Year of the Rooster horoscope for Capricorn woman.

Making a forecast is quite stupid, since no one can predict it with instantaneous accuracy.

The only ones who can tell us at least a little about our future are the stars. For many centuries now, humanity has been trying to obtain at least some information from them. Today, thanks to astrological forecasts, you can find out the approximate forecast for each zodiac sign.

Star horoscope for Capricorn for 2017

The astrological forecast recommends that all Capricorns not isolate themselves, family and personal problems. Communicate more with new acquaintances and old friends, be in the thick of things more often, relax and have fun. But do not forget that your circle of acquaintances may also include your enemies, whom you can quickly identify thanks to your ability to delve into the essence of things. Only after you “say goodbye” to annoying friends can you feel a surge of vitality and positive energy. Leaving hypocrites in your circle can lead to vile betrayal.

Spring for Capricorns promises to be an exciting period, since it is at this time that envious people may appear who may deceive you and try to leave you unsatisfied. But there is also an advantage. It is during the spring period that Capricorns will develop a real sense of danger, especially for those people who can “stab in the back.”

In the summer, Capricorn needs to rest and heal his nerves, which may be frayed. It is in the summer that Capricorn will have a successful marriage, as well as a good time to plan children.

Autumn... Don't panic, stay cool, don't give in to various provocations, think about protecting your honor and dignity.

Capricorn - woman

In general, the year is very difficult for the fair sex. High responsibility and various kinds of problems can arise not only in the family, but also at work. Not every woman will be able to show enthusiasm in solving assigned tasks. A difficult situation and a frantic pace will not lead to anything good either on the part of the employer or on the part of loved ones. Against the backdrop of such events, by the end of spring the woman will experience nervous exhaustion, fatigue and malaise.

But there are also advantages. Already with the beginning of summer, ladies of this sign will receive increased attention from men. The fiery Year of the Rooster may become a year for Capricorns when single people can find their soulmate. Astrologers recommend that married women diversify their quiet family life: relaxing together, shopping, walks, parties and much more. During this period, you can become much more desirable and attractive to your man.

Household chores, worries, conflict situations, everything will fade into the background. At this time, astrologers advise not to take everything to heart, because a solution can be found in any situation.

After the summer holidays, astrologers advise sticking to the right lifestyle.

Capricorn - man

The year is ambiguous and unpredictable for men. First of all, astrologers recommend paying attention to family relationships. There is a high probability of conflicts with loved ones at the beginning of the year. That is why try to calmly survive this period.
Many Capricorns have been hatching a new plan to open their own business throughout the past year. If you try yourself in the role of a business person at the beginning of the year, your career can captivate you from head to toe, but how will this affect the family... For many wives, such a turn can be fateful, and someone may give an ultimatum - family or work. But in order to maintain normal relationships, it is important to be able to find the right solutions, and a way out will definitely be found.

Workaholics - don't overwork! During the autumn period, it is strongly recommended to monitor your health. Remember that it is quite easy to harm your health, but coping with the disease will be much more difficult. Lack of proper treatment can lead to chronic diseases.

The end of the year promises wealth for those who were not afraid to take risks.

Love and Capricorn on the threshold of 2017

Astrologers advise that you treat your significant other with special care. Because your loved one has not noticed your attention for a long time, and in the future this can lead to quarrels with subsequent separation. In addition, the New Year 2017 promises that it will be your significant other who will really be able to give practical advice, which you will be very grateful to. Try to listen and not jump to conclusions.

Are you alone? No problem. The Fire Rooster promises you new acquaintances. It is advisable for couples to diversify their family life. You shouldn't expect problems from children either. The school year will be successful, and your education will still bring results. But don't get carried away by authority. The year will be calm for the family, so you can relax and unwind.

Significant changes in family life will be noticeable at the end of the year. Bright and memorable moments, love adventures, try to pay more attention to your relationships.

Career and Finance

The plans with which Capricorn will enter the year of the Fire Rooster will be simply grandiose. Many will decide to play big, put all their money and their reputation on the line, and, oddly enough, will be a huge success. The main thing is to concentrate your attention on the idea, but also to enlist the support of those people who will play on your side.

The authorities will be extremely demanding of Capricorns. But you will cope with all the assigned tasks with dignity, making every effort. All new ideas will be crowned with success, but don’t expect quick implementation. Be patient. There may be unexpected surprises from business relationships. Don't take on commitments that might let you down.
In the middle of the year, Capricorns can expect a significant financial increase for their efforts during the year. But don’t spend it all at once, but save it for better purchases. All monetary profit will depend only on your performance. Don’t try to get money any other way, it’s not worth it, you’ll lose more than you gain. Beware of scammers, listen to your intuition more often, and finally, just don’t take risks.

Even if you save diligently, you still won’t be able to avoid unexpected expenses. Most likely, the expenses will be related to business matters. But don’t be upset, every investment will bring you only positive emotions and benefits.
Overall, the financial year will be successful and not bad. The main thing is to repay all accumulated loans in a timely manner, and who knows, maybe you will stop needing such loans altogether.

What does the horoscope say about the health of Capricorn?

The New Year will be celebrated with the slogan - a correct and active lifestyle. In general, Capricorn will feel satisfactory. No serious illnesses are expected, but you will have to improve your health. It is worth going through preventive treatment programs and measures, vitamin complexes, all this will allow you to cope with chronic diseases and prevent relapses.

Autumn will be an active and eventful year for you. Perhaps you would be happy to rest and relax, but circumstances will not allow you to do this. Try to brag and complain less about life. In general, keep your personal life secret; ill-wishers will seize any opportunity to annoy you. However, as Capricorns correctly note, no one can seriously harm you, because in addition to enemies, there will also be friends next to you.

Horoscope for Capricorns for 2017

Your year can be divided into several long periods, each of which will differ in some way. So, the beginning of the year should be devoted to thinning out your close circle of friends and throwing out hypocrites from it. Not long ago you tried to do this, but were not very successful, because the traitor was still lurking next to you. If you do not address this issue in February, the horoscope for 2017 promises you negative consequences in the fall - the traitor will show himself at the most important moment for you and ruin all your plans. Trust your intuition, look deep into a person and penetrate his essence. You can do it.

Unfortunately, you will have to do this under emergency workload conditions. You will be in the center of a huge information flow, from which you will have to sift out the unnecessary and highlight the important. After all, in the future, all your business connections and partners will play an important role - maintain contacts with useful people. Write down the dates of births, holidays and anniversaries in your diary so that you have a reason to remind yourself. Your colleagues will look with bated breath at your efforts - make friends with the especially diligent ones. They can make a good new team starter when you get promoted.

It is better to devote summer to your family - a joint vacation or even a weekend will strengthen your marriage and bring your loved ones together. You need to pay attention to your significant other, giving as much warmth and love as you can. This way you will protect yourself from family feuds and scandals. It is better to plan your vacation in the fall and we recommend spending it in a narrow circle of friends and relatives. You won't be able to completely disconnect from work, but you will have a great time.

Horoscope Capricorn: for men

This year you need to clearly distinguish between love and work. Do not allow office romances under any circumstances, it will be of no use. Quite the opposite - you will get a negative experience and a stain on your reputation, and your passion will quickly move higher, since you will be made out to be the culprit. Therefore, the horoscope for men advises you to clearly define your priorities: what will you put first – work or family?

Actually, this will be the main conflict of the year. You will not be able to find a compromise or try to achieve success in both areas. And if you begin to devote more time to your sweetheart, your business will begin to suffer. Get back to business, and your significant other will get bored and leave you. The choice is difficult, but you will have to make it, just be sure that you will not regret what you did later.

Accumulate experience and information that will come to you. Although career advancement is not expected this year, the knowledge gained during the fall period will be useful to you in achieving other goals. Write down everything you think is important in a notebook and keep it handy.

Horoscope Capricorn: for women

Capricorn women this year will focus on solving relationship problems. Work, of course, will also occupy a significant part of your life, but it will gradually fade into the background, as your family will demand your attention and participation.

Be prepared for the fact that you will become the official conciliator in the house: only you will be able to quell any, even the most heated, disputes between relatives. As the horoscope for women assures you, you will like this role, the main thing is to at least sometimes get out of the image and become yourself.

Your spouse will begin to treat you somewhat coldly, and only you yourself will be able to regain your former interest in yourself: change your appearance, cook a new dish, update your outfits. You have to make your husband fall in love with you again. If you behave self-confidently and ignore this advice, you risk being left with your nose - your husband will leave for his rival.

But for free Capricorns, the stars predict a fateful meeting with a man who will become their life partner. A non-binding relationship will turn into something more in the summer, and by autumn you can safely expect a diamond ring. Therefore, do not relax, keep your ears open and always be on top.

Financial horoscope for Capricorn for 2017

According to the horoscope for 2017 for the zodiac sign Capricorn, you should not expect easy money this year. Therefore, immediately forget about all the “free” ways to earn money. Refuse to participate in dubious financial activities, do not invest money on the advice of others, and even rely on your own premonition - it will let you down. If you have additional funds, invest them in yourself: advanced training will come in handy, because your bosses will load you with new tasks, which you can only cope with by using new solutions.

Also, do not get carried away with gambling and the lottery. You won’t earn a penny, but you will spend an impressive amount from the family budget. There is a high probability of getting into debt or loans - avoid banks and credit communities, it will be difficult to give money back.

Since there will be no easy money, the work will take up a lot of your time - you will have to take overtime and use weekends to cope with everything on time. Your bosses will appreciate your dedication, but their reward will only be expressed in monetary terms in the fall. But even then, don’t rush to spend extra money on large purchases; your savings will still come in handy.

For those who have decided to start a new project or open their own business, the horoscope predicts success, but it will not be the rapid growth that you dream of. At an early stage, your business will be tiny and small, you will have to invest a lot of effort and money in its development, so you will only be able to collect the first cream closer to December.

Financial horoscope for men for 2017

For men, this is a career year. If, when setting priorities, you give work second place, life will quickly make adjustments, because it is in this area that you will be most successful. And since success is your kind of drug, it will be difficult to give it up.

But you will literally be forced to spend almost all your free time at work, plus undergo additional training on management and time management. It will be difficult for you to fit all your activities into twenty-four hours. Stress and constant pressure at work can lead to health problems in the spring, so distribute your work wisely and alternate it with periods of rest and relaxation.

This year you will be able to take a full vacation only for the New Year holidays, so try to relax as much as possible on the weekends. Your enthusiasm and creativity will be appreciated and recognized by both your colleagues and management, so don't be shy about accepting praise. Just don't get arrogant.

Large expenses should be avoided. No matter how strong the desire to buy new furniture, an expensive TV or car, don’t rush, pretty soon you will have the opportunity to make a good investment when you can double your savings. But beware of scammers, try to carefully select business partners and projects to work on.

Financial horoscope for women

Don't count on bonuses at your main job, so if you want more money, find yourself a part-time job. Or turn your hobby into another source of income: if people like your stuff, why not offer to buy it for them.

Female bosses will be in an awkward situation at the beginning of the year: deals agreed upon at the end of 2016 will suddenly be canceled, and new ones will appear only by spring. You can survive until this time only thanks to old and trusted partners. By the fall, the situation will completely level out, you will have new partners, customers and a tidy sum in your account. They will even ask you to borrow money - feel free to lend it. Firstly, you will come to the aid of someone important to you, and secondly, the money will be returned to you on time.

But beware of the debt trap yourself; any debt obligations taken out this year will be very difficult to fulfill.

Love horoscope for Capricorns for 2017

In an attempt to sit on two chairs at once, you will become unusually active in the love sphere. The main rule is in moderation. Otherwise, you end up with something thick and then empty. Your significant other expects attention from you, but you should not schedule a trip to the cinema, restaurant or shopping for one day - this will tire you more than bring you pleasure. As the horoscope for the Capricorn zodiac sign assures, your partner will provide you with every possible support and give very useful advice, using which you can achieve success in your professional field.

But at the same time, it is your busyness that will be the cause of disputes, scandals and, possibly, a break in relationships. Take this philosophically: if a person does not want to enter into your position and support you, is this person “yours”? In any case, the Rooster will tell you what to do and add decisiveness.

Single Capricorns will be able to get a couple by the summer. The stars say that this will be a new acquaintance, so feel free to burn bridges when you meet this person - he will be with you for a very long time.

  • Love horoscope for men very favorable, except for the aggravation of relations at the beginning of the year, when you are up to your ears in work. The most favorable time to immerse yourself in the family womb is autumn. You will not be so busy with work, and your significant other will finally receive the long-awaited attention and affection from you. Try to listen to her advice, she will think very soberly and give you the necessary recommendations in work matters. But in matters of love, the initiative should come entirely from you. But the support and help that you will receive in gratitude will be most welcome.

The stars predict many pleasant meetings for free Capricorn men, one of which will change your life. This year you will meet the only one who can get along with your difficult character. But only if you are really ready to build a serious relationship, otherwise her face will simply flash through a series of new acquaintances.

  • Love horoscope for women promises to be a difficult year. The family will take up a lot of time, while you yourself will be ready to give them everything and even more, but only in exchange for calm and peace in the house. You will be a lightning rod in heated family discussions, cutting off any emerging scandals in the bud. Don't get too used to this role, otherwise it will turn into your lifelong responsibility.

Spend more time with your spouse, otherwise he will start looking at other women. To attract his attention, work on your appearance, captivate him again with your best features, forget about your differences for a while. But only if you want to save your marriage.

Children will take a special place in your life this year: you will need all your maternal care and affection in order to support your child in time. Avoid conflicts and moralizing, this will only alienate you from your child and make you feel negative. On the contrary, gain his trust, become his friend.

Children's horoscope for Capricorn for 2017

Your child will look for approval and encouragement in your eyes for any reason; try to notice any little things in their behavior and actions. They really need your attention.

Kids will suddenly show interest in home appliances. Leaving aside their toys and construction sets, they will actively explore the inner world of the washing machine and vacuum cleaner. Explore these devices together, answer all questions and show them how to use them correctly. If you don't do this, they will figure it out themselves. From my own experience.

Schoolchildren will show particular independence and independence, constantly violating the rules of the house and the daily routine. They will not skip classes, but at home they will demonstrate their character in every possible way with enviable regularity. Try to behave like a caring parent: explain to your child the importance of following the rules and the benefits of them. Punishments will only cause more resentment and protest.

(3 votes, average: 3,67 out of 5)

Specialization: Astrology, Parapsychology
Education: Professional

Articles written

The Year of the Fire Rooster will be fruitful and pleasant for Capricorns. In the memory of representatives of this zodiac sign, it has every chance to remain as the most successful year for the development of their careers. Despite the difference in temperament between the fiery bird and the mysterious, thoughtful water goat, in the coming year these symbols will cooperate productively with each other.

Capricorn's intellectual potential is fully realized, and his natural flair and oratorical gift will allow him to surround himself with pleasant people and get rid of potential offenders in advance. Many people, seeing the amazing efficiency and success of this zodiac sign, will begin to spread gossip out of envy and powerlessness, but Capricorn’s restraint, diplomacy and impeccably decent image will allow him to avoid the troubles that follow gossip.

Starting from the first ten days of 2017, pay close attention to people. Capricorns, some of whom are characterized by unsociability, may experience difficulties in this aspect, but try to overcome yourself. The fact is that your work or business will largely depend on the existing connections with the team, management, and competitors.

Not a single acquaintance in the year of the Fire Rooster will be in vain for Capricorns, so do not avoid crowded events. You may have no idea where exactly you will meet your new business partner or the love of your life, so don’t be shy about going to exhibitions and museums, open film screenings and galleries, and most importantly, talking to people.

Scandals may break out in the Capricorn family, for which there would seem to be no obvious reason. Capricorns’ ability to listen to the opinions of others will help save the family home from the threat of destruction. Those representatives of the Zodiac sign who do not feel that this ability is sufficiently developed in themselves will have to cultivate it before it is too late.

Even if it seems to you that you know all the arguments and complaints in advance, take a little time to have a truthful conversation with your family. Don’t think that building a relationship with your spouse right now will take up too much of your time and energy. On the contrary, every resolved conflict will give you strength to move on.

Money and career

In the first ten days of 2017, the sign of Capricorn will feel an unprecedented surge of strength and efficiency. This will come in handy, especially in the first half of the year. There will be a lot of work for representatives of the sign. Sometimes Capricorns will begin to feel that their bosses have prepared a special test for them. This may be true, so put your best foot forward and your chances of getting a bonus or promotion will increase dramatically by the end of the year. As compensation for the efforts put into work or business, the Fire Rooster has prepared for Capricorns good luck in all new projects and a stable influx of finances.

However, the Capricorn sign may encounter misunderstandings in the family. Work will take over them with such force that there may be no time or energy left for joint recreation with their family. Explain your situation to your family, talk to them frankly and ask them to treat you with understanding. In turn, moderate your enthusiasm in those matters where they can do just fine without your help - take time off, devote your weekends and vacations to your family. This way you will find a compromise and will not miss out on either the cash flow or the love of your loved ones.

The second half of 2017 promises Capricorns a significant influx of finances. Try to avoid unnecessary waste of money on things that are not necessary for you, because autumn can bring significant financial expenses. Most likely this will concern the health of Capricorns themselves, or someone close to them, or economic needs. In any case, whether it is an exacerbation of a chronic illness, or repairs due to flooding by an absent-minded neighbor, you should not regret spending money on it. The health and well-being of you and your loved ones is the best financial investment.

Despite the fact that Capricorns are a very enterprising zodiac sign, in 2017 they should avoid making money on the side. Focus on making the most of your day job and make an effort to stand out to your bosses.

The Year of the Fire Rooster poses too great a risk for Capricorns of running into scammers. If you still have no choice and have to resort to third-party sources of income, use both logic and intuition. The first quality will help you avoid obviously illegal sources of income, and the second will help you avoid falling for the tempting offers of charming swindlers. Remember that if you get involved in a scam, you can lose not only money, but also your main job, and even freedom.

Family and romance

In 2017, Capricorns who are married or in a relationship must be very attentive to their partner. Perhaps he has been accumulating grievances against you for a long time, which you reinforce with your prolonged absence. Show more attention to your other half - a man will be happy with culinary masterpieces or a new dress worn especially for him, and a woman will be happy with a sudden romantic date or a pleasant gift. Believe me, such signs of attention are not a stupid whim or an attempt to bribe your partner, they are a guarantee of your strong relationship during a busy period at work.

Some Capricorns, tired of the monotony, will want to find adventure on the side. Despite the fact that the sign of Capricorn is not distinguished by directness and radical decisions, try to understand for yourself what kind of relationship you need most. Do not start an affair on the side for fun - this will put an end to both your previous relationship and your own peace of mind. If conflicts arise with your partner, do not try to ignore him or cause pain with your actions. Sit down and discuss everything as patiently and thoroughly as possible.

Lonely Capricorns will meet a pleasant person in the summer or autumn of 2017. Don't miss your chance to start a friendship with him, which may develop into a romantic relationship. It is most likely to meet a potential partner away from home - on vacation, on a business trip or at a conference. Pay attention to people attending business and cultural events - they will definitely be close to your spirit.

Children of Capricorn, on the contrary, will delight representatives of this zodiac sign. The commitment to intellectual activity characteristic of Capricorns will be passed on to their children, even if they belong to other signs. They will begin to show interest in studies and science, and over time, bring decent grades. The main thing is not to put too much pressure on them and do not force them to study, otherwise you will kill all the potential. Show your child maximum patience, reward him more often for success, explain difficult nuances yourself - and then your child’s success will not be long in coming.

Rest and health

For Capricorns, no exacerbations of chronic diseases are expected in 2017. Men may experience injuries, the treatment of which will require effort and financial expenditure. Nevertheless, the year is very favorable for improving health and strengthening immunity. Just don’t be fanatical about this: don’t buy a bunch of medicines and dietary supplements, but solve problems as they come. During the cold season, use only your doctor’s recommendations, and the rest of the time, do gymnastics and hardening procedures. Summer can be devoted to trips to warm countries to relieve nervous tension and breathe in the sea air.

Having found the horoscope for 2017 quite optimistic, Capricorn can go on long journeys without fear. In addition to improving health, they promise representatives of the sign unforgettable experiences that can change Capricorn’s attitude towards the world around them. Dedicate your vacation to visiting various events, take an active interest in the culture of another country, spiritual practices and history. This will broaden your horizons and help you get rid of the severity of everyday problems.

If Capricorns do not plan to go on long trips in 2017, they can spend their vacation close to home, gathering the whole family nearby. Strengthening family relationships is very important for representatives of this sign in the year of the Fire Rooster, so do not shy away from the opportunity to visit distant relatives or organize get-togethers yourself.

Probably, unsociable Capricorns will even be annoyed by such a pastime, but look at it from a pragmatic side. The absence of grievances and conflicts between your family members will greatly save you time and emotional energy in resolving them. In addition, if necessary, relatives will provide you with the necessary support that you will not find from any other acquaintance.

Let's sum it up

2017 for Capricorns can be called extremely productive in all areas. In addition to success in their professional activities, representatives of the sign will have the opportunity to improve their relationships with relatives, make a lot of new acquaintances, and develop themselves as individuals. And most importantly, Capricorns will have enough strength for everything! Accurate calculations and planning will help representatives of the sign accomplish even more than they expect from themselves, and at the same time not get hung up on work alone.

Strong advice to improve relationships with family and expand the circle of acquaintances may unsettle the unsociable Capricorn somewhat, but over time he will understand that this overcoming of himself will only play into his hands. Having found his social circle, it will be much easier for Capricorn to develop and overcome difficulties.

The health of Capricorns does not require close attention in 2017, but you should not forget about it and indulge in excesses. If you haven’t been involved in any sports before and have allowed yourself not to monitor your diet, it’s time to start doing it without fear of deterioration in your health. Just don’t overdo it with strict diets and heavy exercise in the gym - this won’t do you any good either. Yoga or breathing exercises, which will help relieve stress from work, will have a beneficial effect on your condition.

If you don't want to obey, he will force you to do it. Remember: everything that happens is for the better. Look at everything more simply and with a bit of self-irony. Turn life into an exciting performance and change masks and roles as you please. You decide who goes on stage and who stays behind the scenes.

Forecast for Capricorns by time of year


Uranus, Jupiter, Pluto and the Sun argue with each other and make you an irreconcilable fighter for justice. Be able to curb your temper in time, otherwise conflict is not far away.


Not love yet, but pleasant friendly communication and flirting are guaranteed. Your popularity among your friends is growing, and you will feel like a queen more than once


You will often experience déjà vu. And all because the new is the well and safely forgotten old. And in your case, it is now better than any transformations and innovations.


Confusion of feelings and thoughts. You will review many
of your ideas, you will abandon most of your ideas. And plan new things, even more grandiose ones
and impressive.

Kaleidoscope of happy days

Much more important than impression,
that you want to create about yourself. Think about the main thing and remain yourself.

✓ Love: almost ideal

In general, the year is very favorable for personal relationships.
Of course, there will be periods of decline (in mid-spring and summer), and it is worth preparing for them in advance. Keep your mouth shut, it is better to say less than to say too much. At the end of summer, an old admirer becomes active, but it is hardly worth renewing the relationship; it is better to leave everything as it is.

If at the beginning of the year you were categorical, by autumn you will become softer and more compliant. And this is the right position. Learn to negotiate. Even though you are not yet an ideal couple, you have every chance of becoming one. Your partner will appreciate your efforts and reciprocate.

✓ Family: let there be light

Radical changes are coming. You tend to be guided solely by your feelings. But the family will not want to obey. Uranus provokes rebellion. You will want to move out of your home for a while. What the family has been based on will suddenly change, some traditions will be interrupted. In the summer, under pressure from your relatives, you will begin to buy large household appliances.

Even if there are no big things to do (such as renovations or moving), it would be nice to change something in the interior. Updates will breathe new life into your relationships with your household. It is especially favorable now to buy new lamps and change heavy curtains to lighter ones.

Light and space are what not only your home needs, but what you all need. Changes in the interior will be followed by changes in views.

✓ Friendship: expand your horizons

New friends will appear, and with them enemies. People you have always liked will become closer. First, communication will begin, and then you will become friends without spilling water.

With those people with whom you have been communicating for a long time, relationships may deteriorate. It seems to you that you know a person better than yourself, and suddenly he will show himself in an inappropriate way. Old grievances may resurface, and someone may even want to take revenge.

In the summer there will be little communication, but almost all meetings will be memorable. You will find yourself in the company of people with similar interests and learn a lot of new things. This is a very fruitful time to broaden your horizons. If you get together, go out of town together at least for a few days. You need it, which your friends and like-minded people will give you.

✓ Health: natural strength

Stable year. True, if you suffer from a chronic disease, do not expect improvement (or worsening). Now it is very important to move as much as possible and do stretching exercises.

A sedentary lifestyle causes energy to stagnate, and this leads to illness. Make it a rule to do a light three-minute warm-up at least once every two hours. The natural forces of your body are unusually strong, you just need to develop them.

Don't indulge your laziness, lead an active lifestyle. But it’s better to start training not in winter, but in mid-spring. At this time, the tone is higher and there is more energy, and it will be easier for you to overcome yourself.

✓ Finance/Career: the master’s business is afraid

You will become an excellent organizer. Leadership qualities will develop even in someone who has always preferred not to take responsibility. At the beginning of the year, you will begin to struggle not so much with work problems, but with colleagues. Not all issues can be resolved peacefully.

There will be many chances in the summer. However, you shouldn’t take on everything at once. And although your financial expectations will be met, you will be very tired. At the beginning of autumn, you will be able to realize your plans that you could not bring to life before.

This year is not very successful for risky financial transactions; it is not advisable to invest money in real estate. Try to plan even minor expenses. At the very end of the year, you may be drawn into an adventurous project. Do not believe promises; check all documents with special care. Intuition can fail. Therefore, to avoid getting into trouble, compare the facts and ask clarifying questions. You will become a real expert in a matter that you did not understand before.

Prognosis for women

The Capricorn woman will realize her importance and will believe that true love really exists.

Disagreements with loved ones at the beginning of the year will undermine self-confidence. And problems at work will make you nervous.

The spring wind of change will help you cheer up and pull yourself together. Like sprouts emerging from under the thawed ground, new thoughts and feelings will arise. This is a long process, so you will have time to think it through. The garden of your bold ideas, hopes, plans will fully bloom in early autumn.

Suddenly the opportunity to realize a long-standing idea will appear. And although you may lack experience, do not refuse the offer. More actively involve your friends and acquaintances in this matter, be not only a coordinator, but also an inspirer of the process. And by the end of the year you will see the first fruits of joint efforts. Without a doubt, this will please both you and your allies.

Born from December 22 to December 31

The hardest part is behind us. Recharge, learn best practices, and seek additional opportunities. Relationships are coming out of crisis, direct all your attention here. Carefully and confidently build new bridges, regain lost trust and understanding. At the beginning of autumn, those who dream of adding to their family will learn good news.

Born from January 1 to January 10

The general line of life is written in the stars, and you cannot change anything. But you can correct the small details, which to a large extent make up the whole life. Get involved in your work from the very beginning of the year. Take a high tempo, don't feel sorry for yourself.
In summer you will have to reduce the load. A period of calm and relaxation begins.

Born from January 11 to January 20

Get ready, the path will not be easy. But this is always the case when you climb a mountain. The top is already visible, you need to push yourself. Personal life is not the most important thing now. You need to hold on and not slide down, gain a foothold in order to then set off on your next journey. Look for like-minded people, they will help you take the final, decisive step.

Forecast for men

The Capricorn man will gain new experience, correct past mistakes and do something that no one expects from him.

It happens that we choose the wrong roads. Throughout the year, you will be haunted by the feeling that you are either going in the wrong direction or have lost your way. Don't be afraid to change something on the go and even turn in a completely different direction. You may even have to go back a little to understand and rethink something.

In the summer you will decide to do something unusual for you. You will have to take risks and take on increased responsibilities. But you know why you are doing this, which means that any difficult decisions will be easier.

At the end of the year you will be faced with an unusual problem. You will have to do something you have never done, go against your own beliefs. But it’s so exciting and intriguing!

Born from December 22 to December 31

Those who look for simple solutions are doomed to failure. Creativity is necessary in any business. This is a period of victories for you. Don't look back, regrets will take a lot of energy. There are new achievements ahead both in your career and in your personal life. Choose which topic is most relevant to you and tackle that first. Closer to autumn, more time will appear, and you will be able to switch to a new business.

Born from January 1 to January 10

Start small and try not to draw too much attention to yourself. Act from behind the scenes, skillfully manage the process and observe the reactions of others. You need to be patient, wait for the moment to suddenly appear on stage. Be fully prepared. There will be an element of surprise in almost all events this year.

Born from January 11 to January 20

Forecast for Capricorns born in the year...

Create a successful image for yourself and follow it even in small things. Luck itself will knock on your door.


1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

If the doors don't open and what you want doesn't happen, wait. Learn from what is happening around you. Happiness will come if you are patient. Let others take the initiative, stay out of the way and don't worry.


1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

Time for joint plans and actions. Be sincere, but choose your partners carefully. Try not to depend on anyone, be decisive at the right time. The future depends on how you behave now.


1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

By following the rules, you can make them work for you. There is no need to change anything, follow the flow of life. Your time is ahead. Now you need to assess your capabilities and distribute your forces correctly.

A rabbit

1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

Don't be too proud of your achievements, otherwise envious people will become more active. Quietly do what you enjoy. And communicate more and meet loved ones. Home and family are the most attractive themes this year.


1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

You, like a restless wind, will rush around all year. You will want to do everything in time, and this is quite possible. True, you will have to forget about pleasant communication. Business and only business - this is your destiny for the near future.


1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

To succeed, you need to interest and even intrigue others. Work for yourself, create an image and try to be remembered for something. You will be able to make a lasting impression and get your way.


1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

Failure is always followed by victory. And if it’s hard for you at first, you shouldn’t quit or break off the relationship. We must overcome not only obstacles, but also ourselves. Take responsibility and everything will change for the better.


1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

New unconquered peaks have appeared on your way. Do I need to change the chosen course because of this? Decide for yourself, just remember that curiosity can now backfire on you. You may lack concentration.


1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

Be able to predict, feel the right moment. The time has come for you to have epiphanies and fateful signs. Focus on your personal life: there will be a chance to change everything and start writing a love story from scratch.


1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Becoming better, stronger, smarter is a completely doable task for this year. The main thing is not to indulge yourself and do a little more. While there is a lull in your personal life, take care of work issues. And make plans for the future.


1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

Be willing to sacrifice or give up something important. Don't cling to what is going away. Fate clears the way for something new. Focus on yourself and your loved ones. Let everything go as planned from above.


1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

The main thing is in the little things. This year there are no insignificant affairs and relationships, everything is important and everything is valuable. To avoid missing the point, act consistently. Without regret, eliminate from life everything that bothers you. Even alone, you are now capable of almost anything.

Children's horoscope

Learn to negotiate! This year you will find new facets in your relationship with your child. Don't be annoying and keep the distance he sets. Before you ban something, try to negotiate. At the end of the year, the baby will become more distracted - find new incentives, come up with a reward for success.

Each representative of the zodiac signs has their own sphere of success this year, but only Capricorns are even luckier - they can literally reach unprecedented heights in their careers and improve their social status.

First of all, many Capricorns will decide to achieve their goals and impressive results this year. In this they will be helped by endurance, stubbornness and people who will surround and support their successes. The best strategy for winning is to make every effort, because luck is already on your side, and now the most important thing is not to miss anything and be sure that you did everything you could. The scale of your success will depend on this.

Horoscope for Capricorns for 2017 by month

January can be complicated due to a conflict situation with relatives. In your family, there may now be disputes between several generations, and in this situation you take a position of neutrality. If you are going to reconcile the warring parties, then leave this idea for now - nothing will come of it.

February and March may go well: you may receive the amount of money needed to resolve urgent issues. It could also be a debt that you completely forgot about.

In April, we can expect an intensification of conflicts that have been going on for several years now. Be careful in your interactions with people and don't let others boss you around.

May will bring peace of mind and a desire to have fun, but do not try to rest at this time - there may be a busy period at work, and you may not be allowed to go on vacation. The summer period will bring difficulties with colleagues or partners. Yes, you may have many achievements this year, but in the area of ​​relationships with people you need to be more patient, and at the moment it is becoming increasingly difficult for you to do this. People can't keep up with you and your changes, and you're not ready to listen to them.

September and October are the best times to plan a vacation. At this time, your strength and emotions are almost zero, and you need a recovery period and the opportunity to spend some time in solitude, or where work matters cannot reach you.

But November and December are a chance to make a strong breakthrough in work.

Capricorn Man: forecast for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster

Men born under the sign of Capricorn most often appear as an ideal in the eyes of the opposite sex, because they combine what is possible: they are responsible and almost always know what they want from life. They perfectly see the goal in front of them and know how to achieve it. They are strict with themselves and very often critical of the results they manage to achieve. They are also strict towards others, and most often show their love through actions, not words. You cannot expect romantic courtship from them with flowers and sunrises, but such a person will never betray you, but will also expect devotion and balanced decisions from you.

This year, Capricorn men have a great opportunity to find a circle of like-minded people who will support them in all their endeavors. In addition, most of the year is a great chance for you to establish yourself in your professional circles, because right now the chances of success are at their highest. You can make a serious breakthrough in your career if you plan your actions correctly and are able to enter the right circles of people.

Capricorn Woman: forecast for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster

Capricorn women are similar in character to men of this sign - they set high goals for themselves and strive for maximum results. They are often considered arrogant or cold because they are not used to showing emotions - the price is too high, because if you let go of control for a minute and allow emotions to rule you, the losses will be high. It is these women who most often want to build a career and do this even despite having a family and having children, because they know how to properly manage their time and always remember their own desires.

The current year will bring women of this sign opportunities for career growth, regardless of what stage they are at now - whether they are mothers with children or women who have been trying to achieve success in the professional field for several years. This year, luck promises to smile on you, but you must also try and not miss the chances and opportunities that will come into your life.

Love horoscope for Capricorns for 2017

In the coming year, love will not become a priority in the lives of most Capricorns, but, nevertheless, it is possible to identify certain favorable and not so favorable periods for this zodiac sign.

June will be one of the most romantic and relaxing months of the year. Although communication with your other half may be complicated due to the fact that you will be stubborn and not prone to flexible thinking. If every time you disagree with your lover you try to convince him that he is wrong, then the relationship may indeed become more difficult at this time, even despite a favorable prognosis. Try to avoid jealousy and control during this time.

But December will help you understand and feel how nice it is when you are cared for and loved, because it is at this time that your partner will be inflamed with passion and desire for you. For those who are looking, this is a good chance to find new love or sympathy.

Finance and career horoscope for 2017

This year’s career can reach its maximum – everything contributes to this. And the fair, respectful attitude of your manager, and the attitude of your colleagues, and your successes and achievements. Stop at nothing and remember that a lot is possible this year. You just need to manage your capabilities correctly. The situation with finances will be stable - it is likely that career growth will not bring a rapid increase in wages, but this will not last long. This will definitely happen in the future.

Forecast for Capricorn according to the Chinese horoscope

Capricorn-Tiger: A very good year that will give you acquaintance with amazing people. You should establish a relationship with your direct manager - even if your relationship is difficult now, it may turn out that you have a lot in common.

Capricorn-Rabbit: A favorable year for those who decide to change their professional field and leave the field in which you have worked in recent years. The year is good for change, but be prepared for the fact that not everything will go smoothly at first.

Capricorn-Dragon: Use your connections, personal and professional, to help other people solve their problems. These are the people you can turn to for help later. Remember that the main thing this year is mutual assistance.

Capricorn-Snake: Your weak point this year is that you compromise too easily, even in cases where you need to defend your interests. Be honest with yourself and answer the question – why do you need this?
