What will bring good luck in the year of Capricorn. Love and pigeons

Making a forecast is quite stupid, since no one can predict it with instantaneous accuracy.

The only ones who can tell us at least a little about our future are the stars. For many centuries now, humanity has been trying to obtain at least some information from them. Today, thanks to astrological forecasts, you can find out the approximate forecast for each zodiac sign.

Star horoscope for Capricorn for 2017

The astrological forecast recommends that all Capricorns not isolate themselves, family and personal problems. Communicate more with new acquaintances and old friends, be in the thick of things more often, relax and have fun. But do not forget that your circle of acquaintances may also include your enemies, whom you can quickly identify thanks to your ability to delve into the essence of things. Only after you “say goodbye” to annoying friends can you feel a surge of vitality and positive energy. Leaving hypocrites in your circle can lead to vile betrayal.

Spring for Capricorns promises to be an exciting period, since it is at this time that envious people may appear who may deceive you and try to leave you unsatisfied. But there is also an advantage. It is during the spring period that Capricorns will develop a real sense of danger, especially for those people who can “stab in the back.”

In the summer, Capricorn needs to rest and heal his nerves, which may be frayed. It is in the summer that Capricorn will have a successful marriage, as well as a good time to plan children.

Autumn... Don't panic, stay cool, don't give in to various provocations, think about protecting your honor and dignity.

Capricorn - woman

In general, the year is very difficult for the fair sex. High responsibility and various kinds of problems can arise not only in the family, but also at work. Not every woman will be able to show enthusiasm in solving assigned tasks. A difficult situation and a frantic pace will not lead to anything good either on the part of the employer or on the part of loved ones. Against the backdrop of such events, by the end of spring the woman will experience nervous exhaustion, fatigue and malaise.

But there are also advantages. Already with the beginning of summer, ladies of this sign will receive increased attention from men. The fiery Year of the Rooster may become a year for Capricorns when single people can find their soulmate. Astrologers recommend that married women diversify their quiet family life: relaxing together, shopping, walks, parties and much more. During this period, you can become much more desirable and attractive to your man.

Household chores, worries, conflict situations, everything will fade into the background. At this time, astrologers advise not to take everything to heart, because a solution can be found in any situation.

After the summer holidays, astrologers advise sticking to the right lifestyle.

Capricorn - man

The year is ambiguous and unpredictable for men. First of all, astrologers recommend paying attention to family relationships. There is a high probability of conflicts with loved ones at the beginning of the year. That is why try to calmly survive this period.
Many Capricorns have been hatching a new plan to open their own business throughout the past year. If you try yourself in the role of a business person at the beginning of the year, your career can captivate you from head to toe, but how will this affect the family... For many wives, such a turn can be fateful, and someone may give an ultimatum - family or work. But in order to maintain normal relationships, it is important to be able to find the right solutions, and a way out will definitely be found.

Workaholics - don't overwork! During the autumn period, it is strongly recommended to monitor your health. Remember that it is quite easy to harm your health, but coping with the disease will be much more difficult. Lack of proper treatment can lead to chronic diseases.

The end of the year promises wealth for those who were not afraid to take risks.

Love and Capricorn on the threshold of 2017

Astrologers advise that you treat your significant other with special care. Because your loved one has not noticed your attention for a long time, and in the future this can lead to quarrels with subsequent separation. In addition, the New Year 2017 promises that it will be your significant other who will really be able to give practical advice, which you will be very grateful to. Try to listen and not jump to conclusions.

Are you alone? No problem. The Fire Rooster promises you new acquaintances. It is advisable for couples to diversify their family life. You shouldn't expect problems from children either. The school year will be successful, and your education will still bring results. But don't get carried away by authority. The year will be calm for the family, so you can relax and unwind.

Significant changes in family life will be noticeable at the end of the year. Bright and memorable moments, love adventures, try to pay more attention to your relationships.

Career and Finance

The plans with which Capricorn will enter the year of the Fire Rooster will be simply grandiose. Many will decide to play big, put all their money and their reputation on the line, and, oddly enough, will be a huge success. The main thing is to concentrate your attention on the idea, but also to enlist the support of those people who will play on your side.

The authorities will be extremely demanding of Capricorns. But you will cope with all the assigned tasks with dignity, making every effort. All new ideas will be crowned with success, but don’t expect quick implementation. Be patient. There may be unexpected surprises from business relationships. Don't take on commitments that might let you down.
In the middle of the year, Capricorns can expect a significant financial increase for their efforts during the year. But don’t spend it all at once, but save it for better purchases. All monetary profit will depend only on your performance. Don’t try to get money any other way, it’s not worth it, you’ll lose more than you gain. Beware of scammers, listen to your intuition more often, and finally, just don’t take risks.

Even if you save diligently, you still won’t be able to avoid unexpected expenses. Most likely, the expenses will be related to business matters. But don’t be upset, every investment will bring you only positive emotions and benefits.
Overall, the financial year will be successful and not bad. The main thing is to repay all accumulated loans in a timely manner, and who knows, maybe you will stop needing such loans altogether.

What does the horoscope say about the health of Capricorn?

The New Year will be celebrated with the slogan - a correct and active lifestyle. In general, Capricorn will feel satisfactory. No serious illnesses are expected, but you will have to improve your health. It is worth going through preventive treatment programs and measures, vitamin complexes, all this will allow you to cope with chronic diseases and prevent relapses.

The Red Fire Rooster, who will become the patron of 2017, is a symbol of success in the professional sphere and family well-being. This suggests that 2017 will bring many prospects and opportunities for Capricorns for new achievements and the implementation of ideas and plans, and will also create all the conditions for achieving harmony and mutual understanding in relationships with their loved ones and loved ones. The Rooster will fill the representatives of this zodiac sign with the necessary energy and strength, and will also emphasize their innate qualities and abilities such as determination, business sense, discipline, courage, diplomacy and sociability. Capricorns will quite calmly and confidently move towards their goals, successfully overcoming all obstacles and obstacles on their way. In the first half of the year, they should not start new projects and activities; it is better to spend this time on thorough preparation for their implementation. But in the second half of the year, you can safely begin to take decisive action and move from theory to practice. In the process of achieving goals, you should not experiment with new methods and options. Use only proven tools and methods so as not to waste a lot of time due to numerous errors.

Love horoscope for 2017 Capricorn

In 2017, the bright and personable Rooster will emphasize all the positive qualities of Capricorns, their charm and attractiveness, thanks to which they will be surrounded by the attention of representatives of the opposite sex. Capricorns in love will have a chance to win the heart of their chosen one, but on the condition that you no longer stay on the sidelines, but take the initiative yourself. Try to attract attention to yourself with some external changes, for example, bright wardrobe items, accessories, makeup or a new hairstyle. This will not only highlight your natural beauty, but will also give you confidence, which in itself is important. But lonely Capricorns this year will experience a great, bright feeling - they will truly and wholeheartedly fall in love. New acquaintances, romantic meetings, a lot of interesting and exciting communication, all this will happen in the life of Capricorns this year. But they are too categorical and demanding, so it is very difficult for them to let someone from the outside get closer to them. Capricorns are often afraid to get bogged down in new relationships and do not welcome any changes in their personal lives. Learn to trust people, and to avoid pain and disappointment, you need to be realistic and accept a person for who he really is, without attributing advantages and disadvantages to him.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn (family)

The rooster is a strange animal, characterized by energy, thriftiness and devotion, and demands the same from others. And to make sure of your loyalty and honesty as a family man, he will present you with various tests in the form of temptations and ambiguous situations. Therefore, the stars warn Capricorns to be more careful and careful in their relationships with others. Representatives of this sign are too amorous, so many of them have enough disappointments, sorrows and resentments left over from previous relationships and loves. In 2017, Capricorns run the risk of getting carried away and even falling in love, which is very sad if they have a serious relationship or even a legal marriage. To avoid this trouble, try to maintain a certain distance from the person you like. Spend more time with your spouse and family, rejoice with them, laugh, share your impressions, relax together. This will help you understand how dear the person with whom you have linked your destiny is and how much he means to you. And all the affairs and fleeting sympathy are just a whim that will quickly pass.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn (business)

In business and career, Capricorns in the year of the Rooster will slowly but surely move forward, overcoming all the difficulties and obstacles that arise on the path to success. The beginning of 2017 will be quite calm and stable, no unexpected events are expected. But with the arrival of spring, Capricorns will begin to actively prepare the ground for future achievements. During this period, they will have a lot of new opportunities to collect the necessary information and documents. Capricorns will often appear in public places, go on business trips, where they will actually make new useful acquaintances that will open up great prospects for their professional growth. This year, representatives of this sign will receive lucrative offers of cooperation that will help them increase their competitiveness and overtake their rivals. You should not expect immediate results from your work. Everything will happen gradually. But you will be confident in the stability of your position and in the successful outcome of the case. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by their diligence and hard work, for which the Red Rooster loves them very much. Therefore, the reward for the time and effort spent will be appropriate.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn (finance)

Capricorns, like no one else, know how to properly manage money and earn it, so in 2017, however, as always, they will not have problems with money. A competent and thrifty attitude towards money will help Capricorns pay off all credit obligations, pay off debts and even save up a fairly decent amount. All investments, investments and other financial transactions will be crowned with success and will increase income several times. Astrologers recommend that Capricorns, in order not to lose due to inflation and other crisis situations, invest their accumulated funds in valuable metals, securities and stocks. But excessive economy and frugality can become a stumbling block in family affairs, so try to save in moderation and regularly pamper yourself and your loved ones with various gifts. Invest some of the money in your own development and in the education of your children. This is a fairly profitable long-term investment. At the end of summer, Capricorns need to think about the comfort of their own home. Perhaps someone will start building a new house, and someone will buy a ready-made one. Other representatives of this sign can equip their current home, make repairs and buy furniture. Such financial expenses will be very profitable and expedient from the point of view of quality and standard of living.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn (health)

As for health, Capricorns are the type of people who are very attentive and scrupulous in this matter. For such an attitude, the Rooster will reward Capricorns with excellent and good health, strength and vital energy, which will be more than enough to realize their ideas and plans. The only thing Capricorns should beware of are seasonal illnesses and emotional overload, since with a busy work schedule they risk driving themselves into a dead end, leaving no time for rest and without receiving emotional release. Learn to release your emotions and feelings. Accumulated negativity can be driven away in karate or boxing; oriental techniques such as yoga, meditation and others are also great for relaxing and giving strength. Try to stick to your diet because you often skip your breakfasts, lunches and snacks due to your busy schedule. And during dinner you fill your stomach with everything you can get your hands on, and this is not entirely correct and healthy. Take a light snack with you to work in the form of yogurt, an apple or a banana - this will help avoid feelings of wild hunger and prevent you from overeating before bed.

Attention, the above horoscope for 2017 for the Red Rooster describes only the general trends inherent in the owners of the zodiac sign Capricorn in the new year 2017. Due to your uniqueness, the general horoscope for 2017 for the sign of Capricorn may not reflect real events. An accurate astrological prediction can only be obtained by drawing up a personal horoscope for the upcoming 2017. You can get an accurate personal horoscope by clicking on the link below.

Accurate personal horoscope for 2017 of the Rooster for the sign Capricorn:

For business, the first months of the year are a difficult period; from the end of February to May, objective conditions can create difficulties, delays in the implementation of projects and will require focused efforts to get results. At this time, there will be a tendency to overestimate one’s strengths and take on dubious projects. Therefore, it is important to take into account the economic context and correlate desires and opportunities. Don't get carried away by ideas that promise mountains of gold. If circumstances are not in your favor, be patient. From the beginning of May, the period of instability will be replaced by a more constructive time and you will have a good chance to succeed.

Lunar eclipses February 11 and August 07, and solar eclipse August 21 falls in your area of ​​finance and makes this a key topic throughout the year. In February, as well as from the last ten days of July to mid-September, your attention may require material issues, financial relations with partners in marriage or business, distribution of joint profits, issues of taxes, insurance, inheritance, income and profit, money that you receive from others. You will have to resolve issues of financial dependence on others or dependence of others on your help; reconsider your approaches to financial matters and develop a more rational financial policy that will allow you to be more independent. This is also the topic of important acquisitions, resolving pressing issues with real estate or relocation.

From October 10, Jupiter will move into the astropolis of plans, hopes, joint projects, social activities and friendships, and will be sextile to your sign until November 8, 2018. This is a favorable period. It will be easier for you to settle matters, new business opportunities will appear, for the development of joint projects, contacts with public organizations that can bring you new opportunities. At this time, joint projects will be more successful than individual efforts. Friends and like-minded people can provide you with the support you need. Through contacts with them, you can reach people who will provide you with protection in important matters.

Read more about some aspects of the year.

From January to early March, Saturn's sextile to Jupiter promotes social activities, solving issues of education, studying abroad, and provides an opportunity to receive support from influential people, management, official organizations, and career advancement. Do not neglect the friendship and advice of those older than you in age or position. In business at this time, a compromise is needed between optimism and caution in business, since until May the general economic climate can create a slowdown in the development of business. At this time, until mid-April, Jupiter will be in a tau square with Uranus and Pluto in your sign. From the end of February to the beginning of May is an unfavorable time to take out a loan, make investments, or start a new business.

January 28-March 09 Mars in square to your sign will create tension, the need to prove the validity of your actions, overcome obstacles in business and solving current issues. In negotiations, be persistent, but do not be led by irritation, then you will be able to reach an agreement without giving up your main positions. February 03-20 is a favorable period for advancement in business, career; issues related to finances and important purchases can be successfully resolved.

The lunar eclipse on February 11 at 22°28" Leo is associated with budget issues, financial relationships with partners in marriage or business, and the settlement of property issues. Situations of this period may remind you of your responsibility to someone, both financial and emotional.Other people's opinions will influence you more than usual.There are likely to be situations in which you have to figure out what really belongs to you and what belongs to your partners. This is a time of revaluation of values, and if you have difficulties with this, take the advice of Eckhart Tolle:« Do you want to understand what is really yours?let go of everything, and yours will remain with you.»

From the second half of February to the beginning of April, your attention may be required by relationships with relatives, their affairs or problems, housing issues, household troubles, the need for repairs or issues of real estate, rent.

The solar eclipse on February 26 at 08°12" Pisces ends the situations of the previous year that caused trouble, anxiety or created problems. You have gained certain experience from communication and interaction in family and business contacts, and now you have to part with misconceptions, erroneous approaches regarding what -people and projects, and you need to build a new communication strategy that will be more effective. This could be during travel, a new course of study, solving problems with registration of property documents and other important papers. For some of Capricorns, there will be a need to deal with issues real estate or relocation.

From February 22 to March 6, be attentive to information, this is the time of revealing secrets, news that may be key in understanding situations or problems of the past year and the beginning of this year. But be careful yourself, do not reveal your secrets, choose who and what to say. This time provokes rumors and gossip that can affect your personal affairs and relationships for a long period. Therefore, it is important to take into account that at this time, delusions, deception, losses, fraud, intrigue, and connections with unreliable or dishonest people are possible. At this time, it is better not to make important decisions.

At the end of February and beginning of March, at the end of March, in mid-April, an unexpected repeat in business can change plans. In business, there may be termination of contracts, topics of real estate, rent, may require discussion and be the cause of conflicts.

March 04-April 15 Venus will be retrograde in the third and fourth astropolis. Venus focuses on the need to reconsider your relationships with your immediate environment, with relatives. At this time, new opportunities will appear to solve old problems, but to do this you will need to change your usual attitude and perception of the position of your loved ones. The end of March and the first half of April is a difficult period, probably obstacles in business, the need to find a balance between household chores and work tasks. In April, the causes of obstacles that were not previously taken into account may become apparent in the work and work will be required to correct or eliminate them.

Retrograde Mercury will move from the fifth to the fourth astropolis from April 9 to May 3. Your attention may require relationships with children, loved ones, solving issues of everyday life, real estate and home life, or finalizing creative projects in order to begin their implementation after the retro period of Mercury. There may be tasks associated with additional responsibility at work, but in the long term this will lead to promotion and an increase in salary. In the second half of April, information will appear that will allow us to take a fresh look at the problems of late February-April and come to a solution after May 3.

From the beginning of May, the period of instability in the first months of the year will gradually give way to a more constructive time, you will have a good chance to succeed and start new topics and projects. The most suitable time for beginnings is from May 4 to early August.

June 06-20 is a favorable period for romantic acquaintances, the implementation of creative ideas, and relationships with children.

From the end of June to the last week of July is a crisis period for relationships. From June 24 to July 11 and July 16-21, contradictions may worsen in relationships with partners in marriage or business, conflicts and legal problems are likely, and in weak unions there may be talk of divorce. Actions or undertakings of the recent past can cause disagreements and disputes. At this time, competitors and rivals may become more active. Be diplomatic, not everything depends on you now, focus on dialogue and compromise, so you can “resolve” the situation without painful consequences. This is the time when some projects, endeavors or relationships will come to an end or require significant changes to be able to continue.

From August to early October, Jupiter sextile Saturn provides a favorable period for advancement in career and business, but in August there will be influences that need to be taken into account.

The lunar eclipse on August 7th at 15°25" of Aquarius in the financial field brings material issues to the fore. But these are also your skills, talents, your ability to do something that you can convert into money as payment for your skills. Likely questions : “how to get more?” or “how to spend what you have?” At this time, someone else may reveal your new talent or point out the possibility of a new way of earning money. It may be the end of some financial relationship due to the fact that it has become obsolete or has lost trust.

From August 13 to September 5, Mercury retrograde will be in your ninth astropolis in opposition to Neptune. If earlier, in February and early March, there were mistakes and miscalculations, now the situation will need to be corrected. At this time, new ideas will be unrealistic and new relationships will be unfavorable; it is better to rely on old connections and not start new projects.

Solar Eclipse on August 21 at 28°52" in the sector of joint finances, taxes, money you receive from others, and inheritance issues. This period may be associated with the completion of some financial obligations or with involvement in them. However, retro -Mercury does not contribute to a correct assessment of circumstances, and financial decisions at this time will be erroneous due to miscalculations or untimeliness.Remember this to avoid subsequent problems.

From September 7 to the end of November is the time when you will be able to carry out your undertakings, plans and planned changes. In September, issues of paperwork and relationships with relatives may cause difficulties, but you will be able to resolve everything in your favor, just pay attention to the following periods:

September 19-20 and 23-25 ​​are unfavorable days for important negotiations, important purchases, contracts. At this time, you need to be careful with new information and new people; there is a risk of mistakes and deception.

From October 10, Jupiter moves into Scorpio and sextiles your sign. This is a period of favorable changes in life, work and business. Until the end of November, you will have a good time to start a new course of study, travel, important purchases, including transport and real estate. This is a favorable period for starting a new business, partnership, participation in public organizations, communities, political movements, for new business and romantic acquaintances, for making new friends.

On December 3-23, Mercury will make a loop in your twelfth astropolis and from the end of November you will feel a slowdown in business. This is not a good time for new initiatives and undertakings. Now you need to listen carefully to your inner voice, catch changing trends, analyze information, but not make important decisions. This is a good period for systematizing documents, archives, knowledge, for editing texts, for working in solitude, for secret meetings and relaxation. Pay attention to health, spiritual practices, prepare new projects and initiatives to begin after December 23.

Now some clarification on the deans.

In the first half of the year, you will be working on projects started earlier, solving current tasks and old problems, and also preparing initiatives that you can begin to implement in the fall. The solar eclipse on February 26 at 08°12" Pisces is primarily related to your decan, so read the recommendations for this period in the main part of the forecast. From October 10 to November 27, Jupiter will be sextile to your decan - this is the most favorable period of the year to implement plans, change jobs, advance in your career, start a new business, new cooperation, start joint projects, important purchases and promising acquaintances.Plan and prepare new initiatives for this time to make the most of this time.

From December 20, Saturn enters Capricorn and you are the first to meet this honorable guest. Although his visit cannot be called a guest visit in the literal sense, Saturn does not just visit, he comes with inspection and testing. Saturn will be conjunct your decan from December 2017 to December 2018. In professional matters, an increase in workload may be accompanied by a narrowing of your sphere of influence and a feeling of fatigue. Don't rush things. Nowadays, to keep up with the times, you need to take your time. This will help you face reality calmly. Focus your efforts on the main thing and don’t get scattered on unimportant tasks. This period is associated with taking responsibility for past decisions with a plus or minus sign, depending on your previous steps. If your work was previously objectionable, there may be problems with your work now. If you have been responsible and consistent in your work and relationships in the past, you may now be recognized for your efforts, promoted, or set new long-term business goals. This may be the time when you come to take on responsibilities towards older family members, parents. Women may have difficulties with the men of the family or in relationships with the men of the family. Pay attention to your health; if you feel unwell, take care of yourself, as careless treatment of your body can lead to long-term problems.

Capricorns born 01.12-10.01 (Sun 11°-20°, II decan of Capricorn)

2017 will be a dynamic year, sometimes difficult, but filled with interesting events and chances. From March 25 to August 26, Jupiter gives you the opportunity to succeed in business and career, get a promotion or find a new job. For new business starts, the most productive periods are the first months: until mid-February and from May 4 to early August. However, until mid-April, Jupiter will be in a tau square with Uranus and Pluto in your decan. I wrote about this period in the main part of the forecast - the warnings and recommendations on business and finance given there are directly related to your dean. I will only add that at this time a lot will depend on your ability to control yourself, emotions and momentary impulses - this is how you can maintain control over the situation. This year, your relationship in marriage or business may be experiencing a crisis, which can improve the relationship or put an end to it. If you are interested in an alliance, you will need to reconsider your position on the roles and style of interaction in the relationship, take into account the wishes of your partner or find the necessary arguments to explain your position, but you will have to give up something to restore balance. The most important periods in this regard will be February 21-26 and June 24 to July 11. During the periods of May 17-26 and August 14-17, complications, quarrels, jealousy are likely in relationships; refrain from emotional decisions so as not to spoil the relationship.

From November 25 to January 24, 2018, Jupiter’s sextile provides new opportunities in business and relationships, in joint projects, and helps in solving current problems. New business and romantic acquaintances are favorable in the last week of November and after December 23. From November 22 to December 26, Jupiter and Neptune will be bisextile to your dean - this time is favorable for resolving issues that were previously postponed, restoring interrupted business connections, which can now be very useful. This is a time of romanticism, increased feelings, it is favorable for achieving harmony in relationships that are important to you, for conception, and communication with children.

Capricorns born 11.01-20.01 (Sun 21°-30°, III decan of Capricorn)

In 2017, you will have to decide on new goals and objectives in the professional sphere, in working relationships, and undergo a restructuring in partnerships. Until the end of March, the opposition of Jupiter and Uranus in tau square to your decan gives a tense period, changes in work or home circumstances are possible. During this time, unexpected events may give you new job opportunities, promotions, or a change to a new job. But sometimes you will need to balance between family and professional responsibilities. Possible disruptions to the usual way of life. There may be a need to move or resolve real estate issues. In business, the first months of the year can yield results from previous efforts, but from the end of February to the beginning of May, caution is needed with the start of new directions and finances. During the year, Uranus will be squaring and until the end of April, Uranus will be in a rigid configuration. From late February to mid-April, late September and early October, sudden changes can unsettle you and you will need to adapt to new circumstances. I gave more detailed recommendations about this period in the main part of the forecast, and they are directly relevant to you. This year may be difficult for marriage; the desire for freedom of one of the partners will not combine well with family responsibilities. This applies to both marriage and business. For relationships, difficult times will be the end of February, the last week of March, mid-April, early June, August 22-26, September 22-October 7, November 1-5, November 29-December 4. On July 16-21, quarrels with partners, breaking of contracts, termination of relationships are likely; in weak unions, there may be talk of divorce. These are bad days for implementing plans and projects. Impulsivity and irritability can lead to poor decisions or injury. You need to be careful while driving.

Outwardly modest and compliant, upon close acquaintance demonstrating indestructible strength of character and strong will - this is how they often describe Capricorn their relatives and friends. What does the horoscope for 2017 have in store for Capricorn? More on this later. Below is the characteristics of the zodiac sign.

Capricorn people are endowed with extraordinary tenacity and always achieve their goals, although they act not as warriors, but as diplomats.

The character of the sign ruled by the planet Saturn leaves an imprint on its appearance. Capricorn is good-natured, soft and pliable; he does not strive to enter into a bloody struggle for first place and hastily rush forward. Come on, the sign will not violate its karma by “going over their heads.” He will achieve his goal systematically, and time will be his best assistant.

Capricorns show confidence and calmness in all areas of life. These are non-conflict people; they will avoid quarrels and altercations. If it is not possible to avoid conflict, they show composure.

Conservative and practical Capricorn is not characterized by impulsive decisions and unjustified risks. Before making a decision, the sign will weigh the pros and cons. He is able to make operational decisions, regardless of the outcome, and takes responsibility for what is happening.

Capricorn's tenacity also has a downside - it is excessive stubbornness. Pride and pride do not allow the sign to admit defeat. He will defend his point of view to the last, without admitting to himself that he is wrong.

Capricorns are ambitious, they firmly believe that life is about moving forward and upward. Imagining their future, they see themselves standing 2 steps higher than now.

The sign is hardworking, knows how to concentrate on a problem, is capable of painstaking work, and is excellent at subordinating and obeying.

In personal relationships, Capricorn is always cautious. But if he understands that he is safe and can trust his partner, his coldness immediately disappears. Being a true friend, he will lend a shoulder in difficult times.

Earth, the element of the sign, is responsible for firmness and self-confidence, and the planet Saturn forces you to treat everything with seriousness and responsibility.

Horoscope for 2017 for Capricorns

From the first days of the year, the Fire Rooster advises you to take a closer look at everyone who is part of your circle of acquaintances. Unfortunately, your closest friends will be caught in envy and selfishness. Capricorn’s inherent ability to delve into the very essence of things will help distinguish loyalty from falsehood.

In the spring, when your enemies move away from you, a surge of positive energy and vitality will encourage you to achieve new heights. If the hypocrites cannot be seen in time, they will show their true colors in the fall.

During the summer, try to spend as much time as possible with your family. Don’t forget about your friends - attend parties, organize trips out of town, get together in a cozy bar on Fridays.

Getting closer to one or more work colleagues portends mutually beneficial cooperation.

If Capricorn works hard in the first half of the year, he will be able to relax in the fall, and things will continue to go on their own. Even while on vacation, analyze the flow of incoming information; in the future, this information will be useful for fruitful work.

By the end of autumn, be ready for new pleasant acquaintances with the opposite sex. The stars are favorable to those representatives of the sign who are ripe for serious relationships.

In 2017, you will be especially successful in playing the role of a lightning rod - you will nullify any conflicts in the team and home circle. The role of a peacemaker will only bring satisfaction.

Horoscope for 2017 for Capricorn man

In the year of the Fire Rooster, the strong half of the Capricorn sign will have a real chance to open a successful business. Increasing competition may lead to irreparable mistakes.

Love experiences will reveal character traits that are not characteristic of you. Hobby will distract you from pressing matters. Therefore, before you plunge headlong into the pool, think about whether you are ready to sacrifice part of the profit or career well-being.

To achieve success, a man must clearly distinguish between work and love; those who chase two hares will not catch either.

Horoscope for 2017 for Capricorn woman

This year, the fair half of the sign will be categorical and especially demanding. Character traits that are difficult to cope with can play a cruel joke on you. This will lead to conflicts with family members already in mid-spring. To maintain harmony and well-being with your family, show tenderness, tolerance and love to your loved ones.

When planning to make an expensive purchase, think 10 times whether you need it. A rash step will cause significant financial difficulties.

Single women will get a real chance to meet their other half, new acquaintances will have a serious continuation.

In order not to get hung up on housework, the stars recommend married Capricorn ladies to find an active hobby.

Love horoscope for Capricorn for 2017

The Year of the Fire Rooster advises representatives of the sign to show as much attention and love to their loved ones as possible. Your significant other has been waiting for a romantic step from you for a long time; ignoring this fact can lead to scandals and quarrels. Do not skimp on tenderness and affection, this way you will show gratitude for the timely moral support provided.

If you have thoughts of experiencing new sensations in love behind your other half’s back, drive them away. Everything secret will soon become apparent, and a fleeting hobby will only cause pain and disappointment.

Single Capricorns will have the opportunity to build a family nest. As summer approaches, a worthy person will appear in your life.

2017 does not foretell any difficulties for couples with children either. Children will delight their Capricorn parent with achievements in school and sports. Do not “put pressure” on children with your authority; this will not give a positive result, but it will bring coldness into the relationship and significantly distance you from each other.

Finance horoscope for Capricorn for 2017

For selfless work in the first half of the year, Capricorns will receive monetary compensation in the fall. Use these funds rationally, do not spend it all at once: set aside some, if possible, invest, buy furniture, make repairs.

Financial injections in 2017 will be related to your work and business activity; you should not count on gifts of fate.

Do not strive to receive “easy” money earned through the labor of others. Do not get involved in financial adventures - you will lose more than you gain.

Be wary of people who offer profitable investments with minimal risks; if your intuition tells you that you shouldn’t trust them, listen to it.

In the year of the Fire Rooster, Capricorns will be more inclined to accumulate than to waste.

If friends ask for a loan, do not refuse. Approach such expenses philosophically - today you helped them, and tomorrow they will support you.

Career horoscope for Capricorn for 2017

Having carefully thought about setting priorities in 2017, Capricorns will once again come to the conclusion that work should be given paramount importance. It is possible that you will be very busy; working on weekends and holidays will elevate you in the eyes of your superiors.

Management will set Capricorns tasks that will rightfully be considered a professional challenge. To positively resolve such problems, remember everything you have ever known or been able to do. If you put in enough effort, any task, even one that seems insurmountable at first, will yield to your sharp mind.

New projects started in the year of the Fire Rooster will be successful, but their implementation will not be too fast. Be patient, and a long wait will not bring you nervous experiences and shocks.

Health horoscope for Capricorn for 2017

2017 should be a year of health for Capricorns. Already at the beginning of the year, there is a risk of contracting a serious illness that requires long-term treatment. With proper therapy, you will be able to “get back on your feet” closer to autumn, but even now, monitor your well-being and do not stop prevention.

The well-being of a sign is directly proportional to its lifestyle. Stop abusing alcoholic beverages, get more rest, sleep, and eat well.

Pay special attention to the nervous system - stress and overwork at work will not have the best effect on it. At the beginning of autumn, organize a vacation at sea or in a pine forest.

Capricorns - famous personalities

Isaac Newton, Eduard Ouspensky, Stephenie Meyer, Ricky Martin, Dima Bilan, Conrad Hilton, Armin van Buuren, Mikhail Boyarsky, Jared Leto, Mao Zedong, Marlene Dietrich, Sergei Bodrov Jr., Gerard Depardieu, Denzel Washington, Rudyard Kipling, Anthony Hopkins , Oleg Deripaska, Mel Gibson, Marilyn Manson, Adriano Celentano.

Eastern horoscope for 2017

Other horoscopes for 2017

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Many Capricorns are true careerists by nature. This means that they will easily be able to find a common language with, who is determined to help everyone move up the career ladder and improve their financial situation. The horoscope for 2017 for Capricorns promises many bright events - both in work and in personal life.


Horoscope for 2017 for Capricorn man

The first thing you need to do is get rid of everything unnecessary in your life. From the clutter that has accumulated in your home to the relationships that are destroying you day after day. Gossipers will talk about you almost incessantly, but don’t take it to heart - just step away from the “swamp” into which they are trying to drag you.

Family and relationships

Secrets of the Force

You are often late at work - and, although all your efforts are aimed at arranging the family nest, without your presence it will not be cozy. Capricorns should be more attentive to their significant other, because hidden resentment can cause serious discord in relationships, and even betrayal.

Listen to your family's requests for help. You may have to put in a lot of effort, but your gratitude for your support will be immeasurable.

Towards the end of the year, Capricorns who are still single will be able to find their happiness. The love horoscope for 2017 advises the Capricorn man to listen to common sense and objectively evaluate potential partners. It is important to find a person with whom it will be comfortable to go through life and there are no fundamental contradictions in views.



But in matters of career, the “finest hour” has come for Capricorns. Your entrepreneurial spirit will allow you to easily open your own business or get an attractive leadership position. However, in order for this to become a reality, it is important to learn not to isolate yourself and not turn any idea into a trade secret. Discuss your thoughts and plans with other people - during such a “brainstorming” your ideas will become even more perfect.

It is equally important to learn to calmly respond to criticism from management. The horoscope for 2017 advises Capricorns to look at this from a different point of view - if your every action is observed, it means that they are seriously interested in you. And, therefore, you need to mobilize all your experience and knowledge in order to show your best side and defend your own point of view.


Not at home

After a difficult 2016, Capricorns will be able to breathe easy. Already in early February the situation will stabilize, and by summer incomes will increase significantly. However, be careful: the stars indicate a high risk of meeting scammers. Do not sign important contracts without a lawyer - only a professional eye can see all the tricks and loopholes in the documents.

There is no point in investing money in a bank. It’s better to spend your savings on fashionable home renovations or personal development. Moreover, new knowledge will allow you to create an effective source of passive income.


Astrology for everyone

At the beginning of the year, Capricorns may feel apathy and loss of strength. This is due to the fact that in the last months of 2016 you spent a colossal amount of energy. Let your body recover and don’t put too much strain on yourself until the end of winter. Additionally, you can start taking vitamins and sign up for a pool or yoga class, where you can relax and restore your energy balance. As soon as the winter cold gives way to warm spring, your health will improve dramatically.

Horoscope for 2017 for Capricorn woman

Dear Capricorns can compete with any man in terms of work. The main qualities that will help you achieve your desired goals in 2017 are perseverance and responsibility for your actions. The horoscope advises Capricorn women to be more decisive and not be afraid of radical changes in life.

Family and relationships

Women's online magazine

Your excessive suspicion and negative past experiences prevent you from building a truly happy relationship. It may seem to Capricorns that their loved one is “walking to the left.” However, before debriefing, try to find out what’s in his heart.

Perhaps the reason for a certain detachment and coolness in a relationship is not at all because the other woman gets all the affection. This behavior may be due to the fact that the partner is experiencing a creative crisis or is not feeling well.

The love horoscope for 2017 for single Capricorn also advises looking back less often. Otherwise, a worthy candidate for your heart may get tired of the “one-sided game” and leave. As a result, you will still realize your mistakes, but it may be too late.


Zodiac signs

Unlike other zodiac signs, you are able to get real pleasure from work. However, do not forget that you work surrounded by other people - and, therefore, you need to establish good relationships with them.

You have the power to become the unspoken leader of the team. But, although your opinion is listened to, you should not turn into an authoritarian commander - working in a team will bring much more pleasure and excellent results.



In the year of the Fire Rooster, Capricorn women can take out loans and make deals without fear - the financial horoscope for 2017 is very favorable. In August-September, do not hesitate to ask your bosses for a salary increase - seeing your diligence and professionalism, they will not refuse you. Unexpected financial inflows are also possible - the Rooster has such “gifts” in store for February, March and early October.


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Health problems will practically not bother Capricorns in 2017. However, the horoscope recommends that you pay close attention to your vision - due to intense work at the computer, it can deteriorate sharply. Train yourself to do eye exercises every day and choose stylish glasses that will protect you from harmful radiation.

Horoscope for 2017 for Capricorn-Rooster

Of course, the owner of the year is not indifferent to his charges. In 2017, Capricorn-Roosters will be able to easily change jobs and get a well-paid position in a prestigious company. They will gladly hire you even without recommendations and a probationary period, the main thing is to show yourself at the interview not only as a professional, but also as a true team player.

In your personal life, everything will also work out well. The only thing Capricorns should avoid is office romances. There is a risk that all your intimate secrets will become the main topic of gossip in the office.
