficult to resist strong drinks, but the consequences provoked by your recklessness will haunt you for a long time.

In the summer of 2017, give up spicy and fatty foods - the basis of your diet should be cereal products, fruits and vegetables. In autumn, do not forget about the need for physical activity. During the summer, you can get so lazy that you forget about fitness. This will negatively affect the condition of the figure and lead to despondency during the period of exacerbation of autumn depression.

Money horoscope for 2017

The Year of the Fire Rooster promises Taurus financial stability - you shouldn’t count on a particularly big jackpot, but you can also avoid significant expenses. Don’t embark on risky adventures, and then by the end of the year you will be able to replenish your stash.

Don't risk your money: it's better to live 2017 without adventures

Astrologers recommend that Taurus men listen to the advice of friends. Do not hesitate to use business and family connections in 2017. For debtor Taurus, the Fire Rooster will help them pay off and not accumulate new debts. Your main income will come from your professional field. However, at the end of the Year of the Rooster, you can expect income from outside, so don’t shy away from freelancing and new types of activities. The symbol of 2017 promises that it will not be difficult for pragmatic Taurus to make money.

Taurus women are encouraged to boldly express fresh ideas. Stop standing on the sidelines and doing menial work - you are quite capable of doing something serious on your own! Take advantage of all the chances that 2017 will give you, and by the beginning of winter you will be able to reap the fruits of your efforts. The Rooster especially favors Taurus who are involved in the creative field - he promises that your achievements will be properly appreciated not only in the form of recognition from society, but also in material form.

Career horoscope for 2017

The Rooster promises Taurus achievements in the field of career interests. The feats performed by representatives of this sign in the professional field will be the main topic of conversation in the office from the beginning of spring. True, you should not rely only on luck and the favorable arrangement of the stars - the workaholic Rooster will require hard work and complete dedication.

The work will require full dedication and patience from Taurus

Astrologers advise Taurus men to be patient and give their best in the first half of 2017. Your efforts will not be in vain, and management will highlight you when distributing annual prizes. Even if you are tired and can no longer carry a whole load of work responsibilities, do not give up. By summer, you will have settled into a comfortable rhythm and will be able to complete all your endeavors.

The Year of the Rooster has prepared many interesting events for Taurus representatives. But don’t be too deluded, the troubles and difficulties have not been canceled, listen to the advice of our horoscope and then you will be able to correctly assess the situation and prevent the problems that have befallen you. Correctly assessing the signs of fate, it will be much easier for you to cope with difficulties. Aries women should remember their diplomatic qualities in order to avoid unpleasant situations in the future that cannot be avoided, whether you want it or not. But remember the main thing: there are relatives and friends nearby who need your attention and support. Put all your worries aside and pay attention to your loved ones.

The first half of 2017 will be somewhat troublesome, this is not what Aries expects, but do not be upset in advance. Difficulties, worries - these are all working moments, there is no escape from this, but you have a great opportunity to take advantage of the winter holidays and have a good rest and put your emotional state in order before new working days. The Aries woman will face these problems until mid-spring at most. But the maximum investment of effort in your work will give you good results at work and goodwill from your superiors in the subsequent months of the year.
Since the first half of this year will be very stressful at work, make sure that this does not affect your loved ones - today. Learn to leave working moments at work, and once you cross the threshold of home, take care of your loved ones. You shouldn’t involve your loved ones in your troubles at work, because you can’t always get approval.

Already starting from June, the month of Taurus will experience pleasant surprises from fate. The situation at work will finally improve, your business will go up, and at the same time everything in the house will somehow play differently. Listen to your inner world and direct all your positive qualities, imagination and dynamism to where, in your opinion, it will be of great benefit. In the year of the Rooster, you can safely get involved in your hobby, which will bring good moral and material profit. Every Taurus woman wants to see a positive result from her work, so this is an excellent year to see good results from her “work.”

Dear Taurus representatives, this year fate is on your side, especially in the second half of the year. You can safely plunge headlong into a new romantic relationship, from which you will receive a lot of positive emotions. But remember one thing: winter and the beginning of spring are not the most favorable months for starting a new relationship; nothing good will come out of it. Just flirting or a short romance is not for you. Closer to summer, you will meet a really good person who can make you happy, which is what you so need.
As for the financial side, Taurus can count on stability and confidence in the future; their favorite job will continue to bring the same profit. The Taurus woman will not have to face financial difficulties, and at the end of the year she will generally experience financial growth.

Horoscope for Taurus man

Male Taurus in the year of the Rooster will surprise themselves, their behavior will not always be justified and not entirely understandable to others. Astrologers claim that it is the location of the planets that will affect what happens to Taurus men. Such pitfalls of the stars can have a bad impact on the psychological state of Taurus, especially acutely. They can react to problematic situations from which, as it seems to them, there is no way out. But such natural storms will last from January to March, so you should not be upset, but simply muster all your willpower and wait out this turning point. And starting from April, everything will fall into place, and Taurus will open up new opportunities and prospects. Relationships in the family will improve, and at work you will again fall back into the mainstream that is familiar to you.

As much as Taurus men are hardworking and persistent in their work, you should not forget that your debt and obligations remain as before, and therefore in 2017 you need to work with even greater dedication. Your work will definitely be appreciated. For many Taurus, new prospects and opportunities will open up, this will give you the impetus to start your own business, which will be very successful. The main thing is to always move forward and you will definitely see good results. New acquaintances that await Taurus in 2017 will have a good effect on business relationships and their future career.

The beginning of summer will be tense, conflict situations will arise with loved ones and relatives, the reason for this may be your excessive dedication to work, which will lead to fatigue. Astrologers advise you to just take a break and rest, otherwise you will ruin your relationships with loved ones, but it’s not worth it, these people helped you when it was hard. Remember that only self-analysis and a correct assessment of everything that is happening will allow you to get back on track and acquire new, useful acquaintances.

With the arrival of September, it will become even more difficult for Taurus, and out of habit, you will compensate for all your problems on your loved ones and friends, without admitting that it is you who are to blame for your failures. You can completely destroy relationships with colleagues due to constant criticism and dissatisfaction. This will also lead to conflicts in the family and with friends, which will be difficult to fight over time. Look, you run the risk of loneliness in your family and problems at work. Stop and look at what your life is turning into, take the helm in your hands and steer your ship onto the right path.

Sexual horoscope

One can only envy the perseverance and drive of Taurus, although they still need to work hard on their temperament. If a woman has fallen under the gaze of a Taurus man, then she will no longer be able to get out of his net. He will conquer even the strongest wall. And if He does not like the woman and does not arouse lust in Him, then all her efforts to attract the attention of the Taurus man are in vain. No flirting will help with such a man, His stubbornness always takes over, so women don’t try in vain. Taurus men love coziness and comfort, both in the family and in sex, so his partner will always be satisfied and surrounded by comfort. He will definitely make the evening unforgettable - champagne in the bathroom with aroma candles, He will make his woman a stunning night full of affection and tenderness. In sex, Taurus is a real “giant”, he is ready to make a whole cult out of it. For Him this is not just sex, for Taurus it is making love, a great art. He will provide his woman with true bliss, let her enjoy love to the fullest and take her to the very heights. Taurus cannot borrow courage. Taurus devote a special place to foreplay, spending most of their lovemaking on this; a woman will not be able to do without a couple of minutes with this man. This man is a stunning and tireless lover who, on a date with a woman, will do everything to make this meeting memorable for a long time. But you also need to remember that He will not allow a woman to command him; Taurus takes everything into his own hands, without giving you the slightest chance to control him.
The beautiful half, who was born under the sign of Taurus, has a subtle intuition, thanks to which She always knows how to seduce the man She likes and keep Him next to her for a long time. She is the very innocence and sophistication, but at the same time a beautiful temptress who attracts men's attention with just her glance. When next to a Taurus woman, a man should remember that in sex she can be very demanding, and first of all, she will think about her pleasure, and only then about yours. A man must be able to fully satisfy such a woman, otherwise He himself will not receive in full what She can give in love. Beautiful representatives of Taurus are true connoisseurs of comfort, so a man must first of all take care of this and create the appropriate atmosphere. Taurus are very dependent on their mood, if She has it, then She will make you the happiest man.

Love horoscope

In the year of the Rooster, Taurus can safely use all their charms to attract the attention of the one you like. Taurus often enjoy success in company thanks to their sense of humor, which can be safely used in love relationships. Some Taurus may feel discomfort in communicating with a person they like because of their appearance, which, in their opinion, is not entirely ideal. But believe me, a person who likes you is interested in completely different qualities. Taurus should pay close attention to the signs of attention that your colleagues pay you; this may not be at all what you expect. The Year of the Rooster is not the best time to start office romances; it can end badly for both you and your partner. You should not believe everything this person says, even if you have a long-term relationship. In 2017, betrayal can be expected not only from colleagues, but also from those closest to you. This may affect your emotional state.

Already from the beginning of 2017, Taurus who are in a relationship will face problems that will test the strength of their relationship. But you shouldn’t get upset in advance and push away your loved one with whom you have walked a long way, holding hands. Only your efforts and fight for your love can overcome any difficulties. Learn to take the first steps towards reconciliation, surrender entirely to the feeling that lives in your heart. And then you can become a truly happy person.

Family horoscope

Family Taurus people need to be patient this year; remember that even the strongest marriage can be destroyed if you don’t make efforts to strengthen it. Do not indulge in light and fleeting flirting, this can have a bad effect on family relationships. It is possible that Taurus may get caught in a love network, so much so that everything becomes very serious, and it is possible that you will have thoughts of leaving the family. But carefully weigh the pros and cons of whether your relationship is worth ruining a marriage that has gone through happy years. Focus your attention to improve your relationship with your loved one, because marriage is more important than fleeting attraction. Learn to give in and not take the initiative into your own hands, let your significant other feel that her feelings are important to you. Two people should always seek compromises, because otherwise conflicts cannot be avoided in the family.

The second half of 2017 will not be easier than the first; there is still a lot of work to be done on family relationships in order to see good results at the end of the year. If you put in a lot of effort, the return will be good, and as a reward you will receive a strong marriage and a reliable friend in life. Learn to listen and hear, be more patient and understanding towards your loved one, listen to his desires, which he does not always tell you. And the reason for this is your explosive character and perseverance, which keep you at a distance from your loved one.
