Saint Tatiana the Great Martyr - life, prayers, meaning of the icon. Holy Martyr Tatiana of Rome Relics of Saint Tatiana where

In the generation of our grandmothers, the name Tatyana was the most popular among female names, most likely thanks to Pushkin’s “Eugene Onegin”. The first known bearer of this name was the holy martyr Tatiana of Rome, whom the icon of St. Tatiana depicts as a beautiful girl. However, despite her youth, Tatiana showed the same steadfastness in defending the Christian faith as the male martyrs.

Life and feat of Saint Tatiana

Tatiana came from a noble Roman family, where they revered Christ and raised the girl in fidelity to Christ's faith and piety. Tatiana decided to devote her entire life to Christ and took a vow of chastity. Her kindness knew no bounds: she helped the orphaned and needy with food, clothing and prayer, treated the sick, and during her righteous life she became the first deaconess in the history of Christianity (before that, only men could be deacons).

During the time of Emperor Alexander Severus (ruled from 222 to 235), new persecution of Christians began. Tatiana never hid her faith, she was widely known, so it is not surprising that she was one of the first to be captured and tried to force her to bow before the statue of Apollo in his temple. However, the prayer offered by Tatiana to the True Lord caused an earthquake, during which part of the temple collapsed, and the statue itself was overthrown and broken.

Then Tatiana was doomed to torture, during which she continued to pray and remained steadfast. When, during the torture, four angels flew to her and a voice was heard from heaven encouraging Tatiana, her executioners were shocked by the miracles shown and immediately believed in Christ, for which they themselves were executed.

The life of Saint Tatiana describes many episodes of her martyrdom. So, when she was thrown to be devoured by a lion, the saint pacified him!

The judges decided that this happened thanks to sorcery using hair, cut off Tatiana's beautiful long hair and, bringing her to the temple of Zeus, locked her there. When three days later the priests came to the temple for sacrifice, the statue of Zeus was broken, but Tatiana was unharmed.

Seeing that the torture led nowhere, the judges sentenced the saint and her father to death, and on January 12, 226, their heads were cut off.

Description of the icon of St. Tatiana

On the waist icon, Tatiana the Great Martyr is depicted as a beautiful girl. On her face are written meekness, humility and, at the same time, perseverance, which allowed her to endure terrible torture. In her right hand is a cross as a symbol of martyrdom and fidelity to the faith of Christ, in her left hand is a scroll with a prayer. For a long time, the icon “Holy Martyr Tatiana” has been venerated in memory of the holy passion-bearer, who endured mortal torment for her fidelity to the Christian faith.

The meaning of the icon “St. Tatiana”

The icon of St. Tatiana is especially revered in Russia, and this is no coincidence: Tatiana’s Day, which falls on January 25 according to the new style, is celebrated in our country as Students’ Day, since it was on this day that Empress Elizabeth signed a decree establishing Moscow University. Thus, the icon of St. Tatiana is of particular importance for MSU students.

Each newborn named by this name should receive a personal icon of Tatyana, which will protect and preserve her, and later, when the girl grows up, her parents will definitely need to tell her the story of the saint.

How does the icon of St. help? Tatiana

St. Tatiana was engaged not only in charitable deeds, but also in spiritual enlightenment, which is why she is revered as the patroness of education, sciences and all those who comprehend them. Prayer in front of the holy icon helps in studying and successfully passing exams, but only for those who believe in God and are not lazy to study.

At Moscow State University. Lomonosov there is a church of St. Tatiana, where it is always crowded during the session. She helps not only students, but also schoolchildren, especially applicants.


Oh, holy martyr Tatiano, bride of Your Sweetest Bridegroom Christ! To the Lamb of the Divine Lamb! The dove of chastity, the fragrant body of suffering, like a royal garment, covered with the face of heaven, now rejoicing in eternal glory, from the days of her youth a servant of the Church of God, observing chastity and loving the Lord above all the blessings! We pray to you and we ask you: heed the petitions of our hearts and do not reject our prayers, grant purity of body and soul, inhale love for Divine truths, lead us onto a virtuous path, ask God for angelic protection for us, heal our wounds and ulcers, youth protect us, grant us a painless and comfortable old age, help us in the hour of death, remember our sorrows and grant us joy, visit us who are in the prison of sin, instruct us in repentance quickly, kindle the flame of prayer, do not leave us orphans, let your suffering be glorifying, we send praise to the Lord, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Saint Tatiana helps those who are young at heart, who are not afraid of change, who strive to make life better and more beautiful. It is not for nothing that for more than 200 years Russian students have considered her their patroness, and Tatiana’s Day is celebrated as their main holiday. Saint Tatiana helps diligent students, softens the hearts of strict teachers, and illuminates university celebrations with her participation: from scientific readings to vacations, from initiation into students to weddings. She strengthens us on the path of life, and when the success of a business depends not only on our diligence, but also on luck, on a happy coincidence of circumstances, Saint Tatiana takes us under her protection. Open the book and pray to Saint Tatiana - she will help active and creative people in their studies and work, in daring, creativity, in conquering the most difficult peaks.

A series: The saints will help you

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Life of the Holy Martyr Tatiana

Her face was calm and joyful...

My wife, Tatyana, is waiting with trepidation for me to write this chapter. And I must talk about the one in whose honor it was named and whose name day she celebrates with joy and hope all her life. “Write in such a way that the reader will fall in love with Saint Tatiana, so that he will understand how close she is to our Russian Orthodox faith,” she asks. I nod. I will try.

The past century for Russia was not only a century of great upheavals, but also a century of saints. Discover the modern calendar: every day - the memory of dozens of new martyrs and new confessors. And even in our seemingly peaceful times, people suffer and die for their faith: priests are tortured and killed, they are burned along with their families in their own homes. Not a year goes by without the media talking about such a tragedy. And how many we don’t know about... But would modern Christians have such strength of faith if they were not inspired by the example of the saints of antiquity? In that distant time when Saint Tatiana lived, for the mere suspicion of such a “crime” as the adoption of the Christian religion, a person could be subjected to torture and torture.

And if “guilt” was proven, the Christian faced death. Throughout Rome, pagans demanded that Christians renounce their faith and worship their man-made idols. To be a Christian was to choose death. But the holy ascetics made this choice, amazing their fellow citizens with their firmness and inflexibility of spirit.

Christians were accused of all “state crimes” or “treason” because they did not pray in pagan temples, did not prostrate themselves before the emperors, and did not recognize their “divine” authority. Christians were declared sorcerers because the essence of Christian sacraments and rituals was incomprehensible to pagans. Pagan priests invented absurd and vile rumors about Christian communities, which were spread among the people to maintain hostility towards Christians. All thefts, murders and other atrocities committed in Rome were attributed to Christians. As a result, not only those in power, but also the mob wanted Christians to die. But the fearlessness of Christian ascetics and the heroic death of the martyrs converted even their tormentors. The tragic fates of Christian saints give an idea of ​​the cruel times in which the holy virgin Tatiana happened to live.

Christian ascetics of the 3rd–4th centuries

The Holy Martyr Tatiana of Rome lived in the 3rd century after the Nativity of Christ. At that difficult time for Christians, the feat of voluntary martyrdom was carried out by thousands of ascetics. Their names are revered throughout the Christian world today. I will name only a few whose names every Orthodox person should know today.

One of the most famous was Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, Bishop of Myra of Lycia, he is lovingly called in Rus' Nicholas the Pleasant(memory day - December 19). The heir of eminent Romans, he gave his fortune to charity. During his lifetime, Nikolai the Pleasant was glorified as a defender of the slandered and innocently convicted, and was revered as a deliverer from a vain death.

Let's remember Hieromartyr Blasius(Memorial Day - February 24), Bishop Sebastia, a wonderful healer who was subjected to severe persecution. After many tortures, the saint was thrown into the lake, and he walked with the name of Christ on the water as on dry land. Saint Blaise was beheaded, and before his execution he promised to pray for anyone who remembered his name.

Holy Great Martyr Barbara(Memorial Day - December 17) in the 4th century she suffered a tragic death from idolaters. The last request of the great martyr before the Lord in her earthly life was a prayer to grant her intercession for anyone who, in their fateful hour, remembers the suffering of the holy virgin and through her turns to God's help.

To the doctor Saint Panteleimon(Memorial Day - August 9) healing in the name of Christ cost life. The Lord protected the healer: the sword was powerless against him, the wounds on his body from boiling tin healed, and the fractures from being wheeled healed. When Saint Panteleimon was called by Heaven, he himself asked the soldiers to behead his head. Not blood, but milk flowed from his wound, and the olive tree to which the saint was tied during torture was covered with ripe fruits.

Saint Cyrus was a doctor, famous and free, in the city of Alexandria, and Saint John was a warrior in the city of Edessa. Cyrus, who was given by God the gracious gift of healing, converted many pagans to Christianity. In the times of Diocletian (Roman emperor of the early 4th century), Cyrus found himself in the Arabian desert and became a monk, continuing to heal the suffering. John came to the desert to find Saint Cyrus and become his disciple. The holy healers were beheaded by the pagans, but miraculous healings began to occur from the holy relics. Later, the incorruptible relics of the saints were transferred to Rome, and then to Munich. Memorial Day of Saints Cyrus and John - July 11.

Saint Diomede(Memorial Day - August 29) also served as a healer under the Emperor Diocletian, healing physical and mental ailments. Diocletian ordered the soldiers to take Diomede. At the moment of his captivity, Saint Diomede was called by the Lord. The soldiers, in order to report on the fulfillment of the assignment, cut off the head of the dead healer, which made them blind and believe in Christ.

Hieromartyr Ermolai(memory day - August 8) - presbyter who converted Saint Panteleimon to Christianity. The holy martyr was beheaded during the persecution of Christians for their unshakable faith.

Martyrs Anicetas and Photius(nephew of Anicetas) persecuted under Diocletian for his open Christian faith and denunciation of the pagans. The Lord protected them from all execution and called them to Himself only through their prayer. Memorial Day of Saints Anicetas and Photius - August 25.

Daughter of the Roman Consul

Baptized in mystery “The Creator of Angels chose you from Ancient Rome...”

Tatiana was born in Rome at the beginning of the 3rd century AD, during the reign of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, who took the name Antoninus Caracalla. Like many Roman rulers, he began his reign with the murder of his brother; This was in 211 AD. e. During his reign, Rome became the recognized capital of the empire; and then the entire population, both in Rome itself and in the remote corners of the empire, received equal rights of Roman citizenship. During his time, luxurious baths were built for all the Romans - their ruins still delight tourists.

Under Caracalla, who, unlike other emperors, was tolerant of Christians, Tatiana's father was appointed Roman consul and was close in position to the ruler. But his spiritual life took place in a completely different world; he was a Christian and a God-fearing man. In those days, being openly a Christian could mean not only the loss of social status, but also of life. Therefore, the father of the holy virgin, like many Christians of that time, kept the secret of his baptism, and raised his daughter in God’s spirit and piety, taught her the Divine Scripture: “ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. It was in the beginning with God. Everything came into being through Him, and without Him nothing came into being that came into being. In Him was life, and life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not overcome it..."(John, 1-6).

“From a very early age, Tatyana’s parents began to teach her to be pious. They took her with them to secret services held at night in the catacombs. Making her way through the narrow corridors of the catacombs, barely illuminated by oil lamps, she saw that the walls of these corridors contained the relics of martyrs, the bodies of those who had died in faith and devotion to Christ. In the days of their memory, she heard hymns glorifying their exploits, and with a trembling heart listened to the stories about their holy life and suffering. She herself wanted to be the same as these holy martyrs, to love Christ the same way and give her life for Him.”

Bishop Alexander (Mileant). Essay “Saint Tatiana: “Looking for you, I accept suffering.”

The young maiden listened to her father and dreamed of her Heavenly Father. She wanted to serve Him and prepared herself for this service from childhood. This was told in the Akathist to the martyr Tatiana:

“The Creator of Angels chose you from ancient Rome, so that you, like a song, would glorify the holy name of God with your life, and from childhood you would be raised in the fear of God and virtues...” (Ikos 1).

In 217, the emperor whose reign began with an assassination was himself assassinated. His successor was 14-year-old Bassian, a priest of the Sun from the Syrian city of Emesa. Having become emperor, he took the name Aurelius Antoninus, nicknamed Heliogabalus. A handsome boy in priestly robes turned out to be a despot. Despite his youth, the new emperor showed himself to be a cruel and depraved person. He hated Roman culture and wanted to replace Roman pagan rituals with the Syrian cult of the Sun. The pagan Romans refused to obey the Syrian priests, and the Christian Romans accused the emperor of licentiousness and inhumanity. During his reign, Heliogabalus did not gain influence among the nobility and did not enjoy authority in the army. The number of his mistresses and lovers was in the hundreds. The entire empire shuddered in horror as human sacrifices were made throughout the country in honor of the Syrian gods.

In his entire life, he committed one decent act - he adopted his young cousin, Alexander Sever, who was left without parental care. But then he repented of his own nobility and decided to take the life of the unfortunate youth. Rumors about the impending assassination attempt leaked beyond the walls of the imperial house and caused indignation among citizens. Enraged Roman soldiers burst into the palace and killed the wicked emperor, and his body was tied to the saddles of horses and dragged throughout the city. The Eternal City stands on the Tiber River, and the body of Antonin Heliogabalus was thrown into this river.

“The wicked king Antoninus Heliogabalus experienced a storm of evil misfortunes when his body was dragged through the city by the soldiers who elevated Alexander Severus to the kingdom of Rome and thrown into the Tiber River with desecration” (Kondakion 4).

A new emperor, Alexander Sever, reigned in the country for thirteen years. But Tatiana did not survive this short reign. However, the story about this will follow. In the meantime, Tatiana grew, blossomed and became increasingly stronger in her love for God.

Bride of Christ

Rejoice, you who preferred God to the world...

Tatiana reached adulthood, and noble suitors began to hang around her father's house. The father was anxiously awaiting his daughter's choice; he had to part with her, and everything new comes with pain. He was especially worried that there were no Christians among the contenders for his daughter’s hand in marriage. What will it be like for her to live in a pagan house? The father knew that it was impossible to renounce the true faith. Will she really have to drive faith into the most remote recesses of her soul, and worship idols in public? But Tatiana is not the type to be a hypocrite and pretend.

“The God-fearing parent saw your life, all-honorable, and enjoyed the Divine gifts in you, for he loved Christ more than his nobility and consular power, praising Him every day: Alleluia” (Kondakion 2).

Saint Tatiana gave her heart to Christ from childhood. Having become a girl, she finally realized that there was no greater love in her life than Christ. Tatiana admitted to her father that she would remain faithful to the One Groom - the Savior - all her life. The Christian father perceived his daughter's decision as the only one possible for her. He saw Tatiana’s sincerity and determination and released his daughter for public service.

Because of his daughter's open Christian life, a wealthy Roman dignitary could lose his position in society. But where there is true love, there the choice will be in favor of truth and love. Saint Tatiana left the threshold of her parents' house with her father's ardent blessing.

“Heavenly intelligence was given to you in your youth, and you wanted to spend your life in virginity and chastity. Christ God, strengthening you in these virtues, accepted you into the Heavenly villages; accept these analogies from us: Rejoice, bird soaring in Heaven, Rejoice, for virginity and chastity were your wings; Rejoice, you who preferred God to the world...” (Ikos 2).

Flaming with love for the Savior, the holy virgin Tatiana spent all her days in prayer vigil, and mortified her flesh with strict fasting. And the young flesh obeyed the soul. The holy virgin declared herself the bride of Christ, and from now on no one encroached on her chastity and virginity. Fortunately, by the time she came of age, the situation in Rome had changed for a short period.

Deaconess of Christ Church

Emperor Alexander Severus, son of a Christian woman

In 222, sixteen-year-old Alexander Severus ascended the Roman throne. The son of a Christian woman, Mammae, Severus treated Christians with great sympathy, but he himself could not accept Christianity: this would deprive him of the right to be emperor. Even in the imperial palace, Alexander ordered to place an image of Christ and the Old Testament Abraham. The faces of Christ were adjacent to the statues of Apollo and Orpheus.

The young emperor also sought agreement in political life. He listened to the Senate, but reserved the right to make decisions. He reduced spending on the army, but did not weaken discipline. While adhering to the Roman pagan cult, Alexander also protected the growing Christian community. However, even without the patronage of the emperor, the Romans treated Christians with trust and interest. Christians with their very lives proved the truth of faith in the Savior: they looked after the weak and homeless, preached eternal life, and said that everyone is equal before one God. But the main thing is that such love, such harmony reigned in their communities that even the most stubborn pagans noticed it. " Look how they love each other”, - they spoke with amazement about the Christians of the first centuries. It was through love that Christianity conquered the pagan world.

Christianity conquered the pagan world with love.

But the senators and nobles close to the court were unhappy. Paganism gave power over people, because the ancient gods inspire fear. This fear was part of the political system: the priests served the god-emperor and received good pay, immunity and property protection for this.

The young emperor failed to retain full power. The head of the imperial guard, Prefect Dolmitius Ulpian, became a “gray eminence” under Alexander. This man was distinguished by a vindictive and tough disposition. In his view, law and justice were not for Christians - Christians in the empire should be outlawed! Ulpian laid the foundation for new persecution of believers. On behalf of the emperor, meetings of Christians were now prohibited in Rome and the provinces, and decrees were made to burn shrines and scriptures.

The persecution of Christian priests began - they were ordered to serve pagan gods and make sacrifices in front of statues of idols. In case of disobedience, the Galileans (as the pagans called Christians) were threatened with severe torment and even death. The blood of Christians flowed like a river...

“The wicked consuls heard and saw how young Tsar Alexander Severus was, and oppressed Christians. The evil, beast-like ruler Ulpian plotted the murder of the Galileans, commanding them to worship the Roman gods. There was great fear then and the blood of the martyrs flowed like water...” (Ikos 4).

A cult of the personality of the emperor was created in the empire and provinces, and services were held in front of their statues. The pagan senators hoped to strengthen the empire by worshiping common idols; their goal was the complete eradication of the true faith.

Merciful service of Saint Tatiana

During this time of sorrow for Christians, the holy virgin Tatiana showed special zeal in prayer and lived a virtuous life. The priests appointed her to serve as a deaconess of the Christian community. Her duties included caring for the sick, providing assistance to the poor and suffering, and visiting prisoners in dungeons. The deaconess found time for everyone who needed her help.

“The power of Divine love made you a servant of Christ, for you were chosen and placed in the glorious service of deaconesses, and from then on, serving the Church with great joy, you constantly praised God: Alleluia...” (Kondakion 3).

Sufferers flocked to communities from all over Rome, and here they converted to Christianity. Because no one cared for the flock as much as the Galileans. Christian doctors treated free of charge (free of charge) and prepared medicines for the sick themselves. The young deaconess sought out doctors for the sick, and the doctors taught her how to nurse their patients.

And those who did not have shelter, the holy virgin placed in the houses of Christians. The rest of the community brought food to the poor and donated food to hospitals and prisons.

“Caring zealously for the Church of God, she worked in new knowledge, increasing her labors and exploits, and, like disembodied Angels, she served her neighbors in Christ...” (Ikos 3).

The Life of Saint Tatiana testifies that in 226 the Senate issued an order for all residents of Rome to make a public sacrifice to the pagan gods. This was done to identify secret Christians and bring them to justice. Soldiers and domestics searched everywhere for those who had evaded obedience to the Senate. And so they burst into the shelter of the Christian community and began to demand that its members carry out the order. The holy virgin identified herself as a deaconess and said to their leader:

In 226, the Senate issued an order for all residents of Rome to make a public sacrifice to the pagan gods. This was done to identify secret Christians and bring them to justice.

– We believe in One God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We do not know other gods, and our sacrifice will be hypocritical. Don’t torment us, you see, there are many sick people here, they need peace. You and your soldiers don't need to be here.

“How dare you show us the door?” The Emperor sent us, you cannot disobey his orders! Voluntarily or by force, but you will carry out the order! Grab her!

The holy virgin was grabbed and taken out the door, then led along the street like a criminal. The soldiers pushed her and mocked her. Hundreds of Christians were led through Rome, their days of passion began.

Holy days

The unfortunate maiden was led to the temple of Apollo. In the temple, everything was ready for the sacrifice; the virgin was only required to light a fire on the sacrificial altar in front of the pagan idol. It seemed that it could be simpler: to light a fire with the pagans before their gods, and in one’s own community to pray to Christ and believe in the One God. But Saint Tatiana was disgusted by the very thought of such hypocrisy. For her, the pagan ritual meant a desecration of faith and betrayal of the Heavenly Bridegroom. Like hundreds of her followers, she said:

- I prefer heavenly blessings to earthly blessings. The ancient gods, even as majestic as your Apollo, do not grant me eternal life, I am not able to worship them. There is only one God for me, and I will glorify His Name forever. Everyone can be illuminated by heavenly light - you just have to want it. But I can’t imagine any other light for myself, everything else is only darkness. If I plunged into darkness now, there would be no hope for eternal salvation. But today my Lord is with me, and I will not deny Him.

“It would seem that it is of great importance to throw a pinch of incense on the altar or swear by the genius of the emperor, but Christians also considered this a betrayal of Christ, an act of renunciation of Him, and therefore, under various pretexts, they tried to avoid participating in national holidays; they had to hide and hide their faith in the true God. When the next persecution of Christians broke out, when they were forced to openly, in front of everyone, blaspheme Christ and make sacrifices to idols, then even secret Christians declared their faith, suffered suffering and lost their lives, as happened with the father of Saint Tatiana.”

Bishop Alexander Mileant

Tatiana began to pray. The Lord immediately heard her prayers: the marble god fell to the floor and broke into pieces. Ominous sounds were heard, the evil force that lived there jumped out of the shards of the idol - eyewitnesses noticed its vile shadow. Then the walls of the temple began to crumble; their fragments fell directly on the pagans.

“Seeing your pure life, the pagan leaders took you as a Christian and took you to a pagan temple to worship. You offered up a prayer to Christ God, and Apollo, the pagan god, fell, the idolatrous temple collapsed, and many idolaters accepted death. We honor the power of your prayer and praise you: Rejoice, you who did not bow to Apollo...” (Ikos 5).

But nothing brought the domestics to their senses; they were blinded by unbelief. Eight huge men dressed in armor attacked Saint Tatiana. But the young maiden saw: the Lord is near. Like Christ, who prayed on the Cross for his crucifiers, the holy virgin asked the Savior not to punish the domestics, but to show them the light of truth - here and now.

The persecutors dragged the holy virgin to the place of torture. The judge was waiting for them there; he coldly asked the holy virgin if she intended to continue resisting.

“Have pity on yourself, maiden, and hasten with us to make a sacrifice to the ancient gods.” The Emperor has been too kind to you for a long time. But today the patience is over. Accept the Roman faith, and your body will be just as beautiful. If you go against us, I have no choice: you will be severely punished. Prison and torture are the least of what awaits you.

The holy virgin was silent and only prayed in her soul and for her executioners. Then the judge gave the signal to begin the torture. Tatiana was beaten and tormented with iron hooks. The executioners were ready to gouge out her eyes, so blinded was their hatred for the rebellious Galilean woman. But the angels of the Lord were nearby, they took the blows upon themselves. And it seemed to the tormentors that the girl’s body was as hard as an anvil. They got tired of beating, and their blows were invisibly reflected and fell on the bodies of the executioners, inflicting deep wounds on them. And finally they called out to the judge:

– Nothing can be done about her! We ourselves suffer from her torture! You see, we are covered in blood, and on her body the blood from previous wounds is caked! Tell me to stop!

The judge was thirsty for blood and did not let up. And the passion-bearer Tatiana continued to pray for those who suffered with her - for her executioners!

And suddenly one of the executioners shouted:

- Wait, why are we listening to the judge! Virgo didn’t do anything wrong, why are we beating her?!

The earth shook and a rumble was heard. The persecutors stopped. They looked at the young maiden confusedly:

-Where does she have so much strength? Isn't that what God is giving her? Only at her call alone did He come to destroy the temple of Apollo... And now He does not leave her... any person would have died from our blows!.. I am ready to believe in such a God! He doesn’t need to be appeased with sacrifices and called upon for years! He is next to her, let her tell us His name!

The domestics looked at Tatiana with sacred horror. The body of the martyr was covered in blood, her young beautiful face was disfigured by beatings, but the maiden smiled and answered:

“I just asked Him to reveal the light of truth to you, and the light was shed on you. Soon this light will reach your souls, and you will know: His name is Christ!

The soldiers expected that at the mention of the name of such an almighty God, the paved square beneath them would collapse. But the stones did not move, and only the sunlight became brighter. Everyone felt warmth in their souls, and repentance overwhelmed the hearts of sinners:

– We believe in Christ! Forgive us, maiden, we came to offend you out of our ignorance! How can I earn your forgiveness?!

“You are not guilty before me, but only before Him!” He sees your repentance, but you have set out on a difficult path, and now trials await you. The Lord, I know, will not leave you, just don’t leave Him - believe as I believe! And you will know eternal life; neither a judge, nor an emperor, nor Apollo can give you such a life...

“The light of Christ shone in the soldiers who tormented you, when they believed in the true God and cried out: “Forgive us, servant of the true God, forgive us, because it was not our will for your suffering.” And from that hour they became children of God. We, who praise the miracles of God’s mercy, call: Rejoice, you who through suffering lead us to Christ” (Ikos 6).

So eight pagans believed in Christ. They were destined to be baptized not from water, but from their own blood. The judge ordered to seize them, beat them severely, and when they were exhausted, behead them.

Converted Christians were executed on the spot, without any trial, so that the “faith of the Galileans” would no longer spread throughout Rome. And the holy martyr was thrown into prison. For her, passionate days were just beginning...

The first night before torture. “I will endure everything that is prepared for me...”

The holy virgin could only guess what she had to endure. She knew the Gospel and understood how difficult the path to Heavenly Father would be. The Virgin trembled, but prepared for her trials, just as Christ prepared for Golgotha ​​in the Gethsemane Vigil. The Lord showed His power to Saint Tatiana in the pagan temple and at the place of her beating. Now the holy martyr had to show her devotion to Him. Night was falling, the holy virgin prayed fervently:

- Help my father, Lord, he suffers without knowing about me! Strengthen and protect him if he is captured! Lord, You know that we did not hide our faith and did not hide Your mercy in front of many! We did not remain silent about the truth of the Gospel, but publicly revealed the truth of God. And they praised Your truth, showing everyone the path to salvation. Do not leave me and my father, do not remove me from Your bounties! I will bear whatever is in store for me. Take me as you took Your beloved Son, before my strength leaves me. Weak man! Strengthen me hourly! I am not asking about the body, but about the soul, for for it there is eternal life!

The Lord listened to the prayers of the holy martyr, and His angels were sent to console her. They healed Tatiana’s soul and healed the wounds on her body - overnight the wounds stopped bleeding and healed.

At the trial of Ulpian

Bleeding milk instead of blood...

Morning came, and new executioners came for the holy virgin to lead her to a new trial. As Tatiana was led through Rome, a murmur went through the crowd: “Look, she’s smiling! There are no wounds on her body! Or didn’t they beat her at all in the temple and in the square?!”

Ulpian was waiting for the prisoner in the square - he himself undertook to judge the rebellious woman in front of all the people. Illuminated by an inner light, without the slightest trace of beatings, Tatiana appeared before an unjust trial. Ulpian was expecting a bloody performance and began with an arrogant joke:

“You are completely healthy, girl, thank the gods for healing!” Make generous sacrifices to them, I am ready to give you time to come to your senses! Yesterday you were not so good: the gods take care of you, despite your obstinacy.

“Your gods are blind, prefect.” Insensitive and blind like you. Because they were created by you or the same soulless people. If you were not blinded, you would see Christ, the Only Healer, standing here. But it seems that you are not worthy to see Him, sir.

It was a challenge. Ulpian became furious. He ordered the holy virgin to be naked. This method of desecration was favorite in the pagan world. So Saint Barbara was stripped naked so that she could stand naked in front of the crowd. The holy virgins could not imagine even one man next to them, but were exposed to the desecration of many men - this was a real execution for them.

“They wanted to throw you into the worship of idols when they brought you to the judgment seat and handed you over to the lawless pagans with torture. You appeared healthy and whole: your face was bright and joyful, and fear seized the wicked judge, and ordered again and again to betray you to bitter torment; you were protected by Angels, servants of God, singing: Alleluia” (Kontakion 7).

They ordered to cut the skin of Saint Tatiana with sharp blades. The blades flashed in the air and landed on snow-white skin... But the executioners were not destined to blasphemously enjoy the sight of blood - not blood, but milk flowed from the wounds, and the air was filled with a fragrance! It was the Holy Spirit, with which Tatiana was filled, spreading in the air, exuding holy myrrh:

“...when your wounds bled milk instead of blood, and your body, naked for torment and cut with a knife, exuded a fragrance...” (Ikos 7).

Tatiana suffered, but the angels of the Lord descended to her again. The Savior did not abandon the holy virgin even now. He himself learned of cruel suffering from Pilate and did not allow the triumph of Ulpian.

When the saint was stretched out crosswise on the ground and began to be beaten with rods, the angels invisibly directed the blows at the tormentors themselves. It turned out that the torturers beat themselves with all their might, so they were exhausted from the blows and often took turns. Finally, nine executioners fell dead, but the rest could not move.

The holy maiden managed to rise to her feet and said:

“And now, prefect, don’t you want to see the powerlessness of the ancient gods?” Why didn't they help these unfortunate people? After all, you kiss the feet of your idols, build temples for them up to the sky... Look at your people, sir, they are dead and will not know eternal life. And you can still find out if you believe in the One God... Everyone can be saved, for the Savior there are no chosen ones, but only those who have repented and come to Him. This is what I testify to; He speaks to you through me and works a miracle with me for you, not for me. I believe.

Ulpian both listened and did not hear... He was embarrassed that in front of the crowd the proud maiden again emerged victorious. The prefect knew: the execution had to be public and spectacular, so that no one would want to go to the Galileans anymore. But it’s even better if no execution is required at all! Let a Christian woman spend her nights in prison, and the next morning suffer new tortures - not even five days will pass before her spirit will be broken. Ulpian shouted:

- Take her away! Do not give water or food! Everyone leave until tomorrow!

The crowd roared approvingly, the hard-hearted Romans awaited new spectacles. Only spectacles can entertain pagans who do not have God in their souls, a quiet conversation with Him and standing before Him in prayer...

Another night in the dungeon has arrived. The holy virgin was in prayer vigil, and the angels of the Lord were with her. Tatiana prayed as David prayed: “The Lord is my light and my salvation: whom should I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life: whom shall I fear? If evildoers, my opponents and my enemies come upon me to devour my flesh, then they themselves will stumble and fall. If a regiment takes up arms against me, my heart will not fear; if war arises against me, then I will hope. I asked one thing from the Lord, that only I seek, that I might abide in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, contemplate the beauty of the Lord and visit His holy temple, for He would hide me in His tabernacle on the day of trouble, would hide me in the secret place of the village His own, would have carried me to the rock. Then my head would be lifted above the enemies surrounding me; and I would offer sacrifices of praise in His tabernacle, and would begin to sing and make melody before the Lord. Hear, O Lord, my voice with which I cry, have mercy on me and listen to me” (Ps. 26: 1-7).

“We see an extraordinary miracle on you, all-blessed one, as in prison at night, praying and singing the praises of Christ, you were granted the illumination of Heavenly light and together received the praises of the Angels of God...” (Kondakion 8).

The destruction of the pagan temple

Through prayer she brought fire down from heaven...

The next morning the holy virgin was again brought to Ulpian. He saw that the wounds on her body had healed and that the last days and nights had not affected her face in any way. Tatiana was wonderful. Ulpian understood: he couldn’t do without higher help, but he didn’t know the One God - he thought about magic. The prefect addressed the holy virgin with a flattering speech:

– Virgo, you have become more beautiful than you were. I see your strength, let this strength serve Rome. Be with the Romans, renounce your witchcraft - and you will see that our gods know how to be grateful.

“My strength does not come from me, sir.” I have nothing, I only testify to the One. He, by His mercy, heals my body and does not leave my soul for a minute. I am happy to be with Him, that’s all I can tell...

“You can continue, but I ask only one thing: make a sacrifice in the temple of Diana and remain a free Roman!”

The prefect, unlike Pilate, who judged Christ, was a narrow-minded man. And if Pilate, seeing the strength of the Defendant, felt that it was from goodness, then Ulpian was sure that Tatiana possessed some special magic.

And therefore Saint Tatiana no longer saw any other way to explain herself to Ulpian other than action. Her words reached neither the mind nor the ears of the prefect. The passion-bearer agreed to go to the temple of the pagan goddess-hunter. When the saint approached the temple, many heard the grinding of an inhuman voice coming from the walls or roof: “Woe is me! Where can one hide from Thy Spirit? Fire flares up in all corners!” It was the monstrous voice of the demon who lived in the temple, and it made the crowd tremble.

But the holy virgin only made the sign of the cross and looked up at the sky with a smile. She began her prayer: “Lord! who can dwell in Your habitation? who can dwell on Your holy mountain? He who walks uprightly and does righteousness and speaks the truth in his heart; who does not slander with his tongue, does not do evil to his sincere and does not accept reproach against his neighbor; he in whose eyes the outcast is despised, but who glorifies those who fear the Lord; who swears, even to an evil person, and does not change; who does not give his silver at interest and does not accept gifts against the innocent. He who does this will never be shaken” (Ps. 27:1-5).

Because of her fiery prayer, the walls of the temple began to crack and the roof crumbled. The beams fell on the idol statue, and the floor was instantly covered with fragments and dust. Terrifying sounds of thunder were heard, lightning struck the walls of the temple. In a few moments, columns and walls collapsed, and a flock of bats took to the sky. A fire broke out in the temple, the fire consumed both the stones, the priest, and those from the crowd who rejoiced at Tatiana’s torment.

“The ruler was all the devil when he saw you again, brought from prison to trial, healthy and bright; wanted to tempt you to worship idols; You, knowing the power of Christian prayer, directed your feet to the temple of Diana; The demon rushed from the evil goddess and cried out: “Woe is me, I am running away, for the fire is burning me”…” (Ikos 8).

The guards of the holy maiden were speechless. But when it was all over, they came to their senses and began to brutally beat her, suspecting her of witchcraft. They dragged the sufferer to the place of torture and there they hung her body and tore her with iron hooks. The executioners tore out her nipples, and the sight of her young, desecrated body only fueled their cruelty. The holy virgin endured inhuman suffering, but did not beg for mercy.

End of introductory fragment.

* * *

The given introductory fragment of the book Saint Tatiana will help everyone who dreams of making life better (Veniamin Prokhorov, 2012) provided by our book partner -

Holy Ta-ti-a-na was before the gods of Rome-la-ni-na and was-la vo-pi-ta-na to them in Christian-sti-an -sky faith. When Ta-ti-a-na reached perfection, she became equal to wealth and other benefits and I loved with all my heart a spiritual way of life. She-has-always-renounced her married life and for a good life she has been a from the bottom of the Roman Church. In this capacity, she diligently listened for the pain, for the time being, for the lack of everyone, trying to please God, mo-lit-va-mi and good-ry-de-la-mi.

During the reign of Alek-san-dra Se-ve-re (222-235), Saint Ta-ti-a-na for the use of Jesus Christ-sta-pri-nya-la mu-che-no-che-suffering from the Roman city to the great-vi-te-la Ul-pi-a-na (near-lo 225) According to the ancient story, holy Ta-ti-a-well, after various is-ties, bro-si-li on the ar -Well, the circus (Ko-li-zeya), so that the fierce lion will tear her apart for the sake of the spectators. But instead of this, the lion began to meekly caress towards her. Then I beheaded the holy Ta-ti-a-well with a sword. Eight servants of the city, who tormented the saint, believed in Jesus Christ, seeing the power of God over her. living, - and they were also beheaded with a sword after the torment.

Nika Kravchuk

What connects Saint Tatiana with Student's Day?

Saint Tatiana is one of the saints common to the Orthodox and Catholic Churches. In Orthodoxy, her memory day is celebrated on January 25, and in Russia this holiday is also considered the day of students. How the Roman martyr became the patroness of Russian students, where the relics of the saint are located in our time, read further in our article.

Roman deaconess

Martyr Tatiana lived at the end of the second - first quarter of the third century in Rome, for which she was called Roman. The father of the future martyr was an influential man and was elected to the post of consul three times. But, besides all this, he believed in Christ and was secretly baptized. The consul raised his daughter in Christian piety.

When Tatyana grew up, she deliberately refused to start a family in order to completely devote herself to God. For many Christians, she was an example of piety and virtue, for which she was appointed deaconess.

But Saint Tatiana did not last long in this service. Together with many Christians, she suffered during the persecution organized by Emperor Alexander Severus.

What did the saint endure for her faith?

The martyr was brought to the temple of Apollo and forced to worship the pagan god. But the saint not only refused, but offered a prayer to Christ. The answer to her request was an earthquake that destroyed the statue and part of the temple. The priests and some idolaters remained under the rubble.

But the pagans were so entrenched in sin that they did not want to see a sign from heaven in what happened. They decided to subject the saint to torture. True, the whips did not leave scars or marks on her body. Why? Because four angels protected the saint from blows. When the eight tormentors saw the bright spirits and heard a voice from heaven, they believed in Christ and began to beg God and the righteous woman for forgiveness. So yesterday’s tormentors became martyrs for the faith.

Saint Tatiana endured many more trials. Her eyes were gouged out, her body was cut with sharp blades, and she was locked in prison at night. To everyone’s surprise, after all this there was not a sign left on the Christian’s body, and she herself was filled with inner light and joy.

Then the martyr was given a second chance to rehabilitate herself - to worship the pagan goddess Diana. Saint Tatiana pretended to agree with this proposal. On the way to the pagan temple, the Christian woman prayed. Thunder struck among the temple, and the fire from the sky left only ashes from the statue, the altar and the priests.

For such an act, the saint was tortured even more: she was beaten, a wild lion was released on her, and she was thrown into the fire. But the scourges again did not leave marks on the body of the righteous woman, the hungry animal licked her feet, and the fire lost its burning properties.

After everything that happened, the saint was accused of magic, and in order to “deprive her of her power,” they even cut her hair, and after that she was locked in the temple of Zeus for three days. When they opened the temple, they saw a jubilant martyr and chatter from the statue of the supreme deity.

This angered the tormentors so much that they ordered the Christian woman’s head to be cut off. Saint Tatiana meekly met her death. It happened January 25, 226.

Where are the relics of the martyr Tatiana?

The relics of the martyr were kept for some time in one of the Roman churches. It is believed that they were then mixed with the relics of another Roman martyr of that time - Saint Martina. What happened next - only God knows.

In some Russian churches there are particles from the righteous remains of Tatiana, and in the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery you can bow to the right hand of the martyr.

Why is Saint Tatiana considered the patroness of students?

Martyr Tatiana, although she suffered in the third century in Rome, for many is associated with the Slavic saint. In Russia, she is even considered the patroness of students. Such veneration is associated with the opening date of Moscow University - January 23, 1755, on the eve of Tatiana's Day. Then a stable association arose: Memorial Day of the Martyr Tatiana And opening of the university. Over time, the date spread to all students.

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If you look at the church calendar, then almost every day there are name days, that is, days of remembrance of saints. They are called the main helpers of believers because they help out in different situations. January 25th is the day of the Great Martyr Tatiana, who is called the patroness of students.

Life of the Holy Martyr Tatiana

Student Assistant born in Rome. From early childhood she was taught to believe and serve God. With the permission of the emperor, Christian believers created a community, which included Tatyana. A girl who helps everyone in need, without refusing a single request. The life story of Saint Tatiana changed when the city council issued a decree that all residents must be pagans. The girl was forcibly brought to a pagan temple and forced to worship their god, but she refused and immediately after that, for no apparent reason, the statue of Apollo fell and broke.

Saint Tatiana was punished for what happened, and they began to beat her severely. During this, she did not cry, but prayed, not for herself, but for the punishers, asking God to forgive them. At one point, the pagans saw the girl surrounded by angels and at that moment they believed in Jesus. Having told the council about this, they were executed, and Tatyana herself was still tortured for several days, and on January 12, 226, she was executed.

How does the Holy Great Martyr Tatiana help?

Since the 18th century in Rus', the saint has been considered the main patroness of students and all people who want to get an education. Some educational institutions hold prayer services with an akathist about the saint. Who is the Holy Great Martyr Tatiana, what they pray to her for and how to do it correctly, many students know, since they turn to her for help when entering a university, before taking exams and other important events. The saint will give you self-confidence and attract good luck, which is very important for students.

During her lifetime, Saint Tatiana helped all people, solving various problems, so even after her death you can turn to her in any situation. You can count on the assistance of the Great Martyr if you have health problems or when you need to make a difficult choice. She will lend a helping hand to people who have lost faith in themselves and they no longer have the strength to fight life’s circumstances.

How does the icon of St. Tatiana help?

There are several different images of the great martyr, but there are several basic details that are always present: scarlet martyr clothes and a white scarf on her head, which symbolizes virginity. In her right hand, Tatyana often holds a cross or a green branch.

  1. The icon of the holy martyr Tatiana will be an excellent gift for applicants and students. It is important to sanctify it.
  2. All girls named Tatyana should have in their home the image of a saint, who will be the main patron and protector.
  3. Prayers before the image of the saint will help not only students, but also in solving various problems.

Day of the Holy Great Martyr Tatiana

At first, the holiday was celebrated only in the Church of St. Tatiana, and became a general holiday in the 19th century. On January 25, a traditional prayer service was held, and then the rector of Moscow University (Tatiana is considered the patroness of this educational institution) made a speech, and a festive dinner was always held. Since Saint Tatiana is the patroness of students, they held their festivities in the evening on Trubnaya Square. The majority gathered at the Hermitage restaurant. The students got very drunk and behaved cheekily, but all this was forgiven. After the revolution, St. Tatiana's day was canceled because it was considered violent. Modern students celebrate this holiday, but more reservedly.

Prayer to Saint Tatiana

In order for ascending petitions to be heard, it is necessary to take into account a number of simple rules:

  1. A prayer to Saint Tatiana for health and help in various situations should be read in front of the image of the saint, which can be purchased at the church shop.
  2. Before the image you need to light it. It is recommended to look at the flame for a while and imagine what you want, for example, a successful session.
  3. The text should be repeated without hesitation or errors, so it is important to look at it first.
  4. In order for the holy martyr Tatiana to help, you must read the prayer three times and be sure to thank her for her support.
