What does memorizing English words do? How to learn English words: simple and modern techniques

Of course, the basis of the language system is grammar, but without an established lexical base, knowledge of grammatical norms for a beginner is unlikely to be useful anywhere. Therefore, we will devote today’s lesson to replenishing our vocabulary and mastering techniques for quickly memorizing new vocabulary. There will be quite a lot of expressions in the material, so we recommend dividing these English words for study into each day in advance, working on 2-3 dozen new phrases and be sure to repeat already studied examples. Before moving on to practice, let’s find out how it is recommended to learn foreign words correctly.

Learning vocabulary is half the battle; it is also important to try to constantly use it, otherwise it will simply be forgotten. Therefore, the main principle of learning English words is not to strive to memorize absolutely every word you come across. In modern English there are about 1.5 million words and stable combinations. It is simply unrealistic to learn everything, so try to choose only the vocabulary that is most used and necessary for you personally.

Let's assume that you have already decided on your area of ​​interest, selected the necessary vocabulary material and started learning it. But things don’t move forward: words are slowly remembered and quickly forgotten, and every lesson turns into unimaginable boredom and a painful struggle with oneself. Here are some tips that will help you create the right learning atmosphere and learn a foreign language easily and effectively.

  1. Combine words by meaning, creating thematic dictionaries: animals, pronouns, action verbs, communication in a restaurant, etc.. Generalized groups are more easily stored in memory, forming a kind of associative block.
  2. Try different ways to learn words until you find the method that works best for you. These can be popular cards, interactive online simulators, stickers pasted on various objects in the house, and applications for tablets and phones. If you perceive information better visually and auditorily, then actively use educational video and audio recordings. You can study in any way, the main thing is that the learning process is a pleasant pastime, and not a boring duty.
  3. Immediately remember how to pronounce the word. To do this, you must either refer to the transcription or use interactive resources. A program for learning the pronunciation of English words will not only help you remember the sound of the expression, but will also check how correctly you pronounce it.
  4. Don't throw away words you've already learned. This is a very important point. It seems to us that if we learn words for a long time, we remember them once and for all. But memory tends to delete unclaimed information. Therefore, if you do not have constant speaking practice, replace it with regular repetitions. You can create your own notebook with days and rotating repetitions, or use one of the interactive English learning apps.

Having worked through these tips, let's do a little practice. We bring to the attention of students the most popular vocabulary of the English language. These English words are suitable for studying every day, as they are divided into several tables and presented in the form of small semantic groups. So, let's start expanding our vocabulary.


English words to learn for every day

Greetings and farewells
hello , [hello] Hello, welcome!
hi ,[hai] Hello!
good morning [ɡʊd mɔːnɪŋ], [good morning] Good morning!
good afternoon [ɡʊd ɑːftənuːn], [good aftenun] Good afternoon!
good evening [ɡʊd iːvnɪŋ], [gud ivnin] Good evening!
good bye [ɡʊd baɪ], [good bye] Goodbye!
see you later , [si yu leite] see you!
good night [ɡʊd naɪt], [good knight] Good night!
I - my , [ai - may] I am mine, mine, mine
you - your , [yu - er] you are yours, yours, yours
he-his , [hee - hee] he - his
she - her [ʃi - hə(r)], [shi - dick] she her
it – its ,[it - its] it is his (oh inanimate)
we – our , [vi - aar] we are ours
they - their [ðeɪ - ðeə(r], [zey - zeer] they - theirs
who - whose , [xy - xyz] who - whose
what ,[wat] What
My name is… ,[may name from] My name is…
What is your name? , [wat from yer name] What is your name?
I am…(Nancy) ,[Ay um...Nancy] I...(name) Nancy
How old are you? ,[How old ar yu] How old are you?
I am...(eighteen, thirsty) ,[Ay em atin, sit down] I am ...(18, 30) years old.
Where are you from? ,[ware ar yu from] Where are you from?
I am from…(Russia, Ukraine) ,[Im from Russia, Ukraine] I'm from (Russia, Ukraine)
Nice to meet you! ,[nice tu mit yu] Nice to meet you!
Close people and family members
mother ,[maze] mother
father ,[phase] father
daughter ,[doute] daughter
son ,[san] son
brother ,[braze] Brother
sister ,[siste] sister
grandmother [ɡrænmʌðə],[grenmaze] grandmother
grandfather [ɡrænfɑːðə],[grenfase] grandfather
uncle [ʌŋkl],[unkl] uncle
aunt [ɑːnt],[ant] aunt
friends ,[friends] Friends
the best friend [ðə best friend], [the best friend] best friend
Places and institutions
hospital ,[hospital] hospital
restaurant, cafe ,[restrant, cafey] restaurant, cafe
police office ,[palace office] police station
hotel ,[wanted] hotel
club ,[club] club
shop [ʃɒp],[shop] shop
school ,[whine] school
airport ,[eapoot] airport
railway station ,[railway station] train station, railway station
cinema ,[cinema] cinema
post office ,[post office] Postal office
library ,[library] library
park ,[pack] a park
pharmacy ,[faamesi] pharmacy
feel ,[Phil] feel
eat ,[it] eat, eat
drink ,[drink] drink
go/walk [ɡəʊ/ wɔːk],[ gou/uook] go/ walk, walk
have ,[hev] have
do ,[du] do
can ,[ken] be able to
come ,[cam] come
see ,[si] see
hear ,[[heer] hear
know ,[know] know
write ,[wright] write
learn ,[linen] teach, learn
open [əʊpən],[open] open
say ,[say] speak
work ,[walk] work
sit ,[sit] sit
get [ɡet],[get] receive, become
like ,[like] like
time , [time] time
at … (5, 7) o’clock [ət faɪv, sevn ə klɒk],[et fife, sevn o klok] at...(five, seven) o'clock.
a.m. ,[I Am] until noon, from 00 to 12 (at night, in the morning)
p.m. ,[pi em] afternoon, from 12 to 00 ( during the day, In the evening)
today ,[today] Today
yesterday ,[yestaday] yesterday
tomorrow ,[tumorou] Tomorrow
in the morning [ɪn ðə mɔːnɪŋ], [in ze morning] in the morning
in the evening [ɪn ðə iːvnɪŋ], [in the evening] In the evening
here ,[hie] Here
there [ðeə],[zee] there
always [ɔːlweɪz],[oulways] Always
well ,[wel] Fine
only [əʊnli],[onli] only
up [ʌp],[ap] up
down ,[down] down
right , [wright] right, right
wrong , [rong] wrong
left , [left] left
that [ðæt],[zet] what, which, that
which ,[uich] which one, which one
because ,[bicosis] because
so ,[sou] so, since
when ,[wen] When
before ,[bifoo] before before
but ,[baht] But

In this article we will talk about how to memorize English words and make sure that new vocabulary is learned easily. When our brain receives new information, it perceives it and then stores it. We may access the stored information in the future. If we cannot restore something, then something from the previous phases went wrong. There are several types of memory - short-term, long-term, perceptual memory, etc. The latter receives information through the work of the senses - when we see, touch, smell something. Short-term, also called working, stores small pieces of information for short periods of time. When we need to remember a word, we must use the long-term one. How to do this most effectively?

Memory is like a muscle; it can atrophy if it doesn't work. Every ability that is neglected becomes weaker. And then it disappears completely. Memory training is very important in how to learn English words quickly. The best way to do this is through constant repetition. If you want your memory to work well, then make it work a little every day. The main purpose of repetition is to make new information take root in our heads for a long time without making incredible efforts.

Please note: one of the most important rules for turning a passive vocabulary into an active one is to introduce new words into your conversational speech and use them as often as possible.

Method 1: Repeat Constantly

From all of the above, it follows that constant repetition is the key to effective vocabulary acquisition. This doesn't mean you have to spend days re-reading your dictionary. Dedicate time to new vocabulary every day; you will always have 15 minutes to look into the dictionary and make sentences with the vocabulary you need. If you have the opportunity to communicate in English, then the question “how to learn English words” should not be a problem - without delay, introduce new words (of course, when it is relevant) into your speech.

Method 2. Turn on your emotions

Emotional connection and imagination are very important in remembering new words. Emotions can even double the amount of information we remember. Be interested in what you are learning. Choose films and books in English that are interesting and exciting for you, read jokes and short funny stories. Look at the translation of your favorite songs, and then try to distinguish the words in the flow of speech. Learning doesn't have to be boring - develop your own path, following which you will be primarily interested in learning the language.

If you are just at the initial stage of learning the language, then choose films in Russian with English subtitles; instead of books, try to choose short stories that you can easily read.

Method 3: Say the words

Here is another example of how to learn English words. It is no secret that it is easier for every person to remember, guided by different senses. For example, for some it is better to see a word and remember it visually, while for others it is very important to recognize its sound form. Pronounce the words, try to imitate the sound form that you hear in the speech of an English-speaking person. If you are watching a movie or listening to a song, do not be lazy to repeat the words or phrases you like.

Method 4: Learn words in context

Memorizing English words will become much easier if you “select” them from the text. Learning a large number of words without reference to context is a pointless exercise, because they will not be remembered well, and you will not be able to use them effectively in speech. Try to learn the thematic vocabulary you need in groups from relevant texts.

Why is context so important when learning words? The meaning of a word may change depending on the context. For example, when studying the verb get, you will come across the fact that this verb has a very large number of meanings. Which one should you remember first? When you encounter a word in a text, you remember those meanings that are more popular and most used. Let's look at example sentences with the same verbs.

Verb to get

I got out of the car and saw her walking down the street. “I got out of the car and saw her walking down the street.

I don't get what you mean. - I don't understand what you mean.

I got the parcel yesterday, but forgot to unpack it. – I received the parcel yesterday, but forgot to unpack it.

I got in the bed and started reading the book. – I climbed into bed and started reading a book.

Get ready – we will arrive in 5 minutes. - Get ready - we will arrive in 5 minutes.

As you can see, the same verb surrounded by different text has different meanings.

Get up - get up

Method 5. Read, read and read again

This is a good way to quickly memorize English words. Select literature according to your level of language proficiency. If you are learning English to communicate on a certain topic, then choose appropriate texts. For example, people who are learning English for business communication should definitely read newspapers. The more texts you master, the better the repeated words will be remembered, which you can then freely use in your speech, because You have already seen their use in various texts.

Don’t write out all the words in a row, try to understand the text. Keep a dictionary, however, do not “overload” it with a huge mass of words that you will not only remember, but will find quite difficult to re-read.

Method 6. Use intuition and knowledge of grammar

Often in different languages ​​there are words that are very similar in both sound and spelling. If, for example, you are reading a book, then do not pay attention to them, because... your intuition will tell you their meaning. Let's look at examples of such words:

  • Computer - computer.
  • Organization – organization.
  • Number – number.
  • Identical - identical.
  • Minute - minute.
  • Second – second.
  • Motorcycle - motorcycle.
  • Program – program.
  • Telephone - telephone.
  • Grammar - grammar.
  • Nose - nose.

Knowing the meaning of prefixes and suffixes will also help you determine the meaning of a word if the meaning of the root is clear to you.


For example, the prefix dis means separation, the negative meaning of the word.

  • Disconnect - disconnect (connect - connect).
  • Divide - to divide.
  • Distant - distant.
  • Distribute - distribute.
  • Divorce - divorce.
  • Dishonest - dishonest (honest - honest).
  • Disrespect - disrespect (respect - respect).
  • Disbelief - disbelief (belief - faith).
  • Disgrace - shame (grace - grace, decency).

In denotes movement towards an object, inwards.

  • Inside - inside.
  • Income - arrival.
  • Inflow - inflow.
  • Inbound - arriving.
  • Internal - internal.
  • Inward - internal.
  • Intake - reception.
  • Inland is the inner part of the country.

The prefix re often carries the connotation of a repetitive action.

  • Repeat - repeat.
  • Renew – update.
  • Retell - retell.
  • Review - revise.
  • Revolve - rotate.
  • Rename – rename.
  • Remind - remind.
  • Remember - remember.
  • Replace - replace.

The prefix un denotes the opposite meaning.

  • Undo - redo (do - do).
  • Unhappy - unhappy (happy - happy).
  • Unsatisfied - dissatisfied (satisfied - satisfied).
  • Unlock - unlock (lock - lock).
  • Unpack - unpack (pack - pack).
  • Unemployed - unemployed (employed - hired to work).


The suffix –er is often used in comparisons.

  • Big - bigger (big - more).
  • Small – smaller (small – smaller).
  • Kind – kinder (kind – kinder).
  • Bright – brighter (bright – brighter).
  • Funny - funnier (funny - funnier).
  • Red – redder (red – redder).
  • Clean – cleaner (clean – cleaner).

The suffix less has the meaning “without” or “not under the influence.”

  • Friendless - having no friends.
  • Tireless - tireless.
  • Clueless - no idea.
  • Priceless - priceless.

We often use the suffix –est to show the superlative degree of an adjective, to indicate the meaning of “most.”

  • The coldest - the coldest.
  • The hottest - the hottest.
  • The greatest - the greatest, greatest.
  • The busiest - the busiest.
  • The longest - the longest.

Method 7. Make Mind Maps

A mind map is a diagram in which we associate certain vocabulary with a concept or event. Moreover, new words may belong to different parts of speech. Words will be remembered more easily thanks to associations, as well as division into groups.

Let's look at an example of a small similar diagram that will demonstrate how to quickly memorize English words. For example, you want to learn office-related vocabulary. The main word in this scheme will be office. From this word there will be another one, let's call it a word of the second rank, it will include all the actions that people usually perform day after day while in the office. This word is work - to work. We will assign the following lexical group to it:

  • To call - to call.
  • To wait - wait.
  • To argue - to argue.
  • To discuss - discuss.
  • To write - to write.
  • To type – print.
  • To sign - to sign.

Mind map - associative map

We can also make a group of words that describe all the main objects that can be seen in the office. This group may be called furniture and equipment.

  • Desk - table.
  • Task chair – office chair.
  • Telephone - telephone.
  • Computer - computer.
  • Keyboard - keyboard.
  • Monitor – monitor.
  • Printer – printer.
  • Calendar – calendar.
  • Noticeboard – a board for notes.
  • Pen - pen.
  • Pencil - pencil.
  • Marker – marker.
  • Scissors - scissors.
  • Paper clips - paper clips.
  • Stapler - stapler.
  • Paper - paper.

Office supplies – office supplies

Review the basic principles for memorizing words:

Why memorize English words?

Learning English has become a necessity for many people. For schoolchildren, it is dictated by the requirement to pass exams. For traveling people, this is an opportunity to communicate with representatives of other nations. Learning a language involves mastering several skills. The foundation on which these skills are based is word learning. Having studied several tenses and practiced using them for a couple of weeks, you can already speak quite clearly. But then another difficulty arises, this is the study of words. If you approach this seemingly tedious process creatively, you can speed it up many times over. You can even learn to enjoy it. Let's look at a few well-known ways to learn English words.

1. Write down the words in a notebook

This is the easiest way to accumulate new words. It is usually offered in schools. Marya Ivanovna gives the task to write down all the new words in a notebook and learn them by heart.Then she asks for their translation from Russian to English and from English to Russian. This method of memorizing words is not bad, but it has its drawbacks. The position of words in the list is remembered. It is difficult to concentrate on words that are difficult to remember. In the future, words learned in this way are poorly recognized.

2. Write words on cards

This method is much more effective than the previous one. You write words on cards on both sides. The English word and its transcription are written on one side. The other side is being recorded synonyms (if they are), example words in a sentence and translation into Russian. This memorization of words allows you to divide words into “ I know», « Don't know" and then focus on words that are difficult to learn, that is - " Don't know" Here is a more detailed description of the process of learning English words using cards. You can make the cards themselves from cardboard or thick paper, or you can purchase ready-made ones in the online store.

3. Select synonyms and antonyms

If possible, you need to think and find synonyms and antonyms for the word you are studying. In this form, words are remembered faster. For example, you know the word fast - fast. Then you came across the wordswift – fast, but you don’t know this word yet. You associate it with the word fast, swift = fast. This way it will be remembered much faster. And if you also find the antonym slow for it, then the connection will be stronger.

4. We are surprised by new things

If possible, create some kind of unreal association in your mind. For example, remembering a word fast – you are fast together with fast-food imagine the name slow-food . Such associations usually make you smile. They are unusual - so they are remembered much faster. This ability to change, design and be surprised is very important. You don't just assign one value to another, but look at it from different sides, from different angles. You are surprised, delighted and laugh at what you made up. Any information undergoing such processing will remain in memory much longer.

5. Looking for associations

Sometimes it's difficult to remember a new English word. Well, it’s not remembered, that’s all! In this case, it is necessary to find associations for it. For example, words are often confused blackberry – blackberry, bilberry – blueberries and strawberry - strawberry. If you break them down into their components, e.g. black - black, berry – berry. Bill similar to bill – account and straw - straw. You can remember these words quite easily.Blackberry remembered as “black berry”. And if you also remember the once very popular telephone, you will remember the meaning of the word even better.

Blueberries are remembered as “the berry that sits on the bill.”

Strawberry is remembered as “a straw stuck into a strawberry.”

For associations, it is better to use words that can be easily imagined, seen, given taste, color, touched, etc.

The more words you know, the easier it will be for you to find associations for new words. Therefore, many are surprised how 80-year-old professors sometimes remember words or other information better than teenagers. The secret lies in the right memorization habits and a huge vocabulary.

6. Remember words in context

Unprepared students remember words as “word” = “translation”. In this form they are remembered very poorly. The connections are too fragile. Our memory works with images, emotions, rhythms, so information should be presented to it in this form. Don't forget to look at how a particular word is used. We have a tendency to use words that we use in Russian in English without specifying the context. For example, when we ask in a cafe “whether the chair is occupied or not”, in Russian, we use the word occupied -busy . Unfortunately, we cannot say “ Is this chair busy ? “Is this chair occupied?” It would be correct to say “ Is this chair occupied? “Is this chair occupied?” Word busy implies the absence of time, which cannot be applied to an inanimate object, in our case, a chair. Therefore, check the context of each word using the examples given in the dictionaries.

7. Learn to express emotions using synonyms

We have already written that it is very advisable to find synonyms and antonyms for the words that you want to remember. New words are more easily associated with words you already know. Another aspect of such memorization is finding words to express certain emotions. We live in a world of emotions and logic. Depending on a person’s temperament, one or another component predominates in him. Therefore, it’s a good idea to have ready-made blanks in stock. For example, let's take joy. How can we admire this or that event? Let's find a few words that make it possible to do this.

It's cool!

It's wonderful!

It's beautiful!

It's amazing!

It's thrilling!

It's exiting!

It's breathtaking!

It's far out!

By organizing words into groups according to their purpose, it will be easier for you to use them.

8. Ridiculous stories

We have already written that words that are similar to each other are remembered worse, so you should not learn words in alphabetical order. If the word is wrapped in a story, or better yet, in a ridiculous story, the effect will be even stronger. For example, you need to remember the wordceiling - ceiling. You imagine that you entered your room, and the entire ceiling was made of silicone. Some may find it difficult to imagine silicone. Silicone is a material with elastic properties. The story is ridiculous because ceilings are not made of silicone, so your memory will remember this image much better.

9. Chatting with friends

In every difficult task, a person needs helpers. It is necessary to maintain your enthusiasm and one of the most effective methods is communication.Try to find friends with whom you can communicate in English. Now there are many different applications that allow you to find friends with similar interests from English-speaking countries and discuss some topics that interest you in the language that interests you. There are apps where you can exchange help with those learning your native language in exchange for advice on the language you are interested in. In this case, language ceases to be a goal, but becomes a means. This is well described in the book “We Passed By”.

10. Watching movies in English

Watching movies is one of the most effective ways to learn languages. You become immersed in the situation and struggle to understand what is going on. In this state of “special interest,” you remember words much better. We recommend that you do screenshots(screen photos) with the words you want to learn if you are a beginner and watch movies on the computer. After taking a screenshot and looking up the word in the dictionary, leave it without writing down the translation. This will keep your memory active. If you are watching a movie in a group and it is inconvenient to constantly stop it, then you can read the script in advance and learn all the unfamiliar words. In this case, it will look much more productive.

11. Repetition is the mother of learning

This old proverb is the key to success in learning any subject. Memory cuts off unnecessary information, and whether it is needed or not is determined by the frequency of its occurrence in your memory and your attitude towards it. We must really remember it. Hanging all the rooms, bathtubs and toilets with stickers with English words will not force our memory to remember them. She will find a way to let them pass by.

You need to develop the habit of repeating the material covered at each subsequent lesson. Move on to learning new material only if you have mastered the old one well. Proverb " so that it bounces off your teeth" will help you understand the meaning of what was said. Unfortunately, this principle is not taken into account in many training programs. There are such large gaps between repetitions that when the time comes to a test on the material covered, the student looks at the material already studied as completely new. Therefore, do not forget to bring what you have learned to perfection.

How often should you repeat learned words so as not to forget them?

There are many tips and tables showing memory cycles and effective repetition rates. It should be noted that they are designed for the average student or adult, while memorization productivity is very highly depends on individual abilities, which, in turn, develop quickly with regular training.

Start learning words by proven “3 by 3” memorization technique with a gap between sets of 2 hours, and then see how it works for you. If the result is good, you can increase the time interval between repetitions. If it is bad, it should be reduced.

12. Planning your training

Write down on a piece of paper the skills you are working on and the skills you want to develop in the future. Put them in a table, setting out the tasks and the time allotted to them. Track your progress by working on these tasks every day. It is not necessary that you can work on every skill every day. In our case over speaking, by reading, by letter And listening. Just systematically devote time to them, recording the results. If you don’t have the time or desire to practice a skill, it doesn’t matter. By recording your inability to do this now, sooner or later you will have a desire to do it. Well, you don’t want to read anything right now. Okay, watch movies. Well, you don’t feel like writing an essay today. Okay, correspond with John about music.Use your mood to study more effectively. Learning should bring joy, it is not torture. And most importantly, focus on your achievements, not on what has not yet been done. You need to feel progress and planning with reporting will help you with this. You can register and study words on-line, then in your personal account see how many words you have already learned, and how long you have studied them over time.

The question of how to memorize English words quickly and easily is asked by all students of a foreign language. Because insufficient vocabulary is a very common problem, and not only among beginners. You need to develop your memory, and this can be done in more than one way. It’s even better to combine different approaches to mastering vocabulary.

This article offers you several ways to quickly memorize English words. Try each of them and select those that bring the most tangible results in your case.

Learn vocabulary before bed

Make a list of words and work with it just before going to bed, while already lying in bed. Read the word in English and its translation, first out loud, then in a whisper, then silently. After this, close your eyes and imagine this word written on a white piece of paper, and relate it to a bright image. For example, if you are learning the word “hail” - hail, then with your eyes closed you should very clearly imagine how hail is “drumming” on your window.
Work through each word in this way and check in the morning how many words have been deposited in your subconscious. Repeat them all. And in the evening, do similar work with those words that you did not remember on the first try.

Make up stories

One of the most effective ways to remember English words is to remember them immediately in context. To do this, you need to take 5-10 new words and make up a small story using these words. A story may not always turn out to be literary correct, and it may not always have a logical sequence of described actions. But you don't need that. After all, the main thing is to remember the words in context.
As a variant of this method, you can compose not texts, but simply phrases or phrases with new words and memorize them.

Classic method

This way of learning English words is the most common. It is used in every school and every classroom. And it’s not for nothing that he’s so popular. Obviously, if done correctly, this method will help you memorize English words quickly and easily.
The essence of the method: when studying a new topic, you write down a certain number of words (about 15-20) in a special notebook, in which all the pages are divided into two parts. On the left side, English words with transcription are written in a column, and on the right side - their translation.
1. Read from top to bottom, using transcription, all words with translation, concentrating on each word.
2. Then do the same, but from bottom to top.
3. Repeat the steps again.
4. Take a 5 minute break to do something completely different.
5. Return to work and, having closed the Russian translation, try to remember it yourself by reading the English words.
6. Pay attention to those words that caused difficulties. Repeat them several times.
7. Do step 5 again.
8. Take another break for 5 minutes.
This work can be done within half an hour. But, no matter how well you remember everything, there is one important condition, by fulfilling which you will remember the words for a long time. This is a mandatory repetition of vocabulary after 7-10 hours, then after 24 hours, after 48 hours and then after a week! Ideally, you need to repeat the memorized words about 7 times over two weeks, taking long breaks between repetition sessions.

Make cards

Some people may think that this is too labor-intensive, but in fact, by making cards and saying out loud the English words that you write on one side of the cards, you use almost all the senses and work on all speech skills: writing, speaking, listening and reading.

Draw pictures

This method is suitable for those who draw more or less well. But even if you are not a very creative person, but you can draw “doodles” that you will clearly interpret as the designation of a word, then why not try? You can draw on cards either on the side with the English word or with the Russian translation. And also right in your dictionary, in which you write down new words, you can draw small pictures next to those words that are most difficult to remember.

Background Method for Memorizing English Words

Record the words you are studying with translations by topic onto a voice recorder and place them in separate files. Listen to audio whenever possible: when you are stuck in traffic jams, eating on the subway, cooking dinner or cleaning the house. This method can be used in two variations: either you concentrate on the material you are listening to and try to remember and repeat the words, or the audio simply plays in the background and the words are “recorded” in your subconscious.


To memorize English words easily and quickly, you need to use not only memory as such, but also motor-muscular connections. What does this mean? In order for words to remain in memory for a long time, you need to accompany the repetition of a word out loud with some kind of movement. In this case, the movement should be directly related to the meaning of the word being studied.
The easiest way to use this method is when memorizing verbs. For example, when learning the word “jump”, jump, and when learning the word “walk”, walk around the room. However, with some imagination, this method can be used when studying other parts of speech. For example, when learning the adjectives “small” and “big”, use your hands to show the size of a large object and a small one, and when learning the adjectives “sad”, “happy”, etc. make grimaces on your face to depict emotions.
An important point: all actions should not be imagined, but rather performed!

Association method

This method of memorizing English words is perfect for people with imaginative thinking and a good sense of humor. What is its essence? You must choose a Russian word that sounds close to the word you are studying and come up with a picture that combines both concepts, creating a cool situation. Logic in this case may be completely absent.
For example, the English word “puddle” is consonant with the Russian “fall”. So you imagine a clumsy boy who constantly fell into a “puddle” (puddle). Or another example: onion in English is onion, sounds like |ˈʌnjən|. So you imagine some girl you know, Anya, to whom this |anyen| belongs, i.e. “This is Anya’s onion.”

Every person at least once in his life is faced with the need to learn a foreign language. How to do it quickly and efficiently. Unfortunately, in 11 years of school cramming, a person on average learns 1.5-2 thousand English words. This stock is not enough even to understand the news.

Top ways to quickly learn English words

Let's look at the most popular ways to quickly learn a language. 1. Cards This is an old, economical and effective trick to learn English words quickly. Cards in the form of small sheets of paper can be created in several ways. Write down a new word in a foreign language on one side, and the Russian translation on the other. People with associative thinking can use the pictures on the back. Those who already have a certain vocabulary can use foreign dictionaries when creating flashcards. In this case, you need to write an explanation of the foreign word on the reverse side. This way, synonyms and antonyms are learned faster. But what about grammar? Foreign words are better remembered in the context of a sentence. To study vocabulary, you can create another version of cards. Write the new word in a sentence with Russian text, and on the reverse side the translation of only this word is indicated. For example: “I love read books” - “Read.” You need to look through the cards, repeat the vocabulary and after a while return to the old words. 2. Textbooks Modern textbooks are different from old ones. They not only provide beautiful illustrations of words, but also examples of their use. Word combinations in context are easier to remember. 3. Training on sites People who spend all their time at the computer can learn a foreign language “without leaving the cash register.” Today, a lot of websites have been developed for this. In them, information is immediately structured into sections (words, phrases, cartoons, films, grammar). Each word is explained using pictures and stills from the film. After watching the videos, you are given a task to repeat the studied material. The words are pre-divided by topic, so it is easier to study them. To consolidate the result, you can use the Restorff effect: write “foreigner” into a group of words. For example, in words meaning seasons, insert the day of the week. This will force the brain to focus on the terms faster. The learning process is built in the form of a game. Therefore, information is absorbed faster and easier. 4. Make up stories The association method described earlier can be applied in another way. A person remembers words better if he recreates them in his imagination. Having studied even 20 words from one group, you should come up with an incredible story in which all of them will be used.

The best way to learn English with translation

Whatever method of studying speech is chosen, the main thing is that the student repeats the material covered as often as possible. If you are studying using a textbook or program, then this process is already set up. As you complete tasks, the program will automatically suggest which words need to be repeated. But what about those who study on their own? According to linguists, to understand simple speech it is enough to master 2.5-3 thousand words. Those who have been studying foreign words for a long time need a living vocabulary with associations and content. Therefore, after reading a chapter of a book, do not write down all the new words, but only the most memorable ones. With their help, you can quickly repeat the material you have covered. Another way is to create a notebook-dictionary. This method is similar to using cards. The only difference is that you can always carry a notebook with you and not worry about the safety of the sheets in it. You should fill out one page of your notebook every day. It indicates new words and repetition interval. On the day of studying words, they should be repeated after three to five hours, and then the interval increases exponentially.

If you use your brain correctly, the learning process will become simple and fun. How to do it? Let's look at the main strategies. The Power of Emotions Each word must be associated with something important. For example, the word milk can easily be etched into the brain of any person who loves Milka chocolate. You can come up with an association from a story you like, a movie, an advertisement, etc. Positive emotions activate the ability to learn. They signal that a new word means something to a person. That's why this strategy works. “Embedding” words into experience When a child learns his native speech, he uses each new word in different situations. When he hears “white,” he will repeat it when he sees a white piece of paper and white sugar. This way, a new word is consolidated with what a person already knows, and it becomes more familiar. To use this method in learning foreign words, you need to use the new word in retelling the text, completing a written task and in conversation with a native speaker. Believe in yourself Often a person's past experiences hinder his learning. At school I had bad grades in language subjects, and at the institute I failed the exam. In fact, the reason for failure was lack of time, poor health, or the realization that the knowledge gained would not be useful. People who learned the language believed that they could do it. This belief turned into a prophecy for them. How long information will be stored in the head also depends on internal beliefs. If a person has an image of rapid loss of knowledge, then learning will take a lot of time. Instead, focus on the mentality of quickly regaining your skills.

The best method to learn the spelling of English words

To quickly master a new language, linguists recommend learning at least 100 words a day, 10% of which should be action verbs. It will take a lot of time to write down all the words on the cards. Therefore, it is better to use the Uchisto application for gadgets. It contains all the previously described techniques. To quickly learn English words, a card mechanism is used. Words are written and reproduced in English, and then in Russian. If a word is remembered after an hour, then it is put aside by clicking on the “Learned” button; if not, then it is updated in the list. All studied terms fall into the “Repeat after...” section, in which the user himself sets a convenient time. Repetition of material helps words to be transferred from short-term memory to long-term memory. Here you can also use the association method: reading a word - checking pronunciation - translation - making an association - repeating the word 5 times and scrolling through the association in your head. After this, you can move the word to the “Learned” section. There are more than a million words in English speech. Of these, only a few thousand are used in everyday life. To understand information from each area, it is enough to know 100 frequently used words. It is on this principle that the Uchisto dictionaries are compiled. First of all, the user selects 3 dictionaries to evaluate his knowledge. As he masters the topics, he can acquire other dictionaries. To visually monitor the learning process, the program presents a progress scale. With its help, you can daily monitor the process of replenishing your vocabulary: 100 words per day = 3 thousand words per month - the required minimum for spoken language! The application provides an excellent platform for starting to learn English. To consolidate knowledge and develop other skills, you should take lessons with a native speaker. If you know other ways to quickly learn English words, share with us in the comments.